Journal of Applied Mathematics and Stochastic Analysis 4, Number 4, Winter 1991, 293-304 RELATIVE STABILITY AND WEAK CONVERGENCE IN NON-DECREASING STOCHASTICALLY MONOTONE MAIOV CHAINS1 P. TODOR,OVIC University of California Department of Statistics and Applied Probability Santa Barbara, CA Let {n} be a non-decreasing stochastically monotone Markov chain whose transition probability Q(.,.) has Q(z,{z})= (x)> 0 for some function/3(. ) that is non-decreasing with/3(z)T1 as z---, +oo, and each Q(z,. is non-atomic otherwise. A typical realization of {n} is a Markov renewal process {(Xn, Tn)}, where j = X n for T n consecutive values of j, T n geometric on {1,2,...} with parameter (Xn). Conditions are given for X n to be relatively stable and for T n to be weakly convergent. Key words: Markov chain, stochastic monotonicity, Markov renewal process, relative stability, weak convergence. AMS (MOS) subject classifications:60G, 60K15. 1. INTRODUCTION In this paper, R is the real line and % the #-field of Borel subsets of R. Let a Markov chain with state space The 7r R,}, {n)C be an initial distribution r and transition probability Q. , and Q determine completely and uniquely a probability measure P on the countable product space {R %oo}. When r(. ) = ez(. (the Dirac measure concentrated at z) we shall write Px instead of P. The corresponding expectation operator is denoted then by E:. Throughout this paper it is assumed that the Q is subject to the following regularity conditions: () for each z E R the support of Q(z,. is in (ii) the chain Ix, oo): {n}0 is stochastically monotone (Daley, [3]); x I <_ z2, Q(x2, Bu) < Q(zl, Bu) where S u = oo, y]; (iii) 1Received: January, Q(x,(y}) -( in other words; for any (1.1) 0 () > 0 =y 1991. Revised: June, 1991. Printed in the U.S.A. (C) 1991 The Society of Applied Mathematics, Modeling and Simulation 293 P. TODOROVIC 294 Concerning the function/3(. we assume that (x 1 < x2) fl(Xl) < fl(z2) and lira oofl(z = 1 From (1.1.i) it follows that o <- 1 <-"" (1.3) Markov processes of this type are of considerable interest in reliability theory as models of the amount of deterioration of a mechanical device subject to shocks and wear during its service (Barlow and Proschan, [1]; Brown and Changanty, [2]). Set Tn rn 0}, vn = sup{k; k = r n To ro Xo = o, Xn = 7" n 1 + ’ WO = XO’ Wn = Xn Xn sup{k; k 7"0 "rn- 1, 1 + 1}, P From this one readily obtains that Px{To > i} {fl(z)} = O, 1,... 2. AUXILIAPY ttESULTS Here we list some basic properties of the bivariate sequence {(Xn, Tn) } needed in the rest of this paper. Some simple calculations show that this sequence is a Markov renewal process with the transition probability Xn_ 1} = P(Xn_,du){1- fl(u)}{fl(u)} i-1 (a.s.) P{X n G du, Tn = where i = 1, 2,... and y<x 0 P(x, Bu) Q(x, Bu) 1 The that P(x, Bu) fl() is the transition probability of the Markov chain {Xn} . P(x 2, By) < P(x, Bu) for all z x < x 2. (2.2) It is easy to verify (2.3) From (2.1) we deduce P{X n e du, T n which clearly implies (see (1.5)) that i} {1 (u)}{fl(u)} i- 1p{x n du} (2.4) Relative Stability and Weak Convergence in Non.Decreasing Stochastically Monotone Markov Chains 295 P{T,, = X,} = {1 (Xn)}{fl(X,)} i- (a.s.) = PXn{T0 = i- 1}. In addition, since Pz{X 1 E du, T 1 i} = P(z, du){1 (u)}{(u)} iit follows that P{X n Edu,T n =ilXn_} =PXn_{X l du,T l=j} (a.s.). Denote by Pn(z, By) the n-step transition probability of {Xn}, since X0 < Xx < (2.8) pn + (z, Bu) < pn(z, By). On the other hand, the stochastic monotonicity and the Chapman-Kolmogorov equation yield: we have that Pn(z, By) < (P(z, Bu))n. (2.9) From this, (2.8) and the Borel-Cantelli lemma it follows that for all y Xn---. + c (a.s.) if P(:,Bu) < 1 < c. It is clear from (2.5) that T n is conditionally geometric with parameter fl(Xr, ). In addition, since x,} = {5(x,)} i- ’ (a.s.) P{T n >_ it is apparent that each n {Tn} is stochastically monotone and that T d_: as Finally, for = 0, 1,... we have: P{To = io,’",Tn = in Xo,"’,Xn In other words, conditioned on a realization of H P{Tj = i {Xn} X#} (a.s.). the sequence of sojourn times (2.11) {Tn} becomes a family of independent r.v.’s such that the distribution of T n depends only on X n. Consider U Pz{Xn du, T n = i} = / P{X e n du, T n = i X,,_ = z}P n- x(z, dz) = {1 fl(u)}{fl(u)} i- 1P:{X n du} P. TODOROVIC 296 from which we deduce that Pz{Tn = X,.,} = {1 5(X.)}{5(X.)} i- (a.s.) where the right hand side is independent of x. 3. IMARKS ON TIE STRUCTURE OF In this section we investigate asymptotic structure of the sequence that the following condition holds for all y - lira where F(-) is a proper d.f. Remark 3.1_._: {Wn) assuming >_ 0: P{I ,> z + y} -F(U) P’X{, > Z} The condition (3.1) is similar to one introduced by Gnedenko [4]. Denote by Cn(y x) = Pz{W n <_ y) n = l,2,... then clearly O(y x) = P(x, B x + 9)" (3.3) (bn(Y X) Ez{(bl(Y X,- 1)}" (3.4) Some simple calculations yield: Taking into account (2.2) and condition (3.1), we have: This, (3.4) and the Lebesgue bounded convergence theorem imply that /./.(u ) F(u). In other words, (at least) W:.:.Y, where Y (3.6) is a r.v. with the d.f. F(y). The following proposition generalizes this simple observation. Proposition 3.1__L Assume that (3.1) holds and F(. is continuous, then under Pz, for all k = 1,2,... (Wn + 1"’" Wn + k)d-;(Y1, where {Yi} is an i.i.d, sequence of r.v.’s "’’, Yk) with common as d.f F(. ). Relative Stability and Weak Convetgence in Non-Decreasing Stochastically Monotone Markov Chains The method of proof will be amply illustrated by the case n proof: e > O, 297 = 2. Given we obtain Px{Wn + t g Yl, Wn + 2 < Y2} oo z (3.8) + Yl =/ f P(z, du)ePt(Y2 u)Pn(z, dz) Xn +Yl = Ez{/ P(Xn’du)(l(Y21U)} Z Since by assumption any e X F(. ) is continuousnthe convergence in (3.5) is uniform. Consequently, for > 0 there exists x0 such that [(y21u)- F(y2) < e for all u > xo and any Y2 E R. Frorn this and (3.8) we then have: Px{Wn + 1 < Yl, Wn + 2 -< Y2} -< Pn( x, Bxo) Xn+Y1 x(y2 u)P(X,,du)} x <_ Pn(x,B%) + (e + F(y2))Ex{l(y 1 X.)Ztx" > Consequently, ldrnooPx{W, + < Yt, Wr + 2 < Y2} -< (e + F(y2))F(yt). In the same fashion, one can show that li.__m Px{Wn + 1 -< Yl, Wn + 2 -< Y2} -> F(Yl)(F(Y2) )" Since e > 0 is arbitrary, the assertion follows. The last proposition indicates that, roughly speaking, the remote Remark 3.2__A: members of {Wn} are i.i.d.r.v.’s. Next, we show that the sequence {Wn} is endowed with a mixing property, which means, loosely speaking, that its elements far apart are nearly independent. fin = cr{Wo,’", Wn} and by fin = r{Wn, Wn + 1""} then we have: Proos.iti 3.2__.A." For each n = 1, 2,... and k = 1,2,... Denote by P. TODOROVIC 298 k n j=l (3.9) k n N (Xj < yj})H F(zi) Pz( (z < Yl < < j=l Proo By invoking the Markov property of (Xn} and the proposition 3.1, we obtain k n Pz(N {Xj <_ Yj}N {Wn+m+i <j=l =1 k n-1 "-* (, .1 F(zi )Pn(x,es) Px(N {Xj <_ yjI Xn = s)H i= = as m--.oo which proves the assertion. Corollart 3.1___2". {Wn} and {yj}o It follows from the last proposition that are independent qn and r families. Set are independent tr-algebras for all Therefore nfff is a trivial a-algebra (its elements are either sure or null = 0,1, D ff and that their intersection is a trivial revents). By letting n---<x we have that algebra. This clearly implies that the tail a-algebra Y is a trivial one. n oo 4. RELATIVE STABILITY OF {Xn} {Xn} is said to be relatively stable if there exist constants {an} such that probability (Gnedenko and Kolmogorov, [5]). If the convergence is (a.s.) the The sequence Xn/an--l in (a.s.) relatively stable (Resnik, [6]). The following proposition gives condition for (a.s.) relative stability of {Xn}. sequence is called sufficient Assume that :protosilion then Xn/n---,a I (a.s.) Proof: where a 1 - supEx{W12} < oo E{Y1}. From (3.4), (4.1) and Fubini’s theorem we deduce that a Relative Stability and Weak Convergence in Non-Decreasing Stochastically Monotone Markov Chains f Ez{Wk 2} y[1 (k(Y x)]dy 299 (4.2) o f = Ex{ y[1 l(ylX k_ 1)ldy} o = Ex(EXk- 1 {W12}) < supEx{W 2} < Consequently, sup x,k ExtWk2) Next, since { E Wk converges} 1 and ff is a trivial r-algebra, to prove the proposition it suffices to show that P{llxn- ch > e}--,O as n. Consider Var{lXn } = n n--1 k=l i=1 E VarlWk} + E 1 " It is clear from (4.1) and (4.2) that under 1__ 22 _, (4.3) Co,,(w, w)). j=i+l Px E Var{Wk}’-*O as n---,cx. k=l On the other hand, due to propositions 3.1 and 3.2 lira k--, for each n = 0, 1, Cov(Wk, Wk + n) = O k--,oo Cov(Wn, W n + k) = O (4.4) Thus, given e > 0 there exists no = no(e ) such that Co.(W, W)l if rain{i, j} lira <, Co,(W., w. + )1 < (4.5) > n o and k > no. Now, take n > 2no, then n 1 no n 2no Cov(Wi, Wj) i=1 j=i+l i=1 j=i+l no n--1 n Co,(W, w) + j=2no+l i=no+l j Co(w,,w)l i’1" 1 P. TODOROVIC 300 2n 0 no Co(W, w)l + ( no) + (- 0- )(- 0)/" j=i+l Consequently, for any c > 0 lira Var{Xn} < 12. Ex{Wn)---+( ] as n---,oo it follows that Finally, since E Ex{Wk)/n"+(l as noo. k-1 Therefore, for n sufficiently large Pz( (4.1) This and . Xn- % E [Wi- Ex{Wi}] > e} < Px{l > }" prove the assertion. eoroUa From proposition 4.1 we readily deduce that for each e > 0 Px{Xn <_ (] + )n}--,l and Px{X n G (c 1 -)n}--+0 (4.6) as n---+oo. Consequently i if 0 if Y>-i (4.7) Denote by T(y) = in f {k; Xk > y} then for any x < y Px{T(y) <_ n} 1 Pn(x,B). Under P Proposition T(y)c 1 Assume O1 . 1 in probability as y--, + c. 0, then we have to show Px{ T(y) for any e Px{Xn > y} <_ c}---1 ] as y---, + oo > 0. Choose e e (0, %-]) then from (4.9) we deduce P x{ T(y) h x <_ e} = P x{ X [(,:, ] -),1 < y} Px{X [( 1 Relative Stability and Weak Convergence in Non-Decreasing Stochastically Monotone Markov Chains e)u](z Bu = p[(al p[(h + e)u](z 301 Bu where, as usual, [x] stands for the integer part of z. Since Y it follows from (4.7) that lira P [(al 1 e)ul(z Bu) = 1. Similarly, when y--.oo + This and (a 1 + e)y- 1 1 + ech (4.7) imply lim 1 lr -+e)u](z, p,,a Bu)__ = 0 which proves the proposition. 5. WEAK CONVERGENCE OF In this section {Tr} we show that a sequence of scale factors {dn} exists such that under Pz (5.1) where the r.v. Z has an exponential distribution independent of x. But first, we need the following auxiliary result. Provosition 5.1.._’. Assume that condition (4.1) holds, then 1-fl(Xn) P--;1 1 where c 1 (5.2) as n---o E{Y1}. .Proof: Set (5.3) then for any e E (0, 1) ].1 /- l((ncl)(1 nc 1 <-}-Pz{w <- Zn e) +_.}} P. TODOROVIC 302 p={,- l(fl(nal)(nall + ) e) }. Since ,8- l(fl(nal)(l e) + ,:) > na I fl-l(fl(nal)(l + e)-:) < na I for all n = 1,2,..., the assertion now follows from proposition 4.1. Suppose that (4.1) holds, then proposition 5.e_..A /n/rnooPx{[1- (n:)]T n > u} = e -u. (5.4) Denote by U, [1- fl(Xn)]T n. Then taking into account (2.10), we have: u xn}) Px{Un > u} Ez(Pz{Tn > I fl(Xn) = Ez({fl(Xn)} [1 " (Xn)’] ). Set {(x.(,.,))} R,(,. 1 " )1 [i (x,(.,). Since the function I,, is non-decreasing on ln(y)} R, it follows that n,(,. < R, + :(,. at least (a.s.). From this we readily obtain mo/.(u, ) = e -" at least that (a.s.) P. Invoking now the monotone convergence theorem, we deduce from u,z. Finally, write [1 t3(ncl)]T n = 1 -/3(Xn) (5.6) (.s) Relative Stability and Weak Convelgence in Non-Decreasing Stochastically Monotone Markov Chains then the proof of (5.4) follows (5.8), proposition 4.2 and a Slutsky’s theorem. One can easily show that the sequence of r.v.’s Remark 5.1.__2". 303 {Un) has the following properties: Ex{Un} 1 Var{Un} = Ex{fl(Xn) } Ex{Un + 1 UI,"-, Un} - 1. The result of the last proposition can be easily extended as follows: Remark 5.___’. Set v. = then after some straight forward calculations for each k Px, one can show that = 1, 2,... (v, + under (see Todorovic and Gard, [7]) where {Zk) 1 v, + is an i.i.d, sequence of r.v.’s with common non-negative exponential distribution of z. The sequence also possesses a mixing property. REFERENCES R.E. Barlow and F. Proschan, "Statistical Theory of Reliability and Life Testing", Holt, Phinehart and Winston, New York (1975). M. Brown and N.R. 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