State Bureau of Mines and Mineral Resources—Circular 12
by Robert L. Bates
Reprinted from The Oil and Gas Journal, issue of February 2, 1946
by Robert L. Bates
ALTHOUGH New Mexico produces
more than 100,000 bbl. of oil
daily, this production is concentrated
in two small geographic areas of the
state, the bulk in the southeast corner, and a smaller volume in the
n o rth w e s t c o rne r. I n te rm s o f
g e og ra p h i c a re a , m os t o f th e s ta te
remains undeveloped.
Th e pu rp o se o f th i s a rti c l e i s to
examine the nonproducing areas to
de te rmine
possibilit i e s ,
f o u r m a j o r criteria for evaluating the
possibilities o f a n y g i v e n re g i o n .
a re
s e d i m e n t a r y r o c k s ; (2) evidences
of oil and gas, such as seeps, shows
in wildcats, etc.; (3) ef-
fe c ts o f u n c o n fo rm i tie s ; (4 ) we d ge
be lts of porosity; and, in addition,
because we are concerned with
smaller areas; (5) geologic structure.
These criteria are applied to each
of five areas of the state (see Fig. 1),
as a means of measuring future oil
pos sib i li tie s . Fo r co nve n ie nce an d
re fe re nce , a co rre la tion ch a rt (see
Fig. 2) has be e n adde d, listing the
formations in the parts of the state
considered to have appreciable future
oil possibilities. I t w i ll be e vide n t, a fte r co ns ide r ing each area in detail, that roughly
th re e-qu a rte rs o f Ne w Me x i c o ha s
more or less promising future oil possibilities. To realize these possibili-
Robert L. Bates graduated in geology from Cornell in
receiving his doctor's degree at the
State University of
Iowa in 1938 has
petroleum geology in
West Texas and New
2 1/2
with The Texas Co.
in the Permian basin he joined the
New Mex ico Bureau of Mines and
Mineral Resources, becoming chief of
the Oil and Gas Division in 1944. He
is the compiler of the bureau's Bulletin 18, "The Oil and Gas Resources
of New Mex ico," and is the author
o f s h o r t er pa pe r s o n N ew M ex ic o
ties without prohibitive expense will
necessitate a revision of some of the
exploration policies that have formerly prevailed in New Mexico.
The oil will not be found by drill ing wildcats located solely because
of conve nient access or position of
l e ase d ac re a ge , o r o n th e b a s i s o f
outdated geological concepts, or by
accepting the advice of that fringe of s o c a l l e d g e o l o g i s ts w h o w r i te e n th u s i a s ti c re po rts b ase d o n a fe w
days' field work.
To find these potential oil reserves,
future wildcatting must be based on
the best geological evidence, surface
and subsurface, aided and abetted by
ge ophysics. Spe cifically i n Are a 2,
the possibility of reefing in the prePe rmian
ne e ds
inve stigated.
distribution of lenticular sands in
the Cretaceous of the San Juan basin
is worthy of examination. Locating
and exploring t h e b u r i e d b e l t
limestones of the San Juan basin
wedge out against surrounding old
land masses offe rs many challenges to good geology.
Other examples are northeastern
and East Central New Mexico, which
are in need of reexamination from the
p o i n t o f v i e w th a t m a n y of t h e s o called structures are not true folded
anticlines, but merely the surface expression of buried pre-Cambrian hills,
around which stratigraphic traps may
be expected (see Fig. 3).
Area 1
The pre se nt producing are a of
s o u th e a s te rn N e w M e x i c o ( F i g . 1 )
provides in many ways an excellent
e xample for application of the five
c ri te ri a o f fu tu re o i l po s si b i l i ti e s .
The re are in the vicinity of 10,000
ft. of sedimentary rocks beneath the
surface. In terms of volume, makingthe
conservative estimate of an avera g e
thickne ss
miles for this corner of New Mexico,
there are over 11,000 cubic miles of
sediments in which oil and gas might
be expected—and from which, indeed,
t h e y h a v e b e e n p ro d u c e d i n l a rg e
amounts. These sediments are mostl y m a r i n e i n o r i g i n ; t h e y a re f r e e
from me ta mo rph is m ; a nd the y a re
highly variable in composition. A
feature of the area's sediments is
the buried Capitan limestone reef, of
Permian age, on or near which lie
many of the great oil accumulations
of southeastern New Mexico.
As to the second factor, evidences of
oil and gas, certainly we cannot
consider an annual oil production of
nearly 40,000,000 bbl. anything less
than e xce lle nt e vide nce . It is of in te re st to note , in vie w of the variab i l i ty o f th e se d ime n ts me n ti o ne d
above, that indications of oil are
in sandstones, bedded
lime stones, and massive reef limestones.
Thirdly, there are at least five
"laye rs of geology" separated by regional unconformities: T e r t i a r y,
Triassic, Permian, Pennsylvanian, and
pre -Pe nnsylvanian. The se dime nts
and their attitudes within each layer
are different from those of the others.
The Tertiary and Triassic layers have
been tried and found wanting—in part
because much of their sediments are
nonmarine . The Pe rmian laye r has
produced well over 400,000,000 bbl.
o f o i l . Th e p re-Pe rm i a n la y e rs a re
now being actively prospected, and
p ro m i s i n g p ro du c ti o n h as a l re a d y
been secured (R. E. King, 1945).
Wedge belts of porosity are well
represented. An excellent example on
a small scale is the so-called "sand
b e l t o f s o u t h e a s te r n L e a C o u n t y ,
where oil has accumulated in sand
stones that wedge out updip toward
the e as t (De n ham a nd Dou ghe rty ,
1941; Bates and others, 1942, pp. 230235). Other pools have formed where
porous zones, either in sandstones or
porous limestones, wedge out—
gen e r a l l y , a s i n t h e s a n d b e l t , i n
direction, a w a y f ro m th e D e l a w a re
b a s i n e nclosed by the Capitan
reef. Indeed, as Levorsen (1943, Fig.
9) points out, the whole arc of oil
fields extending from southeast Lea
County nearly to Ca rlsb ad ma y be
co ns ide re d
re g io n a l we d g i n g ou t o f porosity
a w a y f r o m t h e D e l a w a r e basin
and toward the more compact and
partly nonmarine sediments to the
east, north and west.
W h i l e th e re a re n o e v i d e n c e s o f
favorable geologic structure at the
surface or in the highest laye r of
ge ology, the re is much e vide nce at
depth. One has only to look at a subsurface contour map of the Hobbs or
Eunice-Monument fie lds to appreciate
W e a r r i v e , t h e n , a t t h e m o re o r
less obvious conclusion that there
are definitely possibilities of future
o i l p ro d u c ti o n i n t h e p re s e n t p ro d u c i n g a re a o f s o u t h e a s te r n N e w
Mexico. In fact, ne w pools are constantly being discovered in Permian
rocks, and the prospects in the prePermian appear to be excellent.
Area 2
Consider now a rectangular area
adjacent to Area 1 on the west (Fig.
1). Included in it are the Guadalupe
Mountains and foothills, the Sacramento Mountains and foothills, Crow
Flat west of the Guadalupes, and a
wide area of mesas still farther west.
Several thousand feet of sedimentary rocks are pre se nt ove r all the
a re a e x c e p t p o s s i b l y p a rt s o f t h e
mesa country in the southwest and
parts of the Sacramento Range. Even
in these places there are apparently
between 1,900 and 4,000 ft. of
sediments above the pre-Cambrian
basem e n t .
n o n m e t a m o r p h o se d .
c o mb i n a ti o n o f fa c to rs , however,
seems to rule out much of t h e
P e rm i a n s tr a t a f ro m o i l p o s s i bilities. The equivalents of sediments
th a t p ro d u ce o i l i n a n d ab o ve the
reef zone east of Carlsbad—the Seven
Rivers, Queen, and Grayburg formations (Fig. 2)—have been drilled at
numerous places in the Guadalupe
foothills and have been found to
cons i s t d o m i n a n tl y o f u n i fo rm
v a ri a ti o n
s e d i me n ts i s l a c k i n g . Over the rest
of the area these beds have been
underlying San Andres limestone, that
also produces oil to the east, is exposed
at the surface. Consequently we will
have to consider possibilities in lower
San Andres and older beds.
Immediately, however, we are faced
with the question, are the lower Perm i a n s t ra ta m a ri n e ? S o fa r a s w e
know, they are marine in roughly the
e aste rn half of the are a; we stward
t h e y g ra d e l a te r a l l y i n to s u c h u n favorable
continental types of rock as gypsum,
silty red shale, and arkose.
Turning for a moment to the subject
o f re e fs , i t h a s b e e n s h o w n ( P . B .
King, 1942, Fig. 2) that around the
Delaware basin the upper, younger
reef masses are found on the rim of
the basin, and the lower, older reef
masses are progressively farther back,
toward the area in which we are now
interested. It has occurred to some
geologists that possibly reefs in older
beds than those forming the Capitan
ree f— say in the Ye so formation
ben e a t h
A n d re s
l i m e s to n e — ma y be e n cou n te re d
b y d ri ll i ng to moderate depths in the
Guadalupe Mountains.
Moving downward in the se ction,
across a regional unconformity into
Pennsylvanian and older strata, we
find our knowledge much less
complete; but nevertheless certain
favora ble fac to rs appe a r. Be ds of
Pe n nsylvanian,
Silurian, and Ordovician ages seem
to be marine. They present a rather
variable lithology. They have not been
regionally metamorphosed; they are
thick enough to produce oil; and certain of them contain ree fs. Laudon
and Bowsher (1941) have shown the
existence of quite sizable limestonereef masses in Mississippian rocks exposed on the west escarpment of the
Sacramento Mountains. It is possible
that Mississippian reefs might be encountered by the drill down the dip
toward the east.
Evidences of oil and gas in Area 2
range from slight to nil. Slight shows
have been reported from wildcat
tests—which, it might be noted, are
e xtre me ly fe w and far be twee n. No
oil seeps have been reported. Unconformities, with their intervening
layers of geology, certainly exist. The
one at the base of the Permian may
be seen beveling Pennsylvanian sediments in the Sacramento Mountains;
p o ss i b l y tru n c a te d Pe n nsy l v a n i a n
structures may be found in the subs u rfa ce to w a rd the e a s t. O th e r re gional unconformities are present in
the lower section. Evidence on wedge
belts of porosity is meager, in both
Permian and pre-Permian strata.
Known structures in this area in clude a prominent one along the
Huapache monocline that forms the
e as t e d ge o f th e G ua da l upe s , a n d
n ume rou s la rge o ne s i n the Sa c ra mento foothills from south of Pinon
north to the Hondo Valley. There is
even some evidence of west closure
on the whole Sacramento Mountain
mass, which may turn out on further
study to be an irregular dome rather
uniformly eastward.
The application of the five crite ria
to this part of New Mexico definitely
indicates future possibilities. These
a re p ro b a b l y p o o re s t i n th e m e s a
country west of the Guadalupe Mounta i ns and al on g the we s t fro n ts o f
these mountains and the Sacramentos;
they are better in the eastern parts
of the mountain range s and in the
bordering foothills.
Area 3
We may now consider a much larger region— one that embraces some
34,000 sq. miles of deserts, plateaus,
and mountains. In it are included the
we s te rn p a rt o f the s ta te from the
Albuquerque (Fig. 1).
In discussing the sedimentary rocks
o f t h i s l a rg e re g i o n w e a re fo r c e d
to proceed with caution, for there are
great areas about whose sediments
l i t tl e i s k n o w n . W h e re a s t h e s e d i ments have been studied intensively
in ce rtain mi ning dis tricts —for e xample , the Organ Mountain, Silve r
City, and Lordsburg districts— and
have been described rather disconne c te dl y from su rface outc rop s i n
some of the mountain ranges, veryfew
wildcat tests have been drilled and
subsurface information that we have
in othe r parts of the state . It is
impossible to examine the sediments
at the surface, for over four-fifths of
the area they are covered by thick
alluvial deposits and lava flows.
Notwithstanding these limitations,
we can safely make certain generalitie s re ga rd in g the la ye r of ge o lo gy
b e tw e e n th e b a s e o f t h e a l l u v i u m
and the top of the pre-Cambrian. The
sediments, for one thing, become thinner toward the west. Whereas in the
San Andres and Organ Mountains, in
th e e a s te rn p a rt o f th e a re a , th e y
total some 5,000 ft. in thickness, in the
S i l v e r C i ty m i n i n g d i s tri c t, i n th e
w e s te rn p a rt, th e y a re o nl y a bo u t
2,500 ft. thick. All the Paleozoic s ystems , except possibly the Cambrian,
are represented; and there are Cretaceous strata in the eastern part of
th e re g i o n . A l l th e se ro cks e xce p t
the Abo and Yeso formations of Permian age are marine , and the y are
rather variable in composition. But
they cannot be considered untouched
by me tamorphism; the y have bee n
intruded, silicified, folded, faulted,
and intensely mineralized in many of
the outcropping areas. We can only
surmise that in the inaccessible
depths, below the valley fill and lava
flows, the se rocks may like wise be
de fo rme d ,
c o n ta c t
m e tam o r phosed, and impregnated
with introduced mineral matter.
The Tertiary and Quaternary sedi me n ts tha t fi ll ba si ns i n the olde r
rocks to a thickness of several thousand feet in places consist chiefly of
unconsolidated sands and gravels.
Limestones and appreciable amounts
of organic matter are, so far as known,
n o t a b l y a b s e n t . T h e b e d s a re n o t
marine but are of continental origin.
Evide nce s of oil and gas are con fined to the eastern part of the area.
Slight shows were logged in a deep
te st in the Tula rosa basin , and a n
oil seep is reported in southern Jornada del Muerto.
Unconformities are present in such
numbers as to divide the rocks into
perhaps too many layers of geology.
A re c e n t re p o rt on th e S i l v e r C i t y
mining area (Entwistle , 1944) lists
eight major unconformities in a
thickn e ss o f 2 ,70 0 ft. of s tra ta .
N o t a l l these breaks are angular,
nevertheless each represents
sedime n ta ry
a nd
e nv i ro nme n ta l co nd itions.
T h e e x i s te n c e a n d a l i g n m e n t o f
we dge be lts of porosity in the are a
is problematical. Both this matter and
the pos sib le p re se nce o f fa vo rab le
structures will have to await future
It seems, then, a reasonable con clusion that the oil possibilities of
sou th we ste rn a nd ce n tra l we s te rn
New Mexico are relatively slight— at
le a s t w i th ou r p re se n t kno wle dge .
Two large structural features on theeast
side of the region, the Tularosa
Valley and Jornada del Muerto, may
prove to have the requisite sedimen-
t a ry
s tr u c tu r a l
c o n d i tions; but even these areas do not
at present appear very encouraging. The
remainder of the region must be classified as relatively unfavorable.
Area 4
An area of some 10,000 sq . mi. in
the no rthwe s te rn pa rt o f the s ta te
( F i g . 1 ) i s u nde rl a i n by a re g io n a l
ge ologic fe ature known as the San
Juan basin. This basin extends into
Colorado and Utah, but the main part
of it lies in New Mexico. It is bounded
b y the Fo rt De fi a n ce up l ift o n th e
west, the Zuni Mountains on the
south, the Nacimiento Range on the
east, and the San Juan Mountains on
the northeast. Only toward the
northwest is the basin without an
enclosing mountain mass.
In 1939 a deep test was drilled on
the Rattlesnake anticline in the western part of the basin, and it was found
that there are 7,400 ft. of sediments
between the Tocito sandstone of Upper Cretaceous age at the surface and
the Ignacio quartzite of Cambrian age
at tota l de pth of the we ll. As some
6,600 ft. of sediments younger than
the Tocito can be me asure d in
center of the basin, we arrive at a
figure of at least 14,000 ft. for the
total thickness of sediments in the
middle part of the San Juan basin.
Very briefly, these sediments are
constituted as follows: The Tert iary
consists of about 2,000 ft. of freshwater sandstones and shales; the
Upper Cretaceous, of approximately
6,400 f t . o f a l te r n a ti n g m a ri n e
n o n -marine sandstones and
shales; the Jurassic, Triassic and
sandstones of continental origin to a
thickness of about 4,000 ft.; the
Devonian, of 1,600 ft. of marine limestone; and the Cambrian, of quartzite.
Ordovician and Silurian rocks are apparently absent.
Taking the section as a whole, we
can make these statements: The sedi ments are very thick. They show considerable variation in lithology —
although it might be noted in
passing that there is no thick
sec ti o n ,
s o u the as te rn Ne w Me xico, nor has
any reefing been identi fi e d i n the
l i m e s to ne se c ti o n . Th e strata are
not metamorphosed. The presence
of intrusions such as Ship Rock has
apparently had no appreciable effect
on the sediments, although there are
those who believe the Ship Rock
intrusion has had some effect on
the oil in the neighboring Rattlesnake pool.
Evidences of oil and gas are abun dant. Commercial production is obtained from 12 localities, and oil and
gas shows ranging from slight to considerable have been encountered at
many other places (Bates and others,
1942, pp. 88-90). Production comes
from sa nds to ne s in the Uppe r
C retaceous and from limestones in the
Paleozoic part of the section.
The Rattlesnake pool is of special
interest in this connection. For one
thing, it lie s within 3 mile s of an
igneous intrusion. Secondly, it has a
three-fold pay section: oil from the
Dakota sandstone, oil from the
Hermosa limestone, and gas from the
Ouray-Leadville limestone sequence
(Bass, 1944). Thirdly, the oil from the
Dakota is of exceptionally high
gravity, running as high as 76° A.P.I.
when it comes from the well. Lastly, the
gas obtaine d from the Ouray Le adville has a high content of helium.
There is an angular unconformity
at the base of the Tertiary; of the
regional unconformities in the pre Tertiary sediments none is angular
however, all the sediments from
Cambrian to Upper Cretaceous are
geology are quite distin c t, a nd
h ave , a s no te d above , a di rect
bearing on oil and gas possibilities. In the upper layer that
produce s, the Uppe r Cre tace ous
sandstone and shale sequence,
there are dozens of minor, local
section consisting of thin sheet
sandstones that wedge out, thicken and
thin, and overlap in the enclosing mass
Hendricks, 1941). An exception to
this tendency of sandstones to appear and disappear along local unconformities is the Dakota sandstone,
which is continuous through the
entire area and, indeed, through
much o f th e Ro ck y M ou n ta i n
re g i o n a n d the plains to the east.
O wi n g to the p re se nce o f the nu merous local unconformities in the
Upper Cretaceous section, there are a
like number of small local wedge belts
of porosity. Oil or gas, or both, are
being produced from seven of these
stratigraphic traps; an example is the
Bloomfie ld pool, whe re oil and gas
h a ve a cc u mu l a te d i n s h al e-se a le d
le nses of sand in the Farmington
R e g i o n a l a n d h i g h l y i n te re s t i n g
wedge belts of porosity undoubtedly
exist in the Pennsylvanian and older
limestones. Although we know from
deep drilling in the basin that these
limestones are many hundreds of feet
thick and contain evidences of oil and
g as , we a lso k no w tha t o n the
su rrounding ancient land m asses —
the Zuni Mountains, for example—
they are very thin or absent and
younger strata are close to or directly
on the pre-Cambrian. The conclusion
cannot be escaped that the marine
younger strata on the flanks of the
old land masses. It woul d se e m
we ll wo rth w hi le to investigate the
limestones around the margins of the
No less than 45 geologic structures
have been recognized in the New Mex-ico
part of the San Juan basin. Twothirds of these have been drilled, at
least as far as the Dakota sandstone,
and seven have made commercial production. So far as the upper pro ductive layer is concerned, structure
is undoubtedly the most important
But we cannot escape noticing that
the Upper Cretaceous formations of
the San Juan basin, even with their
l oca l s tra ti g raph ic traps a nd the i r
abundant structures, account for only
a little more than 1 per cent of New
Mexico's annual production. Why is
this? From a region underlain by some
7,000 ft. of shales high in organic
matte r, in te rbedde d with porous
sandstones that lens out and have
structures, why are the results to date
so meager?
Disre garding the nongeologic fac tor of re tarded development due to
distance from markets, there seems to
be an answer. In the first place,
acc o rdi n g to a re port by E. W.
K rampert (1934), fully 90 per cent of the
structures in the Rocky Mountain
region as a whole have bee n
flushe d of their oil and gas by
unde rg round
w a te rs .
K rampe rt s ay s : "The otherwise
favorable structures about the rim of
the San Juan basin in n o rth w e s te rn
Ne w Me x i c o a re ge nerally barren
excepting the northwest end, which,
being topographically low, is the
reservoir sands at their outcrops on
the periphery of the basin. The waters
move from the outcrops adjoining the
mountains through the structures and
against the direction of oil migration
from the basin to these structures.
The oil entering the reservoir sands
is carried northwestward toward the
outle t, whe re some of it i s trapped
in suitable structures. The water
escapes from the topographically
low outcrops through springs."
Whether or not this analysis is
accurate—and it does not seem to
take into account the commercial
accumulations in the southern part of
the basin, as at the Hospah dome in
McKinley County—there is little
doubt that the flushing action of
underground waters in the San
Juan basin has rendered many of the
poo ls sma l le r tha n they m i gh t
have been and has encroached heavily
on the productive structures.
A c co rd i n g to Le v o rse n ( 19 43 , p .
902), "Theoretically, the Dakota group
of sandstones . . . of the Rocky Mountain region should be one of the most
oil-and -gas -producing
format i o n s o f t h e U n i te d S t a te s . "
I n a ttempting to account for its
relatively poor showing, he points
out that the l a r g e v o l u m e s o f o i l
a n d g a s t h a t might be expected to
have accumulated in the Dakota before
the mountain-making movements at
the end of the Cretaceous time would
have been removed by erosion when
the Dakota a n d o v e r l y i n g r o c k s ,
h a v i n g b e e n arched into open folds
containing oil,w e re b e v e l e d o f f t o
p r ofound
unconformity now seen at the base of
the Tertiary. Thus, only small remnants
of the original oil and gas content
re gionally low areas such as the
San Juan basin.
Structures in the lower productive
layer of geology, the Paleozoic lime stones, have given results of enough
interest to justify further exploration.
The Rattlesnake anticline contains, as
noted above, oil in the Hermosa formation and helium gas in the OurayLeadville limestones; the Tocito dome
g a v e a l a r g e s h o w o f g a s f ro m t h e
O u ra y - Le ad v i l le ; a n d th e B a rke r
dome contains commercial amounts of
gas in Pennsylvanian beds. If, around
the edges of the basin, structures can
be found that are superimposed on the
regional wedging out of these Paleozoic strata, such structures can be expected to produce oil and gas in larger
amounts than have heretofore been
recovered in the San Juan basin.
Area 5
This area includes all or part of 20
counties (Fig. 1), and embraces the
Sangre de Cristo Mountains and foothills, Glorieta Mesa, the Estancia Valle y, the Pede rnal Hills, Chupade ra
Mesa, and the gre at are a of plains
and mesas lying to the south and east.
It is a varied region, both geologically
and topographically.
T h e s e d i me n ta ry ro c k s ra n g e i n
age from Pennsylvanian to Recent; prePennsylvanian sediments are apparently
absent. The thickness varies widely. It is,
of course, zero where pre -Cambrian
rocks are exposed in the Sangre de
Cristo Mountains, the Pede rnal Hills,
and small pre-Cam brian outcrops
northwest and southe a s t o f t he
P e d e r n a l s ; a l s o i n t h e southwest
part of the area where Tertiary
intrusive s are e xposed in the
Gallina and Capitan Mountains and
Sierra Blanca. Away from the mountains, the sedimentary cover in the
northern two-thirds of the area ranges
from le ss than 2,500 ft. o ve r some
buried pre-Cambrian hills to as much
as 6,700 ft. over others. Thicknesses
i n th e i n te rve n i n g tro ug h s a re
u nknown but must be in the vicinity
of 8,000 or 9,000 ft. A test in the southeastern corner of the area penetrated
7,920 ft. of sediments before
reaching the pre -Cambrian.
The wide range in sedime ntary
thickness in Area 5 results from the
roughness of the pre-Cambrian
surface on which the sediments
rest. In the northern part of the area
this surface is mountainous; in the
central part, hilly; and in the
southern part gently sloping toward
the depths of the Permian basin to
the southeast. The Sangre de Cristo
Mountains and the buried Sierra
Grande Arch on the north give way
southward to a wide area that
contains dozens of buried pre Cambrian hills ("structures"), both
isolated and in clusters, and
these in turn seem to become less
prominent and more deeply buried to
t h e s o u th e a s t . T h e h i g h l y u n e v e n
character of the pre-Cambrian surface
is probably the result of regional
norm a l f a u l ti n g - s o m e o f w h i c h
m a y have taken place as early as medial
Pennsylvanian time and some of
which was much later-combined with
the e rosion that would naturally
The character of the sediments is
h i g hl y v a ri able . Ma rine l ime s to ne ,
shale, and sandstone; lagoonal
gyp s u m a n d s i l t; a n d con ti n e n ta l
re d-beds
E v i d e n c e s o f o i l a n d g a s a re n um e ro u s .
S u rf a c e
a p p re ciable shows in shallow water
wells h a v e b e e n o b s e r v e d i n t h e
u p pe r P e c o s V a l l e y ( R e a d a n d
A n d r e w s , 1944), and seeps have been
found in Pennsylvanian limestones in
the Sang re de C ri s to fo o thi l l s w e s t
of Las V e ga s . Sho ws ha v e a l s o
w i l d c a t t e s t s drilled for oil in the
plains country to the east. There is
a saturated oil sand near Santa Rosa,
which has been used as an asphalt
rock. A gas seep has been reported
from a creek bed in Union County; a
sample of the gas was analyzed by
the U. S. Bureau of Mines and was
found to be a hydrocarbon gas
similar in composition to that from
the Borger field in the Texas Panhandle
(Bates and others, 1942, p. 155). The
occurrence of carbon dioxide gas in
tw o
l oca l i tie s i n no rthe as te rn Ne w
Mexico is evidence that adequate
porosity exis ts in certain areas.
Finally, there are thick black shales in
the Pennsylvanian section of the
Sangre de C ris to Moun ta in s p re sumab l y good source rocks where
U n con f o rmi tie s a re p re se n t a nd
h i g hl y impo rtan t from the po i n t o f
view of oil and gas possibilities. As
elsewhere, they separate the layers of
geology. These consist roughly of Cretaceous marine sandstone and shale;
Jurassic and Triassic redbeds;
Pe rmian redbeds, evaporites, and
limestones; and Pennsylvanian arkose
and marine limestones. The Cretaceous
sandstones and shales are present only
in the area northeast of Las Vegas.
Besides separating the laye rs,
howeve r, the unconformitie s are
import a n t
the y
profound unconformity at the top of
the pre-Cambrian. This me ans
that, whe re a pre-Cambrian high
e xte nds up through the sediments,
the lower layers of geology are
progressively overlapped by the
higher ones, along the regional unconformities.
Layers of geology that may produce
oil and gas in Area 5 are not
n u merous. The one that has the widest
re g ion al e xte n t i s the ma ri ne
l i me s to ne o f Pe n n s y l va n i a n a ge .
F ro m surface evidence, including seeps,
and from s how s i n we ll s , th i s is a
re la t i v e l y g o o d p ro s p e c ti v e z o n e .
T w o others, ab out which less is
known, are the thick arkoses-the
uppe r Pe nnsyl vanian and lowe r
Pe rmian, and the Dakota sandstone.
The arkoses are of interest because
they are in part porous, they are
associated with possible source be ds
in the li me sto ne s and shales, and
they are thought to overlap into
pre-Cambrian masses; com parison
is suggested between this part of the
se ction
northe aste rn
Ne w
Me xico a nd the se ctio n i n the
Pa nh a n d le o i l a n d g a s fie ld ne a r
A m arillo. Possibilitie s f rom the
Dakota sandstone are problematical;
however, i t i s b u r i e d b e tw e e n
c o n s i d e ra b l e
Cretaceous shale in an a re a in
ce n tral Col fax Coun ty an d should
be worth testing.
The preceding discussion of unconformities and ove rlapping relations
logically brings us to the subject of
wedges of porosity. That such wedge
be lts are pre se nt and large ly
unexplored in northeaste rn New
Mexico cannot be overemphasized.
Many tests have been drilled in the
plains area, and to date the y have
all been dry; but they have all been
located on the top of apparent
structures. Until re cently it was not
realized that many of these socalled structures are in reality not
3A), but
reflections of pre-Cambrian highs
(Fig. 3B). Consequently it is onl y
n a tu ra l th a t w e l l s d ri l le d o n th e i r
cre sts should find a re lative ly thin
succession and should then enter
pre-Cambrian schist or grani te .
conventio na l
a n tic li na l p roduc tio n a re reduced,
the possibilities of production from
wedging-out strata on the flanks of
the se highs is ste ppe d up. More
than 2 years ago Levorsen (1943, Fig.
17) pointed out that there are miles
of unexplored wedge-belts of porosity
around the Pedernal pre -Cambria n
mass; and around every buried knob
o r r i d g e o f p r e- C a m b r i a n r o c k i n
northeastern New Mexico we may
ex pect
limestones and Permo - Pennsylvanian
arkoses we d g i n g ou t. S u re ly a m o re
s ti m u lating set of wedge-belts of
porosity was never set before the oil
and gas operator!
Selected References
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