Hindawi Publishing Corporation International Journal of Stochastic Analysis Volume 2011, Article ID 942478, 19 pages doi:10.1155/2011/942478 Research Article Optimal Harvesting When the Exchange Rate Is a Semimartingale E. R. Offen and E. M. Lungu Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Science, University of Botswana, Private Bag UB 0022, Gaborone, Botswana Correspondence should be addressed to E. R. Offen, elias.offen@gmail.com Received 8 August 2011; Revised 31 October 2011; Accepted 1 November 2011 Academic Editor: Onesimo Hernandez Lerma Copyright q 2011 E. R. Offen and E. M. Lungu. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. We consider harvesting in the Black-Scholes Quanto Market when the exchange rate is being modeled by the process Et E0 exp{Xt }, where Xt is a semimartingale, and we ask the following question: What harvesting strategy γ ∗ and the value function Φ maximize the expected total income of an investment? We formulate a singular stochastic control problem and give sufficient conditions for the existence of an optimal strategy. We found that, if the value function is not too sensitive to changes in the prices of the investments, the problem reduces to that of Lungu and Øksendal. However, the general solution of this problem still remains elusive. 1. Introduction This paper is concerned with an optimal harvesting strategy in the Black-Scholes Quanto Market when the exchange rate is being driven by a general semimartingale. Specifically, it is proposed that the optimal harvesting strategy can be found under certain conditions. The paper aims to make a contribution by deriving the general formula for an optimal harvesting strategy when the exchange rate is a semimartingale. This study could shed light on the application of general semimartingales in optimization of harvests from investments. Optimal harvesting is one of the crucial areas in finance because investment into stocks and bonds can be used as a source of revenue to expand business. Therefore, making investors happy through an optimal harvesting strategy could lead to more investments and consequently to further expansion of business. This study will make reference to dividend policy to illustrate an optimal harvesting strategy. Indeed a suboptimal dividend policy can result in destruction of shareholder confidence. How much to payout and still maintain growth of investments has been a challenge. For example, Miller and Modigilliani 1 claimed that a dividend policy was irrelevant in perfect markets because it had no impact on firm 2 International Journal of Stochastic Analysis value. However, research on dividend policy that followed Miller and Modigilliani 1 has further examined various market imperfections and have identified the relevance of dividend policy. A number of stochastic models for optimal dividend policy can also be found in Taksar 2 and the references therein. A number of these models 1, 3, etc. have developed an optimal harvesting strategy as optimal stochastic control problems, and that is our approach in this paper. For example, Asmussen and Taksar 4 applied the theory of singular control in their study of a company’s optimal dividend policy that tries to maximize expected value of the total discounted payments to the shareholders. Asmussen and Taksar 4 made an assumption that no fixed costs are incurred during payment of dividends and that the liquid assets are modeled by Brownian Motion with drift. Others who also contributed to this problem are Højgaard and Taksar 5, 6, Radner and Shepp 7, Asmussen et al. 3, and Choulli et al. 8. The studies 5–7 treated the problem as a classical singular stochastic control problem but allowed a control to affect both potential profits and the risks of the financial corporation. JeanblancPicqué and Shiryaev 9 investigated the problem of a company that tries to maximize the expected total discounted amount of dividend payments by modeling dividends as a stochastic impulse control problem. They 9 looked at a situation whereby the company faced a fixed cost each time a dividend was paid out by choosing optimally the timing and the size of the payments. They 9 assumed that, when there is no intervention, the liquid asset follows a Brownian Motion process with drift. Lungu and Øksendal 10 have considered the problem of optimizing flow of dividends for a market situation with two investments and determined an optimal harvesting strategy. They concluded that the optimal strategy was to do nothing as long as the investments were in the nonintervention region but to harvest when the investment reached a certain calculated value see Lungu and Øksendal 10. Motivated by Lungu and Øksendal 10, this study considers a similar problem but now in the BlackScholes Quanto market with the exchange rate modeled by a general semimartingale. The paper is structured as follows. Section 2 states the model and the necessary theory. Section 3 applies the theory, while Section 4 gives the conclusions. 2. The Model In the absence of interventions, the dynamics of St, the value of the sterling risky investment, can be modeled by the equation St S0 exp{αt σWt }, 2.1 where α ∈ R is the riskless interest rate, the constant σ > 0 is the volatility, and Wt is Brownian Motion. Let the sterling to dollar exchange be modeled by the equation Et E0 exp{Xt }, 2.2 and suppose that these processes are on a filtered probability space Ω, F, F, P, where F FS ∪ FE and FS {FtS , t ≥ 0}, FtS σ Su : 0 ≤ u ≤ t is the natural filtration generated by the stock price process while FE {FtE , t ≥ 0}, FtE σ Eu : 0 ≤ u ≤ t is the natural filtration generated by the exchange rate process. F describes information about prices and the exchange rate revealed to investors. We assume that the probability space Ω, F, F, P International Journal of Stochastic Analysis 3 satisfies the usual conditions, that is, the σ-field F is P-complete and every Ft contains all P-null sets of F. Xt ∈ SemF, P, that is, Xt is a càdlàg process that admits the decomposition Xt X0 At Mt , t ≥ 0, where At At ∈ V a process of bounded variation, A0 0, and M Mt ∈ Mloc a local martingale, M0 0. We consider harvesting from the investment process given 2.1 previously, and we ask the following question: what value function Φs, y and harvesting strategy γ ∗ t maximise the total expected discounted utility harvested from a given time interval. Since our asset is in sterling but our currency of businesses is the dollar, we need first of all to find the dollar equivalence of this asset. To do this, we let Yt be the dollar value of the sterling asset price given by Yt Et · St . 2.3 Using 2.1 and 2.2, we obtain Yt E0 S0 exp{αt σWt Xt } Y0 exp{Ht }, 2.4 where Ht αt σWt Xt . 2.5 Ht is a semimartingale since it is the sum of two semimartingales μt σWt and Xt . This in turn implies that Yt is a semimartingale. Our approach will be probabilistic rather than statistical; hence, it becomes reasonable to express Yt in stochastic exponential form. Theorem 2.1 Ito’s theorem for semimartingales 11. Let Ht be a semimartingale, and let f be a C2 real function. Then, fHt is again a semimartingale and fHt fH0 t 0 f Hs− dHs 1 2 t 0 f Hs− dH c s fHs −fHs− −f Hs− ΔHs , 0≤s≤t 2.6 where ΔHs Hs − Hs− and H c t is the quadratic characteristic of the continuous martingale part Htc of Ht , that is, a predictable process such that H c 2t − H c t ∈ Mloc . For the proof of Theorem 2.1, the reader is referred to Protter 11. In this study, we use Theorem 2.1 to rewrite Yt in stochastic exponential form. Let Yt fHt Y0 expHt , 2.7 4 International Journal of Stochastic Analysis then, using Theorem 2.1, we have Y t Y0 e H0 Y0 eH0 1 t Hs− c Hs Hs− Hs− e e dHs dH s − e ΔHs e −e 2 0 0 0≤s≤t 2.8 t 1 t Hs− Hs− c Hs Hs− Hs− e −e e dHs e dH s − e ΔHs 2 0 0 0≤s≤t t Hs− and, in differential form, this can be expressed as dYt Y0 eHt− dHt Y0 eHt− dHt 1 Ht− e dH c t eHt − eHt− − eHt− ΔHt 2 1 Ht− c Ht− ΔHt Ht− Ht− e dH t e − e − e ΔHt 2 1 eHt− dHt eHt− dH c t eHt− eΔHt − 1 − ΔHt 2 1 Ht− c ΔHs e − 1 − ΔHs e d Ht H t 2 0<s≤t 2.9 t , Yt− dH where t Ht 1 H c t eΔHs − 1 − ΔHs . H 2 0<s≤t 2.10 We associate with this semimartingale Yt an integer-valued random measure defined as μn A; ω IA ΔXn ω, A ∈ B Rd , 2.11 where I is an indicator function, that is, μn A; ω 1 if ΔXn ω ∈ A, 0 if ΔXn ω ∈ / A, 2.12 see Shiryaev 12, for details. We define the integral-valued random measures of jumps ·n≥1 , where μX A; ω nk1 μX A, ω and μX A; ω IΔXk ω ∈ A, A ∈ μX μX k k 0,n 0,n d BR \ {0} and by ν νω, ds, dx the compensator of μ, that is, the predictable measure νn A : ω PΔXn ∈ A | Fn−1 ω P-a.s. with the property that μ − ν is a local martingale measure. This means that, for each A ∈ BR \ {0}, μw : 0, t × A − νω; 0, t × At>0 is a local martingale with value 0 for t 0. International Journal of Stochastic Analysis 5 Let ϕ be a truncation function, for example, ϕx xI|x| ≤ 1. Then ΔXs − 0 ⇔ |ΔXs | > α for some α > 0. We now denote the jump part of X corresponding to ϕΔXs / big jumps by X̌ ΔXk − ϕΔXk . 0<k≤t 2.13 Using random measure of jumps, 2.9 can be written in canonical form as dYt Yt− dHt 1 Y− αdt dC ϕ t dH c σdWt dXtc dex − 1 μ − ν 2 d ex − 1 − ϕx μ , 2.14 where Cϕ is a predictable process and X c is the continuous martingale part of Xt 13. Adopting the definition of harvesting strategy from Lungu and Øksendal 10, we define a harvesting strategy as a stochastic process with the following properties: γt, ω ∈ R, t > s, ω ∈ Ω, 1 γt is measurable with respect to σ-algebra Ft generated by Xs, ·; s ≤ t i.e., {γt}γ≥0 is adapted; 2 γt, ω is nondecreasing with respect to t for almost all a.a. ω; 3 γt, ω is right continuous as a function of t for a.a. ω; 4 γs, ω 0 for a.a. ω. γt, ω represents the total amount harvested from an initial time s up to time t. We let Γ represent a set of all harvesting strategies. If we apply the harvesting strategy γt, ω, then the corresponding process Y γ satisfies the equation 1 γ γ dYt Y− αdt dC ϕ t dH c t σdWt dXtc dex − 1 μ − ν 2 x d e − 1 − φx μ − dγt, Y γ s− y1 . 2.15 It is important to note that the difference between Y γ s and Y γ s− : Y γ s− is the state before harvesting starts at time t s while Y γ s is the state immediately after. If γ consists of an immediate harvest of size γ at t s, then Y s Y s− − Δγ. 2.16 6 International Journal of Stochastic Analysis Let the prices/utilities per unit investment when harvested at time t be given by a constant nonnegative function π. The expected total discounted payoff in this case is given by J s, y E γ y T πe −ρs t · dγt , 2.17 0 where Es,y denotes expectation with respect to probability law Qs,y of Y s,y t t, Y γ t for t ≥ s, assuming that Y s,y 0 s, y, T inf{t > 0; πY t ∈ / S}, S s, y : πe−ρs t y ≥ 0 2.18 are the time of bankruptcy and S is the solvency region, respectively. The optimal harvesting problem is then to find the value function Φs, y and an optimal dividend strategy γ ∗ t such that ∗ Φ s, y supJ γ s, y J γ s, y . γ∈Γ 2.19 We let 0 < t1 < t2 · · · denote the jumping times of the given strategy γ ∈ Γ, and we let Δtk γtk − γt−k be the jump of γtk . We also let γ c t γt − Δγtk s≤tk ≤t 2.20 be the continuous part of γt. We formulate the sufficient conditions for the given function φs, y to be the value function Φs, y of 2.19 and for a given strategy γ ∈ Γ to be optimal in the following theorem. Theorem 2.2 extended Lungu and Øksendal 10. Suppose that φ ≥ 0 is twice continuously differentiable on S with the following properties: 1 One has ∂φ ≥ πe−ρs t . ∂y 2.21 2 One has 1 2 ∂φ ∂φ 1 2 ∂φ2 αt C ϕ t σ H c t ey − 1 μ σ Lφ t, y ∂t 2 ∂y 2 ∂y2 ≤0 on S. 2.22 International Journal of Stochastic Analysis 7 Then φ s, y ≥ Φ s, y 2.23 on S. 3 Define the nonintervention region as D ∂φ t, y ∈ S; t, y > πe−ρs t ∀i 1 · · · n . ∂y 2.24 Suppose Lφ 0 2.25 in D, and there exists a harvesting strategy γ such that the following hold: Y γ t ∈ D ∂φ ∂y ∀t > s, t, Y γ t − πe−ρs t γ c t 0 ∀i 1 · · · n, i.e., γ c increases only when 2.26 ∂φ πe−ρs t , ∂y where D is the closure of D, that is, D D ∪ ∂D, where ∂D is the boundary of D. 4 One has ∞ 1 y ∂φ γ t, Y s αdt dC ϕ t dH c e − 1 − ϕ y dμ ∂y 2 −∞ ∞ 1 2 c ey − 1 − ϕ y dμ dt ≤ 0. − αt C ϕ t σ H t 2 −∞ 2.27 5 One has γ tk Δφtk : φ tk , Y γ tk − φ tk , Y γ t−k −π · Δ 2.28 at all jumping times tk ≥ s of γ tk and Es,y φ TR , Y γ TR −→ ∞, 2.29 TR T ∧ R ∧ inf t > s; Y γ t ≥ R . 2.30 where 8 International Journal of Stochastic Analysis Then φ s, y Φ s, y ∀ s, y ∈ S 2.31 and γ γ ∗ is an optimal harvest strategy. Proof. Consider the following: ΔYt αΔt ΔC ϕ t ΔH c t σΔWt ΔXtc Δex − 1 μ − ν Δ ex − 1 − ϕ ν Δex − 1 μ − ν Δ ex − 1 − ϕ ν, 2.32 1 dYt αdt dC ϕ t dH c σdWt dXtc dey − 1 μ − ν 2 d ex − 1 − ϕx μ − dγt ∞ 1 x c c αdt dC ϕ t dH σdWt dXt e −1−ϕ y d μ−ν 2 −∞ ∞ x e − 1 − ϕ y dμ − dγt. 2.33 −∞ Choose γ ∈ Γ, and assume that φ ∈ C2 satisfies 2.21-2.22. Then, by Ito’s formula for semimartingales and then computing the expectation throughout the equation Esy φTR , Y γ TR E φs, Y γ s Es,y s,y T R T R s ∂φ t, Y γ sdt ∂t 1 ∂φ s,y γ E t, Y s αdt dC ϕ t dH c t σdWt dXtc ∂y 2 s ∞ ∞ x e − 1 − ϕ y dμ − dγt ex − 1d μ − ν −∞ −∞ T 2 R φ ∂ 1 σ 2 t, Y γ t 2 t, Y γ Es,y ∂y s 2 ∂φ γ s,y γ γ − φ − E tk , Y tk ΔYi tk . φtk , Y tk − φ tk , Y ttk ∂y s<tk ≤TR 2.34 From the theory of martingales for integrals, E s,y T R s T T ∞ R R ∂φ ∂φ s,y c s,y y σ dWt E σ dXt E e − 1d μ − ν 0. ∂y ∂y s s −∞ 2.35 International Journal of Stochastic Analysis 9 Substituting 2.28, 2.32, and 2.35 in 2.34, we have Esy φTR , Y γ TR E φ s, y Es,y sy T R s E s,y T R ∞ 1 x ∂φ γ c e − 1 −ϕx dμ −dγt t, Y s αdt dC φ t dH t ∂y 2 −∞ ∂2 φ 1 2 γ γ σ t, X t 2 t, Y 2 ∂y s Es,y ∂φ t, Y γ sdt ∂t T R s E s,y s<tk ≤TR ∂φ tk , Y φ tk Δex −1 μ − ν Δ ex −1−ϕ ν Δφtk , Y tk − ∂y γ . 2.36 Now from 2.22, 1 2 ∂φ ∂φ Lφt, x − αt C ϕ t σ H c t ex − 1 − ϕ y μ ∂t 2 ∂y ∂2 φ 1 − σ 2 t, x 2 . 2 ∂y 2.37 Using 2.37 in 2.36 gives Esy φTR , Y γ Esy φTR , Y γ T R E s,y Lφt, xdt s E s,y T R s −E s,y T R s E sx ∞ 1 y ∂φ γ c e − 1 − ϕ y dμ t, Y s αdt dC ϕ t dH ∂y 2 −∞ ∞ 1 2 σ H c t − αt C ϕ t ey − 1 − ϕ y dμ dt 2 −∞ ∂φ t, Y γ sdγt ∂y s<tk ≤TR x ∂φ φ x tk , Y tk Δe − 1 μ − ν Δ e −1−ϕ ν Δφtk , Y tk − ∂y γ 2.38 10 International Journal of Stochastic Analysis Using the fact that Esy φTR , Y γ ≤ φs, x and that Lφs, x ≤ 0 refer to 2.27 yields the inequality Esy φTR , Y γ ≤ φ s, y − E s,y E sx T s s<tk ≤TR R ∂φ γ t, Y sdγt ∂y ∂φ tk , Y φ tk Δex −1 μ−ν Δ ex −1−φ ν Δφtk , Y tk − ∂y γ . 2.39 From the relation γ c t γt − Δγtk , s≤tk ≤t 2.40 we deduce that dγt dγ c t Δt, ΔY t −Δγt. 2.41 Using 2.41, the right-hand side of 2.32 becomes Δex − 1 μ − ν Δ ex − 1 − φ ν −Δγt. 2.42 Furthermore, using 2.42 we can achieve the simplification of 2.34 as follows: taking the last three terms in 2.39 and using the fact that s≤tk ≤TR ftk s<tk ≤TR ftk Δfs, 2.43 we have x ∂φ φ x E tk , Y tk Δe − 1 μ − ν Δ e − 1 − φ ν Δφtk , Y tk − ∂y s<tk ≤TR x ∂φ sy γ φ x E tk , Y tk Δe −1 μ−ν Δ e −1−φ ν Δφtk , Y tk − ∂y s≤tk ≤TR x s,y γ s,y ∂φ φ x s, Y s Δe − 1 μ − ν Δ e − 1 − φ ν − E Δφs, Y s − E ∂y ∂φ sy γ γ Δφtk , Y tk − E tk , Y tk Δγt ∂y s≤tk ≤TR ∂φ − Es,y Δφs, Y γ s Es,y s, Y γ sΔγs . ∂y 2.44 sy γ International Journal of Stochastic Analysis 11 Substituting 2.44 into 2.39, inequality 2.39 becomes ∂φ ∂φ γ s,y γ t, Y sdγt − E t, Y sΔγt ∂y s ∂y s≤tk ≤TR ∂φ sy γ sy φ E tk , Y tk Δγt Δφtk , Y tk E ∂y s≤tk ≤TR s≤<tk ≤TR s,y γ s,y ∂φ γ − E Δφs, Y s E s, Y sΔγs . ∂y 2.45 E φTR , Y γ ≤ φ s, y − Es,y sy T R This will then lead to the inequality E φTR , Y γ TR ≤ φ s, y − Es,y sy E sy T R s ∂φ t, Y γ sdγ c t ∂y 2.46 Δφtk , Y tk . γ s≤tk ≤TR By the Mean-Value property, we have ∂φ γ γ Δφ tk , Y γ tk tk , Yk ΔYi tk ∂y 2.47 for some point Yk on the line connecting the points Y γ t−k and Y γ tk , and, using 2.41, we have γ ∂φ ∂φ γ γ γ tk , Yk ΔYi tk − tk , Xk Δγ tk Δφ tk , yγ tk ∂y ∂y 2.48 which leads to E φTR , Y γ TR ≤ φ s, y − Es,y T ∂φ t, Y γ sdγ c t s ∂y ∂φ γ sy −E tk , Xk Δγ tk . ∂y s≤tk ≤TR sy R 2.49 From 2.21, we obtain φ s, y − TR s ∂φ t, Y γ sdγ c t ≤ φs, x − ∂y TR s π · e−ρ st dγ c t. 2.50 12 International Journal of Stochastic Analysis Equation 2.21 can also be expressed in discrete form as ∂φ γ Δγ tk ≥ tk , X πe−ρ st Δγ tk k ∂y s≤tk ≤TR s≤tk ≤TR 2.51 Combining 2.50 and 2.51 gives the inequality TR ∂φ ∂φ γ tk , Yk Δγ tk t, Y γ sdγ c t − ∂y s ∂y s≤tk ≤TR TR ≤ φ s, y − π · e−ρ st dγ c t − πe−ρ st Δγ tk . φ s, y − 2.52 s≤tk ≤TR s Taking the expectation of 2.52 yields the inequality ∂φ γ c t, Y sdγ t s ∂y ∂φ γ sy −E tk , Xk Δγ tk ∂y s≤tk ≤TR T R sy −ρ st c s,y −ρ st ≤ φ s, y − E π ·e dγ t − E πe Δγ tk , T R E φTR , Y γ TR ≤ φ s, y − Es,y s,y s≤tk ≤TR s 2.53 from which we obtain φ s, y ≥ E s,y T R s ≥ Esy T R π ·e −ρ st dγ t E c sy πe −ρ st Δγ tk Esy φTR , Y γ TR s≤tk ≤TR π · e−ρ st dγt Esy φTR , Y γ TR . s 2.54 Since R < ∞, γ ∈ Γ were arbitrary and φ ≥ 0, this proves that φ s, y ≥ Φ s, y and γ is optimal. 2.55 International Journal of Stochastic Analysis 13 Let us now assume that D is given by 2.24 and that 2.25–2.28 hold. If we replace γ in the above calculation by γ , then equality holds everywhere and we end up with the relation φ s, y E s,y T R π ·e −ρ st d γ Eφ TR , Y TR . γ 2.56 s Letting R → ∞ and using 2.29, we get φ s, y E s,y ∞ π · e−ρ st d γ . 2.57 s Combining eqntawina with 2.23, we have φ s, y Φ s, y , γ is optimal. 2.58 The strategy γ can be found by solving the Skorohod stochastic differential equations see Lungu and Øksendal 10. 3. Application of the Theory From the form of our discounted utility function 2.17, it becomes reasonable to look for the function Φ of the form Φ s, y e−ρs Ψ y . 3.1 φ s, y e−ρs ψ y . 3.2 Let Equations 2.21, 2.22 become ∂ψ ≥ π, ∂y 3.3 1 2 ∂ψ Lψ t, y −ρψ αt C ϕ t σ H c t ex − 1 μ 2 ∂y 1 ∂2 ψ σ2 2 ≤ 0 2 ∂y 3.4 on S, respectively. We try a solution ψ of the form ψ y Fz, where z πy. 3.5 14 International Journal of Stochastic Analysis Equations 3.2 and 3.3 become πF z ≥ π F z ≥ 1, or 1 2 σ H c t ex − 1 μ πF z AFz −ρFz αt C ϕ t 2 1 2 2 σ π F z 2 −ρFz κF z βF z < 0, 3.6 3.7 where κ 1 2 σ H c t ex − 1 μ π, αt C ϕ t 2 1 β σ2π 2. 2 3.8 Inequality 3.7 is similar to inequality 3.11 in Lungu and Øksendal 10. The major difference is that in Lungu and Øksendal 10 the coefficients are constants whereas in our case the coefficient κ is not a constant. Since κt, z is a process with jumps, the general solution of βF z κF z − ρFz 0 3.9 is elusive. We still try to explore the behavior of the solution after fixing the value of t; that is, we want to see the general behavior of the solution with respect to z. 3.1. Examples 3.1.1. Example 1 (κ Constant with respect to z) The case κ is a constant that reduces to the problem in Lungu and Øksendal 10. The auxiliary equation for 3.9 is 3.10 βm2 κm − ρ 0. The solutions are m1,2 −κ ± κ2 − 4ρβ 2β . 3.11 Let us suppose the nonintervention region B to be of the form B {z; 0 < z < z∗ } 3.12 International Journal of Stochastic Analysis 15 for some z∗ > 0. From 2.21 and 2.22, we try a solution of the form Fz z G, α1 em1 z α2 em2 z , for z ≥ z∗ , 0 < z < z∗ , 3.13 for G ∈ R. We want to determine parameters α1 , α2 , G, and z∗ such that F becomes a C2 at z z∗ . Using the continuity and differentiability of Fz at z z∗ and taking α α1 −α2 , we obtain z∗ 2 lnm2 /m1 > 0, m1 − m2 α m1 em1 z∗ m2 em2 z∗ −1 , 3.14 G αem1 z∗ − em2 z∗ − z∗ . With this choice of parameters, all the conditions of Theorem 2.2 are satisfied, and we have Φ s, y α1 e−ρs em1 z em2 z , e−ρs z G, for 0 ≤ z < z∗ , z∗ ≤ z. 3.15 Similarly, as discussed in Lungu and Øksendal 10, the optimal strategy is obtained by doing nothing as long as Y t ∈ 0, z∗ i.e., Y t ∈ B and to harvest a total amount γ ∗ γ of the reflected process Y γ in the direction of −π. 3.1.2. Example 2 (When κ Is Not a Constant) We now look at a more general case corresponding to κ not a constant. Suppose that we can write Fz as 1 κ dz , Fz V z exp − 2 β 3.16 then 3.9 can be transformed into its canonical form given by V z ηzV z 0, 3.17 where η− and the jumps are embedded in ηz. ρ 1 κ 2 1 κ − − β 4 β 4 β z 3.18 16 International Journal of Stochastic Analysis To solve 3.17, we use the jump transfer matrix method 14. The auxiliary equation of 3.17 is 3.19 m2 ηz 0 with solutions m1 imz, m2 −imz, where mz ηz. 3.20 The general solution for V z can be written as V z h1 z expimz h2 z exp−imz, 3.21 where h1 z and h2 z are functions to be determined. The solution 3.21 can be expressed as V z expΦzt Hz, 3.22 where Hz h1 z , h2 z Φz imz −imz 3.23 and the superscript t denotes transpose of a matrix. F is the solution of the equation dHz UzHzdz, 3.24 U −zK z − exp−zKz Dz−1 CzK z expzKz , 3.25 where p−2 , p − 1 mq n×n Kz mp zδpq n×n , Cz p−1 Dx mzq z , n×n K x mp zδpq 3.26 n×n cf. 14. Clearly, for the case corresponding to n 2, the matrices 3.26 are given by 0 0 , 1 1 m1 0 K , 0 m2 C 1 1 , m1 m 2 m1 0 hence K . 0 m2 D 3.27 International Journal of Stochastic Analysis 17 Using power series expansion for exponential square matrices and truncating the expansion at second-order terms, we have zm1 0 expzK exp 0 zm2 1 0 zm1 0 O2 terms 0 1 0 zk2 1 zm1 0 O2 terms. 0 1 zm2 3.28 Similarly, exp−zK 0 1 − zm1 . 0 1 − zm2 3.29 From 3.25 and 3.28, we obtain an approximation for Uz as ⎤ m2 1 − z exp−zm1 − m2 ⎥ m1 ⎢ m1 − m2 m2 − m1 ⎥ ⎢ Uz ⎢ ⎥. ⎦ ⎣ m1 1 exp zm1 − m2 m2 − z m1 − m2 m2 − m1 ⎡ 3.30 From 3.19 and 3.20, we obtain m z −1 i2mzz expi2zmz Vz . 2mz exp−2izmz −1 − i2mzz 3.31 The jump transfer matrix from region 1 to region 2 across the interface z ς in our case takes the form Q1 → 2 ⎡m m ⎤ 1 2 iςm2 −m1 m2 − m1 iςm1 m2 e e ⎢ 2m2 ⎥ 2m2 ⎥ ⎢ ⎣ m2 − m1 −iςm m m2 m1 −iςm −m ⎦. 1 2 2 1 e e 2m2 2m2 3.32 18 International Journal of Stochastic Analysis This jump transfer matrix over singularities given by Qς−δz → ς δz is simplified as in 14 to ⎡ Qς−δz → ς δz Qς−δz → ς δz Qς−δz → ς δz 1 i ⎢ 2 ⎢ ⎣1 − i 2 ⎡ 1−i ⎢ ⎣ 1 2 i 2 1 0 0 1 ⎤ 1−i 2 ⎥ ⎥ 1 i⎦ 2 ⎤ 1 i 2 ⎥ 1 − i⎦ 2 type A, 3.33 type B, type C. The reader is referred to 14 and the references therein for details regarding classification of singularities. 3.1.3. Analysis of the Results Let z0 0 and our solutions 3.21 have jumps at points z1 , z2 , z3 , . . . , zn , and we define Wj z : zj−1 < z < zj for i 1, 2, 3, . . . , n, Bj z : zj−1 < z < z∗j 3.34 for some z∗i , and we define B n & 3.35 Bj . j1 For z ∈ Wi , we define Fj z for z ≥ zj∗ , z Gj , hj1 ze mj1 z hj2 e mj2 z , F {F0 , F1 , F2 , . . . , Fn }, hj ze−ρs emj1 z emj2 z , Φs, zj e−ρs z Gj , 0 < z < zj∗ , for 0 ≤ z < zj∗ , 3.36 zj∗ ≤ z, Φs, z {Φ1 s, z, Φ2 s, z, . . . , Φn s, z}. 3.1.4. Conjecture The optimal strategy is achieved by doing nothing during jumps and as long as Y t ∈ Bj but to harvest according to local time γj∗ γ at the boundary ∂Bj . Remarks. In each nonintervention region Bj , Y γ is a reflected process at ∂Bj , since, as Y hits the boundary, a certain amount is harvested thereby forcing the process to go below zj∗ . γ International Journal of Stochastic Analysis 19 4. Conclusion Most of the conditions in Theorem 2.2 are extensions from Lungu and Øksendal 10 with exception of condition 2.5, that is, ∞ 1 y ∂φ γ c e − 1 − φ y dμ t, Y s αdt dC φ t dH ∂y 2 −∞ ∞ 1 2 c y − αt C φ t σ H t e − 1 − φ y dμ dt ≤ 0. 2 −∞ 4.1 We note that this condition is achieved if ∂φ/∂y is small. It is found under additional condition 2.27 that our problem can be reduced to a second-order differential equation similar to that in Lungu and Øksendal 10 though with some jumps. 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