Substitutions and Strongly Deterministic Tilesets Bastien Le Gloannec and Nicolas Ollinger LIFO, University of Orléans, France CiE 2012, Cambridge June 22, 2012 Recognizing families of colorings . Σ = {□, ■} . Family of Σ-colorings (subshift) We recognize colorings of the discrete plane via local constraints. . Theorem [Mozes 89]. Colorings “generated by” (expansive) substitu.tions are “recognizable”. 2/15 Recognizing families of colorings . Σ = {□, ■} . Family of Σ-colorings (subshift) Set of local rules (Wang tiles) We recognize colorings of the discrete plane via local constraints. . Theorem [Mozes 89]. Colorings “generated by” (expansive) substitu.tions are “recognizable”. 2/15 Recognizing families of colorings . Σ = {□, ■} projection . Family of tilings Family of Σ-colorings (subshift) Set of local rules (Wang tiles) We recognize colorings of the discrete plane via local constraints. . Theorem [Mozes 89]. Colorings “generated by” (expansive) substitu.tions are “recognizable”. 2/15 Recognizing families of colorings . Σ = {□, ■} projection . Family of tilings Family of Σ-colorings (subshift) Set of deterministic local rules (Wang tiles) We recognize colorings of the discrete plane via local constraints. . Theorem. Colorings “generated by” 2×2 substitutions are .“deterministically recognizable”. 2/15 1. Tilings . Tilings by Wang tiles . A Wang tile is an oriented (no rotations allowed) unit square tile carrying a color on each side. . A tileset τ is a finite set of Wang tiles. A tiling is a map t : Z2 → τ, associating a tile to each cell of the discrete plane Z2 , for which the colors of the common sides of neighboring tiles match. . . 3/15 . Tilings by Wang tiles . A Wang tile is an oriented (no rotations allowed) unit square tile carrying a color on each side. . A tileset τ is a finite set of Wang tiles. A tiling is a map t : Z2 → τ, associating a tile to each cell of the discrete plane Z2 , for which the colors of the common sides of neighboring tiles match. . . 3/15 Deterministic tilesets . . Deterministic tileset. A tileset τ is NE-deterministic if for any pair of tiles (tW , tS ) ∈ τ2 , there exists at most one tile t compatible to the west with tW and to the south with tS . . ? . 1. Tilings 4/15 Deterministic tilesets . . Deterministic tileset. A tileset τ is NE-deterministic if for any pair of tiles (tW , tS ) ∈ τ2 , there exists at most one tile t compatible to the west with tW and to the south with tS . . . 1. Tilings 4/15 Deterministic tilesets . . Deterministic tileset. A tileset τ is NE-deterministic if for any pair of tiles (tW , tS ) ∈ τ2 , there exists at most one tile t compatible to the west with tW and to the south with tS . . . ? . Strong determinism. A tileset is 4-way deterministic if it is simultaneously deterministic in the four directions NE, NW, SW and SE. . 1. Tilings 4/15 Deterministic tilesets . . Deterministic tileset. A tileset τ is NE-deterministic if for any pair of tiles (tW , tS ) ∈ τ2 , there exists at most one tile t compatible to the west with tW and to the south with tS . . ? . . Strong determinism. A tileset is 4-way deterministic if it is simultaneously deterministic in the four directions NE, NW, SW and SE. . 1. Tilings 4/15 Deterministic tilesets . . Deterministic tileset. A tileset τ is NE-deterministic if for any pair of tiles (tW , tS ) ∈ τ2 , there exists at most one tile t compatible to the west with tW and to the south with tS . . . ? . Strong determinism. A tileset is 4-way deterministic if it is simultaneously deterministic in the four directions NE, NW, SW and SE. . 1. Tilings 4/15 Deterministic tilesets . . Deterministic tileset. A tileset τ is NE-deterministic if for any pair of tiles (tW , tS ) ∈ τ2 , there exists at most one tile t compatible to the west with tW and to the south with tS . . . . Strong determinism. A tileset is 4-way deterministic if it is simultaneously deterministic in the four directions NE, NW, SW and SE. . 1. Tilings 4/15 A short history . very . Domino Problem, DP [Wang 61]. Given a tileset, is it possible to tile .the plane? . Theorem [Berger 64]. The Domino Problem is undecidable. . Proof by construction of an aperiodic tileset, tiling the plane but never in a periodic way. [Kari 91] introduces the notion of deterministic tileset. . Theorem [Kari 91]. DP remains undecidable for deterministic tilesets (and there exist some (bi)deterministic aperiodic tilesets). . . Theorem [Kari-Papasoglu 99]. There exist some 4-way deterministic aperiodic tilesets. . . Theorem [Lukkarila 09]. DP remains undecidable for 4-way deterministic tilesets. . 1. Tilings 5/15 2. Colorings, subshifts and (directional) soficity Colorings of the discrete plane . Given a finite alphabet Σ, a Σ-coloring of Z2 is a map c { } Σ= . ,. ,. 0 : Z2 → Σ. . Endowed with the product of the discrete topology, ΣZ is a compact space. 2 A subshift Y colorings. ⊆ ΣZ is a closed and translation invariant set of 2. Colorings, subshifts and (directional) soficity 2 6/15 (Directional) soficity . . Soficity. A subshift Y ⊆ ΣZ is sofic if it can be obtained as the alphabetic projection of the set of tilings Xτ by a tileset τ: Y = π(X τ ). . 2 π 7−→ . . π 7−→ . 2. Colorings, subshifts and (directional) soficity . 7/15 (Directional) soficity . . Directional soficity. A subshift Y ⊆ ΣZ is NW/NE/SW/SE-sofic if it can be obtained as the alphabetic projection of the set of tilings Xτ .by a NW/NE/SW/SE-deterministic tileset τ: Y = π(Xτ ). 2 π 7−→ . . π 7−→ . 2. Colorings, subshifts and (directional) soficity . 7/15 3. Substitutions and directional soficity Substitutions . . Substitution. A (deterministic) substitution is a set of rules replacing .letters from a finite alphabet Σ by rectangles of letters over Σ. s 7−→ 3. Substitutions and directional soficity + rotations 8/15 Limit set . What are the colorings generated by a substitution? . Limit set. Given a substitution s, we define its limit set: Λs = . ∩⟨ ( sn n ≥0 ΣZ 2 )⟩ σ The limit set is a subshift. . Proposition. The limit set exactly is the set of colorings c admitting 2 a history: (cn ) ∈ ΣZ verifying c0 = c and ∀n ≥ 0, ∃σn translation, .σn ◦ s(cn+1 ) = cn . 3. Substitutions and directional soficity 9/15 Directional soficity of Λs . Soficity consists in enforcing the hierarchical structure imposed by the substitution using local rules. . Idea. Code the history of a coloring into the tilings. . . Theorem [Mozes 89]. Limit sets of (expansive) substitutions are sofic. . . .Theorem [Ollinger 08]. Limit sets of 2×2 substitutions are sofic. 3. Substitutions and directional soficity 10/15 Directional soficity of Λs . Soficity consists in enforcing the hierarchical structure imposed by the substitution using local rules. . Idea. Code the history of a coloring into the tilings. . . Theorem [Mozes 89]. Limit sets of (expansive) substitutions are sofic. . . .Theorem [Ollinger 08]. Limit sets of 2×2 substitutions are sofic. Directional soficity consists in enforcing the hierarchical structure imposed by the substitution using deterministic local rules. . .Theorem. Limit sets of 2×2 substitutions are 4-way sofic. 3. Substitutions and directional soficity 10/15 . Sketch of the proof (1/ 4): 104 4-way . We start from the 104 tiles aperiodic tileset of [Ollinger 08]. Smallest fixed point of a 2×2 substitution scheme. Each macro-tile codes a tile. 104 is self-simulating for a 2×2 substitution on tiles. . 7−→ . We add some cables to obtain a 4-way deterministic structure. This will be used as a skeleton for the rest of the construction. 11/15 Sketch of the proof (2/4): enforcing a substitution . Observe that every tiling contains an infinite quaternary tree hierarchical structure. We add letters of Σ on its nodes to hold the whole history of a coloring of Λs : the 4 children of a node with label a ∈ Σ carry the 4 letters of σ(a). 3. Substitutions and directional soficity 12/15 Sketch of the proof (3/4): NE-soficity . The strongly deterministic version of 104 combined with the encoding of a substitution s on the quaternary tree is not deterministic any more. . Problem. For the NE direction, we do not know how to “predict” the letter carried by cables of color □□ ■□ in NE position on X tiles. . . Idea. In our construction, hereditary information is translated in the SW direction. We could set up some wires to go & find it. . 3. Substitutions and directional soficity 13/15 Sketch of the proof (3/4): NE-soficity . The strongly deterministic version of 104 combined with the encoding of a substitution s on the quaternary tree is not deterministic any more. . Problem. For the NE direction, we do not know how to “predict” the letter carried by cables of color □□ ■□ in NE position on X tiles. . . Idea. In our construction, hereditary information is translated in the SW direction. We could set up some wires to go & find it. . That way we get: . T . heorem. Limit sets of 2×2 substitutions are NE-sofic. 3. Substitutions and directional soficity 13/15 Sketch of the proof (4/4): 4-way soficity . Consider the cartesian product of the four 104 one-way tilesets obtained from the following four symmetrical substitution schemes. 7→ 7→ . 7→ . 7→ . . Each component is deterministic in one of the four directions. We synchronize the parity layer in order to code the same coloring on the level 0 of both components. We then synchronize the whole history on both components using a 3 × 3 grouping of tiles. ■ 3. Substitutions and directional soficity 14/15 4. Conclusion Conclusion and perspectives . We have introduced a strengthened notion of soficity and considered the case of colorings generated by deterministic 2 × 2 (and 2n × 2n ) substitutions. This can be adapted for regular n × n substitutions. This can also be adapted to enforce the generated set Ω of substitutions. General open question: What subshifts can be recognized in a deterministic way? 4. Conclusion 15/15 That’s all folks! . . 4. Conclusion Thank you for your attention. 15/15