Hindawi Publishing Corporation Journal of Applied Mathematics Volume 2012, Article ID 812535, 24 pages doi:10.1155/2012/812535 Research Article Nonlinear Analysis for Shear Augmented Dispersion of Solutes in Blood Flow through Narrow Arteries D. S. Sankar,1 Nurul Aini Binti Jaafar,2 and Yazariah Yatim2 1 2 School of Advanced Sciences, VIT University, Chennai Campus, Chennai 48, India School of Mathematical Sciences, Universiti Sains Malaysia, 11800 Penang, Malaysia Correspondence should be addressed to D. S. Sankar, sankar ds@yahoo.co.in Received 23 May 2012; Accepted 2 July 2012 Academic Editor: Turgut Öziş Copyright q 2012 D. S. Sankar et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. The shear augmented dispersion of solutes in blood flow i through circular tube and ii between parallel flat plates is analyzed mathematically, treating blood as Herschel-Bulkley fluid model. The resulting system of nonlinear differential equations are solved with the appropriate boundary conditions, and the expressions for normalized velocity, concentration of the fluid in the core region and outer region, flow rate, and effective axial diffusivity are obtained. It is found that the normalized velocity of blood, relative diffusivity, and axial diffusivity of solutes are higher when blood is modeled by Herschel-Bulkley fluid rather than by Casson fluid model. It is also noted that the normalized velocity, relative diffusivity, and axial diffusivity of solutes are higher when blood flows through circular tube than when it flows between parallel flat plates. 1. Introduction The dispersion of a solute in a solvent flowing in a pipe/channel is an important physical phenomenon, which has wide applications in many fields of science and engineering and some potential application fields are chemical engineering, biomedical engineering, physiological fluid dynamics, and environmental sciences 1. The physics involved in the dispersion theory is the spreading of a passive species solute in a flowing fluid solvent due to the combined action of molecular diffusion and nonuniform velocity distribution 2. For better understanding of the concept of shear-augmented dispersion, let us consider a bolus of a solute in the fully developed laminar flow of an incompressible fluid in a conduit. The bolus is carried downstream by the Poiseuille flow and is subjected to the resulting transverse concentration gradient. At the leading edge of the bolus, the bolus diffuses from the high 2 Journal of Applied Mathematics concentration region near the centre of the tube towards the low concentration region at the wall 3. Taylor 4 initiated the study on the dispersion of solutes in fluid flow and reported that if a solute is injected into a solvent flowing steadily in a straight tube, the combined action of the lateral molecular diffusion and the variation of velocity over the cross-section would cause the solute ultimately to spread diffusively with the effective molecular diffusivity Deff 2 given by Deff a2 wm /48 Dm , where Dm is the molecular diffusivity, wm is the normalized axial velocity, and a is the radius of the tube. He also pointed out that the spreading of the solute is symmetrical about a point moving with the average velocity wm of the fluid. Since many intravenous medications are therapeutic at low concentration, but toxic at high concentration, it is important to know the rate of dispersion of the material in the circulatory system 5. The main objective of this study is to analyze the dispersion of solutes in blood flow. Sankarasubramanian and Gill 6 discussed the dispersion of solute undergoing firstorder wall retention in Poiseuille flow through circular tube. Their generalized dispersion model gives rise to three effective transport coefficients, namely, the convection, the diffusion, and the exchange coefficients. Lungu and Moffatt 7 analyzed the effect of wall conductance on heat diffusion using Fourier transform with average function to obtain a series solution. Tsangaris and Athanassiadis 8 investigated the diffusion of solutes in an oscillatory flow in an annular pipe. When blood flows through arteries and veins, it shows many fluid dynamic complexities such as pulsatility, curvature, branching and elasticity of walls, and thus, the dispersion of solutes in blood flow is affected by these factors as well as reactions and the multiphase character of fluid 9. Hence, it is important to understand the modifications caused by nonNewtonian rheology to the dispersion of passive species. This analysis can also be applied to blood handling devises too. Rao and Deshikachar 10 studied the dispersion of solute in a steady flow of incompressible fluid in an annular pipe and showed that the axial dispersion of the normalized concentration decreases with the increase of the inner radius of the cylinder. They reported that the asymptotic solution, for large time, of effective diffusivity in the flow directions is a decreasing function of the wall conductance. Mazumdar and Das 11 investigated the effect of wall conductance on the axial dispersion in the pulsatile tube flow. Sharp 12 investigated the shear-augmented dispersion of solutes in the steady flow of Casson fluid through a circular pipe and also flow between parallel plates using Taylor model 4. Jiang and Grotberg 13 studied the dispersion of a bolus contaminant in a straight tube with oscillatory flow field and weak conductive walls and reported that the axial dispersion diminished by the wall conductance when the frequency parameter exceeds the critical value. Smith and Walton 14 discussed the dispersion of solutes in the fluid flow through inclined tube with an annulus. The dispersion of solutes in the flow of power law fluids was analyzed by Agarwal and Jayaraman 1. They showed that the effective molecular diffusivity varies with yield stress for Casson and Bingham fluids and power law index in the case of power-law fluids. Dash et al. 15 studied the shear augmented dispersion of a solute in the Casson fluid flow in a conduit using the generalized dispersion model of Gill and Sankarasubramanian 16. Herschel-Bulkley H-B fluid model and Casson fluid model are the non-Newtonian fluid models that are generally used in the studies of blood flow through narrow arteries 17, 18. Tu and Deville 19 and Sankar et al. 20 mentioned that blood obeys Casson’s equation only for moderate shear rate, whereas the H-B equation can still be used at low shear rates and represent fairly closely what is occurring in blood. Several researchers proved that for tube Journal of Applied Mathematics 3 diameter 0.095 mm blood behaves like H-B fluid rather than power law and Bingham fluids 21, 22. Iida 23 reports “The velocity profile in the arterioles having diameter less than 0.1 mm are generally explained fairly by Casson and H-B fluid models. However, the velocity profiles in the arterioles whose diameters are less than 0.065 mm do not conform to the Casson model, but, can still be explained by H-B model.” Hence, it is appropriate to model blood as H-B fluid model rather than Casson fluid model when it flows through smaller diameter arteries. The theoretical analysis of shear-augmented dispersion in the steady flow of H-B fluid through circular tube has not been studied so far, to the knowledge of the authors. Hence, in this paper, we analyze the shear augmented dispersion of solutes in the steady flow of H-B fluid through a narrow cylindrical tube with possible application to blood flow. Since, some devices involve the flow between parallel flat plates or membranes rather than flow in tubes 12, the study on the dispersion of solutes in fluid flow between parallel flat plates is also important. Thus, it is also aimed to investigate the shear-augmented dispersion of solutes in the incompressible fluid flow between parallel flat plates. The layout of the paper is as follows. Section 2 formulates the problem mathematically and then solves the resulting system of differential equations to obtain the expression for the flow quantities such as normalized velocity, concentration of the fluid in the core region and outer region, flow rate, and the effective axial diffusivity. The effects of various parameters such as power law index and yield stress on these flow quantities are discussed through appropriate graphs in the numerical simulation of the results and discussion Section 3. Also, some possible physiological application of this study to blood flow is given in Section 3. The main results are summarized in the concluding Section 4. 2. Mathematical Formulation Consider the dispersion of a solute in the axi-symmetric, steady, laminar, and fully developed unidirectional flow in the axialdirection of Herschel-Bulkley H-B fluid viscous incompressiblenon-Newtonian fluid through i circular tube and ii between parallel flat plates. The geometry of the flow fields in circular tube and between parallel flat plates are shown in Figures 1a and 1b, respectively. 2.1. Flow in Circular Tube 2.1.1. Governing Equations Cylindrical polar coordinate system r, ψ, x is used to analyze the flow through uniform circular tube, where r and x are the coordinates in the radial and axial directions, respectively, and ψ is the azimuthal angle. It has been reported that the radial velocity is negligibly small and can be neglected for a low Reynolds number flow in a narrow artery with mild stenosis 23. For the steady flow of incompressible viscous fluid, the axial component of the momentum equation simplifies to dp 1 d − rτ, dx r dr 2.1 4 Journal of Applied Mathematics r Newtonian fluid Herschel-Bulkley fluid Velocity,u a rc z a Flow in circular tube y Newtonian fluid Herschel-Bulkley fluid Velocity,u h yc x b Flow between parallel flat plates Figure 1: The geometry of the fluid flow. where dp/dx is the axial pressure gradient, p is the pressure and τ is the shear stress. The constitutive equation of the H-B fluid is given by ⎧ n ⎪1 du ⎨ τ − τy η − dr ⎪ ⎩0 if τ ≥ τy , if τ ≤ τy , 2.2 where u is the velocity in the axial direction; η is the coefficient of viscosity of H-B fluid with n dimension ML−1 T −2 T ; τy is the yield stress and n the is power law index of H-B fluid. To solve 2.1 and 2.2 for the unknowns shear stress τ and velocity u, we utilize the following boundary conditions τ is finite at r 0, 2.3 u 0 at r a, 2.4 where a is the radius of the tube. For steady flow, the simplified form of the species transport equation in the plug core region and outer nonplug core region are given below in 2.5 and 2.6, respectively. ∂C1 u C ∂C1 1 ∂ . r r ∂r ∂r κ ∂x 2.5 Journal of Applied Mathematics 5 The species transport equation for the outer region simplifies to the following form: ∂C2 u ∂C2 1 ∂ r , r ∂r ∂r κ ∂x 2.6 where C1 and C2 are the concentration of the solute in the plug core region and outer region; C uC − u; u x x − ut is the new axial coordinate moving with the normalized velocity u; u is the relative velocity in the outer region; u C is the relative velocity in the plug core u − u; u region; t is the time. The boundary conditions for the concentration of the fluid in the core region are ∂C1 0 at r 0, ∂r 2.7 C1 0 at r 0, 2.8 ∂C2 0 at r a, ∂r 2.9 C2 C1 at r rc . 2.10 Equations 2.5 and 2.6 can be solved with the help of the boundary conditions 2.7 to get the expressions for the concentrations in the plug core region and outer region. 2.1.2. Solution Method Integrating 2.1 with respect to r and then using 2.3, we get the expression for the shear stress as follows: τ − r dp . 2 dz 2.11 Using binomial series expansion in 2.2 and neglecting the terms involving τy /τ2 and higher powers of τy /τ since τy /τ3 1, one can obtain the simplified form of the constitutive equation as follows: − nn − 1 du 1 n τy τ n−2 . τ − nτy τ n−1 dr η 2 2.12 Using 2.11 in 2.12 and integrating the resulting differential equation with respect to r and then using the boundary condition 2.4, we get the expression for the velocity in the outer non-plug core region as ur n 1 nn 1 2 n − 1 1 dp rc a − rn − 1 , an 1 − r n 1 − n 1rc an − r n − 2 dz 2 n 1η 2.13 6 Journal of Applied Mathematics where rc is the plug core radius, which is defined as follows: rc 2τy . − dp/dz 2.14 The expression for the plug flow velocity is obtained by replacing r by rc in 2.13 as given in the following: n 1 dp nn 1 2 n−1 nn − 1 n1 1 n1 n rc a − rc . − − n 1rc a a uc r 2 dz 2 2 n 1η 2.15 Using 2.14 and 2.15, one can obtain the following expression for the bulk velocity or normalized velocity: u uH Azc , 2.16 where n 1 dp an1 − , ηn 3 2 dz 4 n 2n3 − 5n2 − 6n 4 nn 3n − 1 2 nn 3 Azc 1 − zc − zc n3 , zc 2n 1 2n 1n 2 n 2 uH − 2.17 2.18 where zc rc /a. When n 1, one can get the bulk velocity of Newtonian fluid from 2.17. Solving 2.5 with the help of the boundary conditions 2.7 and 2.8, one can get the expression for the concentration of the solute in the plug core region as follows: C1 ∂C1 uH r 2 Bzc , 2κn 1 ∂x 2.19 where nn 3 2 nn − 1n 3 n1 n 1n 3 zc − zc zc 2 4 n 2 4 n 2n3 − 5n2 − 6n 4 zc n3 . − 2n 1n 2 Bzc 1 − 2.20 Journal of Applied Mathematics 7 One can get the concentration of the solute in the core region by integrating 2.6 and then using the boundary conditions 2.9 and 2.10 which is given as follows: uH a2 C2 κ ∂C2 ∂x 1 nn 3 2 n1 n 3 zn3 zc zn2 − zc z 2 n 2n 3 2n 12 n 2 nn 3 2 1 n 3 2 − zc z z 2n 1 2n 2 4n 1 c 4 n 2n3 − 5n2 − 6n 4 n3 zc 8n 1n 2 4 n 2n3 − 5n2 − 6n 4 z n3 − zc log 4n 1n 2 zc 7 n 10n6 32n5 18n4 − 93n3 − 164n2 − 52n 40 n3 . − zc 8n 12 n 22 n 3 − 2.21 The flux of solute across a cross section at constant x is defined as follows 12 1 q πa2 r c 0 a ∂C ∂C 2πr dr 2πr dr . u c C1 − κ u C2 − κ ∂x ∂x rc 2.22 For our convenience, 2.22 is rewritten as follows: q −κ ∂C ∂x 2 I1 I2 , a2 2.23 where I1 rc u c C1 r dr u2H B2 zc rc4 ∂C , ∂x 4κn 12 a a u2 a2 ∂C T1 rT2 rdr. I2 urC2 dr H 4κ ∂x rc rc 0 2.24 2.25 8 Journal of Applied Mathematics The functions T1 r and T2 r appearing in 2.25 are given as follows: T1 r n1 nn 3 2 n 3 r n2 n 3 zc r r− − n 3zc r n 3zc n n1 a 2 n 1 n 1 a − nn 3 2 r n zc n−1 − Azc r 2 a T11 T12 T13 T14 T15 T16 T17 , T2 − 2.26 r 2 r n3 n 3z r n2 nn 3 r n1 1 c − z2c Gzc 2 2 a a n 1n 3 a 2n 1 n 2 a 4 n 2n3 − 5n2 − 6n 4 n3 r zc log − Hzc , 4n 1n 2 rc where 4 n 2n3 − 5n2 − 6n 4 n3 nn 3 2 1 n 3 − zc z zc , Gzc 2n 1 2n 2 4n 1 c 8n 1n 2 7 n 10n6 32n5 18n4 − 93n3 − 164n2 − 52n 40 n3 Hzc zc . 8n 12 n 2n 3 2.27 For the easy evaluation of the integral in 2.25, it is rewritten as follows: u2 a2 I2 H 4κ u2 a2 H 4κ u2 a2 H 4κ ∂C ∂x ∂C ∂x a T1 T2 dr rc a T11 T12 T13 T14 T15 T16 T17 T2 dr 2.28 rc ∂C S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 S6 S7 , ∂x where S1 S4 a a T14 T2 dr, rC S2 T11 T2 dr, rC S5 a a T15 T2 dr, rC S3 T12 T2 dr, rC S6 a T13 T2 dr, rC a T16 T2 dr, rC S7 2.29 a T17 T2 dr. rC The details of obtaining the expressions for S1 , S2 , S3 , S4 , S5 , S6 and S7 are given in Appendix A. The effective axial diffusivity is defined as Deff q Pec2 Ezc κ 1 . − 48 A2 zc ∂C/∂x 2.30 Journal of Applied Mathematics 9 From the simplified form of the expression obtained for the flux of solute defined in 2.23, the expression for Ezc is obtained as Ezc 48nn 32n 9zc 24 − n 3n 5 n 2n 4n 52n 5 12n n6 13n5 58n4 82n3 − 91n2 − 305n − 142 z2c − 1 n2 n3 4 n5 n − − 24n2 n − 1n 32n 7z3c n 1n 2n 42n 3 3n 3 n8 12n7 36n6 − 46n5 − 257n4 74n3 404n2 − 112n − 64 z5n c n 12 n 2n 4n 5 24n 32 n2 4n − 3 zn6 c n 1n 2n 4n 5 6nn 3 n4 6n3 − 3n2 − 36n 24 zn7 c n 1n 4n 5 13 48n12 195n11 160n10 −913n9 −1878n8 1865n7 6772n6 z2n6 3 4n c −2535n5 −18918n4 −12512n3 5656n2 4872n−1152 − 3 3 n 1 n 2 n 32n 32n 5 4 3 n 2n3 − 5n2 − 6n 4 n4 6n3 − 3n2 − 36n 24 z2n8 c n 1n 2n 4n 5 6n − 1n 3 n4 2n3 − 5n2 − 6n 4 zn5 logzc c n 1n 2 2 6 n4 2n3 − 5n2 − 6n 4 z2n6 logzc c − . 2 2 n 1 n 2 2.31 2.2. Flow between Parallel Flat Plates 2.2.1. Governing Equations Cartesian coordinate system x, y is used to analyze the flow between parallel flat plates. The width of the flow region is taken as 2 h h is half of the spacing between the flat plates. Since, the flow is assumed as steady, laminar, and fully developed, the velocity of the fluid in the y direction is negligibly small and can be neglected for low Reynolds number flow 12. Thus, for the steady flow of viscous incompressible fluid between the parallel flat plates, the axial component of the momentum equation simplifies to dp d − τ, dx dy 2.32 10 Journal of Applied Mathematics where τ is the shear stress and p is the pressure. The constitutive equation of the H-B fluid model in Cartesian coordinate system is defined by ⎧ n ⎪1 du ⎨ τ − τy η − ⎪ dy ⎩ 0 if τ ≥ τy , if τ ≤ τy , 2.33 where u is the velocity in the x direction, η is the coefficient of viscosity of H-B fluid, τy is the yield stress, and n the is power law index of H-B fluid. The following boundary conditions are used to solve 2.32 and 2.33 for the unknowns shear stress τ and velocity u τ is finite at y 0, 2.34 u 0 at y h. 2.35 The simplified form of the species transport equation in the plug core region and outer region for the flow between flat plates are ∂2 C1 u c ∂C1 , κ ∂x ∂y2 2.36 ∂C2 ∂2 C2 u , 2 κ ∂x ∂y 2.37 where C1 and C2 are the concentration of the species in the plug core region and outer region, respectively, and x x − ut is the coordinate moving in the x direction with the normalized c uc − u, u u − u, u is the relative velocity in the outer region, and u c is velocity u, u the relative velocity in the plug core region, t is the time. The boundary conditions of the concentration of the species in the plug core region and outer region are ∂C1 0 at y 0, ∂r 2.38 C1 0 at y 0, 2.39 ∂C2 0 at y h, ∂r 2.40 C1 C2 at y yC , 2.41 where yC is half the width of the plug core region. Equations 2.36 and 2.37 can be solved by utilizing the boundary conditions 2.38–2.41 to get the expressions for the concentrations of the solute in the plug core region and outer region. Journal of Applied Mathematics 11 2.2.2. Solution Method Integrating 2.32 with respect to y and then using 2.34, one can easily get the following expression for the shear stress τ: τ − dp y. dx 2.42 Using 2.42 in 2.33 and then utilizing the boundary condition 2.35, the expression for the velocity of H-B fluid in the outer region is obtained as follows: u y nn 1 2 n − 1 dp n n 1 1 yc h − h − yn 1 − n 1yc hn − yn − yn − 1 , dx 2 n 1 η 2.43 where yc τy − dp/dx . 2.44 One can obtain the expression for the velocity of H-B fluid in the plug core region as below by replacing y by yc in 2.43 and then simplifying the resulting expression uc y dp n n 1 nn 1 2 n−1 nn − 1 n1 1 n yc h − yc . − − n 1yc h h dx 2 2 n 1 η 2.45 The normalized velocity or bulk velocity of the H-B fluid at a cross section is obtained as u uH Fzc , 2.46 where uH − dp n hn1 , − dx n 2η nn 2 n − 1n 2 2 n n2 − 3 zc − zc n2 , zc Fzc 1 − 2 2n 1 n 1 2.47 where zc yc /h. Solving 2.36 with the help of the boundary conditions 2.38 and 2.39, one can get the expression for the concentration of the species in the plug core region as follows: uH y 2 ∂C1 Mzc , C1 2κn 1 ∂x 2.48 12 Journal of Applied Mathematics where n 1n 2 2 nn − 1n 2 n1 n n2 − 3 zc − zc zc n2 . Mzc 1 − n 2zc 2 2 2 2.49 The following expression is obtained for the concentration of the species in the outer region by solving 2.37 with the help of the boundary conditions 2.40 and 2.41 C2 n2u H h2 ∂C2 κ ∂x 1 1 1 zn3 zc zn2 − z2c zn1 2 n1n2n3 2n12 n1n2 n n2 − 3 1 1 1 2 2 n2 − zc zc zc z 2n 1n 2 2n 1 4 4n 1n 2 4 n n2 − 3 n 2n3 − 5n2 − 6n 4 n2 n3 , zc zc z − 2n 1n 2 4n 1n 2n 3 2.50 − where z y/h. The flux of the solute across a cross section at constant x is defined as 1 q h y c 0 h ∂C ∂C dy dy . u c C1 − κ u c C2 − κ ∂x ∂x yc 2.51 For our convenience, 2.51 is rewritten as q −κ ∂C ∂x 1 I3 I4 , h 2.52 where I3 yC u c C1 dy u2H M2 zc yC3 ∂C , ∂x 6κn 12 h h u2 n 2h2 ∂C I4 u C2 dy H W1 y W2 y dy. 2 ∂x n 1 κ yC yC 0 2.53 2.54 Journal of Applied Mathematics 13 The functions W1 y and W2 y appearing in 2.54 are W1 y yn n 2 2 1 n 2 yn1 n 2 zc − zc n 2zc n − n1 h 2 n 1 n 1 h n 1 nn 2 2 yn−1 n n2 − 3 n2 zc n−1 − z − 2 2n 1 c h 2.55 W11 W12 W13 W14 W15 W16 W17 , W2 y − n3 n2 n1 y y zc 1 1 2 y z − 2n 1 c h n 1n 2n 3 h n 1n 2 h 2 n n2 − 3 y y zn2 Kzc , Jzc − c h 2n 1n 2 h 2.56 where n n2 − 3 1 1 2 1 − zc zc zn2 , Jzc 2n 1n 2 2n 1 4 4n 1n 2 c 4 n 2n3 − 5n2 − 6n 4 n3 z . Kzc 4n 1n 2n 3 c 2.57 Equation 2.54 is rewritten as below for the easy evaluation of the integral appearing in it I4 n 2u2H h2 κ ∂C ∂x h W1 y W2 y dy yC h n 2u2H h2 ∂C W11 W12 W13 W14 W15 W16 W17 W2 dy κ ∂x yC u2 a2 H 4κ 2.58 ∂C D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 , ∂x where D1 h W11 W2 dy, yC D2 h W12 W2 dy, yC D4 h W14 W2 dy, D5 h W15 W2 dy, yC h W16 W2 dy, yC W13 W2 dy, yC yC D6 D3 h D7 h W17 W2 dy. yC 2.59 14 Journal of Applied Mathematics The details of obtaining the expressions for D1 , D2 , D3 , D4 , D5 , D6 and D7 are given in Appendix B. The effective axial diffusivity is defined as Deff q 2Pec2 Nzc κ 1 , − 105 F 2 zc ∂C/∂x 2.60 where Nzc 35n2n 7zc 35 − n 42n 5 2n 1n 3n 4 35 n4 6n3 8n2 − 3n − 3 zc 2 35nn − 1n 2zc 3 8n 1n 3 n 12 n 3n 4 35n − 12 n 2z4c 35nn 6 n2 − 3 zn2 c − 42n 1 4n 1n 3n 4 − − − 35n2 n 5 n2 − 3 zn3 c 4n 12 n 3 35 n7 10n6 24n5 − 32n4 − 133n3 22n2 156n − 24 zn4 c 8n 12 n 3n 4 35n 2 n4 4n3 − 5n2 − 18n 12 zn5 c 4n 1n 3n 4 2 35n2 n2 − 3 z2n4 35n 2 n4 4n3 − 5n2 − 18n 12 zn6 c c 8n 3n 4 8n 12 − 35 957n10 16n9 80n8 −4n7 −492n6 −380n5 −113n4 740n3 −396n2 −192n72 z2n5 c 16n12 n32n12n5 35n n2 − 3 n4 4n3 − 5n2 − 18n 12 z2n6 c . 8n 1n 3n 4 2.61 3. Results and Discussion The objective of this study is to analyze the blood flow characteristics due to the shear augmented dispersion of solutes when blood flows i through circular tubes and ii between parallel flat plates, modeling blood as H-B fluid. It is also aimed to discuss the effects of various physical parameters on the velocity distribution of blood, relative diffusivity, and effective axial diffusivity of the solute 19. Journal of Applied Mathematics 15 1 0.8 H-B uid with n = 0.95,zc = 0.04-tube Newtonian fluid-plate Newtonian fluid-tube 0.6 Bingham fluid with zc = 0.04-plate 0.4 H-B fluid with n = 0.95, zc = 0.04-plate r/a or y/h 0.2 0 Casson fluid with zc = 0.04-plate −0.2 Power law fluid with n = 1.05-plate −0.4 Power law fluid with n = 1.05 -tube H-B fluid with n = 1.05, zc = 0.04-plate Bingham fluid with zc = 0.04-tube −0.6 −0.8 Casson fluid with zc = 0.04-tube −1 0 0.25 0.5 0.75 1 1.25 H-B fluid with n = 1.05, zc = 0.04-tube 1.5 1.75 2 2.25 Normalized velocity u/u Figure 2: Normalized velocity profiles of some non-Newtonian fluids flowing in a tube and between parallel flat plates. 3.1. Normalized Velocity Distribution The normalized velocity profiles of H-B and Casson fluids for different values of the power law index zc and yield stress n flow i through circular tube and ii between parallel flat plates are sketched in Figure 2. It is observed that the normalized velocity decreases marginally with the increase of power law index and yield stress. It is also seen that the normalized velocity of Newtonian fluid model is marginally higher than those of the H-B and Casson fluid models, and it is slightly higher than that of Power law fluid model. It is clear that the normalized velocity of H-B fluid model is considerably higher than that of the Casson fluid model. One can notice that the normalized velocity of any fluid model when it flows between parallel flat plates is very similar to its normalized velocity when it flows through a circular tube. It is of interest to note that the normalized velocity profile of the Newtonian fluid model is in good agreement with the corresponding normalized velocity profile in Figure 3 of Sharp 12. 3.2. Relative Diffusivity The variation of relative diffusivity with yield stress of H-B and Casson fluids when flowing i through circular tube and ii between parallel flat plates is shown in Figure 3. It is observed that the relative diffusivity decreases slowly with the increase of the yield stress of H-B and Bingham fluid models, but it decreases rapidly nonlinearly with the increase of the yield stress for Casson fluid model. It is also noted that the relative diffusivity decreases 16 Journal of Applied Mathematics 1.1 Bingham fluid-plates 1 Relative diffusivity H-B fluid with n = 0.95-tube Bingham fluid-tube H-B fluid with n = 0.95-plates 0.9 0.8 H-B fluid with n = 1.05-tube 0.7 Casson fluid-tube Casson fluid-plates 0.6 H-B fluid with n = 1.05-plates 0.5 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 Yield stress zc Figure 3: Variation of the relative diffusivity with yield stress for some non-Newtonian fluids when they flow in a tube and between parallel flat plates. 1 H-B uid with zc = 0.02-tube 0.9 Relative diffusivity 0.8 Power law fluid-tube 0.7 Power law fluid-plates 0.6 H-B uid with zc = 0.04-plates 0.5 0.4 H-B uid with zc = 0.02-plates 0.3 0.2 H-B uid with zc = 0.04-tube 0.1 0 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 Power law index 1/n Figure 4: Comparison of relative diffusivity of non-Newtonian fluids when flowing in a tube and between parallel flat plates. considerably with the increase of the power law index of the H-B fluid model. It is also found that the relative diffusivity is significantly higher for H-B fluid model than that of the Casson fluid model. It is seen that for any fluid model, the relative diffusivity is higher when it flows through circular pipe than when it flows between parallel flat plates. Figure 4 sketches the variation of relative diffusivity with the reciprocal of the power law index for H-B and power law fluids when they flow i through a circular tube and Journal of Applied Mathematics 17 Table 1: Estimates of yield stress zc and relative diffusivity E/A2 in the canine vascular system for flow in tube. E/A2 Velocity cm/s Diameter cm zc H-B fluid Bingham fluid Casson fluid n 0.95 n 1.05 Arterioles Venules Inferior vena cava Ascending aorta 0.75 0.35 25.00 20.00 0.00654 0.01120 0.03920 0.07370 0.005 0.004 1.000 1.500 1.0186 1.0141 0.9863 0.9495 0.9749 0.9716 0.9503 0.9207 0.9955 0.9922 0.9719 0.9450 0.9544 0.9391 0.8761 0.8179 Table 2: Estimates of yield stress zc and relative diffusivity N/F 2 in the canine vascular system for flow between parallel flat plates. N/F 2 Velocity cm/s Diameter cm zc H-B fluid Bingham fluid Casson fluid n 0.95 n 1.05 Arterioles 0.75 Venules 0.35 Inferior vena cava 25.00 Ascending aorta 20.00 0.005 0.004 1.000 1.500 0.00654 0.01120 0.03920 0.07370 1.0167 1.0136 0.9942 0.9700 0.9700 0.9655 0.9378 0.9018 0.9938 0.9894 0.9616 0.9251 0.9434 0.9245 0.8479 0.7787 ii between flat plates. It is clear that for power law fluid, the relative diffusivity increases rapidly with the increase of the reciprocal of the power law index from 0 to 0.5, and then it increases slowly with the increase of the reciprocal of the power law index from 0.5 to 1. The same behavior is also noticed for H-B fluid, but some nonlinearity is found at lower values of the reciprocal of the power law index. It is noted that for both H-B and power law fluid models, the relative diffusivity increases almost linearly with the increase of the reciprocal of the power law index. It is found that the relative diffusivity is marginally higher for power law fluid model than that of the H-B fluid model. 3.3. Some Physiological Applications The estimates of yield stress zc and relative diffusivity in the canine vascular system are useful to understand the dispersion of solutes in blood flow through arterioles, venules, inferior vena cava, and ascending aorta. Using the expressions obtained for flow in tubes, the estimates of yield stress zc and relative diffusivity in the canine vascular system 12, 24 in arteries of different diameters are computed in Table 1. It is observed that the estimates of the relative diffusivity decreases slowly with the increase of the yield stress. It is also noted that the relative diffusivity decreases gradually with the increase of the power law index. It is found that the solute disperses rapidly in arterioles than in ascending aorta. It is also noticed that the solute dispersion is faster when blood is modeled by H-B fluid or Bingham fluid than when it is modeled by Casson fluid. From the expressions obtained for flow between parallel flat plates, the estimates of yield stress zc and relative diffusivity in the same canine vascular system are computed in Table 2. It is noted that the variation in the relative diffusivity with the yield stress/diameter 18 Journal of Applied Mathematics of the canine artery is the similar to the one that was observed in the case of flow in tube flow in Table 1. From Tables 1 and 2, it is observed that for any fluid model, the relative diffusivity of the solute is slightly higher when it disperses in circular tube than when it disperses between parallel flat plates. 4. Conclusion This mathematical analysis exhibits many interesting results on the dispersion of the solutes in blood flow when blood is modeled by H-B fluid model and compares the results of the present study with the results of Sharp 12. The main findings of this theoretical study are summarized as follows. i The normalized velocity of blood flow is considerably higher when it is modeled by H-B fluid rather than Casson fluid model. ii The normalized velocity of blood is significantly higher when it flows through circular tube than when it flows between parallel plates. iii The relative diffusivity and axial diffusivity of the solute are marginally higher when blood is modeled by H-B fluid rather than by Casson fluid. iv The relative diffusivity and axial diffusivity of the solute are slightly higher when blood flows in circular tubes than when it flows between parallel flat plates. v The normalized velocity of blood, relative diffusivity, and axial diffusivity of solute decrease with the increase of the yield stress of the blood. Based on these results, one can note that there is a substantial difference between the flow quantities of H-B fluid model present results and Casson fluid model results of Sharp 12, and thus, it is expected that the present H-B model may be useful to predict physiologically important flow quantities. Hence, it is concluded that the present study can be treated as an improvement in the mathematical modeling of dispersion of solutes in blood flow through narrow diameter arteries. Since the solutes may disperse unsteadily, the study on the unsteady diffusion of solutes in blood flow with effects on boundary absorption would be more realistic, and this will be done in the near future. Appendices A. S1 a 2 4 4 n 12n3 45n2 54n zc n 7n3 7n2 − 15n z2c n 7 − 8n 1n 5 8n 1n 22 n 4 16n 13 − n 3z4c 8n 12 nn 32 6 n 32 5 z − z 8n2 3n 2 c 16n 12 c Journal of Applied Mathematics 19 7 n 4n6 − 10n5 − 60n4 − 39n3 112n2 128n − 8 n3 zc 32n 13 n 22 5 n 11n4 37n3 27n2 − 42n − 18 n5 n 3 n4 2n3 − 5n2 − 6n 4 n7 − zc − zc 8n 12 n 4n 5 32n 12 n 2 n 3 n4 2n3 − 5n2 − 6n 4 n3 zc log zc , 8n 12 n 2 n 2n3 19n2 60n 63 n 4 2 S2 a − zc 2n 1n 3n 5 2n 1n 22 n 52n 5 n n4 8n3 18n2 − 27 4n 13 n 2n 5 n6 7n5 17n4 − n3 − 54n2 − 50n 8 zn3 c z2c 4n 13 n 22 n 5 n 32 zn6 nn 32 c zn7 c 2n 12 n 5 2n3 8n2 17n 10 4n 12 n 5 6 2n 15n5 39n4 33n3 − 25n2 − 52n − 8 2n6 − zc 8n 12 n 2n 32n 5 4 n 2n3 − 5n2 − 6n 4 n3 n 3 n4 2n3 − 5n2 − 6n 4 2n8 zc − zc log zc , 8n 12 n 2n 5 4n 12 n 2 S4 a 2 − nn 32 n 6 2 n 3 5 n 7 z z zc c 8n 5 8n 1 c 16n 12 8n 22 n 4 n 32 6 nn 32 7 n7 4n6 − 10n5 − 60n4 −39n3 112n2 128n−8 n4 z z − − zc 8n 2 c 16n 1 c 32n 12 n 22 n 3 n4 8n3 13n2 − 12n − 6 n6 zc 8n 1n 4n 5 n 3 n4 2n3 − 5n2 − 6n 4 n8 zc 32n 1n 2 n 3 n4 2n3 − 5n2 − 6n 4 n4 zc log zc , − 8n 1n 2 S3 a − 2 n 3zn5 c nn − 1n 3n 5 − nn 33 nn − 1n 32 2n 5 3 2n 7 2 zc − z zc c 2n 42n 5 2n 23 4 n 4n 12 n 42n 3 6 n 7n5 15n4 n3 − 44n2 − 56n 4 n4 n 3 zn5 zc − − 2 2 2n 1n 4 c 4n 1 n 2 n 4 n 3 4n 22 n 4 − zn6 c nn 32 n7 z 2n 2 c 20 Journal of Applied Mathematics n 32 4n6 28n5 51n4 − 15n3 − 97n2 − 39n 24 8n 1n 23 2n 32n 5 n 3 n4 2n3 − 5n2 − 6n 4 2n8 zc − 8n 1n 2n 4 n 3 n4 2n3 − 5n2 − 6n 4 n4 zc log zc , 4n 1n 22 S5 a 2 z2n6 c nn 7 2 n2 n 32 n 6 3 n2 n − 1n 3n 5 4 z − zc z 16n 5 c 16n 22 n 4 c 32n 12 nn 3 6 nn 32 7 n2 n 32 8 z z − z 16n 1 c 16n 2 c 32n 1 c n n7 4n6 − 10n5 − 60n4 − 39n3 112n2 128n − 8 − − zn5 c 64n 12 n 22 nn 3 n4 8n3 13n2 − 12n − 6 n7 nn 3 n4 2n3 − 5n2 − 6n 4 n9 zc − zc 16n 1n 4n 5 64n 1n 2 n 3 n4 2n3 − 5n2 − 6n 4 n5 zc log zc , 16n 1n 2 n n2 n 32n 5 3 n2 n − 1n 2n 3 4 z2c zc zc − 4n 2 4n 22 2n 3 8n 13 n2 n4 4n3 3n2 2n 10 n5 nn 3 n6 n2 n 3 n7 zc z zc − 2 2 4n 2 8n 1 c 8n 1 n 2 nn 32 2n5 3n4 − 2n3 n2 2n − 4 2n6 − zc 16n 13 n 22n 3 n n4 2n3 − 5n2 − 6n 4 2n8 nn 3 n4 2n3 − 5n2 − 6n 4 n5 zc − zc log zc , 16n 1n 2 8n 12 n 2 S6 a − 2 n 2n3 27n2 113n 146 n 7 S7 −a − zc 8n 3n 5 8n 22 n 42 n 5 n n7 19n6 142n5 538n4 1078n3 1005n2 147n − 242 2 − zc 8n 12 n 23 n 4n 5 6 n 6n5 − 22n3 11n2 − 8n − 4 4 n 32n 1 5 z zc − 8n 1n 2 c 32n 13 2 nn 32n 3 n2 3n 1 2 8n 1 n 2 2 z6c nn 32n − 1 7 z 16n 1n 2 c Journal of Applied Mathematics 21 8 n 7n7 − 14n6 − 186n5 − 347n4 203n3 1024n2 616n − 152 n3 zc − 32n 12 n 22 n 3n 5 n n8 6n7 − 18n6 − 184n5 − 311n4 266n3 1000n2 504n − 176 n4 zc 32n 12 n 23 n 4 n n10 21n9 150n8 378n7 −235n6 −2391n5 −2388n4 1288n3 1800n2 608n192 n5 zc 64n 12 n22 n4n5 n 3 n4 8n3 13n2 − 12n − 6 n6 zc 8n 1n 2n 4n 5 n − 1 2n7 25n6 107n5 169n4 35n3 − 54n2 12n − 80 n7 − zc 32n 12 n 2n 4n 5 n − 2n 3 n4 2n3 − 5n2 − 6n 4 n8 − zc 32n 1n 22 nn − 3n 3 n4 2n3 − 5n2 − 6n 4 n9 zc 64n 12 n 2 4 n 2n3 −5n2 −6n4 n7 4n6 −10n5 −60n4 −39n3 112n2 128n − 8 2n6 zc 64n 12 n 23 n 3 4 n 2n3 − 5n2 − 6n 4 n4 8n3 13n2 − 12n − 6 2n8 − zc 16n 12 n 2n 4n 5 2 4 4 n 2n3 − 5n2 − 6n 4 n 2n3 − 5n2 − 6n 4 n3 2n10 zc logzc − zc − 8n 1n 2 64n 12 n 22 nn 3 n4 2n3 − 5n2 − 6n 4 n4 zc logzc 8n 1n 22 nn − 1n 3 n4 2n3 − 5n2 − 6n 4 n5 − zc logzc 16n 12 n 2 4 n 2n3 − 5n2 − 6n 4 2n6 zc logzc . 16n 12 n 22 A.1 B. W1 h n − 1n 4z2c nn 5zc n 6 − 6n 1n 2n 3n 4 6n 12 n 2n 3 12n 12 n 2 − z3c 2 6n 1 n 2 z4c 6n 1 2 1 z5 12n 1 c 22 Journal of Applied Mathematics 2 n n2 − 3 − 4 n 2n3 112n2 − n − 8 zn3 c 6n 12 n 2 4n 12 n 2n 3 4 n n2 − 3 n 6n3 7n2 − 6n − 4 n4 n5 zc − zc , 4n 12 n 2n 3n 4 12n 12 n 2 W2 h − W3 h − zn2 c nn 3 2n 7 zc 2n 1n 3n 42n 5 2n 12 n 2n 4 n − 1n 22n 5 2 n n2 − 3 z2n6 c zc , 4n 12 n 42n 3 4n 12 n 4 nn 5 n 6 n − 1n 4 3 zc zc z2c − 6n 1n 3n 4 6n 12 n 3 12n 12 1 n 2 6 n n2 − 3 n3 4 z zc z 12n 1 c 6n 12 c 6n 12 n4 2n3 − 5n2 − 6n 4 − 2 4n 1 n 3 2 n n − 3 n6 zc , 12n 12 W4 h n4 6n3 7n2 − 6n − 4 − zn4 c 2 4n 1 n 3n 4 zn5 c 1 n2n 5 n − 1n 22 3 zc − z2c zc 2n 2n 3 2n 1n 32n 3 4n 12 n 3 4 nn 4 n2 − 3 n 2n3 − 5n2 − 8n 2 n4 n3 z − zc 4n 1n 2n 3 c 4n 12 n 3 n 2 n 2 n6 zn5 − z 2n 1n 3 c 4n 3 c 5 2n 5n4 n3 − 3n2 − 2n − 2 2n5 n n2 − 3 2n6 , z zc 4n 1n 3 c 4n 13 n 22n 3 W5 h nn 5 n 6 n − 1n 4 4 z2c − z3c zc 12n 3n 4 12n 1n 3 24n 1 n 3 6 n 2 7 n n2 − 3 n4 z − zc − z − 12n 1 c 24 12n 1 c 4 n 2n3 − 5n2 − 6n 4 n5 n n2 − 3 n7 zc − z − 8n 1n 3 4n 1 c nn 3 n4 8n3 13n2 − 12n − 6 n7 zc , 16n 1n 4n 5 Journal of Applied Mathematics 23 n2n 5 n2 z2c z3c W6 h − 4n 2n 32n 3 4n 12 nn − 12n 3 4 n n4 3n3 − 3n2 − 7n 2 n4 z − zc 8n 12n 1 c 8n 12 n 2 3 n n2 − 4n 4 n5 n n6 zc zc − 8n 3 8 2 n2 n2 − 3 n 2 2n n − 2 2n5 2n6 , z − zc 8n 1n 2 c 8n 12 2n 12n 3 n2 n 5 n2 − 3 nn 6 n2 − 3 n2 W7 h z zn3 c 12n 1n 2n 3n 4 c 12n 12 n 2n 3 nn − 1n 4 n2 − 3 n4 n n2 − 3 n n2 − 3 n6 n5 zc zc − zc 24n 12 n 2 12n 12 n 2 12n 12 n n2 − 3 n7 n2 n2 − 3 z − − z2n4 c 24n 1 c 12n 12 n 2 n n2 − 3 n4 2n3 − 5n2 − 6n 4 2n5 n n2 − 3 n4 6n3 7n2 − 6n − 4 2n6 zc zc 8n 12 n 2n 3 8n 12 n 2n 3n 4 2 n2 n2 − 3 2n7 . − zc 24n 12 n 2 B.1 Acknowledgment The present work is supported by the research university grant of Universiti Sains Malaysia, Malaysia Grant no.: 1001/PMATHS/811177. 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