January 9, 2014 Dear Superintendents and Charter School Directors: With the start of fall testing, the implementation of Senate Bill 402/S.L. 2013-360, is presenting unique challenges for some LEAs/charters because of the requirement for all assessments and their alternates to be administered within the final five instructional days for semester courses or the final ten instructional days for year-long courses. One clear difficulty is the requirement for proctors. To assist schools in administering tests within the testing window, LEAs/charters are excused from requiring proctors in every testing setting. If after working with the Regional Accountability Coordinator and exhausting all options, it is not possible to have proctors as stated in the Test Administrator’s Guide, LEAs may submit a letter to the Office of the State Superintendent stating the hardship and assuring the district assumes responsibility for test security. With fall testing imminent, we realize districts will have to proceed to alter their testing plans and concurrently submit the letter to Dr. Atkinson. The purpose of the letter is to document which districts will utilize this option, not to initiate a review or to grant permission. Permission is granted. Ideally, every test administration should have a proctor present and it is most preferred when test administrations exceed thirty students. When this is not possible, it is important for us to work together and find ways to continue to ensure all students are assessed fairly in positive and secure settings. Thank you for all you do for the children of North Carolina. Sincerely, June St. Clair Atkinson JSA:TH:th OFFICE OF THE STATE SUPERINTENDENT June St. Clair Atkinson, Ed.D., State Superintendent | june.atkinson@dpi.nc.gov 6301 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-6301 | (919) 807-3430 | Fax (919) 807-3445 AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY/AFFIRMATIVE ACTION EMPLOYER