PHYSICAL REVIEW B 69, 214512 (2004) Non-Abelian Berry phase and Chern numbers in higher spin-pairing condensates Chyh-Hong Chern,1 Han-Dong Chen,2 Congjun Wu,1 Jiang-Ping Hu,3 and Shou-Cheng Zhang1 1Department of Physics, McCullough Building, Stanford University, Stanford, California 94305-4045, USA of Applied Physics, McCullough Building, Stanford University, Stanford, California 94305-4045, USA 3Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of California, Los Angeles, California 90095-1547, USA (Received 4 October 2003; revised manuscript received 27 January 2004; published 18 June 2004) 2Department We show that the non-Abelian Berry phase emerges naturally in the s-wave and spin quintet pairing channel of spin-3 / 2 fermions. The topological structure of this pairing condensate is characterized by the second Chern number. This topological structure can be realized in ultracold atomic systems and in solid state systems with at least two Kramers doublets. DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.69.214512 PACS number(s): 74.90.⫹n, 71.10.Fd, 03.75.Nt, 02.40.Re I. INTRODUCTION Topological gauge structure and Berry’s phase1 play an increasingly important role in condensed matter physics. The quantized Hall conductance can be deeply understood in terms of the first Chern class.2,3 The fractional quantum Hall effect (FQHE) can be fundamentally described by the U共1兲 topological Chern-Simons gauge theory.4 The effective and one-dimensional action for ferromagnets5 6,7 antiferromagnets contains Berry phase terms that fundamentally determine the low energy dynamics. More recently, Berry’s phase associated with the BCS quasiparticles in pairing condensates has also been studied extensively.8–10 While Abelian Berry’s phase has found its stage in condensed matter systems, people continue to have an interest in seeking the physical realization of non-Abelian Berry’s phase.11,12 Recently, the non-Abelian SU(2) (Refs. 13–15) Berry’s phase (or holonomy, to be precise) has been systematically investigated in the context of condensed matter systems. Demler and Zhang16 investigated the quasiparticle wave functions in the unified SO(5) theory of antiferromagnetism and superconductivity, and found that the spin density wave (SDW) and the BCS quasiparticle states accumulate an SU(2) Berry’s phase (or holonomy) when the order parameter returns to itself after an adiabatic circuit. Zhang and Hu17 found a higher dimensional generalization of the quantum Hall effect based on a topologically nontrivial SU(2) background gauge field. Rather surprisingly, the non-Abelian SU共2兲 holonomy also found its deep application in the technologically relevant field of quantum spintronics.18,19 All these condensed matter applications are underpinned by a common mathematical framework, which naturally generalizes the concept of Berry’s U共1兲 phase factor. This class of applications is topologically characterized by the second Chern class and the second Hopf map, and applies to fermionic systems with time reversal invariance. In this paper, we investigate the nontrivial topological structures associated with the higher spin condensates. We first review the momentum space gauge structure of the spin-1 condensate, namely the A phase of 3He. As it has been pointed out,8 the momentum space gauge structure of the pairing condensate is given by that of the t’Hooft-Polyakov monopole. We then investigate the system of spin-2 (quintet) 0163-1829/2004/69(21)/214512(5)/$22.50 pairing condensate of the underlying spin-3 / 2 fermions. The most general Hubbard model of spin-3 / 2 fermions has recently been introduced and investigated extensively by Wu et al.,20 who found that the model always has a generic SO共5兲 symmetry in the spin sector. Building on this work, we show here that the fermionic quasiparticles of the quintet pairing condensate can be described by the second Hopf map. Similar to the SDW+ BCS system investigated by Demler and Zhang,16 the quasiparticles of the quintet pairing condensate also accumulate an SU(2) holonomy. The quintet pairing condensate can be experimentally realized in a number of systems. Cold atoms with spin-3 / 2 in the continuum or on the optical lattice can be accurately described by the model of local contact interactions20 U0 and U2. These interaction parameters can be experimentally tuned over a wide range, including the range for stable quintet condensates. Effective spin-3 / 2 fermions can also be realized in solid state systems with at least two Kramers doublets; for example, in bands formed by P3/2 orbitals. In the rest of this paper, we shall use spin-1 / 2 system to be short for the spin-1 / 2 superfluid 3He-A and spin-3 / 2 system for the s-wave spin-3 / 2 superconductor in the quintet channel. The repeated indices are assumably summed throughout this paper. II. SUPERFLUID 3He-A A. Goldstone manifold and the first Hopf map The general form of the equilibrium order parameter in the 3He-A phase can be written as8 共2兲 具⌬共k兲ai典 = ⌬kd̂a共ê共1兲 i + iêi 兲, 共1兲 where the spin index 共a兲 and orbital index 共i兲 run from 1 to 3. ⌬k is a complex number that contains the information of the magnitude and the U共1兲 phase. d̂ is the normal vector of the plane to which the spin direction is restricted. The orthogonal vectors ê共1兲, ê共2兲, and l̂ = ê共1兲 ⫻ ê共2兲 form a local physical coordinate frame. The Goldstone manifold of the order parameter is given by8 69 214512-1 ©2004 The American Physical Society PHYSICAL REVIEW B 69, 214512 (2004) CHERN, CHEN, WU, HU, AND ZHANG Ra = G/H = =S 2 丢 U共1兲 丢 SO共3兲共L兲 丢 SO共3兲共S兲 SO共2兲 共S兲 丢 U共1兲 combined combined 丢 Z2 共2兲 SO共3兲relative/Z2 . Here, SO共3兲relative denotes such rotations about the axis l̂ that lead to new degenerate states that are relative towards gauge transformations.8 The U共1兲combined comes from the fact that the A-phase state is invariant under combined transformation8 of the gauge transformation with the parameter from the U共1兲 group and the orbital rotation of ê共1兲, ê共2兲, and l̂ about axis l̂ by the same angle . The Zcombined 2 denotes the combined operation that d̂ → −d̂ , ⌬k → −⌬k. This combined discrete symmetry leads to the existence of halfquantum vortices.8 Around a half-quantum vortex, the vector field d̂ is continuously rotated into −d̂, and the U共1兲 phase of ⌬k continuously evolves from 0 to when the order parameter returns to itself after an adiabatic circuit. If we fix the local orthogonal frame in an arbitrary direction and adiabatically move the quasiparticle around a line defect of a half-quantum vortex, the trajectory of the order parameter is a closed loop on the S2 / Z2 space. On the other hand, the degrees of freedom of the quasiparticle (a twodimensional spinor) form a three-dimensional sphere S3 and the trajectory of the quasiparticle on S3 is not closed. This adiabatic evolution defines the following map: S3 → S2/Z2 . 共3兲 In the topological terminology, Eq. (3) is determined by the third homopotic group denoted by 3共S2 / Z2兲. Due to a theorem in the Homopoty theory,21 k共Sn/Z2兲 = k共Sn兲, k 艌 2. for 共4兲 Equation (3) is homopotically equivalent to the first Hopf map S3 → S2, that is U共1兲 Berry phase in the FQHE and other nanostructures in the semiconductors.22,23 B. Berry connection, first Chern number, t’Hooft-Polyakov monopole, and Dirac monopole If we define the spinor as † † ,ck,−1/2 ,c−k,1/2,c−k,−1/2兲, ⌿†k = 共ck,1/2 共5兲 the mean field Hamiltonian for 3He-A is given by H= with 冉 ⬘ 兺k ⌿†k Hk⌿k , 共6兲 The Berry phase connection (BPC) is defined by the differential change of states projecting to themselves. In this paper, it will be illustrated by using the state with a positive eigenvalue. BPC obtained from the state with a negative eigenvalue is simply the complex conjugate to the one with the eigenvalue of a different sign. The BPC and its field strength can be obtained, respectively, as Aa = − iAca c , 2 冊 共7兲 where ⌬k = −⌬kd̂aaR and R = −i2. ⑀k is the kinetic energy on the lattices referenced from the Fermi surface and the summation of momentum k is over half of the Brillouin zone to avoid the double counting. Here, 0 is the 2 ⫻ 2 identity matrix and 1,2,3 are Pauli matrices. 共8兲 1 ⑀bced̂ed̂a . d2 共9兲 and a Fbc = bAac − bAac + ⑀adeAdbAec = − The gauge invariant magnetic field can be defined as 1 d̂a e Ba = ⑀abcFbc de = − 2 . 2 d 共10兲 This is a U共1兲 magnetic-monopole-like field in the d-space. It emerges when there are line defects in the d̂-field, e.g., half-quantum vortices in the superfluid He-3A phase. If we transport the spin-1 / 2 fermion adiabatically around the vortex, the electronic wavefunction gains the phase accumulated due to the d̂-field, as we discussed previously. Moreover, the first Chern number can be computed easily, as C1 = 1 ជ ជ 养 B · dS = − 1. 4 共11兲 This is the famous t’Hooft-Polyakov monopole (TPM).8,24 Different from the Dirac monopole, the gauge field of the TPM is non-Abelian and finite everywhere over S2 / Z2, while the Dirac magnetic monopole is Abelian and has a singularity string. There is a deep and direct relation between them, which can be achieved by a singular gauge transformation.25–28 The present SO共3兲 Berry phase defines a SO共3兲 gauge theory on S2 / Z2. Using the covariant derivative Da = a + Aa, the SO共3兲 generators in the presence of t’Hooft-Polyakov monopole can be written as29 Lab = ⌳ab − id2 f ab, a = 1,2,3, 共12兲 c f ab = −iFab c / 2. where ⌳ab = −idaDb + idbDa and Defining Ia = 21 ⑀abcLbc, one finds easily that 关Ia , Ib兴 = i⑀abcIc, satisfying the SO共3兲 algebra. Using Eqs. (8) and (9), one can show 共0兲 + ⑀abc Lab = Lab ⑀ k 0 ⌬k Hk = , † ⌬ k − ⑀ k 0 d̂b , d Aca = ⑀abc c , 2 共13兲 where L共0兲 is the orbital angular momentum, defined by 共0兲 Lab = −idab + idba. Define26 冋冑 册 V = exp i 3ada d2 − d23 , 共14兲 where ab = ⑀abcc / 2 and cos = d3 / d. One can perform a singular SO共3兲 gauge transformation on Lab such that Jab = VLabV†, where 214512-2 PHYSICAL REVIEW B 69, 214512 (2004) NON-ABELIAN BERRY PHASE AND CHERN NUMBERS IN… 3 , 2 共15兲 d 3 , d + d3 2 共16兲 J = − id + id + ⑀ J3 = − id3 + id3 − ⑀ terestingly, the spin SU共2兲 singlet and quintet channel interaction can also be interpreted as SO共5兲 group’s singlet and five-vector representations. The Cooper pair structures have also been studied in spin3 / 2 system.20,31 The singlet and quintet pairing channel operators are described by with , = 1 , 2. ⑀ is the antisymmetry tensor, which has only one component: ⑀12 = 1 in this case. It is obvious that J = J12 forms the U共1兲 generator on S2 / Z2. From the definition of Eq. (12), one can extract the U共1兲 BPC regardless of the unnecessary 3 / 2, as a = − i ⑀ d , d共d + d3兲 a3 = 0, 共17兲 1 2 †共r兲 = c␣† 共r兲R␣c† 共r兲, †a共r兲 = where ⌫a are the SO共5兲 gamma matrices that take the form and the finite U共1兲 field strength over S2 / Z2 as dc Fab = i⑀abc 3 . d ⌫1 = 共18兲 We should notice that the singular gauge transformation we used has a singularity string along the negative z axis. Therefore, while the covariant SO共3兲 BPC is finite over the whole d̂-field, the U共1兲 BPC has a singularity string that is reflected through the transformation. This transformation is only valid on the northern hemisphere including the equator of the S2 / Z2. One is able to choose another gauge that has the singularity along the positive z axis to describe the transformation on the southern hemisphere. In the overlap region, the two gauge connections should be connected by a gauge transformation.30 The role of this singular gauge transformation is very intriguing. We can view the covariant SO共3兲 gauge potential Aca in Eq. (8) as a vector dc pointing in the isospin space. The singular gauge transformation is nothing but the rotation of the spin vector from dc to d3. Therefore, the invariant subgroup of SO共3兲 emerges from the isometry group of the equator of S2 / Z2, which is U共1兲. This mechanism accounts for the appearance of the U共1兲 Berry phase in this problem. As a result, the SO共3兲 Berry phase in this system is essentially equivalent to the U共1兲 Berry phase. III. s-WAVE QUINTET PAIRING CONDENSATE IN SPIN-3 / 2 SYSTEM −i † c 共r兲共⌫aR兲␣c† 共r兲, 2 ␣ 冉 0 iI − iI 0 冊 , ⌫i = 冉 冊 i 0 , 0 − i ⌫5 = 冉 0 −I −I 0 冊 , 共19兲 satisfying the Clifford algebra 兵⌫a , ⌫b其 = 2␦ab. The SO共5兲 charge conjugate matrix R is given by R= 冉 0 i2 i2 0 冊 . 共20兲 The quintet pairing structure is spanned by the five polarlike † , whose expectation value has a five-vector operators 1⬃5 and a phase structure as daei. The Goldstone manifold for the quintet pairing is R3/2 = SO共5兲s 丢 SO共3兲L 丢 U共1兲 = S4 丢 U共1兲/Z2 , 共21兲 SO共4兲s 丢 SO共3兲L 丢 Z2 where the Z2 symmetry comes from the combined operations da → −da , → + . Because the four-component spinor forms the sevendimensional sphere, similar to the spin-1 / 2 case, the adiabatic transportation of the quasiparticle around a halfquantum vortex in our spin-3 / 2 system defines a map S7 → S4/Z2 , 共22兲 which is homopotically equivalent to the second Hopf map, that is, S7 → S4. B. Berry connection, second Chern number, SO(4) monopole, and Yang monopole A. Goldstein manifold and the second Hopf map Another candidate for nontrivial gauge structures is the spin-3 / 2 fermionic system with contact interaction, in which an exact SO共5兲 symmetry was identified recently.20 It may be studied in the ultracold atomic systems, such as 9Be, 132 Cs, 135Ba, 137Ba. The four-component spinor 共c3/2 , c1/2 , c−1/2 , c−3/2兲T forms the spinor representations of the SU共4兲 group which is the unitary transformation of the fourcomponent complex spinor. The kinetic energy term has explicit SU共4兲 symmetry. However, the s-wave contact interaction term breaks the SU共4兲 symmetry to SO共5兲. Because of the s-wave scattering, there are only the singlet and quintet channels, as required by the Pauli’s exclusion principle. In- Let us introduce the spinor † † † † ,ck,1/2 ,ck,−1/2 ,ck,−3/2 ,c−k,3/2,c−k,1/2,c−k,−1/2,c−k,−3/2兲, ⌿†k = 共ck,3/2 共23兲 where ck† is the creation operator of an electron with the spin component and momentum k. The mean field Hamiltonian can be written as H= with 214512-3 ⬘ 兺k ⌿†k Hk⌿k , 共24兲 PHYSICAL REVIEW B 69, 214512 (2004) CHERN, CHEN, WU, HU, AND ZHANG Hk = 冉 冊 ⑀ k⌫ 0 ⌬k , † ⌬ k − ⑀ k⌫ 0 共25兲 where ⑀k is the kinetic energy on the lattices referenced from the Fermi surface. ⌬k = −⌬kda⌫aR while ⌬k contains the magnitude and the phase of the superconducting order parameter. The momentum k is summed only over half of the Brillouin zone to avoid the double counting. The subscript a runs from 1 to 5. da forms a four-dimensional sphere S4. ⌫0 is the 4 ⫻ 4 identity matrix, and ⌫a are given by Eq. (19). The eigenvalues of Eq. (25) are = ± Ek = ± 冑⑀2k + 兩⌬k兩2 and their corresponding eigenvectors are ␣+ 共k兲 = ␣− 共k兲 = 1 冑共Ek + ⑀k兲2 + 兩⌬兩2 1 冑共Ek + ⑀k兲2 + 兩⌬兩2 冉 冉 共Ek + ⑀k兲兩␣典 ⌬k† 兩␣典 ⌬ k兩 ␣ 典 共Ek + ⑀k兲兩␣典 共26兲 冊 冊 , a = 1,2,3,4,5 i 共da⌫bc + db⌫ca + dc⌫ab兲, d3 , 1 养 d⍀dTr共FabcFabc兲 = 1, 962 1 Pab,cd⌫cd , d2 冋冑 册 U = exp i a = ⌫ 5d d2 − d25 = 1,2,3,4, , 共34兲 共30兲 共31兲 共32兲 where Pab,cd = 21 共␦ac␦bd − ␦ad␦bc + ␦addbdc − ␦bddadc − ␦acdbdd + ␦bcdadd兲. Pab,cd is a 10⫻ 10 matrix because a and b are antisymmetric as well as c and d. Similar to the projection operator ␦ − q̂q̂ in QED, Pab,cd is the transverse projection operator from ten-dimensional space to six-dimensional space, satisfying da Pab,cd = 0. The relation between Fabc and ordinary field strength f ab can be revealed if we define Gab, −i ⌺ d , d共d + d5兲 = 1,2,3,4, 共35兲 共36兲 a5 = 0, where ⌺ are the SO共4兲 generators in the 共 resentation, which have the form 冢 冣 i ⌺ = 共29兲 where d⍀d denotes the integration over the angular part of da. The field strength on S4, f ab = 关Da , Db兴 = aAb − bAa + 关Aa , Ab兴, can be obtained as f ab = − i Because of the projection operator Pab,cd in f ab, the fundamental degrees of freedom of the gauge structure in this problem are not SO共5兲 but SO共4兲, because SO(4) has six generators. We shall show that it is able to make a route from f ab to the SO共4兲 gauge field strength using a singular gauge transformation. Similar to the analysis in the second section, the transformation operator in this SO共5兲 case has the following form: 共28兲 where ⌫ab = 共1 / 4i兲关⌫a , ⌫b兴 making up of the SO共5兲 generators. Similar non-Abelian gauge structures also appeared in the pseudoparticle field in high dimensions.32–34 Instead of the first Chern number, we have the nonvanishing second Chern number C2 = − 共33兲 where cos = d5 / d. Equation (29) then becomes and Fabc = − 1 dc f ab = ⑀abcde Gde . 2 d 共27兲 where 兩␣典 are SU共4兲 spinors. We are interested in the system with the presence of halfquantum vortices. The formation of this kind of vortex is very similar to the ones in the spin-1 / 2 system. If we transport the spin-3 / 2 fermion adiabatically around one of them, a nontrivial phase is accumulated due to the d̂-field. The BPC and the covariant field strength can be obtained, respectively, by i Aa = 2 dc⌫ca, d which is dual to Fabc by Gab = ⑀abcdeFabc.33,34 Then, one can show i 2 0 兲 共 1 2 ,0 丣 0 , 21 兲 rep- 0 ¯i , 共37兲 i 2 where i = ⑀i4 + ␦i␦4 − ␦i␦4 is the t’Hooft symbol, and and run from 1 to 4. In this reducible representation of the SO共4兲 gauge group, one can easily distillate the SU共2兲 ingredients because SO共4兲 = SU共2兲 丢 SU共2兲. The self-dual SU共2兲 gauge field is given by a = −i i d i , d共d + d5兲 2 a5 = 0. = 1,2,3,4, 共38兲 Similar to the spin-1 / 2 system, we obtain the SO共4兲 BPC, which is only defined on the northern hemisphere with the equator. The singularity string along the negative z axis inherits from the singular gauge transformation. The role of the singular gauge transformation by U can be also interpreted as the rotation of a five-dimensional vector from an arbitrary direction da to d5 in the five-dimensional isospin space. Therefore, the invariant subgroup is the isometry group of the equator S3 / Z3, which is SO共4兲. Surprisingly, the representation we achieve in SO(4) gauge theory is the reducible 共 21 , 0兲 丣 共0 , 21 兲, which is the direct sum of two SU共2兲 gauge theory. Thus, the SU共2兲 Berry phase naturally arises in this system. This SU共2兲 nature of the Berry phase in the spin-3 / 2 system is manifested if we choose a special spinor 兩␣典 such that 214512-4 PHYSICAL REVIEW B 69, 214512 (2004) NON-ABELIAN BERRY PHASE AND CHERN NUMBERS IN… ⌬k兩␣典 = 兩⌬k兩e−i␣兩␣典, which is studied by Demler and Zhang.16 In this representation, 兩␣典 is not only a SU共4兲 spinors but also a SO共5兲 one. The BPC is then given by A±i ␣ = 具␣± 兩i兩± 典 = 具␣兩i兩典. 共39兲 This is exactly the SU共2兲 holonomy in the context of Demler and Zhang.16 The special choice of the spinors 兩␣典 is equivalent to fixing d̂a = d̂5 in our notion. IV. CONCLUSION AND DISCUSSION In summary, we found that the SU(2) non-Abelian Berry phase emerges naturally in quintet condensates of spin-3 / 2 fermions. The underlying algebraic structures for the 3He and the spin-3 / 2 system are the first and the second Hopf maps, respectively. The Chern numbers for both cases were obtained in a standard manner. In the previous case, only the first Chern number is nonvanishing, while in the later case, only second Chern number is nonzero. Both systems appear to have finite gauge potential, which means that the BPC can be defined covariantly everywhere over the d-field. However, the corresponding U共1兲 and SU共2兲 gauge connections can only be defined patch by patch in the d space. The bridge V. Berry, Proc. R. Soc. London, Ser. 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