Preliminary Geologic Evaluation Radon Availability in New Mexico Open-file of Report OF-345 Virginia T. McLemore and John W. Hawley New Mexico Bureau of Mines and Mineral Resources Socorro, NM 87801 Summary The primary identify and objective of ,characterize this areas preliminaiy in New report Mexico is where to geologic factors may significantly influence indoor radon'values. Areas which may have radon need%o be detectors survey can potential in be allocated by the to New these Mexico levels percentage of of irdoor redon locaiitiesa statewide during Environmental with U.S. the Environmental cooperation . . elevated identifiedso that a .larger conducted Division for-generating Improvement Protection Agency. The first step in this evaluation is to identify large areas where previous geologic studies indicate a probability of ,.havingelevated levels of indoor radon. Assessment of any health risks due to exposure of radon are beyond the scope of this study. Also, any potential exposure hazard may vary significantly from house to house. The only way to find out the of. extent exposure house due for to indoor this study grouped into three to house is to test that radon. In tive radon a specific in each rocks New Mexico soils in and radon-availability other and specific to were initially categories, New which Mexico are based rela- on geologic interpretations. Sbsequently, each county and the major cities in the state predominant ' were given a radon-availability availability category rating established based for on geologic the units in that area. The health risks, if any, associated with thes? geologically indoor Ten radon ranked levels counties areas is are are hot known until the survey rating for completed. assigned a high availability of radon basedon interpretation of .available data; they are Doka Ana, geologic and soil .LosAi.amos, Luna, McKinley, Hidalgo, of the Rio Arriba, Sandoval, Socorro, Santa Fe, and Taos. Seven most populated cities (1984 estimates) are rated high: Santa Fe, La.s Cruces, Roswell, Carlsbad, Gallup, Deming,Losand AlamosWhite Rock. Thirteen counties: Bernalillo, Catron,. Cibola, Chavez, Colfax, Eddy, Grant, Lea, Lincoln; Quay., San Juan, Sier-. ra, and Union: are assigned a moderate availability rating. Six of the most populated cities are rated moderate: Albuquerque, Rio Rancho, Clovis, Kobbs,'Grants-Milan, and Lovington. The remining ten counties-in New Curry, De Baca, Guadalupe, HsrdMexico: . . ing, Mora, Otero, Roosevelt, San Miguel, Torrance, and Valen-ia, are assigneda low availability: although, some homes in these areas may still have elevated levels of indoor radon. Six of the most populated cities are rated low: Farmington, Alamogordo, Las Vegas, Silver City, Portales, and Artesia. In addition it should be emphasized ability many that even houses may in counties have 2 low with of indoor levels moderate radon. and high avail- Purpose The U S . Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is conduzting ' surveyof indoor a nationwide the scope and magnitude levels in houses radon' health risks associated of to define with expo;iure to radon and its decay products (Magno and'Guimond, 1987). The actual the indoor radon Environmental surveys in Improvement NeQ Mexico Division- will (EID) of .be the conducted New by Mexico an inworHealth and Environment Department. Since geology plays . . tant role Mineral in the study, the New Mexico Bureau of Mines and Resources(NMBMMRJwas asked to provide the geologic expertise The required. EPA will in 1988-1989 to of EPA's geologic be and supply the aliocated soil EID2,000-3,000 with radon throughout conditions, New which detectors Mexico appear on to the basis correlate with elevated radon levels, and population distribution. Radon dctectors are used to measure concentrations of indoor radon. The first.step mary in objective areas in contribute New tion can of this be areas to of allocation is to geologic levels percentage is report where elevated objective tions of Mexico to cate a larger ary formulating a sample of with a high and the identify and characterize factors indoor may radon in pri- significantly order to allo- detectors to these areas. A seco7d- better plan used a predictive as probability of indoor radon. 3 geology tool of and in having related the soil identifica- elevated levels coydi- What is radon? Radon isa radioactive, colorless, odorless,' and tasteless gas that is short-lived naturally radioactive occurring decay in . It is a environment. our product of radium which is in turn a radioactive decay product of'uranium. The radon gas decays into a series of radioactive daughter products to which most of the health risks are attributed. Exposure to elevated concentra- -. tions of radon over long periods of time may increase chances of developing lung cancer. The radioactive decay'products are particularly health lung risks are cancer Radon . harmful large difficult cases is at are concentrations, to establish thought a problem not to outdoors be but the exact because the majority caused because by the cigarette of smoking. atmosphere dilutes the radon and associated health risks. However, radon becomes an indoor beneath a house hazard into the when the house gas through leaks from cracks in the the ,ground foundations and floors and around pipes and joints. Water may also a be source of indoor capillary-fringe as ground centrated radon water water in the and in below may the shallow house, occur either unsaturated water especially soil moisture (vadose)'zone tables. in as Radon colder as well becomes con- months when or the house is closed. The gas the solid. daughter products that adhere to dust particles, furniture, walls, and-floorsand tends The to health basements, remain risks where in the house in areas increase the gas tends 4 until of to it poor is breathed ventilation, accumulate. into such as the luqgs Indoor including radon levels geology, are dependent soil-water content; upon many building variables, construction. weather changes, and life styles of the occupants. The source of radon the rocks, soils, and shallow ground water but an adequate pathway for the gas to also required. The flow of radon pressure Thus, but Soil between the the house, is soil, generally a and levels are found onsoils with high concentrations of radium and uranium; are extremely and It is more radium permeable, quickly extremely and allowing than difficult in to uranium the predict for to not only in concentrations radon impermeable due atmosphere. indoor low radon house high with houses soils on farther into with in that the differential houses houses from gas to travel soils: an individual louse if indoor radon may abe hazard. Regional areas of increased probability of having identified using elevated geologic levels data as of in this indoor radon may be but the hazard report: still. variesfrom-house to house. Even in'areas low of risk of indoor radon hazards, a few houses in these areas may have e1.e- vated levels of indoor radon. The only way find.out to the extent of the risk due to a specific radon in indoor housei F to test that house for radon. If your home is above the EPA recommended action mitigate the level 4ofpCi/l, problem: there prevent are its basically infiltration two by ways sealing to cracks or dilute the gas inside the house by ventilation. For more information on radon, mitigate the the problem, the associated reader is health risks, referred and tc to (1988), Green Cohen and Nelson(1987), Hopke (1987), and U.S. Environmental 5 how Protection Agency (1986a, b, c). 6 Variation radon generation as a function of New Mexico geology in The first of.indoor step radon in formulating a sample levels is to plan evaluate the rocks for and the survey soils fo- radon-availability. Prediction of radon-availability requirzsa knowledge of lithology and uranium or radium content of various rocks and soils, rock structure (shears and fractures), soil and rock permeability, and nature of the ground water. The primary sources of data used to evaluate the rocks and soils in New Mexico were'l) aerial radiometric data,2) geologic, especially lithologic, data,3 ) uranium occurrence data,and 4) soil perme- ability data. Other sources of information include geochemical data, ground.water data, a and limited amountof indoor radon concentrations. These data were integrated to provide a prel.iminary estimate of radon-availability in New Mexico. Since the time spent four , due weeks) preliminary on this to assessment EPA assessment was relatively ,and EID constraints, and will require this more short is (less thar only a detailed study. Aerial radiometric data Aerial uranium radiometric concentrations correlates well data in with the provides a regional the surficial of radon amount in estimate rocks the and ground of soils and (Peake and Schumann, in press). However, it must be emphasized that the amount of radon that is available to a house enter from the ground is dependent upon many other variables. The primary so~rce€or reports aerial prepared radiometric as part data of the in New National Mexico a series is Uranium Resource 1974 tion (NURE) program. .The NURE program was established in 7 of Evalua- and an terminated assessment 2) to identify in 1984 and of the areas The NURE aerial ports the main were in the United resources uranium of objectives uranium 1).to States provide and mineralization. radiometric data basedon lo x 2O topographic has been quadrangles released and on in re- magnetic tape. The quadrangle reports inc1ude.a brief narrative and graphs of the flightline data, uranium anomaly maps, and hist.0- A colored contour grams of the radioactivity data by lithology. map of New Mexico concentrations,was showing radiometric prepared equivalent uranium by U.S. the Geological Survey at a scale of1:1,000,000 from data. NMBP’MR. A copy of this map is available for inspection at The individual were used in Several the quadrangle this (eU) computerized reports and aerial the radiometric state compilation map assessment. problems exist Most lo x 2O quadrangles in with New the Mexico aerial were radiometric flown with data. east-west flight line spacings of three miles. However, parts of the Tularosa and all of the Carisbad, Raton, and Ft. Sumner quadrangles ‘were. exist flown between with these six. mile flightlines spacings. and Large localized unmeasured anomalies ke may overlooked. In addition, ,not all areas of New Mexico were flown. The largest Missile Range In the Sions area are of no data is as Cruces north Lof southwestern known part to.occur in and of the west New frequently vicinity of the White San Alamogordo. Mexico, and of may atmospheric result in inv&runcompen- sated U-air anomalies. Atmospheric plumes generated by copper smelters in southwestern’ New 8 Mexico and southeastern \ Arizona also may uranium anomalies in the surveys. The effect of these atmospheric indoor radon The anomalies is in predicting elevated oflevels unknown. extremely high uranium anomalies in the aerial radiomet- 1) near Grants, Cibola County, aare ric data.(>5 ppm eU; Fig. result of high values measured over uranium mill tailings. Four in the occur Grants area, but only one is currently uranium mills active. Two of the mills are scheduled for cleanup. The com- puter generated Geological aerial Survey radiometric exaggerates map the produced significance by the of U.S. these anomz- lies: the actual area affected by the mill tailings is small and probably has not contributed excessive indoor radon to nearby houses. Aerial radiometric data are dependent a upon constant alti- tude above the ground. However, in some areas of New Mexico where there altitude are could steep not mountains be and maintained, deep canyons, constant resulting iri erroneous measure- ments. Both airplanes and helicopters were used to collect data in New stant Mexico altitude and helicopters than were able to better maintain ccn- airplanes. Geologic data Information units in New on the Mexico is type and important distribution of the in lithologic identifying areas of high radon-availability f o r generating indoor radon. Geologic maps, especially were the New Mexico Geological used. 9 Society.(1982) State map, Very the ' little rocks exists on radon data and soils of centrations in rocks and Rocks uranium with sufficient to New or Mexico, soils of concentrations produce radium elevated concentrations however data on uranium con- Newis Mexico more plentiful. exceeding 5 ppm U are levels of indoor radon (Peake Hess, 1987). In New Mexico, most rocks types could provide a source indoor for in and radon. In addition to lithology, structural features also play an . -. important role in some areas. Faults, shear zones, and areaF of highly and jo'inted they also rocks and migration of likely provide a pathway sites for of radon uranium to mineralization; migrate into horses Karst (rock dissolution) features in (Ogden et al.,1987). carbonate are gypsiferous terranes may also provide pathways for radon. Uranium occurrence data Areas of uranium occurrences and mines are Mexico (McLemore, 1983; McLemore and Chenoweth,1989). .majority of these of New Mexico, tions. Uraniferous areas however, coals are found in there aare number in the well Gallup in New The relatively of known important unpopulated areas excep- area,.McKinley County .(Fig. l), were once mined for uranium and the host rocks are probably a good source for radon. Other areas, such as northsrn 1) ,(Fig. occ~r Santa Fe County, and White Signal, Grant County in areas of numerous uranium occurrences near or at the surfa5e which could provide radon in nearby houses. Some indurated caliche (calcrete) horizons in soils and surficial geologic formations may also be sources of elevated uranium-radium-radm levels. A more detailed study of the correlationof known uyani- um occurrences, is population distribution, and indoor radon le7rels required. Soil permeability Soil aata - permeability data from soil surveys prepared by the Soil Conse.rvation Service (SCS) of theU.S. Department of Agriculture are an important data base for this assessment. Well drained, permeable Soils, typically exceeding6 in/hr, measurements with hydraulic provide'axcellent conductivity pathways for radon. Many areas of elevated radiometric equivalent uraniun. concentrations shown on the aerial radiometric map occur in e.reas of permeable soils. However, the soil permeability is data generalized and based on very few Actual measurements of hydrau- lic conductivity. Also soil-moisture regimes vary significantly on a seasonal affect as well permeability as an annual basis, and they can materially values. Other sources of data. Other sourcesof data,wereexamined to support interpreta- tions of aforementioned data. The NURE geochemical data consists of uranium analyses of stream sediment (McLemore and Chamberlin,1986). showing the in Mexico New distribution were used of to and ground water samples Geochemical reconnaissance maps for each lo x uranium identify 2O areas quadrangle of high uranium areas.iden3trations. Most of these areas correlate well with fied using aerial radiometric data.A few problems exist with the NURE geochemical data. Uranium concentrations in stream conoen- sediments are actually displaced and diluted values. Very little suchas host rock and depth of the grourid water information, samples, is available. .. Mexico were not In addition, inany populatedareas of New sampled and no data exists. Ground water datti, such as depth, flow direction, and chemical composition, provide additional information on hydrogeologic conditions which may affect the levels of indoor radon. Other - -. data such as distribution and character of geothermal areas,vere also used in this assessment. In Idaho, houses built in geothermal areas 1987). have higher levels of indoor radon (Ogden et al., This relationship has not been tested in New Mexico. amountof actual Only a limited indoor radon measurements are available. Most of the past studies of EID are conf.identia1. These published and unpublished data were examined 2sfor this sessment. Classification of Radon-Avai,lability The rocks and radon-availability categories New Mexico according to were grouped into three interpretations of available geologic data. Radon-avaiiability categories are relative to each other and specific to New Mexico. Because the risk o f inhaling or ingesting a dangerous amount of radon is due to complex architecture, atmospheric, and geologic factors, we refrain. from using the term "risk" in evaluating areas for avai ability of radon. The actual health risks associated with ea7h availability category are not known until the actual indoor radon surveys are completed.The geologic character of each category is described below. High radon-availability category The the high rocks radon-availability and soils are category believed to includes have the areas where greatest potential for .generation of indoor radon. These areas consist of rocks which typically 2.7 ppm exceed eU on the aerial radiometric rap and, generally, but not always include well drained, permeable - -_ 2.7 ppm eU was chosen on the basis of prior soils. The limit of (T. Peake, USWE, experiences of EPA elsewhere in personal commun., Sept., 1988). This category granitic rocks includes with many average outcrop uranium areas of Proterozoic concentrations of 3-17 ppm 1970; Brookins and Della Valle, 1977; Broo(Sterling and Malan, kins, 1978; Condie and Brookins,1980; McLemore, 1986; McLemore and McKee,1988). rocks in Tertiary rhyolitic and andesitic volcanic southwestern New Mexico contain anomalously high uranium 1980; Bornhorst and Elston, 1931) concentrations (Walton et al., and are included in this high category. For example, a sample of the Alum Mountain andesite near Silver City, GrantCOYCounty, tained 35.1 ppm U (Bornhorst and Elston, 1981). .The outcrop area of the Bandelier rated Tuff in high; a sample the Jemez Mountains in north-central contained14.8 ppm U (Zielinski, Mexico is 1981). Tertiary alkalic rocks in central and eastern New Mexico 1982) are also rated high: ma2y (New Mexico Geological Society, uranium and thorium occurrences are associated sive rocks (McLemore and Chenoweth, 1989). 13 with these Some Paleozoic and int-ru- New Mesozoic sandstones, shales, and limestones, locally contain tigh concentrations of uranium (Brookins and Della Valle, 1977; Dick1977) and son et al., are rated high availability for generating indoor radon. Some Cretaceous coals in the San Juan Basin ccntain 3-9 ppm U (Frank Campbell,NMBMMR, pers. Commun., Oct.3 , 1988) and are rated high. Areas of permeable valley-fill sedi- ments of Tertiary to Quaternary age are high, although only very few analyses of these rocks are reported. Areas'of intense shearing are and ranked A few : faulting, especially in areas of uraniferous rocks, high. areas in New Mexico contain rocks with greater 5 than ppm eU from the aerial radiometric map (Fig. 1). These areas typically constitutea high availabilityraking, with one exzep- tion, the Grants area. The Grants anomaly a result is of uranium mill tailings Most of explained and the has aerial geologically.' been assigned a moderate radiometric The availability. ( > 5 ppm eU) can be anomalies Gallup,anomaly is the only one n'zar a major city. It isa result of uraniferous coals, some of which were mined for uranium. The other anomalies occur in sparsely populated areas. The Vermejo Park anomaly is associated a with uraniferous um veins Proterozoic may occur et al., 1980) .. The County at and Tertiary in the and area anomaliesin the Laughlin alkalic granite Peak, intrusives; pegmatites; (Goodknight Cornudas Colfax uranium epithermal Reid and1984; Dexter, Mountains, County urani- are and'thorium Otero associated veins occur the area (McLemore and Chenoweth, 1989; Zapp, 1941; Staatz, 1982, 1985, 1986, 1987). Several anomalies occur in southern Socor1-o 14 with in County, east of Las Cruces in Dona Ana County, west-central the Black Range (Fig.1) that Hidalgo County, and in are asroci- ated with Tertiary rhyolitic and andesitic volcanics. Only two of these the anomalies Nogal Bishop cauldron Cap in associatedknown withuranium are in Dona County (Berrjr et al.,1982) ard Socorro Ana occurrences: County (McLemore and i989; Chenoweth, McAnulty, 1978). One of the McKinley aerial County, radiometric cannot be anomalies, readily north of Gallup in explained kygeological inter- It correlates with the Tertiary Chuska Sandstone, pretations. Cretaceous Menefee Formation;and associated surficial cover: no mining activity is in the area. Field examination of this area is required. Moderate availability This category category includes areas where.the rocks and soils only have a moderate availability for radon. These areas include rocks with2.3-2.7 ppm eU on generally consist of the aerial moderately includes many outcrop Paleozoic and Mesozoic radiometric permeable of Proterozoic areas sedimentary soils.. metamorphic map and This categ2ry rocks, and Tertiary-Quaternary rocks, sedimentary rocks. Some rocks and soils in the Pecos Valley area in eastern less Mexico than2.3 ppm anomalies mobile New occur and are rated eU because in the area, result in could moderate numerous suggesting elevated 15 high even though they uranium ground water that 1evels.of uranium indoor is have highly radon. .Low availability This where category category the rocks includes and soils the remaining areas of New Mexicc are believed a to low have availability 2.3 than ppm eU for radon. These areas include rocks with less on the aerial radiometric map and include areas of impermeable soils. Some houses in these areas may still have elevated levels of indoor.radon, obvious therenoare but geologic reasons for predicting their existence in the low availability areas. In addition, it mbderate levels should and of high indoor be emphasized availability that even potential in-.counties with many houses may have radon leveis in ho-lses low radon. classification of Counties The EPA's nationwide requires that Rankings by statistics available each for standardize each the of indoor countyranked-for be radon-availability. counties required survey are'required to for establish a sample county reporting allocation throughout of indoor 1) population reasons: two the United radon plan are States 2) to and surveys throughout the country. New Mexico is the fifth largest state in the United States, 3 3 counties. Some of these counties are as yet it contains only large or ,(Table 1). larger than some states in the eastern United States The geology and terrain of New Mexico are quite di- 1982), and major geolog5.c verse (New Mexico Geological Society, and landform obvious units problems in cut across ranking most counties 16 county for boundaries, creating radon-availability. For Mexico gory the is purpose ranked of according established'for category, if that the to the each county predominant units in the in New availability state (high, cate- moderate, is represented by more than one availabili- county category asses&ent, geologic or low). If. a county ty this is assigned the highest of the more 25% than represents classification, total county area. Some exceptions are explained below. Final county rank2. Similar procedures were used in ings are listed in Table countiesin Terihessee (Tennessee Department Health and evaluating '17, 1986). Environment, written commun., Nov. Since New geologically Mexico is diverse, the sparsely major populated cities in in most terns of places an4 population (Vigil-Giron, 1987-1988) were also assessed for radon-availabiliSome cities were rated higher than the rest of the ty (Table3). county. . In counties order were to emphasize assigned the population higher distributions, the classification 2). (Table Results Ten counties (Table 2; Fig. contain rocks 2). are assigned a high availability for radon Large areas of these counties typically and soils 2.7 than ppm eU greater with and the soils are permeable. Two counties, Dona Ana and Santa Fe Counties, the were rocks assigned a high in the ranking county even contain 2.3-2.7 ppm though the majority eU, because of major cities in both counties (Las Cruces and Santa Fe, Table 3) were ranked as having a high radon-availability. Gallup in McKinley County is ter a large probably number. the of most in New likely area Mexico houses 17. with elevated to levels encounof indoor is It must be emphasized that the health risks associated radon. with these determine house geologically the must health be Thirteen ranked are not known. areas specific associated a with risks tested for radon. counties are assigned a moderate (Table 2, Fig. 2). In order to house, that availability Large areas of these counties contain rocks and soils with 2.3-2.7 ppm eU. Soil permeabilities and litholo- gies vary. Three counties, Chavez, Eddy, and Lea, are assigned a moderate rating'even though most geologic evidence asuggests low ranking because cities in these counties are rated moderate. In addition, NURE ground water data suggest that uranium in ground water is highly mobile and could contribute radon. A study of uranium and Mexico high. radium indicates chloride occurred in mobility uranium in and radium concentrations, chemically ground but reducing water 1"ew southeastern in concentrations higher ground radium water correlate concentratiors (Hecrzeg et al., 1988). Four counties, Colfax, San Juan, Grant, and Sierra, cont.ain large areas of rocks that exceed 2.7 ppm eU and could be assigned a high rating. A moderate ratingwas assigned to these count.ies because 1) the uranium in the rocks and of soils many areas are 2) the cities in in moderately permeable to impermeable ground, these areas taining portions are rocks of rated moderate, 2.7 ppm exceeding the eU not are high, and areas 3) the in sparsely ccn- populated county. Ten counties were assigned a low availability. These counppm eU. The ties are underlain by rocks with less2.3than 18 with lithology and permeability of the rocks vary. Undoubtedly, some houses in these counties level, their but.there are will no exceed obvious the EPA's recommended geologic action reasons for predicting existence. Recommendations 1) Nonrandom surveys should be conducted in areas of high availability, especially in areas containing 5 than greater ppm eU (Fig.l), although many of these areas are'sparsely populated. 2) Detailed geologic maps and soil survey maps should be completed 3) for the major cities in New Mexico. Site specific studiesof individual houses with elevated levels of indoor radon should be completed. These studies should include detailed examination .of lithology, mineralo- g y , and structural features and analyses of soil permeability, soil gas composition, concentrations of uranium and radium in the soil, and radioactivity. 4) This preliminary' assessment must be revised as new data is collected and analyzed. Continued detailed interpretation of the data used in this preliminary assessment may also of known require revision of this report. Correlation uranium occurrences, population distribution, and indoor radon levels should be examined. Indoor radon measurements are required from relationship.. A more houses in complete 19 geothermaltoareas test data base of this uranium concen- trations in rocks and soils, especially Tertiary and Queter- nary sedimentary rocks, is needea. Eventually, when the indoor ated radon with surveys each the health.risks complete, are availability category may be assccidetermined. Acknowledgments Discussions Jacques son, and Renault, and critical Richard reviews of this Chamberlin, manuscript George Austin, by James Frank Kottiowski, NMBM?lR, were’appreciated. Richard Chamberlin ’ also provided the NURE geochemical 1:1,000,000. 20 data at a scale of Rotert- Table 1--Size and population of counties inNew.Mexico a1 states (Williams,1986; A-W Publishers, Inc., 1983). county Land Area (square miles) Population 1987 and population Density per square mile Bernalillo 1,169 Catron 6,929 Chaves 6,066 Colfax 3 ,762 Curry 1,408 De Baca 2 ,323 Dona Ana 3,819 Eddy 4,184 Grant 3,969 Guadalupe 3,032 Harding 2,122 Hidalgo 3 ,445 4,390 Lea Lincoln 4,832 109 LOS.Blamos 2,965 Luna 5,442 McKinley 1,930 Mora 6,626 Otero 2,874 Quay 5,856 Rio Arriba Roosevelt 2,453 3 ,707 Sandoval San Juan 5,522 4 ,709 San Miguel Saqta Fe 1,905 sierra 4,178 socorro 6,625 Taos 2,204 3,335 Torrance 3,830 union . Valencia 5,616 and Cibola TOTAL NEW MEXICO 121,336 64 ,700 1,498,100 11.5 12.3 STATE Rhode Island Delaware Connecticut Massachusetts Maryland Vermont New Hampshire New Jersey 947,154 638,432 3 ,107,576 5,737,037 4’,216,975 511,456 920,610 7,364,823 897.8 479,000’ 2,800 58 ,100 14 ,500 42,400 2,400 126,600 53 ,900 . “27,200 4,300 1,000 6,200 68 ,000 15 ,000 18 ,600 18 ,000 63 ,300 4,700 51,000 12,000 33,100 -16,700 .47,200 94 ,000 25,400 87,500 9,800 13,900 22 ,600 9,000 5,200 ’ 1,055 1,932 4 ,872 7,824 9,837 9,273 8 ,993 7.,468 21 sever- 409.8 0.4 9.6 3.9 30.1 1.0 33.2 12.9 6.9 1.4 0.4 1.8 15.5 3.1 170.6 6.1 11.6 2.4 7.7 4.2 5.7 6.8 12.7 17.0 5.4 45.9 2.3 2.1 10.3 2.7 1.4 637.8 733.3 428.7 55.2 102.4 986.2 Table 2--Preliminary radon-availability New Mexico. rating for counties High Dona Ana Hidalgo Los Alamos Luna McKinley riba Rio Sandoval Santa Fe incoln. Socorrd Taos in Moderate LOW Bernalillo Catron Cibola . Curry De Baca Guadalup Chavez Mora Colfax Otero GrantRoosevelt San Miqvel Torrance Valenci? Lea _. Sierra Quay union Table 3"PreliminaW radon-availability rating for some the largest cities in New Mexico (population from Vigil-Giron, 19871988). City Albuquerque Santa Fe Las Cruces Roswell Farmington Hobbs Clovis Carlsbad Alamogordo. Gallup Los AlamosWhite Rock Las Veqas Grants-Milan Rio Rancho Artesia Lovington silver City Portales Deming County Population estimates Classification 1984 Bernalfllo Santa Fe Dona Ana Chaves San Juan Lea Curry Eddy Otero McKinley Los Alamos San Miguel Cibola Sandoval Eddy Lea Grant Roosevelt Luna 350,575 52,274 50,275 45,702 37,332 35,029 33,424 28,433 27 I 485 20,959 moderate high high high low moderate moderate high low hiqh , , , , , high low moderate moderate .1 ow moderate low low high 19 040 1 5 364 1 2 823 1.2 310 11,938 11 IO4 11,014 10,456 10,609 22 REFERENCES A & W Publishers, Inc.;1983, Information please almanac,1983: Editorial Office, New. York, New York, pp. 665-691, 771. Berry, V. P., Nagy, P. A., Spreng, W. C., Barnes, C. W., and Smouse, P., 1982, Uranium resource evaluation, Tularosa quadrangle, New Mexico: U.S. Department of Energy, Quadrangle Report GJQ-014(82),22 pp. Bori-horst, T. J., and Elston,W. E., 1981, Uranium and thorium in mid-Cenozoic rocksof the Mogollon-Datil field, P. C.,-andWaters, southwestern New Mexico: Goodell, C., volcanic A. eds., Uranium in volcanic and volcaniclastic rocks: American Associatedof Petroleum Geologists, Studies in Geology 13, pp. 145-154. Brookins, D. from G., 1978, Radiogenic heat contribution to heat flow potassium, rocks of the uranium, Florida thorium Mountains Mexico: New Mex.iCo Bureau of Mines in and the the and Precambrian -Zuni Mineral silicic Mountains, Iiew Resources, Open-file Report98, 13 pp. Brookins,'D. 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