Hindawi Publishing Corporation Journal of Applied Mathematics Volume 2011, Article ID 762762, 18 pages doi:10.1155/2011/762762 Research Article Sufficient and Necessary Center Conditions for the Poincaré Systems P 2, 2n n ≤ 5 Jinya Xu1 and Zhengyi Lu1, 2 1 2 Institute of Computer Applications, Academia Sinica, Chengdu 610041, China Department of Mathematics, Sichuan Normal University, Chengdu 610068, China Correspondence should be addressed to Zhengyi Lu, zhengyilu@hotmail.com Received 22 August 2011; Revised 27 October 2011; Accepted 28 October 2011 Academic Editor: Mohamad Alwash Copyright q 2011 J. Xu and Z. Lu. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. We obtain sufficient and necessary center conditions for the Poincaré system P 2, 2n n ≤ 5. The necessity of the condition is derived from the first 2n focal values by symbolic computation with Maple, and the sufficiency is proved by Volokitin’s method. 1. Introduction Research on Hilbert’s sixteenth problem 1, 2 in general usually proceeds by the investigation on specific classes of polynomial systems. Much effort has been devoted in recent years to the investigation of various systems with cubic or quintic polynomials for the center problem 3–9. We are interested in a certain family of polynomial systems of the form ẋ −y xR x, y , ẏ x yR x, y , 1.1 n with ẋ dx/dt, ẏ dy/dt, and Rx, y i1 Ri x, y, where Ri is a homogeneous polynomial of degree i. The centers of these systems are called uniformly isochronous centers 10. The case in which Rx, y is of degree i has been investigated in 10, 11. In the nonhomogeneous case 12, the pioneering studies mainly focus on the systems 0 with Rx, y R1 R2 13, Rx, y R1 R3 14, Rx, y R1 R2 R3 R21 R22 R23 / 0 and only one Ri not equal to zero, for i 1, 2, 3 16. 15, Rx, y R1 R2 R3 R4 R4 / 2 Journal of Applied Mathematics In this paper, we consider the system 1.1 with Rx, y R2 R2 a2,0 x2 a1,1 xy R2n a0,2 y2 , R2n n > 1, where 2n b2n−i,i x2n−i yi , 1.2 i0 and b2,0 , b1,1 , b0,2 ,b2n−i,i i 0, . . . , 2n are real constants. We call the systems above as P 2, 2n. In 17, 18, the authors prove that in the system P 2, 2n the uniformly isochronous centers are time reversible, which was done by imposing the existence of a transversal commutator. However, for any concrete n, it is difficult to obtain explicit form of the conditions for the origin to be a center for the system P 2, 2n due to increasing expansion of computation during the management of large expressions. Sufficient and necessary conditions for the origin to be a center are obtained in Volokitin 19, 20 for n 2 and 3 and in Xu and Lu 21 for n 4. In this paper, we shall consider the system P 2, 10 and obtain sufficient and necessary conditions for the origin to be a center. In Section 2, the main result and the basic method are stated, and the necessary and sufficient center conditions are proved in Sections 3 and 4, respectively. In Section 5, sufficient and necessary center conditions for systems P 2, 2n n 2, 3 and 4 are given in tight form of polynomial systems. 2. Center Condition In this section, the technique in 22 is adopted, and a recursive formula for focal values is obtained. For n 5, system P 2, 2n takes the form ẋ −y x R2 x, y R10 x, y , y R2 x, y ẏ x R10 x, y . 2.1 In polar coordinate system, system 2.1 can be written as ṙ pr 3 qr 11 , 2.2 θ̇ 1, where ṙ dr/dθ, p and q are the functions of θ: p a2,0 cos2 θ a1,1 cosθ sinθ a0,2 sin2 θ, q 10 b10−i,i cos10−i θsini θ. 2.3 i0 Let rθ, c be the solution of 2.2 with r0, c c. For c > 0 small enough, we write rθ, c ∞ am θcm , m1 2.4 Journal of Applied Mathematics 3 where a1 0 1, am 0 0 m > 1. Substituting 2.4 into 2.2 and equating the coefficients of c, we obtain ah aj al q as1 as2 · · · as11 . ȧm p 2.5 s1 s2 ··· s11 m h j lm s1 ,s2 ,...,s11 ≥1 h,j,l≥1 For 2.5, we can easily obtain ȧ1 0, ȧ2k 0 k 1, 2, . . .. Thus we can deduce ⎧ ⎪ 1, m 1, ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎨ m 2k k 1, 2, . . ., am 0, ⎪ ⎪ θ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎩ Φm dθ, m 2k 1 k 1, 2, . . ., 2.6 0 where Φm p ah aj al q h j lm h,j,l≥1 h,j,l is odd s1 s2 ··· s11 m s1 ,s2 ,...,s11 ≥1 s1 ,s2 ,...,s11 is odd as1 as2 · · · as11 . 2.7 The value of a2k 1 2π k 1, 2, . . . is called the kth focal value. Let Lk a2k then the origin is a center for system 2.1 if and only if Dk Lk 2π a2k 1 2π 0, 1 k 1, 2, . . .; 2.8 k 1, 2, . . .. In fact, we have Lk θ Ψk dθ 2.9 k 1, 2, . . ., 0 where Ψk p Lh Lj Ll q Ls1 Ls2 · · · Ls11 , 2.10 s1 s2 ... s11 k−5 s1 ,s2 ,...,s11 ≥0 h j lk−1 h,j,l≥0 and L0 a1 1. The main result of the present paper is presented in the following theorem. Theorem 2.1. The origin is a center for system 2.1 if and only if the following conditions are satisfied: 0 a2,0 a0,2 , 0 63b0,10 3b6,4 0 126a1,1 b0,10 3b4,6 21a2,0 b3,7 − 3a1,1 b6,4 − 14a1,1 b8,2 7b8,2 7b2,8 15a2,0 b5,5 21a2,0 b7,3 63b10,0 , 63a2,0 b1,9 − 189b10,0 a1,1 63a2,0 b9,1 , 7a1,1 b2,8 4 Journal of Applied Mathematics a21,1 b2,8 − 108a22,0 b10,0 − 4a22,0 b2,8 0 −4a22,0 b8,2 2 a21,1 b8,2 − 108a2,0 b0,10 27a21,1 b10,0 27a21,1 b0,10 3a1,1 a2,0 b3,7 − 3a1,1 a2,0 b7,3 − 18a2,0 a1,1 b9,1 18a2,0 a1,1 b1,9 , 0 72a22,0 a31,1 b10,0 8a52,0 b7,3 16a42,0 a1,1 b6,4 − 18a32,0 a21,1 b3,7 2a21,1 a32,0 b7,3 96a52,0 b1,9 9a51,1 b0,10 − a51,1 b8,2 − 36a51,1 b10,0 3a41,1 a2,0 b7,3 96a52,0 b9,1 8a52,0 b3,7 − 156a32,0 a21,1 b1,9 − 36a32,0 a21,1 b9,1 − 228a22,0 a31,1 b0,10 − 12a22,0 a31,1 b8,2 − 4a31,1 a22,0 b6,4 768a42,0 a1,1 b0,10 0 a61,1 b8,2 9a2,0 a41,1 b1,9 288a42,0 a1,1 b10,0 64a42,0 a1,1 b8,2 27a41,1 a2,0 b9,1 , 45a61,1 b10,0 − 3a51,1 a2,0 b7,3 − 36a51,1 a2,0 b9,1 − 28a22,0 a41,1 b0,10 16a22,0 a41,1 b8,2 4a41,1 a22,0 b6,4 − 148a22,0 a41,1 b10,0 76a32,0 a31,1 b9,1 − 28a32,0 a31,1 b1,9 − 16a52,0 a1,1 b9,1 0 −35b10,0 a91,1 4a32,0 a31,1 b7,3 240a42,0 a21,1 b10,0 240a42,0 a21,1 b0,10 16a52,0 a1,1 b1,9 − 64a62,0 b0,10 − 64a62,0 b10,0 , 35a2,0 b9,1 a81,1 − 30a71,1 a22,0 b8,2 − 340a61,1 a32,0 b9,1 − 600a51,1 a42,0 b10,0 − 288a31,1 a62,0 b8,2 350a71,1 a22,0 b10,0 280a51,1 a42,0 b8,2 − 8a51,1 a42,0 b6,4 20a61,1 a32,0 b7,3 480a41,1 a52,0 b9,1 − 176a41,1 a52,0 b7,3 800a31,1 a62,0 b10,0 128a1,1 a82,0 b8,2 − 640a1,1 a82,0 b10,0 64a31,1 a62,0 b6,4 96a21,1 a72,0 b7,3 − 448a21,1 a72,0 b9,1 128a92,0 b9,1 128a92,0 b1,9 . 2.11 3. The Proof of the Necessity By simple computation in terms of 2.10 with Maple, we obtain Ψ1 pL30 , Ψ2 3pL20 L1 , Ψ3 p 3L20 L2 3L0 L21 , Ψ4 p 3L20 L3 6L0 L1 L2 L31 , Ψ5 p 3L20 L4 6L0 L1 L3 3L0 L22 Ψ6 p 3L20 L5 6L0 L1 L4 6L0 L2 L3 3L21 L2 3L21 L3 qL11 0 , 3L1 L22 11qL10 0 L1 , Journal of Applied Mathematics Ψ7 p 3L21 L4 Ψ8 p 3L22 L3 6L1 L2 L4 3L20 L7 Ψ9 p 6L0 L2 L6 3L2 L23 3L20 L6 q 110L90 L1 L3 L22 L5 6L0 L3 L4 q 11L10 0 L3 6L0 L1 L7 3L21 L6 2L1 L24 L32 6L0 L1 L5 6L0 L2 L4 55L90 L21 , 3L21 L5 3L1 L23 Ψ10 p L20 L9 3L0 L23 6L1 L2 L3 q 11L10 0 L2 5 3L20 L8 3L0 L24 L21 L7 2L0 L1 L8 110L90 L1 L4 165L80 L31 , 3L22 L4 6L1 L2 L5 330L70 L41 2L0 L2 L7 4L0 L4 L5 11L10 0 L5 11L10 0 L4 , 4L0 L3 L6 4L2 L3 L4 L33 495L80 L1 L22 495L80 L21 L3 462L60 L51 , Ψ11 p 6L0 L3 L7 6L0 L2 L8 3L20 L10 3L2 L24 6L2 L3 L5 3L22 L6 165L80 L32 6L0 L2 L5 6L0 L3 L5 2L1 L2 L6 1320L70 L31 L2 q 11L10 0 L6 6L1 L3 L4 495L80 L21 L2 q 110L90 L2 L3 6L1 L3 L6 110L90 L1 L2 55L90 L22 4L1 L3 L5 6L0 L1 L6 3L0 L25 3L21 L8 6L0 L4 L6 6L1 L4 L5 3L23 L4 6L1 L2 L7 6L0 L1 L9 110L90 L1 L5 55L90 L23 1320L70 L31 L3 110L90 L2 L4 1980L70 L21 L22 495L80 L21 L4 2310L60 L41 L2 990L80 L1 L2 L3 462L50 L61 . 3.1 Substituting 3.1 into 2.9, after a simple calculation, we obtain L1 1 1 a2,0 cosθ sinθ − a0,2 cosθ sinθ 2 2 and the first focal value D1 L1 2π a2,0 π 1 a1,1 2 1 1 a2,0 θ − a1,1 cos2 θ 2 2 1 a0,2 θ, 2 3.2 a0,2 π. From 2.8, we can see that 0 a2,0 a0,2 3.3 must be satisfied if the origin is a center for system 2.1. Following the discussion above, we can compute the first kth focal values recursively by the following algorithm, which consists of three steps. 6 Journal of Applied Mathematics Step 1 Initialization. Let L0 1, pθ a2,0 cos2 θ qθ k 1, a1,1 cosθ sinθ − a2,0 sin2 θ, 10 3.4 b10−i,i cos10−i θsini θ. i0 Step 2 Computation of kth focal value. Lk can be obtained in terms of 2.10 and 3.1 with Maple. Then the kth focal value Dk can be obtained by simple calculation. Step 3 Let k k 1, and go to Step 2. Using computer algebra and writing a Maple code applying the algorithm above, we obtain Dk 0 k 1, 2, . . . , 4, 1 π63b0,10 3b6,4 63b10,0 3b4,6 7b8,2 7b2,8 , 128 1 π7a1,1 b4,6 14a2,0 b7,3 10a2,0 b5,5 21b10,0 a1,1 21a1,1 b2,8 D6 128 7a1,1 b8,2 42a2,0 b9,1 5a1,1 b6,4 231a1,1 b0,10 14a2,0 b3,7 42a2,0 b1,9 , 5 π 132a22,0 b10,0 5a21,1 b6,4 5a21,1 b8,2 20a22,0 b6,4 33a21,1 b2,8 36a22,0 b8,2 D7 512 20a22,0 b4,6 132a1,1 a2,0 b1,9 9a21,1 b4,6 36a2,0 b9,1 a1,1 20a2,0 a1,1 b7,3 D5 20a2,0 a1,1 b5,5 D8 132a22,0 b0,10 5 π 792a32,0 b9,1 360a32,0 b7,3 4096 99a31,1 b4,6 35a31,1 b8,2 540a1,1 a22,0 b8,2 6435a31,1 b0,10 429a31,1 b2,8 210a2,0 a21,1 b7,3 5148a22,0 a1,1 b0,10 1188a22,0 a1,1 b2,8 D9 36a22,0 b2,8 429a21,1 b0,10 9a21,1 b10,0 280a32,0 b5,5 45a31,1 b10,0 360a32,0 b3,7 792a32,0 b1,9 270a21,1 a2,0 b9,1 2574a2,0 a21,1 b1,9 270a2,0 a21,1 b5,5 540a22,0 a1,1 b4,6 420a22,0 a1,1 b6,4 594a21,1 a2,0 b3,7 1188 2 a2,0 b10,0 a1,1 45a31,1 b6,4 , 35 π 1120a32,0 a1,1 b7,3 1120a32,0 a1,1 b5,5 17160a22,0 a21,1 b0,10 32768 1760a32,0 a1,1 b3,7 1144a2,0 a31,1 b3,7 5720a2,0 a31,1 b1,9 440a2,0 a31,1 b5,5 880a42,0 b2,8 55a41,1 b6,4 143a41,1 b4,6 12155a41,1 b0,10 880a42,0 b8,2 840a22,0 a21,1 b8,2 2288a42,0 b0,10 1320a21,1 a22,0 b10,0 280a31,1 a2,0 b7,3 560a42,0 b4,6 3432a22,0 a21,1 b2,8 840a22,0 a21,1 b6,4 715a41,1 b2,8 , 1760a32,0 a1,1 b9,1 280a31,1 a2,0 b9,1 2288a42,0 b10,0 4576a1,1 a32,0 b1,9 36a1,1 a2,0 b3,7 , 35a41,1 b10,0 1320a22,0 a21,1 b4,6 560a42,0 b6,4 35a41,1 b8,2 Journal of Applied Mathematics D10 7 11 π 2 7b2,8 63b0,10 63b10,0 3b6,4 7b8,2 3b4,6 32768 7 π 3080a31,1 a22,0 b10,0 34320a1,1 a42,0 b0,10 17160b2,8 a31,1 a22,0 11440a1,1 a42,0 b2,8 16384 2520a31,1 a22,0 b8,2 5040a21,1 a32,0 b7,3 24310a41,1 a2,0 b1,9 6160a1,1 a42,0 b8,2 2016a52,0 b5,5 2464a52,0 b3,7 6160a21,1 a32,0 b9,1 143a51,1 b6,4 4576a52,0 b9,1 63a51,1 b10,0 630a41,1 a2,0 b9,1 97240a31,1 a22,0 b0,10 46189a51,1 b0,10 2464a52,0 b7,3 34320a21,1 a32,0 b1,9 231a1,1 b0,10 × 10752a2,0 b7,3 b3,7 9100a1,1 b2,8 b7,3 21b2,8 a1,1 21a1,1 b10,0 1 π 1966080 42a2,0 b1,9 113022a1,1 b7,3 b0,10 23587200a52,0 a1,1 b1,9 663a1,1 b1,9 b4,6 158722200a22,0 a41,1 b0,10 7046a2,0 b5,5 b3,7 9525600a42,0 a21,1 b8,2 − 143332a2,0 b2,8 b10,0 − 129948a2,0 b4,6 b0,10 50388b0,10 a1,1 b3,7 − 268736a2,0 b2,8 b0,10 9525600a42,0 a21,1 b6,4 140a1,1 b8,2 b3,7 234a1,1 b6,4 b3,7 437a1,1 b6,4 b5,5 54145a1,1 b5,5 b0,10 2 − 12318a2,0 b8,2 42b9,1 a2,0 580671a1,1 b0,10 b9,1 9879a1,1 b9,1 b6,4 − 129168a2,0 b6,4 b0,10 11440a32,0 a21,1 b3,7 3080a31,1 a22,0 b6,4 23667a1,1 b9,1 b10,0 − 61296a2,0 b10,0 b4,6 7620480a52,0 a1,1 b7,3 77a51,1 b8,2 4576a52,0 b1,9 , 126a1,1 b10,0 b3,7 19656000a32,0 a31,1 b3,7 11440a1,1 a42,0 b10,0 770a41,1 a2,0 b7,3 3 π 2 7b2,8 63b10,0 3b6,4 7b8,2 63b0,10 3b4,6 4096 × 7a1,1 b8,2 10b5,5 a2,0 5a1,1 b6,4 14b7,3 a2,0 7a1,1 b4,6 14b3,7 a2,0 4290a2,0 a41,1 b3,7 6160a32,0 a21,1 b5,5 1430a41,1 a2,0 b5,5 5720a31,1 a22,0 b4,6 D11 2431b2,8 a51,1 429a51,1 b4,6 5040a1,1 a42,0 b6,4 6160a42,0 a1,1 b4,6 11007360a52,0 a1,1 b3,7 13759200a42,0 a21,1 b4,6 7862400a62,0 b0,10 2 − 16354a2,0 b2,8 − 11856a2,0 b6,4 b8,2 5012280a2,0 a51,1 b3,7 57330a61,1 b8,2 100245600a21,1 a42,0 b0,10 122850a61,1 b6,4 2 2 4914a2,0 b3,7 − 3198a2,0 b4,6 15555a1,1 b9,1 b4,6 2645370a61,1 b2,8 7802a2,0 b7,3 b5,5 2 3439800a22,0 a41,1 b6,4 29484000a21,1 a42,0 b2,8 78636b9,1 a2,0 39690a61,1 b10,0 2 2540160a62,0 b6,4 − 881790a2,0 b0,10 417690a61,1 b4,6 4199a1,1 b1,9 b2,8 329b8,2 a1,1 b5,5 55552770a61,1 b0,10 − 12220a2,0 b4,6 b8,2 63a1,1 b1,9 b10,0 6350400a32,0 a31,1 b9,1 2 − 2946a2,0 b6,4 195b6,4 a1,1 b1,9 11367a1,1 b9,1 b8,2 476280a2,0 a51,1 b9,1 25061400a22,0 a41,1 b2,8 − 132672a2,0 b10,0 b8,2 385a1,1 b10,0 b5,5 − 14768a2,0 b4,6 b2,8 91a1,1 b8,2 b1,9 3669120a62,0 b2,8 43050a2,0 b9,1 b3,7 1474200a2,0 a51,1 b5,5 2381400a22,0 a41,1 b8,2 21268b1,9 a2,0 b5,5 7620480a52,0 a1,1 b5,5 − 258076a2,0 b0,10 b8,2 30498b1,9 a2,0 b3,7 129024a2,0 b1,9 b9,1 1302b7,3 a1,1 b8,2 687960a2,0 a51,1 b7,3 44766a2,0 b9,1 b7,3 30956b9,1 a2,0 b5,5 3094a1,1 b3,7 b2,8 66830400a32,0 a31,1 b1,9 949a1,1 b4,6 b5,5 7371000a22,0 a41,1 b4,6 8 Journal of Applied Mathematics 32214b1,9 a2,0 b7,3 − 28672a2,0 b8,2 b2,8 − 60516a2,0 b10,0 b6,4 3913a1,1 b5,5 b2,8 2381400a22,0 a41,1 b10,0 − 1290240a2,0 b0,10 b10,0 2 5838a2,0 b7,3 624a1,1 b3,7 b4,6 88179a1,1 b1,9 b0,10 2 − 408450a2,0 b10,0 7862400a62,0 b10,0 2004a1,1 b7,3 b10,0 3669120a62,0 b8,2 2538a1,1 b7,3 b4,6 13759200a42,0 a21,1 b10,0 9172800a32,0 a31,1 b5,5 − 14404a2,0 b2,8 b6,4 2 2560a2,0 b5,5 50267b2,8 b9,1 a1,1 . 3.5 Usually Wu’s method 23 is used to do the triangular sets reduction for the focal values, that is, D5 , . . . , D11 . The method provides a standard algorithm 24 to handle the reduction of polynomials; however, we here just take use the idea of Wu’s method and do the reduction by substitution method due to the speciality of our case. Thus we can obtain the relations 2.11. Therefore, the necessary part of Theorem 2.1 is proved. 4. The Proof of the Sufficiency Case 1 a1,1 0. From 2.11, we have that either i a0,2 a2,0 0, 63b0,10 3b6,4 3b4,6 7b8,2 7b2,8 63b10,0 0, or ii a0,2 a2,0 0, b0,10 b10,0 0, b1,9 b9,1 0, b2,8 b8,2 0, b3,7 b7,3 0, b4,6 b6,4 0, b5,5 0. For Case 1, system 2.1 takes the form ẋ −y xR10 x, y , 2π 0 The center condition of system 4.1 is 63b0,10 3b6,4 yR10 x, y . ẏ x 4.1 R10 sinθ, cosθdθ 0 see 10. That is, 3b4,6 7b8,2 63b10,0 0. 7b2,8 4.2 For Case 2, system 2.1 takes the form ẋ −y xT, ẏ x yT, 4.3 where T a0,2 y2 − x2 b0,10 y10 − x10 b1,9 xy9 − x9 y b2,8 x2 y8 − x8 y2 b3,7 x3 y7 − x7 y3 b4,6 x4 y6 − x6 y4 . For system 4.3, the following linear transformation: ⎛ 1 ⎜ 2 x, y u, v⎜ ⎝ 1 − 2 ⎞ 1 2⎟ ⎟ 1⎠ 2 4.4 leads to u̇ −v u2 vJu, v, v̇ u uv2 Ju, v, 4.5 Journal of Applied Mathematics where Ju, v J0,0 J8,0 u8 J6,2 u6 v2 9 J4,4 u4 v4 J2,6 u2 v6 J0,8 v8 , J0,0 a0,2 , J8,0 1 3b2,8 256 J6,2 1 24b1,9 − 4b3,7 256 J4,4 1 −14b2,8 256 J2,6 1 4b3,7 − 24b1,9 256 60b0,10 − 4b4,6 J0,8 1 −4b1,9 256 b4,6 b4,6 5b0,10 60b0,10 126b0,10 3b2,8 4b1,9 2b3,7 , 4b2,8 − 4b4,6 , 4.6 6b4,6 , 4b2,8 , 5b0,10 − 2b3,7 . Obviously, in this case, system 4.5 satisfies the condition of symmetry principle 25, page 135; thus the origin is a center for the system. Case 2 a1,1 / 0, a2,0 0. From 2.11, we have b10,0 b8,2 b6,4 b4,6 b2,8 b0,10 0. 4.7 Thus system 2.1 takes the form ẋ −y x2 ya1,1 S, ẏ x xy2 a1,1 S, 4.8 where S b9,1 x8 b7,3 x6 y2 b5,5 x4 y4 b3,7 x2 y6 b1,9 y8 . Obviously, system 4.8 satisfies the condition of symmetry principle; thus the origin is a center for the system. Case 3 a2,0 / 0, a1,1 / 0. In this case, 2.11 takes the form a0,2 −a2,0 , 7 7 b4,6 − b2,8 − 21b0,10 − b6,4 − b8,2 − 21b10,0 , 3 3 1 b5,5 − −14a1,1 b8,2 21a2,0 b7,3 63a2,0 b9,1 − 3a1,1 b6,4 − 189a1,1 b10,0 15a2,0 21a2,0 b3,7 b2,8 − 126a1,1 b0,10 63a2,0 b1,9 1 3a1,1 a2,0 b3,7 − 18a1,1 a2,0 b9,1 −4a22,0 a21,1 7a1,1 b2,8 , a21,1 b8,2 27a21,1 b10,0 − 4a22,0 b8,2 − 108a22,0 b10,0 − 3a1,1 a2,0 b7,3 − 108a22,0 b0,10 18a1,1 a2,0 b1,9 , 27a21,1 b0,10 10 Journal of Applied Mathematics b3,7 1 2a32,0 −4a22,0 9a21,1 × 3a41,1 a2,0 b7,3 9a51,1 b0,10 16a1,1 a42,0 b6,4 − a51,1 b8,2 768a1,1 a42,0 b0,10 − 36a21,1 a32,0 b9,1 − 228a31,1 a22,0 b0,10 96a52,0 b1,9 288a1,1 a42,0 b10,0 − 4a31,1 a22,0 b6,4 b0,10 − 12a31,1 a22,0 b8,2 2a21,1 a32,0 b7,3 72a31,1 a22,0 b10,0 64a1,1 a42,0 b8,2 9a41,1 a2,0 b1,9 27a41,1 a2,0 b9,1 96a52,0 b9,1 − 36a51,1 b10,0 , 1 4a22,0 7a41,1 − 60a21,1 a22,0 × −148a41,1 a22,0 b10,0 −36a51,1 a2,0 b9,1 16a42,0 76a31,1 a32,0 b9,1 − 28a31,1 a32,0 b1,9 b1,9 8a52,0 b7,3 − 156a21,1 a32,0 b1,9 a61,1 b8,2 4a41,1 a22,0 b6,4 16a1,1 a52,0 b1,9 − 3a51,1 a2,0 b7,3 240a21,1 a42,0 b10,0 4a31,1 a32,0 b7,3 16a41,1 a22,0 b8,2 − 16a1,1 a52,0 b9,1 45a61,1 b10,0 − 64a62,0 b10,0 , 1 −280a51,1 a42,0 b8,2 − 20a61,1 a32,0 b7,3 − 480a41,1 a52,0 b9,1 128a92,0 − 64a31,1 a62,0 b6,4 − 800a31,1 a62,0 b10,0 − 128a1,1 a82,0 b8,2 − 96a21,1 a72,0 b7,3 176a41,1 a52,0 b7,3 − 35a81,1 a2,0 b9,1 − 128a92,0 b9,1 448a21,1 a72,0 b9,1 640a1,1 a82,0 b10,0 30a71,1 a22,0 b8,2 288a31,1 a62,0 b8,2 600a51,1 a42,0 b10,0 8a51,1 a42,0 b6,4 340a61,1 a32,0 b9,1 35a91,1 b10,0 − 350a71,1 a22,0 b10,0 . 4.9 Substituting 4.9 into 2.1, we get ẋ −y a1,1 xy − a2,0 y2 H x, y , x a2,0 x2 y a2,0 x2 a1,1 xy − a2,0 y2 H x, y , 128b10,0 a82,0 x8 −128b10,0 a1,1 a72,0 ẏ x 4.10 where H x, y 1 128a92,0 128a92,0 128a21,1 b10,0 a62,0 − 128a1,1 b9,1 a72,0 128a21,1 b9,1 a62,0 128b10,0 a82,0 128b9,1 a82,0 yx7 128a82,0 b8,2 y2 x6 128b9,1 a82,0 − 256b10,0 a1,1 a72,0 − 128a1,1 3 b10,0 a52,0 128a82,0 b7,3 − 128a72,0 a1,1 b8,2 y3 x5 −256a1,1 b9,1 a72,0 − 128a31,1 b9,1 a52,0 128a41,1 b10,0 a42,0 128a82,0 b8,2 384a21,1 b10,0 a62,0 128b10,0 a82,0 128a62,0 a21,1 b8,2 128a82,0 b6,4 − 128a72,0 a1,1 b7,3 y4 x4 Journal of Applied Mathematics 11 −880a41,1 b9,1 a42,0 − 512a31,1 b10,0 a52,0 880a51,1 b10,0 a32,0 128b9,1 a82,0 − 256a72,0 a1,1 b8,2 768a52,0 a31,1 b8,2 −544a62,0 a21,1 b7,3 − 384b10,0 a1,1 a72,0 192a62,0 a21,1 b6,4 − 800a51,1 b9,1 a32,0 − 384a1,1 b9,1 a72,0 384a21,1 b9,1 a62,0 128a82,0 b7,3 256a72,0 a1,1 b6,4 y5 x3 832a31,1 b9,1 a52,0 192a72,0 a1,1 b7,3 128b10,0 a82,0 − 1040a41,1 b10,0 a42,0 688a42,0 a41,1 b8,2 800a61,1 b10,0 a22,0 − 464a52,0 a31,1 b7,3 128a82,0 b8,2 768a21,1 b10,0 a62,0 − 512a62,0 a21,1 b8,2 y6 x2 −384a21,1 b9,1 a62,0 − 160a42,0 a41,1 b7,3 240a2,0 3 a51,1 b8,2 96a62,0 a21,1 b7,3 64a52,0 a31,1 b6,4 − 256a52,0 a31,1 b8,2 − 480a51,1 b10,0 a32,0 − 512b10,0 a1,1 a72,0 128a72,0 a1,1 b8,2 −280a61,1 b9,1 a22,0 280a71,1 b10,0 a2,0 640a31,1 b10,0 a52,0 16a52,0 a31,1 b7,3 − 80a31,1 b9,1 a52,0 400a41,1 b9,1 a42,0 128b9,1 a82,0 y7 x 60a51,1 b9,1 a32,0 120a41,1 b10,0 a42,0 − 20a32,0 a51,1 b7,3 − 70a61,1 b10,0 a22,0 30a22,0 a61,1 b8,2 − 160a21,1 b10,0 a62,0 − 35a71,1 b9,1 a2,0 8a42,0 a41,1 b6,4 64a1,1 b9,1 a72,0 − 40a42,0 a41,1 b8,2 35a81,1 b10,0 y8 . 32a62,0 a21,1 b8,2 128b10,0 a82,0 4.11 For system 4.10, we consider the following linear transformation: t −1 , x, y u, v 1 t 4.12 where the diagonal elements of the transformation matrix satisfy the equation a2,0 t2 − a1,1 t − a2.0 0. Applying the transformation 4.12 to 4.10, we obtain u̇ −v u2 vM · Iu, v, v̇ u uv2 M · Iu, v, 4.13 where M 4a2,0 t−a1,1 a1,1 t2 /128a92,0 , Iu, v I0,0 I8,0 u8 I6,2 u6 v2 I4,4 u4 v4 I2,6 u2 v6 I0,8 v8 , and I0,0 , I8,0 , I6,2 , I4,4 , I2,6 , I0,8 are given in the appendix. Obviously, system 4.13 satisfies the conditions of symmetry principle, thus the origin is a center for the system. Therefore, the sufficient part of Theorem 2.1 is proved. 5. Center Conditions of P 2, 2n for n 2, 3 and 4 By similar steps discussed above, we can obtain the following theorem. Theorem 5.1. The origin is a center for system P 2, 8 if and only if the following conditions are satisfied: 0 a2,0 0 5b6,2 a0,2 , 35b0,8 5b2,6 3b4,4 35b8,0 , 12 Journal of Applied Mathematics 0 a1,1 b2,6 3a2,0 b5,3 14a1,1 b0,8 3a2,0 b3,5 − a1,1 b6,2 7a2,0 b1,7 0 7a2,0 b1,7 a1,1 − 14a2,0 a1,1 b7,1 − 3a2,0 a1,1 b5,3 a21,1 b6,2 7a2,0 b7,1 − 14a1,1 b8,0 , 21b8,0 a21,1 7a21,1 b0,8 − 2a22,0 b6,2 − 56a22,0 b0,8 − 2a22,0 b2,6 − 56a22,0 b8,0 , 0 −3a21,1 a2,0 b5,3 − 48a1,1 a22,0 b8,0 18a31,1 b8,0 − 11a21,1 a2,0 b7,1 − 64a22,0 a1,1 b0,8 − 4a1,1 a22,0 b6,2 0 8a32,0 a31,1 b7,1 10a31,1 b0,8 16a42,0 a21,1 b8,0 − 5a51,1 a2,0 b7,1 − 16a62,0 b0,8 a31,1 b6,2 10a21,1 a2,0 b1,7 − 4a32,0 b1,7 − 4a32,0 b7,1 , 5a61,1 b8,0 − 16a62,0 b8,0 4a22,0 a41,1 b6,2 − 2a32,0 a31,1 b5,3 − 8a52,0 a1,1 b7,1 − 4a42,0 a21,1 b6,2 − 10a22,0 a41,1 b8,0 . 5.1 The relations above give a complete set of relations in the sense given in 21, that is, this set of relations cover all the cases of the conditions which are sufficient and necessary for the system to be of center type. Theorem 5.2. The origin is a center for system P 2, 6 if and only if the following conditions are satisfied: 0 a2,0 a0,2 , 0 5b0,6 b2,4 b4,2 5b6,0 , 0 3a2,0 b3,3 − a1,1 b4,2 0 a21,1 b0,6 5a1,1 b0,6 5a2,0 b1,5 b6,0 a21,1 − 4a22,0 b0,6 − 4a22,0 b6,0 5a2,0 b5,1 − 10a1,1 b6,0 , a2,0 a1,1 b1,5 − a2,0 a1,1 b5,1 , 5.2 0 18a22,0 a31,1 b6,0 − 16a32,0 a21,1 b5,1 − 24a42,0 a1,1 b6,0 − 3a51,1 b6,0 3a41,1 a2,0 b5,1 8a52,0 b1,5 8a52,0 b5,1 − 2a31,1 a22,0 b4,2 8a1,1 a42,0 b4,2 . The relations above is another form as the result of paper 20. Theorem 5.3. The origin is a center for system P 2, 4 if and only if the following conditions are satisfied: 0 a2,0 a0,2 , 0 3b0,4 b2,2 0 a1,1 b0,4 3b4,0 , a2,0 b1,3 a2,0 b3,1 − a1,1 b4,0 , 0 −2a22,0 b0,4 − a1,1 a2,0 b3,1 5.3 a21,1 b4,0 − 2a22,0 b4,0 . The relations above is another form of center condition for the system P 2, 4, which has been discussed by Volokitin in paper 19. Journal of Applied Mathematics 13 Appendix I0,0 , I8,0 , I6,2 , I4,4 , I2,6 , I0,8 I0,0 128a92,0 , I8,0 128b10,0 a82,0 t8 128a72,0 b10,0 a1,1 − 128a82,0 b9,1 t7 128b10,0 a82,0 − 128a1,1 b9,1 a72,0 128a62,0 a21,1 b10,0 256a72,0 b10,0 a1,1 − 128a82,0 b9,1 −128a82,0 b7,3 128a52,0 a31,1 b10,0 − 128a62,0 a21,1 b9,1 128a72,0 a1,1 b8,2 t5 128b10,0 a82,0 − 256a1,1 b9,1 a72,0 384a62,0 a21,1 b10,0 128a82,0 b8,2 128a82,0 b8,2 t6 128a62,0 a21,1 b8,2 128a42,0 a41,1 b10,0 − 128a72,0 a1,1 b7,3 128a82,0 b6,4 − 128a52,0 a31,1 b9,1 t4 −256a72,0 a1,1 b6,4 − 880a51,1 b10,0 a32,0 − 128a82,0 b7,3 512a52,0 a31,1 b10,0 − 384a62,0 a21,1 b9,1 − 768a52,0 a31,1 b8,2 − 128a82,0 b9,1 256a72,0 a1,1 b8,2 384a72,0 b10,0 a1,1 880a41,1 b9,1 a42,0 544a62,0 a21,1 b7,3 t3 128a82,0 b8,2 − 800a32,0 a51,1 b9,1 − 512a62,0 a21,1 b8,2 800a22,0 a61,1 b10,0 192a72,0 a1,1 b7,3 −384a1,1 b9,1 a72,0 832a52,0 a31,1 b9,1 688a42,0 a41,1 b8,2 768a62,0 a21,1 b10,0 128b10,0 a82,0 − 464a52,0 a31,1 b7,3 192a62,0 a21,1 b6,4 − 1040a42,0 a41,1 b10,0 t2 −128a72,0 a1,1 b8,2 − 64a52,0 a31,1 b6,4 − 640a52,0 a31,1 b10,0 − 280a71,1 b10,0 a2,0 − 128a82,0 b9,1 512a72,0 b10,0 a1,1 − 240a32,0 a51,1 b8,2 − 400a41,1 b9,1 a42,0 384a62,0 a21,1 b9,1 160a42,0 a41,1 b7,3 480a51,1 b10,0 a32,0 − 96a62,0 a21,1 b7,3 256a52,0 a31,1 b8,2 30a22,0 a61,1 b8,2 − 20a32,0 a51,1 b7,3 280a61,1 b9,1 a22,0 t 128b10,0 a82,0 8a42,0 a41,1 b6,4 − 70a22,0 a61,1 b10,0 − 35a71,1 b9,1 a2,0 − 40a42,0 a41,1 b8,2 60a32,0 a51,1 b9,1 − 80a52,0 a31,1 b9,1 64a1,1 b9,1 a72,0 − 160a62,0 a21,1 b10,0 120a42,0 a41,1 b10,0 35a81,1 b10,0 16a52,0 a31,1 b7,3 32a62,0 a21,1 b8,2 , A.1 I6,2 128a62,0 a21,1 b10,0 −384a82,0 b7,3 128b10,0 a82,0 − 128a1,1 b9,1 a72,0 384a52,0 a31,1 b10,0 −384a62,0 a21,1 b9,1 768a62,0 a21,1 b10,0 128a2,0 8 b8,2 t8 384a72,0 a1,1 b8,2 − 128a72,0 b10,0 a1,1 512a82,0 b9,1 t7 768a42,0 a41,1 b10,0 − 768a52,0 a31,1 b9,1 768a82,0 b6,4 14 Journal of Applied Mathematics 768a62,0 a21,1 b8,2 − 768a82,0 b8,2 − 768a72,0 a1,1 b7,3 t6 2816b10,0 a82,0 −1920a62,0 a21,1 b9,1 − 2048a82,0 b9,1 5440a62,0 a21,1 b7,3 640a72,0 a1,1 b8,2 − 8800a51,1 b10,0 a32,0 2688a72,0 b10,0 a1,1 − 7680a52,0 a31,1 b8,2 8800a41,1 b9,1 a42,0 − 2560a72,0 a1,1 b6,4 640a82,0 b7,3 3200a52,0 a31,1 b10,0 t5 14528a52,0 a31,1 b9,1 − 12000a32,0 a51,1 b9,1 − 9728a62,0 a21,1 b8,2 − 2048a82,0 b6,4 12000a22,0 a61,1 b10,0 7296a62,0 a21,1 b10,0 4928a72,0 a1,1 b7,3 1792b10,0 a82,0 10320a42,0 a41,1 b8,2 − 17648a42,0 a41,1 b10,0 − 3584a1,1 b9,1 a72,0 1792a82,0 b8,2 −6960a52,0 a31,1 b7,3 2880a62,0 a21,1 b6,4 t4 −1344a52,0 a31,1 b6,4 640a82,0 b7,3 − 19840a52,0 a31,1 b10,0 − 21600a41,1 b9,1 a42,0 12544a62,0 a21,1 b9,1 − 5248a72,0 a1,1 b8,2 16896a52,0 a31,1 b8,2 − 2048a82,0 b9,1 3360a42,0 a41,1 b7,3 − 5880a71,1 b10,0 a2,0 − 10176a62,0 a21,1 b7,3 −11560a22,0 a61,1 b10,0 4864a1,1 b9,1 a72,0 23280a51,1 b10,0 a32,0 5880a61,1 b9,1 a22,0 − 5040a32,0 a51,1 b8,2 t3 7552a72,0 b10,0 a1,1 − 560a32,0 a51,1 b7,3 3840a72,0 a1,1 b6,4 840a22,0 a61,1 b8,2 980a81,1 b10,0 7808a62,0 a21,1 b8,2 2816b10,0 a82,0 16608a42,0 a41,1 b10,0 6016a52,0 a31,1 b7,3 224a42,0 a41,1 b6,4 − 2304a62,0 a21,1 b6,4 − 12992a52,0 a31,1 b9,1 768a2,0 8 b6,4 − 11392a62,0 a21,1 b10,0 11280a32,0 a51,1 b9,1 − 9376a42,0 a41,1 b8,2 −980a71,1 b9,1 a2,0 − 768a82,0 b8,2 − 3072a72,0 a1,1 b7,3 t2 5440a41,1 b9,1 a42,0 1680a32,0 a51,1 b8,2 − 1120a42,0 a41,1 b7,3 448a52,0 a31,1 b6,4 6016a52,0 a31,1 b10,0 − 3840a62,0 a21,1 b9,1 − 6000a51,1 b10,0 a32,0 − 384a82,0 b7,3 1960a71,1 b10,0 a2,0 − 4096a52,0 a31,1 b8,2 − 1960a61,1 b9,1 a22,0 −768a72,0 a1,1 b6,4 − 2432a72,0 b10,0 a1,1 2304a62,0 a21,1 b7,3 1664a72,0 a1,1 b8,2 t 128a82,0 b8,2 − 800a32,0 a51,1 b9,1 − 512a62,0 a21,1 b8,2 800a22,0 a61,1 b10,0 192a72,0 a1,1 b7,3 512a82,0 b9,1 832a52,0 a31,1 b9,1 − 464a52,0 a31,1 b7,3 − 384a1,1 b9,1 a72,0 768a62,0 a21,1 b10,0 128b10,0 a82,0 688a42,0 a41,1 b8,2 192a62,0 a21,1 b6,4 − 1040a42,0 a41,1 b10,0 , A.2 I4,4 128b10,0 a82,0 128a82,0 b6,4 − 128a72,0 a1,1 b7,3 128a62,0 a21,1 b8,2 −128a52,0 a31,1 b9,1 t8 128a42,0 a41,1 b10,0 384a62,0 a21,1 b10,0 − 256a1,1 b9,1 a72,0 128a82,0 b8,2 Journal of Applied Mathematics 15 640a72,0 a1,1 b8,2 − 1280a62,0 a21,1 b9,1 − 3840a52,0 a31,1 b8,2 − 1280a72,0 a1,1 b6,4 − 4400a51,1 b10,0 a32,0 1920a52,0 a31,1 b10,0 640a72,0 b10,0 a1,1 4400a41,1 b9,1 a42,0 2720a62,0 a21,1 b7,3 t7 14528a52,0 a1,1 3 b9,1 − 12000a32,0 a51,1 b9,1 − 9728a62,0 a21,1 b8,2 − 2048a82,0 b6,4 7296a62,0 a21,1 b10,0 4928a72,0 a1,1 b7,3 12000a22,0 a61,1 b10,0 10320a42,0 a41,1 b8,2 1792b10,0 a82,0 − 17648a42,0 a41,1 b10,0 − 3584a1,1 b9,1 a72,0 − 6960a52,0 a31,1 b7,3 1792a82,0 b8,2 2880 a21,1 b6,4 t6 9800a61,1 b9,1 a22,0 − 9800a71,1 b10,0 a2,0 − 19680a62,0 a21,1 b7,3 9600a72,0 b10,0 a1,1 43200a51,1 b10,0 a32,0 − 33920a52,0 a31,1 b10,0 − 8400a32,0 a51,1 b8,2 21120a62,0 a21,1 b9,1 5600a42,0 a41,1 b7,3 − 8320a72,0 a1,1 b8,2 − 40400a41,1 b9,1 a42,0 −2240a52,0 a31,1 b6,4 7680a72,0 a1,1 b6,4 t5 −43488a52,0 a31,1 b9,1 19680a52,0 a31,1 b7,3 560a42,0 a41,1 b6,4 − 1400a32,0 a51,1 b7,3 4608a82,0 b6,4 32000a52,0 a31,1 b8,2 27328a62,0 a21,1 b8,2 12288b10,0 a82,0 − 5632a82,0 b8,2 2450a81,1 b10,0 − 36900a22,0 a61,1 b10,0 − 12288a72,0 a1,1 b7,3 15744a1,1 b9,1 a72,0 − 2450a71,1 b9,1 a2,0 − 7680a62,0 a21,1 b6,4 − 33216a62,0 a21,1 b10,0 36200a32,0 a51,1 b9,1 − 30320a42,0 a41,1 b8,2 19680a62,0 a21,1 b7,3 2240a52,0 a31,1 b6,4 − 9600a72,0 b10,0 a1,1 54608a42,0 a41,1 b10,0 2100a22,0 a61,1 b8,2 t4 9800a71,1 b10,0 a2,0 − 5600a42,0 a41,1 b7,3 8320a72,0 a1,1 b8,2 − 9800a61,1 b9,1 a22,0 − 43200a51,1 b10,0 a32,0 − 7680a72,0 a1,1 b6,4 8400a32,0 a51,1 b8,2 33920a52,0 a31,1 b10,0 40400a41,1 b9,1 a42,0 −21120a62,0 a21,1 b9,1 − 32000a52,0 a1,1 b8,2 t3 14528a52,0 a31,1 b9,1 − 12000a32,0 a51,1 b9,1 − 9728a62,0 a21,1 b8,2 − 2048a82,0 b6,4 7296a62,0 a21,1 b10,0 4928a72,0 a1,1 b7,3 12000a22,0 a61,1 b10,0 10320a42,0 a41,1 b8,2 1792b10,0 a82,0 − 17648a42,0 a41,1 b10,0 − 3584a1,1 b9,1 a72,0 − 6960a52,0 a31,1 b7,3 1792a82,0 b8,2 2880a62,0 a21,1 b6,4 t2 3840a52,0 a31,1 b8,2 1280a72,0 a1,1 b6,4 1280a62,0 a21,1 b9,1 − 640a72,0 a1,1 b8,2 4400a51,1 b10,0 a32,0 − 640a72,0 b10,0 a1,1 − 2720a62,0 a21,1 b7,3 − 4400a41,1 b9,1 a42,0 −1920a52,0 a31,1 b10,0 t 128a42,0 a41,1 b10,0 128b10,0 a82,0 128a62,0 a21,1 b8,2 128a82,0 b6,4 − 128a72,0 a1,1 b7,3 384a62,0 a21,1 b10,0 − 256a1,1 b9,1 a72,0 128a82,0 b8,2 − 128a52,0 a31,1 b9,1 , A.3 16 Journal of Applied Mathematics I2,6 128a82,0 b8,2 128b10,0 a82,0 − 464a52,0 a31,1 b7,3 768a62,0 a21,1 b10,0 832a52,0 a31,1 b9,1 800a22,0 a61,1 b10,0 − 512a62,0 a21,1 b8,2 − 1040a42,0 a41,1 b10,0 − 800a32,0 a51,1 b9,1 688a42,0 a41,1 b8,2 192a62,0 a21,1 b6,4 192a72,0 a1,1 b7,3 −384a1,1 b9,1 a72,0 t8 3840a62,0 a21,1 b9,1 − 6016a52,0 a31,1 b10,0 − 512a82,0 b9,1 4096a52,0 a31,1 b8,2 − 448a52,0 a31,1 b6,4 384a82,0 b7,3 1120a42,0 a41,1 b7,3 − 5440a41,1 b9,1 a42,0 2432a72,0 b10,0 a1,1 − 1664a2,0 7 a1,1 b8,2 − 1680a32,0 a51,1 b8,2 − 2304a62,0 a21,1 b7,3 1960a61,1 b9,1 a22,0 − 1960a71,1 b10,0 a2,0 768a72,0 a1,1 b6,4 6000a51,1 b10,0 a32,0 t7 768a82,0 b6,4 − 768a82,0 b8,2 11280a32,0 a51,1 b9,1 − 11392a62,0 a21,1 b10,0 − 980a71,1 b9,1 a2,0 − 2304a62,0 a21,1 b6,4 980a81,1 b10,0 16608a42,0 a41,1 b10,0 − 3072a72,0 a1,1 b7,3 4864a1,1 b9,1 a72,0 − 12992a2,0 5 a31,1 b9,1 − 560a32,0 a51,1 b7,3 224a42,0 a41,1 b6,4 6016a52,0 a31,1 b7,3 2816b10,0 a82,0 840a22,0 a61,1 b8,2 − 11560a22,0 a61,1 b10,0 − 9376a42,0 a41,1 b8,2 t6 7808a62,0 a21,1 b8,2 21600a41,1 b9,1 a42,0 − 7552a72,0 b10,0 a1,1 5248a72,0 a1,1 b8,2 − 3840a72,0 a1,1 b6,4 − 23280a51,1 b10,0 a32,0 − 640a82,0 b7,3 1344a52,0 a31,1 b6,4 10176a62,0 a21,1 b7,3 − 5880a61,1 b9,1 a22,0 − 12544a62,0 a21,1 b9,1 − 3360a42,0 a41,1 b7,3 − 16896a52,0 a31,1 b8,2 5040a32,0 a51,1 b8,2 19840a52,0 a31,1 b10,0 5880a71,1 b10,0 a2,0 2048a82,0 b9,1 t5 −2048a82,0 b6,4 − 6960a52,0 a31,1 b7,3 − 12000a32,0 a51,1 b9,1 7296a62,0 a21,1 b10,0 − 9728a62,0 a21,1 b8,2 14528a52,0 a31,1 b9,1 1792b10,0 a82,0 4928a72,0 a1,1 b7,3 t4 2048a82,0 b9,1 − 640a82,0 b7,3 − 5440a62,0 a21,1 b7,3 − 3200a52,0 a1,1 3 b10,0 − 8800a41,1 b9,1 a42,0 1920a62,0 a21,1 b9,1 8800a51,1 b10,0 a32,0 −768a52,0 a31,1 b9,1 − 768a82,0 b8,2 768a82,0 b6,4 12000a22,0 a61,1 b10,0 2880a62,0 a21,1 b6,4 − 3584a1,1 b9,1 a72,0 10320a42,0 a41,1 b8,2 − 17648a42,0 a41,1 b10,0 −640a72,0 a1,1 b8,2 1792a82,0 b8,2 7680a52,0 a31,1 b8,2 − 2688a72,0 b10,0 a1,1 2560a72,0 a1,1 b6,4 t3 768a62,0 a21,1 b10,0 768a62,0 a21,1 b8,2 − 768a72,0 a1,1 b7,3 2816b10,0 a82,0 768a42,0 a41,1 b10,0 t2 384a82,0 b7,3 − 384a72,0 a1,1 b8,2 − 384a52,0 a31,1 b10,0 384a62,0 a21,1 b9,1 − 512a82,0 b9,1 128a62,0 a21,1 b10,0 128a72,0 b10,0 a1,1 t 128b10,0 a82,0 − 128a1,1 b9,1 a72,0 128a82,0 b8,2 , A.4 Journal of Applied Mathematics 17 I0,8 16a52,0 a31,1 b7,3 − 35a71,1 b9,1 a2,0 35a81,1 b10,0 − 40a42,0 a41,1 b8,2 120a42,0 a41,1 b10,0 128b10,0 a2,0 8 − 70a22,0 a61,1 b10,0 32a62,0 a21,1 b8,2 −80a52,0 a31,1 b9,1 − 20a3 2,0 a51,1 b7,3 30a22,0 a61,1 b8,2 − 160a62,0 a21,1 b10,0 60a32,0 a51,1 b9,1 64a1,1 b9,1 a72,0 128a72,0 a1,1 b8,2 − 256a52,0 a31,1 b8,2 240a32,0 a51,1 b8,2 8a42,0 a41,1 b6,4 t8 640a52,0 a31,1 b10,0 128a82,0 b9,1 − 160a42,0 a41,1 b7,3 − 480a51,1 b10,0 a32,0 96a62,0 a21,1 b7,3 400a41,1 b9,1 a42,0 − 512a72,0 b10,0 a1,1 − 280a61,1 b9,1 a22,0 280a71,1 b10,0 a2,0 64a52,0 a31,1 b6,4 − 384a62,0 a21,1 b9,1 t7 128a82,0 b8,2 128b10,0 a82,0 − 464a52,0 a31,1 b7,3 768a62,0 a21,1 b10,0 832a52,0 a31,1 b9,1 800a22,0 a61,1 b10,0 − 512a62,0 a21,1 b8,2 3 − 1040a42,0 a41,1 b10,0 − 800a2,0 a51,1 b9,1 688a42,0 a41,1 b8,2 192a62,0 a21,1 b6,4 192a72,0 a1,1 b7,3 −384a1,1 b9,1 a72,0 t6 −512a52,0 a31,1 b10,0 384a62,0 a21,1 b9,1 − 256a72,0 a1,1 b8,2 128a82,0 b7,3 − 544a62,0 a21,1 b7,3 768a52,0 a31,1 b8,2 256a72,0 a1,1 b6,4 128a82,0 b9,1 880a51,1 b10,0 a32,0 − 384a72,0 b10,0 a1,1 − 880a41,1 b9,1 a42,0 t5 128b10,0 a82,0 − 256a1,1 b9,1 a72,0 128a62,0 a21,1 b8,2 128a82,0 b8,2 128a42,0 a41,1 b10,0 384a62,0 a21,1 b10,0 − 128a72,0 a1,1 b7,3 − 128a52,0 a31,1 b9,1 t4 −128a52,0 a31,1 b10,0 − 256a72,0 b10,0 a1,1 128a82,0 b9,1 128a82,0 b6,4 128a62,0 a21,1 b9,1 128a82,0 b7,3 − 128a72,0 a1,1 b8,2 t3 128a62,0 a21,1 b10,0 128b10,0 a82,0 − 128a1,1 b9,1 a72,0 128a82,0 b9,1 − 128a72,0 b10,0 a1,1 t 128a82,0 b8,2 t2 128b10,0 a82,0 . 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