ENTERTAINMENT Alicia Hits the Right Keys

October 2001
Lightning Press
Here’s A Quick Read!
by Erin Keller
Lightning Reporter
In the Forests of the Night, written by
Amelia Atwater-Rhodes, is a well-written
story about a modern-day vampire and her
haunting, lingering past. All of the memories of her painful changing from human to
a child-of-the-night come flooding back
when an old enemy leaves a gift (actually a
warning) on her bed. Living for three hundred years has taught her that even old
wounds do not always heal.
Something lacking with this story is that
in the beginning the heroine seems a bit
depressed and flat. Other than that single
point, this book has a little of everything
for everyone. The action is excellent, and
the story has some emotional scenes, such
as the loss of the protagonist’s brother,
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from page 6
Most of the people in my class steadily raised
their SAT score over the course of the
Because the students at the classes see
each other very often, they get to know each
other pretty well over the summer. We would
usually go out for lunch after the classes were
done, and sometimes we would hang around
with each other on weekends.
People usually continue to keep in touch
when they go back to America (or whatever
country they study in) through e-mails
and chatting network (MSN or AIM),
and would meet up again when they are
back in Korea.
In any case, I thought my summer was
pretty enjoyable. Unlike many other kids, I
took the classes I wanted. Although it wasn’t
a blast memorizing SAT words all summer,
it did raise my score a little, and I got to meet
lots of new people, which was pretty fun.
However, after two years of the SAT summer classes I’ve had enough. Now I’m looking forward to next summer when I can really
have fun.
dealing with her own death, and multiple events
that remind her of her former life which throw
her back into her past. Plus, the symbolism of
her double life is exceedingly well constructed
and explained. Who she is in modern day, as
opposed to who she was in her past life, is
mirrored in the way that people often times
would like to return to the innocence and
naïveté of childhood.
Due to the fact that this book has a fairly
simple reading level, and is less than 150 pages,
it can be read in one’s spare time, and still leaves
time for the obligations of most high school
students. Finally, the conflicts the main character faced manage to keep one interested, as
well as being able to find parts of oneself in her
and vice versa.
In the Forests of the Night can be found at
any local bookstore.
Alicia Hits the Right
by Kate Munson
Sports Editor
Within the mix of boy bands, hard rock and repetitive rap, one artist stands all on her own.
Alicia Keys is one of the few performers in today’s mainstream music that writes, produces,
plays, and sings all of her own music. Her CD,Songs in A Minor, combines a talented mix of
R & B with some classical elements. Artists such as Jimmy Cozier are featured within her
works. Within the first week, Keys début album reached number one on the Billboard Charts.
She also recently preformed at the MTV music awards. Her stellar performance enabled
audiences from around the world to see that she is only just beginning. Already, she has
been compared to Aretha Franklin. Some of the most astounding tracks on her CD include,
“How Come You Don’t Call Me?” and “Mr. Man”. So the next time you head to Best Buy to
pick up a CD, opt for Alicia Keys.
Modern Classic Coming to the
Big Screen
by Trevor Murphy
Lightning Reporter
For those of you looking for a good book,
you may want to try The Fellowship of the
Ring. I especially recommend this book to
those of you who like fantasy and a lot of
The Fellowship of the Ring , the first part
of the Lord of the Rings, is one of J. R. R.
Tolkien’s most renowned books. This enchanting fantasy is of a young hobbit, or
miniature man, named Frodo Baggins, who
embarks on a journey against all odds and
faces his greatest fears in an attempt to save
the world from Sauron, the most vile sorcerer
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to ever rein. The group that sets out on the
quest with Frodo are of all different races
and have very diverse backgrounds, but
they all play an important role throughout
the story. Before you read The Fellowship
of the Ring it may be a good idea to read its
prequel, TheHobbit . It is not essential to do
this, but it might help the understanding of
the series of books that follow.
There are three parts to The Lord of the
Rings, and The Fellowship of the Ring is
only the first of these. The books that continue the excitement of Frodo’s epic adventure are The Two Towers and The Return of
the King. These two books are written with
from page 6
they’re not all hard labor. Most programs involve plenty of social activity and great experiences. Staying at a college campus for a few
weeks creates new friendships and provides
an invaluable first-hand insight into campus
life. Admissions officers like to see that a student isn’t simply spending his/her summer at
the beach, and summer programs demonstrate
a student’s ability to handle the self-motivation college life requires.
Lastly, underclassmen can get a leg-up on
college admissions with a rigorous class
schedule. A vital component of a successful
college application is the course transcript. A
student who has taken an accelerated, honors, or Advanced Placement (AP) course has
a better chance at college acceptance as well
as financial aid opportunities. Here, too, the
early bird wins.
While many students wait until their senior
year to try such classes, its wise to take an AP
or honors course earlier, such as freshman or
sophomore year. By waiting until senior year
for an advanced course, many students are
hit by the double-whammy of overwhelming
college applications and adjusting to a
as much suspense as the first, with surprises
around every corner.
If after reading these books, or if you don’t
like reading but would still like to be a part of
the adventure, you can go to your local movie
theatre on December 19 and watch “The Fellowship of the Ring,” starring Elijah Wood.
The journey will continue with “The Two Towers,” coming to theatres in December of 2002,
and “The Return of the King,” coming in
Decmeber of 2003. To learn more about these
upcoming movies, visit The Lord of the Rings
official website atwww.lordoftherings.net, and
see the movie trailer throughwww.apple.com.
faster-paced course all at once. This can lead
to frustration and aggravation.
While many worry that accelerated courses
are a threat to their GPAs, Eastview offers
such a wide variety of advanced courses that
most should be able to find at least one that
suits them. Give it a try! Most importantly,
such courses can provide greater subjectdepth and enhance work habits—skills which
are essential beyond school. Simply put, the
payoffs are well worth any risk involved.
Attending summer programs, taking the
tests early, and signing up for advanced
courses are all important factors in a successful college application, as well as a satisfying
high school career. However, there are many
other ways to get ahead of the game (such as
establishing long-term commitment to community service). Starting early isn’t nearly as
complex as many think. A visit with a guidance counselor is an excellent way to simplify this process.
However, sophomore and junior years, like
every year, are primarily about learning and
growing. Early college preparation is important, but so is enjoying one’s time as a high
school student. The early bird does catch the
worm, but the happy bird remembers to stop
and smell the roses.