Library Assessment Working Group Meeting Minutes 10/11/10 Present: S. Avery, S. Braxton, K. Dougan (chair), L. Hinchliffe, J. Jacoby, C. Phillips, D. Ward (visiting), E. Phetteplace (GA) Absent: K. Kern 1. Announcements (Dougan) a) Sweeps week and encouraging year-round use of Desk Tracker (and related future faculty meeting presentation. There will be a ) presentation (Eric, David, Kathleen, Kirstin?) at a future faculty meeting to share some data visualizations to show the utility of year-round statistics, comparability between units. 1. MPAL, BEL, ESSL, Institute libraries, UGL, RRGIS, LIS all use yearround. Scholarly Commons will and David is talking to Archives about switching over. b) Tweaks to LAWG website (Phetteplace). We want more navigation on the home page rather than text, move the RSS feed to a sidebar, tell users what they can do and filter them towards their destination. Eric will email out any drafts once they are completed. c) This may be moving back towards old design, might want to investigate. d) Move Faculty Publications under Assessment @ UIUC. 2. READ pilot (Ward/all) a) Scott Walter is in favor of READ for embedded librarians and wants to bring in Bella Gerlich, creator of the scale. She would help with training, calibration, getting people involved. Those would likely be split into two talks (introduction and then a training session for the pilot). Need to discuss who should/could be in the pilot—mix of embedded and desks? b) What are we hoping to accomplish with READ? We have to have a compelling narrative. Embedded librarians should have a means to compare with other libraries. We don’t want to limit this to just embedded librarians—but need to think about the context of evaluating all service models. c) With the internet, we get less ready reference and more sophisticated questions [this is not necessarily true across all libraries]. READ demonstrates question complexity. Currently we only have poor proxies for complexity (duration, subject). A lengthy question might involve many repetitions of a simple procedure or a user who just needs more help navigating resources. d) This would be a great project for the new Reference Coordinator position. (but we can’t wait until that position is filled.) e) Wouldn't be until late November when we can get into a faculty meeting. The pilot might start earlier but would still need official calibration. f) David Ward agreed to help with the planning committee along with Kathleen and Carissa. g) ACTION ITEM: Kirstin will contact Bella concerning her availability and fee. 3. LibQUAL funding proposal and planning (all) a) Revisions to the proposal. Consider addressing to both the AUL for Services and University Librarian. b) What resulted from the last iteration of LibQUAL? It's difficult to single out items that would not have happened without LibQUAL, but it did contribute to certain actions such as the additional outlets in UGL. This is part of a broader, holistic assessment method, the information was available for all to act on. Specific examples can be removed but added later upon request. c) The charge of the committee is to create an assessment infrastructure but it's up to library administration and librarians to act on the information LAWG puts out. LibQUAL allows longitudinal and institutional comparisons. d) Last paragraph of proposal (re: Lite protocol) can be removed. Instead say “LibQUAL+/LibQUAL+ Lite” throughout. e) LibQUAL Lite is the same price and answers the same questions. But it has increased response rates and tends to sample a more realistic population (people with favorable opinions of the library are more likely to fill out the long form, thus inflating mean scores a little bit). f) A mixed long/lite survey would allow for score conversion and help maintain the longitudinal nature of the data. g) Pending funding approval, there is an opportunity to discuss with ARL and ask what they would recommend, e.g. what proportion lite and long or different proportions among different populations (long form for faculty and lite for students). We might consider just doing all Lite from here forward. h) Review of the planning timeline. IRB approval needs to get going. Spring might not be realistic. Spring means an April survey date. i) ACTION ITEM: Kirstin will make further edits to proposal and share with LAWG before sending to Walter and Kaufman. 4. Assessment grants program proposal (all) a) Review of draft documents (attached) b) Didn't have time to get to. Wait until we hear back about LibQUAL+ before requesting a budget. ARL Assessment Conference could be on the budget so that LAWG can send someone each year.