AN ABSTRACT OF THE THESIS OF Joseph Wilfred St.Martin for the degree of Master of Science June 17, 1983 in the School of Oceanography presented on Internal Waves: Towed Observations in the Western Title: North Atlantic Redacted for Privacy Abstract approved: ayton A. Paulson Observations of internal waves were made with a towed thermistor chain between 10 and liOm depth in the Sargasso Sea and north of the Gulf Stream in a warm core ring. Spectral except levels that a agree spectral with spectrum Garrett-Munk the observed was shoulder in the Sargasso Sea observations at a wavenumber of 2-3x103 cpm. This shoulder coincides with a coherence peak found when the vertical separation was less than 40m. This coherence differs peak from the coherences at low wavenumbers agree. although model, Garrett-Munk The spectal shoulder and coherence peak is evidence of dominance by a few low modes. The spectral levels from the Sargasso Sea and warm core ring agree with observations by and Briscoe Katz (1979) from 350 to 750m depth in the Sargasso Sea and with observations from MILE 1983a) which were taken (Spoering, in the 1979; Levine et al., upper ocean Pacific. The observations from Bell (1976) in the NE taken in the Sargasso Sea and from JASIN (Levine et al., 1983b) taken west of Scotland exhibit higher spectral levels than our observations. Towed Observations in the Western North Atlantic Internal Waves: by Joseph Wilfred St. Martin A THESIS submitted to Oregon State University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science Completed June 17, 1983 Commencement June 1984 APPROVED: Redacted for Privacy Profess r of Oceanography in charge of major Redacted for Privacy Dean of the School of ga phy Redacted for Privacy Dean of GraduAtle Schoo Date thesis is presented June 17, 1983 Typed by Joseph W. St. Martin for Joseph W. St. Martin AC KNOWLEDGE MENT I wish to thank Dr. Clayton Paulson, my major professor, and Dr. Murray Levine for their guidance and assistance in the developement of my thesis. I also would like to thank Rick Baumann for his expertise and assistance with the computer and Lynn deWitt for her advice. Most c ,f all, I wish to thank my wife, Debbie, for her support and love. These last few months have been hectic and she has helped me make it from day to day. This research is supported by the the U. S. Coast Guard which had enough faith in my abilities to assigned me to graduate school and the Office of Naval Research, contract N00014-79-C--0004, project NR 083-102. TABLE OF CONTENTS Page INTRODUCTION ................. 1 OBSERVATIONS ................. 3 ANALYSIS ................... 11 SPECTRA ................... 15 CONCLUSION .................. 29 REFERENCES .................. 31 APPENDICES A. XBT Temperature Profiles and Isotherms ............... 33 B. Edited Isotherms ............ 39 C. Ensemble Averaged Spectra ....... 52 D. Desaubies (1976) Towed Vertical E. Coherence Equation .......... 62 Ensemble Averaged Vertical Coherence ............... 66 LIST OF FIGURES 1. Configuration of thermistor the chain while 4 and 6 under tow. 2. showing Chart ship's the track cruise approximate location of the Gulf Stream and a warm core segment heavy The ring. in the Sargasso Sea corresponds to Run 2 and the one within the warm core ring is Run 3. The light segment corresponds which extends beyond an to XBT cross-section tow track the of the Positions of CTD's are also plotted as chain. open circles. 3. Buoyancy frequency in the Sargasso Sea near Run 9 2 on 13-Sep-81 (Trask et al., 1982). 4. Buoyancy frequency from a warm core ring (Run 3) on 17-Sep-81 (heavy line) and from 10 the Srgasso Sea (Run 2) on 13-Sep-81 (light line) (Trask et al., 1982). 5. Spectrum of isotherm (0) the depth of the 23.5 deg C from the Sargasso Sea compared to the ensemble averaged coherence with 5 to lOm vertical separation (solid line). 13 6. Ensemble averaged spectra of isotherm depth 16 from the Sargasso Sea at depths of 45-50m (0), (c), and 100-hOrn (0). 76-80m scaled Spectra multiplying by Spectra. a) by the b) local buoyancy frequency. 7. from spectrum average N-scaled the Sargasso Sea of isotherm depth compared 17 the to Garrett-Munk model as formulated by Desaubies (1976) . Light depict lines confidence 95% intervals. 8. N-scaled ensemble averaged spectra of isotherm depth from the warm core ring at depths 31-35rn (0) (0) , 35-40m () , compared to the 41-47m (X) , Garrett-Munk 19 of and 49-54m spectral model. 9. Comparison N-scaled of spectra of isotherm 21 depth from the Sargasso Sea (0), the warm core ring (a), MILE (heavy solid line), Katz and Briscoe (light dashed line), JASIN (light solid line) , 10. and Bell (heavy dashed line) Ensemble averaged coherence between isotherms separated vertically 5 to lOm the Desaubies (1976) (bold line) and towed vertical coherence equation from Appendix E with N = 12 (light 24 line) and N = 6 (dashed line) . Desaubies equation computed for a vertical separation of 7. Sm. 11. Ensemble averaged coherence between isotherms 26 separated 5 to lOm in the vertical (bold line) and the towed vertical coherence of Katz and Briscoe (1979) at 350m depth and 8.5m vertical separation. 12. Dispersion relation for modes the Sargasso Sea. 1 through 6 in 28 LIST OF TABLES 1. Location and mean depth sensors. chain temperature (C) (T) , Each from station pressure sensor installed. chain of (P) , operating towed either has 5 a or conductivity The distance along the the depressor to the sensors denoted by S with units of chain-meters. is One chain-meter equals 1.016m. 2. Summary of isotherms spectrally analyzed. 8 internal 22 Isotherms are at 0.5 deg C intervals. 3. Summary of waves. compared observations of TOWED OBSERVATIONS IN THE INTERNAL WAVES: WESTERN NORTH ATLANTIC INTRODUCTION Until recently, upper ocean internal waves were not Roth et as extensively studied as those at deeper depths. al. at compared data from the upper ocean available (1979) that published Recent time. which provide studies additional observational broader a been have base. Summaries of internal wave observation and theory can be found in Munk (1979) and Levine (1983) Internal waves in the deep ocean, where the buoyancy frequency, N, given by N = (q/p p/z)1/2 , varies little Garrett with depth, have been extensively investigated. and Munk (1972, 1975, 1979) have modeled the distribution of internal wave energy this in varying buoyancy frequency allowed the use approximation in the formulation of the model. adequately describes the internal slowly The region. of WKB the This model spectra wave at frequencies greater than the inertial frequency and less than the local Garrett-Munk model buoyancy However, frequency. may not be applicable in the the upper ocean, where the bouyancy frequency changes rapidly and where there energy. may be sources or sinks of internal wave 2 In the upper ocean, deviations from the Garrett-Munk have model been observed. Pinkel 1981) (1975, found higher levels of spectral energy and a peak in vertical coherence at frequencies of 3 to 6 cph. These deviations were explained as the result of dominance by the lowest few modes. Levine et al. (1983a, 1983b) found similar results at high frequency and wavenumber and successfully modeled the internal wave spectra with a model composed of only the lowest few modes. At 350m depth in the Sargasso Sea, Katz and Briscoe (1979) also observed a peak in the coherence. This was again concluded to be the result of low mode dominance. The reason for low mode dominance has not been explained. The purpose of this paper is to present the results of observations made with a towed thermistor chain in the western North Atlantic. Data were obtained between 10 and hOrn at two separate locations. wavenumber spectra and towed vertical various vertical separations are presented. at depths Horizontal coherences at These results are compared to other observations and to the Garrett-Munk model. 3 OBSERVATIONS Observations were made with a towed thermistor chain in September, 1981. A diagram of the thermistor chain is shown on Fig. The chain consisted of 1. member wound to a drum and connected to 450kg cylindrical, attached to strain the Plastic depressor. member a wire strain streamlined, a were fairings throughout length. its Sensors and electronics were incorporated within some of the pressure frequency and sensors, from signals of consisted These fairings. each system provided conductivity vs. recorded and 4Hz a record sampled magnetic on at a The tape. pressure, temperature, of 3 Analog sensors. were sensors the thermistors, 31 conductivity 2 of of or time and distance at the depth of each Table 1 lists the locations of the sensors on the sensor. chain and their mean depth in the water column during the Spoering (1979) provides a more two data collection tows. detailed description of the thermistor chain. The thermistor chain was towed on three separate occasions during the cruise (hereafter referred to as Runs 2, and 3) . 1, the chain was Data from Run 1 were not analyzed because deployed to a depth of only 70m and 3 are shown in Fig. Sargasso Sea and Run 3 2. was Run a Tow tracks for Runs variety of water types were crossed. 2 and 2 was located in the located north of the Gulf Figure under tow. Configuration of the thermistor chain while Table 1. Location and mean depth of operating towed chain sensors. Each station has either a temperature (T) The pressure (P) , or conductivity (C) sensor installed. distance along the chain from the depressor to the sensors One chain is denoted by S with units of chain-meters. meter equals 1.016 m. Channel Station No. 1 2 3 4 5 7 9 10 11 12 13 16 18 19 21 23 24 25 27 28 29 30 31 32 34 35 36 P0 Ti T2 CO T3 T4 T6 T7 T8 T9 S 10 12 16 16.5 17 20 28 32 36 40 44 56 60 64 72 80 84 88 96 T10 T13 T14 T15 T17 T19 T20 T21 T23 T24 T25 P2 T26 T27 100 104 106 108 112 T29 T30 117 120 Cl Depth of Operating Sensors(m) (Chain-meters) 116.5 Run 2 Run 116.7 114.7 110.6 110.1 109.6 106.6 98.5 94.5 90.5 86.5 82.5 70.7 66.8 62.8 55.1 47.4 43.6 39.8 32.2 28.5 24.8 22.9 21.1 17.4 13.3 12.8 10.1 107.2 105.2 101.1 100.6 100.1 97.1 89.2 85.2 81.3 77.5 73.6 62.3 58.6 55.0 47.8 40.7 37.3 33.8 27.1 23.8 20.5 18.9 17.3 14.1 10.6 10.2 7.8 3 I I I I I I I I 42°N .... 1! WARM CORE RING 40°N 38°N \ .1 36°N ç5 ' GULF STREAM " 34°N Ii 76°W 74°W 72°W 70°W 68°W Figure 2. Chart showing the ship's cruise track and approximate location of the Gulf Stream and a warm core The heavy segment in the Sargasso Sea corresponds ring. to Run 2 and the one within the warm core ring is Run 3. The light segment corresponds to an XBT cross-section the tow which extends beyond track of the chain. Positions of CTD's are also plotted as open circles. 7 During each run data were Stream in a warm core ring. collected on two separate computer tapes, causing a short break in the record. Some the data were not used of because of changes in tow speed or the crossing of water structure not associated with internal waves. Table 2 summarizes observations which were analyzed. Observations temperature of depth (Trask et al., 1982) N (g/p = vs. were taken at two sites near the locations of Runs 2 and 3 frequency, conductivity and (see Fig. p/Bz)1/2 2) . computed , The buoyancy these from observations is shown in Figs. 3 and 4. Observations of temperature vs. near hourly (XBT) expendable bathythermograph contoured isotherms and Runs with Appendix A contains vertical temperature probes. profiles during intervals depth were taken at 2 and 3 and from XBT taken casts extending beyond Run 2. locations of the XBT measurements is shown in Fig. 2. The Table 2. Summary of isotherms spectrally analyzed. 0.5 deg C intervals. Isotherm Tape Begin Time/Date (Deg C) (GMT) Isotherms are at Duration (mm) Tow Speed (m/s) Run 2 21 through 25.5 21 through 25.5 20 and 20.5 10 10 0130 0646 0730 14-Sep-81 14-Sep-81 14-Sep-81 314 300 255 2.0 2.0 2.0 12 13 1915 0057 17-Sep-81 18-Sep-81 282 160 2.8 2.5 9 Run 3 18 through 22 20 through 22 9 FRUUENCY (CPH) 9 ,.-. 1.. R A 1 12 14. 16 18 15ø '-.-, 2ØQ F o__ øø LU D 25ø sø .II'4I Figure 3. Buoyancy frequency in the Sargasso Sea near Run 2 on 13-Sep-81 (.Trask et al., 1982). 10 FPQUNCY( CPH) 5 ,.- 15 '--' 22 251 Ho_ @ø LU D 35 4.5 Figure 4. Buoyancy frequency from a warm core ring and from the Sargasso (Trask et al., line) (Run 3) on 17-Sep-81 (heavy line) on 13-Sep-81 Sea (Run 2) (light 1982) :ii ANALYSIS The raw temperature, pressure, and conductivity data filtered low-pass were by computing sequential 30s This filtering removed fluctuations in chain averages. depth caused by surface gravity waves and the roll, pitch, and heave of the ship. The temperature data was used to compute the depths of isotherms deg 0.5 (at intervals) C interpolation between the records. moving due out to of internal the with waves limited depth linear These isotherm depths less than 80% were edited to remove records which were complete by large range of amplitudes the chain. Records which were more than 80% complete were completed by extrapolation from adjacent isotherms. The edited isotherm depths from Runs 2 and 3 are shown in Appendix B. During Run 3, the chain tended to kite (move to the side) because of the greater tow speed. The 30s averages of pressure provided a record of the vertical movement of the chain caused by the kiting. This pressure record was used to correct the isotherm depths. performed by The correction was linear interpolation between the deep and shallow pressure record. Isotherm depths from Run 3 are less reliable than Run 2 because of uncertainties in the correction. Corrections to Run 2 were negligible. 12 Spectra of isotherm depths were computed by use of standard taking techniques. forward first the were Data pre-whitened first by Pre-whitening difference. minimizes leakage from band to band (Frankignoul, 1974). Spectra were then computed by use of conventional Fourier Transform dividing techniques. by transfer the spectra The recolored were function of the by differencing scheme. were spectra The smoothed non-overlapping wavenumber bands, by averaging equally spaced in on a Frequency spectra were converted to logarithmic scale. wavenumber spectra by using Taylor's hypothesis and taking the mean velocity. tow speed during each run as the relevant A representative spectrum is shown in Fig. 5. Spectra of individual isotherm depths were also ensemble averaged with other spectra from similar depths. The average spectra for Runs 2 and 3 are shown in Appendix C. Table 2 lists the isotherms used for spectral analysis and their lengths. Towed vertical coherence coherence) isotherms is a measure vertically (hereafter referred to as the of separated in correlation between water column. the Coherence was only computed for Run 2 because the kiting of the chain during coherence values. Run 3 tended to cause erroneous 13 I I llJ J I I JJ I III 6 1 0 5 0 0 0 C-) LiJ C-) 0 z L 0 c LaJ C) 0 (J C) -J 0 I 5 I I 1111 III It. 3 LOG K (CPM) & liii 2 Figure 5. Spectrum of the depth of the 23.5 deg C isotherm (0) from the Sargasso Sea compared to the ensemble averaged coherence with 5 to lOm vertical separation (solid line) 14 The coherence between isotherm depths computing the cross-spectrum found by series. two the of is This results in a real part, the co-spectrum, and an imaginary The coherence squared is given part, the quad-spectrum. by the ratio of the magnitude of the cross-spectrum to the The coherence is product of the spectrum of each series. As with the spectra, the the square root of this result. cross-spectra non-overlapping wavenumber logarithmic computed scale. for bands, Ensemble isotherm averaging by smoothed are equally coherences averaged depths spaced various of over on a were vertical A representative separations and over all depth levels. coherence spectrum is shown in Fig. 5. The coherence estimates were tested for significance at the 95% level with the null hypothesis test. values which fall at or below (1-. 05 "-i- degrees of freedom of the estimate, ) , Coherence where 2n is the are considered not significantly different from zero at the 95% level. SPECTRA Sargasso Sea are shown in Fig. N(z) , as reduced. of the in Fig 6b, the in The spectral 6a. the levels When these spectra are increase with increasing depth. scaled by multiplying by the ranges depth three from spectra Averaged local buoyancy frequency, scatter among the spectra is This suggests that the spectra in the upper hOrn Sea Sargasso scale with the local buoyancy frequency in agreement with the model of Garrett and Munk (1972, 1975) These three spectra were multiplied by N and averaged together to create an ensemble averaged spectrum shown in Fig. 7. This spectrum is compared with the spectral model of Garrett and Munk as formulated by Desaubies (1976) . The towed spectrum is given by 'N / TS(k)=_) f f --j where: The Munk r and t F (w 2f2) 3/2 w (p2-k2) -1/2 {t2 (w2-f2)+k2}1 dpdw f Jk r = Eb2N0 = 320 m2cph t = j/2bN0 = 3.8x104 cprn/cph E = 6.3x103 j b = 1.3x103 m N0 = 3 cph par ameters are parameters: = 3 combinations of the Garrett- E, the energy level; j, the effective I -2 a '-I -3 Co 0 0 CD D -J 0 0 -5 I I I II b * 0 L) -2 Do U) ('1 _3 z CD -5 -It. -3 LOG K (CPM) -2 Figure 6. Ensemble averaged spectra of isotherm depth from the Sargasso Sea at depths of 45-50m (0) 76-8Gm () and 100-11Gm (0). a) Spectra. b) Spectra scaled by multiplying by the local buoyancy frequency. , 17 > 0 7 * S 4- 3 LI) I --5 t iI -4- LOS K iii -3 liii -2 (CPM) Figure 7. N-scaled average spectrum of isotherm depth from the Sargasso Sea compared to the Garrett-Munk model as formulated by IJesaubies (1976) Light lines depict 95% confidence intervals. number; b, mode vertical scale the of N frequency scale. This equation buoyancy numerical integration. high At ; was evaluated by wavenumbers, representation with a spectra has an analytical N0, the and the towed k2 slope (Desaubies, 1976) Overall, the shape and level of the average spectrum agree satisfactorily with the Garrett-Munk model (Fig. cpm the spectrum However, at wavenumbers lower than lxlO is 7) consistently below the Garrett-Munk model while at higher wavenumbers the spectrum is above the model because of an observed spectral (flattening shoulder the of This spectral shoulder is smeared by the spectral slope) . because the shoulder may not always occur at the same wavelength. The process of averaging spectra individual spectral shoulder is more pronounced in some individual spectra as shown in Fig. 5. Averaged spectra from the warm core ring are shown scaled by the local buoyancy frequency in Fig. 8. These spectra are from depths of 31-35, 35-40, 41-47, and 49-54m with local buoyancy frequencies of 15, 17, 20, and 15 cph The scaling of these spectra only slightly respectively. scatter of reduces the little variation of the points. buoyancy However, frequency there is that a so conclusive statement about N-scaling cannot be made. 8 also shows the same Garrett-Munk spectral Fig. model 19 0 7 (-) N * 5 4- 3 U) -5 1,. LOG K -3 -2 (CPM) Figure 8. N-scaled ensemble averaged spectra of isotherm depth from the warm core ring at depths of 31-35m (0), 35-40m (0), 41-47rn (X), and 49-54m (0) compared to the Garrett-Munk spectral model. 20 Spectra from the warm core ring agree described above. with model the level in and The slope. increase in observed spectral level at high wavenumbers is fictitious, caused by errors associated with the kiting of the chain. There is no spectral shoulder evident in the spectra. The averaged spectrum from the Sargasso Sea and the spectrum averaged over 34 to 40m depth from the warm core ring with compared are spectra towed other from experiments and the Garrett-Munk model in Fig. 9. Table 3 summarizes observations the observations from MILE results. average around The agree with our 1979) The deep ocean spectrum of 1x103 cpm. Katz and Briscoe in (Spoering, comparison. A spectral shoulder was observed during MILE at a wavenumber of also and (1979) from a depth of 350 to 750m is spectrum This agreement. spectra which scatter by of average. the and Katz the is a approximate factor Briscoe of ±1.5 Spoering and concluded that their spectra adequately agreed with the Garrett-Munk model. In the wavenumber range from 1x104 to 2x103 cpm the results from JASIN (Levine et al., 1983b) and Bell (1976) are higher than the others by factors of 2 to 6. The JASIN observations slightly also lower wavenumbers, exhibit a wavenumber, the spectral spectral shoulder 6x104 cpm. At at a lower levels of the JASIN and Bell 21 liii I I liii I III I 7 0 C) 0 (N * 5 \ 0 3 0 0 LI) 2 LD D -J I -5 i iii -4- LOG K I I III -3 I I III -2 (CPM) Figure 9. Comparison of N-scaled spectra of isotherm depth from the Sargasso Sea (0), the warm core ring () NILE (heavy solid line) , Katz and Briscoe (light dashed line), JASIN (light solid line), and Bell (heavy dashed line) Table 3. Summary of compared observations of internal waves. Levine et al. Run 2 Location Ocean Depth Run 3 Sargasso Sea Warm core 5000m 2000m ring (1983a) (MILE) Levine et al. (1983b) (JASIN) Katz Bell (1976) & Briscoe (1979) NE West of Sargasso Pacific Scotland Sea Sargasso 500Dm 500Dm 1500m 1500- Sea 500 Om Observation Depth Percent Diff. from GM model 45-lOOm +20 30-50m 20-40m +5 +20 Sept Sept 20-70m 80-120m 350-750m +450 +160 +5 Aug Sept Oct at 1x103 cpm Time of Year Sept t) 23 observations are more in agreement with the other results and the Garrett-Munk This model. may be low due to for various statistical significance at low wavenumber. The coherences from the Sargasso Sea vertical separations are compared with the Garrett-Munk (see Appendix D) model as formulated by Desaubies (1976) The values were calculated by numerical integration. A comparison of the observed coherence at 5 to 10m vertical separation with equation Desaubies' buoyancy using frequencies of 6 and 12 cph is shown in Fig. 10. Over the depth range of the data, the mean buoyancy frequency is 9 cph. Therefore the low wavenumber results are consistent Ensemble average coherences with the Garrett-Munk model. for various Garrett-Munk vertical model, separations, are shown in compared Appendix to E. As the the vertical separation increases the number of significant coherence estimates decreases. the model more uncertain. confirms This makes a comparison to However, an overall comparison that the Sargasso Sea results agree with the Garrett-Munk model at low wavenumber. At high wavenumber, coherence occurs a significant peak for vertical separations of in less the than 40m. This peak does not agree with the Garrett-Munk model which predicts a fall-off to low coherence with increasing 24 L!iaJ LU ø.6 LU LU D ci -5 1, -3 LOG K (CPM) -2 Ensenble averaged Figure 10. coherence between isotherms separated vertically 5 to lOrn (bold line) and towed vertical coherence equation the Desaubies (1976) from Appendix D with N = 12 (light line) and N = 6 (dashed equation for line) Desaubies computed a vertical separation of 7.5 m. . 25 wavenumber. This peak is coincident with the shoulders in many of the spectra of individual isotherms (Fig. 5) Katz and Briscoe (1979) noticed a peak in coherence, at 350m depth, occurring also 2-3x103 cpm. at Their observations were made in September in the Sargasso sea approximately 600nm to the east of the site of Run 2. comparison between the coherence for from separation Run coherence the and 2 Briscoe at 8.5m vertical separation (Fig. their peak, though not similar wavenumber. buoyancy frequency high as profiles a and shows that 11) occurs the of shows Katz of or broad, comparison A lOm vertical to 5 A similar at a respective vertical structure with both having a local minimum in the buoyancy frequency at 350rn depth. Katz and Briscoe hypothesized that the peak in coherence was due the inabilty of higher modes to "tunnel" into the region of the buoyancy However, our observations occur in a frequency minimum. region of maximum buoyancy frequency. Therefore Katz and Briscoe's explanation does not apply to our data taken at shallow depths. The coherence peak and spectral shoulder is evidence of dominance of the internal wave spectrum by the lowest few modes at high wavenumber. frequencies from dominate. 3 to 6 cph Pinkel (1975) found that at the lowest few modes did This result is similar to the JASIN (Levine et 26 1 ri L'I .0 SI 6 D 0.4- -5 -4- -3 LOG K (CPM) -2 coherence between averaged Ensemble Figure 11. isotherms separated 5 to lOrn in the vertical (bold line) and the towed vertical coherence of Katz and Briscoe (1979) at 350rn depth and 3.5m vertical separation. 27 In frequency space, the al, 1983b) data previously cited. JASIN coherence peaked at a frequency of 2 to 4 cph. corresponded 2x103 cpm. Sargasso 2x103 to a dispersion relation The Sea site shows that, (Fig. at 8x10 of a frequencies for the for 12) wavenumber the of of our Therefore the internal wave lowest few modes in the wavenumber coherence peak and (Levine coherence peak et al., found This 1983b). in the (1975) and that the suggests Sargasso dominance by the lowest few modes. shoulder spectral correspond to the high frequencies of Pinkel JASIN to cpm, the frequency for mode 1 is at least 6 cph and for mode 2 is at least 3 cph. range range wavenumber This Sea is due to 2 (-) 0 CD -J -2 -s -/t- LOG K -2 -3 (CPM) Fi;ur 12. Disersjon relation for in thn Sar;asso Sna. o 1 throuoh 6 29 CONCLUSIONS Observations of upper ocean internal gravity waves were made with a towed thermistor chain in September, 1981 at two sites in the western North Atlantic. One site was in the Sargasso Sea and the other was within a warm core ring located north of the Gulf Stream. Spectra of isotherm depths were computed and compared to the predictions of the Garrett-Munk model and to other experiments. The following conclusions can be drawn. 1. The spectral slopes and levels from the Sargasso Sea and the warm core ring agree with the Garrett-Munk Averaged spectral levels from the Sargasso model. proportional are Sea the to local buoyancy frequency. 2. There is spectral shoulder in the Sargasso Sea a results at this a wavenurnber of there wavenumber, .between isotherms whose 1-2x103 cpm. is a peak vertical in Also at coherence separations are less than 40m. This feature does not agree with the Garrett-Munk model. The dispersion relation shows that these wavenumbers correspond to frequencies of at least 3 to 6 cph. The coherence peak and spectral shoulder observed in the Sargasso Sea are evidence of dominance of a few low modes. 30 3. A comparison of the Sargasso Sea and warm core ring observations was made with other observations in the Sargasso (1979) , The Sea. results Katz of Briscoe and taken from 350-75Gm depth, agree with our results. A peak in coherence was found by Katz and Briscoe at 35Gm depth whose wavenumber corresponded to our coherence peak. However, the observations of Bell (1976) taken in the upper ocean were generally higher in level by factor a of 2. Bell did not observe a coherence peak or shoulder. 4. A comparison of the Sargasso Sea and warm core ring results was made with experiments conducted in other oceans. (Spoering, MILE data from 1979; Levine et al., our results. the MILE The the NE Pacific 1983a) agreed with A spectral shoulder was observed in towed spectra at 1x103 cpm. The JASIN observations (Levine et al., 1983b) west of Scotland exhibited spectral levels higher than ours by a factor of about 6. A spectral shoulder and coherence peak were observed at 6x10 cpm. 31 REFERENCES Baumann, R. J., L. M. deWitt, M. D. Levine, C. A. Paulson, Towed Thermistor Chain 1982: Wagner, and J. D. Report, Stream. Gulf the Across Observations Reference 82-3, School of Oceanography, Corvallis, OR 97331, 98 pp. Bell, The Structure of Internal Wave Chain Thermistor from Determined Measurements. J. Geophys. Res., 81, 3709-3714. T.H., Jr., as Spectra Desaubies, Y. Internal 976-981. 1976: F., J. Wave 1976: Analytical Representation of Spectra. J. Phys. Oceanogr., 6, Frankignoul, C., 1974: A Cautionary Note on the Spectral Analysis of Short Internal Wave Records. J. Geophys. Res., 79, 3459-3462. Space-Time Scales of Garrett, C. and W. Munk, 1972: Internal Waves. Geophys. Fluid Dynamics, 2, 225-264. Space-Time Scales of 1975: and W. Munk, C. Internal Waves: A Progress Report. J. Geophys. Res., Garrett, 80,291-297. Garrett, C. and W. Munk, 1979: Internal Waves Ocean. Ann. Rev. Fluid Mech., 11, 339-369. 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Also shown are contoured isotherms computed temperature profiles casts. linear by data. are The interpolation offset proportional to of the between the time XBT the XBT temperature elapsed between A table listing the position and time of each XBT cast is first. 34 XBT Drop Sites/Times Sargasso Sea 33 33 33 33 33 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 35 35 35 35 35 45.5N 47.7N 51.3N 55.0N 58.6N 02.3N 06.1N 10.1N 14.1N 18.1N 22.ON 25.7N 28.1N 38.5N 51.6N 00.ON 03.7N 16.ON 26.ON 37.9N Warm Core Ring 69 69 69 69 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 69 70 69 69 70 70 59.7W 59.9W 59.8W 59.9W 00.3W 00.8W 01.1W 00.9W 00.9W 00.9W 00.7W 00.8W 00.1W 00.0W 59.9W 00.1W 57.6W 59.4W 00.0W 01.8W 38 38 38 38 38 38 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39.ON 42.5N 46.1N 49.8N 53.5N 57.5N 01.4N 05.3N 08.9N 12.5N 16.1N 17.9N 20.5N 21.9N 0100 0200 0259 0400 0459 0559 0659 0800 0901 0959 1058 1158 1610 1700 1800 1843 2200 2300 2357 0057 17,18-Seo-81 Time (GMT) Position XET 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 Time (GNT Position XBT 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 14,15-Sep-81 71 71 71 71 71 71 71 71 71 71 71 71 71 71 29.5W 28.8W 26.9W 25.1W 23.2W 21.5W 19.5W 17.4W 15.3W 13.7W 12.2W 11.5W 10.6W 10.0W 1230 1945 2030 2115 2159 2245 2330 0015 0059 0145 0230 0255 0330 0352 14-SEP-81 sargasso sea 3øø F- aLiJ D500 [J1I' VAf!I [;Ji& 8 12 16 20 24 28 TEMPERATURE (DEG C) LJ 01 warm core ring 1 7 18-SEP-81 [!AI 3øø 0 L D500 '4,4 [;T'4J 8 12 16 20 24 28 TEMPERATURE (DEG C) 0 ) 34 69 103 137 0320 0540 0800 1020 172 (KM) 100 200 _300 100 0 L.iJ 500 600 700 r. 800 0100 i ---T XBT IGOTI-IERMS VG TIME/DISTANCE 1240 1',.-SEP-81 (GMT) 64.5 21.5 0 (KM) 100 200 Ip00 0 Lii 1= H..... Tf1 [T'E1 I 1830 I 2050 ...... I I 2310 0130 XBT ISOTHERMS VS TIME/DISTANCE 1718-SEP-81 (GMTI 39 APPENDIX B Edited Isotherms This appendix contains edited isotherm depths from Runs 2 and 3 which were spectrally analyzed. The isotherms and the times at which they were observed are listed first. on each figure. of 0.5 deg C. The highest and lowest isotherm are given Intermediate isotherms are at increments 40 Isotherms Used for Spectral Analysis Run 2 Time Isotherm (Deg C) (GMT) Tape 9 21.0 21 5 22 0 22 5 23 0 23 5 24 0 24 5 25 0 25.5 It U Tape 10 0730-1145 17-Sep-81 1915-2357 II Tape 13 21 5 22.0 Average Depth (M) 104.87 93 78 84 31 76 62 70 03 64 25 58 95 54 08 49 43 45.60 90.80 83 12 76 15 70 10 65 37 61 53 57 95 54 69 51 18.0 18 5 19 0 19 5 20 0 20 5 21 0 21 5 22.0 0 14-Sep-81 0646-1145 1 Tape 12 21 14-Sep-81 0130-0644 U 21.0 21 5 22 0 22 5 23 0 23 5 21 0 24 5 25 0 25.5 20.0 20.5 20.0 20 5 14-Sep-81 18-Sep-81 0057-0337 II II II It '6 48.00 110.57 99.72 53.27 49 51 46 88 44 77 43 00 41 36 39 73 37 97 36.17 35.76 34 96 34 09 33 07 31.82 (KM 5 0 20 30 50 60 H- 0 LU 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 v1j LOJL1 k1210 0230 0250 EDITED IOTk[RM DEPTH V9 TIME/DISTANCE IOTHERM 25.5 TO 21 .0 DEG C 0310 (GMT) 111---5EP-81 H (KM) 5 0 10 20 30 110 50 60 F- 70 D 80 0 LiJ 90 100 110 120 130 0330 0350 04..10 04-30 EIDTED IGOTI-IERM DEPTH V OTHEPM 04.50 TIME/DIGTANCEI 25.5 TO 21.0 DEG C 0510 14--EP-81 (GMT) (KM) '4 '4 FcL Ld Q .,,4 - -I-" P - 100 110 120 130 0530 0550 0610 0630 0650 EDITED IGOTRERM DEPTH V TIME/DITRNCE IOTHERM9 25.5 TO 21 .0 DEG C 0710 1--5EP-81 (GMT) (KM) 5 '4 '4 '4 '4 .' F- 0 U D .-----' -'- \/ '_' V '-' V V V - ''4 '4 '4 rwaJ'i 'iYAI'i i;ii i;!T'i EDITED ISOTRERM OEPTR V TIME/DISTANCE ISOTHERMS 25.5 TO 20.0 DEG C 41II4 (e1I 1L---SEP-81 . (KM) 5 '4 '4 '4 '4 '4 0 LJ D '4 r4 '4 0930 0950 1010 1030 1050 EDITED I5OTHERM DEPTH VG TIME/DIGTANCE IOTHERM 25.5 TO 20.0 DEG C 1110 (GIlT) 1L-SEP_B1 U' (KM) 5 U U 50 '60 70 LJ 90 100 110 120 130 1130 1150 1210 1230 1250 EDITED ISOTHERM DEPTH VS TIME/DISTANCE ISOTRERMS 25.5 TO 200 DEG C 1310 1L,-SEP-81 (GMT) 15 10 5 0 (KM) 1!J II 20 30 Ito 50 LI 0 LU D E .4 '4,4 '4 '4 '4 1915 1935 1955 2015 2035 2055 ISOTHERM DEPTH VS TIME/DISTANCE 17-SEP-81 iSOTHERMS 22.0 TO 18.0 DEG C (GMT) 10 5 0 (KM) 15 U LII ,50 '60 -70 90 100 110 120 130 2115 2135 2155 2215 2235 2255 ISUTkERM DEPTH VG TIME/DISTANCE 17-EP-81 ISOTHERMS 22.0 TO 10.0 DEG C <GMT) 5 (KM) 15 0 10 20 30 1t-0 50 60 0 LU D 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 2315 2335 2355 IOTHEIPM DEIPT1-I V ISOTHERM 0015 0035 0055 TIME/OITANC 17118-EIP-81 200 TO 18.0 DEG C (GMT) 15 5 (KM) U n Li I-. D E '.4 P4 120 130 0115 0135 0155 0215 0235 0255 ISOTHERM DEPTH VS TIME/OiSTPNCE 18-SEP-81 SOTHERMS 22.0 20.0 OEG C (G1T) Ui 0 15 5 (1(M) U 0 I 70 ci 90 100 110 120 130 0315 0335 0355 015 0435 0455 18-SEP-81 ISOTHERM DEPTH VS TIME/OIGTIRNCE ISOTHERMS 22.0 TO 20.0 DEG C (GMT) u-I 52 APPENDIX C Ensemble Averaged Spectra This appendix contains the ensemble averaged spectra of Runs 2 and 3 for various depth bands. The spectra were computed by the use of standard techniques. The results of Run 2 are shown before those from Run 3. The run number and depth band of each ensemble average is listed at the top of each figure. A table listing isotherms and their average depths is first. the analyzed 53 Ensemble Averaged Isotherms Run 2 Depth Band 14-Sep-81 Isotherm (Deg C) Average Depth (m) 45-50m 25.5 Tape 9 25.0 " 25.5 Tape 10 45.60 49.40 48.00 51-55m 24.5 Tape 9 25.0 Tape 10 24.5 " 54.10 51.50 54.70 56-62m 24.0 Tape 9 24.0 Tape 10 23.5 " 58.95 57.95 61.50 64-66m 23.5 Tape 9 23.0 Tape 10 64.25 65.37 70-71m 23.0 Tape 9 22.5 Tape 10 70.00 70.10 76-77m 22.5 Tape 9 22.0 Tape 10 76.60 76.15 83-85m 22.0 Tape 9 21.5 Tape 10 84.30 83.10 90-94m 21.5 Tape 9 21.0 Tape 10 93.80 90.80 99-105m 21.0 Tape 9 20.5 Tape 10 104.90 99.70 54 Run 3 Depth Band 17,18-Sep-81 Isotherm (Deg C) Average Depth (m) 31-35m 20.5 Tape 13 21.0 " 21 5 " 22.0 34.96 34 09 33 07 31.32 35-40m 21.0 Tape 12 21 5 22.0 " 20.0 Tape 13 39.73 37 97 36.17 35.76 41-47m 19.0 Tape 12 19 5 " 20 0 20.5 46.88 44 77 43 00 41.36 49-54m 18.0 Tape 12 " 18.5 53.27 49.51 ' -j Cl) * c-i cL4 5 0 (CPM) 0 LOG K 0 -3 0 -4 0 0 -2 0 0 45-50M 01P1H 0° RUN 2 Li -J U 1) '-I E * a4 5 5 0 LOG K 0 0 0 (CPt-1) -3 00 0 0 -2 0 51-55M D[PT1 00 -4 0 RUN 2 Ui -J U) * Ci Q4 5 [;I -s 0 0 0 00 (CPM) 0 LOG K 0 -3 0 0 -2 0 0 56-62M DEPTH -4 0o RUN 2 C-) U) * cL4 6- -5 00 00 (CPM) 0 LOG K 0 -3 00 0 -2 0 0 64-66M DEPTH -4 0 RUN 2 tJI -J U) 0 1 u2 -S * Q-4 5 [;I -5 0 0 00 (CPM) 0 LOG K 0 -3 0 0 -2 0 0 70-71M DEPTH -4 RUN 2 E* cD -J U) 1' Ii '-'3 cL4 Ci S -5 0 0 0 (CPM) 0 LOG K 0 -3 0 0 -2 0 0 76-77M DEPTH -4 00 RUN 2 01 -1 -5 00 0 0 0 0 0 c-i cL4 Q -J -I -3 (CPM) -4 LOG K -2 -J -I '-.3 000 '-'3 0 5 * 0 * c-i 5 0 -5 0 0 00 (CPM) 0 LOG K 00 -3 0 0 0 0 -2 0 90-94M DEPTI-I -4 0 RUN 2 -J (I) 0 u2 * cL4 ci 4 6- 5 0 0 0 0 0 (CPM) 0 LOG K 0 3 0 0 0 2 0 99-1ØSM DEPTH 4 RUN 2 Ui -5 00 0 0 0 -j (I) 1I '-3 Oc? -3 (CPM) -4 LOG K -2 r;i cD2 cD (f) * C-) * C) Q-4 00 S c4 5 6 RUN 3 31-35M DEPTH -5 0 0 0 0 00 0 (CPM) 0 LOG K 0 -3 0 -4 L.A RUN 3 35-40M DEPTH -2 J II CD2 * C) 5 [;I -s 0 0 (CPM) 0 LOG K 0 -3 0 -4 0 0 RUN 3 41-47M DEPTH -2 1 * C-) a. 1 -S 0- 4- 5- 6- I . 0 (CPM) 0 I LOG K ..I 0 IIJ 0 I -3 & I -4 ...1 ,-0 ' I III a -2 III 00 I RUN 3 49-54M DEPTH 62 APPENDIX D Towed Vertical Coherence The towed vertical coherence as given by Desaubies (1976) is: (27raV) 2 TVC(2iraV)= 1s2[s2_(2V)2] N/f i 2N2/f2 [ 1 i 1}I(s)ds 2V where I(S)=(N2/f2_l)2[0tcos(st)[(l+t2)(N2/f2+t2)2]_ldt = wavenumber V = vertical separation N = buoyancy frequency f = coriolis parameter. c. I(s) can be expressed in terms of exponential integral functions as follows. The integrand of I is expressed in terms of partial fractions. tcos (st) (1+t2) (N2/f2 + t2)2 (Dt + Ft3 )cos(st) Btcos (st) + 1 + ( where B = (y - 1)_2 D = (1 - 2y) (y - l)_2 F = -(y y = N2/f2 12and + t2)2 63 Hence IBtcos(st) dt I(s)= (_1)2 (1+t2) iJ ((Dt + Ft3)cos(st) dt + J0 [o The first integral B5tcos(st) (1+t2)1 dt = B[_1/2(e_SE1(s)+eSE1(_s))] (from Gradshyteyn and Ryzhik, 1965) where ' t E.(s) =)0e /t dt 1 E.(_s)=J'et/t dt 1 The second integral can be divided into two integrable parts by adding and subtracting yt(y+t2Y2 to the integrand (co (Dt + Ft3)cos(st) (y + t2)2 dt = J 0 (cx, tcos(st) (y + t2)2 dt + (D/F_'r)J 0 / Jo tcos(st) (y + t2)' dt The first part can be integrated by parts to equal (D/F-y) [l/(2y)-s/2 Jsin(st) (y + t2)1dt] which, from Gradshteyn and Ryzhik (1965) becomes -sV (D/F-1) {1/(2y)-s/2{1/t2/) (e E1(S/y) - e The second part can be evaluated Gradshetyn and Ryshik (1965) Jtcos(st) (i+t2Y1dt = e5 1E1() + e5 S1 directly from 64 Therefore, I(s) becomes I(s) = -l/2[e -s E.1 (s) + eSE. (-s)} - (1 -y)y1 + [(1-y)s(2Y' - 1]eE, (s) + 1 {(l-'y)s(2[yY1 + lie E.(-S/). 1 The function TVC(2rrcV) is plotted in Fig. 01 for various values of N/f. 65 I 1 Ill I liii 1 U III I 1 Iii n/f = 21.5 LU z LU (-) n/f =257 LU D n/f iii I -3 -' I liii -2 I I III -1 I 128.5 1111 0 LOG 27ra<V Figure Dl. Towed vertical coherence model of Desauhies (1976) at N/f = 21.5, 123.5, and 257. Plotted as coherence vs 2lTa V where is the wavenumber (cpm) and V is the vertical separation (m) , APPENDIX E Ensemble Averaged Vertical Coherence This section contains the ensemble averaged vertical at various vertical separations from Run coherences 2. Vertical coherences from Run 3 were not computed due to the vertical movement of the chain. heavy line is the ensemble On each figure, the average coherence for all isotherm pairs whose vertical separation fit within the the band listed. The table at the beginning of this section contains a list of the isotherm pairs used. The light line on each figure is the Null Hypothesis test level for each ensemble average. which fall below this line cannot Coherence points be considered significantly different from zero at the 95% level. The dashed line is the model of towed vertical coherence at N = 12 cph as formulated by Desaubies (1976) (see Appendix 67 Vertical Coherence Isotherm Pairs Separation Depth Difference I sotherms (Deg C) (m) 5-1 Urn 23.5-23.0 Tape 9 22.0-21.5 25.5-24.0 Tape 10 21.0-20.5 " 5.78 9.47 9.95 8.92 10-15rn 25.5-24.0 Tape 9 24.5-23.5 23 0-22 0 " 21.5-21.0 24.5-23.0 Tape 10 23.0-22.0 " 22.0-21 0 20.5-20.0 13.35 10.17 14.23 11.09 10.68 10.78 14.65 10.85 16 -2 Urn 24.5-23.0 Tape 9 25.5-23.0 Tape 10 21.0-20.0 15.95 17.37 19.77 20-25rn 25.5-23.0 Tape 9 23.5-22 0 23.0-21.5 " 22.0-21.0 24.5-22.0 Tape 10 22.0-20.5 U 24.42 20.06 23.70 20.56 21.46 22.57 25-3 Urn 23.5-21.5 Tape 9 25.5-22.0 Tape 10 23.0-21.0 29.53 28.15 25.43 30-35m 24.5-22.0 Tape 9 23.0-21.0 23.0-20.5 Tape 10 22.0-20.0 " 30.23 34.79 34.35 34.42 36-40m 25.5-22.0 Tape 9 24.5-21.5 24.5-21.0 Tape 10 38.71 23.5-21.0 Tape 9 25.5-21.0 Tape 10 24.0-20.5 40.62 42.80 41.71 II 4 0-4 3m I, 39 .70 36.11 45-5 3m 25.5-21.5 Tape 9 24.5-21.0 " 25.5-20.5 Tape 10 24 0-20 0 " H 23.0-20.0 48.18 50.79 51.72 52 62 45.20 5 9-6 3m 25.5-21.0 Tape 9 25.5-20.0 Tape 10 59.27 62.57 RUN 2 LiJ 5-1ØM [PRRRTJON RUN 2 LU ø.6 LU 10-1SM EPARflT ION øj LU a: LU LU DØ. C-) C-) '4 WI -5 _1,_ -3 LOG K (CPM) -2 -o LOG K (CPM) RUN 2 1 J LNI 16-21f1 SEPARATION T 1iJ I I 1I 1 I RUN 2 20-25M SEPARATION -5 _Lt_ -3 LOG K (CPu) I-E' \ - cØ1 Li \ - DØ.4Li w1 '4 \ I -S (III I_ I ill I -' -3 LOG K (CPM) liii -2 -2 -J 0 RUN 2 1 25-80M SEPARPUON III I 1 I liii I I RUN 2 30-35M SEPARATION IIJ \ \ Lii Ø.6 \ - LU \ LU Lii \ LU LU DØ.4- DØ. () (-) \ I -5 iiil i iii I -It. -3 LOG K (CPM) I III -2 '-I -r LOG K (CPM) H RUN 2 4-5-53M RUN 2 EIPAR1RT ION LU LU LU LU LU Lii DØH Li 59-63M EIPRRRTION DØ. Li -.3 - -u LOG K (CPM) _._) --I- LOG K (CPM) -J IRUN 2 1 36-'-øM SEPARATION '''I 1 liii 1 1 RUN 2 't-ø-'..3M SEPARATION lJ, N Lii LU ø.6 Ui Lii \ Ui Ui \ DØ.lt DØH C-) C-) \ '4 \ '4,4 I -5 iI i iI -'p -3 LOG K (CPM) iii -2 _'t- LOG K (CPM) -1 U)