Identification of Components in the Neutral Fraction of Green River Shale by Brian Dean Andresen B.S. Florida State University (1969) Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Master of Science at the fassachusetts Institute of Technology Feburary 1972 Signature of Author Certified Thesis Supervisor, Dept. of Chemistry Theis Supervisor, Dept. of Earth and Planetary Sciences jA Accepted by ' I/ \ ". Chai rman, Pepr r tmenta Committee on Graduate Students, Department of Eart ml netary Sc iences WI M1i N 197 EIRAR q page 2 Identification of Components in the Feutral Fraction of Green River Shale by Brian Dean Andresen Submitted to the Department of Ear-th and Planetary Sciences on V!ovember 2, 1971 in partial of the requirements for fulfillment the degree of Vaster of Science Abstract With the aid of a combined gas chromatograph-mass spectrometer-computer system, the analysis of fraction of the Aliphatic and aromatic Green River compounds shale the was were neutral undertaken. examined and characterized. A series structural of An relatively mild components were identified relationship to part of the carbon 8-carotene. revealed compounds skeleton of investigation of the products produced upon thermal considerable degradation similarity in of 8-carotene composition isolated from Green River shale, genesis from which bear implying to the their 8-carotene or closely related polyisoprenoid page 3 products. natural structure to Furthermore Vitamin E compounds were identified significance discussed. Thesis Supervisor: Title: Professor of Chemistry Thesis Supervisor: Title: Dr. Klaus Biemann Dr. John M. Edmond Assistant Professor of Oceanography similar and in their page 4 Acknowledgment I sincerely wish to thank Dr. me to -work in his group. Riemann for allowing His guidance and generosity has been most rewarding. I also wish to thank all the members of his research group for their help and consultation. Financial and Woods Hole acknowledged. support from Oceanographic the Office of Naval Research Institute- are gratefully page 5 Table of Contents page 10 I,. Introduction A. Geochemistry of Sediments B. Gas chromatography-Mass Spectrometry-Computer 10 Systems and Their Application To Geochemistry 21 II'. Analysis of the Neutral Organic Components in Green River Shale 27 A. History 27 B. Analysis and Results 32 C. Compounds of Biological Interest in the Green River Shale III. 64 Analysis of the Thermal Degradation of Beta Carotene and Comparison to Green River Shale 75 IV. V. VI. Conclusions 87 Experimental 89 A. GC-MS-Computer Operating Conditions 89 B. Green River Shale Extraction and Separation 90 1. Extraction 2. Gradient Chromatography C. Osmium Tetroxide Oxidation of Olefins D. Synthesis of the Green River Shale Components 95 References 95 97 page 6 List of Figures 1. Schematic of the combined gas chromatographmass spectrometer-computer system used in the analysis of Green River shale 2. Total 22 ionization plot of a typical fraction in the first few fractions of gradient 33 chromatography 3. Mass spectrum of an alkylbenzene found in Green River shale fraction 45 38 4,. Mass spectrum of an alkylnaphthalene found in Green River shale fraction 45 5. Mass spectrum of a methyl substituted bibenzyl 6. 43 47 Comparison of the authentic and synthetic mass spectra for first compound of a homologous series 7. 53 Gas chromatographic retention time comparison for ionene and the compound in Green River shale 8. 57 Mass spectral comparison between the Green River shale component and the ionene obtained from heated 0-carotene 58 page 7 9. Mass spectrum of a polycyclic compound found Green River shale fraction 45 10. Total in 61 ionization plot of fraction 45 and mass chromatograms of m/e=135 65 11. Mass chromatogram of m/e=149 68 12. Comparison of mass spectra between synthetic and authentic chromanes ionization plot of heated s-carotene 13. Total 14. Apparatus used during gradient chromatography 73 77 92 page List of Tables page identified in Ancient sediments 1. Compounds 2. Compounds previously identified in Green 28 River shale 3. Hydrocarbons in first few fractions obtained from gradient chromatography in Green River shale 4. Alkylbenzenes 5. Alkylnaphthalenes 6. Compounds with two aromatic groups separated in Green River shale Compounds previously 45 76 Compounds derived from the thermal degradation of s-carotene 9. 40 identified in heated B-carotene 8. 35 49 saturated side chains 7. 20 81 Compounds -found both in Green River shale and in heated 8-carotene 85 8 page 9 List of Schemes 1. Extraction of powdered Green River shale 2. Gradient chromatography of the neutral organics 3. 31 Synthetic scheme followed in the preparation of chromane type compounds 4. 30 71 Fragmentation pattern of the first compound in the homologous series 84 page 10 1. A. of Sediments Geochemistry In years recent interest planet in the and at been an ever increasing has there understanding of the origin of life on this identifying what type of life forms were earliest pe riod s of ti me . present during the has Introduction Most research centered arou nd the study of ancient sed iments and identification of organic compounds which might serve the as indicators of living systems. Many aspect problems of have organic geochemistry compounds, isolated biological compounds, compounds sources. not may arisen using this approach. have from it long more organic should resemble exposures common unrelated to problem with the "marker" these solely from inorganic organic compounds of biological may This compounds to elevated temperature and pressure Beinng derived biologically so different compounds, biological isolation activity. an d select ion from these be dismissed Thus, the major isolated organic chemicals migh t erroneo usly as that resemble biologically derived substances. while buried deep in sediments. the the possible produced may be due to the. metamorphosis after is Conversely, the isolated at all that sediments, but been is One of biological type compounds can be defined as determining what page 11 is the true origin of the compounds found in sediments. The theories concerned compounds with with origin of organic in sediments can be divided into two categories. The first is the formation of most through the abiotic processes. the formation, organic matter, all organic compounds The second theory is concerned deposition, produced only and by transformation living of systems, in sediments. It has been observed that certain volcanos are rich in organic muds(l). Proponents of the abiotic theory believe that this organic material earth is synthesized deep within the and is forced under pressure through fissures in the earth's crust. To support this theory, others argue that the reaction of hot alkali metals with carbon dioxide(2) or metal carbide reactions account for the with larg e amounts beneath the surface of the earth. obtained from the reaction hydrochloric acid(4) has shown that variety of organic would water(3) material suffice to organic carbon found of Analysis of the products of iron an are carbide extremely with complex produced. chromatographic analysi s of this complex material shows Gas a smooth Gaussian type di stribution of hydrocarbons, with the maximum around the C18 region. The Fischer-Trops ch(5) reaction also proposes a explanation for the presence of organic material in ancient sediments. A Fischer-Tropsch synthesis involves possible page 12 the reaction of carbon monoxide with hydrogen on a suitable hydro carbons. yield to catalyst Gas analysis o f this material shows normal C32, from C18 t This present. incorporat on Analy o rganics the less on mineral reaction of other hydrocarbons ranging abundant surfaces, is followed by another is of possible many me teorites(6) has shown that a vast rgani c material is synthesized amount of organics for the presen ce of hydrocarbons in sediments. explanatio Many with many chromatographic of type deep in space. organic c ompounds, resembling those having biological origi n, have be en found in such meteorites(7). t he abiotic theory believe that the presence Advocates of of organic mater ial in met erorites is proof that organic compounds can be syn thesiz ed from inorganic sources. In t he search for biological marker ancient sed iments, attenti on was focused on isoprenoid hydrocarbons because structure: carbons. characteri stic The me thyl a characteris tic two derived fro m the molecule, hydroca rbon S, phytol side the their saturated stability and branch every four 1 ,4-head-to- tail linkage has been though t to be indicat ive of particular, of compounds in biologica 1 phytane, chain of systems. thought the to In be chlorophyll and pristane, the decarboxalated phytanoic acid, have been considered and detected(8). page 13 oxidation -CO 2 Ph tol reduction H20 Phytane Pristane However, work by Natta(9) using a Al(Et) 3 -VC1 3 , doubt(10) catalyst, has been able to polymerize isoprene units with the above characteristic casts suitable structure. This seriously on earlier findings, for mineral surfaces may also act in a stereospecific way to exactly mimic the biological- pathway. In younger sediments, rich in organic compounds, the dominance of one type of compound over another is observed. is that many young of. this fact 6 sediments (less than 10 years old) show the dominance of A good example(11) page 14 never which tends to show this explained, be can number waxes contribution of plant the even rule out which odd of numbe red abiogeinic synthe tic of type dominance However, this specificity. carbon fact This hydrocarbons. processes over hydrocarbons numbered odd over by successfully, show also this e ven the same characteristic hydrocarbon pattern. the second theory for explaining the presence of Thus organic material of in sediments centers around the product ion The deposition of complex molecules by living systems. these compounds is then a the Looking for containing biological markers would sediments oldest record of the past. then be away to pinpoint the beginning of life. If compounds biological are to be isolated they must remain unchanged for long periods of identified, This is not generally the case for older time. little Very preserved chromatographic Series(13), sedimen ts. of the true biological type material chromatographic one-celled analysis shows is found Electron microscopy has revealed the in ancient sediments. oldest and of complex a peaks, very organisms(12), this sediment, but gas Onverwa cht envelope of overlapping gas indicative of abiogi cal synthesis. The problem is that most naturally occurr ing biochemicals are unstable (for a variety of reasons) leaving the protection of the living cell. af ter Once releas ed, page 15 be or microbes, be either can compounds these changed due by metabolized to a other of extreme variety conditions. Different compounds show a variety of stabilities. are easily denatured due to elevated temperatures Proteins and also can be hydrolyzed to their component peptides amino These acids. small er components lattice incorporated into the mineral of can the and then be sediments, carried far from the site of deposition to then be released upon pH chang es. become The degradation of. the even more likely if they were bonded to the mineral surfaces whos e crystal hea t elevated carbon dioxi de Carbohydrates would microbes and liv ing easily are only soon with altered greatly contribute and water to the total matter found in the P igments, usually found in sediments. in is lattice pressure. and metabolized b y even would compounds systems, low concentrations easily altered at elevated are and can not be considered a major contributor temperatures (as unaltered compounds) to the total organics found in the L ipids, sediments. the on material organic the to found in sediment.s and cover a broad Al bel son et range of comp ounds. much the other hand, contribute al .(14 ) have calculated rate of decomposit ion fo r various n 3tural products and have found molecule that was the best structural identity. hydroc arbon port ion suited the for of lipid the retention of These calculation, based on the its time page 16 required to thermally degrade one half t he original sample, establ ishe d a half life at calcul atio n years S imilar 400 K. carbohydrates and amin o acids showe d half o years at 400 K. seem to These numbers for 3 lives of <10 indicate 0 of 10 that most of the material pres ent in organic sediments will be high in hydrocarbons and Normal hydrocarbons can be found an d in attesting isoprenoid fatty acids and large to concentrations the in ma ny other old 1 ipids. sedi ments, of hydrocarbon stability if fact these compounds were present in the sediment during deposition. The trans formation of these on dependent ounds environmental condi and pressures, detected with depth norma 1 under sedimentat ion) com plex molecules. extremely may c r ust. have sediments. an Also effect In a very d presumably with age easily rrangement, cause yielding The com plexity of crude oils definitely point toward complex synthesis deep earth's thus High temperatures s. ould polymeriza tion, bond cleavage , and is within the oxidizing and reducing environments on the organic material in the reducing environment the organics tend, wi th depth and age to be transformed into light hydrocarbon gases, ult imately becoming the completly reduced methane. Whereas oxi dative conditions in the sediments would tend to eventually produce The interac tion of contribute to the only carbon (in the form of graphite). all the above sediments, processes would then through transformations, a page 17 complex variety of organic compounds. oldest CH 4 Increaseq lig ht mol. wt. hydrocarbons paraffins f Starting organics In the sediments TO C and -depth pressure H2 youngest cycl ic aromatic hydrocarbons higher mol. wt. organics kerogens ncrease" Not only is the stability structure oldest graphite importan t for of the consider. to of the optical these compounds is anot her important point to but also Optically active compounds are always considered be an inherent part of biological relies on the fact attached to that four systems. diff erent a single carbon atom. possible configurations The concept groups may If one of is domi nant, the material the macroscopic property of rotating plane-polarized upon irradiation. be For a carbon atom with such asymmetry, two configurations ar e possible. the molecular general characterization of organic compounds from biol ogical systems, activity the has light Abiogenic processe s would be expected to produce an equal distribution of the two configurations and the material(racemate) internal would show no rotation because of compensation. The rotation of the plane polarized light is then a page 18 good for indicator biologically produced compounds and could be used to signify biological activity mineral Again, surfaces are another in sediments. poi nt that must be considered, for it has been shown that L( +) be synthesized(15) good yiel d solel y b in ammonia, carbon dioxide, water and This seems to surface. mineral acids can acid action of on suitable a cast some doubt on the validity of optical activity as a gui depost fo r identifying biological chemicals. Because of their concentration in sediments, in analyzed the Table and great have 1 been lists Pre-Cambriain in those sediments. work has been done seen from the table, little be can handl in,g hydrocarbons detail. great hydrocarbons previously found As of ease with the identification of compoun ds other than the normal, branched, and complex sediments. to due This has mostly been highly hydroca rbons isoprenoid of nature the miinor concentration components which are structura lly possibly more significant). younger the under Thus, sediments more analysis may hold reported in (and assump tion the of the minor neutral components River shale (Eocene) was undertaken. research, in the complex the understanding the evolutionary pathway of older the and It has now become possi ble to study these minor components that low the fatty ac ids. and key for sediments, in the Green It was the aim of the this thesis, to identify these minor page 19 components in the shale and to consider the possible responsible for their formation. steps page 20 Table 1 Compounds Identified In Pre-Cambrian Sediments References 1. Nonesuch Shale - a. normal 1 billion years old hydrocarbons - C17 most abundant, no odd over even preference b. (16) Branched and cyclic - anteiso C16 to C18, iso alkanes C16 to 018, and cyclohexyl alkanes C16 to C19 2. Gunflint Chert - 1.9 billion years old a. normal hydrocarbons - even distribution of the C20 to C30 pa raffins b. c. fatty acids - n-C16 most abundant Soudan Shale - a. 4. 5. (18) .(19) 2.7 billi on years old normal hydrocarbons - C17 most abundant, contains C15 through SC20 only b. (18) branzhed and cyclic - pristane C19, phytane C20, possibl e steranes 3. (17) branched - presence of C21 isoprenoid (20) (20,21) Fig Tree Shale - 3.1 bil lion years old a. normal hydrocarbons - C14 to C25 b. br-anched - c. olefins - pristane and phytane 22) 23) 23) C16 Onverwacht series - 3.7 billion years old a. normal hydrocarbons - C16 to C31 (24) b. branched - pristane and phytane (25) c. fatty acids - n-C16 most abundant, also n-C18, n-C15, and n-C14 (25) page 21 B. Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry-Computer Systems and Their Application To Geochemistry With modern techniques of extraction and analysis, the elucidation of many organic compounds possible. powerful The advent of gas chromatography impact on geochemistry. previously unresolved, components. can Compounds with in sediments Mlany now be boiling is has now had a complex mixtures, separated into their points ranging from o below zero to above 400 can now easily be separate.d by this technique. Mass spectrometry is another technique available to the geochemist. Small volatile organic materials are bombarded with beam and the fragment volatility quantities of an electron ions thus formed are used to deduce a structure for the original organic molecule. sample important requirements The similar of gas chromatography and mass spectrometry have made them exceptionally well to be coupled separated by immediately together(26,27,28,29). the by gas mass chromatograph can spectrometry. The suited The compounds be anal yzed addition of a computer(30).to the system has made gas chromatography-mass spectrometry a powerful tool, through the continual organic materials acquisition of data. With this system, the obtained from mixture of a particular sediment the gas chromatography column (see A is first separated in Figure 1) and the components are then carried into the ion source of the mass Figure 1. Schematic of the combined gas chromatographmass spectrometer-computer system used in the analysis of Green River shale. A. Gas chromatography column B. Source C. Analyzer D. Electron Multiplier MASS SPECTROMETER GAS CHROMATOGRAPH VAC. RMU6- L CONTROL UNIT INDICATOR LIGHTS AND TRIGGERS .1 i page 24 spectrometer (B Figure 1). fragmented, Here the compound is ionized, and accelerated out of the ion source and into the analyzer (C Figure 1). spectra the repetitive scanning of the magnetic field and The recording are controll ed directly by the computer. 400 of The the maximum spectra (for.this system) allows ample time ga s complete chromatographic Peak mixture. centers data are de t ermined in disk and real run of a mass of to make a large complex intensities of the digitized time and stored on a magnetic for s ubsequent conversion to m/e_ vs. intensity data. These spect ra are immediately plotted and microfilmed for fast easy ac cess and convenient storage(31). Immedi ately d ata following ionizaton p lot is generated correlate directly Using this plot, with by the it is possible a acquisi"tion, the chromatographi c trace. gas during a Because run, many are obtained for each GC peak as vwell as along the baseline where minor This components allovws of the separation .of mixture concentration may components partiall y resolved by the gas chromatograph, due slight mass to i mmediately find a all of the mass spectra are recorded hidden. should and computer spectrum fr om any portion of the gas chromatogram. spectra total to be only their differences on either side of the GC peak. In addition to the data and plot described above, Mass Chromatograms(32) are also generated. The Mass page 25 of intensity the a particular type of Thus a fragment, characteristic in which the of compound or fragmentation pattern, produces a peak coincident peak of ion as a function of the one particular spectrum index number. plot generated Chromatogram is essentially a computer This contained. is material chromatographic gas the with is especially advantageous when searching for particular types of compounds or which available interpretive Various complex mixture. programs(32) are pick out to computer the enable investigator significant trends and help the the compounds in the of series homologous evaluate to vast amounts of information and to direct his energies most to areas of the data which are of direct value and relevance. High tool This ava ilable. focusing magn etic ion beam. on the double Placing a n electrostatic field in focusing ene rgy al lows prior to focusing and thu Is allows higher resolution of the a In this manner, mass resolve not only ions diff ering by ions with the same nominal mass, compositi ons. Fcir examp lie it beam at a nominal mass of m/e=135 elemental relies technique principl e(33). front of the velocity is another valuable resolution mass spectrometry compositions C 9 H11 0 (135.08099). are spectrometer can now nominal masses, but also b ut differing elemental i s possible to separate a i nto two components whose C 1 0H15+ (135.11737) and page 26 Thus with the low resolution aid of the above two systems, high mass soectrometry, neutral components in Green The application of River shale gradient experimental) permitted separation shale the analysis was the of the undertaken. chromatography of and total (see neutral extract into less complex fractions and thus allowed an optimum use of the GC-HS-Computer system. page 27 II. Analysis of the !eutral Organic Components in Green River Shale A. History The Green River shale formation is located in a state area including Colorado, Wyoming, and Utah and has been reported(34). to be the the remains of water. lake (Eocene). that existed those million years ago rich organic character in the shale) chromatogram show a has been done on this shale. in Table 2. aith the extraction of the in by followed spectrometry. both this resembling characteristic the pattern obtained from extracts of the shale. solvents, of Extracts of the present day algae (similar found hydrocarbon gas summarized fresh partly due to the deposition of organic material by these algae. to 50-60 large fungi still indigenous to that area(35,36). It is proposed that the is some a The lake deposits contain many fossilized algae, bacteria,. and shale three and U.S. Bureau of Mines, Much research The results of this work are Post of this research has dealt powdered gas shale block form by W.E. Laramie, using chromatography Samples of Green River shale powde red hydrocarbon Wyoming. were organic and supplied Robinson of This mass the particular sampl e of shale has come from the U.S. Bureau of Vines Test [ ine at Rifle, Colorado. page 28 Table 2 Compounds Identified In Green River Shale References 1. Neutrals a. Normal Hydrocarbons - odd over even preference, C11 through C33, maxium (37) at C17 and C29 b. Branched Hydrocarbons phytane(C20) 65 of isoprenoids pristane(C19) 2,6,10-trimethyl pentadecane 2,6,10-trimethyltridecane c. 2. 2,6,10-trimethyldodecane (37) farnesane,squalane (38) Steranes ( cholestane, ergostane, sitostane) (39) d. Triterpanes (gammacerane,lupane) (39) e. Tetraterpanes (perhydrocarotene) (40) (41) Acids a. Unbranched Saturated - C10 through C34 w-methyl keto acids C11, C14 (42) dicarboxylic acids C13-C19 b. Branched isoprenoid - CE, C9 C14-C17, C18, C19-C21 dicarboxylic alpha methyl a. 3. C13, C15, and C16 (42) Aromatic acids (43) Porphyrins (44) page 29 B. Analysis A and benzene-methanol the neutrals, acids, and bases were separated according to Scheme 1. the extract placed was column and subjecte Scheme 2. separation Liquid of the on The methylene techn ique elution chromato graphy is al 1 ows diagrammed high and methanol chromatogr aphic ana lysis of every organics. high A fairly resolu tion solvent f ifth complex mixture was found between fractions 25-65. of system. 275-310 complex variety of of the neutral organic compounds Fractions 70-230 showed organic showed Fraction compounds. showed only a very few components. The individual fracti ons were then gas Gas allowed only a ver y few components, while fr actions 235-270 another In all benzene, fraction sep aration in capacity neutra 1 compone nts into types. chloride , capac ity of silica gel chromatography a fractions were col lected us ing a hexane, 310 5-ml low portion neutral to gradient column chromatography (see Th experiment al). wi th extracted was shale powdered of sample chromatographic mass (GC-tVS-Computer) system fo r components in each fractio n. the subjected to the spectrometric computer the individual analysis page 30 Scheme 1 Extraction of the Powdered Green River Shale Powdered Shale (64 g) 1:1 benzene-methanol extraction evaporate, residue taken up in methylene chloride extract with .1N HC1 methylene chloride layer remove bases in aqueous layer extract with .1N KOH 1.19 g neutrals in methylene chloride remove acids in aqueous layer page 31 Scheme 2 Gradient Chromatography 1.,19 g Neutral Organics column chromatography hexane hexane-benzene benzene -*fractions 1-142 benzene-methylene chloride *fractions 143-239 methylene chloride-methanol I *fractions 240-310 SGas chromatography of every fifth fraction. Those containing many organics were further analyzed using mass spectrometry. page 32 Resul ts Of the solvents to pass through. the silica gel hexane was straight-chain, saturated in hydrocarbons were eluted Compounds found been previously in Table 3. least and first the in reported Consequently, polar. isoprenoi d, and cyclic saturated the firs fraction in fraction t few fraction. 20 through have 35 the li terature and are listed Figure 2 is the total representative column, and ionization shows concentration of the various hydroca rbons. the plot of a relative As can be seen from the plot, the n-C27, n-C29, and n-C31 hydrocarbons are present previous in large abundance. work(37) on This is in agreement the straight chain hydrocarbons and their high concentrations has been e xplained(45) the hydrocarbon growth. with contribution from partly by plant waxes and algae Figure 2. Total ionization plot of a typical fraction in the first few fractions of gradient chromatography. GRSN-F25 HI CAL TOTAL IONIZATION PLOT l". 2 12 70 NUM- OF SPECTRA = 260 C2 9 Figure 2 C3 1 SPECTRUM INDEX NUMBER Table 3 Hydrocarbons In First Few Fractions Obtained From Gradient Chromatography Spectrum Index No. Mol. Wt. Formula 6 272 C20H42 Phytane 8 268 C19H40 Pristane 23 226 C16H34 n-Hexadecane 37 296 C21H44 2,6,10,14-Tetramethyl heptadecane 310 C2 2 H4 6 2,6,10,14-Tetramethyl octadecane 324 C2 3 H4 8 2,6,10,14-Tetramethyl nonadecane 75 338 C2 4 H 5 0 Tetracosane 85 352 C2 5 H 5 2 96 366 C2 6 H5 4 102 394 C2 8H5 8 2,6,10,14,18-Pentamethyl tricosane 107 380 C2 7 H5 6 Heptacosane 121 394 C2 8 H 5 8 135 408 C2 9 H 6 0 151 422 C3 0 H6 2 172 436 C3 1 H6 4 187 400 C29H52 218 464 C33H68 Compound(37) Pentacosane Hexacosane Octacosane Nonacosane Tricontane n-Decylheneicosane Sitostane(39) page 36 group Fractions 45 through 65 held the next large during gradient chromatography. eluted compounds organic showed Gas Chromatographic(GC) analysis of these fractions many of peaks, attesting to the complex nature of unresolved the neutral organics. striking The first and most analysis and UV of spectral mass after was that many shale. River because the Green River shale unusual are results data) in the Green aromatic compounds were present These (obtained result formation has been condidered to be formed under a reducing aromatic compounds must then have These environment(40). formed differently than through an oxidative first GC-MS-Computer polysubstituted compounds aromatic of type in analysis) observed neutral the system. C H +, 7 7 ions, upon electron stable ions as reported in the literature(47). R1 H H -.-c leavag e R2' R2 R3 m/e=105 m/e=119 P =R 2 =P3 =R =R =H :3' 5 1R P =R =R =R =IHR =CH 1 2 5 3 S= =R =, 12:3 3 R =P =CH 4 5 R4 R 5 yielding impact(46). These substituted benzenes are found to yield the m/e= 91 are The compounds are characterized benzenes. tropylium (through extract by cleavage of the bond be ta to the benzene ring, stable The follwing page 37 m/e=133 R1 =R 2 =H, R3 =R4=R 5 =CH 3 m/e=147 R1 =H, R2 =R 3 =R4=R 5 =CH m/e=161 R 1 =R 2 =R 3 =R4=P 5 =CH Figure 3 3 3 shows the mass spectral fragmentation pattern (70 ev) of a typical trisubstituted alkylbenzene Its spectrum is for a compound found in Green River shale. in agreement benzene the with compounds(47,48). is whose abundance indicative of a reported data concerning m/e=204, alkyl The base peak(largest fragment nornalized to 100%) at me/=119 dimethyl substituted tropyliur, ion. side chain, its length interpreted from the at obtained contains seven carbon molecular atoms. Thus is The ion for alkylbenzenes, containing unbranched saturated side chains, only the characteristic tropylium and the molecular ion are needed to suggest the structure of the molecule. lists the Table 4 alkylbenzenes which were found in the first few fractions of Green River shale. Figure 3. Mass spectrum of an alkylbenzene found in Green River shale fraction 45. 56--122 2 18 70 FIGURE 3. GRSN F45 119-, M .1 I ... ............ ...q..- -P., P. -- op P-1. 20 I 20 40 .40 I60 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 1 p 1 -4 200 m /e 220 -~ 240 260 2e0 300 - I -- 320 ~ - 340 ---q ---- I 360 'I 320 I" II" ' III'l'" 400 420 440 460 460 page 40 Table 4. Alkylbenzenes in Green River Shale suggested- mol. wt. structure 106 Xylene 120 Cumene 134 148 176 I-0 190 204 ~w (31) agree- collection authentic page 41 the substitutents on the aromatic of location inspection facts can be obtained by the fragment the of a few ring, of the m/e=120 fragment abundance low The intensities. the exactly tell Although mass spectral data cannot ion, seen in Figure 3, is a good indicator that there is at benzene. With migration of type this of at m/e=(base peak + 1) is sterically unfavorable. ion chain, at of formation Consequently, the have large m/e=(base m/e=92 to the + 1) ions. The ortho peak an of formation following mechanism(51) demonstrates the ion usual the substitution, Conversely, compounds lacking substituents, side the alkyl on group hydrogen atom in a VMcLafferty type(49,50) a rearrangement is blocked. the methyl ortho-substituted one least for n-butylbenzene with the ortho position open. CH +2 CH H H 3 m/e=92 Similar ions shale seen were base intensity differences in the for + 1 other aromatic hydrocarb.ons in Green River noted. When of these characteristics peak the applicable, compounds wi 11 structural be discussed in greater detail. The polycyclic aromatics, previously literature unreported in the concerning Green River shale, are another group page 42 in the neutral of compounds found Notable among fractions. These these componds are the series of alkyl naphthalenes. stable their by recognized easily are compounds benzotropylium ions and have been extensively characterized using mass spectrometry(52). generated ions, Important upon electron impact, are listed below. R1 Hi H ... ..cleavage ,>__ R R 2 m/e=141 3 R2 R3 =R 2 =P 3 =H m/e=155 P =P 2=H, m/e=169 R1=H, m/e=183 H , _ R3=CH R2=R =CH3 =R =R 3=CH3 A typical example of the type of spectra produced by a molecule of the naphthalene type is seen this in Figure length is determined from m/e=204, contains five carbon atoms. the In spectrum, the base peak at m/e=183 is indicative of a side chain, molecular ion at The trimethyl substituted alkylnaphthalene. whose 4. the Using this alkylnaphthalene series of hydrocarbons shale were characterized and are listed in approach, in Green River Table 5. Mass spectrum of an alkylnapthalene found in Green River shale fraction 45. Figure 4. -.' ' _r s i -J ~1 f i 2 18 70 FIGURE 4. GR N F45 56--223 183 CH 3 M II fill 20 40 11 . 11.11111 60 90 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 rn /e 240 260 260 300 320 340 360 390 400 420 440 460 460 r page 45 Table 5. Alkylnaphthalenes in Green River Shale suggested mol. 142 156 170 184 198 240 wt. structure (31) agrees collection authentic page 46 In the la ter portion of the first few fractions, spectra were obtained for compounds characteri stic of t\ wo aromati c abundant and molecu lar ion i the seen s ions with fragment revealed their by Usually only the tropylium ions ions. tropylium groups mass in each spectrum. Figure 5 is mass spectrum of a c ompound found in Green River shale which seem s to poss saturated s tw o aromat ic groups hydrocartbon aromatic r ings give: m/e=119. The mol c hain. ris e sC ular to of background spect runm. the the between ions at m/e=224, ion, characteri zing peak in Cleavage reasonab le attached to a the two m/e=105 and is the only other intensity seen above These data, along with the empirical formula(C 1 7 H2 0 ), indicated structure I. rooC The base peak at m/e=119 is this structure, for substituted aromatic alkyl the compounds substituents(50). also in agreement appe arance dec rease If with potentials with the of increasing appearance potential(electron energy required t o produce the ion) is low, then the abundance of a trimeth yl substituted aromatic ion should be greater than that of a disubstituted aromatic ion during the ionization under 70 e lectron volts. This approach compounds in the was shale used for possessing the two identification of aromat ic groups Figure 5. Mass spectrum of a methyl substituted bibenzyl. 2 25 70 FIGIRE 5 CH3 M ;1 I 20 40 I,1 llllllli 1111 II UIIII "IIIIIU Umuu ~U~YYIUII~ 80 100 60 120 m/e 140 1~Y17T~r7-~1 160 180 200 220 240 62--190 page 49 connected saturated hydrocarbon chains. by agreeing with the above assumptions were then the responsible compounds Those spectra studied for such spectra are listed in Table 6. Table 6 Compounds with two aromatic rings joined by saturated side chains (31) agrees suggested mol. wt. collection authentic structure I T 224 N"~s NI 252 288 308 330 2(CH2O' 4 (CH2 and proposed proposed page 50 A particular class of polycyclic organic compounds Gree n in noted shale whose members contai n both an River aromati c pa rt and hydroc arbon side of of mo lecu le the tropyli um ion. in the units chains eq uivalent unsaturation. degrees is is e asily differ ing with The aromati c portion by recognized stable its These compounds differ usually b y 14 mass substit uted aromatic fragmen tati on hroughout rings, yet mass their po I y-methyl of indicative peak, base exhibit spe ctra. similar The side chain, char act rized by the molecular ion, usually contains one of equivalent compounds unsaturation. be grouped can The benzylic type of into the following series (based on mass spectr al data). 99 H 17 mol.wt.=216,base peak=105 - j 9H 17 mol.wt.=230,base peak=119 -9H17 mol.wt.=244,base peak=133 The .naphthalene series of hydrocarbons also have a similar side chains and can be grouped into the following series. C9H17 mol.wt.=280,base peak=169 page 51 14H27 In an mol.wt.=350,base peak=169 to determine the structure of the side effort chain, a number of experiments were performed. fractions containing the gas chromatographic (CC) followed experimental) retention Secondly, osmium tetroxide oxidation the mentioned above were compounds hydrogenated on an active catalyst (see the First, of and times compared. these fractions, by silylation(53,54) and GC retention comparisons were carried out (see experimental). In both cases, the GC for the These two experiments had been aimed at detecting the time retention measurements did not change compounds of interest. presence of one bonds by either hydrogenation or by This negative result oxidation. the double strongly indicated that equivalent of unsaturation can be attributed to a saturated ring system. After considering all possible ring systems C9 H1 7 could form, compound Ila (R =R2 =CH 3 ,R 3 =H) laboratory(55). wide occurence was synthesized in this This structure was chosen because of its in nature and, in particular, its presence in the carotenoid family. Unfortunately the mass spectral data for this synthetic compound did not agree with that of the naturally occurring compounds. at m/e=105, the Instead of a base peak synthetic material showed a base peak at m/e=111 (due to stabilized ion formation on the cyclohexane page 52 Thus compound Ilb (R 1 =R3=CH3,R2=H) ring). was synthesized with the hope of forming a compound whose mass spectrum was more like that of the unknown. The methyl groups in these positions would decrease the formation of the m/e=111 But again the mass spectral fragmentation ion. and gas chromatographic retention times were different. H3 R R2 Ila (RI= R2= CH ,R =H) 3 3 Ilb (R = P3= CH 3 ,R 2 =H) R3 Figure 6 shows the between the synthetic differences in and the mass spectra naturally-occurring material. These spectra differ not so much in their ovcrall pattern, but in the relative intensities (particularly the molecular ion) and these variations difference ring. for in the can methyl not be due substitution merely to a of the saturated A library search(31) using a mass spectrum simulated a compound without a methyl group on the benzene ring showed that the lower homolog (base peak at m/e=91) mass spectrum characteristic 1-phenyl,1-cyclohexylethane. Later work of (page 80 ) had a a with a-carotene seemed to indicate that the compound was in fact 1,1,3-trimethyl-2(m-tolyl)-cyclohexane. Another fractions polycyclic-type compound found had an empirical formula C1 3 H1 8 high resolution mass spectrometry). The in these (obtained from low resolution Figure 6. Comparison of the authentic and synthetic mass spectra for the first compound of a homologous series. FIGURE 6. MASS SECTRiM OF NATRAL PROULCT i. -. ~~UiL-d1iL.i.J ~ ~ . '. . -. - -. - 20 40 . . 60 . . 80 . . 100 . 120 - .' . - .-- . 140 160 2 12 70 ,1 . . 180 k.. . 200 I 220 •-- .. 240 260 280 300 320 SYNTHETIC HYEROCARBON CH3 3H CH3 Li I '20 40 20 40 60 6O 80 i L. I , 100 .. . . 340 360 .. 380 3 20 71 CH ' ... 120 140 10 'I 10 2 220 24 260 280 300'I' 90 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 290 300 56--140 . . ... 400 j . 420 .. 440 406--263 460 480 page spectrum showed a strong f-15 mass this led five ion along with the ion . The stability of unsaturation of equivalents to the tentative st ructure IllI. IV III The exact structure III o f the methyl locations considered next. The close s tructural and ionene (IV), thermal degradation(56,57,58) of substituents were similarity between a major product from the -carotene was obvious. Therefore ionene, obtained from the thermal degradation carotene, was coinjected with of River shal e. As can be 158 and grew in the seen tentatively assigned as ionene, at 55 sample Green f rom Figure 7, the peak, elut ed from the size. the Thi s GC co Iumn fact, along wi th the extremely s imilar mass spectra (Figu re 8), thus con firmed the presenc e of ionene in Green Rive r shale. Compou nds whose mass spectra showed a base pe ak s at m/e=173 wer e also' noted. These concentrati on, but spectra seemed to indicat e that one more me thyl group was the ionene molecule. and m/e=202, their c ompounds were in attached t o the aromatic ring low of Molecular ions were noted at m/e=188 leading to the structures seen below. Figure 7. Gas chromatographic retention time comparison for ionene and the compound in Green River shale. Figure 8. Mass spectral comparison between the Green River shale component and the ionene obtained from heated beta carotene. FIGURE 7 FRACTION 45 10o 140 150 160 10 180 190o 200 IONENE 1 130 I 140 I 150 o 160 COINJECTED Io 170 o 190 1a o 180 260 200 ETRM T NATERAL PRODIT 60 ;Uk 80 100 120 140 160 - 180 200 220 CH3 CH3 GO 80 -"~~'~~''""''~Y"~-~' . -- mII 120 160 100 140 6 70 1G4-274 6 CH "'_-- 56--114 240 FEATED CAROTEE - -~-~-- ' 2 l8 70 . 190 300 20 4 cr 3 page 59 Other mass spectra were obtained for compounds ion Besides this ion, only the molecular to seen is was m/e=238 at of reasonable intensity (larger than 201). be compound which yields only one or two impact the ion at m/e=223. an abundant showed Green River shale that in ions A electron upon Confirmed by high resolution usually aromatic. mass spectrometry, the elemental composition of the ion at + C1 7 H2 2 . was m/e=223 are increase by 64 mass units peak with a methyl considered. by these in the base peak over data. the of location the methyl Due to the fact that the The base is also in agreement substituted aromatic ring fused to an The molecule. suggested the spectrum of ionene in seen tetramethyl-substituted or tetrahydrophenathrene tetrahydroanthracenes Tetramethyl-substituted ionene groups was also thermal degradation of B-carotene produced compounds with similar mass spectra, the structures seen below were eliminated. If starting one assumes material, that it B-carotene is the probable seems reasonable to first consider only the gem dimethyl substituents. page 60 Another spectrum was also found with only a base 14 units mass lower and the molecular (m/e=209) m/e=214 to distinguish the molecule. a homolog of the above The ions ion at This strongly suggest tetrahydrophenanthrene tetrahydroanthracene type molecule substitution. peak with only one or methyl which were found to characterize these compounds are seen below. or or R m/e=209 R R=H m/e=223 R=CH 3 Figure 9 shows a this group methyl. representative of compounds (C1 8 H2 2 ). group would lead to the mass spectrum from Benzylic cleavage of a base peak. Similar fragmentation patterns were noted for the material obtained from the thermal degradation of for the O-carotene. The rationale products obtained from the thermal degradation of the carotene molecule was used to suggest the presence of these molecules in the shale. Finally, mass spectra were obtained from compounds in the Green River shale similar concerning the published data(52) substituted and unsubstituted methyl anthracene and phenanthrenes. compounds to are What is of interest is that these also found among the products obtained from Figure 9. Mass spectrum of a polycyclic compound found in Green River shale fraction 45. 4r 2 10 70 FIGLRE 9. GRSN F45 56--181 M-15 CH3 :H3 LE 4poiii 'I r l 20 40 60 80 100 120 1 I' I ' 'I ' I '20 40I 140 160 180 200 m 220 /e 240 260 280 -l1 300 320 340 360 360 1 400 420 Iiial I-IWqwII 440 460 480 page 63 the thermal degradation of 0-carotene. contain The latter fractions(237-270) seemed methyl esters, and probably are P reviously many reported in the literature(42) the result of esterification of acids in the chromatograph y column during methanol elut ion. highly No condensed aromatic ring systems were detected using th is GC-MS-Computer assisted an alysis in the neutral fraction of Green River shale. that if these typ e of compounds were have been found well fractions. This fact concerning the genesis It seems obvious present, of would before the very polar methyl ester also of futher very condensed aromatic ring the Green River shale should if any of these type of compounds. i nformat ion supports systems only unde r oxidative environments. environment they T T he reductive yield little, F page 64 C. Compounds of Biological Interest in Green River Shale In surveying the data, it was fractions compounds observed characterized by These appeared to those by r. in some an abundant ion at m/e=135 were present. investigated that be the in Preti(55) same a as parallel investigation. A mass chromatogram of fract ion 45 is shown in This plot indicates that at three different Figure 10. temperatures, compounds responsible for an i on were eluted from the GC column. spectrometry showed that this abundant an elemental compounds. along composition The fragmentation with a of 2,2-dimethylchromane(59), led to m/e=135 High resolution mass ion a t Cg H110+ pattern similar at m/e=135 for of each all had three mo lecule, fragm entati on tenta tive assignment in of the following structures for the three peaks seen in Figure 10. r H3 , CH Y"r 2 3 Figure 10. Totalionization plot of fraction 45 and mass chromatogram of m/e=135. GREEN RIVER SHALE FRACTIDN 45 TOTAL IONIZATION FLOT RLN NO- = 56 NUML OF SPECTRA = 389 SPECTRLM INDEX NLUBER GREEN RIVER SHALE FRACTION 45 M/E 135 F= O-O VII v LtvI "' l ' '' ~ ' ' ~ I ~ 'I- . . . . I ^- I .I I I. . I . . I I I I 46 page 67 aromatic posibility the Because was ring a of considered, trimethyl-substituted chromatogram was mass a plotted for m/e=149 (m/e=135 plus one methylene group). can be from seen Figure 11 the same fractions (F42-F50) that contained the compounds V, VI, compound m/e=149. fragmentation whose A more As detailed and VII also included a yielded study an abundant ion at of ion the + + m/e=149(C 10 H 1 3 0 ) and of the molecular ion(C 2 9 H5 0 0 compound that formed this stable ion, led to. the at ) of the proposed structure VIII. VIII This structure is analogous to that of Vitamin E, but lacks the phenolic hydroxyl. Vitamin E Figure 11. Mass chromatogram of m/e=149 for fraction 45. GREEN RIVER SHALE FRACTION M/E 149 F= 0-03 VIIl page 70 Var iou Is isomeric compounds of type VII and by synthesized G.Preti(55) methyl -subs tituted phenol, refluxing solution using phytol, the VIIII appropri atel y and zinc chloride that in a Coinjection, fol 1owed of acetic acid. by GC peak enhancement and very similar mass spectral indicate we re the compounds present in data the shale are best represented by structures IX and X respectively. r"Y IX. Y~ page 71 In order to confirn the proposed other members of the isomers(XI,XII, and XIII) purpose the chromane structures series, of VI were for the the appropriate prepared. For this alco.hol component (tetrahydrofarnesol) had to be synthesized. Scheme 3 outlines leading to sturctures XI, XII, the synthetic pathway and XIII. Scheme 3 Synthesis of Chromane Type Compounds H 2 Pd/c 0 (EtO) 2 PCH CO 2 Et 1 atm. NaH/Diglyme ,H 0 LAH reflux +d igl yme H 0-H ZnC1 HOAc reflux XI R=H R2=R3=CH 3 XII R3=H R1 =R 2 = C H 3 XIll R2=H R113 =R3 =CH 2 page 72 synthetic and the from obtained spectra mass The 12. naturally occurring material may be compared in Figure occurring material a long spect ra mass Green River shal e. in considers that chromatographic to be present in The confirmation of these chromane type these molecules their derived probably on e of the Vitamin E type molecules, yet were from not completely metabolized to The microorganisms. a nd functionality the one the only of loss molecules complex less may unit isoprene by phenolic indicate enzym e systems, unable to degrade large aromatic primitive may be G reen River shale is very suprising when one compounds rings. can region gas times indicate compound XI(=VI) retention origin identical with naturally The extremely similar residual background. to attributed the mass low the around of spectrum the in differences Slight the The loss of the acidic OH from refle ct well the aromatic ring for oxygen by microorganisms need subjected to a reducing environment or a specific reductive pathway on a mineral compounds may be the remai ns of is well documen ted that the iso are easily metab olized presence o complexity during shal such The two shorter-chained surface. by Vitamin acteri al f the biochemistry It renoid hydrocarbons(60, 61) bacte ria. soil E metabolism. type compounds of the formation and might well Finally, reflects the organ isms serve as the present a biological marker type compound in the study of other sed iments. Figure 12. Comparison of mass spectra between synthetic and authentic chromanes in Green River shale. k 4 MASS SPECTRUM OF PEAK IV 7 69 0--15 2,5,7-TRIMETfYL,2 4 -DIIMETHYLNAN ) -CR-IMANE 4 26 71 lw 458--125 @Oc~--m 11111 • ;"' ' IL"u 1. A i. L m6 iL 200 "' '' 'I100 ,, 2,7,9-TRIMETHYL-4 .. 1 100 .I .. 300 20 4 26 71 -DIMETHYMNONANE) -CHOdANE 458-- 38 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 40 40 60 60 80 'I 1-00 100 120 I I 140 10 II 180 200 220 220 240 26 290 I 200 320 340 4 26 71 458--175 Qac" f"r dr 160 I 200 2,5,8, -TRIMETHYL-(4' ,8'-IMETHYLNONANE)-DalMANE ~8c-~--~ "20 20 10 240 260 280 300 320 I I I 100 120 i] 140 10 16 200 22 240 I36 26 2 300 60 90 100 120 140 160 10 200 220 240 290 300 I I i h -.. I,; -~--....~..-..k..... . . .~ .~ .~ .~ I m rr -ri-I rrr- -r-r rr rr........-. ~_~ ~~. ~..~~ ~~~~_____ ,I 340 60 40 260 0 30 340 0 340 360 3e0 400 420 I 440 40 400 420 440 460 480 6 page 75 III. Identification of the Compounds Obtained From the Thermal Degradation of Beta Carotene Procedure plant Because it was realized that certain decomposed pigments would contribute many neutral organic compounds to the sediment, degradation of compounds through formed the thermal B-carotene were analyzed. 8-carotene The of choice was 8-carotene First, obvious. perhydro- 8 -carotene had previously been isolated(40) from Green River shale. shale formation, If then it might 8-carotene was present during well have rearranged to contribute many of the aromatic type compounds found in the shale. Secondly, if one assumes structure this as the starting material, one may more easily deduce the probable structure of many of the compounds in Green River shale if indeed they where formed through the thermal degradation of B-carotene or related polyenes. Initially, powdered ampule for and four transformed under sealed days, into the 8-carotene was placed in a nitrogen. normally dark After heating at 140 purple a light yellow liquid. run with this sample showed a complex glass powder 0O was A GC-MS-computer mixture of organic page 76 The compounds in Figure 13. heating total ionization plot of this run is seen Some of the major constituents obtained carotene have been isolated and identified. previousl y reported are listed per cent concentration found by Those in Table 7 along with their in this particular sample. Table 7 Compounds Previously Identified In Heated Carotene(56,57) The Compounds 4 Total Benzene 3.4% Toluene 23.2% Xylene 35.1% lonene 14.8% others 23.5% formation of these types of compounds has been e xplained(58) as cyclization and elimination reactions of th e polyene. R . R Toluene The formation of a variety $-carotene is thus dependent unsaturated hydrocarbon on of .compounds the chain. ionene(IV) can be similarily explained. the reaction below. by orientation heating of the formation of The mechanism for The has been elaborated upon(58) and is outlined Figure 13. Total ionization plot of heated beta-carotene. 0 FIGURE 13. HEATED CAROTENE TOTAL I~OIZATION PLOT . NU(. OF SPECTRA t RULNO- = 362 339 SPECTRUM INDEX NUMBER 4 page 79 -H 2 Ii HD CH 3 $-carotene H %% lonene( IV) Because the performed on the of this reducing hydrogenation was products. The B-carotene rearrangement experiment a constitute catalytic extensive environment, aim would sediments was to see whether any compounds would be formed whose mass spectral data similar was to compounds found in Green River shale. After material catalytic was reduction, the normally light yellow transformed into a clear oil. A GC-MS-computer analysis of these compounds was then used to identify compounds in the Green River similar mass spectra. shale which showed In addition the structures of the aromatic and olefinic compounds present in the original heated carotene sample could now be more easily deduced. page 80 Results In the heated carotene sample, many aromatic compounds violet 8 nm nm) as well as from 280 and in tropylium i ons seen characte ristic Table (255 absorption the lists the compou nds that wlere mass spectra. found in the heated suggested not only by Structures were carotene ultra of basis the on deduced These were were found. their mass spectra, but also by consi deration o f th e possibl e pathways by which cyclize. B-carotene could inter-molecular compounds detecteId of possibility and in act, high mol ecular weight(over 600) in teraction would explain some of the The when was considered, vapori zing sample a thermally degraded heated carotene directly into of the the ion source of the mass spectrometer. spectra that closely resembled spectra Of all the mas obtained from Green River shale, one spect rum found in the catalytic reduction sample was of particul ar intere st. Its mass spectrum is ve y similar to the mass spectrum Green very River minor 0-carotene, shale Al though a thermally degraded the from for importance the identification of a homologous series of compounds in Green River shale be noted. is to The first compound in the homologous series in the Green River shale Previously the component seen in Figu re 6. component its of reported has a molecular ion at m/e=216. in the literature(58), compound (XIV) Table 8 Compounds derived from the thermal degradation of a-carotene (structures Indicated through mass spectral data) agree Peak Structure Authentic Collection (31) T T A B 6H13 D proposed C x E lonene F G Isomer of Table 8 (continued) Peak agree Collection Authentic (31) Structure r cho T I OR proposed H3 proposed C8H17 proposed C6 H13 proposed 10"21 C1 2 H2 5 proposed proposed proposed page 83 has been identified compound was 214. a After catalytic molecular spectrum similar to component With a in the side chain, the molecular weight of this double bond with in the heated carotene sample. seen in 216 %weight of and Figure 6 apeared. a compound possessing a mass the spectrum of the Green information, structure XV was first component reduction, Thus River shale with tentatively assigned as this the in the Green River shale homologous series. This fact also gives valuable concerning information the side chain of the higher homologs. N reduction y H The fragmentation component (seen in pattern Figure 6) for the Green River shale can according to the following Scheme 4. now be rationalized page 84 Scheme 4 Fragmentation of Compound in the Neutral Fraction a > m/e=132 M =216 H b H ---- m/e=105 -H* m/e=69(100%) m/e=145 page 85 Table 9 summarizes the compounds which were found both in Green River shale and in the heated carotene. Table 9 Compounds present shale in both Green River and in the heated carotene samples The high concentrations of toluene and xylene the extreme conditions to which B-carotene was subjected. Presumably, compounds. over longer in polyenes River shale would only be subjected to increases lower-weight the of Others(56) have found lesser amounts aromatic reflect slight the Green temperature Extended, milder periods of time. heating periods and possible mineral catalysis of specific rearrangements may produce many neutral compounds not found solely by heating polyenes at high temperatures. It does seem evident that some of the compounds page 86 present in Green River shale may have been derived by the degradation of various polyenes. ionene (IV), obtained from The high concentration of the thermal B-carotene, points toward the presence of shale formation. Green River conjugated shale systems Still may of degradation of polyenes during more of the compounds present have plant other polyunsaturated systems. had their carotenes, origin in in the xanthophylls or page 87 IV. Conclusions the characterize in compounds organic to relationships the structural bear shale neutral the of many that the high A polyenes. degraded thermally between correlation shows her The work reported of Green River shale. organics neutral and identify to The purpose of this thesis was products obtained froml-carotene and the constituents of Green River shale was observed with the aid of the GC-MS-Computer system. if indeed degradation may their sedimentation, were polyenes several This indicates that during present well have produced the many of the neutral organic compounds found in younger sediments. fact The that a sediments subjected to that environment reducing before reduction. good indicated of In this work an analogy was used for the in compounds the heated carotene reduced sample and those in the Green River shale neutral A present in thermal rearrangement of the compounds occurred some formation were compounds aromatic correlation was obtained, extract. but future work could center around reducing a polyene first, thermally-degrading newly these formed compounds and then analyzing to see any similarites are produced between the neutral fraction of Green these River correlation is found, then it might well thermal degradation was, even in a compounds shale. be if and If little assumed that young sediment, an page important part of organic geochemical A synthetic scheme methyl-substituted for chromane the 88 processes. identification was developed. of The a new chromane is structurally related to the Vitamin E molecule, but lacks the the side chain. phenolic hydroxyl and one isoprene unit on This suggests partial metabolism microorganisms of specific site reduction on research into the extracts the acid original Vitamin mineral Vitamin E is among these organics. may E molecule surfaces. well by soil or Further reveal that page 89 IV. Experimental A. GC-MS-Computer Operating Conditions See Table IX. Table IX Operating Conditions Helium flow rate - 26 ml/min through Column - 6' x 1/8" (I.D.) metal, 3% OV-1 Interface - split ratio 50:50, GC:MS Temperatures - injector 250-2800 manifold 2800 ion source Hitachi 2500 RMU-6L coupled to an IBM 1800 computer Ionizing voltage- 70 ev page 90 Green River Shale Extraction and Separation. B. 1. Extraction Two Soxhlet extractors rinsed with distilled solution, allowed Into each extractor 1:1) was and added At the end of that time, reflux for two days. to thimble one extractor 400 ml of solvent (benzene-methanol, cleaning and then rinsed with water, wad of glass wool were placed. a with washed Into each reagent grade methanol. and were fresh solvent was added and the old solvent discarded. While the blank extraction was were tubes test washed in progress, 345 in cleaning solution, rinsed in distilled water, and finally ultrasonically reagent grade methanol. of bath tubes and other glassware 10-ml were cleaned in a After cleaning, the test stored in a clean, dry All contact with the glassware was done with nylon place. gloves. After the two days of extraction, the blank was evaporated to a small volumn and gas chromatographed to see what impurities were present. Only one small peak was seen at 205 on the gas chromatogram. Next, 64 g of powdered Green River shale were divided into two equal Four hundred parts which were placed into the extractors. ml of solvent (benzene-methanol, 1:1) were added to each extractor and allowed to reflux for two days. At the end of that time, the solvent was removed and fresh solvent added. Again refluxing was allowed to continue for page 91 two which the first and second extracts were after days, evaporated to a small volume and redissolved with methylene chloride ( 100 ml). The total bases, and neutrals. remove the separate the removed by bases, A 0.1N and a HCl 0.1N to used KOH solutiorn was use d to neutral s were chlcoride. methylene into extraction was solution remaining The acids. then separated into acids, were organics then This solvent was evaporated to yield 1.19g of neutr;al organ i CS. 2. Gradient Chromatography (62) chromatog raphed then was The neutral fraction in a manner similar that reported by G.Preti(55), b y placing the column fraction atop a silica gel eluting outlines with solvents of the solvents used (1" x 4' glass) increasing polari ty. and Figure 14 and Scheme 2 shows the apparatus used.during elution. Scheme 4 Gradient method 300 ml he ane benzene methylene chloride met anol The cleaned test tubes were placed in the automatic fraction collector, and the machine was set to take 5 ml of effluent per fraction. The rate was adjusted for 12 ml an Figure 14. Apparatus used during gradient chromatography. ew solvent mixed solvents magnetic st i rrer col umn ---- mixture of neutrals $silica fl gel collection page 94 hour. Every fifth 5-ml sample collected was then placed in a 10 ml pear-shaped flask, most of the solvent removed, and the residual solution analyzed by gas chromatography. page 95 C. Osmiumn tetroxide 10 ml to 8.0 Oxidation of Tetroxide Osmium of to (51.5 mg, 0.0002 moles) was added of thi s yellow solution was added of di oxane. Two ml mg Olefins neutral organics. Catalytic amounts of pyr idine were added following procedures outlined by Capell After 2 hours, this brown solution was et al. (53 ). to' a mix ture of sodium bisulfate, water, and py ridine and After extraction with chlor oform sti rred fo r 8 hours. dry ing ov er res idue anhydrous magnesium (N, O-Bis-T rimethylsilyl-Acetamide) pyr idine. D. and sulfate, the evaporated using silalyted was added and 1 ml BSA 20 mic ro liters GC-MS analysis followed after 2 hours 55 at . Synthesis of Green River Shale components 1. Benzylcycloalkane (IIb) 6-methyl-2-butylthiomethylenecyclohexanone (0.02 moles) was reduced with 18 g (0.02 moles) Raney nickel as described by Ireland et al. The dimethyl ketone (0.006 moles) was (63). added to an excess of a-bromo o-xylene the was reagent nitrogen. extracted The newly formed then dehydrated with 50% sulfuric acid/water, neutralized with a saturated solution of and from formed (0.02 moles) and magnesium (0.02 moles) in ether and refluxed under alcohol Grignard with ether. sodium carbonate Reduction of the olefin with Pd/c (10%) and hydrogen at one atmosphere yielded 66% of compound lib. 2. Methyl-substituted Chromanes - Pseudoionene (5.36 page 96 g, 0.003 moles) was catalytically reduced with 10% The ketone (3.9 hydrogen at one atmosphere. was added to a solution (40 ml) moles) (0.02 moles) procedures by hydride. The Wadsworth et continue overnight. a B-unsaturated was reaction, al. water 4.8 0.48 in (64), g (0.02 accord was with allowed added g and to the extracted with ether and dried over ester accomplished (yield 86%). Reduction of the by refluxing in glyme with excess lithium aluminum hydride for 24 hours. of and Excess water was then anhydrous magnesium sulfate ester g, 0.02 moles) of glyme containing triethylphosphonoacetate sodium Pd/c and Cautious addition followed by extraction from a saturated solution of sodium chloride y ielded a mixture of compounds including the allylic alchol . Vacuum distillation of this mixture yielded 83% of the a llylic alcohol. equally of into -three parts, added tp a one molar equivelent 2,3-,2,5-,and solution of 3,5-dimethylphenol acetic acid and procedure by Smith e t al.(65). base afforded XII(27.8%)and The sample was divided the and refluxed in a zinc chloride according to Extraction with Claisen's methyl-substituted chromane XI(30.8%), XIII (31.0%) chromatography peak areas). (% calculated from gas page 97 References 1. E. Coste, Canadian Mining Inst. J., 6, 73 (1903). 2. M. Berthelot, Ann. de Chim et des Phys. 9, 481 (1866). 3. D. 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