Characterization of Mono-Energetic Charged-Particle Radiography for High Energy Density Physics Experiments by Mario John-Errol Manuel B.S., Astronomy, University of Washington (2006) B.S., Aero/Astro Engineering, University of Washington (2006) B.S., Physics, University of Washington (2006) Master of Science in Aeronautics and Astronautics at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology June 2008 @2008 Massachusetts Institute of Technology All rights reserved /7 Signature of Author: ............................. Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics May 23, 2008 Certified by: ............ ........ Dr. Richaird D. Petrasso Senior Research Scientist, Plasma Science and Fusion Center Thesis Advisor ' nA Certified by: ............. .......................................................... - .......................... ........................... Professor Manue Martinez-Sanchez Professor of Aeftnautics and Astronautics Thesis Advisor Accepted by: ..................................... Professor David L.Darmofal MASSACH~•Ei TS tNS Associate Department Head OF TEOHNOLOGY Chair, Committee on Graduate Students AUG 0 12008VE8 LIBRARIES Characterization of Mono-Energetic Charged-Particle Radiography for High Energy Density Physics Experiments by Mario John-Errol Manuel Submitted to the Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics on May 23, 2008 in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science Abstract Charged-particle radiography, specifically protons and alphas, has recently been used to image various High-Energy-Density Physics objects of interest, including Inertial Confinement Fusion capsules during their implosions, Laser-Plasma Interactions, and Rayleigh-Taylorinstability growth. An imploded D23 He-filled glass capsule - the backlighter - provides monoenergetic 15-MeV and 3-MeV protons and 3.6-MeV alphas for radiographing these various phenomena. Because the backlighter emits mono-energetic particles, information about areal density and electromagnetic fields in imaged systems can be obtained simultaneously. One of the most important characteristics of the backlighter is the fusion product yield, so understanding the experiment parameters that affect it is essential to the future of chargedparticle radiography. Empirical studies of backlighter performance under a variety of conditions are presented, along with proton yield parameterizations based on backlighter and laser parameters. In order to investigate the limits and capabilities of this diagnostic, the Geant4 Transport Toolkit is introduced as the supplementary simulation tool to accompany this novel diagnostic; benchmark simulations with experimental data are presented. Thesis Advisor: Manuel Martinez-Sanchez Professor in the Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics Thesis Advisor: Richard D. Petrasso Senior Research Scientist at the Plasma Science and Fusion Center This work was performed in part at the LLE National Laser Users Facility (NLUF) supported in part by the LLE subcontract 6917101, Defense Program subcontract 6899251, Fusion Science Center subcontract 6897008, and NLUF subcontract 6915158. -2- Acknowledgements My arrival into the field of High Energy Density Physics emerged through a series of serendipitous events, concluding with a random stop at a physics poster session at MIT. At this poster session I met James Ryan Rigg, who introduced me to the HEDP group at MIT, led by Rich Petrasso. I would like to sincerely thank Ryan for the introduction to this field of research and for all of the invaluable conversations and help in accustoming myself to a new and exciting field of research. I would also like to thank Rich Petrasso for the 'extreme' encouragement given to me regularly, and the late conversations of what to do next. Without the help of Fredrick Seguin, I would never have acquired the understanding of programming and numerical computation that I have now. I am very pleased to continue working with Fredrick in the capacity of programming and simulation, as well as the understanding of CR39 analysis procedures and characteristics. I am grateful to Johan Frenje and Chikang Li for their in depth knowledge of the field, theoretically and experimentally, and hope to continue learning from their experience and familiarity in the field. Special thanks also go to Jocelyn Schaeffer and Irina Cashen for all of their help in the etching and scanning of the CR39, and imbuing some of that knowledge to me to lighten the load. I would also like to thank Sean McDuffee for his help and side conversations regarding CR39 characteristics as well as programming techniques. Having the opportunity to run new and exciting experiments only comes with access to a great facility. None of this research would have been possible without the elaborate help from the OMEGA operations crew, but specifically Sam Roberts and Michelle McCluskey for all of their assistance and support in the setup and execution required to perform these experiments. However great the experiment, or amazing the senior scientists, the fact is that it must be an enjoyable experience, and that means good officemates. I would like to sincerely thank Dan Casey for always being there to impart his knowledge here and there, but most importantly, the numerous discussions of physics, computer simulations, and life in general that take place, in the office and out. I would also like to thank my new officemate, Nareg Sinenian, for his help in programming and electronics, which will prove invaluable in the future; also now that there are three of us it makes the discussions, and arguments, in the office that much more interesting. Throughout the endeavors of my education here at MIT, I have required continual support. I thank my girlfriend, Eleonora Ottoboni, for her constant reinforcement through this adventure, and hope she can bare it for another few years. Naturally, I wouldn't be where I am today without the love and support of my parents, Paul Manuel and Rebecca Purdy, and I thank them for everything they have given me, and for their continued encouragement for what I am doing. And last, but certainly not least, I sincerely thank Bryan Henderson for his help with the editing process of this document. -3- Table of Contents List of Figures .................................................................................................................... 6 List of Tables.......................................................................................................................... 10 1 2 1.1 High Energy Density Physics ............................................................................................ 11 1.2 Inertial Confinem ent Fusion ............................................................................................ 13 1.3 Outline ............................................................................................................................. 2.1 Geom etric Setup.............................................................................................................. 17 2.2 Backlighter .................................................. 18 5 ............................................... 18 2.2.1 Backlighter Param eters........................................ 2.2.2 Fusion Produced Charged Particles ..................................... .................. 2.2.3 Directly Driven Exploding Pusher M odel ........................................ CR39 Plastic Track Detector........................................ 19 .......... 20 ............................................... 22 W hat is M ECPR sensitive to? ........................................................................................... 24 3.1 The Im portance of pR in IFE............................................................................................. 24 3.2 Electrom agnetic Fields in HEDP ............................................................................ 25 3.3 Charged-Particle Coulom b-Scattering ..................................... ....................26 3.3.1 Physics of Coulom b Scattering........................................................................ 3.3.2 Param eterization of M CS in Cold M atter............................... ..... 3.4 4 14 Radiography Overview ............................................ ................................................... 16 2.3 3 11 Introduction ................................................. Measurem ents Using MECPR ............................................................ 26 ............ 28 ........................ 30 3.4.1 Areal Density ............................................................................................................. 30 3.4.2 Electrom agnetic Fields .............................................................................................. 31 3.4.3 Resolution Lim its.............................................. ................................................... 34 Backlighter Perform ance ................................................................................................. .................................................. 36 4.1 Em pirical Data Analysis............................................ 4.2 The Im portance of Particle Statistics ................................ 4.3 Sam ple Radiographs ............................................... ............... ............. ........... 39 ................................................... 40 Geant4 Transport Toolkit ................................................................................................ ~4~ 36 43 6 ........................... 43 5.1 Geant4 Physics Packages ................................................................ 5.2 Current Status of Benchmark Simulations ..................................... ........... 45 5.2.1 Unimploded Capsule ............................................................................................... 46 5.2.2 Unim ploded Cylinder .............................................................. ............................ 48 Conclusions and Future Work .......................................................................................... Appendix A: Coulomb Collision Derivation ..................................... 50 .............. 51 A.1 Solution to the 2-particle Problem ........................................... A.2 Energy Loss .................................................................................................................. 53 A.3 Rutherford Cross Section............................................................................................. 54 ............... 51 Appendix B: Scattering Parameterization Data and Plots...................................... . 57 Appendix C: Backlighter Parameterization Data and Plots ..................................................... 60 Appendix D: Geant4 Benchmark Experimental Data .......................... o.......... D.1 Experimental Data for OMEGA shot 46531 ........................................ D.2 Experimental Data for OMEGA shot 45953 ......................................... .............. 71 ................ 72 .......... 73 Appendix E: Acronyms ........................................... 74 Works Cited ...................................................... 75 -5- List of Figures Figure 1-1: Physical phenomena which exist in the High Energy Density Physics regime. This figure does not include dynamic processes which make up a large portion of HEDP experiments such as shock waves, material ablation, radiative cooling, etc. (2). Regions accessible by the OMEGA facility are shown, as well as what will be accessible by the National Ignition Facility (NIF) (28) currently under construction .................................... ............................................. 12 Figure 2-1: Schematic diagram of a general MECPR setup, including the three major elements: 17 backlighter, subject, and detector pack .......................................................... Figure 2-2: (a) Charged particle spectra taken from OMEGA shot 20297. The capsule used for this shot was larger and had more energy on target than typical backlighters, but the yield proportionality is the same for similar backlighter parameters. (b) Typical temporal emission spectra (arbitrary units on right axis) with overlain laser pulse power (TW/beam on left axis), this particular case shows a burn duration with a FWHM of "130-ps ...................................... 20 Figure 2-3: (left) Track Diameter vs. Proton Energy curves at three different etch times in 80*C 6.0 molar NaOH. The estimated energy and yield of the particle of interest dictates the etch time required for a given piece. Etching is also used to bring the real track signal 'up above', in contrast, the intrinsic noise on the piece, however care must be taken not to etch too far, or tracks will be etched away for shorter range particles such as the DD-protons and D3 He-alphas. (right) Actual microscope frame of DD-proton tracks on CR39. The image is 410 x 310 Itm (18). ........................................... 2 2 ......................................................................... Figure 3-1: Equation 3.9 plotted against exit angle 6 for a 10-MeV proton into Tantalum (Z=73). The Rutherford Cross Section obviously shows that Coulomb scattering will be dominated by small angle deflections. The cross sections at very low exit angles are many orders of magnitude higher than at higher angles. For this particular case, at 6 = rt/100 the slope begins 27 . . ..... to flatten out...... ................................................................................................... Figure 3-2: Schematic of a simple scattering simulation. Average energy loss, energy straggle, and exit angle 6, were parameterized to incoming energy, atomic number of incident particle and scattering substrate, areal density, and scattering substrate atomic mass ....................... 28 Figure 3-3: This diagram shows a region of constant field, E- or B- (blue), and the effective direction of force (red) acting on the charged particle, which enters with a velocity vi, and leaves at an angle 6 with velocity vf. Because these particles are moving extremely fast, the change in speed is negligible. a) A constant E-field forces the particle into a parabolic trajectory across the field region accelerating the particle parallel to the field. b) A constant B-field directed out of the page directs the particle in a circular path across the field region ............ 31 Figure 3-4: A generic schematic used to derive a relationship between the exit angle from the subject area and the measurements made on the detector. The length of the interaction region -6- in the subject is much smaller than the dimensions of the imaging system, so that demagnifying the displacement using M will not distort the measurement at the subject appreciably.......... 33 Figure 3-5: This schematic emphasizes the three main sources of image blurring in MECPR: finite source size, scattering in the subject, and broadening in the detector. Each mechanism can be characterized by the convolution of the image with a Gaussian parameterized by a 1/e radius; Rsrc, Rsub, and Rdet for the source, subject, and detector respectively .......................... 34 Figure 4-1: (left) OMEGA shot 46528 with 15-MeV protons incident at the subject at 1.58-ns with a total yield of 0.45*108. (right) OMEGA shot 46529 with 15-MeV protons incident at the subject at 1.56-ns with a total yield of 3.56*108 (individual image width is "2.8-mm at the subject plane). In the fluence radiographs darker indicates higher fluence, while lighter colors indicate less fluence. These images illustrate very well what a factor of ~8 difference in particle yield can do to an image. For our typical MECPR setup, the detector is"25-30-cm away from the source, we hope for a minimum yield on the order of ~108; this was achieved for shot 46529, but not 46528. It is essential for the success of MECPR that the particle yields attain this order of magnitude. Without proper statistics useful information will be lost in the noise ..... 39 Figure 4-2: (left) OMEGA shot 46531, a 15-MeV proton fluence radiograph of an unimploded Fast-Ignition style target. The outside diameter of the capsule is "430-pm in the subject plane. The gold cone clearly scatters out all of the protons and even the small cone inside the.capsule can be seen. (right) OMEGA shot 46529, a 15-MeV proton fluence radiograph 1.56-ns after the onset of the laser pulse of a cone-in-shell target capsule. The central fluence peak is attributed to an inwardly directed electric field and the outer striated structures are theorized to be established by complex magnetic field structures frozen into the plasma blow off; the scales are equal the sam e in both im ages ..................................................................................................... 40 Figure 4-3: The above series of radiographs were taken on different shot days at the OMEGA facility (shot numbers above radiographs), but used identical laser and plastic foil parameters. The line plot on the bottom of the figure shows the typical 1-ns square pulse with arrows indicating the arrival time of the imaging protons and their corresponding fluence radiographs. During the laser pulse, it can be seen that the bubble structure stays fairly coherent and symmetric, growing in time. Then, after the laser pulse the bubble decays away in a somewhat chaotic and asym metric fashion........................................................................................... . 41 Figure 5-1: (left) This plot displays the azimuthally averaged line outs of an unimploded capsule, with similar dimensions to that of shot 46531, using three different physics packages on Geant4. The measured outer diameter of the capsule, 429.1-pm is also shown, and seems to coincide with the inflection points of the curves. (right) From top to bottom, simulated fluence radiographs using the LHEP_BERT, PRSimPhys-Old, and PRSimPhys-New physics packages. The simulations were done using a total proton yield of 2.31*108 with a sourcesubject distance of 1-cm and a source-detector distance of 25-cm .................................... 44 ~7~ Figure 5-2: A schematic of the standard MECPR setup, made using the visualization software WIRED (24) supplied to users of Geant4 from the Geant4 website. As stated earlier, the simulation is setup to have the user modify the backlighter and detector parameters, as well as change the subject to be imaged. The two benchmark simulations that will be presented are those of a spherical shell (left) and a hollow cylinder (right), however other standard subjects include meshes, waved foils, and capped cylinders, to name a few. Of course the code is a work-in-progress so other subjects will be added later ....................................... ........ 46 Figure 5-3: Azimuthally averaged radial lineouts for experimental data (OMEGA shot 46531), simulation with experimentally measured yield, and simulation with a factor 10 higher yield; the capsule edge isalso shown in this plot. When taking radial lineouts, the statistics get worse at smaller radii because there are less particles at a given radius and for this radiograph there was also some noise on the CR39 piece near the center of the capsule; for these reasons the inner radii are less important in matching experiment with simulation............................ 47 Lineouts for experimental data (OMEGA shot 45953), simulation with Figure 5-4: experimentally measured yield, and simulation with a factor 10 higher yield. The cylinder edge is also shown in this plot. The experimental particle statistics for this shot were quite poor, but comparisons between the data and simulations can still be made, and some insight gained.... 48 Figure A-1: Schematic diagram of a Coulomb collision with important quantities labeled. To analyze the collision, the coordinate system isput into the rest frame of the field particle, which therefore, is stationary (infinite mass) and the test particle will have the relative velocity (reduced mass). The particles have atomic numbers Zt and Zf with mass mt and mf for testparticle and field-particles, respectively. The schematic is drawn for two like-charged particles, but the analysis is the same for oppositely charged particles; the trajectory of the test particle ............. 51 would just be flipped about the horizontal axis ......................................... Figure A-2: Schematic used in deriving the Rutherford Cross Section. Particles which come through the impact parameter ring on the left, must come out in the scattered ring on the right. The RCS defines the probability for a particle to end up at a given solid angle. To calculate a total cross section the RCS must be integrated over all 4Tr Steradians (sr); also note that e is 55 now the exit angle, the subscript 'final' has been dropped ........................................... Figure B-1: The three preceding graphs are simply the simulated data on the x-axis, and using the same independent variables, the parameterized calculation of the dependent variables on the y-axis: average energy out, energy straggle, and scattering exit angle. The one-to-one line, where the parameterized fit value equals the simulated data exactly, is also shown on each plot. ............................................................................................................................................. 59 Figure C-1: The twelve preceding graphs show the comparison between the parameterizations and the data for both the proton and neutron yields (proton yield comparisons on the left and neutron comparisons on the right). The one-to-one line is displayed in each plot as well, and represents a perfect fit to the data. Error bars on the parameterized quantities were derived -8- from the average percent error of the fit, proton yield measurement errors are ~50%, and neutron yield measurement errors are ~10%. Overall, most of the parameterizations fit the data well, but more work and data will be needed for a more rigorous analysis, and will be pursued during m y Doctoral work ................................................................................................ 64 Figure D-1: (top) Contrast vs. Diameter diagram in logarithmic contour form. There are two distinct peaks, one high in contrast, the other low; the low contrast peak is the signal, and can be generally encompassed by the contrast limits of 0 - 40% and diameter limits of 2.5 - 20-pm. The upper limit in contrast is chosen by the minimum between the two peaks (where the signal begins to be overtaken by the intrinsic noise). (bottom left) Final fluence radiograph for OMEGA shot 46531, darker color implies higher fluence. The black spots down the image are intrinsic noise that I couldn't remove without losing some signal, so I left them, but they have no physical significance. The image has also been cone-smoothed with a radius of three to eliminate high frequency statistical noise. (bottom right) The same final radiograph with the shaded portion covering azimuthal angles from -40 - 210", the region used to find the azimuthally average radial lineout for benchmarking with Geant4 ..................................... 72 Figure D-2: (top) Contrast vs. Diameter diagram for OMEGA shot 45953 in logarithmic contour form. Again, the contour peak at lower contrast is the signal. For this image, the contrast limits chosen were 0 - 35% with a diameter range of 2 - 18-pm. (bottom left) Final product radiograph using the limits determined from the Contrast vs. Diameter plot. A cone-smoothing of radius three was applied to the image. The high fluence band, in line with the stock holding the cylinder, is a product of some kind of electromagnetic field present, it is not yet well understood, but does affect that portion of the radiograph. (bottom right) The swath used to construct the lineout is shown on the final radiograph. It is averaged across the width and plotted as a function of length along the swath. I attempted to avoid the high fluence area or the stock in order to only account for scattering through the cylinder shell........................... 73 ~9-.- List of Tables Table 2-1: The two fusion reactions used to create source particles for MECPR. The reactants are assumed to be at thermal energies, and that the exothermic reactions supply kinetic energy to the products in accordance with conservation of energy and momentum ......................... 19 Table 3-1: This table shows relevant data pertaining to the scattering and straggling parameterizations mentioned above. The residual and percent errors are ideally zero, and the R-squared value is ideally 1 for a perfect fit to all of the data. Plots of the SRIM simulated data and fit data are show n in Appendix B........................................................... ......................... 29 Table 4-1: This table gives the form of the equations used in the parameterization of the proton yield for MECPR. The nominal values of the independent variables are tshell = 2.0 Plm, 2, and PD2/P3He = 0.5. However, Dout = 400 plm, EonTarg = 10 kJ, Eflux = 0.02 J/lm these values are never exact, and the implications of these deviations from the nominal can drastically change the proton yield. Furthermore, the number of lasers and the energy per laser beam is not always the same. For example, Fit 5 has the lasers incident on the capsule from the top and bottom (Pole Driven), and this greatly changes the implosion dynamics ................................. 37 Table B-i: The table below gives the 50 data points used in the power regression fit for the scattering parameters: <Eout>, GEout, and <0>. The Monte Carlo program SRIM was used with the independent variables shown on the right of the black bar with 10,000 particles for each simulation. The four dependent variables, on the right of the black bar, were calculated for each simulation. Matlab was used to fit power law functions to each of the dependent variables. Only protons and alpha particles were used as incident beams, and the areal density was used in the fitting process instead of the actual density of the target, because areal density is referred to more often than density, since the actual density of a subject may not be known 57 during a dynam ic process............................................... ............................................... Table C-1: This table gives a complete list of parameterization coefficients for proton and neutron yields from MECPR backlighters. Fits for similar laser parameters are displayed one on top of the other for a direct comparison of fits between proton and neutron yields ............. 61 Table C-2: This table gives a complete list of all thin glass D23He-filled backlighter capsules since 2005. Some data were not gathered before the shot, and hence will never be measured; these data are represented by a -1. Not all of these data were used in the parameterization of the proton and neutron yields, but the most pertinent laser configurations were parameterized.. 65 - 10~ 1 Introduction In grade school everyone istaught about the three states of matter: solid, liquid, and gas; each evolving from the previous, respectively, by adding more energy. As we continue to add energy to a gas, the electrons in orbit about the nucleus gain enough energy to be stripped from their bound states in neutral atoms. Through this process of separation of positive nuclei (ions) and negative electrons, known as ionization, a new state of matter called plasma is realized. Because of the high ionization potentials of neutral atoms, plasmas are intrinsically hot substances. For example, the ionization potential of hydrogen is 13.6-eV ("160,000 K or particle thermal energy of ~2*10 -18 J)i. These extreme temperatures, ranging from hundreds of thousands to hundreds of millions of degrees Kelvin, coupled with extremely high particle densities, ~1024 - 1026 particles/cm3 (compare with air at STP ~1019 molecules/cm 3 ) leads to a physical regime where plasmas exist at extremely high energy densities. This physical regime is known as High Energy Density Physics (HEDP). In Section 1.1 HEDP will be defined quantitatively and described in more detail. Examples of relevant phenomena in the HEDP regime are discussed briefly as well as a short history of the hardware needed for experimentalists to explore this new realm of physics. Section 1.2 gives a brief overview of Inertial Confinement Fusion (ICF) (1) basics and how it is strongly coupled to Mono-Energetic Charged Particle Radiography (MECPR). This chapter finishes with an outline of this thesis in its entirety. 1.1 High Energy Density Physics HEDP is defined as a physical system whose energy density is greater than 105 J/cm 3 or 1011 Pa (1 Mbar)(2). Physical phenomena in this regime exist naturally in the universe in solar and gas-giant cores, supernovae, neutron stars, black hole accretion disks, etc. or man-made systems such as Inertial Fusion Energy (IFE) plasmas and high-intensity-laser induced plasmas. Figure 1-1 was adapted from a figure in the NRC Report Frontiers in High Energy Density Physics: The X-Games of Contemporary Science which was published in 2003 and shows relevant areas of study which exist in the HEDP regime (3). However, Figure 1-1 does not show dynamic processes, but still gives a good overview of current research areas of interest in HEDP. The electron volt (eV) is used throughout this thesis when referring to temperatures (thermal energies) as well as kinetic energies; the following conversions may be useful: 1-eV= 11,605 Kelvin; 1-eV= 1.6*10-19-Joules - 11 - 20 25 log n(H) [m-] 30 35 0X 0 -2 -10 -5 0 log p [g/cm3] 5 10 Figure 1-1: Physical phenomena which exist in the High Energy Density Physics regime. This figure does not include dynamic processes which make up a large portion of HEDP experiments such as shock waves, material ablation, radiative cooling, etc. (2). Regions accessible by the OMEGA facility are shown, as well as what will be accessible by the National Ignition Facility (NIF) (28) currently under construction. Energy densities of this magnitude were not available to investigate by experiment until the early 1900s. The advent of the particle accelerator in the 1930s gave physicists the hardware needed to energize and collimate particle beams. By focusing high energy particle beams onto stationary targets, the HEDP regime could be experimentally investigated. This led to the concept of beam fusion, which was found to be an extremely inefficient means to achieving fusion energy because of the large particle losses and minimal fusion reactions. Subsequently in 1960 the first Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation (laser) was demonstrated by Theodore Maiman at Hughes Research Laboratories and paved the way towards higher power laser systems (4). Laser technology has since developed to the point of achieving relatively high intensities ("kJ/mm 2 = 109 J/m2 on the OMEGA Laser (5)) and ultra short pulse durations ("fs = 10-15 s). In - 12- today's laser systems, one talks in Terawatts (1012 W) or Petawatts (1015 W) of power because of the high energies delivered in such short timescales. These high power lasers are used to create environments in which HEDP phenomena can be studied, create spectra of X-rays or protons for radiography, and compress ICF fuel capsules to high densities and temperatures whereby fusion reactions occur and release copious energy. 1.2 Inertial Confinement Fusion In 1972 John Nuckolls sparked the idea to pursue fusion energy and ignition through laser compression of a fuel capsule to thousands of times liquid density (1). The Inertial Confinement Fusion approach to fusion energy is conceived by the compression of a spherical target capsule through laser irradiation at the surface which results in a spherical rocket implosion of the fuel capsule. The term 'ignition' refers to a capsule whose DT-alphas are used to heat the remainder of the fuel in an outward propagating alpha-wave burn without the need for further outside power input. Nuckolls' initial estimate of the energy needed to achieve ignition was insufficient due to the presence and prominence of instabilities, both of a hydrodynamic (Rayleigh-Taylor, Richtmyer-Meshokov, etc.) and Laser-Plasma-Interaction (LPI) (2-w, 3-w, etc.) nature during the compression of the capsule (6). Most research in Inertial Fusion Energy (IFE) since conception in 1972 has been focused on the understanding and mitigation of these instabilities in search of a functioning fusion reactor design. There are currently three main concepts on how to efficiently compress and ignite the fuel: direct drive, indirect drive, and fast ignition. All three concepts for IFE involve energy deposition by high powered pulsed laser systems. However, the method in which the energy is deposited to the fuel varies. Direct drive implosions involve the irradiation of the spherical target surface by direct illumination of the laser pulse on target. This causes ablation at the surface outwards which, by Newton's Third Law, forces the rest of the shell and fuel inwards, creating a spherical rocket, heating the central hot spot and compressing the fuel around it. Indirect drive involves the lasers being incident upon the inside of a high-Z (high atomic number), cylindrical object called a hohlraum. The irradiation of the inner hohlraum wall converts the laser energy to black body emission Xrays which ablates the spherical target surface and leads to the hot spot in the center in a similar fashion as direct drive. By using the black body X-rays, the irradiation on the target surface is more uniform than direct illumination. Fast Ignition (FI) capsules are designed with a high-Z material cone partially inside a spherical capsule with the flattened cone tip near the center of the capsule. FI is similar to direct drive in that the lasers are incident directly on the capsule, however the high-Z cone is used to shield a path for an ultra-short high intensity laser ~ 13 pulse which irradiates the inside of the cone and forces relativistic electrons into the central hot spot igniting the fuel. For purposes of this thesis all three IFE concepts are introduced because MECPR has been, or will be used, to examine dynamic processes relating to each. 1.3 Outline Mono-Energetic Charged Particle Radiography (MECPR) has proven to be an unmatched diagnostic in characterizing HED plasmas and resulting electric and magnetic field structures(7). An understanding and characterization of the backlighter performance as a source of monoenergetic charged particles is essential in the continued success of MECPR. This thesis covers two avenues of investigation into the backlighter: empirical analysis of backlighter performance based on D-3 He yield and simulation of backlighter parameter impact on radiographs. It is expected that a better understanding of backlighter performance will improve radiograph quality and reproducibility. Chapter 1 gives a brief overview of HEDP as a scientific field and what experimental hardware made probing this regime of physics possible. There is a brief introduction to IFE and the three main concepts for achieving ignition, as well as this outline. Chapter 2 includes a general overview of MECPR; how a typical geometry looks and how all the pieces work together. A detailed description of the backlighter parameters and typical spectra are discussed, as well as a brief description of the CR39 plastic track detectors. Chapter 3 contains brief descriptions of the physical phenomena that we observe using MECPR and how we can calculate quantitative measures from the radiographs. The crucial ICF parameter pR is described and how it is measured using MECPR, as well as how quantitative measures of electromagnetic fields can be made. Chapter 4 provides an empirical analysis of backlighter performance based, primarily, on D-3 He proton yield. Which backlighter parameters most impact the proton yield are discussed, as well as a description and presentation of a regression model fit for proton yield. This chapter finishes with a brief display of some experimental MECPR images. Chapter 5 discusses the workings of Geant4 as a simulation tool for MECPR. A discussion of the different physics packages are given, and their impact on the use of Geant4. Current benchmark simulations are compared with experiments and discussed. -~14~- Chapter 6 ends the thesis with the conclusions drawn from these studies and the impacts on future MECPR experiments. The future direction of this line of study is also stated, as I will continue in this line of research for my Doctoral Thesis. Appendices are included after Chapter 6 and contain reference material, experimental data used in this thesis, as well as a list of acronyms that are used throughout. All works cited within are presented at the very end of this document. -~15~- 2 Radiography Overview Radiography, by definition, is the process of imaging with radiation other than visible light. X-ray radiography, is probably the most familiar and widely used. X-rays are attenuated by high density materials, such as bone, but pass through lower density materials, soft tissue, unaffected, and the resultant image is a shadowgraph of the subject being imaged-an X-ray one might see at the doctor's office. Charged particle radiography functions in a similar manner, except that charged particles lose energy, to first order, as a function of areal density, which is defined as the path integrated density along the particle's trajectory through the subject. With regard to physics applications, charged particles have an advantage over photons, sensitivity to electromagnetic fields; however charged particles are also scattered more in materials than photons. Therefore, charged particles have simultaneous sensitivity to electromagnetic fields and density fluctuations with some sacrifice of spatial resolution, whereas radiography using electromagnetic radiation is sensitive only to density perturbations. Charged particle radiography began by using protons created by an intense short laser pulse incident onto a thin foil target (8), (9), (10), (11). When incident on a foil, the laser produces a plasma bubble, as well as accelerates fast electrons from the front foil surface through the material. Protons are also excited on the front surface, but are 'pulled' by the fast electrons and both exit the foil on the opposite side; the magnetic field generated by the fast electron population serves to focus the electron beam while the proton beam is slightly scattered upon exiting of the foil. Protons emitted in this fashion have a continuous exponential spectrum with an endpoint-energy dependent on the incident laser intensity, but can reach above 50-MeV. When using charged particle radiography with a spectral source, the image receptors are either stacks of radiochromic film or CR39 (a plastic track detector) with intermittent filtering between layers. This method was the first approach to charged particle radiography, and was the only method until the High Energy Density Physics division of the Plasma Science and Fusion Center at MIT developed a technique for producing a monoenergetic proton source -a backlighter- for radiography (the reader isencouraged to reference (8), (9), (10), (11) for further information regarding spectral proton radiography). The backlighter source, discussed more in Section 2.2, used in mono-energetic charged particle radiography emits particles, not exponentially, but Gaussian with a deviation from the mean of only a few percent (12), (13). It consists of a thin glass spherical shell filled with D2, molecular deuterium, and 3 He, the light isotope of helium, typically "400-jim in outer diameter with a shell thickness of ~2-im SiO 2 (glass). This small capsule is compressed in the direct drive fashion, similar to an IFE capsule, by "20 laser beams at the OMEGA laser facility in Rochester, NY at the Laboratory for Laser Energetics (LLE). The laser shock-compresses the fuel, deuterium -16 - and helium-3, to a high enough temperature and density for fusion to occur, and the fusion products are the particles used to radiograph the subject. Since we know the birth energy of these particles, and can measure the energy at the detector, information about the areal density in the subject can be inferred. Furthermore, this allows for the measurement of electromagnetic fields, which deflect the particles near the subject, through deflectometry techniques. More information concerning how measurements are made using MECPR is discussed in Section 3.4. 2.1 Geometric Setup The general geometric setup for all MECPR experiments is the same, see Figure 2-1; it consists of three components: backlighter, imaged subject, and detector pack. This setup creates an imaging system with a magnification defined by the parameters of the specific experiment CR39 for 15-MeV protons D 18 9for eV protons and 3.5-MeV alphas Figure 2-1: Schematic diagram of a general MECPR setup, including the three major elements: backlighter, subject, and detector pack. The magnification, M, from a point source is defined by the system parameters: Ldet [cm], the distance from the subject plane to the detector pack, and Lsub [cm], the distance from the source to the subject plane through the relationship: M = Ldet Lsub+Ldet - 17 - (2.1) The experimentalist has a certain freedom in choosing the magnification of the experiment based on physical limitations in the chamber and an expected particle yield of the backlighter which falls off as "~r2; the quality of the radiograph increases with particle yield up to the saturation point of the detector. 2.2 Backlighter The source of charged particles used in MECPR is emitted from an imploded thin-glass spherical-shell target filled with D23 He gas. This backlighter is imploded using "20 beams' on the OMEGA Laser at LLE in Rochester, NY which deposits "500-J/beam of energy on the target surface. The fuel inside is heated by the inward driven shock, and compressed by the shell mass that was not ablated away by the laser. The two most crucial parameters in characterizing the backlighter implosion are the D-3He 15-MeV proton yield (YD3He-p) and the ion temperature (Ti). Both of these values depend on many other factors, and are themselves related through the D-D neutron yield (YDD-n). 2.2.1 Backlighter Parameters The quality of backlighter performance for a specific shot strongly depends on the physical characteristics of the backlighter capsule in addition to the interaction with the OMEGA laser. The physical features of the backlighter which are to some extent controllable are fill pressure of D2 and 3He, glass-shell thickness, and capsule diameter. The independent laser parameters are pulse shape, number of beams on target, energy per beam, and laser focus where all four contribute to the total on-target-energy. With all of this in mind, the characterizing parameters of the backlighter as a source are YD3He-p, YDD-n, and the ion temperature; of which only two are dependent. The third parameter can be calculated by the ratio of the volumetric reaction rate relationships: RD3He-P = nDn3He(OrV)DHe.P RDD-n=' (O-V)DD.n L1s [ ] (2.2) (2.3) Backlighters have been imploded with as little as 6 beams, however typically the number of beams incident on the backlighter is between 17 - 21 -18 - where no and n3He [1/cm 3] are the number density of deuterium and helium-3 respectively, and 3 (oV)D3Heand (ov)DDare the reactivities [cm /s], averaged over a Maxwellian distribution in velocity for the D-3He-proton and DD-neutron reactions respectively. The backlighters are designed to have equal numbers of deuterium and helium-3 nuclei to optimize the yield. Because the yield is proportional to the reaction rate, and both gases occupy the same volume, YDD-n and YD3He-p have the following relation: YDD-n = YD3He-p (O'V)DD-n 1l (2.4) The reaction rate is a strong function of ion temperature only, and therefore this equation relates the three parameters used to characterize the backlighter as a source. Because of the compression of the fuel, the fusion reactions take place in a much smaller volume than the unimploded fuel occupies; theoretically, the source takes the form of a 3D-Gaussian in space with a typical 1/e radius of -30 pm (14), (15). 2.2.2 Fusion Produced Charged Particles The three particles of interest in MECPR come from the D-D and D-3 He reaction, see Table 2-1. These particles are created in the burn region of the backlighter and serve to image the HEDP subject of interest. Since each particle has a different energy-to-mass ratio, they arrive at the subject at slightly different times. This allows data to be accumulated at different instances, which is vital for the study of dynamic processes. Table 2-1: The two fusion reactions used to create source particles for MECPR. The reactants are assumed to be at thermal energies, and that the exothermic reactions supply kinetic energy to the products in accordance with conservation of energy and momentum. Reaction D+ D -- T (1.01 MeV)+ p (3.02 MeV) D + 3He - a (3.6 MeV) + p (14.7 MeV) Label Q (MeV) D-D 4.03 D-3He 18.3 The actual birth energies of these particles deviate by a small amount from their nominal values; Doppler broadening occurs in the source and isdependent on the ion temperature (15) by: o2 Ti = - [keV] ~ 19- (2.5) where C [keV] is 5880 for D-3 He reactions and 1510 for D-D reactions, and a [keV] is the Doppler-broadened width. For example, if the source ion temperature is 10-keV, this gives a Doppler broadening of 1.6%, 6.7%, and 4.1% for D3He-protons, D3He-alphas, and DD-protons, respectively; therefore the source is considered to be monoenergetic. This method, however, cannot be used to find an absolute ion temperature, only an upper limit, because the spectrum is also vulnerable to other causes of line broadening including different pathlengths through the shell, time-varying acceleration, and pR evolution on the timescale of the burn duration (16). The source emits, temporally, as a pulse lasting ~150-ps, meaning that we can only probe phenomena in a regime where the dynamic timescale is greater than this pulse duration. This provides a lower limit on the temporal resolution of MECPR. An actual birth spectrum from a thin glass capsule with similar parameters to a nominal backlighter is given in Figure 2-2 along with a particle burn history with overlain laser pulse. In no a) n-n Proton E 0u. 0.5 0.4 '-I *5 o U D-3He Proton D-'He 0 Alpha a-- I-i? , 0 "' . nl""I"' i 5 10 0 15 n 20 -500 0 0 500 1000 1500 Time (ps) Energy (MeV) Figure 2-2: (a) Charged particle spectra taken from OMEGA shot 20297. The capsule used for this shot was larger and had more energy on target than typical backlighters, but the yield proportionality is the same for similar backlighter parameters. (b) Typical temporal emission spectra (arbitrary units on right axis) with overlain laser pulse power (TW/beam on left axis), this particular case shows a burn duration with a FWHM of ~130-ps. 2.2.3 Directly Driven Exploding Pusher Model Exploding pusher targets were widely used in early direct drive IFE experiments. The attractive features of exploding pusher targets included the insensitivity to instabilities of present, typical IFE capsules such as the Rayleigh-Taylor (RT) and electron preheat instabilities (17). However, because of its intrinsically different dynamic structure, the exploding pusher - 20 - could also never be used to reach ignition conditions because the density of the compressed fuel will never become great enough to sustain the propagation of an alpha-heating-wave. In 1979, M. D. Rosen and J. H. Nuckolls derived a theoretical model to calculate the neutron yield of a DT exploding pusher (17). That form has been re-derived for a thin glass equamolar D-3He filled exploding pusher backlighter, and takes the form: YD3He-p = 5.6925 * 1017 R1 rl• (O')D3Hn-p (2.6) where Ro [Vlm] is the unimploded radius of the fuel volume, n = pf/po is the compression ratio, (or)D3He-p [cm 3/s] is the Maxwellian-averaged reactivity of the D-3 He reaction, and Ti [keV] is the ion temperature during charged particle emission. Because the reactivity is only a function of Ti and Ro is known, the only two parameters that must be pinned down are n and Ti (the reader is encouraged to reference (17) for a deeper background of these derivations). The compression ratio r is related to the density of the glass shell Pshell [g/cm3 ], the average unimploded density of the fuel po [g/cm3], the shell thickness AR [Vlm], and Ro [lim] by: _ 4 A..R) (1 + ~ (2.7) This formula is based on conservation of mass, with half of the shell mass ablated away, as a first approximation, and was iterated upon using 1-D simulations to come to its final form. To find a theoretical expression for Ti, knowledge of the energy absorbed by the capsule is needed. In reference (17) the laser pulse was assumed to be Gaussian and a method was devised to estimate the ion temperature based on that pulse shape. However, for the backlighters used in MECPR, the laser pulse is not Gaussian. A 1-ns 'square' laser pulse is typically used to implode the backlighter capsule, and the pulse has the shape seen in Figure 2-2. However, the model Rosen and Knuckolls derived in order to calculate the ion temperature was based solely on a Gaussian pulse, and will therefore not function properly for this application. A new method for finding the ion temperature must be introduced, which entails a theoretical model for laser-energy absorption in the shell and how that energy isconverted into P-V work during the compression of the fuel. This is currently in progress, and will be an ongoing project as part of my Doctoral work. ~21~ - CR39 Plastic Track Detector 2.3 The detector pack shown on the right side of Figure 2-1 consists of, from right to left, a front filter (Fl), a CR39 track detector (Bert), another filter (F2), and a final CR39 track detector (Ernie). A full description of CR39 as a charged particle track detector can be found in reference (16), a brief yet necessary overview will be given in this thesis as it is vital to MECPR. As charged particles travel through CR39, they break the bonds of the plastic and create destructive holes in the substrate. These holes are extremely small and the diameter and eccentricity are dependent on the particle charge, type, and incident angle. To make the holes visible under a microscope the CR39 is etched in NaOH, wherein the plastic inside the holes is eroded away faster than the nominal surface of the piece. After etching, the piece is scanned using a laser-auto-focused microscope, and the position, diameter, eccentricity, and contrast of each particle track is retained. The CR39 has been calibrated using our accelerator for protons and alphas at specified energies in order to create a curve to convert diameter to energy, see Figure 2-3. 2u 15 E W E 10 0:: I- :;:::-D 5 :::: .; :::.:: d6 i,, :· -- ;;: "';~~""-3-ss -F~~~3;-:~i·· ;·-: alF 0 2 -:"~~_·L.-·) "~Sua '--;~·-'--~--ea:. i ___ s'~~":sesi:··G~P K. 'a 10 8 6 4 Proton Energy (MeV) Figure 2-3: (left) Track Diameter vs. Proton Energy curves at three different etch times in 80*C 6.0 molar NaOH. The estimated energy and yield of the particle of interest dictates the etch time required for a given piece. Etching isalso used to bring the real track signal 'up above', in contrast, the intrinsic noise on the piece, however care must be taken not to etch too far, or tracks will be etched away for shorter range particles such as the DD-protons and D3He-alphas. (right) Actual microscope frame of DD-proton tracks on CR39. The image is410 x 310 pm (18). As seen in Figure 2-3, higher energies give a very shallow slope, increasing the uncertainty in which one can convert a measured track diameter to incident energy. For this reason, filtering is used before the CR39 to range down particles into the steeper slope region. The purpose of having both the Bert and Ernie pieces of CR39 is to gain information from both - 22 - the lower energy particles (DD-protons and D3He-alphas-using F1 and Bert) and the higher energy particles (D3He-protons-using F2 and Ernie). In this way the filtering for Bert and Ernie can be optimized separately such that a typical particle will end in the proper energy range for efficient detection and energy conversion. The filtering design is based on what particles are of interest for that particular experiment and what assumed pL (path integrated areal density) the particles will traverse in the subject. -~23 - 3 What is MECPR sensitive to? A mono-energetic particle source and an energy sensitive detector system lead to an efficient and novel way to calculate the path integrated areal density (pL). Another advantage of this imaging system is that the magnification can be changed simply by shifting the detector array closer to or farther away from the subject. This is especially interesting when looking at electromagnetic fields because of their focusing (or defocusing) effects on charged particles. MECPR sets itself apart from electromagnetic radiation (X-Ray) radiography in that besides being sensitive to mass by way of energy loss, charged particles are also affected by electromagnetic fields through deflections. Nevertheless, charged particles are more prone to scattering in matter than photons, and must be accounted for in the processing of radiographs. The sensitivity to mass and electromagnetic fields provides a niche for MECPR in diagnosing previously unobservable phenomena in HEDP plasmas. 3.1 The Importance of pR in IFE One of the most important parameters in IFE is the capsule areal density, pR. This parameter appears in many IFE relevant calculations, two of which will be briefly presented here: the Lawson Criterion (netE) and Burn Efficiency (f). The Lawson Criterion isthe product of energy confinement time (TE) and electron number density (ne) of the burning plasma. This product tells us how long to confine plasma with a specific electron number density. It gives a lower limit for fusion plasmas to ignite and can be written in terms of the compressed fuel density pf [g/cm3], the compressed fuel radius Rf [cm], the mass of the compressed fuel mf [g], and the sound speed c, [cm/s] : neT•E m p,= 2i 1014 [* (3.1) The sound speed is written in terms of the Boltzmann constant kB, the ion temperature Ti [keV], and the average mass of a fuel ion mion [g] with the familiar form: S= 2kBT - mion 3.2*10-12Ti mion [] (3.2) E The other IFE relevant parameter that will be discussed here is the Burn Efficiency (c). It is defined as the ratio of the number of fusion reactions to the total number of fuel pairs; in the case for DT, it is the number of DT reactions over the number of DT fuel pairs. This measure - 24- tells us how much of the fuel was actually burned to give positive energy out and can be written in the following form: 0 (3.3) pfRf HB+pfRf where pf [g/cm3 ] is the compressed fuel density, Rf [cm] is the compressed fuel radius, and He [g/cm 2] is the burn parameter, which has the form: H s,=m HB= (or) [g [cm2] (3.4) where c, [cm/s] isthe sound speed in the compressed fuel, mf [g] isthe compressed fuel mass, and (av) [cm 3/s] isthe Maxwellian averaged reactivity. The Burn Efficiency has the limits of # = 1 for high-burn efficiency (pfRf >> HB) and =- pfRf/HB for low-burn efficiency (pfRf/HB << 1) (6). These two calculations have been shown to be deeply dependent on the compressed pR of the fuel. Furthermore, this parameter has become one of the most important in IFE, and hence the ability to accurately measure pR is invaluable. 3.2 Electromagnetic Fields in HEDP Matter exists as plasma when in the HEDP regime, implying the existence of moving charges and therefore electromagnetic fields. Maxwell's Equations are paramount in the theoretical understanding of plasmas, hence the measurements of electromagnetic field structures involved in various plasmas is vital to experimental comprehension. Laboratory HEDP phenomena such as Laser-Plasma-Interactions, Rayleigh-Taylor growth in plasmas, and IFE, to name a few, involve moving charged particles and dynamic complex electromagnetic fields. Charged particles are affected by electromagnetic fields by the Lorentz force: FL=qE+qVxB [N] (3.5) where q [C] isthe charge on the particle, E [V/m] is the background electric field, V [m/s] is the velocity of the particle, and B [T] is the background magnetic field. By using charged particles to probe HEDP phenomena, we have access to information about electromagnetic fields in the plasma through direct measurement of the displacement of the backlighter particles. - 25~ 3.3 3.3.1 Charged-Particle Coulomb-Scattering Physics of Coulomb Scattering The dominant energy loss and scattering mechanism for charged particles in both plasma and solid matter is Coulomb Collisions. Elastic and inelastic nuclear collisions and Brehmsstrahlung radiation play very minor roles. The scattering of charged particles through Coulomb interactions is inherently a 2-body problem; it consists of the field particle and the test particle, wherein the test particle is incident onto a group of field particles. A careful derivation of the equations in this section is provided in Appendix A. The 2-body problem is solved in the relative frame of the particles, such that the field particle is held stationary, and the test particle is deflected, through the Coulomb force: 2 ZtZ f Fco 47reor [N] (3.6) where Zt and Zf are the atomic numbers of the test particle and field particle respectively, ec (C) is the elementary charge, E0 [F/m] is the permittivity of free space, r [m] is the relative distance between the test particle and field particle, and r is the unit vector pointing from the fieldparticle to the test-particle. Using conservation of energy and momentum, and converting from the rest frame of the field particle to the lab reference frame, the energy loss per unit length along the trajectory of the test particle can be written as: dE dt -nf-7b24 " in 1-b 1+ ( minN2 ) Er p [ _b9-0 ) J m9mf I (3.7) where dEP and Ep [J] is the change in test particle energy and the particle energy at any point along the trajectory respectively, dl [m] is the distance along the trajectory in which the particle loses dEp, m, [kg] isthe reduced mass of the system, mt [kg] is the mass of the test particle, mf [kg] is the mass of the field particle, b90 [m] is the impact parameter that would give a 90" deflection angle of the test particle, and bmax [m] and bmin [m] are the maximum and minimum impact parameters of interest for a given physics problem, respectively. The impact parameter limits must be given for this equation to have meaning, but must be defined by the physics of the situation. The next important parameter to come from the Coulomb Collision analysis is that of the Rutherford Cross Section (RCS). This cross section is derived through the conservation of particles and supplies the probability of a test particle to scatter into a solid angle dO in terms - 26 - of the scattering angle relative to the incoming trajectory e [rad] and the impact parameter for a 90" deflection angle b9o: (da dn) - b o bafrns 1028l (3.8) sr I 4 sin'(0/2) or since the cross section iscylindrically symmetric: (0) = 7rb 22 1028 barns (3.9) rad I 106 10 4 102 100 10-2 nr/4 n/2 3nr/4 Exit Angle 0 [rad] Figure 3-1: Equation 3.9 plotted against exit angle 0 for a 10-MeV proton into Tantalum (Z=73). The Rutherford Cross Section obviously shows that Coulomb scattering will be dominated by small angle deflections. The cross sections at very low exit angles are many orders of magnitude higher than at higher angles. For this particular case, at 0 = n/100 the slope begins to flatten out. Figure 3-1 shows an example of how the Rutherford Cross Section varies in exit angle for a 10MeV proton incident into Tantalum; (3.9) cannot be arbitrarily integrated over e from 0 to R because the integrand is singular at 0, other bounds would have to be defined by some physics constraints. Nonetheless, insight can be obtained by noting the form of (3.9) in Figure 3-1. It is extremely high at low angles, implying that an individual Coulomb Collision is most likely to - 27~- result in a small angle deflection. For this reason, Coulomb scattering in matter is typically referred to as Multiple Coulomb Scattering (MCS) because as a particle traverses a medium, the net result may be that it is deflected by a substantial angle, but physically this is a result of many individual small angle deflections. 3.3.2 Parameterization of MCS in Cold Matter Since Coulomb scattering is really based on many single interactions, it is useful to have a general idea of how much physical scatter and energy straggle will occur for a specific particle incident onto a specific amount of material. It is not possible to say what the exact position or I Mono-Energetic Beam with zero radius ---- ---1, Incident on a uniform, flat scattering foil Figure 3-2: Schematic of a simple scattering simulation. Average energy loss, energy straggle, and exit angle 0, were parameterized to incoming energy, atomic number of incident particle and scattering substrate, areal density, and scattering substrate atomic mass. energy of any particle will be after exiting the material, but we can estimate a distribution using Monte Carlo algorithms and parameterize their outputs for an estimate of energy loss and scatter. Using the Monte Carlo program SRIM (19), a database was formed for different thicknesses of various materials with incident protons and alpha particles of assorted energies. The average energy upon exit (with standard deviation) and average output scattering angle were thereby computed. Ten thousand particles were run for each simulation in SRIM, and the database, seen in Appendix B, was created using the output files. Then, using the regression tools from Matlab, power law fits were obtained for the three output parameters: average energy, energy straggle, and average scattering angle. Figure 3-2 shows a schematic of the simulated setup, mono-energetic beam, scattering material, and exit angle. All three dependent parameters were fit to the same general form, only different powers were found for each: - 28 ~ (Eout) = 0.2095 * = 1174.4 * (\1 M -0.237 Ein 0.628127 N-0.195 - )Eo, 0.628 g• / =11M g Ein•.313-, pimu (0)= 2.152 .•,u-" Msub -2.10 (Z, 245 am -0.783 [MeV] (3.10) (Zsub)0.0261(Zp52 (3 [keV] (3.11) - ,o 0.617 1sa -0 (Zsub)0.313(Z 36 [rad] (3.12) where (Eout) [MeV] is the average energy at the exit, aEut [keV] is the standard deviation of the exit energy, (0) [rad] is the average exit angle with respect to the incoming particle trajectory, Ein is the energy of the incoming particle, pRsub is the areal density through the scattering substrate of a straight trajectory, Msub is the atomic mass of the substrate, Zsub is the effective atomic number of the scattering substrate, and Zp is the atomic number of the incident particle beam. Table 3-1 shows the values of the average residual, average percent error, and the R-squared value for an analysis of the goodness-of-fit. Table 3-1: This table shows relevant data pertaining to the scattering and straggling parameterizations mentioned above. The residual and percent errors are ideally zero, and the R-squared value is ideally 1 for a perfect fit to all of the data. Plots of the SRIM simulated data and fit data are shown in Appendix B. <Eout> [MeV] OEout [keV] 0 [rad] Average Residual -2.73E-02 2.00E+00 4.62E-04 Average %Error 16.40% 10.30% 10.30% R-squared Value 0.902 0.959 0.965 Although I currently do not have a direct physical interpretation of the parameterized formulas, some simple inference checks can be made for each equation. The exit energy goes up with increasing incident particle energy and is inversely related to the areal density, mass of the scattering substrate, and incident particle atomic number. Conversely, it increases with increased substrate atomic number, which does not make physical sense; if Coulomb collisions are the dominant scattering mechanism, then the exit energy should be inversely related to both the particle and substrate charge. The deviation in the exit energy decreases with increased energy while it increases with areal density and particle charge. However, the inverse relationship to the substrate atomic mass and extremely low dependence on the substrate charge cannot be interpreted. In the exit scattering angle formulation, all the ~ 29- dependences make good physical sense, except for the inverse relationship with the substrate atomic mass, but this is an extremely weak dependence. Overall, the three equations above fit the simulated data very well, and with a little physical intuition, most of the dependences make sense. These parameterizations are useful for quick calculations of approximate energy loss, energy straggling, and physical scatter through a subject, and can be helpful in designing an MECPR experiment and filtering for efficient track detection in CR39; further investigation will be performed throughout my Doctoral work. 3.4 3.4.1 Measurements Using MECPR Areal Density Charged particles will be ranged down in energy while traveling through matter: solid, liquid, gas, or plasma. MECPR provides a means to measure the areal density present in the subject. However the actual measurement made of areal density is not pR, but pL. Both parameters are areal densities, in the sense of being a density multiplied by a path length inside that density distribution. Though the two parameters are similar, they describe very different aspects of an experiment. The areal density mentioned in Section 3.1 regarding IFE (pR) in terms of the density as a function of radius from the capsule center p(r) [g/cm 2] and the outer radius of the capsule R[cm] is written as: pR = f p(r) dr 2 (3.13) This definition refers to how much areal density is seen by the particle from the birth point to the outside of an implosion capsule, and is used accordingly in the IFE calculations mentioned in section 3.1. Using MECPR, we can actually measure areal density in a slightly different form, pL: pL = f0 p(l) dl - (3.14) where p(l) [g/cm 3 ] is the density as a function of path length along the actual particle trajectory, L [cm] isthe total integrated path length. This measurement provides the total areal density encountered by the charged particle along its entire trajectory. The simplest connection between pL and pR is that, for small scattering angles, in the center of the capsule pL = 2*pR since L= 2*R. -~30 The first step in diagnosing the areal density in the subject is to examine the diameters of the tracks made on the CR39 by the mono-energetic charged particles. Next, using the Diameter vs. Energy calibration curves shown in Figure 2-3 for the proper etch-time, we convert the diameter of the particle to energy. This gives us the energy of the particle when it was incident on the CR39. Using a program, written by Fredrick Seguin based on SRIM (19) ranging tables and the knowledge of filter and CR39 thicknesses in the detector array, the particle energy can be traced back to when it was first incident on the detector. During charged particle radiography experiments, other diagnostics are used which provide the exact energy spectrum delivered by the backlighter (recall that the birth spectrum is mono-energetic to within a few percent). Now, knowing the energy of the particles before and after traversing the subject, a total areal density, pL, can be inferred in the subject. 3.4.2 Electromagnetic Fields While traversing through a region containing electromagnetic fields, ions are accelerated parallel to the electric field vector and perpendicular to the plane containing the magnetic field and velocity vectors at every location along the particle trajectory. In MECPR these particles traverse medium containing electromagnetic fields and end up on a CR39 plastic Figure 3-3: This diagram shows a region of constant field, E- or B- (blue), and the effective direction of force (red) acting on the charged particle, which enters with a velocity vi, and leaves at an angle 0 with velocity vf. Because these particles are moving extremely fast, the change in speed is negligible, a) A constant E-field forces the particle into a parabolic trajectory across the field region accelerating the particle parallel to the field. b) A constant B-field directed out of the page directs the particle in a circular path across the field region. - 31- track detector where the recording of individual particle positions and energies takes place. Because the source used in MECPR is quasi-isotropic, any large deviations in fluence (number of particles per unit area) must be due to either electromagnetic trajectory perturbations or scattering through non-homogeneous matter-density fluctuations. These perturbations can be observed by either a quasi-homogeneous 'sheath' of particles incident upon the subject in which any large inhomogeneities of fluence can be measured. Otherwise, the 'sheath' can be broken into charged particle beamlets by introducing a mesh substrate before the subject. The mesh acts to separate particles into two groups: particles which went through the mesh-holes (Group 1) and those that did not (Group 2). Group 2 particles will be scattered out and ranged down while traversing through the mesh substrate. However, Group 1 particles travel unperturbed through the mesh-holes to create charged particle beamlets. Consequently, the parameter of interest in both cases is the deflection of a particle, or beamlet, perpendicular to its unperturbed motion. In other words, any acceleration in the subject parallel to the trajectory will not result in a large enough change in energy to be measureable on the detector. Figure 3-3 shows the simplified, limiting cases for estimating a constant electric or magnetic field acting on a charged particle over a finite distance. The charged particles used in MECPR are extremely energetic and are exposed to the region of intense fields for a very short period of time, so short as not to greatly change the speed of the particle. That is, vi is approximately equal to vf. The equations of motion for a constant electric or magnetic field perpendicular to the particle velocity have the form: d# dt= q dt (3.15) [N] [N] = qxB (3.16) where ' [kg*m/s] is the momentum of the particle, q [C] is the charge, E [V/m] isthe constant electric field, i [m/s] is the velocity of the particle, and B [T] is the constant magnetic field. Using the approximation that the speed is relatively constant and that the exit deflection angle is small, these equations can be solved for the exit angle in terms of the particle kinetic energy E, [J], the particle mass mp [kg], the particle speed vp [m/s], the exit angle from the field region 0 [rad], and the infinitesimal length along the particles path dl [m] which take the form: 0 [V] fJ ldl L= q q - 32 - (3.17) These relationships come about by the fact that the change in the velocity vector is approximately "vi*O, while the speed is constant. In order to estimate a field magnitude, a method to finding 0 and dl must be defined. The deflection angle, 0, in the subject can be calculated from measurements of the radiograph and knowledge of the geometric setup, whereas the scale length, dl, must be estimated based on the specific experiment, or some a priori knowledge of the dynamics in the subject. Figure 3-4 shows a schematic used to derive the relationship between 8 and the measured displacement, M(, where M is the magnification of the system. Using purely geometric arguments the exit angle, the 'apparent' displacement in the subject plane k [m], the MP;;IjrPd Subject Plane dsub Figure 3-4: A generic schematic used to derive a relationship between the exit angle from the subject area and the measurements made on the detector. The length of the interaction region in the subject is much smaller than the dimensions of the imaging system, so that demagnifying the displacement using M will not distort the measurement at the subject appreciably. distance from the source to the detector ddet [m], and the distance from the source to the subject plane dsub [m] are related by: 0 = tan - 1 Mfu) [rad] (3.19) Because the measured displacement in the detector plane is so small when compared to the dimensions of the system, the exit angle can also be written as simply: 0= M ddet-dsub -~33 [rad] (3.20) Now, knowing the exit angle and the (mono-energetic) energy of the particles, a scale length must be chosen to approximate an electric or magnetic field magnitude. This quantity is dependent on the specific situation in the experiment. More specifically, if we are probing filamentary field structure, then the scale length of the filament is a good approximation (7). If we are instead looking at proton beamlets through a plasma bubble, then the radius of the bubble is a good approximation (12). Using MECPR, each experiment must be considered individually when finding a proper scale length to estimate field magnitudes. 3.4.3 Resolution Limits MECPR is subject to three main sources of image blurring: finite source size, scattering in the subject, and scattering in the detector. To analyze these sources of blurring, there must be a way to characterize each. However such a characterization does not account at all for any Broadening in Finite C rre• e the Detecto in the Subject (Rsub) , ..... ....... ..... ------------- d..b1 Rndde~t Filters < Magnification: M = ddet/dsub CR39 - Figure 3-5: This schematic emphasizes the three main sources of image blurring in MECPR: finite source size, scattering in the subject, and broadening in the detector. Each mechanism can be characterized by the convolution of the image with a Gaussian parameterized by a 1/e radius; Rsrc, Rsub, and Rdet for the source, subject, and detector respectively. electromagnetic fields that might be present near the source, or in the subject. Luckily, all three mechanisms have the similar effect of convoluting the image with a Gaussian of a characteristic rl/e (one-over-e-radius): r ~e 2 rile (3.21) Using this formulation, we have made the assumptions that the source has a fusion burn profile of a spherical Gaussian in space and that the scattering in the subject and the detector is - 34 - Gaussian in nature. The scattering is roughly Gaussian for energies above ~1-MeV, which, in MECPR, we are always above. The blurring radii that we are interested in are projected onto the detector and then demagnified to the subject plane (since the real data is the projection of the subject onto the detector plane). Figure 3-5 shows a schematic of the generic MECPR setup, with proper definitions of important parameters, and where the different methods of image blurring occur. If the source has a l/e radius of rsrc, the particles have a l/e scattering angle exiting the subject of Osub and a 1/e broadening in the detector of rdet, then the demagnified projections of each of these mechanisms can be written as: Rrc = M-1 (3.22) ---Trc Rsub ddet-dsub Rdet det ub (3.23) 1 (3.24) The three blurring methods act together multiplicatively so that the total blurring of the image isthe convolution of a Gaussian with the form: r2 ~e R~ot Rtot = Rc +R +Ret (3.25) (3.26) In MECPR the glass capsules used as the mono-energetic charged particle source are typically 400-pm in diameter, nominally. Using the Proton Core Imaging System (PCIS) it was found that typical backlighters have a nominal l/e radius of rrc = 30-pm (14). The magnification of the system is typically ~10 - 30 so that Rsrc = rsrc. The broadening in the detector is dependent on the filtering chosen for the system and the amount of energy loss in the subject. This broadening is characteristically ~15-jim - 45-pm without demagnification. Therefore in the subject plane it is only a few microns and is typically ignored. The last contributor to image blurring is that due to scattering in the subject, which is entirely dependent on the experiment. Such scattering can completely blur out the image, or have little to no effect at all. Hence, for an experiment with little scattering in the subject, the resolution limit is defined by the size of the source. Otherwise, the square root of the quadrature sum of source size blurring and scattering in the subject sets the resolution limit for a given experiment. -~35 ~- 4 Backlighter Performance The first 400- pm D23He-filled thin glass capsules shot by the HEDP division at MIT were performed in late 2005. Since then many other capsules have been shot by this group, and other collaborators at LLE. Each capsule has input parameters specific to a given shot (as briefly discussed in Section 2.2.1) and many experiments have included this type of backlighter since 2005, thereby providing a database to study the performance of the backlighters themselves. The input parameters are never exactly the same, and therefore the outputs of these backlighters vary. Even for similar capsules and laser settings, small variations make a difference in the capsule yield. The exploding pusher model discussed in Section 2.2.3 gives an estimate on what to expect for a proton yield, but is still only an approximate theoretical model. In Section 4.1 an empirical analysis of all data since 2005 is presented, along with power fit models for different input parameters. In Section 4.2 a display of some resultant images from MECPR experiments is given, while in Section 4.3 a brief description of the importance of particle statistics is presented. 4.1 Empirical Data Analysis As discussed in Section 2.2.1, the relevant input parameters for the backlighter are fill pressure of D2 and 3 He, glass-shell thickness, capsule diameter, pulse shape, number of beams on target, energy per beam, and laser focus. As many of these values as possible have been recorded for each shot involving a backlighter. Some measurements of the capsules were never made, and since they are destroyed after the shot, they never will be made. Appendix C gives a complete list of all backlighter data to date for reference, with a -1 referring to data that was not obtained. The proton yield is the primary output parameter to characterize since that is the most important for MECPR. Using Matlab's regression fitting tools, empirical power law fits of multiple independent variables were made for various sets of data. These data sets were chosen based on pulse shape, laser drive, and laser focus (5). Six different data sets were chosen to parameterize for the neutron and proton yields, however only the proton yield parameterization will be presented in this chapter as it is more of a concern than the neutron yield for MECPR. In this analysis, the hope isthat some insight of how backlighter parameters affect the proton yield will be gained. The two statistical tools that were used in analyzing the goodness-of-fit was the average percent error between the predicted values using the fit and the values from the database, as well as the R-squared statistic given by (20): - 36- R2 (4.1) 5 2 ) (DiD-)(pp-=(Dj-D2Z(P-P-)2 where Di is a single value from the database, D is the average of the data values, Pi is a single predicted value, and P is the average of the predicted values. The closer R-squared is to 1, the better the linear correlation between the two data sets. However this says nothing of statistical relevance. Fits 2 and 3 were done with less than 10 data points only because there were no Table 4-1 gives the coefficient values for the proton yield more data available. parameterization for six different data sets. Table 4-1: This table gives the form of the equations used in the parameterization of the proton yield for = MECPR. The nominal values of the independent variables are tshell = 2.0 Jim, Dut = 400 pm, EonTafr Z the and exact, never are values these However, = 0.5. PD2/P3He and , 10 kJ, Efux = 0.02 J/pm implications of these deviations from the nominal can drastically change the proton yield. Furthermore, the number of lasers and the energy per laser beam is not always the same. For example, Fit 5 has the lasers incident on the capsule from the top and bottom (Pole Driven), and this greatly changes the implosion dynamics. Y. = Const*(th.,I)a*(Efl..)b*(PD2P 3He)C 1 SSD:SG1018 (9RI 4.99E+09 -7.2793 3.5235 -0.37522 0.871 18.1 3 Leg(Z.):51Ult 5.91E-03 -6.7032 -2.2216 -2.5249 0.919 13.9 5 SSD:SG1018 (300um-:'Pole Driven') 2.42E+03 -3.8479 1.2797 0.78286 0.415 46.9 0.0656 48.1 (9R) Yp = Const*(tshe.)a*(Dout)b*(EonTarj)C*PD2/P3He) 6 SSD:SG1017 (9R) 8.40E+63 -2.0459 -0.71143 -15.579 d -0.9744 Here, I will only present the values of the coefficients and describe their meaning with respect to the proton yield, while neutron yield parameterization coefficients will be shown in Appendix C. The parameterizations in Table 4-1 are good for calculating a simple estimate of the proton yield for a set of laser and backlighter conditions. Currently there are no exact physical interpretations of these formulae. However some simple inferences can be made. The proton yield has a strong inverse relationship to the shell thickness. This makes physical sense, since a thicker shell would indicate less compression of the fuel, and hence, less yield. The ~37 - dependence on shell thickness varies across all of the formulae, but all seem to have a strong inverse dependence. Fits 1, 4, and 5 show an increase in proton yield with increased energy flux, which is simply the total on target energy spread uniformly over the shell surface. This also makes physical sense, because more energy on target would suggest more compression. The other three equations show an inverse relationship between the energy on target and the proton yield. However, Fits 2 and 3 have a low number of data points, and are therefore not as relevant, and Fit 6 has an extremely low R-squared value implying that the fit does not represent the data very well. Fit 6 is presented for completeness and the chosen parameterization formula gave a better fit than the formula used for the other five, but another parameterization equation is still needed for these data. The dependence on the pressure ratio, and hence the number density ratio, is not obvious, and more work will be needed to further understand what affect it has on the proton yield. With this said, the pressure ratio dependences listed above do help the predicted values match the data. The parameterizations given above provide a simple way to estimate the proton yield for specified laser and backlighter parameters. Fits 1 and 4 are probably the most important because Fit 1 corresponds to typical laser parameters used in current MECPR experiments, and Fit 4 gives an overall picture of the SG1018 laser pulse for three different drivers and foci. More energy on target and a thinner shell will increase the proton yield within the parameter space probed by these parameterizations. More work, and data, will be needed for a better Another factor that would help in the understanding of backlighter performance. parameterization of the proton yield is an algorithm which would use the uncertainties in the measurements of the independent variables. Currently the values in the database are considered perfect when used in the fitting algorithm for the coefficients, but we might produce better results when the uncertainties are included in addition to some intuitive physical limits on coefficient values. These parameterizations will be reanalyzed and refitted as more data is accumulated over the next few years, and a more complete explanation will be formed during my Doctoral work. For more information regarding the parameterization analysis, the reader is encouraged to see Appendix C. -~38 ~- 4.2 The Importance of Particle Statistics As stated in Section 4.1, the proton yield is one of the most important characterizing good parameters for the backlighter in MECPR. It takes a large number of particles to make a useless. radiograph image, and if there are too few particles, it can render the resultant is dependent on Naturally, the actual number of particles necessary to radiograph accurately the distance the experiment being run; specifically the distance between source and subject, a total yield Figure 4-1: (left) OMEGA shot 46528 with 15-MeV protons incident at the subject at 1.58-ns with 1.56-ns with at subject the at incident protons 15-MeV with of 0.45*108. (right) OMEGA shot 46529 the fluence In plane). subject the at ~2.8-mm is width a total yield of 3.56*108 (individual image images These fluence. less indicate colors lighter while radiographs darker indicates higher fluence, our For image. an to do can yield particle in difference -8 of illustrate very well what a factor minimum a for hope we source, the from away typical MECPR setup, the detector is ~25-30-cm the yield on the order of ~108; this was achieved for shot 46529, but not 46528. It isessential for statistics proper Without magnitude. of order this attain success of MECPR that the particle yields useful information will be lost in the noise. between subject and detector, and the amount of deflection expected in the subject. What really matters is the particle flux at the detector and, therefore, the solid angle that the detector subtends with respect to the source. Obviously there exists a saturation point for the detector, but typical particle yields for MECPR are never near this value. Figure 4-1 shows two different images of a dynamic process where the charged imaging particles arrived at the subject at same time, but during different shots. It is obvious that the difference in radiograph quality is substantially decreased with decreasing particle yield. For this reason, it is extremely important to understand which laser and backlighter parameters affect the particle yield. - 39 ~ 4.3 Sample Radiographs This section is dedicated to the exhibition of some of the resultant images we have obtained using MECPR. The most recent publication of MECPR images at the writing of this thesis was an article in the journal Science, February 29, 2008 issue, wherein the results of Figure 4-2: (left) OMEGA shot 46531, a 15-MeV proton fluence radiograph of an unimploded Fast-Ignition style target. The outside diameter of the capsule is~430-pm in the subject plane. The gold cone clearly scatters out all of the protons and even the small cone inside the capsule can be seen. (right) OMEGA shot 46529, a 15-MeV proton fluence radiograph 1.56-ns after the onset of the laser pulse of a cone-in-shell target capsule. The central fluence peak is attributed to an inwardly directed electric field and the outer striated structures are theorized to be established by complex magnetic field structures frozen into the plasma blow off; the scales are equal the same in both images. recent Fusion Science Center (FSC) supported OMEGA shots were released. The subjects imaged in this series, were the Fast-Ignition capsules (recall the brief description given in Section 1.2 of the high-Z cone imbedded into a plastic spherical capsule). Figure 4-2 shows the two radiographs shown in the Science article (7). The left image is a fluence radiograph of the unimploded cone-in-shell subject made by 15-MeV protons from the D-3 He fusion reactions in the backlighter. It is clearly seen that the protons are completely scattered out by the gold cone, and are scattered through the capsule shell resulting in a lower fluence (lighter color) where the shell sits and a slightly higher fluence (darker color) outside the shell. The radiograph on the right was taken such that the 15-MeV protons from the backlighter would arrive at the FI capsule at 1.56-ns after the onset of the laser pulse. The resultant image contains information which is extracted by the deflectometry techniques described in Section 3.4.2 and the measured distances between fluence fluctuations. Using this formalism, it was found that an inwardly directed electric field of ~1.5-GV/m would be necessary to deflect the -~40 ~- protons to the degree seen in the radiograph. Also, it was discovered, using the related equations for magnetic fields, that a magnetic field of order ~60-T would be needed to cause the striation separation measured in the radiograph. The radiograph on the right of Figure 4-2 is very impressive because it is the first direct measurement of field structures outside of an IFE capsule, and may have large impacts on IFE research. However, it should also be noted that the large fluence fluctuations observed are a 2-D projection of 3-D phenomena. More theoretical and simulation work will be needed to complete the understanding of the sources of these field structures. Some physical interpretations have been made for the cause for these fields, but the reader is encouraged to seek the reference material listed at the end of this thesis for further information. The next set of images that will be shown here are some of the first experiments done using the MECPR technique, of which some images were presented in Physical Review Letters (PRL) in 2006 (12). Figure 4-3 shows a series of images obtained using the MECPR technique of the evolution of a laser-induced plasma bubble. When the laser is incident upon a plastic foil, 42767 42768 44423 0 44432 44424 44433 44425 1.8 ns 2.3 ns 3.0 ns 2 2.5 ! L ? 0.3 ns 44422 0.6 ns OS9 ns 0.5 1.2 ns 1.5 ns 1.5 Time (ns) 3 Figure 4-3: The above series of radiographs were taken on different shot days at the OMEGA facility (shot numbers above radiographs), but used identical laser and plastic foil parameters. The line plot on the bottom of the figure shows the typical 1-ns square pulse with arrows indicating the arrival time of the imaging protons and their corresponding fluence radiographs. During the laser pulse, it can be seen that the bubble structure stays fairly coherent and symmetric, growing in time. Then, after the laser pulse the bubble decays away in a somewhat chaotic and asymmetric fashion. the HEDP regime of Laser-Plasma Interaction (LPI) isachieved and can then be probed. In these experiments one laser beam was incident onto a plastic foil and, over a series of shots at the OMEGA facility, 15-MeV protons arrived at the foil interface at different discrete times. In doing so they went through a nickel mesh which creates the proton beamlets seen in the figure -41~- and a time evolution of the resultant plasma bubble from the LPI can be generated. During the laser pulse, the bubble is symmetric and it is apparent that the beamlets traversing the center of the bubble are deflected less than those farther away, which pile up near the bubble edge. This can be interpreted as the bubble having the strongest magnetic field near the bubble edge and decaying in magnitude as one looks radially inward. Using the same deflectometry techniques, as previously discussed, the maximum magnetic field was found to be ~0.5-MG at the bubble edge. -~42 - 5 Geant4 TransportToolkit For every good experiment, there must be a supplementary simulation. Geant4 (GEometry ANd Tracking) is an open source three dimensional transportation toolkit written in C++ (21), (22), (23). This toolkit is used to write individual simulations for specific experiments. Geant4 is simply a library of functions of which the programmer has complete access. The open-endedness of this code has its pros and cons; the programmer can manipulate anything that he/she wants, but within that freedom falls the responsibility on the programmer to account for relevant physics and benchmark individual simulations against experimental data. Even though there is a skeletal structure that must be followed in every simulation, all of the details, including the geometry, physics, step sizes, and tracking methods, are defined by the programmer. This means that for a given simulation the user must define the physics to be accounted for as he/she chooses, as well as has the freedom to create and simulate new physics. Geant4 is not run self consistently, meaning that when simulating a large number of particles, those particles do not affect one another; they are only affected by the environment defined by the programmer. This includes physical objects made of any arbitrary material in a number of typical geometric shapes, as well as electromagnetic fields defined by the user. It does not have a self-consistent electromagnetic package to solve Maxwell's equations, but will accept defined field structures in analytical or table form and propagate charged particles accordingly. Geant4 is an internationally recognized and benchmarked code used in many astronomical, medical, and particle physics applications. However, given the open-endedness of the code, every simulation (with included physics packages, step sizes, and tracking methods) must be separately benchmarked in order to provide confidence in the simulations to the user. 5.1 Geant4 Physics Packages Because of the object-oriented nature of C++, the physics in Geant4 is split up into many small modules. If the programmer has the proper understanding of the implementation techniques used in Geant4, these modules can be applied individually. Alternatively, one can use classes already written by the Geant4 support group which can include a large number of physics modules, some of which the programmer might not intend to use. The fact that the programmer has complete control over how the physics is simulated in Geant4, he/she also takes on the responsibility to include any and all relevant physics to a specific experiment. For this reason, it is important to test different physics and tracking methods in order to find the format which will best simulate one's experiments. A simulation has been written using the Geant4 toolkit to simulate MECPR experiments. It implements finite source size, Doppler broadening in the birth energy spectrum, as well as ~ 43 - the entire filtering and CR39 detector arrangement. This simulation also includes a number of options to choose from for the imaged subject: shell capsule, simple cylinder, cylinder with caps, meshes of various frequencies, simple scattering foils, and electromagnetic field structures. Because MECPR is used to image so many different types of subjects and the source and detectors can change from experiment to experiment, it was necessary to build in an easy 0.25 E 0.2 =L 0 . 0.15 0 200 400 Radius (prm) 600 800 ____________ Figure 5-1: (left) This plot displays the azimuthally averaged line outs of an unimploded capsule, with similar dimensions to that of shot 46531, using three different physics packages on Geant4. The measured outer diameter of the capsule, 429.1-pm is also shown, and seems to coincide with the inflection points of the curves. (right) From top to bottom, simulated fluence radiographs using the LHEP BERT, PRSimPhys-Old, and PRSimPhys-New physics packages. The simulations were done using a total proton yield of 2.31*108 with a sourcesubject distance of 1-cm and a source-detector distance of 25-cm way to switch the source size, ion temperature, subject, and/or detector pack between simulations. This has all been done, such that the user can quickly implement any geometry fitting the standard geometry of an MECPR experiment, and simulate the radiograph. However, the difficult component in writing this simulation isfinding a physics package that will work well for the data we are trying to simulate, and eventually predict. -~44 To illustrate the differences between physics package implementation and its implication to simulated radiographs, simulations of a plastic spherical shell were done using three different physics package. The three packages were: a simple physics package derived from an example simulation which implements Coulomb scattering and ionization for ion species, and some radiation physics for electrons, gammas, and sub-atomic particles (PRSimPhys-Old); an extension of the first package which include some elastic and inelastic hadron physics with a different ionization model for protons and ions (PRSimPhys-New); and a completely built package from the Geant4 team which includes a number of hadron physics processes, standard E&M, as well as other processes which I do not fully understand (LHEP_BERT). Figure 5-1 displays three radiographs of an unimploded spherical capsule for a qualitative analysis, and an azimuthally averaged radial plot for a more quantitative study. It is clearly seen in Figure 5-1 that the LHEP_BERT radiograph is characteristically different than those of PRSimPhys-Old and -New, with the two latter being very much alike. The major differences between the PRSimPhys- lists is that the -New list contains some elastic and inelastic nuclear collision physics, and the -Old list does not. With that said, the PRSimPhys- simulated radiographs look very much alike, implying that nuclear collisions do not contribute much to the transportation physics of protons with these energies (which is a reasonable deduction to make) However, the purpose of Figure 5-1, isto illustrate the variation of simulation outputs when using different physics lists in Geant4. For this reason, it is the obligation of the simulation programmer to be sure that the physics lists, step sizes, etc. are accurate for the types of physics experiments that are to be simulated. Benchmarks with experimental data are essential to the success of the simulation tool. 5.2 Current Status of Benchmark Simulations Currently, the physics package being used in my Geant4 simulations is the LHEP BERT package mentioned in the previous section. This package was chosen because, at this time, it best represents the experimental data and will be presented in the following sections. However, there is more work to be done in the understanding and parameter tweaking of the physics packages. Experimental images and other plots used in the analysis will be shown, and briefly discussed in Appendix D. The following benchmark experiments consist of a typical MECPR geometric setup consisting of backlighter, subject, and detector, with different subjects for each benchmark. Because of the quasi-isotropy of the source and non-uniformities in the CR39, any discrepancies between the background yield of the simulation and the experiment were remedied by a scale factor. The two subjects that will be exhibited here are an unimploded spherical plastic capsule, and an unimploded plastic cylinder, see Figure 5-2 below. ~ 45 ~- l., .LI:, L,,l.. ·L .- .. a. Figure 5-2: A schematic of the standard MECPR setup, made using the visualization software WIRED (24) supplied to users of Geant4 from the Geant4 website. As stated earlier, the simulation is setup to have the user modify the backlighter and detector parameters, as well as change the subject to be imaged. The two benchmark simulations that will be presented are those of a spherical shell (left) and a hollow cylinder (right), however other standard subjects include meshes, waved foils, and capped cylinders, to name a few. Of course the code is a work-in-progress so other subjects will be added later. 5.2.1 Unimploded Capsule Experimental data for an unimploded capsule was obtained for OMEGA shot 46531. The capsule used in this experiment was of the Fast Ignition variety, consequently there was a gold cone imbedded in the shell. The cone was not simulated, and the azimuthally averaged radial lineout was only taken though azimuthal angles which did not contain the cone. More detail on the analysis of this shot is given in Appendix D. For this shot a yield of 2.31*108 15MeV protons was measured and was subsequently used for the simulation as well. Nevertheless, the measured background yield for the experimental radiograph was slightly less than this, and a scale factor of 1.27 was applied to the experimental fluence radiograph lineout. Figure 5-3 shows the azimuthally averaged radial lineouts for the experimental and the simulated radiographs, as well as another simulation using a factor 10 higher yield for comparison of the statistics. There is an overall agreement between the simulation and the experiment; but there are some slight inconsistencies. Inside the capsule at small radii, the simulations seem to deviate from the experimental data. However, when taking radial lineouts, the statistics get worse at smaller radii because the number of particles at a given radius decreases with the circumference. Also, the large enhancement at "60-lim in the data is not - 46 reflected in the simulations. This enhancement comes from a spot of intrinsic noise on the CR39 near the center of the capsule. This, obviously, is not simulated, and can be ignored in the comparison. The important characteristics to compare are the placement, depth, and width of the fluence 'trough' (decrease in average fluence) in addition to the shape and height of the 'scatter bump' (increase in fluence outside of the shell) outside of the capsule shell. With respect to the trough, the simulations are slightly shallower (~13% higher than the data) and are almost as wide. The scatter bump in the simulations is slightly higher and quite broader n -~ 41 S0.2 -W o C 0 I- 0.1 0 200 400 600 800 Radial Distance (pm) Figure 5-3: Azimuthally averaged radial lineouts for experimental data (OMEGA shot 46531), simulation with experimentally measured yield, and simulation with a factor 10 higher yield; the capsule edge is also shown in this plot. When taking radial lineouts, the statistics get worse at smaller radii because there are less particles at a given radius and for this radiograph there was also some noise on the CR39 piece near the center of the capsule; for these reasons the inner radii are less important in matching experiment with simulation. than the data. It should also be noted that the simulation with the higher yield is not much of a statistical improvement than that found with the measured yield. This implies that the yield achieved with the backlighter in this experiment was statistically good. However the average background proton flux in the experimental radiograph was less than expected, perhaps due to intrinsic noise in the CR39. The discrepancies mentioned regarding the depth of the trough and shape of the scatter bump are not extreme and could be partially attributed to poor statistics in the data. Though, a better understanding of the LHEP_BERT physics list and its constituent numerics (i.e. step size, cutoff values, and etcetera) could also attribute to the difference between the data and the simulation. -~47 ~- 5.2.2 Unimploded Cylinder Data for an unimploded cylinder was obtained for OMEGA shot 45953. The cylinder used in this experiment also had caps on its ends, but were not simulated because the comparison is for the scattering through the shell of the cylinder and not its caps. The yield for this shot was measured to be 1.57*107 15-MeV protons, but the background in the experimental radiograph implies a slightly higher yield such that a factor of 1.15 was applied to the simulated lineouts. To compare the experimental data with the simulations, lineouts were taken across the cylinder so that scattering through both edges could be compared. Figure 5-4 shows lineouts across the cylinder for the data, simulation, and a simulation with a factor of 10 higher yield. The agreement in this comparison is somewhat better than that for the unimploded spherical capsule with respect to the trough depth, but seems slightly worse in the trough width. Qualitatively, within the statistical errors, the depths of the troughs -- - 0.025 E -= 0.02 a) CS0.015 0 0.01 -900 -600 0 -300 300 600 900 Distance from Cylinder Center (pm) Figure 5-4: Lineouts for experimental data (OMEGA shot 45953), simulation with experimentally measured yield, and simulation with a factor 10 higher yield. The cylinder edge is also shown in this plot. The experimental particle statistics for this shot were quite poor, but comparisons between the data and simulations can still be made, and some insight gained. S48 seem to agree very well, whereas the widths of the troughs in the data are somewhat larger than in either simulation. The discrepancy on the inner wall of the cylinder is similar to that seen in the comparison of the unimploded spherical capsule, except somewhat larger; this could be due to poor particle statistics. The scatter bump on both edges is hard to compare with the data because of the statistics, but it should be noted that the simulation with a ten times higher yield levels out a lot of the noise seen in the simulations using the actual particle yield. This again shows the importance of the particle yield when using MECPR. Within the statistical errors of the experimental radiograph, the simulations do match well and with a little more work and understanding of the physics capabilities available in Geant4, it will prove to be an invaluable simulation tool to complement an invaluable HEDP diagnostic. ~ 49 ~- 6 Conclusions and Future Work Mono-Energetic Charged Particle Radiography is a new novel diagnostic used to probe plasma in the High Energy Density Physics regime. MECPR has opened up doors to explore new phenomena in the HEDP regime that was previously impossible to investigate. Measurements of electromagnetic fields in various experiments can now be made and new physics explored, while areal density maps can be made of Inertial Confinement Fusion capsules to aid in fusion energy research. This diagnostic uses fusion product charged particles to image various subjects of interest, and is simultaneously sensitive to density perturbations as well as electromagnetic fields. Each of these facets is measureable because the detector array used is sensitive to the exact position and energy of every charged particle incident upon it. The quality of experimental data obtained from MECPR is highly dependent on the charged particle yield from the backlighter source and is therefore an important parameter to understand and have the ability to predict. To pursue the problem of characterizing the backlighter yield with respect to other experimental parameters, empirical data has been collected for over 100 experiments involving typical MECPR backlighters. These data cover a wide range in the laser and backlighter parameter space, where different laser conditions define different spaces to work with the backlighter parameters. Laser conditions have a strong affect on implosion dynamics, and hence, in some cases should be treated separately. Parameterization fits for proton yield as a function of energy flux on target, shell thickness, and fill pressure ratio were presented for various laser configurations. The general trends between different parameterizations were made, and it was shown that the proton yield has a very strong inverse relationship with the shell thickness. The exact magnitude of this relationship will be determined with more data and better fitting algorithms. The other avenue chosen for analyzing MECPR as a diagnostic for HEDP is that of a good simulation tool, Geant4. Because Geant4 is a completely open source transportation code, the opportunities available to simulate MECPR experiments are invaluable. It is a well known code, benchmarked in many areas of physics, and now must be benchmarked for use in simulating the MECPR imaging system. More specifically, Geant4 will simulate the scattering in matter of various geometries, and perhaps in the future, even scattering in plasmas relevant to MECPR. Two benchmark simulations were presented with the current physics implementation and tend to match the experimental data well. However, more work needs to be done in the understanding of the physics packages and involved numerics. I am continuing this line of research for my PhD and plan to have some of the questions presented in this thesis answered, and the problems presented, analyzed and remedied. -so50 - Appendix A: Coulomb Collision Derivation A.1 Solution to the 2-particle Problem The dominant scattering mechanism for charged particle scattering, in plasma and solid matter, is Coulomb Collisions (also known as Coulomb Scattering). As a non-relativistic charged particle (test particle) traverses through a medium (field particles), electrons and nuclei will interact by the non-relativistic Coulomb force: Fcou=- ZtzfeC o [N] (A.1) / // test Vrel Si \ rmin ib ' ,' Vt ------------------------------- - - mf, Zf field Figure A-1: Schematic diagram of a Coulomb collision with important quantities labeled. To analyze the collision, the coordinate system is put into the rest frame of the field particle, which therefore, is stationary (infinite mass) and the test particle will have the relative velocity (reduced mass). The particles have atomic numbers Zt and Ze with mass mt and mf for testparticle and field-particles, respectively. The schematic is drawn for two like-charged particles, but the analysis is the same for oppositely charged particles; the trajectory of the test particle would just be flipped about the horizontal axis. where Zt and Zf are the atomic numbers of the test particle and field particle respectively, ec (C) is the elementary charge, E0 [F/m] is the permittivity of free space, r [m] is the relative distance between the test particle and field particle, and P is the unit vector pointing from the field- to the test-particle. A schematic drawing of the Coulomb interaction is shown in Figure A-1. The analysis begins in the rest frame of the field particle, which is fixed in space with charge ecZf. The test particle has charge ecZt and has a mass equal to the reduced mass of the system which is related to the rest mass of the test particle mt [g] and the rest mass of the field particle mf [g] by: mt = m mf mt+mf [g] (A.2) By approaching the problem in this manner, the initial analysis is simpler. The problem is now confined to the plane which contains both r' and V, and is axially symmetric. Furthermore, the angular momentum and energy of the reduced mass particle is conserved. Through the use of these conservation laws and some trigonometry, the expression for 8 final becomes: 8final = 7 - 2bfo0 r"min Eu = ztz7eo dr b2 2bE 2 r U EK (A.3) (A.4) [J] EK = 2mve [rad] (A.5) [I] where b [m] is the impact parameter, r [m] is the distance from the test- to field-particle, rmin [m] is the distance at closest approach, Eu is the Coulomb potential energy of the test (reduced mass) particle, and EK is the kinetic energy of the test particle. If the effective energy potential was not the Coulomb potential, A.3 could still be used by exchanging Eu for the proper potential. After performing the integral in A.3 one obtains an equation for efinal in terms of the impact parameter b and the 90* impact parameter b90 which causes a 90" deflection of the test particle: Ofinal = 2 cot - , bb 90 b90 = ztzfec 1 bo =Z4reo mrvrel [rad] (A.6) [mn] (A.7) This result gives the exit angle for a given impact parameter and covers the range 0 < efinal < nt for impact parameters 0 < b < o. S52 - The solution found in A.6 is in the rest frame of the field particles, we must transform back into the lab frame. This is easily done using the fact that the Center-of-Mass velocity is constant during the interaction. This leads to the formulae for exit velocity: r ffbnaa + [sin Ofina mf m, + cos Ofinal mt+mf 1mZ Vtfinal = me U1 - cos Ofinat& - [sin Ofina]9) me+mf Vrei Ofinal,lab = tan- m I (A.8) (A.9) (A.10) inc Ofinal With A.8 and A.9, the solutions can be transformed from the rest frame of the field particle to an outside observer's frame, the lab frame. A,2 Energy Loss Using the formalisms from section A.1 and the conservation of energy, it is straightforward to show that the energy lost by the test particle with initial energy Eo to the field particle is: Elost Eo = 4m memf sinM n2 ( Ofinal -2 4m (A.11) mtmf 1+(b/b o9 The amount of energy lost by a particle traveling a distance dl through the medium can be found by multiplying the number of collisions it has along dl by the energy lost: dElost = nfElostdV = nfElostbdbdld(p []] (A.12) where nf [cm -3 ] is the number density of the field particles, dV [cm 3 ] is the elemental volume, and Elost [J] is the energy lost as a function of impact parameter b. To find the energy lost of a particle with energy Ep as a function of length along the trajectory dl, one must only integrate over the impact parameter range of interest to obtain the differential equation: (A.13) -sE = 2 E +ma -nf irb9 24mn)2 0 I1 -~53~- ] (A.13) where dEp and Ep [J] isthe change in energy of the particle and the particle energy at any point along the trajectory respectively, and dl [m] is the distance along the trajectory in which the particle loses dEp. The limits bmax and bmin must be defined by the physics of the problem in question. Typically in plasma bmax isthe Debye Length (AD), and bmin is 0, which results in: dE -nf2b In 1+ o S= ore b29 E, [L] [mt] (A.14) (A.15) neec where E0 [F/m] is the permittivity of free space, Te [eV] is the electron temperature in the plasma, ne [m-3 ] is the electron number density, and ec [C] is the elementary charge. The differential equation in A.13 or A.14 is not trivial to solve since b90 also holds information on the energy of the particle. The natural log term in A.14 is called the Coulomb Logarithm, and is typically notated as In[A], or just A, and for a large range of typical plasma parameters it is approximately constant, ~10-20. Even with the simplification of assuming the Coulomb Logarithm to be constant, there is still no analytic solution to A.13 or A.14 and therefore it is evaluated numerically. The next piece of information from A.6 that can be deduced is that of the exit angle of the test particle. A.3 Rutherford Cross Section For scattering purposes we are interested in the Rutherford Cross Section (RCS) for Coulomb collisions. If the test particle is much smaller than the field particle, then Blab e Ofinal = e. The RCS gives the probability of a test particle with impact parameter between b and b+db, to scatter into a solid angle dO. It can be geometrically defined (see Figure A-2 for a schematic) by setting the initial small area on the impact parameter ring equal to the scattering area (probability) per Steradian (the RCS) multiplied by an infinitesimal solid angle: bdbdo= U sin 0 dOdp (A.16) d(P b+ db _ ----------------b Figure A-2: Schematic used in deriving the Rutherford Cross Section. Particles which come through the impact parameter ring on the left, must come out in the scattered ring on the right. The RCS defines the probability for a particle to end up at a given solid angle. To calculate a total cross section the RCS must be integrated over all 4n Steradians (sr); also note that e is now the exit angle, the subscript 'final' has been dropped.. where bdbd# [barns] isthe small area with impact parameters between b and b+db, sineded4 [sr] is the small solid angle to which the particles will be scattered into, and ) [barns/sr] is the Rutherford Cross Section. This equation can be solved for the RCS as a function of b [m] 90 (as defined by A.7) and 8 [radians] (the scattering angle with respect to the original trajectory in the rest-mass frame of the field particle): (d= bI I[barns (A.17) Using A.6 with A.17 one obtains the RCS for Coulomb Collisions: (dor dO! or (d) b2 0 barns 1028 4 sin (0/2) 2 kdO)=69 (A18) S ) 1028 tan(0/2)sin2(/ )2 rad] [rad (A.19) A.19 diverges as 8 approaches 0, implying that at smaller exit angles there are larger cross sections. This means that Coulomb scattering is dominated by small angle deviations. Yet, large deviations would occur due to multiple Coulomb scattering events over some distance in the medium. The total scattering of the particles through the entire medium is what gives a resolution limit in MECPR. Also, this result blows up as e -4 0, but the value e=0 is not physical, since that would mean that the test particle went through the field particle. Therefore, physical limits, which depend on the application, must be put on the exit angle 0 to calculate total cross sections. -56- Appendix B: Scattering Parameterization Data and Plots Table B-1: The table below gives the 50 data points used in the power regression fit for the scattering parameters: <Eut>, OEout, and <1>. The Monte Carlo program SRIM was used with the independent variables shown on the right of the black bar with 10,000 particles for each simulation. The four dependent variables, on the right of the black bar, were calculated for each simulation. Matlab was used to fit power law functions to each of the dependent variables. Only protons and alpha particles were used as incident beams, and the areal density was used in the fitting process instead of the actual density of the target, because areal density is referred to more often than density, since the actual density of a subject may not be known during a dynamic process.. Tarxet Incident Particle Energv (MeV) 16 Areal Density (g/cmA2) 3.696E-03 15 10 5.96 5.96 Target Tareet Density fe/cmA3) Thickness (um) 1.848 1.848 20 40 1.848 Test Particle Atomic Radial Scatter StdDev Exit Tarmet Tar•et Mass (amul Atomic 4 1 0.027 7.392E-03 9.01 9.01 Ave (MeV) 15.905 4 1 0.060 13 1.848E-03 9.01 4 1 15 10 8.940E-03 50.94 23 5 8 2.980E-03 50.94 5.96 10 4 5.960E-03 50.94 2.702 50 3 1.351E-02 2.702 200 6.6 2.702 150 2.702 (um) Enermy Exit Enermyv StdDev (keV) Exit Angle Average (rad) 15.886 4.263E-03 14.799 23.029 5.508E-03 0.008 12.944 10.837 2.724E-03 1 0.114 9.740 25.234 2.287E-02 23 1 0.036 7.898 14.220 1.932E-02 23 1 0.158 3.657 21.479 3.990E-02 26.98 13 1 1.331 1.655 42.008 8.263E-02 5.404E-02 26.98 13 1 6.305 3.527 107.706 8.134E-02 11.8 4.053E-02 26.98 13 1 1.745 10.540 59.007 3.023E-02 20 14.7 5.404E-03 26.98 13 1 0.075 14.563 20.251 1.083E-02 16.601 5 11.3 8.301E-03 180.95 73 1 0.038 11.157 22.984 2.422E-02 16.601 10 9.7 1.660E-02 180.95 73 1 0.277 9.381 33.749 4.827E-02 16.601 15 12 2.490E-02 180.95 73 1 0.233 11.585 39.788 4.438E-02 16.601 20 14.5 3.320E-02 180.95 73 1 0.353 14.013 47.036 4.217E-02 16.601 2 3 3.320E-03 180.95 73 1 0.224 2.870 28.269 6.955E-02 1.03 1500 14 1.545E-01 6.51 3.5 1 22.258 7.261 175.417 4.505E-02 1.03 20 10 2.060E-03 6.51 3.5 1 0.028 9.905 13.934 5.019E-03 1.03 5 2.8 5.150E-04 6.51 3.5 1 0.013 2.735 6.898 9.031E-03 1.03 100 15.3 1.030E-02 6.51 3.5 1 0.248 14.964 32.003 6.942E-03 1.03 1000 13.7 1.030E-01 6.51 3.5 1 14.955 9.526 127.772 3.609E-02 19.311 10 12.8 1.931E-02 196.97 79 1 0.212 12.502 35.156 4.086E-02 19.311 5 8.2 9.656E-03 196.97 79 1 0.098 8.001 24.757 4.487E-02 19.311 2 3.3 3.862E-03 196.97 79 1 0.043 3.162 15.628 6.392E-02 19.311 25 11.2 4.828E-02 196.97 79 1 0.810 10.373 58.510 7.998E-02 8.8955 5 3.2 4.448E-03 58.69 28 1 0.086 2.912 18.881 4.794E-02 8.8955 25 6.3 2.224E-02 5.368 49.393 6.406E-02 8.5 1.156E-02 28 28 0.774 13 58.69 58.69 1 8.8955 1 0.145 8.124 29.728 2.988E-02 8.8955 50 12.7 4.448E-02 58.69 28 1 0.933 11.602 61.559 8.8955 75 14.9 6.672E-02 58.69 28 1 1.736 13.427 78.260 4.240E-02 5.100E-02 - 57 - 1.3 1500 14.5 1.950E-01 7.41 3.946 1 1.3 1025 12.3 1.333E-01 7.41 3.946 1.3 500 7.5 6.500E-02 7.41 3.946 1.3 100 3.1 1.300E-02 7.41 16.601 5 5 8.301E-03 16.601 3 3.5 16.601 10 16.601 26.776 5.962 213.859 5.752E-02 1 17.776 5.899 156.435 4.993E-02 1 10.911 2.430 149.651 6.735E-02 3.946 1 2.039 1.176 54.891 6.621E-02 180.95 73 2 0.284 2.700 71.095 1.573E-01 4.980E-03 180.95 73 2 0.188 1.928 61.749 1.675E-01 10 1.660E-02 180.95 73 2 0.454 6.854 109.498 1.096E-01 7.5 15 1.245E-02 180.95 73 2 0.194 13.220 67.198 5.437E-02 2.702 35 12 9.457E-03 26.98 13 2 0.495 8.441 73.298 3.490E-02 2.702 25 9 6.755E-03 26.98 13 2 0.443 5.819 100.646 4.610E-02 2.702 10 4.5 2.702E-03 26.98 13 2 0.165 2.501 36.578 4.899E-02 2.702 7.5 3.5 2.027E-03 26.98 13 2 0.153 1.754 33.422 5.814E-02 19.311 2 5 3.862E-03 196.97 79 2 0.094 4.046 57.468 8.869E-02 19.311 1.5 2.5 2.897E-03 196.97 79 2 0.104 1.513 43.388 1.688E-01 19.311 5 10 9.656E-03 196.97 79 2 0.159 8.313 58.026 7.779E-02 1.848 10 3 1.848E-03 9.01 4 2 0.125 0.580 33.469 5.365E-02 1.848 20 4.5 3.696E-03 9.01 4 2 0.261 0.303 55.052 7.707E-02 1.848 50 8.5 9.240E-03 9.01 4 2 0.524 1.690 110.060 4.371E-02 1.848 25 5.5 4.620E-03 9.01 4 2 0.273 1.048 67.091 4.512E-02 8.8955 15 9 1.334E-02 58.69 28 2 0.444 3.730 99.252 8.909E-02 8.8955 5 4 4.448E-03 58.69 28 2 0.195 1.204 55.898 1.266E-01 ,, LU > 200 15 N M C E 10 a a, 150 (. Eg 100 5 0- 0 a 0 5 10 15 20 50 0 0 TRIM Simulated Average Exit Energy [MeV] 50 100 150 200 TRIM Simulated Deviation of Exit Energy [keV} - 58 ~ 0.2 0.15 to 0.1 E , 0.05 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 TRIM Simulated Scattering Angle [rad] Figure B-1: The three preceding graphs are simply the simulated data on the x-axis, and using the same independent variables, the parameterized calculation of the dependent variables on the yaxis: average energy out, energy straggle, and scattering exit angle. The one-to-one line, where the parameterized fit value equals the simulated data exactly, is also shown on each plot. -~59 ~- Appendix C: Backlighter Parameterization Data and Plots Because the parameterized equations for proton and neutron yield have multiple independent variables, the easiest way to visually inspect the fit is by plotting the predicted versus the actual yield values such that if it were a perfect fit, all the points would lie on the y=x line. This was done for the six data sets mentioned in Section 4.1, and have been printed on the following pages with proton yield comparisons on the left and neutron yield comparisons on the right. Table C-1 gives all of the coefficient values and R-squared statistics for all of the proton and neutron yield parameterizations. Overall, the parameterization coefficients of the equation on the top of Table C-1 give fairly good agreement with the data, with the exception of Fit 4-Yn. Fit 4-* covers three different laser drivers and 3 different laser foci, so exact agreement was not expected. It was calculated as a general parameterization for the SG1018 laser pulse. Fit 6-* was the only parameterization which used a different fitting equation, Y2. This formula was chosen because the agreement with equation Y1 was even worse. The reason for not using Y2 to fit the first five formulae was that the dependence directly on the outer diameter never made much physical sense. Therefore the energy flux was used instead of the outer diameter and on-target-energy separately. To fit the parameterization equations given in Table C-1, the Matlab function 'robustfit' was used. It is an iterative weighted least squares algorithm, meaning that as it iterates to converge on coefficient values it reweights the outlier data points less than those who are not outliers. However, the coefficients that are calculated do not always make physical sense, and it would be helpful for my future Doctoral work to write an algorithm which accounts for uncertainties in the measurements as well as some intuitive limits on the values of the coefficients. Currently in the plots below, the error bars are based on the average percent error in the fit values, a 50% error in the proton yield measurement, and a 10% error in the neutron measurement. The measurement errors are good estimates for the real error. A more rigorous analysis of the measurement errors will come with further analyzation of the data. ~ 60 ~- Table C-1: This table gives a complete list of parameterization coefficients for proton and neutron yields from MECPR backlighters. Fits for similar laser parameters are displayed one on top of the other for a direct comparison of fits between proton and neutron yields. Y1 = Const*(tshella*(Eu.)b*(PD2/P R2 3.5235 1.381 -0.3752 -0.642 0.871 0.5 % Error 18.1 18.7 -11.776 -6.2885 -1.0754 -1.1202 20.955 6.9618 0.728 0.707 25.8 14.2 5.91E-03 1.07E-02 -6.7032 -4.1309 -2.2216 -1.3759 -2.5249 -4.5991 0.919 0.854 13.9 9.63 5.61E+10 -5.1294 3.4986 5.5089 0.367 71 2.39E+02 -2.2514 0.24281 0.85702 0.0887 40.6 2.42E+03 -3.8479 1.2797 0.78286 0.415 46.9 2.06E-01 -0.6539 -4.3892 0.26645 0.188 62.2 % Error 48.1 22.6 Driver:Pulse (focus) SSD:SG1018 (9R) SSD:SG1018 (9R) Const 4.99E+09 1.93E+05 a b -7.2793 -5.5934 2-Yp 2-Yn SSD:SG1018 (8R) SSD:SG1018 (8R) 2.13E+09 1.82E+03 3-Yp 3-Yn Leg(2):SG1018 (9R) Leg(2):SG1018 (9R) SSD/Main/Leg(2):SG1018 (8R/9R/12R) SSD/Main/Leg(2):SG1018 (8R/9R/12R) 5-Yn SSD:SG1018 (300um-:Pole Driven) SSD:SG1018 (300um-:Pole Driven) 3He)c c Fit 1-Yp 1-Yn Y2 = Const*(tshe.)a*(Dout)b*l(EonTar)*(PDoPP3He )d 6-Yp 6-Yn Driver:Pulse (focus) SSD:SG1017 (9R) SSD:SG1017 (9R) Const 8.40E+63 3.14E-04 -2.0459 -1.9222 -0.7114 4.1938 c d 2 R_ -15.579 -1.501 -0.974 0.8971 0.0656 0.3012 Fit 1: SSD:SG1018 (9R) Fit 1: SSD:SG1018 (9R) 16 uU - O I- 0 i 12 c E E 12 0 0 r S80 o4 -0 S8 4 4 z 0 0 4 8 12 16 0 Proton Yield from DATA (108) I I 4 8 I I 12 16 20 Neutron Yield from DATA (108) Fit 2: SSD:SG1018 (8R) Fit 2: SSD:SG1018 (8R) 12 12 - O* 0- W- , E 0 S10 I. 8 E 26- 0 -W 0 ., I 0 z 04 0 I I 4 8 4 I 212 Proton Yield from DATA (108) SI 2 I I 4 6 I I 8 I I I 10 Neutron Yield from DATA (108) -~62 - I I 12 Fit 3: Leg(2):SG1018 (9R) Fit 3: Leg(2):SG1018 (9R) U 45 I- I- a: 4 Ur. E E 0 t.- 0 I.. I.- " 2 C 0o 0 0 I4' a' a0 z 0- I ' I 4 0 Neutron Yield from DATA (108) Fit 4: *:SG1018 (8R/9R/12R) I1 0 '-*I S10 E 0 cc 0 & C 0 *I 0.1 I i I I * I I i 6 Proton Yield from DATA (108) 0.1 I II 1 Proton Yield from DATA (108) -~63 - Fit 5: SSD:SG1018 (300um-) Fit 5: SSD:SG1018 (300um-) 1 10 ou O e-I 0 o'-I I- u- E 0 '0- E 0 0.1 4.J c- O 0 0 81 z 0.01 0.1 0.01 0.1 1 0.1 Proton Yield from DATA (108) 10 Neutron Yield from DATA (108) Fit 6: Leg(2):SG1017 (9R) Fit 6: Leg(2):SG1017 (9R) i 12t VA '6- ES8 uL I E o "o 4 ,! CL o 4 2- a. U-I 0 1 zm I 4 0~ 12 0 I I I 2 4 6 8 Proton Yield from DATA (108) Neutron Yield from DATA (108) Figure C-1: The twelve preceding graphs show the comparison between the parameterizations and the data for both the proton and neutron yields (proton yield comparisons on the left and neutron comparisons on the right). The one-to-one line is displayed in each plot as well, and represents a perfect fit to the data. Error bars on the parameterized quantities were derived from the average percent error of the fit, proton yield measurement errors are ~50%, and neutron yield measurement errors are "10%. Overall, most of the parameterizations fit the data well, but more work and data will be needed for a more rigorous analysis, and will be pursued during my Doctoral work. S64- Table C-2: This table gives a complete list of all thin glass D2 3He-filled backlighter capsules since 2005. Some data were not gathered before the shot, and hence will never be measured; these data are represented by a -1. Not all of these data were used in the parameterization of the proton and neutron yields, but the most pertinent laser configurations were parameterized. Initial Da Pressure Initial 3He Pressure shot # Target ID Shot Date PI (atm ) (atm) 50539 50538 50537 50536 50535 50507 50334 49704 49703 49702 49701 49699 49694 49693 49137 49126 49125 49124 49122 49120 49119 49118 49117 49114 49113 49112 49111 49109 48357 47705 47703 IDC-LLNL 08-2-B1 IDC-LLNL 08-2-F1 IDC-LLNL 08-2-E1 IDC-LLNL 08-2-D1 IDC-LLNL 08-2-Cl LLEC 05-26-38 LLEC 05-26-91 ISE-4Q07-07-507 ISE-4Q07-07-517 ISE-4Q07-07-09 ISE-4Q07-07-518 ISE-4Q07-07-07 ISE-4Q07-07-21 ISE-4Q07-07-503 CMF-3Q07-01-56 DDC-07-LLE 039-30 DDC-07-LLE 039-29 DDC-07-LLE 039-05 DDC-07-LLE 039-10 DDC-07-LLE 039-08 DDC-07-LLE 039-07 DDC-07-LLE 039-13 DDC-07-LLE 039-15 DDC-07-LLE 039-17 3/5/2008 3/5/2008 3/5/2008 3/5/2008 3/5/2008 3/4/2008 2/12/2008 12/5/2007 12/5/2007 12/5/2007 12/5/2007 12/5/2007 Tommasini Tommasini 6.66 1.1 3.33 8.9 Tommasini Tommasini Tommasini Sangster Sangster Knauer Knauer Knauer Knauer Knauer Knauer Knauer Knauer Li Li Li Li Li Li Li Li Li Li Li Li Li Knauer Li Li 4.3 8.2 6.66 6.4 6.4 6.3 6.3 6.3 6.3 6.3 6.3 6.3 6.2 20.4 20.4 6.2 6.2 6.2 6.2 6.2 6.2 6.2 6.2 6.2 6.2 6.2 6.2 5.9 5.9 5.7 1.8 DDC-07-LLE 039-14 DDC-07-LLE 039-09 DDC-07-LLE 039-03 DDC-07-LLE 039-04 CMF-3Q07-01-35 NLUF-1Q07-02-A8 NLUF-1Q07-02-A6 12/5/2007 12/5/2007 10/16/2007 10/11/2007 10/11/2007 10/11/2007 10/11/2007 10/11/2007 10/11/2007 10/11/2007 10/11/2007 10/11/2007 10/11/2007 10/11/2007 10/11/2007 10/11/2007 8/3/2007 5/30/2007 5/30/2007 3.33 18 18 13.5 13.5 14 13.5 14 14 13.5 21 46 46 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 21 15 15 ~ 65 Measured D, Pressure (atm) -1 -1 Measured 3He Pressure -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 6.298 6.298 6.298 6.298 6.896 6.298 6.297 5.896 19.797 19.797 6.099 6.099 6.099 6.099 6.099 6.099 6.099 6.099 6.099 6.099 6.099 4.672 5.898 5.899 (atm) -1 -1 11.947 11.428 11.462 11.27 8.89 11.273 11.207 11.05 41.208 41.738 12.172 11.558 12.252 11.971 12.796 11.724 12.903 12.967 12.626 12.569 12.138 15.494 12.87 13.176 D,/ 3He Fill Pressure Ratio -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 0.5272 0.5511 0.5495 0.5588 0.7757 0.5587 0.5619 0.5336 0.4804 0.4743 0.5011 0.5277 0.4978 0.5095 0.4766 0.5202 0.4727 0.4703 0.4831 0.4852 0.5025 0.3015 0.4583 0.4477 SiO, Shell Thickness 4 4 4 4 4 2 2 2.5 2.4 2.4 2.3 2.3 2.3 2.2 2.8 2.4 2.2 2.3 2.5 2.5 2.4 2.4 2.3 Outer Diameter (um) 894.6 894.4 878.8 878.8 878 890 862 436 423.8 419.8 424.6 427.6 432.6 436.4 435.6 413.8 444.4 437.6 437 447 425.8 2.5 2.2 417.8 419.6 401.4 408 428.4 2.5 423 2 417 445.4 445.8 441 2.2 2.7 2.4 2.5 shot # Target ID Shot Date Pi 47702 47700 47698 47697 47696 46939 46936 46935 46934 46933 46932 46537 46536 46535 46534 46532 46531 46529 46528 46101 46100 45954 45953 45948 45943 45941 45782 45431 45430 45426 45425 45422 45421 44433 NLUF-1Q07-02-A15 NLUF-1Q07-02-A14 NLUF-1Q07-02-A13 NLUF-1Q07-02-B2 NLUF-1Q07-02-A11 FIG-1Q07-02-31 NLUF-1Q07-01-01 NLUF-1Q07-01-10 NLUF-1Q07-01-17 FIG-1Q07-02-26 NLUF-1Q07-01-14 FIG-1Q07-02-29 FIG-1Q07-02-12 FIG-1Q07-02-23 FIG-1Q07-02-22 FIG-1Q07-02-33 FIG-1Q07-02-06 FIG-1Q07-02-32 FIG-1Q07-02-14 ISE-4Q06-05-48 ISE-4Q06-05-02 ISE-1Q07-01-47 ISE-1Q07-01-46 ISE-1Q07-01-50 ISE-1Q07-01-49 ISE-1Q07-01-48 ISE-3Q06-05-29 ISE-4Q06-06-20 ISE-4Q06-06-16 ISE-4Q06-06-12 ISE-4Q06-06-08 ISE-4Q06-06-06 ISE-4Q06-06-04 NLUF-4Q06-01-05 5/30/2007 5/30/2007 5/30/2007 5/30/2007 5/30/2007 3/21/2007 3/21/2007 3/21/2007 3/21/2007 3/21/2007 3/21/2007 2/14/2007 2/14/2007 2/14/2007 2/14/2007 2/14/2007 2/14/2007 2/14/2007 2/14/2007 1/11/2007 1/11/2007 12/21/2006 12/21/2006 12/21/2006 12/21/2006 12/21/2006 12/7/2006 11/8/2006 11/8/2006 11/8/2006 11/8/2006 11/8/2006 11/8/2006 Li Li Li Li Li Li Li Li Li Li Li Rygg Rygg Rygg Rygg Rygg Rygg Rygg Rygg Marshall Marshall Knauer Knauer Knauer Knauer Knauer Li Knauer Knauer Knauer Knauer Knauer Knauer Li 8/8/2006 Initial D; Pressure Initial 3He Pressure fatm) (atm) 5.9 5.9 5.9 5.9 5.9 5.9 6 6 6 5.9 6 6.1 6.1 6.1 6.1 6.1 6.1 6.1 6.1 6.2 6.2 6.2 6.2 6.2 6.2 6.2 5.7 6.2 6.2 6.2 6.2 6.2 6.2 5.7 15.5 16 16.5 16.5 16 15 16 16 16 18 16 18 18 16 18 16 15 16 18 12 12 15 15 15 14 14 13 14 13 15 15 14 15 13 - 66 - Measured D, Pressure .atm) 5.897 5.898 5.898 5.899 5.897 5.898 6.298 6.298 6.298 5.897 6.297 6.097 6.096 6.099 6.095 6.098 6.099 6.098 6.097 -1 -1 -1 5.8 5.2 5.2 5.2 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 6.2 -1 5.699 Measured He Pressure (atm) 11.496 12.784 12.761 13.679 10.891 12.941 13.974 14.064 13.774 13.283 13.386 13.283 11.808 13.276 10.601 12.273 12.69 13.082 13.169 -1 -1 -1 11.7 11 10.6 10.6 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 12.1 -1 12.146 D,/3He Fill Pressure Ratio 0.5130 0.4614 0.4622 0.4312 0.5415 0.4558 0.4507 0.4478 0.4572 0.4440 0.4704 0.4590 0.5163 0.4594 0.5749 0.4969 0.4806 0.4661 0.4630 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.4957 0.4727 0.4906 0.4906 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5124 0.5 0.4692 SiO, Shell Thickness 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.6 2.2 2.4 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.6 2.1 2.7 2.4 2.3 2.3 2.3 2.3 2.2 2.9 2.4 2.6 2.6 2.8 2.8 2.2 2.2 2.9 2.8 2.7 2.6 2.2 2.7 2.8 2.9 Outer Diameter Lum) 404 420 430 440.2 435.4 407.8 413 420 440 426.2 439.2 431.4 425.8 412.6 418.6 422.6 425.6 430.4 402.8 441.8 403.2 431.2 403.6 403.6 423.4 423.4 424.6 421.6 434.4 431.2 430.4 436.4 403.6 430.2 shot # Target ID Shot Date 44432 NLUF-4Q06-01-03 NLUF-4Q06-01-22 NLUF-4Q06-01-19 NLUF-4Q06-01-18 NLUF-4Q06-01-13 NLUF-4Q06-01-09 NLUF-4Q06-01-08 NLUF-4Q06-01-07 NLUF-4Q06-01-04 NLUF-4Q06-01-02 NLUF-4Q06-01-01 NLUF-1Q06-01-91 NLUF-1Q06-01-16 NLUF-1Q06-01-43 NLUF-1Q06-01-84 NLUF-1Q06-01-20 NLUF-1Q06-01-19 NLUF-1Q06-01-02 NLUF4Q05-04-20 NLUF4Q05-04-54 NLUF4Q05-04-05 NLUF4Q05-04-18 NLUF4Q05-04-45 NLUF4Q05-04-06 NLUF4Q05-04-09 NLUF4Q05-04-21 NLUF4Q05-04-41 NLUF4Q05-04-31 NLUF4Q05-03-28 NLUF4Q05-04-55 8/8/2006 8/8/2006 8/8/2006 8/8/2006 8/8/2006 8/8/2006 8/8/2006 8/8/2006 8/8/2006 8/8/2006 8/8/2006 2/28/2006 2/28/2006 2/28/2006 2/28/2006 2/28/2006 2/28/2006 2/28/2006 7/26/2005 7/26/2005 7/26/2005 7/26/2005 7/26/2005 7/26/2005 7/26/2005 7/26/2005 7/26/2005 7/26/2005 7/26/2005 7/26/2005 44431 44430 44429 44428 44427 44426 44425 44424 44423 44422 42774 42773 42772 42771 42768 42767 42765 40516 40515 40514 40513 40512 40511 40510 40509 40508 40507 40506 40505 PI Li Li Li Li Li Li Li Li Li Li Li Li Li Li Li Li Li Li (leaky) (leaky) (leaky) (leaky) (leaky) (leaky) (leaky) Li Li Li Li Li Li Li Li Li Li Li Li Initial Da Pressure (atm) 5.7 5.7 5.7 5.7 5.7 5.7 5.7 5.7 5.7 5.7 5.7 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 Initial 3He Pressure (atm) 13 14 14 14 13 14 13 13 13 14 13 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 - 67 Measured D, Pressure Measured 3He Pressure (atm) (atm) 5.699 5.699 5.699 5.699 5.699 5.699 5.699 5.699 5.699 5.696 5.698 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 11.924 11.763 12.601 12.298 11.802 12.037 11.942 12.14 12.13 8.709 11.296 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 D? He Fill Pressure Ratio 0.4779 0.4845 0.4523 0.4634 0.4829 0.4735 0.4772 0.4694 0.4698 0.6540 0.5044 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 0.5000 0.5000 0.5000 0.5000 0.5000 0.5000 0.5000 0.5000 0.5000 0.5000 0.5000 0.5000 Si 02Shell Thickness Outer Diameter 2.2 2.6 2.8 2.3 2.5 2.4 2.6 2.9 2.8 2.8 2.8 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2 2 2.2 2.6 2.3 2.1 2.3 2.2 2.1 2.6 2 2.3 2.7 2 413.4 423.2 434.6 433.6 428 412.8 408.2 405.8 439.6 418.6 422.6 410 420.2 429.6 424.6 440 423 433 430.4 464.2 427.6 428.2 445.6 427.4 455.2 427.2 436 463.6 854.4 437 (um) Normalized shot # 50539 50538 50537 50536 50535 50507 50334 49704 49703 49702 49701 49699 49694 49693 49137 49126 49125 49124 49122 49120 49119 49118 49117 49114 49113 49112 49111 49109 48357 47705 47703 47702 Pulse Shape SSD:SG0801 SSD:SG0801 SSD:SG0801 SSD:SG0801 SSD:SG0801 SSD:SG1018 SSD:SG1018 SSD:SG1018 SSD:SG1018 SSD:SG1018 SSD:SG1018 SSD:SG1018 SSD:SG1018 SSD:SG1018 SSD:SG1018 SSD:SG1018 SSD:SG1018 SSD:SG1018 SSD:SG1018 SSD:SG1018 SSD:SG1018 Leg(2):SG1018 Leg(2):SG1018 Leg(2):SG1018 Leg(2):SG1018 Leg(2):SG1018 Leg(2):SG1018 Leg(2):SG1018 SSD:SG1018 Leg(2):SG1017 Leg(2):SG1017 Leg(2):SG1017 SSD Modulation ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON OFF ON ON OFF ON ON ON ON ON OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF # Beams 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 EnerEv On "'" E - Target J) Flux (J/um 2) Enerev (TJ/e) 0.00mm 0.00mm 0.00mm 0.00mm 0.00mm 0.00mm 0.00mm 300um300um300um300um300um300um300um300um8R 8R 8R 8R 8R 8R 9R 9R 9R 9R 9R 9R 9R 300um9R 9R 9R 17659.6 17505 17446.1 17482.3 16857.4 23077.3 23559.3 7808.6 7558.6 7957.7 7937.6 8025.9 7600.1 8023.6 7904.1 7580.3 7713.3 7708.9 7667.2 7777 7812.6 8619.9 8631.6 8512.6 8467.4 8585.3 8528.6 8720.2 7533.4 8874.6 8903.5 8974.4 7.024E-03 6.965E-03 7.191E-03 7.206E-03 6.961E-03 9.274E-03 1.009E-02 1.308E-02 1.340E-02 1.437E-02 1.401E-02 1.397E-02 1.293E-02 1.341E-02 1.326E-02 1.409E-02 1.243E-02 1.281E-02 1.278E-02 1.239E-02 1.372E-02 1.572E-02 1.561E-02 1.682E-02 1.619E-02 1.489E-02 1.517E-02 1.596E-02 1.209E-02 1.421E-02 1.457E-02 1.750E-02 1.6566 1.6428 1.6959 1.6994 1.6417 4.3744 4.7606 4.9341 5.2657 5.6498 5.7484 5.7311 5.3023 5.7507 4.4675 5.5391 5.3311 5.2560 4.8226 4.6752 5.3916 6.1787 6.4008 7.2116 6.1099 6.3853 5.7253 7.5295 4.2235 5.5873 5.4991 6.6046 Focus n ol E ~ 68 ~ YProt (keV) 83.2 33.5 56.1 42.2 44.6 150 240 0.168 0.119 0.473 0.322 0.503 0.424 0.395 0.026 1.55 3.89 6.17 7.61 3.54 6.96 1.31 1.11 1.34 0.912 1.97 0.803 3.81 0.141 0.752 1.04 1.04 Temp .... n 1440 22.7 503 2170 1430 123 229 5.81 1.11 1.82 1.66 2.3 1.89 2.45 1.33 6.48 10.4 8.57 11 6.2 8.8 3.03 2.07 2.95 2.49 3.7 1.94 4.72 9.41 4.69 4.79 3.72 !on gang (ratio) TemD (keVy) Time -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 12.155 11.379 3.332 4.855 6.543 5.906 6.163 6.221 5.532 2.979 6.362 7.487 9.716 9.551 8.842 10.098 7.922 8.621 8.073 7.434 8.595 7.796 10.188 2.837 5.520 6.146 6.733 8.300 9.200 7.300 7.800 7.500 10.7 10.9 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 5.3 -1 7.4 -1 10.3 10.7 11.6 7.5 -1 7.8 4.9 9.6 -1 15.2 4.5 -1 -1 -1 1075 1090 1140 1144 1172 -1 644 537 526 479 495 474 498 461 -1 514 530 491 523 556 484 470 484 441 478 456 481 470 -1 -1 -1 -1 L.s shot # Pulse Shape 47700 47698 Leg(2):SG1017 Leg(2):SG1017 47697 Leg(2):SG1017 47696 46939 46936 46935 46934 46933 46932 46537 46536 46535 46534 46532 46531 46529 46528 46101 46100 45954 45953 45948 45943 45941 45782 45431 45430 45426 45425 45422 45421 Leg(2):SG1017 SSD:SG1018 SSD:SG1018 SSD:SG1018 SSD:SG1018 SSD:SG1018 SSD:SG1018 SSD:SG1018 SSD:SG1018 SSD:SG1018 SSD:SG1018 SSD:SG1018 SSD:SG1018 SSD:SG1018 SSD:SG1018 SSD:SG1018 SSD:SG1018 SSD:SG1018 SSD:SG1018 SSD:SG1018 SSD:SG1018 SSD:SG1018 SSD:SG1018 SSD:SG1018 SSD:SG1018 SSD:SG1018 SSD:SG1018 SSD:SG1018 SSD:SG1018 44433 44432 Leg(2):SG1017 Leg(2):SG1017 SSD Modulation OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON OFF ON ON ON ON ON ON OFF OFF # Beams Focus S 9R 9R 9R 9R 9R 9R 9R 9R 9R 9R 9R 9R 9R 9R 9R 9R 9R 9R 8R 8R 300um300um300um300um300um9R 300um300um300um300um300um300um9R 9R Enerne On En n Target (J) Enerfy Flux (J/um 2 ) Normalized Energy (TJ/R) 8996.4 9230.6 9286.1 8640.8 9463 9440.3 9488.3 9564.8 9648.7 9469.8 6892.1 6825.4 6848.6 6852.1 6846.2 6879.5 6829.1 6827.1 7670.6 7910.3 7808.1 7705.7 7814.5 7431.8 7335.5 3045.8 7975.2 7858.7 7945.9 7878.6 7969.9 7887.7 8237 8341.8 1.623E-02 1.589E-02 1.525E-02 1.451E-02 1.811E-02 1.762E-02 1.712E-02 1.573E-02 1.691E-02 1.563E-02 1.179E-02 1.198E-02 1.281E-02 1.245E-02 1.220E-02 1.209E-02 1.173E-02 1.339E-02 1.251E-02 1.549E-02 1.337E-02 1.506E-02 1.527E-02 1.320E-02 1.303E-02 5.378E-03 1.428E-02 1.326E-02 1.360E-02 1.354E-02 1.332E-02 1.541E-02 1.417E-02 1.554E-02 6.1260 5.9965 5.5348 6.2216 7.1198 6.6480 6.4609 5.9344 6.1350 7.0201 4.1188 4.7103 5.2524 5.1055 5.0050 4.9587 5.0320 4.3572 4.9171 5.6198 4.8502 5.0734 5.1450 5.6587 5.5853 1.7494 4.8120 4.6318 4.9358 5.8053 4.6544 5.1932 4.6087 6.6625 - 69 ~- 0.506 0.613 0.575 1.7 5.32 5.52 6.08 4.9 4.95 10.4 0.8 1.65 3.5 3.1 3.34 2.25 3.56 0.45 0.945 1.05 0.15 0.107 0.185 0.0603 0.0763 5.61E-03 0.094 0.115 0.267 0.327 0.185 0.0707 4.72 4.58 2.71 2.41 2.6 5.94 7.75 6.92 9.37 9.5 5.99 9.26 2.6 4.41 6.6 6.34 8.53 6.75 8.89 1.41 6.32 3.34 1.5 0.83 2.12 0.68 0.7 -1 0.8 1.29 1.19 2.1 1.42 0.39 4.69 4.34 Ion Temp Ion Bang (ratio) (keV) TemD (keV) Time 5.835 6.489 6.189 6.790 9.518 10.135 9.311 8.482 10.289 11.728 6.961 7.487 8.581 8.316 7.628 7.182 7.697 7.057 5.405 7.0126605 4.752 5.149 4.529 4.557 4.878 -1 4.980 4.566 6.222 5.469 5.168 5.777 11.184 11.412 -1 -1 -1 -1 10.3 10 8.3 6.4 8 9.8 13.7 7.2 7.6 10.1 11.2 10.2 12 5.7 28.2 22 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 7.9 9.3 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 2629 2515 2225 2179 -1 -1 379 367 shot # Pulse Shape 44431 Leg(2):SG1017 44430 44429 44428 Leg(2):SG1017 Leg(2):SG1017 Leg(2):SG1017 44427 Leg(2):SG1017 44426 Leg(2):SG1017 44425 Leg(2):SG1017 44424 44423 44422 42774 42773 42772 42771 42768 42767 42765 40516 40515 Leg(2):SG1017 Leg(2):SG1017 Leg(2):SG1017 SSD:SG0602 SSD:SG0602 SSD:SG0602 SSD:SG0602 SSD:SG1018 SSD:SG1018 SSD:SG1018 Main: SG1018 Main: SG1018 40514 40513 40512 Main: SG1018 Main: SG1018 Main: SG1018 40511 40510 Main: SG1018 Main: SG1018 40509 40508 40507 40506 40505 Main: Main: Main: Main: Main: SG1018 SG1018 SG1018 SG1018 SG1018 SSD Modulation OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF # Beams Focus Energv On EnergOn Target (J) Energy Flux (j/um 2 ) Normalized Energy (TJ/R) 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 9R 9R 9R 9R 9R 9R 9R 9R 9R 9R 9R 9R 9R 9R 9R 9R 9R 9R 9R 9R 9R 9R 12R 12R 12R 12R 12R 12R 12R 8287.5 8300.9 8371.5 8376.8 8344.5 8356 8300.8 8303.9 8048.5 7649.6 3738.3 3473.6 2388 4821.3 9654.4 9725.1 9427.9 9477.9 9424.6 9575.8 9546.8 9428.7 9593.6 9742 9677.9 9799.4 9818.2 9918.7 9868.7 1.473E-02 1.399E-02 1.417E-02 1.456E-02 1.559E-02 1.596E-02 1.605E-02 1.368E-02 1.462E-02 1.363E-02 7.079E-03 6.262E-03 4.119E-03 8.512E-03 1.587E-02 1.730E-02 1.601E-02 1.629E-02 1.392E-02 1.667E-02 1.657E-02 1.512E-02 1.672E-02 1.497E-02 1.688E-02 1.641E-02 1.454E-02 4.325E-03 1.645E-02 5.3445 4.7134 5.8135 5.4928 6.1271 5.7919 5.2197 4.6084 4.9261 4.5937 2.6712 2.3630 1.5542 3.2122 5.9900 8.1607 S70 - 7.5501 6.9838 5.0515 6.8378 7.4454 6.1998 7.1686 6.7231 6.1248 7.7400 5.9643 1.5112 7.7591 Ion Temp (ratio) 2.86 1.98 7.1 1.58 3.03 6.15 1.72 8.64 3.38 1.44 1.2 1.2 1.39 3.95 3.58 4.84 6.32 13 8.86 17.6 17.4 12.8 20 26.1 22.2 25.3 32.8 39.8 31.1 3.69 2.24 5.14 3.12 3.41 3.99 2.22 7.08 3.77 2.31 0.181 0.289 0.228 0.884 0.274 0.704 0.827 8.15 7.48 8.06 6.25 12.9 13.2 12.2 14 10.8 15.7 50.7 10.9 Ion Temp (key) (keV) 10.007 10.579 12.844 8.426 10.604 13.484 8.7 5.2 12.2 8.6 11.2 11.6 7.2 9.4 8.2 6.5 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 11.9 11.9 17.8 12.5 17.2 18.2 16.8 13.8 12.6 12.9 9.4 14.8 10.005 12.159 10.646 9.160 27.581 21.628 26.373 22.444 40.886 28.127 29.801 13.701 11.994 15.831 17.766 11.114 13.385 15.680 13.664 16.362 15.501 10.064 17.973 Bane Time 361 301 490 259 250 277 273 -1 -1 336 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 Appendix D: Geant4 Benchmark Experimental Data In this appendix, the experimental data used to create the final product radiographs, which were used to benchmark the Geant4 simulations, will be shown. When analyzing the images created by MECPR, one of the most important plots is the Contrast vs. Diameter plot. These plots, which are very typical when analyzing CR39, have a very distinct character making it relatively simple to extract the data from the noise when the data are good. The purpose of etching the CR39 isto 'raise the noise' above the data in contrast. This means that after etching the piece, the intrinsic noise in the CR39 is elevated in contrast and is typically small in diameter. Therefore, the data tend to be lower in contrast and have diameters typically ranging from a couple of microns to about twenty. Proper use of the Contrast vs. Diameter plot allows the rejection of the noise, and the acceptance of the data to be represented in the final product radiograph. The following pages contain the Contrast vs. Diameter plots, final radiographs, and final radiographs with the swaths taken for lineout analyzation for OMEGA shots 46531 (Figure D-1) and 45953 (Figure D-2). D.1 Experimental Data for OMEGA shot 46531 46531_T6_3P188_Emie_Front_4hr.cpsA [from 1.5*Minimum, "2.5/Contour, Rsm=1] 0 10 Track Diameter (pm) 20 Figure D-1: (top) Contrast vs. Diameter diagram in logarithmic contour form. There are two distinct peaks, one high in contrast, the other low; the low contrast peak is the signal, and can be generally encompassed by the contrast limits of 0 - 40% and diameter limits of 2.5 - 20-pm. The upper limit in contrast is chosen by the minimum between the two peaks (where the signal begins to be overtaken by the intrinsic noise). (bottom left) Final fluence radiograph for OMEGA shot 46531, darker color implies higher fluence. The black spots down the image are intrinsic noise that I couldn't remove without losing some signal, so I left them, but they have no physical significance. The image has also been cone-smoothed with a radius of three to eliminate high frequency statistical noise. (bottom right) The same final radiograph with the shaded portion covering azimuthal angles from -40 - 2100, the region used to find the azimuthally average radial lineout for benchmarking with Geant4. - 72 - D.2 Experimental Data for OMEGA shot 45953 45953_1P90_Emie front.cpsA [from 1.5'Minimum, '2.5lContour, Rsm=1] 0 10 Track Diameter (pm) 20 Figure D-2: (top) Contrast vs. Diameter diagram for OMEGA shot 45953 in logarithmic contour form. Again, the contour peak at lower contrast is the signal. For this image, the contrast limits chosen were 0 35% with a diameter range of 2 - 18-pm. (bottom left) Final product radiograph using the limits determined from the Contrast vs. Diameter plot. A cone-smoothing of radius three was applied to the image. The high fluence band, in line with the stock holding the cylinder, is a product of some kind of electromagnetic field present, it is not yet well understood, but does affect that portion of the radiograph. (bottom right) The swath used to construct the lineout is shown on the final radiograph. It is averaged across the width and plotted as a function of length along the swath. I attempted to avoid the high fluence area or the stock in order to only account for scattering through the cylinder shell. -~73 ~- Appendix E: Acronyms Acronym Expansion D-3He DT FI FSC HED HEDP ICF IFE LASER LLE LPI MCS MECPR NRC PCIS PRL PSFC RCS RT STP Deuterium-Helium-3 Deuterium-Tritium Fast Ignition Fusion Science Center High Energy Density High Energy Density Physics Inertial Confinement Fusion Inertial Fusion Energy Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation Laboratory for Laser Energetics Laser Plasma Interaction Multiple Coulomb Scattering Mono-Energetic Charged Particle Radiography Nuclear Regulatory Commission Proton Core Imaging System Physical Review Letters Plasma Science and Fusion Center Rutherford Cross Section Rayleigh Taylor Standard Temperature Pressure " 74 " Works Cited 1. 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