ULAIoW or WitiTicAL 0 W MINAS Of LATENt MAT 7VII by OWIN OWU PATRICK m..* sill Uslwwslty moftmAl WUIRND IN PAMI IULILLNUT =am ow wam OFczz" A*% t IO A *ig6atar of Matou a.o0 0** Dpawsstoil Mt~owle" Cowtlfl~d by* w--t 22 MuSt 100 w pp*- P*a*S 72hess 3Impervisor Aooptod by * * **** ~&amem Deas~atC Inttm an Grafato Stutdonts * SLATON o WIRTICAL ETIONU 70 1S SRAW OF LAIINT =AT by Godwia Olu Patrick uhitted to the Departaeat of Mteorolgy an 22 AMgust 1900 in partal ftiliment .t the rquirmeest for the degree of Master of Seinee ABTACT An Idealsed model of a stom is coastrueted in Whieh the distribution of latest heat of oodensation is represeted. Stk idealised stomes me regarded as heat soes an a lerge hber of this are asmed to be rewed in a lie, suh as Is observed in a squall line. y appliatiaO of the prialtiv equat ioes of action, the equation of state, the sentiaity equation, the steady state hypotheats, sad the first law of theaodyeeies, the pertarbatione in the sm flow pattern due to the heating are detemined. fulh portarbation. indieate that the latest heat of 0oedensatica nay be Important in triggering new coentive cells between soy two of the initial heat sources and that the level at whih the masam release of latent heat nerts, is that level at Shiet the vertieal 541o produeed by the lateat heat is greatest. Thesis Auperrisors Viter ?. Strr Title; Professor of Meteoroltgy P. 3. Atta aSd 3. L. 2s for UhAo I as gostoftl to br. flisn naable Als tetesssrs V. P. Stew y appnsatts gest Phillps ter thol ter n .p amalys Sie this wk ad sltita. nsmriq se ia prqgrsas. -WN. A. eds; to lhe wader wather anti.0 sttp to gals nemerS apessAMM with squall line t e Sa 4; to Kiss e lle sle for th drafliug of the disgums ad lafly lot maths Iaet to Miss Jams Sialet for typtag lbs thas. TANS or comErs 11 1AWU= Il IV O in POLRN 0YMZING IWATIONS AND ASINMrfON is t RATIN NecON AND ITS nowMon.CAL IM CJcAIOW ao A. GErnn1 5. enting tistrbutioan in the nrtinl lire 1 C. satig distribstin a t horiatal igurns - and 3 25 28 29 30 34 ZWATION S V K)LUOIO VI MaONS UIC? 43 VII CAN Or STARh AMOSPUS A. Slitta 3. Malys of th total stn ?Igum 4 44 Vill ix F IM aZlPBNAL ltns 47 48 CAN OF AR IMUPVBSNT AI0WMS A. SoIstmaa 5. Analysis Of the total flehmlne t 1gwrS6 45 42 so olso Or tor= Wan A. Stable SAaphe-3 4ase 5 S2 5. Atmspbene with asutral stability 51 55 x MimsTM s xi acssLov so MElOSASET 63 m Um R wm 1. ImflDWCTION The mst vigorous weather phessen that Oer on the earth may be easderd to be limited to the troposphere. The sene of meteerolegy applied to this laepr has .cmeentrated its efforts is the understadisg of the meehaims end behawisur of such oeurRenes. sm, Udmuatedly the most vicious of these phenesm tornados, squall lines or lastebility lines. thunderstom activities might Associated with these are anui- Vigorous aecmpay any .f these weather patterns. omveetive activities - energy treeataMa- tims. The types of energy involved isolate potential energy, kinetic energy, "r a work, heat produced by viscous foroes, eloctrieal energy, internal energy (inlating the latest heat of ocmdeastion). energy tratosmations at BrOes (1958) budgets in as** The kao bees stadied by N antleed by Dyrs ant atsham (1949). Most recently, in a model given by Lilly (190), he arrived at the coselusion that of the latent heat of amenaties released in the moist region 42.7 perenut of the total goes into kinetic energy. The ounts that go into horisotal em vertieal kinetic energy respectively are not specifled. This paper is restricted to the study of ealy ae tom of the energy, ilamely the latent heat of codensatios in a line of stoss, with a view of applying the result to a squall lime situatios. Therelation of vertieal mations to latest heat of oeessmmation of istemediate yste maob a. eyelas or barrieamss will set be oomeidered in this study. Th eftet Of test flat as large sale atmophric mattons has boNo diseassed by Aabort (107), is this study eansors to quOetis such 0e the following are sought. etione rsoult foe ella i 1) What type of vertical O Of stesS n0e00e as ppsotable amont stOady state 3) a line latet heat under aenditiems Are ma mottes sattietent to aiftais the squall lie mater favourable meteorologieal eenditions? Apart frm the above two questioes, it would be usefal to detemis the positien of mow cells wboe fosmatiom is due to the release of latent boat. The apparently nes foaatic o now els of varying istesity as viewed from ee imstrments as 00"4111-B ruder has boon most intrig1ig atd challenging to the preset day radar etteorologists. As an esaple, aben two adjaest cells are observed, is a matter of slautes, they either remals disteset, disappear or eabine ateorologits belleve that until mo Many smtes diseppearme or reo- foreemost is fully understood, a thorough baswlete of the sastoeanc, propegata and dissipaties of the squall limo will sot be easily explaid. Sveral studies bave been divested teots teneasting teebiques sad esaties of squall lines. Wesier (1900) amd Abdallah (1965), both have &a es a objeetive of deriving a has attempted Fr iscaple, papers by Beneer and "ewastin equatio aserial MethoS or the squall line. asU"(199) for the lie, while Netn (1950) and Teppar (10) heWe attempted to develop modell Pjita (19f) on the other hMd has given a detailed thre diseseaal analysis of a squall lin,. All these efforts haen bee made in a attempt to elueidate our smieretasding Ot the equall lime. Clearly a therough understefling of sells' behawiaer is the tin itself suld ban greatly simplified the questions to *h* eassers se sught by all of these isvestigatns. Reen works a of the latest heat of syelemi seals have Ildieated the importaso osdnntiea. Em2aples eve Lilly (1940) in his paper entitled "On the theory of distnrbasees in a aenditionally unstable atmosphere." Mother is that preseated by Ptteresen (1960) -at the Conferees at the University of Chiego. "Neat soueoss and mebile eyeless." The paper is entitled No indiseted that latent heat of ecndeasatien is of the same order as sensible heat and it is important as a soures of esgy for the development of qelese the North Atlantie OCoea. partioularly over The above disuessions therefore show the neessity ef investigatlng soe esitieally the selation of vertloal sotions to latent heat of "ONdesnstios in stems. S. a differat epprosob Is uandrtakn. e thistudy - The stems as heat soares benamse of the latent beat of eoodeuswrgsrdd I tics. The pertarbatio method is aploped and se shall be interested in the distributies of the vrtiel notice that realted. 11. The proble sth eal NAX=N Ow T MMs is study Is eomaermd with te resultant vrti- notion when latent heat of amnetie is released lk a row of stoms. it ould be thoght Of as te ains vertical sotion that would be gaeated wea such heat t available is te atmesprs that sMu e eessidered. a result to te two types of The primary Itevst 10 to apply problem .f the squall liNe. In sloh an applie'- ties, the 011 eenpemets of a sqall line Could be easidered to be ooademasig water vapor (and mameematly releasing latent heat) at the semo time, and theretere eould be treated - heat sources that are equally spoeed and of the seme dimeasinas. Though te problem is essestially a diffiaelt three dimensiomal on, the emisderatiem of a sapler two dtseiniemal model pemitted an mnalytie seltiae to he obtained. IS this first attempt to Investigate the cell behaviour by a rigorous matbeatoeal met od, nay splifying assamptiems hod to be made se that the problem waett lead itself to staple mathematical sasipulatios. It is hoped tat tatua work on this subject will re- quire ftewer assptims. Physically, the Model sW be theoght of as a large aSber of heat sources equally spaed a" eath sUteding istiaitely In the direction oumal to the seas floe, amd every etoorologieal parsetar ad its 10l perturbatious as aal to the ma soasidered to be independent of the direftion norflow- in thre dimeasions, tis waraliatie pioture is quickly eliated Is three diseasins, e cSaid osmsaider the heat saveus as ver- tisal eyliader entending tro whet this is the greed to the tropapeum. Clearly, iewed in two diesias, the pietmre obtained it the plane would be saller to the se0bt esealistie pietue tht Was Just deseribed. The physleal pittare would Mt be emplete it there were no desriptie o eated. e see atmophere is Slb the heat surses ae 1- Wet the poertarbatin method of olutios is mployed in pro- blms of this astuno it is usal, esamples ae balias ead tun (19i) and Scorer (1n0), to treat the mareOuniUg atmosphere as hesgenees. This of nure is ot n ensung athemeties. eesey emcept that it helps to siplify the In this problem, the atmosphere is soasidered to be flatted by Me trepqanse at Shlb level a lid is assed to be pined. This is pleasible sine most of the vigorous eather pheoaena oar below the tropopsase. usually the stability of the stratosphere is suffilent to prevent the ineursim of oavective currents trm the troposphere. Oeasiosaily the instability of a soaestinve al in the troposphere is etreme enough to pomit the unstable air to "break through" into the stratosphere, therefore to a good appromitiosn the atmosphere is assumed to he hee1gemeos with unites flow throughout 11. the entire height, a flow Sieh is sabjest to distraees only through the eftets of heatlg. Physteal diftubsoes shob as moutain barriers are disregarded, In the difterential equations vertial wind shew tems are aepleeted so that the problem is redueed to that of a bemgeuaes abfesphere. Also, the etatie stobility throughout the troposphere is to be eastst. mmwd Lilly (190) has gives values .f the stati stability at various ie ls in the atmosphen and to a good assumptioe is also plamsible. Ground frietim, and tarbalese are assmed to be absent. lppraintIon this ddy wiseesity, stresas, The only sare. ot vertical mtion is that attributed to the heat scurees. Therefore regions there there are vertleal motions are repiets in whik we might empet the development of mew cumlus or ammlemabus elaed and it the air is mist enough or If there is suffieleat eatnisent of moist air, we could expect that those plans would be preferred reglons for new precipitation ad bean leased. ndensatica would be re- As scen as thee is ebough oamdensation, moh regions could be thought ot as It iS same latest heat of w heat snes and s the shalt reaction goes on. interest It to tote that shak a flew pattern was given by Malkus and gtera (1M8) In the problem of 'table air flw oTer' heated Islaed. 3sssatially the sae mathematics are ampleyd, see ala. Seorer (194), except that the heating distribution is different and that in their eare no new heat scares were generated, sine their hoat soure was an island. Is. III* ORINUM 3X1MBN AND AMBPUTIONB The prialtive oqWatless of netten In the eartesima oordinate system are gives by srt yV) + - 2.a (COS -C - (1) x dv C3p - zn(sily-, u cP1t 6j - ( =- -COSQ Iz eSetiuSity equaties is give The - (2) a - + _x + (4) -ears is the north and the eals polating to the smalth, hesa towds the eat, the maxis to is the earth's asgular velocity of rotation is the latitud F is te etioeal tores is the aCee9eration due to gravity O( is the speifle volume is thepresue (3) by In the above, the OC2. - J- where is the density 1. U is the velocity easpeNat i the Udfrfletion V is the veloelty eapeent in the r-dinectian \W is the velenity ompnat In the rdirestieu is the time. The essettss of stateMa d the first le of thesaedrmmits are also employed = f RT (5) (6) ) = TCt C dIt dITP -d t Rere H is the umber of malories per gra per seed the air at a given point, R the Mat equivalent Of work, is te Q- gas caeat aupplied to and Cr are specific heate of dry air at eestinat vlumes and constant pressure respectively, tial temperature emd Ti. Sines the sels io for dry airj 0 Is the poten- the oeslute tempersature. .f the motion e are ensideritg is nmall, e aa- neglect the eftect of the rotatien ef the erth. Thie eliminates the presence of the Cerielis pamSeters in equations (1)to (3). sapliety n neglect th. eftect of frictoen. Also for This does not affect the solution Oritieally. The bast five equations thea redwo to the tollowing in two dimensions. m4 CXB (47) ex at. dw - (8) 4 gi (0 ~~jg az f'cit f RT H cvdeI (5) Tc die cI+- +±IPI(t) cit - To f.11iase asmata () an alm. basroMs = U0 + (10) VI I T (1> P +P H f9 (11) H'f ro te' -Yzz (13) 15. C) Nbt at bt 0 ~~lY at t &C-3 6t (18 WB =K3il T'() &t at 6t bt Equation (10) - (15) divide euta variable Inte two eapomuts, on npresating the suditios of the undistsrbed flow while the other (prime qustity) indieates the perturbatios introdued duo to the beat seu s. quatity. The first order pertwrbation quatities are represented The rate of beating iU also treated as a portarbatio by primed spObols tile the produsta of two sh quantities are re- garded - ased order pert letatios entities and an agetd cempared to the other teas is the ensalg eqatim. as Similarly products of primed quatities and their derivatives are snsed to be of seoend order. Equation (16) states that the temperature teses with height in the undisturbed eurret and that the lapse rate is 3z Equatiso (17) states that the undisturbed current is i statie equilibrie. P . T aN hydro- Equatios (IS) states that the parasters LA . is the undisturbed current ae iSdepedest of s. tile equation (10) states the steady state hypothesis. 1M. in Uhe denivation Is ulne ted. .t the dttremtial eqation This Implies that the niosty the teym ot and IS the aftmqher under eesideration is auch larger then the a that the abakepe peed Is enpssithle only with respst L. to lifting ad heating. e4uatin mimployl cit +(U ') Az *X b to a simlar any' 3t + wL(uo+u') b6z -. _L ~l+P) fC+fos (19) we have Uo 4 'Y -X 'NK Using (18) ad +P) - SU) + u1(uu+u) 6t t =. dtf= (7) kees (10) and (IS) 0aties eqation (6) beees L t w&L -L4 ix 2) Sploying (is) ad (20) -L6X fLI.P±37- bz +8 ~0 (19) we bas. U,0 lL Since -e have Lose equation redams to p to welt the tem dt (21) .i the cetinuity 17. k +w x u $as 's 0o z abe rod"ms to + uJ bx The egesti atat P tes sgive by =PRT T R (T+ T') RT.+ .T'+ f'T = =R P.T + RP.T' Is .m to be goal .mal -oee" () =0 a bz + P' (P.+ f') sio. u. + u' = + fT1] R f 'To CRT Rf.T'+ R f'T. '- 19.in..<>- (<)>.ithwh *agA to dervo the dittesntual (2) tis t,3 o tmmess4e ., ~ea9tt t that Isat intrest to as la USA pabelm. IVtk t (30) ad t () me a is* eIJaleate th prosuw O4 *bts LOI 0 U'a aU, + au bz 2)x a-Z bz IL 4 b .SLCI 6\ f02- z 2) OnplQYtsg .*m (19) sON bY a-& IL U. 2)z.2- (SO) >(3 f~ by 2 +W6 + L E' f ax uo~ the tollouift + U b7w ftwc the ooutim f2. b*V&tlgg (W6) w 3d 0o 6z X7 (*6) fm + vq tuo We hae. 2 Lw -uo. ; m2. Y, wit qtalo (*U) (so) w fied tuat z 2- 4N~z Boa"o eq~100 (20) heoaes u. ,) ++ 2 ~ = -- I A - ZZ.[ *by, W uo :j f. +T2 & (*7) is* Nwex equatiou (20) Uas been emplay.4. 31 v2. = the Loplaoii - We define -. Noeas equaion ("?) bone + w 32UO -UOv'iA b2. Uo - fw po FI K az La UDLt z a P fo - -XI ) / (28) uo Yi4.] ~z~J (29) going th affo 6z eqalon oft *tat* w hve =f, RT bz 6- R I:z z (30) a^. simm we bavo p i -10 N-. (30) ,+ To = Usin ev"4iou -+ T -' R f 0? To+RTM +KUT/ X '>o/e 6x kR p I' (-I" meba 1+ RT R f,-2)x *ax Luo-u+v4u> L RTOI fI 2) ITjj 110 RTOLIU Using owtiawity we hav ua)m +\, U. - I RTO 2)z T.U (1 / ft maim$ (30) "md (31) .qmatie () V boom** r L-AJ T+ - ToR; , ~L4O L wT xZ -U0 R V4 + 231. 5olvirn ter ve -IIF wgot] 0 UL3 ZT ±Jto1 RTO = b. 3- +T LUOT z4 +13W4OT In owdew to ellaluzU thei - , U LtOTO w bj@t OWloY tOe fivet ".g Of I" "d the dofinition of the potetial tssp*watnw. H FCit +LWriG ~Tc~kO = lAt O, 31500 (38) 0 3z 2- = the static stability Y-YA, fT e T as em be twCm the kydroetatie .qvatiefa Tc{ ax ±~w] wadily verified I Ia3. by deflattien, the potentl temperature to gives by e Cpr .. " F regarded an a onstaat. In "....N... ft tktg "em %o.~ wI atura&l USgWettuo ot both sides = InT + kIn d - kIn P =a ~1nT K In~D - -L 4_T' k To b x V, ___49 o DTx U cT' uT,' WO r 90ge pUo um~cT ~ Fo u4kTC P / -uocKKf Uc = x u~k u.CT 4-T C p'f uTLjf f -Xx + uT'c o w 23. by IAU8 eqeslom (81) v a = oc~T +FwT -- UoR&F3T' - U cT -o z L42TOLU -w__ RT To?] : u"waU0. -I z W ~vTo C LLT.x . FH a uo T04C6z L4.c- To C z U04cO 3z H T QOTV Iest"w.m 2. C 0 Ito .quatia z T1 (as) t4o2 e haw UATo ~ -,VI w U4oq~ 4-.9 Toc TO U02Cr um o weha Cr VwA+ 3w b-Z 70/ AH X T0QD LI0 4 -VI (ft cZ2-9 24. or (22 TOL4O' If e further asses that thee is as wind sear in the vrtinl = i.e. o a- that c2_ W Is mall C%is usually Vn vast of the teams (sse by Lilly (1940) a t .-. mall as "as eputed rwepnsts aMplifiestion o the pertur batios in the vrteal), equatoe (3) W epaed 1t the -H nodans to the tam (34) - This is a a heqenoaus difftesetial equation with the hefliw sAting as the teelg tusotiOe. Me abos equation is a Instase of the type of equation obtaind by bliUe and Stews (1983), leeer (1949) ad more swetetly by Lilly (190) bease essentially the se basic equations an employed and we ae interested is the perturbations ealtiq is a stOble Or an isndift nt atboqphene. This paper and that of falbus and Stern (193) dal with pertarbtioss eased by heating, while that of ber (1940) deals with onillatioss due to mountains and Lilly (190) easidened the disturbaeses resulting in a conditionally unstable atoesphen. Nten the solution of equation (33) is sought, we shall diseams the distribution of the hating ad its mteorological ispliestissa 25. IV. I AING PUNCTION AND ITS UUOWIOGICAL IaLICATION A. Gnoal The heating tactte In this seetien. relevant to a heat Seure will be dieussed Deees et oe nature of te probla, it would be best if the function are of a tom wkh would be most representas tiv ot a atured stom. tzetles for whiok Preferoese wold of e.urse be given to a the lapse rate is moist adiabatie tith turbulenee distributing the heat under te Au amediate pit tall is tat steady state oendition. he latest heat of ocndensation has not lest itself to direst observational measrsaests a picture oreated by intuition is available in the literature, eteorlqieal lash a picture, however, is supported by evidenee of eloud strcture -d by results of detailed analysis ot the thuader- storms and squall lines as hae been prwsented by Newell (190) , Anderea (190), Dyers and baehm (1940) tively. and snly d fjita (1967) respec- Therefore any analytic fanction that is to be employed in mpressing such a beating distflhetion both in time and spae Should be onsistent with the aork of he shoe It is amued investigators. onmes kaoledge that wherever there is heating, the heat can be transported either by radiatie, eonducttn or onvection or as in the abosphere by eddy metiens or sitply by turbulese. In a aature stowa e probebly bae sells building and dissipating and age therefore we have strong localised up and down drafts. Their over- all effects could be thought of as distributing the latest heat in a tows to be described later. Our main interest would therefore be centred on this distribution. An improvement to such a distribution might be made by taking the efteets of the randam notion into sensideration and by representing the latent best distribution by a different function. This would be ideal but it would bring complietions Into the problem. Definitely e coaant expect too such frm such a pioneer study. It is definite that not all the latent heet of condensation Is available for the type of perturbation sought. The heat released is partitioned for evaporation and fusion, and some part of it is eonverted to energy of other forms, suob as potential and kinetic energy. Diffusion end turbulence also tahe place and the latter tends to "spread out," so to speak, the heat to other adjoining layers both in the horinontal and in the vertical. Lilly (190), Palsen and Jordan (1955) and Palmen (1960), have sade same attempts to show how the latent heat of condensation is partitioned. While' the actual parti- tioning is not critically important at least in this study, it would be of interest to note that it attects the stability of the envirosment. It is therefore crude to consider that the heating is concentrated only In the position of the heat saurses, while in the space between adjacent heat sources the atmospheric charecteristies are the same as those of 27. the Undisturbed enuiroment. (CPS videae fre radar photographs er 615-3) has indleat that there is sOmetimes weak pree- pitaties between two adjaent strong eals is a matured squall lime and that the ftetet meah preelpitation W Mot be totally diare- garded in s tar as they oentribute to the heat budget ofthe squall line regies. Hoever etude the assumption of et having precipitation regios between two adjaeont heat scaees say be, it is noessery so that the problam will lead itself to simple mathamatloal saipilation. Undoubtedly the mai features of the problem ae still represented aathematioally since the relative eount of latent heat Of tandem- satin released in the strong ails released in the esuireMent. is larger asepared wth that The model given i viewed as representing the distributle this study eld be of a*Ils in a lime at the initial temation Of the squall line, In this model as applied to the squall lime the only diserpancy lies in te assumption that the region beteen two adjasent aells has the ae meteorologleal ohainteristies as the ndistarbed regions. Thus os esaid concive of a uatnom stable or indifferent air sass extending to a esnsidereble distamme in the horisental wit heat sources plssed at the position of the alls. perturbations tat We are men interested in the remult between amy tow adjacent heat sores. me I. Keatin ditriAtion in thm vertical due to aouloniabus cloud fro in a typical atnt heat of which precipitation is occurring, It may be expected that a substantial amount of latent heat On the assumption that there is emnugh moisture, would be released. we could think of an air parcel height Z+A~Z ear the condensation level at a condensing an amount of moisture Af some latent heat A M. thus releasing ; sme of the heat released goes into the latent heat of evaporation and am* of it rumains in the stam and may be partitioned to other fots In following the pareel of energy. from the ground, one could lagine the parcel to have released vero heat at the grounds and asxism heat at about S.5 Ina (near the eondensation level); then the amount of heat released starts decreasing until at about the tropOpease it Is only one tenth of the maxiaM value. In the steady state eendition the upward flow of latent heat is apprealastely equal to and balanced by the turbulest downward transport of realised heat. RKoever, it is unlikely that a parcel originating from the ground could maintain its identity up to the tropopeuse level. It sems reasonable that a representation of such a heating distribution in the vertical would be a sort of moothed distribution curve. A cur.veote feeoH(z) = z e k <*5> *est representative of the pieture that has been presented. above foxaula 0 and k ak. constants. would be In the While this foaula could have KMS 10.5 THE 8.75 GRAPH Z- H (Z) ze k 7.0 5.25 3.5 1.75 0 H (Z) DISTRIBUTION OF LATENT VERTICAL HEAT OF (IDEALIZED) FIG. I CONDENSATION IN THE 0. served the purpose of this problem physically; it creates ame di.ficulty in the integration of the differential equation (04). A new distribution that is close to (35) but that presents no dif- ) ficulty in the solution of (04) is sought, and the town H(z) =-z e~z (Zk-( ' is found to satisfy these requiremets. C. Barimtal distribution et heatinm in the stamm and in th~e veaiien If vs consider a stor= or a heat source to be eyllandrical we oupeot the distribution of heating due to latent heat in the horisontal to be unif en d sost intense around the centre and then gradually to deerease as vs mve away frt this point. Amwy tres this cylindrical structure we might epect asme heating as in the squall line although this would be auch less than in the cylandrieal region and its effects could he disregarded. The heating distribution alg the horisoetal fram the ground to about 700 sbs, ight be considerably ditterent, sine. fras coMMon enperieso and observations we find that such a layer or region is always cooler than the enirement. The work of ?ujita (1957) supports this. It is due to this cold layer that s have the so called "Nwso highVl the squall line region. i D sroand Brahan (1940) and Nevertheless it s take a aroes snetiomal slice of the cylinder at a height Z such $1. that the thiekabss is Az, we might asem that the latest heat distribution along the hOle erose seetional surtas of my such disc that 0ould be out out ot the eyliader is initemn. This type of pieture iamdiately suggests a restangular pulse, of possibly unit aplitude. pulses W might therefore think of the rws of heat surees as ouch that between eacb of the ouser the heating is se and in the region ot the heat souree the amplitude ineases Sarply to unity. The question of the spaing -betwem these heat sources is also important, beoese ouch spacings deteumine regiess whee we Might expect preaipitaties. Siana we think ot eact heat sure as a generator Of new beat sources, it might be Smful to ash tether after ese tine the whole regis would not be UniteSly keated and ISequtly there would be no distinct regions where the heating appmniably exceeds that of others, It is ageted here that tw heated region exists, the moel breaks doe such a unifosly empletely and this might be one of the factors centributing to the dissipation o the squall line after it has been ative for as ppreoible length of time (usually 3 - S hr). lowever, the problem in this paper is concerned only with the ftt. ot the well spaeod heat sourees having the distri- bution that has been deertbed in previous paregraphs A. mh beating is assued to be independent of time. The spacing between thes heat sources is asined to be twie the dieater of seA heat source. This assumption is not asoesosary nor is it aseesosry that all th heat 32, sotuces be eqally spmeed and of the amse dimensions. aasptione I iavatge In asking moh The only the siaplielty ot the mathe- atimal eputatlos Involved. heating distributios In the horimsatl Is agreed upon, If mwh a the ?ourIer mile. suggests itself as a asoae of breaking dow the pulse Into the s-o el aui=eidal was and empreing the Spesings between the heat surmes. man be represented The heating distribution In the horlesetal ouwrier theorem, applied to a weetaugular pulse as by employlng the 00 HMx ~ + Q LL cvCos nT)( +6,ssnrx] (37) L L eh.re c 1 =Lf H(x) c,,s nn x (,) - H(x) sin nFr ax (3.) -L k= LIL2L ci 0 -L L H(= 1 = 0 for oxr -f/ 4 2d i elsewhere. no Here Qo is ehose to be sa" steady state hypothesi. sources Ibile ~ In order to be omeisteat with the 2. L .mo.s the dIstamms. .e.w..s*t. deates the dim.ter of a heat sou beat ., L H(x) sin 1EXY, d LL = si x u 4 -00 /a L f~ = Jx + o s a dx + o'.Ssin n1Tx L o Gimilarly L H(x) Cos -L :os nI rxxx L L Ax -'liz 4. - L nTr nT H- Hx> fl7 2~Ls~r-n/. L- 2L 2L L. H (X) -2.5 0 2. I__'7 7.5 12.5 x K MS RECTANGULAR PULSES OF UNIT A MP LITUDE IN DIME N S 1ON S FIG. 2 DISTRISUTION OF LATENT HEAT TWO 70 3.;- 1.75..'..//////////////////////... - 2.5 2.5 -- X DISTRI3UTIO N OF LATENT LINE OF KMS HEAT OF STORMS FIG. 3 CONDENSATION IN A 35. V. SOLUTION OF T NTIAI, ,WATION DIm Fram the discussion of the distribution at the heating tuetion and beam we are interested In a tastIon that would be oepavable we cam write H ' we. H i. = H H(z) H ) a .eeptaat. HI = It follows thef that sin nf. H.z e nT y onsiderig the all hemoen L 2L alone, the equation 2. -u beeames 2 Ze VW, (z-3) T.L.e V)Tr +h ks in h]i-. c.-s rmx 2.L L TO Q& Y1 I If we further assums that 4 fhere kestuand = Aiz)ke e Le. for ""eal part ot" the equation (43) beos (42) s. n, - *-ZT (43) This equatia Is of the ton A = e 44)- L a .'>' 0,i- n.r The *mplmNtaWy while s*utiO h patilar to (4) Is given by Cie. =C,e X ±An + C2. solution Is given by jd, _-_ = , x) _ C2 (x) The general Soue + C(x) efTn e = C1(x) = C 2L Is given by x (rA + 2________ )4,+__-.F - A2,, ex n xj ( L 7~ $7. = 9 +j i0e. +' I A 4-C + Cr4x Cie FA TAlX (45) Applying this result to (48) we oat write -/ e F,,+ z (4) +2e +C,e (KZVA-,- whore Z ZA- +4An'k The subeript t deAote that the quatity la ftanstio of n. Nw the bswaawy eSndItions ae that \4= W=O 0 at Z=O at Z : (growd) (tropopa) Applying the bemUdary endition (47) to equation (48) we have (47) (48) 38. O0 Fn + C I+ C. = . C, + C2. () By applylng ts condition (48) we have HeMoe T... C + e +, .. V t. the C, . ..... I + a C ad c YTh1T1 when n~i (50) and w have L~AQ f/k ( +* + Ren 2I d * UO e the solution of equation (34) Is gives by A,(.Z) -ei~ f4 tJAZ]+ a IFp AV~ fp k4 39. es/k eg zsink ZAi L the came *.a NMv amelf = ' 4-A (z) LpzL C, n e &z]+ (c,+c) cos z + - + C. (c,-c4 siz Applying the bad-netsa 00aition (47) we have o . -'P C + =+ C, + C2. = Applying the ocnditios (4) o - = -e64 [f C2 (1) we be +(c,+c2 )Cosp +j COSR I X - Sin solmang for C, and LLIC~ Ca ers (51) and (83) we hw +c,-cstg (52) 40. -e C, - C [fp ln2) + FcS c (f Im+l) + _I] Fitc(O AM Smn~ C, 10nse ad C2aWe OaMples umbe, one of them being the retloo- tieo Ot the othwr Ia the Real amiso that Is C is the ea0plea O"mJw- gate of kz - C2. e~ cos +±Si-p-z rn k) j The genral slutto to equaties (34) is them given by z =00O Sined 2L T U.* ( QD k) n1Trl~~g7 . u0r I. k gjLK LE uLQk Ll ' tk s - )z7 Cos nTrx L 41. i-T0 U2-0 2LT 2 n'TrZ- 11 std, U-1 Stnk sin4 -~- ___. It' ( ,A=n 2- 2CLo + . 22 Q2 a + Ya L 2Tuo2- n-Tr ZL +;- )zJCos Y4 42 a Sin ~E ni7T L4~ 2,L 441 h1Tr I l2 l+ ~tZ L~ Cos4B~§-n~ C>-, +j ~~-_ fX n16 2* /-k X (k+± (Au 702-To- Cois hTFX + Loz + n"Tr' -7 sb-I LU Lc -u 02. 9 Cos nX t E __ -I 43. The solution (58) is eebersen that itw had aisned a the towa ot the enough. -ntant wind hw .seltloa would he the aem, tios msted her sm* that esgept that that amob a toa Would nt sad. Is the problea, - * bz () lapwoe the asamp- ad that In the *am of the phere muoh a tSa would only atteet the peta* t istigatIon It _3I _ +p.2Thee c- + 0C-- It Is it is of Intewst to sate affles to ematda table atmo- mm.. For this the *amof so vad dsar. 43. Vn A iwcT =MORA ganes at te soluton (83) flows ta all the tans estain atasterILI n2Tr 9 o- ot the faster it follows that whenever , the soliition __-. Also the dastaelt wan amber is the would "blow up". to this reasae pota e eloest W d. not han mAsh bloieups IA the atuo- phere probebly beooua the banes of haling such a regular atuatiou as In this eadel, and the asset relatis fer nressMe, ane slim. Anoter possibility IS that if the abephewe started to blew up* oter taters whict han bee@ sglected would prbably beans Lastly - bae the possibility tat the wavelength. tw ASprtant. -m preferred valuea for 2. L. This is libsly to be important sine in a squall line the spawtg of the atems Sasld be iaportant in detesising the new region. in hit it is intesting to note that hew the abqPhee stability sAch a there an appreciable vertieal actions. [c nesm = o r it it is unstable efteet is eliiata d sd wee umnr destat in this model has neutral a negative one is always thew VII * CAM OP PO8TItB STATIC STAMLITY AWD ITS ANATYIS a8 te geneal 00lation at te quateIO (583) AS It stands C.. to peItivel . To get tion (34). distribution ot WA in gpage, we need to evalwat and then apste W . In ash Vsputatos dIttewsatial e of the ame Ide all the esatana the follewbig valvo aew employed a TO S00e **ea./* .. 'do 3x' -1 TO U0 k L a 10kts:: * 5.0 has S*me a 5.0 kne 3 3 3.5 hes 8.5 lae a 10.5 lase The athw has cM puted the latest heat ot eondesation tres stoe Jn a autall life tras quantItatIve weder data tahm Sueh eenputed values were in reough at M.I.T., Cambridge. Ieement with thes given by 45. 1 H 0. the tollo <To d* e0- - 6- Br-hm 0ate ofeleae isa -o w et letast heat et omdesnsation frm s muse. "A ot the atoms is given b 7. x 10 I aS6ta The dienster ot the st*e is 6 ma.. eglindrwial thee the It the stems wae igarid e ross seetiaoa area is givem by -E x 25x I0~ m2 13 Beat is '7"~.55 {7 0 o xCfcs. 4 x 10 0 = .... mA c z-P -kHze H. m ~5 5 x 10'Se x 2L 4 kj sec see - z-a + Hok c4k. xI50 z VrT3 e- sec- Is appAlition Ot the anodI to a essall lint, UL een be thoaght ot as the relative veloeity Ot the eaniwonsset and the stoes. Thisseene thft the evwonU O = Ue - Us hvse Ue isthe velo ity ef t is the veleeity ot the stoms. that the hat sme The pertation are stationses Nee the assmption woid he valid hae. ftyemliwns ean b enpuated by mplo"Ne the Owe- tiuity equatein 1Xu ()x - bzw bz =o 46. .- ots" n r ear IN ' (Xi z) nle r.A p,. U" bx I 2a z IN' =, lstgntl fSx 2Tr±ECosnpiIzr r* YW/ 4- Ce L) by. hto= wo hole L (F+ E)sin nr d.". C, t. th. .... at r + CI 4-) ++ I<%=s1 nYj L F ttoa. ad F -r easly eeamsn two the ealsa (BR>. It is ale. pei.ib)e to oaspete the tota streamia up the alme aa t a6tna s.n. tz) .sastaot. h in naoS 4a =-uz + C2 wtotal etasll en . s. i .aa slam at tb petur- rntnrwn stroenua. ad th . Themabsswbwsta se mu l by , 15 gt e hr - u dz c2. .awsrwy a eampetea amipeI as am 47, lagprn 41 ftraaliaes or trasOtoriss are indiosted by the solid line. They epreOt the - the uadisturbed wtnalite. oft the pertrbatte and Th. first ftlo (or beat maros) upstrem is a..n by dadt line enlosig the regien -L.B 2.6 to. Sine we asses that to Sm nrd 2L ianse4aSOn (al) sen" for all af hanso it is W . are usad in the cptatis. H sigatiosty. a 3.x 21 1r 8 . the taster Sm nDI amsees vales of n, tead that wsay the tirt d=L ?- 0 ad . aly the odd From the emputatioss, odd hsios 4als a cotribute 0c *1 and the valUe of the heatiag at the tropOpaUss is asumIed to be 1/10 ot its awno valUe. . Clouds ae skethed In the plae hene they say be eapetted to toa it as auttietet astute Is available. A I .15 I .5 I 5 1 1 1.5 5 12 25 55 45 35 X --- KMS FIG 4 , 65 75 85 95 105 115 49. TIII* CAR O INDFERNT OR For this *ase = 0 b_ bz 4ition Lmr 0- KVRAL. NTABILITY AND ITS ANALYS1S or -T n 1T N =0 . i* > -A. L for all valius of yj . fl = I from the following n=) c Therefoe the suwation in ("$) ill be n = co . Making this subetitution we have to emalt l- Sin 02 W = this eem- To U nm - + n2Le ZL z-. (fl-fr) L ZI C(.S nTX +4 L L k eL 4H, st Sinh {n L sin -F -I Z sink nT -Z T) I nrr + n2. 'L-. + f Tr L L k L In this *ase the waNS nasber -n doinates. Cos nT X L 00. Figure 5s As la figure 4. the solid lines do streaullnes. the total The positien af the first heat sour". uptwee is shin by the dashed straght lines. sources a"e samed domette. All the other heat Clouds ae sketoehd i the ploes where they may be expected to to= it sufftelent sole- ture Is avallable. a 2.4 x 10 *als a see . This value is one itnth of the value used in the caputation for the case of the stable atmosphere. to avoid excessive amplitudes. This is dose in order As in figure 4 only the first few odd ham"entes ootribute sigaiticantly. ~' >1 25I 555 II 175L - S 15 25 35 45 55 X - FIG S' 65 KMS 75 85 95 5 15 125 Os3. IWSION or 1= Ix. A Case of the~ stab1 SLTS ataane the undisturbsd str at the leves linS v 4S'As % $' -/s rs vespetively. and point was eloest Sine in this particular anlysis the reamms to 3.50 5.25. rereesented by the total 7.00 ad 8.75 Ims Sea porturbed - stralinea labelled 1.7. ae nuber three, we apct that all the streeslines wuld defplet acme ohareteristica of this we departure tre this pattern. Clearly T, aces a ambr. Th waelength ot this strealiss is *qual to the upecing btween the two beat uOor"e. It is the longest wavelengt. It is toad that 44 is 10w out ot phase wit , W, This phase ditteence night be attributed to the tact that varies sisuiCIdally with Z. . W Sad the btta of the applied to he sautiof t the diftteetial eipatiea. such out ot phase patterns alled siges ta tloas in vibrating qstms sore ces Ts* is type Ot variatiSn Was introdweed Sn the boundary oaeditions at the tropopus atoaphere en and suh as sed mas e smally obtaiaad in a spherial amity. or y the vibrating string. It is interesting to not tat the weae are esastly in phase and the mplitade et the 1 andp m, wae is greatest. Near the regi.n wre this eplitde is m.a.s, the vertical velecity S3. is of the order of 4. s/a. should be remebered tat This result i It very remarkable. it is at ths level that we have the a=I- This result therefore indiates that the relative me heating. heating intensity or heating distribution p1ays a anjor role in detewmining the levels and msgsitudms of the vertiaal motions that are obtaned. bosus of the above correlation between the region Where we have maimsA relas of latent heat and the vertical motions that occur in that level, it would be interesting in the Osall lime studies to investigate the wind direction at the level 3 bas or 3 hs and to -W it level. -m ells toem in the dEtion of the wind in ouch a It this were so, then the result of the present analysis between 2 Ins and @Jos could be interpreted as the behaviour of the atmosphere Ahen all the assAptions made in this problem are takes into consideration. wve TIe large amplitude in the caused by the sisoidal variation of W with 7- might be and possibly related to the artificial eOnstraint placed at the tropopase level. In general therefore, the total strealine pattern between 2 bus and 0 No indicates that the most tavourable positions for vertical motion Which aight initiate precipitation are regions close to the trost edge of the first heat seure and the rear edge ot the seat heat soure *Obteen these regions are two other smaller regions that are also farourable. The region halt way between the two heat sources is the most unfavourable region for the develoent of cloads. 4f Around Minh a region we have generally dessesding Sation, It is possible that it the speings of the heat soues were ditterent and the diaenoe Of the heat soe s have obtained a ditterent distributim of presipitatto. re not the se., we sight regi"M tleurtde to This is the resin W it was mentioned earlier that the denims and speags of the heat eares crit ally attest the results et the problem. It would be desirable to selider a am where the spacings an arbitry adthe dimensions of the heat seurns -e ditterent. Utah a eas would definitely be aoathatieally campliated hut *hatever reult is obtained, it ebould rednes to the result band in this study, be identieal, and wen the h8at sates are assued to en the spacag between two is assed to be twine idaeOent heat sumes the diaeter of a beat ewarns. Mh solution obtaiet here is therefore a speoial sass ot a as gevel soluttn. there ta. doubt that sh a general solution if obtaed pesmit a better applieticm to the sall Would line. Aother sigatitnst point to note is that the trejeetery ot a per- eel originating at point A wald be the streaoline * The Stres- line the se ti made. On the assumption that the parel Is kept almas moist and as the trajestaries siase a teady state hypothess that the level 5 is the a-neatiMn level fe asch a parn, we find that ep$t i the regims between A and 3, C and D, S ad 7, 0 ad N I and J. sAck a pansel mild onon. throughout its path. The inteneity o, of the presipitatios Wmiud defiaitely be a htiOn of the posities of the parel. This result thereftoe indicates that ten tour or five ideatital stoms heo arnaed themselves in a line sua that the whole system a- be regarded as a smgall line, and that it initially there vere no weak regions of precipitation between sack eqaIly spaed and idential astems, then the latet hat of cotdenatiow released by these stones to eagh to trigger weak precipitatics regions between ay of the two stomas, aS Is amnly oserved by a suttaintly sensitive rekder uh a the MVCML the resalt also indicates that the original stem wold tend to break itself into two, so that a stem treoahr or a adar eteorelogiat who originally regnedd the origin as the entre ot gravity of the first heat sore (or atom), wald after a tme find that in the region of the first stom, he c0ld dietinguhO twe difterent Oe- tres of grarity of new cellsa , Cas t lm otabnlt e with ntma The total atamaines in this ease are labelled a4 Nten 44 nd ', . lbe ae the acterpafla of reqwetively. 4j. lj. E . '4. The strealies is the neutral Stmsnphere are all i phase ad the waelengths are leer thaw W4. thorn oof '14 and wes. This rselt is to be espe!ted aince in the case of the neutral go. atmosphere, wae number OnW daiates. The mWelngths ot the N4 Warl ,g (4d are the sMe ad they are twice the diameter of the heat soure. and of are tond to be greatest; at The amplitudes .t 14 Waa thns. are in the region heating. As in the ease of the stable atmophere, the analysis here indicate that regions at the trout edg. of the first heat souree and region at the rer Of the mst heat soeroe (desnstas a) Would be most taounsble for the initiation of - conective c0116. analysis alm indieates that the general region halt ewi two favourable regios would be most untavosrable. The bnetmen those Twe umaSa ver- tieSl sotiom Is the region of rising attien is fOund to be about 14.4 e/000. for the same aount of heating used in the case of a stable atmosphere. 3m the *covective streamline plotted, in order to rede the very large amplitudes tat The amplitudes are proportional to H, -L [. is used 10 ight hare resulted. . Th. remlt ot this analysis clearly supports our eapeetation that whetn an indifferent ate e is subjected to the same disturbance as a stable atmsphere, the tosmer atmosphere wmit react more asaitively than the latter, Nor tis reas. the resulting region of vigorous vertical actions is more eatensive than that for a stable atmosphere. Squal l uually ocur is relatively ustable regoe, th .7, ep epet that the nasult of fhe ustna cloest to wbat Sald be obtained is s"al a..hure 1i ld be air masses. The result e1 the motral atoephere indietes that there woald be lawge Vertleal settee is a fairly large regies. It to pessible tha the squall Its iseiepeontes the properties of the results @ both the stable eat natral atespheres. ".0 x. It EGSgTIONS IDR aUR WORK mold be interesting to s-e it a model for a single stoea or Mat mee miald be dran. ftch a nodel would be aere advetageaus than ne with eany regularly paed and identieal heat searos as was inestigated in this problem, ease of several It said be need to study the regularly spaced Stomss; also it emid be used to verify the ease presented in this paper study cannot be used to study the es The technique used in this t a e staom model, author has tried to apply this technique to a -m flet has obtained a trivial reslt. The ease and he It therefore seems that a new approack to the Aore general problem must be sought. It is possible that we sight Mt seesarily employ the type of the ditterential equation (34)o. If a method Chould be found weby the stieas fneties for enly -ne disturbance is obtained, wn sight then £ind the useessary *auditions for reinfoement and sncellations ot strem functiens generated by adjacent stms. Such a meadl ight threw seame light in te growth or dissipation ot squall lines. The pieture would be more camplate it the medal were to take te following into oesideratie:s I vertical motions is the steam iscluding the horizontal shear of the vertical wind ii etaisemt s. 111 uwd sham 1v groud v trictlos and viscosity elea" of lateNt heat a vi turbulsane WheA all thes be spread of n b beet. tactors are taken int. ossidertia the model would son realistic than the eane prsented In this study. It Is possible that sMoc a picture would be siilar to the proble of heating frm belos tee to radiaties Ow saw other astre For siaplicity sWt a 8otel could be teatd first la t (a-S) plan. of heat. dimesias U. COLURN0 A general and strict rule about te squall line here. behaviour of sells in a annot be sad an the basis of the studies vsdertalmn This is beaes the assumpttoss nplay" in the Omputation have reduocd the results to a special ass of a sore general solution. Therefore any deduetens made should not be gennissd. Resever, on general conelasien that the latest heat ef d sni ti the results do at tst aotions beteses any two in a line of stoes. adiest. Is appreciably the vertical Awbert (19M) in his study of the efftet of latent beat C" large scale atmospherie notion of the eyeldoe type arrived at the emlussion that he beat released during the sademOtisa preess has a Immediate signifisa t offset on the lango Male vertical aetin field in the vicinity of the Oedenatiae. Re ase oeSladed that he greatest inIrease La te vertical motion due to the latest beating Occurs at or Oear the level of seetsm rate Ot eenana0ti. The results .t the current study are in egreeset ith this latter senelusion. It is reaonal to eonlude also that if in a squall line the stesa arrange themselves in such a way that the assnptioas mad in this study are Justified, then the steespherte behavieur in the squall line region would be inserporated in the results obtained in this study. It Should be emphasised that the heat sources are supposed to be #1, iidepeest of tie. Rim9e the lifetme Qf sters iS a squall line is about t0 alss, to ns hour, we culd eonsider that assimptims ande tor the heat smures are Osit should be obtained within the interval of about 10 sa, to 4$ mias. wimthin te lite of the sato=. The steady state hypothesis. This should the be emistent with te results of this study couid then be istevpueted as what shald be obtained at the interval of 10 mins, to 45 mis, after the first sets of cells have toned on the amaptics that they ae all in a lime. r The results for the stable abopre in1ate that it the is Moideasatioa tins made in this study an valid, the latest heat of secenry for the generatiOn of the general wide spread region of preipitation between ny two stoe spread precipitation This in a squali line. gion is observed This type of wide dar. n th AICM4s aodel has its ams detects, When aplied to the squall line. The air between any two stosas in a squall line does not is general ohansteristies as the atmsphere far tro haen the me stems any of the The vertical wind shear ad its variatios has been neglected is this model. Sba (1908) has sen that for the thirteen eass of pretrostal squall lines he studied all aSwed that a definite wind Sear existed between the areos gestrphis wind and the 700 ab wind. wind shears owes foud ahead of the sqWall lines Anderson (190) has tabulated the wind field in the maulsm cleads he studied. Sees the effeet of horisontal Sea Suh of the vertical wind. is table It is n . possibl, that large eonvetive system like canulaaflus clouds would how some eftots of both borisoutal sad vertieal wind Shear. 3itally, it must be amntioeed that radar study of asesoeale systems is cenparatively young and that it might be helpftl it instreentattion for quatitative meama euuld be improved to give a better idea of the level at thich maias oadesaatie is released In a stem. 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