Determination of Martian Surface Reflectivity From 0.4 to 1.1 Micron Using a Vidicon Spectrometer by Douglas John Mink Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Master of Science at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology May, 1974 / U ' Z -. vr n Planetary Sciences, May 20, 1974 Department of Ejrth Cer t i f ied by: -w W-9 Accepted by: Chairman, Departmental Commi ttee on Graduate Students WITHDRN MITL ? Room 14-0551 MITLibraries Document Services 77 Massachusetts Avenue Cambridge, MA 02139 Ph: 617.253.5668 Fax: 617.253.1690 Email: DISCLAIMER OF QUALITY Due to the condition of the original material, there are unavoidable flaws in this reproduction. We have made every effort possible to provide you with the best copy available. If you are dissatisfied with this product and find it unusable, please contact Document Services as soon as possible. Thank you. Some pages in the original document contain pictures, graphics, or text that is illegible. pag . Determination of Martian Surface Reflectivity from 0.4 to 1.1 Micron Using a Vidicon Spectrometer by Douglas John Mink Submitted to the Department of Earth and Planetary Science in part-ia.I fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science on May 23, 1974 ABSTRACT A new astronomical instrument, the vidicon spectrometer,. is being developed at the M.I.T. Planetary Astronomy Laboratory. Based on the silicon diode vidicon system currently in use there, a low dispersion prism is added between the vidicon image tube and the telescope, allowing digital vidicon photographs to he taken df spectra. These spectra are stored on magnetic tape and computer processed to create intensity vs. wavelength curves for stars -Ind The high spatial resolution of the vidicon imagle tubte, planets. combined with a higher spectral resolution than photometer fil ters currently -inuse at M.I.T. give this instrument potent ial in the study of planetary surface composition from spectral ref lectivitt.. Procedures for reducing the vidicon images to spectra have bf'en tested on a set of spectra of tio stars and the planet Mlars. It is concluded that the viclicon response is not linear enough wi th variations In exposure time at lot, levels of incoming light for consistent star spectra. although it works well with Mars clue to the planet's larger intensity where the vidicon tube has i ts The spectrometer slit is so narrow (one seconr poorest response. of arc for this data) that var iations in refraction of light from a point source by the atmosphere .caw1r'e ,tar spectra of variable clualitl. Because of the lou quality of the star spectra. direct spectral rrflectivity measurenwnts (which are obtained using Mars to star ratios) proved to be impossible. Although further tests of the spectral and intensi ty response of the silicon dinde Vidicon should be carried out in the laboratory before good results can be gua-anteed, the presont Mars spectra may probably be used in conjunction With photometer-derived reflectivity data to expand coverage of the surface of Mars. Thesis Advisor: 'Thomas B. McCord Title: Associate Professdr of Planetary.Physics page 3 Acknowledgements Numerous people were involved in the design and construction of the.vidicon spectrometer, although I have only met a few. Professor Thomas B. McCord, Mr. Jeffrey Bosel, and Ms. Carle Pieters have been informative about the design of the hardware, as well as the conditions under which they obtained the Mauna Kea data. Dr. Robert Huguenin lent his insight into the problems of Martian surface composition, as well as criticizing an early draft of this thesis. spectrometer, Stevp Kent, who i4 also working with the provided criticism and astronomical knowledge. My spouse. Catherine, has greatly aided me financially' and morally. while David McOonald greatly expedited the production of this thesi.s. with the aid of several computers. pag' 4 Table of Contents I. Introduction page 5 II. The Vidicon Spectrometer- page 9 111. page 16 Image Processing IV. Anal-ysis of Data V. Recommendat ions for Future Use page 27 page 50 page 5 1. Introduction surfsce about infrared the as experiments such From composition. of quantity learned was little Mars,~ planet the information about vast a returned has 9 Mariner Although spectrometer., particle size and silica composition were estimated, but these. determinations had error bars useless so great as to be nearly composition of the conclusions about In reaching surface materialso-f rars. the Until the Viking Lander in 1976, there is no way to physically look at a Martian rock with instruments. moot Probably the technique useful for surface composition is reflectance spectroscopy. that limonite, constituent. a hydratdd Dollfus (1961), reflected by Mars , studying the polarization of light oxide, iron was sensing remotely concluded a major probably Hovis (1365) observed absorption bands in the near- infrared reflectivity of limonite and suggested that they would be a diagnostic test for limonite on Mars. Sagan et al (1365) compared absorption pands they observed in laboratory specimens of lisonite to Dollfus' surface data. microns Martian albedo curves a with at least some limonite was not inconsistent with the Adams (1968) observed absorption bands between 0.5 and 2.5 in many iron-bearing varied significantly from caused and concluded that by electron minerals, mineral to transitions in the positions mineral. iron ions bands i.n hydroxyl iokns and water molecules. of which These bands are and by vibrational Adams suggests that page G the absorption feature observed in Tull's (1966) geometric albedo curve is not inconsistent with a hydrated basalt composi tion. The feature observed at one micron in their spectra is not due to iron Adams anrd in iron oxides, but to iron ions in silicates. (1969), opposition They that concluded obtained during the for bright aras the the dark areas those from of the was the surface and hydrated 0i;7 ihad Mar ti:in conposed of a oxides. The iron composed of of the were modelled as being and dark areas same.material curves oxidized basalt combination of bright that discovered different shapes than surface. albedoes geometric using McCnrd in different degrees of oxidation. McCord and see (1971, Westphal and Elias, McCord, also Westphal, 1971) observed Mars during the 1969 opposition and noted that the iron ion absQrp-tions were in different places, compositional and three differences. bright, each indicating Seven areas were observed, five being about Martian four dark longitudinal From this data, much compositional analysis degrees in diameter. has been. done (see Figure I for examples of mineral ref lectivities compared to Mars); generalizations about Despite over of the the rest Hellas basin remain uncovered; coverage at higk $pectral sample, small obtained during made. be the 1973 as the Coprates canyon what and is needed is tihole disk A new has been developed to obtain the and technique, vidicon spectroscopy, a surface cannot spots twenty additional opposition, such interesting features the such from however, spatial resolution, page 7 -j MOAB . ARABIA I - tI li- 0- .. - 5 U- 1.00 0 z 4w -- 0.00 0 z S10J '003 0.3 0.5 11 WAVELENGTH (p) -j .4. 0.5 .O WAVELENGTH (p) AREA 59/74 Cr. iiIfifif - 01wI )J N3 *-*0 ~ 1.00- 0.00 1 L t -1 0.3 05 WAVELENGTH (p) Figure 1. Comparison of Mars dark area reflectivity to reflectivity of sheet silicates. Note resemblance to the clay minerals, kaolinite and montmorillonite. (Courtesy Dr.Robert Huguenin) 1.5 ' ) WAVELENGTH (Mm) page 8 desired high resolution ful -disk coverage. that technique. This thesis describes page 3 11. The Vidicon Spectrometer The silicon diode array vidicon *was originally developed for television and picturephone use, but because of its large range, high quantum efficiency, and used by a growing number linear response, it is being of astronomers as a digital for photographic plates. factor as and McCord development of a at photography and on an RCA Planetary (see silicon Figure developed as a sets similar reflectivity for 2). tube those work at reported Using filters used MIT. Kunin on the Laboratory with of the This system a peak with this system photometer, photometers As reported would give the by McCord 1.1 has been using for is quantum sloping off to about 6% at two-dimensional imaging to (1972), single-frame astronomical Astronomy vidicon vidicon spectrometer which the have a the resolution- Technology (MITPAL). efficiency of 85% at 6.5 microns, microns (1973) vidicon system the are McCord and Westphal Bosel Massachusetts Institute of based however, that is not atmospheric conditions limiting factor in astronomy. (1972), replacement The only advantage a photographic plate has over a vidicon is spatial resolution; limiting dynamic filter spectral and Bosel, spatial resolution a of vidicon combined' with a greater spectral resolution than such a vidicon photometer is under development. The vidicon spectrometer is attached telescope. to the front is basically an optical syctem end of Schematically it consists the vidicon system of a low-dispersion which on the prifm page 10 >4. 20 0.~~4.4 + . + 6008 .012 WAVELENGTH IN MICRONS Figu re 2. Quantum efficiency of the RCA vidicon. This is the percentage of incoming photons which the diode array and affect it as opposed to being reflected or passing through without being absorbed. This graph was made by averaging the published curve over 250 angstrom segments. . page 11 through 'hich 'light from a slit telescope is passed. dispersed image refocused onto The the surface practice this is done situatecIat of the of the the focus of the vidi con slit is then diode array. In through a system of mirrors (see Figure 3 for detai ls) to avoid the infrared absorpt ion of lenses. The vidicon tube consists of a 1024 by 1024 array of revereae biased diodes. A photon impinging on the vidicon target in a decrease in charge i n the diode read out by scanning the diode recharges the diodes array wi th an ele ctron beam as it hits them prod ucing known. which current a By knowing where the inten si ty at eac h location in the is at any given time, the diode array 'can be The image is it reache s. proportional to the amount of charge Ios t. beam resul'ts These intensity elements are then passed on to be recorded and displayed (for further detai Is on the electronics of a silicon vidicon see Crowell and Labuda (1363)). The vidicon is read out as 250 rows of 256 image elements, which corresponds physically to four diodes. resolution less accurate positioning scan, electron beam. still In each of such a is required loier of the No data is lost, and the vidicon's resolution better than the atmosphere allows. is The intensity image is amplified, recorded on magnetic tape, and displayed on a slow scan TV monitor. processing. A This image for further computer The spectrometer system is diagrammed in Figure 4. portion of Figure 5. is then available a vidicon The elements spectrometer image along the column is presented in correspond to spatial page 12 CAMERA image is in focus BAFFLES LOW DISPERSION PRISM SPHERICAL MIRROR BAFFLES VIDICON ' image is in focus here Figure 3. Optics of the MITPAL vidicon spectrometer. The telescope is to the right. Figure 4. The MITPAL vidicon system with the spectrometer attached. page 14 elements along the slit. Wavelength is along the abscissa. The magnitude of each element is proportional to the current from vidicon the diode array at the time a corresponding diode uas read by the scanning electron beam. into a spectrum. The image is now ready to be turnerd 6 f 1l aidl Viet o9.1 1.61 066 L91 T91T 19owI1l a1fl uT 119so Iloqu wuoq SUflX 31 esjyq jo aftwT IaitUozaaadS uo3TpTA alo JO uopxod v U 1800~B~~t lISs 0Z muloo 891 911 U11 II se1 911 09T~T7T7T~LTL1~9T~T CD? ?Z t0? 907 10? Q61 LOt ?tZ 68Z C0% 41 69? 6C~~6 9Q 2 1 ~I V~~6C 0 Z2S 61S t z2 994 2** ~11[ - 1~ ~1 21S 0I '(E19 ?0i1 16M. tab q69 62a tva LF69 I Z6 1 11 b96 9l0 1(-11 9L41 U/l 4;1.k1 M i.I 1 9a. 1 6441 q191 1691 9111 o71 '1641 6'91 01 bAi ZI LEE 811 '981 91 vi1? (1? 19E 15E C.91 S -7('1 0'1 i991 L?!.1 I I 1691 161 1191 117 d1?? 611 LOT ZII II1 ~40~~61 69±1 4z 5 Z 7? i VU 0S7 Zzi 11 S91 1IP1 91V1 Cs 6061 10? 107 P112 112 61el0 14./ (Z2 e64.? 6/t ?01;zZ 0912 (.112 Cz~7?(z / 604 12eT at1,? I 94? S0l91 19921? 6z6? 4244 912? (40 (75 t1 L/61 100e 5102 Li214 1022 LU0/ IL2 L40? 211 ~4122~ 1 SRI 1111 9?2 671Z 0962 618191 Usti 6? 001 61? ~2 O Al1 i5 4~ 1 691 - 149 66/ 04 091 2L1 1 f1 E1 LS1 61 41I1 1p Il1 CS I . 1 991 191 591 Op t PI 511? 59/7 441 V0k2 L6 ILE? Z LI'? 654 014 1LZ!6 419 165 48? 90? tLI 9v1 94? 466 L1'2 910? 0qginx 91 11 4il 161 1 til 1 -LI I i M1 I -9 181 081 ZI SIT ~-061~7671 6T~ 1 R~T 161 -5-sT -r -TT6T 761~r6T~6-T~96 -1 '#1_ 1/ 114 il? M11? ?. 4. e 1e SU 1te Wk Orz M* L1 917~ 11. 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Image Processing that must be first processing The convert the " column is This wavelength. coordinate into image is done to the to clono through the use of a calibration function: S= -SO+ So, , and =) + 0 (X'- xO) (S+ So)- C being. three constants determined from three column number-wavelength correspondences as fol lows: C =N( - ) (St+ SO) (S2+SO) so-St+(XXS ($- - $St) (4-t4)(S2-Si)( - S Si-X) 6 - A) So.= -S + (C -9 $ - 2 C 9 .. These correspondences are obtained show4n in Figure periodically G). From is known - (see Figure 7 .for as a function of varies Figure 8 for a sample sharp emission lines fav this calibration, as data is taken, spectrometer by observing the lamp with known of a calibration image 0 S -i which is redons: the wavelength-column relationship an example). wavelength, as The resolution would be also expected (see dispersion function plotted from the first derivative of the calibration function). Now enough is known to process a spectral image. A program 0. 64.00 Figure 6. 98.00 128.0 VIDICON COLUMN 180.00 192.00 2N, A spectrum of the calibration source, indicating vidicon intensity of each vidicon element along one row. Assigned wavelengths are indicated. I.0 V1DCu)2 F.125 Sir 35.0 La LC= 0.1541 0.3139 ? 1 0.3145 ;. 31,f 4 0.3158 5 0.357 S3* 199.5 L3s 0.809 - SO*-263.2354 Cz-41.73d8 0.3.133 1 57.5 L2= 0.3317 S4= 0.8248 0.8357 C.8471 203 201 153 0.526C 0.524~ 0.5328 155 0.5398 205 51 - C.3508 0.31~~ 52 0.3527 53 151 .')4 0.3*416 0.4114 101 02c0.413~152 103 0.4146 55 0.3546 105 0.4179 10 _- 0.8708 6 0.36456~~.35~5~~106~~d.419~~156~0.543~3~~~2'6~~~~8834~ 0.8963 207 0.5470 157 . 0.4213 107 (.3565 57 7 C.317G 9 T58~ ti 0.~3~17 C.1113 59 6 M.0169 ia 17 16 19 zu /1 03216 0.3243 C.32t0 .2 0.3264 67 le i 0.34271 72 79 80 81 82 e3 0.3314 C.3401 0.3411 0.34190.3965 0.1428 85 86 81 88 P9 90 161 162 163 115 0.4357 Figure 7. 0.5190 215 1.C194 167 0.5878 211 1.0569 169 111 .076 1.0977 219 0.5970. O 20 1.A195V 67 0618 6 221 1:1424 0:6C66 4 U.3810 0.3H83 063396 0910 0.3113 0. 11 0.31r51 0.6167 I 0:6272 6 0.6381 223 224 745 119 1 101 . 1 016496 229 0. 6617 0.667 016743 2 184 0-60.03 23 113 174.6219 128 1 14 135 136 137 13A 134 14r 112 145 0.4037 146 91___ 0..462 117 98 0.46 148 71 9 0.313 171L/9 0.314 7290 123 96 .9382 0.9532 211 0.5624 ~0.96 8 0.5664'~1 213 0.9850 0.5705 165 0.4518 123 124 -0.4534 0.4561 125 0.453 0.460i 1?7 0.462d 0.4651 L20 0.3bV7 0 3 0 0.483? 141 '0.4698 1320.4 Z 3644 133 .4746183 0. U) 92 0.39V) ~3 ~3 0.3993 0.4008 Oo~43 4 60.34,0 StA 73.4993735 4b 0.4283 ~0.4301 0,4319 20q~~0~.0099~ 0.9237 209 -- 664 -M 06i7Th -78 0.3370 0.3378 46 50 94 111 112 113 0.507 0.5546 0.11 0.3735 73 32 6 4 0.3 741 75 1.315q 76 7 0.37!2 33t2 3 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 159 0.43q5 117 ('.3668 lj8O.446 0.3b79 0.4435 119 64 '0.3(-Q 1 20 26 O. 44 700.3/ 0.4476 11 0.37121?1 C.3279 .440. 25 0.3293 0.3301 426 27 0.33C8 4d 0.3316 0.3323 29 30 1.331 .01 03 149 . 32 0.3346 33 C.33i4 158 0.4?47 42V0 0,3605 - 61 0.3196 0~.32C3~~ ~~62~ ~0.3215 ( 0.306 63 0..32C9 601 0.16 0.3 47 b 0.3223 34 0.4230~~ LOP~ 109 .'' 1112 13 14 15 23 . 0.315'~ 0.4 85 0.4171 176 117 185 186 187 188 189 0.4928 190 191 141 0.4956 162 0.4984 143 0.5013 0.507 165 0.4796 0.412i 0*484S 0.4874 0,4101 0.5101 0.513 0.5163 ).45195 047 0.4522 196 197 198 199 1T 1C3 1.191S .2179 1.2458 1.3060 22 "8338 1.3733 227 231 22 233 - 1.304 1.4489 1.4904 1,5346 -I' 15818 1.6324 0.6876 235 0'69452361.6866 0.7016 237 1.7451 1.8081 238 0.7089 239 1.8764 0.7164 240 1.9505 0.7241 2.C313 0.7319 241 2.1197 0.7401 242 2432168 0.7484 193 2.940 0.5790 245 0.749 0.7843 0.59 0.8039 6~~16 0.142 246 247 248 229 22~1R 250 Wavelength as a function of vidicon column for a typical calibration function. The three column(Sn)-wavelergth(Ln) tpairs used to determine the function are given at the top. Columxi number is at the left, wavelength at right, 2.5758 2.1256 2.8937 3.0862 3.1077 page 19 300 280 260 240 220 z 200 0 o 180 z 0 U 160 W 140 Z 120 , 100 80 60 40 20 0 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 WAVELENGTH IN MICRONS Figure 8. Spectrometer dispersion function. spectral. resolution per image element as a function of wavelength. 1.1 1.2 page 20 Planetary subroutine under the runs as a has been written which Laboratory's image processing system (DIPSYS) which has Astronomy images been set up to provide a metastructure under which vidicon may be easily appears in Figure 9. by DIPSYS A simplified diagram processed. of this program The spectral image is read off the run tape on a disk and stored spectral processing routine, to the where it is available three basic which has The tasks. first and easiest is to punch out the intensities along one row of the into a plotting routine cards for input image onto computer Second, (this was how Figure 6 was produced). column by the image, average background from it can subtract the column, where the rows over which the background is to be averaged are read from the input instruction cards. the program most important, Last, and can produce a new 'image in which all of the elements have the same spectral resolution. range interest is of angstroms, the best 0.4 to 1.2 microns,' resolution at a resolution microns, 1.2 of 250 chosen. was 10 and 11 show the effects of this processing on an image Figures of the standard star Xi 2 Ceti. integrated spatially telescope along optical effects, Portions of these images are then the slit. Due a star image to is not a point; is at its maximum where the point source would be. the full energy output of the star at a given wavlength, must be integrated across all rows where and atmospheric smeared out spatialy into to a Gaussian distribution of which the reflectivity work, where For spectral it is intensity To use the image the image intensity is Figure 9. -.. - - '2 - -. 'C 1-4 .. ..1 ..0 I a r .W y V- cr f ' 0 eo *,"e c. 1r 1:1 '' 1 a I -v aa e-j .. - ^M 4 aI a o . -A. .a ,.. O 0 - - 1 , .9 N I '.7 ' . .. ~.... eA 4% ..- r N N. 4 u-" ..- * 4 N cir eA .- . - 4 . C- C t a + f 't . *;- . -1 -N . N M N' W NM A~ N N f -. -,.4JN ' - . - ^- . - I -J "," % N** ----- . 4 f*..4 "y A - -o : m ... - -I* ' j (f - -r , 4 - P- G . * a - . -a - r -I t 17 C N e .. -'IV -- 4 . ' o- A- -- - r. - I - - : - . - ro r a -:M .- r... -- , . 'Z .'n A .N N- M N N 't N .. - l*.efC I -e n C - 44 Col[ A o- N.e-- - P-r V- s' -^!: -# . 1 -: v 4 A a i' .9 4i 01 - * -9 N n - -. 0e A W4% - - - -- - -* ,r -. - - -- - o4--- -% 0 -t CA CA N on 'A - s -. o f - M- -4 't -4 N - 4 P .% . - 4 'y -. .- - -a . * - 4- 1- I".'-1% .e .. - - + -- A 4 e- . 4 i -',rt A ... ... - 0;e .. A 4 c . - . N -P .- '* ry w- .- m '. cc 0 0O -A OD QO 0 -C3 >O4- 5 - - ,0 .. -. 0% r N b04'5- Q)0 - . -- N ..-- -- * CA NM 4r 4 CA CA , ON cAmC - Nf- N ...CA- C I"'N N v CA Z -* e e V II m- - - ee + N A V- -0 ...... ~ .41 ..... .4.--, - ... ... ? page 22 V WC-C.L% 4"4.Ne sass- sat..,e a - .. [.eA ... .. 4.. .. N .e Ion N" P-.N . m%~ ... .. CAt .- ..4.1% .0%'CO 4 w -N N 3'4 . 4% 'A a' "- N 4 -' e N -meN 0' Aa 44 A" -dN CA N N N d .8 L" e 4 4 e '4 NN 4 '- o" I q - - -D .. n~- 4 QW eV PA W , 4 CC C at C~.- 4 4N-N ' 'o %N -1% e tv.. 0^"J -o4- ' -. 4-. A..... e m . 4% CA N |~ *- j .. N q.'A4 f4 %4.*4 Co a, A .0 .a 4 m a CAN o -- - - N '... "m I e aC j e ,'N A . . .. -- w' -r U0 - w , - N ... - ~ ... .- ., .. P .~ .. -! N. e . NN v SA N- 'AA N F. .0% A *N N .. ~ - o-.. .f-,. - t- 0 N -...- .o-w -* r c4' s*A-(4 w. 4 ---\ ' r . - . . f, v N N --- - -4"4sN..--*r ft , -- N . - -- c U -P. . m -1 N - -4..-4 f N -fPN'f 4P .C ..f^- - N-f eNIF -- ' 'C - C - * ..- f, U- .--- .- .- or,N-- -' 1 -P V -Z, - 't "1% 4 N I-erews.e- V. - 3.* 4 am------------- w~ %'4. Ae at 'IQ '' - *. - N - '0 N 7r % P" -- to ft ----- -. -e..- '' t .. .4 fy -s.sw N. eea0 ' 0 -.j. so N U ' -a-. ' * -aN. N N C -r4 Si" C .7-~-4e 5" N 1& C M, '-c - NN + -~e 'A "- - r. ,-- ft-s C'o- -- *4* er A'A~ - - .~s- -44e ' ta%!- -4 *'N ,:1 N eI .N A 1A %tE0%'r .n 9 m -" ...D,. I so - .s - ... .4e.4~ ... .s% ... .. 49'. NN N CA 4r ACA N 9 - C C 4 N - 4 'AN CA bC A It '4- .I . - # ... -= ' CA I .0ee'0'e~wne-4N----o-----=~o-4'e 'A -A 4% . -CA A . N IN 1"T4C'4NAC4%I''oCA* CA--, N N i t W." e Ce w N.. "I aN.--' C'"0 .7 4 A N..9-.. -- - A4"I -A - N% .C W.. IN M0 %. . *A - A1 N N P .NiA.7 N N ft CA A ... 4 N 7..0- 9.ere0'?'-C.No - o...-- -.- CA 4 f" -0! '%' N'4 -V N ,v %, 1 04 % emo 0! 4C. C CA . A ' t ~'AN.-4 -4 N .-P0 '1P * e.'4%" '- N - *- P%:4 4 r - I." 11% 4 f4 m CIPri - ~ r4 f *C 1 f.~.0... A , 04 % c,% 14 .4' IL ,.. CA- C a'N 'N 4 (4 It .m00 O "... .. .0. - --..1 .A 4 n- ,'0r .. .- I *A - N C... .. . -. A. N. 'e .A ... .O00N0l" 4%NN N. N. .4% 541 f- aECN.,e '..s N sr N. E.0 N .4 . sa -I"'t 04MI ~ -- ' - . v. o - --- ~- N 4c- en ..A ... a.. 7 .. C . -we - - ph 4 41%o ... .. ; .7 .e .4!1 - " 4.7r, '.arN .. eU'...t- - .. eor, A ow--4' h ow, '0.. .. o o 4 - - A- e % N ......... .. .... C un .4 oe -CAC a' . a CW ' CA mA'A .....------..-.--.- ' A4''4' - o . e a'w ,4% x 41 11.0' - ---.. 0 I ae - a a '4 .' *' *"4% e, s a .O a ' 5 S '7 a - -..----- a ,, * a a a' SeINCANN a '.------.- I oN a og A 3 e 0 . - 4" -v C' * 4 .. I' 'Cl e nA-N t'a t.a P 0 (b, M4m~ e 4 N 4' sa a tUj asi a :a 4 a's .. e I - - - - - - 2 * 4 --,?7r 4.7-. %119.'7~ 94.7 a14- Mi - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1- f 6C.47 2- I7.t,3 - v. 4 ,71). . 3.117 it- 4-447 , 3.7 I5- 1.343 1-206 5.103 0.767 2'- 74- .f<? 1./Cl 1.435 0.0 'i.te' 1.00n t'j. t-t -i.445' 37- 1.08 3131?- 2. 10640- .17J 4 4.4% 4 1-.1 t444- 2-1in 4;- 0. 4- 4T- 3.41' 1.45C 41- 1 . 7.9p - 5'F . SC515?5354%6-1 M.7., e.'0 6 l *.94 1-1, -11 fe.I1;.- 3.75 1.69j 7.'517 3.174 4.267 5.9'-> 3.677 2.~ 1.* 797 00 0. 3"s .,c ,1 -% . 0.:15 1.33" 1.15 ..7 0477 o.'r 4, 2.??? P.711 9 e.4l 7 2.627 2.232 1.040 3.69 c.579 .30 0."it 1.34Z 0.634 .0.0040 0.9u2t 1.33. 1.008? 1. . U.00 1.59 1 0.0o .Vo.2g -%900 1.749 . 0.514 1.746 4.118 0.1101 2.309 2.5Q) cl.%79 0.16% 1 0.131 . 675 C.174 Ci.3E.3 a.169 leM1C9 c.e il 1 t.S0G %.95.4 0.426 1 .';64 O.SAn 0.13"2 0.00,9 #.445 1.119 ,:e" .6 29 4 .Ss I C.6170 1.310 1.17? 1.96? 7.?k2 I.6 ' 6.* 2 IS, G.t10 2.04 4.3011 '.212 1 avi '.641- 1. i 1 .7 -. 3.m 0.419 ,.61P6 %.344 .7US %.4 0.0130.967 1.6-94 ~ 0.223 .4 0.0C6 39t,17 - - 46 ., 0.3 #_.4%% - 2.112 0.5'3 C.0 C. I7- 0.000 1.688_. 0.0,59 0.716 9.75 o1?4 0.S51s- - 0.116 1.652 1.014 4 0.0111 2.304 U.000 -. 70 2.671 o) 0 0.CC. 3.515 10.952 4 ~ta 1.Cn 31 0.826 0,411 1.776 3.179 9.263 126.44% 0.0 9.024 7.5e 1.333 '-.876 111.197 bt.12e -- 0.679 441.199t. 197.32 64.u94 2.8094 C.9)60 5 .346 67.665 C1.2619 (1.701 0.614 2. MI 1.13 0. -9i '~ s0 %. 4. 2T h. 4 11I5r. 4 S : 25.947 .0 cOcoo 0.2 4 1.4214 0.uor 0.024 t..341 0.6? - 1.033 1.477 _ 0.000 .319 1.60 0-0 1.144 1-_81 - 0.000 7.936 lc %o.d -ac e-g - OC. .00 g - -1 . 0c 0.000 0 ,1 O.000 0 00 z no~es C~ 'i ,. ..- 07 U-4. li., 1., r . z . 0. 3 )3 -. >.':). 1 1A -4.4'.. .t 0.00L0 0., 0.00c .i. C.C. 0.000 0.000 1.349 Ih'.o.4 1.1 1 0.000 0.5'9 1.013 1.514 11.072 4.7J. 3.,00 -5.394 '2,t: (.I 1( 0.000 . os.0)n 7.317 c.u 3.401 13.o27 Figure 11. A portion of the processed image of 42 Ceti 0. 35S to 0 . 7 0p. Each image element represents intensity perfrom ten angstroms averaged over a 230 angstrom resolution element. The background was first subtracted out of the vidicon image. .. ' ,.7 8 . .# .. 00t, 31 0.4"6 -0' 1.1gt 0 0a . ~~h 4 . O9 1'.08L 7.6411 12.646 __.0 i v 0.017o 0.0n1 0.M50.. .0 3.? .-. 7 s 0.0iI e.0000 j..000 '' . ;7.$. 24.616 ~3.3?1 ' 4 -47-,. -. 7 P.+3 .9 0.or 0 0.i ~1 h .4 1; . 7 P) to.) r Ci. 4,4 3.174 . 4 ' . V. 0.000 .C V 11..No 60 2:A ?.4 .*, S 0.0. 0..I. 741* Sl ?htp,9,1I,3.1 cl.0~ -; 0.0 .1.02.7 ~ 66coc &Z 11644 2 O.' .. C.,5 .ca 0.00 C; 0 . cC" V.00C . D.110 2.*; S.0C0 C.Ct 0. 3 0.000 0.050 1 .00 O.ccc el.744 62.-9 46. 0, : I54.?48 6,7-.147 S%.1. 536.t7 0.000 c.00 0.000 C.104' O.c00 t .0:^ 0. 0 k C.OWG .. 070 0.015 .COO --.- 0.714 1.4d32 2.4%1 4.569 63 ___ 0.0 o06.00 " 0.661 .399 1.414 .100 ec 0.c *.0,' 40.0:C . Cop%. ZI 0.035 .*3 76. C.7V17 301 0.000 V 8 C o.occ k.0 0.024 0.000 0.17,0 0.514 1.7?l 0.6h9 1.I.tda 1. 0.156 0.00r) .1.619 C.124 coocu 0.260 o.og - .o:- crg D.0030 O.312 Q.000 --- 0.eI . _ C.153 915.781 9/Q...38 15 . ?3 3.964 26*3 .129 2"2.z 4%66.%92 4 'i10. 4 7 44C...3'oi 24;1 b.'550 2< 4 ., 33 ??747 1 16.446 1 4 .7 5 1111.31? 0.147 U.214 1.3p a.: ; , * 4.C. *.3) 1.446 . o..2% 0.028 c 0.020 1.373 0.134 2.903 .:.36 00 0.t'e 7.' 1.349 0.417 5 .s. 11.47f A.. , 1% l 0.000 .c@0 0.2h 0. ?34 7-,$ 3c.60 .9Vd65e 7.- 7->7? > 1549 It6 W6.541 4r-h. I9-P 4 1 '' 0 U1125M t .617 24 5 . 13-4 15 IG. 156 , ?4.-s' .- 4 .f.i' 4 . *31.46h 7147.lii4 e) 2.71t, 110 .,7,-1 2 .2", / .0 1 51.14P I 3Y91.21)1 .442. 41* P4.103 IV id.0S 141.t-13 15tJ.1'# 1.5.o11 7.104 .Ss5 37.361 5- .772 56.411 $6.ft5Z 0.090" 5.I74o 16.7Vs7 11. 7'll 1k . It,? 1 5. t . 1*-.04 0.397 1.107 .1 0.00.) 1.v41 0.?1q)2 ?.536 0.274 ._.78 (e 6.147 1.0 17.549 0143 C.'C0 5.277 0.C-24 73.4. 1.44 2.?47 41'7.'P -4. 5:C 4.046, 1.09-1 1.4391 l''.f6C 1/:.612 5.? PS 0.372 t' 9417.122 33.163 5.642 t.-,4 . 1. . e.97v 6.717 1 .324 C.i61 2.14 *.Oa 0.184 1.,99 1.%74 ".991 13.119 0.%..9 C. 00 4 .251 10.804 1...1 13 ------------- 417 C.C.>: V.010 7.115 . 1.005 0.e0 2."7 1'7 5.710 2.532 .. 11 ?S6 1.166 2.451 .- 1.C44 .o696 .s57 -. 3.42V C.I496 41.238 .*14 1.363 .623 C.196 4.399 C.t~. .0? .loI - I 4.269 2.112 '.967 .? 2 C'.%6' 6.337 c.006 4. t) 1.29il 1.478 - 41.769 17.813 . . I iI'Co? I I .#O1 ?.4.1 4.394 3.976 2.363 C.4 0 2.9 1.5 . C.725 (.782 4.5'1? 27.992 9.F42 4. 3059g 0.013 l.14 '4 )1 't 1.004 ,1.037 J. 1 .1? - 0. 4. 4.140 1.S/ - 4 - 1.30 1.72e 1 ''~ .1 12.$17 .. 13 # Z5 C. r . a01i 11. 1g.06-f 3G2.4Z.5 O.0'5 13*98 2.$ ', -- 0.e 0.01 4.0-1 0.0"7 *.00 0 2./5 7.* 0.7121.C.34 0.000 0.00.0 1.2 1 0.01r 1.'e 1.06o 1 '3 14- - ..215 . 4;1 I 1.171 1.?,/6 to.714 1-' '' ' 71 -,.1,4 5.141 k I 1zm .6n.1 -o? 0 -. "A6 1.020 16.121 28.9 7 1-.146) 1.,-1 12 1l 25.562 13.199 A.115 Q.9t4.24 '.46Q t. 347 C.375 IA 0-co0 ao.7<3 0.000 t fi 4.1 1W9 91 11 M19- 23- 4.+6 . 3.e08 6- 22- 3.$h-.I O.fmS ? 1.41 V 51-.36- .- 7 ?.534 1.451 1.34. Lc t 14. 0.z45 9 9-.'.44t 5 1.463 1.6l4 2 516 1.2.4 1.558 3.W4 3..11 -_-_ ' 7 - - - - - -- - - - - - ------------------5.111- 7,544 4945.'.72 19b j .-. 33 99.479 1-,''4.I ' 46.12 rs. 7419 93.933 22.4el 8% I' -10% 'A . :1.' l ?.47 1.zi 1.m .I.. k.o64 1997 ?.3V3 6. 2.943 41.C77 17.774 14.044% 0i *..- . a./4 1- 4o.4*4 i., . 9- r.1 2t.0to4 4- 7.6s 1 - a 4-,. 315. 5. 6 5 S 9-34 '.014, s Q 11.41.1 t) . 7.13 N .177 W page 24 above the background. After this integration, the spectrum vector is punched out onto cards for plotting and further processing. more advanced version of this processor will incorporate A the:' plotting, ratioing, and other functions into one OIPSYS subsyste~m. where only disk files will be used. The final procedure needed spectral ref lectivi ty is to know from what part of data of the surface of a planet surface for good the A photograph is taken through the spectrum originates. the eyepiece, loeking at the slit in a mirror tilted 45 clegrees to the optical axis of the telescope (the first surface in Figure 3). A similar plotting logging arrangement program has been written to coordinate grid of disk is used A create Calcomp plots of the Mars (or any other planet) projected onto a using the physical ephemeris of the planet from The American Ephemeris and Nautical Almanac Universal Figure 12 Time. while Figure 13 output. position the To projected is a typical, onto the 'grid, point the -original resolution and the spectra time of is a block diagram although observation on the than normal, ditk of .the photograph of the telescope image and the slit vidicon images have of stars and is marked by hand. At this been reduced to constant known positions reduction to spectral reflectivity data, in of the program, smaller spectrometer slit planet, the negative of the begin. data. for photometer on Mars; as well as testing, and can. page 25 PHYSICAL EPHEMERIS (1 MONTH) CREATE TABLE OF SUB-EARTH POINT COG~RDINATES AND APPARENT DIAMETER ADD HOURLY CHANGE OF PARAMETERS TO TABLE RUN CAR D: day of month UT start of run UT end of run Lcaption Figure 12. Flowchart of grid plotting program. CA LCULATE POSITION LOF SUB-EARTH POINT CALCULATE NUMBER OF MAPS TO BE DONE (one per five minutes) DRAW LINES OF LATITUDE in spherical coordinates,hold $ constant and rotate in 6. transform so that sub-earth point is at 0=900, 6=00 and project to plane. DRAW LINES OF LONGITUDE in spherical coordinates, hold 6 constant and rotate in $. transform as with latitude lines. WRITE CAPTION object, time, sub-earth point, apparent diameter in arc-seconds. LOG MAP and INCREMENT TIME GET NEW RUN CARD and CHECK FOR LAST INPUT MRHS VIDSP EC C 4 OF 4 0 CT. 18, 1973 T= 8: 58 UT LRT= -17.3 LONG= 9. 8 DIA= 21.46 SEC Figure 13. A typical grid plot produced by the program in Figure 12,) the third produced for vidicon spectrometer Mars run C. page 27 IV. Analysis of Data The to use the first major attempt vidicon spectrometer to take spectra for reflectivity work occurred during the On two consecutive nights the Mauna of Mars during October, 1973. Kea trained on reflector was eighty-inch opposition Mars, and the planet about 75 spectra were taken, as well as an equal number of spectra Alpha Lyra and Xi of the standard stars 2 Ceti. Xi 2 Ceti was chosen because it was near Mars in the sky, while Alpha Lyra has a Figure 14 demonstrates the reduction ratios to get reflectivity. get spectral used to methods raw intensity reflectivities from To avoid airmass reductions, spectra of Alpha Lyra spectra. Xi is used to calculate planet/sun which is well known and spectrum and 2 Ceti were taken when the two stars were at -the same airma!-s, 1.38. little variation with Since star/star ratios exhibit airmass changes, the ratio spectra can also be airmasses. Before extensive usable. testing used any data was stars obtained from these of the two to reflectivities reduce was done to see loai reduced to whether the -it oth-r reflectivitin-., data would be This portion of the thesis will describe that work, usinV; the best results obtained to date. Figure 15 shows a high resolution spectrum of Alpha Lyrat which has been averaged over 258 angstrom segments to simulate the spectrometer output. vidicon spectrometer Figure 16 is an Alpha Lyra spectrum from the from which the vidicon response has been page 28 AIR MASS CORRECTED SPECTRA Figure 14. Production of spectral reflectivity from raw spectra. Air mass correction not not needed if objects to be ratioed are at the same air mass. page 29 + + wlfs + + : > .0; +0 + + 8+ +++ + + + WAVELENGTH IN MICRONS Figure 15. Spectrum of aLyra, averaged over 250 angstrom resolution elements, from a 50 angstrom resolution spectrum provided by Steve Kent. page 30 in .W) (1> Crn Q. ZO 0.40 WR,-VELFNG1 0. b TI IN MrI6h.C Figure 16. aLyra spectrum from vidicon spectrometer with vidicon response (Figure 2) divided out. page 31 broader to about 0.7 shape is generally and that the wavelength longer slightly to a is shifted the peak Note that removed. To test the repeatability of the data, pairs of spectra microns. Results of one such of the same star were ratioed to each other. to pair are shown in Figure 17 (all ratios plotted are normalized Figure 17a is the ratio of two Alpha Lyra 1.0 at 0.S75 microns). but different exposure spectra with similar airmasses (1.40/1.38), If times (Ssec/lsec). linear, be. flat. would It is obvious relatively flat region the integration of the spectra, so (exposure) time, peak intensities a 'pedestal' idea, was set up under nonlinear features of the and 17c show the results of respectively Figures 17b pedestal doesn't help at registerable to 0.8 from 0.5 all. and again the energy, different exposure curve is relatively a is 403S). microns, but a Figure 18 shows a similar ratio for two Xi 2 Ceti spectra with slightly different (1.67/1.32) 400. installing pedestals of 300 and to help All possibly, and curve would go away. maximum intensity 300 seems p)edestal of lIarger (the To test the spectrum.. intensities below a certain value would be ignored, the of signals are nonlinear that low level representations of the intensity received from the star. this curve the however, .the that it is not; corresponds with the it may be perfectly given source is a if intensity recorded from a that is, linear function the response of the system were airmaq'es times (20sec/15reec). flat over the peak this time from almost 0.4 to 0.8 microns. in Once incoming (Figure 19 is a page 32 4. + ++++++++44.4 4.4.4. 4. 4. 4. 4. C,, U.' z 4. ++ .20 0.40 O'.EENG0 .60 0O.80N WAVELENGTH IN MICRONS SRLTR86 U 1.00 / SRLYR83 Figure 17a. Ratio of two aLyra spectra, all elements above background included. U 1.20 page 33 CD .g.~.g. 4~.g* + 4.4. 4. + 4. 4. I U, zLU + ~6. 'rn-Go 81 bko Sf1 -0o.40 00so 08o. WAVELENGTH IN MICRONS SRLTR86 / SRLTR83 Figure 17b. Ratio of same two aLyra spectra, this time including no elements less than 300. 1.20 page 34 4. ~4* 4. co 0 RI-. zc C-~ B' "b2 - ---- EEG I M6icR WAVELENGTH IN MICRI SALYR86 - - - - ---- 1.00 ' SRLTR83 Figure 17c. Ratio of same two a Lyra spectra, this time including no elements less than 490. 1.20 page 35 4~ 4+ 4. b-n zwi 44444444+4. PI Cie 81 U44- ,b'.a0 0WAVE '.GT N C'.S WRVELENGTH IN MICRONS SXCT112 SXCT124 Figure 18. Ratio of two t2 Ceti spectra, including all image elements above background. .4. page 3G typical 2 Ceti Xi smooth upturn spectrum). which has that there is some idea as to Figure 20 be observed. rather than be, the Mars two stars' is spectra. while This is because the stars are both of spectral type AO, sun, summed Note that the peak like the the blue spectra Mars spectrum, is a typical over five vidicon elements down the slit. in the red, the reliability range of though it may the spectrometer, indefinite Thut . from 0.4 to 0.8 microns. g0 can significance. some undetermined star ratios seem to be usable, at best, Now is a however, there this time, the which is providing the light which is ref lected from Mars is 21 shows a saturated spectrum a cooler, redder type G. Figure peak intensity of 'The Mars. although around 1.1 microns, it was thought Originally could saturated spectrum unsaturated microns. spectrum which The data show, overlap that be from 0.5 to 1.0 4095 is surpassed microns, had the signal is to extend a very signal unluckily, that there of a of range the low unsaturated. portions the unsaturated used of an beyond 1.1 is little or no between the good signal from one and the good signal from the other type of spectrum. Once again, an attempt was made to do away signals with 22a.b,and low, nonlinear c show the progressive changes 400 are subtracted images seem to be from the original more consistent Figures 23a,band c and different with 'images of Mars a pedestal. as pedestals of 300 and spectrum. than 24a,band c are to each other. Figures Ratios of those of star images. the results of The Mars ratioing three images used page 37 4. +44. + + x + + + g .20 0,40 0.60 0.80 * WAVELENGTH IN MICRONS SXCT112 Figure 19. INTEG. A typical t2 Ceti spectrum. Note that the peak is at a longer wavelength and the shape is broader than a Lyra. .00 L.. page 38 0. 'U). U)i I- z 9ll "b. ,jL , , , +++++ ++ 0o.o WAVELENGTH IN MICRONS SMRISC-4 INTEG. Figure 20. A typical Mars spectrum I LOU0 ' 1.20 page 39 (39 .b20 9-4. 0.40 + + 0.60 0.80 1.00 WAVELENGTH IN MICRONS SMARSC-5 I NTEG. Figure 21. An overexposed spectrum of Mars. Arrows indicate intensities reading greater than 4095 in at least one element of the image which went into the resolution element. 1.20 page 40 aim + 4am 4am o1 a . 0. z t-8 aim, 'b'2o WRAVELENGTH IN MICRONS SMRRSC-1 INTEG. Figure 22a. Mars spectrum L.20 page 41 4. ag-i. 4. + 00. W0 x W4 + 4. 4. Si 9.20 AA A A I Iv1 A 0.40 4 0.0 -I 0.80 ARVELENGTH IN MICRONS 1.00 SMRISC-1 INTEG. Figure 22b. Mars spectrum with pedestal of 300. 1.20 page 42 + .4. a'. 0 C) 3- + + U) El. + SI EU .20 ~U EU 0.40 U (U.60 j 0.80 .0 AAVELENGT4 IN MTC9ONS SMRRSC- i INTEG. Figure 22c. The same Mars spectrum with a pedestal of 400. .2 page 43 were taken within 15 minutes of each other. the image was used in each case. Note the flat curve repeatability than from 6.5 for the above a nonlinear level. the apparen.tly good data recoverablei. micron, stars, possibly indicating due to better more signal pedestal is increased, some is lost, but time a pedestal of 400 is used (c). of Each is a one minute exposure. to 1.1 As the The same portion the noise is of gone by tho The Mars spectra are probably page 44 ++++++++ ++++ ++++ ++++ + I- - i .20 0.40V'e 0ONS WAVELENGTH IN MICRONS 1.00 SMRRSC-4 / SMRSC--1 Figure 23a. Ratio of two Mars spectra. 1:20 page 45 ++++++++++++ +++ -1 Cra z5 W& 20 R.20 0V40ELEGT WAVELENGTH SMRRSC-4 Figure 23 41 0N8MICR IN MICRONS SMRRSC-1 Ratio of two Mars spectra, each of which has a pedestal of 300. b. 1.20 page 46 ++++B4+++++++++++ +44 I-Cs C, zv ch2o & a & a .:d & a A o'. '.o WAVELENGTH IN MICRONS i'.od SMRRSC-4 / SMRRSC-1 Figure 23c. Ratio of same two Mars spectra, this time with a pedestal of 400 under each. a A a a ' ' ' ''. a page 47 + "'4'+ + +++++++++ + +4' Cf) ze5- 8I b.2o muI 0'.0 0.80 0.80 WAVELENGTH IN MICRONS 1.00 SMR9SC-9 / SMARSC-1 Figure 24a. Ratio of two Mars spectra, without pedestals. 1.20 page 48 ++++++++++ -~ I wc; si "t.20 ''O'. o'o o'.o WRVELENGTH IN MICRONS p I to0 SMARSC-9 / SMRRSC-1 Figure 241). Ratio of two Mars spectra, each of which has a pedestal of 300. p p p 1.20 page 49 +++ ++.+ - 00 - 81 0. 0.o W * 6 a a a a - - -- WAVLEGTso I a A N 2 a a '.O I'0 WRVELENGTH IN MICRONS SMRRSC-9 SMRESC-1 Figure 24c. Ratio of same two Mars spectra, each of which now has a pedestal of 400. 1.20 page 50 V. Recommendations for Future Use of the Vidicon Spectrometer Although it appears that it will be impossible to do spectral work reflectivity inability the using vidicon spectrometer stars and planets to meaningfully ratio to due an over a useful range, the instrument has advantages which will make it worthwhile The combination of good spectral resolution to develop it. angstroms or photometer), with resolution to 300 compared better, complete angstroms spectral coverage indicate much promise. It and (250 for a filter high spatial appears tha.t the limiting factor will be the response function of the vidicon tube, with its nonlinearities in wavelength and intensity. Once more lab work is done to quantify knowledge about this problem, the instrument will be ready to gather more data. Another problem which may affect the star spectra is the problem of differential diffraction of the star's the earth's atmosphere. Different wavelengths, diffracted at slightly different angles would show -up at different positions in the smeared out star spectrum, and if the slit is smaller than the apparent diameter of the star, part of the stat ' spectrum would be lost, in a wavelength-preferential manner. solution is to widen at the slit; the vidicon would be reduced, although the spectral The resolution the spectrum would he much mi e reliable. But what about the Mars data from Mauna Kea? With the high spatial resolution and apparent good response of the vicdirdon, something should be recoverable. The planet in the slit occupi e- page 51 up to 35 seconds elements in a vidicon column in diameter, and the slit good seeing of 1.5 seconds or less, spectrometer image. when it is about 23 is two elements wide, arc so, wi th there are fifteen spectra per Luckily, the slit passes over some photometer spots that were taken witlin days of the vidicon spectrometer run, allowing extending relative be obta.ined, basically the photometer data for more complete surface coverage. For example, planet's to reflectivities Figure 25 shows the disk during one run. position of This the slit on one slit passes through* the Coprates canyon as well as a large dust storm to the southwest Coprates. Using a photometer resolution to match the be forthcoming. the spot as a of standard and modifying photometer, some interesting data should page 52 MMERET~it gg E MRBS VIDSPEC B 1 OF 4 OCT. 17, 1973 T= 11:14 UT LAT= - 17. 2 LONG.= 51.8 DIR 21.47 SEC Figure 25. Position of one set of spectra across the disk of Mars. Latitude and longitude of the sub-earth point, S, .given. page 53 REFERENCES J. B. (1968) Adams, "Lunar and Martian Surfaces: Petrologic Significance of Absorption Bands in the Near-Infrared, " Science 159, p. 1453-1455. Adams, J. B. and T. B. McCord (1969) "Mars: Interpretation of Spectral Reflectivity of Light and Dark Regions, " JGR 74, p. 4851-4856. Crowell, M. H. and E. F. Labuda (1969) "The Silicon Diode Array Camera Tube, " Bell System Technical Journal, May-June 1969, p. 1481-1528. Dollfus, A. (1961) "Polarization Studies of Planets, " Chapter 9 in Planets and Satellites, edited by G. P. Kuiper and B. M. Middlehurst, (Chicago: University of Chicago Press). Hovis, W.A. ,Jr. (1965) "Infrared Reflectivity of Iron Oxide Minerals, Icarus 4, p. 4 2 5 - 4 3 0 . Kunin, J. S. (1972) "A Technique for Two -Dimensional Photoelectronic Astronomical Imaging, With Application to Lunar Spectral Reflectivity Studies, " M.S. Thesis, M. I. T., September 1972. McCord, T. B., and J. Bosel. (1973) "Silicon Vidicon Astronomy at MIT," presented at the symposium, "Astronomical Observations with Television-Type Sensors, " held May 15-17, 1973, at the University of British Columbia. McCord, T. B. , J. H. Elias, and J. A. Westphal (1971) "Mars: The Spectral Albedo (0. 3-2. Sp) of Small Bright and Dark Regions, " Icarus 14, p. 245-251. McCord, T. B. and J. A. Westphal (1971) "Mars: Narrow-Band Photometry, from 0. 3 to 2. 5 Microns, of Surface Regions During the 1969 Apparition," Astrophys.J. 168, p. 141-153. McCord, T. B. and J. A. Westphal (1972) "Two -Dimensional Silicon Vidicon Astronomical Photometer, " Applied Optics 11, p. 522-526. Sagan, C. , J. P. Phaneuf, and M. Ihnat (1965) "Total Reflection Spectrophotometry and Thermogravimetric Analysis of Simulated Martian Surface Materials, " Icarus 4, p. 4 3 - 6 1 . Tull, R. G. (1966) "The Reflectivity Spectrum of Mars in the Near-Infrared," Icarus 5, p.505-514.