Ecology-questions to answer following presentation slides Part 1 (17-1 text)

Ecology-questions to answer following presentation slides
Part 1 (17-1 text)
•1.What is your habitat?
•2. What do ecologists study?
•3. How does a pond community differ from a pond ecosystem?
•4. How do biotic and abiotic factors differ?
•5. What does it mean to have a diverse community?
Part 2: 17-2 Questions
•6. What is succession?
•7. How do primary and secondary succession differ?
•8. What is succession in lakes called?
•9. How do we speed up the natural process of lake succession?
Part 3: 17-2 Energy Flow in Ecosystems Questions
•10. What is the primary source of energy for earth?
•11. What other source of energy can start a food chain?
•12. All organisms need energy to survive. How do producers vs. consumers get their
•13. How do food webs and food chains differ?
•14. Why are food webs a more accurate view of communities?
•15. Why are communities with complex, diverse food webs more stable?
•16. What do the following eat:
•a. herbivores
d. Scavengers
•b. carnivores
e. decomposers
•c. omnivores
•17 A diagram that shows the energy available at each trophic level is called a
•18. How much energy is generally lost at each step in a food chain?
•19. What happens to the number of organisms as you get higher up on food chains?
•20. If we want to be able to feed the growing world population should we be eating
more or less meat? Explain.
21. Create Your Food Web
•Create a food web that includes you and what you have eaten.
•What did you have for lunch today/yesterday?
•Include at least 8 organisms (some producers, consumers and decomposers), draw
arrows to show the energy exchange, label trophic levels