FAILURE OF GRAPHITE/EPOXY INDUCED BY DELAMINATION by JOHN CHARLES BREWER S.B. MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY (1983) S.M. MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY (1985) SUBMITTED TO THE DEPARTMENT OF AERONAUTICS AND ASTRONAUTICS IN PARTIAL FULFILLMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY AT THE MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY MAY 1988 @ Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1988 .- Signature of Author Dep tment of Aefronauticsand Astronautics May 19, 1988 Certified by *I - _ I, P/¶ essor Paul A. Lagace VF Thesis Supervisor Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics Certified by -- - -- I.V 7;1f-Erofessor Jmes W. Mar (J Department Thesis Supervisor of Ae onautics and Astronautics Certified by D Dr. John F. Mandell Thesis Supervisor Department of Materials Science and Engineering a ., ! Accepted by t - ProferSor Harold Y. Wachmain Chairman, Department Graduate Committee MAY2 Xt288 j WITH I . N M.I.T LRAR$1i FAILURE OF GRAPHITE/EPOXY INDUCED BY DELAMINATION by JOHN CHARLES BREWER Submitted to the Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics on of the requirements for May 19, 1988 in partial fulfillment the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Aeronautics and Astronautics. ABSTRACT The progression of delamination damage in graphite/epoxy investigated. Delamination initiation of laminates was specimens with fabric and unidirectional plies was explored. high thermally- and sequences yielded The lamination The normal stresses. mechanically-induced interlaminar Quadratic Delamination Criterion was shown to accurately correlate the initiation when thermally-induced stresses were included. In the remaining experiments, delamination size was monitored with dye penetrant-enhanced x-radiography after each test to load. a predetermined [±153] specimens and Specimen width was varied failure stress was found to for be of specimen width. Lamination sequence and indepeRdent and effective ply thickness were varied using [±15n/0 [0n/±15n] specimens (n=1,2,3,5,8). No critical delamiRation size wag found for any specimen type. In all cases, initiation was a necessary prerequisite to delamination delamination growth. Final failure was controlled by in-plane sublaminates. strength considerations of the delaminated Constraints of intact sublaminates on damaged sublaminates can growth and final failure. affect delamination placing the primarily warp fibers (200) critical delamination The effect or fill fibers (700) interface of fabric of at [+20 ] laminates was studied. There were discernable effects Fo interface character on delamination growth and final failure. [0 /±15 ] specimens with implanted delaminations and angle ply sp is demonstrated that delaminations strongly interact A strain with damage in neighboring plies such as splits. energy release rate analysis was modified to include several aspects of the three-dimensional nature of observed damage as dimensions. effects of finite specimen well as the Nonetheless, the model was unable to yield a constant value of strain energy would be release expected. rate, as calculated from the data, the details of sublaminate constraint and the interaction the delamination and angle ply split is warranted. Thesis Supervisor: Title: as A full three-dimensional model including of Professor Paul A. Lagace Associate Professor Astronautics of Aeronautics and 3 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Completing thesis a such as this the requires understanding and assistance of a great many people. I cannot hope to name all the individuals who have assisted me along the way, but I would as many as document. possible like to express my gratitude without doubling the publicly length of to this The first group which must be given credit is my doctoral thesis committee. It was chaired by my hard working friend Paul Lagace. today could not and would not be in this position I without Paul's help and encouragement. Professor James W. Mar has been an inspiration to me and the rest of the Dr. John F. Mandell laboratory. We are all grateful to him. of the Materials Science and Engineering invaluable with his observations and input. I like would to acknowledge the Department contribution was of the faculty and staff of the Department of Aeronautics and Advanced Astronautics and the Technology Laboratory for Composites. Most especially, I owe a debt of gratitude to Al Supple who encouraged me over the years and mediated my disputes with inanimate objects. I would also like to thank Professor John Dugundji, Ping, Carl, Bonnie, Al Shaw, and all the rest. There is no room to recognize the more than one hundred TELAC members I have worked with over the last 8 years, but I do appreciate their help. A special thanks goes out to those who have helped me with my graduate work, including Mary, Rich, Gail, and Doug. The hundreds of tests in the ear-splitting racket of the testing room would have been intolerable without them. I know the Gods of Graphite will I would also like to thank Pierre Minguet watch over them. for his help with the finite element model and Christos Kassapoglou for teaching me the intracacies of interlaminar stresses. made The people I have lived with during my time at MIT have life much more bearable. I would like to thank the members of J Entry at MacGregor House, the Conner 5 over the past three years, and, resident and non-resident members of MIE. residents of of course, the I know am truly blessed to have a wonderful family like mine. I have met many people with unpleasant home lives. I want to express my appreciation to my parents, brothers, sisters, nieces, and nephews for being the type that people envy. I would also like to acknowledge all my in-laws for being supportive during this effort. 4 I could not conclude these acknowledgements without my recognizing the two most important people in my life: wife, Katy, and my daughter, Maggie. I know their sacrifices have been great during the terrible last months of thesis I will make it up to them soon. They have been writing. wonderful and I love them for it. When I mention my daughter, I know it is no she has had serious medical problems. secret that I would like to take this opportunity to express my sincerest appreciation to everyone who showed concern (and especially those who gave their blood) during her hospitalizations. I must also thank the staff of the Children's Hospital Medical Center and the In Harvard Community Health Plan for their outstanding work. particular, the efforts of Dr. Herbert "Herbie the Heart Jonas, Dr. Mary VanderVelde, Dr. Richard Doctor" Cohn, made a very long Dr. Judy Becker, and Mary Czezot, R.N. ordeal bearable for Katy and me and have helped Maggie to become the relatively healthy normal child she is today. With this kind of care, I have no doubt that she will grow strong It is for this that I am and tall and live a long, full life. most grateful. This work was performed in the Technology Laboratory for Advanced Composites (TELAC) of the Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. This work was sponsored by the Boeing Aircraft Company under contract number BMAC PO AA0045 and the United States Air Force Office of Scientific Research under grant number AFOSR-85-0206. 6 DEDICATION To my dear wife, Katy 7 TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER F'AGE 1 INTRODUCTION 22 2 SUMMARY OF PREVIOUS WORK 27 2.1 Interlaminar Stresses and Delamination 27 2.2 Delamination Initiation 31 2.2.1 Initial Qualitative Approaches 32 2.2.2 Strain Energy Release Rate Approa hes 33 2.2.3 Average Stress Approaches 3 4 5 40 2.3 Delamination Growth 46 2.4 Delamination Failure 50 APPROACH TO PRESENT WORK 53 3.1 Overview 53 3.2 Interlaminar Normal Stress and Delamination Initiation 54 3.3 Delamination Growth and Final Failure 64 3.4 Analysis of Delamination Growth 81 GENERAL SPECIMEN MANUFACTURING PROCEDURES 83 4.1 Preparation 83 4.2 The Cure 85 4.3 Machining and Measuring 89 4.4 Loading Tabs 92 4.5 Instrumentation 96 and Layup DELAMINATION INITIATION EXPERIMENTS 97 5.1 Edge Replication 97 5.2 General Testing Procedures 1.00 5.3 Load Drop Testing I .02 8 TABLE OF CONTENTS (Continued) CHAPTER 6 PAGE 5.4 Results 103 5.5 Discussion 107 DELAMINATION GROWTH AND FINAL FAILURE EXPERIMENTS 6.1 112 Specialized Specimen Manufacturing Procedures 112 6.1.1 Specimens of Nonstandard Width 112 6.1.2 Fabric Specimens 113 6.1.3 Specimens With Implanted Delaminations and Angle Ply Splits 114 X-Radiography 119 6.2 Dye Penetrant-Enhanced 6.3 Incremental Load Testing 122 6.4 Results 124 6.5 6.4.1 Specimens of Nonstandard Width 124 6.4.2 [±15n/0n]s 131 6.4.3 Fabric Specimens 145 6.4.4 Specimens With Implanted Delaminations and Angle Ply Splits 151 and [0n/±15n]s Specimens Discussion 163 6.5.1 Specimens of Nonstandard Width 163 6.5.2 [±15n/0n]s and [0n/±15n]s Specimens 166 6.5.3 Fabric Specimens 176 6.5.4 Specimens With Implanted Delaminations and Angle Ply Splits 177 9 TABLE OF CONTENTS (Continued) CHAPTER 7 8 9 PAGE ANALYSIS OF GROWTH PHENOMENON 180 7.1 Existing Models of Growth Phenomenon 180 7.1.1 O'Brien's Method 180 7.1.2 Virtual Crack Closure 181 7.2 Finite Element Method 182 7.3 Geometrically Integrated Finite Element Method 191 7.4 Effects of Finite Specimen Size 199 7.5 Results 214 7.6 Discussion 215 SUMMARY OF PRESENT WORK 233 8.1 Delamination Initiation 233 8.2 Delamination Growth and Final Failure 235 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 240 REFERENCES 244 DATA TABLES 249 APPENDIX TO DATA TABLES: SPECIMEN NOMENCLATURE 255 APPENDIX A: DELAMINATION GROWTH DATA FOR [±153]5 SPECIMENS OF NONSTANDARD WIDTH 258 APPENDIX B: DELAMINATION GROWTH DATA FOR [±15n/0n] SPECIMENS 260 APPENDIX C: DELAMINATION GROWTH DATA FOR [0n/±15n] SPECIMENS 262 APPENDIX D: GROWTH-TO-TAB STRESSES FOR [+15n0 1] AND [0n/+15n] SPECIMENS 264 APPENDIX E: DELAMINATION GROWTH DATA FOR [±20F]s FABRIC SPECIMENS 265 10 TABLE OF CONTENTS (Continued) PAGE CHAPTER APPENDIX F: DELAMINATION AND ANGLE PLY SPLIT FORMATION DATA SPECIMENS WITH IMPLANTED FOR [0 /+15 DELAMINATIOASS APPENDIX G: GROWTH OF THE DELAMINATION TO THE END OF THE IMPLANTED ANGLE PLY SPLIT IN [0 /+15 I SPECIMENS WITH IMPLANTED DELAMINATIONSSAND ANGLE PLY SPLITS APPENDIX APPENDIX APPENDIX 267 H: SIZING OF THE ELEMENTS IN THE. FINITE ELEMENT I: MESH 268 STRAIN ENERGY RELEASE RATE CALCULATIONS FOR [±1 5 3]s SPECIMENS OF NONSTANDARD WIDTH 273 J: STRAIN ENERGY RELEASE RATE CALCULATIONS FOR [±15n/0n APPENDIX 266 s SPECIMENS 274 K: STRAIN ENERGY RELEASE RATE CALCULATIONS FOR [0n/+15n s SPECIMENS 275 11 LIST OF FIGURES FIGURE 2.1 2.2 PAGE GEOMETRY FOR THE PROBLEM OF A LAMINATED PLATE UNDER UNIAXIAL LOAD 28 SCHEMATIC OF THE STRAIN ENERGY RELEASE RATE CURVE AND THE CRACK GROWTH RESISTANCE CURVE AT "POP-IN" OF THE DELAMINATION INITIATION 36 2.3 SCHEMATIC OF THE DELAMINATION RESISTANCE CURVE AS APPROXIMATED BY A CRITICAL VALUE OF STRAIN ENERGY RELEASE RATE 47 2.4 SCHEMATIC OF THE STRAIN ENERGY RELEASE RATE CURVES AT VARIOUS POINTS DURING STABLE AND UNSTABLE DELAMINATION GROWTH 49 MECHANICALLY-INDUCED INTERLAMINAR NORMAL STRESS FOR [O / F] [ U10/'F]S AND [OU5/OF/OU]S 58 3.1 SPECIMENS 3.2 THERMALLY-INDUCED INTERLAMINAR NORMAL STRESS FOR [SPo/0 SPEIMEN 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 3.8 4.1 4.2 4.3 ' [ U10/OF]' AND [U/OF/OU]s STANDARD TELAC TEST SPECIMEN EFFECT OF PLY THICKNESS 61 61 62 ON THE INTERLAMINAR STRESS STATE 68 EFFECT OF PLY THICKNESS ON THE STRAIN ENERGY RELEASE RATE 70 SCHEMATIC OF 5-HARNESS SATIN WEAVE FABRIC GRAPHITE/EPOXY 74 SCHEMATIC OF OBSERVED DELAMINATION DAMAGE 77 SCHEMATIC OF SPECIMENS WITH IMPLANTED DELAMINATIONS 79 CONFIGURATION OF THE CURE PLATE FOR CURING OF GRAPHITE/EPOXY LAMINATES 86 SCHEMATIC ASSEMBLY 88 OF THE CROSS-SECTION OF THE CURE CURE CYCLE FOR AS4/3501-6 UNIDIRECTIONAL GRAPHITE/EPOXY AND AW370-5H/3501-6 WOVEN GRAPHITE/EPOXY FABRIC 90 12 LIST OF FIGURES (Continued) FIGURE 4.4 5.1 PAGE LOCATION OF MEASUREMENT POINTS ON A STANDARD TELAC SPECIMEN POSITION OF REPLICATING TAPE DURING APPLICATION OF ACETONE 5.2 91 99 MICROGRAPH OF EDGE REPLICATING SHOWING DELAMINATION INITIATION IN A [ ou/OF]S SPECIMEN 105 5.3 THERMAL AND MECHANICAL COMPONENTS OF INTERLAMINAR NORMAL STRESS AT DELAMINATION INITIATION AT THE ] s SPECIMEN MIDPLANE OF A [0 5U/0F 108 6.1 NOMINAL POSITION OF THE TEFLON FILM AT THE +15°/-15o INTERFACES WHEN CONSTRUCTING A [0 /+15 ] SPECIMEN WITH AN IMPLANTED DEZAMINATfON 116 NOMINAL POSITION OF THE TEFLON FILM AT THE +15°/-15° INTERFACES AND WITHIN THE [-15;] SUBLAMINATE WHEN CONSTRUCTING A [0 /+153i SPECIMEN WITH AN IMPLANTED DELAMINATION AD ANGLE PLY SPLIT 118 6.2 6.3 LOCATION OF THE STRAIN GAGE ON A SPECIMEN WITH AN IMPLANTED DELAMINATION 120 6.4 TYPICAL STRESS-STRAIN GRAPH FOR A [+15 3]s SPECIMEN 6.5 X-RADIOGRAPHS OF TYPICAL DELAMINATIONS 126 IN [+1 5 31 s SPECIMENS 129 6.6 PEELING AND UNLOADING OF A [+153]1SUBLAMINATE IN A [±15 3]s SPECIMEN 130 6.7 TYPICAL STRESS-STRAIN GRAPH FOR A [15n/0n] SPECIMEN 6.8 6.9 6.10 s TYPICAL STRESS-STRAIN GRAPH FOR A [On/+15nlS SPECIMEN X-RADIOGRAPH OF A [15/0] 133 134 SPECIMEN AFTER FAILURE 138 PHOTOGRAPH OF FAILURE MODES OF [+15n/0]s SPECIMENS 140 . 13 LIST OF FIGURES (Continued) FIGURE 6.11 6.12 PAGE X-RADIOGRAPH FAILURE SCHEMATIC OF A [0/±151] SPECIMEN AFTER 141 OF THE "SHEAR OUT" OF THE [-1 5 2n]s 142 SUBLAMINATE IN A [0n/+15n]s SPECIMEN 6.13 6.14 6.15 6.16 PHOTOGRAPH OF FAILURE MODES OF [0n/±+15n] s SPECIMENS 143 TYPICAL STRESS-STRAIN GRAPH FOR A [+2 0 F ] S SPECIMEN 147 X-RADIOGRAPH OF TYPICAL DELAMINATIONS IN [+±20F] SPECIMENS WITH FILL FACES AT THE +20°/-20° INTERFACE 152 X-RADIOGRAPH OF TYPICAL DELAMINATIONS IN [±20 ]F S SPECIMENS WITH WARP FACES AT THE +20o/-20° 6.17 6.18 6.19 INTERFACE 153 TYPICAL STRESS-STRAIN GRAPH FOR A [0 /+15 ] SPECIMEN WITH AN IMPLANTED DELAMINATION SAO*ING THE "FORMATION POINT" OF THE DELAMINATION 156 X-RADIOGRAPH OF A [0 /+15 ] SPECIMEN WITH AN IMPLANTED DELAMINATION AN HE ASSOCIATED SPONTANEOUSLY FORMED ANGLE PLY SPLIT 158 X-RADIOGRAPH OF A [0 /15 ] SPECIMEN WITH AN IMPLANTED DELAMINATI8N SH8WfNG LIMITED EXTENSION OF THE DELAMINATION 6.20 6.21 FRONT 161 X-RADIOGRAPH OF A [0 /+15 i SPECIMEN WITH AN IMPLANTED DELAMINATIN ANA ANGLE PLY SPLIT SHOWING DELAMINATION GROWTH TO THE END OF THE IMPLANTED ANGLE PLY SPLIT 162 EXPERIMENTAL VALUES AND ANALYTICAL CURVES FOR DELAMINATION INITIATION, GROWTH, AND FINAL FAILURE OF [±15n/0 n] 6.22 7.1 SPECIMENS 170 EXPERIMENTAL VALUES AND ANALYTICAL CURVES FOR DELAMINATION INITIATION, GROWTH, AND FINAL FAILURE OF [0n/±15n]s SPECIMENS 172 FINITE ELEMENT MESH USED FOR A SIX PLY LAMINATE 185 14 LIST OF FIGURES (Continued) FIGURE 7.2 7.3 7.4 7.5 PAGE STRAIN ENERGY RELEASE RATE AS A FUNCTION OF DELAMINATION INTRUSION FOR A [+15 ] SPECIMEN USING A TWO-DIMENSIONAL FINITE ELeMeNT MODEL 187 STRAIN ENERGY RELEASE RATE AS A FUNCTION OF DELAMINATION INTRUSION FOR A [+15/0] SPECIMEN USING A TWO-DIMENSIONAL FINITE ELEMEnT MODEL 188 STRAIN ENERGY RELEASE RATE AS A FUNCTION OF DELAMINATION INTRUSION FOR A [0/+15] SPECIMEN USING A TWO-DIMENSIONAL FINITE ELEMENT MODEL 189 DISPLACEMENTS OF THE DELAMINATION SURFACE FOR [0 /+15 SPECIMENS AS DETERMINED BY THE FINITE ELEMENT METHOD 7.6 SCHEMATIC MODEL OF THE DELAMINATION IN THE ANALYSIS 7.7 7.8 190 196 MODIFIED FINITE ELEMENT MESH USED FOR A SIX PLY LAMINATE WHICH ACCOUNTS FOR A PORTION OF A PLY TO BE UNLOADED 198 STRAIN ENERGY RELEASE RATE AS A FUNCTION OF DELAMINATION INTRUSION FOR A [15 SPECIMEN WITH A PARTIALLY UNLOADED [+153] UgLAMINATE USING A TWO-DIMENSIONAL FINITE ELEMENT MODEL 200 7.9 STRAIN ENERGY RELEASE RATE AS A FUNCTION OF DELAMINATION INTRUSION FOR A [±15/01 SPECIMEN WITH A PARTIALLY UNLOADED [+15] SUBLAMINATE USING A TWO-DIMENSIONAL FINITE ELEMENT MODEL 201 7.10 STRAIN ENERGY RELEASE RATE AS A FUNCTION OF DELAMINATION INTRUSION FOR A [0/+15] SPECIMEN WITH A PARTIALLY UNLOADED [-15] SUBLAMINATE USING A TWO-DIMENSIONAL FINITE ELEMENT MODEL 202 7.11 STRAIN ENERGY RELEASE RATE AS A FUNCTION OF DELAMINATION INTRUSION FOR A [15 SPECIMEN USING A GEOMETRICALLY INTEGRATED IAITE ELEMENT MODEL 7.12 203 STRAIN ENERGY RELEASE RATE AS A FUNCTION OF DELAMINATION INTRUSION FOR A [±15/0] SPECIMEN USING A GEOMETRICALLY INTEGRATED FINITE ELEMENT MODEL 204 15 LIST OF FIGURES (Continued) FIGURE 7.13 7.14 7.15 7.16 PAGE STRAIN ENERGY RELEASE RATE AS A FUNCTION OF DELAMINATION INTRUSION FOR A [0/+15] SPECIMEN USING A GEOMETRICALLY INTEGRATED FINITE ELEMENT MODEL 205 STRAIN ENERGY RELEASE RATE AS A FUNCTION OF SPECIMENS OF DELAMINATION INTRUSION FOR [+15 NONSTANDARD WIDTH USING A GEOMETRICALLY INTEGRATED FINITE ELEMENT MODEL INCLUDING THE EFFECTS OF FINITE SPECIMEN DIMENSIONS 210 STRAIN ENERGY RELEASE RATE AS A FUNCTION OF SPECIMENS DELAMINATION INTRUSION FOR [+15 /0 USING A GEOMETRICALLY INTEGRATED FNTE ELEMENT MODEL INCLUDING THE EFFECTS OF FINITE SPECIMEN DIMENSIONS 211 STRAIN ENERGY RELEASE RATE AS A FUNCTION OF DELAMINATION INTRUSION FOR [0 /+15 ] SPECIMENS USING A GEOMETRICALLY INTEGRATED FNTTE ELEMENT MODEL INCLUDING THE EFFECTS OF FINITE SPECIMEN DIMENSIONS 212 7.17 EXPERIMENTAL VALUES OF STRAIN ENERGY RELEASE RATE AS A FUNCTION OF DELAMINATION INTRUSION FOR 216 [±1 5 3]s SPECIMENS USING O'BRIEN'S METHOD 7.18 EXPERIMENTAL VALUES OF STRAIN ENERGY RELEASE RATE AS A FUNCTION OF DELAMINATION INTRUSION FOR [+15 ] SPECIMENS USING A TWO-DIMENSIONAL FINITE ELEMAN~ MODEL 217 7.19 EXPERIMENTAL VALUES OF STRAIN ENERGY RELEASE RATE AS A FUNCTION OF DELAMINATION INTRUSION FOR [+15 SPECIMENS USING A GEOMETRICALLY INTEgRaTED FINITE ELEMENT MODEL 218 7.20 EXPERIMENTAL VALUES OF STRAIN ENERGY RELEASE RATE AS A FUNCTION OF DELAMINATION INTRUSION FOR [+15 SPECIMENS USING A GEOMETRICALLY INTERRTED FINITE ELEMENT MODEL INCLUDING THE EFFECTS OF FINITE SPECIMEN DIMENSIONS 219 7.21 EXPERIMENTAL VALUES OF STRAIN ENERGY RELEASE RATE AS A FUNCTION OF DELAMINATION INTRUSION FOR [±15n/0n]s SPECIMENS USING O'BRIEN'S METHOD 220 n ns~~~~~~~~~~~2 16 LIST OF FIGURES (Continued) FIGURE PAGE 7.22 EXPERIMENTAL VALUES OF STRAIN ENERGY RELEASE RATE AS A FUNCTION OF DELAMINATION INTRUSION FOR [+15 /0 ] SPECIMENS USING A TWO-DIMENSIONAL FINITE ELEMENT MODEL 221 7.23 EXPERIMENTAL VALUES OF STRAIN ENERGY RELEASE RATE AS A FUNCTION OF DELAMINATION INTRUSION FOR [+15 /0 SPECIMENS USING A GEOMETRICALLY INTE8RA EB FINITE ELEMENT MODEL 222 7.24 EXPERIMENTAL VALUES OF STRAIN ENERGY RELEASE RATE AS A FUNCTION OF DELAMINATION INTRUSION FOR [+15 /0 ] SPECIMENS USING A GEOMETRICALLY INTEBRA EB FINITE ELEMENT MODEL INCLUDING THE EFFECTS OF FINITE SPECIMEN DIMENSIONS 223 7.25 EXPERIMENTAL VALUES OF STRAIN ENERGY RELEASE RATE AS A FUNCTION OF DELAMINATION INTRUSION FOR [0n/+15n] SPECIMENS USING O'BRIEN'S METHOD 224 7.26 EXPERIMENTAL VALUES OF STRAIN ENERGY RELEASE RATE AS A FUNCTION OF DELAMINATION INTRUSION FOR [O /+15 SPECIMENS USING A TWO-DIMENSIONAL FIMITE ELEMENT MODEL 225 7.27 EXPERIMENTAL VALUES OF STRAIN ENERGY RELEASE RATE AS A FUNCTION OF DELAMINATION INTRUSION FOR [0O/+15 ] SPECIMENS USING A GEOMETRICALLY INEGRA EB FINITE ELEMENT MODEL 226 7.28 EXPERIMENTAL VALUES OF STRAIN ENERGY RELEASE RATE AS A FUNCTION OF DELAMINATION INTRUSION FOR [0 /+15 SPECIMENS USING A GEOMETRICALLY INtEGRAtEB FINITE ELEMENT MODEL INCLUDING THE EFFECTS OF FINITE SPECIMEN DIMENSIONS 227 7.29 EXPERIMENTAL VALUES OF STRAIN ENERGY RELEASE RATE AS A FUNCTION OF DELAMINATION INTRUSION FOR A [0 /+15 SPECIMEN USING A GEOMETRICALLY IN4EGRA4EB FINITE ELEMENT MODEL INCLUDING THE EFFECTS OF FINITE SPECIMEN DIMENSIONS 230 17 LIST OF TABLES TABLE 3.1 PAGE MATERIAL PARAMETERS OF HERCULES AS4/3501-6 UNIDIRECTIONAL GRAPHITE/EPOXY AND HERCULES AW370-5H/3501-6 FABRIC GRAPHITE/EPOXY 59 3.2 TEST MATRIX FOR DELAMINATION INITIATION SPECIMENS 63 3.3 5 3] TEST MATRIX FOR [±+1 s SPECIMENS OF NONSTANDARD WIDTHS 3.4 TEST MATRIX FOR [±+15 /0 ] AND [0 /15 66 n] SPECIMENS WITH DIFFEREN~ EFFECTIVE PLY THICKNESSES 72 3.5 TEST MATRIX FOR [±20F]s FABRIC SPECIMENS 76 3.6 TEST MATRIX FOR [+15 /0 3] SPECIMENS WITH IMPLANTED DELAMINATI NS AAD ANGLE PLY SPLITS 80 4.1 NOMINAL AND MEASURED LAMINATE THICKNESSES 93 4.2 NOMINAL LAMINATE AND LOADING TAB THICKNESSES 94 5.1 PREDICTED VERSUS ACTUAL INITIATION STRESS AND CALCULATED INTERLAMINAR NORMAL STRENGTH 109 AVERAGE MODULUS, FAILURE STRESS, AND FAILURE STRAIN FOR NONSTANDARD WIDTH [±+153] s SPECIMENS 127 AVERAGE FIRST GROWTH STRESS RANGE, MAXIMUM INTRUSION, AND DELAMINATION AREA BEFORE FAILURE FOR NONSTANDARD WIDTH [±+153] SPECIMENS 132 AVERAGE MODULUS, FAILURE STRESS, AND FAILURE STRAIN FOR [+15n/0n]s AND [0n/+15n]s SPECIMENS 135 AVERAGE FIRST GROWTH STRESS RANGE, MAXIMUM INTRUSION, AND DELAMINATION AREA BEFORE FAILURE FOR (±15n/0n] AND [0n/+15n1s SPECIMENS 137 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.5 AVERAGE GROWTH-TO-TAB AND [n/±15n] 6.6 6.7 s STRESSES FOR [±15 /0n] SPECIMENS AVERAGE MODULUS, FAILURE STRESS, AND FAILURE STRAIN FOR [±20F]s FABRIC SPECIMENS s 146 149 STRENGTH PARAMETERS FOR HERCULES AW370-5H/3501-6 FABRIC GRAPHITE/EPOXY 150 18 LIST OF TABLES (Continued) PAGE TABLE 6.8 MODULUS AND FAILURE DATA FOR [0 /+15 SPECIMENS WITH IMPLANTED DELAMIAATIOS 6.9 DELAMINATION AND ANGLE PLY SPLIT FORMATION DATA FOR [0 /+15 ] 155 SPECIMENS WITH IMPLANTED DELAMIAATIONS s 159 6.10 STRENGTH PARAMETERS FOR HERCULES AS4/3501-6 UNIDIRECTIONAL GRAPHITE/EPOXY 164 6.11 STRAIN ENERGY RELEASE RATE AT AVERAGE GROWTH-TO-TAB STRESSES FOR [±15n/0n]s AND [0n/+15n]s SPECIMENS 173 H.1 FINITE ELEMENT MODEL WIDTHS FOR VARIOUS DELAMINATION H.2 SIZES POSITION OF BOUNDARIES OF FINITE ELEMENTS ACROSS MODEL WIDTH 270 271 19 NOMENCLATURE a delamination length in a two-dimensional analysis Adel area of delaminated region b specimen test section halfwidth E modulus Elam Eloc longitudinal specimen modulus of the completely laminated local longitudinal modulus of a differentially thin cross-section of the specimen E weighted average longitudinal modulus sublaminates of a delaminated specimen F coefficient in a general tensor criterion G strain energy release rate G strain energy release rate determined from the two-dimensional finite element analysis GPa Gigapascal (= 109 Pascals) 1 specimen test section halflength mm millimeter MPa Megapascal (= 106 Pascals) n normalized effective ply thickness psia pounds per square inch of absolute pressure psig pounds per square inch of gage pressure (pressure above atmospheric) S in-plane shear strength of of the the unidirectional composite T temperature t laminate thickness tply ply thickness u, v, w displacements respectively in the x 1 , x 2, and x3 directions, 20 U internal energy U internal energy per unit length x distance edge x avg from a reference point, such as the free averaging dimension in the Quadratic Delamination Criterion yt in-plane transverse strength Zc compressive interlaminar normal strength zt tensile interlaminar normal strength Z interlaminar shear strength for alz Z s2 interlaminar shear strength for a2z coefficient of thermal expansion ratio of the local strain level to the average strain level over the specimen length 6 total longitudinal section c strain level c average strain level over the specimen length pstrain microstrain (microinch/inch of strain) a stress a component of stress averaged over a distance xavg displacement from the free edge 0a far-field stress a lamination angle °C degrees Celsius SUBSCRIPTS c critical value for delamination del delaminated F fabric graphite/epoxy composite for the test 21 I mode I (opening) component II mode II (sliding) component III mode III (tearing) component lam laminated loc local L, 1 longitudinal T, 2 transverse 0 or 90° direction direction unidirectional graphite/epoxy composite U z, or 3 through-the-thickness direction SUPERSCRIPTS c only compressive values considered t only tensile values considered 22 CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION composite Advanced advances in materials Although presently high, material these significant All aspects of engineering possible. aerospace the industry have found applications for materials. made have light, these processing and stiff costs are often offset by reduced material are waste and life cycle fuel savings. One which aircraft to fly non-stop around the enterprise composites advanced This experimental craft was able is the Voyager. extensively This employs world demonstrated without to aerial the world refueling. the potential of advanced composites as structural materials. An example aircraft is the of the use Beechcraft of composites Starship 1. in production This fuel efficient business jet recently became the first aircraft with a primary structure composed structural certification Administration. beginning entirely of advanced composites to obtain The from the Federal Aviation certification of the Starship marks the composites in Voyager and the Starship would not of an era when the use of advanced aircraft structural design will be routine. The success of the have been possible without the groundbreaking composites on other aircraft. application of The Boeing 757 and 767 aircraft were designed primarily for fuel efficiency and as such advanced composites extensively in secondary structures. used 23 Advanced composites have many uses in military aircraft. They offer ease of fabrication of the necessary for reducing radar complex configurations cross-section. The potential weight savings allows the designer to increase range, payload, and/or maneuverability. Only the weight savings from advanced composites makes the AV-8B vertical takeoff and landing (VTOL) fighter possible in its present configuration. The inherent anisotropy of fibrous composites gives them the potential to be "tailored" in useful ways. the ambitious use of aeroelastic An example tailoring Grumman/DARPA X-29 forward swept wing aircraft. the lamination angles of the plies wings can be swept forward in the while is of the By adjusting wing skins, inhibiting the aeroelastic instabilities such as divergence. Advanced composites are important in the field astronautics. In an industry where launch costs are in of thousands dollars per pound, structural weight with functioning valuable. the ability electronics of measured to replace is extremely The material and fabrication costs are essentially negligible. The largest composites in a examples spacecraft of an application are the payload of advanced bay doors on the space shuttle orbiter. Another example is the filament solid rocket case These cases counterparts case). booster have far (32200 kg designed less versus mass wound for the space shuttle. than 46000 kg their for D6ac each steel booster Although the Challenger disaster has put plans to use 24 filament wound cases polar orbit on space on hold, they could be used to achieve shuttle launches from Vandenburg Air Force Base or to significantly increase payload to orbit. Despite recent progress, advanced composites still have a great deal of untapped safety potential. factors are quite high. the Starship secondary At present, the design Even the primary structure of is more lightly loaded than some of the composite structures on researchers learn composites, engineers more the larger about the can more commercial complex confidently jets. As behavior use of them to a fuller extent. An issue understanding of utmost importance of all possible to date is delamination. "plies" of out-of-plane composite direction engineers failure modes. puzzling the to even from when the One of the most In this mode, separate is the layers or each other in the the loading is in-plane [e.g. 1].j Delamination has been determined to result from the out-of-plane layer [2). plates [e.g. 3]. free of arises These edges, in an thin interply multi-directional stresses cutouts, matrix immediate loss of composite are significant in regions and delamination has initiated, it can causing a This failure results from a full three-dimensional state of stress that near failure ply dropoffs. propagate strength across Once a a part and stiffness and, often, failure. The primary damage objective of this work is to determine the sequence which leads to "premature" failure of general 25 graphite/epoxy laminates Investigations in the either delamination Wang and this thesis, literature initiation Crossman of delamination: induced by have generally focused on [e.g. 4] [6] recognized delamination. or growth that there are three phases initiation, growth, and final each phase [e.g. 5]. will be failure. investigated In both experimentally and analytically. A which of secondary objective can correlate the various is to develop analytical models data and serve as a basis damage stages. Such models preliminary design process by allowing larger numbers propensity prediction can aid in the designers to compare candidate laminates on the basis of their to fail via delamination. Chapter regarding growth, of for 2 of this thesis interlaminar and final is a review stresses, failure in of the delamination laminated literature initiation, composites. The approach taken to achieve the objectives of this investigation are discussed in Chapter 3. The procedures are detailed in Chapter 4. general manufacturing A series of experiments undertaken to investigate delamination initiation in laminates dominated by thermally-induced are described undertaken to in Chapter 5. growth observed are Four sets normal of stresses experiments ascertain the stages of damage progression and evaluate their interaction are Chapter 7, interlaminar modifications proposed damage. in The to discussed in Chapter 6. In existing models of delamination order to better investigation is approximate summarized the in 26 Chapter 8. The results is ascertained and the applicability of the analytical model is evaluated. work The significance relevant of the experimental conclusions of this are summarized in Chapter 9 along with recommendations for further research into the subject of the ultimate strength composite laminates prone to delamination failure. of 27 CHAPTER 2 SUMMARY OF PREVIOUS WORK A great deal of research has been conducted on advanced composite materials. deals with reviewed. three In this chapter, out-of-plane or of literature which "interlaminar" stresses will be Subsequently, literature phases the delamination of concerning each of the graphite/epoxy composites (initiation, growth, and final failure) will be discussed. 2.1 Interlaminar Stresses and Delamination Researchers have investigated composites delamination for some time. /Delamination of advanced has been determined to result from the out-of-plane failure of a thin interply matrix layer [2].)' Interlaminar initiation of this damage. and stresses are responsible for the These stresses have high gradients are significant only in regions near free edges, notches, and ply dropoffs. Classical Laminated Plate Theory [e.g. 7] describes the behavior of a laminated set of plies or "laminate" by imposing continuity thickness. of coefficient orientation strain throughout the laminate For reference, the coordinate system used in investigation properties in-plane is of a depicted ply in Figure 2.1. (e.g. modulus, The Poisson's this elastic ratio, of mutual influence) are functions of the angular of its fibers. Hence, there will in general be a 28 - I lI· I 12 I T I Ot ..Ad (i) i.. - 11 FIGURE 2.1 b- GEOMETRY FOR THE PROBLEM UNDER UNIAXIAL LOAD OF A LAMINATED PLATE 29 mismatch between the elastic properties of neighboring plies. The effect of the difference each has ply a 1 2). its For example, all own in elastic properties is in-plane stress state (all, if the Poisson's that 2 2, and ratio is not identical in plies, the Classical Laminated Plate Theory solution will predict non-zero transverse stress (a2 2 ) that will ply to ply for the case of uniaxial loading. vary This solution will satisfy the stress-free boundary conditions at edge of a specimen from only in an average sense. the free The boundary conditions and equilibrium requirements will result in a three-dimensional full state of stress in the region near the free edge. The calculation of important elements used. [e.g. 8,9] topic. and stresses has been an Numerical methods such as finite finite difference [10] have been Early analytical approaches focused on one component at a time. for research interlaminar Pagano and Pipes interlaminar normal [11] derived a stress (azz) rough approximation by assuming a stress distribution and enforcing force and moment equilibrium at the free edge. Puppo and Evensen [12] calculated the interlaminar shear stress alz by modeling the interlaminar matrix layers as isotropic Fourier shear series derivative of layers. Pipes approach. They displacement and Pagano [13] attempted a found, however, that the with respect to location through the thickness diverged with the addition of terms. Hsu and Herakovich [14] used a perturbation solution and obtained good agreement with finite difference solutions. They also found 30 some instabilities in azz and a dependence of the distribution shape on specimen width and applied strain. Pagano and Soni [15] parts contain recognized They believed sophisticated approach. specialized actual a substantial number of layers. finite element model would be unwieldy. that to the computationally the problem composite An associated intensive and would require a more They developed a variational method interlaminar stress problem. The method divides the part into "global" and "local" domains. The local domain is the region of interest. is in the global domain. domain are smeared The remainder Most characteristics together. The of approach of the part the is global akin to the evaluation of substructuring in the general finite element method. Kassapoglou and Lagace [16] approached interlaminar stresses by assuming stress satisfied integral the boundary equilibrium. conditions distributions and which differential and The complementary energy of the system is evaluated symbolically and made stationary. When actual stresses and elastic parameters are considered, the parameters needed to describe the interlaminar stress be solved for iteratively. distributions This method was shown to require far less computational effort than the finite while showing literature. the solution conditions some special excellent Any agreement significant in the literature or equilibrium. cases [17] and can with element solutions method in the differences could be traced to not satisfying the boundary The method has been evaluated for extended to thermally-induced 31 loading [18]. Wang and Choi [19] have suggested singularity at the free edge singularity, however, of may that there is a stress composite ply properties properties may theoretical may have break to existence This only be important over regions so small that the underlying assumptions of of laminates. down be of smeared and homogeneity fiber considered and matrix explicitly. The the singularity may therefore have only limited practical importance. There are stresses. ' The several does not in evaluating interlaminar method of Kassapoglou and Lagace will be used in this investigation It options because include it is efficient a singularity and accurate. in its present this does not appear to be an important factor in the form, but present investigation. 2.2 Delamination Initiation The interlaminar initiating knowledge of stress delamination.' initiation materials the approach. how to in incorporate has been a subject of debate. been and instrumental stress state into the prediction basic methodologies have approach is Nonetheless, of the interlaminar delamination state explored: strain the energy mechanics release Two of rate 32 2.2.1 Initial Qualitative Approaches Early attempts to correlate delamination initiation with the interlaminar stress state Pipes et al. [3] have no mismatch Classical of Laminated transverse stress calculations stress studied [e.g. 17] (azz) were [±e]s laminates. Poisson's Plate ratio Theory show delamination in these These laminates from ply the [±e2 ] s ("alternating") these laminates are the interlaminar shear was primarily laminates. the layer thickness stresses. laminates normal responsible Herakovich [20] also laminates The mismatch. with He [(+±)2]s and the resulting magnitude of at the interfaces of greater in the clustered laminates. clustered stress The essential differences between interlaminar shear stresses az is no The conclusion reached was that ("clustered") laminates. ply. predicts interlaminar investigated laminates containing no Poisson's compared to Interlaminar that is negligible. qualitative. therefore (a2 2 ). the interlaminar shear stress alz for essentially failed at the interest Herakovich found that significantly lower stresses. This indicates earlier delamination initiation. concluded that "the differences are explained analytically through consideration of the influence of layer the magnitude Rodini approach by of the interlaminar and Eisenmann [1] He thickness on shear stress." attempted a quantitative trying to correlate delamination with the volume integral of the interlaminar normal stress (azz). They only 33 integrated over that volume edge and the point where the propensity for of the laminate azz changed sign. delamination between They proposed azz. solution of Pagano and Pipes They used [11] to determine This approach predicts that delamination strength strong function of specimen length. correlation of analysis and that could be determined with a Weibull distribution of the value of this integral. the approximate the free is a They achieved "reasonable tests" although they did not specifically test the effect of specimen length. Lagace [21] of integrating propensity over the entire volume, however, of various the integral changed also considered the effect of azz interfaces to delaminate he rated the on the basis of azz from the free edge to the point sign. Instead where Specimen length was not considered. of it Specimen thickness was only accounted for indirectly in that it changed the distribution of a on each interface. higher tensile values of this integral was a of a greater propensity These early however, in approaches was the indication often achieved good qualitative individual general good that for delamination. agreement with the data generated for the conditions He believed enough special references. to be used cases None of and them, in all cases for general laminates. 2.2.2 Strain Energy Release Rate Approaches K Delaminations can be regarded as interlaminar cracks.- 34 This prompted some researchers to look at delamination onset and growth in terms of fracture mechanics methodologies. most popular approach is Rybicki et al. [5] reasoned growth in isotropic delamination release per of unit strain energy release rate. that methods developed metals laminated rate approach the could The be for extended composites. The to strain can be applied in terms of crack the energy energy area of crack growth available from released strain energy (strain energy release rate curves) and the energy unit the per area needed to create the new surface area (delamination resistance curve or "R-curve"). Rybicki et al. [5] determined the strain energy released during incremental crack growth using a two-dimensional finite element model of a laminate cross-section. change in energy, they released crack tip, and reevaluated the could approximate the change To evaluate the an additional node at the finite element model. They in energy by closing the node with the nodal forces observed when that node was closed. energy was the integral of the product of virtual force and virtual displacement. method. The This is the "virtual crack closure" Data they obtained suggested that "the strain energy release rate appears to warrant further investigation as a way of predicting initiation" of delamination in composites. Wang and Crossman [6] engaged in further work with the strain energy release rate closure method. components of They force approach specifically and and the noted displacement virtual that could the crack three be integrated 35 mode II (sliding), to obtain the mode I (opening), separately and mode III (tearing) contributions to strain energy rate. They exist. They approximated the assumed crack initial that a small the R-curve as starting size and rising quickly to an asymptotic The strain a slight hump for a small delamination strain was level at analysis curve the zero from their finite element rate contained at release for all larger crack sizes. obtained crack does energy value they interlaminar release such size. When the that this hump approximated R-curve as illustrated in Figure 2.2, the conditions were said to be for "pop-in" of a delamination acceptable They obtained data for some with n from ranging They cases. one half to eight tested (n that transverse to in cracks two. delamination For value. laminates showed all the 90 ° layer thinner the fact appeared laminates, thicker strain Their good the before for laminates with n greater than or initiation predicted They found or equal to three) despite initiation delamination equal than less [±25/90n]s [22,23]. good correlation for delamination initiation for laminates initiation. was results the observed significantly below the for some agreement [24]. quasi-isotropic Their analysis for these cases led them to believe that pop-in delaminations on the order of one to three ply thicknesses Kim and laminates. They are in size. Hong [25] applied this methodology to angle ply They obtained determined that good mode III failure of angle ply laminates. agreement dominates with the their data. interlaminar This is not surprising given 36 DELAMINATION SIZE AFTER "POP-IN" PREVIOUSLY STABLE DELAMINATION SIZE ILU en - / I/ 1 _ _ _ CD z-J z LUJ LU H -- RESISTANCE CURVE --- STRAIN ENERGY REILEASE RATE (f) DELAMINATION SIZE FIGURE 2.2 SCHEMATIC OF THE STRAIN ENERGY RELEASE RATE CURVE AND THE CRACK GROWTH RESISTANCE CURVE AT "POP-IN" OF THE DELAMINATION INITIATION 37 the that value selection to respect with changes this of of a geometry assumes nothing position, including He calculated the energy regions delaminated approach He used a rule of mixtures the of modulus He in terms of the modulus, the laminate dimensions, and the strain longitudinal level. and energy release rate. longitudinal delamination width and strain level. in the laminated an as strips along the free edge the delaminations The strain the for obtaining of method O'Brien [26] derived a simpler specimen. angle are zero [17]. ply laminates approximate and azz shear stress a2z at the free edge of virgin interlaminar modeled stress normal interlaminar predicted delaminated region to from calculate the moduli the of the He obtained the following expression for strain sublaminates. energy release rate: G = 2(Elam- E(2.1) = strain energy release rate where: G t = laminate C = thickness strain level Elam = modulus of the laminated region = weighted average modulus of delaminated region. E The factor available therefore, is t embodies the general principle proportional the ply to thickness. the laminate The factor c2 that the energy thickness and, shows that the 38 available level. for energy is proportional to the square of the strain O'Brien concedes that this equation only gives a value total energy released. An approach such as virtual crack closure is necessary to determine the relative contribution of the various modes. He includes no provisions for any more general delamination geometry and makes no attempt to account for the effects of the interlaminar stress boundary region. O'Brien's initiation critical equation in a laminate value delamination of can be applied to the delamination if it is assumed strain initiation. energy that release there rate, is one Gc, for In cases in which the effective ply thickness is varied by stacking plies of the same angular orientation together, it predicts that initiation stress will be inversely proportional ply thickness. He root of the effective was able to get reasonable agreement for his data for delamination specimens. to the square initiation of [+45n/-45n/0n/90n]s He concluded that this method was "sufficient" for the purposes of preliminary design. In a subsequent utility of a paper, O'Brien width tapered specimen with a [±30/±30/90/90] to measure compared double cantilever beam (WTDCB) "edge delamination specimen" and the the edge delamination delamination specimen GI, in the edge crack closure method. using initiation onset strain. They determined the mode I component of strain energy rate, the the critical value of strain energy release rate. They computed G c for equation 2.1 et al. [27] delamination They found it was release case using the virtual significantly lower 39 value, GIC, determined data and that data from both the than specimen critical to necessary of types are tests "interlaminar fracture material's a quantify the WTDCB from toughness". [28] then attempted O'Brien to contribution mode I to strain quantify energy rate on the release critical value of total strain energy release rate. rate remained constant while the mode I He loading, the criterion a reach of varied. systems under static was for onset of delamination GI that Further experiments by O'Brien et that "toughened" when GI contribution resin brittle value. critical al. [29] indicated values for that concluded He varied so that the total strain energy release sequences lamination of effect the mode I the resins had lower critical constituted contributions a smaller percentage of total strain energy release rate. The strain energy sound events principle: feasible. energetically can only is they if occur equation assume likely laminate. O'Brien not simplified be the case for a delamination if G c is taken to be a function contribution to the strain energy release rate. this requires This nullifies are the geometry and a constant This will in a general Additionally, data can only be correlated with equation a Nonetheless, the proposed forms have strain level with respect to longitudinal position. most on based Both the virtual crack closure method and some problems. O'Brien release rate approach the of the mode I At present, finite element modeling and a large data base. the benefits gained from having a simple 40 approach. the papers dealing with strain energy release rate as Of a Wang initiation [5,6,22-29], only preexisting or predicting for method delaminations delamination correlating and Crossman [6] mention Nonetheless, in their derivation. fracture mechanics methodologies are derived in terms of crack tip The fields. stress virtual crack closure results show for such question the that the strain energy release rate approaches zero proper If no crack of sufficient initiation. delamination orientation necessary Broek criterion initiate some via this sufficient need delamination Hence, is a not be have may a to other mechanism before fracture mechanics Once the delamination has initiated, delamination size It for crack extension. methodologies can apply. however, crack about [30] has stated, "The energy criterion criterion." sufficient and size exists at the free edge, then there may not be sufficient concentration of stresses to bring extension. to methodologies mechanics fracture of applicability into brings This delaminations. small for may fracture itself mechanics serve as a crack of methodologies to apply. 2.2.3 Average Stress Mechanics of Materials Approaches Wang and Choi [19] suggested singularity at the free edge. the existence Although of a stress the region over which this effect is important may be extremely small in most cases, 41 a singularity straightforward brings into mechanics question the applicability of materials approaches. edge is an example of a small region of high stress stress gradients. concentration a In one The free and high sense, it is akin to the stress at the edge of a hole. In the case of a hole in composite specimen, data suggests the stress at the edge of the hole far exceeds the in-plane To of deal with this effect strength in holes, Whitney introduced the "average stress" concept. theoretical longitudinal edge of the hole. of stress (11) the laminate. and Nuismer They [31] averaged over a distance the from the The general equation for an average stress is: Xavg --v1{ij dx (2.2) all X ~avg 0 where: aij = stress component aij = average stress component x = distance from a reference edge xavg = averaging dimension. They predicted failure when this stress reached a critical value. In an analagous interlaminar strength observed. shear parameters Kim and fashion, the theoretical values of and normal stresses far exceed reasonable before Soni 4] delamination thus attempted initiation to is correlate 42 delamination initiation with an average value of interlaminar normal stress. They averaged the stress over one nominal ply thickness and approximated the interlaminar normal strength by the transverse strength of the unidirectional composite. resulting The criterion was therefore that delamination initiates when: =t - zz (2.3) where: yt = in-plane transverse strength of the unidirectional composite. They only considered capable of tensile initiating interlaminar delamination. demonstrated that the theoretical value of normal stress Their results the interlaminar normal stress far exceeded the estimated strength. In a subsequent the effect averaged of this the investigation, interlaminar Kim and Soni [32] analyzed shear stress alz. They shear component over one nominal ply thickness and estimated the interlaminar shear strength as the in-plane shear strength of the unidirectional composite. The resulting criterion was that delamination initiates the when absolute magnitude of the average interlaminar shear stress reached the estimated shear strength: ilzl where: = S S = in-plane composite. (2.4) shear strength of the unidirectional 43 Reasonable agreement was obtained. They did not discuss which interlaminar stress component was more important or how to choose between the two criteria they proposed. Kim and Soni [33] then proposed a general criterion which included the effects of all interlaminar stress components. The criterion stated that delamination would initiate when: -2 F zz where Fttlz-2 the in-plane -2 2z +F +F coefficients shear eliminating and terms + Fta 1 could be transverse dependent + F+ determined strength 2 = 1 by (2.5) relevant tests. After on the sign of shear stress, the criterion reduces to: F -2 azzz -2 +Fttlz Fuu -2 +F 2z (2.6) (2.6) z zz They achieved good agreement with their data. The linear term in interlaminar normal significant. stress is quite It implies that compressive average interlaminar normal stress can inhibit delamination initiation in cases which interlaminar shear stress dominates. Kim in and Soni performed no experiment to directly test this hypothesis. Brewer and Lagace [34] proposed a similar delamination initiation. criterion for The Quadratic Delamination Criterion states that delamination will initiate when: 44 - where: -t a zz 2 z sl s2 compressive values of zz shear strength for alz = interlaminar shear strength for a2z tensile interlaminar normal strength zC = compressive interlaminar normal strength averaging dimension is a fit parameter rather than set equal to a value determined by composite The (2.7) 1 = interlaminar z The t = tensile values of azz -c azz= Z c2 [ Z2 interlaminar measured by direct shown that there in-plane strength experiment. can be transverse strength. The parameters a material can, in producers. theory, be Lagace and Weems [35] have significant strength and difference out-of-plane between normal difference between the effects of tensile and compressive average interlaminar normal- strength are accounted for by linear average explicitly term. separate This quadratic dismisses interlaminar normal the terms ability stress to of rather than a compressive suppress initiation controlled by interlaminar shear stress. Brewer and Lagace [34] tested [0n/+15n]s laminates [±15n]s, [±15n/0n1s, to find delamination initiation stress. A computer-controlled testing program was used. automatically indicative of stopped the and a test increase The program when a drop in load, possibly in compliance accompanying 45 delamination initiation, was detected. Delamination initiation was verified us ing the edge replication described by Klang and Hyer [36]. agreement with their data. to be on the techniques They obtained excellent The averaging dimension was order of a ply thickness found but not equal to it. This was verified by using prepregs of the same material with two different nominal ply thicknesses. Brewer approach by a and Lagace [26] resulted factor lamination of up sequence found the dominated three to of strength cannot of by the interlaminar for laminates mode I considerations. different may not occurs. ply apply varied of the contribution [0n/±1 5 n]s and shear stress initiation consistently O'Brien's same with different effective ply thicknesses [±15n/0n] s' Delamination appears The predict behavior the initiation laminates were be controlled energy in to delamination by release rate laminates with thicknesses and different fractions of G I. directly of alz' to strain was before It initiation The average stress mechanics of materials approaches to work well for the laminate Nonetheless, applicability more of work needs to types be an tested to to verify done date. the these approaches to laminates which are not dominated by interlaminar shear and in such use Calculations showed that the delamination [±15n]s' appear the in calculated values of Gc that even though the percentage same. that thermally-induced which interlaminar other effects, stresses, are 46 important. The Quadratic Delamination Criterion will be used to correlate delamination because it relies on initiation an in this experimentally investigation derived averaging dimension rather than a manufacturing parameter. 2.3 Delamination Growth The next phase growth. If sufficiently of damage delamination large development initiation interlaminar methodologies are more likely to necessary that conditions. were be can delamination serve fracture sufficient as a mechanics as well as The strain energy release rate curves generated to initiation [5,6,22-29] can delamination Rybicki growth. crack, is also et describe delamination be to al. used [5] describe calculated the critical value for strain energy release rate as a function of delamination size. They found it was nearly constant during growth. Wang et al. [6,24] believed they using the virtual energy the Gc as available could be shown in Figure 2.3. growth They argued that approximated Recall for release is proportional strain level. describe crack closure approach. the asymptote of the R-curve constant could by that the strain to the square as of The hump in the strain energy release rate curve and the R-curve crossed at stable delamination sizes long the as the R-curve extended above the strain energy release rate curve at larger delamination sizes. For an asymptotic 47 LUi CRITICAL VALUE OF STRAIN ENERGY RELEASE RATE, GC L LLJ p- z LrL ACTUAL DELAMINATION RESISTANCE CURVE LLJ zH >p-) DELAMINATION SIZE FIGURE 2.3 SCHEMATIC OF THE DELAMINATION RESISTANCE CURVE AS APPROXIMATED BY A CRITICAL VALUE OF STRAIN ENERGY RELEASE RATE 48 this is only possible when the strain energy release R-curve, rate curve has a negative the hump shown as increased and slope, such as on the back in the Figure 2.4. strain in thLe strain energy maximum stable delamination release rate curve could direct the delaminations t' he Once above occur. local strain a energy unstable the virtual crack Since two-dimensiona 1 than The R-curve the applicability other o ccur. would size. closure method is based on a model, level release rate curve represents shifted ggrowth delamination strain of energy release rate curve shifted upward, stable delamination growth minimum the As side of finite the element results to constant width delaminations along the free edge i.s questionable. In a subsequent observed growth behavior pattern paper did for specimens incurred The more detailed analysis of not Crossman several authors ... is and Wang [±25/90n]s cracking were laminates. before delamination shown region These prompted to conclude that "a to delamination growth the delamination be necessary for the growth." Kim and Hong [25] stated that the strain energy release rate approach the [23], match the predicted delamination transverse initiation. prediction by they describes observed in angle ply laminates. O'Brien describe [26] proposed delamination that his approach growth. The could be used assumptions made in his derivation make his approach directly applicable only delamination has a constant to if the width along the free edge and no 49 LAST STABLE DELAMINATION SIZE BEFORE UNSTABLE GROWTH WL / N I LuJ Co LU / / INCREASING STABLE DELAMINATION SIZE / LOAD -J CD z LU / LU --- RESISTANCE CURVE ---STRAIN ENERGY RELEASE RATE (If AVAILABLE AT VARIOUS LOADS DELAMINATION SIZE FIGURE 2.4 SCHEMATIC OF THE STRAIN ENERGY RELEASE RATE CURVES AT VARIOUS POINTS DURING STABLE AND UNSTABLE DELAMINATION GROWTH 50 quantity such as position. longitudinal release rate to that the more general function and expression of delamination can be extended that he believes The strain delamination present form, delamination approach it should growth in has shapes to resistance size. of size. He curve is a uses his He generate an R-curve types. to other laminate general the limited with be function release rate approach may be able to energy describe a of delamination size and strain data for [+±30/±30/90/90] s specimens level is delamination delamination of actual strain equation predicts strain energy The independent be assumes merely longitudinal case. applicability complicated developed to strain which In its general fields. An for the accounts characteristics of more general delamination geometries. 2.4 Delamination Failure k The experimental prone that laminates stresses as found this Lagace et the for strength and was to documented in the literature is delamination will layer thickness increases. his al. [37] [0n/±15n]s, trend alternating found 4 5 n/On] [+± this and for fail [±15n]s, No found for [[0/±15]s]n specimens. laminates. [±15n/On]s, difference for delamination initiation and in Strain energy release rate approaches would suggest that this would trend lower Herakovich [20] clustered specimens. at growth, be the but not 51 final for explicitly imply in their conclusion Hong [25] and evaluated strength all "for has the caused resulting not on one another, They suggested that final failure should necessarily to fail. be is final failure is not as that release their constraint to sublaminates noted The delamination simple as that. growth that unstable a good estimate of ultimate strength." practical purposes ... Kim Wang et al. [24] do however failure. after delamination in of the sublaminates, in terms their of the in-plane case, unconstrained angle plies. The in-plane of laminates strength therefore relevant to this investigation. shows good agreement and sublaminates is One criterion which with in-plane tensile fracture data of graphite/epoxy is the generalized stress interaction criterion of Tsai and Wu [38]. The criterion is applied on a ply by ply basis to the in-plane stress Laminated Theory. Plate state The general polynomial of order n. quadratic calculated criterion by Classical can be written as a The most useful version is the In tensor notation, the criterion is written form. as: Fao aa Since the + F the criterion indices a, It can be reasoned eliminated ayaaaB is applied , a, (2.8) 1 to the in-plane stress state, and y can assume the values of 1 and 2. that terms linear in shear stress should be because the definition of positive shear stress is 52 on dependent these terms remain. are Five removed, of F six these can and coefficients F determined be for a composite material by performing uniaxial compressive and tensile along the sixth interaction in biaxial take the loading major and axes (e.g. a [On ] laminate material The two coefficient is a test of the basic shear for unidirectional F1122. tests This tape) [38]. quantifies the the longitudinal and transverse stresses between loading. If the general criterion form a of Once of the coordinate system. selection the von Mises axes, the value of the is assumed to in the principal criterion interaction is term given by [38]: 1122 2 F1111 This is the form of F122 2222 (2.9) used in the version of the criterion that has been used to achieve good agreement. Little work has been done explicitly on of final in-plane failure significant delamination criterion of Tsai of damage. specimens Although final in-plane evaluated. correlation which experience the generalized and Wu shows good agreement with in-plane failure when there is no delamination, the the its failure of delaminated applicability specimens to should be 53 CHAPTER 3 APPROACH TO PRESENT WORK 3.1 Overview The and work is a synthesis of related experimental present efforts analytical with designed the of objective describing and understanding the sequence of events which lead to failure of growth, initiation, and final investigating each phase sections this chapter. in analysis, has Delamination delamination. three be for approach forth in subsequent put Details and results will be The by phases [6]: major failure.'- will induced laminates graphite/epoxy of discussed the in experiments, the appropriate chapters. a Although initiation, great of deal work been has done two important issues remain to be resolved. on They are the applicability of criteria when the interlaminar normal stress the is delamination primary and the interlaminar importance stress contributing to of thermally-induced interlaminar stresses'/ In the delamination initiation portion of this investigation, these issues will be explored experimentally and explained in terms of existing models. The failure objective of the delamination growth and portion of this investigation is to gain insight into the details of the damage sequence in general laminates. strain final energy The release rate approach has been touted as being 54 capable of Although describing it describing presently has all been shown delamination available growth behavior. limitations, can The could be some their is crack. coincident explored. versions present forms have model transverse would need "premature" cracks. cracks in 900 be made to to initiation The Quadratic that often Delamination applied with minimal modification if the vicinity of the The issue of whether or not final failure with The the stable and unstable interlaminar stress state were known in the transverse [6]. For example, the virtual crack closure the accompanies transverse Criterion in Modifications predict delamination give poor correlation when describe and O'Brien methods do not accurately to of initiation [34], models however. sublaminates. phases unstable validity of delamination failure growth models will will be also be ascertained. The results of the experiments possible modifications models damage to the will be used to delineate strain energy release rate so that these models more closely reflect the observed progression. Modifications will be made and evaluated. 3.2 Interlaminar Normal Stress and Delamination Initiation Excellent stress for correlation the of the delamination initiation various laminates tested in Reference 34 has been achieved with the Quadratic Delamination Criterion. One 55 averaging dimension laminates and averaging dimension gave ply all is suggesting thicknesses, of primarily controlled by alz' and the contributions of were stresses other relatively for initiation the interlaminar shear stress, thermally-induced The small. shear interlaminar the The criterion was tested only on laminates in which delamination was that criterion this prediction of delamination initiation. general all material parameter./-However, two a remain with regard to the use issues for excellent - correlation stress, interlaminar average value of the a2z' normally will be negligible in these cases since it is required by the boundary conditions to be zero both in the laminate However, edge. free Quadratic stress, normal interlaminar there Delamination azz, choosing by as laminates can in and at the the which The important. be can be further verified by Criterion isolating the effects of the well are interior interlaminar normal stress as with large contributions of laminates thermally-induced interlaminar stresses. and Lagace Kassapoglou loaded specimens, shear stress laminate, a12. the alz alz is mainly a function In cases where component Only if all the plies have (A1 l12 [16] have shown that in uniaxially a12 is zero of the in-plane throughout will be identically extensional-shear the zero [17]. terms coupling and A2212 in standard tensorial notation for Classical Laminated Plate Theory) equal to zero can a12 be avoided. The only plies of orthotropic fibrous materials with this behavior are those with angular orientations of the fibers of 0 and 56 900 to the therefore longitudinal potentially axis. have significant Conventional cross-ply disadvantage in A cross-ply laminate could the zz and no alz [17]. laminates context have [e.g. 23], 90° are transverse susceptible to where the transverse cracks meet are potential The effects sites of these interlaminar would have to be delamination the plies interlaminar cracks evaluated before models the could be to avoid 900 plies. other option properly applied. -It is therefore elastic parameters. Other First, they usually contain matrix systems which are not necessarily compatible graphite/epoxy cure determined averaging dimension strength available materials such as kevlar/epoxy and glass/epoxy have two distinct disadvantages. the local is to use 00 plies of two or more composite systems with different with the presently desirable different interface (e.g. on for this effect are not available. unidirectional The points state or the strain energy release rate) initiation only in laminates cracking. Solutions The As has of "premature" delamination initiation. transverse stress unacceptable of this investigation. been noted in the literature often an parameter would cycle. and the The experimentally interlaminar normal have questionable applicability to either system. Second, there is not a sufficient in properties significant transverse transverse stresses, a22 . of to induce The interlaminar normal stress is the in-plane transverse stresses. normal stress would most likely difference a function Hence, the interlaminar be too small to cause 57 delamination initiation before in-plane failure. The only composite material which will suit the needs of the experiment is a woven graphite/epoxy fabric material. A fabric made from the same fiber and matrix would be compatible for curing and more interlaminar normal likely to give strength and consistent values for averaging dimension. The desired interlaminar stress state can be obtained by including plies of graphite/epoxy there are 90° tows fabric fiber tows in the in the laminate. fabric, splitting Although of these before delamination initiation is likely to be inhibited by the weave of the fabric. /The materials used in this AS4/3501-6 and unidirectional Hercules investigation five-harness preimpregnated graphite/epoxy fabric. Three Hercules preimpregnated graphite/epoxy tape AW370-5H/3501-6 are manufactured were Both satin material weave systems with the AS4 fiber and 3501-6 epoxy. , laminate types were chosen for this experiment. They are [0 5U/OF]s, [0 5U/0 F/0U]s' and [0 1OU/OF]s' where the subscripts "U" and "F" denote unidirectional and fabric plies, respectively. normal These gave reasonable stress. The values mechanically-induced of interlaminar components of the interlaminar normal stress were calculated using the method of Kassapoglou and Lagace [17]. the applied far-field depicted in Figure calculations are systems in These components, as related to stress, for the three laminate 3.1. given Table 3.1. The material for the parameters unidirectional types are used in the and fabric The interlaminar normal stresses were 58 0.03 IIDPLANE) CMus/ u/......... O Id co co 0 -I a ---- [OUo1/OF]S (IMIDPLANE) --. [OU/S/OF/OU]S .E (OF/OU INTERFACE) Ii_j H L. 0.02 Al lz d ~t . W I IL. 0.01 Z Z 0 OC zZ 9z E co 0 H to -5 Id 0.00 - Z z 1- - - , \ - I H 0 2 1 3 4 DISTANCE FROM FREE EDGE [MM] FIGURE 3.1 MECHANICALLY-INDUCED INTERLAMINAR NORMAL STRESS FORS 0/0F SPECIMENS 10 s UiO 0 S F AND [0U/0F/0] 5' 5 59 TABLE 3.1 MATERIAL PARAMETERS OF HERCULES AS4/3501-6 UNIDIRECTIONAL GRAPHITE/EPOXY AND HERCULES AW370-5H/3501-6 FABRIC GRAPHITE/EPOXY AS4/3501-6 tply E1 1 0.134 mm AW370-5H/3501-6 0.35 mm 142 GPa 72.5 GPa 9.81 GPa 72.6 GPa 9.81 GPa 10 GPa 6.0 GPa 4.43 GPa 6.0 GPa 4.43 GPa 4.8 GPa 4.43 GPa V1 2 0.3 0.059 v1 3 0.3 0.3 V2 3 0.34 0.3 11 '22 -0.2 pstrain/°F 1.29 strain/°F 16.0 1.29 strain/°F ustrain/°F 60 plotted for the interlaminar critical normal interfaces. stress was Since only significant for the these specimens, the critical interface was the one with the highest value of this component interface was specimens the and of interlaminar OF/OU The critical for the [ 0 5U/0F]s and [01 0 U/ 0 F s midplane the stress. interface for the [0 5U/0F/0U] of the interlaminar s specimens. The normal thermally-induced stress were components calculated using the method of Lagace, Kassapoglou, and Brewer [18] and found to be significant. change in temperature used to calculate the thermally-induced stress state was -1560 C. set The This is the difference between the temperature of the epoxy matrix during curing (1770 C) and room temperature (210 C). stresses can interlaminar Figure 3.2. thus be normal The influence evaluated. stress of The components thermally-induced thermally-induced are depicted in The stress distribution for each specimen type is plotted for the critical interface. The critical are for the mechanically-induced was constructed. the same ones observed interfaces stresses. One laminate of each type laminate, five standard TELAC were initiation stress. portion 350 mm long with long test section as illustrated in Figure 3.3. specimens tested to determine Table 3.2 is- the of the investigation. each specimens were manufactured. The standard specimen is 50 mm wide and 200 mm From test their a These delamination matrix for this 61 mn 60 AT = -156 Ou C 0t/O0 F]S CMIDPLANE) ---- COU5/OF/0 u3S (0OF/OU INTERFACE) ---it 40 I (I oL .\ 30 W C 0 UCO/OF]S(MIDPLANE) ......... 50 ° - I 20 ,\ 10 t\ 0 \, \ .== I _ _ I\ -10 0 H FIGURE 3.2 I 2 3 4 5 DISTANCE FROM FREE EDGE [MM] THERMALLY-INDUCED INTERLAMINAR NORMAL STRESS FOR [0U5/0 F]S' [0 U10/0F]S, AND [0 U5/ 0 F/0U]S SPECIMENS 62 TOP VIEW SIDE VIEW T 75 mm - GLASS/EPOXY l TAB Ip 3RAPHITE/EPOXY STRAIN 'GAGE 200 mm 0I:] ,GRAPHITE/EPOXY -123 FILM ADHESIVE Ip A _ GLASS/EPOXY -I 75mm GLASS/EPOXY 50mm 50 mm FIGURE 3.3 STANDARD TELAC TEST SPECIMEN 63 TABLE 3.2 TEST MATRIX FOR DELAMINATION INITIATION SPECIMENS Laminate Number Type Specimens [ 0 5u/0F]s 5 [05U/0F/0U]s 5 0 [ 0 1OU/Fs 5 aSubscript "U" unidirectional Subscript refers to plies graphite/epoxy of of tape. "F" refers to plies of woven graphite/epoxy fabric. 64 3.3 Delamination Growth and Final Failure Several variables were investigated to determine their effect on delamination growth and final specimen failure. These are width, effective ply thickness, lamination sequence, character of the ply interface, and implantation of simulated delaminations and angle ply splits. The majority of research involving delamination has been done on specimens containing often develope "premature" in these 90° plies. plies delamination and Transverse serve initiation. as cracks sites for In order to avoid this phenomenon, laminates containing 90° plies were not used in this investigation. An excellent method for observing internal damage such as delamination is a non-destructive evaluation technique such as dye penetrant-enhanced determine delamination characteristics x-radiography. shape including within the plies. Many and An size, quantity specimens and in as x-radiograph can well as position this other of splits portion of the investigation were tested to predetermined loads, their damage state evaluated using x-radiography, and retested. All The first variable investigated was specimen width. This specimens were eventually tested to failure. was selected to evaluate the hypothesis delamination area may exist for unstable or in-plane failure. The results that a critical delamination growth from the specimens with nonstandard widths can be used to determine if such a critical 65 size For exists and if this size is a function of specimen example, percentage the of independent critical test of delamination section specimen area or width. area an width. could absolute be a value These experiments may also detect other finite width effects. The [+±153]s laminate was because it had been chosen shown to for these delaminate investigation [34] when manufactured from a (Hercules AS1/3501-6). 10 mm, 20 mm, in a previous similar material The specimens used were standard TELAC specimens except in width. were experiments The widths 30 mm, 50 mm, used in and 70 mm. these tests These widths ranged from approximately seven to approximately 50 times width of the interlaminar stress boundary region. the The aspect ratio of the test section varied from slightly less than three to 20. To determine specimens, it the appropriate was necessary initiation stress and final laminate. An loads to which additional to failure two know the stress of 10 mm to test these delamination the [±153]s wide specimens and two 30 mm wide specimens were manufactured and tested to determine these values. Five specimens of each width were then tested using constant stress increments from approximately 90% of the observed delamination Damage was assessed by after each this portion The initiation dye stress to final failure. penetrant-enhanced stress increment. x-radiography Table 3.3 is a test matrix for of the investigation. next variables investigated were the lamination 66 TABLE 3.3 TEST MATRIX FOR [+±15 OF NONSTANDARD Specimen Width [mm] SPECIMENS IDTH Number of Specimens Tested for Delamination Initiation and Final Failure Number of Specimens Tested to Incremental Load Levels and Monitored with Dye Penetrant-Enhanced X-Radiography 10 2 5 20 0 5 30 2 5 50 0 5 70 0 5 67 sequence and laminate types were used: the effective ply thickness. Two similar [+±15n/n]s and [On/± 1 5 n]s . In the AS1/3501-6 graphite/epoxy version of these laminates tested in Reference 34, delamination initiation was first observed at the +15°/-15° interface as was predicted using the Quadratic Delamination Criterion. The same interface is predicted to be the site of delamination initiation from AS4/3501-6 graphite/epoxy. for the specimens The two laminate types have nearly identical interlaminar stress states at interface except that for the [0n/±15n]s case. between the two laminate constrain [0n/+15n] delaminated s friction. case. In Another types and The that damaged plies contrast, is can the delaminated and significant the angled then [+15n] be compressive difference 00 plies can plies in the loaded through sublaminate [±1 5 n/On]s case is prone to out-of-plane the +15°/-15° the the interlaminar normal stress at the 1 5 n/O n] for the [+± s case free edge is tensile made peeling. in the That is, portion of the sublaminate between the angle ply split and the free edge peels away from the specimen. No load can be carried by this portion of the sublaminate. Varying on the al. interlaminar [37]. effect the effective ply thickness has distinct effects stress Increasing of "spreading the state effective out" the interlaminar stress components while edge magnitude. as noted ply by thickness distributions not Lagace altering et has the of the the free This effect is illustrated in Figure 3.4. The strain energy release rate curve is scaled upward and 68 __ = 0.134 --- I tPLY= 0.268 = 0.402 ---tp~y I N N mmr mm mm [C15/03s LAMINATE THERMAL EFFECTS EXCLUDED i\ I I <: CD H . , o) I\I, 0 Ii _ _ I I 0 I DISTANCE FIGURE 3.4 _ FROM FREE I 2 EDGE EFFECT OF PLY THICKNESS ON THE INTERLAMINAR STRESS STATE mm] 69 spread out by the effective the result of two effects. ply thickness First, the factor n. energy This is available per unit delaminated area is directly proportional to the laminate thickness and, boundary energy thus, region which release rate outward. The the interlaminar influences the shape near the free stress of the strain edge is shifted effect on the strain energy release rate curve energy delamination Second, curve is shown schematically strain n. in Figure 3.5. release width rate The curve does shifting not of the apply as the approaches the width of the specimen. At this point, interaction with the interlaminar stress boundary region of the far side free edge must be considered. This was not an issue for any specimen in this investigation. When the Quadratic Delamination Criterion is interlaminar stress such as that of asymptotic solutions Kassapoglou lower limit Lagace stress becomes approach the as the free asymptote is the predicted initiation the free edge values effects it gives an effective ply large, the calculated average interlaminar components The [16], delamination initiation stress. This limit results from the fact that thickness to with a finite free edge value and for applied stress of the interlaminar on the strain edge values. computed The using stresses. energy release rate and delamination initiation stress of effective ply thickness have significant strain level consequences. feasible. for Since Thin delamination the strain laminates growth to energy require a high be energetically release rate is 70 LUj ---- LUj / V) -i - N = 1 1% _ __ - _ _ _ LUj I I I mI, zLJ LLJ z H _ , _, _ _ _ _ / I f DELAMINATION SIZE FIGURE 3.5 EFFECT OF PLY THICKNESS ON THE STRAIN ENERGY RELEASE RATE _ I 71 proportional to effective ply thickness, delamination growth is energetically feasible at much lower strain levels in thick laminates.' Since delamination initiation stress may have an asymptotic lower limit, delamination growth in thick laminates may be energetically feasible before delamination initiation. Thick laminates delamination can therefore growth can be used occur to before Delamination Criterion predicts delamination allow for a wide effective ply experiments thickness were One range of possible 1, laminate 2, factor, 3, of 5, each thickness was manufactured. each type. incrementally Quadratic initiation. To behavior, the values of the n, in used this set of 8. specimen type and effective ply This yielded five specimens of The remaining two were then tested from approximately 75% of the failure stress to failure evaluated the if Of the five specimens, the first three were tested monotonically to failure. final and determine in after penetrant-enhanced 5% increments. each The loading x-radiography. damage increment Table state was by dye 3.4 is a test matrix for this set of experiments. The third set of experiments investigated the role of angle ply split propagation in delamination growth. Two types of fabric laminates were chosen. nominally [±20F]s laminates. were both That is, the warp fiber tows were angled at +200 to the longitudinal components They axis of of the interlaminar the specimen. All stress state at the midplane an angle ply laminate are identically zero. Therefore, the of any 72 TABLE 3.4 TEST MATRIX FOR [+15 /0 AND [0 /+15 SPECIMENS WITH DIFFERENT EFPEETIVE PLY THICRN.SSES Lamination Sequence [±15/0]s Number of Specimens Tested Monotonically to Failure Number of Specimens Tested to Incremental Load Levels and Monitored with Dye Penetrant-Enhanced X-Radiography 3 2 3 2 3 2 3 2 [+±158/08]s 3 2 [0/±15]s 3 2 ( 0 2/±152]s 3 2 [(3/±153]s 3 2 3 2 3 2 [± 1 5 2/ 0 2] s [+153/03] [±155/05] [05/±155] [08/±158] s s s 73 delamination interface. initiate and grow at the the +200/-200 The 200 fiber angle was chosen because of the high interlaminar and would the shear stress resulting (a1z) obtained low predicted in this configuration delamination initiation stress. The difference between the experimental laminates was the character of the ply surfaces at the +200/-20° interface. five-harness satin weave has an "over four - under one" of the fiber tows as shown in Figure of the exposed while 80% fibers. face" 3.6. This means fibers on one face of the ply are of the exposed the weave that 80% warp fibers fibers on the other face are fill These are referred to as the "warp of A ply, respectively. face" and "fill One laminate was made with only warp faces at the +200/-20° interfaces while the other was made with only fill faces at the +200/-200 interfaces. Splits are observed to form within plies in association with delamination initiation. believed to be the primary The delamination initiation is damage mode since delamination initiations have been observed without splits in fabric plies, but not vice versa. " It is reasoned that splits in the warp fiber tows emanating from the +20o/-200 interface at the edge could be tows crossed the fill before crossing therefore inhibited from growing at the point where the "under" the fill tows. fiber allow free tows under a for could tow. By contrast, splits in grow farther from the free edge The two types of specimens the direct comparison of specimens with essentially the same in-plane behavior and interlaminar stress 74 WARP, L t FILL,T - FIGURE 3.6 SCHEMATIC OF 5-HARNESS SATIN WEAVE FABRIC GRAPHITE/EPOXY 75 state, but a different character interface. fiber tows closest to the delaminating The laminates each yielded five standard with the previous state of the of the splitting specimens. As the first three of each set of specimens, group were tested to failure and the remaining two were tested to incrementally increment 75% of the failure stress, to specimens, failure in 5% The damage state was evaluated after each loading increments. Table from from the first three measured matrix failure for this portion of The x-radiography. by dye penetrant-enhanced test is given this investigation in 3.5. The interaction splits of the delamination was investigated front and angle ply in the final set of experiments. test specimens contained "implanted" delaminations and The angle These features were achieved by implanting thin ply. splits. teflon film between and within the plies of a specimen before The nonstick property of the teflon caused the plies curing. to decouple at a relatively simulating the experiments. low load delamination shape approximates This in a a prescribed shape in other observed naturally occurring delamination. The delamination bounded by delamination as the and free edge, front approximately illustrated split shape to be investigated in Figure 3.7. the delamination an angle ply front split, to and a the split, importance of the perpendicular The relative was triangular, were evaluated by manufacturing one set of specimens with no angle ply split and 76 TABLE 3.5 TEST MATRIX FOR [+20F]S FABRIC SPECIMENS Character of the +20°/-20° Interface Number of Specimens Tested Monotonically to Failure Number of Specimens Tested to Incremental Load Levels and Monitored with Dye Penetrant-Enhanced X-Radiography Warp/Warp 3 2 Fill/Fill 3 2 77 |INTRU SION ANGLE PLY SPLIT FIGURE 3.7 SCHEMATIC OF OBS ERVED DELAMINA TI ON DAMAGE 78 one set with delamination an angle front, ply as split extending illustrated in beyond Figure 3.8. the No specimens were made with the angle ply split extending exactly to the delamination front because that would be equivalent to the naturally occurring damage. Six sequence because specimens of used [03/±153]s. it interface was was each observed to with an associated sublaminate. The type were made. This sequence delaminate angle ply [03/±153]s The lamination at was +15°/-15 ° the split in the because split (rather than both sublaminates thick to one sublaminate in the [±15n/n]s sublaminate thinner ones with an case). angle simplifies the Having ply one maximum of distance illustrated a delamination from the in Figure 3.7. in both cases was nominally ply split was 20 mm. investigation to at process. each edge as to of the specimen. can be characterized free An +15°/-15° They were aligned through the thickness so size [+15 n ] relatively interface. with respect to the midplane ply split instead of two manufacturing positioned angle delamination The was the implanted be symmetric [-156] laminate has an advantage over comparable [+±15n/On]slaminate types is confined chosen or by the "intrusion" as The intrusion of the delamination 10 mm. of the angle The intrusion A test matrix is given in Table for this portion of the 3.6. The experiments described in this section were designed give information about delamination growth. the progression of damage in They were tested to the same load levels 79 C L CL C L C DELAMINATION I I FIGURE 3.8 SCHEMATIC OF SPECIMENS WITH IMPLANTED DELAMINATIONS 80 TABLE 3.6 TEST MATRIX FOR [+15 /0 SPECIMENS WITH IMPLANTED DELAMINATIOAS N8 ANGLE PLY SPLITS Nominal Intrusion Nominal Intrusion of the Implanted of the Implanted Delamination Angle Ply Split [mm] [mm] Number of Specimens Tested to Incremental Load Levels and Monitored with Dye Penetrant-Enhanced X-Radiography 10 0 6 10 20 6 81 as the [03/±+153]s state damage specimens was with no implanted damage. monitored test with dye specimens were by the four sets of experiments should x-radiography. penetrant-enhanced each after The The eventually tested to final failure. The data generated of the available aid in the evaluation to models in their ability describe stable and unstable delamination growth and final failure induced by delamination. 3.4 Analysis of Delamination Growth The delamination shapes observed significantly were in the literature. in this investigation different from those reported and modeled Although the strain energy release models work well for some cases in the literature, work well for the damage the literature, strips along the the observed in this rate they do not investigation. In delaminations were generally modeled as free edge. All quantities, including delamination width, were taken to be constant with respect to longitudinal position, thus effectively transforming this into a two-dimensional problem. literature cracks. usually The laminates investigated in contained 900 Some of the delaminations plies with shapes observed and Wang [23] were somewhat rounded but could be as having constant width. in Figure 3.7. transverse by Crossman approximated Most of the delaminations observed in the current investigation, however, were illustrated the The similar differences to that are important. 82 The delamination shape is triangular. Thus, the width no sense constant. Most of the delamination angle meaning ply split, is bounded by is not as long as the entire free edge. region has a higher compliance the is position. account level The a an that a portion of the ply near the split may be partially or totally unloaded. strain is in The delamination Since the delaminated than the rest of the strong function of specimen, longitudinal models of constant width delaminations cannot for the effects of these differences. The analysis found inadequate to describe investigation. the in the literature delaminations is therefore observed this The objective of the analysis developed herein is to model the observed delamination more accurately account in for some of these effects in an attempt and to extend strain energy release rate approach to delamination growth general laminates. Modifications need to be modes. A finite element method the in made to the existing methods to make them more applicable to the damage to observed equivalent to the virtual crack closure method will provide baseline information about the edge. This information is incorporated into model. strain energy available for release near the free a more general 83 CHAPTER 4 GENERAL MANUFACTURING PROCEDURES This chapter manufacturing contains procedures descriptions of the general used throughout this investigation. Certain specimens require the use of specialized manufacturing procedures which are detailed in the appropriate chapters. 4.1 Preparation and Layup The specimens constructed using TELAC [39]. arrive manufactured the in basic this investigation were procedures developed The unidirectional and fabric graphite/epoxy both from the manufacturer in rolls "prepreg". The of semicured preimpregnated tape or graphite/epoxy rolls are 305 mm wide (12 inch nominal). fabric graphite/epoxy nominal). or below allowed bag. at rolls are unidirectional 990 mm wide The (39 inch The epoxy matrix is B-staged and is thus stored -180 C. Before prepreg is prepared to warm to room temperature for curing, for 30 minutes at it is in a sealed This minimizes condensation on its surface. The prepreg laminates is cut into individual in a "clean room". plies and laid up into The temperature in this room kept below 250 C and the relative humidity is kept low. is Rubber gloves are worn during the cutting and laying up procedures to avoid contamination of the ply surface with skin oil. Razor blades and precisely milled aluminum templates 84 covered with teflon-coated glass fabric (TCGF) are used to cut the prepreg into individual plies. Angle unidirectional prepreg are first cut into precise shapes. halves These can are be rectangular cut put ply in together with a to precise form a any joint" no 350 mm fibers are The region where the two halves meet is a which becomes indistinguishable remainder of the ply during the curing process. from Plies the which the fibers aligned with the longitudinal axis (0° plies) have and fabric prepreg template. plies can plies are precise alignment. stacked Plies are carefully "good steps the longitudinal at positioned corner" manufacturing enough cut using a rectangular in a jig which becomes The two beams form a 90 ° angle. into the a corner reference of corner the jig. in later and facilitates proper identification of axis of the laminate. room allows for their The jig consists of an aluminum plate with aluminum beams attached. This be This makes a matrix joint unnecessary. The two by angular orientation of the cut "matrix trapezoidal 305 mm The advantage of this method is that ply. of half in such a way that the two fibers. in plies temperature to The plies are tacky stick together and maintain proper fiber orientation. Both sides of the laminate are covered with "peel-ply" material. which protects peel-ply laminate the extends opposite a sheet of The peel-ply is a porous nylon material laminate surface approximately the good corner. 50 mm before past milling. the It is trimmed to The end of the fit the 85 remaining three sides of the laminate exactly. 4.2 The Cure The laminate is cured on an aluminum caul plate. plate is coated with a mold release agent and covered sheet of nonporous TCGF. tape. release agent. rubber These held dams in are also of for aluminum coated the a cure plate prepared simultaneously is shown in Figure 4.1. the with pressure with a mold corprene dams are placed next to the aluminum form 305 mm by 350 mm curing areas configuration position With the aid of aluminum top plates, ("cork") dams a Aluminum dams with a "T" shape are positioned on the TCGF and sensitive with The is the location dams to laminates. The to cure six laminates The corner formed by of the good corner of the laminate. The laminate is surrounded by several "curing during the oversized area. preparation sheet of for curing. nonporous TCGF First, materials" a slightly is placed in the curing Then the laminate covered with peel-ply is positioned with the reference corner in the corner formed by the aluminum dams. the An oversized sheet of porous TCGF is placed on laminate. material Precisely are then positioned cut layers of a in the curing area. paper top of bleeder One layer of bleeder material is used for every two unidirectional plies in the laminate. Three plies of bleeder material every two fabric plies in the laminate. are used for An oversized sheet of 86 ALUMINUM VACUUM RPRENE M LAMINATE LOCATION CURE PLATE FIGURE 4.1 NONPOROUS TCGF CONFIGURATION OF THE CURE PLATE FOR CURING OF GRAPHITE/EPOXY LAMINATES 87 nonporous TCGF is placed on top of the bleeder. top plate is coated with a mold release agent An aluminum and placed on top of the TCGF. After all laminates to be cured are prepared manner, the cure assembly porous TCGF and a sheet of fiberglass serves is covered with as an "air breather", volatiles during providing a large fabric. a in a similar sheet of The fiberglass path for air and to be drawn to the vacuum hole and out of the system the cure. The assembly is then surrounded with a vacuum tape sealant and covered with a high temperature vacuum bag. A schematic shown in Figure The of a cross-section of the cure assembly 4.2. curing of the 3501-6 matrix in Hercules AS4/3501-6 and Hercules AW370-5H/3501-6 graphite/epoxies takes an autoclave at an applied pressure of 0.59 MPa vacuum is drawn on the plate through the nominal value is of the vacuum is vacuum place in (85 psig). holes. A The 760 mm (30 in) of mercury pressure differential below atmospheric pressure. The cure is a two stage process. one hour "flow stage" at 1170 C. The first or "bleeding" of excess is This facilitates the removal of voids by vacuum and pressure. is a two hour "set stage" at 177°C. complete the epoxy into the bleeder plies which in turn assures proper bonding of the plies and aids epoxy a The 3501-6 epoxy is at its minimum viscosity at this temperature. flow stage in The second stage The polymer chains in the most of their crosslinking during this stage. Heat-up and cool-down rates are in the range of 1 to 3C/min 88 11 10 7 5 / / / /-1 5 8 7 6 4 11111lnl1 1 11111111111111 ll 1lI!1li $ 3 1. Cure 2 ~ /'-71~ ~~-T~~T~~ Key: 3\ -2 Plate Vacuum Tape 3. Aluminum Dam 4. Corprene Rubber Dam 5. Nonporous Teflon Coated Glass Fabric 6. Laminate Covered with Peel-Ply 7. Porous Teflon Coated Glass Fabric 8. Paper Bleeder Plies 9. Aluminum Top Plate 10. Fiberglass Fabric Air Breather 11. Vacuum Bag 2. FIGURE 4.2 SCHEMATIC ASSEMBLY OF THE CROSS-SECTION OF THE CURE 89 to avoid shocking of the composites. at 1770 C in an unpressurized postcure the thermal crosslinking process to oven is completion. An eight hour used to drive The cure cycle is shown schematically in Figure 4.3. 4.3 Machining and Measuring The peel-ply is before machining. removed from the postcured A water-cooled diamond grit cutting wheel mounted on a specially outfitted milling machine mill the graphite/epoxy laminates. precise high quality cuts. into five This is used to setup allows for Each 305 mm by 350 mm plate is cut 50 mm by 350 mm specimens. cut from the reference edge prior laminates of the Approximately laminate and 25 mm is discarded to the cutting of the specimens. The width of each specimen is measured using calipers at three points along the specimen length. The thickness of the specimen is measured using a micrometer at nine points in the specimen test specimens wide.) section. with (Fewer nonstandard The locations width points are that of the measurement for the are less than 50 mm points width specimen are shown in Figure 4.4. used for a standard The average value for measured width and thickness are reported for each specimen in the data tables. The measured control check. It thickness can be values seen are under used a as a quality microscope "dimpling" occurs in a surface layer of pure epoxy. that This is a 90 AUTOCLAVE 177 PLUS 8 HOUR \ POSTCURE 116 \ AT 770 C 66 21 ._ vv __ .Iv _vv . ____ TIME (MINUTES) AUTOCLAVE PRESSURE(MPa) 0.5 IL I 303 1103 300 O3 duJ TIME VACUUM(MM HG) 4 k 760 ! I I I I I - 10 35 95 115 235 275 280 TIME FIGURE 4.3 CURE CYCLE FOR AS4/3501-6 UNIDIRECTIONAL GRAPHITE/EPOXY AND AW370-5H/3501-6 WOVEN GRAPHITE/EPOXY FABRIC 91 l I 01 7 lV ENLARGED SECTION 25 _1+ I in 4 -8 350 II 2 25 mm r j 0 9 I Jt- III 10 mn 10 mn 50 mn FIGURE 4.4 LOCATION OF MEASUREMENT TELAC SPECIMEN POINTS ON A STANDARD 92 result microscopic surface features left by the peel-ply. of These features are helpful for the bonding of loading tabs and strain but gages, can distort the measured thickness. they This distortion is most evident in thin laminates. to nominal the evaluate properly thickness is effects used laminate of in all stress ply The nominal thickness of a calculations. unidirectional graphite/epoxy is In thickness, and of 0.134 mm. order modulus AS4/3501-6 The nominal thickness of a ply of AW370-5H/3501-6 fabric graphite/epoxy is 0.35 mm. the The measured laminate thicknesses nominal values in are Almost Table 4.1. compared all to average thicknesses were within five percent of their nominal values. 4.4 Loading Tabs Glass/epoxy loading tabs are specimen from 305 mm by 710 mm laminates SP-1002 precured Testing and Materials thickness be thickness. loading tabs 1.5 nominal tabs are compared is [(0/90)n/0/9 0 ]s' requirements thickness The [40] recommends between The The glass/epoxy. of the tab. and of 3M Scotchply type American the times Society for loading tab the laminate of the laminates in Table 4.2. with each that four thickness for manufactured The layup and the for the n varying with the thickness Each glass/epoxy ply has a nominal of 0.254 mm (0.01 in). [±155/05]s [±158/08]s, [05/±155]s , and [08/±158]s specimens require thicker glass/epoxy loading tabs than are 93 TABLE 4.1 NOMINAL AND MEASURED LAMINATE THICKNESSES Laminate Nominal Thickness Measured Thickness [mm] [mm] 2.040 1.97 [05U/OF/0U] S s 2.308 2.20 (1.0%) [0 10U/0 F]s 3.380 3.28 (0.5%) [±153] s 1.608 1.56 (3.0%) [±15/0]5 0.804 0.86 (2.4%) [±152/02]s 1.608 1.59 (5.1%) [±153/03]s 2.412 2.34 (3.7%) [±155/05]s 4.020 3.96 (4.6%) [±158/08]s 6.432 6.55 (1.4%) [0/±15] 0.804 0.85 (2.4%) [02/±152]s 1.608 1.57 (4.1%) [03/±153]s 2.412 2.36 (4.6%) [05/±155]s 4.020 3.85 (7.8%) [08/±158]s 6.432 6.24 (8.4%) [±20F]s 1.400 1.41 (0.8%) [03 /±153]sb 2.412 2.21 (1.4%) [0 5U/ ]s 0 F aNumbers in parentheses (1.2%) are coefficients bof variation. Specimens containing delaminations. implanted 94 TABLE 4.2 NOMINAL LAMINATE AND LOADING TAB THICKNESSES Laminate Type Nominal Laminate Thickness Nominal Tab Thickness Tab to Laminate Thickness [mm] [mm] Ratio [05U°/0 F]S 2.040 4.32 2.12 [O5U /OF/OU]S 2.308 4.83 2.09 [0 10U/ 0 F]s 3.380 7.11 2.10 [±153] 1.608 3.30 2.05 [±15/0]S 0.804 2.29 2.85 [±152/02]s 1.608 3.30 2.05 [±153/03]s 2.412 6.35 2.63 [±+155/05]s 4.020 8.13 2.02 [±+158/°8]s 6.432 12.19 1.90 [0/+15] S 0.804 2.29 2.85 [0 2/±1 5 2]s 1.608 3.30 2.05 [03/±153] 2.412 6.35 2.63 [05/±155]s 4.020 8.13 2.02 [ 0 8/±158]s 6.432 12.19 1.90 [±20F]s 1.400 3.30 2.05 S S 95 readily available from the manufacturer. [(0/90)16]s laminates type laminates of Scotchply SP-1002) procedures were [39] specimens. and two to 305 mm type by 710 mm [(0/90)24] s SP-1003 (an uncured version of manufactured be Two 305 mm by 710 mm used as using standard loading The nominal cured ply tabs thickness TELAC for for these SP-1003 is also 0.254 mm (0.01 in). The glass/epoxy laminates are milled into 50 mm wide by 75 mm long loading tabs on the same milling machine cutting graphite/epoxy. beveled to a 300 angle used for One of the 50 mm edges of each tab is to the plane of the tab using a belt sander. The tabs are bonded onto Cyanamid FM-123-2 film adhesive. at or below temperature which specimens It hold the to bonding cure. plate -180 C. the specimens with American The film adhesive is becomes tacky tab place while in The specimens are placed on has are been covered with enough an at other. aluminum nonporous with caul TCGF. The bond to The specimens are covered with TCGF and 6.35 mm mylar corprene dam material. plates the spaced far enough apart that any "bubbling" of (0.25 in) thick steel top plates. together room preparing the excess film adhesive will not cause specimens to each stored tape This and The top plates immobilized prevents are with shifting taped stacks of of the top and the associated slipping of the loading tabs during the bonding cure. fiberglass air This assembly breather. The is covered with assembly TCGF and a is surrounded with 96 vacuum tape and covered with a vacuum bag. The film adhesive vacuum (nominally below This (50 psia) of 760 mm atmospheric) pressure. the of under yielded of pressure tabs. is cured in an autoclave The mercury 0.068 MPa an pressure differential (10 psig) effective with a full of applied pressure of 0.34 MPa of the top plates on the bonding surface film adhesive is cured for two hours at 107C. 4.5 Instrumentation A strain gage is mounted longitudinal each specimen strain level during testing. the gage is placed in on Figure 3.3. to monitor In most specimens, in the center of the test section as The shown gages are aligned with the longitudinal axis of the specimen using lines that are lightly scribed onto the thin surface layer of pure epoxy. M-Bond 200 adhesive is used to bond the gages to the specimen. The gages used strain gages. constantan backing. The 2.055 the gage Micro gages element resistance factor 0.5%. test These wire The are is on Measurements contain a a given as ready for testing. is complete thick square polyimide is 120 ohms + 0.15%. either Once the gage is bonded to specimen 3.175 mm 0.025 mm of these gages EA-06-125AD-120 the 2.04 + 0.5% test or section, as shown in Figure 3.3 and is 97 CHAPTER 5 DELAMINATION INITIATION EXPERIMENTS Three sets delamination of specimens initiation stress. methods are described in this discussed in the were tested and evaluated for context Testing chapter of and the and the evaluation results objectives of are this investigation. 5.1 Edge Replication The damage The study of delamination initiation requires that the state of the free edge be method used nondestructively monitored. for detection of delamination initiation in this investigation was edge replication. An edge is a strip of cellulose specimen edge. acetate replication film with an impression of the This method has been shown to be effective in detecting the first signs of initiation [34]. The specimen give a clear the bob. edges replication. investigation were The felt bobs are solution of a fine must be polished before testing to The specimens polished this portion of with a 25 mm diameter felt continually abrasive, in dipped Kaopolite average particle size of 0.7 microns. in SF, a colloidal which The solution is has an mixed by hand and contains approximately two parts water to one part abrasive. against A smooth back and forth motion of the specimen edge the felt bob is used for polishing. The specimen 98 edges are rinsed after polishing to prevent the solution from solidifying on the free edge. Polishing gives the specimen a smooth glossy finish. Specimens test. the are replicated before testing and after each The original replications are made to specimen replications edge are before made any outside load the maximum deviations is detail applied. the testing All machine at Except for level is applied stroke level of a test. caused by large gripping of These of the testing machine. subsequent replications are made in half show loads, the load approximately half the maximum applied value. In preparation of replicating free edge. of the for each replication, a 25 mm wide strip tape is cut to the approximate length A small length of the edge is inaccessible hydraulic grips of the testing The specimen edge and the replicating specimen edge as shown in acetone The acetone tape Figure 5.1. is placed next to the tape. is placed A squirt The acetone closest to the specimen. softens the tape for smoothed against the object. edge the test replication. with a finger The or to against the bottle of is sprayed on The acetone tape is then other smooth While the replication is drying, a mark is placed on the tape with a marker. test The allowed is the side of the specimen the because is wiped clean with a piece of cheesecloth soaked in acetone. evaporate the machine. replicating tape is therefore slightly shorter than section. of section of the The mark corresponds specimen to a line on the and is used as a longitudinal 99 FIGURE 5.1 POSITION OF REPLICATING TAPE DURING APPLICATION OF ACETONE 100 This reference. 30 to 40 mm from a loading is usually mark tab. a Once it minute, the is exist. replications The the with naked and another one is made. each of replications side placed between two clean flat are replications This keeps the surfaces to finish drying. for image examined visible discarded two clear This is repeated until one approximately It is immediately is removed. replication for dried If smudges or bubbles are clarity. eye, has replication from curling which would make them difficult to examine. Replications as an individual plies the and fiber. The surface matrix interply texture layer can of be Softened acetate can seep into tight delamination and different identified. initiations angle ply splits, especially when they may be "opened" as these features from illuminated are a under inspected The difference load. a result of applied of as small can show free edge surface features a highlighted source on surface texture replications The microscope. light in behind replications and when are to the side. Delamination initiations and angle ply splits appear as bright thin lines. When these features are viewed directly under a microscope, they background appear as dark features against a dark and can be indistinguishable. 5.2 General Testing Procedures All specimens in this investigation were tested in an 101 MTS 810 Material Test System equipped with hydraulic grips. The machine was programmed to control the total stroke of the grips. The f The resulting constant strain stroke rate in rate the was 200 mm 1.07 mm/min. test section of the specimen is approximately 5400 microstrain/minute. Specimens are aligned in the upper grip using right triangle. loading lower tabs. tabs. The upper is plastic grip is closed around the upper The lower grip is then This a positioned around the taken to be the "no load" position at which the strain gages can be calibrated. The strain gages conditioners are which are computer-controlled data obtains data about attached in load, Vishay turn acquisition the to strain connected system. strain, and to The into +2048 computer units. the computer stroke through analog-to-digital devices which divide the full range channel gage of the For example, the stroke range setting used in this investigation was +12.7 mm. one computer unit represents 0.0062 mm of stroke. Thus, This is the resolution of the stroke data. The gage is first "balanced" strain in the no load position. unit of strain is adjusted strain gage conditioner. so it registers the gain calibration control value on the apparent the of a shunt resistance is connected in parallel with the strain gage that no Then, the value of a computer using A that such resistance of the gage corresponds with a prescribed strain level. The gain is then adjusted so that the data acquisition system registers the equivalent number of + 102 computer units. calibrated In so this investigation, the conditioner was that each computer unit represented six microstrain. After testing. The recorded the the gages are calibrated, lower grips in the notebook. investigation are the specimen is ready for are closed and the gripping The specimens tested using in a this load portion of computer-controlled testing program that allowed for simultaneous commencement the loading ramp and the data acquisition. stroke data are recorded at prescribed time the loading and data acquisition are control, the residual load, maximum level are recorded of Load, strain, an~intervals. When stopped by computer load, and final stroke in the notebook. 5.3 Load Drop Testing Delamination initiation is associated with a drop in load resulting from the increase in compliance. the detection of a load drop and checking new delamination initiation has useful tool stress 34]. The for detecting computer program specimens in this portion evaluates the one increment the value immediately been the used of Halting tests upon for evidence demonstrated delamination to of a be a initiation to control the tests of the the investigation continually of the load at the current data point and previous. The data acquisition for these specimens was 0.3 seconds. time When the load 103 at a given data point is less than the value at the previous data point, the loading and data acquisition stopped. This load drop by a factor of two. of each free edge. immediately is taken to be an indication possible delamination initiation. reduced are The stroke level is Two clear replications The specimen is then of a then are made completely unloaded and removed from the testing machine. The replications magnification ranges directly with examined for initiation. associated before drop new If assumed acquisition 7X to 50X. They features indicative If an initiation is discovered, the the load drop) is from are The compared the replications from the previous loading and with initiation. are inspected under a microscope. maximum load (i.e. system. delamination the data point the data point just is taken to be the point of delamination no new features to of be a The are found, the apparent result specimen of noise in load the is then retested. data In all subsequent tests of that specimen, load drops observed to take place at lower values of load than those seen in earlier tests are also assumed to be the result of system noise. 5.4 Results Delamination initiation was detected before final failure in all of the specimens in this portion of the investigation. The stress-strain behavior was linear until all specimens. delamination for The initiation stress, initiation strain, and 104 modulus data for each specimen are given in Data Table 1. The [010U/OF] s specimens were all delamination initiation after one test. seen to have Careful inspection of the edge replications taken before the test revealed that delaminations had in fact loading had been applied. interlaminar stresses delamination. The tows and were before any mechanical This implies that thermally-induced can be important in initiating initiations occurred along the fill fiber generally unidirectional initiated the plies. closer A to the micrograph midplane than the of an edge replication showing a delamination initiation in a [0 10U/OF]s specimen shown in Figure Three 5.2. the five [ 0 5U/OF]s specimens of after a load drop program. The edge. was tests stopped by the stopped is detected by the showed initiation load drop testing of the remaining two specimens were not testing program. Instead, the tests were manually when visible damage was observed at the free Edge replications confirmed damage including at extensive delamination initiation. the free edge Apparently, the magnitude of the load drops associated with the initiations in these specimens was below the equipment and computer program. stress The of the testing delamination initiation for these two specimens can therefore only be narrowed down to a range of stresses. three resolution specimens The initiation stress for exhibiting detectable load drops was 528 MPa with a coefficient of variation lower the other two specimens was 520 MPa. bound for the of 2.6%. The average of the It is 105 FIGURE 5.2 MICROGRAPH OF EDGE REPLICATING SHOWING DELAMINATION INITIATION IN A [010U/0F s SPECIMEN (7X) 106 therefore likely delamination that the initiation load drop associated with occurred at approximately this level and that 528 MPa is a reasonable value to use for delamination initiation stress for these laminates. All delamination initiations for these.specimens were seen along the fill fiber tow close to the midplane. The same difficulty in finding a delamination initiation point occurred with initiation all upper specimens. The average lower bound of the with a coefficient of variation bound of the range was 744 MPa variation of 3.9%. along [0 5u/OF/Ou] s The stress could only be narrowed to a range of values for each specimen. 451 MPa five range of 6.5%. with a was The average coefficient of The delamination initiations were detected fill fiber tows near the F/OU interface closer to the midplane. The delamination initiation data was correlated using the Quadratic Delamination Criterion. were determined using Lagace [17]. the Table 3.1. was the Kassapoglou and stresses were also fabric graphite/epoxy graphite/epoxy The averaging dimension used value graphite/epoxy The unidirectional determined for stresses of The elastic parameters used in the AS4/3501-6 AW370-5H/3501-6 interlaminar method Thermally-induced calculated [18]. for the The was AS1/3501-6 were analysis and given 0.178 mm the in which unidirectional 34]. interlaminar normal stress was the only nonzero interlaminar stress in these three lamination sequences. The 107 interlaminar is the normal strength parameter used was 43 MPa. value determined experimentally unidirectional graphite/epoxy by direct tests for This AS4/3501-6 through-the-thickness [35]. k The thermally-induced interlaminar stresses were dominant in all three lamination mechanically-induced sequences. stresses The were contributions relatively of small at delamination initiation. interlaminar normal stresses accounted for 79% of the average interlaminar normal [0 5U/OF]s For stress specimens. mechanically-induced example, at delamination The components thermally-induced initiation thermally-induced of the and interlaminar normal stress at the delamination initiation stress are depicted this laminate contribution type in allows Figure 5.3. The relatively be regarded for small for a precise experimental determination of the average interlaminar normal stress at initiation. can in as This a calculated value for the interlaminar strength parameter which can be compared with the interlaminar normal strength delamination initiation measured from direct testing. initiation stress, and stress, the the measured calculated The predicted delamination interlaminar normal strength are given in Table 5.1. 5.5 Discussion The Quadratic delamination Delamination initiation stress Criterion for all correlated three the lamination 108 05/of] 60 **-- 40 THERMAL (AT--156 528 --- MECHANICAL(al I 0 0 - 0 C) MPa) ~TOTAL S 0 0 -S00 20 bo N N 0 I b -20 I I 3 2 DISTANCE FROM FREE EDGE, mm 1 FIGURE 5.3 THERMAL AND MECHANICAL COMPONENTS OF INTERLAMINAR NORMAL STRESS AT DELAMINATION INITIATION AT THE MIDPLANE OF A [05U/0 F]s SPECIMEN 109 TABLE 5.1 PREDICTED VERSUS ACTUAL INITIATION STRESS AND CALCULATED INTERLAMINAR NORMAL STRENGTH Lamination Sequence Predicted Initiation Stress Actual Initiation Stress Calculated Interlaminar Normal [MPa] [MPa] Strengtha [MPa] [05U / 0 Fs 436 528 44.6 [05Uv/0F//0 US 681 451-744 39.4-44.0 0 0 [Olou/OF]S acalculated at experimental initiation stress. <43.4 110 sequences. This was done with an interlaminar normal strength parameter that was measured directly. Comparison of calculated values from the data in this investigation with the actual value shows excellent thermally-induced stresses and were also demonstrated. interlaminar delamination averaging normal dimension of used example, alone the to averaging dimension was normal obtain should stresses thermally-induced responsible [O10U/OF] s determined for a similar material. the The importance of interlaminar For stress initiation agreement. for the specimens. The this agreement was one It can be reasoned that be independent of the fiber strength. Since the AS1 and AS4 fibers are similar respects, it in other is reasonable to assume the averaging dimension determined for a composite system containing the AS1 fiber a good estimate AS4 fiber. averaging system using the The good correlation is further evidence that dimension the delaminations an of the value for a composite is a material parameter. initiated at the boundary is the The fact that of fabric plies is indication that the averaging dimension may be independent of the form of the material system (i.e. unidirectional versus fabric). The initiations occurred at the interfaces predicted by the Quadratic Delamination Criterion. to form plies. They did, however, tend along fill fiber tows on the boundary This could not be predicted by of the fabric the Delamination Criterion since the criterion and the interlaminar stress analysis assume smeared Quadratic supporting homogeneous 111 plies. Micromechanical position of the effects delamination play a role initiation, in the exact but important parameters such as delamination initiation stress and critical interface can be predicted without relaxing homogenous ply assumptions made in Classical the smeared Laminated Plate Theory and related analyses. The strain energy release rate approach O'Brien [26] cannot predict midplane The simple rule determining initiation at for a symmetric laminate. formation of delaminations of mixtures approach used delamination at the midplane notation, a fracture results standard become fail laminates. to a This implies no energy would be available from Classical nonzero when specimen into two unsymmetric would for of surface. the The energy for that the fact bending-stretching parameters, which are characterized by in the the modulus of the delaminated region predicts no loss of modulus B matrix by ] s and [0 10U/ ]0 F s for the [ 0 5U/O0 F such as was observed specimens. for delamination as proposed predict Laminated Plate the Theory the delamination divides the halves. delamination Thus, this initiation approach in these 112 CHAPTER 6 DELAMINATION GROWTH AND FINAL FAILURE EXPERIMENTS The delamination graphite/epoxy are investigation. experiments growth and explored final failure behavior in this portion the the Four sets of experiments were conducted. required specialized manufacturing procedures which are described in this chapter. of of experiments of the objectives Some and testing The are reported and discussed of results in the context of the investigation. 6.1 Specialized Specimen Manufacturing Procedures The specimens for this portion of the investigation manufactured Chapter 4. using the Variations basic procedures were described in or additions to these procedures were used to manufacture specialized specimens. These variations are described here. 6.1.1 Specimens of Nonstandard Width The [±153]s constructed procedures. with When specimens only a one 50 mm spacer is placed against a surface. is The laminate clamped in place. of nonstandard variation on width the are standard wide specimen is milled, a metal reference placed edge on against The cutting surface is then the the cutting spacer and moved in the 113 direction of the cut. The cutting wheel extends down into a groove in the cutting surface. wheel, a specimens used. 50 mm wide strip As is cut. and loading tabs are cut, The widths used the in this laminate passes the When nonstandard width nonstandard spacers are investigation were 10 mm, 20 mm, 30 mm, 50 mm, and 70 mm. Not all specimens same laminate possible to for of the same width are milled two reasons. First, it from would mill all five 70 mm wide specimens not the be from the same laminate. Second, milling specimens of a given width from the different laminates reduces the possibility that slight manufacturing differences between laminates will affect trends in the data. 6.1.2 Fabric Specimens Since there are two primary fiber directions fabric weave, a pure matrix joint is not possible. would necessarily contain prepreg is available in 990 mm makes cut fibers. (39 in) Any joint Fortunately, wide the prepreg. the This it possible to cut angle plies in one rectangular sheet with no joints. rectangular Angle ply templates are template to used to must be taken faces of each ply. to align the assure the proper angle of the warp fibers with respect to the longitudinal axis of the Care in laminate. properly position the warp and fill 114 6.1.3 Specimens with Ply Splits Implanted The unique configuration of the and angle Delaminations and Angle implanted ply splits makes it necessary to manufacture these specimens individually rather than to out of a [03/±153] s it is delaminations single cured laminate. In the process . convenient to cut several The laminate type used is of laying up individual lay specimens specimens, up 305 mm by 350 mm major prepreg sublaminates using standard techniques and then cut them four 76 mm by 350 mm sublaminates. three major [+153/03]T. The Each specimen consists of [0 3/+1 5 3]T' sublaminates: into [-156], and teflon film is implanted between and within these sublaminates before curing. A slight variation from standard layup [-156] sublaminates. procedure is used Normally the trapezoid of prepreg that is cut to form the angle ply is cut exactly in half. this were done for the [-156] sublaminate, of all six plies would be aligned through the uncured sublaminate would two during process. steps To avoid this problem, the position of the matrix plies, joint was and in separation of the the manufacturing the plies were cut such that joint varied from the normal position. the joints thickness from ply to two of the six plies, the joint was approximately direction If have no in-plane strength at This could result in undetected critical the matrix the this joint. halves to approximately In two of 20 mm ply. In 20 mm in one the in remaining the other 115 direction. In the remaining two plies, the joint was in the normal position. Delaminations were formed by film between two uncured sublaminates. formed by implanting the film within along the fiber direction. DuPont and is designated a nominal In thickness the surface thin Angle ply splits were the [-156] sublaminate The teflon film is manufactured by film. with of the teflon film is placed of sublaminate is 20 mm. positioned so that farthest The it specimen. This position [03/+153] T sublaminate sublaminate. the The implant intrusion point of from the edge of the maximum intrusion is at the longitudinal is is illustrated then in placed is center of the Figure 6.1. on the A [-156] The two sublaminates stick together and hold the film in place. The process sublaminate. is repeated on the other Care is taken implanted delaminations line up through excess on such that the long edge is along the fiber angle point [-156] It has no implanted angle ply split, a of a 76 mm by 350 mm [-156] sublaminate. the teflon of 0.0254 mm (0.001 in). specimens is positioned the a PFA 100 LP fluorocarbon 25 mm by 50 mm rectangle and implanting teflon film protruding from the the so side that the two thickness. free of The edge is not trimmed. The manufacturing of specimens with implanted splits requires in the uncured razor blade angle ply that a slit be made along the fiber direction [-156] sublaminate. and a straight edge. The slit is The straight cut using a edge is placed 116 C L I I I I I 11 I 25 mm BY 50 mm ,RECTANGLE OF TEFLON FILM I I I I I 1 l FREE EGE FIGURE 6.1 NOMINAL POSITION OF THE TEFLON FILM AT THE +15o/-15° INTERFACES WHEN CONSTRUCTING A [0 /+15 ] SPECIMEN WITH AN IMPLANTED DE2 AMINATION 117 on clean backing paper from the prepreg to avoid contamination of the sublaminate surface by the straight edge. a maximum intrusion sublaminate. The of 30 mm position from of the the edge of the of the point where the intrusion from the free edge is 20 mm coincides center The slit has sublaminate with the as illustrated longitudinal in Figure 6.2. A 10 mm by 50 mm strip of teflon film is carefully placed inside the slit. When the end of the strip is flush with the tip of the slit, the excess Unfortunately, the film can inability be of trimmed the from film one side. to stick to the prepreg (which is desirable in context) makes it impossible to trim both sides without dislodging the film. preferable that Therefore, it is to have most of the excess on one side and to side. trim The excess film on the other side must be folded into the interface region. A 50 mm by 50 mm square of teflon film is then positioned in the slit such that its maximum is 20 mm at the midpoint then be intrusion of the free from the free edge edge. The square can folded over on both sides of the sublaminate to form two implanted delaminations similar to those in the without implanted angle ply splits. and teflon films are shown in specimens The positions of the slit Figure 6.2. The laminate is completed by placing a [0 3/+1 5 3]T sublaminates on each side of the [-156] sublaminate. Sheets of peel-ply size of extending the faces of from one end. are cut so that they are the laminates The peel-ply with is applied the nominal an extra 50 mm to the faces 118 C L I I 30 mm I ·I -I 20 mm I t :o I I I UP I I m l CL )N rER) i I i I t\ I ,x-1 'EVENTUALf LOCATION OF SPECIMEN FREE EDGE FIGURE 6.2 I I NOMINAL POSITION OF THE TEFLON FILM AT THE +15°/-15° INTERFACES AND WITHIN THE [-15 ] SUBLAMINATE WHEN CONSTRUCTING A [0 /1531 SPECIMEN WITH AN IMPLANTED DELAMINATION AD PLY SPLIT ANGLE 119 of the laminates. film protruding is Second, makes no nor the extra from the free edge is trimmed. essentially exceptions. Neither the peel-ply the same as for standard First, only corprene top plates it critical dam are used. teflon The cure setup specimens with two material is used. The absence of top plates that all wrinkles in the cure materials, air breather, and vacuum bag be eliminated before curing. Approximately 10 mm postcured specimens. delamination containing and them) is milled from the free edge of the The resulting nominal intrusions of angle are ply split 10 mm (in those the specimens and 20 mm, respectively. Since excess epoxy collects exact position of the boundaries of the teflon film cannot be at the precisely ascertained. free edge during Thus, the actual curing, intrusion may the vary from the nominal value. A strain gage was mounted on each specimen in the same manner described in Chapter 4. halfway between the center However, the gage was located and corner of the test section. This allowed the gage to measure far field strain with minimum effects from the implanted delamination and loading tabs. location of the gage is depicted The in Figure 6.3. 6.2 Dye Penetrant-Enhanced X-radiography The requires study that over a series of delamination growth and final failure the damage state be nondestructively monitored of tests. The method used for monitoring 120 C L S CL IMPLANTED DELAM £NATION FIGURE 6.3 LOCATION OF THE STRAIN GAGE ON A SPECIMEN WITH AN IMPLANTED DELAMINATION 121 delamination growth The dye penetrant liquid. is dye penetrant-enhanced x-radiography. used is DIB is applied cotton swab. di-iodobutane (DIB) which is to the free edge of a specimen with a It is applied after a test while the specimen at half the maximum stroke level. and can seep into delaminated testing machine. with regions via capillary action. Device. mode. is The a x-ray Scanray "timed used X-ray in this Inspection radiation" (TIMERAD) unexposed sheet of black and white instant film is placed on a sensor in the x-ray 100 mm by instant sheet film type 52. x-rayed machine Torrex 150D The machine is used in An from The location of the DIB can be detected x-radiography. investigation 125 mm is (4 in placed by chamber. 5 in The film used The portion of the specimen on top of the film. to be The door to the x-ray When sensor detects a certain quantity of radiation, the x-ray generator is shut off. the is nominal) Polaroid PolaPan chamber is closed and the x-ray generator is activated. the is The DIB has a low viscosity After DIB has been applied, the specimen is removed the a sensor The quantity of radiation detected is set to 240 mR (milliRoentgens). by This gives an optimal level of contrast. The film can camera back. be The developed resulting three shades of gray. shielded purposes x-rays by the The region of the This is a result of the light a standard Polaroid x-radiograph essentially shows any portion of the specimen white. and using film which is not is for all practical interaction of the sensitive chemicals in the film. The 122 region medium under gray. absorbs it. a a the undelaminated This results from the significant The delaminated result section of the laminate of the fact that the is a specimen portion of the x-rays passing through region shows up as a dark gray. fact that the This is thin layers of DIB in the delaminations absorb a large fraction of the x-rays passing through them. Two x-radiographs each test. Each details the damage on one half of the long test section. usually be 200 mm There is a small amount of overlap between the two x-radiographs. can are necessary for each specimen after The longitudinal determined either a loading tab or a by strain position referencing gage. of damage the position Both features to are visible in most x-radiographs. 6.3 Incremental Load Testing The same general testing portion of the investigation. procedures are used in this The specimens are either tested using manually controlled loading and data acquisition or with a computer-controlled testing program simultaneous commencement of the loading acquisition. Load, strain, that ramp allows and the for data and stroke data are recorded at prescribed time intervals. Four specimens specimens load drop of nonstandard width (two 10 mm wide and two 30 mm wide specimens) were tested using the technique described in Chapter 5 to determine 123 delamination specimens initiation stress. program before program determines test is stopped. the remaining is both free unloaded tests each test is is entered into the started. When the that that load level has been reached, and X-radiographs are then subsequent load level the The stroke is reduced by a factor of two and DIB is applied to specimen of were tested using an incremental loading technique. In these tests, a predetermined computer Most edges the the specimen. The removed from the testing machine. taken. of of The load same specimens increment between is dependent on the type of specimen. Only one of exhibited to be four specimens of nonstandard delamination by the initiation were all load drop stress tested testing was program. 513 MPa. to failure. variation An subsequent initial loading to equivalent to 450 MPa and stress The The four The average failure stress was 534 MPa with a coefficient of increments width a load drop at delamination initiation large enough detected specimens the increments of 1.0%. loading of 10 MPa were chosen to be sufficient to document all delamination growth of the specimens of nonstandard width. The data acquisition time increment for these specimens was 0.3 second. The [+±20F] [0n/±15n]s fabric specimens of the same laminate first specimens and the [+±15n/0n]s and were tested in groups of five specimens type and effective ply thickness. The three specimens in each group were tested monotonically to failure under manual control. The remaining specimens are 124 then tested incrementally starting observed failure stress of the maximum load level in first subsequent increments equivalent to 5% of the stress. The data at acquisition 75% three specimens. tests was average time of the average The increased observed increment in failure for these specimens was 0.5 second. The tested specimens with implanted delaminations were first at 40% of the average observed failure load of the five [03/±153]s without implanted damage. subsequent The stress increment in tests was 10% of the failure stress until the level was reached. 100% The increment after that level was reduced to 5% of the increment for these specimens was 0.5 second. failure stress. The data acquisition time 6.4 Results The experimental results are reported by specimen type. 6.4.1 Specimens of Nonstandard Width In previous work with AS1/3501-6 [±153]s specimens, the delamination always initiated before any splits in plies [34]. This was also observed the for the AS4/3501-6 angle [±153] s specimen in which delamination initiation was verified by edge replication before failure. Each specimen was tested to failure. specimen, two 30 mm wide specimens and all For one 20 mm wide wider specimens, 125 "failure" did not include the breaking two separate pieces. Failure in these cases have occurred when a large fraction load decrease was in the range of 60% accompanied by massive of the specimen was to 98%. inner plies across the failed region to the loading tab. therefore not in two to The Failure splitting and delamination from defined of the load was lost. plies across the entire width of the specimen. ran into was of the outer Fibers of the undelaminated regions of the specimen pieces The specimen was and could carry some in-plane load. The stress-strain point of visible failure graph Table 6.1. is shown in Figure 6.4. The average values initiation failure strain. experimental scatter stress The to resolution were of given included failure moduli are in the stress, within of the specimen width strain to within the specimens of of the experiment. nonstandard shape average are The failure stress and failure be independent The delaminated loading. The of the Classical Laminated Plate Theory prediction of 116 GPa. appear A used to determine appropriate calculations of average modulus, and the in the [±+153] s laminates. Data from the four specimens delamination linear to stress, and failure strain are reported for each specimen in Data Table 2. in was essentially delamination typical stress-strain modulus, behavior area and intrusion width were determined The data were obtained the delamination of the after from during each incremental x-radiographs. growth was The usually 126 500 400 _ r 1 m 300 _ L 7! ! O0 200 _ O0 100 _ 0 0 I I I 1000 2000 3000 4000 STRAIN EMICROSTRAIN] FIGURE 6.4 TYPICAL STRESS-STRAIN GRAPH FOR A [+±153]s SPECIMEN 5000 127 TABLE 6.1 AVERAGE MODULUS, FAILURE STRESS, AND FAILURE STRAIN FOR [153] s SPECIMENS OF NONSTANDARD WIDTH Width Modulus [mm] [GPa] 10 115 (4.1%) (2.5%) (3.3%) 116 30 116 50 70 502 515 Failure Strain [pstrain] 4336 (5.8%) 4318 (2.7%) 4348 (4.0%) (3.6%) (3.5%) 110 (1.2%) 505 (2.8%) 4600 (3.2%) 110 (5.3%) aNumbers 508 a (8.8%) 20 Failure Stress [MPa] in of variation. 488 (7.3%) 4687 (13.5%) parentheses are coefficients 128 triangular. The triangle was always bounded on one side by the free edge and on another by a split in the +150 ply. The third The side of the triangle was the delamination front. delamination front usually extended from the angle toward the free edge at approximately delamination shape is depicted There were occasionally the [-156] sublaminate [+153] sublaminate region delamination front split a right angle. schematically in This Figure 3.7. splits along the fiber direction in which extended from the to the free edge. delaminated ply enlarged coincided in the In some instances, the slightly with split one such of that these the splits. Typical x-radiographs of both types of delamination fronts are shown in Figure 6.5. accompanied by visible sublaminate edge. in This the Larger delaminations out-of-plane region peeling is peeling between the depicted were of usually the [+153] split and the free in the photograph in Figure 6.6. The specimens growth before which failure exhibited are detectable listed in delamination Appendix A with the maximum stress, the strain associated with the maximum stress, the number of observed delaminations, the maximum intrusion, and the total delaminated range of area associated with each test. stresses during which the first delamination growth occurs is bounded for each specimen by the maximum the last maximum test in which no delamination An average first growth stress was detected stress of the first test in which a observed. The and the delamination stress range of can was be 129 (a) 77-. DELAMINATION FRONT APPROXIMATELY PERPENDICULAR TO ANGLE PLY SPLIT ·- (b) DELAMINATION BORDERED BY TWO ANGLE PLY SPLITS FIGURE 6.5 X-RADIOGRAPHS OF TYPICAL DELAMINATIONS IN [±153]s SPECIMENS 130 Ii RI I FIGURE 6.6 PEELING AND UNLOADING OF A A [+153]s SPECIMEN +153] SUBLAMINATE IN 131 determined for a group of specimens by averaging bounds and then the upper bounds. stress range, maximum delaminated specimens average 6.4.2 [+15/0O]_ The average first growth maximum intrusion before failure, and area before of nonstandard The the lower failure are reported for width in Table 6.2. and [On/±15] [+±15n/0n]s and [0n/15n] s Specimens specimens exhibited stress-strain behavior until visible damage occurred. stress-strain graphs shown in Figures 6.7 were tested to for the and 6.8, failure. two lamination respectively. For specimens the All with specimen into two separate pieces. defined to have occurred lost. In the values of n breaking of the load was usually by between accompanied by delamination and in-plane failure of the angled plies and splitting still of the 0 carry plies. Nonetheless, substantial longitudinal the 0° load. plies The Data Tables 3 specimens). given scatter in specimens) The average values for Table of ([±15n/On] the 6.3. value each 126 GPa given and 4 ([0n/+15n]s specimen The moduli are all within of could modulus, failure stress, and failure strain for each specimen is in are Failure was again when a large fraction Failure was Typical specimens most of these cases, the load decreased 40% and 80% at failure. linear sequences greater than one, failure did not always include the of the predicted Laminated Plate Theory for these laminate types. type are experimental by Classical 132 TABLE 6.2 AVERAGE FIRST GROWTH STRESS RANGE, MAXIMUM INTRUSION, AND DELAMINATION AREA BEFORE FAILURE FOR [±153] s Width [mm] SPECIMENS OF NONSTANDARD Average Average Maximum First Growth Intrusion Before Stress Range Failure [MPa] WIDTH Average Delaminated Area Before Failure [cm2 ] [mm] 10 492-497 0 0 20 487-502 0 0 30 496-505 3 2 50 474-482 8 2 70 478-483 31 22 133 600 < 4(0o 0_ I I 0 IJ F 2130 n 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 STRAIN [MICROSTRAIN] FIGURE 6.7 TYPICAL STRESS-STRAIN GRAPH FOR A (+15 /0 ] s SPECIMEN 5000 134 800 600 r 1 0- z LQj V) 400 LdJ I) 6O 200 n 0O 0 2000 4000 STRAIN [MICROSTRAIN] FIGURE 6.8 TYPICAL STRESS-STRAIN GRAPH FOR A [0n/+15n ] SPECIMEN 6000 135 TABLE 6.3 AVERAGE MODULUS, FAILURE STRESS, AN D FAILURE STRAIN FOR [+15n/0 n] AND [0n/+15n] s SPECIMENS Laminate Type Modulus [GPa] Failure Stress [MPa] Failure Strain ([strain] 125 (3.2%) a 1003 7935 (4.1%) (6.5%) (+152/02]s 122 (5.7%) 747 6312 (8.1%) (10.7%) S 123 (5.0%) 642 5997 (6.6%) (19.5%) [ ±153/03] [±155/05]s [±158/08]s [0/±15] [02/±152]s [03/±+153]s [05/±155]s [08/±158]s 117 (8.0%) 618 (10.5%) 5626 (17.0%) 115 (6.1%) 541 5137 (2.5%) (11.5%) 124 (3.1%) 1160 9028 (3.3%) (5.5%) 863 7463 (6.4%) (4.7%) (9.4%) 123 (8.1%) 760 6570 (8.8%) (19.1%) 123 119 669 6289 (10.5%) (7.1%) (15.1%) 114 618 5371 (14.1%) (5.9%) (6.3%) aNumbers in parentheses of variation. are coefficients 136 Two trends are evident in the failure data. failure stress and strain decrease as effective ply increases. Second, consistently higher than those of These trends specimens were thickness values for [On/±15n]s specimens are observed [±15n/ 0 n]s the specimens. by Lagace et al. for AS1/3501-6 [37]. The specimens growth the First, are which listed exhibited detectable delamination Appendix B ([±15n/On]s specimens) and in Appendix C ([On/±15n]s specimens) with the maximum stress, the strain associated with the maximum stress, the number of observed delaminations, the maximum intrusion, and delaminated area of each test. The stress range, average maximum intrusion maximum delaminated Table 6.4. Each area of before the total average first growth before failure failure, are and reported in these averages is calculated using data from only two specimens since three of the five specimens of each type were used to determine only the failure stress. The damage for both laminate into changed as effective ply thickness increased types. The thinnest two pieces upon failure. segments approximately specimens (n = 1) broke The fracture surface had rough perpendicular to the free edge. These segments contained portions of several delaminated plies. fracture surface also had segments which were The relatively smooth and extended along the +15° and -15° directions. There were relatively small delaminations along the these segments. specimen edge of An x-radiograph showing damage of a failed [15/0]s is shown in Figure 6.9. For the other [+±15n/On]s 137 TABLE 6.4 AVERAGE FIRST GROWTH STRESS RANGE, MAXIMUM INTRUSION, AND DELAMINATION AREA BEFORE FAILURE FOR [±1 5 n/0n]s AND [0 n/+1 5 n]s SPECIMENS Average Average Maximum Average Delaminated First Growth Intrusion Before Area Before Failure Stress Range Failure [cm2] Laminate Type [MPa] [mm] [±15/0]s 785-837 6 2 [±152/02]s 629-666 15 13 [+±153/03]s 512-541 34 31 15 13 32 31 2 0 20 22 25 23 13 8 9 2 [+±155/05]s [±158/08 ] s <4 14 a 1001-1059 [0/±15]s [02/±+152 ] s 733-772 [03/±153]s [05/±155]s [08/±158 < 50 2 a s aDelamination occurred in the first test of both specimens. 138 FIGURE69 X-RADIOGRAPH OF A (±15/01 S SPECIMEN AFTER FAILURE 139 specimens, the thinner delaminations before smaller. of Thicker Few specimens specimens failure, these but specimens exhibited tended more to have more they were considerably broke into two pieces. pronounced peeling of the delaminated [+15n] sublaminates before and after failure. thicker specimens also showed splits in the plies upon greater failure. A The spacing between the photograph of failed [±15n/0n]s specimens is shown in Figure 6.10. The [0/±15]s specimens exhibited fewer before failure than the [+15/0]s specimens. fracture the surfaces +150 -15° and illustrates were the damage shown in Figure delaminations Upon failure, the cleaner and were predominantly along directions. An state of a failed x-radiograph which [0/±15] s specimen is 6.11. Many of the thicker [On/±15n]s specimens experienced more delaminations failure. than their [±15n/0n]s counterparts None of these specimens broke into two failure. pieces There was no peeling of the [On] sublaminate surface. In sublaminate sublaminates many which cases, had the portion delaminated and split away from the of from the rest of before the upon on the [-1 5 2n] neighboring the [-152n] sublaminate rotated slightly such that part of the sublaminate extended out from the free edge. illustrated in Figure 6.12. This "shear out" behavior is The thicker specimens also showed greater spacing between the splits in the plies upon failure. A shown in photograph Figure 6.13. of failed [0n/+15n]s specimens is 140 i--5~Ikr~I I I I / r.r A v5/0, a FIGURE 6.10 3 I " a J. J1 " I t PHOTOGRAPH OF FAILURE MODES OF [±15n/0 ]s SPECIMENS 141 I FIGURE 6.11 X-RADIOGRAPH OF A [0/+15] FAILURE s S SPECIMEN AFTER 142 ! 11 SHE I 4 POR' OF SUB ANGLE PLY SPLIT FIGURE 6..12 SCHEMATIC OF THE "SHEAR OUT" OF THE [-152n ] SUBLAMINATE IN A [0n/+15n]s SPECIMEN 143 iI - i -o-3 58 2..... h -0- , O-u 18 I11ie'2 ic i I8 I!ti- I5sU, t ! __T- ; IIi- FIGURE 6.13 PHOTOGRAPH OF FAILURE MODES OF SPECIMENS 0n/±15 n ] 144 It is not clear how unstable delamination growth might manifest itself in defined above, was complete delamination for all specimens these experiments. and growth of the +15°/-15 0 and loading to a before equivalent amount of loading In other specimens, tab was coincident that grew to grow in may be indicative This is evidence that unstable substantial the delaminated to a such delaminations is not necessarily necessary grew However, It is likely that delaminations Thus, unstable growth. as interfaces tab and stopped would have continued an actual part. A delaminations to final failure. of the delamination with final failure. growth 00/150 with values of n greater than one. stopped prior to the loading failure, always accompanied by complete or nearly in many of these specimens, tab Final of delamination to final failure. delamination may be failure can be induced by delamination. If region were to remain small growth and stable, the strength of the specimen would not vary significantly from the predicted in-plane strength. however, failure usually the strength in the specimens occurred of As the delaminated region grows, the specimen is degraded. in this portion of the Final investigation at or soon after delamination growth did not grow to the tabs to the loading tab. Delaminations thin (n = 1) specimens. Nonetheless, "unstable"' growth associated seen in Figures loading the there may have been some with final failure. 6.9 and 6.11 that considerable associated with the fracture surface. in It can be delamination is 145 a to growth When loading tab was not accompanied by complete delamination and final failure, it could of be with the naked eye and was accompanied by an audible detected click. usually In the [+±15n/On]s specimens, the surface plies. usually there was usually In the [On/±15n]s specimens, there was The load data also some shear out of the inner plies. usually showed peeling a significant drop in load when growth to the tab occurred. The data acquisition points such if events program had the ability to mark data occurred. regardless with x-radiography. strains whether or not they were monitored The growth-to-tab stresses and associated type are given in Table 6.5. were The growth-to-tab quite close to the final failure stresses. with failure stress and strain, the trends are for the and level strain thickness all listed in Appendix D with the average values for are each specimen stresses of for accurately stress could usually be determined quite specimens the growth-to-tab Thus, to As stress decrease with increasing effective ply and for the values specimens for [+±15n/On]s to be lower than the values for [On/±15n]s specimens. 6.4.3 Fabric Specimens The fabric [±20F]s specimens exhibited stress-strain behavior until delaminations detectable x-radiographs shown in were formed. Figure 6.14. The linear on the A typical stress-strain graph is specimens were all tested to 146 TABLE 6.5 AVERAGE GROWTH-TO-TAB STRESSES FOR [+15n/0 n] Laminate Type Average Growthto-Tab Stress [MPa] 5 2/0 AND [0n/+15 n] Average Growthto-Tab Strain SPECIMENS Laminate Type Average Growthto-Tab Stress [pstrain] [MPa] Average Growthto-Tab Strain [#strain] 2]s 713 (8.8%)a 6355 (8.9%) [ 0 2/+152]s 830 (7.2%) 6905 (7.6%) [±l53/03]s 603 (6.5%) 5004 (10.1%) [O3/+153] s 710 (2.9%) 5838 (10.8%) [±155/05]s 567 (7.5%) 4824 (6.9%) [05/±155] s 656 (6.1%) 5726 (16.9%) [± 1 5 8/ 0 8]s 525 (6.3%) 4651 (8.4%) [08/+158]s 602 (7.6%) 5584 (11.5%) [± aNumbers in parentheses are coefficients of variation. 147 600 I0-I 400 II . I i <n L_ I._ Hv) enJ 200 I f so 0 4000 _ 8000 STRAIN EMICROSTRAIN] FIGURE 6.14 TYPICAL STRESS-STRAIN GRAPH FOR A [+20OFS SPECIMEN 12000 j 148 failure. The modulus, failure stress, and failure strain for each specimen is given in Data Table 5. for are both specimen well The types are given in Table 6.6. within experimental scatter Laminated Plate Theory value of 56 GPa. stresses are average significantly less of The than values The moduli the Classical average failure the value of 647 MPa predicted for in-plane failure by the generalized criterion of Tsai and Wu [38]. This value was obtained using the strength properties for Hercules AW370-5H/3501-6 listed in Table 6.7. The specimens with interface had of variation interface of warp faces at the Those with only fill faces at that a failure stress of 530 MPa with a coefficient variation of 2.7%. Given these relatively coefficients of variation, a difference in failure 12.8% +200/-20° a failure stress of 530 MPa with a coefficient of 4.0%. had only small stress of is significant. The delamination specimen types. delaminations, growth Details maximum behavior varied regarding the for the two number of intrusion, and total delaminated area after each test are given for the specimens monitored by dye penetrant-enhanced x-radiography in Appendix E. The specimens interface with exhibited only fill delaminations x-radiographs at lower stresses. likely not which should delaminations faces at the +200/-20° detectable from the These delaminations are most formed concurrently with delamination initiation, be the tended same to be for both specimen types. triangularly shaped. The They were 149 TABLE 6.6 AVERAGE MODULUS, FAILU RE STRESS, AND FAILURE STRAIN FOR [±20F]S FABRIC SPECIMENS Interface Modulus Failure [GPa] Fill/Fill 56 a (3.8%) 470 (2.7%) 9291 (8.9%) Warp/Warp 55 (5.3%) 530 (4.0%) 9895 (5.2%) aNumbers in parentheses of variation. Stress [MPa] Failure Type Strain [,strain] are coefficients 150 TABLE 6.7 STRENGTH PARAMETERS FOR HERCULES AW370-5H/3501-6 FABRIC GRAPHITE/EPOXY Test Type Strength [MPa] Longitudinal Tension 817 Longitudinal Compression 779 Transverse Tension 728 Transverse Compression 712 Shear 105 105 Shear 151 bounded on one side by the free edge and on the other two sides by lines at +200 to the longitudinal were apparently splits in warp fiber tows. the delaminated region did not splits. axis. coincide lines The boundaries exactly with of these There were also some delaminations which were rounded with no clear boundaries. visible Both in the x-radiograph The specimens interface with exhibited delaminations. These types of delaminations are in Figure 6.15. only warp smaller, faces more at the +20°/-20° clearly defined delaminations were bounded on one side by a line at 200 to the longitudinal axis side by a line roughly perpendicular to that. and on one of these delaminations the other The contrast the x-radiographs of these features is quite low. of The in an x-radiograph An of example is therefore indicated with an arrow in Figure 6.16. Light lines at +70° to the visible visible. of all in most These the x-radiographs lines indicate plies. They longitudinal in direction were which delaminations were splits in the fill apparently formed fiber after tows the delaminations. 6.4.4 Specimens with Ply Splits Implanted Delaminations and Angle The specimens with implanted delaminations and angle splits were all tested to failure. As was observed [03/±153]s specimens with no implanted damage, the ply for the specimens 152 FIGURE 6.15 X-RADIOGRAPH OF TYPICAL DELAMINATIONS IN [±20 ] s SPECIMENS WITH FILL I NTERFACE FACES AT THE +20'/-20' 153 FIGURE 6.16 20 X-RADIOGRAPH OF TYPICAL DELANINATIONS IN +20'/-20' THE AT FACES SPECIMENS WITH WARP INTERFACE 154 did not break into two pieces at failure. The failure stress and failure strain are given for each specimen in Data Table 6 with the average values given moduli are within experimental value predicted by in Table 6.8. The average scatter of 116 GPa which Classical Laminated Plate Theory. average failure stress of specimens with implanted splits is the angle The ply was 11.1% lower than that for specimens with implanted delaminations alone. delaminations The specimens with implanted and no angle ply splits failed at a 2.0% higher stress than those with no implanted damage. This difference is within experimental scatter. During the curing process, the teflon film is weakly bonded to the neighboring sublaminates. When broken, the specimens emitted an this audible bond was "click" and experienced a detectable increase in the strain data. the "formation the point" of the implanted sublaminates applied were through the still bonded thickness delamination and before graph this The average values In specimens implanted split delamination. split, that event. The A typical exhibiting this formation point is shown in Figure 6.17 The modulus of each specimen Table 6. in strain continuity stress-strain behavior was linear until this event. stress-strain This is with is given in Data are given in Table 6.8. an "formed" implanted at the angle same ply split, the time as the In the specimens without an implanted angle ply a split formed spontaneously in the [-156] sublaminate at the edge of the delaminated region. This usually occurred 155 TABLE 6.8 MODULUS AND FAILURE DATA FOR [0 /+15 SPECIMENS WITH IMPLANTED DELAMINATI3N9 Nominal Intrusion of the Implanted Delamination [mm] Nominal Intrusion Modulus [GPa] Failure Stress Failure Strain [MPa] [,strain] 114 (3.1%) a 775 (1.8%) 6708 (2.5%) 112 (5.2%) 697 (2.4%) 6253 (5.9%) of the Implanted Angle Ply Split [mm] 10 0 10 20 aNumbers in parentheses are coefficients of variation. 156 400 300 - r I 0 200 (J) LU a, HCo 100 n uJ 0 I I I 1000 2000 3000 STRAIN FIGURE 6.17 4000 MICROSTRAIN] TYPICAL STRESS-STRAIN GRAPH FOR A [0 /+15 ] SPECIMEN WITH AN IMPLANTED DELAMINATION SO*ING THE "FORMATION POINT" OF THE DELAMINATION 157 at a higher stress than the delamination formation. formation of these angle ply splits x-radiographs. An x-radiograph delamination and Figure The stresses 6.18. delamination in Appendix The and F. associated both confirmed showing from an the implanted angle ply split is shown and strains at the formation in of the angle ply split are given for each specimen The average values delamination same for the was The formation types of are given stresses in Table 6.9. were approximately the specimens. The angle ply split formation stress was approximately twice as high for the cases in which it was not implanted, although variation was quite high (34.5%). the delamination and the before failure. surrounding the angle the coefficient of In all cases, however, both ply split had formed well This indicates that the global stress fields delaminated region correctly approximated those of a naturally occurring delamination through nearly all of the testing. The nominal intrusions of the delaminations The nominal intrusions of were 10 mm. the angle ply splits were 20 mm. After the delamination formation point, the actual could be determined from the x-radiographs. The intrusions of intrusion the implanted delaminations and angle ply splits are given for each specimen in Data Table 6. 15 mm with specimens a coefficient of The actual average values were variation of 8.4% for the without an implanted angle ply split and 13 mm with a coefficient of variation implanted angle ply split. of 13.9% for the specimens with an The nominal intrusion of the angle 158 I k . 9 I t Xf , f , i 1 is h; 4iti I 11 i. FIGURE 6.18 X-RADIOGRAPH OF A (0 /±15 SPECIMEN WITH AN IMPLANTED DELAMINATION ANA HE ASSOCIATED SPONTANEOUSLY FORMED ANGLE PLY SPLIT 159 TABLE 6.9 DELAMINATION AND ANGLE PLY SPLIT FORMATION DATA FOR [03/±153]s SPECIMENS WITH IMPLANTED DELAMINATIONS Nominal Intrusion Nominal Intrusion DelaminatiRn Formation of the Implanted of the Implanted Stress Strain [MPa] [ustrain] Delamination Angle [mm] Ply Split Angle Ply b Split Formation Stress [MPa] Strain [pstrain] [mm] 10 0 140 1186 (8 .3%)a (8.4%) 10 20 152 1372 (14.6%) (13.0%) aThe point at which bneighboring plies. The point at which x-radiograph. the 301 (34.5%) implanted 152 (14.6%) teflon 2593 (34.5%) 1372 (13.0%) debonded an angle ply split was first visible Numbers in parentheses are coefficients of variation. from on an 160 ply split was 20 mm. a coefficient The actual average value was 26 mm with of variation There was usually either specimen type of 8.4%. little delamination before failure. In some sublaminates delamination instances, extended and the in the splits in behavior Figure is [+153] between the region of the implanted free edge. In cases, the these illustrated in the this region. x-radiograph three of the six in specimens with angle ply splits, delamination grew to the end of the implanted angle ply before final failure. x-radiograph in determined ply ensued. which This Figure 6.20. behavior The did not stop at split. The delamination end was exhibited and split in the strain were In three specimens, of the implanted total and failure For these specimens, therefore, the stress and strain growth to the end of the implanted angle ply split failure values. and strains are reported in Appendix G. stress for the six specimens variation stress the occurred were set equal to the final stresses is for each of the six specimens. the delamination at the 6.19. In angle in delaminated the delamination front advanced slightly to include This seen Angle ply splits did form in the [+153] and [-156] sublaminates region. growth of 3.1%. These The average was 690 MPa with a coefficient of 161 r FIGURE 6.19 X-RADIOGRAPH OF A [O /+15 1 SPECIMEN WITH AN IMPLANTED DELAMINATIN SHWfNG LIMITED EXTENSION OF THE DELAMINATION FRONT 162 FIGURE 6.20 X-RADIOGRAPH OF A [0 /+15 SPECIMEN WITH AN IMPLANTED DELAMINATIN ANA NGLE PLY SPLIT SHOWING DELAMINATION GROWTH TO THE END OF THE IMPLANTED ANGLE PLY SPLIT 163 6.5 Discussion The experimental the objectives results are discussed of this investigation. in the context The discussions of are divided into sections by specimen type. 6.5.1 Specimens of Nonstandard Width The average were within failure experimental stress specimens. failure stress for the five sets of specimens This is scatter independent indicates that of of one another. Thus, specimen width for these the mechanism controlling failure is also independent of specimen width. Once a delamination starts to grow, the plies decouple and the local strength drops rapidly. predicted strength by the parameters laminate and predicted criterion strain. gage data 349 MPa and Wu [38] using the the for the delaminated sublaminates. The strain drops not quite from obtained reach this 13057 an accurate strain from value However, it should be noted that the reported is the far-field the at of the local strain in the to strain failure. failure strain at the strain gage position estimate strength for The failure strain does Tsai in-plane given in Table 6.10 are 1516 MPa failure 5842 of The strain and is not delaminated region. Since the failure all specimen widths, stress is approximately the same for the failure of these specimens appears to 164 TABLE 6.10 STRENGTH PARAMETERS FOR HERCULES AS4/3501-6 UNIDIRECTIONAL GRAPHITE/EPOXY Test Type Strength [MPa] Longitudinal Tension 2356 Longitudinal Compression 1466 Transverse Tension 49.4 Transverse Compression 186 Shear 105 165 be contro lied by the strength in-plane of failure the sublaminates. Apparently , local sublaminate causes stress gradients which can trigger further of the delaminated delamination and the corresponding sublaminate failure. average The together. There growth is a possible stress ranges were the addition, wider delaminations trend of the first delamination specimens before apparently better specimens. There have failure. able to are The start larger delaminations and stop a number of possible in release rate curves other mechanisms arresting growth. that may the at work that are related to a delamination as a are wider explanations affect growth. for energy There may be the function In reported The re may be finite width effects on the strain this. close oc curring slightly earlier in the wider specimens. growth of first probability of Nonetheless, when the sublaminates started amount of to fail, total delamination and final failure followed. Nearly failure all before the the initiation stress detectable specimens exhibited experimentally of the delamination one determined specimen initiation This indicates that the specimen was Fortunately, the stress on a increments which behavior was observed. and delamination exhibited a an edge replication. statistical anomaly. for this portion investigation were chosen conservatively to delamination delamination insure of the that all Initiation is a local effect which should be unaffected by specimen width so long as the specimen is substantially wider than the interlaminar 166 stress boundary layer. Within not appear unstable the resolution to be a definitive delamination of these experiments, there does critical growth experiments shows that unstable coincide. However, two necessarily these do coincide. delamination or final failure. growth and final experiments size for This set of failure can do not prove that the For example, it is possible that the final failure of similar specimens would not coincide with unstable delamination growth if the in-plane strength of the delaminated sublaminates were higher. There front were for two stable observed positions of the delamination delaminations. In cases, the delamination front was roughly perpendicular to the angle ply split the in the delamination. angle ply sublaminate most isolated In some cases, the delamination front coincided with an angle ply split in the angle plies in the 00 containing the positions raises plies. The the question fact that by sublaminate there of the mechanism are two for arresting delamination growth in each case. 6.5.2 X [+15n/0n]O and [On/+15n], Specimens The trend stress, average growth-to-tab thickness. effective in both sets of data is first stress growth decrease The explanation stress that ' average range, and failure average with increasing effective ply for this is based on the effect of ply thickness on the interlaminar stress state. At 167 any stress level, laminates with thicker plies have larger regions of high interlaminar stress (although not higher edge magnitudes of interlaminar free stress) near the free edge. This affects phenomena controlled by energy considerations well as Since those controlled delamination as by average stress considerations. initiation and growth appear to influenced by such considerations, the thicker specimens to accumulate damage at lower stresses. be tend This in turn subjects them to failure at lower stresses. The difference between the behavior of the [±15n/0] [0n/±15n]s specimens delamination stress initiation state most This likely not considerations. that controls types of specimens. constructed is initiation was the The s and related to interlaminar is similar for the two case for of AS1/3501-6 in Reference 34. the specimens Brewer and Lagace found that the difference in interlaminar normal stresses was not large enough to make the predicted delamination initiation stresses significantly different for the two They also observed this experimentally. specimen types. The same is predicted for the AS4/3501-6 specimens in this investigation. Although these specimens were not explicitly monitored for delamination initiation, it can be assumed that the initiation stresses are not substantially different for the AS4/3501-6 [±15n/On]s and [0n/±15n]s specimens. The attributed sequence. difference to in behavior the physical The angle plies in after initiation characteristics the [0n/+15 n] can be of the lamination specimens are 168 constrained 00 plies. bending from out-of-plane deformation after damage by the The difference in energy directly was evaluated in a simple experiment. masses were placed on a peeled sublaminate. the attributable ply gave an indication position. This was when to quantities compared other Several small The deflection of of the energy needed to its original found to of to to restore it be negligible energy, such as the strain energy calculated by the O'Brien method. Even if a region of a ply is completely neighboring plies, frictional to peel away and unload. strain energy is available [±15n/On]s specimens [+±15n/0n]s specimens which in turn subjects stresses and the at for any [±15n/0n]s delamination stress to associated specimens The net effect experience them from the loads can still be applied. contrast, the surface plies of the free debonded In are is that more growth level. in the Hence, the delamination growth earlier redistribution in-plane of failure in-plane at lower stresses. The which thinnest could be specimens associated (n = 1) exhibited failure modes with in-plane delamination initiation stress for these high. When a and this increased. is quite compliance. The local strains apparently exceeded the level necessary for local in-plane When specimens The significant area of the specimen delaminated, there was a sudden increase in local stresses failure. failure occurred, the of the compliance The local stresses remaining in the sublaminates. local region and strains at the edge of the 169 failing region apparently exceeded the level necessary for in-plane failure of the laminate and failure propagated across the specimen width. Failure strength. in-plane of a laminate appears to be governed by in-plane When delamination strength is the is local involved, in-plane the relevant strength of the delaminated sublaminates. If growth is governed by an energy consideration, then there should be a general thicker specimens. This trend toward earlier a result region of and proportional Details may vary, effects of the interlaminar finite for is because the available energy is directly proportional to laminate thickness. as growth dimensions. Since to the square of the strain stress boundary strain (or energy stress) is level, milestones of delamination growth (e.g. delamination growth to the loading tab) should occur at stresses that are roughly inversely proportional to effective ply thickness. The feasible fact is that not Delamination prerequisite. delamination growth is energetically a sufficient condition for growth to occur. initiation Hence, appears no growth to be should a necessary occur before delamination initiation. The data used to verify growth stress from some of this portion of the investigation these premises. the average first range, growth-to-tab stress, and final failure stress are plotted as a function of for The can be [+ 1 5 n/On]s specimens in effective Figure 6.21 ply and thickness for the 170 1200 ......... INITIATION CODC) ---- GROWTH TO TAB CG) -I & _ 1 000 FAILURE (TSAI-WU) FIRST GROWTH RANGE A GROWTH TO TAB STRESS a FAILURE STRESS 800 .4 0. LI Vi) I, 600 A cn 400 200 n ma) S 2 ! 4 I I 6 8 NORMALIZED EFFECTIVE PLY THICKNESS, N FIGURE 6.21 EXPERIMENTAL VALUES AND ANALYTICAL CURVES FOR DELAMINATION INITIATION, GROWTH, AND FINAL FAILURE OF [±15n/0n]s SPECIMENS 10 171 [On/±15 n] specimens Also in Figure 6.22. plotted are three theoretical curves. The first is the delamination initiation stress predicted by the Delamination Criterion. Quadratic The value of the interlaminar shear strength Zsl used in the Quadratic Delamination Criterion 105 MPa. This was the value determined graphite/epoxy specimens in Reference 34. should not be a strong function for was AS1/3501-6 Since this quantity of fiber strength, the value obtained for AS1/3501-6 should be a good estimate of the value for AS4/3501-6. The second curve is damaged [0n/±15n] the failure assumed to be complete The damage to the delamination interface and in-plane failure (in the form of the isolated angle characterization delamination predicted ply sublaminate. of the damage state of growth to the tab. specimens at the +15°/-15o splitting) The the specimens strength to the specimen. third curve is generated by a constant strain energy energy delamination the after The failed sublaminate was release rate as predicted by the O'Brien method. strain of This is a reasonable assumed to carry no load and therefore contribute no or stiffness for or [±15n/0n]s specimens using the Tsai-Wu in-plane failure criterion [38]. was stress release growth specimens with O'Brien's equation. rate available at the The value of time of the to the loading tab (or final failure, n equal to one) was computed for using These values are given in Table 6.11. both the [+ 1 5 n/0n]s and [0n/±15n]s cases, the values for In the 172 1200 is INITIATION CODC) ......... ---- GROWTH TO TAB (G) -- 1000 800 0 iT U) I\ 600 I FAILURE (TSAI-WU) FIRST GROWTH RANGE A GROWTH TO TAB STRESS a FAILURE STRESS 0 Q ._i 5 ol*a %ft. I 400 . . .m ime. . 200 n 0 um I I· I I 2 4 6 8 NORMALIZED EFFECTIVE PLY THICKNESS, N FIGURE 6.22 EXPERIMENTAL VALUES AND ANALYTICAL CURVES FOR DELAMINATION INITIATION, GROWTH, AND FINAL FAILURE OF [0n/+15n]s SPECIMENS 10 173 TABLE 6.11 STRAIN ENERGY RELEASE RATE AT AVERAGE GROWTH-TO-TAB STRESSES FOR [±15n/0n ] AND [0n/+15n ] s SPECIMENS Laminate Type Average Growthto-Tab Stress [MPa] Strain Energy Release Rate Laminate Type [J/m2] Average Growthto-Tab Stress Strain Energy Release Rate [MPa] [J/m2] 1160 1110 1003 830 [0/±15] s 5 2/2]s [±+1 713 839 [02/±152]s 830 1137 [+153/03]s 603 900 [03/±153]s 710 1248 [±155/05]s 567 1326 [05/±155] s 656 1775 [±158/08]s 525 1819 [08/±158]s 602 2392 [±15/0] s aCalculated using O'Brien's method. 174 three thinnest specimen types were within experimental scatter while the values for substantially higher. growth of the thicker energy to release rate estimate 4.5% the coefficient the Thus, the average values of for the three thinnest specimen The average values of rate were 856 J/m2 for if of which can be the stress at which similar damage becomes energetically feasible. release were delamination to the loading tab were delayed until types were used to generate theoretical curves used types This is what would be expected delamination initiation occurred. strain specimen strain with a coefficient [±15n/0n]s specimens variation of and 6.3% of variation 1165 J/m2 for energy the of with a [0n/+15 n] s specimens. There are several possible sources for the discrepancy in these values of strain [±15n/On]s and [On/±15n]s sublaminate is assumed specimens, energy however, to the release rate. the modulus both the specimens, the isolated angle ply carry peeled load. portion In the [±15n/On]s of the sublaminate carries no load and therefore has no internal If In strain of this region of the sublaminate energy. were set to zero for the purpose of calculating strain energy release rate with O'Brien's method, the value of strain energy release rate would rise from 856 J/m2 specimens, angle ply the to delaminated sublaminate may 1381 J/m 2 . In and split portion carry some the [0 n/15n] s of the isolated load applied via friction, but it has most likely yielded more internal strain energy than has been accounted for by O'Brien's method. It is 175 therefore conceivable that the values for the two types of specimens are explanation may involve the details of the delamination actually quite close. An alternative situation at the front (e.g. frictional loading versus peeling of the isolated angle ply sublaminate, tensile versus compressive values of the differences local between interlaminar the two normal lamination stress). The sequences may mean different conditions of applied stress may need to be met in order to initiate dynamic unstable delamination growth. The plots have several important features. was no delamination growth until approximately delamination initiation delamination growth by the strain stress, even First, there the when predicted significant was theoretically possible as determined energy release rate curve. This shows conclusively that initiation must occur before any growth occur and that the strain energy release rate criterion necessary but not a growth. also release It can sufficient rate criterion condition be condition surmised is a necessary but for delamination initiation. necessary and sufficient in both cases governed that by its for can is a delamination the strain energy not a sufficient If the criterion were and each event were own critical value of strain energy release rate, delamination growth could never be delayed by the lack of delamination initiation. Once delamination had initiated, it did not grow to the loading tab until it was energetically feasible as by the curve. determined This emphasizes that strain energy release rate 176 is criterion was stress by the Tsai-Wu predicted long types of as the above the post first ply failure stress or near certain as thereafter soon Failure occurred damage. for condition necessary a criterion [38]. The average maximum intrusion and delaminated area before were failure Nonetheless, there was no trend value failure can be determined suggesting for size delamination of specimens per data point. two only on based a that unstable for these specimens growth critical or final type using this of experiment. 6.5.3 Fabric Specimens [±20F]s fabric specimens all broke into two separate The their pieces at stress levels well below of these specimens delaminations in-plane Delaminations were observed to occur in all stress. failure predicted before final failure. It is clear that the contributed to the final failure and that there is a significant effect of the character of the ply interface on the failure stress. The differences manifested in the in character specimens with warp faces at boundaries of the the the +200/-20o were interface the delaminations. of character of In the interfaces, the delamination were delineated by splits in the warp fiber tows on one side and the fill fiber tows on the other side. The delamination front. splits This had the affects effect of "blunting" the required for the energy 177 extension of the delamination front. It appears growth beyond the splits becomes energetically feasible, delaminated region grows across the specimen width. occurs, the in-plane strength of the the specimen specimen that when the Once this decreases and fails. In specimens with fill faces at the +20°/-20 ° interfaces, the delamination growth seems to have been unrestricted by any splits in the fill fiber tows. fibers caused a disturbance in delaminations appear Only when splits in the warp the stress to be arrested. by did delaminated on a local level. specimen types seems to have delamination region inducing small cracks at the +200/-20° interface which blunted the delamination front) or decreased the available these This apparently either increased the energy needed to extend the (perhaps field grows across The difference affected the between stress energy the two at which the width and therefore the final failure stress. 6.5.4 Specimens with Implanted Ply Splits The results delaminations of of either the initiation experiments with and delaminations. The Angle implanted initiation or apparently induce conditions favorable for or growth of the other in these specimens. Neither specimen type experienced substantial the and and angle ply splits underscore the interaction of angle ply splits growth the Delaminations delamination beyond its implanted growth boundaries of before 178 failure with experienced the exception growth to the splits. The splits, coupled growth to with of the three end of the end of the implanted the the fact implanted that the implanted angle ply splits failed at a lower indicates extension that a specimens which angle angle ply specimens average the of the delamination delaminated delaminations formation. the in specimens with the implanted must be conducive to The fact that they did not extend beyond implanted extend arbitrarily delamination beyond is not independent the indicates that delamination of their the edge they cannot and that their,> of the growth of the delamination. The implanted delaminations and angle ply splits grew beyond their boundaries until final failure. the result of a small pocket of teflon film. edge state of stress in the vicinity delamination of the growth stress, front. region alone, that edge of the with preexisting angle ply split can aid in the Since angle ply splits formed spontaneously at of ply resin at the seldom This may be edge of the Although the global stress state is appropriate, the local crack tip stress field may be affected. Russell and Street [41] verified the existence of these resin rich regions and determined that they can increase at least the mode II component of delamination resistance. The interaction of the delaminations and the angle splits appears quite strong in these specimens. the details of what occurs at their ply Understanding intersection may be instrumental to understanding how growing delaminations can be 179 arrested and how arrested delaminations can reinitiate. A study of this interaction is warranted. 180 CHAPTER 7 ANALYSIS OF GROWTH PHENOMENON Modifications made to strain energy release rate models of delamination growth are described in this modifications are compared to existing chapter. models These and their ability to accurately correlate data is evaluated. 7.1 Existing Models of Growth Phenomenon There are two popular models of delamination growth based on strain energy releases rate methodologies. simple model They are the by O'Brien and the virtual crack closure method which is based on finite element calculations. 7.1.1 O'Brien's Method As noted in Chapter 2, O'Brien [26] method for the calculation developed of strain energy release a simple rate. His model was based on the calculated internal energy of laminated and delaminated assumes that position. size. The O'Brien regions there of a composite specimen. The model is no variation calculation is independent of this could be used to proposed that model with longitudinal delamination predict initiation by using a critical value of strain release rate experimentally and that growth can be described determined resistance curve. energy in terms of an Experimental 181 evidence showed that the critical value release rate [28] was not a material cannot be assumed that the delamination material parameter either. value of strain energy be determined element method. parameter. It resistance was AS1/3501-6 is a This contribution would have by an alternative Brewer a curve release rate might be a function of the and method Lagace such as the finite [34] found critical value of strain energy release rate for initiation therefore O'Brien proposed that the critical relative contribution of mode I. to of strain energy function specimens. of effective Since the that the delamination ply thickness for modal contribution is independent of ply thickness, this indicates that the critical value of strain energy release rate must also be affected by this factor. The derivation of O'Brien's method does not account for any out-of-plane effects such as interlaminar stress or energy involved in sublaminates. out-of-plane Increased deformation accuracy in (bending) the evaluation of of the strain energy release rate can be achieved with a more general approach. 7.1.2 Virtual Crack Closure The virtual good correlation growth data. crack closure method has been shown to give in some instances As presently [e.g. 6] applied for delamination in the literature, three-dimensional problem has been modeled by assuming the that 182 there is no position. variation The with problem respect is to thus the longitudinal reduced from a three-dimensional analysis to a two-dimensional analysis. The virtual crack closure method requires that the nodal forces and displacements be accurately determined at the crack tip. They can be used to determine the relative modal contributions. the change The in energy software and available during this investigation offered a nearly equivalent and less computationally intensive finite does not specifically use element the method. it product of nodal forces and nodal displacements, it cannot technically be virtual crack closure method. Since considered the This alternative finite element method is described in the next section. 7.2 Finite Element Method The alternative finite element method used as a basis for the present analysis was also a two-dimensional model. internal energy per unit length of the specimen directly from nodal In the model great deal of internal energy for The difference an incremental unit of delamination growth could be found by comparing crack computational used, however, there were few enough elements that this calculation was convenient. in computed displacements and the stiffness matrix. Normally, this would require a effort. was The was slightly extended. two cases in which the This is equivalent to releasing a crack tip node in the virtual crack closure method. 183 The finite element used was the Finite Element Analysis Basic Library (FEABL) which was developed Department of code Aeronautics Massachusetts and Institute Astronautics of in the at the Technology [42]. The two-dimensional rectangular element used had eight nodes (one at Each each node corner had and one at the midpoint three displacement degrees of each side). of freedom (linear As a result of symmetry considerations, only one quarter displacement in each direction). of the specimen needed to be modeled as long as the specimen width was substantially wider boundary contained layer and four the layers than the interlaminar delamination itself. layer was divided into three regions. the layer delamination. Each of elements of equal thickness. layer was modeled along its length by twelve to represent stress elements. ply Each Each Four elements were used from the free edge to the tip of the Three elements were used to represent a 0.1 mm long region in front of the delamination tip. The remainder of the layer between the crack tip region and the centerline of the specimen was represented by five elements. elements in each region were skewed toward the crack tip. sizing of elements and the size of the mesh used ranges of delamination Each elements. six ply ply was size are discussed represented by for in Appendix The The various H. a mesh of four by twelve Since only one quarter of a specimen was modeled, a specimen could be modeled by a twelve by twelve element mesh with 144 elements and 489 nodes. This mesh is 184 shown in Figure 7.1. The elastic parameters used for AS4/3501-6 were the same ones use in the interlaminar listed in Table 3.1. calculated be stress software and The only exception was that the software the value of an out-of-plane shear modulus, 3.62 GPa from elasticity considerations. in Table analysis 3.1 is 4.8 GPa. This difference G 2Z, to The value listed is not believed to have a significant effect on the results. The strain energy release as the negative rate in this context is defined of the derivative of internal energy of a partially delaminated specimen with respect to the area of the delamination: udel G aA (7.1) del If the quantity two-dimensional Udel element model is used, a can be defined as the internal energy per unit length of the specimen. length, a. finite Udel is a function of delamination Since Udel is internal energy per unit length, the strain energy release rate can be written as: aUdel aa (7.2) Strain energy release rate curves were calculated for the [±153]s' [±15/01s, and [0/±15]s specimens. The derivative was 185 z l IF DELAMINATION SIZE L h DELAMINATION -- om P- LOCATION W.. mm i i FIGURE 7.1 It m . I E m PLY JTHICKNESS t-- T. !d, FINITE ELEMENT MESH USED FOR A SIX PLY LAMINATE 186 approximated as the length divided by are curves The applied is 10000 rate the shown delamination width. release rate as a function of delamination The value of strain energy to the square release rate of the energy release factor n as discussed size release strain level. curves can be computed [±15n/On]s and [On/±15n]s specimens by scaling the strain of plots for other strain levels by considering can be calculated energy The Figures 7.2 through 7.4, respectively. in strain (1.0%). strain in change that it is proportional The in the internal energy per unit strain level in these and all subsequent energy strain change values in Chapter 3. specimens asymptote. In asymptote. of rate and the delamination size by the The strain energy release rate curves calculated for [±153]s for seem fact, to there monotonically is a slight the approach hump before an the The hump is much more visible for the [±15/0]s and [0/±15]s specimens. This hump was observed for other laminate types by Wang and Crossman [6] in their virtual crack closure analyses. The analysis of the [0n/±15 n] specimens complication which could not be rectified with surfaces of the longitudinally delamination and through-the-thickness Although this a available computed displacements of the upper and lower The software. the contained were toward direction is possible in opposite each as other shown for an infinitely in directions in the Figure 7.5. thin element, it would require portions of two different sublaminates to occupy 187 "N 2500 LLi L 2000 1500 L L I 1000 500 Z H 0 0 I I 5 10 15 20 (I) DELAMINATION INTRUSION MM] FIGURE 7.2 STRAIN ENERGY RELEASE RATE AS A FUNCTION OF DELAMINATION INTRUSION FOR A [+15 J SPECIMEN USING A TWO-DIMENSIONAL FINITE ELEMENT MODEL 188 (J CMz 2000 Lij LU 1 500 LLJ (I) LUj Ij 1000 LU cm C.D z LU 500 LUi zH 0 0 V) FIGURE 7.3 I I 5 10 .I 15 DELAMINATION INTRUSION 20 CMMJ STRAIN ENERGY RELEASE RATE AS A FUNCTION OF SPECIMEN DELAMINATION INTRUSION FOR A [+15/0 USING A TWO-DIMENSIONAL FINITE ELEMEnT MODEL 189 CM L: 2000 500 -) LLJ 1000 LLJ z 500 LLI WL zH Y) FIGURE 7.4 0 0 I I I I 5 10 15 20 DELAMINATION INTRUSION CMM] STRAIN ENERGY RELEASE RATE AS A FUNCTION OF DELAMINATION INTRUSION FOR A [0/±15] SPECIMEN USING A TWO-DIMENSIONAL FINITE ELEMENT MODEL 190 DEFORMED POSITION OF [0 /+15 SUBLARINATf EFORMED ITION 'ORMED ;ITION [-15 1 3LAM I ATE X. - - "1 FIGURE 7.5 CL _-_ DISPLACEMENTS OF THE DELAMINATION SURFACE FOR [0 /+15 ] SPECIMENS AS DETERMINED BY THE FINITE ELEMENT MTHOD 191 the same space at the same physically impossible. higher than that time, Thus, the calculated by which actual is, of course, energy state the finite element method. That is, not as much energy has been released as was to have been. occur during there would released. computed The frictional forces that would result cannot be easily determined. which is be in In the limit, they could approach those perfect bonding. effect Therefore, no If this were the case, delamination and no energy the analysis can only provide an upper bound for strain energy release rate values for the [On/±1 5 n]s specimens. 7.3 Geometrically Integrated Finite Element Method A problem with the O'Brien method and the various finite element models is analyses which that ignore delaminations. In they are based variations many in on two-dimensional width in actual specimen types, the effects of such variations could be significant. In the specimens the observed stress in this investigation, delaminations fields associated were with roughly the triangular. must be modified to of The these specimens are thus not constant with respect to longitudinal position. models majority include details The existing of varying delamination width. The finite which to start. element model can serve as a good point from It contains the basic elements of strain 192 energy release interlaminar method rate stress analyses, boundary can be modified the delamination including region. the effect of the The finite to a more general delamination width, a, is allowed to be a element shape if function of longitudinal position. The premise delaminated of the proposed specimen can be differentially thin dx1 strip can element analysis broken strips. The is that the down conceptually into contribution of each be calculated in terms of a two-dimensional finite model. The strips three-dimensional model. are then The differential assembled change in into a energy with respect to a differential change in delamination area can then be determined. Since the contribution of each strip is calculated in terms of a model of constant width delaminations, the accuracy of the analysis width does position. between should be not change satisfactory if delamination rapidly with respect to longitudinal This is the case in the portion the the of the delamination free edge and the angle ply split. The accuracy should also be acceptable along the delamination front because any effects of any of the different delamination widths on one side dx 1 slice in question should be approximately counteracted by the effects of the delamination widths on other side. The the contribution delamination most likely source of inaccuracy should be of the region near the front the and intersection the angle ply split. of the At this point, the stress fields surrounding the delamination front and angle 193 ply split interact. perturbations Fortunately, In addition, there are stress associated with the tip of the angle ply split. this area is relatively small, so account for the stress any error introduced should also be small. This method does not explicitly fields at the delamination location of front. Since this is the actual growth, no claim can be made as to any knowledge of the conditions contributions at the crack tip of should, however, strain energy give a good (e.g. the relative release rate). estimate of the modal This method total strain energy release rate. The proposed analysis thus evaluates the change in energy in each differential differential integrated changes over differential the change dx 1 in energy the entire of the delaminated specimen and can area. divided is by the convenient of release rate as applied to the two-dimensional unit specimen then be found for any change in delamination size by integrating the strain energy release rate with respect delamination for This By integrating the definition model (equation 7.2), the change in energy per length specimen in area to obtain a global value for the strain energy release rate. strain strip width. choice A reference is the energy in a laminated delamination size integration. The value of Udel for of zero energy can be defined. can be chosen a specimen. as a delamination zero is the energy per unit length of a laminated to A The limit of size specimen: of 194 _ _ Ulam - Udel = aa (7.3) G(x)dx 0 where: Ulam = internal specimen G energy per unit length of a laminated = the strain energy release rate the two-dimensional opposed x determined element from model (as to the overall value for the specimen) = distance If equation finite from the free edge. 7.3 is integrated along the entire length of the specimen, it gives the change in internal energy as a function of delamination width: Ulam - Udel = 1 -1 aG(x)dx (7.4) dx1 0 where: Ulam = internal energy of the laminated specimen Udel 21 In internal energy specimen of the partially = length of the specimen. practice, the integration rate with respect to distance necessary for this from approach. of strain energy release the free edge integral Since not width, this was equal to the difference between this quantity at limits determined was Since an output of the finite element analysis was a value for energy per unit the delaminated of integration. That quantity for a wide range of delamination the internal energy of a was easily sizes. specimen with no delamination is a constant, the strain energy release rate can 195 be recovered equation identically 7.4 with by differentiating the integral in respect to the delaminated a(Ulam- Udel) -= adel aAdel area: G(7.5) SAde1 The integral which describes the difference in energy between the laminated and delaminated states can be written: Ulam - Udel = I -1 An analyze observed all the analysis can G(x) dx dx1 0 triangular delamination delaminations be directly in this applied bordered front angle ply split. schematically In the was always [-152n] which delaminated triangles with other The triangle modeled and on the third side by a is modeled as perpendicular to the model of the delamination is shown in Figure 7.6. specimens in in this investigation, to be totally delaminated one sublaminate (i.e. the [+15n ] the [+±153]s and [±15n/O n]s specimens sublaminate sublaminates ply, The observed sublaminates The on one side by the free edge, on the second side by a split in an angle delamination shape was used to investigation. to dimensions or even more general shapes. was (7.6) also region. in the [On/±15n] and the specimens). These contained an angle ply split bordering the No load can be transferred into this 196 N REGION REGION FIGURE 7.6 SCHEMATIC MODEL OF THE DELAMINATION IN THE ANALYSIS 197 portion of the frictional [0n/+15n] ply loading of specimens. s with the possible exception of [-15 2n] the sublaminate in the This implies that this portion of the is unloaded and contains no internal energy. is indicated the sublaminate as region A in Figure 7.6. free edge and the delamination loaded by in-plane approximation, Figure 7.6 the is shear strain set The region between front could conceivably mechanisms. level This region in As region B equal to the strain level the specimen at that longitudinal position. a as be rough shown in for the rest of Thus, this area can be modeled with the two-dimensional finite element model. The unloaded portion of a sublaminate was modeled finite element analysis by totally removing that region. This accounts that portion of the changes An The finite for the fact for the original The that this portion carried no load and contained noted energy element no internal modified show the angle actually containing the [-1 5 2n] that the of the sublaminate energy. plies As release was The intrude into the space sublaminate. Again, this change in internal energy for this condition may be overestimated and therefore that the calculated energy mesh finite element analysis, there is a that shows in mesh complication with the model for the [On/±15n]s specimens. results in example of the modified mesh for a six ply specimen is shown in Figure 7.7. accounts elements for the lack of internal sublaminate. accordingly. the in the rate is an upper bound. release rate curves calculated for the strain The strain energy [±153]s, [±1 5 n/ 0 n]s, 198 DELAMINATION A ANGLE PLY SPLIT LOCATION X2 I ! DELAMINATION SIZE LY NESS FIGURE 7.7 MODIFIED FINITE ELEMENT MESH USED FOR A SIX PLY LAMINATE WHICH ACCOUNTS FOR A PORTION OF A PLY TO BE UNLOADED 199 and [0n/±15n]s an unloaded specimens from the two-dimensional model with portion are shown in Figures 7.8, 7.9, and 7.10, respectively. The strain energy release rate curves calculated for the [±1 5 3]s, [±15n/On]s, and [On/±15n]s specimens using geometrically integrated finite element model and the delamination configuration Figures 7.11, 7.12, and 7.13, respectively. the curves element averages of generated method are shown asymptotes assumed in Figure 7.6 are shown in The asymptotes of by the geometrically integrated finite approximately equal to the (i.e. by the areas of regions A and B in the the of the curves weighted Figure 7.6) generated by the two-dimensional finite element method. 7.4 Effects of Finite Specimen Size The modifications to the analysis up to this point are accurate for an infinitely wide and infinitely long Delaminations in actual specimens, however, have dimensions which are not negligible when compared to the test section. specimen. the dimensions of The primary assumption that breaks down is that the strain level is positions. implicitly assumed in the derivation of This is a constant for O'Brien's equation and in the selection of all a longitudinal two-dimensional finite element in the virtual crack closure and finite element methods. In actuality, delaminated region is the local substantially compliance higher than in the elsewhere. 200 4000 __ _ LJ L-J LU 3000 0 LL 2000 LLJ z zH 1000 LU 0 1: 0 I I I 5 10 15 20 DELAMINATION INTRUSION [MM] FIGURE 7.8 STRAIN ENERGY RELEASE RATE AS A FUNCTION OF DELAMINATION INTRUSION FOR A [+15 ] SPECIMEN WITH A PARTIALLY UNLOADED [+153] U.LAMINATE USING A TWO-DIMENSIONAL FINITE ELEMENT MODEL 201 I1 ACAA ;bUU LU O- 2000 Li (-) 1500 I-LLJ LJ LJ - 1000 - CD LU 500 - LU H U3 I 0 0 $ I I 0 II 15 20 DELAMINATION INTRUSION [MM] FIGURE 7.9 STRAIN ENERGY RELEASE RATE AS A FUNCTION OF DELAMINATION INTRUSION FOR A (±15/0] SPECIMEN WITH A PARTIALLY UNLOADED [+15] SUBLRMINATE USING A TWO-DIMENSIONAL FINITE ELEMENT MODEL 202 rl 2500 LLU 2000 LI 1500 L LJ 1000 - CD 500 - LJ I 0 0 ,) FIGURE 7.10 5 II 10 15 DELAMINATION INTRUSION 20 MM] STRAIN ENERGY RELEASE RATE AS A FUNCTION OF DELAMINATION INTRUSION FOR A [0/±15] SPECIMEN WITH A PARTIALLY UNLOADED [-15] SUBLRMINATE USING A TWO-DIMENSIONAL FINITE ELEMENT MODEL 203 r-1 oJ 8000 Li LLJ 6000 LU LU - 4000 LL CD 2000 LL Wd zH 0 0 CI) FIGURE 7.11 I I I I 10 20 30 40 50 DELAMINATION INTRUSION [MM] STRAIN ENERGY RELEASE RATE AS A FUNCTION OF DELAMINATION INTRUSION FOR A [+15 ] SPECIMEN USING A GEOMETRICALLY INTEGRATED IAITE ELEMENT MODEL 204 m "-1 2500 L-i LU 2000 1 500 Ld Qa CD LU -J 1000 500 L1 CD) ZL zH i7 0 I-o) FIGURE 7.12 0 1 2 3 4 5 DELAMINATION INTRUSION [MM] STRAIN ENERGY RELEASE RATE AS A FUNCTION OF DELAMINATION INTRUSION FOR A [+15/0] SPECIMEN USING A GEOMETRICALLY INTEGRATED FINITE ELEMENT MODEL 205 m 2500 r-1 LLJ p- 2000 Lr 1 500 J LIJ 1000 CD zLd LL H 0: 500 0 0 I) F- FIGURE I I I I I 2 3 4 DELAMINATION INTRUSION 7.:13 5 MM] STRAIN ENERGY RELEASE RATE AS A FUNCTION OF DELAMINATION INTRUSION FOR A [0/+151 SPECIMEN USING A GEOMETRICALLY INTEGRATED FINfTE ELEMENT MODEL 206 Since the loading is quasistatic displacement controlled loading, any delamination growth is accompanied by an increase in the local strain decrease This level in the delaminated in the local strain level in behavior delamination The laminated region. was observed experimentally in cases where the occurred far from the gage. differential evaluated the region and and a change explicitly. The in internal energy must be internal energy can be expressed as: Udel= } 2 U C2 l 1E Eloc dV dV (7.7) where: Eloc = local longitudinal modulus e11 = local longitudinal strain. After a differential change, the internal energy becomes: Ude + dUdel II ( 11 + de1 1 ) ( Eloc + dEloc ) dV(7.8) After simplification and removal of higher order terms, this becomes: dUde1 An - | ( 2e11 Eloc de11 + C2 approximate model for describing dV (7.9) the longitudinal 207 level strain was used. The strain level and modulus were The assumed to be functions solely of longitudinal position. local the at each longitudinal modulus average weighted of the delaminated the modulus weighted modulus width) was set equal to of values the for the delaminated regions. As with O'Brien's model, and laminated (by position average (by of an unloaded region was thickness) sublaminate of set equal to the the sublaminates. was set to zero in The these calculations. It becomes convenient terms of an average level level, e . The average in strain is defined as the total applied displacement divided by the specimen c where: strain to carry out all calculations * length: 6 21 (7.10) S = total applied displacement. An effective specimen modulus can be defined in terms of the resultant stress level at the given applied displacement: Eeff = * (7.11) where: Eeff = effective longitudinal modulus for the specimen ao = resultant stress level. It can be shown that the effective modulus is given by: 208 21 Eeff= ocx) d (7.12) 1 -1 both sides of equation 7.9 are divided through by a When differential change in delamination using model that this integrates to is exactly the 1 express the integrand means that when a in a occurs growth in strain the energy obtained in the in strain the decrease increase 2 21 dc to: loc dV del (7.13) differentiating the In order to perform the integration 7.6. strain level, the difference between , the ratio ) = tll 1 X x ) quantity in in terms of is introduced the square of the local level and the square of the overall 6(x in corresponding to equivalent overall to area is equivalent ddel equation term displacement loading, the energy equivalent dU del dAd = is be the derivative of internal energy with respect Thus, to delaminated This can this region by delaminated region by the level. it delamination in the laminated released level of quasistatic under specimen Physically, zero. amount differential first the shown area, to strain strain level: (7.14) 209 After the proper substitutions, the expression for strain energy release rate becomes: G = dAd I (x 1 G(x, ) ) dx dx 1 (7.15) The strain energy release rate curves generated five [±153] s specimen types (i.e. widths the five [+±15n/On]s specimens and 8) are shown in Figures 7.15. [On/±lSn]s shown specimens in Figures types types The (i.e. the of 10 mm, 20 mm, 30 mm, 50 mm, and 70 mm) are shown in Figure 7.14. for for The curves (i.e. n = 1, 2, 3, 5, curves n = 1, 2, for the 3, 5, and five 8) are 7.16. The shape of the curves for the [±15n/On] and [0n/+15n] s specimens does not vary a great deal with increasing effective ply thickness. scaled with The curves respect major difference to are for effective all practical purposes ply thickness. The only in shape is related to the relative width of the interlaminar stress boundary region. The shapes of the five curves for the [±153] of nonstandard width are quite different. thickness is the curves is a function For The the same for all the curves. s specimens effective The difference of the aspect ratio of the ply in specimen. thin specimens, a delamination which stretches completely across the specimen specimen length. delaminated region. is The still not compliance very long compared to is relatively high in the Thus, the ratio of local strain in the 210 40000 O MM ......... LI ---- 20 MM LLI ---- (M F- 70 MM --- I LU <C / / / I MM MM 30000 _ LUi 30 20000 / I / t / / / CD a z zH 10000 0. '4 / /0 - - :. - - - - -- - - --- - - - llJ 0 I I 10 20 I I CY 0 40 50 O) DELAMINATION INTRUSION MM] FIGURE 7.14 30 STRAIN ENERGY RELEASE RATE AS A FUNCTION OF DELAMINATION INTRUSION FOR [+15 SPECIMENS OF NONSTANDARD WIDTH USING A GEOME4RiCALLY INTEGRATED FINITE ELEMENT MODEL INCLUDING THE EFFECTS OF FINITE SPECIMEN DIMENSIONS 211 U- 25000 Ill LLJ p- 20000 __ . . .........[:0 5/03 s .... 52/023s C4. 53/03,3 -- Ci1l E 55/053s _ _Ci (n) 15000 1 58/08)s Lo - _ LL .-,,, 10000 CD LJ _~~ _ _ ,,,,,-...... - - . _ - _- _ 000 -- _ Ii! m ~m mm Lmm ~mm ~ ~.. m l ~ l m .m m m ~- mm m m m I m ~ l m ~ m l LLJ zH ry H C-- FIGURE 7.15 0 0 I I· 1I I· 10 20 30 40 50 DELAMINATION INTRUSION [MM] STRAIN ENERGY RELEASE RATE AS A FUNCTION OF SPECIMENS DELAMINATION INTRUSION FOR [+15 /0 USING A GEOMETRICALLY INTEGRATEB FN TE ELEMENT MODEL INCLUDING THE EFFECTS OF FINITE SPECIMEN DIMENSIONS 212 (J \ esUUU m'mAN ~ ILJ F- 20000 ....- / [0 2 / 15 2 3S -'-.0 - LLi 3 /&i153 C[Os/ (/) 15000 LLJ _- I ....- IS_ E-- - 3S 5s]s I 10000 CD LL Z ,ram 5000 LU H __r _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ,............................... nl U 0 10 20 30 40 50 DELAMINATION INTRUSION [MM] FIGURE 7.16 STRAIN ENERGY RELEASE RATE AS A FUNCTION OF DELAMINATION INTRUSION FOR (0 /+15 SPECIMENS USING A GEOMETRICALLY LNTEGRA ED FNITE ELEMENT MODEL INCLUDING THE EFFECTS OF FINITE SPECIMEN DIMENSIONS 213 delaminated the ratio strains region to the average strain level and therefore in Equation 7.15 is quite high. The high local imply high local energy density which in turn implies a large amount delaminated of energy available area. Hence, for release per the strain energy release unit of rate curve rises rapidly with increasing delamination size. In wider specimens, a specimen local length does delamination not necessarily strain to average strain level. specimen ratio has the most the imply a large ratio of In fact, most curve large will at not most rise longitudinal rapidly. of the and has a strain energy positions. In the limit, infinitely wide specimen has no significant changes modulus of a relatively high compliance, implying that the will not be Thus, along in an local release rate curve such as the one shown in Figure 7.11. Care must be taken when determining level from data. local strain level respect the The strain level obtained and is affected to the delamination. by overall strain from the gage is a its location with The overall strain level cannot be inferred from the stroke data because of uncertainty about strain shear applied deformation during gripping of the relatively and significant thick loading level is an excellent parameter with which to loading situation, tabs. The stress characterize but care must be taken to divide a it by the effective modulus rather than the nominal modulus to determine the overall The strain level. maximum stress recorded in each test in which growth 214 occurred cannot intrusion of that test. significant be In fact, there is undoubtedly delamination Although at the the of maximum point intrusion intrusion in the previous observed of stress cannot be definitively determined, it can be approximated in most as the maximum a drop associated with delamination growth in load displacement controlled loading. the associated with the maximum arbitrarily cases test of that specimen. 7.5 Results The strain energy release rate was test in which test. detectable calculation no methods are could were finite finite integrated effects. the because not used: element be the size of determined. O'Brien's method grew to a the Four equation, with no the assumed the geometrically integrated finite element method unloading, with The case in which the delamination initiation two-dimensional each The intrusion used was the value from size was not considered delamination for the maximum intrusion increased in value from the previous test. previous calculated dimension finite element effects, method and with the geometrically finite dimension The calculated values of strain energy release rate given for various the Appendices I ([±+153] s methods specimens), of calculation J ([±15n/0n]s in specimens), and K ([0n/±lSn]s specimens). This strain energy release rate data can be used to plot 215 points on a delamination resistance curve. (O'Brien's specimens using each calculation method two-dimensional finite element Plots for [153] method with s equation, no assumed unloading, geometrically integrated finite element method with no effects of finite specimen finite integrated element specimen finite method each using calculation method through 7.24, respectively. each using Plots calculation for in specimens Figures 7.21 [0n/±15n]s shown are Figures 7.17 [±15n/0n]s shown are method the effects of in shown for Plots geometrically including are dimensions) through 7.20, respectively. and dimensions, in specimens Figures 7.25 through 7.28, respectively. 7.6 Discussion The critical value cause the delamination independent of of specimen effective ply thickness. curve release should be all specimen types a unit width, Thus, relatively four However, a is a This factor should be delamination intrusion, and the flat of methods area. delamination for calculation resistance specimen type. each and all three show a marked deviation from a constant value in the experimental delamination resistance curve. often rate the change in global internal energy necessary to of measure of strain energy of two or There is more between values for similar delamination sizes. There are several possible sources for these 216 r-1 Lfi 2: 1000 -LI LL A 0 800 0 LL _mO 600 LLJ _J LU 400 200 Ld -i I 0 0 10 I 20 0 30 MM WIDE A 50 0 70 MM WIDE MM WIDE I I I I 30 40 50 60 DELAMINATION INTRUSION FIGURE 7.17 70 MM] EXPERIMENTAL VALUES OF STRAIN ENERGY RELEASE RATE AS A FUNCTION OF DELAMINATION INTRUSION FOR [±153]s SPECIMENS USING O'BRIEN'S METHOD 217 N rl 1: N'. .AA 1 UUU A a LLI 800 V A* LJ 30MM 800 WIDE H 09 400 C9 Lu 200 LU z 0 0 ,) FIGURE 7.18 o a 30 MM WIDE 50 MM WIDE 0 70 MM WIDE I I I I I 10 20 30 40 50 I 80 70 DELAMINATION INTRUSION [MM] EXPERIMENTAL VALUES OF STRAIN ENERGY RELEASE RATE AS A FUNCTION OF DELAMINATION INTRUSION FOR [+15 SPECIMENS USING A TWO-DIMENSIONAL FINITE ELEMENT MODEL 218 r- N- 2000 Li LU 1 500 C, LUj LLJ A 1000 3 LJ H bJ x cr. 500 0 Il MM WIDEO _ I 0 10 I 20 o 30 MM WIDE A O 50 MM WIDE 70 MM WIDE I I I 30 40 50 _I _ _ 60 70 an DELAMINATION INTRUSION FIGURE 7.19 MM EXPERIMENTAL VALUES OF STRAIN ENERGY RELEASE RATE AS A FUNCTION OF DELAMINATION INTRUSION FOR [+15 SPECIMENS USING A GEOMETRICALLY INTEGRATED FINITE ELEMENT MODEL 219 r 1 57 - L 1- -m-__A_ Zuu e UU o 0 2000 LY O) <; o O 1500 A O J LL QY Z 1000 500 LL H -0 f u 03 FIGURE 7.20 0 10 0 30 MM WIDE A 50 MM WIDE O 70 MM WIDE I II I I 20 30 40 50 DELAMINATION INTRUSION 60 70 MM] EXPERIMENTAL VALUES OF STRAIN ENERGY RELEASE RATE AS A FUNCTION OF DELAMINATION INTRUSION FOR SPECIMENS USING A GEOMETRICALLY [+15 INTEgRaTED FINITE ELEMENT MODEL INCLUDING THE EFFECTS OF FINITE SPECIMEN DIMENSIONS 220 2000 V LIJ V V 7 V 1500 0 0 LUJ ob LL 1000 II yop 11*4 * $e" CD zLJ zH LLJ 500 o c1 1 5 /O3s A C o C153/033S o C 15S/0s3s V t lw I)nc l 0 10 II 20 - 52/023s 4 158/08]s I- I 30 40 50 Y3 FIGURE 7.21 DELAMINATION INTRUSION EMM] EXPERIMENTAL VALUES OF STRAIN ENERGY RELEASE RATE AS A FUNCTION OF DELAMINATION INTRUSION FOR +±15n/0n] s SPECIMENS USING O'BRIEN'S METHOD 221 rl N 2000 U V V V L V v 1500 L C') L 0: A of t~4o 1000 (1) o o 'aoo LUj II z o EC15/03s AO Ei15 0 CI1:lS/Os3 o El 56/O6 3s v ECilS/O3s 500 LUi Z H 0 FIGURE 7.22 2 /O 2 s s I I I I 10 20 30 40 50 DELAMINATION INTRUSION MM] 0 EXPERIMENTAL VALUES OF STRAIN ENERGY RELEASE RATE AS A FUNCTION OF DELAMINATION INTRUSION FOR SPECIMENS USING A TWO-DIMENSIONAL [+15 /0 FINI E ELgMENT MODEL 222 'N J 5000 L-I 4000 -J 3000 (LL) LLJ Ln z z 2000 1000 Ld -1 0 (I) FIGURE 7.23 0 10 20 30 40 50 DELAMINATION INTRUSION MM] EXPERIMENTAL VALUES OF STRAIN ENERGY RELEASE RATE AS A FUNCTION OF DELAMINATION INTRUSION FOR [+15 /0 SPECIMENS USING A GEOMETRICALLY INTE8RA Efo FINITE ELEMENT MODEL 223 I"- 5000 I: N LL V 4000 V _ LL w V O El V 3000 V -J LJI A 2000 _07 z zH c3 - LI 0 Ci 15/03 S & C: S2/023 o 'v CE:15 5 /0s 40 1000 _1 O Ci153 /0 3 3s LLJ 0 (/) FIGURE 7.24 S 5 s C4 I 58//0 83 I I I I 10 20 30 40 50 DELAMINATION INTRUSION MM] 0 EXPERIMENTAL VALUES OF STRAIN ENERGY RELEASE RATE AS A FUNCTION OF DELAMINATION INTRUSION FOR SPECIMENS USING A GEOMETRICALLY [+15 /0 INTEBRAEb FINITE ELEMENT MODEL INCLUDING THE EFFECTS OF FINITE SPECIMEN DIMENSIONS 224 N 2500 I- V LI V 2000 0 v 0 03 LL) 1500 o0 o Lui -j Li A A 1000 CD LL zLd 500 o EO/ 153s A CO2 /+1523s O C03 /k 153 ] s Wt ZL o WL v zH :: I FIGURE 7.25 I_ 10 20 EOs/1583s I 40 50 DELAMINATION INTRUSION MM] 0I cn II COs0/5 1Sss 30 EXPERIMENTAL VALUES OF STRAIN ENERGY RELEASE RATE AS A FUNCTION OF DELAMINATION INTRUSION FOR [0n/+15n]s SPECIMENS USING O'BRIEN'S METHOD 225 - "%N 2500 LL V V L: 2000 0 v LL Cr) 1 500 o LL A A 1 000 C.D - z LU 500 _ LL zH H o CO/k15] s a C02/m152 ]s Z C0O3 / V CEO/lS] v 0 pnf FIGURE 7.26 I IC 153]s s co8/mlse]s I 40 50 DELAMINATION INTRUSION MM] 0 10 20 30 EXPERIMENTAL VALUES OF STRAIN ENERGY RELEASE RATE AS A FUNCTION OF DELAMINATION INTRUSION FOR [0 /+15 ] SPECIMENS USING A TWO-DIMENSIONAL FIRITE ELEMENT MODEL 226 N rL 5000 4000 (i o E0/kI 5s v C02/523S o COs/ 1Ss] s V C08/1 5s V V 3000 0 O0 LI -J LJ 2000 aOo O A I W7 zH 1000 a 0 I I I 10 20 30 40 50 DELAMINATION INTRUSION [MM] FIGURE 7.27 EXPERIMENTAL VALUES OF STRAIN ENERGY RELEASE RATE AS A FUNCTION OF DELAMINATION INTRUSION FOR [0 /+15 SPECIMENS USING A GEOMETRICALLY INTEGRATED FINITE ELEMENT MODEL 227 r N 5000 u-i 4000 C: L 3000 LLJH Ld 2000 C,) LU zH 1000 0 O V) 10 20 30 40 50 DELAMINATION INTRUSION EMM3 FIGURE 7.28 EXPERIMENTAL VALUES OF STRAIN ENERGY RELEASE RATE AS A FUNCTION OF DELAMINATION INTRUSION FOR 10 /+15 I SPECIMENS USING A GEOMETRICALLY IN EGRA EB FINITE ELEMENT MODEL INCLUDING THE EFFECTS OF FINITE SPECIMEN DIMENSIONS 228 discrepancies. It can be argued that many of the larger delamination sizes correspond to growth after loading tab and it therefore may be growth degree delamination of scatter sizes, is also especially to Nonetheless, the observed for the inappropriate characterize them with the models presented. large to the for small [+±15n/On]s and [0n/15 n]s specimens. Some of the observed scatter may result in the from variations material and from experimental procedures. of magnitude of this variation should be The order approximately equal to the scatter observed for nominally identical specimens with the same or similar delamination variation occasionally data in Appendices material and sizes. The amount of such can be seen to be as much as 20% in the I, J, and K. experimental the observed deviations. It is thus unlikely that variation is a primary source for Two 70 mm wide [+153]s specimens with similar sized delaminations showed a large discrepancy in the calculated critical value of strain (34%), but energy release rate in both cases the "delamination growth" was final failure after growth to the loading tab. In such cases, the applicability of the present models is questionable. It is expected that the critical value of strain energy release rate would be independent of effective ply There should be no change relative modal contributions to when the lamination effective sequence. ply in thickness. the local constraint strain thickness Nonetheless, is energy release changed it can or the rate for a given be seen in 229 Figures 7.21 through 7.28 that the experimental delamination resistance curves calculated using functions of effective ply these models thickness. The are strong dependence on effective ply thickness would limit the utility of the general approach unless it can be shown that the resistance determined for a thin laminate of a given specimen in general specimens. give a lower bound for curve type will the values of thicker This appears to be the case for the laminate types in this investigation. The experimental delamination resistance curve calculated using these methods is also a strong sequence. Since the constraint function of energy release rate model, the calculated critical release rate sequences. could be were However, it would not be delamination size contributions of for the strain different lamination expected for a given specimen energy to type. vary substantially for a single specimen. model Figure 7.29. Given for a [O3/+153] s specimen is state shown the in A clear upward trend is observed. the significant deviations from a constant strain energy relase rate calculated from the data, it is to can For example, the experimental delamination resistance curve obtained using present with It can be seen from the data in Appendices I, J, and K, however, that it vary to not incorporated into the value different lamination intact sublaminates on damaged sublaminates and the relative modal strain of impossible definitively which strain energy release rate model is most accurate. The geometrically integrated finite element 230 m 5000 _ _ LI1 Cl) 4000 _ 3000 _ LJ w p- 2000 _ CD ry LJ 1000 _ zH (l1 Z> 0 0 I I I I 10 20 30 40 50 DELAMINATION INTRUSION [MM] FIGURE 7.29 EXPERIMENTAL VALUES OF STRAIN ENERGY RELEASE RATE AS A FUNCTION OF DELAMINATION INTRUSION USING A GEOMETRICALLY INTEGRATED FINITE ELEMENT MODEL INCLUDING THE EFFECTS OF FINITE SPECIMEN DIMENSIONS 231 method with corrections for the effects of finite specimen dimensions should give more reliable results than the which do not account for delamination finite specimen dimensions. methods shape or the effects of However, with the data obtained herein, this cannot be directly ascertained. A possible extension of the strain energy release rate approach might involve the close field examination of the stress and strain energy release conditions near the angle ply splits. These splits present analysis. were I The not key explicitly modeled to understanding in the the process of initiating and arresting dynamic delamination growth may lie in determining the interaction of the angle ply splits and the delamination. angle ply The stress fields surrounding the tip of the split bordering the delamination, the delamination front, and any angle ply delaminated interface split which in a ply adjacent to the is lying across the path of the delamination front should be ascertained. Other mechanisms may also be at work. could account calculated critical specimens of intrusion for the value different size, observed they effective and different The between the be thickness, sequence. totally local different If some of rather than might explain the different values obtained for of the delamination energy ply stacking nominally identical specimens with growth difference mechanisms of strain energy release rate for the mechanisms were shown to global, These criterion is similar is observed a necessary intrusions. to be a dynamic but not The event. sufficient 232 condition arrest for a growth. dynamic ascertainable from is hypothesis The conditions necessary to start and delamination the data in growth this that the delamination Thei r to reinitiate growth. DIB to seep hypothesized the splits in were not visible were the adjoining and angle in. The splits delamination, preceding if in the x-radiographs. the crack opening too small to allow a detectable timing the of the formation amount of of of these is also unknown. If they form away from they difficult could Alternatively, they could result wave One investigation. dynamic growth above the value needed for simple However, this could be the result splits not presence would then increase the energy needed Suc h these are front can be blunted arrested when it runs across splits plies. event be dynamically delamination front. done to evaluate these possibilities. from to a detect. stress More work should be 233 CHAPTER 8 SUMMARY OF PRESENT WORK Jamison's composites statement [43] is an regarding eloquent the failure of advanced summary "Failure can be preceded by a complex and ensemble of discrete graphite/epoxy damage composites of the interacting modes." that it has work has of is a complicated process which has Research several stages, each of which appears reveal additional intricacies with every present global Delamination defied numerous attempts at simple explanation. shown problem: attempted, with investigation. has to The some success, to resolve issues of delamination initiation, growth, and final failure. 8.1 Delamination Initiation Delamination failure of Delamination initiation is graphite/epoxy initiation, are in general necessary rather release fields. mechanics rate, The are critical induced by than methodologies, derived delamination in be insufficient initiation even over though in the delamination. to some Nonetheless, energy criteria sufficient conditions. such as the strain energy terms of crack tip stress initiation occurs, by definition, without a preexisting interlaminar crack. may stage like any event, is controlled extent by energy considerations. Fracture a large Local stress levels enough initiation areas and to form the growth may be 234 energetically feasible. The existence of high stress gradients and possible weak singularities near free inappropriate. edges Inhomogeneity makes and point stress initial flaw distribution become potentially important micromechanical issues. of an average considering a effectively stress approach large enough become criteria mitigates region unimportant. Thus, The use these effects by that an these issues average stress approach can be used to characterize this complex behavior. The Quadratic Delamination Criterion has been shown to be an acceptable criterion several reasons. data in this for delamination initiation First, it gives excellent agreement and previous [34] investigations. for of the Second, the experimentally determined averaging dimension appears to be material parameter parameter. Fourth, Third, the interlaminar normal strength determined the a by potential direct experiment importance of worked well. thermally-induced interlaminar stresses and interlaminar normal demonstrated. Quadratic Delamination Criterion is It appears sufficient that to the describe the stresses were initiation of The Quadratic Delamination Criterion can thus be used to delamination in graphite/epoxy composites. accurately predict delamination taken, however, to include the stresses and initiation. must be of thermally-induced interlaminar normal stress ( ) as well as the interlaminar shear stress (z). effects Care 235 8.2 Delamination Growth and Final Failure Energy criteria are necessary but insufficient conditions for delamination growth as well The data in this delamination as investigation initiation before delamination show that there can initiation. there be must be delamination growth.( Thus, the difference between initiation and growth is that an interlaminar crack is fracture methodologies mechanics release rate initiation more likely already to present. such apply This makes as the strain energy once the delamination has formed. Laminates with greater effective shown to be susceptible to delamination stresses. These interlaminar susceptible to laminates stress near have the delamination ply thicknesses were initiation larger free regions edge. initiation, at of Thus, growth, lower high they are and final failure at lower stresses, as was shown experimentally. The analysis described in Chapter 7 contains more details of the observed damage state than previous models evaluating the strain energy available for release at delamination sizes. Unfortunately, any in various increased accuracy cannot be adequately evaluated with the available data. The theoretical curves of strain energy release rate as a function of delamination intrusion delamination shape possibility. in Chapter 7 show that and finite specimen dimensions may affect delamination growth. this depicted The previous models did not account for The experimentally determined delamination 236 resistance curves indicated that the critical value of strain rate energy release stacking thickness, be can reasoned was not constant sequence, or delamination intrusion. that (with factors these the in modifications methods analytical It possible the value. exception of stacking sequence) should not affect this Thus, ply effective with not were sufficient to explain the observed behavior. There release energy strain investigation. between in the at work which are not modeled are phenomena rate approaches resin The delamination grows in a thin two inhomogenous layers. in used It is important layer These layers can affect the crack global and local stress fields and present obstacles to extension. this that phenomenon these be investigated. These modes. The most splitting. at neighboring their plies are subject to their own damage prevalent one in this investigation In most cases, the delaminations induced splitting boundaries and within the delaminated Depending on the orientation with respect to the front, splits that region. delamination form ahead of the delamination front can blunt it and hinder its advance. parts was Designers must be wary as which are not susceptible to these phenomena may suffer growth at significantly lower stresses. The evidence shows that the delamination ply split interact and the angle strongly.,iFor example, the ability of a split to arrest delamination growth across it is by the fact that one side of the delaminations demonstrated of the [±153] s, 237 [+±15n/0n]s ply [0n/±15n]s specimens was bounded by an angle and split. The details of investigated both analytical investigation this analytically critical delamination growth of any specimen type. The experimentally. a full models the include which analysis be size was found for the unstable rate release The strain energy calculated using the modified analysis did not exhibit curves the local minimum needed for a as illustrated stable critical specimens The feature. of specimen width conceivable, strain however, that any this exhibit of nonstandard width experienced no on final stress. failure It is that, since specimen width affects the energy release rate, final failure in therefore delamination It is unlikely in Figure 2.4. model based solely on global stress fields will effect should and the angle ply splits. delamination size and might three-dimensional finite element No interaction it some could delay specimen growth and If the types. controlling parameters for initiating and arresting growth are determined on a local level, there may be no definitive global value for critical delamination size. delamination failure is relatively straightforward Final Final to describe but rather complicated to actually predict. failure can delaminated only occur sublaminates of the is exceeded in a local region. The if the in-plane complications lie in determining how and and what determining the resulting the local in-plane stress stresses strength growth when fields are. as a occurs Only by function of 238 delamination size and shape can an engineer accurately forecast what delamination damage will trigger final failure. The constraint sublaminates therefore can by affect important. specimens, the intact the For [On/+15n] sublaminates local stress example, in sublaminates on damaged state and the had [0n/±15n]s a significant effect on the damaged [-1 5 2n] sublaminates. constraining constraint enabled the damaged sublaminate the laminate strength and stiffness. to is contribute The to In contrast, the damaged sublaminates in the [+15n/On]s specimens peeled away, leading to lower laminate stiffness and strength. The only differences for the fabric specimens were the different characteristics of the ply interfaces, yet there was a significant change in release rate model predict difference any specimen types. delayed in the used failure stress. in in this The strain energy investigation growth would behavior between the two Nonetheless, unstable delamination growth was specimens with warp faces at the critical interface. This in turn lead to delayed final failure. emphasizes the necessity state of stress not and This of modelling the three-dimensional interaction of the delaminations and splits. Since delamination delamination growth initiation, it may applications to keep design stresses initiation stress. An appropriate cannot be below post occur advisable the without in most delamination first ply failure 239 criterion and may stiffness be to assume that a part has only the strength characteristics sublaminate. However, nonconservative if this of the could strongest intact potentially be partially failed neighboring sublaminates can induce stress concentrations in the critical sublaminate. 240 CHAPTER 9 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS The progression of damage in graphite/epoxy specimens leading to failure induced by delamination and analyzed. has been studied The data presented herein have resulted in the following conclusions: 1. Delamination stages: is the result delamination of a progression initiation, of delamination damage growth, and final in-plane failure of the delaminated sublaminates. 2. Delamination initiation can be accurately predicted with the Quadratic Delamination Criterion. 3. The averaging Criterion dimension appears to in be the a Quadratic Delamination material interlaminar strength parameters appear to the values measured directly in parameter. be The equivalent interlaminar to strength experiments. 4. Thermally-induced in delamination interlaminar interlaminar initiation stresses stresses must be included calculations. alone can Thermally-induced cause delamination initiation. 5. The Quadratic Delamination Criterion is valid even when 241 the strain energy available for release is greater than that needed to make initiation energetically feasible. criterion is thus a necessary but insufficient The energy condition for prerequisite to delamination initiation. 6. Delamination initiation is a necessary delamination growth. 7. No critical delamination size for unstable delamination growth or final failure was observed. 8. There was no observed effect of specimen width on failure stress. 9. Thicker laminates have larger regions of high interlaminar stresses and therefore tend to suffer delamination initiation, accumulate damage, and fail at lower stresses. 10. The final failure of graphite/epoxy specimens in tension is an in-plane strength phenomenon. The delamination growth and the constraint by intact on damaged sublaminates stress failure. sublaminates sublaminates. The state must be known to accurately predict final Delaying delamination final failure. of must be known in order to determine the local stress state in the delaminated local amount growth can therefore delay 242 11. The current strain energy release rate model is insufficient to properly model delamination growth. 12. There is a strong interaction between the delamination and the angle ply splits. split. Depending delamination on front, delamination Delaminations the relative angle growth can ply or induce orientation failure. This ply of the splits can either facilitate hinder its advance. characteristics can therefore affect delamination final angle interaction must Interface growth and be fully modeled to achieve more acceptable results. Although several important aspects of failure induced delamination before have final been failure identified, more knowledge is needed can be accurately extension of this knowledge to realms of quasistatic uniaxial considered. The by tensile following predicted. loading loading other should recommendations are also The than be therefore made: 1. The mechanisms for arresting delamination growth should be investigated and analyzed. Useful experimental information might be gained from specimens with implanted angle ply splits placed strategically in specimens in an attempt the arrest 2. The of a delamination three-dimensional to duplicate front. state of stress and the related 243 strain energy release rate conditions, including relative modal contributions, should be analyzed for the delamination region front and the angle ply split. case of a "blunted" delamination with the front might be near The special investigated, special attention paid to the tip of the angle ply split as the extension of this split may be the key to reinitiating delamination growth. 3. The applicability of these conclusions situations should be evaluated. of "fatigue limits" for determined to ascertain each the to cyclic Specifically, the loading existence delamination stage should be damage tolerance of composite parts to early stages of delamination damage. 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Tensile Science 249 DATA TABLE 1 FABRIC/UNIDIRECTIONAL SPECIMENS Specimen Thickness Width Modulus [mm] [mm] [GPa] Delamination Initiation Stress [MPa] OU5F1-0-1 0U5F1-O-2 OU5F1-O-3 OU5F1-0-4 OU5F1-0-5 (1.2%)c 49.90 49.86 49.84 49.90 49.88 49.88 (0.05%) 2.23 2.20 2.20 2.17 2.18 2.20 (1.0%) 49.88 49.79 49.91 49.87 49.73 49.83 (0.15%) 3.28 3.27 3.29 3.26 3.30 3.28 (0.5%) 49.87 49.83 49.98 49.87 50.03 49.92 (0.17%) 1.99 1.98 2.00 1.94 1.96 1.97 OU5F1U1-O-1 OU5F1U1-0-2 OU5F1U1-0-3 OU5F1U1-0-4 OU5F1U1-0-5 OU1OFl-O-1 OU10OF1-0-2 OU10OF1-0-3 OU10OF1-0-4 OU10OF1-0-5 115 114 121 112 121 117 (3.6%) 119 117 118 117 121 118 518 523 493-841 a 547-1048 a 544 Delamination Initiation Strain [pstrain] 4320 4518 4020-67 14 a 4764-9240 a 4398 4412 (2.3%) 528 (2.6%) 503-755a 431-747 a 448-717 a 441-717 a 435-786 a a 451-744 4152-6204 a 3570-6036a 3840-6156 a 3756-5982a 5604-10131a' 4182-6902a (1.4%) 126 117 123 123 120 122 e e e e e e e e e e (2.8%) aBounded values - an exact delamination initiation point was not found. bData from bounded values not included. cNumbers in parentheses are coefficients of variation. Final strain value was estimated - strain gage was broken. eDelamination existed before mechanical loading. 250 DATA TABLE 2 NONSTANDARD WIDTH (±153]s SPECIMENS Specimen Thickness [mm] 315A0-W10-1 315A0-W10-2 315A0-W10-3 315A0-W10-4 315A0-W10-5 315A0-W10-6 315A0-W10-7 1.58 1.55 1.54 1.58 1.62 1.64 1.51 1.57 (2.9%)a 315A0-W20-1 315A0-W20-2 315A0-W20-3 315A0-W20-4 315A0-W20-5 315A0-W30-1 315A0-W30-2 315A0-W30-3 315A0-W30-4 315A0-W30-5 315A0-W30-6 315A0-W30-7 315A0-W50-1 315A0-W50-2 315A0-W50-3 315A0-W50-4 315AO-W50-5 315A0-W70-1 315A0-W70-2 315A0-W70-3 315A0-W70-4 315A0-W70-5 1.53 1.52 1.48 1.51 1.59 1.53 (2.6%) Width Modulus [mm] [GPa] 10.20 10.14 10.16 10.14 10.15 10.15 10.12 10.15 (0.24%) 20.11 20.15 20.21 20.24 20.18 20.18 (0.25%) 105 113 101 113 127 128 115 115 (8.8%) 115 118 113 114 120 116 (2.5%) 490 486 501 505 501 537 538 4458 (4.1%) 509 527 494 484 4290 4632 4146 4026 4140 4662 (5.8%) 4374 4404 4416 4236 496 502 (3.3%) (2.7%) 4158 4318 4308 4410 124 510 112 113 526 534 (0.30%) (4.0%) 1.52 1.53 1.54 1.58 1.53 50.14 110 109 50.18 50.18 50.23 50.12 50.17 [(strain] 508 487 501 (2.7%) 29.94 30.04 [MPa] 537 30.08 30.17 30.13 29.94 30.00 Failure Strain 120 116 112 113 1.66 1.59 1.56 1.56 1.64 1.55 1.58 30.04 Failure Stress 4356 4404 4092 4590 4278 4348 111 112 109 (3.6%) (3.5%) 497 4536 508 488 526 507 4626 4392 4656 4788 rIr (1.5%) (0.08%) 1.56 1.54 1.50 1.49 1.62 69.60 70.03 69.96 113 109 452 509 4020 4572 105 501 5004 70.05 69.97 104 118 69.98 rT0 (0.08%) (5.3%) (3.4%) (1.2%) (2.8%) 450 529 (7.3%) aNumbers in parentheses are coefficients of variation. 4600(3.2%) 4236 5604 4687 (13.5%) 251 DATA TABLE 3 [ +15n/0 n ] s SPECIMENS Thickness Specimen [mm] 15A1-0-1 15A1-0-2 15A1-0-3 15A1-0-4 15A1-0-5 0.87 0.84 0.88 0.88 0.84 0.86 (2.4%)a 215A1-0-1 215A1-0-2 215A1-0-3 215A1-0-4 215A1-0-5 1.54 1.48 1.61 1.69 1.62 .59 (5.1%) 315A1-0-1 315A1-0-2 315A1-0-3 315A1-0-4 315A1-0-5 2.27 2.29 2.46 2.40 2.27 2.34 (3.7%) 515A1-0-1 515A1-0-2 515A1-0-3 515A1-0-4 515A1-0-5 815A1-0-1 815A1-0-2 815A1-0-3 815A1-0-4 815A1-0-5 aNumbers in Broken gage Width [mm] 50.11 49.90 49.25 50.10 49.17 49.71 (0.93%) 50.14 50.18 50.10 50.25 50.24 50.18 (0.13%) 50.06 50.03 50.21 49.75 49.54 49.92 (0.54%) 4.11 4.03 4.11 3.87 3.69 3.96 (4.6%) (0.37%) 6.59 6.60 50.20 50.19 6.64 6.53 6.40 6.5(1.4%) 49.98 parentheses 50.08 50.13 50.09 50.21 49.73 50.05 50.29 50.02 50.12 (0.25%) Modulus [GPa] 127 122 130 124 120 Failure Stress Failure Strain [MPa] [pstrain] (3.2%) 1072 1016 941 1033 954 1003 (4.1%) 115 117 125 132 119 122 (5.7%) 680 706 825 793 732 747 (8.1%) 121 118 132 127 118 123 (5.0%) 123 118 128 115 103 17 (8.0%) 120 116 123 112 105 T15 (6.1%) are coefficients 8386 8298 7086 8058 7848 7935 (6.5%) 5862 5880 7410 6516 5892 (10.7%) 592 672 698 622 624 (6.6%) b 7608 6114 5112 5154 (19.5%) 599 528 4962 7134 5520 5832 4680 (10.5%) (17.0%) 544 545 558 535 522 4710 5256 4620 6090 5010 616 707 642 5137 541 (2.5%) (11.5%) of variation. 252 DATA TABLE 4 [0n/±15n]s SPECIMENS Specimen Thickness [mm] 15B1-0-1 15B1-0-2 15B1-0-3 15B1-0-4 15B1-0-5 215B1-0-1 215B1-0-2 215B1-0-3 215B1-0-4 215B1-0-5 315B1-0-1 315B1-0-2 315B1-0-3 315B1-0-4 315B1-0-5 515B1-0-1 515B1-0-2 515B1-0-3 515B1-0-4 515B1-0-5 815B1-0-1 815B1-0-2 815B1-0-3 815B1-0-4 815B1-0-5 0.84 0.84 0.88 0.86 0.83 0.85 Width Modulus [mm] [GPa] Failure Stress Failure Strain [MPa] [pstrain] (2.4%)a 49.78 50.03 49.69 50.20 50.13 49.97 (0.44%) 123 122 131 123 122 124 (3.1%) 1177 1203 1140 1106 1176 1160 (3.3%) 9396 9594 8490 8550 9108 9028 (5.5%) 1.53 1.50 1.64 1.64 1.56 1.57 (4.1%) 50.16 50.00 50.26 50.31 49.89 50.12 (0.35%) 118 115 132 130 118 123 (6.4%) 908 802 856 891 859 863 (4.7%) 7560 6768 7674 8484 6828 7463 (9.4%) 2.29 2.38 2.53 2.35 2.25 2.36 (4.6%) 50.16 50.24 50.22 50.08 50.25 50.19 (0.14%) 725 727 694 792 860 6228 6144 4932 7302 8244 (8.8%) (19.1%) 4.09 4.02 4.06 3.67 3.41 3.85 (7.8%) 50.23 50.13 50.14 49.88 50.10 50.10 (0.26%) 718 681 600 702 643 669 (7.1%) 6810 6564 4668 7098 (15.1%) 6.80 6.57 6.40 5.91 5.50 50.12 50.14 50.14 50.20 50.13 50.15 (0.06%) 659 631 640 581 577 618 (5.9%) 4998 5202 5220 5592 5844 5371 (6.3%) (8.4%) 120 119 140 122 114 (8.1%) 126 126 131 108 103 IT (10.5%) 130 120 126 103 92 114 (14.1%) 6306 6289 aNumbers in parentheses are coefficients of variation. 253 DATA TABLE 5 [±20f]s FABRIC SPECIMENS Specimen Thickness [mm] F20F-0-1 F20F-0-2 F20F-0-3 F20F-0-4 F20F-0-5 [mm] 1.39 1.41 1.41 1.41 1.39 Modulus [GPa] Failure Stress Failure Strain [MPa] [pstrain] 50.24 50.24 50.23 50.20 50.24 50.23 58 53 58 56 55 56 (0.8%) (0.03%) (3.8%) 1.39 1.41 1.42 1.42 1.40 1.41 (0.9%) 50.16 50.20 50.24 50.24 50.27 50.22 60 55 54 52 55 530 9984 9954 9348 9895 (0.08%) (5.3%) (4.0%) (5.2%) 1 4 F20W-0-1 F20W-0-2 F20W-0-3 F20W-0-4 F20W-0-5 Width a 55 467 488 471 452 473 470 (2.7%) 545 551 540 513 502 9258 10638 8832 8436 9294 9291 (8.9%) 9516 10674 aNumbers in parentheses are coefficients of variation. 254 DATA TABLE 6 [03/+153]s SPECIMENS WITH IMPLANTED DELAMINATIONS Specimen Thickness Width Intrusion Intrusion Modulus Failure Failure [mm] [mm] of the of the [GPa] Stress Strain [MPa] [pstrn] Implanted Implanted Delamination Angle [mm] Ply Split [mm] 315B1-DlO-AO-1 315B1-D10O-AO-2 315B1-DlO-AO-3 315B1-D10-AO-4 315B1-DlO-AO-5 315B1-DlO-AO-6 315B1-D10O-A20-1 315B1-D10O-A20-2 315B1-D10O-A20-3 315B1-D10O-A20-4 315B1-D10O-A20-5 315B1-D10O-A20-6 49.84 2.22 14 50.02 2.22 16 49.91 2.16 16 15 2.20 49.92 49.87 2.18 13 49.98 2.26 16 49.92 2.21 15 (1 .6 %)a (0.13%) (8.4%) 2.21 2.24 2.20 2.16 2.24 2.23 2.21 (1.4%) 50.03 14 12 50.13 46.05 10 50.03 14 50.19 14 50.19 15 49.44 13 (3.36%) (13.9%) 116 111 111 115 110 119 114 (3.1%) 26 25 26 26 27 25 26 (2.9%) 114 117 106 115 104 118 112 (5.2%) aNumbers in parentheses are coefficients of variation. Milling error resulted in the loss of 4 mm from one edge. 6756 6906 6708 775 6636 6822 781 6420 754 775 6708 (1.8%) (2.5%) 787 789 762 5970 5766 6372 719 6132 687 6984 712 6498 694 6253 697 (5.9%) (2.4%) 698 674 255 APPENDIX TO DATA TABLES SPECIMEN NOMENCLATURE identified using variations of a standard are Specimens TELAC three bit code. type of the The first bit second The specimen. indicates or bit the laminate set of bits identifies any unusual characteristic of the specimen, such as or the size of an implanted width a nonstandard The final bit is the specimen The laminate number. is usually of the form nQm. notation represents the angular orientation of the to respect axis longitudinal the delamination. plies angled with Since degrees. in The the laminates in this investigation were balanced, the angle plies can be by represented therefore no ambiguity 100 angles under denotes the number to together are when the prefix by preceded of plies of the an form 0 and 90. between numbers n is added as orientation of ply effective is long as The value of n a zero. same There greater stacked nominal a letter code indicating the relative position of any 00 plies. An "A" indicates that the The thickness. 00 plies are Q represents located at the midplane that they are on the laminate number of laminate. 0 ply groups Hence, 15B1 The surface. in each represents while a "B" indicates half a "m" of [0/±15]s the denotes the symmetric laminate and 315A1 represents a [±153/03]s laminate. A different version of this basic code is used to denote laminates containing fabric plies. The laminates which 256 contained only longitudinal fabric axis. plies The fabric plies angles lamination normally be designated 20AO. that had of +200 sequence to [±20]s the would A prefix "F" is used to indicate are used. A suffix "W" or "F" is used to denote whether the ply faces at the +20o/-20° interface are warp or fill faces. The fabric laminates plies which contained contained only 0° sequences were therefore designated letter/number sequences. A number of fabric plies. by a The zero lamination followed by "U" and a number indicated that number of unidirectional plies. that both unidirectional and An "F" and a number inducated plies. Thus, OU5F1 indicates a [05U/OF]s laminate, OU5FlU1 indicates a [0 5u/OF/Ou]s laminate, and OUlOF1 indicates a [0 10U/OF]s laminate. The second bit or set of bits often and size of machined notches. given a middle bit of "O". in this features investigation. which are the type Unnotched specimens are usually No notched specimens Nonetheless, some the were tested specimens denoted with middle bits. with nonstandard widths (including have indicates group have The specimens that actually the standard width) are given a second bit with a prefix "W" followed by a number indicating the nominal width in millimeters. The specimens with the implanted delaminations are given two middle bits. number The first has a prefix indicating delamination the nominal from the free edge. "D" intrusion followed of by a the implanted The second has a prefix "A" 257 followed by a number indicating the nominal intrusion of the implanted angle ply split from the free edge. the delamination was at the +15°/-15 ° The facts interface that and that the implanted angle ply splits were in the [-156] sublaminate were not encoded in the specimen designations. The final bit is differentiates the data from This bit the nominally is a simple integer. one to five. specimen It was convenient number. identical This specimens. In most cases, it ranged from to manufacture six each of the specimens with implanted specimens each of the 10 mm and 30 mm wide [±153]s specimens delaminations. An extra were made to determine delamination initiation stress. the final bit had values as high as seven. two Thus, 258 APPENDIX A DELAMINATION GROWTH DATA FOR [±153]s SPECIMENS OF NONSTANDARD WIDTH Specimen Stress [MPa] Associated Strain Number [pstrain] 315AO-W30-3 315AO-W50-1 [mm] [mm2] 451 459 467 477 4116 4176 4254 4368 4452 4536 0 0 0 1 1 F 0 0 0 3 3 F 4086 4170 4266 4350 4452 4524 4626 4284 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 F 0 0 0 0 0 17 F 5700 4080 4164 4206 4332 4392 4386 1 2 2 2 2 F 4 4 4 4 5 F 30 45 45 45 48 5765 3972 4044 4152 4236 4308 4404 4506 4590 4656 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 F 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 F 448 459 468 477 489 498 508 460 450 460 467 480 488 486 315AO-W50-4 Delaminated Area 3978 497 315AO-W50-3 Maximum Intrusion 449 468 487 426 441 490 315AO-W50-2 of Delaminations 447 459 467 478 487 497 509 517 526 4164 4356 3936 4081 0 1 1 3 Fa 0 6 16 16 F 0 0 90 575 785 3000 0 0 0 15 20 4300 0 0 0 0 0 0 300 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 10 7390O 7390 a"F" denotes failure. 259 APPENDIX A (Continued) DELAMINATION GROWTH DATA FOR [±153] SPECIMENS OF NONSTANDARD WIDTH Specimen Stress [MPa] Associated Strain Number [pstrain] 315AO-W50-5 449 4116 459 4182 4362 468 480 315AO-W70-1 315AO-W70-2 [mm] [mm 2 ] 0 0 0 0 14 14 352 412 412 452 445 444 4020 4698 4690 0 1 0 0 28 F F 2225 5210 449 460 4080 4188 4284 4386 4470 4566 4572 3888 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 F 0 0 0 0 501 491 4272 4404 4470 4572 4806 5004 5796 0 0 1 1 1 2 FO F 450 4236 422 3971 450 460 3852 3870 471 3936 479 490 500 4002 4056 4134 4242 4308 4368 4488 4430 450 460 469 480 489 315AO-W70-5 Delaminated Area 487 498 508 479 489 500 509 433 315AO-W70-4 0 0 2 2 2 3 Maximum Intrusion 4458 4536 4680 4788 471 315AO-W70-3 of Delaminations 509 519 529 536 529 a"F" denotes failure. Fa 14 14 F 0 0 45 F 0 0 540 6366 0 0 0 0 0 0 4272 9273 0 0 10 28 53 60 225 1283 F 11792 1 F 29 2480 12350 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 F O F 5 5 F 27 F 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1998 12895 260 APPENDIX B DELAMINATION GROWTH DATA FOR [±15n/On]s SPECIMENS Specimen Stress [MPa] Associated Strain Number [s train] 15A1-0-4 760 809 861 928 965 1033 15A1-0-5 761 812 857 911 954 215A1-0-4 556 593 631 0 0 1 8 11 8058 Fa 6246 6624 0 2 4 0 0 1 3 8 F 0 0 2 84 320 F 0 7350 7848 10 0 2 2 3 F F F 4140 4422 4662 4950 5190 5466 5784 6516 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 6966 16 40 112 158 6 26 2564 F F F 4476 4794 5118 5400 5598 5892 0 0 3 0 0 4 4 4 F 0 0 51 77 88 0 610 7206 0 1 2 3 3 F 0 1 558 591 622 3834 4056 4302 4866 5112 492 529 556 593 624 595 4086 4380 4614 4908 5154 5874 0 0 1 2 3 F 777 793 553 591 630 674 700 732 315A1-0-5 [mm] Delaminated Area [mm2] 4 740 315A1-0-4 7344 Maximum Intrusion 0 0 0 2 6 667 701 215A1-0-5 5718 7032 6558 7032 of Delaminations 494 526 a"F" denotes failure. 4 5 F 0 0 9 F 6 1 8 26 26 1395 2867 F F 0 0 3 5 0 0 41 88 42 3310 F F 261 APPENDIX B (Continued) DELAMINATION GROWTH DATA FOR [±15n/0 n]s SPECIMENS Specimen Stress Associated [MPa] Strain Number of Delaminations [ustrain] 515A1-0-4 1 1 1 2 2 1 2 22 28 1045 2620 Fa F F 1 1 2 2 F 2 516 4134 4680 5238 412 3522 4032 4026 4392 5286 6090 1 1 1 2 2 F 2 442 470 495 523 535 415 440 469 495 522 512 3744 3918 4758 4476 5010 4734 558 592 599 815A1-0-4 815A1-0-5 [mm] Delaminated Area [mm2] 4458 4404 4650 5568 5832 497 525 515A1-0-5 Maximum Intrusion 493 528 a"F" denotes failure. F 4 3 F 2 5 5 5 32 32 3408 3408 F F 2 16 2 3 3 3 12 12 4 3 13 32 382 387 1696 2878 F F F 262 APPENDIX C DELAMINATION GROWTH DATA FOR [On/+15n]s SPECIMENS Specimen Stress Associated [MPa] Strain Number of Delaminations [pstrain] 15B1-0-4 15B1-0-5 Maximum Intrusion [mm] Delaminated Area [mm2] 881 940 1000 1059 1033 7134 7314 7728 8190 8550 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 2 Fa F 882 6960 7368 7776 8196 8604 9108 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 F 3 11 FO 4926 5214 5544 5862 6930 7914 8484 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 2 7 4 2 30 30 2241 4000 F F F 5118 5472 5766 6078 6408 6828 6990 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 9 F 31 311 F 4350 4614 4866 5178 5436 6588 6858 7182 7302 5 5 5 6 7 6 5 5 2 2 3 3 22 27 34 55 23 24 24 24 1049 2231 2248 F F 942 1001 1059 1119 1176 4 F 0 0 0 10 F 0 F 215B1-0-4 646 693 735 773 813 857 891 215B1-0-5 646 690 730 771 813 859 857 315B1-0-4 541 575 609 646 681 717 752 789 792 a"F" denotes failure. 4 5 F 0 0 2 2261 F 263 APPENDIX C (Continued) DELAMINATION GROWTH DATA FOR [O/+15 n]s SPECIMENS [n- Specimen 315B1-0-5 Stress Associated [MPaj Strain [pstrain] 539 575 611 647 684 719 753 788 515B1-0-5 [mm] [mm 2 ] 23 23 42 53 100 249 2407 2407 2411 F Fa F 502 534 567 603 642 668 702 4554 1 1 2 2 4 5 F 1 1 4 4 36 36 19 19 1437 F F 502 4932 5226 5550 5874 6216 6306 1 2 2 2 5 F 1 1 1 1 6 F 1 534 4596 4890 5274 5592 6786 3 4 6 8 F 1 2 13 13 F 435 4914 5232 5532 5844 6 7 7 F 1 3 4 F 7 19 485 516 549 565 483 517 547 577 a"F" denotes failure. 5436 5742 6144 7158 7470 4836 5136 5550 5832 6726 7098 3 3 3 3 4 9 Delaminated Area 7866 581 815B1-0-5 Maximum Intrusion 8244 568 602 635 643 815B1-0-4 Number of Delaminations 1 1 3 3 4 5 6 6 6 824 860 515B1-0-4 4542 4854 5184 ns 25 25 25 1 1 655 4 4 4 116 F 5 14 372 F 50 F 264 APPENDIX D GROWTH-TO-TAB STRESSES FOR [±15n0n]s AND [0 n/+1 5 n]s SPECIMENS Specimen Growthto-Tab Stress [MPa] 215A1-0-1 215A1-0-2 215A1-0-3 215A1-0-4 215A1-0-5 618 706 717 793 732 713 (8.8%) 315A1-0-1 315A1-0-2 315A1-0-3 315A1-0-4 315A1-0-5 556 647 619 568 624 603 (6.5%) 515A1-0-1 515A1-0-2 515A1-0-3 515A1-0-4 515A1-0-5 616 591 565 558 503 567 (7.5%) 815A1-0-1 815A1-0-2 815A1-0-3 815A1-0-4 815A1-0-5 aNumbers 544 545 558 485 495 525 (6.3%) in p Growthto-Tab Strain Specimen [MPa] [#ustrain] 7248 5880 6240 6516 5892 Growthto-Tab Stress 215B1-0-1 215B1-0-2 215B1-0-3 215B1-0-4 215B1-0-5 908 747 823 813 [pstrain] 7560 6954 6090 6930 6990 6355 857 830 (8.9%) (7.2%) (7.6%) 725 727 694 681 723 710 6228 b 5646 4722 4494 5154 5004 (10.1%) 315B1-0-1 315B1-0-2 315B1-0-3 315B1-0-4 315B1-0-5 (2.9%) 4962 5250 4362 4650 4896 4824 (6.9%) 515B1-0-1 515B1-0-2 515B1-0-3 515B1-0-4 515B1-0-5 4710 5256 4620 4194 4476 4651 815B1-0-1 815B1-0-2 815B1-0-3 815B1-0-4 815B1-0-5 (8.4%) 687 650 600 702 643 (6.1%) 659 584 640 549 577 602 (7.6%) arentheses are coefficients of variation. Broken gage. Growthto-Tab Strain 6 -95 6144 4932 5436 6450 (10.8%) 5292 5268 4668 7098 6306 (16.9%) 4998 6582 5220 5274 5844 5584 (11.5%) 265 APPENDIX E DELAMINATION GROWTH DATA FOR 2 OFs FABRIC SPECIMENS [+± Specimen Stress [MPa] Associated Strain Number of Delaminations [s train] F20F-0-4 6348 6768 7236 7680 8436 0 11 6474 6966 7440 8148 8760 9294 3 11 0 1 8 513 7638 8100 8766 9438 9954 410 438 465 492 502 7344 7758 8604 9174 9348 357 381 406 429 452 F20F-0-5 357 381 404 429 453 473 F20W-0-4 411 437 465 492 F20W-0-5 a"F" denotes failure, entire width. including 16 19 Fa 0 0 2 4 4 F 46 149 235 23 23 one F 9 45 86 6 F F 0 1 3 3 F 0 4 F F 0 299 515 0 2 3 8 least [mm2] 4 15 F Delaminated Area [mm] 2 3 3 13 20 20 F at Maximum Intrusion 2 54 116 F 0 22 142 251 F delamination across the 266 APPENDIX F DELAMINATION AND ANGLE PLY SPLIT FORMATION DATA FOR [03/±153]s SPECIMENS WITH IMPLANTED DELAMINATIONS Delamination Formation Strain Stress Specimen [MPa] [pstrain] Angle Ply b Split Formation Stress Strain [MPa] [pstrain] 315B1-D10-AO-1 315B1-D10-A0-2 315B1-D10-A0-3 315B1-D10-A0-4 315B1-D10-A0-5 315B1-D10-A0-6 315B1-D10-A20-1 315B1-D10-A20-2 315B1-D10-A20-3 315B1-D10-A20-4 315B1-D10-A20-5 315B1-D10-A20-6 148 150 128 123 144 148 140 (8.3%) 148 188 146 146 121 162 152 (14.6%) aThe point at which bneighboring plies. The point the 1218 1266 1110 1020 1266 1236 1186 (8.4%) 1266 1716 1338 1344 1206 1362 1372 (13.0%) implanted 362 314 315 123 263 431 301 3024 2874 2778 1020 2226 3636 2593 (34.5%) (34.5%) 148 188 146 146 121 162 1266 1716 1338 1344 1206 1362 1372 (13.0%) (14.6%) teflon debonded at which an angle ply split was first visible X-radiograph. CNumbers in parentheses are coefficients of variation. from on an 267 APPENDIX G GROWTH OF THE DELAMINATION TO THE END OF THE IMPLANTED ANGLE PLY SPLIT IN [0 /+15 SPECIMENS WITH IMPLANTED DELAMINATIONS AND ANGE SPLY SPLITS Specimen Stress [MPa] 315B1-D10-A20-1 315B1-D10-A20-2 315B1-D10-A20-3 315B1-D10-A20-4 315B1-D10-A20-5 315B1-D10-A20-6 698 674 719 663 707 680 690 (3.1%) Strain Same as [pstrain] Failure? 5970 5766 6372 5652 6648 5808 6036 (6.5%) Yes Yes Yes No No No aNumbers in parentheses are coefficients of variation. 268 APPENDIX H SIZING OF THE ELEMENTS IN THE FINITE ELEMENT MESH The element mesh used in this investigation is a finite two-dimensional of the model perpendicular cross-section the loading direction. to calculation, all models used an 0.134 mm, the values were of value nominal scaled For the purposes of thickness of effective for ply The a ply of AS4/3501-6. for appropriately specimen the other ply effective thicknesses. From symmetry cross-section needed the cross-section modeled one specimen and the thickness of the one half the thickness the modeled of the width of the cross-section was of the specimen. full-sized model would have change internal in internal energy in involved in the verified using of numerical full-sized the x 2 face which the was sufficient release two versions) would entire The represent be model. solution accuracy of because A the small compared to the The roundoff error would then become this approach was models without the constraints on the test section. (i.e. that inappropriate been energy the large. unacceptably energy half width actual specimen width was not used in most cases. The center Thus, the to be modeled. was one quarter of the only considerations, the symmetry conditions at the It was found that the accuracy asymptotic value of strain rate did not differ by more than 1% between as long as the delamination did not extend the to 269 within two boundary region widths of the far free edge. Since the calculated internal energy per unit length is a function of model width, the widths of the consistent for similarly small widths were used. sized model had delaminations. The model widths to be Relatively used for various delamination sizes are shown for the various specimen types in Table H.1. The thickness of quarter of the Figure 7.1. regions. delamination centerline with was four a region extending "skewing that the boundaries boundary was one divided wide element the rest three region over the wide of into region which tip, and a five the way to the The elements in each region were tip, as shown in Figure 7.1, factor" for each region of 1.9. of the elements in a region This means of width w n elements are at the following distances from the of the region: d W -i 1.9 i == 1,2,3,...,n n The boundaries of the twelve elements in this model in front of the delamination of the specimen. containing the was element three toward the delamination a in ply thickness as was illustrated in a surface, 0.1 mm element wide skewed nominal element The width of the model There extended each investigation are size, a, and the halfwidth given in (H.1) the model used in terms of the delamination of the specimen, b, in Table H.2. 270 TABLE H.1 FINITE ELEMENT MODEL WIDTHS USED FOR VARIOUS DELAMINATION SIZES Specimen Type Model Width Range of Delamination [mm] Sizes [mm] [+15] s [+15/0] [0/+15] 1.0 2.5 5.0 16.7 0.001-0.100 0.100-0.500 0.500-2.500 2.50-15.0 2.3 5.7 11.4 50.0 0.001-0.200 0.200-1.000 1.000-3.000 3.00-40.0 2.78 0.001-0.200 6.94 0.200-1.000 13.88 50.0 1.000-3.000 3.00-40.0 271 TABLE H.2 POSITION OF BOUNDARIES OF FINITE ELEMENTS ACROSS MODEL WIDTH Element Number Position of Boundaries Inside Outside Boundary Boundary ** 1 * ** 0 mm) 0.621(b-a-0.1 0.825(b-a-0.1 0.953(b-a-0.1 mm) mm) mm) 2 3 4 0.346(b-a-0.1 0.621(b-a-0.1 0.825(b-a-0.1 5 6 7 8 0.953(b-a-0.1 mm) b-a-0.1 mm b-a-0.463 mm b-a-0.124 mm b-a-0.1 mm b-a-0.463 mm b-a-0.124 mm b-a b-0.928a 9 b-a 10 11 b-0.928a b-0.732a 12 b-0.421a mm) mm) mm) 0.346(b-a-0.1 b-0.732a b-0.421a b Position given in distance from the centerline of the specimen a = width b = width modeled of delamination of the model = halfwidth of specimen being 272 The elements centerline are numbered one through twelve starting at the of the specimen. 273 APPENDIX I STRAIN ENERGY RELEASE RATE CALCULATIONS FOR [±153]s SPECIMENS OF NONSTANDARD WIDTH Specimen Stress [MPa] Associated Intrusion [mm] Strain Energy Release Rate Calculationsa A B C D [J/m2 ] [J/m 2 ] [J/m2 ] [J/m2 ] 315AO-W30-3 487 441 6 16 797 654 796 653 1177 967 1585 2265 315AO-W50-1 497 3 830 829 1220 1332 315AO-W50-2 460 17 711 710 1051 1704 315AO-W50-3 488 4 5 801 794 800 486 793 1180 1174 1323 1353 517 526 1 2 899 898 929 1303 1362 1341 930 315AO-W50-5 508 14 868 867 1283 1908 315AO-W70-1 444 28 663 662 980 1639 315AO-W70-2 433 45 630 629 931 2061 315AO-W70-3 489 501 491 5 804 844 803 843 811 810 1187 1248 1199 1312 10 28 315AO-W70-4 422 29 599 598 885 1506 315AO-W70-5 529 27 941 940 1391 2288 315AO-W50-4 aKey: A B C D - O'Brien's Method Finite Element Method Geometrically Integrated Finite Element Method Geometrically Integrated Finite Element Method with Finite Dimension Effects 1445 1575 2268 274 APPENDIX J STRAIN ENERGY RELEASE RATE CALCULATIONS FOR [±15n/On]s SPECIMENS Specimen Stress [MPa] 15A1-0-4 Associated Intrusion [mm] Strain Energy Release Rate Calculationsa A [J/m 2 ] B [J/m 2 ] C [J/m2 ] D [J/m2 ] 711 768 1110 1197 1128 1257 1366 1552 928 965 1033 1 3 8 880 709 767 878 911 2 3 685 751 682 749 1066 1101 954 1168 1228 740 2 6 26 904 996 1038 900 777 793 993 1035 1412 1547 1611 1459 1709 2318' 215A1-0-5 732 4 884 881 1377 1467 315A1-0-4 558 1 6 771 780 1112 1236 591 865 863 610 26 921 918 1346 1429 2057 593 624 595 3 5 870 964 876 868 960 873 1359 1500 1355 1426 1624 2307 1137 1284 1446 1480 1173 1292 1441 1475 1569 1880 2243 2297 1825 2088 3150 3379 15A1-0-5 215A1-0-4 315A1-0-5 515A1-0-4 42 1481 525 558 592 599 22 28 515A1-0-5 516 2 1098 1105 1608 1786 815A1-0-4 495 535 2 32 1617 1889 1657 1883 2275 2932 2637 4504 1278 1617 1799 1286 1612 1862 2521 2802 2685 2114 3028 3412 4127 815A1-0-5 440 495 522 512 1 2 3 12 13 32 1730 1793 1724 aKey: A - O'Brien's Method B - Finite Element Method C - Geometrically Integrated Finite Element Method D - Geometrically Integrated Finite Element Method with Finite Dimension Effects 275 APPENDIX K STRAIN ENERGY RELEASE RATE CALCULATIONS FOR [On/+15 n]s SPECIMENS Specimen Stress [MPa] Associated Intrusion [mm] Strain Energy Release Rate Calculationsa A B C D [J/m 2 ] [J/m 2 ] [J/m 2 ] [J/m2 ] 15B1-0-4 1106 2 1009 1007 1574 1625 15B1-0-5 1119 1 2 1033 1141 1031 1139 1618 1643 1838 2 1091 1089 1308 1709 1969 1764 1310 1176 215B1-0-4 813 891 215B1-0-5 315B1-0-4 515B1-0-4 1 2 9 1091 1218 1212 1094 1213 1210 1720 1908 1881 1748 609 2 3 918 1148 1273 1553 917 1145 1271 1550 1442 1798 1975 2410 1490 1158 1280 1403 1156 1277 1401 1828 1813 2000 2187 2842 1903 1374 1700 2030 2109 2667 3155 2143 2844 4176 1723 1702 2645 2666 2688 684 815B1-0-4 815B1-0-5 23 24 1970 2172 1887 2747 3393 719 753 3 4 9 860 25 1831 567 642 1 4 19 1326 1 6 1663 643 516 549 565 1 2 13 1757 1863 2775 2821 1989 2034 3158 2107 2103 3289 3264 4004 517 547 577 1 3 4 1764 1870 1989 2204 2785 3124 3465 702 515B1-0-5 3070 813 859 857 681 717 792 315B1-0-5 30 1779 635 1700 2033 1706 1975 2198 2130 2526 4046 2931 2831 aKey: A - 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