sher /£s
Wambiji, N.a, Odido, M.b, Appeltans, W.c, Bel Hassen, M .d; Mussai, P.e, Nsiangango, S.E.f, Vandepitte, L.9, Zamouri, N.h, and Jiddou, A.M. '
a Kenya Marine and Fisheries Research Institute, P.O. Box 81651, Mombasa, KENYA
bIOC Sub Commission for Africa and the Adjacent Island States, UNESCO Regional Bureau for Sciences in Africa, UN Gigiri Complex Block C, P.O. Box 30592 00100 Nairobi, Kenya
cOcean Biogeographic Information System (OBIS), Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission of UNESCO, IOC Project Office for IODE,Wandelaarkaai 7/61, 8400 Oostende, Belgium
dlnstitut National des Sciences et Technologies de la Mer, Salambo, 28, rue 2 Mars 1934,2025 Salambo
eMauritius Oceanography Institute, France centre, Victoria Avenue, Quatre Bornes, MAURITIUS
instituto Nacionalde Investigaçâo Pesqueira, Ministériodas Pecas, Eambientellha de Luanda, C.P. 2601 Luanda, ANGOLA
9VLIZ - Flanders Marine Institute, Wandelaarkaai 7, B-8400 Oostende
hINSTM, Annexe La Goulette, Port de La Goulette, 2060 Tunis, TUNISIA
'Institut Mauritanien de Recherches Océanographiques et de Pêches (IMROP), B.P. 22 Nouadhibou, MAURITANIA
Introduction-The African Register of Marine Species (AfReMaS) is recently launched taxonomie database of marine species found along the African coasts. The database was originally developed as the Marine Species
Database for Eastern Africa (MASDEA). It was extended thereafter to include species from the entire African coast. Currently it has 24,016 accepted species. The African Register of Marine Species aims to compile and
manage an authoritative list of species occurring along the African marine coasts. It is intended to be used as support for biodiversity research for conservation and sustainable management of marine environment. A data
mining process was conducted under The Ocean Data and Information Network for Africa (ODINAFRICA) project on three identified taxonomic groups (Molluscs, Porifera and Decapods) with information from books,
publications, grey literature and other databases. Distribution records are filed under VLIMAR- a marine gazetteer. Authorised taxonomists confirmed the classification before the species lists were uploaded onto the
database. Content from AfReMaS is shared with the World Register of Marine Species (WoRMS), OBIS and AfrOBIS.
The Ocean Data and Information Network for Africa (ODINAFRICA) brings together marine, institutions from twenty-five Member States of the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission of UNESCO from Africa
(Algeria, Angola, Benin, Cameroon, Comoros, Congo,Côte d'Ivoire, Egypt, Gabon, Ghana, Guinea, Kenya, Madagascar, Mauritania, Mauritius, Morocco, Mozambique, Namibia, Nigeria, Senegal, Seychelles, South Africa,
United Republic of Tanzania, Togo and Tunisia).
The goal of the phase III of ODINAFRICA was to improve management of coastal and marine resources and the environment in participating countries by: enhancing data flows into the national oceanographic data and
information centre in the participating countries, strengthening the capacity of these centers to analyze and interpret the data so as to develop products required for integrated management of the coastal areas of Africa,
and increase the delivery of services to end users.
W o rld Register o f M a rin e Species
Search W oRM S
T a x o n tr e e
e .g . fish,
L ite r a tu r e
S cie n tific
D is trib u tio n
b e g in s with ▼
S p e c im e n s
e.g. Delphinus delphis
M a tc h ta x a
S t a t i s t ic s
e®. S ite M a p
220,966 accepted species; o f which 206,698 checked (9 4 % )
391,708 species nam es including syn on ym s
489,413 ta x a (infraspecies to kingdom s)
33,982 im ages; o f which 11,332 checked (3 3 % )
Last update: 22 m inutes ago
WoRMS passed th e 200,000 species m a rk in 2010 in conjunction with th e celebration o f 10
y e ars' Census o f M arine Life.
Given an e stim ated 230,000 accepted described m a rin e species, s till 9,034 to go (plus the
y e a rly in cre m e n t o f 2,000 new ly described species).
S e a rc h ta x a
A b o u t V L IZ
I W ebsite
In fo d e sk
M a r in e L ib r a r y
F ig u re s S iP o lic y
F a c ilitie s
D a ta c e n tre
M a rin e S p e c ie s D a ta b a s e f e r E a s te rn A fric a (M A S D E A )
A b o u t W oRM S
S ta tis tic s
With WoRMS we aim to p ro vide th e m o st a uth o rita tive lis t o f nam es o f all m a rin e species
g lob a lly, e v e r published.
U s e rs
W e b s e rv ic e
In fo d o w n lo a d s
S po n s o rs
E. r o w s e
WoRMS is a contribu tion to Lifewatch, C atalogue o f Life, Encyclopedia o f Life,
G lobal B io d ive rsity Info rm a tio n Facility and th e Census o f M arine Life.
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E d ito rs
] :
Y o u a re h e r e : V L I Z > D a t a c e n tre
Dr. M a rk C o s te llo is a n A w a rd fin a lis t fo r WoRMS fo r th e ASAP a w a rd
Tw eets b y @W RMarineSpecies
Added on: 2013-10-02 09:44:07 b y Vandepitte, Leen
M A S D E A is a b io g e o g r a p h ic /t a x o n o m ic
d a t a b a s e o f m a r in e s p e c ie s in t h e W e s te r n
In d ia n O c e a n /E a s t A f r ic a . T h e d a t a b a s e w a s
o r ig in a lly d e v e lo p e d b y E d w a rd V a n d e n
B e rg h e w h ile w o r k in g a s p r o je c t m a n a g e r o f
th e R E C O S C I X - W I O p r o je c t in M o m b a s a , a n d
n o w m a in ta in e d a s a c o lla b o r a t iv e v e n t u r e
b e t w e e n t h e K e n y a M a r in e a n d F is h e rie s
R e s e a r c h In s t it u t e a n d V L I Z .
PLOS has announced th e fin alists f o r th e A ccelarating Science A waM ^Program and WoRMS has m ade it to th e fin al
I n ven tory
J «
□ ata
d e l i v e ry
□ ata
om son
Regional Species Databases (RSD) [map]
O b je-c t i v e s
W ith an interface
C o o p e r a t ion
□ a ta
p a i i cy
□ ata
A frican Register o f M a rin e Species (A fR e M a S )
:lu d e d in d a ta m a n a g e m e n t s o ftw a r e p ro d u c t
Added on: 2013-07-10 14:04:20 b y Costello, M ari
Thom son Ecology will soon in clude and d istrib ute WoRMS w ithin th e ir data m an ag em en t s o ftw a re . This is th e firs t
fo rm a l a g re e m e n t with a com m ercial co m p an y b y WoRMS even tho u gh m a n y users m a y be fro m com m ercial
o rganisations. ... [Read m o re ]
A m p h ip o d a e d ito r ia l te a m m o b iliz e d a n d W o rld A m p h ip o d a d a ta b a s e lau n c h e d
Added on: 2013-07-01 10:49:05 b y Vandepitte, Leen
To p ro vide su fficie n t e x p e rt know ledge f o r m aintaining th e database, we have now (2 0 13 ) fo rm e d an e dito ria l team
to whom th e que rie s on p a rticu la r A m phipoda ta xa should be addressed. The to ta l n um be r o f A m phipoda e dito rs is
now 30, each with th e ir own area o f expe rtise .
... [Read m o re ]
N ew S te e rin g C o m m itte e , C h a ir a n d V ic e -c h a ir in p la c e fo r WoRMS
Addedon: 2013-06-19 16:06:47 b y Vandepitte, Leen
T h e d a t a b a s e c a n b e c o n s u lte d in t h r e e w a y s
( c o r r e s p o n d in g to t h e t h r e e it e m s in t h e m e n u
o n t h e le f t ) ;
iy Vandepitte, Leen
ne G azetteer w ebservices to feed y o u r own application with th e M arine G azetteer
tam es and m a rin e areas. C u rre n tly, we su p p o rt both Restful and SOAP m ethods fo r
'% ' replaces zero or m o re c h a ra c te rs ,
A f iT li Kêglâïêr <JT MSHkiè SfJèilèâ (AR M S)
Belgian Register o f M a rin e Species (B eR M S )
B r o w s e : N a v ig a t e t h r o u g h
t a x o n o m ic t r e e b y c lic k in g
lis t o f t a x o n n a m e s
S e a r c h : go d ir e c tly t o th e
s e a rc h fo rm
L is t : c r e a t e c h e c k lis t f o r a
C anad ian R egister o f M a rin e Species (C aR M S)
Eu ro pean Register o f M a rin e Species (ERM S)
M a r in e Species o f th e British Isles and A d ja c e n t Seas
N o rth A tla n tic Register fo r M a r in e Species (N A R M S )
R egister o f A n ta rc J jg J J a rin e Species (R A M S )
Scientific Name v
fo llo w ed by a space.
begins with v
e.g. Chromadora kreisi, Siriella,
D Lim it to accep ted ta x a
th e
on o n e o f a
Lim it to m a rin e ta x a
t a x o n o f in t e r e s t b y e n t e r in g t h e ( p a r t i a l ) n a m e o f t h e t a x o n in a
T a x o n ranlk
g e o g r a p h ic a l a r e a (u s e " B r o w s e " to s e e t a x o n o m ic lis ts )
lower or equal to v
L im it to
T h e w a y in f o r m a t io n f r o m t h e d a t a b a s e is p r e s e n t e d is d e s c r ib e d on t h e "A b o u t" s c r e e n , b u t s h o u ld in
m o s t c a s e s b e s e l f - e x p l a n a t o r y . S o m e o f t h e le s s e v id e n t p o in ts :
replaces a single c h a ra c te r; click h ere fo r d etails and e x a m p le s ). I f y o u 're not sure of th e genus
/o r su b genu s o f a species, rep lace th e m w ith a
W e b s e rv i c e s
I N ew w e b p a g e on m e e tin g s a n d c o n g re s s e s fo c u s s e d on e c h in o d e rm s lau n c h e d
M a rin e R egions W e b s e rv ic e s lau n ch e d
i r t h e n a m e o f th e ta x o n you w a n t to look up. G enus and su b genu s n am e s should be included fo r sp ecies. V alid w ild cards a re '% ' and
□ v erv ie w
Meet ttie Finalists!
:e p ro vide s in form atio n on all articles and abstracts published in th e p rbsçedings o f the
in fe re n ce s and th e European C onferences on E chinoderm s ... [Read more}«
ReMaS Taxon search
a belon g in g to
T h e r e a r e s o m e t a x a f o r w h ic h w e w e r e n o t a b le t o fin d t h e p a r e n t t a x o n . In t h e s e c a s e s , w e
h a v e u s e d t h e t a x o n " s n a m e , b e t w e e n s q u a r e b r a c k e t s , t o fill t h e m is s in g in f o r m a t io n .
A ll r e c o r d s a r e q u a lifie d w ith t h r e e fla g s : tw o to in d ic a te t h e d e g r e e o f c e r t a in t y a n d v a lid it y
( " V a lid /W r o n g " a n d " C e r t a i n / P r o b a b l e " ) , a n d o n e t o in d ic a te t h a t t h e in f o r m a t io n w a s r e a d f r o m a
d is trib u tio n m a p , w ith o u t s p e c ific m e n tio n o f t h e c o u n t r y in t h e t e x t o f th e p u b lic a tio n .
A ll d is trib u tio n r e c o r d s a r e lin k e d to t h e t a x o n o m ic n a m e u n d e r w h ic h th e o b s e r v a t io n w a s
o r ig in a lly p u b lis h e d , a ls o if t h is n a m e h a s b e c o m e a n in v a lid s y n o n y m . T h e s y n o n y m is lin k e d
w ith th e n a m e in c u r r e n t u s e , a n d d is trib u tio n r e c o r d s a r e s h o w n f o r b o th o ld a n d v a lid s y n o n y m s
to g e th e r.
e.g. Mysidae
Website and databases developed and hosted by VLIZ ■ Page generated 2 0 1 3 -1 0 -2 5 GMT 1 contact: *1 ka Dd do
towards a standard for georeferenced marinenames
AfReMaS D istribution
S earch d is trib u tio n records for:
G eo g rap h ica l a r e a 3':
In c lu d e su b a re a s
e n d e m ic CU ex o tic CU ty p e lo c a lity CU v a g ra n t CU sp ecim en
Marine Gazetteer geographic name search
About I Search taxa | Taxon tree |
A B Ç D E £ G H I J K L M N 0 P Q R S i y V W X Y Z
(alphabetical search)
Enter the geographic name you want to look up Valid wildcards are '%' and ('%' replaces zero or more characters,
for details and examples).
ure I Checklist | Stats | Log in
African Register of Marine Species (AfReMaS)
replaces a single character; click here
The African Register of Marine Species is a taxonom ic database of m arine species found along th e African coastline,
T axo n ra n k :
Lim it to
ta x a belonging to:
lower or equal to v
Search Geographic name v
O C e rta in ly valid
a Iso
The scope of the database was expanded in 2 0 0 6 to include records from th e entire coastline of Africa. The Ocean Data and Inform ation
Radius: 5
Network fo r Africa (O DINAFRICA ), which succeeded RECOSCIX-W IO, sponsored a series of focused m arine biodiversity workshops to mobilize
data from selected taxa fo r inclusion in th e database. This included molluscs (March 2 0 0 6 ), sponges (N o vem b er 2 0 0 6 ) and decapods (June
Radius: 5
2 0 0 7 ).
S yn o n y m s :
An Editorial Board has been established, with representatives from IOC, V U Z , and the institutions participating in ODINAFRICA to be
A 'S o rt on s y n o n y m s , list v a lid n am e s
• Also p ro b a b ly valid
Oceanographic Commission of UNESCO), the Kenya Marine and Fisheries Research Institu te and the Flanders Marine In stitu te (V L IZ ). D r
Edward Vanden Berghe, who was th e RECOSCIX-W IO Project M anager, was instrum ental in the developm ent of MASDEA,
Source (any)
* = m an d ato ry
In c lu d e d is trib u tio n records th a t a re
The database was originally developed as the Marine Species Database fo r Eastern Africa (MASDEA), a collaborative effort between the
'Regional Cooperation in Scientific Inform ation Exchange in the W estern Indian Ocean (R E C O S C IX -W IO ), a project of the Intergovernm ental
e.g . M ysid ae. O n ly ta x a w ith ra n k a b o v e g en u s w ill be re tu rn e d .
^accepted species: 19054
responsible for the fu rth er developm ent and m aintenance of the database.
J 'S o r t on valid n a m e s , list sy n o n ym s
p ro b a b ly not valid
O n ly valid n am e s
II records
VLIMAR Gazetteer (Pieter Deckers & Simon Claus)
Odido, M.; Appeltans, W .; Bel Hassen, M.A.; Jiddou, A .M .; Mussai, P.; Nsiangango, S .E.; V andepitte, L.; W am biji, N.; Zam ouri, N. (Eds)
(2 0 1 2 ). African Register of Marine Species. Available online at h ttp ://w w w .m arin esp e cies.o rg /a fre m as / accessed on 2 0 1 2 -0 9 -0 3 .
Reference: www.vliz.be/vmdcdata/vlimar
The VLIMAR gazetteer is a hierarchical list of geographical place names. It focuses on names of
sandbanks, bays, gulfs, seas, islands, seamounts, coastal regions, ridges, bays and standard
sampling stations used in marine research. The geographic cover of the gazetteer is global, however
AfReMaS Statistics
the gazetteer is focused on the Belgian North Sea Region, the Scheldt estuary and the Southern Bight
all taxa all species acc. species species checked taxa of the North Sea. The purpose of the gazetteer is to improve access and clarity of the different
[M, nF]
[M, nF]
[M, nF]
[M, nF] geographic, mainly marine names used in marine research, (http://www.vliz.be/vmdcdata/vlimar)
1,339 48,281 (93 %)
1,229 43,334 (93 %)
Progress since 2006 - 2007 workshops
Still 1,530 species (acc & unacc) not checked by taxonomic editors
2,707 (97 %)
1,007 10,256 (95%)
36 (100 %)
366 (90 %)
4 772
Mollusca species
9 566
11 458
12 220
20(100% )
(acc & unacc)
56 (100 %)
8,850 (93 %)
Porifera species (acc
1 309
5 185
8 465
8 534
1,769 (74%)
& unacc)
7 (88 %)
11 (85 %)
9 936
17 630
18 035
1 2,619(100% )
16 (73 %)
59 137
79 025
81 814
Total distributions
8(100% )
(all groups)
species (all groups)
51 (100%)
4 11,443 (90 %)
Number o f records in AfReMaS. •All taxa: number o f marine [M] & non-fossil [nF] scientific names at all ranks (sum o f species, genera, families,..., accepted and synonyms).
3 (60 %)
•All species: number o f marine [M] & non-fossil [nF] species (sum o f accepted and synonyms) within the specific rank.
•Acc. species: number o f accepted marine [M] & non-fossil [nF] species within the specific rank.
42 (58 %)
•Species: number o f non-marine [nM] species (sum o f accepted and synonyms) within the specific rank.
29 (91 %)
veioped and hosted by V L IZ ■ Page generated 2 0 1 3 -1 0 -2 5 GMT ■ contact: Mika Odido
Website and databases developed and hosted by . LIZ - Page generated 2 0 1 2 -0 9 -0 3 GMT 1 contact: Mika Odido
Kingdom Animalia
Phylum Acanthocephala
Phylum Annelida
Phylum Arthropoda
Phylum Brachiopoda
Phylum Bryozoa
Phylum Cephalorhyncha
Phylum Chaetognatha
Phylum Chordata
Phylum Cnidaria
Phylum Ctenophora
Phylum Dicyemida
Phylum Echinodermata
Phylum Echiura
Phylum Gastrotricha
Phylum Gnathostomulida
Phylum Flem¡chordata
Phylum Mollusca
Phylum Myxozoa
Phylum Nematoda
Phylum Nemertea
•Checked taxa: number o f marine [M] & non-fossil [nF] scientific names (%) that have been checked by a Taxonomic Editor.
Black Sea OBIS
Taxonomic backbone
General geographic QC
Database growth
Amphimedon navalis Pulitzer-Finali, 1993
9 0 .0 0 0
8 0 .0 0 0
Marine taxonomy in specific
geographical region
- ^ EurOBI
Taxonomic backbone:
QC purposes of OBIS taxa &
addition of uncaptured OBIS
names to WoRMS
Marine biogeography
Species distributions
Datasets lat-lon)
7 0 .0 0 0
6 0 .0 0 0
Porifera distribution details
AphialD: 166684
□ S p e c im e n s
□ Images
□ A c c e p te d t a x a
□ All t a x a
■ Dist" butions
Classification: Biota > A n im a lia (K in g d o m ) > P o rifera (P h y lu m ) > D e m o s p o n g ia e (C la ss) > H aplosclerida ^ f r d e r ) >
H aplosclerina (S u b o rd e r) > N iphatid ae (F a m ily ) > A m p h im e d o n (G en us)
Geounit East Africa« Coral Coast
Source Pulitzer
Edit Date
history 2010 - 12-10
Checked by Taxonomic Editor
¡3 9 Z
c re a te d
v a n S o e s t, R ob
Amphimedon Duchassaing & Michelotti, 186
guage Name
5 0 .0 0 0
(M a rin e E c o re g io n o f t h e W o rld (M E O W ))
G. 1993. A collection of marine sponges from East Africa.
Civico Storia Naturale "Giacomo Doria" 89: 247-350.
original description: Pulitzer-Finali, G. 1993. A odllection of marine sponges from East Africa.
Annales Museo Civico Storia Naturale "Giacorpc Doria" 89: 247-350. [d e ta ils ]
East African Coral C oast (preferred) Spalding e t al.; 2007
ne Ecoregion of th e W orld (MEOW)
7' 39.7" S (-8.461 °)
4 0 .0 0 0
33' 31” E (39.5586°)
marine, brackish, fresh, t errestrial
ding e t al.; 2007
3 0 .0 0 0
East African Coral Coast
Kenya [d e ta ils ]
[d e ta ils ]
of W estern India n Ocean (M arine Province) [View Hierarchy]
W orld Register o f M arine Species
Marine taxonomy
Species classification
Global Biodiversity Information Facility
biogeography of all realms
C o n c lu s io n : Data management is key in the preservation of biodiversity. All scientists
are encouraged to submit their species lists and areas in which they sampled to update the
database. This database is important for keeping a directory of marine taxonomists with
knowledge on the flora and fauna in Africa marine regions. In addition comprehensive
bibliographies will be compiled on the biogeography of the region, for selected groups,
The network of involved experts will also be expanded and they will continue in checking
the all taxonomic groups along the African marine regions.
• The website and databases developed
and hosted by Vlaams Instituut voor de
Zee (VLIZ)
• AWARD supported in part by a Travel
■eldifigen © 2 0 1 2 T erra Metrics - G ebm iksv&Ofwaarden I
4.95 Ion: 26.49
To Biodiversity Heritage Library (1 publication)
To Encyclopedia of Life
Holotvpe: (MBA.374): MSNG 48331
[d e ta ils ]
Type locality: Mombasa, Nyali Bridge, pontoons, Kenya, 0.5-2 m.
urn:lsid:marinespecies.org:taxname: 166684
Interface options for distribution information
Vlaams Instituut vopr de Zee
[d e ta ils ]
ithostylotella cornuta (Topsent, 1897)
nus tern atus Ridley, 1884
ia digitata (Baer, 1906) accepted as Haliclona digitata (Baer, 1906)
ia pigmentifera (Dendy, 1905) accepted as Haliclona pigmentifera (Dendy, 1905)
rphinopsis foetida (Dendy, 1889)
himedon navalis Pulitzer-Finali, 1993
himedon rubiginosa Pulitzer-Finali, 1993
himedon spinosa Pulitzer-Finali, 1993
irina sim plex Lendenfeld, 1897 accepted as Ecionemia acervus Bowerbank, 1864
sina prim itiva Burton, 1959
>sclera willeyana Lister, 1900
spongus in volutus (Kirkpatrick, 1903)
African Woman in Apricitilvril
Research and Development