CUR Workshop Program on Institutionalizing Undergraduate Research Institution Name: University of Wisconsin – Stout Who reports to key administrators? CORE leadership/advisory team Mission Statement for CORE (Creative Original Research Experiences): Promote undergraduate research as a student-faculty collaboration Examine, create and share new knowledge or works in ways commensurate with practices in the discipline Promote current and emerging best practices in teaching environments Goals/Objectives: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Goal # 5 1, 5 Assist faculty in implementation of best practices of student-faculty collaborations including undergraduate and graduate experiences. Promote an undergraduate research experience for all freshmen. Promote capstone experiences in undergraduate research. Promote engagement in other independent research Recognize and reward undergraduate research as high impact pedagogy Activity Responsible Assessed Approve Goal #5 (see above) Develop strategies/ longterm plan to involve the entire campus in undergraduate research (as per Cunningham visit) CORE CORE meeting minutes CORE – Advisory Committee Obtain endorsement of CORE from Faculty Senate and from Senate of Academic Staff CORE/ Applied Research Center Develop and administer a survey collecting data relative to existing undergraduate research efforts on campus with the help of Applied Research Center Include undergraduate research criteria in funding from the “curriculum incubation center” as programs/courses are updated Create an office of undergraduate research responsible for upkeep of infrastructure (web page, marketing, assessment) and coordination of undergraduate research and creative endeavors. CORE members work with administration to review the Boyer Model (and others) to determine viable methods Provost Provost/ Chancellor CORE and Administration Proposed Implementation Timeline (Start Spring Semester 2012) YR YR YR YR YR YR YR YR 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 X / YR 9 YR 10 Goal # 1, 2, 3, 4 Activity Provide professional development opportunities enabling faculty/staff to include undergraduate research as pedagogy. Responsible CORE/ Nakatani Teaching and Learning Center/ Research Services CORE CORE 1, 2, 3, 4 Promote research experiences for students CORE CORE/Research Services Research Services / Stout Foundation CORE/Deans CORE/ Program Directors/Chairs Assessed for rewarding faculty for including undergraduates in research experiences (count UGR in research experiences, funding for undergraduate research assistants, use graduate model, trade office hours for research advising) Organize and present professional development opportunities for faculty/staff. Work collaboratively with Nakatani Center, in-service committee, Research Services, etc. Maintain database of participants and research projects. Administer surveys. Research opportunities and advocate for faculty involvement to attend workshops, attend tours, meet program officers at granting institutions, and other opportunities that will expose faculty to practices that work related to undergraduate research. Develop, update and maintain web presence related to undergraduate research. Updated web pages, links and descriptions. Develop marketing materials with help from admissions office related to resources for undergraduate resources. Examine and revise application documents on Research Services website to make application forms for research and creative experiences student-centered and appropriate for students’ experience level (application instead of RFP). Invite alumni and potential donors to Research Day and research-related events. Work with the foundation office to establish research scholarship fund for students and/or fund incoming students’ research activities as part of their acceptance package. CORE members work with college deans to identify viable ways to support student efforts with undergraduate research (i. e. student research stipends, travel for presentations, competitive awards for student research within a college, etc.) Identify credit bearing research experiences to be incorporated into programs for students (capstone Proposed Implementation Timeline (Start Spring Semester 2012) YR YR YR YR YR YR YR YR 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 / / YR 9 YR 10 Goal # Activity Responsible CORE & stakeholders (Program Directors/ Chairs/ Deans/ SSA) CORE and Administration 5 Generate a more scholarly atmosphere on campus by defining/ redefining the recognition and rewards for including research and creative activities as high impact pedagogical practices as part of a teaching. CORE (work in conjunction with faculty) CORE (work in conjunction with faculty) CORE (work in conjunction with deans, faculty, program directors) Assessed Proposed Implementation Timeline (Start Spring Semester 2012) YR YR YR YR YR YR YR YR 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 YR 9 YR 10 experiences with research/creative endeavors, incorporated into class, . CORE members work with stakeholders to examine models and develop definitions for student undergraduate research/creative endeavors by program. Clearly defined student roles and expectations (along with faculty role, expectations and rewards) that are aligned to the university mission. Collaborate with Deans/Provost to determine criteria and award an “undergraduate research advisor of the year”. Define with specific criteria (and work to change) the promotion and tenure process to recognize faculty effort with undergraduate research (i.e. fixed but flexible criteria 50% teaching , 10% research, 10% service, 30% negotiated, see Boyer and other models) Identify how general education helps strengthen Undergraduate research. Investigate models, conduct workshops to help improve how general education may strengthen undergraduate research. Identify and suggest implementation of policy and procedures that recognize faculty effort with undergraduate research using strategies such as those suggested by CUR (Mentor content load versus course load, flexible scheduling tied to undergraduate research, no academic advising, minimal committee assignments, etc.) *NOTE: These goals are in addition to efforts already in place at UW-Stout such as: hiring Deans and faculty interested in supporting research, recognizing undergraduate research efforts during in-services, Research Day activities, Journal of Student Research, funding for professional development (students and faculty), and the like.