Syllabus Response Assignment Sheet

Adapted from an assignment created by Dr. Shannon Wooden – Missouri State University
Syllabus Response Assignment Sheet
Due: In hard copy with-in final portfolio, Monday May 12 at 8am
Goals: To begin to think critically about the documents and assignments that make up this class
and to respond back in a reflective and intelligent manner.
Prompt: There are two directions that you can take for this assignment. You can either argue for
the addition of an assignment to the syllabus, perhaps a written or oral assignment that you
would have liked to have seen added, or you can argue for the omission of an assignment,
perhaps an assignment that you felt did not benefit you as a student. Remember there is no right
or wrong answer for this assignment. I am not grading your paper based on whether I agree with
you or not. The object of this assignment is to give yourself freedom to respond back to this class
and to support your ideas with examples from class time, the syllabus, the students learning
outcomes, and any other sources you think would be useful.
Audience: General academic
Nuts and Bolts:
1,000 word minimum, exclusive of Works Cited.
Please turn in with Final portfolio in hard copy
Papers should be formatted using MLA formatting.
Please include word count in the upper left hand corner under your block information
Notes from Hannah:
This assignment has been adapted from an assignment utilized by Dr. Shannon Wooden Missouri State University. It is designed to replace the end of the year “reflection essay” that
most instructors utilize. As such it can be adjusted to address student learning outcomes from
Discourse 100, 200, or 300, specifically addressing SLOs in which students are asked to look at
their own writing and reflect. I ask my students to make arguments that engage with the class as
a whole, thinking about how to make it stronger and how to address the needs they think were
not met. As a bonus, they sometimes give me great ideas that I utilize in following semesters!