Animal Behavior (BIOL366) – 4 Credits, Writing Intensive Summer I 2015 Instructor: Dr. Michelle Vieyra Email: Office: Science 111b Office Phone: 803-641-3608 Lecture: MTWR 1pm-5pm, Science 107 Textbook: Required: Course pack/ lab manual – Only available at the USCA bookstore Suggested: Animal Behavior: Mechanisms, Ecology, Evolution by Drickamer Mandatory Zoo Trip: Friday, June 5th. Students will have to pay for zoo admission. Course Description and Objectives: This course will examine the mechanistic side of behavior: how animals collect, process and respond to information in their environment, as well as the evolutionary side of behavior: what advantages do these mechanistic traits and behaviors have and why have they evolved over time. We will cover specific topics in animal behavior to include communication, courtship, aggression, foraging, habitat selection, and cooperation. After completing this course you should understand the basic concepts in behavioral biology and be familiar with many of the studies that have facilitated our understanding of animal behavior. Meeting with me: If you have questions or need help with anything in this course please email me and/or set up an appointment to meet with me before class. I will generally get to campus around 10am M-Th. Attendance/ Skipping Assignments: Lecture: I will not be taking attendance but the exams are entirely from my lectures so it is in your best interest to attend every class. Unless you miss an exam I do not need to know why you are absent. It is your responsibility to get missed lecture material from another student (I do not provide class notes). If you are absent on an exam day, the exam may be made-up under documented circumstances. You must inform me via email the day of the exam and schedule a make-up exam at that time. Exams must be made-up within 2 class days. Lab: Missing lab is more difficult since you will be doing group activities that earn points. If you miss a lab activity you will NOT be able to make up graded assignments (such as the short proposals, movie write-ups). If you are absent the day your group does an experiment with an accompanying lab report or presentation you will NOT be allowed to get the data from a group member or participate in the group presentation. You may be able to run an experiment on your own and generate data to write about/ present. This is contingent on scheduling issues and availability of the classroom and is not guaranteed. Without data you can still write a background and methods section for partial credit. Papers: Because this is a writing intensive class you DO NOT have the option of skipping any of the three big writing assignments (2 lab reports and a research proposal). Failure to complete these assignments will result in an F in the class. Evaluation: Exams: There will be four exams throughout the semester as noted on the calendar. They will only cover the material given since the previous exam and will be worth 100 points each. Expect a combination of multiple-choice, fill in the blank and short answer questions on each exam. Research Proposal (Big Paper): You will write a 50 point research proposal for an experiment in animal behavior. You will be graded on how well you researched your topic – a minimum of 4 primary research articles will be required, as well as how well your experimental design reflects an understanding of what makes a good experiment. More information on this assignment can be found in your writing guide. Lab Reports: You will write 2 lab reports worth 25 points each. Although you will conduct experiments as a group the paper must be an individual effort. “Sharing” the effort will result in a zero for everyone involved. More information on how to write a proper lab report can be found in your writing guide. LATE WRITING ASSIGNMENTS WILL BE GIVEN A GRADE REDUCTION OF 10% PER DAY. Group Presentations: You will give 2 group presentations in lab worth 25 points each. This will be a group effort and everyone in the group will receive the same grade. The presentation will be in the form of an oral lab report. More information on what you need to include in your presentations is available in your writing guide. Short Proposals: In the lab you will be designing your own experiments and come up with reasonable, testable hypotheses. You will do this as a group and turn in 3 short proposals worth 10 points each. Everyone in the group receives the same grade and the grade will be based on how well you incorporate the principals of the scientific method. Movie Write-ups: We will be watching several documentaries demonstrating principles learned in lecture. You will be asked to write four papers worth 10 points each discussing the movie and how it related to the lecture material. Your grade will be based on proper understanding and application of lecture concepts. Lab Practical Quiz: There will be one practical laboratory quiz over identification of the anatomy of the mammalian brain and eye worth 30 points. Grade breakdown: Exams (4) Grading Scale: 100 points each 400 point total 50 points total 585-650 A 555-584 B+ 520-554 B Research Proposal 50 points Lab Reports (2) 25 points each Presentations (2) 25 points each 50 points total 490-519 C+ Short proposals (3) 10 points each 30 points total 455-489 C Movie Write-ups (4) 10 points each 40 points total 425-454 D+ Brain & Eye Quiz 30 points 30 points total 390-424 D Below 390 F 50 points total Total: 650 points Course Calendar: Summer 2015 Date 1-Jun 2-Jun 3-Jun 4-Jun 5-Jun 8-Jun 9-Jun 10-Jun 11-Jun 15-Jun 16-Jun 17-Jun 18-Jun 22-Jun 23-Jun 24-Jun Lecture Topic Syllabus/ Intro Genetics Evolution Mechanisms: Nervous THIS IS A FRIDAY!!! EXAM 1 Mechanisms - Sensory Mechanisms - Hormones Biorhythms Learning Exam 2 Communication Aggression Predators/Prey Exam 3 Mating I 25-Jun 29-Jun 30-Jun 1-Jul Mating II Parenting Migration/ Habitat Exam 4 Lab Activity Fly Taxis I Fly Taxis II Fly Lab Report Prep Ethograms / Groups plan for zoo Mandatory Zoo Field Trip Zoo Lab Report Prep Brain & Eye Dissection Practical quiz/ Big paper prep Big Paper Prep Movie - Animal Minds Sign Stimulus I Sign Stimulus II Movie - Signals & Song, Group Prep Group Presentation Predator/ Prey I Predator/ Prey II Movie - Finding Partners, Group Prep Group Presentation II Movie - Parenting Things due Short Proposal I (done in class) Show me sources Lab Report I Show me sources Lab Report II Show me sources Big Paper Movie write-up I/ Short Proposal II Movie write-up II Short Proposal III (done in class) Movie write-up III Movie write-up IV Electronic Devices: I do not want to see a cell phone in your hand during class. If I see a cell phone or other electronic device while you are taking an exam I will take your exam and give you a ZERO. No exceptions! Feel free to take notes on a laptop or tablet but please avoid visiting disruptive or distracting websites during class. Additional Business You are expected to follow the honor pledge on every assignment: “On my honor as a University of South Carolina at Aiken student, I have neither given nor received any unauthorized aid on the assignment/examination. To the best of my knowledge, I am not in violation of academic dishonesty.” This includes plagiarism which will be covered in more detail when I assign papers. Violation of the honor code will result in a zero on the assignment/ exam and letter to the Vice Chancellor of Academic Affairs. If you have a physical, psychological and/or learning disability which might affect your performance in this course please contact the Office of Disability Services, 126A B&E, (803)641-3609 as soon as possible.