ABIO 316 VERTEBRATE ZOOLOGY SPRING, 2008 Instructor: Dr. Hugh Hanlin Office: 101A SBDG Phone: 641-3439 E-mail: HughH@aiken.sc.edu Lecture: T TH 12:15-1:30 PM, SBDG 102 Lab: TH 1:40-4:20, SBDG 102 Textbook: Vertebrate Biology, Linzey Lab Manuals: Optional Field Guides to Eastern Amphibians and Reptiles, Mammals, and Eastern Birds Additional Book Requirement: Field Notebook Laboratory Supplies: A lab coat or apron to protect your clothes is recommended for some laboratory exercises. Gloves, hand lotion, soap, etc. are also recommended. (Caution: Exposure to formaldehyde has been linked to cancer in rats. The use of surgical gloves in ABIO 316 is recommended. Any students with special health considerations or conditions should inform their instructor and seek special instructions regarding exposure in labs.) Dipnets and dichotomous keys to the vertebrates will be assigned to each student during the first week of classes. Each student will be responsible for these supplies for the entire semester. FAILURE TO RETURN THESE SUPPLIES AT THE END OF THE SEMESTER WILL RESULT IN THE ASSIGNMENT OF THE GRADE OF “I”. (The student will be required to sign a contract for the “incomplete”, and the grade will be changed when all supplies have been returned or replaced.) Course Description: Systematics, life history, distribution, ecology and current literature of vertebrates. Laboratory study will emphasize native South Carolina species. Field collection required. Three lecture and three laboratory hours per week. Course Content: The biology of the vertebrates will be studied. Topics will include: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) Principles of Evolution Phylogeny Taxonomy Morphology Special adaptations 6) Distribution 7) Life History 8) Population Ecology 9) Care and Handling 10) Preservation Competency Goals: By the end of the course students will have demonstrated the ability to: 1) use taxonomic keys, 2) employ hand-held GPS units to document vertebrate habitats, 3) identify selected South Carolina vertebrates, 4) describe the morphology, distribution and life history of selected South Carolina vertebrates, 5) describe principles of population ecology, citing vertebrate species in examples, 6) critically review selected current literature of vertebrate biology, 7) prepare a field notebook, 8) properly handle selected vertebrates, and 9) properly preserve selected vertebrates. Evaluation: 30% - Lecture quizzes (3) 15% - Laboratory quizzes (keying exercises - 3) 15% - Vertebrate collection 10% - Field Notebook 15% - Laboratory Final 15% - Lecture Final Vertebrate Collection Requirement: A collection of fishes, amphibians, reptiles, and mammals will be required. A point system for the collection will be outlined by your instructor. Each student will be expected to achieve a minimum of 100 points for their collection. Guidelines: 1) You will be expected to have read the assigned chapters prior to lecture. 2) You will be expected to endorse the HONOR PLEDGE on every quiz: On my honor as a University of South Carolina at Aiken student, I have neither given nor received any unauthorized aid on this assignment/examination. To the best of my knowledge, I am not in violation of academic honesty. 3) No make-up exams will be given for lecture or laboratory quizzes except under extreme situations (see Student Handbook). 4) You must attend at least 21 lectures and at least 9 lab exercises to receive a passing grade in the class. 5) You are encouraged to make appointments with your instructor if you are having problems in the course. In general, the following hours are available for appointments: T TH 9:00-10:30 AM, W 9:00-11:00 AM 6) If you have a physical, psychological, and/or learning disability which might affect your performance in this class, please contact the Office of Disability Services, 126A B&E, (803) 641-3609, as soon as possible. The Disabilities Services Office will determine appropriate accommodations based on medical documentation. Tentative Lecture Schedule: _____________________________________________________________________________________ WEEK DATE TOPIC CHAPTER # 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Jan 15, 17 Jan 22, 23 Jan 29, 31 Feb 5 Feb 12, 13 Feb 19, 21 Feb 26, 28 Principles of Systematics & Evolution Principles of Systematics & Evolution Vertebrate Body Plan Vertebrate Phylogeny & Morphology: Vertebrate Phylogeny & Morphology: Vertebrate Phylogeny & Morphology: Vertebrate Phylogeny & Morphology: 8 Mar 4 Mar 7 Mar 11, 13 Mar 18, 20 Mar 25, 27 Apr 1, 3 Apr 8 Apr 15, 17 Apr 22, 24 Apr 29 May 1 Vertebrate Phylogeny & Morphology: Mammals 9 Last day to withdraw without receiving “WF” SPRING BREAK Distribution: Ecology & Geography 3 Life History Patterns & Reproductive “Strategies” Vertebrate Ecology - Movements 11 Vertebrate Ecology - Thermoregulation and Osmoregulation 12 Vertebrate Ecology - Interspecific Interactions 13 Vertebrate Ecology - History & Future 15,16 Reading Day FINAL EXAM (11:00 AM) 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Tentative Lecture Quiz Dates: Fishes Amphibians Reptiles Birds 2 2 1 1, 5 6 7,8 7,8 #1 Thursday, February 7 #2 Thursday, March 6 #3 Thursday, April 10 Tentative Laboratory Schedule: _____________________________________________________________________________________ WEEK DATE TOPIC 1 Jan 17 Field & Laboratory Techniques/Dichotomous Keys 2 Jan 23 Fish Systematics 3 Jan 31 *Field Exercise 4 Feb 7 Keying Exercise - Fishes 5 Feb 14 Amphibians Systematics 6 Feb 21 *Field Exercise 7 Feb 28 Keying Exercise - Amphibians 8 Mar 6 Reptile Systematics 9 Mar 13 SPRING BREAK 10 Mar 20 *Field Exercise 11 Mar 27 Keying Exercise - Reptiles 12 Apr 3 *Field Exercise Apr 4-6 **HIGHLANDS TRIP 13 Apr 10 *Field Trip- Riverbanks Zoo 14 Apr 17 *Field Exercise Apr 18-19 **EDISTO ISLAND TRIP 15 Apr 24 LAB FINAL *Field Exercises will include small mammal trapping, singing male bird counts, and vertebrate collecting. In the event of inclement weather, specimen preservation techniques will be conducted in the laboratory. **Required Field Trips: Blue Ridge Mountains/Highlands Biological Station: Apr 4 - 6 Coastal Plain/Edisto Island: April 18 - 19 If you have schedule conflicts or are otherwise unable to attend the required field trips, the requirement may be satisfied with a written critique of selected journal articles. Field Trip Costs 2 The cost for each required weekend field trip is approximately $50 per student. There are no costs associated with local class field trips except one trip to the Riverbanks Zoo on April 17 which will require a $7.00 entry fee. 3