ABIO540 Cancer Biology

SBDG 216
Cancer Biology
MW 1:00-2:15 pm
3 credit hours
Instructor: Dr. Stephanie J. Muga
Office: SBDG 208
Phone: 803.641.3371
Email: stephaniem@usca.edu
Office Hours: By Appointment
Required lecture text: The Biology of Cancer, Robert A. Weinberg
Course Objectives: This course will introduce the student to human cancer biology. Upon completion of this course,
students will be expected to understand the following:
The basic biochemical operations of dysfunctional cells and tissues including gene expression.
The pathology of cancer.
Growth factor signaling and oncogenes
Cell Cycle.
Growth inhibition and tumor suppressor genes.
Stem Cells and Differentiation.
Cell Immortalization and Multistep Tumorigenesis
Invasion and Metastasis.
The role of inflammation and inflammatory processes in cancer.
Nutrients, hormones, and gene interactions.
The Cancer industry: diagnostics, therapeutics, immunotherapy.
Students will have the unique opportunity to hear from several prominent cancer researchers within the USC and
Georgia Health Sciences community. Students will learn how to ask thoughtful questions and gain more expertise in
developing their critical thinking skills via classroom discussions, a research paper, and interactions with the instructor,
their peers, and the guest speakers.
Methods of Presentation and Evaluation: Information will be presented through lectures and class discussion along
with appropriate visual aids, usually presented in PowerPoint format. Traditional lecture exams will be used to evaluate
student progress in the class. These exams will consist largely of discussion questions and from time to time will include
multiple choice questions and questions regarding terms/definitions. Students are expected to read book chapters on
their own.
4 Lecture exams @ 100 pts. each
10 Quizzes @ 10 pts each
1 research paper
Attendance & Participation
750 total points available
Grades: A (90% and above), B+ (85-89%), B (80-84%), C+ (75-79%), C (70-74%), D+ (65-69%), D (60-64%), F (below 60%)
Changes: The instructor reserves the right to make changes in the lecture schedule, number of exams given, grading
scheme, and the contents of each exam as deemed necessary.
Attendance Policy: It is mandatory for students to attend lecture class; the instructor may impose a penalty for absences
in excess of 25% of regularly scheduled class meetings (lectures and labs) by assigning an “F” in the course. Absences,
neither excused nor unexcused, do not absolve the student from meeting class assignments. Attending lecture and lab
and taking notes is the sole responsibility of the student. Under no circumstance will the instructor provide copies of
PowerPoint slides for students. Lecture and laboratory exam dates are clearly stated in the syllabus, and all students are
expected to take exams at the regularly scheduled time. Make-up lecture exams will be considered only for a
documented, excusable reason. If there is an illness or emergency, you are expected to contact the instructor
immediately and be prepared to show documentation (doctor’s excuse, etc.). Failure to contact the instructor within 24
hours will forfeit any chance of making up the exam.
Electronic Devices: Plan to be out of touch and to have your cell phone stored out of sight during lecture and lab time.
This includes leaving the room to answer silent rings or using the phone for text messages. If cell phones become a
problem in this class, all phones will be collected and placed in a basket at the instructor’s desk; the phones will only be
given back at the end of the class period. Cells phones, ipods, portable computers and any other electronic devices are
strictly prohibited unless prior permission has been given to the student by the instructor. Unauthorized use of any
electronic devices will be taken from the student and the student will be required 1) to write an essay on their
inappropriate use of the item and why they need this item back in their possession and/or 2) asked to perform some
task in front of the entire class to earn back the item. Students exhibiting any type of disruptions or inappropriate
behavior during class will be reprimanded in class.
If a student is seen touching, holding, or using any portable electronic device during a test period without the prior
consent of the instructor, the instructor will assume that the student is cheating and the test will be recovered and an
F or 0 will be given to that student for the assignment. If you notice that others are violating policy including cheating
or other type of dishonesty, it is your duty to inform the instructor or the instructor’s official representative
immediately. If you do not report these incidences, than you are as guilty as the person(s) committing the offense.
Punishment will be swift and at the discretion of the instructor including points being deducted from the entire class.
Classroom Behavior: It is the instructor’s right to remove from the classroom any student who disrupts or disturbs the
proceeding of the class. Disruption of the class includes but is not limited to the use of any portable electronic devices,
including cell phones, MP3 players; iPods, etc. unless prior approval has been given to a student or unless required for
the course. In extreme cases the faculty member can request assistance from University Police. If the student who has
been ejected causes similar disturbances in subsequent meetings of the class, he/she may be denied admittance to the
class for the remainder of the semester and assigned a grade of F.
Computer Use and Email: All official email communications, including class announcements, are made to USCA email
accounts. Students should check their USCA email account on a regular basis and use this account for communication
with the instructor. In order to protect the privacy of the student, the instructor will not reply to emails sent from nonUSCA accounts (e.g., Hotmail, Yahoo, etc.). Grades and other pertinent class information will be posted to Blackboard
which may be accessed through VIP (http://vip.sc.edu).
Disability Statement: If you have a physical, psychological, and/or learning disability that might affect your performance
in this class, please contact the Office of Disability Services, B&E 134, (803) 643-6816, as soon as possible. The Office of
Disability Services will determine appropriate accommodations based on documentation.
Honor Pledge: Students will be expected to endorse the USCA HONOR PLEDGE on every assignment: 'On my honor as a
University of South Carolina Aiken student, I have neither given nor received any unauthorized aid on this
assignment/examination. To the best of my knowledge, I am not in violation of academic honesty'.
Lecture Schedule
Lecture Topic
Aug 27 M
Introduction – Review of General Cell Biology, Translation,
Transcription, Genotype, Phenotype, Genetics
Introduction – Review of General Cell Biology, Translation,
Aug 29 W
Transcription, Genotype, Phenotype, Genetics
Book Chapter
1, 2
Nov 5 M
What is Cancer?
What is Cancer?
Pathobiology of Cancer
Benign vs. Malignant; Diagnosis, Grading & Staging
(Histological Analysis)
Pathology of Cancer
Classification & Nomenclature, Terms of Cancer
Exam I
Tumor Viruses
Growth Factor Signaling & Oncogenes
Growth Factor Signaling & Oncogenes
Growth Inhibition & Tumor Suppressor Genes
Growth Inhibition & Tumor Suppressor Genes
Cell Cycle Control & pRb
Interaction of pRb and p53
p53 and Apoptosis
Exam II
Cell Immortalization (Telomeres) & Tumorigenesis
Transcription Factors and Transcriptional Regulation
Multi-step Tumorigenesis
Tumor Promotion, Tumor promoters
Multi-step Tumorigenesis
Infections & Inflammation (Acute vs. Chronic)
Multistep Tumorigenesis
Nutrients, Hormones, & Gene Interactions
Exam III
Nov 7 W
Dr. Theresa Smith – Lung Cancer
Nov 12 M
Dr. Mike Wyatt – DNA Base Repair & Cancer
Nov 14 W
Dr. Lucia Pirisi-Creek – E6/E7 and Cancer
Nov 19 M
Nov 21 W
Nov 26 M
Nov 28 W
Dr. Kim Creek – HPV and Cancer
Thanksgiving NO CLASSES
Angiogenesis & Invasion
Dec 3 M
Dec 5 W
Dec 10 M
Dr. Phil Buckhaults – Cancer Epigenetics
Treatment of Cancer
Exam IV 2 pm
Sept 3 M
Sept 5 W
Sept 10 M
Sept 12 W
Sept 17 M
Sept 19 W
Sept 24 M
Sept 26 W
Oct 1 M
Oct 3 W
Oct 8 M
Oct 10 W
Oct 15 M
Oct 17 W
Oct 22 M
Oct 24 W
Oct 29 M
Oct 31 W
4, 5, 6
4, 5, 6
8, 9
13, 14
15, 16
It may be necessary to alter the lecture schedule based on schedules/conflicts with the guest speakers or other issues as
they arise. The research paper will be due December 7, 2012 and must be submitted as a hardcopy and via Blackboard
through safe assignments.