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Fixed Point Theory and Applications
Volume 2010, Article ID 978121, 15 pages
Research Article
Common Fixed Point Results in
Metric-Type Spaces
Mirko Jovanović,1 Zoran Kadelburg,2 and Stojan Radenović3
Faculty of Electrical Engineering, University of Belgrade, Bulevar kralja Aleksandra 73,
11000 Beograd, Serbia
Faculty of Mathematics, University of Belgrade, Studentski Trg 16, 11000 Beograd, Serbia
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, University of Belgrade, Kraljice Marije 16,
11120 Beograd, Serbia
Correspondence should be addressed to Stojan Radenović,
Received 16 October 2010; Accepted 8 December 2010
Academic Editor: Tomonari Suzuki
Copyright q 2010 Mirko Jovanović et al. This is an open access article distributed under the
Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and
reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Several fixed point and common fixed point theorems are obtained in the setting of metric-type
spaces introduced by M. A. Khamsi in 2010.
1. Introduction
Symmetric spaces were introduced in 1931 by Wilson 1, as metric-like spaces lacking the
triangle inequality. Several fixed point results in such spaces were obtained, for example, in
2–4. A new impulse to the theory of such spaces was given by Huang and Zhang 5 when
they reintroduced cone metric spaces replacing the set of real numbers by a cone in a Banach
space, as the codomain of a metric such spaces were known earlier under the name of Kmetric spaces, see 6. Namely, it was observed in 7 that if dx, y is a cone metric on the
set X in the sense of 5, then Dx, y dx, y is symmetric with some special properties,
particularly in the case when the underlying cone is normal. The space X, D was then called
the symmetric space associated with cone metric space X, d.
The last observation also led Khamsi 8 to introduce a new type of spaces which he
called metric-type spaces, satisfying basic properties of the associated space X, D, D d.
Some fixed point results were obtained in metric-type spaces in the papers 7–10.
In this paper we prove several other fixed point and common fixed point results in
metric-type spaces. In particular, metric-type versions of very well-known results of HardyRogers, Ćirić, Das-Naik, Fisher, and others are obtained.
Fixed Point Theory and Applications
2. Preliminaries
Let X be a nonempty set. Suppose that a mapping D : X × X → 0, ∞ satisfies the
s1 Dx, y 0 if and only if x y;
s2 Dx, y Dy, x, for all x, y ∈ X.
Then D is called a symmetric on X, and X, D is called a symmetric space 1.
Let E be a real Banach space. A nonempty subset P /
{0} of E is called a cone if P is
closed, if a, b ∈ R, a, b ≥ 0, and x, y ∈ P imply ax by ∈ P , and if P ∩ −P {0}. Given a cone
P ⊂ E, we define the partial ordering with respect to P by x y if and only if y − x ∈ P .
Let X be a nonempty set. Suppose that a mapping d : X × X → E satisfies the
co 1 0 dx, y for all x, y ∈ X and dx, y 0 if and only if x y;
co 2 dx, y dy, x for all x, y ∈ X;
co 3 dx, y dx, z dz, y for all x, y, z ∈ X.
Then d is called a cone metric on X and X, d is called a cone metric space 5.
If X, d is a cone metric space, the function Dx, y dx, y is easily seen to be a
symmetric on X 7, 8. Following 7, the space X, D will then be called associated symmetric
space with the cone metric space X, d. If the underlying cone P of X, d is normal i.e., if, for
some k ≥ 1, 0 x y always implies x ≤ ky, the symmetric D satisfies some additional
properties. This led M.A. Khamsi to introduce a new type of spaces which he called metric
type spaces. We will use the following version of his definition.
Definition 2.1 see 8. Let X be a nonempty set, let K ≥ 1 be a real number, and let the
function D : X × X → R satisfy the following properties:
a Dx, y 0 if and only if x y;
b Dx, y Dy, x for all x, y ∈ X;
c Dx, z ≤ KDx, y Dy, z for all x, y, z ∈ X.
Then X, D, K is called a metric-type space.
Obviously, for K 1, metric-type space is simply a metric space.
A metric type space may satisfy some of the following additional properties:
d Dx, z ≤ KDx, y1 Dy1 , y2 · · · Dyn , z for arbitrary points x, y1 ,
y2 , . . . , yn , z ∈ X;
e function D is continuous in two variables; that is,
xn −→ x,
yn −→ y in X, D, K imply D xn , yn −→ D x, y .
The last condition is in the theory of symmetric spaces usually called “property HE ”.
Fixed Point Theory and Applications
Condition d was used instead of c in the original definition of a metric-type space
by Khamsi 8. Both conditions d and e are satisfied by the symmetric Dx, y dx, y
which is associated with a cone metric d with a normal cone see 7–9.
Note that the weaker version of property e:
e xn → x and yn → x in X, D, K imply that Dxn , yn → 0
is satisfied in an arbitrary metric type space. It can also be proved easily that the limit of a
sequence in a metric type space is unique. Indeed, if xn → x and xn → y in X, D, K and
Dx, y ε > 0, then
ε ε
0 ≤ D x, y ≤ K Dx, xn D xn , y < K
2K 2K
for sufficiently large n, which is impossible.
The notions such as convergent sequence, Cauchy sequence, and complete space are defined
in an obvious way.
We prove in this paper several versions of fixed point and common fixed point results
in metric type spaces. We start with versions of classical Banach, Kannan and Zamfirescu
results then proceed with Hardy-Rogers-type theorems, and with quasicontractions of Ćirić
and Das-Naik, and results for four mappings of Fisher and finally conclude with a result for
strict contractions.
Recall also that a mapping f : X → X is said to have property P 11 if Fix f n Fix f for each n ∈ N, where Fix f stands for the set of fixed points of f.
A point w ∈ X is called a point of coincidence of a pair of self-maps f, g : X → X and
u ∈ X is its coincidence point if fu gu w. Mappings f and g are weakly compatible if fgu gfu for each of their coincidence points u 12, 13. The notion of occasionally weak compatibility
is also used in some papers, but it was shown in 14 that it is actually superfluous.
3. Results
We begin with a simple, but useful lemma.
Lemma 3.1. Let {yn } be a sequence in a metric type space X, D, K such that
D yn , yn1 ≤ λD yn−1 , yn
for some λ, 0 < λ < 1/K, and each n 1, 2, . . . . Then {yn } is a Cauchy sequence in X, D, K.
Proof. Let m, n ∈ N and m < n. Applying the triangle-type inequality c to triples
{ym , ym1 , yn }, {ym1 , ym2 , yn }, . . . , {yn−2 , yn−1 , yn } we obtain
Fixed Point Theory and Applications
D ym , yn ≤ K D ym , ym1 D ym1 , yn
≤ KD ym , ym1 K 2 D ym1 , ym2 D ym2 , yn
≤ · · · ≤ KD ym , ym1 K 2 D ym1 , ym2 · · ·
K n−m−1 D yn−2 , yn−1 D yn−1 , yn
≤ KD ym , ym1 K 2 D ym1 , ym2 · · ·
K n−m−1 D yn−2 , yn−1 K n−m D yn−1 , yn .
Now 3.1 and Kλ < 1 imply that
D ym , yn ≤ Kλm K 2 λm1 · · · K n−m λn−1 D y0 , y1
Kλm 1 Kλ · · · Kλn−m−1 D y0 , y1
Kλm D y0 , y1 −→ 0
1 − Kλ
when m −→ ∞.
It follows that {yn } is a Cauchy sequence.
Remark 3.2. If, instead of triangle-type inequality c, we use stronger condition d, then a
weaker condition 0 < λ < 1 can be used in the previous lemma to obtain the same conclusion.
The proof is similar.
Next is the simplest: Banach-type version of a fixed point result for contractive
mappings in a metric type space.
Theorem 3.3. Let X, D, K be a complete metric type space, and let f : X → X be a map such that
for some λ, 0 < λ < 1/K,
D fx, fy ≤ λD x, y
holds for all x, y ∈ X. Then f has a unique fixed point z, and for every x0 ∈ X, the sequence {f n x0 }
converges to z.
Proof. Take an arbitrary x0 ∈ X and denote yn f n x0 . Then
D yn , yn1 D fyn−1 , fyn ≤ λD yn−1 , yn
for each n 1, 2 . . . . Lemma 3.1 implies that {yn } is a Cauchy sequence, and since X, D, K
is complete, there exists z ∈ X such that yn → z when n → ∞. Then
D fz, z ≤ K D fz, fyn D yn1 , z ≤ K λD z, yn D yn1 , z −→ 0,
when n → ∞. Hence, Dfz, z 0 and z is a fixed point of f.
Fixed Point Theory and Applications
If z1 is another fixed point of f, then Dz, z1 Dfz, fz1 ≤ λDz, z1 which is
possible only if z z1 .
Remark 3.4. In a standard way we prove that the following estimate holds for the sequence
{f n x0 }:
K 2 λm D x0 , fx0
D f m x0 , z ≤
1 − Kλ
for each m ∈ N. Indeed, for m < n,
K 2 λm D x0 , fx0 KD f n x0 , z ,
D f m x0 , z ≤ K D f m x0 , f n x0 D f n x0 , z ≤
1 − Kλ
and passing to the limit when n → ∞, we obtain estimate 3.7.
Note that continuity of function D property e was not used.
The first part of the following result was obtained, under the additional assumption of
boundedness of the orbit, in 8, Theorem 3.3.
Theorem 3.5. Let X, D, K be a complete metric type space. Let f : X → X be a map such that
for every n ∈ N there is λn ∈ 0, 1 such that Df n x, f n y ≤ λn Dx, y for all x, y ∈ X and let
limn → ∞ λn 0. Then f has a unique fixed point z. Moreover, f has the property P.
Proof. Take λ such that 0 < λ < 1/K. Since λn → 0, n → ∞, there exists n0 ∈ N such that
λn < λ for each n ≥ n0 . Then Df n x, f n y ≤ λDx, y for all x, y ∈ X whenever n ≥ n0 .
In other words, for any m ≥ n0 , g f m satisfies Dgx, gy ≤ λDx, y for all x, y ∈ X.
Theorem 3.3 implies that g has a unique fixed point, say z. Then f m z z, implying that
f m1 z f m fz fz and fz is a fixed point of g f m . Since the fixed point of g is unique, it
follows that fz z and z is also a fixed point of f.
From the given condition we get that Dfx, f 2 x Dfx, ffx ≤ λ1 Dx, fx for some
∅, implies, in the same way as in
λ1 < 1 and each x ∈ X. This property, together with Fixf /
11, Theorem 1.1, that f has the property P.
Remark 3.6. If, in addition to the assumptions of previous theorem, we suppose that the series
n1 λn converges and that D satisfies property d, we can prove that, for each x ∈ X, the
respective Picard sequence {f n x} converges to the fixed point z.
Indeed, let m, n ∈ N and n > m. Then
D f m x, f n x ≤ K D f m x, f m1 x · · · D f n−1 xf n x
K D f m x, f m fx · · · D f n−1 x, f n−1 fx
≤ Kλm · · · λn−1 D x, fx −→ 0,
when m → ∞ due to the convergence of the given series. So, {f n x} is a Cauchy sequence
and it is convergent. For m chosen in the proof of Theorem 3.5 such that f m g, it is g n f mn
Fixed Point Theory and Applications
and g n x → z when n → ∞, but {f mn x} is a subsequence of {f n x} which is convergent;
hence, the latter converges to z.
The next is a common fixed point theorem of Hardy-Rogers type see, e.g., 15 in
metric type spaces.
Theorem 3.7. Let X, D, K be a metric type space, and let f, g : X → X be two mappings such that
fX ⊂ gX and one of these subsets of X is complete. Suppose that there exist nonnegative coefficients
ai , i 1, . . . , 5 such that
2Ka1 K 1a2 a3 K 2 K a4 a5 < 2
and that for all x, y ∈ X
D fx, fy ≤ a1 D gx, gy a2 D gx, fx a3 D gy, fy a4 D gx, fy a5 D gy, fx
holds. Then f and g have a unique point of coincidence. If, moreover, the pair f, g is weakly
compatible, then f and g have a unique common fixed point.
Note that condition 3.10 is satisfied, for example, when 5i1 ai < 1/K 2 . Note also
that when K 1 it reduces to the standard Hardy-Rogers condition in metric spaces.
Proof. Suppose, for example, that gX is complete. Take an arbitrary x0 ∈ X and, using that
fX ⊂ gX, construct a Jungck sequence {yn } defined by yn fxn gxn1 , n 0, 1, 2, . . . . Let
us prove that this is a Cauchy sequence. Indeed, using 3.11, we get that
D yn , yn1 D fxn , fxn1 ≤ a1 D gxn , gxn1 a2 D gxn , fxn
a3 D gxn1 , fxn1 a4 D gxn , fxn1 a5 D gxn1 , fxn
a1 D yn−1 , yn a2 D yn−1 , yn a3 D yn , yn1
a4 D yn−1 , yn1 a5 · 0
≤ a1 a2 D yn−1 , yn a3 D yn , yn1
a4 K D yn−1 , yn D yn , yn1
a1 a2 Ka4 D yn−1 , yn a3 Ka4 D yn , yn1 .
Similarly, we conclude that
D yn1 , yn D fxn1 , fxn ≤ a1 a3 Ka5 D yn−1 , yn a2 Ka5 D yn , yn1 . 3.13
Adding the last two inequalities, we get that
2D yn , yn1 ≤ 2a1 a2 a3 Ka4 Ka5 D yn−1 , yn a2 a3 Ka4 Ka5 D yn , yn1 ,
Fixed Point Theory and Applications
that is,
2a1 a2 a3 Ka4 Ka5 D yn , yn1 ≤
D yn−1 , yn λD yn−1 , yn .
2 − a2 − a3 − Ka4 − Ka5
The assumption 3.10 implies that
2Ka1 Ka2 Ka3 K 2 a4 a5 < 2 − a2 − a3 − Ka4 − Ka5 ,
2a1 a2 a3 Ka4 Ka5
< .
2 − a2 − a3 − Ka4 − Ka5
Lemma 3.1 implies that {yn } is a Cauchy sequence in gX and so there is z ∈ X such that
fxn gxn1 → gz when n → ∞. We will prove that fz gz.
Using 3.11 we conclude that
D fxn , fz ≤ a1 D gxn , gz a2 D gxn , fxn a3 D gz, fz
a4 D gxn , fz a5 D gz, fxn
≤ a1 D gxn , gz a2 D gxn , fxn a3 K D gz, fxn D fxn , fz
a4 K D gxn , fxn D fxn , fz a5 D gz, fxn
a1 D gxn , gz a2 Ka4 D gxn , fxn
Ka3 a5 D gz, fxn Ka3 a4 D fxn , fz .
D fz, fxn ≤ a1 D gxn , gz Ka2 a4 D gz, fxn
Ka2 a5 D fxn , fz a3 Ka5 D fxn , gxn .
Adding up, one concludes that
2 − Ka2 a3 a4 a5 D fxn , fz
≤ 2a1 D gxn , gz a2 a3 Ka4 a5 D fxn , gxn
Ka2 a3 a4 a5 D fxn , gz .
The right-hand side of the last inequality tends to 0 when n → ∞. Since Ka2 a3 a4 a5 <
2Ka1 K 1a2 a3 K 2 Ka4 a5 < 2 because of 3.10, it is 2−Ka2 a3 a4 a5 > 0,
and so also the left-hand side tends to 0, and fxn → fz. Since the limit of a sequence is
unique, it follows that fz gz w and f and g have a point of coincidence w.
Fixed Point Theory and Applications
Suppose that w1 fz1 gz1 is another point of coincidence for f and g. Then 3.11
implies that
Dw, w1 D fz, fz1
≤ a1 D gz, gz1 a2 D gz, fz a3 D gz1 , fz1
a4 D gz, fz1 a5 D gz1 , fz
a1 Dw, w1 a2 · 0 a3 · 0 a4 Dw, w1 a5 Dw1 , w
a1 a4 a5 Dw, w1 .
Since a1 a4 a5 < 1 because of 3.10, the last relation is possible only if w w1 . So, the
point of coincidence is unique.
If f, g is weakly compatible, then 13, Proposition 1.12 implies that f and g have a
unique common fixed point.
Taking special values for constants ai , we obtain as special cases Theorem 3.3 as well
as metric type versions of some other well-known theorems Kannan, Zamfirescu, see, e.g.,
Corollary 3.8. Let X, D, K be a metric type space, and let f, g : X → X be two mappings such that
fX ⊂ gX and one of these subsets of X is complete. Suppose that one of the following three conditions
1◦ Dfx, fy ≤ a1 Dgx, gy for some a1 < 1/K and all x, y ∈ X;
2◦ Dfx, fy ≤ a2 Dgx, fx Dgy, fy for some a2 < 1/K 1 and all x, y ∈ X;
3◦ Dfx, fy ≤ a4 Dgx, fy Dgy, fx for some a4 < 1/K 2 K and all x, y ∈ X.
Then f and g have a unique point of coincidence. If, moreover, the pair f, g is weakly
compatible, then f and g have a unique common fixed point.
Putting g iX in Theorem 3.7, we get metric type version of Hardy-Rogers theorem
which is obviously a special case for K 1.
Corollary 3.9. Let X, D, K be a complete metric type space, and let f : X → X satisfy
D fx, fy ≤ a1 D x, y a2 D x, fx a3 D y, fy a4 D x, fy a5 D y, fx
for some ai , i 1, . . . , 5 satisfying 3.10 and for all x, y ∈ X. Then f has a unique fixed point.
Moreover, f has property P.
Fixed Point Theory and Applications
Proof. We have only to prove the last assertion. For arbitrary x ∈ X, we have that
D fx, f 2 x D fx, ffx
≤ a1 D x, fx a2 D x, fx a3 D fx, f 2 x a4 D x, f 2 x a5 D fx, fx
≤ a1 a2 Ka4 D x, fx a3 Ka4 D fx, f 2 x ,
and similarly
D f 2 x, fx D ffx, fx ≤ a1 a3 Ka5 D x, fx a2 Ka5 D fx, f 2 x .
Adding the last two inequalities, we obtain
2a a a Ka a 1
D fx, f 2 x ≤
D x, fx λD x, fx .
2 − a2 − a3 − Ka4 a5 3.24
Similarly as in the proof of Theorem 3.7, we get that λ < 1/K < 1. Now 11, Theorem 1.1
implies that f has property P.
Remark 3.10. If the metric-type function D satisfies both properties d and e, then it is
easy to see that condition 3.10 in Theorem 3.7 and the last corollary can be weakened to
a1 a2 a3 Ka4 a5 < 1. In particular, this is the case when Dx, y dx, y for a cone
metric d on X over a normal cone, see 7.
The next is a possible metric-type variant of a common fixed point result for Ćirić and
Das-Naik quasicontractions 16, 17.
Theorem 3.11. Let X, D, K be a metric type space, and let f, g : X → X be two mappings such
that fX ⊂ gX and one of these subsets of X is complete. Suppose that there exists λ, 0 < λ < 1/K
such that for all x, y ∈ X
D fx, fy ≤ λ max M f, g; x, y ,
M f, g; x, y D gx, fy D gy, fx
D gx, gy , D gx, fx , D gy, fy ,
Then f and g have a unique point of coincidence. If, moreover, the pair f, g is weakly compatible,
then f and g have a unique common fixed point.
Fixed Point Theory and Applications
Proof. Let x0 ∈ X be arbitrary and, using condition fX ⊂ gX, construct a Jungck sequence
{yn } satisfying yn fxn gxn1 , n 0, 1, 2, . . . . Suppose that Dyn , yn1 > 0 for each n
otherwise the conclusion follows easily. Using 3.25 we conclude that
D yn1 , yn
D fxn1 , fxn
D gxn1 , fxn D gxn , fxn1
≤ λ max D gxn1 , gxn , D gxn1 , fxn1 , D gxn , fxn ,
D yn−1 , yn1
λ max D yn , yn−1 , D yn , yn1 , D yn−1 , yn , 0,
1 ≤ λ max D yn , yn−1 , D yn−1 , yn D yn , yn1
If Dyn , yn−1 < Dyn1 , yn , then Dyn , yn−1 < 1/2Dyn−1 , yn Dyn , yn1 <
Dyn , yn1 , and it would follow from 3.27 that Dyn1 , yn ≤ λDyn1 , yn which is
impossible since λ < 1. For the same reason the term Dyn , yn1 was omitted in the last
row of the previous series of inequalities. Hence, Dyn , yn−1 > Dyn1 , yn and 3.27
becomes Dyn1 , yn ≤ λDyn , yn−1 . Using Lemma 3.1, we conclude that {yn } is a Cauchy
sequence in gX. Supposing that, for example, the last subset of X is complete, we conclude
that yn fxn gxn1 → gz when n → ∞ for some z ∈ X.
To prove that fz gz, put x xn and y z in 3.25 to get
D gxn , fz D gz, fxn
D fxn , fz ≤ λ max D gxn , gz , D gxn , fxn , D gz, fz ,
Note that fxn → gz and gxn → gz when n → ∞, implying that Dgxn , fxn ≤
KDgxn , gz Dgz, fxn → 0 when n → ∞. It follows that the only possibilities are
the following:
1◦ Dfxn , fz ≤ λDgz, fz ≤ λKDgz, fxn Dfxn , fz; in this case 1 −
λKDfxn , fz ≤ λKDgz, fxn → 0, and since 1 − λK > 0, it follows that
fxn → fz.
2◦ Dfxn , fz ≤ λ1/2KDgxn , fz ≤ λ/2Dgxn , fxn Dfxn , fz; in this case,
1 − λ/2Dfxn , fz ≤ λ/2Dgxn , fxn → 0, so again fxn → fz, n → ∞.
Since the limit of a sequence is unique, it follows that fz gz.
The rest of conclusion follows as in the proof of Theorem 3.7.
Fixed Point Theory and Applications
Putting g iX , we obtain the first part of the following corollary.
Corollary 3.12. Let X, D, K be a complete metric type space, and let f : X → X be such that for
some λ, 0 < λ < 1/K, and for all x, y ∈ X,
D x, fy D y, fx
D fx, fy ≤ λ max D x, y , D x, fx , D y, fy ,
holds. Then f has a unique fixed point, say z. Moreover, the function f is continuous at point z and it
has the property P.
Proof. Let xn → z when n → ∞. Then
D xn , fz D fxn , z
D fxn , fz ≤ λ max Dxn , z, D xn , fxn , D z, fz ,
D fxn , z
λ max Dxn , z, D xn , fxn ,
Since Dxn , z → 0 and Dxn , fxn ≤ KDxn , z Dfz, fxn , the only possibility is that
Dfx, fz ≤ λKDxn , zDfz, fxn , implying that 1−λKDfxn , fz ≤ λKDxn , z → 0,
n → ∞. Since 0 < λK < 1, it follows that fxn → fz z, n → ∞, and f is continuous at the
point z.
We will prove that f satisfies
D fx, f 2 x ≤ hD x, fx
for some h, 0 < h < 1 and each x ∈ X.
Applying 3.29 to the points x and fx for any x ∈ X, we conclude that
Dx, f 2 x Dfx, fx
D fx, f x ≤ λ max D x, fx , D x, fx , D fx, f x ,
Dx, f 2 x
λ max D x, fx , D fx, f x ,
The following cases are possible:
1◦ Dfx, f 2 x ≤ λDx, fx, and 3.31 holds with h λ;
2◦ Dfx, f 2 x ≤ λDfx, f 2 x, which is only possible if Dfx, f 2 x 0 and then 3.31
obviously holds.
3◦ Dfx, f 2 x ≤ λ/2KDx, f 2 x ≤ λ/2KKDx, fx Dfx, f 2 x, implying that
1 − λ/2Dfx, f 2 x ≤ λ/2Dx, fx and Dfx, f 2 x ≤ hDx, fx, where 0 < h λ/2 − λ < 1 since 0 < λ < 1.
Fixed Point Theory and Applications
So, relation 3.31 holds for some h, 0 < h < 1 and each x ∈ X. Using the mentioned
analogue of 11, Theorem 1.1, one obtains that f satisfies property P.
We will now prove a generalization and an extension of Fisher’s theorem on four
mappings from 18 to metric type spaces. Note that, unlike in 18, we will not use the
case when f and S, as well as g and T , commute, neither when S and T are continuous. Also,
function D need not be continuous i.e., we do not use property e.
Theorem 3.13. Let X, D, K be a metric type space, and let f, g, S, T : X → X be four mappings
such that fX ⊂ T X and gX ⊂ SX, and suppose that at least one of these four subsets of X is complete.
D fx, gy ≤ λD Sx, T y
holds for some λ, 0 < λ < 1/K and all x, y ∈ X. Then pairs f, S and g, T have a unique common
point of coincidence. If, moreover, pairs f, S and g, T are weakly compatible, then f, g, S, and T
have a unique common fixed point.
Proof. Let x0 ∈ X be arbitrary and construct sequences {xn } and {yn } such that
fx2n−2 T x2n−1 y2n−1 ,
gx2n−1 Sx2n y2n
for n 1, 2, . . . . We will prove that condition 3.1 holds for n 1, 2, . . . . Indeed,
D y2n1 , y2n2 D fx2n , gx2n1 ≤ λDSx2n , T x2n1 λD y2n , y2n1 ,
D y2n3 , y2n2 D fx2n2 , gx2n1 ≤ λDSx2n2 , T x2n1 λD y2n2 , y2n1 .
Using Lemma 3.1, we conclude that {yn } is a Cauchy sequence. Suppose, for example, that
SX is a complete subset of X. Then yn → u Sv, n → ∞, for some v ∈ X. Of course,
subsequences {y2n−1 } and {y2n } also converge to u. Let us prove that fv u. Using 3.33,
we get that
D fv, u ≤ K D fv, gx2n−1 D gx2n−1 , u
≤ K λDSv, T x2n−1 D gx2n−1 , u −→ Kλ · 0 0 0.
hence fv u Sv. Since u ∈ fX ⊂ T X, we get that there exists w ∈ X such that T w u. Let
us prove that also gw u. Using 3.33, again we conclude that
D gw, u ≤ K D gw, fx2n D fx2n , u
≤ K λDSx2n , T w D fx2n , u −→ Kλ · 0 0 0,
implying that gw u T w. We have proved that u is a common point of coincidence for
pairs f, S and g, T .
Fixed Point Theory and Applications
If now these pairs are weakly compatible, then for example, fu fSv Sfv Su z1 and gu gT w T gw T u z2 for example, . Moreover, Dz1 , z2 Dfu, gu ≤
λDSu, T u λDz1 , z2 and 0 < λ < 1 implies that z1 z2 . So, we have that fu gu Su T u. It remains to prove that, for example, u gu. Indeed, Du, gu Dfv, gu ≤
λDSv, T u λDu, gu, implying that u gu. The proof that this common fixed point of
f, g, S, and T is unique is straightforward.
We conclude with a metric type version of a fixed point theorem for strict contractions.
The proof is similar to the respective proof, for example, for cone metric spaces in 5. An
example follows showing that additional condition of sequential compactness cannot be
Theorem 3.14. Let a metric type space X, D, K be sequentially compact, and let D be a continuous
function (satisfying property (e)). If f : X → X is a mapping such that
D fx, fy < D x, y ,
for x, y ∈ X, x /
then f has a unique fixed point.
Proof. According to 9, Theorem 3.1, sequential compactness and compactness are
equivalent in metric type spaces, and also continuity is a sequential property. The given
condition 3.38 of strict continuity implies that a fixed point of f is unique if it exists and
that both mappings f and f 2 are continuous. Let x0 ∈ X be an arbitrary point, and let {xn } be
the respective Picard sequence i.e., xn f n x0 . If xn xn1 for some n, then xn is a unique
xn1 for each n 0, 1, 2, . . ., then
fixed point. If xn /
Dn : Dxn1 , xn D f n1 x0 , f n x0 < D f n x0 , f n−1 x0 Dn−1 .
Hence, there exists D∗ , such that 0 ≤ D∗ ≤ Dn for each n and Dn → D∗ , n → ∞. Using
sequential compactness of X, choose a subsequence {xni } of {xn } that converges to some
x∗ ∈ X when i → ∞. The continuity of f and f 2 implies that
fxni −→ fx∗ ,
f 2 xni → f 2 x∗
when i −→ ∞,
and the continuity of the symmetric D implies that
D fxni , xni −→ D fx∗ , x∗ ,
D f 2 xni , fxni −→ D f 2 x∗ , fx∗
when i −→ ∞.
It follows that Dfxni , xni Dni → D∗ Dfx∗ , x∗ . It remains to prove that fx∗ x∗ . If
x∗ , then D∗ > 0 and 3.41 implies that
fx∗ /
D∗ lim Dni 1 lim D f 2 xni , fxni D f 2 x∗ , fx∗ < D fx∗ , x∗ D∗ .
This is a contradiction.
Fixed Point Theory and Applications
Example 3.15. Let E R2 , P {x, y ∈ E : x, y ≥ 0}, X 1, ∞, and d : X × X → E be
defined by dx, y |x − y|, |x − y|. Then X, d is a cone metric space over a normal cone
with the normal constant K 1 see, e.g.,
√ 5. The associated symmetric is in this case simply
the metric Dx, y dx, y |x − y| 2.
Let f : X → X be defined by fx x 1/x. Then
1 √
2 < x − y 2 D x, y
D fx, fy x − y 1 −
for all x, y ∈ X. Hence, f satisfies condition 3.38 but it has no fixed points. Obviously,
X, D, K is not sequentially compact.
The authors are thankful to the Ministry of Science and Technological Development of Serbia.
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