I ntrn. J. Math. & Math. Sci. (1978)57-62 57 Vol. A FIXED POINT THEOREM FOR A NONLINEAR TYPE CONTRACTION S. A. HUSAIN and V. M. SEHGAL Department of Mathematics University of Wyoming Laramie, Wyoming 82071 (Received January 31, 1978) ABSTRACT. A well-known result of Boyd and Wong [i] on nonlinear contractions is extended. Several other known results are obtained as special cases. INTRODUCTION. In this paper, we extend a well-known result of Boyd and Wong [i] and obtain as consequences several other known results (see [2], [3], [4], [5]). + Throughout this paper, let (X,d) be a complete metric space, R the nonnegatlve (tl,t2,t3,t4,t5):(R+) reals and S / R+ a function which is (a) continuous from right in each coordinate variable (b) nondecreasing in fies the inequality (c) (t,s,s,as,bs) < {a,b} c (0,i,2} with a + 2. b Max{t,s} if t2, t3, t4, t5, Max{t,s} and satis- 0 where Note that (c) implies that (t,t,t,t,t) < t for any t > 0. 2. MAIN RESULTS. The following is the main result of this paper. THEOREM i. Let f,g:X / X be two comutatlve mappings such that (1) fX c X, (ii) g (ill) d(fx,fy) <_ (d(gx,gy), for each x, y is continuous, X. d(fx, gx), d(fy,gy), Then, there exists a unique u d(fx,gy), X with fu gu d(fy,gx)), u. S. A. HUSAIN & V. M. SEHGAL 58 We first prove the following lemma which simplifies the proof of the above theorem. LEMMA. fv Under the conditions of Theorem i, if there exists a v X with fu gv, then there exists a unique u PROOF. g(w) Suppose t d(fv,fw) > 0. Thus fv a contradiction. (2.1) f (w) f(v) implies Then it follows by (iii) that (t,0,0,t,t) t < u. X We show that for any w f(w) gu X such that < (t,t,t,t,t) Now, since fw fw. < t, gw, therefore, f(fw) g(fw) and consequently by (2.1) f(w) f(w), then fu Thus, if we set u g(fw). f(fw) gu u. The uniqueness of u now follows from (2 .). PROOF OF THEOREM i. {yn in X as follows. Yo gx I. Set Yl exists by (i) a Let x be an arbitrary point in X. O Let fxl" Xn+I By (i) there exists a x I fXo. Yo Thus if e X such Construct a sequence Yo Yl "’Yn are that Yn gXn+l" X such that obtained with Let Yn+l Yn fXn+l" fx n’ there Thus, for each n e I (nonnegative Integers), Yn {yn } d(Yn,Yn+l )" We shall show that n I, dn fXn dn+I X. is a Cauchy sequence in For this, let for each Then by (i) and (b), dn+I d(fxn+l,fxn+2) Now, if for some n e I, (2.2) gXn+l" dn+I > dn, _< @(d n,dn,dn+l,0,dn+ then by (b) and (c) <_ (dn, dn+ I, dn+l, 0,2dn+I) < dn+l, dn+l)" (2.3) NONLINEAR TYPE CONTRACTION I, Thus for each n a contradiction. dn+I _< dn, that is 59 {dn } is a nonincreasing + sequence of nonnegative reals and consequently there exists a d e R such that {d / n d. 0, for otherwise by (2.3) and (c), Clearly d d < (d,d,d,0,2d) < d, Thus, a contradiction. - {yn Suppose, now that d / n (2.4) 0. is not a Cauchy sequence. Then there exists a E > 0 such that for each k e I, there exist integers n(k), re(k) with k < n(k) < m(k) satisylng d(Yn(k),Ym(k)) > E. Let m(k) be the least integer greater than n(k) such (2.4) holds. that for each k e I, E < E k <_ d(Yn(k),Ym(k)_l ) d(Yn(k),Ym(k)_l) + Hence, it follows by (2.4) that as k However, for each k E Therefore, as k + k _< E. Consequently, for each k e I, d(Ym(k)_l,Ym(k)) / This implies , / <_ E + d k. (2.5) E. I, <_ dn(k) <_ 2d k + + d(fXn(k)+ffXm(k)+l) + dm(k), Ek, dk, dk, Ek+dk, Ek+dk), , E < (E,0,0,E,E) < E, contradicting the existence of E > 0. Thus, Consequently, there is a v e X such that fx n {yn } gxn+l / {yn } / v. We show that for this v, d(fv,gv) 0. is a Cauchy sequence in X. v, that is (2 6) S. A. HUSAIN & V. M. SEHGAL 60 > 0. Suppose Now by (ii) and (2.6) we have, f gx n gfxn gv and / g2xn + gv. Also, it follows by (b) and (iii) that, d(f(gXn),fv) <_ Therefore, as n + (d(g2Xn,gV) d(fgXn,g2Xn) , a + d(gv,g2Xn)). d(gv, fv) <_ (0,0,a,0,a) < a, gv and hence by the above lemma, there is a unique Thus fv u s X satisfying fu d(fgXn,gV) the above inequality yields that a a contradiction. , gu u. In the special case when g is taken to be the identity map of x in Theorem i, we have COROLLARY i. Let f:X / X satisfy either of the following conditions: for all x,y e X, (A). d(fx, fy) <_ (d(x,y), d(x,fx), d(y,fy), d(x,fy), d(y,fx)). (B). d(fx, fy) <_ a(d(x,fx) + d(y,fy)) + B(d(x, fy) + d(y,fx)) + (d(x,y)) where a (t) < + _> 0, 8 _> 0 and :R / (l-2a-2)t if t > 0. PROOF. + R is a right continuous function satisfying Then f has a unique fixed point in X. The conclusion is an obvious consequence of Theorem i if (A) holds. In case of condition (B), let ’(R+) 5 + (tl,t2,t3,t4,t5) then satisfies conditions + R be defined by (tl) (a), (b) and (c). + a(t 2 + t 3) + B(t 4 + t5). Thus the conclusion again follows by Theorem I. It may be remarked that if a known result of Boyd and Wong [i]. results of Hardy and Rogers B 0 in (B) then Corollary 1 yields a wellIf (t) [2], Kannan [3], results are special cases of Theorem i. at, then Corollary I yields certain Reich [4], Sehgal [5]. All these NONLINEAR TYPE CONTRACTION 61 REFERENCES i. Boyd, D. W. and S. W. Wong. 20 (1969) 458-464. 2. Hardy, G. E. and T. D. Rogers. A Generalization of a Fixed Point Theorem of Reich, Canad. Math. Bull. 16 (2) (1973) 201-206. 3. Kannan, R. 4. Reich, S. 5. Sehgal, V. M. Some Fixed and Common Fixed Point Theorems in Metric Spaces, Canad. Math. Bull. 16 (1974) 257-259. On Nonlinear Contractions, Proc. Amer. Math Soc. Some Remarks on Fixed Points, Bull. Cal. Math. Soc. 60 (1968) 71-76. Kannan’s KEY WORDS AND PHRASES. Fixed Point Theorems, Bull. U.M.I. 4 (1971) i-ii. Nonlinea type coction, Fixed point theorems. AMS(MOS) SUBJECT CLASSIFICATIONS (1970). 47H10o