Oregon state University Mark 0. Hatfield Marine Science Center 2030 Marine Science Drive Newport, Oregon 97365-5296 (503) 867-3011 June 7, 1984 ANNUAL REPORT TO MARINE SCIENCE COMMISSION FROM: Lay ecry. Weber, Director, Hatfield Marine Science Center SUBJECT: Summary of Academic Year 1983-84 at the Mark O. Hatfield Marine Science Center, Oregon State University NAME CHANGE In October of 1983, the Marine Science Center had a name change from Oregon State University Marine Science kience Center to the Mark O. Hatfield Marine Science Center, Oregon State University (HMSC). This decision for a name change came from the State Board of Higher Education. A dedication for the Center's name change occurred on October 30th with The Honorable Mark O. Hatfield as keynote speaker, President Robert Oregon State University, Dr. John V. Byrne repreMacVicar senting the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Dr. Lavern J. Weber, the Hatfield Marine Science Center. BUILDINGS/PHYSICAL PLANT During this past year, the OSU Foundation has placed the marine sciences as a top priority for funding with a high priority within this for the building of our dormitories, which will cost approximately a quarter This past summer our dormitories were again filled with million dollars. students, and we have had heavy visiting faculty usage of the dormitory facilities all year. A breezeway between the main HMSC building and the Newport Aquaculture Laboratory is being built to give rain and wind protection for foot traffic between the federal and state buildings. A major clean up involving painting and general repair to the dormitories was completed in December and this summer a walk way for student traffic will be placed in front of the dormitories. EDUCATION PROGRAM During Winter term of 1984, enrollment was about the same as in the previous two years, although we have had a heavier participation from resident graduate students, and we have had some commuting students for some courses. The general response continues to be good from the students. Spring term, 1984, has somewhat lower enrollment than previous years, and upon investigation it appears that this is a low enrollment Oregon State University is an AA/EEO Employer and Complies with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 2 class for Marine Biology majors at OSU and is not representative of a declining student population. The Summer program of 1983 was a success with both the fisheries and aquaculture classes being well attended. The Marine Biology course, although it had one more student than previous years, was still judged to be a marginal course, in regard to the number of enrollees. For this reason, we had several meetings during Fall term and agreed to revamp that course in attempts to make it less expensive. The Marine Biology class was to be offered this Summer term, 1984 as a 12 credit program for 8 weeks, rather than 15 creaits for 10 weeks. In addition, this past year we had several instructors working together in all day sessions teaching the course. This coming year there was to be no overlap of instructors and the budget for the operation of the course being cut considerably without, we hoped, significantly changing the quality of this now 12-credit hour course. On the 4th of June, we had only five students and the course was cancelled for 1984. In summer, 1983 the fisheries and aquaculture offerings were highly successful with some 13 countries being represented in the student population. Dr. Jerry Rudy and myself, as reported last year, put together a program which which should synchronize coursework between the Oregon Institute of Marine Biology and the HMSC. Although we both had some inquiries, they were, at best, few and no students participated in the sequence. In conversations, we both agree that considerable amounts of recruitment will have to be done to bring about an awareness of this possibility of cooperative programs. Summaries of student enrollment numbers are in the "Statistics" section. FACULTY CHANGES Additions Dr. Ellen Pikitch, Assistant Professor in Fisheries and Wildlife has been hired in a joint position between the Department of Fisheries and She is a Wildlife (OSU) and the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife. population dynamicist with office space in the Newport Aquaculture Laboratory and in the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife building. Dr. John Emlen, Professor (Courtesy) of Wildlife ecology in the Department of Fisheries and Wildlife utilizing office space in the Dr. Emlen is an ecologist. Newport Aquaculture Laboratory. Thomas Murray, Assistant Professor of Pharmacology, has an appointment in the College of Pharmacy in which he does teaching, but has his major research effort here at the Center. Dr. Dr. David Carlson, Assistant Professor of Oceanography (Chemical Oceanography) will be joining our staff during the Summer of 1984, with a laboratory in the Research Support Facility. 3 RESEARCH PROGRAMS The research programs continue to grow in strength and development along lines of individual faculty strengths. There is one general concern arising here at the Center which had it origins around fin fish and shell fish management and culture techniques. Although we have an educational program aimed at fisheries and aquaculture, which has been highly successful, the actual faculty and support for this type of research has steadily declined. Professor Wilbur Breese, who has retired, and who has been instrumental in maintaining an active shellfish program here at the Center, has not been replaced. In May, the Department of Fisheries and Our finfish Wildlife appointed a committee to search for a replacement. program, through Fisheries and Wildlife, has largely disappeared due to administrative demands placed on the single fish culture faculty position here. The Fish Disease and Pathology Program and the 2 time effort of Dr. Pikitch in population dynamics, are the remaining aspects of the fish culture program. Dr. Pearcy's program in assessment of oceanic movement of salmonids continues to be a strong program and we are optimistic in regard to the Cooperative Institute for Marine Resource Studies under Dr. Pearcy's direction. Through the efforts of Senator Mark 0. Hatfield in cooperation with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, a deep-sea bed survey program is to be developed at the HMSC. To begin the program, Dr. Steve Hammond and Dr. Robert Embley, geophysicists with the NOAA, will be moving to the HMSC during the summer of 1984. The first effort is supposed to involve four resident investigators. FACULTY PUBLICATIONS A list of HMSC investigator publications is presented on page 7. publications are for the academic year 1983-84. These AQUARIUM/MUSEUM Other than maintaining the quality of the aquarium and museum displays and the education programs, the aquarium/museum has not had major changes during this past academic year. The statistics for the aquarium/museum visitors is on page 6. FUTURE PLANS Major efforts will be made this coming year to help make possible the construction of our dormitory space. In addition, because of general declines in enrollment, effort will be made to intensify our advertising and recruitment efforts. 4 FINANCIAL STATEMENT ESTIMATED FY84 INDIRECT EXPENSE GENERATION (000) Expenditures Indirect Expense FEDERAL GRANTS & CONTRACTS NSF DOE DOD NOAA OTHER FEDERAL SHIP OPERATIONS 88 360 135 165 790 205 1600 32 39 135 44 100 3,255 438 1,800 -0- 916 -0- 15 -0- 5,986 438 COOPERATING AGENCIES EPA ODFW 1000 800 STATE OCEANOGRAPHY INSTRUCTION MARINE RESOURCES INSTITUTE HMSC ADMINISTRATION OCEANOGRAPHY RESEARCH SEA GRANT PROGRAM HMSC AQUARIUM-MUSEUM HMSC BUILDING OP. & MAIN. BASIC EXTENSION PROGRAM FISHERIES & WLDFE. RESEARCH HOUSING 25 14 200 40 168 57 370 30 12 15 TOTAL TOTAL BY SPONSORS Exp FEDERAL GRANTS & CONTRACTS COOPERATING AGENCIES STATE HOUSING 3,255 1,800 916 TOTAL 5,986 54 30 16 15 100 5 STATISTICS STUDENT ENROLLMENT Winter Name of Class 1983 1984 FW 455 FW 466 FW 494 Fish Culture Invertebrate Fisheries Diseases and Parasites of Marine Fishes and Invertebrates Molluscan Aquaculture Seminar Fish Genetics Fish Toxicology 13 9 11 10 13 13 13 10 11 FW FW FW FW 495 407c 555 473X Total Student Enrollment 9 N/A 8 6 7 19 29 Spring Name of Class 1983 1984 Bi 450x, 451x Oc 507e Marine Biology Behavior Ecology of Marine Fishes 15 9 7 24 7 1983 1984 13 9 Total Student Enrollment Summer Name of Class AE 450x (now AET 450) Aquacultural Engineering Ed 407 Oceanography for Secondary Teachers Ed 408 Marine Biology for Elementary Teachers FW 455 Fish Culture FW 495 Molluscan Aquaculture FW 507m Seminar FW 571 Functional Ichthyology Bi 450, 451 Marine Biology AREc 408 Marine Economics FW 494x Diseases and Parasites of Marine Fishes and Invertebrates N/A 15 20 8 17 8 7 N/A 7 9 10 6 Total Student Enrollment 67 Resident Graduate Students (current) 20 5 5 5 (cancelled) N/A N/A 12 6 ACADEMIC INSTITUTIONS UTILIZING THE HMSC 1983 Wartburg College Boise State University Western Oregon State College LBCC Idaho State University Jamestown College Univ. of Portland Chemeketa Community Collcge U. S. EPA Weber State College Oregon State University 16 14 16 12 30 20 15 10 8 10 32 AQUARIUM/MUSEUM VISITORS January 1, 1983 - December 31, 1983 = 340,539 317 different school groups have utilized the Extension Education Programs for a total of 10,771 participants. Visitors since opening: 5,471,063 PUBLICATIONS 1983-84 BARKER, DAVID L. (1983). Trimble, Dorothea L., David L. Barker, and Brad J. Bullard. in a molluscan nervous system: synthesis and fluorescence histochemistry. Journal of Neurobiology. 15(1):27-36. Dopamine (1983). Wong, Richard G., David L. Barker, S. B. Kater, and Deana A. Bodnar. Nerve growth-promoting factor produced in culture media conditioned by specific CNS tissues of the snail Helisoma. Brain Research, 292:81-91. Trimble, Dorothea L., and David L. Barker. (1983). Activation by dopamine of patterned motor output from the buccal ganglia of Helisoma trivolvis. Journal of Neurobiology. 15(1):37-48. BEASLEY, T. M. Heath, G. R., D. K. Rea. J. Ness, R. D. Pillsbury, T. M. Beasley, C. Lopez, and D. M. Talbert. Ocean studies supporting the assessment of deep sea disposal of defueled, decommissioned nuclear submarines. Environmental Geology (in press). Sources, Beasley, T. M. Transuranic radionuclides in the Columbia River: Book Chapter. U.S. Department of inventories, and geochemical behavior. (in Energy., National Technical Information Service, Springfield, Va. press). Jennings, C. D., and T. M. Beasley. Artificial radionuclides as tracers of rapid sedimentation rates in lower Columbia River sediments. Limnology and Oceanography (submitted). BOEHLERT GEORGE W. Effects of temperature, (1983). Boehlert, George W., and Mary M. Yoklavich. ration and fish size on growth of juvenile black rockfish, Sebastes Environmental Biolology of Fishes, 8(1):17-28. melanops. (1983). Feeding chronology, daily Ryer, Clifford H., and George W. Boehlert. ration, and the effects of temperature upon gastric evacuation in the pipefish, Syngnathus fuscus. Environmental Biology of Fishes, 9(3/4):301-306. BROWN, ROBIN F. Harvey, Jim, Brown, R., and Mate, B. (1983). Two sightings following release of rehabilitated harbor seals. The Murrelet, 64(1). Abundance, movements, and feeding Brown, Robin F. and Bruce R. Mate. (1983). habits of harbor seals, Phoca vitulina, at Netarts and Tillamook Bays, Fishery Bulletin, 81(2):291-301. Oregon. 8 DAVIS, MICHAEL W. Davis, M. W. and Lee, H. (1983). Recolonization of sediment-associated microalgae and effects of estuarine infauna on microalgal production. Marine Ecology-Progress Series 11:227-232. Davis, M. W. and C. D. McIntire. (1983). Effects of physical gradients on the production dynamics of sediment-associated algae. Marine Ecology-Progress Series 13:103-114. GARBER, JONATHAN H. 15 (1984). Garber, Jonathan H. N tracer study of the short-term fate of particulate organic nitrogen at the surface of coastal marine sediments. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 16:89-104. Garber, Jonathan H. (1984). Laboratory study of nitrogen and phosphorus remineralization during the decomposition of coastal plankton and seston. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science (in press). HART, ROGER Archean De Wit, M. J., Roger Hart, Anthony Martin, and Paul Abbott. (1982). abiogenic and probable biogenic structures associated with mineralized hydrothermal vent systems and regional metasomatism, with implications Economic Geology and the Bulletin of the for Greenstone Belt studies. Society of Economic Geologists, 77(8):1783-1802. (1983). Mantle plume Hart, R., J. Dymond, L. Hogan, and J. G. Schilling. noble gas component in glassy basalts from Reykjanes Ridge. Nature, 305(5933):403-407. Hart, R., and Lewis Hogan. Commentary on "terrestrial xenology" by In Press. Staudacher and Allegre. Earth and Planetary Science Letters. HARVEY, JIM Two sightings following (1983). Harvey, Jim, Robin Brown, and Bruce Mate. The Murrelet, 64(1). release of rehabilitated harbor seals. (1983). A new attachment device for Mate, Bruce R., and James T. Harvey. Journal of Wildlife Management, radio-tagging large whales. 47(3):869-872. LANNAN, JAMES E. Muranaka, M. S. and J. E. Lannan (1983). Broodstock management of Crassostrea Environmental influences on broodstock conditioning. gi9as: V. Aquaculture (in press). 9 Ibid. In: Recent innovations in cultivation of Pacific Morse, D. (ed.). molluscs. Developments in Aquaculture and Fisheries Science, Vol. XII. Elsevier Scientific Publishing Co., New York (in press). Kapuscinski, Anne R. D. and J. E. Lannan. (1983). Application of a conceptual fitness model for managing Pacific salmon fisheries. Aquaculture (In press). Lannan, J. E. (1983). Development of a chum salmon broodstock: A case history. Proceedings of the International Conference on Marine Resources of the Pacific, Vina del Mar, Chile. May 16-20, 1983 (in press). MATE, BRUCE Harvey, J., R. Brown, and B. Mate. Two sightings following release (1983). of rehabilitated harbor seals. The Murrelet, 64(1). Mate, Bruce R., and James T. Harvey. (1983). A new attachment device for radio-tagging large whales. Journal Wildlife Management, 47(3):869-872. Brown, Robin F., and Bruce R. Mate. (1983). Abundance, movements, and feeding habits of harbor seals, Phoca vitulina, at Netarts and Tillamook Bays, Oregon. Fishery Bulletin, 81(2):291 -301. MAZUREK, M. A. Characterization of Mazurek, M. A. and Bernd R. T. Simoneit. (1984). biogenic and petroleum-derived organic matter in aerosols over remote, rural, and urban areas. In: Identification and Analysis of Organic Pollutants in Air. L. H. Keith (ed.), Ann Arbor Science/Butterworth Publishers, Boston. pp. 353-370. MURRAY, THOMAS F. Interaction of dextrorotatory opioids Murray, T. F. and M. E. Leid. (1984). Life with phencyclidine recognition sites in rat brain membranes. Sciences, 34:1899-1911. (1984). Adenosine Murray, T. F., D. Sylvester, C. S. Schultz, and P. Szot. receptor mediated modulation of seizure threshold in the rat. Clinical Neuropharmacology (in press). Modulation of (1984). Murray, T. F., A. V. Revuelta, and D. L. Cheney. cholinergic dynamics in the rat brain by levonantradol and 9-tetrahydroDynamics of Neurotransmitter Function, Israel Hanin cannabinol. In: pp. 81-89. (ed.). Raven Press, New York, New York. OLLA, BORI L. The role of the rhinoceros auklet Grover, Jill J., and Bori L. 011a. (1983). in mixed-species feeding assemblages of seabirds (Cerorhincai monocerta) The Auk, 100:979-982. in the Strait of Juan de Fuca, Washington. 10 Luczkovich, J. J. and B. L. 011a. (1983). Feeding behavior, prey consumption, and growth of juvenile red hake, Urophycis chuss (Gadidae). Transactions of the American Fisheries Society, 112:629-637. Shenker, J. and B. L. 011a. (1983). Laboratory growth and feeding of early juvenile sablefish, Anoplopoma fimbria. (Abstract). Western Society of Naturalists, Simon Frasier University, Vancouver, B. C. 011a, B. L., A. J. Bejda, and A. L. Studholme. (1984). Sublethal effects of oiled sediment on the sand worm, Nereis (Neanthes) virens: Induced changes in burrowing and emergence. Marine Environmental Research (in press). Pearson, W. H., D. L. Woodruff, P. C. Sugarman, and B. L. 011a. (1984). The burrowing behavior of sand lance, Ammodytes hexapterus: Effects of oil-contaminated sediment. Marine Environmental Research, 11:17-32. PASZKOWSKI, C. A. Paszkowski, C. A. (1984). The foraging behavior of a generalist feeder, the central mudminnow (Lumbra limi). Canadian Journal of Zoology, 62:457-462. PEARCY, WILLIAM G. Pearcy, W. G., and Minze Stuiver. (1983). Vertical transport of carbon-14 into deep-sea food webs. Deep-Sea Research, 30(4A):427-440. (1983). Pearcy, W. G. Quantitative assessment of the vertical distributions of micronektonic fishes with opening/closing midwater trawls. 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