Designing For Cost In An Aerospace Company by Elizabeth Hammar B.S.E., Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Princeton University, 2008 Submitted to the MIT Sloan School of Management and the Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degrees of Master of Business Administration and MASSACHUSETTS NY Master of Science in Aeronautics and Astronautics in conjunction with the Leaders for Global Operations Program JUN 814 JU LIBRRIES at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology June 2014 © 2014 Elizabeth Hammar. All rights reserved The author hereby grants to MIT permission to reproduce and to distribute publicly paper and electronic copies of this thesis document in whole or in part in any medium now known or hereafter created. Signature of Author.. S ignature redacted MIT Sloan School of Management Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics May 9, 2014 Signature redacted- 9 0 Certified by ................................................................ Brian L. Wardle Associate Professor, Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics C ertified b y ..................................................................... Signature redacted Thesis Supervisor Roy Welsch Professor of Statistics and Management Science and Director CCREMS, MIT Sloan School of Signature redacted Management Thesis Supervisor A ccep ted by .................................................................................. Paulo C. Lozano Associate Professor of Aeronautics and Astronautics Chair, Graduate Program Committee Signature redacted A ccep ted by ..................................................................... ................ Maura Herson Director, MBA Program MIT Sloan School of Management 1 This page has been intentionallyleft blank 2 Designing For Cost In An Aerospace Company by Elizabeth Hammar Submitted to the MIT Sloan School of Management and the MIT Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics on May 9, 2014 in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degrees of Master of Business Administration and Master of Science in Aeronautics and Astronautics Abstract Companies take different approaches, and achieve different degrees of implementation, in designing products for cost. This thesis discusses Target Costing and its application at The Boeing Company. Target Costing is a design for cost framework that is widely used by auto manufacturers, but is still less widely used in the aerospace industry. This thesis observes the current state at The Boeing Company and provides recommendations for full implementation of Target Costing. Through research into best practices at companies that have implemented Target Costing, this thesis identifies five key enablers: culture, organizations involved, process, tools, and market. Additionally, this thesis discusses a potential barrier to implementation: organizational politics. Based on a project to implement a price visibility tool and on three value engineering case studies, this thesis identifies The Boeing Company's state relative to full scale Target Costing and provides recommendations for The Boeing Company to achieve full implementation of Target Costing through the use of the five key enablers. Thesis Advisors: Brian L. Wardle Associate Professor, Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics Roy Welsch Professor of Statistics and Management Science and Director CCREMS, MIT Sloan School of Management 3 This page has been intentionallyleft blank 4 Acknowledgements I would like to thank The Boeing Company for sponsoring my Leaders for Global Operations internship. In particular, I would like to thank Amanda Taplett for being such a supportive sponsor and the entire 787 PSE Factory and Supplier Management for standards teams for being so welcoming and for providing the resources that enabled this project to be successful. I would also like to thank the Leaders for Global Operations (formerly Leaders for Manufacturing) program. The past two years at MIT have been a truly transformational experience, and one I expect to draw from for years to come. I would like to thank my parents for their support and encouragement, and my partner, Jeanna, who motivated me to do more than I thought possible. Finally, I thank my advisors Professor Wardle and Professor Welsch for their input and support with this project. 5 This page has been intentionally left blank 6 Contents A bstract ....................................................................................................................................................................................... 3 A cknow ledgem ents ................................................................................................................................................................ 5 List of Figures ............................................................................................................................................................................ 9 List of T ables .............................................................................................................................................................................. 9 1 2 3 4 5 Introduction ................................................................................................................................................................... 11 1.1 Problem Statem ent ............................................................................................................................................ 11 1.2 Purpose of Study ................................................................................................................................................. 12 1.3 A pproach and M ethodology ........................................................................................................................... 13 1.4 Thesis Roadm ap .................................................................................................................................................. 13 B ackground and D evelopm ent Context .............................................................................................................. 15 2.1 A irplane M anufacturers and A irline Industry ........................................................................................ 15 2.2 B oeing Com m ercial A irplanes ....................................................................................................................... 17 2.3 B oeing program developm ent process ..................................................................................................... 19 T arget Costing B est Practices ................................................................................................................................. 21 3.1 B enefits of T arget Costing ............................................................................................................................... 21 3.2 H igh Level Process ............................................................................................................................................. 21 3.3 O rganizations Involved .................................................................................................................................... 33 3.4 T echniques for Estim ating Costs ................................................................................................................. 36 3.5 U S V ersus Japanese Com panies .................................................................................................................... 4 1 3.6 Im plem entation .................................................................................................................................................. 4 1 3.7 Final T houghts ..................................................................................................................................................... 44 Study at T he B oeing Com pany ................................................................................................................................ 45 4.1 Standards Cost and A vailability Tool ......................................................................................................... 45 4.2 Pilots ........................................................................................................................................................................ 46 4.3 Pilot results ........................................................................................................................................................... 47 4.4 Case Studies .......................................................................................................................................................... 50 Recom m endations ....................................................................................................................................................... 55 5.1 T hree Lenses ........................................................................................................................................................ 55 5.2 Five K ey Enablers of T arget Costing ........................................................................................................... 55 5.3 Culture .................................................................................................................................................................... 57 5.4 O rganizations Involved .................................................................................................................................... 59 5.5 Process .................................................................................................................................................................... 60 5.6 T ools ........................................................................................................................................................................ 6 1 5.7 M arket ..................................................................................................................................................................... 63 5.8 Politics ..................................................................................................................................................................... 64 7 6 Conclusion and N ext Steps ....................................................................................................................................... 67 6.1 Conclusion ............................................................................................................................................................. 67 6.2 O pportunities for Im provem ent .................................................................................................................. 68 6.3 A reas for Further Research ............................................................................................................................ 68 R eferences ................................................................................................................................................................................ 69 A ppendices ............................................................................................................................................................................... 73 A ppendix 1 - B oeing 777 Payload-Range Graph ...................................................................................................... 73 A ppendix 2 - B oeing 787 Sections ................................................................................................................................. 74 A ppendix 3 - Standards Tool Pilot M etrics ................................................................................................................. 74 8 List of Figures Figure 1-1: Cost Committed During Six Phases of Aircraft Development [3] (Adapted by Kaufmann 12 [4 ]) ............................................................................................................................................................................................... Figure 2-1: Commercial Airplanes in Use (Adapted from Belobaba et al. [5])........................................ 16 Figure 2-2: New Narrowbody Airplanes (Adapted from Belobaba et al. [5]) ................. 17 Figure 2-3: BCA Organizational Structure...................................................................................................................18 Figure 2-4: Boeing Product Development Process............................................................................................ 19 Figure 3-1: Target Costing Process (Adapted from Ansari et al. [10] and Cooper & Chew [8])...........23 Figure 3-2: Value Index Chart of a Pencil Sharpener (Ansari et al. 1997 [10]) ..................................... 27 Figu re 3-3 : 7 7 7 P rogram Success [15]..........................................................................................................................29 Figure 3-4: Reduction of Cost with Design Iterations ...................................................................................... 30 Figure 3-5: Product Development and Cost Reduction Timeline ................................................................. 33 Figure 3-6: Cost Estimating During the Development Process ................................................................... 37 Figu re 3 -7 : P ro d u ct C o m plexity ...................................................................................................................................... 42 Figu re 4 -1 : P ilot P roject Selection .................................................................................................................................. 48 Figure 4-2: Price Pattern for a Family of Bolts .................................................................................................... 51 Figure 5-1: The Five Key Enablers of Target Costing ...................................................................................... 56 Figure 5-2 : H ow to Ch ange Culture................................................................................................................................58 List of Tables T ab le 2 -1 : B o ein g - Key F acts ........................................................................................................................................... Table 3-1: Involvement of Resources In Cost Allocation Activities ........................................................... Table 3-2: Techniques for Cost Reduction Over Development Cycle (Adapted from Ansari et al., 18 27 1 9 9 7 [1 0]) ................................................................................................................................................................................. 32 Table Table Table Table 34 38 40 49 3-3: 3-4: 3-5: 4-1: Responsibilities of Organizations During Product Development........................................... Feature Based Costing Example Features ...................................................................................... A Sample of Cost Estimating Tools .................................................................................................... Completed Pilot (as of February 2014) Results........................................................................... 9 This page has been intentionally left blank 10 1 Introduction Designing for cost is not a new concept, but companies take different approaches to achieving design for cost. This paper explores Target Costing, which is a product development framework that ensures development focuses on the lifecycle cost of the product. The core concept of Target Costing is that the development team sets a lifecycle cost target based on market conditions, and the development team must reach that cost target. Target Costing has proven to significantly reduce product lifecycle costs without diminishing the technical capabilities of the product. This framework is being used increasingly by manufacturing companies around the world, and is now used throughout the auto manufacturing industry. Target Costing originated in Japan, and by 1999, 100% of Japanese auto manufacturers had employed Target Costing [1]. Although Target Costing has proven successful in the auto industry, it has not been widely adopted in the aerospace industry. This paper investigates best practices in Target Costing and studies how Target Costing could be implemented at Boeing Commercial Airplanes (BCA). 1.1 Problem Statement The importance of addressing cost early in the design cycle has been well established. Researchers agree that 70 to 80% of avoidable cost is built in during concept design phase [2]. Roskam investigated cost impact specifically during aircraft development and was able to further delineate the cost committed during various phases of aircraft development. Figure 1-1 lays out the cost committed (i.e., our ability to impact cost) during six phases of aircraft development, from conceptual layout to final disposal of the product. Roskam determined that 65% of cost is committed during the upfront planning and conceptual layout phase, and by the time designs are released, 95% of costs are committed. This means that any company relying on continuous improvement for cost reduction after manufacturing begins is only able to impact 5% of the product cost. These companies must learn to address cost early in the development cycle. 11 Figure 1-1: Cost Committed During Six Phases of Aircraft Development [3] (Adapted by Kaufmann [4]) 100% 85%- 80% 0 t--65% 60% 0 40% L. E 20% 0% Phase 1 Phase 2 Phase 3 Planning and Conceptua Preliminary Design and Detail Design and Design System Integration Development Phase 4 Phase 5 Manufacturing Operation and and Acquisition Support Phase 6 Disposal Cost is becoming a more important factor for aerospace companies like The Boeing Company, with the threat of new entrants into the large commercial airplane manufacturing industry and customers that are becoming more and more cost-sensitive. While The Boeing Company can continue to differentiate its product from competitors like Airbus through technical excellence, market pressures will force The Boeing Company to address cost more aggressively. 1.2 Purpose of Study This research aims to determine a methodology that would enable aerospace companies to infuse cost considerations into their design processes. Since Target Costing is a framework that has been proven to work in the automotive industry, this research focuses on best practices for Target Costing and determines where those best practices make sense for the aerospace industry given the differences and similarities between the two industries. The goals of this study are two-fold. The first goal is to determine Target Costing best practices that are applicable to the aerospace industry. These best practices come from a variety of industries, but since Target Costing is mature in the automotive industry and the aerospace industry has many similarities to the automotive industry, this is our industry of focus. The second goal is to develop specific recommendations for Boeing Commercial Airplanes based on a combination of these best practices, infrastructure observed to be in place at The Boeing Company, and gaps identified at The Boeing Company. 12 1.3 Approach and Methodology The approach of this study will mirror its goals. This study will start by establishing general best practices in Target Costing. This research will be completed through a combination of literature review and interviews with individuals both inside and outside The Boeing Company. The resources interviewed within The Boeing Company are working-level design and manufacturing engineers, as well as analysts within the Supplier Management organization. Those interviewed outside The Boeing Company comprise people who have implemented or seen successful Target Costing at companies other than The Boeing Company. This study will specifically leverage lessons learned from the automotive industry since this industry bears many similarities with the aerospace industry. The study then uses case studies and results from piloting a price visibility tool at The Boeing Company to determine what infrastructure The Boeing Company has in place to support those best practices previously identified. The conclusions drawn will be based on anecdotal evidence from the combination of case studies, interviews, and piloting the price visibility tool at The Boeing Company. The study will use those same results and case studies to develop recommendations for The Boeing Company to enable it to adopt the Target Costing framework. While this study focuses on specific recommendations for The Boeing Company, the best practices and recommendations may be applicable to any company within the aerospace industry. 1.4 Thesis Roadmap This thesis begins by providing background information on The Boeing Company and the industry it belongs to. This information will provide the context needed to understand the need for Target Costing and to understand how aerospace companies like The Boeing Company develop a new product. It is necessary to understand the airplane program development process and timing to understand how Target Costing might fit in to the process. The next chapter will identify best practices in Target Costing. These best practices come from a combination of literature review and interviews and are intended to be industry agnostic. These best practices represent the ideal Target Costing framework at a company that has successfully implemented and matured its Target Costing processes. The next two chapters will explore the infrastructure in place at The Boeing Company to support the ideal Target Costing framework and to identify any gaps between The Boeing Company and 13 those best practices. These sections will use a project to implement a cost visibility tool and case studies to determine The Boeing Company's position relative to Target Costing best practices. Finally, this thesis will lay out recommendations for Target Costing. This paper will provide recommendations based on observations from Boeing Commercial Airplanes, however, these recommendations should be relevant to other aerospace companies, as well as companies outside the aerospace industry. 14 2 Background and Development Context The airplane manufacturing industry is dominated by a few large companies. Airplane manufacturing has large barriers to entry since airplane design and manufacturing has a long learning curve, large capital investment requirements, and customers who are unlikely to purchase airplanes that do not have a proven safety record. 2.1 Airplane Manufacturers and Airline Industry The commercial airplane manufacturing industry can be separated into three major segments: small narrowbodies, narrowbodies, and widebodies. The Boeing Company and Airbus dominate the narrowbody and widebody markets, while the small narrowbody market is dominated by Bombardier and Embraer. Airplane manufacturers typically face a tradeoff between payload (how much weight can be carried by the airplane) and range (distance the airplane can fly). Appendix 1 illustrates this payload-range tradeoff for the Boeing 777 family of airplane. Since airplane manufacturers face this payload-range tradeoff, we can segment the market according to these features. Figure 2-1 illustrates the commercial airplanes currently in use, and the segments they belong to. When airplane manufacturers offer a new product, they will typically target an area of this chart where there is a gap. For example, Airbus' new A380 allows a higher payload than any other airplane in production. Since airlines have different payload and range needs based on their routes and demands, they will look for the airplane that will most closely suit their needs. 15 Figure 2-1: Commercial Airplanes in Use' (Adapted from Belobaba et al. [5]) Widebodles 600- 500 - 400- 300- 200 - 100 - 00 3 10000 1 20000 RANGE (KM) While Embraer and Bombardier have historically produced only small narrowbodies, they have more recently started producing airplane closer to large narrowbodies in terms of both payload and range. Figure 2-2 below highlights the newer airplane being produced by these manufacturers. While pilot licensing regulations in the past limited airlines' ability to operate airplanes in this range, those regulations have been loosened and have allowed Bombardier and Embraer to creep towards the large narrowbody market. While they have not yet made any overt moves into the market, their movement towards larger airplanes might be concerning for both The Boeing Company and Airbus. 1 Aircraft manufacturer key: 7*7 = Boeing; A3** = Airbus; MD** = McDonnel Douglas (now owned by The Boeing Company); CRJ* = Bombardier; E1** = Embraer 16 Figure 2-2: New Narrowbody Airplanes (Adapted from Belobaba et al. [5]) 757-300 200 M 757-200 A321 0 737-900ER A32~737-800 1_ (150 C130 0Clio Z E95 717 1 CRJ-900* CRJ-700 M 50 CRJ-200A 1319 1318 *E190 100 737-700 7374100 E175 M M E170 ME145 S E135 Green = new entrants 0 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 RANGE (KM) In addition to the threat from Bombardier and Embraer, The Boeing Company and Airbus face new entrants such as Comac in China and the United Aircraft Corporation in Russia. While mainstream airlines have not yet started placing orders with either of these new entrants, they present a very real threat in the near future. Even in the duopoly between Airbus and The Boeing Company, Airbus has been aggressively capturing market share from The Boeing Company. In a recent press release, Airbus claimed to have surpassed The Boeing Company in terms of open orders [6]. In addition to the potential for increased competition, airplane manufacturers must deal with the fact that airlines are becoming more and more cost sensitive. The combination of decreased passenger traffic due to the great recession and increasing fuel prices has put pressure on the airlines. With low cash reserves, the airlines are becoming more and more cost-sensitive, and with large expenditures such as airplanes, airlines do not have the appetite for larger upfront investments if they will not see the return for years to come. 2.2 Boeing Commercial Airplanes Boeing Commercial Airplanes is the commercial aviation division of The Boeing Company. The Boeing Company (Boeing) is the world's largest manufacturer of commercial jetliners and military 17 aircraft combined. The Boeing Company also produces network and space systems, and global services and support [7]. Boeing Commercial Airplanes comprises five programs of in-production airplanes: 737, 747, 767, 777, and 787. Boeing Commercial also offers aftermarket services and support (e.g., maintenance, spares, modifications, and training) through Commercial Aviation Services (CAS). Boeing Commercial primarily serves airlines throughout the US and abroad. Table 2-1 below highlights some key facts about The Boeing Company and Boeing Commercial. Table 2-1: Boeing - Key Facts The Boeing Company Boeing Commercial Headquarters Chicago, IL Puget Sound, Washington Revenue $81.7 billion $49.1 billion 173,781 84,778 Employees Boeing Commercial is organized into airplane programs, and those organizations that support the airplane programs. Commercial Aviation Services, Supplier Management, Finance, and Marketing are all separate organizations with support organizations for each of the programs. The organizational structure relevant to this study is illustrated in Figure 2-3 below. Figure 2-3: BCA Organizational Structure 18 Boeing Commercial operates in an industry with very long lead times. The 787 program, for example, was launched April, 20042, and the first 787 was delivered in September, 20113. If we ignore the time invested prior to program launch, The Boeing Company had to sustain the program for seven and a half years before the first airplane was delivered and The Boeing Company could begin recognizing revenues. Because of these lead times, The Boeing Company must take a large risk with each new airplane program. 2.3 Boeing program development process Boeing Commercial follows a standard product development process. New products begin with an initial design assignment, followed by design phases that become increasingly detailed with each phase. The Boeing Company's product design process is illustrated in Figure 2-4. This figure illustrates the process that occurs during detailed design up to the point when drawings are released to manufacturing. During each phase of design, design engineers coordinate with other stakeholders. This coordination must occur with anyone who might be impacted by the design or who has an impact on the design (e.g., other design engineers, stress analysis, weight analysis, etc.). Once each design phase is complete, the design must pass a design review before the engineer can begin work on the next phase of design. Figure 2-4: Boeing Product Development Process k Initial Design Assgnm ntInitial A designer has been assigned a piece of work Desig Detailed D sgn Affected parties have Design is maturing, been engaged and verify impacted groups Design has the final design concept is within scope of engineering coordinated with and single design concept is selected to mature requinal Desi n information required plan Approved Dsg Final Design All stakeholders agree that design defines a producible, certifiable, and service-ready airplane configuration Since an airplanes cannot be designed by one design team alone, The Boeing Company splits its design teams by airplane section (Appendix 2 illustrates these sections for the 787) and by component type (e.g., systems, structures, propulsion). Due to the complexity of airplanes, this development process requires significant communication between design teams. 2 According to the Boeing Logbook: 3 Boeing press release: 19 2.3.1 Development of the 787 The 787 was developed conjointly between The Boeing Company and its partner companies. These partner companies were responsible for not just the "build" portion of product development, but also for much of the initial design work. In many cases, the selected partner was responsible for the majority of the design work, with The Boeing Company providing inputs and oversight. These partners were awarded major statements of work, typically covering an entire section of the airplane, as described above. 20 3 Target Costing Best Practices Target costing is being used increasingly by manufacturing companies around the world. Target Costing originated in Japan, and by 1999, 100% of Japanese automotive manufacturers employed Target Costing [1]. As discussed in Section 1.1, in the aerospace industry, 95% of a product's lifecycle cost is determined by the time designs are released for production. Because of this, costs must be addressed earlier in the product development cycle. Target Costing has provided manufacturing companies, and in particular automotive manufacturing companies, with a framework that allows them to address costs early. This section will discuss best practices in Target Costing based on a combination of literature review and interviews. Where possible, research was focused on the aerospace industry and the automotive industry since automotive design and manufacturing bears many similarities with the aerospace industry, and Target Costing is more widely used in the automotive industry. This section will describe individual process steps as well as tools and techniques that should be employed. It will also discuss some key considerations and potential barriers that an aerospace company like The Boeing Company might face. 3.1 Benefits of Target Costing Many production-heavy industries have adopted Target Costing, including manufacturers of cars, cameras, and heavy machinery [8]. In one study, all firms with medium to high Target Costing maturity reported reduced costs, retained or added features and functionality, faster non-recurring design, reduced new product risk, and improved intrafunctional communications [9]. It is important to note that companies that implemented Target Costing did not trade off quality and functionality for cost. While Target Costing focuses on reducing lifecycle costs, all companies were able to simultaneously improve quality and increase functionality of their products. Separate research also shows that companies without good cost estimates during conceptual design are more likely to have programs behind schedule with higher development costs than those companies that know detailed costs throughout the development cycle [2]. 3.2 High Level Process One guide on Target Costing notes, "a well-designed target costing system integrates all three elements of the strategic triangle: quality, cost, and time" [10]. Aerospace companies have traditionally focused primarily on quality (technical requirements) and time (schedule), with cost considered only after the first two have been met. While quality and time are important factors to 21 prioritize, the ideal Target Costing process balances all three factors. According to the same guide, the key principles of Target Costing are [10]: " Price-led costing " * Customer focus Focus on design of products and processes " Cross-functional teams * Lifecycle cost reduction * Value chain involvement Figure 3-1 illustrates the ideal Target Costing process. The product's features, target selling price, and target cost should all be determined independent of historical costs. The target selling price should be based on the customer's willingness to pay, not historical production costs of similar products. The target cost should also be independent of historical costs. The target cost should be equal to the selling price minus a target profit. This target profit will be determined by leadership and will be based on company goals as well as competitive forces. Once this target cost has been set for the product, the target cost can be allocated to the material or component level. This exercise requires a cross-functional team since all stakeholders possess subject matter expertise that is important to determining reasonable costs. Once target costs have been allocated down to the material or component level, the development team is challenged to close the gap between expected costs based on historical costs and the target costs that were just set. While this step is illustrated below as a single step, this is where a lot of the work happens. While the "concept design" and "detailed design" phases of product development have been compressed in the figure above for the purpose of highlighting the Target Costing process, we can infer that this step will dominate the majority of the product development timeline. 22 Figure 3-1: Target Costing Process (Adapted from Ansari et al. [10] and Cooper & Chew [8]) Product Definition Based on customnera Concept Detailed Design Design ucinae Production otn cndoiosto hstrca cs It is important to note that the Target Costing process is not strictly sequential. The process is iterative, and design decisions can be revisited at any time [4]. As the team performs the design work to meet technical requirements, schedule, and cost, they may have to make tradeoffs, which would change some of the requirements determined earlier in the process. While it is understood that tradeoffs may be necessary, the most important rule of Target Costing is that only products that have met their target cost will actually be produced [11]. While the act of setting targets is a step forward for many companies, this alone will not impact product costs. If target costs are not adhered to, the process becomes ineffective. Products that will not meet their target costs must be abandoned. When determining whether to cancel a project, it is important for the management team to consider which costs are sunk and which are not. The team should consider the NPV of continuing with the project versus not, understanding that some costs may already be sunk. Cancelling a project should only be a last resort, and should only be used once all other tradeoffs and design improvements have been considered. Target Costing should also involve a multi-disciplinary team at every stage of the process. Every process step should include Engineering, Finance, Manufacturing, Marketing, and Supplier Management. These organizations must coordinate throughout the Target Costing process, and should be held equally accountable for both setting target costs and achieving them. While the benefits of Target Costing are clear, implementation of Target Costing requires far more effort and discipline than is required of traditional costing [1]. Target costing requires high effort 23 activities that involve multi-disciplinary teams and a lot of coordination, but the organization will achieve significant results in terms of value and creative thinking [9]. Any company wishing to implement Target Costing must understand this additional effort and be willing to invest fully in the process. Now that the high level process and some key considerations are understood, the following sections will discuss each process step in more detail. 3.2.1 Desired Product Features The first step in the Target Costing process is to define the product and the desired product features. These features should be based on customer requirements and the segment of the market that the company is targeting. The focus on this phase is on the customer, rather than on the details of technical design. The Boeing Company demonstrated its ability to design to customer requirements with the 777 [10]. Through customer workshops and customer feedback, The Boeing Company was able to identify features the customers valued to incorporate into the 777 (e.g., larger stow bins, quick interiors reconfiguration capabilities). During this phase, the "nice to have" versus the "need to have" should be identified [8]. The development team should work with the customer to identify how much they value particular features, and should use rough order of magnitude (ROM) estimates to determine which features to include in the new product [9]. For example, The Boeing Company had a large accumulator designed for the 777 to ensure the parking brake would hold for 12 hours. After discussions with the customer, The Boeing Company discovered that customers never left an airplane parked for that long, and if they did, they had the airplane "chocked up, or on jacks". This allowed The Boeing Company to design a smaller and far less costly accumulator onto the 777 [12]. This first process step must involve the entire multidisciplinary team. Marketing will have the best understanding of customer wants and needs, and Finance and Engineering will be required to create ROM estimates that will be used to determine which features to include in the product. It is important to involve Engineering, Manufacturing, and Supplier Management so they understand where customer requirements are coming from. Manufacturing and Supplier Management may have important input for the ROM estimates as well. 3.2.2 Target Selling Price Once the product features have been determined, the team must set the target selling price. This target selling price should be independent of cost, and should be based on the specific market 24 segment that the company is targeting [8]. The price should be based on customer input (customer's willingness to pay) and the competitive market conditions (i.e., are there competitors with similar products?). The customer's willingness to pay will be based on the proposed features of the new product, so the target selling price relies on a clear definition of the proposed product features from the prior Target Costing process step. While many companies have traditionally used cost-plus to determine cost, this is not a recommended approach because it does not consider the customer. As with product definition, customer focus is very important here. For a product to be successful, the team must fully understand what customers are willing to pay for and how much they are willing to pay. If the selling price is too high, there won't be enough demand for the product, and if the selling price is too low, the company will have a lower profit margin. 3.2.3 Target Product Cost The target cost should be based on the selling price and the required profit margin set by company leadership. Target cost is the total lifecycle cost of a product, and should be calculated using the simple equation: Target Cost = Selling Price - Profit Margin Note that historical costs and cost estimates are not in the target cost equation. Target costs should be based on customer features and desired profit margin rather than historical costs. When determining the target profit margin, it is important to establish targets that are realistic. One method of checking profit targets involves comparing the target profit with the profit margins of previous products [10]. The profit margins of previous products will provide a good "gut check" of the profit margins being set for the new product. The target costs are also a reflection of the competitive market in which the product will sell. The required profit margin should reflect the capabilities of the most effective competitors [13]. If the target profit is lower than the most effective competitor, the company is not operating as efficiently as its competitor, and if the profit target is too high, it is likely unrealistic. Finally, when setting the expected profit margins remember to consider lifecycle costs [10]. For products requiring a large non-recurring investment upfront, the team must remember to consider revenues for the product throughout its production life. Additionally, if the selling price is expected 25 to change over the products lifecycle, this must be taken into account when establishing the product's target cost. 3.2.4 Target Cost to Material or Component Level Once the target cost has been set, the team must allocate the target cost down to the component level. It is important that costs be broken down to the individual design team level [1]. In order for individual design teams to be held accountable to their cost targets, the cost targets need to be flowed all the way down to their level. Allocation of cost to different sections / components should be done using a combination of: * Historical / expected costs: historical and expected costs must be tracked down to the component level, and form the basis for understanding how much different components cost under current conditions " Subject matter expertise: Engineering, Manufacturing, and Supplier Management will have intuition and expertise to identify where cost reduction is feasible, and where it will be extremely difficult. The team cannot simply take historical costs and apply a 10% cost reduction across the board [8] " Quality Function Deployment (QFD): QFD analysis should be used to determine target costs at the component level. QFD analysis determines the cost that should be assigned to each section / component by assessing them in terms of their value to the customer. Each feature/function of the product can be mapped to the components that impact that feature. Figure 3-2 provides an example of the mapping for a pencil sharpener. A pencil sharpener's appearance is primarily impacted by its casing and the drawer, whereas its ability to sharpen pencils is impacted mainly by the motor and by the blades. In Figure 3-2, the customer highly values the functionality provided by the drawer, whereas the customer knows that pretty much every pencil sharpener can cut as well as the next so does not value the blades highly. By mapping this "relative importance" to the relative cost of each component, the team can identify where costs should be reduced and where features could be enhanced. 26 Figure 3-2: Value Index Chart of a Pencil Sharpener (Ansari et al. 1997 [10]) 50 Reduce Cost Motor 40 U) 30 Casing M Blades 20 Drawer 1 10 Enhance --- 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 Relative Importance This process of allocating costs must be done by a cross-functional team. Design leaders from each section of the product must be involved in the decision-making process or they will not feel responsible and accountable for their cost targets [4]. Engineering leads will be relied upon to identify where product costs reductions can reasonably be achieved, but they will require input from Manufacturing and Supplier Management. Marketing resources provide customer insights and estimate the value customers place on various features and functionality. Finance provides the cost estimates. Table 3-1 illustrates each organization's involvement in the cost allocation activities described above. Table 3-1: Involvement of Resources In Cost Allocation Activities Activity Engineering Finance Manufacturing Marketing Supplier Manage Management Historical / Expected Cost X Subject Matter Expertise X QFD X x x x x x x x 3.2.5 Current Production Costs In parallel with target cost determination, current production cost information should be gathered. These production costs should represent lifecycle costs and should be gathered down to the component level. These current production costs will help determine the expected cost of the new product, wherever there are similarities between current / previous products and the new product. It is important to note, the current production costs should not impact the target cost. Target cost should be kept independent of current production costs at this point. 27 3.2.6 Expected Costs Using current production costs, Finance should work with Engineering, Manufacturing, and Supplier Management to estimate the lifecycle costs of the new product. Finance can use similarities in the products to exploit historic costs, and should use parametric estimates (estimates based on high-level features like weight, using regressions of previous product costs) as well as input from Engineering, Manufacturing, and Supplier Management to estimate the cost of the new product where there are dissimilarities. In the aerospace industry, parametric estimates have proven to work well for estimating the entire airplane cost, but are less accurate for individual sections / components [14]. We will discuss cost estimating techniques in further detail below. These expected costs will most likely be higher than the target costs, but will indicate the expected costs of various components of the new product. These cost estimates will be an input for allocating target costs to the material / component level. 3.2.7 Closing the Cost Gap Once current cost estimates are understood and target costs have been established, the product development team will be challenged to close the gap between expected cost and the cost target. This will be the real challenge for the team. Actual cost reduction activities are the most expensive and time-consuming for companies [9]. The design engineers will be challenged to reduce costs while continuing to meet other requirements. The success of these activities hinges on a multi-disciplinary team approach. Since target costs were set by the entire team, the entire team must be held accountable for achieving those targets [4]. The benefits of cross-functional teamwork for cost reduction were demonstrated with the Boeing 777 program. The 777 program created teams comprising resources from Engineering, Manufacturing, Materiel (Supplier Management), Customer Service, Quality, and Finance. The members of these cross-functional teams were collocated to facilitate communication [15]. These cross-functional teams were able to achieve reductions in recurring product cost and a reduction in change, error and re-work as demonstrated in Figure 3-3 below. 28 Figure 3-3: 777 Program Success [15]4 F*-77? pvc Coot, Ch,w~ MIAM S 77?Iq M MonFige 17.t 777 oga suces I~owving ftcuffft 777 process Pr*-777 procew Figure 18. Program Cost Comparison-777 Process Vermus Pra-777 Process Figure 17. 777 Program Succams Closing the cost gap may require trade-offs. Some trade-off decisions may include: * Functionality * * Trading cost targets between components / sections Trading cost targets for cost components (e.g., spend more upfront in R&D to save more in production costs) In order to effectively assess these tradeoffs, engineers must get used to thinking in terms of business cases. In aerospace, a typical tradeoff is weight versus cost. Since the customer values a lower-weight airplane, we should assign value to any weight reduction engineers might be able to achieve in their design. Similarly, engineers may be able to reduce costs significantly by increasing weight a little. When aerospace companies prioritize weight over cost as a blanket rule, an increase in weight would never be allowed. Instead, the team must pre-define a weight versus cost tradeoff [14] so that engineers can determine if a design change that impacts weight really makes sense. Cost reduction efforts will be an iterative process, and savings will be diminishing [11]. Figure 3-4 provides an illustrative pattern of cost reduction we can expect to see. It is important to note, that a lot of the changes will be minor improvements, not major innovations [1]. This process of cost reduction will look a lot like continuous improvement, except that it will occur earlier in the product development timeline. 4 Black bars indicate non-recurring cost 29 Figure 3-4: Reduction of Cost with Design Iterations Design Iteration As mentioned above, tradeoffs may be necessary between design groups and cost targets may need to be traded between components to ensure the total product cost meets the cost target. While individual design teams may be tempted to stop cost reduction effort as soon as their component meets the target cost, they should not stop looking for cost savings until the entire product has met its cost target. Engineers and managers must be careful with design iterations. Every time a team has to go through design iterations, the team has increased the non-recurring design costs of the products. The expectation is that the cost savings the team will achieve will be at least as great as the additional upfront cost incurred. Teams should only choose to go through additional design iterations as long as the expected recurring savings are at least as great as that additional development cost. Finally, as discussed above, only products that meet their cost target should be produced. If a product cannot meet a minimum NPV set by management, it should be abandoned. This should only be used as a last resort option once all other cost-reduction possibilities have been explored. Cost Components Target Costing relies on having a full understanding of lifecycle costs of the product. While the temptation is to just consider the upfront non-recurring design activity and recurring production costs, other cost components contribute significantly to the cost of the product. Profitability can only be determined if all costs are considered along with all revenues associated with the product. Total lifecycle costs include [10] [14]: . R&D, design, and test and evaluation 30 * Manufacturing and acquisition * Sales and marketing * Distribution * Service * Operations and support * Disposal Cost of capital (including depreciation) is an important cost component that needs to be included in Target Costing calculations [11]. Such costs will typically fall under development and manufacturing, and will include buildings, machinery, and IT assets. Manufacturing and acquisition costs are often over-emphasized during design [10], and sales and marketing are often considered fixed overhead costs. In reality, all costs are variable, and the team must understand how they can impact cost when setting cost targets. With cross-functional teams, the Marketing organization is involved in development throughout, so this issue should be addressed. Techniques for Cost Reduction Closing the cost gap will not occur naturally and companies will typically need to employ cost reduction techniques to meet their target costs. Several formal techniques have been proven effective for reducing cost during design, including [2] [9] [6] [16]: * Value engineering / value analysis * Tear-down analysis * Quality Function Deployment (QFD) * Design for "x" (DfX) * Cost Deployment Flowcharts * Working with suppliers to improve capabilities, identify areas where they can reduce costs * Change to design, or features * Accept higher start-up costs for larger savings later Table 3-2 illustrates which techniques should be used to reduce cost in each cost category over the development lifecycle. In addition to the strategies listed above, companies should use long-term agreements with suppliers to foster cooperation of the supplier and get future cost reduction guarantees [9]. 31 Table 3-2: Techniques for Cost Reduction Over Development Cycle (Adapted from Ansari et al., 1997 [10]) R&D, design, and test and evaluation Manufacturing and acquisition Sales and marketing Distribution Service Operations and support Disposal - Multi-year product plan: trade-off features, accept high one-time costs for future cost reduction - Cost deployment flowcharts - Reverse engineering / tear-down analysis - Reverse engineering / tear-down analysis - Trade-offs - QFD - Value engineering QFD Supplier value - Value engineering Value analysis - Design for manufacturing and assembly Continuous improvement - QFD - Supplier value engineering - Negotiation with supplier engineering - Supplier benchmarking - Benchmarking - QFD - Trade-offs - Value Engineering - Value Engineering - Value analysis - QFD - Design for distribution - Design for distribution - - Coordination with suppliers - Coordination with suppliers Continuous improvement - Trade-offs - Value Engineering - Value Engineering - Value analysis - QFD - Design for maintenance - Design for maintenance - Continuous improvement - Trade-offs - Value Engineering - Value Engineering - Value analysis - QFD - Design for use - Design for use - Continuous improvement - Trade-offs - Value Engineering - Value Engineering - Value analysis - QFD - Design for disposal - Design for disposal - - QFD - QFD Continuous improvement Each component should have its cost broken out into the categories indicated in Table 3-2. These catagories will ensure total lifecycle costs are addressed and will help focus discussion on those components driving cost in particular categories. Japanese firms, with mature Target Costing processes, use detailed cost tables to determine costs of individual components [11]. These cost tables contain granular cost information on every component, which enables them to quickly identify cost drivers and aid cost reduction efforts. A lot of the work will be workshop based. The techniques listed above will enable the teams to identify the areas and components where cost is high, but the teams will need to work together to brainstorm ways to reduce costs. Here, the diverse backgrounds of multi-funtional teams will be critical, since the success of the workshops will hinge on the team's ability to come up with creative solutions. The workshops will require a lot of upfront preparation so that they can be focused and they will require an owner to ensure they are productive. 32 3.2.8 Design Release and Production Product designs should only be released for production if technical requirements, schedule, and cost targets have all been met. Leadership must be held accountable to all three components, and this accountability must be flowed down to the lowest level engineer. Every engineer must know what their targets are; if they don't know their targets, it would be unreasonable for them to be held to them. In order to achieve this, the development team must be able to allocate targets to the individual design teams. 3.2.9 Continuous improvement Continuous improvement is a well-established framework used in manufacturing companies. Continuous improvement should be a continuation of Target Costing. The tools and methodologies used in Target Costing to close the cost gap are the same as those used in continuous improvement. The biggest difference between the two is timing. Any company that has introduced continuous improvement has the tools and processes available to them to implement Target Costing. Companies often rely almost entirely on continuous improvement to realize cost reduction, but as discussed above, by the time continuous improvement starts to affect the product, the majority of costs have been committed. Target Costing efforts need to be incorporated in the design stage of product development, followed by continuous improvement once production begins. Figure 3-5 illustrates the activities that should occur during the product development lifecycle. Figure 3-5: Product Development and Cost Reduction Timeline Target Costing Continuous Improvement - 3.3 Organizations Involved As discussed above, Target Costing is a cross-functional process. Organizations involved in Target Costing include Engineering, Finance, Manufacturing, Marketing, and Supplier Management. Suppliers should be included in discussions and design decisions, and should be considered as another organization within the company. Table 3-3 below lays out the key responsibilities of each organization during product development. 33 Table 3-3: Responsibilities of Organizations During Product Development Engineering Finance Manufacturing Marketing Supplier Management Suppliers Perform design work to drive lifecycle cost down Provide SME input to aid financial estimating Provide SME input into areas where cost reduction is possible and into Quality Function Deployment (QFD) Cost Engineers should be dedicated to the cost of parts (function like weight engineers) Create estimates on cost based on input from other organizations Provide historical cost to the material / component level Identify cost-drivers (i.e., what Engineering should focus on from a cost perspective) Identify ways to reduce manufacturing costs Provide SME input into Quality Function Deployment (QFD) Provide SME input to aid financial estimating Provide customer insights for product definition and tradeoff decisions Provide customer insight for Quality Function Deployment (QFD) Coordinate with engineering to create solutions to changing customer requirements Identify ways to reduce marketing costs Provide input on new suppliers / technology available Provide SME input to aid financial estimating Benchmark suppliers Identify ways to reduce cost through redesign or contract change Provide input on new manufacturing techniques / technology available Identify ways to reduce cost Agree to cost targets set and find ways to hit those cost targets While Target Costing is a team effort across the organizations listed above, many Japanese companies with established Target Costing processes created a separate business unit dedicated to Target Costing [10]. It is the responsibility of this organization to provide enough cost information to the design team early enough in the design cycle so they can make cost-based decisions [2]. All organizations involved in the Target Costing process will have accountability for their cost targets, but this dedicated organization must ensure implementation of and adherence to the process. 3.3.1 Role of Supplier Management Supplier Management will be held to cost targets set by the product development team. Since Supplier Management is held accountable for target cost set by the team, Supplier management should be involved in setting the target [17]. Supplier Management should be included as early as the product definition phase, and should continue to be involved throughout the development process since Supplier Management can provide high-level input into what features or sourcing strategies drive costs [1]. Supplier Management can also provide insight into new manufacturing techniques and technologies that might be available to suppliers. In one study, eight of eleven companies using Target Costing included Supplier Management during product definition [9]. Additionally, Supplier Management is typically involved in continuous improvement activities; since continuous improvement is really a continuation of Target Costing activities, Supplier Management should be just as involved in Target Costing [4]. 34 Supplier Management should have a close working relationship with Engineering [17] [9]. Decisions that design engineers make can impact supplier requirements, so there needs to be a feedback loop to design engineers. When the design team makes a design decision, they need to understand how they are driving cost. Additionally, since the sourcing and negotiation process is extremely lengthy, Supplier Management will need to be kept aware of design decisions so that they can be incorporated properly in any agreements with suppliers. By keeping Supplier Management in the loop, the design team will also identify early on when design decisions will force the company to single-source (e.g., a patented sub-component). Single-sourcing can drive significant costs because, with no competition, the supplier has the ability to inflate prices. By involving Supplier Management early, companies are able to leverage new supplier capabilities in product design. In some cases, suppliers are chosen early in the development process. As one Boeing engineer pointed out, when suppliers have been determined early, the design team should be aware of the capabilities and limitations of those suppliers since certain design features can increase cost significantly for one supplier and not impact cost for another. Target Costing is dependent upon supplier involvement and supplier agreement to cost targets. The most difficult aspect of Target Costing can be getting suppliers to buy-in [18]. Supplier Management must be able to create incentives for the suppliers that will ensure their cooperation. Target Costing can also provide a framework that will enable the team to discuss both justification and need for target costs with its suppliers [16]. Suppliers must believe that the project will be canceled if target costs are not met [9]. This is one of the most powerful incentives the team can give suppliers to meet their own targets. Unless this is a real threat, suppliers will have very little incentive to play along. While Supplier Management must create the incentives and penalties to ensure supplier cooperation in the Target Costing process, Supplier Management must also ensure that supplier margins are not eroded. Suppliers will be weary of Target Costing because they may see it as a process that does nothing but erode their profits (this does not need to be the case). The product development team must treat suppliers like partners, and ensure that all involved understand the common goals [10] [8]. The team needs to recognize that successful Target Costing depends on successful implementation by the suppliers. The team must enable and support suppliers in their implementation to ensure the success of Target Costing. Manufacturing companies are recognizing the value of this longer-term approach to supplier relationships and squeezing suppliers for 35 immediate savings is losing credibility [1]. In other words, companies are moving towards longterm cost reduction relationships over short-term savings. It is important for Supplier Management to recognize situations where suppliers might take advantage to increase their own revenue. Complex, long lead time engineering projects will incur design changes. Suppliers tend to offer great introductory rates, but will capitalize on these changes, and this is where they make their profits [19]. Supplier Management must set up the relationship and contract that ensures the company's profits are not diminished by supplier fees as changes occur. 3.4 Techniques for Estimating Costs It is very important that costs are known and considered during every step of the product development process. Since the accuracy of cost estimates tend to be low during product definition and conceptual design, cost is often given low priority [19]. Cost estimates typically have a -30% to +50% accuracy during conceptual design, and this improves to -5% to +15% during detailed design phase [20]. Since 65% of cost is committed during conceptual design (as discussed in Section 1.1), it is incredibly important to understand costs, even at a high level. Design engineers have historically focused on technical specifications during conceptual design [10], but they need to start factoring in cost at this point as well. Various cost estimating methodologies are appropriate at different stages of product development. Bottom-up estimates are typically used when the design concepts are new and the user wants to eliminate unknowns [19], and parametric / historical cost estimates are used for products that are similar to previous products. Parametric estimating is typically done at the early stages of development. It is an excellent predictor of costs when the Cost Estimating Relationship (CER) is reasonable, data is accurate, and assumptions are clear [2]. As the team moves through the development cycle, it should shift from using parametric estimates to more bottom-up approaches [19]. Figure 3-6 illustrates the various cost estimating methods that should be used during each phase of product development. 36 Figure 3-6: Cost Estimating During the Development Process Actual costs Supplier Quotes Feature-based (CAD) Feature-based (cost tables) Neural networks/ a) fuzzy logic L_ Parametric estimates Historical data CERs for parametric estimates need to be clearly identified, and validated regularly (i.e., the team needs to compare estimates to actual to determine accuracy of the CERs). Aerospace companies typically use factors such as weight and material [19] for their CERs. While these CERs work well at an airplane level, they start to break down at the more granular levels (e.g., weight is not a good CER for estimating the cost of systems). CERs should include design cost as well as manufacturing cost components. Companies should use statistical analysis to ensure their CER is based on features that well define cost [19]. When developing CERs, companies must: * Understand the design process * Do not mix dissimilar products for CER development * Use as many data points as possible * Break out cost by cost component * Use common sense and experience * Do not use too many variables [21] Once CERs have been developed, the design team needs to be educated about the cost drivers [19] [11]. Although the team may not be able to identify costs with a high degree of accuracy, they can still use historical costs and subject matter expertise from engineers and suppliers to determine features and functionality that tend to increase cost. This information could be shared through actual historical costs, or through more qualitative graphs that provide engineers with an indication 37 of cost drivers. This information is important to share with engineers so they can make more informed design decisions. Companies are increasingly using neural networks and fuzzy logic to determine costs during early phases of product development. Neural networks and fuzzy logic have proven to provide more accurate cost estimates, particularly where suitable CERs have not been identified [2]. While weight-based CERs provide good, early cost estimates for airframes, for example, estimating costs for systems is a little more difficult. Neural networks can quickly identify cost patterns and determine more accurate cost estimates based on other parameters. Fuzzy logic can handle uncertainty and imprecision when traditional, deterministic cost models don't handle this as well. Fuzzy logic is particularly applicable when human decision-making is core to the downstream process [22]. For these reasons, neural networks and fuzzy logic can provide enhanced capabilities to traditional parametric cost estimates early in the development process. As the team moves towards detailed design, and creates part-level specifications, feature-based estimates can be used. Feature based costing (FBC) has been used increasingly by a leading European aerospace manufacturer [2]. FBC makes sense to use both during concept development and during detailed design. Any component can, at a high level, be described as a combination of features. Table 3-4 illustrates some example features that can be used to describe individual parts. Since these high level features are typically known during concept development, a company could use a feature-based cost table to estimate the cost of the end product. Table 3-4: Feature Based Costing Example Features Feature Type Geometric Attribute Physical Process Assembly Activity Examples Length, Width, Depth, Perimeter, Volume, Area Tolerance, Finish, Density, Mass, Material, Composition Hole, Pocket, Skin, Core, PC Board, Cable, Spar, Wing Drill, Lay, Weld, Machine, Form Interconnect, Insert, Align, Engage, Attach Design Engineering, Structural Analysis, Quality Since FBC at this level uses cost tables, current and historical costs must be tracked to the part level. The features of those parts must also be tracked to ensure the team can associate features to costs. While cost tables must be used during early design phases, CAD-based FBC should be used once engineers work on detailed design, with 3D CAD drawings of their parts. Many tools exist in the 38 marketplace, which can integrate with CAD programs like CATIA, so engineers can get accurate should-cost estimates for the parts they are designing. We will discuss these tools in more depth in the next section. As designs become more hardened, supplier quotes and actual costs can be used to track costs. As Figure 3-6 illustrates, cost estimating techniques become more accurate further along the development timeline. Since all estimating is based on assumptions, it makes sense to include a risk assessment with estimates at every stage of the process [2]. This risk assessment can be as simple as reporting cost estimates as expected ranges (e.g., high, expected, low). Some of the techniques described above require significant setup and tools to be in place in order to be effective. The next section will describe some of the cost estimating tools that are currently used by manufacturing companies. 3.4.1 Tools The cost estimating process requires comprehensive IT systems and significant cross-functional coordination [1]. During every phase of product development, tools are needed to help create cost estimates and central databases are needed to store the cost estimates so that Finance can aggregate costs to the product level. This section describes some cost estimating tools currently in the marketplace. This is not an exhaustive list of all tools available, but is intended to provide an indication of what functionality is available. aPriori: provides manufacturing cost estimates of parts and assemblies using CAD files. Users can drop the CAD file into aPriori, define a couple of parameters, and see price [23] Costimator: provides manufacturing cost estimates based on parametric estimates, featurebased, or individual operations required to manufacture part [24] COSYSMO: a parametric systems engineering cost model, which is used in various industries including aerospace [25]. It is being incorporated into systems like PRICE-H and SEER. [19] Geometric: provides manufacturing cost estimates of parts using CAD files. Users must manually define tolerances and other features, but the tool provides tips for features that tend to increase or decrease cost [26] PRICE-H: provides parametric estimates based on a database of costs from other products. Both estimates on recurring part costs and program management are included. Enables 39 engineers to understand costs of alternative solutions. This tool was used by BDS in the 1990s [27] PTC Windchill: general purpose life-cycle cost estimating tool. User defines the cost breakdown structure, and compares the cost and sensitivity of various product options [28] SEER-DFM: uses historical data to estimate cost to manufacture and assemble parts. Each operation required to manufacture and assemble the parts must be manually input into the tool [29]. Vanguard Studio: general purpose life-cycle cost estimating tool. Models are built as hierarchical trees. Users can build complex systems, but users have to build the trees and populate with data, which requires a large amount of effort [19] Table 3-5 summarizes some key features of the tools identified above. There are a variety of tools available in the market that provide a variety of cost modeling capabilities. Companies may choose to use multiple tools to estimate costs at various stages of product development. Table 3-5: A Sample of Cost Estimating Tools Vagad Costimnator SEER-DFM aPriori Geometric Product definition Product definition Conceptual design Conceptual design Detailed design Detailed Design Program management, recurring part cost High level lifecycle costs High level lifecycle costs Recurring part cost Recurring part custs, pastt costs, cost to assemble Recurring part ecusts ad costs and assembly cost Recurring part cost Manual input Manual input Manual input Manual input Manual input Drop CAD into tool into tool into tool into tool into tool model into tool COSYSMO PRICE-H PTC Windchill Product definition Product definition Costs calculated Non-recurring CNnrecring engineering costs Input method Manual input into spreadsheet p d Development phase Aerospace specific data included Parametric Feature-based Trade-off Includes composites The ideal, comprehensive tools would include the following features [19]: * Mix of parametric and bottom-up estimates * Sensitivity and risk analysis * Lifecycle cost (not just manufacturing) 40 CAD model, manually input each manufacturing process While homegrown tools are highly customizable, they create barriers with suppliers since suppliers don't have access to those tools and cannot keep up with development of their own [30]. Additionally, homegrown tools can quickly become obsolete if they are not properly maintained. The cost estimating tools available in the market have become mature enough that companies should not have to rely on homegrown tools to estimate costs. 3.5 US Versus Japanese Companies Since Japanese companies have demonstrated success with Target Costing, it is important to identify differences in US and Japanese firms that might impact companies' ability to implement Target Costing successfully in the US. The biggest difference between US and Japanese firms is their relationships with their suppliers. US supplier relationships are not well aligned to partnering [17]. In Japan, customers and suppliers have long-term personal relationships, so a buyer will stick with its suppliers, which leads suppliers to more readily trust buyers. In the US, however, suppliers cannot rely on long-term loyalty from buyers, so buyers must find other ways to incentivize suppliers to cooperate [17]. Even if a US buyer intends to honor a long-term relationship, suppliers to US firms do not trust the strength of the relationship, so US firms must have contingencies that increase commitment from the suppliers, or decrease risk in the case the supplier doesn't cooperate. In the US, Target Costing is a relatively new practice from an operations and supplier management perspective [9]. While Japanese firms have mapped costs to customer needs and desires, in accordance with lean thinking, no US companies have a formalized approach for looking at weighted value of a feature versus price [9]. This concept is core to Target Costing and must be implemented if Target Costing is to be successful. 3.6 Implementation A successful implementation strategy depends on the product's complexity, both internal (from a manufacturing point of view), and external (from a customer point of view). Products can be separated into one of four categories [30], which are depicted in Figure 3-7 below. 41 Figure 3-7: Product Complexity External Complexity C D Customer-driven products Complexproducts B A Compon ent-driven productsInternal Simple products Complexity Aerospace companies, such as The Boeing Company, fall into the category "D" highlighted in Figure 3-7, and need to combine the latest technology with a multi-disciplinary team [30]. While some less complex products might be able to get away with either technology, or a multi-disciplinary team, the high complexity of aerospace products means there must be a high level of coordination, and companies need to use the latest technologies to remain competitive. As with any implementation, executive sponsorship is necessary[19]. Implementation of Target Costing will only be successful if there is an executive who will be measured against the success of Target Costing. Only then will that executive continue to drive implementation despite barriers that may arise. The most successful companies are those where team members have a good understanding of how their work translates into dollars [31]. Team members must be used to thinking in terms of business cases, and must have visibility into the cost impact they have when making design decisions. 3.6.1 Barriers to Implementation Many barriers exist to implementing Target Costing, and it is important for companies to understand these barriers so they can be planned for and overcome. Some companies will find it difficult to implement Target Costing unless the market conditions force them to be more careful about costs. Target costing will be found in highly competitive markets, where the competitive pressure forced companies to reduce cost to remain in the market. Firms that are not in competitive 42 markets may not feel urgency around cost the will have to compensate for the lack of pressure that would normally come from competition. Companies must be careful about how they message Target Costing. Employees must understand the relevance of Target Costing. Employees might see cost cutting as a reason to fear for their jobs, and may even work against Target Costing. Management must educate and reassure employees [1] that Target Costing will help them not hurt them. Target Costing should lead to lower cost without impairing design quality or total development time, but companies need to be careful to avoid setting overly aggressive time constraints on the design team. Research has shown that under high time pressure, design engineers will work longer hours without a corresponding cost decrease [32]. According to this research, providing cost targets will only result in lower cost products when the design engineers face low time pressure. This means, that while development time reduction might be a goal for the company, this must come organically from the improved designs (e.g., fewer errors, less rework, shorter production lead times). Although upfront increases in design time may be concerning, companies must invest in adequate time upfront to allow for Target Costing. If companies put overly burdensome time pressure on its designers, the designers will get burnt out [33], and will not be able to think creatively to identify ways to reduce cost. Companies must also be careful about supplier relationships. Target Costing can intensify problems with suppliers when cost-reduction requirements are passed down to them [33]. Suppliers with less power (particularly smaller suppliers) may feel over-burdened with the responsibility to find cost reduction, particularly when the more powerful suppliers defray cost targets by using their influence on the company [1]. Finally, companies must think carefully about how to estimate costs for features and technologies that are new. Target Costing is best suited to industries where products are incrementally different from the previous product [2] because companies have to have a good understanding of current cost breakdown in order to predict cost breakdown of future products. For products that are significantly different from previous products, companies cannot rely on historical information. Management must understand the risks associated with cost estimates for such products, so it is imperative that the development team reports risk in cost estimates. 43 3.7 Final Thoughts Since the majority of costs are committed by the time product design is released, the potential savings from Target Costing are significant. Target Costing requires significant upfront investment and commitment, and for some companies, requires a major shift in costing strategy from traditional cost-plus to market-based costing. Target Costing can increase the non-recurring cost of a product, but should only do so if there is a positive business case to do so. Under the Target Costing framework, activities that do not result in value will be identified and removed. Aerospace companies, with more complex products, will require more coordination and face a more complicated problem, but the tools and techniques employed by companies in other industries can be applied to help with the Target Costing process. Above all, Target Costing requires executive buy-in and ownership, as well as a clear understanding of the process by all team members involved in the process. 44 4 Study at The Boeing Company With the best practices described above in mind, this study will now use the implementation of a standards cost and availability tool to provide insight into The Boeing Company's position relative to these best practices. This study will also explore case studies, where Target Costing should have impacted the design decisions already made. These case studies will help identify areas to focus Target Costing efforts. 4.1 Standards Cost and Availability Tool The standards cost and availability tool is an internally developed, web-based tool intended to provide pricing, inventory, and usage information on standard parts to design engineers. The tool was created specifically for parts that The Boeing Company classifies as standard parts. These "standard parts" comprise parts such as nuts, bolts, brackets, etc., which are not custom-designed, rather are typically industry standard parts that have a price catalog. These standard parts range in price. The tool was developed by The Boeing Company's Supplier Management organization to provide cost visibility to engineers to make more cost-effective design decisions. With the 787 program, the organization saw a lot of new parts. Based on interviews with Supplier Management analysts, there is a belief that this proliferation of parts was a contributing factor to an industry-wide shortage of fasteners in 2007 [34]. This shortage of fasteners caused delays to the 787 program and increased costs to The Boeing Company. While some of these part selections were necessary due to technical reasons, people within the organization believed that much of the cost could have been avoided if the working-level engineers had better visibility to the cost and availability of the parts they were selecting. The intent of the tool is to enable the engineering population to make more informed decisions, which will enable design-for-cost and reduce overall supply chain costs. The tool was designed to impact design cycles as little as possible. The tool itself runs on The Boeing Company's internal server, and once an engineer has taken the appropriate training and has been granted access, (s)he should be able to look up a standard part or standard part family within seconds. The tool provides cost per part, current inventory of that part and average monthly usage of that part. Engineers using the tool are expected to use all three pieces of information when selecting a standard part: * Cost: if all other design criteria can be met by multiple standard parts, engineers will select the most cost effective standard part 45 * Inventory: if an engineer wants to select a part for which The Boeing Company has a low inventory, (s)he can consider lead time implications of getting enough inventory to satisfy the design change * Average monthly usage: cost of a part decreases as the volume used by The Boeing Company increases both in terms of the price per part and in terms of inventory holding costs. Engineers should consider this when selecting a part 4.2 Pilots The intent of the pilots was two-fold. First was to determine the effectiveness of the pilots by defining metrics (see Appendix 3 for the metrics chosen) and measuring those metrics to determine whether they were impacted when engineers used the tool for their design work. Second was to gather user feedback to determine engineering response to the tool and to gather lessons learned to incorporate into development of future versions of the tool. Supplier Management predicted the tool would be successful, but needed to validate the tool and collect user feedback before rolling it out to the general engineering population. Project identification followed a bottom-up approach. Since the timing of this study meant that new product design could not be used, the team relied on engineering changes. The team started in the 787 organization, where most of the engineering changes were being driven by cost reduction efforts. The team identified projects for which the following criteria were met: * Timing: design decisions needed to be made within the pilot time window * Type of change: the team identified projects that impacted standard parts. For example, a material change might impact part thickness and therefore fastener selection, whereas a change to the coating on a part would not impact standards Once individual projects had been identified, the team approached the individual engineers / engineering teams assigned to those projects to request that they pilot the tool. The tool was being driven by Supplier Management and there was no engineering management championing the tool. Because of this, there was no engineering directive forcing the engineering population to use the tool. The team instead relied on its ability to convince individual engineers that the tool was worth trying. 46 After limited success identifying enough viable projects within the 787 organization, the team reached out to other programs within Boeing Commercial. By the end of the pilot, the team had reached out to engineers from every program in Boeing Commercial. 4.3 Pilot results 4.3.1 Pilot Selection The team identified 111 potential projects. Of those projects, 39 were viable projects to pilot the tool. The reasons projects were not viable are illustrated in Figure 4-1 below. Projects were not viable for the following reasons: * Not suitable: potential projects were identified primarily by their name in various project tracking tools. While project names suggested relevance to standard parts, these projects did not involve standard part selection (e.g., one "standards" project involved renegotiating the contract for those standard parts. This was not the intended use of the tool) * Wrong timing: the pilots had to occur in line with the timing of this study. Suitable projects were those where design decisions were being made within the six month time period of this study. For many of the projects identified, design decisions had either already been made, or were not going to be addressed until after the period of this study " Project canceled: many of the potential projects identified were being driven by expected cost savings. For some of those projects, the expected cost savings were not sufficient for The Boeing Company to continue with the design change so the projects were cancelled 47 Figure 4-1: Pilot Project Selection 120 100 80 60 40 20 Total Leads Not Suitable/ Relevant Wrong Timing Project Cancelled Viable Projects Of the 39 viable projects, 20 projects could not be used for the pilot because the engineers were unable to obtain access to the tool. The Boeing Company is very careful with supplier information (in this case, supplier pricing), so has very specific access requirements for supplier information. Due to the organizations some of the engineers belonged to, those engineers were not able to gain access to the tool. Of the remaining 19 potential projects, 11 were not used for the pilot because the engineers were unwilling to use the tool. While those engineers generally agreed that the tool would help enable better decisions for the company, they were unwilling to pilot the tool either because they were not measured against the cost of their design and were unwilling to take on the extra work that would be required of the pilot or because they already felt overburdened with the workload they had. This response left the team with 8 projects to pilot the tool. 4.3.2 Feedback and Results The engineers who used the tool universally liked it. While the tool itself was very simple, it provided the engineers quick and easy access to pricing and availability information that they previously could not see. All eight project groups reported that the tool helped them make more informed design decisions, and two groups were very concerned with how quickly this tool could be rolled out to the larger engineering population. 48 When this study ended, two of the eight design projects were complete. Table 4-1 below displays the impact of these projects on the metrics measured. Although the other six projects were not complete by the end of the study, they were mature enough to determine whether the tool had impacted standards decisions for the designs. The tool had impacted the design decisions for five of the eight projects. Table 4-1: Completed Pilot (as of February 2014) Results Metric Project 1P Total Cost of parts Decreased 44% No change # of low use SKUs Decreased 17% No change # of high use SKUs No change No change # of different SKUs No change No change 4.3.3 Analysis of Results As mentioned earlier, the intent of the pilots was to determine effectiveness of the tool in impacting design decisions and to gather user feedback so that improvements could be made to the tool prior to it being rolled out to the broader engineering population. Based on the results above, the tool impacted the design decisions for more than 50% of the users, and the tool received very positive feedback from all users. While there were three projects that were unaffected by the tool, this result was expected. The team expected that in some cases, the most cost-effective parts would have already been chosen, and in those cases the tool would not impact part choices. This was the case with two of the three projects whose designs were not impacted by the tool. For the remaining project, less costly parts were identified, however, the design team determined that the savings would not be sufficient to justify the time that would be required to implement the change. The results were promising enough for management to move ahead with the plan to roll the tool out to the broader population. Through "lessons learned" workshops, the team identified bugs in the tool and features that could easily be added to the tool that would greatly improve the user experience for the engineering population. While the pilot was successful for the eight projects that moved ahead, the pilot suggested some underlying barriers to design-to-cost at The Boeing Company. 11 out of 39 (almost 30%) of the viable projects did not move forward because the engineers did not have the bandwidth nor the 49 appetite to use the tool. This was because cost was not a priority for the working-level engineers. Since working-level engineers were not measured on the cost of their designs, they only considered cost if there was time to do so. The engineers were not provided additional time to identify lower cost solutions. Additionally, engineers were not rewarded for reducing cost, so the only incentive they had for finding cost savings was to "do what is right for the company". Finally, cost targets were not known at the engineer level, so engineers were not aware if there was a cost gap they needed to fill. It is important to note that this goodwill towards the company was very strong at The Boeing Company. While loyalty to the company was the only motivator the team had to convince design teams to pilot the tool, it was remarkable that eight teams were willing to take on the additional work required of a pilot. The Boeing Company is a company filled with employees who want to do what is best for the company, so leadership is well positioned to steer them in the right direction. 4.3.4 Current Status of the Tool Through the pilots, the tool gained traction in the engineering population and by the end of this study, was being implemented on the 777X program. The 777X program was in its early design stages, so this tool could provide the design teams access to pricing information when they have the most ability to impact product cost. The tool will be evaluated for impact on the 777X program and is expected to be rolled out to other programs during the following months. 4.4 Case Studies While the implementation of the standards tool revealed that working-level engineers did not prioritize cost, there are other barriers to Target Costing at The Boeing Company. The following case studies will explore situations where Boeing design teams chose more costly design solutions than necessary and will explore why those more expensive design decisions were made. These case studies were chosen to explore barriers to Target Costing at The Boeing Company, so focus will be on how more cost efficient design decisions could have been made. 4.4.1 Bolt Grip Lengths When engineers select a fastener, the fastener selected depends on the technical requirements of the fastener (e.g., strength, corrosion) as well as the stack-up of parts. Engineers will select the fastener length (grip length) that most closely fits the stack-up to minimize excess weight. This method of selecting parts can result in low-use fastener sizes being selected. This increases costs for The Boeing Company because there are significant economies of scale with standard parts due to high set up costs and low marginal production costs. When The Boeing Company consumes large 50 volumes of a particular grip length fastener, the price per part is low, whereas when The Boeing Company consumes low volumes of a particular grip length fastener, the price per part is high. A study by The Boeing Company's Value Engineering organization determined that demand is grouped around certain grip lengths, which results in uneven pricing of bolts. Figure 4-2 illustrates the price pattern for one family of bolts. Figure 4-2: Price Pattern for a Family of Bolts I..JL...LJL..LILLLIII1.Iii1.1.11 i Grip Length The Boeing Company's Value Engineering organization identified those expensive grip lengths on the 787 and determined that significant savings were possible by increasing certain grip lengths. In some places, a grip length change was not technically feasible and, where possible, the increased grip length added weight, but the total cost reduction far outweighed any weight increase to the airplane. This project was "Project 1" in the standards tool pilot and, as discussed in Section 4.3.2, the cost of those parts was reduced by 44%. This was a case where the more cost effective solution was not complex. Any design team with access to the pricing data would have understood how volume drives cost and would have produced a more cost-effective solution similar to the one described (where low volume bolts are avoided). At The Boeing Company, however, the more expensive solution was initially selected because the design team did not have access to the relevant cost information and because weight was prioritized strongly over cost. During initial design, any solution perceived to add cost to the airplane would not be approved because the priority was to produce the most lightweight airplane possible. While the cost reduction more than offsets the weight increase, this solution would not have even been considered during initial airplane development because weight was prioritized so intensely. 51 4.4.2 Temporary Fasteners For the 787 program, The Boeing Company receives subassemblies from its partners around the world and puts them together in its final assembly factories in South Carolina and Washington. One of these subassemblies, the wing box, comes from Fuji Heavy Industry (FHI) in Japan. These wing boxes use temporary fasteners that are replaced when the wing is joined to the body in final assembly. When Boeing final assembly replaces the temporary fasteners, they are discarded because they cannot be reused due to airplane certification requirements. These fasteners cost several thousand dollars per airplane. Boeing's Value Engineering organization is looking into more cost effective solutions. These solutions include: * Selecting less expensive temporary fasteners: the fasteners currently used satisfy far higher technical specifications than is necessary. These fasteners have a limited use since they need to support a static load rather than fatigue loads " Reusing the temporary fasteners: while the temporary fasteners cannot be reused in service, they can be refurbished and then reused as temporary fasteners. With this solution, The Boeing Company would contract a 3rd party to refurbish the fasteners and then would ship the fasteners back to FHI to be used on future airplanes Both of these solutions would provide significant savings to FHI and to The Boeing Company. If The Boeing Company and FHI had addressed this temporary fastener issue upfront during program development, they might have been able to produce a more cost effective solution than those described above. This cost issue was not addressed during program development because the Boeing design team was not aware of the difference in cost between fasteners. 4.4.3 Material Selection Early in the 787 Program, Boeing engineers changed the material for two large parts of the fuselage from aluminum to an alloy. This change was intended to reduce the weight of each airplane. The design team assumed that the alloy was comparable in price to the aluminum. The Value Engineering organization has since discovered that the alloy is many times more expensive than the aluminum because it is in less plentiful supply than the aluminum and because it is more difficult to work with (i.e., more difficult to machine). 52 The Boeing Company has since changed the material for these parts back to the original aluminum. While this change reintroduces the weight saved by the original change, the cost reduction more than offsets the increase in weight. The original design team responsible for the first change would not have initiated the change if they had a good understanding of the real material costs. Instead, they generated a change that would have to be reversed later. 53 This page has been intentionallyleft blank 54 5 5.1 Recommendations Three Lenses The MIT Sloan School of Management uses a framework called the three lenses for analyzing organizations. Each lens offers a different perspective on human nature, functions of the organization and information needed to make sense of the organization, but are distinct enough that they cannot be combined. The three lenses are: strategic lens, political lens, and cultural lens. The strategic lens focuses on the strategy and design of the organization. This lens focuses on the idea that organizations have goals that are achieved by its people carrying out their tasks. The political lens takes the view that instead of the organization having goals, it comprises individuals who each have their own interests. This lens sees the organization as a struggle for power between different stakeholders. It looks at coalitions that form and at negotiations that can occur between stakeholders. The cultural lens takes the view that individuals behave in response to the meanings they take from situations. This lens looks at the symbols, stories, and experiences from which meanings are derived and shared with new members of the organization. Underlying these artifacts are attitudes and beliefs that are not easily changed. The following Sections will analyze The Boeing Company's readiness for Target Costing through the three lenses. 5.2 Five Key Enablers of Target Costing This study's research into best practices for Target Costing revealed 5 key enablers: Culture, Organizations Involved, Process, Tools, and Market. These key enablers represent a slight tweak to the MIT Sloan three lens framework. While the three lens framework is a very useful tool for analyzing an enterprise in general, the key enablers identified above provide actionable recommendations that will enable successful Target Costing. These key enablers are illustrated in Figure 5-1. All five enablers need to be in place for successful Target Costing. Without any single enabler, Target Costing will not be successful. 55 Figure 5-1: The Five Key Enablers of Target Costing 0 Culture is probably the most difficult enabler to impact, but is also the most important to have in place. Culture motivates resources, and that motivation must be pointed in the right direction. Successful Target Costing requires a culture with a cost focus. Even if all other enablers were in place, Target costing will fail if the resources are not motivated to enable it. Organizations Involved is a crucial enabler because cross-functional teamwork is important for Target Costing. The key to successful Target Costing is ensuring good communication between organizations that are typically siloed. Successful Target Costing requires that the right functions are included in every step of product development. Processes must ensure cost is a focus and be set up to encourage cross-functional collaboration. Since process dictates how work is performed, it must be set up to enable Target Costing. If Target Costing is embedded in processes and process documentation, it will become institutionalized and will become part of normal operations. Tools are necessary to enable accurate financial estimating and to provide cost visibility to the product development team. Target Costing requires that cost can be tracked and allocated down to the individual design team level. Markets are typically the driving force for Target Costing. Markets with a high degree of competition force companies to pay attention to cost so companies in these markets have a large 56 appetite for frameworks that reduce costs [35]. While companies have a limited ability to change the market they are in, companies can compensate for market conditions that do not encourage Target Costing. While the political lens of the MIT Sloan three lenses is not called out as an enabler, it is important to address as a potential barrier to successful implementation. Political considerations will affect any company's ability to put any of the five key enablers in place. Any change will rely on the authority of the leadership driving the change and on the ability of the implementation team to influence others within the enterprise. The following Sections will discuss each of the five key enablers and the political barrier and how The Boeing Company can address each of them. While the recommendations in these Sections will be directed at The Boeing Company, they will be relevant for any company attempting to implement Target Costing. 5.3 Culture Boeing employees have a very strong drive to do well by their company and its product. This is apparent with the model Boeing airplanes employees keep at their desks and by the number of employees who make their way down to the factory for the first roll-out of a new airplane. Boeing employees are proud of the product they make and of the company that makes them. While this drive has motivated Boeing engineers to design impressive airplanes, The Boeing Company needs to shift the culture to one that is more focused on cost in order to keep costs competitive. The standards tool pilot revealed that, while cost targets exist, they were not being flowed down to the individual engineer level. Additionally, while cost is a priority for the airplane programs, the working-level engineers in this study were not being measured by cost nor are they given the tools to make cost decisions. The bolt grip length case study demonstrated that weight took priority over cost for design decisions during development. The temporary fastener case suggested that schedule (i.e., completing design on time) took priority over cost. Cost needs a higher priority and needs to become a key measure upon which the organizations are measured. This could be achieved by making product cost a key metric for organizations as well as for individual engineers. As mentioned above, culture is typically the most difficult enabler to influence, but it will also have the greatest impact on the success of Target Costing. The MIT Sloan three lens framework provides 57 a helpful strategy for influencing culture. This strategy, illustrated in Figure 5-2, involves three key steps: see the culture, socialize participants, create symbols. Figure 5-2: How to Change Culture See Culture Socialize Participants Create Symbols The first step involves understanding the culture as it currently exists. This culture will be understood by looking at symbols that exist, language people use, and norms or behaviors that people adhere to. The current culture will inform what needs to change. In The Boeing Company's case, the culture was identified as one where employees are proud of the product and their company, and where weight and schedule dominate over cost. While weight and schedule are important to hold on to, price must be given a priority as well. The second step, socializing participants, involves communication and reinforcement. Leadership needs to communicate that cost will become a priority and help employees understand why. As discussed in Section 3.6.1, employees might be weary of this focus on cost and assume their jobs at risk. Leadership will have to reassure employees and help them understand that reducing product costs through Target Costing is what will keep the company cost competitive and enable them to keep their job security. These communications must be repeated. Culture will not change based on a single communication, rather this shift in priority will need to be reinforced until it sticks. The final step, creating symbols, will ensure the culture change spreads throughout the organization. At The Boeing Company, weight and schedule are key metrics that the engineering organization is held to during product development; product cost should be another key metric. The organization's performance to these metrics could be made visible through dashboards or other forms to remind employees of the goals of the company, and how they are performing relative to those goals. In addition to making product cost a performance metric, the company could create incentive plans that align with its goals. Individuals who are visibly rewarded (e.g., through promotion or bonus) can also be symbols for their coworkers. 58 5.4 Organizations Involved Successful Target Costing relies on cross-functional coordination throughout product development. Best practices recommend the following organizations be involved: Engineering, Finance, Manufacturing, Marketing, and Supplier Management. All organizations should be involved during every phase of product development. Additionally, suppliers should be treated as an organization within the company and should be involved in every phase of product development once they are brought on. In The Boeing Company's case, CAS should be involved in product development as well. The CAS organization maintains constant communication with the customers through the maintenance, spares, modifications, and training services it provides to The Boeing Company's customers. Since CAS interacts with customers while they are using the product, they have unique insight into technical problems faced by customers (often avoidable with design changes upfront) and they receive feedback that would be valuable to determining features and functionality to include on future airplanes. The Boeing Company demonstrated the benefits of this cross-functional coordination during development of the 777 program. As discussed in Section 3.2.7, The Boeing Company's crossfunctional coordination contributed to decreased change, error, and rework, and decreased program cost [12]. More recently, the 787 Value Engineering organization involved in this study demonstrated the benefits of cross-functional coordination. In this group, design engineers have been collocated with Finance, Supplier Management, and with Boeing Partners. Through this collocation, the engineers have been able to quickly coordinate with the other groups to identify efficiencies that have significantly reduced the cost to produce the 787. The case studies suggest that The Boeing Company's development teams need more coordination. In the temporary fastener case study, if Finance and Supplier Management had been involved earlier in the process, they might have highlighted the large cost of the temporary fasteners and the design team might have paid attention to removing this cost. In the material selection case study, the engineers who made the decision to switch materials did not understand the cost of the material they were switching to. If there had been more coordination with the Finance and Supplier Management organizations, they may have better understood the financial impact of the design change and chosen not to pursue it. 59 Best practices emphasize that all organizations should be involved throughout the development process. For The Boeing Company, the standards tool pilot indicated that cost targets were not being flowed down to the engineer level. Engineers interviewed believed that part of the reason this was happening was because the Engineering organization did not feel involved in the process of setting those targets. Engineering, Manufacturing, and Supplier Management should all be involved in the Target Costing process upfront because they have valuable subject matter expertise that could inform whether cost targets are realistic. Since these organizations will also be held accountable to those cost targets, they should be involved in setting them. This concept of including organizations in the conversation to set cost targets since they will be held accountable to them should also extend to the suppliers. Since The Boeing Company partners with suppliers to design large sections of its airplanes, it should follow the same rules and process when assigning target costs to sections designed in-house versus those designed by partners. Those rules, assumptions, and processes should be communicated to the suppliers to encourage supplier buy-in. If The Boeing Company uses the same assumptions to set targets for supplier-designed sections as it does sections designed in-house, The Boeing Company should have the same level of confidence that those targets can be met. Put another way, according to best practices, if the supplier does not agree to and adhere to those cost targets, The Boeing Company should be confident that it could hit the cost targets by bringing that section back in-house or by giving that section to another supplier. The suppliers should be treated as an extension of The Boeing Company, and should therefore be treated like any other organization within the company. For some, it seems counterintuitive to involve Marketing as late as detailed design. When the design team needs to make functionality tradeoffs or perform QFD analysis to determine where the product costs are too high, these organizations can provide valuable input to help guide the designers' focus. While it would be a waste of resources to include Marketing in every design discussion, it is important to recognize that these organizations need to be involved throughout the product development process. 5.5 Process Since process dictates how resources perform their work, process must be in line with Target Costing. Process determines who is involved in performing certain tasks, what tasks need to be performed, and what the business rules are for performing those tasks. Changing process involves more than documenting the change; stakeholders need to agree to the change, those performing the 60 work need to understand the change, and the change needs to be carefully designed so that it adds value without adding unnecessary work. As described in Section 2.3, The Boeing Company follows a fairly standard product development process (illustrated in Figure 2-4) with review gates at the end of each phase of design. This process is well set up to align with Target Costing. The Boeing Company needs to infuse cost into the development process by dictating that product cost is one of the criteria reviewed during each review gate. Boeing managers currently review a standard list of criteria (e.g., strength, weight, corrosion) during each review gate, so product cost simply needs to be added to the list. By requiring that individual engineers report out on product cost, Engineering will have to coordinate with other organizations such as Finance to determine those costs. If cost had been a review criteria for the temporary fasteners case study, the cost of those fasteners would have been highlighted and the overly expensive design / manufacturing methods would not have been approved. Since weight, schedule, and cost will be reviewed during each review gate, The Boeing Company can expect that tradeoffs between the three may have to occur. The Boeing Company should set tradeoff values between the three metrics (e.g., lbs versus dollars per airplane, days of non-recurring design work versus dollars per airplane). In the grip length case study, if the design team had been armed with these kinds of tradeoff rules, they would have selected more cost efficient grip lengths. For each of the case studies discussed, a review of cost during these review gates would have resulted in a more cost effective design, which would not need to be revised at a later stage. The initial designs would not have passed the cost review and the design teams would have developed less costly designs upfront. Additionally, since the design changes are not complex, this design review for cost should not add significant time to the design process. Additionally, since process dictates who performs the work, the product development process should include CAS, Marketing, Finance, Engineering, Manufacturing, Supplier Management, and suppliers throughout. As discussed in Section 5.4, successful Target Costing relies on the coordination of these organizations throughout the development process. 5.6 Tools As described in Section 3.4, various estimating techniques should be used throughout the product development cycle. As the product development becomes more mature, the cost estimating tools available will become more accurate. The Boeing Company should employ each of these cost estimating techniques during the appropriate phases of product design. 61 As illustrated in Figure 3-6, The Boeing Company will have to rely on historical data to estimate product costs during early product definition. These estimates will be subject to uncertainty and that uncertainty should be reported with every estimate. This historical data should be tracked down to the individual design team level since the product development team will need to estimate and allocate target costs to this level. As The Boeing Company moves into conceptual design, it will be able to improve on initial estimates with parametric estimates. As described in Section 3.4, these parametric estimates rely on CERs to provide cost estimates. These estimates are only as good as the CERs, so The Boeing Company should constantly review and revise its CERs to ensure it is getting the most accurate estimates possible. The Boeing Company could also use neural networkss and fuzzy logic 6 to improve on those parametric estimates. As the development team moves into detailed design, feature-based cost tables can be used. This study observed that The Boeing Company has multiple home-grown feature-based tools that can provide accurate cost estimates, but these are not widely used. If the design team had access to these tools to estimate the cost of the initial material change in the material selection case study, they might have better understood the cost implication of that design decision. The Boeing Company should standardize financial estimating processes to include tools like these so that design teams have the best information available to them when making cost-based decisions. Once the design has been drawn in CAD systems, The Boeing Company could make use of featurebased CAD software available. This software would enable design teams to determine the expected cost of a part in very little time. This kind of cost estimate should be shared with Supplier Management since it provides them with a "should cost" or a baseline cost with which to negotiate with suppliers. Finally, The Boeing Company's cost estimates will become more accurate when supplier quotes and actual costs begin to be reported. Best practices suggest this cost information should be tracked to the individual design team level since it will provide the basis of cost estimates for future products and will provide the company with visibility into cost drivers. s Neural networks are effectively "machine learning" programs whereby the program will make connections between key features of different products and provide estimates of the new product based on the connections it makes 6 While traditional statistical methods use 0 or 1 to describe a true/false statement, fuzzy logic adds more possible points (e.g., warm, neutral, cold). It determines how much a variable is in a set rather than how probable it is that the variable is in a set 62 These tools are critical to Target Costing because they provide the ability to estimate the cost of the product. The Boeing Company should leverage existing tools and identify gaps in cost estimating capabilities. If the design teams in the bolt grip length and the temporary fastener case studies had access to existing cost tools (such as the standards tool piloted as part of this study), they might have been able to release a more cost effective design upfront. When determining gaps, The Boeing Company must ensure it has the ability to estimate total lifecycle costs. As highlighted in Section, design and manufacturing are not the only areas where there is opportunity to reduce cost. All cost elements (e.g., R&D, manufacturing, acquisition, sales and marketing, operations support, etc.) must be reflected in cost estimates so that product development teams can properly assess the tradeoffs. The Target Costing toolset is not limited to cost estimating tools, but also includes standard frameworks and techniques that help teams identify and remove costs. In addition to cost estimating tools, The Boeing Company should employ the techniques for cost reduction described in Section This study observed that The Boeing Company has made significant investments in continuous improvement, so the tools employed should mirror those already being used for continuous improvement. QFD should be used both to inform tradeoff decisions and to help allocate costs down to the individual design team level. 5.7 Market As discussed in Section 5.2, while the market a company is in can be difficult to change, it can be a key driver for Target Costing. Although companies may not be able to change the market they are in, if the driving forces for Target Costing are understood, the market forces can be compensated for to enable Target Costing. The key driving market conditions for Target Costing are: * Degree of competition: companies in highly competitive markets will be more sensitive to cost. These companies will have the energy and motivation required to implement Target Costing " Strategy of product differentiation: companies with a strategy of product differentiation are more likely to implement Target Costing than companies with a strategy of price competition [35]. Companies with a strategy of product differentiation will have invested in understanding what their customers want and will have mature methods for placing a price on what the customer wants. Since Target Costing relies on a customer focus, these companies are well positioned to implement the framework 63 " Frequent release of new products: since accurate cost estimates are integral to successful Target Costing, companies with frequent product releases, and therefore recent cost information, will be able to estimate the cost of new products more accurately " Well-established technology: it is difficult to estimate the cost of new technologies, so companies designing products with well-established technologies will be able to more accurately estimate costs Although The Boeing Company currently operates in a duopoly, competition is increasing. Airbus has been steadily taking market share away from The Boeing Company, and potential new entrants to the market pose a threat for the near future. Despite this competition, there are varied levels of concern within the company. In order to motivate and energize employees enough to successfully implement Target Costing, leadership must instill a sense of urgency. The Boeing Company positions itself against Airbus through product differentiation. While Airbus can offer lower price tags to airlines, The Boeing Company sells airplanes based on the difference in their value (e.g., more fuel efficient, less maintenance required). As discussed in Section 3.2.1, The Boeing Company proved with the 777 program that the company has the customer in mind and can value the functionality its airplanes provide. The Boeing Company should emphasize this customer focus throughout the product development process into detailed design. The Boeing Company faces a challenge estimating the cost of future airplanes. Since new programs are typically the result of new technologies that improve airplane performance, those new technologies will make new airplanes difficult to cost. Additionally, The Boeing Company does not release new airplanes frequently, adding to the cost estimating challenge. Because of this challenge, The Boeing Company should leverage all cost estimating tools available to them to improve the accuracy of cost estimates. The Boeing Company should also report uncertainty in cost estimates so that decision makers understand the risk. 5.8 Politics In addition to ensuring the five key enablers are in place, The Boeing Company will have to pay attention to politics within the company. Politics in not an enabler, but could create barriers to the implementation of Target Costing within The Boeing Company. The first issue to address is which organization has the most influence. Based on interviews conducted with working-level engineers, the Engineering organization emerged as a powerful organization. This was justified with the reason that The Boeing Company is an engineering 64 company that prides itself on the technical excellence of its products. Engineering could present a barrier to Target Costing because the organization might fear that Target Costing will detract from the technical excellence of the product. Leaders will have to reassure this organization that cost reduction is possible without diminishing quality, as discussed in Section 3.1. Additionally, the Engineering organization might object to involving other organizations such as Marketing and CAS in the detailed design phase of product development. Detailed design is the phase of the process traditionally owned by the Engineering organization and Engineering might believe that these additional stakeholders will distract from the design work. Leadership will have to lay clear boundaries regarding when Marketing and CAS should be involved and who holds the authority to make decisions. Other organizations will need to collaborate for Target Costing to be successful. As identified by this study, working-level engineers do not have access to product cost information. This norm needs to change and Finance and Supplier Management need to openly share financial information with the engineering population. Additionally, best practices research found that the Finance organization often gets pegged as an auditing function. The Boeing Company will need to be aware of this tendency and avoid it. The Finance resources on each design team should enable the product development team by identifying cost drivers to help focus cost reduction activities. Finally, leadership will need to provide the product development team with adequate time. As discussed in Section 3.6.1, overly aggressive timelines will lead to the design team working longer hours without producing a cost decrease. If employees are burnt out, they will not find creative solutions and they will make mistakes, leading to delays caused by required rework. Leadership will need to remember that an upfront investment in time will pay off through more cost effective designs and fewer errors and rework. 65 This page has been intentionally left blank 66 6 Conclusion and Next Steps 6.1 Conclusion Target Costing is not easy to implement. It requires a large upfront investment and a lot of commitment to be successful. Companies that have successfully implemented Target Costing have seen the benefits not just through lowered lifecycle costs, but also through improved quality and reduced production timelines. Based on this study, The Boeing Company has the right infrastructure in place, but needs to focus more on cost. With potential new entrants to the market, this is The Boeing Company's opportunity to get ahead of the competition by implementing Target Costing. In order to successfully implement Target Costing, The Boeing Company should focus on the five key pillars: * Culture: follow the three key steps (see culture, communicate change, create symbols). Prioritize cost and include it as a key metric for product development * Organizations Involved: create cross-functional teams and ensure all organizations (CAS, Engineering, Finance, Manufacturing, Marketing, and Supplier Management) are involved in every phase of product development * Process: include product cost as a review gate criteria. Dictate the organizations that should be involved in each phase of product development * Tools: review existing cost estimating tools and identify gaps. Standardize financial estimating tools and processes. Regularly update and improve CERs used for parametric estimates and evaluate new tools available. Use continuous improvement techniques to identify and remove cost * Market: create a sense of urgency to drive Target Costing. Improve accuracy of cost estimates to the extent possible and report uncertainty in cost estimates Additionally, The Boeing Company needs to mitigate the potential barriers it faces. Since The Boeing Company relies on its suppliers for much of the product development work, The Boeing Company should treat those suppliers as true partners; setting the same targets and expectations for its suppliers as it does its own internal organizations, and also providing the same support to its suppliers as it does its own organizations. The Boeing Company will need to manage employee 67 perception of Target Costing, ensuring resources understand that Target Costing will not detract from the technical excellence of the Boeing product. 6.2 Opportunities for Improvement While the standards tool pilot and the case studies provided key insights into The Boeing Company's readiness for Target Costing, this study would yield more telling results if it could have followed the full implementation of Target Costing at The Boeing Company. This kind of experiment would have required high level leadership sponsorship and significant coordination upfront, however, with an organization specifically pursuing Target Costing, this study might have generated more specific insights into the ability of aerospace companies to implement Target Costing. Additionally, this study only explored groups within one aerospace company. It would be interesting to see commonalities and differences between various aerospace companies with respect to their ability to address product costs. 6.3 Areas for Further Research This study provides a high level picture of the The Boeing Company's ability to implement Target Costing. While this study covers the major issues The Boeing Company will face, further research could be done in some of the specific areas of focus. This study discusses the difficulties associated with working with suppliers while trying to implement Target Costing. Since The Boeing Company relies heavily upon it suppliers, further research could be done to investigate best practices in this area and The Boeing Company's interactions with its suppliers compares to those best practices. Additionally, this study discusses some of the cost estimating tools available to aerospace companies but does not provide a comprehensive view of all cost estimating tools and techniques available. 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Appendices Appendix 1 - Boeing 777 Payload-Range Graph Boeing 777 Payload-Range Graph for GE Engines [36] General Electric engines Payload, 1,000 kg (1,000 Ib) 80 (160) - 777-300ER 351,630-kg (775,000-b) MTOW* 70 N (140) 1 60 (120) _ 777-200LR N (100) (80) (60) 40 368 passengers'_ 30 365 passenger a............. 305 passengers* __ .......... 301 passengers (40) 20 (20) 10 (0) 0 --- - 0 I (0) " Typical mission rules - Three-class seating 1 I (2) 347,450-kg (766,000-4b MTOW* K .......... ......... 777-200* 247,200-kg (545,000-b) MTOW - -------. .. . . . . 2 1 (4) 3 I (6) 4 I (8) 5 I (10) - - 777-300* 299,370-kg (660,000-4b) MTOW - --- 6 I (12) 7 Range, 1,000 nmi (1,000 km) -"Vrb a rules Highest opbonal weigt, loading restricions apply above 750K (777-200LR) and 766K (777-300ER) Includes three opbonal 7,095 L (1,875 U.S. gal) auxiary fuel tanks -Medunio& 777-200ER 297,550-kg (656,000-1b) MTOW - 73 I (14) 8 I (16) 9 I (18) 10 11 I (20) Appendix 2 - Boeing 787 Sections Boeing 787 Sections [37] Wlngtips KAL-ASD (Korea) Forward fuselage PARTS NOT SHOWN Tall fin Boeing (Frederickson, Wash.) Landing gear Messier-Dowty (England) Horizontal stabilizer Alenia (Italy) -I Wing/body fair' g Boeing (Canada) Center fuselage Alenia (Italy) Kawasa kr (Japan) Landing gear doors IKiiiiaE Forward fuselage Spirit (Wichita, Kan.) Boeing (Canada) Aft fuselage Cargo access doors Vought (Chadeston, S.C.) Saab (Sweden) Main landing gear wheel well Kawasaki (Japan) Fixed trailing edge Kawasakl (Japan) Movable trailing edge Boeij (Australia Wing Mitsubishi Fixed and movable leading edge (Japan) Spirit (Tilsa, Okla.) Center wing box Fuji Japan) Passenger entry Latecoere (France) Engines GE (Evendale, Ohio) Engin Rois-Royce (England) Engine nacelles Goodrich (Chula Vista, Calif.) Appendix 3 - Standards Tool Pilot Metrics Standards Tool Pilot Metrics Area Impacted Costs Control Product Standard Proliferation Goal Metric Reduce unique part numbers # of different SKUs / part families Reduce average cost per part by reducing the number of low use / high price parts. Savings from selecting lower cost parts and reduced inventory management costs # of low use parts (<1000 / yr) # high use parts (>20,000/ yr) Total cost of parts Reduce proliferation to eliminate unnecessary new standard part additions # of low use parts (<1000 Simplify the supply chain # different SKUs Optimize standard part supplier capacity # low use parts Supply Chain *Note: parts were classified as low, medium, or high use 74 / yr)