Department of the Air Force Military Construction and Family Housing Program Fiscal Year (FY) 2001 Budget Estimates Justification Data Submitted to Congress February 2000 Table of Contents Table Of Contents Fiscal Year (FY) 2001 President’s Budget Page Number General Table of Contents ................................................................ 1 Program Summary .............................................................. 3 Militarv Construction State Summary (List of Projects) ....................................... 5 New Mission/Current Mission Exhibit .............................. 13 Installation Index ................................................................ 21 Special Program Considerations: Statements ......................................................................... 23 Congressional Reporting Requirements ........................ 24 Research and Development ............................................. 26 Third Party Financing ..................................................... 27 Appropriation Language .................................................... 29 Inside the United States Construction Projects.. .............. 31 Outside the United States Construction Projects.. ........... 231 Unspecified Minor Construction ....................................... 259 Planning and Design ........................................................... 261 Working Capital Funds Construction Projects.. .............. 263 1 Unspecified Minor Construction Il. I COMPONENT! I IAIR DATE 12. FY 2001 MILITARY CONSTRUCTION (computer FORCE 13. INSTALLATION I AND LOCATION lVARIOUS LOCATIONS 16. PERSONNEL STRENGTH a.Asof30SEP99 b. End FY 2005 PROGRAM I generated) 14. COMMAND 15. AREA CONST( I COST INDEX1 0.00 ( SUPPORTED STUDENTS OFF1 ENL ICIVl OFF] ENL ICIVj PERMANENT 1 OFF! ENL 1 CIV ) I I II II I 7. INVENTORY DATA ($000) Total Acreage: ( 0) Inventory Total As Of: (30 SEP 99) c. Authorization Not Yet In Inventory: /bAuthorization Requested In This Program: (FY 2002) e. Authorization Included In Following Program: Id. If. Planned In Next Three Program Years: lg. Remaining Deficiency: jh. Grand Total: 18. PROJECTS REQUESTED IN THIS PROGRAM: FY 2001 ICATEGORY COST SCOPE ( CODE PROJECT TITLE ($000) TOTAL II la- I 1010-211 jOlO-211 PLANNING AND DESIGN UNSPECIFIED MINOR CONSTRUCTION 19a. Future Projects: Included PLANNING AND DESIGN 1010-211 UNSPECIFIED MINOR CONSTRUCTION I in the ~010-211 19b. Future (010-211 1010-211 Projects: Typical Planned 0 0 64,087 41,593 169,316 0 274,996 DESIGN STATUS 1 START CMPL 1 I 001 001 54,237 00 9,850 00 TOTAL : 64,087 Following Program (FY 2002) LS 31,748 LS 9,845 LS LS Next TOTAL: 41,593 Three Years: PLANNING AND DESIGN UNSPECIFIED MINOR LS LS 43,032 9,897 LS LS LS LS 47,574 9,949 48,867 9,997 CONSTRUCTION I 1010-211 PLANNING AND DESIGN 1010-211 UNSPECIFIED MINOR CONSTRUCTION ~010-211 PLANNING AND DESIGN 1010-211 UNSPECIFIED MINOR CONSTRUCTION Ill. Outstanding pollution and safety (OSHA) deficiencies: I / 112. Air pollution: Water pollution: C. Occupational safety and health: d. Other Environmental: Real Property Maintenance Backlog This ;: DD FORM 1390, 1 DEC 76 Previous editions Installation are obsolete. 0 0 0 0 0 Page No 259 11. I (AIR 13. (2. COMPONENT\ FY 2001 I FORCE INSTALLATION MILITARY CONSTRUCTION (computer CATEGORY CODE17. 010-211 COST DATE I 14. PROJECT I (UNSPECIFIED PROJECT NUMBER TITLE MINOR CONSTRUCTION 18. PROJECT COST($OOO) I 9. 9,850 PAYZO10002 ESTIMATES L ILS I I DATA qenerated) AND LOCATION I jVARIOUS LOCATIONS (5. PROGRAM ELEMENT(6. I I 1 9.12.11 PROJECT ITEM CONSTRUCTION 1U/M IUNSPECIFIED MINOR 1SUBTOTAL ITOTAL CONTRACT COST (TOTAL REQUEST ITOTAL REQUEST (ROUNDED) !UANTITY 1 UNIT j COST I COST 1 ($000) I 9,850 9,850 1 1 I 1 : 1 9,850 9,850 9,850 I I Description of Proposed Construction: Provide a lump sum amount for Minor Iunspecified construction projects not otherwise authorized by law. Iconstruction projects costing less than these limits are authorized to be Ifunded from the operations and maintenance appropriation. Includes Jconstruction, alteration, or conversion of permanent or temporary I facilities. Ill. REQUIREMENT: As required. [REQUIREMENT: Minor construction projects authorized by 10 U. S. Code 12805 are military construction projects with an estimated funded cost Ibetween $500,000 and $1,500,000; however projects with an estimated funded [cost of $l,OOO,OOO to $3,000,000 may be funded under this authority when Ispecifically planned to correct a life, health or safety deficiency. This [package provides a means of accomplishing urgent projects that are not Iidentified but which are anticipated to arise during FYOl. Included would Ibe projects to support new mission requirements, support of new equipment land concepts, and other essential support to Air Force missions and Ifunctions that could not wait until availability of FY02 Military [Construction Program funds. 110. DD FORM 1391, DEC 76 Previous editions are obsolete. Page No I ) ( 1 I I I I ( 260 Planning and Design 12. DATE 11. COMPONENT1 FY 2001 MILITARY CONSTRUCTION PROGRAM I I I I (computer generated) IAIR FORCE 15. AREA CONST( AND LOCATION 14. COMMAND 13. INSTALLATION COST INDEX! I I 0.00 lVARIOUS LOCATIONS STUDENTS ( SUPPORTED PERMANENT PERSONNEL 16. 1 1 OFFI ENL 1 CIV 1 OFF] ENL ICIVl OFF1 ENL 1cIVI TOTAL STRENGTH a. As of 30 SEP 99 1 I I I I II I II b. End FY 2005 7. INVENTORY DATA ($000) Total Acreage: ( 0) la0 lb. Inventory Total As Of: (30 SEP 99) 0 Not Yet In Inventory: IC- Authorization 64,087 Id. Authorization Requested In This Program: 41,593 Included In Following Program: (FY 2002) le. Authorization 169,316 (f. Planned In Next Three Program Years: 0 lg. Remaining Deficiency: 274,996 ]h. Grand Total: 18. PROJECTS REQUESTED IN THIS PROGRAM: FY 2001 COST DESIGN STATUS 1 ICATEGORY PROJECT TITLE SCOPE ICODE ($000) ~START -CMPL 1 I 1010-211 1010-211 PLANNING AND DESIGN UNSPECIFIED MINOR CONSTRUCTION Included 19a. Future Projects: ~010-211 PLANNING AND DESIGN 1010-211 UNSPECIFIED MINOR CONSTRUCTION I in the I 001 001 LS LS 54,237 00 9,850 00 TOTAL : 64,087 Following Program (FY 2002) 31,748 LS LS 9,845 TOTAL : 41,593 (9b. Future Projects: Typical Planned Next Three Years: LS 43,032 1010-211 PLANNING AND DESIGN LS 9,897 1010-211 UNSPECIFIED MINOR CONSTRUCTION I 1010-211 PLANNING AND DESIGN LS 47,574 1010-211 UNSPECIFIED MINOR CONSTRUCTION LS 9,949 lolo-211 PLANNING AND DESIGN LS 48,867 1010-211 UNSPECIFIED MINOR CONSTRUCTION LS 9,997 Ill. Outstanding pollution and safety (OSHA) deficiencies: I / 112. Air pollution: Water pollution: C. Occupational safety d. Other Environmental: Real Property Maintenance 0 0 0 0 0 b. a- DD FORM 1390, 1 DEC 76 and health: Previous Backlog editions This Installation are obsolete. Page No 261 (1. (2. COMPONENT\ FY 2001 MILITARY CONSTRUCTION PROJECT DATA I I I (computer generated) IAIR FORCE AND LOCATION 14. PROJECT TITLE 13. INSTALLATION II I IPLANNING AND DESIGN [VARIOUS LOCATIONS 15. PROGRAM ELEMENT16. CATEGORY CODE(7. PROJECT NUMBER 18. PROJECT I 1 I I 9.12.11 010-211 9. COST I U/MiQUANTITY LS I LS I I COST($OOO) 1 1 I IPLANNING AND DESIGN ( PLANNING AND DESIGN 1SUBTOTAL ITOTAL CONTRACT COST ITOTAL REQUEST (TOTAL REQUEST (ROUNDED) I 54,237 PAYZOlOOOl S ESTIMATE - ITEM DATE 1 UNIT COST I I I 1 COST ( ($000) 1 54,237 1 (54,237) 54,237 54,237 54,237 54,237 ) I Description of Proposed Construction: The funds requested will be Iused to provide financing for architectural and engineering services and Iconstruction design for Air Force Military Construction and host nation 1funded construction programs. Ill. REQUIREMENT: As required. (REQUIREMENT: These planning and design funds are required to complete the Idesign of facilities in the FY02 Military Construction Program, initiate [design of facilities in the FY03 Military Construction Program and Iaccomplish planning and design for major and complex technical projects Iwith a long lead-time to be included in subsequent Military Construction [Programs. Also provides funds for value engineering and for the support lof design and construction management of projects that are funded by [foreign governments and for design of classified and special programs. 110. DD FORM 1391, DEC 76 Previous editions are obsolete. Page No I I 262 12. DATE 11. COMPONENT1 FY 2001 MILITARY CONSTRUCTION PROGRAM I I I (computer qenerated) ]AIR FORCE 15. AREA CONST( AND LOCATION 14. COMMAND 13. INSTALLATION COST INDEX1 IAIR FORCE I I 0.86 IMATERIEL COMMAND JTINKER AIR FORCE BASE, OKLAHOMA ) SUPPORTED STUDENTS PERMANENT 1 I 16. PERSONNEL J 1 OFFI ENL 1 CIv 1 OFF1 ENL (CIVI OFF1 ENL ICIVI TOTAL STRENGTH I 85116201 21,335( )10811 50761137071 1 I I I la. As of 30 SEP 99 ( 85116201 21,870 lb. End FY 2005 (10971 50451142571 INVENTORY DATA ($000) 7. 4,886) ( la- Total Acreage: 8,338,950 lb. Inventory Total As Of: (30 SEP 99) 0 Authorization Not Yet In Inventory: IC18,180 Authorization Requested In This Program: 17,300 (FY 2002) e. Authorization Included In Following Program: /d. 45,300 If. Planned In Next Three Program Years: 124,100 lg. Remaining Deficiency: 8,543,830 Jh. Grand Total: PROJECTS REQUESTED IN THIS PROGRAM: FY 2001 I 18. DESIGN STATUS 1 COST (CATEGORY START ICODE PROJECT TITLE SCOPE ($000) -CMPL ) I 1211-159 DEPOT CORROSION FACILITY(WORKING DORMITORY I 1721-312 CONTROL STRIP CAPITAL FUND) 19a. Future Projects: Included 1217-742 COMBAT COMMUNICATIONS SQUADRON OPERATIONS 721-312 DORMITORY in the 5,065 96 TOTAL Following 2,800 SM 12,380 TURN KEY TURN KEY RM 5,800 : 18,180 Program (FY 2002) 8,700 SM COMPLEX 144 RM 8,600 TOTAL: 17,300 Three Years: 2,726 SM 6,300 19b. Future Projects: Typical Planned Next 1141-764 ADD TO INTEGRATION SUPPORT FACILITY I 1141-764 SOFTWARE SUPPORT FACILITY 6,690 SM 12,600 1211-254 ALTER DEPOT PLATING SHOP LS 9,600 1721-312 DORMITORY 144 RM 9,300 1721-312 DORMITORY 120 RM 7,500 110. Mission or Major Functions: Oklahoma City Air Logistics Center which lis responsible for logistics management, support, and depot-level Imaintenance, repair and overhaul of B-l, B-2, B-52, KC-135, and E-3 [aircraft and aircraft engines; an air base wing; an Air Combat Command Air IControl Wing with four E-3 airborne air control squadrons supporting 24 IE-3 aircraft; an AFRES wing with one KC-135 squadron, an ACC [Communications Group; and an Engineering Installations Wing. A major [tenant is the US Navy Strategic Command (TACAMO) Wing with E-6 aircraft. Ill. Outstanding pollution and safety (OSHA) deficiencies: I I I I / 112. a. b c: d. Real Air pollution: Water pollution: Occupational safety Other Environmental: Property Maintenance DD FORM 1390, 1 DEC 76 5,800,OOO 3,124,OOO and Previous health: Backlog editions I 0 0 This Installation are obsolete. 59,288 Page No I 263 11. (2. COMPONENT1 I I IAIR FORCE 13. INSTALLATION I ITINKER AIR 15. PROGRAM FY 2001 MILITARY CONSTRUCTION (computer OKLAHOMA CATEGORY I I 211-159 7.28.96 WWYK983156 9. COST I 1 UNIT 1 cost I I I I I 5,065 ILS I PIERS) ILS I I I ITOTAL CONTRACT COST (5.7%) I I I ) I (NON-ADD) 110. Description of Proposed Construction: Iconcrete slab on pier and grade beam, steel [fire wall, fire suppression system, and all IAir Conditioning: 35 KW. Ill. REQUIREMENT: IPROJECT: Construct 29,622 a depot SM ADEQUATE: corrosion 12,380 IU/MIQUANTITYI ISM I I= ILS FACILITY [SUPERVISION, INSPECTION AND OVERHEAD ITOTAL REQUEST [TOTAL REQUEST (ROUNDED) IEQUIPMENT FROM OTHER APPROPRIATIONS 1 ESTIMATES I ITEM IDEPOT CORROSION CONTROL STRIP ISUPPORTING FACILITIES UTILITIES PAVEMENT SPECIAL FOUNDATION (DRILLED SITE IMPROVEMENTS 1SUBTOTAL I TITLE 14. PROJECT IDEPOT CORROSION CONTROL STRIP IFACILITY(W~RKING CAPITAL mrrJD) PROJECT NUMBER 18. PROJECT COST($OOO) CODE17. I DATA generated) AND LOCATION FORCE BASE, ELEMENTIG. PROJECT DATE 1 2,oool 1 COST ($000) ( 10,130 1 1,530 ( 680 ) I ( 400 ( 200 ii ( 250 .) I 11,660 11,660 665 12,325 12,380 (11,400) One-bay structure with frame, masonry walls, roof, other necessary support. 24,557 SM control strip SUBSTANDARD: 3,885 facility. (Current SM I (Mission) IREQUIREMENT: An environmentally safe paint stripping facility is required Ito perform corrosion control for all presently assigned aircraft (B-l, [B-52, KC-135, E-3 etc.). The facility must incorporate the most modern [paint stripping technologies and reduce the use of volatile organic lcomponds (VOCs) as stripping agents. ICURRENT SITUATION: Implementation of the Clean Air Act Amendment of 1990 land the Na t ional Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants (NESHAP) lof 1998, requires significant reduction in VOC emissions from paint /stripping. Plans are underway to reduce the VOC emissions with a new Imanual dry media blast technology. The existing facilities are not large [enough to accommodate E-3 and B-52 aircraft utilizing the new dry blast /system. Currently E-3 aircraft are stripped in an existing paint bay Ireducing the capacity needed to support painting of the assigned aircraft. /IMPACT IF NOT PROVIDED: A shortfall in depot aircraft strip capabilities [will exist at Tinker AFB. Critical depot aircraft corrosion control will Ibe deferred or contracted to an outside source at greater expense. The lnew strip technology must be incorporated into the corrosion control [process to ensure compliance with the NESHAP and continue to meet customer needs. DD FORM 1391, DEC 76 Previous editions are obsolete. Page No 1 1 ) I I I I I ( I I I 264 11. COMPONENT! FY 2001 MILITARY CONSTRUCTION I I IAIR FORCE (computer generated) INSTALLATION AND LOCATION 13. I ITINKER AIR FORCE BASE, OKLAHOMA 14. PROJECT TITLE [DEPOT CORROSION CONTROL STRIP FACILITY(WORKING PROJECT DATA CAPITAL ImTND) (5. ( 12. I DATE PROJECT NUMBER WWYK983156 I IADDITIONAL: This project meets the criteria/scope specified in Air Force (Handbook 32-1084, "Facility Requirements." An economic analysis has been Iprepared comparing the alternatives of new construction, revitalization, (leasing, contracting and status quo alternatives. Based on the net Ipresent values and benefits of respective alternatives, new construction lwas found to be the most cost efficient over the life of the project. The Irequirement for this project was validated by the Joint Service Depot IMaintenance Industrial Military Construction Review on 20 May 98. Base ICivil Engineer: Lt Co1 Mohsen Parhizkar, (405) 734-3451. Depot Corrosion [Control Strip Facility: 5065SM = 54,SOOSF. DD FORM 1391C, DEC 76 Previous editions are obsolete. Page No 265 1 I Il. COMPONENT! FY 2001 MILITARY CONSTRUCTION I I (computer generated) IAIR FORCE INSTALLATION AND LOCATION 13. I ITINKER AIR FORCE BASE, OKLABOMA 14. PROJECT TITLE IDEPOT CORROSION CONTROL STRIP FACILITY(WORKING PROJECT DATA 112. I I a I ! 15. PROJECT NUMBER ( WWYK983156 CAPITAL IFUND) I 12. DATE I I ) I I SUPPLEMENTAL Estimated DATA: Design Project (1) Data: to be accomplished Basis: (a) Standard or Definitive (b) Where Design Was Most (2) by design-build Design Recently procedures NO Used N/A - (3) (3a) (4) Design Allowance Construction Contract AwardDate Construction Start 619 ( 00 DEC ) OlMAY ( (5) Construction 02 NOV 1 (6) Energy I lb- lother IINITIAL Completion Study/Life-Cycle Equipment associated appropriations: with EQUIPMENT NOMENCLATURE OUTFITTING EQUIPMENT DD FORM 1391C, DEC 76 analysis this project was/will will be provided editions from FISCAL YEAR APPROPRIATED OR REQUESTED FY2001 PROCURING APPROPRIATION DMAG Previous be performed are obsolete. COST ($000) 11400 Page No 266 12. DATE I MILITARY CONSTRUCTION PROGRAM I I (computer generated) 15. AREA CONST) AND LOCATION 14. COMMAND IAIR FORCE I COST INDEX1 I 1.05 IMATERIEL coIHILL AIR FORCE BASE, UTAH 1 SUPPORTED PERMANENT STUDENTS 16. PERSONNEL J OFF/ ENL ) CIV 1 OFF1 ENL CIVl OFF1 EN-L lCIV/ TOTAL STRENGTH I 134891 4702(740( 23,982 1 6771 38261 95481 1 As of 30 SEP 99 Ia. 134891 47021740) 24,277 (b. End FY 2005 ) 6641 38491 98331 7. INVENTORY DATA ($000) I ( 6,973) : la- Total Acreage: 1,939,032 lb. Inventory Total As Of: (30 SEP 99) 0 Not Yet In Inventory: IC- Authorization 16,500 Id. Authorization Requested In This Program: Included In Following Program: (FY 2002) 10,000 le. Authorization 34,300 If. Planned In Next Three Program Years: 0 lg. Remaining Deficiency: Ih. Grand Total: 1,999,832 I 18. PROJECTS REQUESTED IN THIS PROGRAM: FY 2001 COST DESIGN STATUS ( ICATEGORY CODE PROJECT TITLE SCOPE START CMPL ) ($000) /1211-159 C-130 CORROSION CONTROL 6,900 SM 16,500 TURN KEY FACILITY(WORKING CAPITAL FUND) I TOTAL: 16,500 19a. Future Projects: Included in the Following Program (FY 2002) 1211-252 HYDRAULIC/PNEUDRAULIC REPAIR 4,647 SM 10,000 FACILITY I TOTAL: 10,000 19b. Typical Planned Next Three Years: Future Projects: 1171-625 COMBAT LOGISTICS SUPPORT SQ 2,000 SM 3,600 TRAINING/STORAGE FACILITY 212-212 MISSILE DEPOT MAINTENANCE 3,317 SM 9,000 FACILITY 1422-259 MISSILE STORAGE FACILITY 3,535 SM 12,200 1721-312 DORMITORY (144 RM) 144 RM 9,500 110. Mission or Major Functions: Ogden Air Logistics Center which is [responsible for logistics management, support, and depot-level maintenance I /of tactical missiles, F-16 aircraft, Minuteman and Peacekeeper ICBMs; I IAN/FPS-117 radar, composite (including B-2 composites), power systems, and I Isoftware workload; a test squadron with F-16, MH-60, and HC/NC-130 [aircraft; an air base wing; an Air Combat Command fighter wing with three I~-16 squadrons; and an Air Force Reserve fighter wing with one F-16 Isquadron. Ill. Outstanding pollution and safety (OSHA) deficiencies: Il. COMPONENT1 I I (AIR FORCE 13. INSTALLATION FY 2001 I I 112. I a. b. c. d. Real Air pollution: Water pollution: Occupational safety Other Environmental: Property Maintenance DD FORM 1390, 1 DEC 76 0 1,100,000 and Previous health: Backlog editions 0 This Installation are obsolete. 6,000,OOO 8,903 Page No 267 12. DATE MILITARY CONSTRUCTION PROJECT DATA I I I (computer generated) IAIR FORCE I 13. INSTALLATION AND LOCATION 14. PROJECT TITLE [C-130 CORROSION CONTROL I IFACILITY(W~RKING cAPITa Fum) IHILL AIR FORCE BASE, UTAH 15. PROGRAM ELEMENT16. CATEGORY CODE17. PROJECT NUMBER 18. PROJECT COST($OOO) Il. COMPONENT1 FY 2001 I 7.28.96 I I 211-159 9. 16,500 KRSM993014 COST ESTIMATES I ITEM C-130 CORROSION CONTROL FACILITY SUPPORTING FACILITIES UTILITIES PAVEMENTS SITE IMPROVEMENTS SUBTOTAL TOTAL CONTRACT COST SUPERVISION, INSPECTION AND OVERHEAD (5.7%) TOTAL REQUEST TOTAL REQUEST (ROUNDED) IEQUIPMENT FROM OTHER APPROPRIATIONS (NON-ADD) I 1U/M !I!QUANTITY1 ISM 6,900 I ILS ILS ILS I 1 I I I / / / / / / I COST 1 ($000) 13,800 1,750 850) ( 600) ( 300) ( 15,550 15,550 886 16,436 16,500 (6,120) I UNIT I 1 COST 2,000 I 1 1 1 1 ) 1 I 110. Description of Proposed Construction: Multi-bay structure wi .t: h Iconcrete floor slab, foundation, and structural steel frame, including laircraft access pavement, fire suppression system and all necessary Isupport. Includes support equipment preparation and paint mixing room. IAir Conditioning: 400 KW. i Ill. REQUIREMENT: 9,012 SM ADEQUATE: 2,112 SM SUBSTANDARD: 0 IPROJECT: Construct a c-130 corrosion control facility. (Current Mission) IREQUIREMENT: An adequately sized, environmentally safe facility is Irequired to perform depot-level corrosion control on C-130 aircraft. This Ifacility must support the periodic depot maintenance (PDM) as well as the Iannual recurring drop-in C-130 aircraft requirements. [CURRENT SITUATION: C-130 aircraft corrosion control capacity at Hill AFB [is inadequate to accommodate the current and projected work load. Hill IAFB has been forced to contract out C-130 aircraft corrosion control work Ibecause the existing facility is used 3 shifts-per-day, 7 days a week. IContracting out work requires added preparation and transport time thus Idecreasing the time aircraft are available to support the C-130 mission. IIn FY97 with a workload of 48 PDM and 24 drop-in aircraft, eleven aircraft [had to be contracted out for stripping and painting at an additional cost [of $350,000. Projected work load will require a total of 35 aircraft to Ibe contracted out at a cost of $1,225,000 per year. No residual capacity [is available for scheduled maintenance of the facility or the associated [corrosion control equipment. /IMPACT IF NOT PROVIDED: There will continue to be a shortfall in C-130 ~corrosion control capacity at Hill AFB. Corrosion control work will Icontinue to be contracted out, cost for depot-level work will increase, I DD FORM 1391, 268 DEC 76 Previous editions are obsolete. Page No I I I I I I I I 1 I I ) (2. Il. COMPONENT1 FY 2001 MILITARY CONSTRUCTION I I (computer generated) IAIR FORCE INSTALLATION AND LOCATION 13. I IHILL AIR FORCE BASE, UTAH 14. PROJECT TITLE I PROJECT DATA 15. I IC-130 CORROSION CONTROL FACILITY(WORKING CAPITAL FUND) DATE I PROJECT NUMBER 1 I KRSM993014 land additional time delays will occur in returning mission ready aircraft It0 flying status. (ADDITIONAL: This project meets the criteria/scope specified in Air Force An economic analysis has been [Handbook 32-1084, "Facility Requirements." Iprepared comparing the alternatives of new construction, outsourcing, and Istatus quo operation. Based on the net present values and benefits of the Irespective alternatives, new construction was found to be the most cost Iefficient over the life of the project. The requirement for this project lwas validated by the Joint Service Depot Maintenance Industrial Military Base Civil Engineer: Co1 Per Korslund , IConstruction Review on 20 May 98. I(801) 777-3071. C-130 Corrosion Control Facility: 6900SM = 74,244SF. DD FORM 1391C, DEC 76 Previous editions are obsolete. Page No 26g (1. COMPONENT1 I I IAIR FORCE 13. INSTALLATION FY 2001 MILITARY CONSTRUCTION (computer generated) AND LOCATION I IHILL AIR FORCE BASE, 14. PROJECT TITLE PROJECT DATA CORROSION I 15. Estimated a. (1) (2) I lother FUND) NUMBER ( I KRSM993014 DATA: Design Project to Data: be accomplished Basis: Standard or (a) (b) Where Design Definitive Was Most by design-build Design Recently procedures NO N/A Used - 825 00 DEC 01 JUL (5) Construction 03 SEP (6) Energy Completion Study/Life-Cycle Equipment associated appropriations: IINITIAL CAPITAL PROJECT Design Allowance Construction Contract Award Date Construction Start (3) (3a) (4) lb- CONTROL FACILITY(WORKING SUPPLEMENTAL (12. I UTAH I C-130 12. DATE I with EQUIPMENT NOMENCLATURE OUTFITTING EQUIPMENT DD FORM 1391C, DEC 76 analysis this project was/will will be provided editions from FISCAL YEAR APPROPRIATED OR REQUESTED FY2001 PROCURING APPROPRIATION DMAG Previous Y be performed are obsolete. COST ($000) 6120 Page No 270