Liebert® DM™ High Performance, Sensible Cooling for Small Computer Rooms and Network Closets Emerson Network Power, a business of Emerson (NYSE: EMR), is a worldwide leader in infrastructure solutions across the globe. &NFSTPO/FUXPSL1PXFSEFMJWFSTJOOPWBUJPOBOETPMVUJPOTXJUIPVUTBDSJ»DJOHFG»DJFODZBWBJMBCJMJUZ BOESFMJBCJMJUZ*UT$FOUFSTPG&YQFSUJTFBSFEJTUJODUBOEVOJRVFMZQPTJUJPOFEUPIFMQZPVBDIJFWFZPVS CVTJOFTTPCKFDUJWFTJEFOUJGZJOHXIJDITPMVUJPOT»UZPVSSFRVJSFNFOUT 0WFSUIFZFBST5IFSNBM.BOBHFNFOUTZTUFNTGSPN&NFSTPO/FUXPSL1PXFSIBWFCFFOQSPWFOBTUIF world’s standard for reliable operations in computer rooms and critical infrastructure applications. *OTUBMMFEJOUIPVTBOETPGEBUBDFOUFSTBSPVOEUIFXPSMEPVSMBUFTUUIFSNBMNBOBHFNFOUQPSUGPMJP PGGFSTUIFIJHIFTUFG»DJFODZBOE¼FYJCJMJUZXJUIPVUDPNQSPNJTJOHSFMJBCJMJUZGPSZPVSNJTTJPODSJUJDBM 2 Why Thermal Management? Start with the right kind of cooling Some operations use standard comfort cooling systems to save money or to avoid using additional floor space XitIin tIe facility #ut tIis approacI may proWide some Cene»ts in tIe sIort term ¯ tIey must be balanced against the cost of downtime and equipment damage resulting from serious overheating as well as the risk of financial loss. Issues when using Comfort Cooling in Small Data Centre/Computer Room (Datacom Rooms) 1. 6sing rigid oWer head ducts proWides insuf»cient air Wolume lsec per L8 which results in hot spots and they are also dif»cult to relocate 2. Comfort cooling systems cannot control humidity levels and do not typically have integral humidity control. 3. 6sing separate humidi»cation systems not controlled by the cooling system can waste energy and reduce the stability of the environment. 5hese issues can have long and short term effects on your *5 operations. 5he business risLs range from degraded IT services to system interruption and shutdown. 3 Thermal Management vs. Comfort Cooling Computers Generate Heat, But Not Humidity. 100% 10% 90% 0f»ces /on IT Rooms80% generate lots of moisture due to human 70%activities 35% 60% 50% 90% 40% 30% 65% IT equipment rooms have high sensible temperature heat loads 20% 10% 0% Office & Non-IT Rooms Datacom Rooms Latent Sensible of a thermal management system´s energy and capacity are designed to remove the dry heat that electronic eRuipment produces. Comfort cooling systems are designed to Leep people comfortable and are only capable of using about of their cooling capacity to remove heat generated by computers. The other 3 is used to remove moisture commonly found in of»ce space but not server or networL rooms. This can lower humidity too much causing electricity problems and even electronic failure. Why run the risk of relying on building air? RISK: These systems shut down overnight and weeLends RISK: Systems designed to operate Y vs. Continuous 0peration RISK: Insuf»cient »ltration for IT eRuipment and no humidity control RISK: #uilding air removes too much moisture introducing the risL of static discharge RISK: Insuf»cient air¼ow causes overheating in IT eRuipment COST: #uilding air is designed to cool people heat and perspiration "s a conseRuence a lot of energy cost goes into removing moisture Energy is wasted where building air is used to cool IT equipment Liebert DM Temperature Control Humidity Control 1C R) Domestic/Split Systems Benefits 3C Stable temperatures ensure operational integrity and reliability of IT equipment 8ide temperature ¼uctuations shorten operational life of IT equipment and will increase the risL of catastrophic failure 1 R) 0nly thermal management units can control room humidity )igh humidity can lead to condensation and corrosion, low humidity increases the risL of electrostatic discharge, both are major threats to IT equipment /o Liebert DM is a networL managed device. It will notify you if there is a failure or potential threat to your equipment Standard IP connectivity: Email SMTP SMS through email gateway S/MP MI# and trap support )TTP browser 0ptional temperature and humidity sensors can be placed directly into the racLs /o Liebert® DM™ thermal management is designed to run nonstop in demanding IT environments Domestic air conditioning warranty only covers applications for human comfort and eYplicitly not for the climatic control of electronic equipment. /o Domestic units require Interconnected units provide third party or customised standby rotation and lead management devices adding lag operation through a single compleYity, warranty and cable operational risL ® Network Managed Reliability and Warranty for 24x7 operation Load sharing/ Duty Cycling Operational life Operating Range Yes I1 networL managed Yes Yes 10 years+ Comment 13 years est. /ot designed for IT operations Most Domestic units will only provide 10C to C cooling when the outside temperature is above 10C ™ Liebert® DM™ is designed to run 2hrs Y3 with a mean time to failure of years. Domestic units typically designed to run only 2000 000 hoursyear If you run a Domestic unit 2hrsY3 the eYpected mean time to failure is 1 year!! Liebert® DM™ provides continuous cooling operation down to 10C outdoor temperatures. 30C optional . Most comfort systems can only cool if the outside temperature its above 10C. Domestic systems are designed to cool in summer and heat in winter, IT equipment requires cooling all year round. Misapplication may lead to loss of cooling Product Overview Liebert® DM™ delivers enterprise level thermal management to small computer rooms and networL closets. It is designed for yearround temperature and humidity control for IT applications across the critical infrastructure. Equipped with an air»ltration feature, the Liebert® DM™ is ideal for areas where people and IT equipment occupy the same space. It provides enough ¼eYibility in the critical infrastructure as it occupies minimum ¼oor space which suits small and mediumsi[ed computer rooms. The Liebert® DM™ offers a selection of variants to »t your infrastructure's requirements and conditions. It also features communication capabilities to the critical infrastructure manager for easy monitoring of the temperature across the IT infrastructure. Liebert® DM™ variants: Air Cooled up to 16L8 capacity Chilled 8ater up to 2L8 capacity The Liebert® DM™ is ideally suited for: Small and medium si[ed computer rooms UPS and battery rooms 0utdoor electronic and communication equipment rooms Transformer stations, substations Laboratories, test rooms and storage rooms 6 Features and Benefits Energy saving )igh sensible heat ratio and high energy ef»ciency Equipped with Copeland Scroll Compressors Provides stable temperature and humidity condition Fans for outdoor units feature easy to access full range speed regulation Manageable and uniqe EcoMode option Energy saving component options Space Saving Small footprint ¯ 100 front door access User-Friendly and Maintenance-Free Large screen display with multilevel password protection and eYpert faultdiagnosis functions Automatic startup on power and scheduled startup also available Standard RS Monitoring Interface Equipped with alarm for irregularities on blast reduction, fan failure and »lter clogging ® ™ Email and SMS noti»cation thru the Liebert RDU for remote monitoring functions Highly adaptive 27 operation capable Ultra wide input voltage range; multiple power protection functions Environment adaptability: adoption to outdoor temperature while meeting cooling requirements Adaptive to heat dissipation of the main equipment 7 Liebert® DM™ – Air Cooled The Liebert® DM™ Air Cooled Thermal Management System is suitable for precise air conditioning of small and medium si[ed computer rooms and UPS #attery rooms. Designed with the latest thermal management technology, the Liebert® DM™ Air Cooled and has passed industry standards for thermal management systems and features high energy ef»ciency, eYcellent reliability and long service life. The Air Cooled series is con»gured with constant temperature and humidity adjustment functionalities that can be easily managed and monitored at the onscreen display. Options & Accesories (Air-cooled) EYtended Piping ,it 8ater LeaL Detection System RDUSIC Card Power protection available, please contact Emerson /etworL Power sales for more details. Liebert DM - Air cooled Model Capacities, L8 DME07 DME12 7. 12. Available con»guration Up¼ow Plenum 0nly 23073ph60)[+/ 3073ph0)[ or 23073ph60)[+/ 3073ph60)[+/ Indoor Unit Power Supply Condenser Type 0utdoor Condenser Refrigerant R07C )umidi»er1 Electrode Electric )eater Power, L8 3.2 /o. of fans 1 Indoor Unit Dimension )Y8YD , mm 170 Y 10 Y 3 10 Y 600 Y 00 0utdoor Unit Dimension )Y8YD , mm 30 Y 70 Y 3 120 Y 70 Y 3 Indoor /et 8eight, Lg 1 0utdoor /et 8eight, Lg 0 60 Liquid line diameter, inch 12 Discharge line diameter, inch 3 20 11 22 2 FLA , A Air breaLer 1 32 This is an optional feature. FLA is Full Load Ampere; the maYimum full load current value of the air conditioner is not the sum of rated maYimum full load current of all components. It is the sum of rated maYimum full load current value of the operating components, which may operate at the same time on the maYimum worL load condition. 2 Air Cooled Indoor Dimension DMH07, Air Cooled Outdoor Dimension 9 Liebert® DM™ – Chilled Water Series The Liebert® DM™ Chilled 8ater utili[es lowtemperature chilled water available on site as the source for cold temperature and does not require an outdoor unit. The Chilled water series best applies to computer rooms located on commercial buildings with adequate chilled water source. Options & Accesories Chilled Water System RDUSIC Card 8ater LeaL Detection System Power protection available, please contact Emerson /etworL Power sales for more details. Chilled Water DM)12 DM)17 11.6 16.3 Up¼ow Plenum and Down¼ow 3073ph0)[ or 3073ph60)[+/ Chilled 8ater Electrode )umidi»er 6 1 1 2 170 Y 10 Y 390 1900 Y 610 Y 0 170 Y 110 Y 0 90 130 170 12 12 1 2 2 32 0. 0.6 0. 1 1 1.2 6 62 6 Model Capacities, L8 Available con»guration Power Supply Refrigerant )umidi»er1 Electric )eater Power, L8 /o. of fans Dimension )Y8YD , mm /et 8eight, Lg FLA2, A Air breaLer 8ater ¼ow, ls Inlet0utlet pipe diameter, inch Total Pressure Drop, LPa DM)09 .2 DM)2 23.2 6 2 1900 Y 120 Y 7 210 1 32 1 1.2 1 This is an optional feature. FLA is Full Load Ampere; the maYimum full load current value of the air conditioner is not the sum of rated maYimum full load current of all components. It is the sum of rated maYimum full load current value of the operating components, which may operate at the same time on the maYimum worL load condition. 2 Chilled Water Dimension DMH09, DMH12 D DMH17, DMH25 W D H 10 W H Communications The Liebert® DM™ Series can be managed through your IP networL. As a standalone networL management device it provides the following: #rowser access through )TTP protocol Email noti»cations of critical events and potential operational impacts SMS alerts through your SMS gateway S/MP management through (ETSET requests and industry standard MI# It is also compatible with Emerson management and monitoring systems for comprehensive integration with computer rooms and critical applications. Liebert® RDU™ Monitoring Interface The Liebert® RDU™ offers maYimum visibility for insight in the infrastructure. 11 Emerson Network Power Asia Australia T: 100063 F: 612973737 Pakistan T: 9223662226 to 2 F: 9223662230 Indonesia T: 6221213003 F: 6221210622 Philippines T: 632720700 F: 6326203693 Japan T: 13036 F: 13032919 Singapore T: 66672211 F: 66670130 Korea T: 2233100 F: 229276 Thailand T: 662617260 F: 662617277 to 7 Malaysia T: 6037000 F: 60371 Vietnam T: 376290 F: 3762909 New Zealand T: 633392060 F: 633392063 www.EmersonNetworkPower.Asia 8hile every precaution has been taLen to ensure accuracy and completeness herein, Emerson /etworL Power assumes no responsibility, and disclaims all liability, for damages resulting from use of this information or for any errors or omissions. Speci»cations are subject to change without notice. Emerson /etworL Power and Liebert® are trademarLs of Emerson Electric Co. or one of its af»liated companies. All other names and logos referred to are trade names, trademarLs, or registered trademarLs of their respective owners. 201 Emerson Electric Co. AP1DP(DM7#R