The Judiciary Act of 1789 allowed for the creation of... *The Supreme Court

The Judiciary Act of 1789 allowed for the creation of what part of the judicial branch?
*The Supreme Court
What rebellion in which farmers refused to pay taxes was the first challenge to the newly established government under
President Washington? (Hint: It had to do with certain grain-based liquor)
*The Whiskey Rebellion
Who believed that the common people were incapable of ruling sensibly and that the government should be made up of the
wealthy elite, Alexander Hamilton or Thomas Jefferson?
What first ten amendments to the Constitution protect one's individual liberties?
*The Bill of Rights
The issue of neutrality rights/fur -trading rights led to negotiations between John Jay and the British?
*Neutrality Rights
What military commander led his forces to victory at the Battle of New Orleans, the battle that was fought after the war had
*Andrew Jackson
What compromise allowed for the admittance of Maine as a free state and the banning of slavery in the area north of the 36
30' line?
*The Missouri Compromise
Which President presided over the Louisiana Purchase?
*Thomas Jefferson
What was the British policy that forced Americans into its navy and led many Americans to become War Hawks?
What Supreme Court decision established the doctrine of “separate but equal”?
*Plessy vs. Ferguson
What was the significance of the Golden Spike?
*It marked the completion of the transcontinental railroad
Who, through his success in the oil industry, became America’s first billionaire?
*John D. Rockefeller
Who was considered the “banker’s banker” for his personal financial power during the Gilded Age (hint: I told that VERY
funny story about his nose!)
*JP Morgan
What labor union believed in “Equal pay for equal work”?
*the Knights of Labor
What former Union general’s presidency was riddled with corruption and scandal?
*Ulysses Grant
Who was an Enlightenment thinker who developed a theory of a social contract that included laws of natural rights to life,
liberty, and property?
*John Locke
What Patriot argued for American independence in Common Sense and the Crisis?
*Thomas Paine
Who was named Commander-in-Chief of the Continental Anny?
*George Washington
Which settler's leadership helped the Jamestown settlement to survive during its early years?
*John Smith
Which Patriot wrote in the Declaration of Independence that people were entitled to the inalienable rights to "life, liberty,
and the pursuit of happiness"?
*Thomas Jefferson
The goals of what country's explorers to the New World included both acquiring gold and spreading Christianity (i.e.
What was enacted in 1763 by King George to prevent colonists from moving west of the Appalachian Mountains?
*The Proclamation of 1763
What was the treaty that the British and Americans signed after the Revolutionary War?
*The Treaty of Paris
What Pennsylvania-based religious group was especially fair and benevolent in their dealings with the Indians?
A favorable balance of trade exists for a nation when it imports more/less that it exports.
What is the economic system in which England depended on the colonies for the raw materials from which it could make
manufactured goods?
T or F: The main reasons English settlers colonized America were religious freedom and economic opportunity.
Loyalists were called Continentals or Tories by the Patriots.
What were the three Cabinet departments established during George Washington's administration?
*State, Treasury, and War
What land purchase from France more than doubled the area of the United States?
*Louisiana Purchase
Who invented the cotton gin and the system of interchangeable parts?
*Eli Whitney
What president ignored the Supreme Court’s ruling regarding the Cherokee Nation of Georgia and moved them to land west
of the Mississippi?
*Andrew Jackson
What was the written plan that although later was considered weak and ineffective, provided the framework for the first
government of the United States?
*Articles of Confederation
What did the Supreme Court rule in the Dred Scott decision?
*That black slaves were not citizens, merely property of their owners
Were James Madison and Alexander Hamilton Federalists or Anti-Federalists?
Under what congressional organization were the Articles of Confederation ratified?
*The Second Continental Congress
What legislation effectively repealed the Missouri Compromise by allowing states north of the predetermined boundary to
decide whether they would be slave or free states?
*The Kansas-Nebraska Act
What state did Secretary of State Seward authorize the purchase of?
Who was the author of the book that fueled the abolitionists' fire, Uncle Tom's Cabin?
*Harriet Beecher Stowe
Who was hanged for his role in organizing an unsuccessful slave rebellion in Harper's Ferry, Virginia?
*John Brown
What woman was branded a heretic and banned by the Puritan community?
*Anne Hutchinson
What Indian chief led an attack on encroaching white colonists in the west?
What were the "49'ers" intent on finding upon their movement westward?
What does the victory at the Battle of Antietam inspire President Lincoln to do?
*Issue the Emancipation Proclamation (free the slaves)
What act did Thomas Jefferson issue that forbade all U.S. exports and virtually ended all imports as well?
*The Embargo Act
What historical event is represented in Arthur Miller's book, The Crucible?
*The Salem Witch Hunts
What was the name of the group of men who organized to fight the taxes that they felt Britain was unfairly imposing on
*The Sons of Liberty
Which of the following was not a conflict between the colonists and the Native American Indians? a. King Phillip's War b.
Boston Massacre c. Bacon's Rebellion
What event led to a wave of anti-French sentiment in the U.S. because of France's attempt to use bribery as a means of
*The XYZ Affair
What president cautioned the U.S. of political parties and "entangling alliances" in his Farewell Address?
*George Washington
What kind of rebellion did Gabriel Prosser lead in Virginia in 1800?
*A slave revolt
What war is often referred to as "Mr. Madison's War" or the "Second American Revolution"?
*The War of l812
What rights are protected by the policy of nullification--states' rights or national rights?
*States’ rights
Who was the given the name "The Redcoats" by the colonists?
*British soldiers
The inventor of a mowing and reaping machine that enabled farmers to harvest more crops and to do it faster was Cyrus
McCormick/John Deere.
*Cyrus McCormick
What was held at Seneca Falls, New York in 1848?
*The first national women's convention
What was the first permanent settlement established in America? (Think John Smith)
Tor F: The case of Marbury v. Madison gave the Supreme Court power to declare acts of Congress unconstitutional.
Which president established a doctrine that warned European nations not to become involved in the internal affairs of
nations in the Western Hemisphere?
*President Monroe
This was inspired by the belief that three things were necessary for American prosperity: protective tariffs, improved
transportation, and a national banking system.
*The American System
What is the word that describes a two-house legislature- one that has both a senate and a house of representatives?
Who lead the Mormons to their new home in Salt Lake City, Utah?
*Brigham Young
Western expansion was justified by the belief that it was ordained by God. What was this called?
*Manifest Destiny
Which religious group founded Pennsylvania?
What event (think election) led to the secession of the first Confederate states?
*President Abe Lincoln's election
The capture of this fort was the first altercation in the Civil War.
*Fort Sumter
Name the escaped black slave who wrote a detailed account of his experiences as a slave and went on to become one of the
major spokespersons for the abolitionist movement.
*Frederick Douglass
The New England settlers clashed with Native American Indians led by a chief named Metacom.What did the settlers call this
war- King Phillip's War or the Blackhawk War?
*King Phillip's War
The battle at Saratoga was considered the turning point in the Revolutionary War because it brought what country into the
war in defense of the colonists?
King George rejected the Declaration of Independence/ Olive Branch Petition and claimed that a general rebellion existed
throughout all of North America.
*Olive Branch Petition
The main purpose of the Stamp Act/Townshend Acts were to raise revenue by taxing colonists and to teach the colonists that
they had to obey Parliament.
*Townshend Acts
What Indian alliance was created to promote unity by settling disputes between member tribes?
*League of the Iroquois
The Puritan's attempted to fight the declining membership in their church by allowing members to be baptized but not to
take communion or vote in church matters. What was this partial membership called?
*Half-way Covenant
What colony was the only one to allow Catholics to practice their religion?
What was concept or belief that each state should decide for itself whether it would be slave or free?
*Popular sovereignty
What was President Lincoln's primary aim at the start of the war?
*To preserve the Union
After the American victory in the Revolutionary War, where was the western boundary of the United States established?
*The Mississippi River
What Civil War strategy was particularly effective for the North as they tried to cut off the South's trade?
*The blockade of the Southern coast (Anaconda Plan)
T or F: The Wilmot Proviso was approved and prevented the extension of slavery into the new territories gained from the
war with Mexico.
Which military involvement was referred to as "Mr. Polk's War"?
*The Mexican-American War
What was the first major canal completed by the U.S. to expand transportation by water, thus sparking a canal-building
*The Erie Canal
What woman is considered one of the most significant of the "conductors" on the Underground Railroad?
*Harriet Tubman
What woman worked tirelessly on behalf of the imprisoned and mentally ill in making reforms?
*Dorothea Dix
This man led an unsuccessful slave revolt that killed 55 whites and for which he was later hanged:
*Nat Turner
What was the goal of the Temperance Movement?
*to make alcohol (drinking) illegal
This New York Times cartoonist was the nemesis of Boss Tweed:
*Thomas Nast
Who was chosen as president in exchange for the end of military rule in the South, thereby ending Reconstruction?
*Rutherford Hayes
What did Mark Twain coin the time period of extreme wealth coupled with tremendous poverty following the Civil War?
*The Gilded Age
What was the second surge of religious revivalism in the America during the early 1800’s called?
*The Second Great Awakening
What was the time called when people turned to science and rational thinking to examine the world that they lived in (hint:
Ben Franklin was the embodiment of this)?
The Enlightenment
What is the Latin word that means “the years before the war”?
How many states sided with the Confederacy during the war?
This man wrote graphically of his experiences as a slave and his escape to freedom.
*Frederick Douglass
What was the first all-black regiment that fought in the Civil War?
*The 54th Massachusetts
What is it called when a state leaves the Union?
*to secede or secession
What state divided into tow separate governments over the issue of slavery, ultimately leading to violence?
Which general was offered command of the Union army, but instead became the leader of the Confederate forces?
*Robert E. Lee
The concept or belief that each state should decided for itself whether it would be free or slave was called
*Popular Sovereignty
At what fort in Charleston Harbor were the first shots of the Civil War fired?
*Fort Sumter
Who is the author whom Abe Lincoln claimed was “the little lady who started the great war?”
*Harriet Beecher Stowe
What happened five days after the South surrendered to the North?
*Lincoln’s Assassination
What was the name given to the years following the Civil War when it was determined how the South would re-enter the
What was the name of the organization that provided money, food, clothing, and schooling for the newly-freed slaves and
poor whites of the South?
*The Freedmen’s Bureau
What did President Andrew Johnson do after Congress passed the Tenure of Office Act?
*He fired one of his cabinet members (Secretary of State Edwin Stanton)
What was important about Edmund Ross’ vote after the impeachment trial of Andrew Johnson?
*His “no” vote meant that Johnson was not removed from office
Who proposed the Ten-Percent Plan for Reconstruction?
What proposed bill provided that each former Confederate state would be ruled by a military governor?
*The Wade-Davis Bill
Which of the following is a slave state that stayed with the Union during the Civil War?
Tennessee Ohio Missouri Arkansas
What compromise did Henry Clay propose when California wanted admittance as a free state?
*The Compromise of 1850
What percentage of Southerners did the Radical Republicans feel needed to pledge an oath of Loyalty?
*a majority (at least 51%)
What type of government was established in Lecompton, Kansas- pro-slavery or anti-slavery?
The takeover of what city in Georgia was the final goal in Sherman’s “March to the Sea”?”
What year did the Civil War end?
At the start of the Civil War, what was the approximate population of slaves in the South?
2.5 million *3.5 million or 4.5 million
What two foreign countries did the South hope would come to its assistance?
*Britain and France
Why was the battle at Vicksburg an especially important one?
*The Union gained control of the Mississippi
Who was hanged for their attempt to lead a slave uprising at Harper’s Ferry, Virginia?
*John Brown
The system of getting southern slaves to freedom in the North was called the _____________________________.
*Underground Railroad
What year did the Civil begin?
Who was the president of the Confederacy?
*Jefferson Davis
This battle, in which 21 generals were killed, was considered the turning point in the war for the Union.
Although he never received a trial, who is considered Abraham Lincoln’s assassin?
*John Wilkes Booth
Who became the supreme commander for the Union forces in 1864?
*Ulysses Grant
With whom did Abraham Lincoln hold a series of debates in the Illinois senatorial campaign?
*Stephen Douglas
What political party had a strict policy of limited membership and a strong sense of nativism?
*Know-Nothing Party
What was Mary Surratt’s fate after the trial held for those accused of assassinating Abraham Lincoln?
*She was hanged
In addition to the president, what two others were targeted for assassination? (either the position they held or the name)
*Vice President Andrew Johnson and Secretary of State William Seward
What political event sparked the secession of the first Southern states?
*Abraham Lincoln’s election as president
What city was designated as the capital of the Confederacy?
*Richmond, Virginia
What is another word for the drafting of soldiers into an army?
What city saw tremendous riots and deaths when people protested the mandatory draft that Lincoln instituted?
*New York City
Which battle encourages Lincoln to issue the Emancipation Proclamation?
Which of the Unions’ three main strategies took the longest to accomplish?
*Capturing Richmond
Which general put the concept of “total war” into action?
What was the plan to prevent the Confederacy from importing and exporting goods- in hopes of crushing it economically?
*The Anaconda Plan
Which amendment to the Constitution abolished slavery?
*The Thirteenth
This declaration by President Lincoln gave the slaves of rebellious states their freedom.
*The Emancipation Proclamation
Which Confederate general died from wounds suffered at the Battle of Chancellorsville?
*Thomas “Stonewall” Jackson
What state divided into two separate governments over the issue of slavery?
What two generals met at Appomattox Courthouse in Virginia to agree to the end of the fighting?
*Grant and Lee
In what milestone Supreme Court case did the Court rule that blacks were not citizens and merely property of
their owners?
*Dred Scott
From what is the following line: …and that government of the people, by the people, for the people shall not perish
from the earth.”?
*Gettysburg Address
In which of his speeches did Lincoln hope that there would be “malice toward none and forgiveness for all.”
*Second Inaugural
Who was elected for two terms after the Civil War, but his was a scandal-plagued administration?
*Ulysses S. Grant
Who was chosen to lead the 54th Massachusetts regiment?
*Robert Gould Shaw
What document was a list of complaints against King George III and a pronouncement of the colonies decision to
break away from England?
*The Declaration of Independence
Who was the leading figure of the Democratic-Republican party that believed the common people were the
backbone of America?
*Thomas Jefferson
Name the first three presidents of the United States in order.
*Washington, Adams, Jefferson
In what year did Reconstruction formally end?
What is the term to describe the belief that one’s ethnicity or race is superior to others?