APUSH The following are the names, events, and terms that you...

The following are the names, events, and terms that you are responsible for knowing for the exam
that will take place during the last week of the trimester. While we will discuss a number of these in
class, it is still vital that you read the respective chapters to ensure a thorough understanding of each.
***And, yes, this is worth points! Keep a running list in your notebook.
Chapter 14: Forging the National Economy
Samuel Slater
Cyrus McCormick
Know-Nothing Party
Eli Whitney
“Molly Maguires”
Robert Fulton
factory system
Samuel F. B. Morse
market revolution
Catharine Beecher
Cult of Domesticity
Industrial Revolution
interchangeable parts
Transportation Revolution
Chapter 15: The Ferment of Reform and
Dorothea Dix
Brigham Young
Joseph Smith
Lucretia Mott
Elizabeth Cady Stanton
Edgar Allen Poe
American Temperance Society
Ralph Waldo Emerson
Second Great Awakening
Louisa Mae Alcott
Seneca Falls/Declaration of Sentiments
Henry David Thoreau
John Humphrey Noyes/Oneida Community