Gravitational waves from inflation generate a faint but distinctive twisting pattern in the polarization of the CMB, known as a "curl" or B-mode pattern. For the density fluctuations that generate most of the polarization of the CMB, this part of the primordial pattern is exactly zero. Shown here is the actual B-mode pattern observed with the BICEP2 telescope, with the line segments showing the polarization from different spots on the sky. The red and blue shading shows the degree of clockwise and anti-clockwise twisting of this B-mode pattern. (Credit for this image: BICEP2 Collaboration; Credit for image on pg. 5: Steffen Richter, Harvard University) On March 17, 2014 when the team for BICEP2 (Background Imaging of Cosmic Extragalactic Polarization 2) announced to the world that it had detected the physical signature of inflation, the news stunned scientists. Many called it the discovery of the century. MIT’s Max Tegmark said it would go down as one of the biggest scientific discoveries of all time. The detection of a strong B-mode polarization pattern in the Cosmic Microwave Background is, of course, provisional. But if confirmed by other cosmology teams, the B-mode signature opens a window much farther back than the CMB radiation itself, which was released into the universe 380,000 years after the Big Bang. Primordial B-modes can only be a consequence of gravitational waves that rippled through space-time during an inflationary epoch that occurred an infinitesimal fraction of a second after the Big Bang itself – right at the beginning. They reveal the energy scales at which the Big Bang occurred. And they provide “smoking gun” evidence that inflation actually happened. Their detection, although tentative, is fueling intense theoretical discussions of the implications of an inflationary universe – including the existence of an infinite “multiverse.” The BICEP2 team has close ties to UCSD. Back in 2002, Prof. Brian Keating helped propose the BICEP experiment at the South Pole to search for B-modes (BICEP2 is a successor project), and Brian is a current BICEP2 team member. Working with him at UCSD is Jonathan Kaufman, 29, who recently shared some details about what it was like to be part of the incredible March 17 announcement, his contributions to BICEP2 during trips to the South Pole, and other personal reflections. 4 Professor Maple was, just like he is now, was one of the leaders in this field and his research program included a variety of research tools and characterization techniques that included some of Quantum Design’s instruments. In particular, the Quantum Design Magnetic Measurement System (MPMS) was the workhorse for the magnetic characterization of a wide range of superconducting, heavy Fermion and magnetic material compounds synthetized in his laboratory. Shortly after I joined his group I began utilizing the MPMS, and I was immediately struck by its measurement sensitivity, sophisticated user interface, reliability and ease of use. I knew right then that I wanted to have something to do with this company that was manufacturing such a remarkable instrument. I asked Professor Maple if there could be a way to carry out my doctoral research in collaboration with Quantum Design – a local San Diego company with headquarters in Sorrento Valley just a few minutes from campus. Professor Maple contacted Dr. Ronald E. Sager, who was one of the co-founders of Quantum Design and also a UCSD Alumnus. Dr. Sager was a student of the late Professor John Wheatley, one of the co-founding members of the UCSD Physics Department, and had Professor Maple as a member of his thesis committee. As a result of this connection, I was given the unique opportunity to work with Quantum Design in the development of the new measurement option for this system, and I made this the centerpiece of my doctoral research. To my knowledge, this was the first-ever sponsorship at UCSD of a young scientist by this company, a tradition that we have kept ever since. LIEBERMAN: How did this work experience help you in your Ph.D. studies, and also help prepare you for a career? SPAGNA: My close affiliation with Quantum Design was instrumental in my life in developing a sense of “urgency” in anything that I decided to undertake. This spanned my Ph.D. research and later throughout my career at Quantum Design. In a real company situation, the stakes are always high and time cannot be wasted on “idle” endeavors. For instance, from an experimental point of view I learned that every experiment matters so that data should be taken for a very specific purpose and not for the sake of “data taking”. So in graduate school, you could say that I was always a very driven individual who was interested in getting the most results in the shortest amount of time. This did not mean cutting corners, but rather to be focused on what was to be discovered, what essential set of data was required, and why. Later on, as a young research scientist working at Quantum Design, I learned a great deal more about constructive “true urgency,” as opposed to the frantic wheel spinning that is so often mistaken for urgency. One of the individuals that taught me this was Dr. Michael Simmonds, the co-founder of Quantum Design whose mantra is “let’s get the answer to this problem before noon today!” When you really think about it, this outlook really changes the way you work, plan your day and ultimately live your life! When I joined Quantum Design full-time in the summer of 1995, the company was facing fierce competition from a new company named Conductus that quite surprisingly had decided to enter the SQUID magnetometer market. As result of this competition, the MPMS-2 platform badly needed to be upgraded with a number of new features in order to better compete with this new threat. A number of young scientists, including myself, were hired to specifically work on these new features. My task was to develop a new low temperature capability for the MPMS platform that would allow it to control temperatures below 4.2 Kelvin indefinitely. It was not an easy task. I remember that a sense of mission and urgency drove everyone to perform incredible amounts of work day in and day out, and by the time of the American Physical Society’s March meeting we were able to demonstrate these new capabilities with outstanding data, working hardware and great advertising at the trade show. As a result of this hard work, we really shattered the hopes of our competition, which could never make a foothold in our market. LIEBERMAN: How did your UCSD education prepare you for your career at Quantum Design? SPAGNA: First and foremost, the education I got at UCSD taught me the ability to think critically and solve problems. It also allowed me to recognize that any task or problem, no matter how difficult, could be solved if you worked at it tenaciously enough. One example of such a fact was how I interacted with Prof. Maple during my affiliation with his group. Being a busy scientist and traveling quite often, he rarely stopped by the laboratory to check on experiments. In general, his students read all of the relevant scientific literature and performed experiments – telling him later about it. As a rule, Prof. Maple was mostly interested in a work’s concept and in its result. But whenever possible, he would offer very insightful advice for the general direction of the research to be carried out. This drove me to work quite independently to design, build the apparatus needed for my experiments, and perform them in a timely manner. It was then that I understood that experimental physics is about developing a deep intuition 18 of the phenomena you are studying, day after day – to the extent that you see it, dream about it and breathe it until the answer presents itself to you one day – to your utter amazement. This experience about relying only on my own inner resources never left me. Another important lesson that I gained in Prof. Maple’s group was the importance of working in a stimulating environment. Shared day-to-day activities bonded together a group of like-minded people around Prof. Maple. These were people who considered physics more important than anything else, and they generously gave it all their heart and talent. This environment is essential to any new discovery, and interestingly enough it is essential in the workplace as well. At UCSD I also developed an appreciation for a high-quality education. The ability to design, build and use leading edge instrumentation in undergraduate and graduate laboratory courses and in my own research made me understand the important impact these instruments have in the development of any student. This is why Quantum Design has TM started a new initiative to market the VersaLab , a cryocooled temperature and magnetic field platform specifically for undergraduate and two-year college laboratory courses. LIEBERMAN: What was the subject of your Ph.D. thesis? SPAGNA: The title of my dissertation was: “A Ultra High Vacuum compatible SQUID Magnetometer System for investigations in Surface, Interface and Thin Film Magnetism.” Let me explain: This system enabled us to study the effect of oxidation on the magnetic behavior of very thin magnetic films. Now, an Ultra High Vacuum environment is really difficult to work with, and up to that moment direct magnetic measurement techniques in these type of systems was lacking. Why do people work in UHV? Typically to fabricate thin films of the highest quality that can exhibit interesting surface and interface magnetic behavior. Given popularity of the MPMS platform, the idea here was to adapt this instrument to enable freshly deposited thin film samples to be transported from a molecular-beam epitaxy deposition facility to the magnetometer without breaking vacuum. Once this capability was developed, in-situ measurements of the magnetic properties of Co/CoO bilayered thin film grown on Si(100) single-crystals substrates were demonstrated. LIEBERMAN: What was a key lesson you learned while in school, that still helps guide you today? SPAGNA: One of the things that I learned while in Prof. Maple’s laboratory proved to be priceless later on in my life: to be tenaciously pursuing the dreams of my life whatever they may be and no matter what obstacles might arise. LIEBERMAN: When the company hires a UCSD physics student, what are the key skills/talents the company has come to expect? SPAGNA: We typically welcome applications from bright, energetic individuals who are quick learners and can work independently. Typically we hire students with a physics or engineering background. Since we manufacture instruments, we prefer students who have substantial experience in designing and building an apparatus or piece of equipment for a complex experiment. In the case of Ph.D. students, we also are interested in applicants who might have used our instruments in their research. For the most part, our experience with UCSD students has been positive and a few have become full time employees. As you would expect, we have a high regard of the UCSD Physics Department! **** 19 Donation Form UC San Diego Physics Department Date: _____________ Fund Name: _____________________________________________ Amount: $____________ In Memory of (if applicable): _________________________________ First Name: __________________________ Last Name: __________________________ Street Address: _________________________________________________________________ City: ______________________ State: ______ ZIP: _____________ Email address: ______________________________________________ Primary Phone: ______________________ ! home ! cell ! work Make your check payable to “UC San Diego Foundation” and mail it along with your completed form to: UC San Diego Gift Processing 9500 Gilman Drive, #0940 La Jolla, CA 92093-0940 27