APPLYING LEAN MANUFACTURING IN AN AUTOMOTIVE STAMPING PLANT By Richard J. Welnick B.S. Aeronautical & Astronautical Engineering University of Washington (1990) Master of Engineering Management Washington State University (1998) Submitted to Sloan School of Management and the Department of Mechanical Engineering in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degrees of Master of Science in Management MASSACHUSEJ-lSI OF TECHNOLOG Z and Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering in conjunction with the Leaders For Manufacturing Program at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology May 2001 @ Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2001. All rights reserved. JUL 0 9 2001 LIBRARIES 1 Signature of Author Department of Mechanical Engineering S)oan S5 ,J.of Management Mav 5 2001 Certified By "rofessor David S. Cochran, Thesis Advisor Department of Mechanical Engineering Certified By Professor Charlie Fine, Thesis Advisor Sloan School of Management Accepted By Ain Sonin Chairman, Departmental Committee on Graduate Studies of Mechanical Engineering Speartment Accepted By Margaret C. Andrews Executive Director of Masters of Business Administration Program Sloan School of Management I F ( APPLYING LEAN MANUFACTURING IN AN AUTOMOTIVE STAMPING PLANT By RICHARD J. WELNICK Submitted to Sloan School of Management and the Department of Mechanical Engineering on May 5, 2001 in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degrees of Master of Business Administration And Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering ABSTRACT Stamping operations are inherently batch processes and therefore are often not as readily adaptable to pull-based manufacturing material flow techniques as other automotive production processes where single-piece flow can be achieved. As a result, until recently Ford Motor Company's efforts to implement synchronous material techniques in its North American plants have tended to focus on assembly lines where there is a natural single-piece flow. The ultimate goal of pull-based systems is to achieve single piece flow through the manufacturing process wherever possible. While stamping and other batch processes will never economically achieve single piece flow, pull-based lean manufacturing techniques can be applied as a vehicle to improve performance in these facilities. This thesis will examine the operations of the Wayne Stamping plant and analyze the opportunities for application of lean manufacturing and the challenges to implementation. This project will review current material flow and scheduling practices using the tools of value stream mapping to identify potential improvements. Based on this information, and supplemental research, it will examine a pull-based approach for material flow and recommend a future state. This thesis will also consider the role of the Ford Production System in this process and its efforts to spread lean manufacturing tools throughout the plants and motivate progress. The Ford Production System uses several approaches to encourage lean manufacturing techniques and these include metrics, coaching, education and assessment. The thesis will also touch on the FPS implementation approach and specifically its role in Wayne's change process. Thesis Advisors: Professor David S Cochran Department of Mechanical Engineering Professor Charlie Fine Sloan School of Management 3 This page intentionally left blank. 4 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS While it is impossible to recognize everyone who has contributed to the success of my internship and the completion of my thesis, I would like to briefly mention several individuals who had a tremendous impact. First I would like to thank the Leaders For Manufacturing Program, and in particular my thesis advisors Professors David Cochran and Charlie Fine for their support and advice during my internship and this thesis. They provided not only technical advice but also leadership and encouragement. I would also like to thank my fellow LFM classmates, and in particular my Detroit comrades Corey Welch, Quang Nguyen, and Sara Metcalf, for their advice, support and company during our stay there. At the Ford Motor Company, I would like to thank the Ford Manufacturing Leadership Program for sponsoring the internship and providing access to activities and people that greatly enriched my experience. In particular, I would like to thank Hossein Nivi and Brian Sullivan for their efforts and time. I would also like to thank my supervisor Bob Brosko and the Ford Production System group for their time and willingness to share information. The educational value of this internship was greatly increased because of them. I would also like to thank the managers and employees of the Wayne Integral Stamping & Assembly Plant who were extremely helpful and patient with my endless questions. Most importantly, I would like to thank my wife Jennifer for her support not only during this internship but the entire two-year Leaders For Manufacturing Program. She has allowed this experience to be a wonderful adventure. 5 This page intentionally left blank. 6 TABLE OF CONTENTS ABSTRACT................................................................................................................................ 3 ACKNOW LEDGEM ENTS.................................................................................................. 5 TABLE OF CONTENTS............................................................................................................ 7 TABLE OF FIGURES................................................................................................................ 9 SECTION 1: INTRODUCTION & OVERVIEW ................................................................. 11 1.1 Introduction ..................................................................................... 1.2 M otivation......................................................................................... 1.3 Background....................................................................................... 1.4 Readers Guide To Chapters & Thesis............................................................................. SECTION 2: PROJECT SETTING AND BACKGROUND ............................. 11 11 12 13 14 2.1 Ford M otor Company.................................................................................................. 2.1.1 Ford M otor Company Culture .............................................................................. 2.1.2 Competitive Environment ..................................................................................... 2.2 Ford Production System Overview ................................................................................. 2.2.1 FPS Approach & Execution .................................................................................. 2.2.2 FPS M easurables ................................................................................................. 2.3 W ayne Assembly & Stamping Background.................................................................... 2.3.1 Plant Description .................................................................................................. 2.3.2 Cultural Issues ......................................................................................................... 14 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 20 SECTION 3: WAYNE STAMPING OPERATIONS DESCRIPTION................. 21 3.1 Stamping Operations Background.............................................................................. 3.1.1 Stamping Customers ........................................................................................... 3.1.2 Stamping Suppliers .............................................................................................. 3.2 Stamping Operations....................................................................................................... 3.2.1 M anufacturing Process......................................................................................... 3.2.2 Facilities Layout and Basic Operations................................................................. 3.3 M anufacturing Environment ....................................................................................... 21 21 22 23 23 24 26 SECTION 4: VALUE STREAM MAPPING AND CURRENT STATE ANALYSIS.......28 4.1 Value Stream M apping.................................................................................................... 4.1.1 Value Stream M apping Process................................................................................ 4.1.2 Process M aps for Wayne Stamping ..................................................................... 4.2 Current State of Stam ping Operations ....................................................................... 4.2.1 Demand Variation................................................................................................ 4.2.2 Scheduling............................................................................................................... 4.2.3 Batch Size & Inventory ............................................................................................ 4.2.4 Overall Equipment Effectiveness ......................................................................... 4.2.5 Changeover.............................................................................................................. 28 29 29 31 32 32 33 36 37 7 TABLE OF CONTENTS CONTINUED 4.3 K ey O perational Issues............................................................................................... 4.3.1 Downtime ................................................................................................................ 4.3.2 Schedule .................................................................................................................. 4.3.3 Changeovers ............................................................................................................ 38 38 39 40 SECTION 5: IMPLENTING LEAN MANUFACTURING...................................................... 41 5.1 Implem enting Lean M anufacturing............................................................................ 5.1.1 Elements of Lean M anufacturing.......................................................................... 5.2 M aking the Transition................................................................................................. 5.2.1 Key Elements of Change....................................................................................... 5.2.2 Approaches for Implem entation ........................................................................... 5.3 Production System Design and Deployment Framework............................................... 5.3.1 Decomposition Description .................................................................................. 5.3.2 Decomposition Evaluation and Results................................................................. 41 42 44 44 46 47 48 49 SECTION 6: PROPOSED FUTURE STATE & IMPLEMENTATION..............................51 6.1 Proposed Future State ................................................................................................. 6.1.1 Future State M ap and Elem ents ............................................................................ 6.1.2 Key Supporting Processes .................................................................................... 6.2 Im plem entation Approach .......................................................................................... 6.3 Issues & Challenges to Implem entation....................................................................... 6.3.1 M etrics .................................................................................................................... 6.3.2 Organizational Overlap ......................................................................................... 6.3.3 Inventory Challenges .......................................................................................... 6.4 Summ ary of Recom m ended Changes.......................................................................... SECTIO N 7: CO NCLUSIO NS ............................................................................................... 7.1 Analytical Tools ............................................................................................................... 7.2 FPS Manufacturing System and Implementation........................................................... 7.2.1 Lean M anufacturing System ................................................................................ 7.2.2 Implem enting Change within Ford ....................................................................... 7.3 Stam ping Project ............................................................................................................. 51 52 54 55 57 57 58 59 60 61 61 62 62 63 65 BIBLIO G RAPH Y ....................................................................................................................... 66 APPENDIX A: CURRENT STATE PROCESS MAPS ....................................................... 68 APPENDIX B: INVENTORY AND BATCH DATA ................................................................ 71 APPENDIX C: MSDD QUESTIONAIRRE ........................................................................... 82 8 TABLE OF FIGURES & CHARTS Figure 2-1, 2001 Ford Focus.......................................................................................... 19 Figure 3-1, Wayne Stamping Customer Description...................................................... 22 Figure 3-2, Basic Manufacturing Process ...................................................................... 23 Figure 3-3, Schematic of Wayne Stamping and Operations ........................................... 25 Figure 3-4, Detailed Layout of Stamping Operations.................................................... 25 Figure 4-1, Current State Process Map.......................................................................... 30 Figure 4-2, Chart of Batch Size Production for Press Line 1........................................... 34 Figure 4-3, Chart of Batch Size Production for Press Line 1 in Days of Inventory ......... 34 Figure 4-4, Chart of Days of Inventory by Job for Press Line 1 ...................................... 35 Figure 4-5, Chart of OEE Data .................................................................................... 36 Figure 4-6, Table of OEE Data by Job .......................................................................... 37 Figure 4-7, Illustration of Maintenance/Capacity Causal Loop ...................................... 39 Figure 5-1, Elements of the Toyota Production System.................................................. 43 Figure 5-2, Table of M SDD Results.............................................................................. 49 Figure 6-1, Pull-based Future State Map for Stamping .................................................. 52 Figure 6-2, Stamping Causal Loop Diagram ................................................................. 55 Figure 6-3, Transition Approach ................................................................................... 56 Appendix A, Current State Process Maps For Press Lines Figure A-1, Current State Process Map for Press Line 1............................................... 68 Figure A-2, Current State Process Map for Press Line 2................................................ 69 Figure A-3, Current State Process Map for Press Line 3................................................ 69 Figure A-4, Current State Process Map for Press Line 4................................................ 70 Figure A-5, Combined Current State Process Map for Press Lines ................................ 70 9 TABLE OF FIGURES & CHARTS CONTINUED Appendix B, Batch and Inventory Data Figure B-1, Press Line 1 Batch Production Data by Piece Count ....................................... 72 Figure B-2, Press Line 1 Batch Production Data by Days of Inventory .............................. 72 Figure B-3, Press Line 2 Batch Production Data by Piece Count ....................................... 73 Figure B-4, Press Line 2 Batch Production Data by Days of Inventory .............................. 73 Figure B-5, Press Line 3 Batch Production Data by Piece Count ....................................... 74 Figure B-6, Press Line 3 Batch Production Data by Days of Inventory .............................. 74 Figure B-7, Press Line 4 Batch Production Data by Piece Count ....................................... 75 Figure B-8, Press Line 4 Batch Production Data by Days of Inventory .............................. 75 Figure B-9, Press Line 1 Number of Jobs Run Daily ......................................................... 76 Figure B-10, Press Line 2 Number of Jobs Run Daily ....................................................... 76 Figure B-11, Press Line 3 Number of Jobs Run Daily ....................................................... 77 Figure B- 12, Press Line 4 Number of Jobs Run Daily ....................................................... 77 Figure B-13, Press Line 1 Total Inventory Maintained Daily............................................. 78 Figure B- 14, Press Line 2 Total Inventory Maintained Daily............................................. 78 Figure B-15, Press Line 3 Total Inventory Maintained Daily............................................. 79 Figure B- 16, Press Line 4 Total Inventory Maintained Daily............................................. 79 Figure B-17, Press Line I Inventory Maintained Daily By Job .......................................... 80 Figure B-18, Press Line 2 Inventory Maintained Daily By Job.......................................... 80 Figure B-19, Press Line 3 Inventory Maintained Daily By Job .......................................... 81 Figure B-20, Press Line 4 Inventory Maintained Daily By Job.......................................... 81 10 SECTION 1: INTRODUCTION & OVERVIEW 1.1 Introduction This thesis is based on the work and research that was conducted at the Ford Motor Company in the Wayne Integral Stamping & Assembly Plant as part of an internship project for the Leaders For Manufacturing Program. The internship was sponsored by the Ford Production System (FPS) Group, which is responsible for implementing lean manufacturing within the Ford Motor Company. This thesis will examine the operations of the Wayne Stamping plant and analyze the opportunities for application of lean manufacturing and the challenges to implementation. This project will review current material flow and scheduling practices using the tools of Value Stream Mapping and Manufacturing System Design Decomposition to identify potential improvements. Based on this information, and supplemental research, it will examine a pull-based approach for material flow and recommend a future state for operations. This thesis will also consider the role of the Ford Production System in this process and its efforts to spread lean manufacturing tools throughout the plants and motivate progress. The Ford Production System uses several approaches to encourage lean manufacturing techniques and these include metrics, coaching, education and assessment. The thesis will also touch on the FPS implementation approach and specifically its role in Wayne's change process. 1.2 Motivation Stamping operations are inherently batch processes and therefore not as readily adaptable to lean manufacturing material flow techniques as other automotive production processes where single-piece flow can be achieved. As a result, until recently Ford Motor Company's efforts to implement synchronous material techniques in its North American plants have tended to focus on assembly lines where there is a natural single-piece flow. While stamping and other batch processes will never economically achieve single piece flow, batch size reduction and pull-based lean manufacturing techniques can be applied as a vehicle to improve performance in these facilities. 11 This thesis examines the operations of one stamping plant in particular and analyzes the opportunities for application of lean manufacturing and the challenges to implementation. It will also consider the role of other factors such as culture and environment and their affect on the efforts to spread lean manufacturing tools throughout this plant and others within Ford Motor Company. 1.3 Background The Ford Production System is an initiative of the Ford Motor Company that aims to implement the tools of lean manufacturing throughout its assembly and manufacturing plants. One element of this lean manufacturing system is Synchronous Material Flow or SMF. SMF uses the concept of pull-based material flow to attack both internal and external logistics, reducing inventory and waste wherever possible. Pull-systems, such as Toyota's kanban approach authorize production as inventory is consumed. This is in contrast to traditional push based systems, such as MRP, that schedule production based on a forecast of demand. [Hopp & Spearman, 2001] The Wayne Integral Stamping & Assembly Plant offers a unique opportunity to implement lean manufacturing techniques and material flow within a stamping operation. Since Wayne's stamping, body shop and assembly operations are all located in the same plant, many of the normal issues of logistics are greatly reduced. Since the parts do not need to travel great distances between operations, large inventory buffers are not needed and pull-based kanban processes can more easily be implemented since lead time variation is reduced. Currently, the stamping operations at Wayne control production using a more traditional scheduling process that plans the day's production, for each of its press lines, based upon the forecasted schedule of its customer. Because of the close proximity between stamping and subsequent operations, Wayne has been able to avoid many of the problems of overproduction that are typical in stamping operations. While it has reduced inventory levels, Wayne has not yet leveraged the opportunity to implement true pull-based material flow between stamping and its customers and reduce the scheduling complexities and corrections that currently exist. Wayne's efforts to reduce inventory before implementing other lean manufacturing principles also raises questions about the implementation of manufacturing systems and the order of implementation. What approach creates success and what impacts has Wayne's implementation process had on operations. 12 1.4 Readers Guide To Chapters & Thesis Chapter 1 provides an introduction to the thesis and an understanding of the scope and reason for thesis. It also provides relevant background to the thesis. Chapter 2 provides background on the setting for the thesis and important issues affecting it. It provides an insight into the Ford Motor Company and the competitive environment is faces today. It also describes the Ford Production System in its current form and gives an overview to the Wayne production facility where the thesis work took place. Chapter 3 describes the Wayne Stamping facility operations and current management practices. It provides an overview of the basic material flow and the stamping process involved. Chapter 4 presents the concept of Value Stream Mapping and how it is applied. It describes how the Value Stream Mapping Process was used at Wayne and details the operations of the facility through description and data. It also highlights some of the key issues with current operations. Chapter 5 investigates the topic of lean implementation and compares it with the FPS approach. It also describes the current status of Wayne's implementation using the Decomposition Analysis for manufacturing systems. Chapter 6 describes a proposed pull-system and how it might be implemented within the Wayne stamping operations. It will also examine some of the implementation challenges facing this approach. Chapter 7 examines the findings in light of managerial issues such as metrics and their use in creating organization change and motivation. It summarizes the conclusions of this thesis. 13 SECTION 2: PROJECT SETTING AND BACKGROUND While the main emphasis of this thesis is on the manufacturing analysis that was conducted at the Wayne Integral Stamping & Assembly Plant, it is crucial to understand the context and setting where this work was done. To do this it is also necessary to understand the company and major issues that have influenced the current environment. For this project, the two most relevant influences are the culture and environment of the Ford Motor Company and the implementation of the Ford Production System. The following chapter gives a description of the Ford Motor Company today, explains the Ford Production System and gives an overview of the Wayne Plant as a whole. 2.1 Ford Motor Company Overview Henry Ford founded the Ford Motor Company in 1903. Today, 98 years later, the Ford Motor Company is the second largest automotive manufacturer in terms of sales revenue and the largest manufacturer of trucks in terms of volume. Ford has operations in 40 countries, operates 114 plants worldwide and employs approximately 248,000 employees in manufacturing operations. Ford recently spun off its component manufacturing operations including 83 plants and 74,200 employees under the name Visteon. [Ford Motor Company, 1999 Annual Report] In addition, Ford has diversified into other businesses related to the automotive industry. Ford Credit is now a key component of Ford's strategy, providing financing and leasing to a variety of customers to support Ford's automotive sales. Ford has also moved into several areas of the automotive services industry. An example of this is the acquisition of Hertz rental car in 1987. [Ford Motor Company, 1999 Annual Report] 2.1.1 Ford Motor Company Culture For a company as large and old as the Ford Motor Company, there is an overwhelming sense of the company's history and legacy within the auto industry. Employees are extremely knowledgeable about the company's history and there is strong sense of heritage among employees. Many in the company have had parents or other family members work at Ford. 14 Undoubtedly, the sense of heritage is also due in part to the Ford family's active role in the company throughout its history and still today. 109 Ford family members still hold preferred Ford Motor Company stock [Ford Annual Report, 1999] and William Ford Jr. is currently the Chairman of the Board of the company. Additionally, many other family members are actively working in the company today. 2.1.2 Competitive Environment The competitive landscape of the auto industry has changed dramatically in the past decade. There has been a wave consolidation, through both mergers and acquisitions, in an effort to further reduce costs through even greater economies of scale. To reduce the costs of component manufacture and generate capital, both GM and Ford spun off their component manufacturing businesses as Delphi and Visteon, respectively. Ford has responded to this consolidation by the strategic acquisition of smaller manufacturers that meet key criteria. These auto-manufacturers have strong customer loyalty and strong brand identity but may have other operational problems in areas that Ford can apply its strengths to create value. Recent acquisitions of this type include Volvo, Jaguar, and Land Rover. Additionally, Ford has been under pressure from shareholders to improve operational performance in several areas. While Ford has been very successful in North America, it has struggled achieve profitability in other regions such as Europe, Asia, and South America, losing $226 Million in South America alone in 1998. [Sorge, 1999] North American sales accounted for 66% of Ford cars and trucks sold in 1999 but 73% of the revenues and certainly an even higher proportion of the profits. [Ford Annual Report, 1999] Additionally, within the North American market, Ford is recognized as the leader in trucks and sports-utility vehicles but has had tremendous difficulty achieving financial success within its car lines. "The bulk of the profits, some experts estimate as much as 60%, come from trucks." [Sorge, 1999] This leaves Ford tremendously vulnerable to an economic downturn or a change such as rising fuel prices. Additionally, the high profits in this market have attracted more competitors in recent years. Some, such as Toyota, have rolled out entire product families in this category. As a result there is tremendous pressure within Ford to reduce production costs and improve financial performance among both cars and trucks. 15 2.2 Ford Production System Overview The original Ford Production System, invented by Henry Ford, revolutionized not only automobile manufacturing, but manufacturing of all kinds. By demonstrating part interchangeability and implementing the moving assembly line, he was able to take advantage of the division of labor and create economies of scale. [Womack et al 1990] For the first time it was dramatically cheaper to mass-produce manufactured goods. Ford's concept became the foundation on which lean manufacturing was built. In the 1950's and 1960's, the Toyota Motor Company took Ford's mass production techniques and adapted them to the issues facing the Japanese market and competitive environment. That market demanded more varieties of automobiles in lower volumes to satisfy the needs of the rebuilding economy. To make matters worse, capital was in short supply and labor was strongly regulated by the government. [Womack et al 1990] The manufacturing system that evolved is commonly known as the Toyota Production System and was described in detail in The Machine That Changed The World. (Womack et al, 1990) Its focus on defect elimination through continuous improvement techniques such Statistical Process Control (SPC) gained Toyota a reputation for quality products that is unmatched today and permanently altered consumers expectations of the automobiles and products they buy. Additionally, Toyota's focus on inventory management and cost reduction made them the first company to achieve quality and low cost. This breakthrough has made them a formidable competitor. When rising fuel prices in the United States shifted the market demand, Toyota and other Japanese manufacturers were poised to take advantage, and the result was a dramatic reduction in market share for the U.S auto-manufacturers by the early 1990's. In 1995 in an effort to face increasing competition, the Ford Motor Company unveiled a program called Ford 2000, which created a series of initiatives to reengineer Ford's key business processes. One of these initiatives, named Ford Production System, was created to develop a lean manufacturing system, modeled after the Toyota Production System, with a common set of tools and measures that Ford could use to implement and manage the process throughout its plants worldwide. [Kowalski, 1995] It's not unfair to say that many within Ford also wanted to recapture what they believed to be their heritage as the rightful heirs to Henry Ford's original production system. 16 2.2.1 FPS Approach & Execution FPS was originally designed with a 5-phase implementation process. The five phases being Operation Stability, Continuous Flow, Synchronous Production, Pull System, and Level Production. The concept was to build a stable process foundation to build on by implanting tools such as six-sigma, 5S and preventative maintenance. This would allow plants a good understanding of the variation within their processes and hopefully reduce variation levels before they began implementing other lean manufacturing tools and redesigned the flow of their production lines. In reality, many of the plants have embarked on various pieces of these phases at the same time. Others have begun first with material flow because it creates immediate and visible results that will hopefully spur employees on to further improvement efforts and allow workers to understand their impacts on the production line. Additionally, the Ford Production System has grown beyond the boundaries of lean manufacturing to address all aspects of the manufacturing work environment. The elements of FPS now include: * Work Groups * Health & Safety * Ford Total Productive Maintenance * Manufacturing Engineering * Environmental * Synchronous Material Flow 0 0 0 0 0 In-Station Process Control/Quality Industrial Materials Managing Training Quality The responsibility for the FPS process and its implementation lies with the FPS Group. The FPS group is a central group, composed of coaches, auditors and instructors, focused on supporting and stimulating the improvement efforts in Ford's plants. Their strategy for implementation is relatively straight forward: provide training to plant managers and workers on the Ford Production System, support the plants with coaches and subject matter experts, and finally assess and evaluate progress through annual audits of the plants. The training program is designed to kick-off implementation of FPS at a plant with training for the plant leadership team and then provides classes for hourly and salaried FPS focals on the various tools and levels of the implementation process. Most of the actual class instruction is out-sourced to a training company and this instruction is supported by talks from FPS and Operations Leadership during the courses. Coaching is concentrated in the area of Synchronous Material Flow, although there are coaches in the other areas of FPS. Each coach is typically assigned to one or two plants and they spend their time 17 divided between those plants. Their role is to support the identified FPS Focals in the plant, coach, and share best practices. The coaches are typically managers and their main role is working with plant management to create change. Auditors perform assessments of each of its plants on an annual basis against the FPS elements. Each assessment results in a score, and level for each FPS element and an overall score and level for the plant as a whole. The real goal of these assessments is to encourage the plant management to focus on continuous improvement year to year. It also provides upper management a view of the progress each plant and plant manager is making. The criteria for the assessment is very well documented, and includes not only the questions and criteria for scoring but examples of the types of systems, documents, actions etc. that the FPS group would like to see in the production system. Typically, each plant has done a self-assessment prior to the FPS group arriving and this is reviewed, as are plant procedures, and the plant operations themselves. A typical assessment lasts one week and results in not only a scoring of the plant, but also recognition of accomplishments and the identification of opportunities and areas for improvement. There are auditors representing each of the FPS elements, and UAW representatives are also members of the assessment team and FPS group. 2.2.2 FPS Measurables A key component of the Ford Production System is the metrics used to track performance. These are known as the FPS measurables. The measurables are intended as a tool to measure the performance of the manufacturing plants in their efforts to implement the Ford Production System and improve operations. Ford wanted metrics that were quantitative and emphasized physical rather then financial measures. [Kowalski 1996] Since FPS is being implemented worldwide, and it was also important that these metrics were clearly defined and would allow comparison of performance among all of Ford's plants. There are now seven FPS measurables which are described below [FPS, Guidebook for Effective Measurables Overview 1999]. Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE) - OEE is a measure of the availability, performance efficiency, and quality performance of a given piece of equipment. First-Time-Through (FIT) - FTT is the percentage of units that a complete a manufacturing process the first time without being repaired, retested, scrapped or returned. 18 'ii Build To Schedule (BTS) - BTS is a measure of the percentage of products that are scheduled that are produced in a given day in the correct sequence. Dock-To-Dock (DTD) - DTD is the time between the arrival of raw materials and the release of finished goods for shipment for a specific control part. Total Cost - Total cost is the total cost per unit of material, labor, freight, inventory, overhead and other plant costs. Safety and Health Assessment Review Process (SHARP) - SHARP is an evaluation of the safety and health issues and practices at a plant. Attitude Surveys - various surveys conducted to assess employee opinion on various issues. 2.3 Wayne Assembly & Stamping Background The Wayne Assembly & Stamping Operations are located in Wayne, Michigan approximately 10 miles west of Dearborn where the Ford Motor Company is headquartered. The plant opened in 1952 and currently covers approximately 3.5 million square feet and employs approximately 4100 employees. Of these roughly 360 are management or salaried and the rest are hourly UAW employees. [Plant Guide, Blue Oval News 9/21/00] Figure 2-1 2001 Ford Focus The Wayne Stamping & Assembly Plant is the U.S. producer of the Ford Focus, pictured above, which it produces in both sedan and station wagon versions. Wayne transitioned from production of the Ford Escort to the Ford Focus during 1999, producing approximately 244,000 total units in 1999. The Ford 1. For an excellent overview of the design of the FPS Measurables and some of the potential issues associated with them reference Joseph Kowalski's Thesis, "An Evaluation of the Design of Manufacturing Measurables for the Ford Production System," 1996. 19 Focus is also manufactured in Hermosillo, Sonora (Mexico); Valencia, Spain; Plonsk, Poland; and Saarlouis, Germany. The Ford Focus won the American, Canadian and European awards for Car of the Year in 1999. The demand in North America resulted in an increase of production at Wayne to its current target of 74 cars per hour. 2.3.1 Plant Description Physically, the Wayne Plant is divided into two separate buildings. The south building contains the Stamping Area and South Body Area. The north building contains the North Body Area, Paint Shop and Final Assembly and Trim Lines. The South Body Area is responsible for the assembly of the majority of the Focus body structure, while the North Body Area completes the body with such parts as decks and doors. Car bodies are shuttled by conveyor between the South and North Body Areas through an elevated, enclosed tunnel which bridges railroad tracks. 2.3.2 Cultural Issues The Wayne plant is divided into two distinct cultures. There are two different local UAW contracts in place within Wayne. Wayne Assembly, which contains Wayne's trim lines and paint shop, falls under a traditional union contract. Wayne Integral Stamping & Assembly, which contains Wayne's Stamping Area and Body Shops, on the other hand, are covered by a 'modern' UAW agreement that allows for such activities as job rotation. An example of this is that the Body Shop area is divided into distinct work teams that rotate jobs during the day, including a rotation operating a forklift delivering material to the production line. Ironically, because of the physical plant layout, and the division of the body shops between the north and south buildings, there are actually two different union contracts operating within the same building. These two areas within the north building are under different union leadership and operate as distinct entities in many ways. Wayne has a strong union culture. An example of the strong union environment is that the UAW bans all foreign vehicles from parking in the general parking lots at Wayne. While this ban is more directed at Ford Motor Company competition, this ban includes vehicles manufactured by companies such as Mazda and Volvo, which although foreign brands are owned and operated by the Ford Motor Company. 20 SECTION 3: WAYNE STAMPING DESCRIPTION & ANALYSIS The intent of this chapter is to describe the operations at the Wayne Stamping Plant and give the reader a picture of the environment. This chapter will provide an overview of the basic manufacturing processes and describe the facilities and flow of materials and information that support that process. It will also describe the elements of the work environment that are relevant to the operations and atmosphere within the plant. 3.1 Stamping Operations The Wayne Stamping Area employs approximately 270 people that include hourly production, maintenance and material handling jobs, as well as salaried support and management. At the time of this research Wayne Stamping produced approximately 48 different stamped-steel parts that totaled a scheduled demand of approximately 37,000 individual piece parts per day. These parts are produced on four stamping lines that are supported by one blanker. 3.1.1 Stamping Customers: Wayne Stamping has three primary customers that it supplies parts to. The major customer of their production is the Wayne Body production area. Stamping provides parts to both the north and south body shops and accounts for the majority of the Focus body structure produced at Wayne. This includes both sedan and station wagon parts. Eleven of these parts are also produced in quantities to support production of the Focus at Hermosillo, Mexico. Hermosillo's projected needs are added to the daily production requirements for Focus parts from Wayne Integral Stamping & Assembly. Most of these parts, such as hood inners and outers, are supplied to the Body Areas for assembly prior to shipment to Mexico, but a few parts are delivered directly from Stamping. Parts for Hermosillo are normally delivered by truck. Additionally, Wayne Stamping also provides door inner and outer parts to the Ford Michigan Truck Plant for use on the Ford Expedition and Lincoln Navigator. The Michigan Truck Plant is located next to the 21 Wayne Customer Breakdown As A Percentage of Volume Mchigan Truck 11% Hermosillo, Mexico 10% Wayne 79% Figure 3-1 Wayne Stamping Customer Description Wayne Integral Stamping & Assembly Plant, within the same Ford compound, providing short delivery times and routes. As seen in Figure 3-1, the majority of Stamping production is provided to customers either within the same production facility or within the same compound. This close proximity to customers greatly reduces lead-time variation and logistic issues. 3.1.2 Suppliers to the Stamping Operations There are very few suppliers for the stamping operation. A single distributor, who is located within a few miles of the Wayne plant, supplies steel coils. Logistically, this again provides the plant with several advantages. Coils are usually delivered three times per day, but can be provided more often if necessary. This allows stamping to hold only slightly more inventories then is required for the upcoming shift. Typically one order is placed for the day's deliveries and updated as needed during the day. This provides additional flexibility. There are also several local manufacturers who provide pre-cut blanks. This compensates for the lack of blanking capacity required by providing outsourced blanks for several of the part numbers. 22 3.2 Stamping Operations 3.2.1 Manufacturing Process The manufacturing process in a stamping plant is relatively simple and consists of two basic manufacturing processes blanking and stamping. Both of these processes use a press and sets of dies to either cut or shape the raw steel. This process is depicted below in Figure 3-2. In most cases, flat steel is purchased and delivered in large rolls of various widths or lengths depending on the parts being manufactured and the blanking equipment being used. Additionally, the types of steel will be tailored to the needs of the individual parts. These rolls are fed into a blanker, which cuts and stacks flat patterns from the steel. The shape of the flat pattern is designed for the given part to be stamped. Stacks of these blanks are then transported to the stamping lines and fed into the presses. Once inside the press the flat pattern is squeezed or 'hit' between a matched set of dies to change its shape to match the interior of the die. Depending on the type of press and part shape, the part may achieve its final shape in different ways. The part may need to be transferred through a series of dies, slightly changing configuration with each hit until the final design is achieved, or simpler parts may need only a single hit to achieve final configuration. Basic Manufacturing Process Steel Coils BN STAMPING PRESS Finished Parts Figure 3-2 Basic Manufacturing Process 23 Both blanking and stamping are fast cycle-time processes. This means that once the process is running for a given part, it takes very little time to complete the manufacturing operation. In other words, once the blanker is running it will cut another flat pattern every few seconds. Similarly, the stamping lines will produce a part approximately every 4-7 seconds depending on the part. Traditionally, fast cycle time processes have been run in very large batches that maximize the amount of time the equipment was actually producing parts. Since the time to changeover dies for different parts was very long, switching production to another part meant the equipment was not being used for significant periods of time. It was considered common sense to reduce setup costs by running the biggest lot size possible. [Monden, 1998] 3.2.2 Facilities Layout and Basic Operations Figure 3-3 shows a basic schematic of the Wayne Stamping & Assembly building and operations. As described earlier, the South Building contains the stamping operations and south-body production area. Also two warehouses are attached to this building. The bulk of this warehouse space is used to store either finished stamped parts that will be used in the south body production lines or empty racks for these same parts. Figure 3-4 shows a detailed layout of the stamping operations in the south building and provides a simplified view of material flow to support the operations. The stamping operations are fairly selfcontained and there are two pairs of press lines with equipment and dies stored directly in front of the appropriate press loading area. General maintenance as well as die maintenance is also located directly in the area. Steel coils arrive from the supplier several times each day by truck. As seen in Figure 3-4, coils would be unloaded and stored directly in front of the blanker. Movement of the blanks is performed by overhead crane. Coils are processed into blanks, stored on pallets and moved into the Murata ASRS (Automated Storage & Retrieval System) for storage until needed. Additional blanks are delivered from outside suppliers to meet the current production requirements that the one blanker is not capable of meeting. These blanks are typically not placed into the Murata system. Instead they are unloaded and stored in their own inventory area from which they would be taken directly to the press lines. Blanks are typically transported and loaded onto the appropriate press lines via AGV (Automated selfGuided Vehicles), but are also transported by forklift. Press jobs are processed according to a daily 24 Assembly Lines South Body Production Area North Body Production Area North Building Stamping Operations South Builcling Area Depicted in Layout Figure 3-3 Schematic of Wayne Stamping and Operations To Butler Building W arehoi se Parts Conveyor To North Die Tandem Press Line #4 Die Storage Maitenance ,---------- Rack Storage Staging Tandem Press Line #3 Die Storge - Transfer Press Line #2 Stamped Stamped & Rack & Rack Part Storage Part Storage 1 Die O SamigOffices --------------- r ---------Line #1 : LI] Mainteance Die Storage A M 10 ~0 I- Storage r ------------Transfer Press u] 1 Blankr (Blanker Invento Oper p eations Material Flow Description Flow of Steel Coils Flow of Blanks Flow of Finished Parts Figure 3-4 Detailed Layout of Stamping Operations. 25 schedule that is described in the following chapter. Stamped parts are loaded in racks and transported by forklift to one of four major inventory holding areas or directly to the line if necessary. There is a large holding area near the end of the press lines, which is show in Figure 3-4. There are also two warehouses for inventory depicted in Figure 3-3. The fourth holding area is located in the North Body production area that is also shown in Figure 3-3. Parts for North Body are transported by convey from stamping in the south building to the north building and placed in inventory by fork-lift. The conveyor loading area is depicted in Figure 3-4. Parts are removed from inventory and transported by forklift or carts and delivered to the appropriate line side location of the body production lines. Delivery is controlled by the production teams and performed by operators who rotate through a material handling position for a portion of their day. Parts intended for delivery to Mexico or the Michigan Truck Plant are gathered by Material Planning and Logistics (MP&L) personnel and loaded on trucks for delivery as scheduled. 3.3 Manufacturing Environment The manufacturing environment at the Wayne stamping facilities is not what the average person might expect from such a facility if they had not been to one. The stamping area of the plant is a high-bay section with high ceilings of approximately 60-ft. Despite the large stamping lines and supporting equipment, the area is very open, well lit and fairly clean. While there is noise from the operating stamping presses, it is not overwhelming. Operators where hearing protection to prevent long-term hearing damage. Employees in the stamping area tend to be middle-aged and very experienced. Most have been at this stamping facility since it opened approximately twelve years ago and have been employed by Ford for much longer. The management in this area also fits this same profile. They are experienced and knowledgeable about stamping operations and the stamping business. To put is simply, stamping is their career. The stamping area is typically scheduled to operate on a 6.5 day / 24 hour schedule with 3 shifts. This means that the presses would be operating 24 hours a day for 6.5 days of the week other then changeovers. This would leave a half-day of time open for maintenance or necessary additional 26 production. Operators work in three shifts of 8 hours each and work overtime to cover the additional 1.5 or production scheduled for the weekends. In reality, production is often going 7 days per week, 24 hours a day to keep up with the demand of the assembly line which is normally operating two 10 hours shifts 5 days per week. The pressure to keep up with the line is constant and maintenance is only performed when a stamping line has gotten ahead of the production demand, or when equipment is already down because of process or equipment issues. Overtime is taken for granted and occurs almost daily for the operators. In addition to the weekend shifts, overtime is necessary during the week to cover absences or help with equipment issues. Since there are very few salaried and management employees supporting the constant operations, long hours and working weekends are also considered the norm for them. At the time of this research, in July 2000, it was not unusual to find salaried workers who had worked every weekend of the year to that time. 27 SECTION 4: VALUE STREAM MAPPING AND CURRENT STATE ANALYSIS The intent of this chapter is to fully describe all aspects of the current operations at the Wayne Stamping Plant. This will be done through qualitative descriptions of the processes and decision making, quantitative data presentation, and analysis of the current operating methods. The bulk of the data used in this chapter was collected during August and September of 2000 at the Wayne Stamping facility. Additional work and data collection was done between October and December, and some of this material is included as well. This chapter will describe the value stream mapping process that was used to analyze operations and discuss the value stream map for Wayne Stamping. It will present the data collected, describe management processes and discuss the key findings. 4.1 Value Stream Mapping The Value Stream Mapping process is a technique that was developed by Mike Rother and John Shook in the Lean Institute and documented in their book, Learning to See, Value Stream Mapping To Create Value and Eliminate Muda, 1998. This process provides techniques to map and document the key elements of a manufacturing enterprise, the inter-relations of these elements, and their current operating characteristics. This provides a framework to analyze the performance of the system, look for opportunities and design a better manufacturing system. There are several goals of the Value Stream process. The first is to give an enterprise view of the manufacturing operation to managers or users of the process. Managers working everyday in manufacturing operation often lose sight of the system they are working within and their role in that system. Mapping the system forces them to step back and consider the entire operation from customer back to supplier. Additionally, upper management and plant managers are forced to assess all the processes and their impact on the value stream they manage. Another goal is to provide tools and a framework that will allow an organized investigation of the current system, an understanding of its flaws and a process for designing an improved system. The final goal is 28 to present all this in a way that is simple, easy to explain and graphical. The Current State and Future State Maps provide tools that achieve all these goals. 4.1.1 Value Stream Current State Mapping Process The process of creating a Current State Value Stream Map is relatively simple and straightforward. The users starts at the customer delivery requirements and work their way backward through the entire process documenting the process graphically and collecting data along the way. This process results in a single page map of the manufacturing value stream and its component processes using simple graphical symbols. The second step is to dive down and understand the current operations of these individual processes that are working within the larger system. Cycle times, inventory levels, quality levels, and equipment performance data is all collected for the processes involved. Ideally these data are collected at the time the mapping is performed. Actual current inventories that are witnessed should be measured and operating performance should be documented. Depending on the complexity of the processes and the number of parts involved further information may need to be obtained or collected from other sources. The most important part of the value stream mapping process is documenting the relationship between the manufacturing processes and the controls used to manage these processes such as scheduling and information systems. Unlike most process mapping techniques that often only document the basic process flow, value stream mapping also documents the flow of material and information within the system. Where is material being moved and stored? What triggers the movement of material from one process to the next? What information and what types are being distributed to manage the process? All these questions must be addressed and documented on the value stream map. 4.1.2 Process Maps for Wayne Stamping The current state maps that were created for the Wayne stamping operations are described here as process maps. Describing them as process maps was done on purpose. The stamping operations at Wayne support internal customers and do not by themselves represent a value stream. If a value stream map of the Wayne production operations were performed, stamping would be only a single process within the value stream and would be represented graphically as a single process box with inputs and outputs. The process maps for the stamping operations represent a second tier of mapping to detail the operations of 29 these internal processes. This distinction between process map and value stream map may seem subtle but it is important since it ensures that the greater enterprise and stamping's role within it are not lost. There were several current state process maps created of the Wayne stamping operations. Figure 4-1, below, shows the summary map that displays the material and information flows for all four stamping press lines. This map was also broken down into four individual process maps, each one displaying the material and information flows for an individual press line. These maps are shown in Appendix A. This was done for two reasons. First the summary map is very cluttered and it is easier to see the actual material flows by breaking them into separate maps. Secondly, the stamping operations tended to be organized by press line with individual work teams running each press, and parts also dedicated to a press line for production. This allowed work teams to make corrections and give feedback on the appropriate maps and data. Current State Process Map Summary of All Stamping Press Lines .jl Customers 6-Month Forecast ~-~*.--* LIilo Mich. Truck hForecast FS__P_11__1*TWayne Bo V Delaco Autoblank Pro-Coil Wayne ail Sch Prod Mgmt ule Ind. oath Body Murata V BlanksrLBneks Receiving Body CoilsNorth Line Electronic Data - ~ " . Paper Schedule Inventory Data Purchased Blanks -5Silver Dome Line 4 Material Flow (push-based) Butler Bldg Figure 4-1 Combined Current State Process Map for All Press Lines 30 As seen in the process map above, various symbols are used to identify different processes. Each triangle represents a separate storage location for inventory. Each double-boxed rectangle represents a process or manufacturing operation that must occur. Lines 1 through 4 are the four stamping press lines and the blanker is also shown. Non-manufacturing processes such as receiving, production management and shipping, are also depicted. While they do not change the product form they are elements of the current process that must occur. Additionally customers and suppliers are depicted. Block arrows represent material flows. Traditional push, or build to schedule, material flows are represented by striped arrows. Pull-based flows are represented by clear block arrows. Information flows are depicted with line arrows. Dashed lines show the flow of inventory information that is collected within the system. A solid line arrow shows the disbursement of the daily schedule by paper throughout the organization. Finally, electronic data transmissions are shown using a wavy arrow. Typically manufacturing process boxes would also contain data about the operation of that process. For example cycle-time, changeover time, overall equipment effectiveness, and quality would all be summarized in the process boxes. This information is not displayed for two reasons. First there is again very little room on a single chart. Secondly, it was not always useful to summarize data for a given press line. Whenever possible, it was more useful to use data available based on individual part numbers or jobs that were processed on a given press line. This revealed more of the process variation and insight into actual operations. The following section details stamping operations and provides this data when appropriate. 4.2 Current State Analysis of Stamping Operations Value stream mapping is a tool. In this research it was used as a tool to understand the operations of the stamping organization and identify areas for further investigation and data collection. The following sections explain the current state of operations at Wayne Stamping and detail the process used for decision making. It also provides metrics or data on operations wherever possible. 31 4.2.1 Demand Variation As in most manufacturing plants production planing is based on the customer's forecasted demand for the product. Variation in the demand or in the lead-time to supply demand can create the need to buffer production from the demand. It can also result in the 'bull-whip' effect where larger and larger variations in inventory and production responses are transmitted up the supply chain. Sources of demand variation for the stamping operations come from several areas. The first source of variation arises from their customers' ability to perform to schedule, which is a forecast of actual demand. The primary customer for the stamping area was the body shop, which had significant difficulties hitting its scheduled hourly production targets. This resulted in overtime production Saturdays to try to hit weekly and monthly targets and a fluctuating need for parts from stamping. Additionally, Ford's basic scheduling system is a forecast based traditional MRP (Material Requirements Planning) system. Because of the dependence on forecasting, MRP systems inherently induce additional variation into the production system since the forecast can never perfectly match actual demand. [Hopp & Spearman, 2001] As a result schedule changes or working around the schedule is common. The second source of variation came for the need to produce additional parts above the scheduled demand that would become service parts for dealers and repair shops. The service part requirements would come in on an irregular cycle and would vary significantly based on orders. This demand would be coordinated with stamping management and siphoned from existing inventories as was deemed feasible. If necessary, additional production parts would be run to cover the extra orders. The final source of variation was internally created and was caused by inconsistent inventory and production policies. This management approach created variations in the inventory held and the volume produced for a given part on a given day. The following sections on inventory and batch-size will discuss this further and present data to illustrate this issue. 4.2.2 Scheduling Stamping operations are controlled via a paper schedule that is produced and distributed daily throughout the stamping organization. Each night cycle checkers collect inventory counts of the Work-In-Process inventory or WIP. This count is meant to include completed stamped parts and blanks not only at the designated inventory holding areas, but also along the production lines where parts are stored and fed to the line. These data are manually combined with the customers' scheduled usage numbers for each job to determine the amount (in days) of inventory on hand. Stamping jobs are then sorted based on the 32 remaining Days-Of-Inventory and scheduled for production that day in order by days of inventory from least to most. Each morning the production manager receives this schedule, refines it and determines the blanking schedule for that day. Based on the stamping schedule for the day, the current inventory of blanks, and the coils currently in stock a separate hand-written blanking schedule is produced for the day's production. The schedule provides the job numbers to blank and some level of quantity to produce. This may be an actual production count or a quantity of coils to use. For example, 'blank job 201, two coils'. Operators would then load the appropriate steel coils for that job and cut as many blanks as possible from two full coils. Coils orders for the day are then planned and telephoned to the distributor. There are several deliveries per day so orders may be updated for the next shifts based on the day's actual production. 4.2.3 Batch-Size and Inventory Production and inventory data was collected over approximately a one-month period for the blanker and each of the press lines. These data were used to analyze batch size and inventory decisions and consistency. The data was examined in a variety of ways. Batch sizes were examined by job (part number) both in terms of piece count produced and then normalized by days of inventory produced. Inventory data was examined at the equipment level, as well as by job. Again it was initially examined in terms of piece count production and then normalized by days of inventory available based on the scheduled daily usage of that part number. Complete data is available in Appendix B, however the data for Stamping Line 1 is shown below and will be used to describe the data presentation and some of the findings that are typical of the operating policies used to manage production. As can be seen from Figures 4-2 and 4-3, the batch size data is shown for Line 1 broken out by job. The graphs display the minimum, maximum and average batch sizes that were produced during this period. The vertical bars then represent the total range of batch sizes that were produced for a given job or part number during this time. The square data point depicts the average batch size produced. 33 LINE 1 - Batch Size Data (Min, Max, Ave) By Job 7/29 - 8/31 10000 8000 ao 6000 M O 4000 -a MIN MAX nAVE 2000 0 I - 101 102 103 104 105 106 109 110 210 JOB Figure 4-2 Chart of Batch Size Production for Press Line 1 LINE 1 - Batch Size Data (Min, Max, Ave) By Job 7/29-8/31 0 e, 12.0 Cc 10.0 0 8.0 6.0 MIN MAX m AVE cc 2.0 0.0 101 102 103 104 105 1)6 109 110 210 JOB NUMBER Figure 4-3 Chart of Batch Size Production for Press Line 1 in Days of Inventory While the raw production count data shows the wide range of batch sizes created for all part numbers. The normalized data gives a much better view of the disparity of volume produced for different jobs taking into consideration the volume required for that part number. Jobs that were produced in large batch sizes, in terms of days of inventory, tended to be low usage part numbers. In other words, a small number of those part numbers were needed daily to support production requirements. These tended to be parts that supported the station wagon model of the Focus, which was produced in much smaller numbers 34 then the sedan. As seen from the batch size data, these jobs were run approximately once a week. This was done to avoid additional changeovers that would be required to produce these parts in smaller batches. Part numbers required in high volumes were run every day or every other day depending on recent batch sizes and actual usage. LINE 1 - Days of Inventory By Job 10.0 al----A fl P' 9.0 8.0--o S 0 101 7.0 - a-4.102. 6.0 103 7.0 0 4.0 . 5.0 4 .0- 104 -x-.. _ 104 109 1.0+- 110 40 \ ~ 0 -210 Date Figure 4-4 Chart of Days of Inventory by Job for Press Line 1 The inventory data during this same period also reflects the operating patterns and decisions discussed above. As seen in Figure 4-4, the large normalized batch sizes produced for certain jobs results in inventory carried for longer periods of time and higher average inventories. What can also be seen from the data is that there is not a standard inventory policy for maximum and minimum inventory carried to support production. On some days, there is no inventory for some part numbers while on other days there is a large inventory of the same part numbers and the inventory fluctuates inconsistently. There are no clear production policies being followed. Inventory and production policies usually maintain one of several common approaches. Reorder point strategies set a maximum amount of inventory to be held and minimum amount of inventory that includes an appropriate amount of safety stock. Reaching the minimum inventory levels trigger production of this part. Maximum inventory levels would prevent over production. Other approaches include producing a constant batch-size on an irregular schedule as needed to supply demand, or producing variable batch- 35 sizes on a regularly scheduled production run to meet these same minimum and maximum target levels. The inventory and batch data shows none of these approaches are being used or none of these approaches are being enforced. There is neither a regular batch size being produced nor a regular production schedule. There is also no evidence of enforcement of minimum or maximum inventory levels on any job. An examination of the batch size and inventory data in Appendix B shows that the trends and operating policies shown for Line 1 are typical for all of the stamping press lines. Examination of the blanker data shows even more exaggerated examples. Batch sizes tend to be larger and there is more variation in the batch sizes produced. Also the inventory carried is more erratic over time and tends to be higher on average. 4.2.4 Overall Equipment Effectiveness Figure 4-5 shows a summary of the Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE) numbers for the blanker and each of the press lines by month over a four-month period. These numbers range between 50% and 60% and represent OEE for a given piece of equipment for the entire month. OEE, is a measure of the availability, performance efficiency, and quality performance of a given piece of equipment [FPS Guidebook etc., 1999]. Wayne Stamping OEE Summary OEE By Month 10 90 80 70 60 W 50 o 40 Au ElAug *p Ui Oct Nov 20 20 10 0 Blanker Line 1 Line 2 Line 3 Line 4 Figure 4-5 Chart of OEE Data 36 OEE = Availability x Performance Efficiency x Quality Rate Where: Availability = Operating Time / Net Available Time Performance Efficiency = (Ideal Cycle Time x Total Products Run) / Operating Time Quality Rate = (Total Products Run - Total Rejects) / Total Products Run As seen in the table below, the main cause of these low OEE numbers is equipment downtime. When displayed by job, equipment downtime ranges from 29% to as high as 59% for jobs run on Line 1. Downtime here is defined as unscheduled downtime. This means that depending on the job, Press Line 1 would be down up to 59% of the time for unscheduled problems such as equipment failure, process issues or start up problems. JOB NUMBER Line I 101 102 103 55 35 44 100 130 131 DOWNTIME % 1 JOB NUMBER Line 2 - - -- - - - Line 4 104 105 106 109 110 210 52 59 40 59 48 29 203 204 205 206 207 208 - - . ----- _-- DOWNTIME % Line 3 - 1 JOB NUMBER 32 42 302 - - 38 303p - --. - DOWNTIME % 35 25 JOB NUMBER 330E 330N N/A DOWNTIME % 33 43 35 39 31 33 43 35 305 306 308 311 403 407 411 34 35 34 40 42 30 56 48 331 331 304 307 310 401 402 408 303s - 209 ____ - -. - _ 21 47 40 48 41 45 45 58 409 _ _ 55 Figure 4-6 Table of OEE Data by Job 4.2.5 Changeover Changeover data by job was not available for the Wayne stamping operations. However, many changeovers were witnessed during this research and a wide variation in the times to accomplish changeover was seen. Typical changeovers were in the range of 30-35 minutes but changeover times as low 20 minutes and as high as 42 minutes were witnessed. The causes for the ranges in changeover times were not directly obvious however changeover times did vary from one shift to another and by type of press. Times were also clearly impacted by the number of personnel involved and the urgency of the production needs. 37 Wayne did use standard changeover procedures and certain elements of the SMED or Single Minute Exchange of Dies [Shingo, 1996] process were in place. An example of this was the error proofing of various electric and hydraulic lines. Also equipment was organized and color-coded in kits to support a given job. 4.3 Key Operational Issues Three key issues face Wayne's current operations and present opportunities for improvement. Those are downtime, scheduling and changeover. The following sections review these issues and describe the impact of these issues on the ability to create a stable operating environment. 4.3.1 Downtime The most significant issue at Wayne Stamping is downtime for both the presses and the blanker. Further analysis of the downtime data showed there were no individual large contributors to downtime, which could be easily addressed to free additional capacity and quickly resolve the problem. Downtime is being caused by a myriad of small issues, which must be fought individually by focusing on process improvement work and preventative maintenance The result of this unscheduled downtime is a significant reduction in production capacity that is straining operations. The planned 5-day, 3-shift operation has been forced to extend operations to near 7 days per week to meet demand. The price of adding production hours is sacrificing a regularly scheduled preventative maintenance program. 38 Maintenance/Capacity Loop + Open Press Time Time Open For Preventative Maintenance PrOdUCtlonl Capacity Unscheduled Downtime Figure 4-7 Illustration of Maintenance/Capacity Causal Loop This tug-of-war for open press time creates a reinforcing loop as shown in figure 4-7. More unscheduled downtime results in less production capacity. Less production capacity leaves less open press time for preventative maintenance and process improvements. Performing less preventative maintenance eventually leads to more unscheduled downtime. This type of reinforcing loop can lead to higher downtime if left unaddressed. 4.3.2 Schedule The current scheduling process was originally designed as an improvement over a traditional MRP, forecast-based, scheduling processes that is used in stamping plants. In fact, the paper schedule is used despite an existing IT based MRP system. Wayne supplemented the forecasted demand with a daily count of inventory. This verified actual usage levels by the customer and allowed Wayne to sequence production jobs based on days-of-inventory on hand. This approach, in effect, tries to simulate a pull system. While this approach was definitely an improvement of the previous process, it still has several disadvantages. It takes significant amounts of time and labor to create the schedule each day and is prone 39 to errors. Cycle checkers must physically count inventory levels each night and report them to the Material Planning & Logistics group which then uses an excel spreadsheet to manually create the daily schedule. This seems simple, but in reality parts are spread throughout the plant because parts have been delivered to the line over the course of the day. Additionally, inventory is stocked in several major warehouse locations and is often difficult to see or count. The result is frequent errors in inventory counts and therefore the production sequence. Management and salaried personnel must spend large amounts of time managing the schedule and checking for errors. Missed errors result in extra die changeovers that further reduce production capacity. Additionally, this approach provides feedback on inventory status only once every 24 hours. This feedback is insufficient to properly manage production, particularly when inventory counts may be in error. Since the minimum or safety stock is zero, stamping operators perform their own cycle checks of critical parts during the day to ensure production needs are met. This distraction draws workers away from their intended work and prevents pro-active improvement work from taking place. Finally, while taking actual usage into consideration, there is no clear direction to production on how many parts to produce. While operators may know that a particular part is low on inventory and to be processed next the only limitation on production is the amount of blanks in inventory for that part. Since operators will want to keep the presses running they will be inclined to run all of the blanks available whether that is appropriate or not. 4.3.3 Changeovers Best In Class changeover times for similar equipment are in the range of 7-15 minutes based on Ford benchmarking. On average between 3 and 4 jobs are run each day on the press lines which means between 1 and 2 hours of capacity are lost each day on each press line due to changeovers alone. For the entire stamping operation this means that between 4 and 8 hours of stamping capacity is wasted each day. Basically, every changeover bleeds a little capacity out of the stock that is available each day. Scheduling problems cause the need for additional, unnecessary changeovers that bleed a little more capacity from the system. While these capacity losses might not normally have a great impact, the large unscheduled downtime means that they are exasperating an already significant problem. 40 SECTION 5: IMPLEMENTING LEAN MANUFACTURING Attempts to adopt the tenants of the Toyota Production System by other companies have been occurring since the success of the Japanese automobile manufacturers in the US market. The diffusion of what was dubbed 'Lean' manufacturing by Womack, Jones & Roos accelerated with the publishing of their book The Machine That Changed The World, which described the elements of the Toyota Production System and its structure. [Womack et al, 1990] For the first time, lean manufacturing was portrayed not as a uniquely Japanese condition but as a manufacturing system that could be implemented. Since then, literally hundreds of books have tried to document and describe the fundamental principles of lean manufacturing, and an entire consulting industry has been born whose sole purpose is helping companies transform their operations from mass to lean. Despite this, the numbers of failed attempts at transitioning from mass to lean far outweigh the companies that have succeeded. Even today, the US automakers are struggling to make the transition and fully reap the benefits. GM had tremendous success using a joint venture with Toyota to create its NUMMI plant in the 1980's but has struggled to spread the lessons learned throughout the corporation. [Womack et al, 1990]. Ford has had successes in individual plants, but is still working to institutionalize the full lean manufacturing system throughout its plants. Chrysler, now Daimler-Chrysler North America is struggling with excess production capacity and costs. This chapter will examine the elements or building blocks of a lean manufacturing system and discuss the key elements that are necessary for success. Secondly, it will discuss the difficulties of making the transition within the concepts of organizational change and some of the different approaches that are taken. Finally it will use the Manufacturing System Design Decomposition, developed by Professor Cochran and his Production System Design Laboratory, as a tool to assess the current state of the Wayne Stamping plant and identify areas for improvement. 5.1 Elements for Lean Manufacturing Transition The concept of manufacturing as a complex system is not new. By definition the Toyota Production System was viewed as a complex system composed of certain elements or processes with inputs and desired outputs. It was also recognized that certain processes or elements of that system were foundations 41 or necessary elements for the system to function at higher levels of performance. Without them, other processes within the system might function at a lower level of performance or not function at all. It is also true that making the transition from a mass production environment to a lean environment is a complex process of building the manufacturing system and ensuring that foundation elements are in place and functioning before adding complexity. This is not unlike a builder who ensures that components of a building are in place and functioning before proceeding with construction. Pushing the manufacturing system to perform without key elements in place is not unlike closing the walls of a building without first ensuring the installation and testing of wiring and ventilation systems. The building might 'function' but probably not very well and it's going to be difficult to fix. Adding complexity to this process is the difficulty of making any significant organizational change. Successful changes only occur when certain change elements are in place and an organized process is followed. This section discusses both aspects of this issue. 5.1.1 Elements of a Lean Manufacturing System In his book, Toyota Production System, An Integrated Approach To Just In Time, Yasuhiro Monden discusses the key elements of the Toyota Production System (TPS) and the inter-dependence for building a successful manufacturing system. He identifies seven elements or processes that form the core of TPS. Those elements are: * * * * * * * Kanban System Production Smoothing Shortening Setup Time Process Layout for Shortened Lead Times Standardization of Operations Autonomation Improvement Activities Monden also identifies a hierarchy among these elements. This is shown below in Figure 5-1. The most basic of these elements is improvement activities. "Improvement activities are a fundamental element of the Toyota production system and they are what makes the Toyota production system really tick." [Monden 1998] The entire system is built on not only a philosophy but also the successful implementation of continuous improvement through small work teams. The next building blocks in the system are autonomation, shortening setup time, process layout and standardized operations. These elements support the implementation of production smoothing, which allows the implementation of the kanban system. If all these elements are executed the system will reach its goals of eliminating 42 overproduction, adapting to changes in demand, ensuring quality at each process step, and respecting employees. Achieving these goals will in turn allow the system to achieve higher profit through cost reduction, which is the ultimate goal of TPS. W-cOSM workess Of adW"pla a o &=Man dwn ebie Figure 5-1 Elements of the Toyota Production System Hopp & Spearman in Factory Physics present a more systematic view of the manufacturing system. They define the manufacturing system as "an objective-oriented network of processes through which entities flow." [Hopp & Spearman 2001] In this approach there is a fundamental objective which is supported by a hierarchy of objectives. The manufacturing system is then a network of processes and operations designed and implemented to fulfill the various sub-objectives of the system. This approach is more easily adaptable to creating models or simulations of the system and does not recognize TPS as the only correct answer to a systematic problem. Again there is recognition of the interrelation of the objectives and the need to achieve sub-objectives for the system to work as a whole. Unlike TPS however, the systems analysis view shows that there must be 43 trade-offs of sub-objectives to optimize the system as a whole and achieve ultimate objectives. An example of this is the desire for "high utilization to keep units costs down, but low utilization for good responsiveness." Hopp & Spearman also emphasize the impact and influence that processes such as information systems and accounting systems can have on the system as a whole. If not executed properly, these types of processes will create their own objectives for the system rather then supporting the achievement of the defined objectives. 5.2 Making the Transition No matter whether the ideal manufacturing system is defined by the Toyota Production System or a systematic approach tailored to the individual needs of the business, the system must be implemented to be successful. Unfortunately, transitioning a business or organization to a new manufacturing system will likely be much harder then designing the system itself. Machiavelli said, "There is nothing more difficult to take in hand, more perilous to conduct, or more uncertain in its success, than to take the lead in tli introduction of a new order of things." [Hopp & Spearman 2001] The difficulty of change may be the sole area of agreement between disciples of different production systems. Creating organization change, and specifically implementing a new manufacturing system, is also a process that has key elements that are necessary for success. There is widespread agreement on certain elements that are vital to creating successful change. There are also several approaches for implementing change that must be addressed. This section will discuss both these elements of change specifically in the context of implementing lean manufacturing. 5.2.1 Key Elements of Change Change management literature identifies Ten Commandments for executing change. [Ancona et al, 1999] Those elements are: 1. Analyze the organization and its need for change. 2. Create a shared vision and common direction. 3. Separate from the past. 4. Create a sense of urgency. 5. Support a strong leader role. (Designate or find a champion) 6. Line up political sponsorship. 7. Craft an implementation plan. 8. Develop enabling structure. 44 9. Communicate, involve people and be honest. 10. Reinforce and institutionalize the change. While Monden outlined the elements of TPS and a hierarchy, this change structure lays out the process for developing and enacting a change but fails to create a hierarchy of key elements necessary for success rather than an analytical process. In terms of implementing lean manufacturing, there do appear to be key elements that are necessary for success. The first of these foundational elements is the need for a crisis. In the Ten Commandments this is called creating a sense of urgency. Womack et al refers to it as the creative crisis. Whether the crisis is due to outside factors or internally created by upper management, a crisis provides several necessary elements for change. It creates a focus for the workforce and justifies the need to separate from the past or significantly change current practices. Giving up current practices is extremely difficult and without both urgency and justification, even well-structured change initiatives often languish for years without ever taking root and flourishing. The second necessary element is the complete commitment of top management to implementing the change. [Monden, 1998] This step is critical for a manufacturing organization because of the functional organizational structure and hierarchy that is common in most mass production companies. During the implementation of lean manufacturing, there will be changes that will not be in the best interest of any individual functional organization, even though the change will benefit the company as a whole. An example of this is the necessary changes that production and material handling organizations in a traditional mass production company must make to implement lean manufacturing. Traditional metrics of these organizations may discourage change. Upper management must be ready and willing to ensure that the optimization of the whole is chosen over the sub-optimization of the pieces. The final key element is appropriately evaluating and rewarding the behavior of employees and, particularly, managers. "The classic problem in large organizations is that top management sets the general course and the workforce will do it, but the buck seems to stop in the middle." [Cochran, 1999] All too often the existing combination of business systems and metrics are driving managers and the organization to continue previous behavior. Resolving this conflict can be extremely difficult since metrics and business systems are typically based on traditional management accounting systems, which drive managers to achieve accounting goals rather than customer goals. [Johnson, 1992] 45 5.2.2 Approaches For Implementation Even if these key change elements are present and an organized process is in place, several important decisions need to be made on how to implement the change towards lean manufacturing within the corporation or within a given plant. This section discusses several implementation issues that are often discussed and debated within the literature. Top Down vs. Bottom Up: This issue often occurs in the discussion of how best to spread the lean manufacturing process. Should necessary changes be mandated from upper management down through the organization or should the change begin with workers and built up? This issue arises because of the importance of improvement activities led by small work groups in the development of the Toyota production system. As was shown in Monden's hierarchy, Figure 5-1, and discussed earlier improvement, activities are shown as the foundation for the entire system. This highlights the difference between the hierarchy of a manufacturing system and hierarchy of the transition process to implement the manufacturing system. While it is certainly true that improvement activities are fundamental to the manufacturing system, those improvement activities do not spontaneously appear. Employees must have the proper tools and environment to succeed. For these to happen management must provide training and implement changes which allow teams to function. In this sense the proper course of action appears not to be either top down or bottom up, but top down and bottom up. A top down change process must be implemented to build a bottom up organizational environment. Pilot Project vs. Plant Implementation: This debate concerns whether lean implementation is best done by starting on a pilot project or single line and then spreading successes throughout the plant or taking on the plant as a whole and structuring implementation based on a more systematic approach. It is not clear that there is a single answer to this debate. Results from this research found both plants were found that had been successful building from a pilot project, as well as plants which had failed with pilot projects several times, and succeeded only after taking a systematic approach. Monden clearly endorses the pilot project approach and offers several advantages. [Monden 1998] Changing a manufacturing process can be very disruptive. Using a pilot project allows experimentation 46 to take place without disrupting the entire factory. As lessons are learned and approaches refined these can be passed on to other areas in a less disruptive manner. Additionally, creating change can require significant resources that may not be available to support the entire plant. The pilot project allows the available resources to focus on a particular area and provide the needed support. The alternative view comes from the systems view of the manufacturing process. Often there are support systems or organizations, such as material handling, that interface with all operations of the plant and all manufacturing lines. It is often difficult to create a separate process to support one manufacturing line while maintaining the existing processes for the rest of operations. Without proper support systems, the pilot effort may fail or give less promising results. This approach endorses attacking these systematic processes first throughout the entire plant. An example might be creating work teams and implementing quality training throughout the plant, then changing material handling processes and finally attacking material flow on the lines. While either of these processes can work in the right situation, the most important message of this debate is to fully understand the situation and develop an organized plan for implementation. Understand how this plant functions and how support systems impact the daily operations. Carefully plan the transition and find a way to work within existing resources constraints. 5.3 Production System Design and Deployment Framework The Production System Design (PSD) and Deployment Framework is a tool used to determine the objectives and the implementation of a lean production system. [Cochran, 1999] Developed by Professor Cochran and his Production System Design Laboratory at MIT, the framework uses the concept of axiomatic design to ensure that the elements or implementation methods for the production system are properly aligned with the objectives of that system. This framework bridges the different views of the lean manufacturing system discussed above and attacks many of the problems of creating and implementing a lean manufacturing system. It encompasses the systems view of a hierarchy of objectives and the implementation elements of TPS. Most importantly, it provides a clear link between the ultimate goals and metrics of the organization and the working level implementation methods. As a tool it can be used to assess an existing manufacturing system and compare it with a lean manufacturing system to understand what elements are hampering its performance. 47 The PSD and Deployment Framework contains several elements that can be used to analyze existing manufacturing systems. The following sections describes, one of these tools, the Manufacturing System Design Decomposition in more detail, and uses it to assess the operations at Wayne Stamping. 5.3.1 Manufacturing System Design Decomposition The Manufacturing System Design Decomposition (MSDD) creates two hierarchies. A hierarchy of objectives or functional requirements (FRs) that define the goals of the system and a hierarchy of the corresponding implementation methods or design parameters (DPs) that represent how these goals will be achieved. These hierarchies are not developed independently, but together at each level of the hierarchy. Each FR is mapped to an execution or DP. The next level of objectives or FRs are then the functional requirements of executing the DP of the upper level FR. [Cochran, 1999] Each level is the decomposition of the functional requirements of the level above it. To provide an example for clarification, the highest level FR in the MSDD is 'Maximize long-term return on investment'. 'Maximize long-term return on investment' has been decomposed into three, second-level FRs which are; 'Maximize sales revenue', 'Minimize manufacturing costs', and 'Minimize investment over production system lifecycles'. Each of these FRs has an associated DP and is decomposed further into lower level FRs and matching DPs. The MSDD has six levels of decomposition taking objectives from the high level goals of the organization to the working level implementation. The concept of axiomatic design was used to guide the decomposition and establish independent FRs whenever possible. Ideally, a completely independent system design would be developed which would mean that each DP would only affect a single FR and implementation would be path independent. In reality achieving total independence is very difficult and DPs often affect more then one objective. In this situation the design is path-dependent and the order of implementation is consequential. The MSDD therefore not only addresses the relationships of the objectives and elements of the production system, but also provides meaningful information about the design of the implementation plan at the working level. Because implementation of DPs affects the success of meeting the system objectives, an order or hierarchy of fundamental processes evolves. In order they can be described broadly at the fourth level of the decomposition as Quality, Identifying and Resolving Problems, Predictable Output, Delay Reduction, Direct Labor and Indirect Labor. [PSD Laboratory, 2000] 48 5.3.2 MSDD Evaluation and Results As an evaluation tool the MSDD can be used to assess existing plants and manufacturing systems by comparing the existing system to the FRs of the MSDD. This approach was taken to evaluate the Stamping Operations at Wayne. Using the Manufacturing System Design Questionnaire (shown in Appendix C) developed by Professor David Cochran and Joachim Linck, the stamping operations were evaluated against each leaf FR in the lowest three levels on the MSDD. A leaf FR is the lowest level of decomposition for that FR. After evaluation they were divided into three categories red, yellow, and green, which represent does not comply, partially complies, and fully complies, respectively. The results of this evaluation are shown by category in the table below. Stamping Operations Red Yellow Green Total Quality 2 3 4 9 Identifying and Resolving 1 2 4 7 Predictable Output 3 4 1 8 Delay Reduction 4 6 2 12 Operations Cost 0 7 3 10 Total 7 23 16 46 Problems Table 5-2 Table of MSDD Results As shown above, there are significant areas where the stamping operations do not comply with the MSDD. The operations fully comply with only 16 out of 46 Functional Requirements in the MSDD. Additionally, Stamping has a complete lack of compliance in 7 of the FRs and only partial compliance in another 23. Although there is atleast partial compliance in all of the FRs for the categories of Quality and Identifying and Resolving Problems, these issues are still contributing to problems in other categories because of dependence. While overall Quality levels in stamping are good, there are issues with eliminating core 49 sources of variation and creating a robust process that is insensitive to input such as material variation. This difficulty with eliminating root causes is also reflected in the evaluation of FRs in Identifying and Resolving Problems. Much more significant problems exist in the areas of Predictable Output and Delay Reduction. Of the 8 FRs in Predictable Output only one is fully complied with and three are not complied with at all. Here the root causes of the worst offenders are a preventative maintenance program, capable production information system, and standard WIP management. Delay Reduction has four FRs that do not comply. These are in the area of managing production batch size, inventory levels, and leveling of the schedule to reduce throughput time of the system. While the MSDD reinforced many of the findings identified through value stream mapping and data analysis, it also provided insight into the potential root causes of the existing problems. The data analysis provided detailed information on current performance levels, which are the symptoms of systematic problems, not the cause. The MSDD identifies foundation processes or elements that are not functioning in the given system and then shows the connection to poor results in performance levels. The MSDD hierarchy and path dependence shows the direct impact that ailing processes will have on the organizational goals. This analysis provides an additional layer of resolution to understanding the system and identifying potential solutions. Additionally, it provides a means for direct dialog with upper management on how they can help achieve their own goals. 50 SECTION 6: PROPOSED FUTURE STATE & IMPLEMENTATION This chapter uses the results of the analysis of Wayne Stamping and proposes a potential future state for the stamping organization that will address the issues identified. As presented earlier, manufacturing is a complex system with many elements and often, limited resources. Therefore this proposal will describe the key elements of the future state, their impact on the system, and also describe an approach for implementation. Finally, it will describe some of the challenges facing an implementation in this particular environment. 6.1 Future State Mapping The current state mapping process, discussed in chapter 4, was used as a tool to investigate and document operations, then identify areas for improvement. The future state map is also a tool, but one that is primarily intended as a tool for change. The future state map helps clearly communicate a vision of the operational structure that is trying to be achieved and helps the development of a concrete implementation plan. Ideally, the future state map represents a future that can be achieved in a relatively short time. Imposing this limitation steers ideas towards a future state that is more realistic and changes that are more likely within the control of the organization performing the change. This is important because creating small successes quickly builds confidence in the process and enthusiasm for generating new ideas. Initially, the focus should be on what can be achieved with the current resources. [Rother & Shook, 1998] This means taking equipment and potentially equipment locations for granted. An iterative process should be taken. With each successful achievement of a future state another more aggressive future state can be identified and worked towards. Hopefully, the savings from each change will fuel the ability to make further more substantial improvements. With this in mind, a proposed future state map and implementation plan was generated that was intended to be substantial and realistic. It could be reasonably achieved in a relatively short time and is within the authority and resources of the stamping organization. It does, however, address the key issues in the current operations and demonstrate what is possible. 51 6.1.1 Future State Map The future state map, shown below in Figure 6-1, is intended to illustrate the material and information flows that are possible in stamping. This section will describe this future state and its elements. The following section will describe some of the additional key elements or processes that cannot be depicted but are essential for a stable-manufacturing environment. Stamping Pull-Based Future State Map Customers Production iers Hermosillo Mich. Truck DelacoControl Autoblank Pro-Coil NothBoy Shf Lin In Order Electronic? --------- PEEP B--y Line 3 Blanker Coils Murata X days -Min/Max For Every Part Line 4 Figure 6-1 Pull-based Future State Map for Stamping As seen above, the pictured future state is entirely pull based and built on two centralized marketplaces for blanks and stamped parts. Kanban systems are used to drive and schedule production process. A kanban card system is proposed for stamping, while an electronic kanban system is shown for blanking. This approach replaces the daily schedule that is currently produced and production processes essentially schedule themselves based on customer usage. This is essential because stamping is one process within a larger value stream and is not the pacemaker process that should be scheduled. In this environment, production control is only providing forecasts of changes and verifying that inventory and production policies are being followed. 52 Centralized Marketplaces Because of the layout at Wayne and the volume of parts produced it may not be possible to contain all inventory in just one location immediately, but this should be the goal. Currently there are four major inventory locations in addition to line-side material. A centralized marketplace would increase visual feedback that helps operations and make implementing a card-based kanban process easier. Fundamentally, the fewer locations the simpler the entire process is to manage. Additionally, this would help simplify forklift traffic and material flow in the area. The Murata automated storage and retrieval system becomes the marketplace for blanks in this approach. All blanks, including purchased blanks, would be loaded and stored in the Murata. Since the Murata already provides automated inventory tracking this would provide both feedback and management of inventory levels. Pallets are currently 'ordered' electronically by the press lines and this process would form the foundation of the electronic kanban process. Additionally, a marketplace would free up floor space currently used for purchased blanks and enforce discipline in inventory processes since there is finite storage space. Inventory Policy One of the first steps in implementing a card system is deciding how many cards will be in the system. This determines the total inventory in the system, as well as the maximum inventory levels and number of racks in the system. Just as critical is setting the minimum inventory target levels or safety stock, which will trigger production. Currently, Wayne's real minimum inventory level is essentially zero and there is no target level that is consistently maintained for each part number. Ideally, minimum inventory targets are based on process stability, lead-time and the desired customer service level. In this case current processes are not very stable as evidenced by the 40%-60% downtime. Shutting down the customer is extremely costly and undesirable. This would indicate the desire for a high customer service level. To achieve a high customer service level, stamping must carry enough inventory to compensate for the process instability, downtime levels and lead time variation. In this case, lead-time variation, based on transportation, is very small but this is over shadowed by the process variation. Changeover times, while still relatively large, are also minor in comparison to other factors. Current inventory levels, as seen in Appendix B, often reach zero causing production disruption in stamping. To avoid this and achieve high 53 customer service level, higher minimum inventory levels need to be set. These would be set by job, based on run size and downtime for that job. Initially, this will increase batch size and reduce the number of changeovers. As production stability is increased over time, the necessary inventory levels and batch size will decrease as will inventory carrying costs. Kanban Cards The key component of a pull-based system would be Kanban Cards or Production Instruction Cards as they are called in the Ford Production System. Each card will represent one rack of stamped parts. Controlling the number of cards in the system controls the amount of inventory in the system. The cards act as the authorization to produce parts, and when used with a scheduling or heijunka board, they can provide real time feedback on inventory levels to the production teams. At Wayne, a signal kanban board for each line would be appropriate based on the team structure. The signal kanban boards provide the method to implement inventory and changeover policies. If working properly, the press lines will schedule themselves, and should only rarely need management intervention. 6.1.2 Key Processes While the future state map and elements described above would address many of the issues identified in the analysis and decomposition evaluation, there are two core processes that would also need to be addressed. These are described below. Problem Solving: As described earlier, in both the categories of Quality and Identifying and Resolving Problems the key processes that do not comply with MSDD are all related in one way or another to identifying root causes and eliminating them. This stamping plant has many of the components it needs to succeed in this area. It has well-functioning teams, organized by line, who track issues with data and meet regularly to discuss, identify and resolve problems. They also have been exposed to many of the quality tools that are useful in these investigations. What's missing is the time necessary to really identify core problems and implement robust process solutions. The process also needs to create a systematic commitment to implementing solutions. Too many process issues are identified but simply drag on unresolved. 54 Maintenance Program: There were several important red flags identified by the MSDD and most would be addressed by the future state elements identified above. The key element that is still missing is a 'Regular Preventative Maintenance Program'. The current maintenance program is not a maintenance program but a crisis repair program aimed at getting the equipment running when it fails. During this research, this approach resulted in a equipment failure that disabled an entire press line for six weeks and reduced internal capacity by approximately 25%. The commitment to schedule weekly downtime for preventative maintenance is a necessary element for future success. 6.2 Implementation and Transition While many of the operational problems at Wayne are apparent after analysis and a reasonable set of solutions can be identified, the path from current state to future state is not nearly as clear. Preventative maintenance is clearly fundamental to solving the downtime issue, but how do you implement preventative maintenance and maintain production when there is no free press time and support labor is scarce. In other words how do you break the causal loop identified in Figure 4-7? Further as seen in Figure 6-2 below the original maintenance/capacity loop discussed in Chapter 4 is part of a larger and much more complicated system. Stamping Causal Loop Diagram Operating Budget #of + 4A Operators S afe ty StockFretm Changeover Time Training # Of Open Press Time Changeovers Low inventory conditions Schedule Errors + Operators + + + Preventive Maintenance Production Capacity - Process Improvement ork + + Scheduling Difficulty + Wre Worker Knowledge + -Unscheduled n e Downtime ManaementExperience Time Scheduling Complexity Figure 6-2 Stamping Causal Loop Diagram 55 The larger causal loop diagram for stamping, shown below, only begins to show the complexity of the system at work in stamping. Many issues can only be influenced by management or out of their control. 1, While the scheduling process is not the single largest problem at Wayne, strategically it is the best issue to attack for several reasons. As seen above, scheduling and inventory processes directly impact several other key system elements. Also, these are entirely under the control of management and require very little financing to implement. It also can reasonably be changed and dramatically improved in a short time period. As shown below in Figure 6-3, addressing the scheduling problem offers the first step on a 'path to improvement'. Transition Approach Pull-Based Flow Pull-Based Scheduling It Stable and Level Production Downtime Reduction & Continuous Improvement Figure 6-3 Transition Plan As seen above, the logic is that implementing pull-based flow will allow a much-simplified pull-based scheduling process to take place. This will hopefully achieve two primary goals. The first is creating more stable production operations that will reduce the number of unnecessary changeovers. Second it will free up significant amounts of management and salaried time to focus on reducing downtime by improving existing processes. At this point, with support resources available, a full-scale attack on preventative maintenance can be launched. Because of current capacity constraints, there may not be enough available press time to do 56 proper preventative maintenance each week even after improving the scheduling process and freeing up some resources. If this is the case, temporary outsourcing of some components may be necessary to allow complete initiation of the maintenance program. This outsourcing should be relatively minor and would demonstrate management's commitment to perform preventative maintenance. As it takes affect and downtime begins to decline, additional press capacity will become available and these parts can be reintroduced to the production schedule. The viability of this approach was demonstrated during the major press failure during this research. There was a major outsourcing of all the jobs on that press line, but the labor remained and supported the other lines. With additional resources, those lines were able to perform faster changeovers, and attack some of their existing problems and resolve them. Wayne clearly has the technical knowledge base needed to address its process issues, it just needs more time to address them. 6.3 Challenges To Implementation There are several challenges to implementation that add to the difficulty of making this transition. Some of these issues are cultural and some are driven by outside factors, such as upper management. Whichever the case, they are a real part of the problem and must be overcome to implement a successful change. This section presents some of the factors influencing the changes presented. 6.3.1 Metrics One of the key components driving the manufacturing system within Ford, and some of the difficulties, is the current metrics used to evaluate and reward plants. While the FPS Measurables are being used to compare and evaluate plants, managers are also being evaluated on their ability to meet labor and overhead targets. Labor and overhead targets are set each year, for each plant, and then for each area within the plant. These reduction targets cause several problems for managers within the plant. First they do little to take into consideration the existing labor and overhead situations within a given plant or a given area within the plant. An area, such as stamping, might be extremely lean on labor or overhead already. In this case further reductions do not make the plant more efficient but simply put more strain on employees and managers. This in turn may increase absenteeism and create a bigger need for overtime to meet existing production targets. 57 This is clearly the case within the Wayne plant where certain overhead tasks had been cut in order to meet previous overhead targets. As FPS implementation began, these missing tasks became evident because of the importance of correct data on supplier quantities, packaging and shipping. Measuring based on these components, instead of total cost, also drives management to simply address these budgets rather then look for systematic improvements that might provide a greater impact to the total cost of the plant. Just like inventory, labor and overhead are components of the greater manufacturing system that must be evaluated within the context of the whole. Changing any component, without evaluating its impact on the system, can lead to sub-optimal solutions and unpleasant outcomes. In the case of stamping, a reduction of labor meant a choice between cutting production press operators or maintenance support. Either choice would create negative impacts on production operations. 6.3.2 Organizational Overlap One of the key components of the future state identified is the implementation of a card-based kanban system to allow tracking of inventory in the system and control production. For this process to succeed it is dependent on two other organizational groups within the plant. While stamping controls the organization of the proposed marketplace and the placement of inventory into the marketplace, inventory is withdrawn from the marketplace by two other groups. The Material Planning & Logistics(MP&L) group and the South Body Production Area both have forklift drivers who remove and deliver inventory. If a card-based kanban system were deployed both of these groups would need to understand their role and be willing to remove kanban cards and place them in kanban mail boxes within the marketplace. While this seems like a minor task, it means drivers would have to get off their forklifts to collect the kanban cards. This could cause resentment and poor adherence to the process. The failure to deliver cards or the loss of cards would make the process very difficult to execute. Of these two groups, the South Body Production Area presents the largest problems. As discussed earlier, the body shop is divided into work teams who rotate through the team positions, including material handling. This means that for the process to succeed, every single employee in the body shop would need to be trained and comply with the process. Since this is a large, diverse group, there inevitably will be some problems. The MP&L drivers, in comparison, are few in number and are all senior employees. 58 Since they manage another marketplace of supplier parts already they are much more likely to understand and adhere to the process. 6.3.3 Inventory Challenges Consolidating existing inventories presents several issues because of the volume of inventory necessary and the management of empty material racks. Currently empty racks and empty space take up a good portion of the stamping marketplace at the end of the lines. Moving all empty racks to one location, such as the Butler Building, would free up space in this area and provide better visual feedback on inventory levels. Additionally it would help control rack levels, which has been an operational problem, and improve traffic flow. Eventually the inventory levels and number of racks will be reduced, freeing up additional space to allow further consolidation of the inventory. The inventory that is currently kept in the north building to support north body production presents special problems. Inventory levels are difficult to track because there is no feedback and the location is out of sight. The conveyor, which transport parts between buildings, often takes many hours to move parts and creates its own buffer of WIP and empty racks that is also difficult to track. As a result, there are often production crises that emerge to ensure that parts are available for this production area and movement of parts by truck to assure quick delivery. Consolidating this inventory and eliminating the conveyor as the means of transport would solve these problems but would meet significant resistance. Since the conveyor is in place, trucking parts is viewed as an additional expense and a waste. Additionally, north body would prefer to hold the inventory where they have control over it. There would also be cultural challenges to changing inventory holding policies. The management is very proud of the inventory levels they have achieved, which are some of the lowest for stamping within Ford North America. They would definitely resist initial increases necessary to assure customer service levels and establish a stable pull-based flow. This would be viewed as a step backward both by the plant and upper management, who are pushing to reduce inventory levels. Interestingly, although a pull-based schedule process would be a much more significant change in current practices, this element was well received and probably would not be resisted by management or employees. 59 6.4 Summary of Recommendations The following table presents a summary of the key actions recommended and a brief description of the steps necessary to implement these actions. Recommended Action: Steps: Implement signal based Kanban for production & inventory control: " " * * * * * * Reduce production downtime: " * " Ongoing steps: S Consolidate stamping finished goods inventory into single marketplace. Consolidate stamping blanks inventory into single marketplace using Murata automated system. Shuttle parts to North Body via truck. Size inventory appropriately based on desired customer service level and current process stability. Train Stamping personnel on kanban. Train Body Shop personnel on their role in using the marketplace. Implement signal based kanban for stamping. Implement signal blanking. Define Total Preventative Maintenance required Schedule/Commit time for regular preventative maintenance Outsourcetemporarily, if necessary to achieve TPM Auditing of kanban process/cards. Resize inventory/kanbans in system based on process stability and demand. 60 SECTION 7: CONCLUSIONS This section discusses three major aspects of the project that was conducted and provides conclusions about their role in the project. It reviews the tools used in analysis, planning and development of the project and assesses their value in the process of implementing lean manufacturing. It examines the Ford Production System as a manufacturing system and its current implementation process. Finally, it reviews the stamping project itself and draws conclusions about its viability. 7.1 Analytical Tools There were two main sets of tools used in the project to evaluate the stamping operations at Wayne. Those tools were Value Stream Mapping and the Manufacturing System Design Decomposition (MSDD). Experience on this project, with both tools, showed that each are valuable tools in the process of evaluating and planning manufacturing systems. Additionally, these tools are extremely complementary and more valuable when used together to analyze a manufacturing system. Value stream mapping provides an excellent tool to understand the existing process. It is particularly good at investigating and understanding material and information flows. It also provides a useful format for the presentation of data gathered during this analysis and the presentation of a future value stream. It does not however, do well at presenting complex data issues or linking symptoms to processes. If data needs to be broken down to the job or part level to provide insight, the maps became limited in their presentation tools. Additionally, the maps provided no means in and of themselves to reduce or scope the large amount of data that needs collection. Additionally, the focus on material and information flows largely ignores the supporting business and manufacturing processes and their roles as elements in the system. The MSDD, in comparison, presented an excellent tool for evaluating the plant and gaining a systematic understanding of the cause and effect of processes within the plant. It also allowed an evaluation of current processes against the framework of a 'lean' manufacturing system and an indication of the health of those processes. This became very useful in narrowing the scope of the investigation and providing 61 ideas for improvements to the existing system. This, however, would not have been possible without first understanding the process flow through value stream mapping. Together the tools provide a complete process for the investigation and analysis of a plant and graphical means for representing the results. The current state map presents the existing process flow. The MSDD analyzes the systematic relationships and allows a graphical representation of these ideas. Finally, the future state map provides a way to present a vision for the manufacturing system based on both of these analyses. Most importantly, both of these tools are greatly enhanced by the other. 7.2 Ford Production System The Ford Production System (FPS) plays a significant role both in the implementation of lean manufacturing within Ford, in general, and at this plant specifically. FPS was clearly designed as a lean manufacturing system and as transition process. This section evaluates the success of the Ford Production System both as a lean manufacturing system and as a change process for implementing lean manufacturing. 7.2.1 Lean Manufacturing System As described in Chapter 2, FPS was closely modeled on the Toyota Production System (TPS). It's not surprising then that FPS, as defined, tries to address each of the elements identified in the Toyota Production System. While Ford uses different names and a slightly different structure, each of the essential elements of the TPS manufacturing system are identified and documented. In. this aspect, FPS is successful in defining a lean manufacturing system. If there are any drawbacks to FPS as a system, it is the level of documentation and bureaucracy that is used to define and regulate the system. Instead of being limited to a guiding set of principles and a set of tools, an incredible amount of documentation is used to describe the various processes. In the plants, this documentation and information is largely ignored because it is simply too unwieldy and time consuming. In the hectic production environment there just isn't free time available to digest the amount of information. As a result few of the plant hourly and salaried FPS focals, let alone employees, have done more outside of training then review the audit guidebook and checklist and rely on their coaches for guidance. The audit guidebooks have become the de facto instruction manuals for FPS in the plants, when they were only intended to support the audit process. 62 One area where FPS does need additional information is at the hourly operator level. Currently FPS metrics are designed to give feedback to plant managers are upper executives on the progress of a plant. These measurables do little to provide feedback on performance to individual employees or units within the plant. A key element in developing improvement activities by small groups is continuous feedback on performance and more of this needs to be developed. 7.2.2 Implementing Change within Ford The other important area for assessment of FPS that must be performed is its success at motivating change within the plants and making the transition to its vision of lean manufacturing. In this area FPS has been less successful. This section discusses three issues, which are hampering the transition within Ford. Incentives While the combination of FPS measurables and plant audits do provide plant managers and executives with an understanding of plant status and progress, they have failed to truly motivate either the plant management or the workforce. All salaried and management employees receive annual bonuses that are at least partially based on individual performance. These bonuses can be substantial, particularly for managers. However, it appears that no portion of the evaluations or bonuses are tied to the success and implementation of FPS in the plants for salaried personnel. Until recently plant managers were also not evaluated on implementing FPS, however Ford Motor Company has tied management bonuses to FPS performance. Hourly workers receive annual profit sharing bonuses based on the performance of the company. While there is some value in this approach, none of the profit sharing is based on the performance of the plants these employees work in. As a result, there is no personal incentive to care about performance in your own plant as long as the company is doing fairly well. In addition to personal incentive problems, there are conflicts in organizational incentives as well. While plants may or may not be evaluating themselves based on the FPS measurables, they are being strictly measured for performance to the labor and overhead targets. These targets are structured as annual percentage reductions, typically 5%-10%, in the budgets for labor and overhead. Plant managers who implement reductions and meet these targets receive significant performance bonuses. Not only does this practice promote the wrong behavior within management, it directly conflicts with the goal of managing 63 total cost and implementing a system design. It takes a courageous plant manager to ignore the labor and overhead numbers even if they know and can show the total cost performance for the plant is better. Labor Reductions The result of the labor targets has been a slow but continuous reduction in the labor force at Ford over the recent years. While this belt tightening has certainly better prepared Ford to handle the current economic slowdown, it has also directly conflicted with the FPS tenants and the change process. One of the tenets of the Toyota Production System (TPS) is that improvements from changes will not result in labor reductions or lay-offs. This tenet was originally a by-product of the existing labor laws in Japan after World War II, but proved to an important foundation for the change process. Employees will never enthusiastically promote changes that may result in their elimination. Eliminating the fear of job reductions greatly enhances the support for change. Ford wisely also adopted this doctrine when developing FPS and has widely promoted that no employees will be eliminated as a result of FPS. Unfortunately, in the plants the labor reduction targets have specifically reduced the number of employees at the same time the FPS implementation and message of no labor reductions is occurring. This behavior promotes distrust of management and of the FPS process itself. Inevitably, it greatly hampers the change process and long-term relations between management and employees. Training and Roll-Out The final element that has hampered the implementation is the execution of training and the roll out of FPS within various plants. The FPS process has a well thought out training process that is designed to kick off the implementation of FPS. It begins with training of the plant leadership, and then is extended to include salaried and hourly FPS focals for the plant. Together these people are responsible for leading FPS execution and extending training into the workforce. Training for the plant leadership is a week-long class that consists of training on FPS tools, several Lego simulations, and a visit to a plant that is considered an example of lean manufacturing at work. Training for salaried and hourly focals covers similar material with more emphasis on the tools of FPS and implementation. Focals do not participate in a plant visit. 64 Unfortunately, the order of implementation for training is very often not how FPS is implemented. In many plants, FPS focals are up and running long before training for either themselves or plant leadership has occurred. Additionally plants are often required to report FPS measurables to upper management before training or the FPS rollout has occurred. At Wayne, none of the plant management had received training on FPS and only a small number of the hourly and salaried focals, responsible for FPS, had received training. The result was a disjointed change process at best and extreme frustration with management. Management abdicated their leadership role because they simply didn't understand what their own employees were trying to do or even the language they were using. 7.3 Stamping Project Through the research that was conducted as part of the project at the Wayne Stamping plant, many of the advantages and complexities of lean manufacturing became evident. First it is clear that lean manufacturing is a name for a complex system of elemental and supporting processes that must interact cohesively to function. Secondly, it is clear that the process of implementing lean manufacturing is, itself, a complex endeavor that is rooted firmly in the processes of organizational change. However it is the systematic nature of lean manufacturing that allows it to create the ultimate benefits that are reached. It is complex because it does not provide for modular incorporation of one tool or another, it is necessary to attack the system as a whole. Organizational change becomes much more complicated because really significant results are only seen when the entire system is in place and functioning. While lean manufacturing is built on small improvements and these results can often be measured, their impact on the system as a whole is very difficult to quantify. This is what makes it difficult to justify the resources for small improvement projects using typical project accounting for justification. At Wayne, the benefit of going forward with its own lean manufacturing system has been clearly outlined. System solutions to the systematic problems will great increase the ability to meet customers needs and should provide a much more stable and ultimately pleasant production environment. Additionally it should provide Wayne with a means to improve its performance and to achieve its ultimate objectives. 65 BIBLIOGRAPHY 1. Blue Oval News, "Plant Guide Blue Oval News", 9/21/00. 2. De Jesus, Rafael Omar, 2000, "Implementation Of Lean Manufacturing Practices To Improve Production Performance at Altec Electronica Chihuahua", Leaders For Manufacturing Thesis, MIT 3. Hopp, Wallace J. and Spearman, Mark L., "Factory Physics", Second Edition, McGraw-Hill. 2001 4. Johnson, H. Thomas, "Relevance Regained", 1992, Free Press, New York, NY. 5. Kalpakjian, Serope and Schmid, Steven R., "Manufacturing Engineering and Technology", Fourth Edition 2001, Prentice-Hall Inc. Upper Saddle River, New Jersey. 6. Kowalski, Joseph S., 1996 "An Evaluation Of The Design Of Manufacturing Measurables For The Ford Production System", Leaders For Manufacturing Thesis, MIT 7. Louis, Raymond S., "Integrating Kanban with MRPII", 1997, Productivity Press, Portland Oregon. 8. Monden, Yasuhiro, "Toyota Production System - An Integrated Approach to Just-In-Time", Third Edition, 1998, Engineering & Management Press. 9. Nahmias, Steven, "Production And Operations Analysis", Third Edition, 1997, Irwin, Chicago. 10. Rother, Mike and Shook, John, "Learning to See, Value Stream Mapping To Create Value and Eliminate Muda", 1998, The Lean Enterprise Institute. 11. Womack, James P., Jones, Daniel T. and Roos, Daniel, "The Machine That Changed The World", 1990, Harper Perennial, New York. 12. Zaenglein, Roger Jr., 2000 "External Kanban Systems In Automotive Assembly", Leaders For Manufacturing Thesis, MIT. 13. Ford Motor Company, 1999 Annual Report. 14. Ford Motor Company, "Ford Production System - Guidebook for Effective Measurables Overview". 1999 15. Sorge, Margerie, "The Ford Roll Continues," Automotive Industries April 1999. 16. Ancona, Kochan, Scully, Van Maanen, Westney, "Organizational Behavior & Processes," 1999. South-Western College Publishing, Cincinnati, Ohio. 17. Cochran, David S., "The Production System Design and Deployment Framework," Society of Automotive Engineers, Inc. 1999. 66 18. Cochran, David S, and Dobbs, Daniel C, "Evaluating Plant Design with the Manufacturing System Design Decomposition," MIT Cambridge, MA 1999. 19. Production System Design Laboratory, "Manufacturing System Design Decomposition," Laboratory for Manufacturing & Productivity, MIT 2000. 20. Shingo, Shigeo, "Quick Changeover for Operators: The SMED System," 1996 Productivity Press Development Team. 67 APPENDIX A: CURRENT STATE PROCESS MAPS This appendix presents the current state process maps that were developed for each of the press lines. The maps were broken out by press line to facilitate the presentation of the material flows for each of the press lines. Current State Process Map For Stamping Press Line 1 Customers 6-Month Forecast L2 Mich. Truck 6-Month Forecast B Schedule hDad Cy Atblank/ L IDaily iving - * chedule yn .South Blanker 7 \ Murata Blankes Body stamping Jobs 1E 01 106 2 109 103 1 59 C Coils North Body 10 Electronic Data Purchased Paper Schedule Blankes Silver Dome Inventory Data == > Material Flow (push-based) Butler Bldg Figure A-1 CurrentState Process Map for Press Line 1 68 Current State Process Map For Stamping Press Line 2 6-Month Fo rcast 6-Mont - Forecast Shipping-7 0OW 4UM Prod Wayne Body Mm Murata Blanks Coils - - - s .s North Body CO Electronic Data PurchLsed Paper Schedule Blanks Silver Dome Shipping fe bs j Inventory Data 130 Material Flow (pusi-based) 131 203 I 20 27 "S _jNo Butler Bldg Figure A-2 Current State Process Map For Press Line 2 Current State Process Map For Stamping Press Line 3 Customers 6-Month Forecast - 6-Mont -Hermosillo - Mich. Truck Forecast ~ Pro-Coi /CPrld LZZ ZIJ~ A Wayne Body South Body Murata Blanks L RecingC _ I Electonic Data Paper Schedule Inventory Data a - Material Flow (push-based) Purchased Blanks _ ________________ / North Body 0_ Silver Dome Stamping Jobs 303p 348 3I. 305 403 Bel Butler Bldg Figure A-3 Current State Process Map For Press Line 3 69 Current State Process Map For Stamping Press Line 4 Custo 6-Month Forecast 6-Mom Forecast ]ers 1Wayne Blady South Body L ABMacala -vinE la 1Purchased Electonic Data Shipping Silver Door. Blanks Paper Schedule Inventory Data 330M 407 Materal Flow (push-hased) I 331N Butler Bldg 4" Figure A-4 Current State Process Map For Press Line 4 Current State Process Map Summary of All Stamping Press Lines Customers 6-Month Forecast 6-Mont [irk Forecast /Z outh Body Murata cnt Blan WdyLin LCn s North Body econiPurchased - - * Paper Schedule - Inventory Data - 2 3a Silver Doe Shipping Blak Material How (push-based) Butler Bldg Figure A-5 Combined Current State Process Map For Press Lines 70 APPENDIX B: BATCH AND INVENTORY DATA This appendix contains batch and inventory data that was collected at the Wayne Stamping Plant during the course of this research. The following is a brief explanation of each of the groups of charts depicted. Batch Data The charts for batch data are presented in two ways. First they show the batch data in terms of piece count or quantity produced in the batches. Second, the same data is shown normalized by 'Days of Inventory' for each part number, or stamping job. The 'Days of Inventory' for each part represents the quantity of that part number required for each day's production on the assembly line. Normalizing the data this way gives a clearer understanding of the batch sizes in relation to demand. Both charts are presented for each press line and are broken out by stamping job. Jobs Run These charts show the number of jobs run on each press line over a three-week period. This data provides an idea of how many changeovers should be required each day currently and allow a comparison between presses. Total Inventory These charts show the total volume of parts produced on each press line normalized by the amount of inventory required. These charts provide a running picture of how well each press line is doing at keeping up with demand on a daily basis and show the weekly cycle that occurs. Inventory By Job These charts show the amount of inventory on hand each day broken out by job and press line. While there is a lot of data on these charts they provide a good picture of the amount of variation in inventory levels that is being held of each of the parts. 71 LINE 1 - Batch Size Data (Min, Max, Ave) By Job 7/29 - 8/31 10000 e E 8000 D 4000 - - 2000- MIN MA6000 X 1'AVE 101 102 103 104 105 106 I I I I I I I I 0 210 110 109 JOB Figure B-1 Press Line 1 Batch Production Data by Piece Count LINE 1 - Batch Size Data (Min, Max, Ave) By Job 7/29-8/31 0 12.0 , -510.0 o 8.0 MIN MAX Ac60 S4.0 nAVE ~2.0S 0.0- I I 101 102 103 104 105 106 109 110 210 JOB NUMBER Figure B-2 Press Line 1 Batch Production Data by Days of Inventory 72 LINE 2 - Batch Size Data (Min, Max, Avg) By Job 7/29-8/31 10000 --r- 8000 6000 MIN 4000 MAX 2000 -- 0 - i i I i i 100 110 130131 203204205206207208 209210 JOB Figure B-3 Press Line 2 Batch Production Data by Piece Count LINE 2- Batch Size Data (Min, Max, Avg) By Job 7/29-8/31 12.0 10.0 '4- 0 CO Cu 2~ 0 N C,) 0 4.' Cu I- 0 4.' 0 C 8.0 8.0 6.0 6.0 4.0 2.0 0.0 1 I .1i in lit, I 7 MIN MIN MAX SAVE + ' I 100 110 130 131 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 JOB Number Figure B-4 Press Line 2 Batch Production Data by Days of Inventory 73 LINE 3 - Batch Size Data (Min, Max, Ave) By Job 7/29-8/31 10000 8000 , 0 6000 C-) 2 4000 m I - MIN MAX MAX SAVE mAVE CUQ) 2000 0 302 303p 303s 304 305 306 308 310 311 403 JOB Figure B-5 Press Line 3 Batch Production Data by Piece Count LINE 3 - Batch Size Data (Min, Max, Ave) By Job 7/29-8/31 %I.- 0 N C0 7.0 6.0 5.0 0 4.0 Q) 3.0 2.0 1.0 0.0 MIN MAX SAVE 302 303p 303s 304 305 306 308 310 .311 403 JOB Number Figure B-6 Press Line 3 Batch Production Data by Days of Inventory 74 LINIE 4 - Batch Size Data(Min, Max, Ave) By Job 7/29-8/31 8 7 6 0 MIN 5 MAX C u 0 3 SAVE 2 1 -- -- - - rp JOB Number Figure B-7 Press Line 4 Batch Production Data by Piece Count LINE 4 - Batch Size Data(Min, Max, Ave) By Job 7/29-8/31 10000 -8000 0 6000 8 4000 MIN MAX a AX E& 2000- m 200 r- =AVE O W W C0 CY)O CY) Z ~-CM co M~ r- CX) 0) 0 a JOB Figure B-8 Press Line 4 Batch Production Data by Days of Inventory 75 Line 1 - Number of Jobs Run 6- 5 -L ~fl-.- Daily Average LCL E1 z 0 Date Figure B-9 Press Line 1 Number of Jobs Run Daily LINE 2 - Number of Jobs Run Daily C U, .0 .0 E z 7 6 5 -+-- 4 3 2 1 0 -- - Daily Average UCL LCL r Date Figure B-10 Press Line 2 Number of Jobs Run Daily 76 LINE 3 - Number of Jobs Run Daily 8.0 C 0c (0 7.0 6.0 5.0 4.0 3n *- -V Average UCL LCL E0 0 Daily Summary 2.0 1.0 0.0 80 (b\t COP10 8 CV cb\ Date Figure B-11 Press Line 3 Number of Jobs Run Daily LINE 4 - Number of Jobs Run Daily >% 8.07.0- o 4.02.0 0 E z Average UCL 1.00.0- Date Figure B-12 Press Line 4 Number of Jobs Run Daily 77 LINE 1 -Total Inventory Daily (in Days) 3 .0 ---- - - - - - 2.5-2.-Daily . . . . .. .Average 1.5- f UCL 0 1.0 -T LCL 0. 0.0 - Date Figure B-13 Press Line 1 Total Inventory Maintained Daily LINE 2 - Total Inventory Daily (in Days) 3.5 Daily 2.5---- 2.0- Aerage 1.5 UCL, LCL 1.0 0.5 Date Figure B-14 Press Line 2 Total Inventory Maintained Daily 78 LINE 3 - Total Inventory Daily (in Days) 2.0 - 0- - 1.5 Daily Average > 1.0 - LCL 0.5 0 .0 - - -.-.-.- - Date Figure B-15 Press Line 3 Total Inventory Maintained Daily LINE 4 - Total Inventory Daily (In Days) 2 15 Average UCL 1 LCL 05 Figure B-16 Press Line 4 Total Inventory Maintained Daily 79 LINE 1 - Days of Inventory By Job 1010 910 -101 8.0 6.0 S 102 -.- -1103 -- 104 1.0 -105 10 9 0.0 ... . .1 -110 t 4% , 4 4 --- 210 Date Figure B-17 Press Line 1 Inventory Maintained Daily By Job LINE 2 - Days of Inventory By Job 12.0 10.0- -+-100 0 G) C 0 5 8.06.0 - -a-131 -- 203 204 _ 40 205 2.0 - 206 207 0.0 -208 1Z -209 Date Figure B-18 Press Line 2 Inventory Maintained Daily By Job 80 LINE 3 - Days of Inventory By Job 1.0 10.0--302 0- 8.0-a- 303s 6.0 0 304 305 306 4.c 2.0 308 - 310 0.0--- 311 - q~ -- c\- 403 Date Figure B-19 Press Line 3 Inventory Maintained Daily By Job LINE 4 - Days of Inventory By Job - 307 - - ... 330 5 - 330.2 4 331 -*-331.2 K ~711 1 0 (- 401 402 -407 Date 40 411 Figure B-20 Press Line 4 Inventory Maintained Daily By Job 81 APPENDIX C: MANUFACTURING SYSTEM DESIGN QUESTIONAIRE This appendix contains a copy of the Manufacturing System Design Questionnaire developed by Professor David Cochran and Joachim Linck. The intent of the questionnaire is to support the use and application of the Manufacturing System Design Decomposition (MSDD) process. The questionnaire is used to assess a given manufacturing system against each Functional Requirement (FR) in the MSDD and evaluate on compliance with the MSDD. This questionnaire was used as a tool to assess the current manufacturing system at the Wayne stamping plant. The results were then used in coordination with the Value Stream Mapping process and data collection to identify core system problems and areas for improvement. The following pages contain the questionnaire itself. 82 Prof. Davi S. Cochmn Asociate Professr of' Mochzutd Engineu* Mrr e-Ail: 77 Massachusetts Ave. Room 35-130 Cambzidp, MA 02139 Tel 617 -258 6769 Fax: 617 - 452 2288 hnp:#psdanitodu * *ochnuoniltedu CambIdge, Dear snvcy pfcq1t Januaty 22, 2001 , We gnmdy apprecite yowr me xndeot filing oit Ie questOrnaist. The qpsstxnwakre consistS of two pans. Pkase answer all qncstias tithcr by checking the appropiate boxor by wt-ng in the blank space provided, Please retumr the qucaomai= tofr addeu shown above, , pkm If you have any quesions about the quesi or Prof, David S, Cotrn at the adtm show# abovt dctct Jovhim Luck Thank you voy mucL Sincsuty, A '4 Prof David Cocman loachin lnck Pledue of Conridendalt, lnfimmion provid in this quesliowiaire win n"t be pmesetd or published in any way that would identi y any penso plant, or ctnprny wihout the witten permission of tha vompmy. PAe I O5 83 Part1: ManufacturingSystem Design QuAtionnaire Plant InfornYOtin: Please proide lh *lowlng Company name: nuns' namw flwm. idmelhfy the OMWY Pwat A toumvnAsn so we can ge in touch wlt you tot ft ______________________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Y" rn for wt h on ar* OcmphInO VW qsstlonnhre. v"s 1*0W VQnf) Swawo pVOQ*mo@@S*y to PoPI*tflwr o pot For *!oiRI S 4# m m rm neuivvwan hnvw tmwn nwraw 1enwia wydvwn meee and aweanb Value Strea amine Street ZP code State: Respondent Name d respondent Respondents tuncion: Phone numbr Fax xmber email Page 2 ds 84 PartI: Manufacturing System Design Quesdonnaire I Which Industuy segment best Identues yoursysm? Can con AUtomcve Cons^" Products F Eeftren Eletronis F Aemrpace and Defense Indusit ma*tnvy am nwA&*t rn Mining and met F Med"a deos F F 09. 2. What products or* made in the ntue vtrem? 3. Please identify the opratnat* Wre used to make the product(s). 4. Product 4ntormation a) How many different produt(s) do you produce in ho value stream? b) How many products do yu produce per day? c) What Is the approxkMat sirze of the productfs)? (cubi frk d) PbSI What is the approximate weight? a) How many pat does the oroduct conSist o? Pame 3 of 5 85 Part / Manufacuring System Design Questonnaire 5. Quality related metrics a) intermal dated ral b) interal scrap rate c) doted Met of strippedf prudueb t 1 0. Operating metics a) Numberof Opewtna 5 pvrday b) Number of operaIng houn per sleudurd novvonertime shiftt en* mwus breaks) c) Numr of operomng days pa wock d) Number of regular days peyear prodcin -Weekdy *Satwur__y_ d) Number of ovrwime 7. Delivery related k -rdea d-y perar netrics st ctaomer reguested ddiver datsa ream to coninad d*rr dates hl shonent freouencv to vour custo c) yeary prernhim fnight costs 1%] IN) (SmensF day) hOUwsand $1 1, Pae 4 ot15 86 PartI: ManufacturingSystem Design Questionnaire S. Iwnftory rofat~t mobfs What werf yow tinenby levl4? (In fracions of shft) a)fnlshed gocxh iw b) raw materkel C) niatmetie goods i d) ihterMett goods 2 0) Irmndnile goods 3 W ktsredbt* goods 4 9. Other inatuics a) Occupied toot space (indt macining- asseoy. stcflge. jWshfti It shbts (#sbMs) Pt sft) tIowin SW w e aiskss0 b) Parsonne - number of dreot waders (a# shifts) number of Indlrmt woekers (id sh8t4 nwmber of other persone (al sNeft) v) Captat emjdo0yed d) Return on assets Phounnd$I N Thank you vy much - Oea vor4nue with PaU Pace 5 of 5 87 Responte4t n00: COmpany name: POure /fmotCO: Plans locadton: hiAtt Nfrram Snare: ____________ Panl.: Manafacturing System Desig Qestiennaire CII Asam we* tmlnatW wicmhe *eulnnwbW "ats 10* Fa~ure mete SitE ciNnit an - wwc.C Modacasafdeeeatsf*ebtotwwn~ ftd* iMIt Ih Wore ci fewts cand *lvt ** MW" CW " 0 - p(0V04111qfrn * 84 Uprinui ito vmany veined am fts job We ontlnucusfl AnprMe frbk6tt pteftte.nt S _________ O te 0 0 0 0 0 aetr 5 0 00 0 0 0' 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 3 4 Oement 0 0 0 * many pour doesa tht it Poo vOer 4c40 on trtn cr Van ke theSe tvs Pam It 0 0 0 Comeant $ A 0 tchs kow ustrn ad dawwt'eeny Ofac.&Sl" - 0 4 tw We have srerdd tenn - 0 0 1 - 3 Mww "f" "* rflndhpndn Trallnu program - 2 paw Page 1 of 14 88 PartIh ManufaturingSystem Design Quesionnaire Q12 Enauto that operator cowmlstvntly performs tasks c orrecl . 3tsncfaW wot mqAQy 3 0 0 is We erf-ers vial every operaior acrcwdin fabO womrk roAmod prOfle 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 000 the twAs 00 00 0 0 srngv Ensure tftt osraior huwAnatanon do not tranait *rtny to defects 012 # Comnent Work rnetIodS hae been 44*4~ for wCh ersOctO Viiriantn im qztettyit reduced s1hor by e4uetq #h M Mt Oet t lItO*Ah Ov.m& t*M - 5 4 lmwacs are trrrolved in craw"bng 1w moat methods A wAftrn cy of opereioss etndardok avnib at each sinton - wme methods 12 - dom, gvW a tnr-Oat awN - istak poaol OpwStiooe $PotakYak) 1 2 3 5 4 rka.heY dstee we f-~ally - g'wovk tot tt d efetde ed du ret sed swiq*a -We Ohvm dcwt~teain0 peratorscod for help - 0 A tNe rpt Eliminate mathod afssanabe Process ln deskin c#usn* 0 Q 0 00 0y 00n 0 din net 4"nt si*n 4Wgl 1 1 5 4 ethodl, We ortbet-abe reedmctIsb 014 Et~lnwtsa nvaelori~1 ns$Vbt,* cauwos Suppler quchre proeram 0 0 ukhly is our mer one citetn i selectkq We oopserato - - with suvplirs to ensure Watt free demmix, of pwts PAM-ill 0 0 0 aoof e ee Comment 0__________ 0 0 iaqns 4 0 0_________ 0 ______ don4 no 5 5 0 0 0 0 :0 0 0 0 0 000 0 0 0 0 :0 0 n***s*1 ut I cnvfng m$mMr4 4 0ite free. t II u coWpeete wt siers. or aft how you o it 0 0 0vnwgst 1213 -. $ 0 0 0 Comment v*M *M________ 0 ulrngfr ercovng. cur oparators io bnpnw, wol -We 0 00 WW t Commepg 0 destae Vageiott 89 PartII: ManufacuringSyem Design Questionnaire Q2 on the tarne fllustmsnt Center process moan Process paramoler agree 142 3 Ptocestt - o s0o 0 0 meet is only set wilin on-IWK W *M0 y :Wt*f 4they are - SPdfid*10 p for__e" 0 t *l&AqigwithinU~w 4 Cmm 0 0n0 0 0 0Wl not 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0r0 0 ____ _ __kA 0 f(04 WVoWgh $tPC Reduce nots in oreceslnptsts QM dtsjw tl ConMelfion of common tiUtia IbtO nt*Igtbl tIno I* 4~ #Mgy do "ew et W tee. 12 Icornt ant asaqgnchte cnau t valimntn a Ct'14 euet, 1) 0 Rfls outset 0 0 'We h;Wo M"0005~eeead. twrmiure P.Mat1 eaWSe Mt*, GISK q* We4i a e imn ttocess otnit rea$#v Reduce Irneect at Inpt ases en neoceee 032 - RI It sr-nge _________ 0 _____e 0 0 zwewfrp 2 0 __________ doncu # 00 0 00 0 0 ow procesees tnacttle to 0itwibwoge rond utsdie (eg. seteri or p vtttmeiI hnk enress :0 00 We hawe standard proc#*nv to tuntwoS* root rS4sa qof aleV vmadlan. 00 sIMM# nng'y bs&~ $ectne dowutus am ImmeadIi*ely nobicd (ce. W0004" WreretionM 4n ay oe netest desk") We t44 GnEt* vsoth s MeAnn boards or radf cowwnnceahicns to S"gnsl ttc ocourreeme 0# 00 4 s5 3 We have man* 12 - 0 - mracsic tesip, Idanify disruatIons Ownee tev "rtco tactnnt*d operator sumpflne rate of enesment it - - 0 0 0 Comment 0 er 0 OWkf0 to 0 dol 0 1 - 5 - Thhnnes frm aid0 thems0 beo they can Aset the orc&eS cutout - 4 atn. J 4 5 does Commur .r nwtv 0 Comment 0000 0 00000 diomntoa. - Operators can natty isiete er they mre stead C anNr4 SchedAt ariat"e if" " ***roi *oe " " "n 'an H *'a ""ty ow*ed 0 0 0 0 0 0 000 0 00 _ _ _ _ Pqr ouJ 90 PartI: Man ufaturingSystem Design Quesionnaire Vft$* Identdty diarupttons where they scur doefs 2 1 -wrut OctaO tot*ed tO i&f*Duuv:b4 a I 0 are qrk 0 Rhl Jdentlywhat the disruptionls tig Coontot sensltve tseflac& "o dle*tn ti Myom expuset dbtittnuamn oes Vis es n r arv 2 s 5 3 o Q Q Q 00 Comment o o _________ ________ -'_________ o o o o *o0 we #my I*agnew Identfi cotrect suasort reunaincs Slnn y th 1ero moofd; 510W $SeO-itted .uoo f#esource. #orOa R122 dor not -' at a Prodflo unit Is kinp be~, R121 0___ :0 snngy nasy to reonrt Ie~g maccudelag min sddma' ol 4spni 0 ,ksMWrer t We ae adad spens Braadewra Comment 0 0 0 0 0 1 - 0 at -0 0 0 0 ...... n be m..ed by hne,dbwnll do'anstrutw procames became yropnmmm semated from each other eer physicfty or SVOI* taroe tnfltev -Our 5 4 df 0eM 0 poects thy 0t oows lImedift ted oprat#ws diwupond 40g twennwm - 3 ____ otsagEr@S5p~t NW de Smry dOW _ $p# Rapid wuppott conlact prov-*dur* 04 rmn,*nwW-Wem doviw FsO4 e 1 .t q. wAie rncers, 51 tO c 12 l0DpA deA In *wrm R123 kklyCte c ionnm tach Oect, by tk s d dIngr' oft- 1 2 We avee hiaemaion devIces (e.g. a rMlpne - Part I I Pnu which dkpmy aS tme sthaw " C*We NNdoN ufiapom and acet0 a bae to understand a"rim urln*. 0 0 0 MinmI e flike MOr support recurte to undarstoat nre8 dIsruption dpW SVt*M that conveys What the dIarutiAlos it - 0 0 wr navdece - 3 4 2 1 0 0 0 0 veznmgly a__ ec _ 34 0M0d00 0 0 nd_ 0 dots plo Arvo 5 00 000 0 0 Comment 5 a Comment 0 0 Ah 4 of 14 91 Part H: ManufacturingSystem Design Questionnaire Rt3 v $oi~ obems lmmwdiltv -Sandard method to identf asd oHmtnaute rn.I "S*w4 12 INO Weow slandard p,.codeg t .. 4*X&.RW ____#r~~ dkisjt v a Comment 45 0 0 0 0 0 Wre oy# iren4utrl Orwt sesOr* wern we dscua pettsllr1n and develop s0tutee t p0e00nt teaccWact, To keep proMtuln MNAt nO usWay SPOe pcotlr artp t-wOR"erwiy. ReoCcrMenO of t 4#fUJpOtS # kk44 Sir" T* roCa wan It sA Opeatrwx 0P 1ta tap I tt c Ov eo tov - Psi 0 00 00 0 mihorty to 19&4 flC*tt&rv SFtO'S be rvnot mq Sensions. 00000 SeAng to^v mfld yVU chtarcterue yorpeifM ienb .ns praceSA (t*Am bset. Klflte Mnwt !O0*At riven Vt) d40r"aN 1 040 ot*0tl hawe reaArq th(Or ts toe o.w'*cc*W - )vtn o produce, - Mm tol VnoeAo e O.era a brave ow 2 34 5 0 0 0 0 0 s u*dtand VAst to proom, and how to poodue. 0 0 0 0 0 . acces to . roc. We r.m.."i St We cr~on hpve aroithOr dtgsN*ons to 1iR*Xng 0 0 Enswe avaltebtift of reevant croduotlon informug Capable and teleable onnornaiErsoterM - 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 000 0 Comment 0 0 0 0 NAlaw WrItOnti regewdig productON Is MO* imlpant to you7 rOw do y CnOmmmnime the t riwnobtcet andi rnak. # acami - Part it da *d eaptms krow whet, whenk pod-how awd they wb sumesod to crvoy,. rnstoteft. prdin ropar? Please 0et the i#oi ways l banfer thtee Pagt $ of 14 92 PartI: ManufacturingSystem Design Questionnaire PI2t ensue that souuemeot Is *anly envicnbl Macns deaioned for servlc*a*bliyf srt don A dmi 1 0 aae abl toptflm uwlend sawoa chetkS *4Nbhl abrfpti I g p0odudn -Wtt - th aba ty w w"o icM eqtw 0ia 0 00 0 5 4 3 comment _________ 0 0 0 0 tdentimn requtremeis tot its desgn tg. aocusiti4Mty. 2 0 0 0_______ 0 0;0 0 no~a b t to rmonto "e pecesa eadwnswebAefty om "crooneeb Repwarp 4wevt WusAyNY uid by otAd0 I-rtatts or the equipmnnt Vwnmot a n tnne - n m Pt?? Srvice oulpmatqufl Asaula: a raventative malnteneace program 0 0 0 0 We dedicate a porlkin c every day sofely 10 mrovantt maowMriene M few 0* trevufiva tr lonarcea citatite 2 00 W- are o vtsf beind p Wouo ot soB dflo WW no nne foe' preva a mnhvma. Repair fl ms mbfrienno. 000 - 0 0 0 0 __ v 4TV 3 4 O 410 0 Coszuenl 5 00 0 0 000 00000 0 Our eqipmnar4 mwe toeh are An o tip *We of Wadnews at si ties 00000 0 _ _ _ painereentgag of Ie do yu dedicate for .efeoMive esinerfce?(Sne for Frrventlve manemarca SaratAisl p'vdution foe) - - Pail 0 0 nope prope mwrenamce as a Stratefy for AOv*e4WV schedtt trobnc.e Wen - 0 atfysnwt 404ate 1 - 0 Moat peientago l 0oe I&iost d"n to wnledAd myntnanoe? iunschedue) nauktrane I vp 6 of. 14 93 Part II: Manufacturing System Design Questionnaire Reduce wariabt!itl of Rsk comMe0lon tha Stindard work methods to Provide repeAM. O mraceeaina te Pill - - 00 Vwiai' im work cmn#.tin tim is b"q "jw MtOuO . work Omdw sitter w4 0% *e. acttatcr tWnint1 0 0 Essure atetltAbltv of workers Perfect Attndanc Preoram # 00 0 0 0 0 i 0 0 0 0 0 We*+ c"OnwtcinOm of tOw ame took ohme wirts atwon cmnetors. "em a high vaftvmo Ot work cwpteltm w between eotes of the some operator. PUZ 12345 We tmt each ope'etvi etefi btetati e iwiude in the workt itlttta.ios the .rhtar Viies n ifm !,-.tAm operdto is wtbe to ' * *" w" ""ob o 1 t*% A "n w Rt" eyJe (the wink loops eo fleae and opertns can Mbit each otherk. - 4t3 y 2me 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 It se-gre stefy 0 Comment 0 - 125145 - * Op+rsos ae#t thei WO MOn * wtn thy ore oseuosed w be theea 0 Op'ralorscm c work r ahead of chAdle and tei n 0 0000 ur.wrMItd bmnk - Unlanned seteem aan efects Ow Oft to p trdct to 10ht&ie i' What sur 1~ pcr yar lonly arage percentage of sew'Ielsm unpunmed absMeelei such as at watt Olce) ComMea 00 0 0 000 00 0 - -- -- - mlrntss. not ahowim Part II 94 PartIf: ManufacturingSystem Daign Quesdonnaire Ork not intarrupt production for worker ailowama 454) Mutual Relief Siten W1e SMAwon - 404ew cress-tralnOd wetters 0 0 0 pt sat aloweitat j#.4 1wt psnttte hfllfl ruwae wed to orodion dimzpbans - as r o atrea t to e e Gpos w6t t you hepung Uveyn prott* hqgh quahy prehCta - dae*Ow ok 1Wan S Vi w hae strdnd prctodtrms in place for rraja AWW41 45 0 Comment 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 tn - CWC*in ttine rt0 - eiM g el04 tr-nd ta g Pert in arn 0n des4gtig teir workptce - having suggafions OfltbN imfltvt - oilier aroated - c/ chae catted ii Wheat - the peius quetiet In - elate? 'rteese c"Ode) onb a teen s biting wedl trained -tubing -rt ic dnsgng Itsr workplace - having etggesbocs arnreraed nmwnear mcmntvua Pl enurw Ibat pat I me available to 00 smagiw OAsr rttia doAs Standard work In preass tA#utwesn a-aelme Comm-ex i~wentory t*3ween S4 W 0 Nrv6 OAndAwd faf *0 ach pat, vAsift -Operabonls unvsttr taov i, - P14.2 y ho apanty gnotruibti wr 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 in Ow Wr ipCr insists pOPer ttiwlap of pin atitts Parts moved to dow slreaaM operations aeertdin; NM* dkawrr Wstgt ar A TF "off* aedpter*r C a jiatdr4nef beats. freuency at mneltioi dellnry is 6nart e cr'urnpton as Opposed to poIset dobav toiest SThe - a |V|** wt l"fo"'' wAv~tVift Prt It of deW"na*o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 00 ____ ____ drW, OI 0 , .- tAuved dj* to Comment Pae *of 14 95 Parti: ManufacturingSystem Design Questionnaire srrgly Redue lot Ulay Rednction of transfer batch size (is ass-ece 0*o TI d A* OE2 1 000 fThe WTnUI " trn bafti *&0 is auay wwMar Ui 2 hoiss of gwaducdon matWim 0 or ozo W* 3 2 5 4 0----- 0 0 0 COimeat 0 0 0 0 # "4pos cSMW44 qua**#" bew&e&n *w#M, a 4- eeth bvi manspoft5h ONm We W4a V*W - -o nwnbe or posft Weine timt t UWI$I 721 dews not Onpb 0rRS4 OEW Denltfn or groupIng of customers to ebeIovy tab W £24 *i"1 within Adeal an*e 1 2 3 4 5 9 Comment We dptswwe 1Sta tne at an w*8 ege of a 00i190n roe ~nendatflin - 0 0 0 0 0 0 _ _ _ _ _ _ cettt ka* r etaboawe here ar frthbout the value stream and production pace is ba*ed on btd tfIn - *e $c yu vnst- dewnwe te minter of ftwn for a How do yot dotftikeINe cyle tmes t4e each opwrsoin #t vWW *feles .an* Ensure that automat.c ccl. tame emnImuwm at time Design of appropriate aulosiaSIe work cnslent at 0eh etehUho T221 n- rM1Y dAie_ 1 - prir ocesses We 4esin Ou Mt~tiU* cVyle tuma losely matches the lAM "tIe, M tat the we longer Ow t bmw, we try to dMeO the operaton Ie two r Oe 00 When sitamtnl yh00 mw - tether wan bering to mAciwnes pe 0 2 ,vmgy atWW 3 4 00 5 de w t - or COMmit 00 0 000 0 ft ths sjre cerstoest - PIAt 1 Wve %UtAY y Wyto nrnle iii naiter of meclnes by decreactog th eycle tOOM per meewt regadles of taw oe 0 0 0 0 0 0 Eas9 sf14 96 Part II: ManufacturingSystem Design Questionnaire T221 that manual cyde tne 4* takt tme Ensur, Do shgn at appropflata operator work rr Oktrrr )( We doesign each cparawIor wink "oo to n as danM 1K* laM Otr 4 3 2 1 - dws MW i - stontwustoAp 0 0 0 ms vK44"O 0 $ __________ 0 0 0 Wt SAk mW vCyle wi ty o divit the operation Oifttw or more waOmn to achieve a Wnl with snch operation (ratier tfa he ng two opeistas perh~uanng tW T23 -te - Ensure lvqy cyvle tins mis Stacoer crouafutan of parts Wih difRetSd twts l - fa imanvct uwnt 2 0 5 4 0 0 n larer 0 0 -t- tM ow Cm ment Q pryumd we snutal parts W1 ----- tkts. anief t 1* 0 04T nun sizes ufOwal on onsmpt" w rut ot WO ' fty "" ri""*t#" ""it """ow h O 0 0 0 0 0 ______ - a valeis ;toad* ooAwt 4 th_____or tte T23 3 0 Sist* OPP& rigi gem ______ 1 ts oMt ae fer Comment vr_ sigfy om EItin* that Daft arrtval tate is se4al Se sto ict rle* o 10r Ardvat ot pars at downstreur operation* 1.4 pl~it at aEt acw 1 0 O W ul ai~41C aross the process fte. - Woof a tiomw t 2 3 4 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 dons 0 Comment 0 ______ *O vmt kwnume wvn oat* of cuslonw deAin t Owe 0 0____ VaKie stream 1I Reduce run aie delay Paaeusin t fthee ste mix uwt quantity during tacht dsmafl Inteval ctdtatsyd uty mt t ouco e Wve frvcluenrv puodre fiOe 40f losn) than * W0 OMd sar ) sit partcW l.yol oaf day thael the dVowflk**W cttoWfit ds AhE -,"y dmharr 12 3 4 5 0 00000 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Wna Vhm u r po~hv Ms eivnrttlg nor smss fr ir deweft aoarMaXMo? Comment 0 - part I 97 PartH1: ManufacturiA System Desixn Questionnaire fT Provide fnowledgmoi dastmied product oin $Jve typel and ouwwttIe$ #t*4 sttoviv #.rsrx 4Wkr APt ______ informaton fl** fWom downstream customer 1 Wsuha oalyen -OurOpatr T3? 00 in terproct*mloncca 0 0 0 0 a 0 ocst Produce In sufficmlnity sma ran sioes 0 0 0 0 0 0 :0 0 0 0 ** O Po*tg*"hi""w* - WeOn ontmotetupine o enltrfe whit he #mo rwne is ante to y *tc* S~w$ tine 0 0 0 - We have low Setup thAs Ova.am1d %,Ou* stream for aqutpMa ien - WO' "Uf "nd t hays e0 o W*v - M *ip" OW so Ilm OW r 00 tins r 5 0 0 o .Mwwgbs tAA~ yt 4 0 0 * t0 0 0 0 nnurr aunt 2 3 _____ _______ 4 *41 0 Cemmen 0 0 0 - _o - - - - - - 0 0 0 me**0 0 0 os "Y; amo 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 r' bci*%t and gnefts o 0 Retiree traasportstion delay Matedal now moiented layout desian - _ fi 1 2 3 - 0_____ 0 0 Wrer co em eqilpment t4 Comment 0 ________es Dettw quick chaneover for materIWW badig sthedtt 0 s Of fts ch"Ae Ocee uMMOpmrahnWCe* NYsd*Md - 4 00 * tonemet 3 2 ach acter Th shop hoo: ivym hot kmoi derir"n puft l Papiie 4 98 PartII: ManufacturintSystem Design Questionnaire TSI tnsvn 11cM support actIvItIes 6. hOt Interfere will production actvitIes g .ayg Sbsystems and equipment conlgeund to sopera support and productIon access rete' 1234 *Dokwy or n"we"e do" pi 001400Q algca ItS - to t t due t the noed for fork hit to vmv MWtsAWWhndfng and 0 ~esU" produg"to Mhi vAwt Enstethet mgoduowctltiez one another 0 0 0 0 0 0 000 bo tt up 070erW hnusnwtl poderm. a8ent, wIth dnatt ithe scandsrdsd ws6 TSI 0 0 wesnw"p owm hso to leave rtow nalenat.0 0 000 o large bina lo"s 0%4"e Oes nt oMf the owe o fthe oromacn - 5 0 Comment 0 00 _ 0 _ 0 0 00 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 00 0 wtermtn wi sfty wu dolt v dmot Ensts coordination and sepstalio Wi peoductin work paterms 3 Solov wmaew*"*" wOf -o TMdo" not iteadro ci pnorshoei 100 ** 0 olMIN SMmiat asperoffi ad WAt* VMnerftbCqoslkmsdlnthe ti*4 4$Ina.-4 4o00 act Mt #olve Owing orulon -TMA 7$) Ensure that support aucfliss neeldemaunt tentlneriane wi~ one sooth Ensure coordination and sepalon of support wt osterms 0 0 xrcng jwe - 0 - i Dil .l, 444"a timepeators epend aft noftowciue added tasks at each staden Mac Ninas*& st~i"St dseleo I* to eutortomlows $ C tmment lai 0 W 0 toO n 0 0 0 s cure 12 *h 48t eastise~, o twA#s-0tt4l#* med n.ooti c o f.Sw W mw KThe * p& iien cateeitdudatin 0* Oifl phtI* ckes nc4 iust ev0a durin operationr 4 0 0 An, 4 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 SfrUn*A' 0 00000 p9?*$Z usutoty w4al ea macic" w0 imlhe 100 vwe #ne As trshed. Sr des gned to etmninste w ncited tot erltt o ils hemr cy .n 4oMalrss AMIU 0 0 _________ dmnaa a - Comtment now ovinltmg fortvgue almdtme wesen at oamc steli it * orltv ci lIsten design c - ________ 4w not nw* 3 00 s&mne 0 Ceoawrs 0 00 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 PIt 24.14 99 PartII: ManufaduringSystem Design Questionnaire 012 Enable worker 4o oprfte mmu than ci mathlea statlon Tslen 1h workers to onerat mutIpta statlons mvftt XfrpnAy Qsvm ____ 4A not anN u we o ow*.orss Th* oW tWnVwr 00 00 0 0 am w~ 0 w fat ln" "rtdd Plnt nii''""s are Ae$.ot, nfme*i ""a"''p"" - Em w Offievn Wusemt.e w s;d moton ci esaratmaies 0 0 0 0 0s, 0. _ _ _ _ o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 :0 0.0 inst mngfy 4not ____fa *tafmwn Configure machins I staons to rtduce walkng diaung* 0 4 i - Comment d~itn.t" teng aqwmsa4MO firm d "n W1* t#ujw*y IaOf "VeOiWgr. cosder thner dr oramabaloon -tost ton "awatone 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 &Ao dowsi stepr smiw watetd motion toppeters' work - ______ 0 0 0 riot " ave to wat Asy,0 022 ltomMIr 0 0 - Standard tos 0eqU*muett locO0d atsadh *Men 12 - wt bev. - Thou tc' vp We Rk*isit Otte to coiditn - US"aw"Ns"rAh""I"it"" .. task y .huqi "* nsw sttknq wm*"a in teen sn 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 a Commeng 0 0 0 100 PartIi: ManufacturingSystem Design Questionnaire 023 Uitnlaw waseud motion in opmrfots work, bae 4^m*4 triwvh NW A3 Ergonomic Irfracs betweena t woflv, tmachislbwctl and ktaure 1 2 - 'wr*evc. N.cowflsrtl~rn O0c *etert, *cis mt wt w"W*wZ lw 3 0 0 0 MWarr 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 **tZa****W Comment 0 - o otut dosiqtr aigr Bkalanced wmtk-0oo. 123 - 5 4 Bamntchk work. Mops o pedarm s an fMpoflf .ystm desin c2'ea.vt 4 0 0 0 00 Mw 0 Comment 5 0 " is ~ *vtie case POTwvMNn &tea cOgerots gome o idla fat pat of Ow t dv ce. white s we busy far the arire cvfle. We Oftm 4*wgn wot low kW Oe weaopenet flomgwe.- o tos 9 e sane team ' tO fO e 0 O iv0 0 0 O 0 _____ panf1 101