Program Director Self-Study Report for Submitted by

Program Director Self-Study Report
Plastics Engineering
Submitted by
Adam Kramschuster, Program Director
November 30, 2012
UW-Stout Planning and Review Committee
The Plastics Engineering Program at UW-Stout was granted state approval in August 2008.
Since that time, enrollment has grown from 0 to approximately 65 students; three tenure-track
faculty have been hired; courses for the 132-credit curriculum have been developed and offered;
fourteen students have graduated; an active program advisory committee has been developed; a
thriving student branch of the professional organization (Society of Plastics Engineers) has been
developed; relationships that have been developed with regional and national industries that have
led to a growing co-op/internship program; and the first site visit for professional accreditation
with ABET (Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology) was completed November
13, 2012. In this report, the “UW-Stout PRC External Accreditation Rubric” is used to guide the
reader through the self-study developed for ABET, along with comments from the ABET
(Updated 04/07)
(PRC External Accreditation Rubric)
UW-Stout PRC External Accreditation Rubric
Name of Program: Bachelor of Science in Plastics Engineering
Program Director: Adam Kramschuster
a.) The program’s relationship to UW-Stout's mission and goals
Present in Accreditation
Yes (page 10) / No
b.) If applicable, the bachelor degree’s ability to correspond to
UW-Stout’s “Meaning of the Baccalaureate Degree”
Yes (pages ____ ) / No1 / NA
c.) If a graduate degree, program’s ability to differ from a
baccalaureate degree.
Yes (pages ____ ) / No / NA
a.) A description of the program’s curriculum design.
Present in Accreditation
Yes (pages 31-40) / No
b.) A listing of the program’s objectives.
Yes (page 11) / No
c.) Indicators which help determine the need for program
revision, including but not limited to program enrollment,
student retention or student graduation rates
Yes (pages 19-30) / No
d.) Methods and approaches in which the concept of learning
through experience is implemented in the program
e.) A review of distance education opportunities that are provided
by the program
f.) A summary of the program’s ability to meet the UWSA’s
"Distance Education Standards for Academic and Student
Support Services"
Yes (page 35) / No
g.) An analysis of the effectiveness of distance education
Yes (pages ____) / No / NA
h.) Examples/ways that the program’s advisory committee
functions and therefore contributes to the program.
Yes (pages 11-13, 19) / No
i.) A description of program components where students
participate in scholarly activity including research,
scholarship, development and creative endeavor (in
accordance with Stout’s mission statement)
Yes (page 34) / No
j.) A description of the accreditation or certification agency that
reviews the program as well as its influence on the structure of
the curriculum
Yes (____) / No2
Please see notes on accompanying pages for item 1.b.
Please see notes on accompanying pages for item 2.1.j
Yes (pages ___ ) / No / NA
Yes (pages ____) / No / NA
a.) A summary of key instructors who teach at least one required
professional course in the program.
b.) An indication of faculty/academic staff expertise that is
Present in Accreditation
Yes (pages 46 - 49) / No
Yes (page 41) / No
a.) A description of special facilities/capital equipment that are
currently available, how they’re utilized and how do they
strengthen this program
b.) A summary of additional facilities (special classrooms, labs,
additional space involving minor construction) that have been
requested and filled
Present in Accreditation
Yes (pages 50-53, 137-141) /
No / NA
Yes (pages ___ ) / No3 / NA
a.) An evaluation of the currency/up-to-datedness, quality,
relevance and quantity of the library resources to support the
b.) A summary of information/service needs that have recently
occurred due to program changes and how they haven’t been
met by the library
c.) A summary of special resources used to meet program and/or
student needs (i.e., Academic Computing, Instructional
Technology Services for curriculum materials development,
ASPIRE, the Research Center, the Media Self-Instruction
Lab, the Academic Skills Center, etc.)
d.) A summary of other needed resources and how such would
enhance or maintain the quality of the program
Present in Accreditation
Yes (pages 53-54, 148-149,
155) / No
Yes (pages ________ ) / No
Yes (pages 51-52) / No
Yes (pages ________ ) / No
a.) An attachment of the most recent Assessment in the Major
b.) A list of the core competencies of the program if such are not
included in the Assessment in the Major report
c.) The means to evaluate the core competencies of the program
Please see notes on accompanying pages for item 2.3.b.
Present in Accreditation
Yes (end of report) / No
Yes (pages 14-17) / No
Yes (pages 14-30) / No
a.) A list of strengths and unique features of the program that
distinguish it from similar programs
b.) A summary of weaknesses of the program
Present in Accreditation
Yes (pages ________ ) / No4
Yes (pages ________ ) / No
a.) A summary of the demand for graduates and anticipated
changes or trends in such positions/roles
Present in Accreditation
Yes (pages ________ ) / No5
b.) An interpretation of data from Institutional Research Office
follow-up studies
Yes (pages ________ ) / No
c.) Interpretation of the major results from student, program
advisory, and key instructor surveys
d.) A summary of how the above three items have influenced the
Yes (pages ________ ) / No6
Yes (pages ________ ) / No7
a.) Evidence of response to the concerns an recommendations
provided in the previous program review
b.) A summary of major improvements/changes that are planned
in the next seven years
Present in Accreditation
Yes (pages ________ ) / No
Yes (pages ________ ) / No8
a.) Other information or documentation that may be helpful to
assess the quality of the program
b.) A summary of responses to additional questions provided by
the PRC consultant(s)
Please see notes on accompanying pages for item 2.6.a.
Please see notes on accompanying pages for item 3.a.
Please see notes on accompanying pages for item 3.c.
Please see notes on accompanying pages for item 3.d.
Please see notes on accompanying pages for item 4.b.
Present in Accreditation
Yes (pages ____) / No / NA
Yes (pages ____) / No / NA
Answers to Selected Questions from PRC External Accreditation Rubric
According to Bachelor's
Degree programs at UW-Stout are expected to meet certain identifiable or measurable
criteria, including the following: (1) fulfill a societal need; (2) have a core of
professional courses required of all students in the major; (3) include general education
requirements for all students consistent with the university's approved General
Education Component; (4) include an assessment process that fosters needed changes in
the program; (5) maintain high standards of quality; (6) require the completion of a
minimum of 120 semester credit hours for graduation; (7) provide the opportunity to be
completed in four calendar years by qualified, full-time resident students; (8) provide for
the inclusion of a minor, concentration or specialization in a student's program whenever
possible; (9) provide for flexibility and the opportunity for individual student choice in
elective courses, the selection of which is based on personal interest, ability or need of
the student and is not a required part of the professional or general education component
of their program; (10) include a core of courses in ethnic studies; (11) safeguard the
integrity of the program by requiring that a substantial portion of credits must be from
UW-Stout. The Plastics Engineering program corresponds to these criteria.
On November 13, 2012 the Plastics Engineering program completed the first site visit
for professional accreditation with ABET (Accreditation Board for Engineering and
Technology). ABET accreditation is the recognized world-wide standard in the areas of
engineering and technology. It is a nonprofit, non-governmental organization that
accredits over 3,100 programs at more than 670 colleges and universities in 24 countries
in the disciplines of applied science, computing, engineering, and engineering
technology1. The process for ABET accreditation involves establishing program
educational objectives, student outcomes and a detailed process for continuous
The Plastics Engineering laboratory (170 Jarvis Hall Technology Wing) has been
recently remodeled. New water-resistant epoxy floors replaced wood parquet flooring
that was continually in need of repair, and a fresh coat of white paint was applied to the
walls. Future remodeling projects involve walling off the materials testing area,
protecting hundreds of thousands of dollars of delicate testing equipment, and installing
windows into the laboratory to increase visibility to prospective and current students
regarding projects and experiments taking place in the plastics lab.
The discipline of Plastics Engineering is extremely unique. Only one other Plastics
Engineering program exists in the US (University of Massachusetts-Lowell). There are
also five Plastics Engineering Technology programs in the US, which are similar
programs, but do not have a strong math and science base in engineering fundamentals.
1 From the ABET website at .
2 See for details
The uniqueness of the program stems from the focus on plastics material science,
plastics part and mold design, and plastics processing (including simulation). Some of
these topics may be covered briefly in fundamental engineering programs like
Mechanical or Chemical Engineering. However, the breadth and depth in plastics does
not exist in the programs as they are very broad-based. Additionally, most material
science and product design courses found in these types of programs focus on metals
and ceramics, as these are the oldest and most well-understood materials. Students
graduating with a degree in Plastics Engineering from UW-Stout have a large advantage
over students from other engineering programs and other universities in the region when
applying for positions at companies that work with plastics, as no other bachelor’s
degree student will be equipped with the skill set our students have.
To date, fourteen students have graduated from the UW-Stout Plastics Engineering
program. Thirteen of the students are currently employed in industry while the other
student is currently pursuing a Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering at the University of
Wisconsin-Madison. While no data currently exists from the Career Services office,
salary ranges for May 2012 graduates (based on verbal feedback from the students) was
between $50,000-$65,000/year. Based on feedback from students graduating December
2012 and May 2013, interest from local industry is increasing as more students have
worked at companies on a co-op or full-time. Most full-time offers to these students
have been between $55,000-$63,000/year.
The Planning and Review Committee released a 20 question survey of students from
seven UW-Stout programs in spring 2012. The Plastics Engineering program is proud to
show that on 18 of the 20 questions, the Plastics Engineering program had the most
favorable responses of all the programs. These questions were focused on laboratory
equipment, qualifications and competency of the faculty, and how prepared they felt
they were for their career. The two questions in which the Plastics Engineering program
did not rate highest, they ranked 2nd and 3rd, and both areas were related to general
education (racial and ethnic studies and global perspectives). I believe this helps to
highlight that the students feel they are engaged in a high quality program that is highly
Other surveys of the program advisory committee have also been reviewed by the
Plastics Engineering faculty and have helped us to address shortcomings, mainly in the
breadth of laboratory equipment we have, but also in course content. Employer and
graduate surveys have also been developed and will be implemented in 2014.
As noted in the previous item, changes have been made or proposed in response to
several of the points noted in recent surveys. It should also be noted that Criterion 4 of
the ABET Self-Study discussed continuous improvement. A key aspect of the process
outlined in the ABET Self-Study involves surveys of alumni and employers. These
surveys will begin in 2014, and survey results will be used to guide program
The ABET Self-Study does not describe planned improvements/changes. However, the
following improvements/changes have been discussed at faculty meetings and will be
implemented in the next seven years. (1) Lab facilities will be improved – including
continued remodeling of 170 Jarvis Hall Technology Wing. (2) Additional relationships
with industry representatives will be established, which will enhance the coop/internship program and will also assist in graduate placement. (3) It is anticipated that
the program will continue to grow in the next 7 years, which may create the need for
additional faculty resources. (4) The program curriculum will be revised for fall 2013 to
reduce credits while improving the engineering content provided to the students.
Self-Study Report
for the
Bachelor of Science in Plastics Engineering
University of Wisconsin-Stout
Menomonie, Wisconsin
June 1, 2012
The information supplied in this Self-Study Report is for the confidential use of ABET and its
authorized agents, and will not be disclosed without authorization of the institution concerned,
except for summary data not identifiable to a specific institution.
Table of Contents
BACKGROUND INFORMATION ............................................................................................... 2
GENERAL CRITERIA .................................................................................................................. 5
CRITERION 1. STUDENTS ......................................................................................................... 5
CRITERION 2. PROGRAM EDUCATIONAL OBJECTIVES ................................................. 10
CRITERION 3. STUDENT OUTCOMES .................................................................................. 14
CRITERION 4. CONTINUOUS IMPROVEMENT ................................................................... 19
CRITERION 5. CURRICULUM................................................................................................. 31
CRITERION 6. FACULTY .......................................................................................................... 41
CRITERION 7. FACILITIES ...................................................................................................... 50
CRITERION 8. INSTITUTIONAL SUPPORT .......................................................................... 55
PROGRAM CRITERIA ............................................................................................................... 58
APPENDICES .............................................................................................................................. 59
Appendix A – Course Syllabi ....................................................................................................... 59
Appendix B – Faculty Vitae ....................................................................................................... 112
Appendix C – Equipment............................................................................................................ 137
Appendix D – Institutional Summary ......................................................................................... 142
Appendix E – Additional Information ........................................................................................ 158
Signature Attesting to Compliance ............................................................................................. 163
Plastics Engineering 2011-2012 ABET Self-Study
Page 1
A. Contact Information
Primary Contact
Dr. Adam Kramschuster
Program Director, B.S. in Plastics Engineering
University of Wisconsin-Stout
817 South Broadway, 330 Fryklund Hall
Menomonie, WI 54751
715/232-1221 (office)
715/232-1330 (fax)
715/379-4540 (mobile)
Secondary Contact
Dr. Richard Rothaupt
Associate Dean, College of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics
University of Wisconsin-Stout
817 South Broadway, 102 Jarvis Hall Science Wing
Menomonie, WI 54751
715/232-5021 (office)
715/232-4056 (fax)
715-308-1043 (mobile)
B. Program History
The University of Wisconsin-Stout was granted authorization to offer a Bachelor of Science
degree in Plastics Engineering by the University of Wisconsin Board of Regents on June 6,
2008 and admitted its first class of 19 students fall of 2009. This will be the first ABET
evaluation since program inception.
The University of Wisconsin-Stout has a long history of academic programs in engineering
and technology that support the workforce requirements of Wisconsin manufacturers. The
UW-Stout B.S in Engineering Technology and the B.S. in Manufacturing Engineering have
components related to the manufacture of plastic products. Close relationships with plastics
manufacturers have resulted in donations of equipment and materials which have developed
the UW-Stout plastics laboratory as one of the most comprehensive in the country. These
companies and plastics organizations had been encouraging UW-Stout for a number of years
to initiate a degree program directly related to their needs.
C. Options
The B.S. in Plastics Engineering does not contain any specific options, tracks or
concentrations. The program requires a total of 132 credits of study and does not have any
elective credits in the 89 professional study credits.
The degree provides an appropriate mixture of theoretical and practical instruction typical of
the offerings of the university. It is a calculus-based program which progresses from a solid
Plastics Engineering 2011-2012 ABET Self-Study
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foundation in mathematics and science through analysis and design. The program emphasizes
design of processing parameters and plastics components and tooling prevalent in the plastics
manufacturing industry. It covers materials selection and testing; processes such as injection
molding, extrusion, thermoforming, blow molding, rotational molding; and process
simulation and analysis.
The Plastics Engineering degree has an applications orientation with a strong emphasis on
laboratory activities and student engineering design projects. Close cooperation between
mathematics, science, and engineering faculty allow students to see the applications of
scientific principles to engineering design early in their programs.
D. Organizational Structure
A matrix organizational structure is used for administration of educational programs at the
University of Wisconsin-Stout. Under this unique system, each academic program is
administered by an assigned program director, responsible for the curriculum structure,
potential student recruitment in conjunction with the University Admissions Office, program
accreditation, advisory board direction, and student advising. The role of the department is
to support but not control the program director by developing and presenting courses as
required by the various programs. Program directors are intended to be agents independent
of the departments, although each is assigned to an appropriate department within which
he/she performs teaching responsibilities. This system is intended to avoid the parochialism
that may result when individual departments control and operate programs. The faculty
member acting as program director receives a .25 release from teaching, a small stipend of
$1,500 and a two week summer contract for freshman and transfer registration.
Because of the diffusion of responsibility for the Plastics Engineering program, the College
of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM College) is the lowest level
organization maintaining operational control of all aspects of the program. It is therefore
considered to be the engineering educational unit. It exercises this responsibility through the
Director of the Plastics Engineering program, Dr. Adam Kramschuster, and faculty and staff
of the Engineering & Technology Department and the Operations Management Department
within the College of Management. Prior to July 2008, the Operations Management
Department was part of the defunct College of Technology, Engineering and Management.
In July 2008, the university reorganized into new college structures and the industrial
engineering discipline faculty, whom reside in the Operations Management Department, now
reside within the College of Management and are outside of STEM College functional
The position of the engineering educational unit within the University is shown on the
organizational chart in Appendix D, Figure D.1. The organizational structure of the College
of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics is provided in Appendix D, Figure
Plastics Engineering 2011-2012 ABET Self-Study
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E. Program Delivery Modes
The B.S. in Plastics Engineering program is offered as an on-campus undergraduate program
in a traditional daytime delivery mode. Classes are offered only face-to-face. Occasionally,
a course that can be taken as a professional development course through the Continuing
Education Office may be offered in evenings.
Most courses are a combination of lecture/laboratory with the laboratory experience ranging
from basic experimentation and material testing to full project-based semester long capstone
F. Program Locations
The B.S. in Plastics Engineering is only available at the home campus of UW-Stout in
Menomonie, Wisconsin.
G. Deficiencies, Weaknesses or Concerns from Previous Evaluation(s) and the Actions
Taken to Address Them
The B.S. in Plastics Engineering is pursuing initial accreditation with EAC-ABET.
H. Joint Accreditation
The B.S. in Plastics Engineering is only seeking EAC accreditation and is not pursuing a
joint accreditation with another commission.
Plastics Engineering 2011-2012 ABET Self-Study
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A. Student Admissions
All University of Wisconsin-Stout freshmen are either admitted directly to the degree
program to which they apply or to an undeclared category. New students are admitted into
the engineering programs based on the published admission requirements which are more
restrictive than the university general admission requirements. These requirements are
published in the undergraduate bulletin and listed in the program website. They are stated
below for clarity in their entirety.
Freshmen or Transfer students will be admitted to the Plastics Engineering program IF AT LEAST ONE OF
Both “Test A” AND “Test B” below are satisfied:
Test A
Test B
Student has transferred or taken EITHER of the following CALCULUS courses with a grade of “B”
or better (Note: a grade of “B-” is not sufficient):
Student must have an overall ACT score of 22 or higher,
Student must be in the upper 40% of his/her high school graduating class.
Student must have an ACT MATH score of 22 or higher.
Calculus I
Calculus and Analytic Geometry I
Student has transferred or taken and passed the following sequence of courses with a grade point of
2.0 (on a 4.0 scale) or higher for this sequence of courses:
Calculus I (or MATH-156 Calculus and Analytic Geometry I)
Calculus II (or MATH-157 Calculus and Analytic Geometry II)
University Physics I
College Chemistry I
A freshmen or transfer student who qualifies for admission under any of the above
requirements is automatically placed into the Plastics Engineering program. A freshmen or
transfer student who does not qualify for admission under the above requirements is
automatically placed into the PRE-Plastics Engineering program. This designation requires
the students to meet either requirement 2 or requirement 3 to be fully admitted into the
program. A Transfer Admission Worksheet is utilized to evaluate a student request, filed
through the program change process administered by the university Advisement Center. A
copy of the Transfer Admission Worksheet is located in Appendix E. As part of the
advisement process, these PRE program students are advised by the program director.
Periodically, the program director monitors this group of students to determine if adequate
progress toward gaining acceptance is being made.
Plastics Engineering 2011-2012 ABET Self-Study
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B. Evaluating Student Performance
Several processes are utilized to ensure students meet the educational objectives of the
 Many program materials are available online to help ensure students are aware of the
program requirements.
Students and advisors can easily obtain an Academic Advisement Report (AAR).
Online registration system.
Academic warning systems run through the Dean of Students Office.
How these methods help ensure student performance is explained below.
Program Materials. The program and university requirements for the degree of Plastics
Engineering are clearly communicated through the Program Plan Sheet. This is the official
plan the students are required to fulfill to receive the degree. In addition to this document, a
Program Flowchart or a Suggested Course Sequence is available for use. These documents
show program requirements and a suggested eight semester timeline. One valuable feature of
the flowchart is the indication of the course prerequisite structure. It should be noted that
these materials are available at any time to the students through the program website at: A copy of the Program Plan Sheet, the
Program Flowchart, and the eight semester Program Plan and Sequence is provided in
Appendix E.
Common Advising Database. Beginning Spring 2010 program students and all university
advisors started to use Access Stout to assess student progress using their Academic
Advisement Report. This system has provided a system that allows students and each of
their advisors use of a common document that contains current information. The system
allows users to produce an unofficial transcript, a program specific advising report which
shows classes completed and coursework yet to be completed, a “what if” report which
allows students to evaluate possibilities of changing academic programs. Advisors also have
access to a database which has scanned copies of transfer student transcripts and a course
transfer equivalency report.
Course Registration System. UW-Stout uses an online registration system that is integrated
with the common database to ensure that prerequisites are met. Students are not permitted to
register for a course unless all prerequisites are met or the instructor of the course approves
an override of the system.
Faculty Advisors. Each faculty member teaching in the program advises students but the
bulk of the advisement falls to the program director. The program director has the ability to
substitute courses normally required in the program and also to accept transfer courses into
the program from transfer institutions which do not have a formalized articulation
Academic Probation and Dismissal. In order to earn an undergraduate degree from UWStout, students must complete their degree requirements with a minimum cumulative GPA of
2.0-2.75, depending on the degree program. It is not in their best interest, nor the University’s
Plastics Engineering 2011-2012 ABET Self-Study
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to let a student continue studies indefinitely if they are not achieving at the minimal level.
The probation and dismissal policy is in place to:
warn a student when they are not meeting minimal academic standards, and when
improvement is necessary to continue in attendance
dismiss a student from the university if they should fall below a 1.0 GPA in any term,
or if their probationary status continues beyond one term.
A student will be placed on academic probation for the succeeding semester if they achieve a
1.0 or better, but their cumulative GPA falls between 1.0-2.0. Failure to achieve a
cumulative grade point average of 2.0 or above during their academic probation period will
result in academic dismissal.
A student will be placed on academic dismissal if their semester GPA falls below 1.0. Any
student on probation will be dismissed at the end of the next semester enrolled if their
cumulative GPA is, again, at a probationary level, unless they achieve a semester GPA of 2.5
with 12 or more earned credits. If a student is academically dismissed, he/she is ineligible to
continue enrollment, and may not be readmitted before the lapse of at least one semester.
C. Transfer Students and Transfer Courses
Transfer students apply via the normal UW-Stout admissions process. In order for a transfer
student to be accepted directly into the Plastics Engineering program the student must have
satisfied the admission requirements stated in section A above. Courses completed at other
institutions which have descriptions that closely match the courses taught at UW-Stout
generally will transfer as a direct course equivalent. Courses which do not have prior
approval for direct transfer are referred to the program director for review of appropriateness
of transfer to satisfy program requirements. Other courses may be accepted as university
Transfer students work closely with the UW-Stout Transfer Coordinator, Linda Young, who
is located in the University Admissions Office. The transfer coordinator does the initial
evaluation of all transcripts and automatically transfers all course work which has already
been approved for articulation. The program director reviews the transfer evaluation report
and may make changes or additions when appropriate. Each transfer student meets with the
program director before the start of their first semester to review the report and plan their
path through the program.
A transfer articulation agreement has been established between the University of WisconsinStout Plastics Engineering program and the University of Wisconsin-Colleges (consisting of
thirteen 2 year campuses around the State of Wisconsin). Another articulation agreement is
currently under investigation with Itasca Community College (Grand Rapids, MN). These
articulation agreements are a means of helping qualified engineering students make a
successful transition to the university. Students that transfer from these institutions typically
are very successful in completing the engineering degrees into which they transfer and have a
very low attrition rate. A very stringent course-by-course evaluation is utilized in setting up
one of these agreements. The courses are evaluated for topical coverage against the same
course equivalencies at Stout.
Plastics Engineering 2011-2012 ABET Self-Study
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Transfer course work which receives a grade of D (1.0 on a 4.00 scale) may be accepted for
transfer and included in the students grade point average but depending on the course may or
may not be used to satisfy program requirements.
D. Advising and Career Guidance
The process for advising and providing career guidance to Plastics Engineering students has
multiple facets.
 The freshman advising system
Required attendance at a formal Advisement Day
Plastics Engineering faculty advisors
Career Services Office
Student advising is split between a freshman advising system conducted through the
university Advisement Center and faculty advisement coordinated at the program level by the
program director.
Freshman Student Advisement. The freshman class of each program has one professional
advisor from the university wide Advisement Center which advises all freshmen during their
first year of college. The freshman advisor meets with students as a group and individually
multiple times over the course of the first year. The advisor not only performs academic
advisement but helps students with orientation to the university system. The students are
handed off to their program specific faculty advisor about midway through the spring
semester during the campus wide Advisement Day.
Advisement Day. Each semester one day is reserved for student advisement and no classes
are held. Plastics Engineering holds a mandatory group meeting each semester during the
campus Advisement Day which immediately precedes the start of registration for the
following term. During meetings students are informed of things such as; program changes,
new courses or minors on campus that may be of interest to them, opportunities for co-ops
and study abroad options. Time is usually provided to the student professional organization
to talk about upcoming events and other topics of interest. Additional advisement is
available upon request to the student’s faculty advisor or program director but is not
Plastics Engineering Faculty. All Plastics Engineering students are currently advised by the
Plastics Engineering program director. Starting fall 2012 the students will be divided among
program faculty. The faculty advisor works with students individually to help plan their
academic program and career guidance. A faculty member also acts as the advisor for the
Society of Plastics Engineers (SPE) student chapter.
Career Services Office. University of Wisconsin-Stout has a truly outstanding Office of
Career Services. Students, faculty and employers continually provide high marks for ease of
use and professional service. The office is integrated throughout most academic programs
and provides coordination of co-operative work experiences, assistance with job searches and
coordination of one of the largest Career Fairs in the region where over 300 employers come
to campus for three or four days. Appendix D, Table D.4 provides a listing of services
Plastics Engineering 2011-2012 ABET Self-Study
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provided by the office. Career Services works closely with the program director to establish
co-operative work experiences, act as the collection point of student reports and employer
evaluations submitted to fulfill requirements for the course. The office provides funds to
faculty to help offset costs for travel related to co-op site development. The office also
awards a yearly Meritorious Co-op Award to students who have completed an outstanding
work experience at their co-op location.
E. Work in Lieu of Courses
Students are required to complete at least one credit of cooperative education in the Plastics
Engineering program. Most students pursue a summer co-op but others complete a full term
and summer experience. The engineering programs do not allow un-paid work experiences.
The cooperative work experience is transcripted with credit and a grade is assigned by the
faculty mentor who reviews student reports and employer evaluations.
F. Graduation Requirements
The semester before the student expects to graduate they must make an appointment with the
program director to review their transcript. This hopefully provides sufficient time to correct
any course deficiencies during the student’s final semester. During the students final
semester they must apply for graduation with the Registrar’s Office. The application to
graduate begins a process where the registrar reviews the student’s transcript for graduation
and informs the student and program director if there are any deficiencies. With the common
database in the PeopleSoft software used on campus, students, faculty and the registrar all see
the same information. Use of the Academic Advising Report allows all to see the degree
requirements, transfer credits and any substitutions in an easy to read format (once trained).
G. Transcripts of Recent Graduates
Transcripts from some of the most recent graduates are submitted along with this self-study
report. Additional information concerning transfer credit evaluation is attached to the
transcript. The degree, confer date, degree status, major and minor if appropriate is specified
in the transcript on the final page.
Plastics Engineering 2011-2012 ABET Self-Study
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A. Mission Statement
Mission of the University of Wisconsin System
The mission of the University of Wisconsin System is to develop human resources, to
discover and disseminate knowledge, to extend knowledge and its application beyond the
boundaries of its campuses, and to serve and stimulate society by developing in students
heightened intellectual, cultural, and humane sensitivities, scientific, professional and
technological expertise, and a sense of purpose. Inherent in this broad mission are methods of
instruction, research, extended training, and public service designed to educate people and
improve the human condition. Basic to every purpose of the UW System is the search for
Mission of University of Wisconsin-Stout
University of Wisconsin-Stout is a career-focused, comprehensive polytechnic university
where diverse students, faculty and staff integrate applied learning, scientific theory,
humanistic understanding, creativity and research to solve real-world problems, grow the
economy and serve a global society.
University of Wisconsin-Stout will build on its position as a distinguished polytechnic
institution and as an international leader in higher education. We prepare lifelong
learners, ethical leaders and responsible citizens through collaborative programs that
integrate applied learning, theory and research with business, education, industry, arts
and government.
 The advancement of academic excellence;
 The nobility of spirit, a diversity of people, respect and inclusion for all;
 The pursuit of innovation, technology and sustainability with a constant eye to the
 The ideals of collaboration, competence and continuous improvement;
 The commitment to education as a means to illuminate the lives of all.
Mission Statement of the College of Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics
Educating students to be life-long learners through an innovative approach to learning that
combines theory, practice and experimentation in science, technology, engineering and
We value:
 Quality teaching which actively engages our students in learning. We use best
practices to innovatively teach a curriculum which is career focused and meets
present global demands.
 Applied and original research and scholarship by faculty, staff and students. This
promotes continuous learning, professional development, and collaborations in
the Stout community and with outside partners.
Plastics Engineering 2011-2012 ABET Self-Study
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Active participation in the university, local and global communities through
service and citizenship.
High standards of ethical behavior, integrity, and trust in an inclusive and
respectful environment.
A supportive, positive and engaging workplace for faculty, staff and students.
Inspiring present and future generations of innovators, teachers, and enlightened
B. Program Educational Objectives
The program educational objectives support the missions of the institution and of the college.
The objectives are published on the Plastics Engineering program website and can be found
by the general public at
The Plastics Engineering program develops plastics engineers who are:
 In demand by plastics industry employers
 Recognized for their ability to apply engineering expertise in the plastics industry
 Recognized for their leadership and teamwork skills
 Demonstrating continued career growth and professional development
These Program Educational Objectives were approved by the Plastics Engineering Program
Advisory Committee in 2011 and revised 2012.
C. Consistency of the Program Educational Objectives with the Mission of the Institution
The Plastics Engineering program educational objectives closely align with the institutional
and college mission statements. The Plastics Engineering program will provide a high
quality education that will enable graduates of the program to be successful professionals and
valued citizens thereby fulfilling the university and college mission statements.
D. Program Constituencies
The program constituencies consist of the faculty, Advisory Board, alumni, employers,
students and the state of Wisconsin.
Faculty: Stout faculty teaching core program courses and advising program students.
Advisory Board: The advisory board consists of faculty, alumni, employers and students.
The advisory board meets twice a year to discuss program issues.
Alumni: Graduates of the program are contacted by the UW-Stout office of Planning,
Assessment, Research and Quality (PARQ). The graduates are provided surveys that are
used to assess whether program objectives are being met.
Employers: Companies that have and continue to hire program graduates. The PARQ office
surveys employers to assess whether program objectives are being met.
Students: Informal and formal methods of student feedback. Students have representation
on the program advisory board, and complete an exit survey during their final semester.
State of Wisconsin: The program graduates are critical to the growth of the state economy.
Plastics Engineering 2011-2012 ABET Self-Study
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Each of these constituencies supplies important information in the direction of program. The
engineering faculty has primary responsibility for curriculum, instruction and advising of the
students. Faculty are also primarily responsible for direction of the laboratory facilities and
equipment. The Advisory Board is highly valued for immediate input related to the skills
they are looking for from graduates and making faculty aware of new practices in the
industry. Alumni can share a valuable perspective on what they feel their education has
allowed them to do. They are the product of the program and hopefully will become strong
supporters and donors. Employers demonstrate support for the program by hiring well
trained graduates and providing cooperative work experiences for current students. Current
students provide valuable feedback for program improvement because they are immediately
affected by changes in curriculum, facilities, faculty, advising and many times have very
current industrial practice related to their cooperative work experience. Finally, the State of
Wisconsin is the beneficiary of a well trained workforce and provides funding for
continuation of the program.
E. Process for Revision of the Program Educational Objectives
Program educational objectives (PEOs) are derived from the program mission statement.
The PEOs were originally written during program development starting in the summer of
2007 with the drafting of the Authorization to Implement Degree planning document for the
University of Wisconsin-System Board of Regents. The draft PEOs were revised in the
summer of 2009 by the core Plastics Engineering faculty. The current version of the PEOs
was approved by the Plastics Engineering Advisory Committee during the regularly
scheduled spring meeting on February 18th, 2011.
Since this self-study is the first time the program is undergoing an ABET review we have not
completed an entire cycle of PEO evaluation. Some constituents such as alumni and
employers of graduates have not yet provided input to the PEOs. Table 2.1 illustrates the
proposed schedule for gathering feedback pertaining to PEOs. Table 2.2 reflects the
development cycle of the current PEOs.
Table 2.1 Proposed Schedule of Constituent Input to PEOs
Input Method
Alumni Survey
Employer Survey
Program Advisory Committee
Every 3 years
Every 3 years
As needed – available annually
Program Faculty Meetings
Available as frequently as needed
Alumni 2-5 years out
Industrial representatives,
employees, current faculty
Table 2.2 Summary of Development of PEOs
PEO Development
Draft of Original PEO
Revision to create more succinct,
focused set of PEOs
Proposing Constituency
Faculty and Advisory Committee
Advisory Committee
Plastics Engineering 2011-2012 ABET Self-Study
Approval Date
Summer 2007
Spring 2011
Page 12
The diagram below shows the relationship between the Program Mission, the Program
Educational Objectives and the Student Outcomes. Constituents have a direct line of input
into the PEOs though participation in advisory boards; student, employer and alumni
surveys; faculty meetings and informal feedback to the faculty and program director.
Assess &
Feedback for
with Performance
Collection, Analysis
of Evidence
Interpretation of
Evidence by Faculty and
Appropriate Committees
Figure 2.1 Diagram depicting continuous improvement process
Plastics Engineering 2011-2012 ABET Self-Study
Page 13
A. Student Outcomes
The University of Wisconsin-Stout's use of the term “student outcome” is consistent with the
EAC to mean the knowledge, skills, attitudes and/or behaviors that students should be able to
demonstrate by the time of graduation that prepare them to attain the program educational
objectives. The student outcomes for the plastics engineering program are listed below. The
faculty have identified one additional student outcome (l) to emphasize the applied polymer
materials science portion of the program.
(a) an ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science, and engineering
(b) an ability to design and conduct experiments, as well as to analyze and interpret data
(c) an ability to design a system, component, or process to meet desired needs within
realistic constraints such as economic, environmental, social, political, ethical, health
and safety, manufacturability, and sustainability
(d) an ability to function on multidisciplinary teams
(e) an ability to identify, formulate, and solve engineering problems
(f) an understanding of professional and ethical responsibility
(g) an ability to communicate effectively
(h) the broad education necessary to understand the impact of engineering solutions in a
global, economic, environmental, and societal context
(i) a recognition of the need for, and an ability to engage in life-long learning
(j) a knowledge of contemporary issues
(k) an ability to use the techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for
engineering practice
(l) apply knowledge of the material properties of plastics to part design and processing
B. Relationship of Student Outcomes to Program Educational Objectives
The Plastics Engineering program educational objectives are listed in Criterion 2.B. The
relationship between the student outcomes that support program educational objectives is
summarized in Table 3.1. For instance, all of the defined student outcomes are applicable to
preparing students to be in demand by employers. Student outcomes a, b, c, e, h, i, k, and l
serve to build the expertise required of new engineers. Student outcomes d, f, g, h, i, and j
serve to develop the leadership and teamwork skills desired of today’s plastics engineer.
Student outcomes i, j and k serve to encourage students to continue their professional
Plastics Engineering 2011-2012 ABET Self-Study
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Table 3.1 Program educational objectives and supporting student outcomes
In demand by
plastics industry
Recognized for
their ability to
expertise in the
plastics industry
Recognized for
their leadership
and teamwork
career growth
Student Outcomes
(a) an ability to apply
knowledge of mathematics,
science, and engineering
(b) an ability to design and
conduct experiments, as well as
to analyze and interpret data
(c) an ability to design a
system, component, or process
to meet desired needs within
realistic constraints such as
economic, environmental,
social, political, ethical, health
and safety, manufacturability,
and sustainability
(d) an ability to function on
multidisciplinary teams
(e) an ability to identify,
formulate, and solve
engineering problems
(f) an understanding of
professional and ethical
(g) an ability to communicate
(h) the broad education
necessary to understand the
impact of engineering solutions
in a global, economic,
environmental, and societal
(i) a recognition of the need for,
and an ability to engage in lifelong learning
(j) a knowledge of
contemporary issues
(k) an ability to use the
techniques, skills, and modern
engineering tools necessary for
engineering practice
(l) Apply knowledge of the
material properties of plastics
to part design and processing
Plastics Engineering 2011-2012 ABET Self-Study
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To ensure consistent and reliable assessment of each student outcome, a set of performance
indicators have been defined for each outcome, which are shown in Table 3.2. Rubrics
which reflect the performance indicators have been developed for each student outcome. A
sample rubric is shown in Table 3.3.
Table 3.2 Student outcomes mapped to performance indicators
Student Outcomes
(a) an ability to apply knowledge of
mathematics, science, and engineering
(b) an ability to design and conduct
experiments, as well as to analyze and
interpret data
(c) an ability to design a system,
component, or process to meet desired
needs within realistic constraints such as
economic, environmental, social,
political, ethical, health and safety,
manufacturability, and sustainability
(d) an ability to function on
multidisciplinary teams
(e) an ability to identify, formulate, and
solve engineering problems
(f) an understanding of professional and
ethical responsibility
(g) an ability to communicate effectively
(h) the broad education necessary to
understand the impact of engineering
solutions in a global, economic,
environmental, and societal context
(i) a recognition of the need for, and an
ability to engage in life-long learning
Performance Indicators
 Ability to apply knowledge of mathematics
 Ability to apply knowledge of engineering science
 Demonstrate understanding of the requirements and
planning process for experimental design
 Demonstrate proficiency in conducting experiments
 Demonstrate proficiency in organization and manipulation
of collected data using proper tools (e.g. software)
 Demonstrate proficiency in interpretation and development
of conclusions from data analysis using proper tools (e.g.
 Ability to design a system, component, or process within
specified constraints
 Ability to conduct system, component, or process
 System, component, or process took economic,
environmental, societal, etc., issues into account
 Engages others with a cooperative attitude
 Contributes to the mission, goals, and outcomes of the team
 Demonstrate the ability to identify engineering problems
 Formulate strategies and methods needed to solve
engineering problems
 Demonstrate the ability to solve engineering problems
 Knowledge of Standardized Code of Ethics
 Participation in Ethical Discussions
 Identify and Apply Ethics in Case studies
 Take actions: e.g. analyze failed plastics to find the cause
and improve design to be more responsible
 Organization
 Use of visual aids
 Delivery
 Research and Information Gathering
 Organization and Writing Style
 Use of Supporting Graphics
 Professionalism
 Technical Periodicals in Manufacturing and Plastics
 Valuation of Engineering Discipline
 Impact of Manufacturing and Plastics Engineering activities
on the Environment and National Economy
 Ability to select an optimal solution based on Technology
and Economic factors
 Ability to learn independently
 Technical society affiliation
Plastics Engineering 2011-2012 ABET Self-Study
Page 16
(j) a knowledge of contemporary issues
(k) an ability to use the techniques, skills,
and modern engineering tools necessary
for engineering practice
(l) apply knowledge of the material
properties of plastics to part design and
Global impact
Economic impact
Societal impact
Political/cultural impact
Utilize commercial simulation software to assist with
mold/die design
Can analyze and apply results from commercial simulation
software to help optimize process conditions
Can analyze and apply results from commercial simulation
software to help optimize process conditions
Understand general material properties and be able to
characterize them
Examine the relation between chemical structure and
material properties
Plastics Engineering 2011-2012 ABET Self-Study
Page 17
Table 3.3 Rubric used to assess student outcome L
Outcome L Rubric: An understanding of molecular structure and its relation to material properties
Performance Indicators
(S = 1)
(S = 2)
(S = 3)
Knowledge of chemical
structures of common
plastics and the
Student is not aware of any
chemical structure of
Student is aware of
chemical structures of
some common plastics but
not familiar with any
technique to characterize
the structures
Student knows chemical
structures of common
plastics and is aware of the
techniques used to identify
the structures
Student knows chemical
structures of most plastics
and is able to use at least
one technique to identify
the structures
Is not aware of any physical
or chemical properties of
Knows the general
properties of plastics but
does not know how to
characterize them.
Understand most important
material properties and is
able to characterize at least
one of the properties
Understands most
important material
properties and is able to
characterize two or more
Is not aware of any relation
between the structure and
material properties
Is aware of some relation
between the structure and
properties but is not able to
identify any relation
Understands the relation
between the structure and
properties and is able to
identify at least one
Understands the relation
between the structure and
properties and is able to
identify at least two
Weight (W = 0.33)
Understand general
material properties and
be able to characterize
(S = 4)
(P = W * S)
Weight (W = 0.33)
Examine the relation
between chemical
structure and material
Weight (W = 0.34)
Total Score (TP = ΣP)
Overall Performance
Criterion: TP ≥ 2.5
TP ≤ 1
Plastics Engineering 2011-2012 ABET Self-Study
1 ≤ TP ≤ 2
3 ≤ TP ≤ 4
TP = 4
Page 18
The continuous improvement process for the Plastics Engineering program involves assessing
the degree of attainment of the program educational objectives and the student outcomes:
evaluating the assessment results; identifying improvement needs and opportunities; and
implementing the indicated program improvements. Coordination and leadership for this process
is assigned to the Plastics Engineering program faculty. Reports and recommended action by this
committee are reviewed and must be approved by the Plastics Engineering program advisory
committee. This process and a summary of the results follows first for the program educational
objectives and secondly for the student outcomes.
A. Program Educational Objectives
Table 4.1 contains information about the assessment of the program educational objectives.
Table 4.1 Assessment process for the program educational objectives
Educational Objective
Method(s) of
Length of
Cycle (Yrs)
Years of
Target for
1. In demand by plastics
industry employers
and Alumni
3 years
2. Recognized for their
ability to apply
engineering expertise
in the plastics
and Alumni
3 years
and Alumni
3 years
3 years
3. Recognized for their
leadership and
teamwork skills
4. Demonstrating
continued career
growth and
Results 2012: The plastics engineering employers and alumni will be surveyed in 2014 for
the first time regarding program educational objectives. The Planning,
Assessment, Research, and Quality (PARQ) office conducts the follow-up
surveys of both employers and alumni on an annual basis. Copies of both
surveys are included below.
Documentation: The assessment and evaluation documentation will be in digital format and
maintained by the college ABET coordinator. It will be accessible on the
intranet and available for review by all faculty.
Plastics Engineering 2011-2012 ABET Self-Study
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University of Wisconsin-Stout
Employer Feedback Survey
Graduates of the Bachelor of Science in Plastics Engineering Program
To what extent is this Plastics Engineering graduate
knowledgeable about contemporary engineering issues?
To what extent is the Stout graduate that gave you this
survey capable of functioning on a multi-disciplinary
3. Please indicate the type(s) of engineering function(s) the Stout graduate that gave you this survey
process development
product design
preventive maintenance
quality control
prototype development
economic justifications
other (please specify)
process engineering
computer aided manufacturing
continuous improvement
material testing/characterization
process improvement
lean manufacturing implementation
machine design
facilities layout
tooling design
equipment procurement
project management
4. Please check off the type(s) of leadership function(s) the Stout graduate that gave you this survey
team leader
engineering supervisor
production supervisor
project manager
other (please specify)
team facilitator
5. Please identify any areas of concern your company may have related to the education that UW-Stout
B.S. in Plastics Engineering graduates receive. Are there areas of knowledge or skills that UW-Stout
Plastics Engineering graduates should have, but currently do not possess? Use back of page if
6. How many UW-Stout Bachelors of Science in Plastics Engineering graduates are employed by your
Assuming you had an open position within your company, would you hire another graduate of UWStout’s Plastics Engineering program?
If no, please describe why.
Plastics Engineering 2011-2012 ABET Self-Study
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University of Wisconsin-Stout
Graduate Follow-up Survey
Graduates of the Bachelor of Science in Plastics Engineering Program
1. What is your title within the organization you work?
2. Since graduation, have you received a promotion?
3. Since graduation, how much has your salary increased? __________________
4. Have you been recruited by another company while working as an engineer since graduation? Yes No
5. Please list any awards and recognition you have received in your job(s) since graduation.
6. Please list the types of engineering projects you have been involved with in your job(s).
7. Please check off the type(s) of engineering function(s) you perform.
process development
product design
preventive maintenance
quality control
prototype development
lean manufacturing
process engineering
computer aided manufacturing
continuous improvement
material testing/characterization
process improvement
machine design
facilities layout
tooling design
equipment procurement
project management
other (please specify)
8. Please check off the type(s) of leadership function(s) you perform.
team leader
engineering supervisor
production supervisor
project manager
team facilitator
other (please specify)
9. List the budget responsibilities you’ve had during your employment.
10. Describe your work involving teams during your employment.
11. Please list the professional development activities (i.e., seminars, workshops, graduate courses,
presentations, etc.) you have participated in since graduation.
12. Please list the professional societies you are a member of.
13. Have you held any leadership positions within professional societies since graduation? Yes No
If yes, please list them.
14. Please list any professional certifications you have obtained since graduation.
15. Have you enrolled in graduate school since your bachelor degree from UW-Stout? Yes No
If yes, what is the program/school, degree, and what is your date (or anticipated date) of graduation?
16. Please identify any areas of concern you may have related to the education that UW-Stout B.S. in
Plastics Engineering graduates receive. Are there areas of knowledge or skills that UW-Stout
Plastics Engineering graduates should have, but currently do not possess? Please use the back of
this page.
Plastics Engineering 2011-2012 ABET Self-Study
Page 21
B. Student Outcomes
The assessment of student outcomes is performed on a six-year cycle. The cycle that is in use
for the current ABET cycle is illustrated in Table 4.2.
Table 4.2 Planned data collection for 2011-2017 ABET cycle
Student Outcome
An ability to apply knowledge of mathematics,
science and engineering.
An ability to design and conduct experiments, as
well as to analyze and interpret data.
An ability to design a system, component, or
process to meet desired needs within realistic
constraints such as economic, environmental, social,
political, health and safety, manufacturability and
An ability to function on multidisciplinary teams.
An ability to identify, formulate, and solve
engineering problems.
An understanding of professional and ethical
An ability to communicate effectively.
The broad education necessary to understand the
impact of engineering solutions in a global,
economic, environmental, and societal context.
A recognition of the need for, and the ability to
engage in life-long learning.
A knowledge of contemporary issues.
An ability to use the techniques, skills and modern
engineering tools necessary for engineering
Apply knowledge of the material properties of
plastics to part design and processing.
Although data is only collected every three years, there are activities taking place for each
outcome every year. The cycle of activity is shown in Table 4.3.
Table 4.3 Cycle of activity for each student outcome over 6 year period:
Activity for each Student Outcome
Review of performance indicators that define the
Review the map of educational strategies related
to performance indicators
Review mapping and identify where data will be
Develop and/or review assessment methods used
to assess performance indicators
Collect data
Evaluate assessment data including processes
Report findings
Take action where necessary
Year 1
Year 2
Year 3
Year 4
Plastics Engineering 2011-2012 ABET Self-Study
Year 6
Year 5
Page 22
Each outcome has been mapped to the engineering courses and is depicted in Table 4.4. This
map was used to make decisions about where the summative data would be collected.
Table 4.4 Outcomes Mapping for INMGT, MECH, MFGE, and PLE Courses
* The initial offering of PLE-420 was scheduled for Spring 2012. The department was not able to offer this
course in Spring 2012 and it will be offered for the first time in Spring 2013. MFGE-441, Design of Jigs and
Fixtures, was used as an appropriate course substitution in Spring 2012.
As identified in Table 4.2, results for student outcomes A, B, E, and H have been collected
during the 2011-2012 academic year. These results will be presented in the following tables.
Each table represents a student outcome, the performance indicators utilized for assessing
that student outcome, the method of assessment, where it is assessed, when and how often,
and the target for performance. In the case of the remaining eight student outcomes, the
assessment strategy has been identified but no data have yet been collected. It is anticipated
that data will be collected twice for each student outcome over a six-year cycle.
Student Outcome A: An ability to identify, formulate, and solve engineering problems
1. Ability to apply
knowledge of
2. Ability to apply
knowledge of
engineering science
Method(s) of
data are
Length of
cycle (yrs)
of data collection
Target for
Final exam
3 years
Fall 2011
Fall 2014
≥ 2.5
Final exam
3 years
Fall 2011
Fall 2014
≥ 2.5
Assessment Results 2011:
Assessment data for Performance Indicators (PI) #1 and #2 were collected in MFGE-391
during the fall 2011 semester. Faculty used data from final exam question #27 and the
multiple choice section of the exam, respectively, to complete the scoring rubric for PI #1
and PI #2. The average rubric score for PI #1 was 2.5/4.0 and the average rubric score for PI
#2 was 2.4/4.0, for a combined average of 2.46/4.0.
Plastics Engineering 2011-2012 ABET Self-Study
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Evaluation and Actions:
As indicated in Table 4.3, the 2011 assessment results will be reviewed and evaluated during
the 2012-2013 academic year. The results will be reported and any needed corrective actions
will be taken. The performance indicators used for outcome A will also be reviewed at that
Student Outcome B: An ability to design and conduct experiments, as well as to analyze
and interpret data
1. Demonstrate
understanding of
the requirements
and planning
process for
2. Demonstrate
proficiency in
3. Demonstrate
proficiency in
organization and
manipulation of
collected data using
proper tools (e.g.
4. Demonstrate
proficiency in
interpretation and
development of
conclusions from
data analysis using
proper tools (e.g.
Method(s) of
Where data
Length of
cycle (yrs)
of data collection
Target for
Term project
3 years
Fall 2011
Fall 2014
≥ 2.5
Term project
3 years
Fall 2011
Fall 2014
≥ 2.5
Term project
3 years
Fall 2011
Fall 2014
≥ 2.5
Term Project
3 years
Fall 2011
Fall 2014
≥ 2.5
Assessment Results 2011:
Assessment data for Performance Indicators (PI) #1, #2, #3, and #4 were collected in
INMGT-422 during the fall 2011 semester. Faculty used data from the term project, to
complete the scoring rubric for PI #1, #2, #3, and #4. The average rubric scores were
2.375/4.0 for PI #, 2.0/4.0 for PI #2, 2.0/4.0 for PI #3 and 1.875/4.0 for PI #4, for a combined
average of 2.06/4.0.
Plastics Engineering 2011-2012 ABET Self-Study
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Evaluation and Actions:
As indicated in Table 4.3, the 2011 assessment results will be reviewed and evaluated during
the 2012-2013 academic year. The results will be reported and any needed corrective actions
will be taken. The performance indicators used for outcome B will also be reviewed at that
Student Outcome C: An ability to design a system, component, or process to meet
desired needs within realistic constraints such as economic, environmental, social,
political, health and safety, manufacturability and sustainability
1. Ability to design a
system, component,
or process within
2. Ability to conduct
system, component,
or process
3. System,
component, or
process took
societal, etc. issues
into account
Method(s) of
Where data
Length of
cycle (yrs)
of data collection
Target for
3 years
Spring 2013
Spring 2016
≥ 2.5
3 years
Spring 2013
Spring 2016
≥ 2.5
3 years
Spring 2013
Spring 2016
≥ 2.5
*TBD = to be determined
Assessment Results 2013:
According to the data collection strategy proposed in Table 4.2, data for student outcome C
will not be collected until spring 2013.
Student Outcome D: An ability to function on multidisciplinary teams
1. Engages others
with a cooperative
2. Contributes to the
mission, goals, and
outcomes of the
Method(s) of
Where data
Length of
cycle (yrs)
Plastics Engineering 2011-2012 ABET Self-Study
of data collection
Target for
3 years
Fall 2012
Fall 2015
≥ 2.5
3 years
Fall 2012
Fall 2015
≥ 2.5
Page 25
Assessment Results 2012:
According to the data collection strategy proposed in Table 4.2, data for student outcome D
will not be collected until fall 2012.
Student Outcome E: An ability to identify, formulate, and solve engineering problems
1. Demonstrate the
ability to identify
2. Formulate
strategies and
methods needed to
solve engineering
3. Demonstrate the
ability to solve
Method(s) of
Where data
Length of
cycle (yrs)
of data collection
Target for
Final exam
3 years
Spring 2012
Spring 2015
≥ 2.5
3 years
Spring 2012
Spring 2015
≥ 2.5
3 years
Spring 2012
Spring 2015
≥ 2.5
Assessment Results 2012:
Assessment data for Performance Indicators (PI) #1, #2, and #3 were collected in MECH-294
during the spring 2012 semester. Faculty used data from question #3 on the final exam to
complete the scoring rubric for PI #1, #2, and #3. The average rubric scores were 3.0/4.0 for
PI #, 2.52/4.0 for PI #2, and 2.52/4.0 for PI #3, for a combined average of 2.68/4.0.
Evaluation and Actions:
As indicated in Table 4.3, the 2011 assessment results will be reviewed and evaluated during
the 2012-2013 academic year. The results will be reported and any needed corrective actions
will be taken. The performance indicators used for outcome E will also be reviewed at that
Student Outcome F: An understanding of professional and ethical responsibility
1. Knowledge of
standardized code
of ethics
2. Participation in
ethical discussions
Method(s) of
Where data
Length of
cycle (yrs)
Plastics Engineering 2011-2012 ABET Self-Study
of data collection
Target for
3 years
Spring 2014
Spring 2017
≥ 2.5
3 years
Spring 2014
Spring 2017
≥ 2.5
Page 26
3. Identify and apply
ethics in case
4. Take actions: e.g.
analyze failed
plastics to find the
cause and improve
design to be more
3 years
Spring 2014
Spring 2017
≥ 2.5
3 years
Spring 2014
Spring 2017
≥ 2.5
Assessment Results 2014:
According to the data collection strategy proposed in Table 4.2, data for student outcome F
will not be collected until spring 2014.
Student Outcome G: An ability to communicate effectively – Part A: Oral
Method(s) of
1. Organization
2. Use of visual aids
3. Delivery
Where data
Length of
cycle (yrs)
3 years
3 years
3 years
of data collection
Target for
Fall 2012
Fall 2015
Fall 2012
Fall 2015
Fall 2012
Fall 2015
≥ 2.5
≥ 2.5
≥ 2.5
Assessment Results 2012:
According to the data collection strategy proposed in Table 4.2, data for student outcome G
will not be collected until fall 2012.
Student Outcome G: An ability to communicate effectively – Part B: Written
1. Research and
2. Organization and
writing style
3. Use of supporting
4. Professionalism
Method(s) of
Where data
Length of
cycle (yrs)
3 years
3 years
3 years
3 years
of data collection
Target for
Fall 2012
Fall 2015
≥ 2.5
Fall 2012
Fall 2015
Fall 2012
Fall 2015
Fall 2012
Fall 2015
≥ 2.5
≥ 2.5
≥ 2.5
Assessment Results 2012:
According to the data collection strategy proposed in Table 4.2, data for student outcome G
will not be collected until fall 2012.
Plastics Engineering 2011-2012 ABET Self-Study
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Student Outcome H: Broad education necessary to understand the impact of
engineering solutions in a global and societal context
1. Technical
periodicals in
manufacturing and
plastics engineering
2. Valuation of
3. Impact of
manufacturing and
plastics engineering
activities on the
environment and
national economy
4. Ability to select an
optimal solution
based on
technology and
economic factors
Method(s) of
Where data
Length of
cycle (yrs)
of data collection
Target for
Term project
3 years
Spring 2012
Spring 2015
≥ 2.5
Term project
3 years
Spring 2012
Spring 2015
≥ 2.5
Term project
3 years
Spring 2012
Spring 2015
≥ 2.5
Term project
3 years
Spring 2012
Spring 2015
≥ 2.5
Assessment Results 2012:
Assessment data for Performance Indicators (PI) #1, #2, #3, and #4 were collected in
INMGT-335 during the spring 2012 semester. Faculty used data from the term project, to
complete the scoring rubric for PI #1, #2, #3, and #4. The average rubric scores were 2.77/4.0
for PI #, 2.58/4.0 for PI #2, 2.58/4.0 for PI #3 and 2.77/4.0 for PI #4, for a combined average
of 2.675/4.0.
Evaluation and Actions:
As indicated in Table 4.3, the 2011 assessment results will be reviewed and evaluated during
the 2012-2013 academic year. The results will be reported and any needed corrective actions
will be taken. The performance indicators used for outcome H will also be reviewed at that
Student Outcome I: Recognition of the need for, and an ability to engage in life-long
1. Ability to learn
2. Technical society
Method(s) of
data are
Length of
cycle (yrs)
3 years
3 years
Plastics Engineering 2011-2012 ABET Self-Study
of data collection
Target for
Fall 2013
Fall 2016
Fall 2013
Fall 2016
≥ 2.5
≥ 2.5
Page 28
Assessment Results 2013:
According to the data collection strategy proposed in Table 4.2, data for student outcome I
will not be collected until fall 2013.
Student Outcome J: Knowledge of contemporary issues of current events in the
engineering discipline
Method(s) of
Where data
Length of
cycle (yrs)
1. Global impact
3 years
2. Economic impact
3 years
3. Societal impact
3 years
4. Political/cultural
3 years
of data collection
Target for
Fall 2013
Fall 2016
Fall 2013
Fall 2016
Fall 2013
Fall 2016
Fall 2013
Fall 2016
≥ 2.5
≥ 2.5
≥ 2.5
≥ 2.5
Assessment Results 2013:
According to the data collection strategy proposed in Table 4.2, data for student outcome J
will not be collected until fall 2013.
Student Outcome K: An ability to use the techniques, skills, and modern engineering
tools necessary for engineering practice
1. Utilize commercial
simulation software
to assist with
mold/die design
2. Can analyze and
apply results from
simulation software
to help optimize
process conditions
Method(s) of
data are
Length of
cycle (yrs)
of data collection
Target for
3 years
Spring 2013
Spring 2016
≥ 2.5
3 years
Spring 2013
Spring 2016
≥ 2.5
Assessment Results 2013:
According to the data collection strategy proposed in Table 4.2, data for student outcome K
will not be collected until spring 2013.
Plastics Engineering 2011-2012 ABET Self-Study
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Student Outcome L: An understanding of molecular structure and its relation to
material properties
1. Knowledge of
chemical structures
of common plastics
and the
2. Understand general
material properties
and be able to
characterize them
3. Examine the
relation between
chemical structure
and material
Method(s) of
Where data
Length of
cycle (yrs)
of data collection
Target for
3 years
Spring 2014
Spring 2017
≥ 2.5
3 years
Spring 2014
Spring 2017
≥ 2.5
3 years
Spring 2014
Spring 2017
≥ 2.5
Assessment Results 2014:
According to the data collection strategy proposed in Table 4.2, data for student outcome L
will not be collected until spring 2014.
C. Continuous Improvement
As indicated in Table 4.3 and in the tables for student outcomes A, B, E and H, the
assessment results will be reviewed and evaluated during the 2012-2013 academic year.
The results will be reported and corrective actions will be taken as needed. This process
is depicted in Figure 2.1 which indicates that the assessment results will be analyzed,
evaluated and interpreted for the purpose of making changes that promote congruency
between the mission of the institution, the program educational objectives and the
measured student outcomes.
D. Additional Information
There will be a student outcomes notebook in the ABET resource room which will
contain all assessment instruments and rubrics used to assess the outcome. All of the
student outcomes information and data are kept digitally on the intranet for review by the
faculty. Each outcome is maintained separately and faculty can download all the relevant
assessment materials (e.g., performance indicators, rubrics if they are used to score
student performance, previous evaluations, recommendations for improvement, etc.).
Plastics Engineering 2011-2012 ABET Self-Study
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A. Program Curriculum
The curriculum for the Plastics Engineering program at the University of Wisconsin-Stout
was originally developed in 2007 and proposed as part of the Authorization to Implement
Degree planning document. Program faculty were hired in 2008 and the approved curriculum
was reviewed during the 2008-2009 academic year. In 2009, changes were proposed to
increase the engineering and science content through the addition of two courses, and were
approved by the Plastics Engineering Program Advisory Committee in fall 2009 and by the
Curriculum and Instruction Committee (CIC) on UW-Stout's campus in May 2010.
The current program curriculum provides a solid balance of theory and applied learning and
aligns with the program educational objectives through its direct support of the student
outcomes. Student outcomes map directly into program educational objectives as described
in Criterion 3. As shown in Tables 3.1 and 4.4, each program educational objective is related
to at least one student outcome and each student outcome is assessed in at least one course in
the curriculum. Though each outcome is only assessed in one or two courses, each outcome
is addressed in multiple courses in the curriculum, providing students with the opportunity to
develop and enhance the knowledge and skills represented by the student outcomes in
multiple situations and engineering applications.
The Plastics Engineering curriculum builds from basic to advanced courses, has a logical
prerequisite tree (Figure 5.1), and balances semester loads among various technical and
general education courses. Students in Plastics Engineering and Manufacturing Engineering
take a common engineering core in their first year with the exception of one chemistry
course, and then are required to choose which program is the best fit.
Plastics Engineering 2011-2012 ABET Self-Study
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Figure 5.1 Plastics Engineering Flow Chart
Plastics Engineering 2011-2012 ABET Self-Study
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Satisfaction of Curriculum Requirements
The section below describes how the Plastics Engineering program satisfies or exceeds the
following Criterion 5 requirements. The information is also available in Table 5.1.
a) One year of a combination of college-level math and basic sciences (some with
experimental experience) appropriate to the discipline.
Introduction to Engineering Material
Calculus I
Calculus II
Differential Equations and Linear Algebra
Probability and Statistics
College Chemistry I
Chemistry of Polymers
University Physics I
University Physics II
b) One and one- half years of engineering topics, consisting of engineering science and
engineering design appropriate to the student's field of study.
Circuits and Devices
Lean Manufacturing Systems
Quality Engineering
Engineering Mechanics
Mechanics of Materials
Thermodynamics and Heat Transfer
Fluid Mechanics
Computer Aided Manufacturing
Controls and Instrumentation
Machine Vision and Robotics
Introduction to Plastics
Injection Molding Technology
Extrusion Theory and Application
Injection Molding Theory, Design, and
Process Simulation and Analysis
Testing and Analysis of Plastics
Capstone I: Process/Product Design
Capstone II: Design
Transport Phenomena for Plastics
Co-op Experience
Plastics Engineering 2011-2012 ABET Self-Study
1 (of 3)
1 (of 3)
Page 33
c) A general education component that complements the technical content of the curriculum
and is consistent with the program and institution objectives.
Communication Skills (3 courses)
Health and Physical Education (1 or 2 courses)
Humanities and Arts (3 courses)
Social and Behavioral Sciences (3 courses)
Technology (1 course)
Design in the Curriculum
Design in integrated throughout the curriculum as shown in Table 5.1. In addition to
delivering the base of general engineering knowledge, methods, and problem-solving skills
required for engineering practice, several of the courses in the curriculum include an openended design project pertinent to the specific course material. Thus, beyond simple
completion of exams and assignments, students are continually building their competence in
integrating and applying basic science, mathematics, and principles to actual engineering
practice via solution of open-ended, in-depth design problems.
The first major design experience occurs during the 3rd year in the curriculum in courses
PLE-310 and MFGE-325. Both courses are required in the Plastics Engineering program,
though it is not mandatory to take them at the same time. In PLE-310, a plastic part and mold
are designed, and the MFGE-325 class is tasked with machining the mold so the PLE-310
students can manufacture the plastic components utilizing the mold. The two courses meet to
ensure the part meets functionality requirements while staying within the constraints of the
manufacturing processes. Design reviews are conducted throughout the semester to ensure
both groups are in agreement and staying on task.
The two senior capstone courses build on the theoretical and applied knowledge the students
have gained in earlier courses. The first capstone course, PLE-405, is utilized to design an
experimental process or product. In order to allow flexibility, students can choose either a) a
research route which would involve extensive literature review, experimental planning, and
results interpretation and presenting, or b) a product design route which encompasses
engineering design principles (design for manufacturability) in order to manufacture a
product which performs a function. In this course, students will design appropriate methods
and/or products and perform preliminary experiments, while considering the broader impact
of their design on the society in which it will be embedded. Teamwork, leadership, and
project management are necessary skill sets to develop during the course, and the project
proposal is defended in both oral and written formats.
In the second capstone course, PLE-410, the project will continue to require the development
of the students' teamwork, leadership, and project management skills. The students will
follow through with their proposed experiments/design and conduct experiments and analyze
data or build the product designed PLE-405. The final results are defended in both oral and
written formats and have been presented to the Plastics Engineering Advisory Committee
during the regularly scheduled semester meeting.
Plastics Engineering 2011-2012 ABET Self-Study
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In addition to the design experience in PLE-310, MFGE-325 and the capstone courses,
students have a number of design opportunities in PLE-305 (Extrusion Theory and
Application) and INMGT-335 (Lean Manufacturing Systems).
Cooperative Education Experience
Plastics Engineering students are required to take one credit in the Professional Selective
category. The only option under the Professional Selective category is a one credit intern or
co-op experience. This requirement can be met over the summer, but can also occur over a
semester, or a summer and semester combined. The requirements of a co-op are as follows:
1) Must be a paid work experience (hourly/stipend)
2) Work a minimum of 320 total hours (per semester of enrollment)
3) The Co-op position description is approved by the Co-op
faculty mentor
4) All Co-ops are academic courses ending in _49
5) All Co-ops are graded A-F by a faculty mentor
6) Must be taken for 1 to 6 academic credits
7) Include learning objectives and strategies, application of knowledge, and evaluation
of learning outcomes
B. Course Syllabi
Course syllabi are included in Appendix A.
Plastics Engineering 2011-2012 ABET Self-Study
Page 35
MFGT-150: Introduction to Engineering Materials
CHEM-135: College Chemistry I
MATH-153: Calculus I
ENGL-101: Freshman English Composition
SPCOM-100: Fundamentals of Speech
CHEM-325: Chemistry of Polymers
PHYS-281: University Physics I
MATH-154: Calculus II
ENGL-102: Freshman English Reading and Writing
MFGT-250: Introduction to Plastics
Plastics Engineering 2011-2012 ABET Self-Study
1 (of 3)
Fall 2011
Spring 2012
Fall 2011
Spring 2012
Fall 2011
Spring 2012
Fall 2011
Spring 2012
Fall 2011
Spring 2012
Spring 2011
Spring 2012
Fall 2011
Spring 2012
Fall 2011
Spring 2012
Fall 2011
Spring 2012
Spring 2011
2 (of 3)
Fall 2011
Maximum Section Enrollment
for the Last Two Terms the
Course was Offered2
Last Two Terms the Course was
Offered: Year and, Semester, or
General Education
Engineering Topics
Check if Contains
Significant Design (√)
Subject Area (Credit Hours)
Math & Basic Sciences
(Department, Number, Title)
List all courses in the program by term starting with first term of first year and
ending with the last term of the final year.
Indicate Whether Course is
Required, Elective or a Selected
Elective by an R, an E or an SE.1
Table 5.1 Curriculum
Page 36
MECH-293: Engineering Mechanics
PHYS-282: University Physics II
STAT-330: Probability and Statistics
ENGGR-112: Engineering Graphics Fundamentals
MFGT-341: Injection Molding Technology
1 (of 3)
MECH-294: Mechanics of Materials
MFGE-275: Thermodynamics and Heat Transfer
MATH-250: Differential Equations and Linear Algebra
ENGGR-210: Engineering Graphics Using Solid Modeling
General Education: Technology
Plastics Engineering 2011-2012 ABET Self-Study
Fall 2011
Spring 2012
Fall 2011
Spring 2012
Fall 2011
Spring 2012
Fall 2011
Spring 2012
Spring 2011
2 (of 3)
Spring 2012
Fall 2011
Spring 2012
Fall 2011
Spring 2012
Fall 2011
Spring 2012
Fall 2011
Spring 2012
Fall 2011
Spring 2012
Maximum Section Enrollment
for the Last Two Terms the
Course was Offered2
Last Two Terms the Course was
Offered: Year and, Semester, or
General Education
Engineering Topics
Check if Contains
Significant Design (√)
Math & Basic Sciences
Indicate Whether Course is
Required, Elective or a Selected
Elective by an R, an E or an SE.1
(Department, Number, Title)
List all courses in the program by term starting with first term of first year and
ending with the last term of the final year.
Subject Area (Credit Hours)
Page 37
PLE-310: Injection Molding Theory, Design, and Application
PLE-305: Extrusion Theory and Application
ELEC-290: Circuits and Devices
Social Sciences Elective
Humanities and Arts Elective
PLE-360: Testing and Analysis of Plastics Materials
PLE-340: Process Simulation and Analysis
MFGE-363: Controls and Instrumentation
MFGE-391: Fluid Mechanics
MFGE-325: Computer Aided Manufacturing
Plastics Engineering 2011-2012 ABET Self-Study
Maximum Section Enrollment
for the Last Two Terms the
Course was Offered2
Last Two Terms the Course was
Offered: Year and, Semester, or
General Education
Engineering Topics
Check if Contains
Significant Design (√)
Math & Basic Sciences
Indicate Whether Course is
Required, Elective or a Selected
Elective by an R, an E or an SE.1
(Department, Number, Title)
List all courses in the program by term starting with first term of first year and
ending with the last term of the final year.
Subject Area (Credit Hours)
Fall 2010
Fall 2011
Fall 2010
Fall 2011
Fall 2011
Spring 2012
Fall 2011
Spring 2012
Fall 2011
Spring 2012
Spring 2011
Spring 2012
Spring 2011
Spring 2012
Fall 2011
Spring 2012
Fall 2011
Spring 2012
Fall 2011
Spring 2012
Page 38
Physical Well Being
PLE-449: Co-op Experience
PLE-405: Capstone I
INMGT-300: Engineering Economy
INMGT-422: Quality Engineering
Social Sciences Elective
Social Sciences Elective
Humanities and Arts Elective
PLE-420: Transport Phenomena for Plastics Engineers
PLE-410: Capstone II
MFGE-415: Machine Vision and Robotics
Plastics Engineering 2011-2012 ABET Self-Study
Maximum Section Enrollment
for the Last Two Terms the
Course was Offered2
Last Two Terms the Course was
Offered: Year and, Semester, or
General Education
Engineering Topics
Check if Contains
Significant Design (√)
Math & Basic Sciences
Indicate Whether Course is
Required, Elective or a Selected
Elective by an R, an E or an SE.1
(Department, Number, Title)
List all courses in the program by term starting with first term of first year and
ending with the last term of the final year.
Subject Area (Credit Hours)
Fall 2011
Spring 2012
Summer 2011
Summer 2012
Fall 2011
Spring 2012
Fall 2011
Spring 2012
Fall 2011
Spring 2012
Fall 2011
Spring 2012
Fall 2011
Spring 2012
Fall 2011
Spring 2012
Fall 2011
Spring 2012
Fall 2011
Spring 2012
Page 39
INMGT-335: Lean Manufacturing Systems
Humanities and Arts Elective
Total must satisfy Minimum Semester Credit Hours
either credit hours or
Minimum Percentage
32 Hours
48 Hours
37.5 %
Maximum Section Enrollment
for the Last Two Terms the
Course was Offered2
Fall 2011
Spring 2012
Fall 2011
Spring 2012
Last Two Terms the Course was
Offered: Year and, Semester, or
General Education
Engineering Topics
Check if Contains
Significant Design (√)
Math & Basic Sciences
Indicate Whether Course is
Required, Elective or a Selected
Elective by an R, an E or an SE.1
(Department, Number, Title)
List all courses in the program by term starting with first term of first year and
ending with the last term of the final year.
Subject Area (Credit Hours)
Required courses are required of all students in the program, elective courses (often referred to as open or free electives) are optional
for students, and selected elective courses are those for which students must take one or more courses from a specified group.
2. For courses that include multiple elements (lecture, laboratory, recitation, etc.), indicate the maximum enrollment in each element. For
selected elective courses, indicate the maximum enrollment for each option.
Instructional materials and student work verifying compliance with ABET criteria for the categories indicated above will be
available during the campus visit. This includes individual course binders, student projects from capstone and other courses,
and posters.
Plastics Engineering 2011-2012 ABET Self-Study
Page 40
A. Faculty Qualifications
Faculty members for Plastics Engineering bring a wealth of industrial and research
experiences which enhance the students’ educational experience. All primary faculty hold
degrees in appropriate fields with significant industrial and consulting experience in the
plastics industry. There are additional faculty teaching foundational engineering courses.
The faculty and courses are housed either in the Engineering & Technology Department or
the Operations & Management Department in the College of Management.
See Table 6.1 and the faculty resumes in Appendix B for more information on faculty
B. Faculty Workload
The normal teaching load for tenure/tenure track faculty in the Engineering & Technology
Department is nine credits per semester which is usually three classes. The program director
has a .25 teaching release which equates to three credits per semester in the E&T
Department. Most faculty advise students. See Table 6.2 for a summary of faculty
C. Faculty Size
There are currently three Plastics Engineering faculty who teach courses with a PLE
acronym. Within the Engineering & Technology Department there are additional faculty
who teach foundational engineering science courses for the program. As the program grows
it is anticipated that additional faculty with a plastics expertise will be required.
Across campus it is common to have a collaborative model of offering courses which allows
faculty to teach in multiple programs. There are currently 12 faculty members who
contribute FTE toward the Plastics Engineering program and this number can vary slightly
each year. Only one faculty member taught 100% in the program during the 2011/12
academic year. The Engineering and Technology Department (E&T) offered 12 credits
spring 2012 and will offer 12 credits fall 2012 with the PLE acronym. The department offers
an additional 29 credits that are engineering science/design required in Plastics Engineering
(not including PLE-449 Co-op) with some classes only offered alternating semesters for a
total of 26 per semester. Adding the 3 credit release for the Program Director each semester
gives a total of 88 credits per year. Dividing 88 by the E&T department faculty load of 18
credits per year equals 4.88 FTE participating in the program.
In addition, there are two engineering faculty in the Industrial Management Department,
College of Management, who have assignments of approximately .5 FTE toward engineering
Interactions with Students, Student Advising and Counseling. As described in Criterion 1,
full time academic advisors conduct the majority of student advisement for freshmen. Early
Plastics Engineering 2011-2012 ABET Self-Study
Page 41
during the students second semester, students are handed off to program faculty who advise
the students until graduation. Faculty direct all undergraduate research activities,
independent studies and senior design projects. Faculty also advise the student chapter of
Society of Plastics Engineers (SPE) and other student professional organizations on campus.
All faculty maintain an open-door policy for office hours or are easily scheduled using email.
University Service. Faculty are expected to participate in service activities for the
department, college and university. These activities can be hiring committees, Faculty
Senate, various standing committees for curriculum, participation on advisory boards, or
participating in community outreach or recruiting events such as Science Olympiad, First
Lego League, SkillsUSA, STEM Career Day and many others.
Interaction with Industry. Faculty maintain current interaction with industry to support coop/internship site development, graduate placement, organize industry tours, and to recruit
members to the program advisory board. Industrial representatives are frequently invited to
speak as guest lectures in classes and at student chapter meetings of the professional
societies. The program has hosted a number of industrial training events on campus related
to the plastics industry. It is customary that faculty and students may attend these events for
free. Industry is often contacted by faculty to solicit equipment and supplies donations to the
program laboratories.
D. Professional Development
Faculty members maintain currency in their discipline through annual participation in
professional development workshops and training. Funding for these experiences is obtained
by the faculty through the Engineering & Technology Department, the College of STEM or
the University’s Professional Development Grant Program. Often, faculty will obtain
funding from multiple sources. Conference attendance, publication, and presentation of
research or teaching methodologies are encouraged and these funding sources allow for this
attendance. The college has in the past contributed up to $500 for a faculty member to attend
conferences if presenting research or other scholarly work or if representing the University
on national boards. In fall of 2010 the college hosted Gloria Rodgers, Managing Director,
Professional Services of ABET, Inc. to present a workshop on Sustainable Assessment
Processes. The university also hosts a wide variety of professional development activities
coordinated through the Nakatani Teaching and Learning Center multiple times each year. In
addition, the endowed Taft Professor of Manufacturing Engineering professorship has
provided continuous funding of professional development opportunities for the named
professor. Fall 2011 Dr. Adam Kramschuster was named the Taft Professor for a three year
term. Professional development activities of the faculty can be viewed in the faculty vitae in
Appendix B.
E. Authority and Responsibility of Faculty
Dr. Adam Kramschuster is the Plastics Engineering program director and a faculty member
in the Engineering & Technology department. The program director in conjunction with
faculty, advisory board and other constituents guide the development and implementation of
the evaluation process for the program with oversight from the college Dean and Provost. In
addition to the program continuous improvement process, the program director must submit
Plastics Engineering 2011-2012 ABET Self-Study
Page 42
yearly an Assessment in the Major report to the Provost office. This report follows the
guidelines stated below.
Assessment in the Major
Program Outline
Annual Update
This report should begin with an explanation of the primary methods used to assess
student learning and their progress toward developing competencies throughout your
program. Methods used to assess student learning outcomes should align with or directly
measure student attainment of program objectives and may include standardized tests,
portfolios, course-embedded assessments or other direct measures of student learning
and performance. The assessment results should be from the previous fall and/or spring
semesters and should include specific information on how well the students, as a group,
performed on each of the assessments. The plans for improvement may include proposed
modifications in course content, course sequencing, changes in teaching methods or
other proposed changes designed to improve student learning in the program.
Please report your findings using the following format:
I. Description of Methods – narrative description of methods utilized to assess student
learning and outcomes
a. Indirect Assessments
b. Direct Assessments
II. Results (e.g., tables, graphs, charts, etc.) – identify sample size, level of students (e.g.,
mid-program, final semester, etc.), and descriptors of rating scales for each
assessment method
III. Interpretation – identify strengths, weaknesses, and data trends for each assessment
IV. Dissemination – description of how results were (or will be) shared with key
instructors and other stakeholders
V. Program Improvements – report on recent program, curricular, or assessment
changes based on the assessment data from previous years
VI. Plans for Improvement – propose future program, curricular, or assessment changes
based on current assessment data
All yearly Assessment in the Major reports for the campus, including the 2010-2011 Plastics
Engineering report is available at
Course creation, modification and evaluation are the responsibility of the faculty and are
reviewed by university committees of the Faculty Senate. Program faculty with input from
the advisory committee and direction from the program director, propose new courses or
changes to existing courses. These proposals are submitted to the department and department
chair for review. Once approved at the department level the proposal is forwarded to the
STEM Council which acts as the curriculum committee for the college. STEM Council is
composed of the dean, associate dean, department chairs, and all college program directors.
Before being placed on the council agenda the associate dean does a preliminary review of
the proposal for clarifications and completeness of proposal. Once approved at the college
Plastics Engineering 2011-2012 ABET Self-Study
Page 43
the curriculum proposal is submitted to the appropriate university curriculum topical
committees or directly to the Curriculum and Instruction Committee. After approval the
proposal is submitted to the Provost office where it is entered into the curriculum catalog and
class schedule. At any point in the process the proposal may be sent back to a prior level or
directly back to the department for modifications. A diagram of the process is included
below (Figure 6.1). Additional information about the process and requirements for proposals
are located on the Provost website,
Plastics Engineering 2011-2012 ABET Self-Study
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Figure 6.1 UW-Stout Curriculum Development and Approval Process
Plastics Engineering 2011-2012 ABET Self-Study
Page 45
Table 6.1. Faculty Qualifications
B.S. in Plastics Engineering
Berg, Devin
M.S. (2011)
Burman, Debashish
ABD (2011)
Bushendorf, Glenn
M.S. (2005)
Dzissah, John
Ph.D. (2001)
Fly, David
MS. (1994)
Adam Kramschuster
Ph.D. (2008)
Lacksonen, Thomas
Ph.D. (1991)
McCall, David
M.S. (1970)
Pandian, Andy
D. of Eng. (2010)
Plastics Engineering 2011-2012 ABET Self-Study
work in industry
This Institution
Ph.D. (1991)
FT or PT3
Asthana, Rajiv
Rank 1
Faculty Name
Highest Degree
Earned- Field and
H, M, or L
Govt./Ind. Practice
Type of Academic
Professional Registration/
Level of Activity4
Years of
Page 46
Petro, John
Ph.D. (2011)
Schofield, Nancy
Ph.D. (2000)
Slupe, Gregory
M.S. (2007)
Stary, Wendy
M.S. (2008)
Zheng, Wei
Ph.D. (2008)
Zhou, Norman
Ph.D. (1992)
Instructions: Complete table for each member of the faculty in the program. Add additional rows or use additional sheets if
necessary. Updated information is to be provided at the time of the visit.
1. Code: P = Professor ASC = Associate Professor AST = Assistant Professor I = Instructor A = Adjunct O = Other
2. Code: T = Tenured
TT = Tenure Track
NTT = Non Tenure Track
3. Code: FT = Full-time PT = Part-time
Appointment at the institution.
4. The level of activity (high, medium or low) should reflect an average over the year prior to the visit plus the two previous years.
Plastics Engineering 2011-2012 ABET Self-Study
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Table 6.2. Faculty Workload Summary
B.S. in Plastics Engineering
Program Activity Distribution3
Faculty Member
Classes Taught (Course No./Credit Hrs.)
Term and Year2
% of
Research or
to the
Asthana, Rajiv
MFGT 150 (12) F/11; MFGE 275 (4) F/11; MFGE 275 (2)
SP/12; MFGE 352 (1.5) F/11 & SP/12; MFGT 150 (4)
Berg, Devin
MECH 290 (3): F/12; MECH 293 (6): F/12
MECH 290 (3) F/12; MFGE 275 (2) F/12;
MFGE 391 (2) F/12
Bushendorf, Glenn
MFGT-252 (3) F/10 & F/11, MFGE-441 (3) S/12
Dzissah, John
INMGT 422 (3) SP/10; INMGT 422 (3) F/10; INMGT 422
(3) SP/12
Fly, David
MFGE-415; F & SP; MECH-294; SP/12
PLE-310 (3) F/11; PLE-405 (3) F/11; MFGE-352 (1.5)
F/11 & SP/12; PLE-340 (3) SP/10; ET 4092 (ChE option
section) (3) SP/11
McCall, David
MFGE 391 (2), SP/12
Plastics Engineering 2011-2012 ABET Self-Study
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Pandian, Andy
Petro, John
Schofield, Nancy
Slupe, Gregory
MFGE-440 F/09-11 & S/10-12; MFGE- 441 F/09 & S/10;
MFGE-351 F/09 & S10; MFGE-640 F/11; MFGE-735
F/11; MFGE-770 F/11; MFGE- 707 S/12; MECH-293 S/12
ENGGR-210 (6) FA/11; ENGGR-436 (3) FA/11; ENGGR210 (9) SP/12;
MFGT-150 (3) F/11, MFGT-202 (3) F/11 & SP/12, MFGT253 (3) F/11 & SP/12, MFGE-325 (3) F/11 & SP/12
Stary, Wendy
MFGT-250 (3) FA/11; PLE-305 (3) FA/11; MFGT-341 (3)
SP/12; PLE-405 (3) SP/12; PLE-410 (3) SP/12
Zheng, Wei
PLE 360 (3) SP/12; MFGT-251-002 (3) SP/12; MFGT251-003 (3) SP/12
Zhou, Norman
ELEC 290 SP/10,F/10,SP/11,F/11; ELEC 204 SP & F/10
MFGT-253 (3) F/11 & SP/12; MECH-290 (3) SP/12;
MECH-294 (3) F/11; MECH-332 (4) F/11 & SP/12
FT = Full Time Faculty or PT = Part Time Faculty, at the institution
For the academic year for which the self-study is being prepared.
Program activity distribution should be in percent of effort in the program and should total 100%.
Indicate sabbatical leave, etc., under "Other."
Out of the total time employed at the institution.
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A. Offices, Classrooms and Laboratories
1. Faculty offices within the Engineering & Technology Department are primarily located
on third floor of Fryklund Hall. The Department office is also located on the same floor.
All of the faculty who teach plastics engineering courses (PLE) are located on the third
floor of Fryklund Hall. There are some E&T Department faculty and academic staff
offices located in the Jarvis Hall Technology Wing. The industrial engineering faculty,
housed within the Operations Management Department of the College of Management,
has offices in Jarvis Hall Technology Wing as well.
Each faculty member has a private office with approximately 120 square feet of floor
space. Each office is equipped with a desk, work space, and sufficient space to facilitate
meetings with one or two students during office hours or program advisement. Each
office is equipped with phone, and high speed internet connectivity (hardwire and
wireless). All faculty and staff have either a local printer and/or connection to network
printers. All faculty and staff are issued a laptop computer that is replaced every three
The department office maintains copy, printing, and facsimile capabilities. All faculty
and staff have full access and use of these services within the department. A department
wide services and supplies budget covers expenses related to all phone and above
mentioned services. Secretarial assistance is available through the department office on
an as needed basis. Faculty and staff can either utilize the Department Associate or LTE
staff for course materials word processing and copying needs. With the movement
toward use of word processing software, nearly all faculty and staff maintain their own
course materials and have utilized the associates increasingly less for this purpose. The
Department Associate also assists with purchasing of supplies and equipment and also
help to coordinate travel authorizations and expense reimbursement, all on an as needed
Since UW-Stout is primarily an undergraduate teaching institution, the use of graduate
teaching assistants is very infrequent. Some laboratory assistants, advanced students with
exceptional experience in a particular process, are utilized for supervising open lab hours
and sometimes provide assistance setting up lab experiments or demonstrations. These
lab assistants are not provided office space, but they may have a desk available to them
within the laboratory. Some students do assist faculty with research activities.
2. The Engineering and Technology Department has 26 different teaching laboratories in
three buildings across campus. Plastics engineering lab classes are held in a multipurpose laboratory located in 170 Jarvis Hall Technology Wing. The laboratory holds an
excellent array of high quality industrial sized plastics processing equipment and
laboratory equipment used in materials characterization for instruction and research
purposes. Other laboratories used by students in the program are primarily located in
Fryklund Hall and Jarvis Hall Science Wing. Nearly every classroom on campus is
equipped with whiteboard and a ceiling mounted computer projection system. High
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speed wireless network access is available in all university buildings and many outdoor
areas across campus.
3. The plastics engineering laboratories have seven dedicated HP computer workstations
using Windows-based operating systems that are available to students for classwork and
research activities. There are additional computer laboratories located in Fryklund Hall.
These are high end computer workstations used to run demanding software or for
software that are restricted from being loaded onto the students laptop computer. These
laboratories are:
a. FH 104 Computer Assisted Manufacturing lab which has primarily software for
CAD/CAM, Autodesk Moldflow simulation software, and plant floor simulation.
b. FH 215 Controls and Instrumentation lab which is for teaching programmable
logic controllers and servo control. Primary software is Rockwell RSLogix 5000
and RSLinx.
c. FH 320 CAD lab which has surface modeling and Solidworks solid modeling
software plus AutoCad.
Students take required classes which use the general machine shop located in FH 101.
This is a fully equipped machine shop containing lathes, mills, drills, surface and
cylindrical grinders, EDM sinker, two CNC lathes and four 3 axis CNC machining
centers. All equipment is in excellent condition. The laboratory also contains an
assortment of sheet metal forming equipment. On the upper level of Fryklund Hall there
is a rapid prototyping lab, complete with a 3D scanner and a fused deposition modeling
system. Laboratories are available to Plastics Engineering students for over 60 hours per
Appendix C contains a listing of the major pieces of equipment located in department
laboratories used in support of instruction.
B. Computing Resources
Since 2002 all undergraduate students are issued a leased laptop computer as part of their
tuition through the e-Scholar program. The e-Scholar program includes besides the laptop
computer, software, computer maintenance and network server file storage. E-Scholar
students have access to a wide selection of up-to-date software. Some software is loaded on
the laptop before it is deployed. Other software is available through the KeyServer which
allows students to share access and significantly reduce costs by placing the number of
licensed copies of software packages in a central pool to be used from anywhere on the
campus network or through VPN. There is no noticeable response time difference between
keyed and non-keyed applications. Each keyed software package resides on the computer's
local hard drive. Software that is included on each student laptop as part of the issued image
may be found at:
Students have access to printers and plotters in multiple locations of the department. The
plastics engineering laboratories are available to students during regular class times and
scheduled open lab times. Students have many software packages on their laptop either as
free downloads or student versions that the department purchase for each student. This
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allows students to do some of their work away from the laboratories. Additional software
loaded on the plastics engineering students laptops depend on what classes they are taking
and may include; SolidWorks, MoldWorks, SplitWorks, CamWorks, MATLAB, Engineering
Equation Solver (EES). Other software only available in specific laboratory computers
includes Moldflow and NICHI Robotics.
The University of Wisconsin-Stout operates a modern computer center organized around an
Enterprise Information System which provides administrative data services, including
application development, support and maintenance; data warehouse and reporting
development; and operation, support and maintenance of servers on campus. Services
through the system include:
PeopleSoft Campus Solutions
Project Management
Data Warehouse / Business Intelligence
Application Development
CommonSpot Content Management System.
Through the system UW-Stout students have access to on-line registration. Additionally,
students enjoy on-line admissions, on-line financial aids, and access to their degree audits,
bill payments, and grade reports. All Stout students are given e-mail accounts when they
first apply to Stout. They also have on-line mass storage. Internet access is provided via
high speed connectivity in the residence halls and across nearly the entire campus by wireless
Stout students and faculty use the Desire 2 Learn course management system that is
automatically attached to every course offered whether locally or at a distance.
University of Wisconsin-Stout became a laptop campus starting in 2003-2004. All students
are issued either Apple or HP personal laptop computers depending on their program of
study. This has eliminated the need for general access computer labs across campus though
there still remains some high-end computer labs for engineering, computer science and
design programs and a small number of general access computers in the library.
The computer labs to which the engineering students have access are maintained through a
central staff utilizing an Active Directory system to populate student authentication and
authorization. Technicians visit the labs frequently and are on call throughout the day for
special maintenance or problems. Because the staff is centralized, the labs do not go
unattended simply because one technician may be unavailable.
C. Guidance
Laboratory activities are effectively integrated into the curriculum of nearly all department
courses. Instruction in the proper use of equipment is presented in the appropriate course
where the equipment is used. This instruction is provided by the course instructor. Students
who take courses in some of the more dangerous laboratories are required to take a safety test
on specific equipment that must be periodically recertified. Certain labs require students to
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wear identification tags that let the lab supervisors see if the student is certified to operate the
D. Maintenance and Upgrading of Facilities
There are two forms of equipment acquisition available to update and acquire new laboratory
equipment. The primary one is within the Engineering & Technology Department GPR
budget. Annually, approximately $213,000 is allocated toward small and larger capital
equipment. Within the department, all capital requests are prioritized based on a capital
expense prioritization process developed by the faculty. The remaining equipment money is
used for maintenance and service needs of existing equipment, and smaller equipment
purchases. The Chair of the department allocates this money throughout the year.
In addition to the Department process outlined above, large scale lab modernization projects
can be put forward to a University-wide Lab Modernization prioritization process. This
University-wide source of funding has typically ranged around $300,000 during the last few
academic cycles. The College of STEM receives on average one-third of this fund with a
few projects coming from within the Engineering & Technology Department. There are
typically more than 30 Lab Mod requests submitted from all four colleges and other eligible
units for this highly competitive process. During the 2011-12 cycle the University under
direction of the Chancellor allocated an additional $250,000 of campus funds to relieve some
of the backlog of projects. Most projects under the Lab Mod process are requesting funds
under $100,000 with a focus on equipment and classroom/laboratory furniture. No funds can
be spent on software maintenance agreements since that is an ongoing responsibility that falls
to the department.
The State of Wisconsin has a special process that can also be used to remodel space on
campus referred to as the small projects fund. These projects must be over $100,000 and
tend to focus on building remodeling and not equipment. The College of STEM has recently
used this process for remodeling the Plastics Engineering laboratory and development of a
Construction Department office complex.
E. Library Services
The University Library (UL) collection, resides in a five story facility opened in 1982, with
approximately 118,000 square feet of space available for collection storage and student use.
The collection is cataloged according to Library of Congress call numbers on three floors of
general collections stacks, one floor of periodicals, and one floor of reference materials.
The library is open 88.5 hours/week; reference services are available from a desk staffed by
library professionals 58 hours/week, or by e-mail, phone or Instant Messaging (Meebo).
Librarians offer a well-developed bibliographic instruction program of both general and
subject-specific training to provide students with skills necessary to effectively complete
library research. The library instruction lab, with a capacity of 48 students, includes state-ofthe-art, computer-assisted teaching equipment. Library instruction can provide skills in the
use of Web tools as well as familiarity with subscription databases such as Engineering
Village and IEEE Explore. In addition to classroom instruction, the library provides a series
of online guides and pathfinders, designed to help users identify subject-oriented resources
and instruct them in their most effective use. One-on-one consultations with librarians are
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available to any faculty or student needing assistance in locating specialized information
The Library provides over 67 workstations and 18 laptop monitor stations for student use, all
with access to the Web, Microsoft Office Suite, and a variety of other programs made
available by campus IT. In-house workstations connect to 4 high-speed B&W printers and
two color printers. The reference area offers four digital scanning stations, with two
additional in the second floor periodicals area. As a laptop campus, Stout provides wireless
access to the library across campus; in addition, all library databases are accessible offcampus through a proxy server.
Engineering faculty regularly recommend resource material for addition to the library
collection. Subject bibliographies, standard collection development resources, and publishers
announcements are all used to augment the Engineering and Technology collection. The
collection development librarian also monitors the engineering collection and selects
additional items for areas as needed. In the past two years, buying has focused on providing
new hard copy resources in technical and engineering fields.
Nine professional librarians are on staff and available to support the information needs of
engineering students and faculty. The Library Director, who joined the staff in 2003, has
twenty years of experience in the technology, science, and government documents areas, as
well as expertise in patent searching and instruction. Seating capacity for the University
Library is 1,060 patrons. Adaptive technology has been acquired to enable students with
disabilities total access to information resources. Table D.3 provides supplemental
information about library resources, acquisitions and expenditures.
F. Overall Comments on Facilities
Maintenance of laboratory equipment is under the control of the department. The
Engineering and Technology Department has four technicians that are assigned to support
specific laboratories. Each technician has a specific industrial background that provides
them the skills necessary to maintain their assigned laboratories. If maintenance of certain
equipment is beyond their skills or if machine is covered under factory contracts, offsite
maintenance support required. Two department technicians are on permanent FTE while the
other two are hired using Access to Learning Fee (ATL) funding. ATL funding is derived
from a student fee that has been in place since 1999. ATL funding has also allowed the
department to hire qualified students as laboratory supervisors to extend the hours in which
labs could be open outside of regularly scheduled class hours. ATL funding in the E & T
Department for hiring students totals $47,370. This funding is in addition to the budgeted
allocation of $20,050 for State Payroll and $13,450 for Work-Study that is used to hire
students for work in the departments many laboratories and support faculty needs.
Overall, the department laboratories are in excellent condition and equipped with the
necessary equipment required for an outstanding undergraduate education in their area of
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A. Leadership
As describe earlier under the chapter Background Information, the program is housed in the
College of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics. Direct leadership for B.S. in
Plastics Engineering is provided by the program director Dr. Adam Kramschuster who is an
associate professor in the Engineering and Technology Department. Program directors
receive a small stipend of $1,500 and a .25 release from teaching. All program directors for
the 15 undergraduate and graduate programs in the College are appointed by the Dean for an
indeterminate term. Most serve a minimum of three years with some remaining in the
position for many more. Dr. Kramschuster has been program director since 2009.
The Plastics Engineering program director is supported by a shared program administrative
assistant who works with five undergraduate and one graduate program in the Engineering &
Technology Department. The program assistant organizes the advisory board meeting, takes
minutes during meetings, provide support with recruitment events, database searches and
other activities. Additional program support is provided by the department’s administrative
Faculty that teach Plastics Engineering courses act as the program curriculum committee
under the leadership of the program director and are responsible for writing, reviewing and
identifying necessary curriculum changes. Any changes are submitted to the Engineering
and Technology Department for review and approval during regularly scheduled department
meetings. Curriculum changes are then forwarded to the STEM College Council for
approval. Approved changes are forwarded to the University Curriculum Instruction
Committee which is a standing committee of the Faculty Senate.
B. Program Budget and Financial Support
Financial resources for support of the Plastics Engineering program come from several
sources: department budgets, Laboratory Modernization funds, University Foundation
accounts, Access to Learning technology fee and STEM College accounts. Each department
within the college receives a budget as a portion of the state funded appropriation budget of
the university. For the 2011-2012 budget cycle the Engineering and Technology Department
with 30 FTE faculty and staff was originally allocated $145,313 for services and supplies and
$213,909 for capital purchases. The capital budget is comprised of three line items of
Wisconsin State Legislature appropriations referred to as DIN allocations. The three DIN
allocations are; Computer and Electrical Engineering Capital $65,000, Plastics Engineering
Capital $65,000 and Engineering Laboratories $83,909. The State of Wisconsin has
experienced budget problems for the last three budget sessions with the legislature rescinding
funding either as a temporary lapse or as permanent base funding cuts. The College of
Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics has had to absorb cuts in the range of
19% for the past two years. As much as possible most of the cuts have been made in a way
to hold department budgets harmless through cuts at the college level and reductions in areas
of low student enrollment. The Engineering and Technology Department received a
deduction of $52,096 from their DIN accounts for the 2011-12 budget year. During that
same time period the E&T department did receive a one-time grant of $98,426 through the
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Laboratory Modernization funding system which was used to purchase laboratory equipment
for the B.S. in Packaging program.
The Engineering and Technology Department hires many undergraduate students to assist
faculty and act as laboratory supervisors. During the 2011-12 school year the department
hired approximately 60 students using either work-study ($13,950), Access to Learning
($55,878) or department state payroll funding ($20,050) from their services and supply or
DIN accounts. The addition of the ATL funding in 1999 has allowed the department to hire
many students as supervisors to extend the open lab hours to provide opportunities for
students outside of regularly scheduled class times.
ATL funding has also been used to hire two additional laboratory technicians. This was
discussed in Criterion F.
Newly hired faculty in the College of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics
are required to attend a New Employee Orientation hosted by the University and the
Nakatani Teaching & Learning Center (NTLC). This orientation is held the week prior to the
start of the fall semester and has been developed to provide new employees with procedural
information and tools to help them begin their career at UW-Stout. Each new faculty
member is provided a stipend for the week of training. The NTLC also provides a series of
teaching workshop throughout the year.
University of Wisconsin-Stout has a long history of commitment to a laboratory based
applied learning model of instruction which began with the schools establishment in 1891 as
the Stout Manual Training School. Excellent laboratories are the hallmark of the institution
and remain a focus point of funding to maintain comprehensive, up to date, safe facilities for
our faculty and students. Even with the current budget problems being experienced in
Wisconsin we have been able to provide sufficient funds in the short term to support our
faculty, students and facilities. We are hoping that the budget situation will improve soon so
budget lapses can be reinstated.
C. Staffing
All departments, including Engineering & Technology, have support personnel assigned to
them for office and budgetary purposes. The Engineering and Technology Department
academic associate support is excellent and these individuals are highly regarded by the
department. There is one department associate who acts as the office supervisor, one halftime assistant, and one or two undergraduate students. In addition there is one full-time
assistant who acts as the support person for program directors in the department. As
discussed earlier in this report, department technician support within the Engineering &
Technician Department is excellent. Appendix D-Institutional Summary has a detailed
discussion of the adequacy of supporting institutional services which include the University
Library, Computer Support, Career Services, the Discovery Center, the University Honors
Program, the Office of International Education, the Math Teaching and Learning Center and
the Writing Center. The Plastics Engineering program receives adequate support throughout
the university.
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Department associates, technicians and faculty are offered on and off-campus training
opportunities specific for their needs and institution goals.
D. Faculty Hiring and Retention
Hiring of faculty is an extensive and expensive process on campus. The hiring process is
conducted by faculty within the department with supervision by the department chair, college
dean and university administration. Once permission to hire is granted by upper
administration the position is assigned a faculty committee which is composed of at least
three faculty members from the department with appropriate experience. A vacancy
announcement and marketing plan is developed and ads are placed in appropriate media
include the campus website. A national search must be conducted for all tenure track
positions. Five cut tools are developed by the hiring committee to screen candidates from
each stage of the hiring process. The screening tools must be approved by the university the
EO/AA office. Reference checks are completed prior to on campus interviews. Prior to
making a job offer the Hiring Recommendation form must be completed and approved by
Dean, Provost and Chancellor before an offer can be extended to a candidate.
University of Wisconsin-Stout places a strong emphasis on high quality teaching and seeks to
encourage all faculty through a strong professional development program, attractive
facilities, well equip laboratories, a supportive administration and a faculty led tenure and
promotion process. The University of Wisconsin System provides a competitive benefit
package but has had significant challenges in maintaining competitive salaries for continuing
faculty. The university has seen dramatic compression of salary ranges with new hires
beginning at salary ranges of tenured professors with 20 years of experience.
Each department assigns an experienced faculty member to act as a mentor to each new hire.
The department chair with assistance of the department personnel committee completes
semester reviews of new hires for the first year and yearly reviews until tenured. Tenured
faculty have reviews every five years.
E. Support of Faculty Professional Development
There are multiple sources of funding available for staff professional development. As noted
previously, the E&T Department allocates funds from the services and supplies portion of the
budget to support travel for professional development opportunities including training, trade
shows, seminars and conferences. During the past year, faculty traveled across the United
States as well as to Europe for such opportunities. In addition, faculty and staff may apply
for annual Professional Development Grants through the University Research Services
program. If the professional development opportunity is related to participation in
professional presentation of publications, the grant is generally funded. While on a
competitive basis, engineering faculty are often partially funded from this university fund.
College funds and department funds are then utilized to provide the remainder of needed
The University also provides support for faculty to attend development programs such as the
University of Wisconsin System Faculty College, Wisconsin Teaching Fellows and Teaching
Scholars, Bryn Mawr Summer Leadership Institute for Women and other programs. A more
Plastics Engineering 2011-2012 ABET Self-Study
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complete list of Professional Leadership and Development programs can be found on the
web at:
On campus the University has the Nakatani Teaching & Learning Center which holds many
different professional development workshops throughout the year. In addition there are two times at the start of each
semester when the University holds professional development workshops put on by faculty,
staff or speakers from off-campus.
The University also awards a limited number of sabbaticals for a semester or year to tenured
faculty who have completed at least six years of employment. Most years the University
awards eight to ten sabbaticals. An application announcement and timeline for sabbaticals is
sent to eligible faculty typically during July. The application form is available at
There are no specific program criteria beyond the General Criteria for engineering, general
engineering, engineering physics, engineering science, and similarly named engineering
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Appendix A – Course Syllabi
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1. Course number and name:
2. Credits and contact hours:
5 credits, 7 hours/week (4 lecture, 3 lab)
3. Instructor’s or course coordinator’s name:
Forrest Schultz
4. Textbook, title, author, and year:
Chemistry & Chemical Reactivity, Kotz, 2009.
a. other supplemental materials
Course Software: Online Web Learning (OWL) access, available for purchase online:
http://www.cengagebrain, com/micro/uwschem.
5. Specific course information:
a. brief description of the content of the course (catalog description):
Principles of inorganic chemistry, properties of important elements and
compounds. More rigorous approach and more extensive coverage than in CHEM115. Normally followed by CHEM-136. Students may incur incidental expenses for
b. prerequisites or co-requisites: Math proficiency greater than or equal to Math-120
c. indicate whether a required, elective, or selected elective (as per Table 5-1) course in
the program: Required in the program.
6. Specific goals for the course:
a. specific outcomes of instruction:
Successful completion of the course will enable the students to:
1) Describe ionic and covalent bonding in molecules.
2) Write and balance chemical reaction equations.
3) Perform stoichiometric calculations for simple chemical reactions.
4) Contrast real and ideal gases and perform calculations using the ideal gas law.
5) Compute the heat of reaction using standard emthalpies of formation.
6) List factors that affect the solubility of materials.
7) Describe a method of measuring the reaction rate for a chemical process.
8) Explain Le Chatelier’s principle as applied to equilibrium in chemical reactions.
7. Brief list of topics to be covered:
Course Topics:
1) Chemistry and measurement
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Atoms, molecules and ions
Chemical reactions
Calculations with chemical formula and equations
The gaseous state
Rates of reactions
Chemical equilibrium
Laboratory Projects:
1) Measuring with precision
2) Density measurements
3) Qualitative analysis of Group I reactions
4) Fractional distillation
5) Conductivity
6) Types of chemical reactions
7) Acid-base stoichiometry
8) Calcium content of a tablet
9) Iron content of a tablet
10) Heat of fusion and heat of combustion
11) Molar mass from freezing point depression
12) Rates of chemical reactions
13) Chemical equilibrium
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1. Course number and name:
2. Credits and contact hours:
4 credits, 6 hours/week (3 lecture, 3 lab)
3. Instructor’s or course coordinator’s name:
Matthew Ray
4. Textbook, title, author, and year:
Polymer Chemistry Properties & Applications, Peacock, 2006.
a. other supplemental materials
5. Specific course information:
a. brief description of the content of the course (catalog description):
Basic science of polymers. Common industrial polymers and their applications.
Relationship of the structure and salient structural features of industrial polymers with
their properties and applications
b. prerequisites or co-requisites: CHEM-135
c. indicate whether a required, elective, or selected elective (as per Table 5-1) course in
the program: Required in the program.
6. Specific goals for the course:
a. specific outcomes of instruction:
To complete the course, students will:
1) Demonstrate an understanding of: a) the different classification schemes used for
polymers in industry; b) the chemistry of polymer formation; c) the factors in the
manufacturing process which control the final properties of a polymer.
2) Recognize many of the most common industrial polymers and recognize their salient
functional groups.
3) Associate the properties of many industrial polymers with the related structural
4) Predict the likely properties of suggested but not studied polymers from their
structural characteristics.
5) Become familiar with the types of polymers used for such common applications as
adhesives, elastomers, epoxies, paints, and composites.
6) Demonstrate competence with the type of group effort used by industry to solve
problems or simply to accomplish a set task.
7) Produce a succinct synopsis of individual or group efforts to solve a problem or
accomplish a set task.
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7. Brief list of topics to be covered:
Lecture outline:
1) Review/introduction of important concepts from organic chemistry
2) Definition and classification of polymers
3) Making an addition polymer (polyethylene)
4) Examples and uses of important addition polymers
5) Making a condensation polymer
6) Examples of condensation polymers
7) Crystallization in polymers
8) Relation of the length of the polymer chain to properties of the polymer
9) Crosslinking of the polymer chain related to: a) the functionality of the monomer; b)
thermoset and thermoplastic properties
10) Copolymers, designer polymers
11) Mechanical properties of polymers related to the polymer chain
12) Failure of polymeric materials
13) Softening (dissolving) polymers
14) Additives for polymer mixtures
15) Important special polymers: a) elastomers; b) adhesives; c) composites
Laboratory outline:
1) Organic chemistry principles through molecular models
2) Making polymers I
3) Making polymers II
4) Oxygen and carbon dioxide diffusion through polymer packaging
5) Determination of melting temperature of crystalline polymers with DSC
6) Determination of glass transition temperature of amorphous polymers with DSC
7) Identification of polymers with FTIR, transmission and reflectance
8) Determination of distribution of chain lengths with GPC
9) Making a latex and other properties of elastomers
10) Paints, urethanes, and other coatings
11) Adhesives
12) Following the curing of an epoxy adhesive with FTIR
13) Polymer masking in computer chip production
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1. Course number and name:
2. Credits and contact hours:
3 credits, 3 hours/week
3. Instructor’s or course coordinator’s name:
Xuedong (David) Ding
4. Textbook, title, author, and year:
Basics of Engineering Economy, 1st edition, Blank, 2008.
a. other supplemental materials
5. Specific course information:
a. brief description of the content of the course (catalog description):
Source and application of funds: cost control, valuation, depreciation, replacement theory
and taxation
b. prerequisites or co-requisites: none
c. indicate whether a required, elective, or selected elective (as per Table 5-1) course in
the program: Required in the program.
6. Specific goals for the course:
a. specific outcomes of instruction:
By taking this class, students are expected to understand the meaning, role, approach, and
basic concepts of engineering economy.
1) Understand the derivation of the engineering formulas and how they are used.
2) Understand how to make economic calculation for interest and payment periods other
than one year.
3) Understand how to combine several factors to evaluate Present Value (PV), Future
Value (FV), and Annual Value (AV) of complex cash flow sequences.
4) Understand how to compare alternatives on a present-worth or capitalized cost basis.
5) Make annual worth calculations and compare alternatives.
6) Understanding the Rate of Return (ROR) analysis and applications.
7) Understand how to select the best financial alternatives.
8) Understand project evaluation using Benefit / Cost ratio.
9) Understand depreciation schedules and depletion models.
10) Understand the basic concept of Income Tax and after-tax economic analysis.
7. Brief list of topics to be covered:
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1. Course number and name:
2. Credits and contact hours:
4 credits, 4 hours/week
3. Instructor’s or course coordinator’s name:
John Dzissah
4. Textbook, title, author, and year:
Facilities Planning, Tompkins, 2003.
Operations Management,11th ed., William, 2012.
a. other supplemental materials
5. Specific course information:
a. brief description of the content of the course (catalog description):
Introduction to production/operations management and lean manufacturing system design
for engineers. Emphasis is given to analysis and design of production systems, facility
layout, and globalization
b. prerequisites or co-requisites: STAT-330
c. indicate whether a required, elective, or selected elective (as per Table 5-1) course in
the program: Required in the program.
6. Specific goals for the course:
a. specific outcomes of instruction:
Successful completion of the course will enable the students to understand the principles
and philosophies of lean manufacturing and how they apply to manufacturing operations
and systems.
1) Describe different operations strategies and discuss how they impact manufacturing
system design.
2) Design and describe production systems using various process charting techniques.
3) Describe basic work system design and work measurement techniques.
4) Analyze capacity, space, and flow requirements for machine, workplace, storage, and
warehousing facilities to meet the needs of products and production goals.
5) Design a detailed manufacturing cell layout using CAD.
6) Analyze layout designs in terms of both quantitative and qualitative factors.
7) Design preliminary block layouts for facilities and manufacturing cells.
8) Design an appropriate facility and material handling system for selected product(s),
including the selection of appropriate equipment.
9) Design a facility for a global location, including installation and operations issues
10) Calculate inventory, scheduling, and MRP plans.
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11) Evaluate the relationships between strategy, product design, manufacturing systems
design, and operations.
b. explicitly indicate which of the student outcomes listed in Criterion 3 or any other
outcomes are addressed by the course:
Student outcomes h and j are addressed in this course.
7. Brief list of topics to be covered:
Course Outline:
1) Introduction to operations management
2) Competitiveness and strategy
3) JIT and lean manufacturing
4) Global manufacturing and operations
5) Location planning and analysis
6) Capacity planning
7) Design of work systems and work measurement
8) Material handling equipment selection
9) Facility layout – space and flow requirements
10) Facility layout – systematic layout planning and block layouts
11) Facility layout – detailed work cell and facility design using CAD
12) Facility layout – computer-aided layout and simulation analysis
13) Inventory management
14) Material requirements planning (MRP) and enterprise requirements planning (ERP)
15) Scheduling
16) Supply chain management and warehousing
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1. Course number and name:
2. Credits and contact hours:
3 credits, 3 hours/week
3. Instructor’s or course coordinator’s name:
John Dzissah
4. Textbook, title, author, and year:
Introduction to Statistical Quality Control, Montgomery; 2009.
a. other supplemental materials
5. Specific course information:
a. brief description of the content of the course (catalog description):
Practical and statistical engineering methods to improve quality and design in a
manufacturing environment
b. prerequisites or co-requisites: STAT-330 or higher level of statistics course.
c. indicate whether a required, elective, or selected elective (as per Table 5-1) course in
the program: Required in the program.
6. Specific goals for the course:
a. specific outcomes of instruction:
Upon completion of this course the student will be able to design and implement a quality
improvement program based upon statistical methods.
1) Define and discuss quality and quality improvement.
2) Discuss the role that variability and statistical methods play in controlling and
improving quality.
3) Discuss the three functions of quality planning, quality assurance, quality control and
4) Explain the five steps of DMAIC: Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve, Control.
5) Explain the concepts of a variable and a probability distribution.
6) Determine probabilities from probability distributions and make inferences about
process quality.
7) Explain chance and assignable causes of variability in a process.
8) Apply the basic tools in Statistical Process Control (SPC).
9) Investigate and analyze measurement systems and process capabilities.
10) Understand the techniques to improve processes using Design of Experiment
11) Use statistical techniques to optimize processes.
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b. explicitly indicate which of the student outcomes listed in Criterion 3 or any other
outcomes are addressed by the course:
Student outcome b is addressed in this course.
7. Brief list of topics to be covered:
Course Outline:
1) Introduction
2) Quality improvement in the modern business environment
 The Design, Measure, Analyze, Improve and Control (DMAIC) process
3) Statistical methods useful in quality control and improvement
 Modeling process quality
 Inferences about process quality
4) Basic methods of statistical process control and capability analysis
 Methods and philosophy of Statistical Process Control
 Control chars for variables
 Control charts for attributes
 Process and measurement system capability analysis
5) Other statistical process monitoring and control techniques
 Cumulative sum and exponentially weighted moving average control charts
 Other univariate statistical process monitoring and control techniques
 Multivariate process monitoring and control
 Engineering process control and statistical process control
6) Process design and improvement with designed experiments
 Factorial and fractional factorial experiments for process design and improvement
 Process improvement with designed experiments with one factor, 22 factorial design,
2k factorial design, fractional replication of 2k design, response surface methods
 Process optimization with designed experiments
7) Acceptance sampling
 Lot-by-lot acceptance sampling for attributes
 Other acceptance-sampling techniques
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1. Course number and name:
MATH-153 (355-153) CALCULUS I
2. Credits and contact hours:
4 credits, 4 hours/week
3. Instructor’s or course coordinator’s name:
Mingshen Wu
4. Textbook, title, author, and year:
Single Variable Calculus: Early Transcendentals, 1st ed., by Soo T. Tan, 2011.
a. other supplemental materials:
5. Specific course information:
a. brief description of the content of the course (catalog description):
Functions, limits, continuity, bounds, sets; the derivative of functions and applications;
exponential, logarithmic, trigonometric and inverse functions.
b. prerequisites or co-requisites: MATH-121 or equivalent
c. indicate whether a required, elective, or selected elective (as per Table 5-1) course in
the program: Required in the program.
6. Specific goals for the course:
a. specific outcomes of instruction:
Successful completion of the course will enable the students to:
1) Develop an understanding of the calculus as an integrated part of the field of
2) Promote an appreciation for calculus as a useful tool in problem solving and also as a
topic in mathematics worthy of study
3) Develop skill in approaching and solving problems through analysis, synthesis, and
4) Show the value of proof through the use of inductive and deductive reasoning
5) Help the student gain confidence in the ability to recognize and solve problems
(through a wide variety of practice in problem situations)
6) Help the student find application in his chosen field
7) Have the student develop a broad and thorough understanding of limits and the
7. Brief list of topics to be covered:
Course Outline:
1) Limits
 Limit of a Function
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 Definition of a Limit
 Limit Properties
 Continuity of a Function
2) Derivatives
 Definition of Derivative
 Differentiation Formulas
 Derivatives of Trig Functions
 The Chain Rule
 Implicit Differentiation
 Higher Derivatives
 Related Rate Problems
 The Differential
 Max/Min Values
 First and Second Derivative Tests
 Concavity and Points of Inflection
 Curve Sketching
 Applied Max/Min Problems
3) Integration
 Antidifferentiation Procedures
 Sigma Notation
 Area Under a Curve by Summation Methods
 The Definition of the Definite Integral
 Properties of the Definite Integral
 The Fundamental Theorem of Calculus
 Areas Between Curves Using the Definite Integral
 Applications of the Definite Integral
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1. Course number and name:
MATH-154 (355-154) CALCULUS II
2. Credits and contact hours:
4 credits, 4 hours/week
3. Instructor’s or course coordinator’s name:
Benjamin Jones
4. Textbook, title, author, and year:
Single Variable Calculus: Early Transcendentals, 1st ed., by Soo T. Tan, 2011.
a. other supplemental materials
5. Specific course information:
a. brief description of the content of the course (catalog description):
Continuation of MATH-153: Antiderivatives; integration theory and techniques,
applications; parametric equations, vectors.
b. prerequisites or co-requisites: MATH-153 or MATH-156
c. indicate whether a required, elective, or selected elective (as per Table 5-1) course in
the program: Required in the program.
6. Specific goals for the course:
a. specific outcomes of instruction:
Successful completion of the course will enable the students to:
1) Develop understanding in the calculus as an integrated part of the field of
2) Promote an appreciation for calculus as a useful tool in problem solving and also as a
topic in mathematics worthy of study
3) Develop skill in approaching and solving problems through analysis, synthesis and
judgment (as opposed to memory as such)
4) Show the value of proof and inductive and deductive reasoning in problem solving
5) Help the student gain confidence in the ability to recognize and solve problems
(through practice in a wide variety of problem situations)
6) Help the student find application in his/her chosen field
7. Brief list of topics to be covered:
Course Outline:
1) Applications of the Definite Integral
2) Calculus of Exponential and Logarithmic Functions
3) Calculus of the Trigonometric and Inverse Trigonometric Functions
4) Techniques of Integration
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Indeterminate Forms and Improper Integrals
Parametric Equations
Vectors in Two and Three Dimensions
The Calculus of Vector Valued Functions
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1. Course number and name:
2. Credits and contact hours:
3 credits, 3 hours/week
3. Instructor’s or course coordinator’s name:
Ayub Hossain
4. Textbook, title, author, and year:
Differential Equations & Linear Algebra, 1st Ed., by Edwards, 2009.
a. other supplemental materials
5. Specific course information:
a. brief description of the content of the course (catalog description):
Differential equations: first-order and higher-order equations, systems of linear
differential equations. Linear algebra: matrices, determinants, systems of linear
equations, vector spaces, linear transformations, eigenvalues, eigenvectors. Credit cannot
be given for both MATH-250 and MATH-255.
b. prerequisites or co-requisites: MATH-154 or MATH-157
c. indicate whether a required, elective, or selected elective (as per Table 5-1) course in
the program: Required in the program.
6. Specific goals for the course:
a. specific outcomes of instruction:
The student who successfully completes this course will:
1) Understand and apply the basic principles of matrices and determinants.
2) Understand and apply the basic principles of vector spaces and linear transformations.
3) Understand and apply the basic principles of solving first-order differential equations.
4) Understand and apply the basic principles of higher order linear differential
5) Understand and apply the basic principles of solving systems of linear differential
6) Be able to identify engineering problems that can be solved using linear algebra and
differential equations.
7. Brief list of topics to be covered:
Course Outline:
1) Introduction to Differential Equations
 Identification and Solution of Exact, Separable, Homogeneous, Linear, and Bernoulli
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 Applications of First-order Equations
Matrices and Determinants
 Systems of Linear Equations, Homogeneous Systems, and Applications
 Matrices and Vectors, Matrix Multiplication, and Some Special Matrices
 Determinants, Properties of Determinants, Cofactors, Cramer's Rule
 The Inverse of a Matrix
Vector Spaces and Linear Transformations
 Vector Spaces, Subspaces, Linear Dependence and Independence
 Basis, Dimension, WronskiaN
 Basic Properties of Linear Transformations, Orthogonal Transformations
Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors
 Eigenvalues, Eigenvectors of Real Matrices
 Diagonalization of Real Symmetric Matrices
Linear Differential Equations
 Higher-order Linear Differential Equations
 Homogeneous Linear Equations with Constant Coefficients, Undetermined
 Applications of Second-order Linear Differential Equations
The Laplace Transform
 Definition and Basic Properties, Convolutions, Laplace Transform Solution of Linear
Differential Equations
System of Linear Differential Equations
 Homogeneous Linear Systems with Constant Coefficients, Two Equations in Two
Unknown Functions
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1. Course number and name:
2. Credits and contact hours:
3 credits, 4 hours/week
3. Instructor’s or course coordinator’s name:
Annamalai Pandian
4. Textbook, title, author, and year:
Engineering Mechanics: Statics and Dynamics, Costanzo, Plesha, & Gray, 2010.
a. other supplemental materials
5. Specific course information:
a. brief description of the content of the course (catalog description):
Force systems, free body diagrams, and static equilibrium in two and three dimensions.
Internal reactions, friction, and frames. Kinematic analysis of particle and rigid body
translation, rotation, and general planar motion. Force-acceleration analysis.
b. prerequisites or co-requisites: take PHYS-281
c. indicate whether a required, elective, or selected elective (as per Table 5-1) course in
the program: Required in the program.
6. Specific goals for the course:
a. specific outcomes of instruction:
Successful completion of the course will enable the students to:
1) Understand, express, and manipulate the concepts of forces and moments in two- and
three- dimensions.
2) Construct free-body diagrams of complete structures and their individual components.
3) Apply static equilibrium to particles in two- and three- dimensions.
4) Apply static equilibrium to rigid bodies in two dimensions.
5) Apply the concepts of dry friction to bodies in static equilibrium.
6) Analyze the internal forces within a rigid body in static equilibrium.
7) Analyze the relevant member and pin forces within frames which contain both twoforce members and two-force pins.
8) Understand Newton’s third law.
9) Determine the relationship between linear displacement, linear velocity, and linear
acceleration for particles and rigid bodies in motion.
10) Determine the relationship between linear and angular accelerations for rigid bodies
subject to general planar motion and rotation about a fixed axis.
11) Apply Newton’s first and second laws to calculate the linear and angular
accelerations of rigid bodies subject to forces.
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12) Understand the concept of mass moment of inertia and be able to apply it to simple
geometries when determining angular acceleration.
13) Determine the location of centroidal axes.
14) Have an introductory understanding of concepts pertaining to work-energy methods,
impulse-momentum methods, and vibrations.
b. explicitly indicate which of the student outcomes listed in Criterion 3 or any other
outcomes are addressed by the course:
Student outcome a is addressed in this course.
7. Brief list of topics to be covered:
Course Outline:
1) Static Equilibrium in Two-Dimensions
 Force, position, and moment vectors
 Static equilibrium analysis of free body diagrams (particles, rigid bodies)
 Development of free body diagrams
 Dry friction
 Internal reactions (axial force, shear force, bending moment)
2) Frames
 Frames containing two-force pins only
 Frames (trusses) containing two-force members only
 Complex frames containing both two-force pins and two-force members
 Frames with members of non-negligible weight
3) Kinematics/Kinetics
 Linear displacement, linear velocity, and linear acceleration of particles and rigid
 Newton’s first and second laws for objects in translation
 Newton’s first and second laws for rigid bodies rotating about their center of mass
 Mass moment of inertia
 Newton’s first and second laws for rigid bodies rotating about a fixed axis
 Newton’s first and second laws for rigid bodies subject to general planar motion
4) Mechanics in Three-Dimensions
 Force, position, and moment vectors
 Static equilibrium of particles
5) Other Topics in Mechanics
 Centroids
 Work-Energy Methods
 Impulse-Momentum Methods
 Vibrations
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1. Course number and name:
2. Credits and contact hours:
3 credits, 4 hours/week (2 lecture, 2 lab)
3. Instructor’s or course coordinator’s name:
John Petro
4. Textbook, title, author, and year:
Mechanics of Materials, Ferdinand, 2009.
a. other supplemental materials
5. Specific course information
a. brief description of the content of the course (catalog description):
Normal and shear stresses and strains. Stresses and deformations in objects subject to
axial, torsional, and flexural loadings. Shear and bending moment diagrams. Stress
transformations and principle stresses.
b. prerequisites or co-requisites: take MECH-293 with C or better
c. indicate whether a required, elective, or selected elective (as per Table 5-1) course in
the program: Required in the program.
6. Specific goals for the course:
a. specific outcomes of instruction:
Successful completion of the course will enable the students to:
1) Understand the concepts of normal stress, shear stress, normal strain, and shear strain.
2) Develop equivalent force systems and calculate the location and magnitude of the
resultant force of a distributed load.
3) Understand the relationship between axial, torsional, and flexural loads and normal
and shear stress distributions.
4) Analyze statically indeterminate systems subject to axial and torsional loads by
applying deformation relationships.
5) Analyze the normal and/or shear stresses in objects subject to axial, torsional,
flexural, and combined loads.
6) Determine the maximum normal and shear stresses resulting from common stress
7) Calculate centroids and area moments of interia.
8) Determine principle stresses by applying Mohr’s circle.
9) Calculate the deflection of beams subject to various loadings.
10) Have an introductory understanding of fatigue, modes of failure, column buckling,
pressure vessels, and thermal expansion.
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b. explicitly indicate which of the student outcomes listed in Criterion 3 or any other
outcomes are addressed by the course:
Student outcome e is addressed in this course.
7. Brief list of topics to be covered:
Course Outline:
1) Types of Loads
 Torsional loads
 Distributed loads
 Equivalent force systems
 Internal loads (normal force, shear force, torque, bending moment)
2) Fundamentals of Stress and Strain
 Average stress (normal, shear)
 Stress element
 Strain (normal, shear)
 Stress-strain curve
3) Axial Loading
 Normal stress and strain resulting from axial loading
 Indeterminate systems subject to axial loading
 Stress concentrations in objects subject to axial loading
4) Torsional Loading
 Shear stress and strain resulting from torsional loading
 Polar area moment of inertia
 Indeterminate systems subject to torsional loading
 Stress concentrations in objects subject to torsional loading
5) Flexural Loading (Bending Moments and Shear Loading)
 Normal stress distributions in objects subject to bending moments
 Area moment of inertia and centroids
 Shear stress distributions in objects subject to shear loading
 Shear-bending moment diagrams
 Stress concentrations in objects subject to flexural loading
6) Stress Transformations
 Mohr’s circle
 Principle stresses
7) Combined Loadings
 Normal and shear stresses in objects subject to combined loadings
 Principle stresses in objects subject to combined loadings
8) Beam Deflection
9) Other Topics in Mechanics of Materials
 Fatigue
 Modes of failure
 Column buckling
 Pressure vessels
 Thermal expansion
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1. Course number and name:
2. Credits and contact hours:
2 credits, 3 hours/week
3. Instructor’s or course coordinator’s name:
Rajiv Asthana
4. Textbook, title, author, and year:
Thermodynamics and Heat Power, Rolle, Kurt C., 1999.
Heat Transfer with Applications, Hagen, 1999.
a. other supplemental materials:
5. Specific course information:
a. brief description of the content of the course (catalog description):
Application of thermodynamics and heat transfer fundamentals to the design and analysis
of manufacturing processes and systems.
b. prerequisites or co-requisites: PHYS-281 and MATH-250 (which may be taken
c. indicate whether a required, elective, or selected elective (as per Table 5-1) course in
the program: Required in the program.
6. Specific goals for the course:
a. specific outcomes of instruction:
Upon completion of this course, students will be able to:
1) Apply the first laws of thermodynamics in the analysis of systems consisting of
mixtures of liquids, gases and vapors.
2) Categorize and describe the physical mechanisms of heat transfer, specifically heat
conduction, heat convection and heat radiation.
3) Apply the fundamentals of heat transfer in the analysis of manufacturing processes
and systems.
4) Describe temperature and other heat related properties of materials.
7. Brief list of topics to be covered:
a. Applied Thermodynamics
 Properties of substances
 First law of thermodynamics
 Power cycles and entropy
 Mixtures of gasses, vapors and liquids
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b. Applied Heat Transfer
 Conduction fundamentals
 Convection fundamentals
 Radiation fundamentals
 Boiling and condensation
 Heat related properties of materials
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1. Course number and name:
2. Credits and contact hours:
3 credits, 4 hours/week
3. Instructor’s or course coordinator’s name:
Gregory Slupe
4. Textbook, title, author, and year:
The CNC Workshop, 2nd edition, Nanfara, 2002.
CNC Control set up for Milling & Turning, Smid, 2010.
a. other supplemental materials: Handouts are used to maintain current curricula.
5. Specific course information:
a. brief description of the content of the course (catalog description):
Effects of product mix and demand patterns on manufacturing system design and
selection of process control methods. Introduction to quick changeover strategies and
reprogrammable automation including numerically controlled machine tools, robotics,
group technology, CAD/CAM, automated inspection and other computerized processing
b. prerequisites or co-requisites: MFGE-252 and ENGGR-210
c. indicate whether a required, elective, or selected elective (as per Table 5-1) course in
the program: Required in the program.
6. Specific goals for the course:
a. specific outcomes of instruction:
Successful completion of the course will enable the students to:
1) Explain the effects of product demand patterns and product mixes on manufacturing
system design and control.
2) Understand the terminology associated with computer integrated manufacturing,
including but not limited to: CADD, CAM, CAPP, NC, CNC, DNC, CAE.
3) Explain the principles of Numerical Control as they apply to various processing
4) Compare the application and impact of NC to other processing control techniques.
5) Create machine code files for CNC machine tools using industry standard g-codes
and m-functions, using conversational programming, and using integrated CAD/CAM
6) Design appropriate tool paths using standard tooling for selected products possessing
both straight and curved surface features.
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7) Compile the appropriate shop floor documentation required for production
8) Setup and run CNC machine tools to produce high quality parts.
9) Analyze machined parts and make appropriate modifications to program, tooling or
machine tool setup to correct errors.
10) Explain the functions and principles of gauging and automated inspection.
11) Measure quality conformance for tolerance parts using a variety of gauging methods,
including ,micrometers and calipers.
12) Program, setup and run a CMM program for basic inspection of a part.
13) Compile CMM data results into inspection report of a manufactured part.
b. explicitly indicate which of the student outcomes listed in Criterion 3 or any other
outcomes are addressed by the course:
Student outcome d is addressed in this course.
7. Brief list of topics to be covered:
Course Topics:
1) Product demand patterns
2) Machine descriptions and axis definitions
3) Coordinate systems
4) G-code programming
5) Machine tool setup
6) CAD/CAM programming (SolidWorks/CamWorks)
7) CNC lathe programming (Mazatrol)
8) Coordinate measuring machine (PC-DMIS)
Laboratory Projects:
Introduction to EIA RS-274D programming
Canned cycle commands
Conversational programming introduction (milling)
CAD/CAM/CNC programming and computer simulation for 2 ½ axis programming for
prismatic parts
CAD/CAM/CNC programming and computer simulation for 3 axis programming for 3-d
Independent student design and manufacture project
Introduction to CMM
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1. Course number and name:
2. Credits and contact hours:
2 credits, 3 hours/week
3. Instructor’s or course coordinator’s name:
David McCall
4. Textbook, title, author, and year:
Essentials of Fluid Mechanics: Fundamentals & Applications, Cimbala, 2008.
Fluid Power Technology, (1st Ed.), Norvelle, 1995.
a. other supplemental materials:
5. Specific course information:
a. brief description of the content of the course (catalog description):
Fundamental fluid properties. General flow characteristics, including viscid/inviscid,
laminar/turbulent, steady-state/transient, compressible/incompressible, and
internal/external flow. Static pressure distributions and related forces. Conservation of
mass and energy applied to both inviscid and viscid flows. Pump behavior and sizing of
pumps for systems. Fluid equipment, including valves, actuators, flow measurement, and
pressure measurement.
b. prerequisites or co-requisites: MFGE-363
c. indicate whether a required, elective, or selected elective (as per Table 5-1) course in
the program: Required in the program.
6. Specific goals for the course:
a. specific outcomes of instruction:
Successful completion of the course will enable the students to:
1) Understand fundamental fluid properties.
2) Understand general flow characteristics, including viscid/inviscid, laminar/turbulent,
steady-state/transient, compressible/incompressible, and internal/external flow.
3) Calculate gravitationally induced static pressure distributions.
4) Apply conservation of mass to fluid flow.
5) Analyze inviscid flow behavior by applying Bernoulli’s equation.
6) Evaluate viscid, internal flow systems by applying conservation of energy and
frictional head loss correlations.
7) Understand characteristics of centrifugal and positive displacement pumps and
analyze systems containing them.
8) Understand operating principles of fluid equipment, including valves, actuators, flow
measurement devices, and pressure measurement devices.
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9) Develop a robust conceptual knowledge of fluid flow characteristics to enable
successful predictions of flow behavior.
b. explicitly indicate which of the student outcomes listed in Criterion 3 or any other
outcomes are addressed by the course:
Student outcome a is addressed in this course.
7. Brief list of topics to be covered:
Course Outline:
1) Fluid Properties
2) General Flow Characteristics
3) Fluid Statics
4) Conservation of Mass
5) Inviscid Flow
6) Viscid Internal Flow
7) Pumps
8) Fluid Equipment
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1. Course number and name:
2. Credits and contact hours:
2 credits, 4 hours/week
3. Instructor’s or course coordinator’s name:
David Fly
4. Textbook, title, author, and year:
Introduction to Robotics in CIM Systems, REGH, 2003.
a. other supplemental materials:
5. Specific course information:
a. brief description of the content of the course (catalog description):
Design of machine vision and industrial robotic applications, including cost justification.
b. prerequisites or co-requisites: INMGT-300 and MECH-293
c. indicate whether a required, elective, or selected elective (as per Table 5-1) course in
the program: Required in the program.
6. Specific goals for the course:
a. specific outcomes of instruction:
Successful completion of the course will enable the students to:
1) Analyze material handling problem and write specifications for robots and end of arm
2) Write robotic programs for industrial applications
3) Explain the key differences between mobile and stationary robots
4) Design an industrial machine vision inspection application
5) Design appropriate lighting for a robust machine vision application
6) Formulate return on investment and payback calculations for industrial equipment
7) Contribute to a productive team environment
7. Brief list of topics to be covered:
Course Outline:
1) Cost justification
2) Mobile robots
3) Robotic programming
4) End of Arm Tooling
5) Machine Vision and Inspection
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1. Course number and name:
2. Credits and contact hours:
3 credits, 4 hours/week (2 lecture, 2 lab)
3. Instructor’s or course coordinator’s name:
Rajiv Asthana
4. Textbook, title, author, and year:
Materials Science & Engineering: An Introduction, Callister, 2007.
a. other supplemental materials
5. Specific course information:
a. brief description of the content of the course (catalog description):
Exposure to engineering materials, their properties, and behavior. Topics will include:
material types, testing, mechanical properties, heat treatment, and material selection.
Students are expected to have had high school chemistry
b. prerequisites or co-requisites: Math Placement or MATH-120
c. indicate whether a required, elective, or selected elective (as per Table 5-1) course in
the program: Required in the program.
6. Specific goals for the course:
a. specific outcomes of instruction:
Provide a first college-level exposure to engineering materials, their properties and
behavior. Upon successful completion of this course, the student should be able to:
1) define material types, material testing, and elementary concepts in engineering
2) analyze mechanical properties (hardness, strength, toughness, fatigue)
3) describe heat treatment of steels and non-ferrous alloys
4) evaluate physical and mechanical properties of ceramics and polymers (hardness,
density, breaking strength)
5) explain the principles of material selection
7. Brief list of topics to be covered:
Course Outline:
1) Materials for engineering
2) Crystalline structure and imperfections in solids
3) Mechanical Properties
4) Alloys and phase diagrams
5) Phase transformations and heat treatment of metals
6) The structural materials
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7) Ceramics and glasses
8) Polymers and composites
9) Materials selection and design considerations
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1. Course number and name:
2. Credits and contact hours:
3 credits, 4 hours/week
3. Instructor’s or course coordinator’s name:
Wei Zheng
4. Textbook, title, author, and year:
International Plastics Handbook, 1st edition, Osswald, T. A., Baur, E., Brinkmann, S.,
Oberbach, K., and Schmactenberg, E., 2006.
a. other supplemental materials
5. Specific course information:
a. brief description of the content of the course (catalog description):
Examine basics of molecular structure, mechanical behavior, and rheological properties
of plastics. Overview of plastics processing, new technologies related to processing,
post-consumer-life, and introduction to ASTM/ISO standards used for testing and
materials characterization.
b. prerequisites or co-requisites: MFGT-150
c. indicate whether a required, elective, or selected elective (as per Table 5-1) course in
the program: Required in the program.
6. Specific goals for the course:
a. specific outcomes of instruction:
Successful completion of the course will enable the students to:
1) Understand the molecular structure of thermoplastics, thermosets, and elastomers.
2) Describe the fundamental differences between co-polymers, polymer blends, and
polymer composites.
3) Relate the molecular structure of plastics to the physical properties and mechanical
and rheological behaviors of plastics.
4) Understand the methods used to characterize plastic materials.
5) Understand analytical testing methods for identifying modes and causes of failure.
6) Describe common plastics processing methods along with the materials processed and
markets served.
7) Identify and describe many of the prototyping options readily available in industry.
8) Identify and describe sustainable concepts and behaviors important to the preparation
for “postconsumer-life” of plastic components.
9) Perform independent research and prepare a written report and oral presentation on an
emerging polymeric material.
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b. explicitly indicate which of the student outcomes listed in Criterion 3 or any other
outcomes are addressed by the course:
Student outcomes a, g, h, i, j, k, and l are addressed in this course.
7. Brief list of topics to be covered:
Course Outline:
1) Basic polymer chemistry and its effects on properties, processing, and performance
 History of polymers
 Molecular structure of thermoplastics, thermosets, and elastomers
 Relationship of molecular structure to properties, processing and performance
 Mechanical behavior of polymers
 Rheology of polymers
 Plastics types and grades
 Plastics additives
 Major plastics markets
 Sustainability concepts
2) Material selection
 Production processes
 Prototyping options
 Part function / application
 Environmental factors
3) Introduction to materials characterization and testing
 Analytical testing methods
 Testing for process troubleshooting
 Modes of failure
 Testing for failure analysis
 Perform independent research
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1. Course number and name:
2. Credits and contact hours:
3 credits, 4 hours/week
3. Instructor’s or course coordinator’s name:
Wendy Stary
4. Textbook, title, author, and year:
Successful Injection Molding, Beaumont (MFGT), 2002.
a. other supplemental materials
5. Specific course information:
a. brief description of the content of the course (catalog description):
Injection molding process parameters, part and tooling design, materials selection,
quoting, rapid prototyping, troubleshooting, and cycle time reduction efforts. Laboratory
experiments for understanding various technologies associated with injection molding of
quality parts.
b. prerequisites or co-requisites: MFGT-250 or MFGT-251
c. indicate whether a required, elective, or selected elective (as per Table 5-1) course in
the program: Required in the program.
6. Specific goals for the course:
a. specific outcomes of instruction:
As a result of completing this course, a student should be able to:
1) Apply principles of successful development and production of injection molded parts.
2) Select and identify thermoplastic materials used in injection molding.
3) Apply and demonstrate injection molding processing parameters.
4) Explain basic part design guidelines.
5) Evaluate mold design parameters including the selection, identification, and location
of cooling lines, gate and gate type, ejection pins.
6) Explain mold filling and its effect on the product and material.
7) Understand basic prototyping (tooling/parts) to include introduction to rapid
8) Describe the principles of Computer-Aided-Engineering.
9) Analyze processing as related to filling and packing, mold cooling, and shrinkage and
b. explicitly indicate which of the student outcomes listed in Criterion 3 or any other
outcomes are addressed by the course:
Student outcomes a, b, e, k, and l are addressed in this course.
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7. Brief list of topics to be covered:
Course Outline:
1) Successful Development and Production of Injection Molded Parts
2) Thermoplastics in Injection Molding
 Materials selection
3) Injection Molding
 Processing parameters
4) Part Design Guidelines
 Materials selection and shrinkage
 Draft
 Part wall thickness
 Ribs/bosses
 Material flow length
 Gates/gating
 Rapid Prototyping
5) Mold Design
 Mold assembly
 Mold clamp requirements
 Cooling line sizing/location
 Reynold’s numbers
 Runner layout/sizing
 Pressure drops
 Gate type/selection
 Vent requirements
 Ejection systems/option
6) Mold Filling and Its Effect on the Product and Material
7) Introduction to Computer-Aided-Engineering
8) The Process of Performing CAE analysis
9) Characterization of Thermoplastic Materials for CAE
10) Geometry Modeling for Injection Molding Analysis
11) Design and Process Strategies
12) Filling and Packing Analysis
13) Mold Cooling Analysis
14) Shrinkage and Warpage Analysis
15) Prototyping (tooling/parts)
 RP options
 Part quote costing
 New materials/technologies
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1. Course number and name:
2. Credits and contact hours:
5 credits, 7 hours/week (3 lecture, 2 discussion, 2 lab)
3. Instructor’s or course coordinator’s name:
Todd Zimmerman
4. Textbook, title, author, and year:
Matter & Interactions, Volume 1: Modern Mechanics, Chabay, 2010.
a. other supplemental materials
5. Specific course information:
a. brief description of the content of the course (catalog description):
Calculus-based general physics course: mechanics and thermodynamics with laboratory.
b. prerequisites or co-requisites: take either MATH-154 or MATH-157
c. indicate whether a required, elective, or selected elective (as per Table 5-1) course in
the program: Required in the program.
6. Specific goals for the course:
a. specific outcomes of instruction:
Successful completion of the course will enable the students to:
1) Analyze the kinematic motion of objects in one and two dimensions.
2) Use Newton’s laws of motion to solve practical problems.
3) Understand the qualitative and quantitative relationship between work and energy and
between impulse and momentum.
4) Analyze the rotation of a rigid body in three dimensions.
5) Mathematically describe oscillatory motion.
6) Describe the concept of temperature as applied to gases, liquids and solids.
7) Use the first law of thermodynamics to solve practical problems involving
conservation of energy.
7. Brief list of topics to be covered:
Course Topics:
1) Introduction to physics and units of measurement
2) Kinematics and vectors
3) Newton’s laws of motion
4) Work and energy
5) Impulse and momentum
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6) Rotational mechanics
7) Oscillatory motion
8) Introduction to fluids
9) Temperature and the thermal properties of matter
10) First law of thermodynamics
11) Second law of thermodynamics
Laboratory Projects:
1) Freefall of objects
2) Projectile motion
3) Friction
4) Modeling drag
5) The pendulum
6) Force equilibrium
7) Ballistic pendulum
8) Circular motion
9) Static equilibrium
10) Young’s modulus
11) Joule heat
12) Specific heat
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1. Course number and name:
2. Credits and contact hours:
5 credits, 7 hours/week (3 lecture, 2 discussion, 2 lab)
3. Instructor’s or course coordinator’s name:
Marlann Patterson
4. Textbook, title, author, and year:
Matter & Interactions, Volume 2: Electric & Magnetic Interactions, Sherwood, 2010.
a. other supplemental materials
5. Specific course information:
a. brief description of the content of the course (catalog description):
Calculus-based general physics course: electricity, sound, light, and selected topics in
modern physics with laboratory.
b. prerequisites or co-requisites: PHYS-281
c. indicate whether a required, elective, or selected elective (as per Table 5-1) course in
the program: Required in the program.
6. Specific goals for the course:
a. specific outcomes of instruction:
Successful completion of the course will enable the students to:
1) Analyze the propagation of sound waves in air.
2) Describe the motion of charged particles in electric and magnetic fields.
3) Apply Kirchhoff’s laws to simple electric circuits.
4) Compute the force on a current carrying conductor in a magnetic field.
5) Explain how relative motion between a conductor and a magnetic field induces a
6) Describe the optical phenomena of reflection, refraction, diffraction and interference.
7. Brief list of topics to be covered:
Course Topics:
1) Introductory physics topics including waves, sound, electric charge, forces, fields,
potential, DC and AC currents, Ohm’s Law, circuits, and Kirchhoff’s Rules.
2) Magnetism topics including magnetic fields, magnetic forces, production of magnetic
fields, induced currents and fields, and Faraday’s Law.
3) Light topics including wave properties of light, reflection, refraction, interference,
diffraction, polarization and optical instruments.
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Laboratory Projects:
1) Standing wave
2) Oscilloscope
3) DC circuits
4) Resistance
5) Capacitors
6) AC circuits
7) Magnetic fields
8) Light
9) Inverse Square Law
10) Refraction
11) Mirrors
12) Lenses
13) Double slit
14) Diffraction
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1. Course number and name:
2. Credits and contact hours:
3 credits, 4 hours/week
3. Instructor’s or course coordinator’s name:
Wendy Stary
4. Textbook, title, author, and year:
Polymer Extrusion, 4th edition, Rauwendaal, C., 2001.
a. other supplemental materials
5. Specific course information:
a. brief description of the content of the course (catalog description):
Advanced applications for extrusion and the various processes associated with extrusion.
Profile, flat film, blown film extrusion as well as blow molding and die design will be
discussed at both the macro and micro levels. Laboratory experiments will focus on
processing variables, part design, and materials.
b. prerequisites or co-requisites: PLE-180 and MFGE-275
c. indicate whether a required, elective, or selected elective (as per Table 5-1) course in
the program: Required in the program.
6. Specific goals for the course:
a. specific outcomes of instruction:
Successful completion of the course will enable the students to:
1) Integrate the fundamental and advanced principles of extrusion, thermoforming, and
extrusion blow molding processes and associated process analysis.
2) Evaluate, select, and analyze extrusion equipment, instrumentation and control
mechanisms using sound engineering principles.
3) Synthesize the functional aspects of various extrusion screw designs and material
selection through experimentation as related to extrusion.
4) Assess part design guidelines as related to key processing characteristics for
extrusion, thermoforming, and extrusion blow molding processes.
5) Evaluate the mechanics of sheet stretching and cooling, and their effects on the
quality of extruded and thermoformed products using experimental design.
6) Analyze and troubleshoot extrusion equipment in order to optimize extrusion
7) Understand the rheological characteristics of the polymers that are most important to
understanding of the extrusion process and design of equipment.
8) Demonstrate knowledge of extrusion simulation/design software targeted at process
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b. explicitly indicate which of the student outcomes listed in Criterion 3 or any other
outcomes are addressed by the course:
Student outcomes a, b, c, e, h, i, k, and l are addressed in this course.
7. Brief list of topics to be covered:
Course Outline:
1) Introduction to Extrusion
 History of Polymer Extrusion
 Basic Process
 Fundamental principles
2) Different types of extruders
 Extruder hardware
 Instrumentation and Control
3) Functional process analysis
4) Extruder screw design
5) Die design
6) Introduction to Thermoforming
7) General Forming Concepts
 Methods of Heating Sheet
 Sheet Stretching and Cooling
8) Part Design
9) Introduction to Extrusion Blow Molding
 Processing Requirements
 Melt Flow
 The Extruder
10) Tooling (Dies and Molds)
 Extrusion Blow Molding Die Heads
 Mold Design
 Mold Construction
11) Plastic Types and Processability
 Rheological Considerations for Die Design
12) Fundamentals of Product Design
 Design Guidelines
 Parting lines
 Shrinkage
 Behavior of Plastic
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1. Course number and name:
2. Credits and contact hours:
3 credits, 4 hours/week
3. Instructor’s or course coordinator’s name:
Adam Kramschuster
4. Textbook, title, author, and year:
Robust Process Development & Scientific Molding: Theory & Practice, Kulkarni, S., 2011.
a. other supplemental materials
5. Specific course information:
a. brief description of the content of the course (catalog description):
This course builds on basic injection molding knowledge with an emphasis on design,
process cause and effect, troubleshooting, advanced molding techniques, cycle time
reduction efforts, thermal management techniques, rapid prototyping, six sigma, and
small parts molding.
b. prerequisites or co-requisites: MFGT-341, MFGE-275, ENGGR-210
c. indicate whether a required, elective, or selected elective (as per Table 5-1) course in
the program: Required in the program.
6. Specific goals for the course:
a. specific outcomes of instruction:
Successful completion of the course will enable the students to:
1) Develop injection molding processes to produce quality parts.
2) Understand and implement scientific injection molding principles.
3) Evaluate the injection molding process using design of experiments (DOE) and
process simulation.
4) Apply knowledge of the flow and thermodynamic properties of plastic materials to
process set-up and troubleshooting.
5) Create proper documentation of the injection molding process.
6) Assess and implement cycle time reduction efforts.
7) Perform and document tool qualification procedures.
8) Analyze thermal management techniques and advanced mold designs.
9) Determine appropriate uses and distinguish between variations of the injection
molding process.
b. explicitly indicate which of the student outcomes listed in Criterion 3 or any other
outcomes are addressed by the course:
Student outcomes a, b, c, d, e, g, h, i, j, and k are addressed in this course.
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7. Brief list of topics to be covered:
Course Outline:
1) Process setup and mold filling
 Plastics flow
o Filling and packing analysis
o Fluid dynamics
o Fountain flow
 Post-filling or packing phase
 Cooling after gate freeze
 Flow effects on shrinkage
 Warpage and residual stresses
 Processing effects on part quality
2) Process documentation
3) Design of experiments (DOE) and injection molding
4) Tool qualification
5) Scientific injection molding
 Sensor selection
 Sensor placement
 Single cavity vs. multicavity
 PVT (pressure, specific volume & temperature) diagrams
6) Injection molding and cycle time reduction efforts
7) Thermal management techniques
8) Introduction to injection molding simulation software (computer-aided engineering
 Material selection
 Filling analysis
 Cooling analysis
 Warpage analysis
 Gate type, placement, & sizing
9) Advanced mold designs
 Rapid tooling
 Sprue and runner systems
o Design
o Gate changes
o Part quote costing
10) Special injection molding topics
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1. Course number and name:
2. Credits and contact hours:
3 credits, 4 hours/week
3. Instructor’s or course coordinator’s name:
Adam Kramschuster
4. Textbook, title, author, and year:
Moldflow Design Guide, 1st edition, Shoemaker, J., 2006.
a. other supplemental materials
5. Specific course information:
a. brief description of the content of the course (catalog description):
Concepts of process modeling and simulation. Primary processes covered will include
injection molding and extrusion. Key aspects of each process will include materials
selection, part cooling and associated shrinkage, thermodynamics, warpage analysis, cost
estimating, thermal management issues, and cycle time reduction efforts.
b. prerequisites or co-requisites: MATH-250, PLE-305, PLE-310
c. indicate whether a required, elective, or selected elective (as per Table 5-1) course in
the program: Required in the program.
6. Specific goals for the course:
a. specific outcomes of instruction:
Successful completion of the course will enable the students to:
1) Implement procedures for matching a part to the optimal processing method.
2) Derive relationships for understanding and modeling mechanical properties and flow
behavior of plastics.
3) Apply knowledge of polymer flow behavior to process simulation design.
4) Develop, perform, and analyze a process simulation.
5) Utilize design of experiments to optimize part and mold design.
b. explicitly indicate which of the student outcomes listed in Criterion 3 or any other
outcomes are addressed by the course:
Student outcomes a, b, c, e, h, k, and l are addressed in this course.
7. Brief list of topics to be covered:
Course Outline:
1) Part Matching to an Optimal Processing Method
2) Plastics Material Properties
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 Viscoelasticity
 Thixotropic Behavior
 Non-Newtonian Behavior
3) Plastics Process Modeling
 Analytical Solutions (Newtonian)
 Analytical Solutions (non-Newtonian)
 Numerical Solutions (Finite Difference Methods)
4) Polymer Flow Behavior in Injection Molds
 Filling Pattern
 Simulation Design Principles
 Meshes Used in Simulation Software
 Product Design
 Gate Design
 Runner System Design
 Cooling System Design
 Shrinkage and Warpage
5) Part and Mold Design Procedure
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1. Course number and name:
2. Credits and contact hours:
3 credits, 3 hours/week
3. Instructor’s or course coordinator’s name:
Wei Zheng
4. Textbook, title, author, and year:
Handbook of Plastics Testing and Failure Analysis, 3rd edition, Shah, V., 2007.
a. other supplemental materials
5. Specific course information:
a. brief description of the content of the course (catalog description):
Introduction to basic mechanical, physical, and chemical properties of polymers as
viscoelastic materials. Concepts and test standards (ASTM/ISO) of tensile, bending,
burst, UV light, optical, dimensional, rheology, creep, moisture and others will be
covered as related to plastics materials selection, processing and design.
b. prerequisites or co-requisites: CHEM-325, MECH-294, MFGE-275
c. indicate whether a required, elective, or selected elective (as per Table 5-1) course in
the program: Required in the program.
6. Specific goals for the course:
a. specific outcomes of instruction:
Successful completion of the course will enable the students to:
1) Synthesize the specifications and standards available for characterization and testing
of polymeric materials.
2) Design, analyze, and evaluate various material characterization tests.
3) Analyze unknown materials and material compositions.
4) Identify and characterize modes and causes of failure.
5) Perform analytical tests used for troubleshooting processing defects / field failures.
6) Develop and conduct Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (FMEA).
7) Develop and conduct Gage R & R and process capability studies for materials testing.
8) Evaluate the importance of documentation in testing, in particular how it relates to
b. explicitly indicate which of the student outcomes listed in Criterion 3 or any other
outcomes are addressed by the course:
Student outcomes a, b, e, f, h, k, and l are addressed in this course.
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7. Brief list of topics to be covered:
Course Outline:
1) Basic Concepts and Advancements in Testing Technology
 Specification and standards
 Advancements in Technology
 Nondestructive Evaluation
2) Characterization and Testing of Polymeric Materials / Parts
 Mechanical
 Thermal
 Electrical
 Weathering
 Optical
 Rheological
 Chemical
 Physical
 Dimensional – Gage R & R / CpK
3) Failure Analysis
 Types / causes of failures
 Failure analysis process / procedure
 Failure Mode and Effect Analysis (FMEA)
 Liability
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1. Course number and name:
2. Credits and contact hours:
3 credits, 4 hours/week
3. Instructor’s or course coordinator’s name:
Wendy Stary
4. Textbook, title, author, and year:
Experimental Design for Injection Molding, Lahey J.P. & Launsby, 2009.
Quality Improvement Through Planned Experimentation, Moen, R., 1998.
a. other supplemental materials
5. Specific course information:
a. brief description of the content of the course (catalog description):
The design and analysis of real world problems related to plastics engineering. Design of
Experiments (DOE) software will be used when performing planned plastics processing
experiments and materials characterization.
b. prerequisites or co-requisites: PLE-340, PLE-360, STAT-330, or Instructor Consent
c. indicate whether a required, elective, or selected elective (as per Table 5-1) course in
the program: Required in the program.
6. Specific goals for the course:
a. specific outcomes of instruction:
Successful completion of the course will enable the students to:
1) Describe and demonstrate the links between experimental design and quality
improvement methods including process validation, 6 Sigma, QS-9000, and Scientific
Injection Molding, Extrusion processing and materials characterization.
2) Design and analyze multiple types of planned experiments as related to plastics
processing and materials characterization.
3) Design, perform, and evaluate multiple types and levels of plastics processing
experiments 4 Synthesize all experimental design tools and documentation that are
critical when performing planned plastics processing experiments.
b. explicitly indicate which of the student outcomes listed in Criterion 3 or any other
outcomes are addressed by the course:
Student outcomes a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, and k are addressed in this course.
7. Brief list of topics to be covered:
Course Outline:
1) Improvement of Quality
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2) Testing a Process Change
3) Principles for Design and Analysis of Planned Experiments
4) Molding/Forming Experiments With One Factor
5) Molding/Forming Experiments With More Than One factor
6) Reducing the Size of Molding/Forming Experiments
7) Evaluating Sources of Variation in Plastics Processing
8) Plastics Processing Experiments With Special Situations
9) New Molded/Formed Product Designs and DOEs (Design of Experiments)
10) Case Studies from Plastics Processing
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1. Course number and name:
2. Credits and contact hours:
3 credits, 4 hours/week
3. Instructor’s or course coordinator’s name:
Wendy Stary
4. Textbook, title, author, and year:
Because of the variable nature of the course a text is not required.
a. other supplemental materials
Quality Improvement Through Planned Experimentation, Moen, R., 1998.
5. Specific course information
a. brief description of the content of the course (catalog description):
An industry based or independent study problem related to plastics engineering that
requires knowledge in research, problem solving, teamwork, communication skills,
project management, documentation, and experimentation.
b. prerequisites or co-requisites: PLE-405, MFGE-363, PLE-320
c. indicate whether a required, elective, or selected elective (as per Table 5-1) course in
the program: Required in the program.
6. Specific goals for the course:
a. specific outcomes of instruction:
Successful completion of the course will enable the students to:
1) Identify an industry based or independent study problem related to plastics
engineering that can be solved via experimental means and within the timeframe of
one semester.
2) Design, execute, and analyze a minimum of a 2 x 2 factorial design of experiments.
3) Demonstrate teamwork, leadership and project management skills by leading crossfunctional teams, documenting outcomes, and providing timely status updates
throughout the problem solving process.
4) Defend the experimental methods used and the analysis of the results in both written
and oral formats.
b. explicitly indicate which of the student outcomes listed in Criterion 3 or any other
outcomes are addressed by the course:
Student outcomes a, b, c, d, e, g, and k are addressed in this course.
7. Brief list of topics to be covered:
Course Outline:
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1) Industry Problem Selection and Background
 Research – literature search / review
2) Management Skills
 Teamwork
 Communication – oral and written
 Project management
 Problem solving methods
3) Experimental Application
 Design of Experiments (DOE)
 Developing experimental procedures
 Execution of experiments
4) Results
 Analysis of results
 Reporting and presentation of results
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1. Course number and name:
2. Credits and contact hours:
3 credits, 4 hours/week
3. Instructor’s or course coordinator’s name:
Wendy Stary
4. Textbook, title, author, and year:
a. other supplemental materials
5. Specific course information
a. brief description of the content of the course (catalog description):
Fluid dynamics and heat transfer applied to plastics processing. Plastic flow behavior as a
non-Newtonian fluid with shear heating. Effects of operating conditions and mold/die
design on filling behavior, cooling rates, and part characteristics. Finite difference and
iterative calculations employed with comparison to fluid flow simulation software.
b. prerequisites or co-requisites: MFGE-275, MFGE-391, PLE-340 or concurrent
c. indicate whether a required, elective, or selected elective (as per Table 5-1) course in
the program: Required in the program.
6. Specific goals for the course:
a. specific outcomes of instruction:
Successful completion of the course will enable the students to:
1) Develop and analyze thermal resistance networks involving conduction, convection,
and radiation.
2) Utilize numerical finite difference methods to model fluid dynamics and heat transfer.
3) Model conductive heat transfer in one and two dimensions, under both steady-state
and transient conditions.
4) Apply conservation of mass and momentum to steady-state incompressible flow
problems to simulate laminar fluid dynamics.
5) Apply conservation of energy to steady-state incompressible flow problems to
simulate convective heat transfer.
6) Model fluid dynamics and heat transfer of Non-Newtonian fluids including plastics
characterized with Power-Law and Cross-WLF viscosity models.
7) Employ numerical iterative calculation methods for the simultaneous calculation of
velocity and temperature profiles in fluids which experience shear heating (i.e.
8) Assess the operating principles and limitations of flow simulation software.
9) Evaluate the effects of part/mold design and operating conditions on filling behavior,
cooling rates, and part characteristics.
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b. explicitly indicate which of the student outcomes listed in Criterion 3 or any other
outcomes are addressed by the course:
Student outcomes a, b, e, j, and k are addressed in this course.
7. Brief list of topics to be covered:
Course Outline:
1) Thermal Resistance Networks and Modes of Heat Transfer
 Conduction
 Advection
 Forced Convection
 Natural Convection
 Radiation
 Contact Resistance
2) Conduction
 Steady-State, One-Dimensional
 Transient, Zero-Dimensional (i.e. Lumped Capacitance)
 Transient, One-Dimensional (i.e. Semi-Infinite Solid)
 Steady-State, Two-Dimensional
3) Numerical Finite-Difference Methods
 Conservation of Mass (i.e. Continuity Equation)
 Conservation of Momentum (i.e. Equation of Motion)
 Conservation of Energy (i.e. General Heat Equation)
4) Fluid Dynamics and Convection
 Newtonian Fluid with Negligible Viscous Dissipation
 Shear-Thinning Fluid (i.e. Plastic) with Negligible Viscous Dissipation
 Newtonian Fluid with Viscous Dissipation
 Shear-Thinning Fluid (i.e. Plastic) with Viscous Dissipation
5) Numerical Iterative Methods
6) Assessment of Flow Simulation Software Packages
7) Injection Molding Part/Mold Design and Operating Conditions
 Filling Behavior
 Cooling Rates
 Part Characteristics
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1. Course number and name:
2. Credits and contact hours:
3 credits, 3 hours/week
3. Instructor’s or course coordinator’s name:
Ayub Hossain
4. Textbook, title, author, and year:
Principles of Statistics for engineers & Scientists, Navidi, 2010.
a. other supplemental materials
5. Specific course information:
a. brief description of the content of the course (catalog description):
Exploratory data analysis; basic probability, probability distributions, mathematical
expectation, sampling distributions; basic statistical inference (estimation and hypothesis
testing); topics in reliability.
b. prerequisites or co-requisites: MATH-154 or MATH-157
c. indicate whether a required, elective, or selected elective (as per Table 5-1) course in
the program: Required in the program.
6. Specific goals for the course:
a. specific outcomes of instruction:
The student who successfully completes this course will have:
1) An understanding of the basic principles of exploratory data analysis.
2) An understanding of the basic principles in probability, mathematical expectation,
and various probability distributions.
3) An understanding of the basic principles of statistical inference (i.e., estimation and
hypothesis testing).
4) Skill in applying the basic principles of statistical inference to practical problems.
5) An understanding of some of the basic ideas of reliability theory.
6) Experience in the use of a statistical computing package.
7. Brief list of topics to be covered:
Course Outline:
1) Exploratory Data Analysis
 Graphical Methods in Data Analysis: Bar Graphs, Histograms, Stem-and-Leaf
Displays, Box Plots
 Numerical Summary Methods: Measures of Location and Measures of Variability
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2) Probability
 Sample Spaces and Events
 Counting Techniques
 Axioms and Properties of Probability; Conditional Probability; Independence
3) Random Variables and Probability Distributions
 Definition of Discrete and Continuous Random Variables
 Probability Distributions for Discrete Random Variables, Including the Binomial and
Poisson Distributions
 Probability Distribution for Continuous Random Variables, Including the Exponential
and Normal Distributions
 Expected Values and Variances for Discrete and Continuous Random Variables
4) Topics in Reliability: Failure Time Distributions, Reliability Functions, Hazard Rates
5) Linear Combinations of Random Variables
 Expected Values of Linear Combinations of Several Random Variables
 Variance of Linear Combinations of Several Independent Random Variables
 Probability Distributions of Means of Random Variables; Central Limit Theorem
6) Some General Concepts of Point Estimation: Unbiased and Minimum Variance
7) Interval Estimation Based on a Single Sample
 Large Sample Confidence Intervals for the Mean and Proportion
 Small Sample Confidence Intervals for the Mean of a Normal Distribution
8) Tests of Hypotheses Based on a Single Sample
 Basic Concepts of Hypothesis Testing
 Hypothesis Tests of the Mean for Large and Small Samples
 Hypothesis Tests of a Proportion
 P-Values
9) Inference Based on Two Samples
 Confidence Intervals and Hypothesis Tests for the Difference of Two Means
 Confidence Intervals and Hypothesis Tests for the Difference of Two Proportions
 Analysis of Paired Data
10) Other topics as time permits
 Linear Regression Analysis
 Categorical Data Analysis
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Appendix B – Faculty Vitae
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Faculty Vitae
1. Name
Rajiv Asthana
2. Education
Ph.D., Materials Engineering, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
(1991) M.S., Materials Science, Indian Institute of Technology,
Kharagpur (1983)
B.S. (Honors), Metallurgical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur (1980)
3. Academic Experience
University of Wisconsin-Stout, Professor (2005-), full-time
University of Wisconsin-Stout, Associate Professor (1999-2005), full-time
University of Wisconsin-Stout, Assistant Professor (1995-99), full-time
University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, Visiting Associate Professor (summers 2000-04),
Visiting Scholar (summer 1998), Visiting Assistant Professor (summers 1996 and 1997)
Univ. of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, Teaching Asst. (1987-88), Res. Asst. (1987-91), halftime
4. Non-Academic Experience
- NASA Glenn Research Center, Guest Researcher (33 months during 2004-11, includes a 9month sabbatical) (contractual appointment via Ohio Aerospace Institute, ASRC Aerospace,
QSS Group, and NASA Faculty Fellowship), full-time during the summer months
- NASA Glenn Res. Center, NRC Post-Doc Research Associate (1994 & 1995), Project Scientist
(Jan-Dec 1993), Post-Doc Res. Associate (1991-93), full-time
- Foundry Research Institute, Krakow, Poland, Visiting Scientist (Jan-Feb 2002) under a
NRC COBASE Research Award, National Research Council
- Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (India), Advanced Materials & Processes
Research Institute, Scientist (4 years, 1983-1987), full-time
5. Certifications or Professional Registrations
6. Current Membership in Professional Organizations
- American Society for Materials (ASM International)
- The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society (TMS)
- American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE)
- American Ceramic Society (ACerS)
7. Honors and Awards
- Fellow, American Society for Materials (2009)
- Dean’s Outstanding Alumni Award, Engineering & Applied Science, UW-Milwaukee (2008)
8. Service Activities (within and outside of the institution)
Institutional (recent): Department Personnel Committee; Engineering faculty search & screen
committee; CORE Group; Discovery Center Steering Committee; Advisory Committee for
manufacturing Engineering (MS and BS); Reviewer, Faculty Research Initiative Grants and
Journal of Student Research
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Outside (recent): Reviewer for 27 journals; book proposals for Wiley and Elsevier; conferences of
ASME, ASM, ACerS, TMS and ASEE; grant proposals for DoE-ARPA-E, European COST, US
State Department, US CRDF, and Govt. of Romania; external examiner of five Ph.D. dissert.
Selection Committees of Eisenman Award, Howe Medal, Grossman Award, Stoughton Award,
Graduate Student Paper Award (ASM International)
9. Principal Publications of Last Five Years
- (Book): Engineering Materials and Processes Desk Reference, Elsevier, 2009, pp 552
- (Book): Materials Science in Manufacturing, Elsevier, 2006, pp 628
- (Book): Atlas of Cast Metal Composite Structures, MTI and FRI, Poland, 2007, pp 144
- (Book): Ceramic Integration and Joining Technology, John Wiley & Sons, 2011, pp 816
- TEM characterization of Au-based alloys to join YSZ to steel for SOFC applications, K.-L.
Lin, M. Singh, R. Asthana, Materials Characterization, 63 2012, 105-111
- Evaluation of Pd-base brazes to join ZrB 2 -based ultra-high temperature composites to metallic
systems, M. Singh and R. Asthana, J. Mater. Sci., 45(16), 2010, pp 4308-4320
- Wetting in high-temperature materials processing: the case of Ni/MgO and NiW10/MgO, N.
Sobczak, R. Nowak, R. Asthana, R. Purgert, Scripta Mater., 62(12), 2010, 949-954
- The mystery of molten metal, N. Sobczak, J. Sobczak, R. Asthana, R. Purgert, China Foundry,
Nov 2010, pp 425-437 (the 13th FOSECO Cup Gold Award for best paper, Foundry Institution of
Chinese Mechanical Engineering Society, 2011)
10. Recent Professional Development Activities
- Editor: Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance
- Guest Editor: Journal of Materials Science, 45(16), 2010
- Guest Editor: Materials Science & Engineering A, 498(1-2), 2008
- Guest Editor: Current opinion in Solid State and Materials Science, 9(4-5), 2005
- Editorial Boards: Materials Sci. & Eng. A, Ceramics International, and five other journals
- Organizing committee/advisory board/session chair/invited speaker at materials engineering
conferences at Daytona Beach (2012, 2011, 2008), Brno (2011), Osaka (2010), Montecatini Terme
(2010), Tuscaloosa (2010), Glasgow (2009), Vancouver (2009), Kocierz (2009), Karpacz (2009),
Pittsburgh (2009 & 2008), Delhi (2007), Acireale (2006); also invited speaker/board member
at upcoming conferences at Kurashiki, Japan (2012), Xi’an, China (2013), and Goa, India (2013)
- Other conferences attended (last 5 years): MS&T at Columbus (2010), Houston (2010),
Detroit (2007), Cincinnati (2006)
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Faculty Vitae
1. Name
Glenn Bushendorf, Lecturer
2. Education
M.S. University of North Carolina at Charlotte, Mechanical Engineering, 2005
B.S. University of Wisconsin-Stout, Manufacturing Engineering, Math Minor, 1999
3. Academic Experience
 University of Wisconsin-Stout, Lecturer, August 2010 to present, Full time
 Chippewa Valley Technical College, Lecturer, Fall semester 2011, Part time
 University of North Carolina-Charlotte, Research Assistant, 2004 - 2005, Part time
 University of North Carolina-Charlotte, Teaching Assistant, August 2003 to August 2004, Part
4. Non-Academic Experience
 Remmele Engineering, Contract Manufacturing Division, Big Lake, MN
Senior Design Engineer, Design Engineer
Supervisor of Remmele research and development department, direct work of R&D personnel,
organize and manage test and prototype initiatives, create strategies to solve customer problems.
Lead technical interaction between Remmele Engineering and customers during engineering
design process. Design mechanical solutions per design requirements. Provide leadership to
design teams. August 2005 to August 2010, Full time
 Remmele Engineering, General Machining Division., New Brighton, MN, and Repetitive Batch
Mach. Div. Monticello, MN.
Manufacturing Engineer, Associate Manufacturing Engineer, and Mfg Eng Co-op.
Develop manufacturing processes and procedures for manufactured components and assemblies for
project startup and production. Provide design support, develop processes, develop machining
strategies, develop project routings, initiate procurement, provide full manufacturing and project
support throughout manufacturing. January 1998 to September 1998, May 1999 to September
1999, January 2000 to August 2003, Full time
5. Certifications or professional registrations
 ASME Senior Geometric Dimensioning and Tolerancing Professional
 Certified SolidWorks Professional
 SME Certified Manufacturing Engineer CMfgE.
 SME Certified Manufacturing Technolgist CMfgT.
 Engineering Intern (EIT) NC Board of Examiners
6. Current membership in professional organizations
 American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE)
 Society of Manufacturing Engineers, member since Fall 1997, University of Wisconsin-Stout
Faculty Advisor
 American Society of Precision Engineers (ASPE) 2003-05 treasurer 2004-05
7. Honors and awards
 University of North Carolina at Charlotte, William States Lee Fellowship 2003-04, 2004-05
 American Helicopter Society Robert L. Pickney Award 1999-00
 University of Wisconsin-Stout Fulton Holtby Mfg. Eng. Scholarship
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University of Wisconsin-Stout, Patrick A. Albright Endowed Mfg. Eng. Scholarship1998-99
University of Wisconsin-Stout 1997-98 John A. and Kathryn M. Jarvis Scholarship
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Faculty Vitae
1. Name
John Dzissah, Associate Professor
2. Education
 Ph.D., Industrial Engineering, University of Louisville, 2001
 Certificate in College Teaching, University of Louisville, 2000
 Certificate in Metrology and Calibration, Butler
County Community College/NIST, Pennsylvania: 1997
 M.S., Industrial Engineering, University of Louisville, 1992
 Certificate in Human Resource Management, Institute of Management and Public
Administration, Accra, Ghana, 1988
 B.S., Electrical and Electronic Engineering, University of Science and Technology, Kumasi,
Ghana. 1982
3. Academic experience
 10 years (Initial appointment August 2001)
 Tenured in 2007
 Visiting Professor, GIMPA Graduate School of Business Accra, Ghana 2008 to Present
 Program Director: Master in Sustainable Management.
4. Non-academic experience
 Graduate Research Assistant, Validation of Toyota Process Assessment Procedure: Georgetown,
Kentucky (University of Louisville, Department of Industrial Engineering) 1997-2001
 Senior Scientific Officer and Head of Engineering Unit, Quality Assurance Division of Ghana
Standards Board Accra, Ghana. 1986-1996
 Instructor, Management Development and Productivity Institute
(Part time) Accra, Ghana 1993 – 1996
 Quality Control Officer, Zoeller Pump Company, Louisville Kentucky. 1992-1993
 Plant Engineer, Bibiani Industrial Complex, Bibiani Ghana, 1983-1986
 Instructor: Takoradi Polytechnic. Takoradi Ghana 1982-1983
5. Certifications or professional registrations
 ASQ Certified Quality Engineer June 2004 to Present
6. Current membership in professional organizations
 Ghana Quality Organization: 2005 to Present
 Society of Manufacturing Engineers 2004 to present
 American Society for Quality (ASQ) 2002 to Present
7. Honors and awards
 Minority Faculty Leadership Ward 2011
 College of Management Faculty Award 2008
8. Service activities (within and outside of the institution)
 Program Director: Master in Sustainable Management.
 Quality Minor and Certificate Advisor: 2002 to Present
 Promotion Committee chair 2011
 Performance Evaluation Committee 2011
 College council 2011 to present
 Chancellor’s Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Coalition 2011 to Present
 Faculty Senate 2005 to 2008
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Faculty Senate Executive Committee 2005 to 2008
Committee to develop a concentration in Industrial Engineering under Engineering
Technology Program 2004
 Campus Crusade Advisor 2003 to Present
 Graduate faculty 2002 to Present
 Providing continuous support to Program Advisory Committees; Manufacturing
Engineering; Industrial Management; Business Management; Plastic Engineering
Some Graduate Students Advisement
 December 2011: A comparative analysis of contact metrology devices versus non-contact
metrology systems utilizing structured light by Michael Hestness
 December 2011: Using Six Sigma Methodologies to Improve Quality of Design and
Detailing by Ryan G. Hanson
 May 2011: The most cost effective shipping material for XYZ Company by MacAndrew
 August, 2010: Reduction of Test Cases in software testing by Orthogonal Array approach
(Design of Experiments) by Ramesh Bokka
 December, 2009: Increase Efficiency Using Six Sigma Methodologies by Justin E. Faust
 May 2009: An Analysis of Employee Turnover at XYZ Company by Rajesh Gaddam
 May 2009: Quality Improvement of Product in Plastics Industry using Six Sigma Approach,
by Bhandari Sumnima
 May 2009: Measurement System Analysis for Quality Improvement using Gage R&R Study
at Company XYZ by Bodin Singpai
 December 2008: Qualification of Inspection Techniques for Detecting Leaks in Pouched
Medical Devices at Company XYZ by Matthew D. Knutson
 May, 2008: Manufacturing Equipment Changeover Impacts on Component Quality by
Alvita Maria Gomez
 May 2007: Statistical Validation in Process Capability for a High Pressure Flexible
Polyurethane Foam Pouring Machine by Kevin M. Ketter
9. Briefly list the most important publications and presentations
 National Quality Education Conference Summer 2011
 Presentation at Ghana Institute of Management and Public Administration 2008: Total
Quality Management
 Dzissah, J. S. Competitiveness: 2009. Challenge to management of manufacturing industries
in Ghana to rethink their operation strategy (Ghana Quality Organization News-letter)
 Dzissah, J. S. 2007. Differing perspectives of Quality (Ghana Quality Organization Newsletter)
 Presentation at IBM: Rochester: Statistical Process Control 2007
10. Most recent professional development activities
 UWSTOUT Professional Development Week Jan. 2011: Application of Lean Six Sigma
Techniques in Process Improvement
 Training of Engineers in Six Sigma Black Belt Through Discovery Center 2010
 Achieving Patient Safety through the Control of Medical Device Products Ghana Quality
Organization’s Conference on patient safety, Sunyani Ghana 2009
 2009 ASQ World Conference on Quality and Improvement Minneapolis MN
 Inclusive Excellence Workshop: Madison Wisconsin 2009
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Faculty Vitae
1. Name
David Edward Fly, P.E., Associate Professor
2. Education
 ME. Manufacturing Systems Engineering, Auburn University 1994
 MS. Agricultural Engineering, Auburn University 1992
 BS.Agricultural Engineering, VA Polytechnic Institute & State University 1989
 Journeyman of Machinery Installation, Virginia Apprenticeship Council 1984
3. Academic experience
 15 years (Initial appointment August 1997)
 Tenured in 2003
 Program Director for Master of Science in Manufacturing Engineering, 2009 to Present
Director of Small Business Incubator, 2002-2003
4. Non-academic experience
 Alliance Machinery and Engineering, 2003 to 2005, Owner and President of a small
mechanical engineering company that had part time CAD positions and a full time engineer
during 2005.
 S&S Cycle, 2007, Taught an introduction to statistics workshop for their engineering
department. S&S Cycle designs and builds high performance engines for custom motorcycles.
 Runva USA, 2009, Designed and built a computer controlled winch testing machine. Runva
USA is a subsidiary of Runva Mechanical & Electrical, a manufacturer of winches.
5. Certifications or professional registrations
 Certified Manufacturing Engineer, 1996
 Licensed Engineer, Wisconsin 2003
6. Current membership in professional organizations
 Society of Mechanical Engineers
 Society of Manufacturing Engineers
 American Society of Engineering Education
7. Honors and awards
 Appreciation Award, Society of Manufacturing Engineers, 1998
 Outstanding Service Award, Society of Manufacturing Engineers, 1999
 Outstanding Service Award, Society of Manufacturing Engineers, 2000
 2009 - $776,000 Machine Vision Measurement of Micro-Endmill Deflection. National Science
Foundation (not awarded)
 2003- $64,100 Incubator Expansion Project. WI. Department of Commerce
 2003- $74,100 Incubator Expansion Project. Rural Business Enterprise Grant
 2000- $1,982 Increasing Knowledge of Industrial Hydraulic Circuits. UW-Stout
 2000- $10,000 Non-tenured Faculty Professional Development Grant. 3K Corp.
Negotiated Gifts to University
 2011- $5000 Gift in Kind of Machine Vision Camera from Imperx
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 2008 - $16,930 Machine Vision Lenses from PPT Vision
 2007 - $20,000 Gift in Kind of Robot from Phillips Plastics
 2010 U.S. Patent 7,770,870 Tow Ball Winch Mount
 2009 Canadian Patent 2504029 Alignment pin and fastener with bi-directional clamping.
 2006 U.S. Patent 6,997,658 Alignment pin and fastener with bi-directional clamping.
 2000 U.S. Patent 6,019,359 Lightweight welding table.
8. Service activities (within and outside of the institution)
 Search and Screen; Advisory Board for Mfg. Engineering; ABET Accreditation Committee;
Personnel Committee, Chair
 Faculty Senate, Advisory Board for Stout Online, Program Review Committee, Curriculum
and Instruction Committee
Student and Community Service
 2011 Independent Study in Materials Engineering, Buğra M. Aҫan from Ankara Turkey
 2011 River Falls Charter School, River Falls WI.
 2010 First Lego League Robotics Competition at UW Stout
 2009 First Lego League Robotics Competition, regional and state
 2009 Advised Student Organization – Stout Trigger Guards
Graduate Students Advised
 2011 Mike Hemmila, Utilization of a Vision System to Inspect Thermo Set Cores
 2010 Amanda Normand, A Study of the Venturi Effect and the Venturi Exhaust Primer
 2010 Ryan Geissler, Assessing Improvements to Technical Instruction Manuals
 2009 Christian Gausman, Implementing Lean Manufacturing and Design for Mfg.
 2008 Rebecca Anderson, Design and Justification of an Automated Palletizing Line
 2007 Doug Reinhardt, Training of Diesel Technicians
9. Briefly list the most important publications and presentations
10. Most recent professional development activities
 Enrolled into doctoral studies at Auburn University in Industrial Systems Engineering, 2009
to present.
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Faculty Vitae
1. Name and Academic Rank
Adam Kramschuster, Assistant Professor
2. Degrees
Ph.D., Mechanical Engineering, University of Wisconsin-Madison, 2008
M.S., Mechanical Engineering, University of Wisconsin-Madison, 2005
B.S., Manufacturing Engineering, University of Wisconsin-Stout, 2001
3. Number of Years of Service on Current Faculty
4 years (initial appointment, 2008)
4. Other Related Experience
University of Wisconsin-Madison, Polymer Engineering Center, Graduate Research Assistant,
Madison, WI, 2004-2008
The Madison Group, Plastics Consulting Engineer, Madison, WI, 2007-2008
Phillips Plastics Corporation, Development Engineer, Prescott, WI, 2002-2003
5. Consulting, Patents, etc.
Feedstock materials for semi-solid forming (Patent #20060070419)
Method of fabrication a tissue engineering scaffold (Patent #20090017094)
Microcellular Injection Molding Processes for Personal and Consumer Care Products and
Packaging (Patent #20100198133)
6. State(s) in which registered
7. Principal Publications of Last Five Years
Kramschuster, A. and Turng, L. S., “An Injection Molding Process for Manufacturing Highly
Porous and Interconnected Biodegradable Polymer Matrices for Use as Tissue Engineering
Scaffolds,” Journal of Biomedical Materials Research: Part B - Applied Biomaterials, 92B, n2, pp.
366-376, 2010.
Kramschuster, A. and Turng, L. S., “Fabrication of Tissue Engineering Scaffolds,” Handbook of
Biopolymers and Biodegradable Plastics,” accepted in 2011, Elsevier Publisher.
Kramschuster, A. and Turng, L. S., “Highly Porous Injection-Molded Biodegradable Polymer
Foams for Tissue Engineering Scaffolds,” Biofoams 2007, Capri, Italy, September 26-28, 2007.
Kramschuster, A., Gong, S., Turng, L. S., Li, T., and Li, T. “Injection Molded Solid and
Microcellular Polylactide and Polylactide Nanocomposites,” Journal of Biobased Materials and
Bioenergy, 1, n1, pp. 37-45, 2007.
Kramschuster, A., Pilla, S., Gong, S., Chandra, A., and Turng, L. S., “Injection Molded Solid and
Microcellular Polylactide Compounded with Recycled Paper Shopping Bag Fibers,” invited paper
for a special issue of International Polymer Processing, 22, n5, pp.436-445, 2007.
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8. Scientific and Professional Society Membership(s)
Society of Plastics Engineers (SPE)
American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE)
9. Honors and Awards
Chester E. and Flora Jane LeRoy Fellowship, April 2005
University of Wisconsin-Stout Outstanding Teacher Award, 2011
G.A. Taft Manufacturing Engineering Professorship, 2010-2013
10. Institutional and Professional Service of Last Five Years
Program Director, UW-Stout Plastics Engineering Program, 2009-present
SPE Injection Molding Division Board of Directors Communications Chair, 2009-present
Moderator for technical presentation sessions at the SPE Annual Technical (ANTEC ) Conference
on Plastics, 2009-2012
SPE Next Generation Advisory Board, 2009-present
College Governance Committee, 2009-2011
Host Pre-College activities, STEM Career Day, and Campus Preview Day in the plastics lab by
discussing plastics and performing a variety of plastics experiments, 2009-present
Reviewer (Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, Industrial & Engineering Chemistry
Research, Advances in Polymer Technology, Polymer Engineering & Science, and others)
11. Professional Development Activities of Last Five Years
Invited speaker, SPE Milwaukee MiniTec, 2008
Invited speaker, Rheology Research Seminar, Madison, WI, 2008
Invited speaker, Medical Design and Manufacturing West Conference, Anaheim, CA, 2009
Invited speaker, International Polymer Colloquium, Madison, WI, 2010
SPE Annual Technical Conference (ANTEC), 2009-2012
Conference presenter, SPE ANTEC, Milwaukee, WI, 2008
Conference presenter, Biofoams 2007 Conference, Capri, Italy, 2007
Conference presenter, Wood & Biofiber Plastic Composites, Madison, WI, 2007
Presenter, Milwaukee SPE Section Education Night, 2009, 2010, 2012
Bioplastics & Composites Conference, Madison, WI, 2008
International Polymer Colloquium, Madison, WI, 2004-2008, 2010
National Plastics Expo, Chicago, IL and Orlando, FL, 2009 and 2012
Medical Design and Manufacturing Show, Minneapolis, MN, 2009, 2010, 2011
TA Instruments Thermal and Rheology Training Seminar, St. Paul, MN, 2008
ARBURG Technology Days, Lossburg, Germany, 2010 and 2011
E-Portfolio Assessment Institute, UW-Stout, 2009
Course Assessment Institute, UW-Stout, 2009
Undergraduate Program Assessment Institute, UW-Stout, 2011 and 2012
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Faculty Vitae
1. Name
David L. McCall
2. Education – degree, discipline, institution, year
MSEE, Electrical Engineering, University of Minnesota
BSEE Electrical Engineering, University of Minnesota
3. Academic experience – institution, rank, title, full or part time
Academic Staff – University of Wisconsin-Stout, 2011-2012
Adjunct mathematics instructor – Concordia University, 2009 and 2010
Adjunct mathematics instructor – Globe University, 2009 and 2010
4. Non-academic experience – company, title, brief description, when, full or part time
 SGI – Technical Lead Engineer, January 1996 to December 2008, full time, Designed and
developed SGI products. Expertise in signal integrity and transistor level circuit design.
 Digital/Quantum – Staff Engineer, May 1994 to January 1996, full time, Designed and
optimized custom memory and compute cells used in CMOS disk controller IC’s.
 Data General – Engineering Staff Specialist, November 1991 to May 1994, Designed the clock
network and provided signal integrity and circuit support for a team developing ASICs for Data
General’s largest system.
 Digital – Lead Engineer, June1987 to November 1991, full time, Worked on bipolar circuits for
large VAX systems. Leading edge research on alpha radiation and used results to mitigate
system failures due to radiation.
 Univac/Unisys – Principal Engineer, prior to 1987, full time
5. Certifications or professional registrations
PE, Minnesota, not current
6. Current membership in professional organizations
7. Honors and awards
8. Service activities (within and outside of institution)
9. Publications and presentations from last five years
10. Professional development activities
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Faculty Vitae
1. Name and Academic Rank
Thomas Lacksonen, Professor
2. Degrees
B.S. Industrial Engineering, University of Toledo, 1981
M.S. Industrial Engineering, University of South Florida, 1983
Ph.D. Industrial and Management Systems Engineering, Penn State University, 1991
3. Number of Years of Service on Current Faculty
15 years
4. Other Related Experience
Visiting professor, Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey, 2003-04, 2011-12
Assistant Professor, Ohio University, 1991-1997
Industrial Engineer, Eastman Kodak Company, Rochester, NY, 1984-1988
Industrial Engineer, Whirlpool Corp, Clyde, Ohio, 1981-1982
5. Consulting, Patents, etc.
6. State(s) in which registered
P.E., Ohio
7. Principal Publications of Last Five Years
Lacksonen, T., Rathinam, B., Pakdil, F., and Gülel, D. (2010) “Cultural Issues in Implementing
Lean Production.” Industrial Engineering Research Conference, Cancun, Mexico.
Lacksonen, T. and Dengiz, B. (2008) “A Global Facilities Design Project.” Frontiers in Education,
Saratoga Springs, NY.
8. Scientific and Professional Society Membership(s)
9. Honors and Awards
Fulbright Fellowship to Turkey, 2011-12
10. Institutional and Professional Service of Last Five Years
Review on average 4 journal articles and conference proceedings per year for several journals
Invited speaker, New Teacher’s Conference, Material Handling Institute
11. Professional Development Activities of Last Five Years
Attendance at IIE National conference, ASEE Regional conference
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Faculty Vitae
1. Name
Annamalai Pandian
2. Education – degree, discipline, institution, year
D. of Eng., in Manufacturing Systems, Mechanical Engineering, Lawrence Technological
University, Southfield, Michigan, 2010
M.S., Mechanical Engineering, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA1989
M.E., Mechanical Engineering, University of Madras, Chennai, India 1980
B.E., Mechanical Engineering, University of Madras, Chennai, India 1978
3. Academic experience
 University of Wisconsin-Stout, Lecturer in Engineering &Technology Department (2011Present)
University of Wisconsin-Stout, Assistant Professor in Engineering &Technology Department
(2009- 2010)
Anna University, Chennai, India, Lecturer in Mechanical Engineering Department (1981-1982)
4. Non-academic experience – company or entity, title, brief description of position, when (ex.
1993-1999), full time or part time
Burtek Inc. Chester field, Michigan, Systems Engineer (2010-2011)
Chrysler LLC, Auburn Hills, Michigan, Tooling and Process Supervisor (1995-2008)
Forward Industries, Dearborn, Michigan, Engineering Manager (1995)
Ver-Val Enterprises, Inc., Ft. Walton Beach, Florida, Engineering Manager (1989-1994)
Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, Louisiana, Graduate/research Assistant (1987-1989)
Bharat Electronics, Ltd., Bangalore, India, Tooling Engineer (1983-1986)
5. Certifications or professional registrations
 None
6. Current membership in professional organizations
 Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE)
7. Honors and awards
 University First Rank holder in M.E. (Eng. Design) graduate program
8. Service activities (within and outside of the institution)
 FIRST Robotics Competition Judge Fall 2009
 Skills USA Judge Spring 2011
 FIRST Robotics Competition Judge Fall 2011
 Skills USA (Robotics Lab) Spring 2012
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9. Briefly list the most important publications and presentations from the past five years – title,
co-authors if any, where published and/or presented, date of publication or presentation
Pandian, A. and Ali, A. (2011). Automotive Robotic Body Shop Simulation for Performance
Improvement Using Plant Feedback. International Journal of Industrial and Systems
Engineering, InterScience Enterprises, Ltd. Vol.7, No.3, pp. 269-291.
Pandian, A. and Ali, A. (2010). A Review of Recent Trends in Machine Prognosis and
Diagnosis. International Journal of Computer Information Systems and Industrial Management
Applications. Vol.2, pp. 321-329.
Pandian, A. and Ali, A. (2009). A Review of Recent Trends in Machine Prognosis and
Diagnosis. World Congress on Nature & Biologically Inspired Computing, Coimbatore, India,
Dec. 9-11, pp. 1731-1736.
Ali, A., Beebe, R, and Pandian, A. (2009). Simulation of fuel tank assembly and process
analysis for performance improvement. 2009 Winter Simulation Conference, Austin, TX, Dec.
13-16, pp. 2154-2163.
Pandian, A. and Ali, A. (Accepted for publication). Performance measurement of an
Automotive BIW robotic assembly. Measuring Business Excellence.
Pandian, A. and Ali, A. (Submitted). ARMA-ANN based optimization prediction model for
automotive plant throughput based on plant failure data. International Journal of Applied
Industrial Engineering (IJAIE).
10. Briefly list the most recent professional development activities
FABTECH '09 Chicago, USA, November 2009
North American International Auto show, Detroit, MI January 2009
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Faculty Vitae
1. Name and Academic Rank
John S. Petro, Associate Professor, Tenured
2. Degrees
Colorado State University – Fort Collins, CO
Ph.D. Mechanical Engineering - 2011
Dissertation Topic: Welding of High Performance Nickel Alloys
University of Wisconsin – Madison, Madison, WI
M.S. Mechanical Engineering – 1994
University of Wisconsin – Parkside, Kenosha, WI
B.S. Mechanical Engineering Technology - 1978
3. Number of Years of Service on Current Faculty
7 years
4. Other Related Experience
Tooling Manager/Senior Tooling Engineer - ABB, Inc. – A global Power & Automation
Company with sales of $20 Billion – 1997-2004
Responsible for the concept, quoting, design, build, and implementation of complex robotic
tooling and special machine projects throughout the United States, Canada, and Mexico.
Teaching Assistant, Advisor, & Presenter – Colorado State University, Mechanical Engineering
Department, 2004 - 2005
Teaching Assistant – University of Wisconsin-Madison, Mechanical Engineering Department,
1993 -1996
Vice President/Project-Tool Engineer/Tool Room Machinist – Titan, Inc., Racine WI, 1974 –
Led and managed all aspects of engineering and tooling business with a team of 30 engineers,
toolmakers, and employees.
5. Consulting, Patents, etc.
Robotic Tooling Consultant – ABB, Inc., Auburn Hills, MI, 2004 - 2005
6. State(s) in which registered (None)
7. Principal Publications of Last Five Years
8. Scientific and Professional Society Membership(s)
American Welding Society – 14 years
American Society for Engineering Educators – 6 years
9. Honors and Awards
2007 Outstanding Teaching Award – University of Wisconsin-Stout
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10. Institutional and Professional Service of Last Five Years
Concentration coordinator and Co-Op supervisor for Engineering Technology, Mechanical
Design, 2007 - present
Faculty Adviser to American Society of Mechanical Engineers UW-Stout Student Chapter, 2006 present
Reviewer by Invitation for the Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, a peer
reviewed journal of the Metals and Materials Engineering community
Judge – Welding competition, Skills USA, Leadership and Skills Competition, 2006-2012
Volunteer Coordinator – First LEGO League Regional Conference , 2005-2008
Presenter – “Applications/Guidelines for Robotic Welding”, Linking Your Supply Chains
Conference, UW-Stout, November, 2005
Rater – Electrical Instrument and Testing, Metropolitan Water Reclamation District, Chicago, IL,
September, 2007
Moderator- ASEE Sectional Conference, UW-Stout, October, 2006
Event Supervisor, Wisconsin Olympiad Regional Competition, March, 2007
Responsible for Equipment donations from ABB, Inc, and Miller Electric
11. Professional Development Activities of Last Five Years
Advanced Abrasives- 3M, American Welding Society, Technical Seminar, Minneapolis, MN,
May, 2011
AWS D1.1 Structural Welding Code-Steel, American Welding Society, Technical Meeting,
Minneapolis, MN, February, 2011
Welding Corrosion – Resistant Alloys Conference, American Welding Society, FABTECH
International & AWS Welding Show, Chicago, IL, November, 2009
Welding Metallurgy of Stainless Steels – Dr. Damian Kotecki, American Welding Society,
Technical Seminar, Minneapolis, MN, March, 2009
Understanding Welding Symbols and Recognizing Weld Joint Discontinuities, American Welding
Society, Technical Seminar, Minneapolis, MN, March, 2010
National Robotic Arc Welding Conferences, Milwaukee, WI, 2007, 2009, 2011
e-Portfolio/Assessment Institute Workshop, UW-Stout, June, 2009
COSMOS Works Finite Element training, April, 2007
Miller Electric Auto Axcess Power Supply training, service and process class, August, 2007
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Faculty Vitae
1. Name and Academic Rank
Gregory T. Slupe, Assistant Professor
2. Degrees
Ph.D., Education, University of Minnesota, ABD status Fall 2010
M.S., Industrial/Technology Education, University of Wisconsin-Stout, 2007
Technical Diploma, Machine Tool Technics, Chippewa Valley Technical College, 2003
B.S., Industrial Technology, Manufacturing Management, University of Wisconsin-Stout, 1998
3. Number of Years of Service on Current Faculty
3 1/2 years (initial appointment, August 2008)
4. Other Related Experience
University of Wisconsin-Stout, Lecturer for Engineering and Technology Department, 20052008
University of Wisconsin-Stout, Graduate Assistant for Technology Education Department,
Badger Iron Works Inc., Coordinator/Supervisor, 2003-2006
Star Pattern Works Inc., CNC Machinist, 2003-2004
REB Translab Inc., Machine Technician, 2001-2002
Di-Hed Yokes Inc., Project Coordinator, 2000-2001
Badger Foundry Company, Plant Engineer, 1998-2000
Badger Iron Works Inc., Quality Control Technician, 1994-1998
5. Consulting, Patents, etc.
6. State(s) in which registered
7. Principal Publications of Last Five Years
8. Scientific and Professional Society Membership(s)
American Foundry Society (AFS)
American Society of Engineering Education (ASEE)
9. Honors and Awards
Outstanding School of Education Partner, University of Wisconsin-Stout, 2011
Outstanding Teaching Award, University of Wisconsin-Stout, 2007
10. Institutional and Professional Service of Last Five Years
Advisory Board Member, B.S. Plastics Engineering, University of Wisconsin-Stout, 2009present
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Reviewer for National Academy of Engineering Curriculum Landscape Study, University of
Wisconsin-Stout, 2008
Advisory Board Member, B.S. Technology Education, University of Wisconsin-Stout, 2007present
Advisory Board Member, Menomonie Sr. High School Technology and Engineering
Department, 2007-present
Instructor/Assistant for STEPS (Science, Technology, Engineering Preview for Girls),
University of Wisconsin-Stout, 2006-present
Coordinator for SkillsUSA Regional Competition, University of Wisconsin-Stout, 2006-present
Member of National Center for Engineering and Technology Education, University of
Wisconsin Stout, 2005-2006
11. Professional Development Activities of Last Five Years
IMTS, Chicago, IL, August 2010
WesTech 2010, Los Angeles, CA, March 2010
FABTECH 2009, Chicago, IL, February 2009
Project Lead the Way Training, Certified CIM Instructor, University of South Carolina, Summer
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Faculty Vitae
1. Name and Academic Rank
Wendy R. Stary, Assistant Professor
2. Degrees
Ph. D., Work and Human Resource Education, University of Minnesota, ABD received Fall 2011
M. S., Manufacturing Engineering, University of Wisconsin-Stout, 2008
B. S., Manufacturing Engineering, University of Wisconsin-Stout, 2001
3. Number of Years of Service on Current Faculty
4 years
4. Other Related Experience
Phillips Plastics Corp., Project Engineer, Eau Claire, WI, 2003-2008
Phillips Plastics Corp., Engineer in Training, Hudson / Medford / Eau Claire, WI, 2002-2003
Phillips Plastics Corp., Manufacturing Engineering Assistant, Menomonie, WI, 1999-2001
5. Consulting, Patents, etc.
6. State(s) in which registered
7. Principal Publications of Last Five Years
8. Scientific and Professional Society Membership(s)
Society of Plastics Engineers (SPE)
Society of Manufacturing Engineers (SME)
American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE)
9. Honors and Awards
10. Institutional and Professional Service of Last Five Years
Faculty Senate Representative, spring 2012
Faculty Senate Alternate, fall 2011
Environmental Sustainability Steering Committee member, 2011-2012
Sustainable Design and Development minor coordinator, 2010-2011, 2011-2012
Plastics Concentration Coordinator, Engineering and Technology Program, 2009-present
Plastics Engineering Advisory Board, 2008-present
Engineering and Technology Advisory Board, 2009-present
Sustainability Across the Curriculum Network, 2010-2011, 2011-2012
Sustainability Rep, Manufacturing and Plastics Engineering Programs, 2009-2010
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Adventures for Women in Science 2010 Day
Presenter and panelist, Infusing Sustainability into the Curriculum Seminar, University of
Wisconsin-Stout, 2010
STEM Scholarship Interviewer, 2010
Event supervisor / assistant, Science Olympiad State Tournament, 2009, 2010, 2011
Search and Screen Committee, 2008-2009, 2010-2011, 2011-2012
STEM Career Day, 2008, 2009
Coordinated strategic planning, Plastics Engineering program, 2009
Plastics instructor, Science Technology Engineering Preview (STEPs) Camp, 2008, 2009, 2010
Mentor / Judge, Advanced STEPs Camp, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2010
Judge, FIRST Lego League regional tournament, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2011
Event Assistant, Skills USA, 2008, 2012
11. Professional Development Activities of Last Five Years
SPE Annual Technical Conference (ANTEC), 2012
National Plastics Expo (NPE), Orlando, FL, 2012
Beaumont Technologies seminar, UW-Stout, 2012
Invited guest lecturer, University of Applied Sciences, Darmstadt, Germany, 2012
Compuplast Extrusion seminar, 2011
RJG Seminar, UW-Stout, 2011
K-Show, Dusseldorf, Germany, 2010
International Greening Education Event, Karlsruhe, Germany, 2010
Extrusion Dies Industries, LLC, summer 2010
SPE Global Plastics Environmental Conference (GPEC) 2010
RJG New Tool Launch Seminar, UW-Stout, 2010
World Café Integrating Sustainability into Curriculum, January 2010
ABET Accreditation Workshop, fall 2008
Medical Device and Manufacturing show, 2008
New Instructor Workshop, August 2008
Grant Writing Workshop by Lynn Miner, Miner and Associates, fall 2008
Technology Exchange, Phillips Plastics Corporation, fall 2008
Foundry Tour, 2008
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Faculty Vitae
1. Name and Academic Rank
Wei Zheng, Assistant Professor
2. Degrees
Ph.D., Chemical Engineering, Texas Tech University 2008
B.S., Chemical Engineering, East China University of Science and Technology 2003
3. Number of Years of Service on Current Faculty
< 4 year (initial appointment January 2012)
4. Academic Experience
 Assistant Professor, University of Wisconsin-Stout, 2012 - Present, Full time
 Postdoctoral Researcher, University of Massachusetts-Amherst, 2010 - 2011, Full time
 Postdoctoral Researcher, Texas Tech University, 2008 - 2010, Full time
 Research Assistants, Texas Tech University, 2003 - 2008, Part time
5. State(s) in which registered – None
6. Principal Publications of Last Five Years
Referred journal articles
"Effect of Cation Symmetry on the Morphology and Physicochemical Propertiesof Imidazolium
Ionic Liquids," W. Zheng, A. Mohammed, L. G. Hines Jr., D. Xiao, O. J. Martinez, R. A.
Bartsch, S. L. Simon, O. Russina, A. Triolo, and E. L. Quitevis, Journal of Physical Chemistry
B, 115, 6572 - 6584 (2011).
" The Viscoelastic Behaviors of Athermal Solutions," W. Zheng, G. B. McKenna, and S. L.
Simon, Polymer, 51, 4899 – 4906 (2010).
"The Consequence of Excess Configurational Entropy on Fragility: the Case of a
Polymer/Oligomer Blend ", C. Dalle-Ferrier, S. Simon, W. Zheng, P. Badrinarayanan, T.
Fennell, B. Frick, J. M. Zanotti, and C. Alba-Simionesco, Physical Review Letters, 103, 185702
"The Glass Transition of Athermal Poly(α-Methyl Styrene/Oligomer Blends," W. Zheng and S.
L. Simon, Journal of Polymer Science: Part B: Polymer Physics, 46, 418 - 430 (2008).
"On the Validity of the Isoconversion Analysis for the Glass Transition," P. Badrinarayanan, W.
Zheng, and S. L. Simon, Thermochimica Acta, 468, 87 - 93 (2008).
"Confinement Effects on the Glass Transition of the Hydrogen Bonded Liquids," W. Zheng and
S. L. Simon, Journal of Chemical Physics, 127, 194501-1-194501-11 (2007); also published in
visual publication.
"The Glass Transition Temperature Versus the Fictive Temperature," P. Badrinarayanan, W.
Zheng, Q. X. Li, and S. L. Simon, Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, 353, 2603 - 2612 (2007).
"Thermodynamic Analysis of Pure and Impurity Doped Pentaerythritol Tetranitrate Crystals
Grown at Room Temperature," R. Pitchimani, W. Zheng, S. L. Simon, L. Hope-Weeks, A. K.
Burnham, and B. L. Weeks, Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 89, 475 - 478
Conference Proceedings
"The Viscoelastic Behaviors of Athermal Solutions," W. Zheng, G. B. McKenna, and S. L.
Simon, Proceedings, Society of Plastics Engineers Annual Technical Meeting (SPE ANTEC)
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"The Viscoelastic Behaviors of Athermal Blends," W. Zheng, G. B. McKenna, and S. L. Simon,
Proceedings, North American Thermal Analysis Society (NATAS) 37th Annual Conference
"The Glass Transition and Fast Dynamics in Athermal Polystyrene/Oligomer Blends," C. DalleFerrier, C. Alba-Simionesco, W. Zheng, P. Badrinarayanan, and S. L.Simon, Proceedings, North
American Thermal Analysis Society (NATAS) 36th Annual Conference (2008), p. 1.
"Tg in Polymer/Oligomer Athermal Blends," W. Zheng and S. L. Simon, Proceedings, Society
of Plastics Engineers Annual Technical Meeting (SPE ANTEC) (2007), p. 1798.
"Isoconversion Analysis of the Glass Transition," P. Badrinarayanan, W. Zheng, and S. L.
Simon, Proceedings, Society of Plastics Engineers Annual Technical Meeting (SPE ANTEC)
(2007), p. 1766.
7. Scientific and Professional Society Membership(s)
Society of Plastics Engineers (SPE)
Society of Rheology (SOR)
American Physical Society (APS)
North American Thermal Analysis Society (NATAS)
8. Honors and Awards
9. Institutional and Professional Service of Last Five Years
Technical Program Chair of Applied Rheology, Society of Plastics Engineers, 2012Poster referee for Annual Technical Conference of Society of Plastics Engineers 2012
Poster referee for Annual Conference of North American Thermal Analysis 2009
Journal reviewer for: Annual Technical Conference of Society of Plastics Engineers; Journal of
Polymer Science B: Polymer Physics; Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry; Journal of
Composite Materials; High Performance Polymers; Polymer International
Rheology Session Chair for North American Thermal Analysis Annual Conference 2009
President of Society of Plastics Engineers Texas Tech Student Chapter 2006 - 2007
(Outstanding Student Chapter 2007)
10. Professional Development Activities of Last Five Years
 Annual Technical Conference of Society of Plastics Engineers, Orlando, FL (April 2012)
 Region H Conference of Society of Women Engineers, Madison, WI (February 2012)
 Talk, North American Thermal Analysis Society (NATAS) 38th Annual Conference,
Philadelphia, PA (August 2010)
 Talk, Society of Rheology (SOR) 80th Annual Conference, Madison, WI (October 2009)
 Talk, North American Thermal Analysis Society (NATAS) 37th Annual Conference, Lubbock,
TX (September 2009)
 Talk, American Physical Society (APS) March Meeting,
 Pittsburgh, PA (March 2009).
 Talk, North American Thermal Analysis Society (NATAS) 36th Annual Conference, Atalanta,
GA (August 2008)
 Talk, American Physical Society (APS) March Meeting, New Orleans, LA (March 2008)
 Talk, International Polyolefins Conference, Houston, TX (February 2008)
 Talk, Society of Plastics Engineers Annual Technical Meeting (SPE ANTEC), Cincinnati, OH
(May 2007)
 Talk, American Physical Society (APS) March Meeting, Denver, CO (March 2007)
 Poster, American Physical Society (APS) March Meeting, Denver, CO (March 2007)
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Faculty Vitae
Norman Zhou
Ph.D. Electrical/Computer Engineering
University of Minnesota-Minneapolis, 1992
MSEE Electrical Engineering
University of Minnesota-Minneapolis, 1988
Computer Science
East China Normal University, 1981
Academic Experience:
Engineering & Technology Department, University of Wisconsin-Stout
Professor, 1999 to present
University of Wisconsin-Stout, Associate Professor, 1995 -1998
University of Wisconsin-Stout, Assistant Professor/ Senior Lecturer, 1988 -1992
University of Minnesota-Twin Cities, Research Assistant, 1985 – 1987
University of Missouri-Kansas City, Research Assistant, 1983-1984
Non-academic Experience:
1. Runva Mechanical & Electrical, Consultant, 2007 - present
2. Consultant for Consilium Partners, Consultant, 2005 - 2006
3. Superwinch Inc., Consultant, 2005 - 2006
4. New America Partners, Consultant, 2003 – 2006
5. ADC Telecommunications, Consultant, 2000 - 2002
6. East China Normal University, Consultant, 2000 – 2002
Professional Certification:
01/1998 Microsoft Certified Professional (MCP)
1. American Society for Engineering Education
2. Honorary Society of Physics
 Sabbatical, Fall 2010, Fall 2001
 Funded Proposal: Study for Fine BD Spectrum Distinguish and Intelligent Processing for HF
Ground Wave Radar Echo from Ocean State, co-investigator, 2000 - 2002
Institutional Service:
 Computer Engineering Advisory Board, 2009-2010
 Engineering Technology Advisory Board, 2009-2010
 Advisor for students of Manufacturing Engineering, 2007-2010
 Advisor for students of Engineering Technology, 2008-2010
 Coordinator for electrical concentration of Engineering Technology, 2008-2010
 Educational Activities Committee, 2004 – 2007
 Termination of Employment Committee, 2004 – 2006
 Positive Action Committee, 2004 – 2006
 Sabbatical Leave Review Committee, 2003 – 2007
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 Department Search and Screen Committee, 2006
Publications and Presentations:
 United States Patent Publication, Pub. No.: US2010/0065799A1, Pub. Date: March 18, 2010
Professional Development:
 Walvoord Assessment Institute, 2010
 Writing to Learn Institute, 2006
 Review the paper for the ASEE North Midwest Sectional Conference, 2006
 Review the book “Wireless Communications” for Delmar, 2002
 Review the book “Power Electronics” for Prentice Hall, 2001
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Appendix C – Equipment
Jarvis Hall Science Wing – Chemistry Laboratories
 Fourier Transform Infrared Spectrometer
 High Temperature Furnaces
 Scanning Electron Microscope
 Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectrometer
 Optical Microscope
 Ultra-Violet Visible Spectrometer
 Atomic Absorption Spectrometer
 Polymer Reactor Systems
Jarvis Hall Science Wing 216 – Computer Science
 HP workstations (25)
Jarvis Hall Technology Wing 170 – Plastics
 Arburg 77-Ton Injection Molding Machine
 Toyo 35-Ton Injection Molding Machine
 Robotec Battlebot 2000
 Wittmann Battenfeld 55-Ton Injection Molding Machine
 Engel 35-Ton Injection Molding Machine
 Dynisco Pipe Extruder
 Akron Milacron Extruder
 Rocheleau Extrusion Blow Molder
 TA Instruments Q20 Differential Scanning Calorimeter
 TA Instruments AR 2000ex Rotational Rheometer
 MTS QTest/50LP Tensile Tester
 Tinius Olsen Extrusion Plastometer
 Creative Technology Systems, Inc. Melt Flow Indexer
 Arizona Instruments MAX 4000XL Moisture Analyzer
 TA Instruments Q50 Thermalgravimetric Analysis
 PowerLab Rotational Molders (3)
 Fenwal Rotational Molder
 Comet Industries Inc. Thermoformer
 Di-Acro Plastic Press Manual Thermoformers (2)
 MAAC Machinery Thermoformer
 Technical Machine Products Corp. Compression Molder
 Conair Gatto Differential Pressure Calibrator
 Allen Bradley Extrusion Cooling Tank
 Gatto Cat-a-Puller
 RDN Smartcut for extruder line
 MCP Tooling Technologies Limited MiniMolder
 Dri-Air Industries, Material Dryers (4)
 Cumberland Granulator
 Di-Acro Mini Blow Molder
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 Dake Mini Molder
 VWR 1630 Oven
 Carbolite Tube Furnace
 Magna-Mike 8000
 Flexbar OptiFlex Video System
 Priamus eDAQ
Fryklund Hall 011 – Metal Casting
 Induction Melting Furnace
 Sand Muller
 Screen Aerator
 Speedy Melt Gas-fired Furnace
 Jolt-and-Squeeze Machines
Fryklund Hall 014 – Welding
 Miller Shopmaster, SMAW/GTAW/GMAW
 23 Oxy-Acetylene welding stations
 Miller HF-251D-1 High Frequency Starters (18)
 Miller Dynasty DX
 Miller XMT 304
 Plasma Metal Cutters, 1” cap. (2)
 Scotchman Ironworker Shear
 MagnaFlux Magnetic Particle Insp. Unit
 Oxy-Acetylene Manifold and 23 Welding Stations
 Magna Flux Ultrasonic Tester
 Belt and Wheel Grinders (3)
Fryklund Hall 101 – Material Removal/Flexible Manufacturing/Sheet Metal Forming
 DoAll Horizontal Bandsaw
 Greenerd Arbor Press # 3 ½
 Johansson Radial Arm Drill Press
 Brown & Sharpe 618 Surface Grinder
 Arter Universal Cylindrical Grinder
 DoAll Contourmatic 16” Vertical Bandsaw
 Drill Sharpening Equipment
 Clausing Drill Press (2)
 Bridgeport Vertical Mill (5)
 Various Lathes (Hardinge, LeBlond, Cincinnati, DoAll, Clausing, Sheldon) (16)
 Hammond 10” Pedestal Grinder
 Buehler Abrasive Cutoff Saw
 K&T Universal Horizontal Mill
 DoAll Model 8 Cutter Grinder
 K&T Vertical Mill
 Cincinnati Horizontal Mill
 Various Gages, Calipers, Micrometers, and Misc. Equip
 Various PCs with Printers
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 Milltronics RW14 CNC 3-Axis Machining Center
 Milltronics RW15 CNC 3-Axis Machining Center (3)
 Mazak Quick Turn 8N Turning Center (2)
 Belmont CNC Sinker EDM, Model 226
 Parlec Tool Presetter Model TMM 912
 Halder Norm+Technik Modular Tooling
 Chassis Maker II 12 ton CNC Turret Punch
 Dedinger Spinning Lathe
 Pexto Box & Pan Brake
 Chicago 15 ton Brake
 MagnaBend Electromagnetic Brake
 48” Shear
 Pexto 36” Shear
 Pexto 24” Shear
 Pexto Ring Shear
 Miscellaneous Roll Formers
 Pexto Bar Folder
 Miller Resistance Welder
Fryklund Hall 104 – Computer Integrated Manufacturing
 HP PC Workstations, (26)
 HP 650C Color Plotter
 HP Laser Printer
 Elmo Document Camera & Sharp LCD Projector
Fryklund Hall 109 – Ceramics/Powder Metallurgy
 Buehler Microhardness Tester
 Leco Autopolishing Machine (ECOMET-3 & AUTOMAT-2 heads)
 Dilatometer with Tube Furnace for Thermal Expansion
 Anter Quicktime 10 Thermal Conductance Meter
 Isomet Low Speed Saw
 Sonic Sifter, Model LP3 and US Standard Sieves
 Hydraulic Press, Model M, 25-ton Clamping Force
 Sintering Furnace, Model-1730-20 HT
 Lindberg Heavy Duty Furnace
 Precision Toploader
Fryklund Hall 112 – Materials Testing
 Lindberg 110V Furnace (4)
 Tinius Olsen Universal Testing Machine
 Cress Dual Chamber Heat Treating Furnace
 Tinius Olsen Torsion Tester
 Fatigue Dynamics, Inc. Fatigue Tester
Fryklund Hall 112A – Metrology
 Browne & Sharpe PfX Coordinate Measuring Machine
 Kodak Contour Projector Optical Comparator
 Gartner Tool Makers Microscope
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 Unitron Microscope
 TV Camera and Lens
Fryklund Hall 116 – Robotics
 ABB 2400L 6 axis robot (1.2 meter radius)
 ABB 1600s 6 axis robot (1.2 meter radius) w/ weld positioner attachment
 Denso robot
 Cognex 1000 Machine Vision Camera (2)
 SmartSensor Lux Meter
 Riehle Impact Tester
 Wilson Rockwell Superficial Hardness Tester
 Wilson Rockwell Hardness Tester (3)
 Brinnell Hardness Tester
Fryklund Hall 201N – Electronics
 HP PC Workstations (11)
 Tektronix MSO2024 Mixed Signal Oscilloscope (11)
 Tektronix AFG3102 Arbitrary Function Generator (11)
 Agilent E3631A Bench Power Supply (11)
 Fluke 8808A/SU 5.5 Digit Multimeter (11)
 BK Precision LCR Meters (11)
 Tektronix 2710 Spectrum Analyzer (2)
 HP 8561B Spectrum Analyzer
 HP 85640A RF Tracking Generator
 Agilent - 54855A 6 GHz Digital Storage Oscilloscope
 A.H. Systems SAS-563B Active Loop Antenna
 A.H. Systems SAS-540 Biconical Antenna
 Fischer Communications set of RF Current Probes
 Fluke 6060B/AK Synthesized RF Signal Generator
 Phillips PM5390 1 GHz RF Synthesizer
Fryklund Hall 201S – Electronics
 HP PC Workstation (11)
 Wavetek 190 Function Generator (5)
 Wavetek 191 Function Generator (6)
 Tektronix TAS 250 Digital Oscilloscope (11)
 Digiac 3000 Experiment Platform (12)
 Heathkit ET 1000 Circuit Design Trainer (11)
 Fluke 75 Digital Multimeters (18)
 Fluke 77 Digital Multimeters (2)
Fryklund Hall 210 – Electronics
 HP PC Workstations (11)
 HP 33120A 15MHz Function Generators (11)
 Tektronix TDS 340 Digital Oscilloscope (11)
 HP 6236B Triple Output Power Supply (11)
 Fluke 77 Digital Multimeters (11)
 Heathkit ET 1000 Circuit Design Trainer (11)
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 JPC Digital Designer (2)
 JPC Analog Designer (3)
 HP Laser Printer (1)
Fryklund Hall 215 – Controls & Instrumentation
 HP PC Workstations (12)
 Allen-Bradley Control Logix Programmable Automation Controller (12)
 Allen-Bradley PanelView Plus 600 (12)
 Parker 2 Axis Table (4)
 Rockwell Ultra 3000 Servo Drive, Motors 9 Controller (4)
 Operator Simulation Trainer (12)
 BK 3011 2 MHz Function Generators
 LabView Data Acquisition Break Out Box (3)
 HP Laserjet 5000N Printer (1)
 LabVolt Electromechanical Trainers (2)
Fryklund Hall 215 – Fluid Power
 Vickers Electro-Hydraulic Trainer
 Parker Pneumatic/Hydraulic Trainer (4)
 Amatrol Mechanical Drive System Trainer (3)
Fryklund Hall 315 – Rapid Prototyping
 Minolta 3D Scanning Camera
 Minolta Rotary Table
 StrataSYS FDM 3000
Fryklund Hall 318/320 – Hedberg CAD Laboratories
 HP Workstations (26)
 HP Color Plotter
 HP Laser Printer
 Drafting/Laptop Tables w/ Flat Screen Monitor (28)
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Appendix D – Institutional Summary
Programs are requested to provide the following information.
1. The Institution
a. Name and Address of the Institution
University of Wisconsin-Stout
P.O. Box 790
Menomonie, Wisconsin 54751
b. Name and Title of the Chief Executive Officer of the Institution
Dr. Charles W. Sorensen, Chancellor
c. Name and title of person submitting the self-study report
Jeffrey Anderson, Dean of the College of Science, Technology, Engineering and
d. Accrediting organizations of the institution
Accrediting, Certifying, or
Evaluating Agency (Originating
National Council for Accreditation of Teacher
James G. Cibulka, President
2010 Massachusetts Ave NW, Suite 500
Washington, DC 20036
Telephone: (202) 466-7496
Fax: (202) 296-6620
NCATE website
Accrediting Council for Collegiate Graphics
Communications, Inc.
Dr. Ervin A. Dennis, Managing Director
1034 West 15th Street
Cedar Falls, IA 50613-3659 phone: 319-266-8432
ACCGC website
The Higher Learning Commission
of the
North Central Association of
Colleges & Schools
30 North LaSalle Street, Suite 2400
Chicago IL 60602-2504
312/263-0456 or 800/621-7440
fax # 312/263-7462
UW-Stout Academic Program
Scope of Accreditation or Certification: All education programs
UW-Stout Contact: Jacalyn Weissenburger
Schedule of Visitation: 7 years
Most Recent Visit:2009
Next Scheduled Visit: 2016
Most Recent Self-Study Report:2009
Scope of Accreditation or Certification: B.S. in Graphic
Communications Management
UW-Stout Contact: Ted Bensen
Schedule of Visitation: 6 years
Most Recent Visit: 2009
Next Scheduled Visit: 2015
Most Recent Self-Study Report: 2009
Scope of Accreditation or Certification: Institutional
UW-Stout Contact: Julie Furst-Bowe
Schedule of Visitation: 7-year approval cycle
Most Recent Visit: 2007
Next Scheduled Visit: 2012
Most Recent Self-Study Report: 2007
Next AQIP Systems Portfolio: 2009 Report
Report Available From: Provost's Office or campus website
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HLC website
Council on Rehabilitation Education, Inc.
CORE Office
300 N Martingale Rd, Suite 460
Schaumburg, IL 60173
CORE website
Commission on Accreditation of
Rehabilitation Facility
Brian Boon, President/CEO
101 N. Wilmot Road
Tucson, AZ 85711
CARF website
Commission on Accreditation for
Marriage and Family Therapy Education
(American Association of Marriage & Family
Therapy's accrediting body)
COAMFTE Director
112 South Alfred Street
Alexandria VA 22314
COAMFTE website
Commission on Accreditation for Dietetics Education
(CADE, ADA’s accrediting agency for education programs)
Commission on Accreditation for Dietetics Education
120 South Riverside Plaza
Suite 2000
Chicago, IL 60606-6995
CADE website
Council for Interior Design Accreditation (CIDA)
Megan Scanlon, Accreditation Coordinator
146 Monroe Center NW, #1318
Grand Rapids, MI 49503-2822
CIDA website
Association of Collegiate Business Schools and
Programs (ACBSP)
7007 College Blvd, Suite 420
Overland Park, KS 66211
ACBSP website
National Association of Schools of Art & Design
Samuel Hope, Exec Dir,
11250 Roger Bacon Dr Reston, VA 22090
NASAD website
National Association of School
Psychologists (NASP)
4340 East West Highway
Suite 402
Bethesda, MD 20814
Scope of Accreditation or Certification: M.S. in Vocational
Rehabilitation, Rehabilitation Counseling concentration
UW-Stout Contact: Michelle Hamilton
Schedule of Visitation: 8 years
Most Recent Visit: 2005
Next Scheduled Visit: 2013
Most Recent Self-Study Report: Annual report submitted
Report Available From: Provost's Office or 250 VR
Scope of Accreditation or Certification: SVRI Services in
Employment, Vocational Evaluation, and Assistive Technology Support
and Services, and Comprehensive Benefits Planning
UW-Stout Contact: John Lui
Schedule of Visitation: 3 years
Most Recent Visit: 2009
Next Scheduled Visit: 2012
Most Recent Self Evaluation: 2009
Report Available From: John Lui, Director SVRI
Scope of Accreditation or Certification: M.S. Marriage and Family
UW-Stout Contact: Bruce Kuehl
Schedule of Visitation: 5 years
Most Recent Visit: 2008
Next Scheduled Visit: 2014
Most Recent Self-Study Report: 2008
Report Available From: Bruce Kuehl, HDFS department
Scope of Accreditation or Certification: B.S. Dietetics, Dietetics
internship of the M.S. in Food & Nutritional Sciences
UW-Stout Contact: Charlene Schmidt (B.S.), Karen OstensoMcDaniel (M.S. internship)
Schedule of Visitation: 10 years
Most Recent Visit: 2007 (B.S.), 2007 (M.S. internship)
Next Scheduled Visit: 2017
Most Recent Self-Study Report: 2007
Report Available From: Provost's Office
Scope of Accreditation or Certification: B.F.A. in Art, Interior
Design concentration
UW-Stout Contact: Ron Verdon, Program Director, or Maureen
Mitton, Interior Design
Schedule of Visitation: 6 years
Most Recent Visit: 2006
Next Scheduled Visit: 2011-12
Most Recent Self-Study Report: 2006
Report Available From: Art Program Director
Scope of Accreditation or Certification: B.S. in Business
UW-Stout Contact: Karen Martinson
Schedule of Review: 10 years
Most Recent Review: Application for candidacy 2008
Next Scheduled Review: 2010
Most Recent Self-Study Report: 2008-09
Report Available From: College of Management
Scope of Accreditation or Certification: B.F.A. Art, B.S. Art
UW-Stout Contact: College of Arts and Sciences
Schedule of Visitation: 10 years
Most Recent Visit: 2007
Next Scheduled Visit: 2016-17
Most Recent Self-Study Report: 2007
Report Available From: College of Arts and Sciences
Scope of Accreditation or Certification: M.S.Ed/Ed.S. School
UW-Stout Contact: Jacalyn Weissenburger
Schedule of Review: 2-5 years, depending on approval status
Most Recent Review: 2008
Next Scheduled Review: 2011
Most Recent Self-Study Report: 2008
Plastics Engineering 2011-2012 ABET Self-Study
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NASP website
Report Available From: Jacalyn Weissenburger
Accreditation Board for
Engineering and Technology, Inc.
111 Market Pl., Suite 1050
Baltimore, MD 21202
(410) 347-7700
ABET website
Scope of Accreditation or Certification: B.S. Manufacturing
UW-Stout Contact: Linards Stradins
Schedule of Visitation: at most every 6 years
Most Recent Visit: 2011
Next Scheduled Visit: 2016-17
Most Recent Self-Study Report: 2010
Report Available From: Linards Stradins
American Council for Construction
Education (ACCE-1994)
Michael Holland, Exec VP
1717 North Loop
1640 East, Suite 320
San Antonio, TX 78232-1570
ACCE website
American Apparel and Footwear
Assoc- Professional Leadership
Associate Member (AAFA)
1601 North Kent St, Suite 1200
Arlington, VA 22209
AAFA website
National Council on Family
Relations (NCFR)
Laura Eiklenborg
3989 Central Ave N.E., Suite 550, Minneapolis MN 55421
NCFR website
Scope of Accreditation or Certification: B.S. Construction
UW-Stout Contact: Michael Bowman
Schedule of Visitation: 6 years
Most Recent Visit: 2004
Next Scheduled Visit: 2010
Most Recent Self-Study Report: 2004
Report Available From: Provost's Office
Scope of Accreditation or Certification: B.S. Apparel Design and
UW-Stout Contact: College of Technology, Engineering, and
Schedule of Visitation: 5 year review
Most Recent Review: 2008
Next Scheduled Visit: approval is through 2013
Most Recent Self-Study Report: 2008
Report Available From: Gindy Neidermyer
Scope of Accreditation or Certification: B.S. Human Development
and Family Studies, certified family life educator
UW-Stout Contact: College of Human Development
Schedule of Visitation: N/A
Approval: 2007
Next Scheduled Review: 2012
Most Recent Self-Study Report:
Report Available From: Robin Muza
Deptartment of Public Instruction (DPI1917)
Dr. Judy Peppard
DPI, Madison, WI
DPI website
Scope of Accreditation or Certification: All DPI-certified programs
UW-Stout Contact: School of Education
Schedule of Visitation: 5 years
Most Recent Review: 2004
Next Scheduled Review: 2010
Most Recent Self-Study Report: November 2004
Report Available From: Dean's Office, School of Education
National Association of the
Education of Young Children
(NAEYC - 2004)
P.O. Box 96037
Washington, D.C. 20090-6037
NAEYC website
Scope of Accreditation or Certification: Child and Family Study
Center, School of Education
UW-Stout Contact: Director, Child and Family Study Center
Schedule of Review: Annual report
Most Recent Review: 2009
Next Scheduled Review: 2014
Most Recent Self-Study Report: 2009
Report Available From: Child and Family Study Center Office
Accreditation Association for Ambulatory
Health Care
(AAAHC Institute for Quality Improvement)
5250 Old Orchard Road, Suite 200
Skokie, IL 60077
Tel: 847/853.6060
AAAHC website
Scope of Accreditation or Certification: Student Health Services
UW-Stout Contact: Janice Lawrence Ramaeker
Most Recent Self-Study Report: In progress
Schedule of Visitation: Pending; follows self study
Most Recent Visit: N/A
Next Scheduled Visit: 3 year rotation following self study and
Report available following approval
2. Type of Control
The University of Wisconsin-Stout operates under managerial control of the Board of Regents of
the University of Wisconsin System.
Plastics Engineering 2011-2012 ABET Self-Study
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3. Educational Unit
A matrix organizational structure is used for administration of educational programs at the University
of Wisconsin-Stout. Under this unique system, each academic program is administered by an
assigned program director who is responsible for the curriculum structure, recruitment, and advising.
The role of the department is to support but not control the program director by developing and
offering courses as required by the various programs. The program directors are intended to be agents
independent of the departments, although each is assigned to an appropriate department within which
he/she performs teaching responsibilities. This system avoids the parochialism that tends to result
when individual departments control and operate programs.
Because of the diffusion of responsibility for the engineering programs, the College of Science,
Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics, led by Dr. Jeffery Anderson, is the lowest level
organization maintaining operational control of all aspects of the program. It is therefore considered
to be the engineering educational unit. It exercises this responsibility through the directors of the
engineering programs; Dr. Robert Nelson, Computer Engineering; Dr. Adam Kramschuster, Plastics
Engineering; and Mr. Linards Stradins, Manufacturing Engineering, all members of the Engineering
& Technology Department which is led by Dr. Jerome Johnson.
See Figures D.1 and D.2 for the university and college organization charts.
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University of Wisconsin-Stout
Figure D.1. University of Wisconsin-Stout Organization Chart
Plastics Engineering 2011-2012 ABET Self-Study
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Jeff Anderson—Dean, College of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics
Jo Anderson
Budget Officer
Diane Longsdorf
Dean’s Assistant
Richard Rothaupt—Associate Dean
B.S. Apparel Design & Development
Gindy Neidermyer—Program Director
Apparel & Communication Technologies
Steve Schlough—Chair
Chuck Bomar— Chair
Marsha Miller-Rodeberg—Chair
Glendali Rodriguez — Chair
Engineering & Technology
Jerome Johnson— Chair
Mathematics, Statistics & Computer
Christopher Bendel—Chair
Laura McCullough—Chair
B.S. Applied Science
Ann Parsons – Program Director
B.S. Applied Mathematics & Computer Science
Laura Schmidt— Program Director
B.S. Computer Engineering
Robert Nelson— Program Director
B.S. Construction
Michael Bowman— Program Director
B.S. Engineering Technology
John Schultz – Program Director
B.S. Game Design & Development
Diane Christie — Program Director
B.S. Graphic Communications Management
Ted Bensen— Program Director
B.S. Information & Communication Tech
Bryon Anderson— Program Director
B.S. Information Technology Management
Holly Yuan— Program Director
B.S. Manufacturing Engineering
Linards Stradins— Program Director
B.S. Packaging
Michael Lorenzen— Program Director
B.S. Plastics Engineering
Adam Kramschuster— Program Director
M.S. Information & Communication Tech
Steve Schlough— Program Director
M.S. Manufacturing Engineering
Andy Pandian Program Director
Figure D.2. College of Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics Organization Chart
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4. Academic Supporting Units
Support in terms of courses required in the engineering curriculum and faculty serving on the
program advisory committee is provided by the Engineering & Technology Department; the
Chemistry Department; the Mathematics, Statistics and Computer Science Department; and the
Physics Department; all housed within the College of Science, Technology, Engineering &
Mathematics. The Operations Management Department housed within the College of
Management provides required curriculum related to industrial engineering topics. The list
below provides names and titles of the individuals responsible for academic departments
supporting the program.
College STEM, Dr. Jeffrey Anderson, Dean
 Chemistry, Dr. Marsha Miller-Rodeberg, Chair
 Engineering & Technology, Dr. Jerome Johnson, Chair
 Mathematics, Statistics, & Computer Science, Dr. Chris Bendel, Chair
 Physics, Dr. Laura McCullough, Chair
College of Management, Dr. Abel Adekola, Dean
 Operations Management, Dr. Diane Olson, Chair
5. Non-Academic Supporting Units
There are no Non-Academic units on campus that support only the Plastics Engineering program.
Included below is information about support units used by all academic programs. They include
the University Library, Computer Support, Career Services, the Discovery Center, the University
Honors Program, the Office of International Education and the formalized tutor centers; the Math
Teaching and Learning Center and the Writing Center. Other departments such as physics and
chemistry have less formalized tutor programs staffed by students from advanced courses.
1. University Library
The University Library (UL) collection, resides in a five story facility opened in 1982, with
approximately 118,000 square feet of space available for collection storage and student use. The
collection is cataloged according to Library of Congress call numbers on three floors of general
collections stacks, one floor of periodicals, and one floor of reference materials.
The library is open 88.5 hours/week; reference services are available from a desk staffed by library
professionals 58 hours/week, or by e-mail, phone or Instant Messaging (Meebo). Librarians offer a
well-developed bibliographic instruction program of both general and subject-specific training to
provide students with skills necessary to effectively complete library research. The library instruction
lab, with a capacity of 48 students, includes state-of-the-art, computer-assisted teaching equipment.
Library instruction can provide skills in the use of Web tools as well as familiarity with subscription
databases such as Engineering Village and IEEE Explore. In addition to classroom instruction, the
library provides a series of online guides and pathfinders, designed to help users identify subjectoriented resources and instruct them in their most effective use. One-on-one consultations with
librarians are available to any faculty or student needing assistance in locating specialized information
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The Library provides over 67 workstations and 18 laptop monitor stations for student use, all with
access to the Web, Microsoft Office Suite, and a variety of other programs made available by campus
IT. In-house workstations connect to 4 high-speed B&W printers and two color printers. The
reference area offers four digital scanning stations, with two additional in the second floor periodicals
area. As a laptop campus, Stout provides wireless access to the library across campus; in addition, all
library databases are accessible off-campus through a proxy server.
Engineering faculty regularly recommend resource material for addition to the library collection.
Subject bibliographies, standard collection development resources, and publishers announcements are
all used to augment the Engineering and Technology collection. The collection development librarian
also monitors the engineering collection and selects additional items for areas as needed. In the past
two years, buying has focused on providing new hard copy resources in technical and engineering
Nine professional librarians are on staff and available to support the information needs of engineering
students and faculty. The Library Director, who joined the staff in 2003, has twenty years of
experience in the technology, science, and government documents areas, as well as expertise in patent
searching and instruction.
Seating capacity for the University Library is 1,060 patrons. Adaptive technology has been acquired
to enable students with disabilities total access to information resources. Table D.3 provides
supplemental information about library resources, acquisitions and expenditures.
The Library Director is William Johnston.
2. Career Services
University of Wisconsin-Stout has a truly outstanding Office of Career Services. Students,
faculty and employers continually provide high marks for ease of use and professional service.
The office is integrated throughout most academic programs and provides coordination of cooperative work experiences, assistance with job searches and coordination of one of the largest
Career Fairs in the region where over 300 employers come to campus for three or four days.
Table D.4 provides a listing of services provided by the office.
The Director of Career Services is Dr. Amy Lane
3. Computer Facilities
The University of Wisconsin-Stout operates a modern computer center organized around an
Enterprise Information System which provides administrative data services, including
application development, support and maintenance; data warehouse and reporting development;
and operation, support and maintenance of servers on campus. Services through the system
 PeopleSoft Campus Solutions
 Project Management
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Data Warehouse / Business Intelligence
Application Development
CommonSpot Content Management System
Through the system UW-Stout students have access to on-line registration. Additionally, students
enjoy on-line admissions, on-line financial aids, and access to their degree audits, bill payments, and
grade reports. All Stout students are given e-mail accounts when they first apply to Stout. They also
have on-line mass storage. Internet access is provided via high speed connectivity in the residence
halls and across nearly the entire campus by wireless connectivity.
Stout students and faculty use the Desire 2 Learn course management system that is automatically
attached to every course offered whether locally or at a distance.
University of Wisconsin-Stout became a laptop campus starting in 2003-2004. All students are issued
either Apple or HP personal laptop computers depending on their program of study. This has
eliminated the need for general access computer labs across campus though there still remains some
high-end computer labs for engineering, computer science and design programs and a small number
of general access computers in the library.
The computer labs to which the engineering students have access are maintained through a central
staff utilizing an Active Directory system to populate student authentication and authorization.
Technicians visit the labs frequently and are on call throughout the day for special maintenance or
problems. Because the staff is centralized, the labs do not go unattended simply because one
technician may be unavailable.
The Chief Information Officer and Director of Learning Information Technology is Doug Wahl.
4. Discovery Center
The Discovery Center advances UW-Stout's polytechnic focus of applied research by expanding
the university's commitment to quality and innovation, transformative education and
interdisciplinary collaboration. The center harnesses the tremendous expertise of UW-Stout
faculty, staff, students and other specialists in fostering discovery and innovation. By
encompassing all of UW-Stout's applied research efforts, the center's primary mission is to
 advancements in student research, preparing students in their areas of interest
 connections of faculty expertise with industry and other researchers to solve challenges
and innovate further
 innovative solutions for business and industry to support their successes
 advancements in economic development and new business start-ups in Wisconsin
Director of the Discovery Center is Randy Hulke.
5. Office of International Education
The Office of International Education assists and coordinates international activities throughout
the university, including; facilitating student exchange and study abroad programs; recruiting and
Plastics Engineering 2011-2012 ABET Self-Study
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providing support services for international students; assisting faculty and staff in international
The Office of International Education (OIE) sponsors programming that helps students and
faculty and staff broaden their own global perspectives. Last year approximately 250 UW-Stout
students studied abroad in 12 countries. In addition, in recent academic years, UW-Stout has
enrolled approximately 150 international students from 30 nations annually.
Director of the OIE is Hong Rost
6. University Honors Program
The University Honors Program (UHP) is designed to enhance the education of UW-Stout students.
Our emphasis is on challenging students to think in more depth and detail and to provide the
opportunity to meet other students while doing so. The UHP challenges talented and intellectually
adventurous students through formal academic and extracurricular activity. Many students majoring in
B.S. Manufacturing Engineering have participated in the honors program.
Director of the UHP is Dr. Lopa Basu
7. Math Teaching and Learning Center
The Math TLC is where UW-Stout students learn basic math skills in a people-oriented,
technology-enhanced environment that has demonstrated success improving math skills and
student retention. The center is available to all students at all levels of math. The Department of
Mathematics, Statistics and Computer Science was the recipient of the 2008 Regents Teaching
Excellence Award given annually by the UW System Board of Regents.
Director of the Math TLC is Dr. Jeanne Foley
8. Writing Center
The Writing Center offers free help to UW-Stout students with writing assignments for any class.
Each visit to the Center is confidential and will address students’ individual concerns or needs.
Tutors won't edit or proofread student papers. Rather, tutors will work with students to develop
skills, strategies, and confidence to improve their writing.
Co-Directors of the Writing Center are Andrea Deacon and Kristin Risley
6. Credit Unit
The University of Wisconsin–Stout is on a semester schedule and complies with the EAC definition
of the semester credit hour.
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7. Tables
The following information is presented as supporting data.
Table D.1
Table D.2
Table D.3
Table D.4
Program Enrollment and Degree Data
University Library
Career Services
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Table D.1 Program Enrollment and Degree Data
Degrees Awarded
Enrollment Year
B.S. in Plastics Engineering
Give official fall term enrollment figures (head count) for the current and preceding four academic years and undergraduate
and graduate degrees conferred during each of those years. The "current" year means the academic year preceding the fall
FT--full time
PT--part time
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Table D.2 Personnel
B.S. in Plastics Engineering
Year1: Fall 2011
Faculty (tenure-track)
Other Faculty (excluding student
Student Teaching Assistants
Student Research Assistants
Office/Clerical Employees
Report data for the program being evaluated.
Data on this table should be for the fall term immediately preceding the visit. Updated
tables for the fall term when the ABET team is visiting are to be prepared and presented
to the team when they arrive.
For student teaching assistants, 1 FTE equals 20 hours per week of work (or service). For
undergraduate and graduate students, 1 FTE equals 15 semester credit-hours (or 24
quarter credit-hours) per term of institutional course work, meaning all courses —
science, humanities and social sciences, etc. For faculty members, 1 FTE equals what
your institution defines as a full-time load.
Persons holding joint administrative/faculty positions or other combined assignments
should be allocated to each category according to the fraction of the appointment
assigned to that category.
Specify any other category considered appropriate, or leave blank.
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Table D.3 Library Resources, Acquisitions and Expenditures
Current Library Resources—June, 2010
 237,000 volumes
 1,400,000 microformats
 24,250 audiovisual items
 115, 566 journal subscription titles
o 848 in print
o 114,718 online
Library Acquisitions and Resources: 2010-11
Approximate number of hard copy titles
acquired in tech or engineering fields
Hard copy periodical titles in Engineering
available (current, cancelled, ceased
and merged):
425 titles (est.)
400 (est.)
Engineering periodicals accessible online through two primary vendors:
Engineering Village
over 5,000 citations to international
journals and conference proceedings,
from 1969 forward.
(Applied Science Full Text,
General Science Index
Biological & Agricultural
1,025 total titles, 300 of them
full-text, coverage back to
Other online sources available:
IEEE Explore
Proquest (ABI/Inform Complete)
Knovel Engineering Library
over 1,700 e-books
Biological Abstracts
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------Resource Expenditures 2009-10
$220,000 total
Allocated to engineering
and related fields:
$26,000 (est.)
$171,000 total
Allocated to tech and engineering:
$31,000 (est.)
Standing Order/Electronic
$228,000 total
Allocated to engineering fields:
$25,000 (est.)
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Table D.4 Career Services
University of Wisconsin-Stout
Career Services
Services at a Glance
Individual Job Search Consultation
Counselors are available to meet with students to discuss career related topics such as effective
job-hunting strategies, resume writing and interview skill development.
Co-op Program
This program provides students with certified work opportunities related to their major while
receiving academic credit, a salary, and real-world work experience in their major field of study.
Career Conference
Each October hundreds of employers attend the conference to talk to students about careers with
their organization, including postgraduate or co-op positions. Freshmen through Masters
students are encouraged to attend.
On-Campus Interviews
Students have the opportunity to interview on-campus with co-op or postgraduate employers.
Mock Interview Days
For two days employers come to campus and conduct mock interviews and critique students.
Allows students to do an on-line private recorded “practice interview” with a virtual interviewer
which can then be reviewed and critiqued.
Employer Access to Student Resumes
Employers, with permission, can access student resumes online when searching for applicants.
Optimal Resume and Cover Letter
A user-friendly interactive web-based resume and cover letter writing tool that allows students to
create, present, and manage multiple resumes and cover letters online.
Resume Writing, Interviewing, and Job Search Strategies Workshops
Each semester numerous workshops are held on resume writing, interview skill development,
and job search strategies
Job Vacancy List
This is a dynamic list of on-line full-time and co-op employment opportunities. Job Search
Agent: This service notifies students via email about newly posted jobs and co-ops according to
their specific job search criteria.
Students can search for “paid” co-op positions nationwide.
Plastics Engineering 2011-2012 ABET Self-Study
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Powerful job search engine that allows students to do a nationwide real-time job search using
specific individual skill sets, key word, job title, and/or geographic location.
Reference USA
Online directory of over 14 million U.S. businesses and organizations providing contact and
company information searchable by a variety of criteria including company size, location,
products manufactured or services provided.
Going Global
Allows students to search for jobs or co-op positions in countries worldwide.
Short videos featuring practical information and tips to covering all aspects of job searching.
Vault Career Insider
Students can research employers, careers, salaries and get job search advice.
Career Mentor Program
Alumni, faculty and others willing to assist students with career and job search matters.
Employer Information Sessions
These informal on-campus employer presentations provide helpful information on job
opportunities, application process, and other helpful information about the employer.
Internet Job Searching
Co-op and job hunting sites have been identified on the Career Services website.
Resource Center
A Resource Center is located in the Career Services office with computers and printers;
company, school, and agency information; resume writing, cover letter, interviewing, and other
job search information.
Alumni Services
Graduates have access to all services provided by the Career Services office at no fee.
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Appendix E – Additional Information
Transfer Admission Worksheet
Program Plan Sheet
Eight Semester Course Sequence
Flow Chart
Plastics Engineering 2011-2012 ABET Self-Study
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Transfer Admissions Worksheet
Student Name:
Internal and External Transfer students will be FULLY admitted to the Plastics Engineering program IF ONE OF THE FOLLOWING
NUMBERED REQUIREMENTS ARE MET. A student not meeting either of the requirements may be admitted into the PRE-Plastics
Engineering category. A student will remain in the PRE-PLE category until one of the requirements is met.
Student has transferred or taken EITHER of the following CALCULUS courses with a grade of “B” or better (Note: a grade of “B-” is not
Calculus I
Calculus and Analytic Geometry I
Student has transferred or taken and passed the following sequence of courses with a grade point of 2.0 (on a 4.0 scale) or higher for
this sequence of courses:
Calculus I (or MATH-156 Calculus and Analytic Geometry I)
Calculus II (or MATH-157 Calculus and Analytic Geometry II)
University Physics I
College Chemistry I
2. Student has transferred or taken EITHER of the following CALCULUS courses with a grade of “B” or better
(Note: a grade of “B-” is not sufficient):
 MATH-153
Calculus I
Calculus and Analytic Geometry I
3. Student has transferred or taken and passed the following sequence of courses with a grade point of 2.0 (on
a 4.0 scale) or higher for this sequence of courses:
Calculus I (or MATH-156)
Grade Pts.:
MATH-154 Calculus II (or MATH-157)
Grade Pts.:
Grade Pts.:
CHEM-135 College Chemistry I
Grade Pts.:
University Physics I
Grade Pts.:
GPA in 4 Course Sequence:
Student does not meet either of the above requirements BUT may be admitted or remain in the PRE-Plastics Engineering
category and may reapply to the program after satisfying the above requirements.
Evaluation Performed By:
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Signature Attesting to Compliance
By signing below, I attest to the following:
That _______________________ B.S. in Plastics Engineering has conducted an honest
assessment of compliance and has provided a complete and accurate disclosure of timely
information regarding compliance with ABET’s Criteria for Accrediting Engineering Programs
to include the General Criteria and any applicable Program Criteria, and the ABET Accreditation
Policy and Procedure Manual.
Dr. Jeffrey Anderson, Dean
Comments and Remarks from ABET Reviewers
There were two forms of comments from the ABET reviewers. The first part included below
was a verbal statement read at the exit meeting. This aspect briefly summarized the program and
provided some of the highlights. The second part, which starts on the following page, is a formal
review of any program shortcomings.
Verbal summary:
PLASTICS ENGINEERING – The plastics engineering program at the University of Wisconsin
– Stout is one of two programs of its type in the US. The program was started in 2008 and has
grown to a current enrollment of 62 undergraduate students. To date the program has graduated
14 students with a BS in Plastics Engineering. The program has three faculty members from the
College of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics who are primarily responsible
for Plastics Engineering coursework.
Program Assessment Report
Plastics Engineering
College of Science, Technology, Engineering and
Mathematics (STEM)
Submitted by
Adam Kramschuster, Program Director
Fall 2012
The Plastics Engineering program was approved by the Wisconsin Board of Regents in July
2008. As of fall 2012, there are approximately 65 students currently enrolled in Plastics
Engineering. The first class of eleven to enter in fall 2008 graduated in May 2012, with 100%
employment. Program accreditation will be sought from the Accreditation Board for Engineering
and Technology (ABET) in fall 2012. Therefore, the assessment strategy for the Plastics
Engineering program is based on criteria developed by ABET. This includes mapping course
objectives to student outcomes, developing assessment tools for each outcome, and utilizing the
results to continuously improve the curriculum. It should also be noted that we anticipate
augmenting this plan as the program develops, thus enhancing the quality of education provided
to our students.
I. Description of Methods
Program Educational Objectives
The program educational objectives support the missions of the institution and of the college.
Program educational objectives are what graduates are expected to attain within a few years of
graduation. The objectives are published on the Plastics Engineering program website and can be
found by the general public at
The Plastics Engineering program develops plastics engineers who are:
In demand by plastics industry employers
Recognized for their ability to apply engineering expertise in the plastics industry
Recognized for their leadership and teamwork skills
Demonstrating continued career growth and professional development
These Program Educational Objectives were approved by the Plastics Engineering Program
Advisory Committee in 2011 and revised 2012.
The Plastics Engineering program educational objectives closely align with the institutional and
college mission statements. The Plastics Engineering program will provide a high quality
education that will enable graduates of the program to be successful professionals and valued
citizens thereby fulfilling the university and college mission statements.
The program constituencies consist of the faculty, Advisory Board, alumni, employers, students
and the state of Wisconsin.
Faculty: Stout faculty teaching core program courses and advising program students.
Advisory Board: The advisory board consists of faculty, alumni, employers and students. The
advisory board meets twice a year to discuss program issues.
Alumni: Graduates of the program are contacted by the UW-Stout office of Planning,
Assessment, Research and Quality (PARQ). The graduates are provided surveys that are used to
assess whether program objectives are being met.
Employers: Companies that have and continue to hire program graduates. The PARQ office
surveys employers to assess whether program objectives are being met.
Students: Informal and formal methods of student feedback. Students have representation on
the program advisory board, and complete an exit survey during their final semester.
State of Wisconsin: The program graduates are critical to the growth of the state economy.
Each of these constituencies supplies important information in the direction of program. The
engineering faculty has primary responsibility for curriculum, instruction and advising of the
students. Faculty are also primarily responsible for direction of the laboratory facilities and
equipment. The Advisory Board is highly valued for immediate input related to the skills they
are looking for from graduates and making faculty aware of new practices in the industry.
Alumni can share a valuable perspective on what they feel their education has allowed them to
do. They are the product of the program and hopefully will become strong supporters and
donors. Employers demonstrate support for the program by hiring well trained graduates and
providing cooperative work experiences for current students. Current students provide valuable
feedback for program improvement because they are immediately affected by changes in
curriculum, facilities, faculty, advising and many times have very current industrial practice
related to their cooperative work experience. Finally, the State of Wisconsin is the beneficiary of
a well trained workforce and provides funding for continuation of the program.
Program educational objectives (PEOs) are derived from the program mission statement. The
PEOs were originally written during program development starting in the summer of 2007 with
the drafting of the Authorization to Implement Degree planning document for the University of
Wisconsin-System Board of Regents. The draft PEOs were revised in the summer of 2009 by
the core Plastics Engineering faculty. The current version of the PEOs was approved by the
Plastics Engineering Advisory Committee during the regularly scheduled spring meeting on
February 18th, 2011.
Since the Plastics Engineering program is relatively new and we are just beginning to implement
an assessment strategy, we have not completed an entire cycle of PEO evaluation. Some
constituents such as alumni and employers of graduates have not yet provided input to the PEOs.
Table 1 illustrates the proposed schedule for gathering feedback pertaining to PEOs. Table 2
reflects the development cycle of the current PEOs.
Table 1: Proposed Schedule of Constituent Input to PEOs
Input Method
Alumni Survey
Every 3 years
Employer Survey
Every 3 years
Advisory As needed – available annually
Program Faculty Meetings Available as frequently as
Table 2: Summary of Development of PEOs
PEO Development
Proposing Constituency
Draft of Original PEO
Faculty and Advisory
Revision to create more
Advisory Committee
succinct, focused set of PEOs
Alumni 2-5 years out
Industrial representatives,
employees, current faculty
Approval Date
Summer 2007
Spring 2011
Student Outcomes
The University of Wisconsin-Stout's use of the term “student outcome” means the knowledge,
skills, attitudes and/or behaviors that students should be able to demonstrate by the time of
graduation that prepare them to attain the program educational objectives. The student outcomes
for the Plastics Engineering program are listed below. The faculty have identified one additional
student outcome (l) to emphasize the applied polymer materials science portion of the program.
(a) an ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science, and engineering
(b) an ability to design and conduct experiments, as well as to analyze and interpret data
(c) an ability to design a system, component, or process to meet desired needs within realistic
constraints such as economic, environmental, social, political, ethical, health and safety,
manufacturability, and sustainability
(d) an ability to function on multidisciplinary teams
(e) an ability to identify, formulate, and solve engineering problems
(f) an understanding of professional and ethical responsibility
(g) an ability to communicate effectively
(h) the broad education necessary to understand the impact of engineering solutions in a global,
economic, environmental, and societal context
(i) a recognition of the need for, and an ability to engage in life-long learning
(j) a knowledge of contemporary issues
(j) an ability to use the techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for
engineering practice
(l) apply knowledge of the material properties of plastics to part design and processing
The relationship between the student outcomes that support program educational objectives is
summarized in Table 3. For instance, all of the defined student outcomes are applicable to
preparing students to be in demand by employers. Student outcomes a, b, c, e, h, i, k, and l serve
to build the expertise required of new engineers. Student outcomes d, f, g, h, i, and j serve to
develop the leadership and teamwork skills desired of today’s plastics engineer. Student
outcomes i, j and k serve to encourage students to continue their professional development.
Table 3: Program educational objectives and supporting student outcomes
In demand by
plastics industry
Recognized for
their ability to
apply engineering
expertise in the
plastics industry
Recognized for
their leadership
and teamwork
career growth
and professional
Student Outcomes
(a) an ability to apply
knowledge of mathematics,
science, and engineering
(b) an ability to design and
conduct experiments, as well as
to analyze and interpret data
(c) an ability to design a
system, component, or process
to meet desired needs within
realistic constraints such as
economic, environmental,
social, political, ethical, health
and safety, manufacturability,
and sustainability
(d) an ability to function on
multidisciplinary teams
(e) an ability to identify,
formulate, and solve
engineering problems
(f) an understanding of
professional and ethical
(g) an ability to communicate
(h) the broad education
necessary to understand the
impact of engineering solutions
in a global, economic,
environmental, and societal
(i) a recognition of the need for,
and an ability to engage in lifelong learning
(j) a knowledge of
contemporary issues
(k) an ability to use the
techniques, skills, and modern
engineering tools necessary for
engineering practice
(l) apply knowledge of the
material properties of plastics
to part design and processing
To ensure consistent and reliable assessment of each student outcome, a set of performance
indicators have been defined for each outcome, which are shown in Table 4. Rubrics which
reflect the performance indicators have been developed for each student outcome. A sample
rubric is shown in Table 5.
Table 4: Student outcomes mapped to performance indicators
Student Outcomes
(a) an ability to apply knowledge of
mathematics, science, and engineering
(b) an ability to design and conduct
experiments, as well as to analyze and
interpret data
(c) an ability to design a system,
component, or process to meet desired
needs within realistic constraints such as
economic, environmental, social,
political, ethical, health and safety,
manufacturability, and sustainability
(d) an ability to function on
multidisciplinary teams
(e) an ability to identify, formulate, and
solve engineering problems
(f) an understanding of professional and
ethical responsibility
(g) an ability to communicate effectively
(h) the broad education necessary to
understand the impact of engineering
solutions in a global, economic,
environmental, and societal context
(i) a recognition of the need for, and an
ability to engage in life-long learning
Performance Indicators
 Ability to apply knowledge of mathematics
 Ability to apply knowledge of engineering science
 Demonstrate understanding of the requirements and
planning process for experimental design
 Demonstrate proficiency in conducting experiments
 Demonstrate proficiency in organization and manipulation
of collected data using proper tools (e.g. software)
 Demonstrate proficiency in interpretation and development
of conclusions from data analysis using proper tools (e.g.
 Ability to design a system, component, or process withing
specified constraints
 Ability to conduct system, component, or process
 System, component, or process took economic,
environmental, societal, etc., issues into account
 Engages others with a cooperative attitude
 Contributes to the mission, goals, and outcomes of the team
 Demonstrate the ability to identify engineering problems
 Formulate strategies and methods needed to solve
engineering problems
 Demonstrate the ability to solve engineering problems
 Knowledge of Standardized Code of Ethics
 Participation in Ethical Discussions
 Identify and Apply Ethics in Case studies
 Take actions: e.g. analyze failed plastics to find the cause
and improve design to be more responsible
 Organization
 Use of visual aids
 Delivery
 Research and Information Gathering
 Organization and Writing Style
 Use of Supporting Graphics
 Professionalism
 Technical Periodicals in Manufacturing and Plastics
 Valuation of Engineering Discipline
 Impact of Manufacturing and Plastics Engineering activities
on the Environment and National Economy
 Ability to select an optimal solution based on Technology
and Economic factors
 Ability to learn independently
 Technical society affiliation
(j) a knowledge of contemporary issues
(k) an ability to use the techniques, skills,
and modern engineering tools necessary
for engineering practice
(l) apply knowledge of the material
properties of plastics to part design and
Global impact
Economic impact
Societal impact
Political/cultural impact
Utilize commercial simulation software to assist with
mold/die design
Can analyze and apply results from commercial simulation
software to help optimize process conditions
Can analyze and apply results from commercial simulation
software to help optimize process conditions
Understand general material properties and be able to
characterize them
Examine the relation between chemical structure and
material properties
Table 5: Rubric used to assess student outcome L
Outcome L Rubric: An understanding of molecular structure and its relation to material properties
Knowledge of chemical
structures of common
(S = 1)
(S = 2)
(S = 3)
(S = 4)
Student is not aware of any
Student is aware of
chemical structures of
some common plastics but
not familiar with any
technique to characterize
the structures
Student knows chemical
structures of common
plastics and is aware of the
techniques used to identify
the structures
Student knows chemical
structures of most plastics
and is able to use at least
one technique to identify
the structures
Is not aware of any physical
or chemical properties of
properties of plastics but
does not know how to
characterize them.
Understand most important
material properties and is
able to characterize at least
one of the properties
properties and is able to
characterize two or more
Is not aware of any relation
between the structure and
material properties
Is aware of some relation
between the structure and
properties but is not able to
identify any relation
Understands the relation
between the structure and
properties and is able to
identify at least one
Understands the relation
between the structure and
properties and is able to
identify at least two
Weight (W = 0.33)
material properties and
be able to characterize
(P = W * S)
Weight (W = 0.33)
Examine the relation
structure and material
Weight (W = 0.34)
Total Score (TP = ΣP)
Overall Performance
Criterion: TP ≥ 2.5
TP ≤ 1
1 ≤ TP ≤ 2
3 ≤ TP ≤ 4
TP = 4
The continuous improvement process for the Plastics Engineering program involves assessing
the degree of attainment of the program educational objectives and the student outcomes:
evaluating the assessment results; identifying improvement needs and opportunities; and
implementing the indicated program improvements. Coordination and leadership for this process
is assigned to the Plastics Engineering program faculty. Reports and recommended action by this
committee are reviewed and must be approved by the Plastics Engineering program advisory
committee. This process and a summary of the results follows first for the program educational
objectives and secondly for the student outcomes.
Program Educational Objectives
Table 6 contains information about the assessment of the program educational objectives.
Table 6: Assessment process for the program educational objectives
Educational Objective
Method(s) of
Length of
Cycle (Yrs)
Years of
Target for
5. In demand by plastics
industry employers
and Alumni
3 years
6. Recognized for their
ability to apply
engineering expertise
in the plastics
and Alumni
3 years
and Alumni
3 years
3 years
7. Recognized for their
leadership and
teamwork skills
8. Continuing to
Results 2012: The plastics engineering employers and alumni will be surveyed in 2014 for
the first time regarding program educational objectives. The Planning,
Assessment, Research, and Quality (PARQ) office conducts the follow-up
surveys of both employers and alumni on an annual basis. Copies of both
surveys are included below.
University of Wisconsin-Stout
Employer Feedback Survey
Graduates of the Bachelor of Science in Plastics Engineering Program
To what extent is this Plastics Engineering graduate
knowledgeable about contemporary engineering issues?
To what extent is the Stout graduate that gave you this
survey capable of functioning on a multi-disciplinary
3. Please indicate the type(s) of engineering function(s) the Stout graduate that gave you this survey
process development
product design
preventive maintenance
quality control
prototype development
economic justifications
other (please specify)
process engineering
computer aided manufacturing
continuous improvement
material testing/characterization
process improvement
lean manufacturing implementation
machine design
facilities layout
tooling design
equipment procurement
project management
4. Please check off the type(s) of leadership function(s) the Stout graduate that gave you this survey
team leader
engineering supervisor
production supervisor
project manager
other (please specify)
team facilitator
5. Please identify any areas of concern your company may have related to the education that UW-Stout
B.S. in Plastics Engineering graduates receive. Are there areas of knowledge or skills that UW-Stout
Plastics Engineering graduates should have, but currently do not possess? Use back of page if
6. How many UW-Stout Bachelors of Science in Plastics Engineering graduates are employed by your
Assuming you had an open position within your company, would you hire another graduate of UWStout’s Plastics Engineering program?
If no, please describe why.
University of Wisconsin-Stout
Graduate Follow-up Survey
Graduates of the Bachelor of Science in Plastics Engineering Program
1. What is your title within the organization you work?
2. Since graduation, have you received a promotion?
3. Since graduation, how much has your salary increased? __________________
4. Have you been recruited by another company while working as an engineer since graduation? Yes No
5. Please list any awards and recognition you have received in your job(s) since graduation.
6. Please list the types of engineering projects you have been involved with in your job(s).
7. Please check off the type(s) of engineering function(s) you perform.
process development
product design
preventive maintenance
quality control
prototype development
lean manufacturing
process engineering
computer aided manufacturing
continuous improvement
material testing/characterization
process improvement
machine design
facilities layout
tooling design
equipment procurement
project management
other (please specify)
8. Please check off the type(s) of leadership function(s) you perform.
team leader
project manager
engineering supervisor
team facilitator
production supervisor
other (please specify)
9. List the budget responsibilities you’ve had during your employment.
10. Describe your work involving teams during your employment.
11. Please list the professional development activities (i.e., seminars, workshops, graduate courses,
presentations, etc.) you have participated in since graduation.
12. Please list the professional societies you are a member of.
13. Have you held any leadership positions within professional societies since graduation? Yes No
If yes, please list them.
14. Please list any professional certifications you have obtained since graduation.
15. Have you enrolled in graduate school since your bachelor degree from UW-Stout? Yes No
If yes, what is the program/school, degree, and what is your date (or anticipated date) of graduation?
16. Please identify any areas of concern you may have related to the education that UW-Stout B.S. in
Plastics Engineering graduates receive. Are there areas of knowledge or skills that UW-Stout
Plastics Engineering graduates should have, but currently do not possess? Please use the back of
this page.
Student Outcomes
The assessment of student outcomes is performed on a six-year cycle. The cycle that is in use is
illustrated in Table 7.
Table 7: Planned data collection for 2011-2017 assessment cycle
Student Outcome
An ability to apply knowledge of mathematics,
science and engineering.
An ability to design and conduct experiments,
as well as to analyze and interpret data.
An ability to design a system, component, or
process to meet desired needs within realistic constraints
such as economic, environmental, social, political,
health and safety, manufacturability and sustainability.
An ability to function on multidisciplinary
An ability to identify, formulate, and solve
engineering problems.
An understanding of professional and ethical
An ability to communicate effectively.
The broad education necessary to understand
the impact of engineering solutions in a global,
economic, environmental, and societal context.
u. A recognition of the need for, and the ability to
engage in life-long learning.
A knowledge of contemporary issues.
An ability to use the techniques, skills and
modern engineering tools necessary for engineering
Apply knowledge of the material properties of
plastics to part design and processing.
Although data is only collected every three years, there are activities taking place for each
outcome every year. The cycle of activity is shown in Table 8.
Table 8: Cycle of activity for each student outcome over 6 year period:
Activity for each Student Outcome
Review of performance indicators that define the
Review the map of educational strategies related
to performance indicators
Review mapping and identify where data will be
Develop and/or review assessment methods used
to assess performance indicators
Collect data
Evaluate assessment data including processes
Report findings
Take action where necessary
Year 1
Year 2
Year 3
Year 4
Year 6
Year 5
Each outcome has been mapped to the engineering courses and is depicted in Table 9. This map
was used to make decisions about where the summative data would be collected.
Table 9: Outcomes Mapping for INMGT, MECH, MFGE, and PLE Courses
* The initial offering of PLE-420 was scheduled for Spring 2012. The department was not able to offer this course in
Spring 2012 and it will be offered for the first time in Spring 2013. MFGE-441, Design of Jigs and Fixtures, was
used as an appropriate course substitution in Spring 2012.
II. Results
As identified in Table 7, results for student outcomes A, B, E, and H have been collected during
the 2011-2012 academic year. These results will be presented in the following tables. Each table
represents a student outcome, the performance indicators utilized for assessing that student
outcome, the method of assessment, where it is assessed, when and how often, and the target for
performance. In the case of the remaining eight student outcomes, the assessment strategy has
been identified but no data have yet been collected. It is anticipated that data will be collected
twice for each student outcome over a six-year cycle.
Student Outcome A: An ability to identify, formulate, and solve engineering problems
Ability to
apply knowledge of
Ability to
apply knowledge of
engineering science
Method(s) of
data are
Length of
cycle (yrs)
of data collection
Target for
Final exam
3 years
Fall 2011
Fall 2014
≥ 2.5
Final exam
3 years
Fall 2011
Fall 2014
≥ 2.5
Assessment Results 2011:
Assessment data for Performance Indicators (PI) #1 and #2 were collected in MFGE-391 during
the fall 2011 semester. Faculty used data from final exam question #27 and the multiple choice
section of the exam, respectively, to complete the scoring rubric for PI #1 and PI #2. The average
rubric score for PI #1 was 2.5/4.0 and the average rubric score for PI #2 was 2.4/4.0, for a
combined average of 2.46/4.0.
Student Outcome B: An ability to design and conduct experiments, as well as to analyze
and interpret data
5. Demonstrate
understanding of
the requirements
and planning
process for
6. Demonstrate
proficiency in
7. Demonstrate
proficiency in
organization and
manipulation of
collected data using
proper tools (e.g.
8. Demonstrate
proficiency in
interpretation and
development of
conclusions from
data analysis using
proper tools (e.g.
Method(s) of
Where data
Length of
cycle (yrs)
of data collection
Target for
Term project
3 years
Fall 2011
Fall 2014
≥ 2.5
Term project
3 years
Fall 2011
Fall 2014
≥ 2.5
Term project
3 years
Fall 2011
Fall 2014
≥ 2.5
Term Project
3 years
Fall 2011
Fall 2014
≥ 2.5
Assessment Results 2011:
Assessment data for Performance Indicators (PI) #1, #2, #3, and #4 were collected in INMGT422 during the fall 2011 semester. Faculty used data from the term project, to complete the
scoring rubric for PI #1, #2, #3, and #4. The average rubric scores were 2.375/4.0 for PI #,
2.0/4.0 for PI #2, 2.0/4.0 for PI #3 and 1.875/4.0 for PI #4, for a combined average of 2.06/4.0.
Student Outcome E: An ability to identify, formulate, and solve engineering problems
4. Demonstrate the
ability to identify
5. Formulate
strategies and
methods needed to
solve engineering
6. Demonstrate the
ability to solve
Method(s) of
Where data
Length of
cycle (yrs)
of data collection
Target for
Final exam
3 years
Spring 2012
Spring 2015
≥ 2.5
3 years
Spring 2012
Spring 2015
≥ 2.5
3 years
Spring 2012
Spring 2015
≥ 2.5
Assessment Results 2012:
Assessment data for Performance Indicators (PI) #1, #2, and #3 were collected in MECH-294
during the spring 2012 semester. Faculty used data from question #3 on the final exam to
complete the scoring rubric for PI #1, #2, and #3. The average rubric scores were 3.0/4.0 for PI
#, 2.52/4.0 for PI #2, and 2.52/4.0 for PI #3, for a combined average of 2.68/4.0.
Student Outcome H: Broad education necessary to understand the impact of engineering
solutions in a global and societal context
5. Technical
periodicals in
manufacturing and
plastics engineering
6. Valuation of
7. Impact of
manufacturing and
plastics engineering
activities on the
environment and
national economy
8. Ability to select an
optimal solution
based on
technology and
economic factors
Method(s) of
Where data
Length of
cycle (yrs)
of data collection
Target for
Term project
3 years
Spring 2012
Spring 2015
≥ 2.5
Term project
3 years
Spring 2012
Spring 2015
≥ 2.5
Term project
3 years
Spring 2012
Spring 2015
≥ 2.5
Term project
3 years
Spring 2012
Spring 2015
≥ 2.5
Assessment Results 2012:
Assessment data for Performance Indicators (PI) #1, #2, #3, and #4 were collected in INMGT335 during the spring 2012 semester. Faculty used data from the term project, to complete the
scoring rubric for PI #1, #2, #3, and #4. The average rubric scores were 2.77/4.0 for PI #,
2.58/4.0 for PI #2, 2.58/4.0 for PI #3 and 2.77/4.0 for PI #4, for a combined average of 2.675/4.0.
III. Interpretation
As indicated in Table 8, the 2011 assessment results will be reviewed and evaluated during
the 2012-2013 academic year. The results will be reported and any needed corrective actions
will be taken. The performance indicators used for outcome H will also be reviewed at that
IV. Dissemination
The diagram below shows the relationship between the Program Mission, the Program
Educational Objectives and the Student Outcomes. Constituents have a direct line of input into
the PEOs though participation in advisory boards; student, employer and alumni surveys; faculty
meetings and informal feedback to the faculty and program director.
Figure 1: Diagram depicting continuous improvement and dissemination process
Assess &
Feedback for
with Performance
Collection, Analysis
of Evidence
Interpretation of
Evidence by Faculty and
Appropriate Committees
V. Program Improvements
The plastics engineering program underwent a program revision in May 2010 in order to provide
the students with the skill set required to be successful in industry. Two courses (MFGE-325 and
PLE-420) were added to the curriculum. MFGE-325 (Computer Aided Manufacturing)
introduces computer numerical control machining techniques which are widely used to
manufacture molds and dies in the plastics industry. This critical skill set was omitted during
program development and has been remedied with this course. PLE-420 (Transport Phenomena
for Plastics Engineers) focuses on thermodynamics, heat transfer, and fluid mechanics applied to
plastics processing. The current plastics engineering program encompassed only 4 credits of
thermodynamics, heat transfer, and fluid mechanics, while most mechanical engineering
programs and the only other plastics engineering program in the United States have a minimum
of 9 credits in these fundamental areas.
VI. Plans for Improvement
The plastics engineering program is currently undergoing a program revision in order to reduce
credits while increasing the amount of content in the curriculum. This involves changing some of
the fundamental engineering courses such as Thermodynamics/Heat Transfer and Fluid
Mechanics from two credit to three credit courses to more closely align with other engineering
programs and provide more content in these fundamental areas. Not only will this improve the
students’ skill set, it will make it more convenient for transfer students to attend UW-Stout and
utilize credits from other universities with engineering programs.