Element Scheduling and Container Options

Element Scheduling and Container Options
The Container is the basic layout element on CommonSpot pages, and it has a simple element menu.
The first item, Set Visibiliy, provides a list of all elements in the container. If you have a
page with a lot of elements, you can select a single element or a few of them and the others
will disappear from the page.
This only applies to the authoring server, cmsauth. It will not affect the public site. If none
of the boxes are checked, all elements will show.
CommonSpot automatically assigns a name to each element added to the site, like
textblock290612. To change the name and make it more legible, click the more option in
the element menu, then select Name.
The second option in the Container element menu is Layout which brings up the the
Container Layout Properties dialog. The first option in the dialog is Enable scheduling for
elements. Once this is checked and saved, a Criteria option is added to the Container
element menu.
The Criteria option in the Container element menu brings up a dialogue box showing all
the of the elements on the page. The Edit Rendering Criteria dialong gives you some options for setting the conditions under which each element will appear on the page.
Clicking the Edit Entry icon next to the element name gives you options to schedule the
element, change it’s name, move it on the page or delete it. Once scheduling is set up for
a page, elements must be deleted in this dialogue. They can’t be deleted from the normal
element menu.
Selecting the Edit scheduling properties link will bring up the Schedule/ Personalize
Element dialog.
In this example, we have a registration form that we want to only be available for a
specific period of time. The default is for the elements to be available to everyone all of
the time. To restrict this, we select Date Range: Specific Date/ Time. We can then select the
start and end dates and times.
Note: When you are outside of the scheduled time, the element will not be visible with authoring the page.
You must use Container > Set Viability to force the appearance of the element for editing , or Container >
Criteria to change the scheduling criteria.
Updated Spring February 2015