HMSC GC 856 .07 no.162 cop. 2 ;e of Jceanic and Atmospheric Sciences Coastal Jet Separa- tion SeaSoar and CTD Observations During Coastal Jet Separation Cruise W9408A August to September 1994 by J. A. Barth, R. O'Malley, J. Fleischbein, R. L. Smith and A. Huyer College of Oceanic & Atmospheric Sciences Oregon State University Corvallis, OR 97331-5503 Date Report 162 MARILYN POTTS GUIN LIBRARY HATFIELD MARINE SCIENCE CENTER OREGON STATE UNI' ERSiTY NEFORT, OREGON Reference 96-1 November 1996 SeaSoar and CTD Observations During Coastal Jet Separation Cruise W9408A August to September 1994 J. A. Barth, R. O'Malley, J. Fleischbein, R. L. Smith and A. Huyer College of Oceanic & Atmospheric Sciences Oregon State University Corvallis, OR 97331-5503 Date Report 162 Reference 96-1 November 1996 College of Oceanic and Atmospheric Sciences Oregon State University Table of Contents Introduction 1 CTD Data Acquisition, Calibration and Data Processing 11 SeaSoar Data Acquisition and Preliminary Processing 13 SeaSoar Conductivity Calibration 14 Post-Processing of SeaSoar Data 18 Data Presentation 24 Acknowledgements 35 References 35 CTD Data 37 Maps of Temperature, Salinity, at and Dynamic Topography 75 Vertical Sections of Temperature, Salinity and at 129 Summary Temperature- Salinity Diagrams 299 Appendix: Time Series of Maximum T/C Correlations and Lags 303 SeaSoar and CTD Observations During Coastal Jet Separation Cruise W9408A August to September 1994 Introduction This report summarizes the SeaSoar and CTD observations from R/V Wecoma cruise W9408A (23 August to 2 September 1994) conducted as part of the Coastal Jet Separation (CJS) experiment, under funding from the National Science Foundation. The goal of this study is to establish how and why a strong alongshore coastal upwelling jet turns offshore in the vicinity of a coastal promontory, crosses the steep topography of the continental margin and becomes an oceanic jet. Unique aspects of the sampling discussed in this report are: the first use of the OSU SeaSoar vehicles over shallow topography by towing them on a bare cable (without fairing); the first use of dual Sea-Bird CTD sensors where one of the conductivity-temperature sensor pairs is mounted pointing forward through the SeaSoar nose; and post-processing of the SeaSoar conductivity-temperature data using an optimal thermal mass correction, while allowing the time constant to be weakly proportional to the observed lag between temperature and conductivity. Participants on the cruise are listed in Table 1. Major activities during the cruise are summarized in Table 2. The ship's track during each of the SeaSoar tows is shown in Figure 1. SeaSoar Tows 1 and 2, offshore of the continental shelf break in water deeper than 200 m, were carried out to test the ability to fly SeaSoar on a bare cable from a trawl winch. Tow 3 was designed to sample the separating coastal upwelling jet and the tow legs were positioned by using satellite sea surface temperature maps available before sailing. Tow 4 was conducted with SeaSoar towed on a long, faired cable and was intended to sample the deep structure of the separating jet and to cross it roughly orthogonally in order to make transport estimates. Tows 5 and 6 were again conducted with SeaSoar towed on a bare cable with the inshore part of each leg over shallow bottom topography. In addition to the SeaSoar and CTD results presented here, velocity measurements were made using a shipborne Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler and are reported in Pierce et al. (1996). Three satellite-tracked surface drifters of the WOCE holey-sock design, drogued at 15 in, were released during the SeaSoar mapping (Barth and Smith, 1996). Lex van Geen (LDEO) joined the cruise to collect discrete water samples, from surface waters while underway and from deeper in the water column using CTD/rosette casts, for the analysis of cadmium, phosphate and silicate. To accomplish the goals of the CJS project, SeaSoar needed to be towed over the mid- and outer continental shelf in water as shallow as 50 m. In these conditions, towing SeaSoar on a 1 Table 1: W9408A cruise participants with their institution and primary responsibility. Jack Barth Robert Smith Jane Huyer Jane Fleischbein Robert O'Malley Steve Pierce R. Kipp Shearman Marc Willis Mike Hill Tim Holt Alexander Van Geen OSU OSU OSU OSU OSU OSU OSU OSU OSU OSU LDEO Chief Scientist; SeaSoar Co-Chief Scientist; SeaSoar Co-Chief Scientist; SeaSoar Technician; SeaSoar Technician; SeaSoar Technician; SeaSoar/ADCP Graduate Student; SeaSoar Marine Technician Marine Technician Marine Technician Co-Chief Scientist, cadmium sampling Table 2: Major activities during W9408A (all times UTC). Start Stop 8/23 1700 8/23 2000 8/23 2230 8/23 2349 8/24 0334 8/24 0400 8/24 1248 8/24 1730 8/25 0430 8/25 0443 8/27 1815 8/25 0853 8/25 0950 8/27 2202 8/29 0152 8/29 0445 8/29 1500 8/29 1638 9/01 0338 9/01 0400 9/01 1200 9/01 1226 9/02 0430 9/02 0430 9/02 1430 9/02 1530 Activity Depart Newport CTD on NH line (44° 39.1' N) Tow SeaSoar on bare cable (Tow 1) Tow SeaSoar on bare cable (Tow 2) CTD on FM line (43° 13.0' N) Tow SeaSoar on bare cable (Tow 3) Deploy 3 surface drifters during Tow 3 Tow SeaSoar on faired cable (Tow 4) CTD on CR line (41° 54.0' N) Tow SeaSoar on bare cable (Tow 5) CTD inshore Tow SeaSoar on bare cable (Tow 6) Transit to Newport Docked at Newport Duration Parameters (hrs) Measured* 9 p,tl,cl,t2,c2,tr,fl p,tl,cl,t2,c2,tr,fl 62 p,tl,cl,t2,c2,tr,fl 28 p,tl,cl,t2,c2,tr,fl 59 p,tl,cl,t2,c2 16 p,tl,cl,t2,c2 4 * pressure (p), temperature (t), conductivity (c), transmission (tr), fluorescence (fl) 1 = primary sensor, 2 = secondary sensor 2 . Newport Tow 1 2000 200 50 50 44 44 /t z 0 z a) Tow 3 43 Cape Blanco J Cape Blanco Tow 4 42 42 I Newport 44 44 Tow 5 z z 0 Tow 6 0 a) 43 J Cape Blanco 42 42 11 -126 -125 Longitude (°W) -124 -126 .1 -125 Longitude (°W) -124 Figure 1: Ship's track during the SeaSoar tows of W9408A. Bottom topography in meters. 3 faired cable, as in all previous OSU SeaSoar projects, was deemed unsafe because the faired cable cannot be brought in quickly as the ship enters shallow water. This is because careful handling of the fairing is required as the cable spools on and off the dedicated winch. During W9408A, we towed SeaSoar using 940 in (3000 feet) of unfaired ("bare") 5/16", 7-conductor hydrographic cable using Wecoma's trawl winch with level wind and built-in tensiometer. The amount of cable spooled out was adjusted to achieve varying maximum sampling depths (Figure 2, top) and to follow the initial safety guideline that cable out be roughly equal to water depth to avoid collision of the vehicle with the bottom in case of loss of ship's power. As we gained experience flying SeaSoar in shallow water, this safety constraint was relaxed. The maximum depth obtainable with the present SeaSoar vehicle configuration - standard bomb weight mounted below and a 25-cm pathlength transmissometer mounted on top regardless of cable length, was approximately 125 m. The overall response of the vehicle while towed on the bare cable was excellent, particularly the rapid response to an up signal at the bottom of the trajectory, a desirable characteristic for avoiding bottom obstacles. Cable tensions during bare-cable towing were always less than 1000 kg. The bottom depth was measured using the ship's 12-kHz echosounder and monitored visually from line scan recorder output. Cable length and SeaSoar flight controller settings were adjusted to allow the vehicle to come no closer than 10-15 in of the bottom. Using the ship's echosounder for bottom detection allows sufficient time for the SeaSoar operator to command wings up in response to an oncoming bottom obstacle. For example, this lead time is approximately 30 s using a cable length of 100 m sampling to a maximum depth of 55 in, an echosounder located 20 in forward from the ship's stern, and a ship speed of 4 in s-1 (8 knots). The bare-cable profiling pattern (Figure 2, bottom) gave very high resolution in the horizontal ranging from 1/3 to 1 km through one full cycle - at the mid-depth of each profile the horizontal resolution is half that, or 167-5fl in. While towing alongshore in shallow water in regions of coastal upwelling and high uiological productivity and where property gradients are mostly in the cross-shore direction (e.g., hours 5-6.5, Figure 2, bottom), we found that operating the SeaSoar in a "pop-up" mode, where the entire water column is only sampled occasionally with the remaining time being spent at depth, helped reduce biological fouling of the sensors (see also the discussion on Post-Processing of SeaSoar Data below). After turning cross-shore in shallow water where property gradients are strong cross-shore, we again resumed high-spatial-resolution sampling. After establishing our ability during Tows 1 and 2 to fly SeaSoar on a bare cable, we conducted Tow 3 including cross-shore sections onto the mid-shelf and sampling offshore 4 L0 - 20 20 - 40 E E E 100 120 140 50 0 100 250 200 150 350 300 400 450 500 wire out (m) 0-120m,At=4 min, Ax=1 km @ 8kts 0-55 m, At = 1.5 min, Ax = 1/3 km @ 8 kts 0 E it E 50 IIIIIIIII 11 m I I 150-I I I I U IIIIII W I W I II I I I pop-up mode I turn tc E turn to N turn to W I 0 2 4 3 5 6 7 8 8 hours starting 8/29/94 2100 Figure 2: (top) Maximum depth obtained towing SeaSoar with a variable-length, bare 5/16" hydrographic cable. The dashed line connects the origin to the first data point. (bottom) A pressure trace showing the SeaSoar flight path over 8 hours during W9408A. 5 where the coastal upwelling jet was observed to separate from the coast. Tow 4 was conducted by towing SeaSoar with a faired cable, as in previous OSU SeaSoar projects, in order to sample the deep structure of the separating jet. Maximum depth obtainable with the faired cable and SeaSoar loaded as in Tows 1-3 (standard bomb weight below, transmissometer on top) was approximately 280 in and cable tensions remained less than 2000 kg. We returned to bare-cable towing during Tows 5 and 6 to sample inshore to the mid-shelf; during these tows the SeaSoar did not carry a fluorometer or a transmissometer. A second novel aspect of the SeaSoar sampling carried out during W9408A, involved a new placement of one of the Sea-Bird T/C sensor pairs in the SeaSoar nose. Previously, both T/C sensor pair ducts had their inlet and outlet ports plumbed through the sides of the SeaSoar nose (Huyer et al., 1993). In an effort to improve sensor performance, specifically to stabilize the time-dependent lags between T and C measurements used in producing quality salinity measurements (Huyer et al., 1993; and see Post-Processing of SeaSoar Data below), one sensor pair was remounted pointing forward through a hole in the SeaSoar nose (Figure 3). This eliminated the need for any additional plumbing on the Sea-Bird T/C duct and exposed the conductivity cell to a better flushing with ambient seawater. This configuration was used during SeaSoar Tows 5 and 6 and the results, detailed below, were excellent. While clogging of the forward-pointing sensors was more frequent than with the sideways-plumbed sensors, it only happened occasionally (quantified in Post-Processing of SeaSoar Data below) and the duct usually cleared after one descending profile so that data from the forward-pointing sensor pair was usable on the next uptrace. Through a combination of swapping in data from the unclogged, sideways-plumbed sensors and by reducing clogging during shallow N-S transects using a pop-up profiling mode (see above), high-quality CTD data were obtained for all profiles during W9408A. Conventional CTD casts were made along the Newport (NH), Five Mile Point (FM) and Crescent City (CR) hydrographic lines, inshore near Coos Bay, and at the start or end of many of the SeaSoar tows (Figure 4, Table 3). These casts were made using a SBE 9/11-plus CTD equipped with dual temperature and conductivity sensors, a SeaTech fluorometer and a 25-cm pathlength SeaTech transmissometer. Water samples were collected at various depths for CTD calibration and for chemical analysis by Lex van Geen (LDEO). Winds were generally upwelling favorable during the cruise as measured from the ship (Figure 5, top). Data from the underway 5-m T and C sensors was not recorded properly in the Wecoma MIDAS system due to a programming error in storing the T and C values. Independently of MIDAS, the Wecoma's realtime navigation and data display program saves approximately 3 days of history data from the underway system. When it was realized that 6 j •1 - Figure 3: (top) Front view of SeaSoar equipped with dual Sea-Bird T/C sensors where one pair points forward through an opening in SeaSoar's nose and a second pair is plumbed through the starboard side of the nose. (bottom) View into detached SeaSoar nose showing T/C sensor pairs. 7 NH line l 2 1 Newport 200 2000 60 44 24 25 26 iS 2827 10 987654 '32 FM line 11,12 Coos Bay 31 2EJ 30 Cape Blanco 42 CR line 13 15 16 N 171819202122 ` 23 Crescent City 14 `. 126 125 124 longitude (°W) Figure 4: CTD station locations for W9408A. 8 Table 3: Summary of CTD stations during W9408A. Station Name No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 Date 1994 Time UTC 23 Aug 1935 NH-15 23 Aug 2109 NH-25 23 Aug 2238 FM-1 24 Aug 1728 FM-3 24 Aug 1829 FM-4 24 Aug 1931 FM-5 24 Aug 2036 FM-6 24 Aug 2130 FM-7 24 Aug 2231 FM-8 25 Aug 0005 FM-9 25 Aug 0149 FM-9 25 Aug 0347 post t3 27 Aug 1147 post t4 29 Aug 0210 CR-8 29 Aug 0453 CR-7 29 Aug 0641 CR-6 29 Aug 0844 CR-5 29 Aug 1017 CR-4 29 Aug 1138 CR-3 29 Aug 1257 CR-2 29 Aug 1354 CR-1 29 Aug 1444 pre t5 29 Aug 1604 post t5 1 Sep 0358 TM-2 1 Sep 0435 TM-1 1 Sep 0518 NH-5 Latitude Longitude Wind Dir(°T) Spd(kts) Atm. P. (mbar) ON °W Cast Depth(m) 44 39.1' -124 10.6' 51 350 20 1019.1 44 39.1' -124 24.9' 81 350 25 1019.1 44 39.1' -125 38.9' 276 - - - 43 13.0' -124 26.0' 30- 340 16 1020.5 43 12.9' -124 30.1' 56 000 17 1021.2 43 13.0' -124 35.1' 79 010 15 1021.5 43 13.0' -124 40.1' 159 010 22 1021.2 43 13.0' -124 45.1' 315 010 24 1020.9 43 13.0' -124 50.0' 336 010 25 1019.8 43 13.0' -125 00.1' 501 350 27 1020.8 43 13.0' -125 10.0' 501 355 25 1020.1 43 12.9' -125 10.0' 200 41 53.0' -125 40.4' 502 345 7 1015.7 41 37.3' -125 10.1' 1006 335 17 1020.4 41 54.0' -125 09.9' 1006 340 20 1020.0 41 53.9' -125 00.0' 811 345 21 1021.0 41 54.0' -124 48.5' 690 350 25 1019.9 41 53.9' -124 42.0' 651 350 25 1020.8 41 54.0' 502 345 24 1020.1 41 54.1' -124 36.1' -124 30.1' 130 020 13 1020.2 41 54.0' -124 24.0' 61 015 6 1020.5 41 54.0' -124 18.0' 35 020 5 1020.6 41 54.0' -124 26.7' 85 355 18 1020.8 43 29.8' -124 22.3' 92 010 7 1017.0 43 29.9' -124 21.0' 90 010 12 1016.5 43 30.1' -124 18.1' 55 360 10 1017.0 - 27 AR-1 1 Sep 0641 43 20.0' -124 26.1' 51 065 6 1017.2 28 AR-2 FM-1 FM-3 1 Sep 0713 43 20.0' -124 27.7' 73 - 6 1017.2 1 Sep 0822 43 13.0' -124 26.4' 36 010 6 1017.5 1 Sep 0856 43 13.0' -124 30.0' 50 000 7 1017.3 FM-4 post t6 1 Sep 0944 43 12.9' -124 35.0' 76 000 10 1017.2 2 Sep 0442 43 14.2' -125 09.8' 250 350 20 1017.2 29 30 31 32 9 239 240 241 Day of 1994 Figure 5: (top) Shipboard winds during W9408A and (bottom) 5-m temperature and salinity from the flow-through system onboard Wecoma. Note that underway T and S data are only available after day 242.375. 10 the MIDAS system was not recording T and C correctly, these history files were used to recover 3 days of underway T and C data. When the underway 5-m conductivity signal was compared with shallow SeaSoar values an offset in the measured conductivity (and hence salinity), apparently due to a ground fault problem with the conductivity cell, was discovered. The salinity and temperature of the 5-m underway data was corrected to match the shallow (3.5-7.5 m depth) SeaSoar values for S and T. The SeaSoar T and C sensors used the manufacturer's most recent calibration values and were calibrated with bottle salt samples drawn from the 5-m flow-through system (see below). The final result is calibrated 5-m T and S data obtained from the underway flow-through system for day 242.375 through 245.578 (Figure 5, bottom). CTD Data Acquisition, Calibration and Data Processing All CTD/rosette casts were made with an SBE 9/11-plus CTD system equipped with dual ducted temperature and conductivity sensors (Table 4). In addition to the CTD casts made along transects, CTD casts were made to monitor the calibration of the SeaSoar CTD data. These calibration casts were made immediately before and after most SeaSoar tows, with as little delay as possible. A total of 32 CTD casts were made, with maximum sampling depths ranging from 30 to 1006 m (Table 3). Raw 24 Hz CTD data were acquired on an IBM-compatible PC using the SEASAVE module of SEASOFT version 4.009 (Anon., 1992); temperature and conductivity data were recorded from both pumped sensor ducts. At each station a few salinity samples were collected from Niskin bottles at two or more depths for in situ calibration of the conductivity sensors; CTD values at the same depth (calculated from the most recent manufacturer's pre-cruise calibration) were recorded both by the PC and manually on the station log sheets. Samples were analysed on a Guildline Autosal 8400A Salinometer that was standardized with IAPSO Standard Water at the beginning and end of each batch of 24 samples. Sample conductivities were calculated using the sample salinity value with the CTD temperature and pressure values; a value of 42.914 mmho cm-1 for conductivity of standard seawater at 15°C (Culkin and Smith, 1980) was used to convert the measured sample conductivity ratios to conductivity. Analysis of the sample and CTD conductivity differences showed no conductivity corrections were needed for the primary sensors (Table 5). CTD data were processed on an IBM-compatible PC using applicable SEASOFT modules. Data from the primary sensors were used for final processing for all CTD stations. The DATCNV module of SEASOFT was used with the pre-cruise calibration constants to calculate 24 Hz values of pressure, temperature and conductivity from the raw frequencies. When 11 Table 4: Instruments and sensors used during W9408A for CTD, SeaSoar and underway salinity sampling, and date of most recent manufacturer's pre-cruise calibration. System (Instrument) Sensor SN Pre-Cruise Calibration P 50506 Ti 1371 T2 1367 Cl 830 C2 519 30 Nov 93 17 Feb 94 17 Feb 94 19 May 94 19 May 94 CTD/Rosette (SBE 9/11 plus, SN 0258) SeaSoar Tows 1, 2, 3, 4 (SBE 9/11 plus, SN 0256) (port) (starboard) (port) (starboard) P 50130 Ti 1364 T2 1366 Cl 1021 C2 1070 TRANS FL 33D SeaSoar Tow 5, 6 (SBE 9/11 plus, SN 0256) (forward) (starboard) (forward) (starboard) 5-m Intake Transducer Well 12 30 Nov 93 17 Feb 94 17 Feb 94 23 Nov 93 23 Nov 93 25 May 88 48 P 50130 Ti 1008 T2 997 C1 1018 C2 1054 30 Nov 93 17 Feb 94 3 Aug 94 3 Aug 94 3 Aug 94 T 854 17 Feb 94 C 497 May 94 T 1093 17 Feb 94 Table 5: Results of in situ calibration samples for CTD/Rosette sensor pair S1 for W9408A: Number of samples (N), and the average and standard deviations of the conductivity and salinity differences between the sample values and the corrected CTD data. Average Std. Dev. Average Std. Dev. Stations N Cl C1 S1 Si W9408A 1-32 62 0.001 0.005 0.001 0.005 necessary, the output data file was edited to remove any spikes and any values inadvertently recorded before the pressure minimum at the beginning of the cast. The CELLTM module was used to correct for the thermal mass of the conductivity cell, assumed to have a thermal anomaly amplitude of 0.03 and a time constant of 9 seconds. Ascending portions of the 24-Hz data file were removed by LOOPEDIT with the minimum velocity set to 0.0 in s-1. The remaining data were averaged to 1 db values using BINAVG. The final processed data files consist of 1 db values of pressure, temperature and conductivity. These processed data files were transferred to a SUN computer where we used standard algorithms (Fofonoff and Millard, 1983) to calculate salinity, potential temperature, density anomaly (sigma-theta), specific volume anomaly, and geopotential anomaly (dynamic height). SeaSoar Data Acquisition and Preliminary Processing The Chelsea Instruments SeaSoar vehicle was equipped with a SBE 9/11-plus CTD with dual temperature and conductivity sensors (Table 4). For Tows 1-4, the inlets and outlets of both dual T/C ducts were plumbed through the port (primary) and starboard (secondary) sides of the SeaSoar nose as in previous OSU SeaSoar surveys (Huyer et al., 1993; Kosro et al., 1995). For Tows 5-6 an alternative placement of the primary T/C duct inlet and outlet was tried as previously described (see Figure 3). During Tows 1-4 the SeaSoar also carried two additional instruments: a 25-cm pathlength SeaTech Transmissometer mounted on top of the vehicle; and a SeaTech 300m Fluorometer mounted inside the vehicle, below the SBE 9/11-plus pressure case, with its sensing volume located directly behind a hole in the center of the vehicle's nose (Figure 3, top). Raw 24-Hz CTD data from the SeaSoar vehicle and GPS position and time data were acquired by an IBM-compatible PC. The acquisition software placed flags in the data stream to mark the collection of hourly salinity samples from the flow-through system, to signal turns 13 between sampling lines and to indicate missing GPS data. The raw data were simultaneously recorded on optical disk by PC and on a Sun SPARC workstation. The PC displayed time series of subsampled temperature (both sensors), conductivity (both sensors) and pressure in real time; it also displayed accumulated temperature data for many hours as a vertical section (color raster). One-second averages of ship's position, CTD temperature (both sensors), conductivity (both sensors), salinity (both sensor pairs), and pressure were calculated on the SPARC workstation, using the most recent manufacturer's calibration (Table 4). Preliminary salinity estimates for each sensor pair were calculated using a fixed offset between temperature and salinity, and a fixed value, a = 0:045, for the amplitude and for the time constant, r = 9, of the thermal mass of the conductivity cell. Time-series and vertical profile plots of the one-second data were made at the end of each hour for science analysis and to monitor data quality. The 1-Hz preliminary data were used to calculate 5-minute average temperature and salinity values in 2 db vertical bins during shallow profiling on a bare cable (Tows 1-3 and 5-6); 12-minute averages were calculated during deep profiling on a faired cable (Tow 4). These gridded values were used for at-sea analysis of the three-dimensional structure of the separating coastal upwelling jet. SeaSoar Conductivity Calibration Salinity samples were collected once per hour from a flow-through system in Wecoma's wetlab from 0000 UTC, 24 August until 1400 UTC, 2 September 1994. This system pumps water from the seachest at a depth of 5 in in the ship's hull, through a tank containing SBE temperature and conductivity sensors; samples are drawn from a point just beyond this tank. The 120 ml glass sample bottles were rinsed three times before filling, and closed with screw-on plastic caps with conical polyethylene liners. Samples were further sealed by wrapping parafilm around the base of the cap. Following the end of the cruise, samples were analyzed in Corvallis on a Guildline Autosal salinometer. The salinometer was standardized with IAPSO Standard Water at the beginning and end of each batch of about 24 samples. Time series of these hourly salinity samples and time series of the preliminary SeaSoar data from the 3-7 in depth range (Figure 6) show very similar variations. For a quantitative comparison between the salinity samples and the SeaSoar data, we selected SeaSoar values that were both within 7 minutes of the time of the salinity sample and within a depth range of 3.0 to 7.9 in. For each salinity sample, we calculated a bottle conductivity using the measured salinity and the temperature from each SeaSoar sensor duct, and then compared this sample conductivity to the directly measured conductivity from the same sensor duct; a few pairs with very large differences were eliminated from the W. 14 I W9408 Tow 1 Vc 33 I CO I 236 236.5 237 Julian Day N N 34 0 E co 33.5 y Vc 33 CO N 32.5 236 236.5 237 Julian Day Figure 6: Time series of hourly samples from the ship's 5-m intake (squares) and of preliminary estimates of near-surface (3.0-7.9 m) SeaSoar salinity (dots) from the preferred sensor pair, for Tows 1-6 of W9408A. 15 m 34 E u) 33.5 vm 33 c W 32.5 0 0 32 U) m cn 31.5 nE 31 cO 240 240.5 Julian Day 241 34 (n N 0. E cn 33.5 L W9408 Tow 5 ca 33 Ca C c E , 32.5 C Ca I 32 0 U) Q) C/ 31.5 E F r- cb 31 241 0) aE CO 34 33.5 I. T. . I I I I I 242.5 243 Julian Day 243.5 244 244.5 I 241.5 242 . I 245 r W9408 Tow 6 ca ca 0 33 CO j, 32.5 32 31.5 31 244 244.5 245 Julian Day Figure 6: (continued) 16 245.5 comparison. Assuming, as usual, that the measured conductivity should be corrected by a multiplier alone, we calculated the slope (m) of the zero-intercept regression line between the measured conductivity and the sample conductivity separately for each sensor pair and for each SeaSoar tow (Table 6). Tows 1 and 2 had too few calibration points to be meaningful, and there was no significant difference in the multiplier for the primary sensor pair between Tows 3 and 4, so the data from Tows 1, 2, 3 and 4 were pooled. The primary sensor appeared to be clogged during Tow 2 so data points from Tow 2 were eliminated in the final comparison for the primary sensor. Both the primary and secondary sensors required no conductivity correction (kl and k2, Table 6) for Tows 1 through 4. During Tows 5 and 6, a systematic offset was noted between the two temperature sensors so the sensors had a post-cruise calibration done in December 1994. After the new calibration data were put into the configuration file, the SeaSoar data were reprocessed and this data were used for the comparison of the SeaSoar conductivity with the bottle samples. Since there was no significant difference in the mean conductivity difference between Tows 5 and 6 for either sensor pair, the data were pooled, and correction factors (ki and k2) were determined for each sensor (Table 6). Table 6: Conductivity multipliers (ml and m2) for primary and secondary sensors, for W9408B, determined from comparison of near-surface SeaSoar data with 5-m intake samples, and the conductivity correction factors (kl and k2) adopted for reprocessing the SeaSoar conductivity data. Also shown are the average and standard deviations of the salinity differences between the sample values and the corrected SeaSoar data. Average Std Dev ml m2 kl k2 S1 S2 S1 S2 - - 1.00000 1.00000 - 1.00000 1.00000 0.002 - - 1.00006 - 42/40 1.00012 0.99999 1.00000 1.00000 0.004 0.000 0.009 0.009 4 12 1.00009 0.99995 1.00000 1.00000 0.003 -0.002 0.012 0.011 1-4 56/58 1.00010 0.99998 1.00000 1.00000 0.004 -0.001 0.009 0.009 5 42/39 1.00018 1.00019 1.00021 1.00022 0.006 0.007 0.009 0.008 6 12/11 1.00026 1.00025 1.00021 1.00022 0.009 0.009 0.002 0.003 5-6 56/52 1.00021 1.00022 1.00021 1.00022 0.008 0.008 0.008 0.007 Tow N 1 3 2 0/4 3 17 0.007 Applying these multipliers to the SeaSoar conductivity data before recalculating salinity allows us to compare the corrected SeaSoar salinity values from both primary and secondary sensor ducts to the sample salinity. The time series of the differences (Figure 7) show reasonable agreement between sample and near-surface SeaSoar data for both sensor pairs during all tows, except sensor pair one in Tow 2. Post-Processing of SeaSoar Data Salinity data derived from Sea-Bird ducted temperature and conductivity sensors are subject to errors from three separate sources (Larson, 1992): (1) poor alignment of the 24-Hz temperature and conductivity data, (2) poor compensation for the transfer of heat between the mantle of the conductivity cell and the water flowing through it, and (3) mismatch of the effective time constants of the temperature and conductivity measurements. Highspeed pumps, ducted-flow geometry, and sensor design to match response times are hardware measures which help to reduce these errors. Software is then used to align the temperature and conductivity data by some constant offset (typically 1.75 scans); a two-point recursive formula is applied to correct for the thermal mass of the conductivity cell (Lueck, 1990; Lueck and Picklo, 1990). For the results reported here, only the thermal mass correction and the offset between T and C need to be addressed in post-processing. The primary complication for processing CTD data from SeaSoar is that the flow rate through the sensors might be variable (Huyer et al., 1993). In previous OSU SeaSoar work where the T/C inlet and outlet ducts were both plumbed through the side of the SeaSoar's nose, variable flow rates seemed to be common (e.g., Huyer et al., 1993; Kosro et al., 1995). This same inlet and outlet arrangement was used on Tows 1-4 of this cruise, and we again found the lag of maximum correlation between T and C signals to be quite variable, particularly during descent (Appendix); thus it is necessary to correct for a variable T/C lag. The variable flow rate also impacts the thermal mass correction, where the amplitude and time constant of the correction are inversely proportional to flow rate (Lueck, 1990; Morrison et al., 1994). Biological fouling can also impact the calculated lags between T and C; even when the flow rate is unaffected, partial fouling may lengthen the time response of the thermistor (Kosro et al., 1995). Because the lateral separation between adjacent SeaSoar profiles is typically small compared to the scale of changes in water-mass characteristics, it is possible to use the T-S plots of consecutive profiles to optimize the thermal mass correction. This was done in a qualitative manner for the earlier data sets (Huyer et al., 1993; Kosro et al., 1995). We have 18 0 0.06 U) as Tows 1-4 pair 1 " 0.04 m . . 0.02 Le* -0.04 Cz -0.06 236 U) .........I....... 236.5 I...... I 237 I 237.5 238 237.5 238 I I I I I 238.5 239 239.5 240 240.5 241 238.5 239 239.5 240 240.5 241 0 0.06 CO U 0.04 Tows 1-4 pair 2 Q 0.02 U CU 0 U . 2 0.02 01-0.04 C ja -0.06 236 Cl) 236.5 237 Julian Day Co" 0.06 U) M (D 0.04 Tows 5&6 pair 1 a) E 0.02 CO U) U C P. 0 2 -0.02 a) C' -0.04 C .. 241.5 Fz -0.06 Cl) I. 242 I I I I I I 242.5 243 243.5 244 244.5 245 245.5 243.5 244 244.5 245 245.5 0 0.06 U) cC a) 0.04 Tows 5&6 pair 2 m 0.02 CO . 0 2 -0.02 -0.04 C cn -0.06 241.5 242 242.5 243 Julian Day Figure 7: Time series of salinity differences between the 5-m samples and the matching corrected SeaSoar data from both sensor pairs, for Tows 1-6 of W9408A. 19 now developed a quantitative procedure to choose optimal values of the amplitude (a) and time constant (7) for the thermal mass correction. Before the data can be post-processed, three preliminary steps are required: (1) the sensors are calibrated using in situ data and/or post-cruise calibrations, (2) the time-series of lags between 24-Hz temperature and conductivity data are computed and cleaned (see below), and (3) optimal values of the thermal mass correction variables are determined. Once these steps are done, the SeaSoar data can be reprocessed. The final calibration values are used for the sensors; the time-series of lags are used to offset the temperature and conductivity signals; and a thermal mass correction is applied to the data, where the thermal mass variables a and T are calculated from the observed lags. The final data are output as 1-Hz values, using a 24-point boxcar filter. Use and cleaning of the time-series of lags between first-differenced temperature and conductivity has been described in previous reports (e.g., Huyer et al., 1993). In general, three depth zones are used for the SeaSoar, and lags are calculated in these zones for ascending and descending trajectories. In this survey, the shallow tows on unfaired cable (Tows 1-3, 5, 6) used zones of: 20 to 60 dbar, 60 to 90 dbar, and 90 to 130 dbar. For the deep tow on faired cable (Tow 4) the three zones were: 20 to 120 dbar, 120 to 180 dbar, and 180 to 240 dbar. The time series of lags are then cleaned by discarding outliers from data segments that are very short or have relatively low correlations between T and C, and replacing them with local estimates of the lag based on nearby values. The sensor pair with the least noisy time-series of lags was chosen as the preferred sensor pair for final data processing, and the lags for the preferred sensor pair of each tow are shown in the Appendix. The lags for the forward-pointing sensors used in Tows 5 and 6 are significantly less noisy than those from the sideways-plumbed sensors (Figure 8), and they show essentially no difference between ascending and descending values. We conclude that the flow rate within the T/C duct is much more stable in the forward-pointing configuration. To apply a thermal mass correction we follow Lueck (1990) who presented a two-point recursive formula involving an amplitude (a) and a time constant (T). We implement this with a recursive algorithm provided by Sea-Bird: OCR,, = -bC,,,_1 + a(dC/dT)(T,, - Tn_1), where a = 2a/(2 + P0t) b = 1 - 2a/a 20 forward intake sensors 6 U 4 2 0 UP ............................... -2 241.5 i 4 2 0 ............................ ..:................................ 242.5 243.5 243 244 244.5 ............................................................................................ 6 U 242 : riL`.......... i ...........i ..:.......... Y....................:.....down... ........................................................... -2 241.5 242 242.5 243 .................................. 243.5 244 244.5 starboard intake sensors U 6 4 2 H 0 ............................................................................................. ................... ....................I.......................:..... ................ .,Iw.a,. 41 r.. UP...... . -2 241.5 -2 (241.5 242 242.5 243 243.5 244 244.5 ............. :................ ............... 242 242.5 243 Julian Day 243.5 244 Figure 8: Time series of Tow 5 T-C lags, separately for upcast and downcast data. 21 244.5 0 = 1/T dC/dT = 0.1(1 + 0.006(Tn - 20)), and AC,, is the conductivity correction at time n, C,i,_1 is the conductivity (in S m-1) at the preceding time, Tn, and Tn_1 are the temperatures (°C) at times n and n - 1, and At is the time between scans (1/24 sec). Lueck suggested that a is inversely proportional to flow rate through the sensor duct, and that T was weakly proportional to the inverse of the flow rate. Morrison et al. (1994) developed this further: a is inversely proportional to the flow rate as before, but now T is inversely proportional to the square root of the flow rate: a = (0.0264/V) + 0.0135 T= (2.7858/x) + 7.1499, where V is the flow rate (m s-'). Since our observed T-C lag is also inversely proportional to flow rate, a and T can instead be posed in terms of the lag: a is now directly proportional to the T-C lag, and r is directly proportional to the square root of the lag (c): a =ao+a1 T = To + Ti * The advantage in doing this is that lag values are readily observable from the data while flow rates are not. Flow rate is in units of in s-1 so that lag can be expressed as: L t = Ox/V where Ox is the distance in meters from the temperature probe to the conductivity sensor, and At is the sampling interval. If the distance between the thermistor and the middle of the conductivity cell is 0.18 m (Morrison et al., 1994, their figure 2) and the sampling rate is 24 Hz, then we can express the equations of Morrison et al. (1994) as: a = 0.0061 + 0.0135 T =1.3403V + 7.1499 Suppose we did not correct for the thermal mass of the conductivity cell. During a down trace the cell would be warmer than the water and transferring heat into the water within 22 the conductivity cell; the measured conductivity would then be higher than the conductivity of the surrounding water. If no thermal mass correction is applied, the apparent salinity is too high during descent, and too low during ascent. This has the appearance of a hysteresis loop when plotted on a T-S diagram. If a series of thermal mass corrections are applied, with systematicaly increasing a and r, the hysteresis loop would diminish until the up-trace lies on top of the down-trace, yielding the best estimates for a and r. If the thermal mass correction is too strong (a and r too large, for instance) the hysteresis loop would reappear on the other side, with the apparent salinity now too low during descent. If we calculate the area (in T-S space) between successive up- and down-traces, then the optimal thermal mass correction is the one which minimizes this area; we would then have the best settings for a and T. Since a and r are both proportional to the observed lags but with the possibility of a constant offset, we seek optimal values for the slopes and offsets of a and r (i.e., for ao, al, ro, Tl). If we consider the area in T-S space as our function and the slopes and offsets as variables, optimal settings are found by minimizing the function of four variables. There are well established routines for this and we chose to use one from the International Math and Science Library (IMSL) which uses a quasi-Newton method and a finite- difference gradient (routine UMINF). Test hours were chosen for the two different sensor configurations used on this cruise (see Table 4). Thermal mass corrections were estimated using four test hours for Tows 1-4 (two each from Tow 3 and Tow 4), and five test hours for Tows 5-6 (all from Tow 5). This test data set was then processed with an initial slope and offset for a and r, and the area in T-S space between successive up- and down-traces was computed for each of the hours, and then summed as a whole. The IMSL routine was used to vary the values for the slopes and offsets until a minimum of the summed area was found. These slopes and offsets which minimized the area for the test data were then applied as the settings for the appropriate tows. These values are summarized in Table 7. Table 7: Optimized slope and offset values for use in the thermal mass correction. tow preferred al ao 71 To sensor 1-4 starboard 0.0006 0.043 1.036 7.18 5-6 forward 0.0042 0.014 1.050 7.15 23 We can compare the results of Morrison et al. (1994) with the values reported in Table 7. The values of ao and To for the forward-pointing sensor pair (Tows 5 and 6) essentially match those given in the equations by Morrison et al. (1994). The value of To for the starboard sensor pair (Tows 1-4) also agrees, but ao is substantially different. The slope values (al and r1) for the forward-pointing sensors are also closer to the values given by Morrison et al. (1994) than those for the starboard sensors. This is additional confirmation that the forward-pointing sensors are superior to the sideways-plumbed sensors. As an example of the very high resolution possible using the superior forward-pointing sensors and the quantitative method for optimizing the thermal mass corrections, Figure 9 shows the T-S diagram for 04:00 hour (UTC) on August 30. The close-up of detail in that figure has solid lines for the upcast data, and dashed lines for the downcast data. The gradient in water-mass characteristics is clearly resolved by successive up- and down-cast traces in the post-processed data. Using the variable lags (shown in the Appendix) and the thermal mass slopes and offsets (Table 7), the 24-Hz temperature and conductivity data were realigned and corrected, and used to calculate 24-Hz salinity, and these were averaged to yield 1-Hz values stored in hourly files. Reprocessed data were plotted to confirm our choice of the preferred sensor pair, and to see if additional cleaning was required. The forward-pointing sensors used in Tows 5 and 6 were the preferred sensor pair, but they fouled several times in Tow 5. When this happened, the sensors would typically clog as they descended, and then clear before starting their next ascent. In these cases, the data from the alternate sideways-plumbed sensor pair were substituted when applicable. Table 8 summarizes when this took place. Data Presentation The final 1-Hz data files contain unfiltered GPS latitude and longitude; pressure; temperature, salinity and at from the preferred sensor pair; date and time (both in decimal year-day and integer year, month, day, hour, minute, second); an integer representing flags (thousands digit of 1 indicates collection of a water sample from 5-m intake, hundreds digit of 1 indicates a ship turn has started, hundreds digit of 2 indicates the SeaSoar has reversed direction, tens digit of 1 indicates missing GPS data filled by linear interpolation, and ones digit indicates port for Tows 1-4 and forward-pointing for Tows 5-6 (0) or starboard (1) intake for the T/C sensor pair); voltage (0-5 volts) from the SeaTech fluorometer (Tows 1-4 only); and voltage (0-5 volts) from the SeaTech transmissometer (Tows 1-4 only). Successive hourly files of the reprocessed 1-Hz average SeaSoar CTD data were joined and clipped to construct data files for each line of Tows 1-6 (Figures 10-13, Table 9). 24 August 30, 1994 04:00 (UTC) 33 33.5 34 Salinity (psu) 8.5 32.6 32.7 32.8 32.9 33.0 Salinity (psu) 33.1 33.2 33.3 Figure 9: High resolution data from forward-pointing sensor pair with post-processing. 25 Table 8: Times of forward-pointing sensor clogging in Tow 5 and replaced with data from the starboard sideways-plumbed sensors. At times UTC. date start (yy/mm/dd) stop (hh:mm:ss) duration (hh:mm:ss) 94/08/29 17:08:28 17:14:23 17:09:29 17:15:23 01:01 01:00 94/08/30 01:48:08 01:54:41 01:56:15 02:04:45 02:09:25 02:10:55 02:12:25 02:19:52 02:22:48 02:25:41 02:27:07 02:32:55 02:40:06 02:49:20 03:12:44 03:19:53 03:39:22 03:48:02 03:52:21 12:01:04 12:04:48 12:08:31 12:26:42 12:30:24 12:48:31 13:13:53 20:44:42 22:05:36 01:49:08 01:55:41 01:57:15 02:05:46 02:10:25 02:11:56 02:13:26 02:20:53 02:23:49 02:26:42 02:28:07 02:33:56 02:41:07 02:50:21 03:20:54 03:40:22 03:49:02 03:53:21 12:02:05 12:05:49 12:09:32 12:27:43 12:31:25 12:49:31 13:14:53 20:45:43 22:06:37 01:00 01:00 01:00 01:01 01:00 01:00 01:01 01:01 01:01 01:01 01:01 01:01 01:01 01:01 01:01 01:01 01:00 01:00 01:00 01:01 01:01 01:01 01:01 01:01 01:00 01:00 01:01 01:01 03:13-:45 (mm:ss) 94/08/31 07:17:18 07:23:09 07:58:31 08:08:32 09:25:44 09:41:29 16:50:46 16:54:36 16:59:43 17:10:01 17:18:12 17:26:13 17:41:52 18:01:26 07:18:19 07:24:09 07:59:32 08:09:33 09:26:45 09:42:30 16:51:47 16:55:37 17:00:44 17:11:01 17:19:12 17:27:13 17:42:53 18:02:26 01:01 01:00 01:01 01:01 01:01 01:01 01:01 01:01 01:01 01:00 01:00 01:00 01:01 01:00 94/09/01 02:44:02 02:59:51 03:08:02 02:45:02 03:00:52 03:09:03 01:00 01:01 01:01 26 In the body of this report, we summarize the results of the conventional CTD casts and the thermohaline data from the SeaSoar tows. For the CTD stations, we provide plots of the vertical profiles of temperature, salinity, at, fluorescence voltage, transmissometer voltage, and listings of observed and calculated variables at standard pressures. For the SeaSoar observations, we split the tow data into two maps where data from the beginning of Tow 5 is included in both maps to give better spatial coverage. Maps of temperature, salinity and at are shown at 5, 15, 25, 50, 75, 100 and 115 db. These depths were chosen to represent the near-surface (5 db), for comparison with tracks of drifters drogued at 15 m, for comparison with maps of ADCP velocity at the same depths (25, 50, 75, 100 db) (Pierce et al., 1996) and to show the deepest routinely measured level (115 db). Data used in the maps were obtained by linearly interpolating the 1-Hz SeaSoar data in the vertical to the specified map depths. Contour maps are created by gridding the data using zgrid (Crain, 1968, unpublished) where for Map 1 (Map 2) the grid is 32 (31) in the E-W direction and 32 (62) in the N-S direction and any grid point more than four (five) grid spaces from the nearest data point is set to undefined. The differing grid sizes were chosen so that no blank spaces appear in Map 1 near the more widely spaced lines 9-15, but to maintain equal E-W and N-S grid spacing in Map 2. The maps of dynamic topography show geopotential anomaly in J/kg (m2s-2) at 5, 15, 25, 50 and 75 db relative to 100 db. On E-W sections where the SeaSoar profiles were shallower than 100 db, dynamic height was calculated using the extrapolation technique described by Reid and Mantyla (1976) where ADp/loo is calculated by linear extrapolation from the next offshore pair of stations and ADmap-pressure/ioo is calculated directly from the SeaSoar CTD data. Along the short, shallow, inshore, N-S SeaSoar lines, the N-S slope of the dynamic height between the deepest common pressure relative to 100 db at the inshore ends of the two E-W lines at either end of the shallow N-S line is assumed to be a constant all along the N-S line. The ODmap-pressure/ioo is then calculated by integrating directly from the shallow SeaSoar profiles. This method is equivalent to assuming that there is no N-S horizontal shear in the E-W geostrophic velocity near the bottom. Vertical sections of temperature, salinity and at are shown for each of the SeaSoar lines and summary T-S diagrams are shown for data from Tows 1-4 and for Tows 5-6. 27 2000 200 50 a bO 44 z° 0-1 2 Tow 3 3 4 7 6 5 42 -126 -125 Longitude (°W) -124 Figure 10: Line names for SeaSoar Tows 1-3 of W9408A. 28 Newport 2000 .200 50 44 z 14 ° Cape Blanco Tow 4 13 15 42 -126 -125 Longitude (°W) -124 Figure 11: Line names for SeaSoar Tow 4 of W9408A. 29 Newport 2000 .200 44 Tow 5 29 28 Z ° Cape Blanco 23 21 19 E 18 17 42 16 I -126 I I -125 Longitude (°W) -124 Figure 12: Line names for SeaSoar Tow 5 of W9408A. 30 Newport 200 2000 50 44 Tow 6 30 31 33 Cape Blanco 32 42 -126 -125 Longitude (°W) -124 Figure 13: Line names for SeaSoar Tow 6 of W9408A. 31 Table 9: W9408A Waypoints and Turn Times. Tow 1 Waypoint Line NH-25 Al Latitude (°N) Longitude (°W) 44 39.1 124 38.8 235.99236 44 25.0 125 0.0 236.11406 Turn Times (UTC Year Day) a bO recovery 2 236.14858 deployment 236.16667 b A2 43 30.0 125 0.0 236.44323 43 20.0 124 40.0 236.53343 43 13.0 125 10.0 237.19653 43 20.0 125 10.0 237.26668 43 20.0 124 35.0 237.40106 43 13.0 124 36.0 237.46374 43 13.0 125 10.0 237.60896 43 3.0 125 10.0 237.66469 43 3.0 124 35.0 237.83339 42 52.5 43 3.0 124 40.0 125 10.0 237.89301 43 6.0 125 20.0 238.08160 43 13.0 125 10.0 238.14910 42 44.0 124 47.0 238.33302 42 38.4 125 0.0 238.39498 43 6.0 125 20.0 238.56529 42 58.9 125 31.8 238.63083 42 34.0 12; 12.0 238.79883 42 29.0 125 23.7 238.84777 42 54.3 125 43.1 239.00609 c A3 3 FM-9 0-1 BI 1 B2 1-2 B3 2 B4 2-3 B5 3 B6 3-4 B7 B5 no turn 4 C6 4-5 C3 5 C4 5-6 C5 6 C6 6-7 C7 7 C8 7-8 C9 8 C10 32 W9408A Waypoints and Turn Times continued. Tow 3 Waypoint Line C10 Latitude (°N) Longitude (°W) 42 54.3 125 43.1 239.00609 42 40.0 126 20.0 239.18299 42 24.0 125 43.1 239.36606 41 54.0 .126 20.0 41 54.0 125 43.1 239.76041 41 54.0 125 43.1 239.91808 43 13.0 125 43.1 240.42291 43 13.0 125 10.0 240.55296 41 54.0 125 10.0 241.07822 41 54.0 124 28.0 241.69306 41 54.0 125 10.0 241.87027 42 04.0 125 10.0 241.91979 42 04.0 124 28.0 242.08259 42 14.0 124 29.0 242.14956 42 14.0 125 10.0 242.30961 42 24.0 125 10.0 242.35918 42 24.0 124 37.0 242.49523 42 34.0 124 39.0 242.55606 42 34.0 125 10.0 242.68956 42 44.0 125 10.0 242.74337 42 44.0 124 43.0 242.84197 42 53.5 124 43.0 242.89497 43 03.0 125 10.0 243.01163 42 44.0 125 10.0 243.11317 Turn Times (UTC Julian Day) 9 Dl 10 D2 11 D3 .. 239:59054 12 D4 4 D4 13 El 14 E2 15 E3 5 Fl 16 CR-8 16-17 F3 17 F2 17-18 F5 18 F4 18-19 F7 19 F6 19-20 F9 20 F8 20-21 F11 21 F10 21-22 F12 22 B5 23 F11 33 W9408A Waypoints and Turn Times continued. Tow 5 Waypoint Line F1l Latitude (°N) Longitude (°W) 42 44.0 125 10.0 243.11317 42 44.0 125 00.0 243.15485 43 03.0 125 00.0 243.26567 43 DID 12434.0 243.36902 43 08.0 124 34.0 243.39477 43 08.0 125 10.0 243.54061 43 13.0 125 10.0 243.56602 43 13.0 124 36.5 243.70751 43 20.0 124 29.5 243.75531 43 20.0 125 10.0 243.91462 43 30.0 125 10.0 243.96764 43 30.0 124 21.0 244.15161 43 13.0 124 35.0 244.51806 43 13.0 125 10.0 244.65897 42 58.9 125 31.8 244.77424 42 34.0 125 10.0 244.94764 43 13.0 125 10.0 245.18744 Turn Times (UTC Julian Day) 23-24 F13 24 F14 25 B6 Gi 25 - 26 26 G2 26-27 B4 27 B3 27-28 B2 28 B1 28-29 G3 29 G4 6 Hl (FM-4) 30 H2 (FM-9) 31 H3 32 H4 33 H2 (FM-9) 34 Acknowledgements We are indebted to the OSU Marine Technicians: Marc Willis, Mike Hill and Tim Holt; they were responsible for the highly successful SeaSoar operations. We thank Nordeen Larson of Sea-Bird Electronics for his advise on installing the Sea-Bird sensors in the SeaSoar vehicle and on data processing principles. Steve Pierce contributed valuable assistance in both data collection and in preparation of this report. The officers and crew of the R/V Wecoma performed superbly - only occasionally would they comment on the fact that we insisted on towing the SeaSoar in an E-W direction, invariably in the trough of the prevailing summer swell. Funding for the new placement of the T/C sensors inside the SeaSoar's nose was provided by a supplement from the Ocean Technology Program at the National Science Foundation. This work was funded by the National Science Foundation Grant OCE-9314370. References Anonymous, 1992. CTD Data Acquisition Software, SEASOFT Version Sea-Bird Electronics, Inc., Bellevue, Washington, USA. Barth, J. A. and R. L. Smith, 1996. Coastal ocean circulation off Oregon: Recent observa- tions of spatial and temporal variability. In Estuarine and Ocean Survival of Northeastern Pacific Salmon, NOAA Technical Memorandum, NMFS, NWFSC, in press. Culkin, F. and N. D. Smith, 1980. Determination of the concentration of potassium chloride having the same electrical conductivity, at 15 C and infinite frequency, as standard seawa- ter of salinity 35.000 0/00 (chlorinity 19.37394 OE-5, 22-23. IEEE Journal of Ocean Engineering, Fofonoff, N. P. and R. C. Millard, 1983. Algorithms for computation of fundamental properties of seawater. Unesco Technical Papers in Marine Science, 44 53 pp. Huyer, A., P. M. Kosro, R. O'Malley and J. Fleischbein, 1993. Seasoar and CTD Observations during a COARE Surveys Cruise, W9211 C, 22 January to 22 February 1993. College of Oceanic and Atmospheric Sciences, Oregon State University, Corvallis. Reference 93-2, Data Report 154, October 1993. Kosro, P. M., J. A. Barth, J. Fleischbein, A. Huyer, R. O'Malley, K. Shearman and R. L. Smith, 1995. SeaSoar and CTD Observations during EBC Cruises W9306A and W9308B June to September 1993. College of Oceanic and Atmospheric Sciences, Oregon State University, Corvallis. Reference 95-2, Data Report 160, October 1993. 35 Larson, N., 1992. Oceanographic CTD Sensors: Principles of Operation, Sources of Error, and Methods for Correcting Data. Sea-Bird Electronics, Inc., Bellevue, Washington, USA. Lueck, R., 1990. Thermal inertia of conductivity cells: Theory. J. Atmos. Oceanic Tech., 7, 741-755. Lueck, R. and J. J. Picklo, 1990. Thermal inertia of conductivity cells: Observations with a Sea-Bird cell. J. Atmos. Oceanic Tech., 7, 756-768. Morrison, J., R. Andersen, N. Larson, E. D'Asaro and T. Boyd, 1994. The correction for thermal-lag effects in Sea-Bird CTD data. J. Atmos. Oceanic Tech., 11, 1151-1164. Pierce, S. D., J. A. Barth and R. L. Smith, 1996. Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler observations during the Coastal Jet Separation project on R/V Wecoma, August 23 to September 2, 1994. College of Oceanic and Atmospheric Sciences, Oregon State University, Corvallis. Reference 95-3, Date Report 161, October 1996. Reid, J. L. and A. W. Mantyla, 1976. The effect of geostrophic flow upon coastal sea elevations in the northern North Pacific Ocean. J. Geophys. Res., 81, 3100-3110. 36 CTD Data For each station, we present plots of the vertical profiles of temperature, salinity and at, and a listing of the observed and derived variables at standard pressures. Header data includes the CTD Station Number, Latitude (degrees and minutes North), Longitude (degrees and minutes West), Date and Time (UTC), and Bottom Depth (in meters). 37 Temperature, Salinity 33 32 4 2 34 6 10 8 0 _ 35 , I 14 12 . , 36 16 18 1 NH-5 LAT: 44 23 AUG 1994 1935 GMT STA: I P T (DB) (C) 1 10 20 30 40 50 51 100 . , , , , , , , , , , , , I 23 24 25 Sigma-theta 26 27 16.223 16.128 9.861 7.600 7.858 7.825 7.825 S 32.842 32.846 32.967 33.353 33.590 33.682 33.683 39.1 N LONG: 124 10.7 W POT T (C) 16.223 16.127 9.858 7.597 7.854 7.821 7.820 DEPTH SIGMA THETA 24.039 24.063 25:388 26.039 26.188 26.265 26.266 60 SVA (CLIT) 386.4 384.3 258.2 196.5 182.5 175.4 175.3 DYN HT (J/KG) 0.039 0.386 0.712 0.926 1.115 1.294 1.311 Temperature, Salinity 2 4 6 8 10 36 35 34 33 32 12 14 16 18 2 NH-15 LAT: 44 39.1 N LONG: 124 24.9 W 90 DEPTH 2109 GMT 23 AUG 1994 STA: P T (DB) (C) 2 16.704 10.644 8.639 8.146 7.994 7.957 7.660 7.619 7.676 7.655 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 6 81 90 J 100 _, 23 i 24 25 Sigma-theta 26 27 S POT T (C) 31.654 32.252 32.696 32.885 33.023 33.216 33.368 33.492 33.676 33.700 16.704 10.643 8.637 8.143 7.991 7.952 7.655 7.612 7.669 7.648 SIGMA THETA 23.017 24.699 25.371 25.592 25.723 25.880 26.043 26.146 26.282 26.305 SVA (CUT) 484.0 323.6 259.8 238.9 226.7 211.9 196.6 186.9 174.2 DYN HT (J/KG) 0.097 0.414 0.698 0.943 1.176 1.395 1.599 1.790 172.1 1.989 1.971 Temperature, Salinity 32 31 4 6 8 33 10 12 34 14 16 35 18 20 STA: 3 NH-25 LAT: 44 39.1 N LONG: 124 39.0 W 23 AUG 1994 2238 GMT DEPTH 298 P (DB) 2 10 T (C) 18.342 17.744 20/2./39 100 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 175 200 225 250 275 276 - 400 J "500 1 23 24 25 Sigma-theta 26 27 11.067 9.493 8.505 8.496 8.501 7.753 7.638 7.783 7.741 7.643 7.586 7.427 7.397 7.216 7.038 6.903 6.773 6.740 6.739 S 31.479 31.865 32.290 32.373 32.428 32.714 32.889 33.082 33.193 33.476 33.581 33.637 33.721 33.753 33.791 33.838 33.881 33.935 33.953 33.970 33.976 33.975 POT T (C) 18.342 17.743 12.136 11.064 9.489 8.500 8.490 8.494 7.746 7.629 7.774 7.730 SIGMA THETA 22.496 22.936 24.460 24.719 25.028 25.405 25.544 25.695 25.892 7.631 26.323 26.357 26.409 26.451 26.510 26.577 26.611 26.642 7.574 7.414 7.383 7.199 7.020 6.882 6.750 6.715 6.714 26.131 SVA (CL/T) 533.8 492.0 346.6 322.1 292.9 257.1 244.1 229.9 211.3 188.8 26.193 183.1 26243 178.5 171.0 168.0 163.2 159.4 26.651 26,651 154.1 148.1 145.2 142.6 142.1 142.1 DYN HT (J/KG) 0.107 0.529 0.919 1.253 1.558 1.832 2.084 2.321 2.542 2.740 2.925 3.105 3.280 3.449 3.615 3.776 4.166 4.543 4.910 5.270 5.626 5.640 Temperature, Salinity 32 2 0 l, 34 33 35 4 6 8 10 12 I I I I I 14 I 36 16 18 STA: 4 FM-1 24 AUG 1994 I P (DB) 2 10- 10 20 30 20 30 J S 70 J 80 J 90 100.,23 rT_,-rte 24 r-r-r 25 Sigma-theta 26 27 T (C) 10.541 10.095 8.859 8.871 LAT: 43 13.1 N 1728 GMT S 33.434 33.510 33.610 33.653 POT T (C) 10.541 10.094 8.857 8.867 LONG: 124 26.0 W DEPTH SIGMA THETA 25.637 25.773 26.053 26.085 36 SVA (CL/T) 234.2 221.4 195.0 192.2 DYN HT (J/KG) 0.047 0.231 0.437 0.630 Temperature, Salinity 2 34 33 32 4 6 8 10 35 12 14 36 16 18 STA: 5 FM-3 LAT: 43 12.9 N LONG: 124 30.1 W 24 AUG 1994 1829 GMT DEPTH 61 P T (DB) (C) 12.073 3 10 9.044 20 8.309 30 8.491 40 8.078 50 8.087 56 8.094 100 23 24 25 Sigma-theta 26 27 S POT T (C) 32.690 32.746 33.148 33.503 33.589 33.639 33.666 12.073 9.043 8.308 8.488 8.074 8.082 8.088 SIGMA THETA 24.783 25.347 25.775 26.026 26.155 26.193 26.214 SVA (CUT) 315.5 261.9 221.4 197.8 185.6 182.2 180.4 DYN HT (J/KG) 0.095 0.304 0.539 0.747 0.939 1.123 1.232 r 32 2 0 1 4 1 Temperature, Salinity 33 34 6 1 8 1 1 35 10 1 1 12 14 1 I 36 16 18 I. STA: 6 FM-4 LAT: 43 13.1 N LONG: 124 35.1 W 24 AUG 1994 1931 GMT DEPTH 87 P T (DB) (C) 1 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 79 100 1 23 I 24 I I I 25 Sigma-theta I 26 1 27 12.863 11.610 8.744 8.485 8.444 8.242 8.133 8.149 8.098 S POT T (C) 32.445 32.377 32.764 33.147 33.237 33.356 33.463 33.670 33.762 12.863 11.609 8.742 8.482 8.440 8.237 8.127 8.143 8.090 SIGMA THETA 24.442 24.625 25.408 25.747 25.824 25.948 26.048 26.209 26.289 SVA (CL/T) 347.9 330.7 256.3 224.2 217.1 205.5 196.2 181.1 173.7 DYN HT (J/KG) 0.035 0.345 0.626 0.867 1.087 1.299 1.498 1.687 1.847 Temperature, Salinity 4 0 1 33 32 31 6 1 I 10 8 . I . I 34 12 . I 14 1 I 16 I I 35 20 18 7 FM-5 LAT: 43 13.1 N LONG: 124 40.1 W 24 AUG 1994 2036 GMT DEPTH 157 STA: I P T (DB) (C) 3 14.600 10 14.386 20 11.217 30 9.612 40 9.127 50 8.776 60 8.773 70 8.573 80 8.143 90 8.189 100 7.999 110 7.911 120 7.823 130 7.781 140 7.618 150 7.592 159 7.489 250 23 24 25 Sigma-theta 26 27 S 32.074 32.087 32.357 32.500 32.649 32.965 33.148 33.261 33.330 33.722 33.801 33.831 33.862 33.872 33.888 33.901 33.911 POT T (C) 14.60 0 14.38 4 11.21 5 9.60 9 9.12 3 8.77 0 SIGMA THETA 23.803 23.858 24.680 25.065 25.259 25.561 8.76 6 8.56 6 8.13 5 8.18 0 7.98 9 7.90 0 25.704 25.824 25.943 26.243 26.334 7.81 26.408 26.422 26.458 26.473 26.495 1 7.76 9 7.60 5 7.57 8 7.47 4 26.371 SVA (CL/T) 408.9 403.8 325.7 289.2 270.9 242.3 228.9 217.7 206.5 178.2 169.7 166.4 163.0 161.9 158.6 157.4 155.4 DYN HT (J/KG) 0.123 0.408 0.774 1.078 1.359 1.615 1.848 2.070 2.283 2.476 2.649 2.816 2.981 3.143 3.304 3.462 3.602 Temperature, Salinity 4 33 32 31 6 8 10 12 34 14 35 16 18 20 8 FM-6 LAT: 43 13.1 N LONG: 124 45.1 W 24 AUG 1994 2130 GMT DEPTH 315 STA: P T (DB) (C) 2 16.195 16.291 12.639 10.891 10.405 9.768 9.209 9.123 8.498 8.178 8.085 7.880 7.613 7.508 7.498 7.467 7.412 7.145 6.877 6.698 6.492 6.675 6.574 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 175 200 225 250 275 300 315 IIIIIIIII I 500 23 24 25 Sigma-theta I I I 26 27 S 31.956 31.917 32.444 32.495 32.616 32.708 32.919 33.165 33.285 33.435 33.501 33.612 33.656 33.738 33.777 33.801 33.850 33.890 33.923 33.935 33.951 34.012 34.020 POT T (C) 16.195 16.290 12.636 10.887 10.400 9.762 9.203 9.115 8.490 8.169 8.075 7.869 7.601 7.496 7.484 7.453 7.395 7.126 6.857 6.675 6.467 6.648 6.546 SIGMA THETA 23.364 23.313 24.484 24.846 25.024 25.203 25.458 25.663 25.854 26.020 26.086 26.203 20.276 26.356 26.388 26.411 26.459 26.527 26.590 26.624 26.664 26.688 26.708 SVA (CLOT) 450.8 455.9 344.4 310.1 293.4 276.5 252.4 233.0 215.0 199.4 193.3 182.3 175.5 168.0 165.2 163.1 159.0 152.8 147.2 144.2 140.7 138.9 137.1 DYN HT (J/KG) 0.090 0.453 0.844 1.164 1.468 1.754 2.020 2.263 2.485 2.692 2.889 3.075 3.254 3.426 3.593 3.756 4.160 4.549 5.199 5.563 5.919 6.269 6.476 Temperature, Salinity 0, I 4 33 32 31 6 10 8 12 , 34 16 14 I 35 . I 20 18 , I , 9 FM-7 LAT: 43 13.1 N LONG: 124 50.0 W 24 AUG 1994 1531 GMT DEPTH 345 STA: i P T (DB) (C) 2 10 17.666 17.660 17.510 13.401 12.143 10.528 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 175 200 225 250 275 300 336 500 23 24 25 Sigma-theta 26 27 9.771 9.050 8.698 8.700 8.441 8.460 8.065 7.955 8.125 7.964 7.416 7.208 6.941 6.580 6.744 6.321 6.014 S POT T (C) 31.962 31.962 31.974 32.347 32.578 32.680 32.886 33.064 33.245 33.459 33.481 33.541 33.514 33.624 33.721 33.746 33.838 33.911 33.951 33.929 33.983 33.972 33.958 17.666 17.658 17.507 13.397 12.138 10.522 9.764 9.043 8.690 8.691 8.431 8.449 8.053 7.942 8.111 7.949 7.400 7.190 6.921 6.558 6.719 6.295 5.985 SIGMA THETA 23.028 23.030 23.075 24.260 24.683 25.053 25.341 25.596 25.792 25.960 26.017 26.062 26.099 26.202 26.253 26.297 26.448 26.535 26.604 26.634 26.656 26.703 26.731 SVA (CL/T) 482.9 483.0 479.0 366.0 325.9 290.8 263.6 239.4 220.9 205.2 199.9 195.9 192.3 182.8 178.2 DYN HT (J/KG) 0.097 0.483 0.965 1.380 1.726 2.034 2.309 174.1 4.137 4.554 4.944 5.317 5.677 6.033 6.380 6.869 160.0 152.1 145.9 143.2 141.7 137.3 134.9 2.561 2.788 3.000 3.203 3.400 3.593 3.781 3.961 Temperature, Salinity 32 31 4 0 6 33 10 8 1 1 14 12 1 35 34 1 16 1 20 18 1 1 1 STA: 10 FM-8 LAT: 43 13.1 N LONG: 125 25 AUG 1994 0005 GMT DEPTH 1095 P T (DB) (C) 2 10 18.320 18.309 16.753 12.657 11.262 10.536 9.457 9.060 8.839 8.419 8.676 8.490 8.067 8.077 7.993 7.843 7.701 7.495 7.371 7.271 7.105 6.926 6.637 6.512 5.955 5.759 5.754 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 175 200 225 250 275 300 350 400 450 500 100 J 400 J 501 500 23 24 25 Sigma-theta 26 27 S POT T (C) 31.930 31.930 32.056 32.367 32.418 32.452 32.583 32.754 32.934 33.145 33.409 33.468 33.498 33.571 33.663 33.741 33.851 33.913 33.956 33.959 33.985 33.989 34.028 34.084 34.060 34.088 34.088 18.320 18.308 16.749 12.653 11.257 10.530 9.451 9.052 8.831 8.410 8.665 8.479 8.055 8.065 7.979 7.829 7.684 7.476 7.350 7.247 7.079 6.899 6.606 6.476 5.916 5.716 5.711 SIGMA THETA 22.846 22.849 23.315 24.422 24.721 24.874 25.155 25.352 25.527 25.757 25.925 25.999 26.087 26.142 26.227 26.311 26.417 26.496 26.548 26.565 26.609 26.637 26.706 26.768 26.820 26.868 26.868 SVA (CUT) 500.3 500.3 456.0 350.6 322.3 307.8 281.2 262.6 0.2 W DYN HT (J/KG) 0.100 0.500 0.996 1.380 1.715 2.030 2.323 2.596 246.1 2.851 224.4 208.7 201.8 193.6 188.5 180.5 172.8 3.086 3.303 3.508 3.706 3.896 163.1 155.9 151.4 150.2 146.3 144.0 137.9 132.8 128.0 123.9 123.9 4.081 4.256 4.679 5.074 5.458 5.835 6.204 6.567 7.275 7.950 8.602 9.233 9.245 Temperature, Salinity r___1 4 6 l-l 34 33 32 31 8 10 i I 1 12 14 I I 35 16 I 18 20 I P - 501 500 - 23 T (DB) (C) 3 18.241 10 17.945 20 13.847 30 12.917 40 11.101 50 10.209 60 9.709 70 9.339 80 8.755 90 8.713 100 8.608 110 8.454 120 8.302 130 8.102 140 8.066 150 7.884 175 7.734 200 7.700 225 7.529 250 7.378 275 7.274 300 7.005 350 6.805 400 6.397 450 6.097 500 5.592 100 - 400 STA: 11 FM-9 LAT: 43 13.1 N LONG: 125 10.1 W 25 AUG 1994 0149 GMT DEPTH 1680 24 25 Sigma-theta 26 27 5.578 S 31.889 31.932 32.469 32.482 32.529 32.548 32.653 POT T (C) 18.240 17.944 13.845 12.913 11.096 10.204 9.703 32.971 9.331 33.219 33.415 33.570 33.650 33.690 33.732 33.800 33.820 33.887 8.747 8.703 8.598 8.442 8.290 8.089 8.052 7.869 7.717 33.931 33.965 33.971 7.681 33.983 33.986 34.009 34.030 34.070 34.052 34.053 SIGMA THETA 22.834 22.939 24.264 24.460 24.836 25.004 25.169 25.478 25.764 25.924 26.062 26.148 26.302 26.265 26.324 26.367 26.441 26-481 7.507 7.355 7.248 6.977 6.773 6.362 6.058 26.533 26.559 26.584 26.024 26.669 5.551 26.859 26.862 5.536 26.40 26.811 SVA (CL/T) 501.5 491.7 365.4 346.9 311.3 295.4 279.8 250.7 223.6 208.6 195.7 187.7 182.7 176.8 171.4 167.5 160.8 157.4 152.9 150.8 148.8 145.3 141.5 135.3 129.0 124.6 124.3 DYN HT (J/KG) 0.150 0.500 0.918 1.277 1.606 1.907 2.199 2.463 2.696 2.911 3.113 3.305 3.490 3.670 3.844 4.013 4.422 4.819 5.206 5.586 5.961 6.328 7.044 7.736 8.395 9.030 9.042 Temperature, Salinity 31 4 6 32 8 10 33 12 I I 34 16 14 I I I I 35 20 18 I I 1 I_ STA: 12 FM-9 LAT: 43 25 AUG 1994 0347 GMT P T (DB) (C) 2 10 18.085 18.077 14.954 13.433 11.508 10.227 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 175 200 250 1 i 23 24 25 Sigma-theta 26 27 9.781 9.288 8.829 8.686 8.672 8.554 8.320 8.151 8.000 7.953 7.676 7.577 S 12.9 N POT T (C) 31.937 31.936 32.392 32.462 32.528 32.540 32.619 32.928 33.139 33.370 33.517 33.628 33.667 33.723 33.782 33.810 33.858 33.905 18.084 18.075 14.951 13.429 11.503 10.222 9.774 9.281 8.821 8.677 8.661 8.543 8.308 8.138 7.986 7.938 7.659 7.558 LONG: 125 10.1 W DEPTH 1680 SIGMA THETA 22.908 22.910 23.973 24.343 SVA (CL/T) 494.4 494.4 393.2 24.761 318.4 296.3 283.5 24.995 25.130 25.452 25.690 25.892 26.010 26.115 26.181 26.251 26.320 26.348 26.427 26.478 358.1 253.1 DYN HT (J/KG) 0.099 0.494 0.941 1.315 1.655 1.961 2.253 2.522 230.7 211.6 200.6 190.8 184.6 178.2 171.8 169.3 2.761 162.1 4.511 4.911 157.7 2.980 3.186 3.382 3.569 3.751 3.926 4.096 Temperature, Salinity 32 31 4 6 8 33 10 12 34 14 16 18 35 STA: 20 27 AUG 1994 P (DB) 2 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 175 200 225 250 275 300 350 400 450 500 502 100 400 J T (C) 18.491 24 25 Sigma-theta 26 27 41 53.0 N 1147 GMT LAT: S POT T 32.431 (C) 18.491 18.417 18.419 17.516 13.785 12.552 11.820 10.988 10.186 9.493 9.223 8.907 32.432 32.429 32.594 32.710 32.783 32.858 32.983 33.128 33.207 8.661 33.398 33.492 33.566 33.607 33.646 33.788 33.860 33.894 33.920 33.953 33.967 34.010 34.029 8.556 8.385 8.243 7.951 7.597 7.221 7.051 6.706 6.517 6.224 5.918 5.540 5.190 5.132 5.129 After Tow 3 500 + 23 13 33.311 34.051 34.113 34.116 17.513 13.781 12.546 11.814 10.980 10.178 9.484 9.213 8.897 8.649 8.543 8.372 8.229 7.936 7.580 7.202 7.030 6.683 6.493 6.198 5.889 5.507 5.154 5.092 5.089 LONG: 125 40.5 W DEPTH 3000 SIGMA THETA 23.187 23.206 23.422 24.374 24.708 24.902 25.111 25.348 25.576 25.681 25.812 25.919 26.009 26.093 26.1146 26.220 26.384 26.493 26.543 26.611 26.662 26.712 26.785 26.846 26.906 26.962 26.964 SVA (CUT) 467.7 466.2 445.9 355.2 323.5 305.3 285.5 263.2 241.6 231.7 219.4 209.4 201.1 193.3 188.3 181.4 166.2 156.1 151.7 145.5 140.9 136.4 129.9 124.4 119.1 114.3 114.1 DYN HT (J/KG) 0.094 0.466 0.930 1.313 1.651 1.967 2.261 2.538 2.794 3.031 3.256 3.469 3.674 3.872 4.064 4.250 4.683 5.084 5.467 5.838 6.195 6.542 7.210 7.844 8.453 9.033 9.056 Temperature, Salinity 2 4 6 34 33 32 31 8 10 12 14 Temperature, Salinity 16 18 32 31 35 20 4 _1 6 . ( 33 10 8 . 1 . I 34 12 . I 14 . I 35 16 . I I 200 - 400 - 600 - 800 - 1000 r 'r 23 24 25 26 27 24 Sigma-theta 25 Sigma-theta Station 14 26 20 18 . . I_ STA: 14 29 AUG 1994 P T (DB) (C) 3 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 19.060 18.340 18.065 17.691 16.694 15.037 13.339 11.801 10.983 10.384 10.148 9.753 9.202 8.908 8.567 8.432 S POT T (C) 32.242 32.228 32.247 32.318 32.426 32.582 32.519 32.510 32.540 32.619 32.881 33.046 33.207 33.313 33.429 33.474 19.060 18.338 18.062 17.686 16.688 15.029 13.331 11.792 10.973 10.373 10.136 9.741 9.189 8.895 8.552 8.417 SIGMA THETA 22.900 23.069 23.151 23.296 23.613 24.103 24.407 24.695 24.866 25.031 25.275 25.470 25.685 25.814 25.958 26.014 SVA (CL/T) 495.1 479.2 471.8 458.3 428.2 381.7 352.8 325.5 309.3 293.7 270.7 252.3 232.0 219.8 206.3 201.1 After Tow 4 41 37.3 N 0210 GMT LAT: DYN HT (J/KG) 0.149 0.489 0.964 1.429 1.878 2.283 2.650 2.989 3.307 3.608 3.893 4.152 4.392 4.620 4.833 5.037 LONG: 125 10.2 W DEPTH 2750 P T (DB) 175 200 225 250 275 300 350 400 450 500 600 (C) 7.881 700 800 900 1000 1006 7.487 7.381 7.113 6.855 6.453 6.179 5.810 5.107 4.818 4.588 4.299 4.133 3.924 3.645 3.634 S POT T (C) 33.625 33.773 33.869 33.915 33.936 33.944 34.009 34.054 34.025 34.078 34.163 34.240 34.315 34.378 34.426 34.427 7.864 7.468 7.359 7.090 6.830 6.427 6.149 5.776 5.071 4.779 4.542 4.246 4.073 3.857 3.572 3.561 SIGMA THETA 26.214 26.387 26.478 26.552 26.604 26.664 26.751 26.833 26.894 26.970 27.063 27.156 27.234 27.306 27.373 27.375 SVA (CL/T) 182.3 166.2 158.0 151.3 146.6 141.0 133.3 126.0 120.1 113.2 105.2 97.0 90.4 84.1 78.2 78.0 DYN HT (J/KG) 5.515 5.947 6.352 6.739 7.110 7.470 8.156 8.804 9.420 10.003 11.094 12.104 13.039 13.909 14.716 14.763 Temperature, Salinity 2 l__ 200 33 32 31 4 .__ L. 6 -1- 34 Temperature, Salinity 35 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 I I I I I I I 4 100 - 32 31 6 33 8 10 I I 12 34 35 14 16 18 20 I I I I - 200 400- 600 400 J 800 1000 I 23 24 25 26 27 24 Sigma-theta Station 15 25 Sigma-theta 26 27 15 CR-8 LAT: 41 29 AUG 1994 2153 GMT STA: P T (DB) (C) 3 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 18.882 18.854 18.663 16.622 14.355 13.331 11.445 11.127 10.567 10.068 9.579 9.098 8.780 8.434 8.214 8.098 S 32.266 32.264 32.257 32.401 32.556 32.600 32.661 32.783 32.885 32.999 33.090 33.204 33.317 33.438 33.565 33.620 POT T (C) 18.881 18.853 18.659 16.617 14.350 13.325 11.437 11.118 10.557 10.058 9.568 9.086 8.767 8.421 8.200 8.083 SIGMA THETA 22.963 22.969 23.012 23.610 24.227 24.470 24.877 25.029 25.206 25.381 25.532 25.699 25.837 25.985 26.118 26.178 SVA (CLOT) 489.1 488.8 485.0 428.2 369.5 346.5 307.9 293.6 276.9 260.4 246.1 230.4 217.4 203.5 191.0 185.4 DYN HT (J/KG) 0.147 0.489 0.976 1.446 1.840 2.196 2.528 2.832 3.114 3.382 3.634 3.872 4.093 4.305 4.501 4.689 54.0 N P (DB) 175 200 225 250 275 300 350 400 450 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1006 LONG: 125 DEPTH 2250 T (C) 7.771 7.457 7.179 6.847 6.564 6.337 5.887 5.747 5.379 5.099 4.670 4.324 4.043 3.846 3.636 3.619 9.9 W S POT T (C) 33.725 33.837 33.885 33.924 33.943 33.950 33.980 34.037 34.084 34.110 34.191 34.272 34.329 34.386 34.430 34.432 7.754 7.438 7.157 6.824 6.540 6.311 5.858 5.714 5.343 5.059 4.624 4.271 3.984 3.780 3.564 3.546 SIGMA THETA 26.309 26.442 26.519 26.595 26.648 26.683 26.764 26.827 26.909 26.963 27.076 27.179 27.254 27.320 27.377 27.380 SVA (CL/T) 173.4 161.0 154.0 147.0 142.2 139.1 131.8 126.4 119.0 114.2 104.1 94.9 88.3 82.7 77.7 77.5 DYN HT (J/KG) 5.131 5.549 5.944 6.321 6.681 7.033 7.710 8.356 8.971 9.554 10.645 11.635 12.551 13.406 14.206 14.252 Temperature, Salinity Temperature, Salinity F 4 1 200 6 . 1, 34 33 32 31 35 8 10 12 14 16 18 1 I I I I I 20 31 22 4 33 32 6 8 10 12 I I 34 14 LI 35 16 18 I I 20 100 J - 200 Z7 4) co U) ) 300 800 J 1000 - -ice 500 . 23 400 24 25 26 27 23 24 25 Sigma-theta Sigma-theta Station 16 --T 26 27 16 CR-7 LAT: 41 54.0 N LONG: 125 29 AUG 1994 DEPTH 850 0641 GMT STA: P T (DB) (C) 2 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 18.545 18.546 18.439 16.051 14.808 13.305 11.943 11.585 10.843 10.079 9.486 8.892 8.824 8.460 8.307 8.163 S POT T (C) 32.208 32.209 32.245 32.519 32.621 32.690 32.818 32.834 32.869 32.966 33.105 33.253 33.329 33.439 33.551 33.620 18.545 18.544 18.435 16.046 14.802 13.298 11.936 11.577 10.833 10.069 9.475 8.881 8.812 8.446 8.293 8.148 SIGMA THETA 23.003 23.004 23.058 SVA (CL/T) 485.3 485.5 480.6 DYN HT (J/KG) 0.097 0.485 0.969 23.831 24.181 407.1 1.401 373.9 339.4 305.0 297.7 282.7 1.790 2.147 2.462 2.765 3.055 3.330 3.584 3.819 4.039 4.249 4.447 4.637 24.546 24.907 24.986 25.146 25.353 25.559 25.769 25.839 25.982 26.093 26.169 263.1 243.5 223.7 217.2 203.8 193.4 186.3 P T (DB) 175 200 225 250 275 300 350 (C) 400 450 500 600 700 800 811 7.920 7.437 7.291 7.032 6.928 6.565 6.165 5.843 5.251 5.048 4.628 4.329 4.213 4.186 0.1 W S POT T (C) 33.739 33.838 33.896 33.904 33.932 33.951 33.985 34.050 34.057 34.119 34.191 34.268 34.318 34.330 7.903 7.418 7.270 7.009 6.903 6.539 6.135 5.809 5.215 5.008 4.582 4.276 4.153 4.124 SIGMA THETA 26.298 26.446 26.512 26.555 26.591 26.654 26.734 26.826 26.903 26.976 27.081 27.175 27.227 27.241 SVA (CL/T) 174.4 160.7 154.8 151.0 147.9 142.0 134.9 126.6 119.4 112.9 103.5 95.3 91.2 90.0 DYN HT (J/KG) 5.092 5.511 5.907 6.290 6.664 7.026 7.719 8.372 8.988 9.570 10.653 11.651 12.585 12.685 Temperature, Salinity 4 I 33 32 31 6 1 I 8 I Temperature, Salinity 34 32 31 35 33 34 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 200 - 100 J 800 400 - 35 20 18 I I ,__ I L 1000 500 + 1 23 24 25 26 27 23 Sigma-theta 24 25 Sigma-theta Station 17 26 I 27 STA: 17 CR-6 LAT: 41 29 AUG 1994 0844 GMT P (DB) 2 10 00 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 T (C) 18.451 18.460 18.459 18.260 15.240 13.025 11.313 10.545 10.011 9.497 9.208 8.852 8.780 8.460 8.295 8.193 S 32.320 32.320 32.320 32.327 32.487 32.596 32.728 32.865 32.967 33.083 33.194 33.290 33.615 33.723 33.766 33.776 POT T (C) 18.451 18.459 18.456 18.255 15.234 13.019 11.306 10.537 10.002 9.487 9.198 8.840 8.767 8.447 8.281 8.178 SIGMA THETA 23.112 23.110 23.110 23.165 23.985 24.528 24.952 25.195 25.365 25.540 25.673 25.805 26.071 26.205 26.263 26.286 SVA (CL/T) 474.9 475.4 475.6 470.7 392.6 341.0 300.7 277.8 261.7 245.2 232.7 220.3 195.3 182.7 177.3 175.2 DYN HT (J/KG) 0.095 0.475 0.951 1.425 1.867 2.234 2.555 2.845 3.113 3.367 3.605 3.830 4.040 4.228 4.408 4.584 54.0 N LONG: 124 48.5 W DEPTH P T (DB) 175 200 225 250 275 300 350 400 450 500 600 690 (C) 7.563 7.370 7.163 6.858 6.503 6.263 5.716 5.571 5.389 5.157 4.640 4.541 705 S SVA (CL/T) 165.0 DYN HT (J/KG) 7.546 SIGMA THETA 26.396 7.351 26.451 160.1 7.142 6.835 6.478 6.236 5.686 5.538 5.352 5.117 4.593 4.488 26.520 26.592 26.652 26.697 26.788 153.9 147.4 141.8 137.8 129.5 125.9 121.9 115.4 104.2 98.9 5.418 5.812 6.189 POT T (C) 33.798 33.833 33.884 33.921 33.938 33.955 33.983 34.014 34.046 34.103 34.185 34.251 26.831 26.878 26.951 27.075 27.139 5.011 6.551 6.901 7.570 8.208 8.826 9.420 10.518 11.423 Temperature, Salinity 4 I 200 6 1 I 10 8 1 I 34 33 32 31 1 12 I Temperature, Salinity 1 14 16 I I 18 I 20 I 32 31 35 4 22 0 I J 6 1 I 33 10 8 I 1 I 12 1 I 34 14 I 35 16 1 I 20 18 1 I 1 L - 400 - 600 - 1 800 - 1000 500 I 23 24 25 26 27 23 I 24 I I I 25 Sigma-theta Sigma-theta Station 18 I 26 I 27 STA: 18 CR-5 LAT: 41 29 AUG 1994 1017 GMT P T (DB) (C) 3 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 16.764 16.659 16.285 15.030 12.286 11.004 9.889 9.783 9.719 8.996 8.383 8.007 7.768 7.742 7.662 7.648 S POT T (C) 32.330 32.331 32.355 32.486 32.526 32.503 32.767 33.162 33.378 33.571 33.663 33.698 33.748 33.802 33.838 33.869 16.763 16.657 16.282 15.025 12.281 10.998 9.882 9.775 9.710 8.986 8.373 7.997 7.756 7.730 7.648 7.634 SIGMA THETA 23.522 23.547 23.651 24.030 24.616 24.833 25.229 25.555 25.734 26.002 26.169 26.252 26.326 26.373 26.413 26.439 SVA (CUT) 435.8 433.5 424.0 388.1 332.3 311.8 274.2 243.4 226.6 201.3 185.5 177.7 170.8 166.5 162.9 160.6 DYN HT (J/KG) 54.0 N P T (DB) (C) 0./31/75 0.435 0.864 1.266 1.628 1.951 2.243 2.507 2.740 2.953 3.148 3.328 3.502 3.671 3.835 3.997 LONG: 124 42.0 W DEPTH 200 225 250 275 300 350 400 450 500 600 651 7.670 7.481 7.292 6.930 6.679 6.466 5.906 5.831 5.429 5.335 4.948 4.599 662 S POT T (C) 33.956 33.978 33.989 33.980 33.972 33.973 33.962 34.025 34.034 34.067 34.145 34.210 7.653 7.462 7.270 6.907 6.654 6.439 5.876 5.797 5.392 5.295 4.900 4.549 SIGMA THETA 26.505 26.550 26.586 26.628 26.656 26.685 26.748 26.808 26.864 26.901 27.009 27.099 SVA (CUT) 154.8 DYN HT (J/KG) 150.9 147.8 144.0 141.6 4.772 5.145 5.510 5.866 6.217 6.899 7.552 8.182 8.790 9.946 10.495 139.1 133.4 128.4 123.3 120.3 110.8 102.3 4.391 Temperature, Salinity 4 01 33 32 31 6 , 8 10 14 12 , I 35 34 16 20 18 . I I 500 23 24 25 Sigma-theta 26 27 19 CR-4 LAT: 41 54.0 N LONG: 124 36.1 W 29 AUG 1994 DEPTH 510 1138 GMT STA: P T (DB) (C) 3 13.464 10 13.473 20 13.391 30 13.081 11.436 40 10.350 50 60 10.033 70 9.495 80 8.304 8.288 90 100 8.265 110 8.024 7.894 120 130 7.902 140 7.859 150 7.813 175 7.700 200 7.618 225 7.376 250 7.300 275 7.143 300 7.125 350 6.860 400 6.416 450 5.961 500 5.443 502 5.437 S 32.814 32.813 32.822 32.848 32.938 33.145 33.396 33.508 33.664 33.790 33.798 33.821 33.874 33.910 33.938 33.949 33.976 33.998 34.006 34.022 34.029 34.031 34.052 34.083 34.077 34.094 34.097 POT T (C) 13.463 13.472 13.388 13.077 11.43 1 10.344 10.02 6 9.48 7 8.29 6 8.27 9 8.25 5 8.01 3 7.88 2 7.88 9 7.845 7.79 8 7.68 3 7.59 8 7.35 4 7.27 7 7.11 7 7.09 7 6.82 8 6.38 1 5.92 2 5.40 1 5.39 6 SIGMA THETA 24.609 24.606 24.630 24.711 25.093 25.446 25.695 25.872 26.181 26.283 26.292 26.346 26.407 26.434 26.463 26.1479 26.516 26.546 26.587 26.510 26.638 26.642 26.696 26.779 26.833 26.910 26.913 SVA (CUT) 332.1 332.6 330.6 323.0 286.8 253.4 229.9 213.2 183.9 174.5 173.8 168.8 163.2 160.8 158.2 156.9 153.7 151.3 147.7 145.9 143.6 143.6 139.1 131.6 126.8 119.5 119.3 DYN HT (J/KG) 0.100 0.333 0.663 0.989 1.293 1.562 1.804 2.025 2.223 2.401 2.575 2.746 2.911 3.073 3.233 3.390 3.778 4.160 4.535 4.902 5.264 5.622 6.328 7.002 7.644 8.263 8.287 Temperature, Salinity 4 0 -l 33 32 31 6 . I 10 8 1 I . I 34 12 . I 14 . I 18 16 . I 35 20 . I STA: 20 CR-3 LAT: 41 29 AUG 1994 1257 GMT . P T (DB) (C) 3 11.561 10 11.339 20 10.897 30 10.707 40 10.221 50 9.421 60 9.114 70 8.687 80 8.544 90 8.424 100 8.346 110 8.201 120 8.145 130 8.128 24 25 Sigma-theta 26 27 S 33.196 33.216 33.277 33.287 33.317 33.415 33.524 33.655 33.701 33.775 33.823 33.845 33.874 33.880 54.1 N LONG: 124 30.1 W POT T (C) 11.561 11.338 10.895 10.704 10.216 9.416 9.107 8.679 8.536 8.415 8.336 8.190 8.133 8.115 DEPTH SIGMA THETA 25.270 25.326 25.453 25.494 25.602 25.811 25.946 26.115 26.173 26.250 26.299 26.339 26.370 26.378 137 SVA (CL/T) 269.1 264.0 252.1 248.4 238.4 218.6 206.0 190.1 184.7 177.7 173.1 169.5 166.7 166.2 DYN HT (J/KG) 0.081 0.269 0.524 0.775 1.019 1.247 1.459 1.656 1.842 2.022 2.197 2.369 2.537 2.703 Temperature, Salinity 32 2 34 33 4 6 8 10 35 12 14 36 16 18 STA: 21 CR-2 LAT: 41 29 AUG 1994 1354 GMT P T (DB) (C) 3 12.600 10 10.795 20 10.395 30 9.471 40 8.579 50 8.423 60 8.377 61 100 23 24 25 Sigma-theta 26 27 8.373 S 54.0 N POT T (C) 33.335 33.514 33.540 33.583 33.707 33.756 33.770 33.770 12.600 10.794 10.393 9.467 8.575 8.418 8.371 8.367 LONG: 124 24.0 W DEPTH SIGMA THETA 25.183 25.656 25.746 25.934 26.172 26.234 26.252 26.254 70 SVA (CL/T) 277.5 232.6 224.3 206.6 184.1 178.3 176.8 176.7 DYN HT (J/KG) 0.083 0.257 0.487 0.702 0.895 1.076 1.254 1.271 Temperature, Salinity 2 0 34 33 32 4 I 6 . I 10 8 . I 35 . I 12 . I 14 . I 16 . I 36 STA: 22 18 29 AUG 1994 J P T (DB) (C) 12.221 3 10 10.668 20 9.687 30 9.013 35 8.549 100 I 23 I 24 I I I 25 Sigma-theta I 26 I 27 LAT: CR-1 41 54.0 N LONG: 124 18.0 W 1444 GMT S POT T 33.217 (C) 12.221 33.201 33.242 33.330 33.544 10.667 9.685 9.010 8.545 DEPTH SIGMA THETA 25.163 25.434 25.632 25.809 26.049 41 SVA (CL/T) 279.3 253.7 235.1 218.4 195.7 DYN HT (J/KG) 0.084 0.272 0.514 0.740 0.843 Temperature, Salinity 34 33 32 4 2 10 8 6 35 12 16 14 36 STA: 23 18 29 AUG 1994 0 P (DB) T 2 (C) 11.671 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 85 8.836 8.773 8.637 8.533 8.425 8.364 8.338 8.316 10/0./66 Before Tow 5 100 1 23 , 1 ' 24 1 ' 1 I 1 ' 25 Sigma-theta 1 ' 26 1 27 41 54.0 N 1604 GMT LAT: S 33.384 33.376 33.635 33.651 33.688 33.710 33.753 33.773 33.794 33.794 POT T (C) 11.671 10.165 8.834 8.770 8.632 8.527 8.419 8.357 8.330 8.307 LONG: 124 26.8 W DEPTH SIGMA THETA 25.396 25.657 26.076 26.098 26.149 26.182 26.232 26.257 26.278 26.281 94 SVA (CL/T) 257.1 232.5 192.9 190.9 186.3 183.3 178.7 176.5 174.8 174.5 DYN HT (J/KG) 0.051 0.250 0.455 0.647 0.836 1.021 1.201 1.380 1.555 1.642 Temperature, Salinity 2 34 33 32 4 6 8 10 35 12 14 16 36 STA: 24 LAT: 18 01 SEP 1994 0358 GMT P T (DB) 3 (C) 13.108 10 11.851 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 92 10.817 9.153 8.395 8.183 8.045 7.948 8.018 8.052 8.049 After Tow 5 100 23 24 25 Sigma-theta 26 27 S 43 29.8 N POT T (C) 32.576 32.798 32.981 33.150 33.316 33.433 33.543 13.107 11.850 10.815 9.149 8.391 8.178 8.039 33.621 7.941 33.739 33.786 33.789 8.010 8.043 8.040 LONG: 124 22.3 W DEPTH SIGMA THETA 24.495 24.908 25.237 25.647 25.894 26.018 26.124 26.200 26.283 26.314 26.317 102 SVA (CL/T) 342.9 303.8 272.7 233.8 210.5 198.9 188.9 181.9 174.3 171.4 171.2 DYN HT (J/KG) 0.103 0.327 0.615 0.866 1.085 1.290 1.482 1.668 1.845 2.018 2.053 Temperature, Salinity 32 2 0 1 4 . 1 6 . I 35 34 33 10 8 . I . I 14 12 . ( 36 . I 16 . ' 18 TM-2 LAT: 43 01 SEP 1994 0435 GMT STA: 25 . P T (DB) (C) 2 13.602 10 12.524 20 10.561 30 8.933 40 8.270 50 8.071 60 8.045 70 8.064 80 8.062 90 8.046 100 23 24 25 Sigma-theta 26 27 S 32.585 32.730 33.014 33.193 33.404 33.527 33.601 33.685 33.766 33.791 29.9 N LONG: 124 21.0 W POT T (C) 13.602 12.523 10.559 8.930 8.266 8.066 8.039 8.057 8.054 8.037 DEPTH SIGMA THETA 24.403 24.728 25.307 25.715 25.981 26.107 26.170 26.233 26.297 26.319 98 SVA (CUT) 351.7 320.9 266.0 227.4 202.2 190.4 184.6 178.8 172.9 171.0 DYN HT (J/KG) 0.070 0.345 0.631 0.878 1.089 1.285 1.472 1.654 1.830 2.001 Temperature, Salinity 4 2 6 35 34 33 32 8 10 12 14 16 36 STA: 26 18 01 SEP 1994 P T (DB) (C) 1 10 20 30 40 50 55 100 T 23 24 25 Sigma-theta 26 27 LAT: TM-1 12.737 10.892 8.595 8.457 8.340 8.290 8.240 43 30.1 N LONG: 124 18.1 W 0518 GMT S 32.963 33.019 33.132 33.244 33.355 33.580 33.629 POT T (C) 12.737 10.890 8.59 3 8.45 4 8.33 6 8.285 8.235 DEPTH SIGMA THETA 24.867 25.253 25.719 25.827 25.932 26.116 26.163 62 SVA (CL/T) 307.4 270.9 226.7 216.6 206.8 189.5 185.2 DYN HT (J/KG) 0.031 0.287 0.532 0.753 0.965 1.163 1.256 Temperature, Salinity 2 0J 4 6 I I 35 34 33 32 8 I 10 1 12 I I 14 . I 16 I 36 STA: 27 18 01 SEP 1994 . P T (DB) (C) 2 12.153 10/0./56 20 30 40 50 51 100 I I I I I I I I 23 24 25 Sigma-theta 26 27 LAT: AR-1 9.581 8.459 8.420 8.145 8.139 43 20.0 N 0641 GMT S 32.875 32.915 33.064 33.436 33.610 33.650 33.651 POT T (C) 12.15 3 10.15 5 9.57 9 8.45 6 8.41 5 8.14 0 8.13 4 LONG: 124 26.1 W DEPTH SIGMA THETA 24.911 25.299 25.510 25.978 26.120 26.193 26.195 57 SVA (CLli') 303.3 266.6 246.6 202.3 189.0 182.3 182.1 DYN HT (J/KG) 0.061 0.291 0.546 0.777 0.972 1.156 1.174 Temperature, Salinity 32 2 0 34 33 4 I 6 , I 8 10 35 12 14 , 36 16 18 STA: 28 AR-2 LAT: 43 20.0 N LONG: 124 27.8 W 01 SEP 94 0713 GMT DEPTH 80 , P T (DB) (C) 1 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 73 100 23 24 25 Sigma-theta 26 27 12.642 12.668 10.790 8.726 8.265 8.084 8.089 8.094 8.095 S POT T (C) 32.771 32.862 32.880 33.221 33.405 33.549 33.690 33.705 33.707 12.642 12.666 10.788 8.723 8.261 8.079 8.083 8.088 8.087 SIGMA THETA 24.737 24.803 25.163 25.769 25.983 26.123 26.233 26.245 26.246 SVA (CUT) 319.8 313.8 279.7 222.2 202.0 188.9 178.6 177.7 177.7 DYN HT (J/KG) 0.032 0.318 0.607 0.859 1.066 1.262 1.446 1.624 1.677 Temperature, Salinity 2 34 33 32 4 I 1 35 6 8 10 12 14 I I I I I 16 36 STA: 29 18 01 SEP 1994 I P 10 20 30 36 6 30 40 1 50 1 60 1 70 1 80 1 90 1 100 . 23 T (DB) (C) 2 10.726 10 J 20 FM-1 I 24 25 Sigma-theta 26 27 9.797 9.359 9.204 9.187 LAT: 43 13.1 N LONG: 124 26.4 W 0822 GMT S POT T (C) 33.170 33.412 33.543 33.587 10.726 9.796 9.357 33.591 9.183 9.201 DEPTH SIGMA THETA 25.400 25.747 25.921 25.980 25.986 40 SVA (CL/T) 256.8 224.0 207.6 202.2 201.7 DYN HT (J/KG) 0.051 0.252 0.467 0.670 0.791 Temperature, Salinity 2 34 33 32 4 6 8 10 35 12 14 36 16 18 STA: 30 FM-3 LAT: 43 13.1 N LONG: 124 30.0 W 01 SEP 1994 0856 GMT DEPTH 65 P T (DB) (C) 2 10 10.890 10.245 9.825 9.093 8.527 8.435 20 30 40 50 100 23 24 25 Sigma-theta 26 27 S POT T (C) 32.964 33.060 33.101 33.485 33.619 33.647 10.89 0 10.244 9.822 9.09 0 8.523 8.430 SIGMA THETA 25.210 25.397 25.500 25.918 26.111 26.148 SVA (CUT) 274.8 257.2 247.7 208.1 189.9 186.6 DYN HT (J/KG) 0.055 0.271 0.523 0.749 0.946 1.135 Temperature, Salinity 32 33 4 2 01 , I ,I 34 6 10 8 , I 35 . I I ,, I 12 , 36 14 16 18 I_ STA: 31 FM-4 LAT: 43 12.9 N LONG: 124 35.0 W 01 SEP 1994 0944 GMT DEPTH 85 P (DB) 1 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 76 100 23 24 25 Sigma-theta 26 27 T (C) 12.481 12.476 9.876 8.762 8.618 8.321 8.241 8.212 8.210 S 32.735 32.735 32.592 32.710 32.796 33.047 33.249 33.642 33.667 POT T (C) 12.481 12.475 9.874 8.759 8.614 8.316 8.235 8.205 8.202 SIGMA THETA 24.740 24.742 25.093 25.363 25.452 25.694 25.864 26.178 26.197 SVA (CL/T) 319.6 319.6 286.3 260.8 252.5 229.6 213.6 184.1 182.3 DYN HT (J/KG) 0.032 0.320 0.634 0.907 1.163 1.408 1.633 1.831 1.941 Temperature, Salinity 32 31 4 6 8 33 10 12 34 14 16 18 35 20 STA: 32 FM-9 LAT: 43 14.2 N LONG: 125 02 SEP 1994 0442 GMT DEPTH 1725 P T (DB) (C) 2 10 18.447 18.451 17.682 14.158 12.689 10.790 10.358 9.724 9.217 8.818 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 175 200 225 250 25 Sigma-theta 26 27 31.953 31.953 32.068 32.367 32.453 32.491 8.500 8.397 8.372 8.119 7.906 7.623 7.571 33.931 7.372 33.938 33.948 8.551 7.131 POT T (C) 32.634 32.684 32.915 33.072 33.156 33.305 33.434 33.465 33.639 33.738 33.849 After Tow 6 24 S 18.446 18.449 17.679 14.154 12.684 10.785 SIGMA THETA 22.832 22.831 23.106 24.122 24.482 24.861 10.351 25.646 9.716 9.209 8.809 25.191 8.489 8.385 8.359 8.105 25.453 25.639 25.146 25.870 25.087 26.015 26.190 7.891 26.99 7.606 7.552 26.428 26.500 26.534 26.576 8.541 7.351 7.108 SVA (CUT) 501.6 502.0 476.0 379.2 345.1 309.1 291.6 277.9 253.2 235.7 225.6 214.0 203.1 200.6 184.2 173.9 162.1 155.6 152.7 149.1 9.9 W DYN HT (J/KG) 0.100 0.502 1.000 1.418 1.783 2.106 2.408 2.691 2.956 3.202 3.433 3.651 3.862 4.064 4.256 4.434 4.856 5.253 5.639 6.015 Maps of Temperature, Salinity, at and Dynamic Topography 75 T (°U) at 5 War .8' 9 11 12 13,14 25-30 August 1994 16 17 18 19 ci = 1.0 1000 5:0 44.0 :44.0 - 43.5 - z° 43.0 /P 1 l ` 1w 42.0 126.5 126.0 125.5 125.0 longitude (°W) 7F 124.5 zz 124.0 i '' 42.0 123.5 T (°C) at 15 dbar f VI I - I- 25-30 August 1994 I 'I I Newpo 44.5 .44.5 1 III 78 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 1.8 10 ci = 1.0 50 44.0 44.0 43.5-I 43.5 z 0 43.0 42.5 42.0 - 41.5 126.5 42.0 126.0 125.5 125.0 longitude (°W) 77 124.5 124.0 41.5 123.5 T (°C) at 25 dbar I - 11; I ..i I i . i r1 25-30 August 1994 I I 'Newport , 44.5 -7 y 8. -9 10 11 12 13 14 15 1.6.17181.9 ci=1.O z 126.5 126.0 125.5 125.0 longitude (°W) 78 124.5 124.0 41.5 123.5 T (°C) at 50 dbar 25-30 August 1994 I 44.5- f 44.5 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 ci = 1.0 44.0 - 43.5 - z 0 126.5 126.0 125.5 125.0 longitude (°W) 79 124.5 124.0 123.5 T (°C) at 75 dbar rt I. ids r ,r; 25-30 August 1994 ui Newport 44.5 i` 7 71 8 1; r 7-44.5 1 r V 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19, ci = 1.0 44.0 - 44,.0 43.5 43:5 Coos Bay - z° a) 43.0 42.5 42.0 41.5 126.5 - 42.0 41.5. 126.0 125.5 125.0 longitude (°W) 80 124.5 124.0 123.5 T (°C) at 100 dbar 25-30 August 1994 44.5 44.0 43.5 43.0 42.5 42.0 41.5 126.5 126.0 125.5 125.0 longitude (°W) 81 124.5 124.0 123.5 T (°C) at 115 dbar 25-30 August 1994 1_ InI t Newport 44.5 .44.5 -1 '7 8 9. 10 1`1 12 1371.4 1.5 1,6 17 18 19: ci = 1.0 200 50 44.0 43.5 z 0 43.0 cu 43.0 42.5 42.0 126.5 126.0 125.5 125.0 longitude (°W) 97 124.5 124.0 41.5 123.5 S at 5 dbar 25-30 August 1994 44.5 44.E ci = 0.2 44.0 44.C 43.5 43.5 cz 43.0 43.0 42.5 42.5 42.0 42.0 z° a 41.5 126.5 126.0 125.5 125.0 longitude (°W) RI 124.5 124.0 41.5 123.5 S at 15 dbar 25-30 August 1994 44.5 44.0 43.5 z 0 42.5 42.0 41.5 126.5 126.0 125.5 125.0 longitude (°W) RA 124.5 124.0 123.5 5 at 25 dbar 25-30 August 1994 44.5 44.0 43.5 z 0 I,a) 43.0 42.5 42.0 41.5 126.5 126.0 125.5 125.0 longitude (°W) RS 124.5 124.0 123.91 S at 50 dbar 25-30 August 1994 J 44.5 44.5 ci=0.2 200 1000 44.0 44.0 43.5 z° 42.5 42.0 41.5 126.5 126.0 125.5 125.0 longitude (°W) 86 124.5 124.0 123.5 S at 75 War 25-30 August 1994 44.5 44.5 34 ci = 0.2 44.0 43.5 43.0 42.5 42.5 42.0 42.0 41.5 126.5 126.0 125.5 125.0 longitude (°W) R7 124.5 124.0 41.5 123.5 S at 100 dbar 25-30 August 1994 44.5 44.E 44.0 44.C 43.5 43.E cz 43.0 43. C 42.5 42.5 42.0 42.C z 0 a 41.5 126.5 126.0 125.5 125.0 longitude (°W) RR 124.5 124.0 41.5 123.5 S at 115 dbar 25-30 August 1994 I. i Newport r 44.5 - H 44.5 34- 33 32 E ci = 0.2 I 200 r.: 1000 50 44.0- 44.0 I 43.5 .43.5 z° .1 Jil 43.0 42.5 4 -'= 42.0 126.5 126.0 125.5 125.0 longitude (°W) 89, 124.5 124.0 123.5 at (kg/rn3) at 5 dbar 25-30 August 1994 Lt-' r. ! it r I. ,i r ( r 8' +vpo 44,5 - rJi 11 -i' 26: 4:- 44.5 . i i 25 I a d 23 24. .ci=1.0 z° 126.5 126.0 125.5 125.0 longitude (°W) 90 124.5 124.0., 41.5 123.5 at (kg/rn3) at 15 dbar 25-30 August 1994 Newport P 44.5 I- .44.5. 26 25 23 24 ci=1.0 50 ' 44.0, 43.5 = z° 43.0 42.5 42...0, 126.5 126.0 125.5 125.0 longitude (°W) 91 124.5 124.0 41.5 123.5 6t (kg/m3) at 25 dbar 25-30 August 1994 44.5 26 ci = 1.0 44.0 44.0 43.5 43.5 co 43.0 43.0 42.5 42.5 42.0 42.0 z° a) 41.5 126.5 126.0 125.5 125.0 longitude (°W) 92 124.5 124.0 41.5 123.5 I 44.0 I O 44.5 43.5 I Un 25-30 August 1994 p W -41 Ln at (kg/rn3) at 50 dbar z 0 a> I 43.0 I Ln 42.5 42.0 I -Al N I cz 43.0 126.5 126.0 125.5 125.0 longitude (°W) 93 124.5 124.0 41.5 123.5 at (kg/rn3) at 75 dbar 25-30 August 1994 44.5 44.0 43.5 z a a> 4cis 43.0 42.5 42.0 41.5 126.5 126.0 125.5 125.0 longitude (°W) 94 124.5 124.0 123.5 at (kg/rn3) at 100 dbar 25-30 August 1994 44.5 26 25 24 23 50 44.0 43.5 Z ° 42.5 42.0 41.5 126.5 126.0 125.5 125.0 longitude (°W) 95 124.5 124.0 123.5 at (kg/ma) at 115 dbar 25-30 August 1994 44.5 44.5 26 25 23 24 ci = 1.0 44.0 44.0 43.5 43.5 co 43.0 43.0 42.5 42.5 42.0 42.0 z° CD 41.5 126.5 126.0 125.5 125.0 longitude (°W) 96 124.5 124.0 41.5 123.5 Dynamic Height at 5 dbar 25-30 August 1994 Nel molt 44:5 f 4 44.5 i 1 1 1 1 ` 1.5 1'.0 1 I i 2.0 2.5 3.0 r Irl ii 3.5. 'reference layer at 1010 dbar ea=0.1 a )200 1,000 50 .44.0 -44.0 I 43.5 43.5 I z° 43.0 43.,0. 42.5 4-42.5 42.0-' 126.5 126.0 125.5 125.0 longitude (°W) 97 124.5 124.0 123.5 25-30 August 1994 Dynamic Height at 15 dbar 44.5 - 44.5 reference layer at 100 dbar ci = 0.1 44.0 44.0 43.5 - 43.5 z° a) cz 43.0 43.0 42.5 42.5 42.0 - 42.0 126.5 126.0 125.5 125.0 longitude (°W) 98 124.5 124.0 41.5 123.5 Dynamic Height at 25 dbar I I I I I I I I I I I 25-30 August 1994 I I I I I I I I I I I I 44.5 44.5 0.4 0.8 1.2 1.6 2.0 reference layer at 100 dbar / ci = 0.1 / I 2.4 44.0 44.0 43.5 43.5 z° N 43.0 42.5 42.5 42.0 42.0 41.5 126.5 126.0 125.5 125.0 longitude (°W) 99 124.5 124.0 41.5 123.5 25-30 August 1994 Dynamic Height at 50 War 0.3 0.0 0.6 0.9 1.2 reference layer at 100 dbar ci =.0.1 i 44.5 1.5 50 44.0 44.0 43.5: - Bay X43.0'. 43,.0. 42.5 42.5 42.0 42.0 41.5 126.5 126.0 125.5 125.0 longitude (°W) inn 124.5 124.0 123.5 Dynamic Height at 75 dbar 25-30 August 1994 e po ti - .H L 44:5 44.5 -I 1 0.4 0.6 0.5 0,7' reference' layer at. 100 dba'r ci =.0.1 44.0 J -43.5' 4 43.5. Coos Bay 43.0 42.5. - 125.5 125.0 longitude (°W) 101 124.5 124.0 T (°C) at 5 dbar 29-August to 2-Sep 1994 44.5 - 44.5 7 8 9 10111213 141516171819 ci=1.0 200 1 44.0 - 44.0 43.5 - 43.5 z° a) a 43.0 43.0 42.5 42.5 1(7 42.0 42.0 / 41.5 126.5 126.0 125.5 125.0 longitude (°W) 102 124.5 124.0 41.5 123.5 T (°G) at 15 dbar 29-August to 2-Sep 1994 - 43.5 -;' (=` Hfl= . VV/ r 44.6- 43.5 Coos Bay z° \\l 42.5 42.5 ,41 .5 126.5 126.0 125.5 125.0 longitude (°W) In; 124.5 124.0 123.5 T (°C) at 25 dbar 29-August to 2-Sep 1994 z° 43.0 i I 126.5 126.0 I . iI-rte 125.5 i .Ii ' 125.0 longitude (°W) 104 i i I I . IIII 1 124.5 124.0 i 1 41.5 123.5 ("G) at 50 abar I 29-August to 2-Sep 1994 44.5 44.5 78 9 10 11 12131415 16171819 ci = 1.0 1 44.0 44.0 I 43.5 z 0 I 43.5 a) cz 43.0 43.0 42.5 42.5 42.0 42.0 41.5 126.5 126.0 125.5 125.0 longitude (°W) Ins 124.5 124.0 41.5 123.5 T (°C) at 75 dbar 29-August to 2-Sep 1994 I i I - Vewpo - 44.5 - 44.5: 7 '8 9 1,0 11 12 13 1.415- 1-6 17 18 19 ci=1..0 200 3a 5b ' 44.0- 44.0. -4-3.5 Coos Bay z° 43.0 t 42.5 42-:5 - 42. Q L 41 126.5 126.0 125.5 125.0 longitude (°W) 106 124.5 124.0 - 41.5 123.5 T (°C) at 100 dbar 29-August to 2-Sep 1994 44.5 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 ci = 1.0 1000 50 44.0 43.5 Z 0 aa) cu 43.0 43.0 42.5 42.5 42.0 42.0 41.5 126.5 41.5 126.0 125.5 125.0 longitude (°W) 107 124.5 124.0 123.E 29-August to 2-yep 1994 (" (:) at 115 dbar I 44.5 - 44.E 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 / ci = 1.0 200 50 44.0 - 44.C ) 43.5 - 43.5 z a) 43.0 co 43.0 42.5 - 42.5 42.0 - 42.0 41.5 126.5 126.0 125.5 125.0 longitude (°W) ins 124.5 124.0 41.5 123.5 S at 5 dbar 29-August to 2-Sep 1994 44.5 - 44.5 ci = 0.2 1 50 44.0 - 44.0 43.5 - 43.5 z° I,a) ca 43.0 43.0 42.5 42.5 420 42.0 41.5 126.5 126.0 125.5 125.0 longitude (°W) 109 124.5 124.0 41.5 123.5 S at 15 dbar 29-August to 2-Sep 1994 44.5 44.5 ci = 0.2 44.0 44.0 43.5 - 43.5 z° a) cz 43.0 43.0 42.5 - 42.5 42.0 42.0 41.5 126.5 126.0 125.5 125.0 longitude (°W) 110 124.5 124.0 41.5 123.5 S at 25 dbar 29-August to 2-Sep 1994 44.5 34 ci = 0.2 ii 44.0 43.5 z° 43.0 42.5 42.5 / 42.0 41.5 126.5 42.0 126.0 125.5 125.0 longitude (°W) 111 124.5 124.0 41.5 123.5 S at 50 dbar 29-August to 2-Sep 1994 44 .44.5 34 33' 32 ci=0.2' 43;5 z° 42.5 42.0 - 44" .41.5 126.5 126.0 125.5 125.0 longitude (°W) 112 124.5 124.0 42.0 41.5 123.5 S at 75 dbar 29-August to 2-Sep 1994 44.i F- 44.5 z 0 41.5 126.5 .II ' 126.0 125.5 125.0 longitude (°W) ill , IrLT 124.5 77, 41.5 124.0 123.5 S at 100 dbar 29-August to 2-Sep 1994 44.5 - 44.5 ci=0.2 44.0 - 44.0 43.5 - z° 43.0 42.5 - 42.5 42.0 - 42.0 N 41.5— 126.5 I I 126.0 125.5 125.0 longitude (°W) 114 124.5 124.0 41.5 123.5 S at 115 dbar 29-August to 2-Sep 1994 44.5 44.5 34 // ci = 0.2 200 50 44.0 44.0 43.5 43.5 z° 43.0 42.5 42.5 42.0 42.0 41.5 126.5 126.0 125.5 125.0 longitude (°W) 115 124.5 124.0 41.5 123.5 at (kg/rn3) at 5 dbar 29-August to 2-Sep 1994 44.5 44.5 26 25 24 23 ci = 0.2 44.0 44.0 43.5 43.5 cz 43.0 43.0 42.5 42.5 42.0 42.0 z° 4) / 41.5 126.5 126.0 125.5 125.0 longitude (°W) 116 124.5 124.0 41.5 123.5 (Tt (kg/m3) at 15 dbar 29-August to 2-Sep 1994 j 44.5 44.5 ci = 0.2 50 44.0 44.0 43.5 43.5 43.0 43.0 42.5 42.5 42.0 42.0 z° 41.5 126.5 126.0 125.5 125.0 longitude (°W) 117 124.5 124.0 41.5 123.5 29-August to 2-Sep 1994 6t (kg/rn3) at 25 dbar 44.5 44.5 ci = 0.2 44.0 44.0 43.5 43.5 co 43.0 43.0 42.5' 42.5 42.0 42.0 z° a) 41.5 126.5 126.0 125.5 125.0 longitude (°W) 118 124.5 124.0 41.5 123.5 at (kg/ms) at 50 dbar 29-August to 2-Sop 1994 i I t' I Newport 44.5- 44. E 26 25 23 24 ci=0.2 20Q 1000 ) 44.0-- 50 44. C 43.5 43.5 Coos Bay z D a 4-cz 43.0 43.0 r 42.5 42.5 42.0 --I 42.0 41.5 126.5 126.0 125.5 125.0 longitude (°W) 119 124.5 124.0 41.5 123.5 at (kg/rn3) at 75 dbar 29-August to 2-Sep 1994 44.5 44.5 ci=O.2 200 1000 44.0 44.0 ) \ 43.5 43.5 z° 43.0 42.5 42.5 42.0 42.0 41.5 126.5 126.0 125.5 125.0 longitude (°W) 120 124.5 124.0 41.5 123.5 at (kg/m3) at 100 dbar 29-August to 2-Sep 1994 Newport 44 5. -I 44.5 77 E. 1 26 25 ci=0.2 24 23 I 200 1000 4 50 44.0 43.5 Coos Bay z° 43.0 42.5 42.0 126.5 126.0 125.5 125.0 longitude (°W) 121 124.5 124.0 41.5 123.5 6t (kg/m3) at 115 dbar II 29-August to 2-Sep 1994 , Newport 44.5. -! 44.5 26 25 23 24 C;i =,0.2 I- 50 44.0 .43.5 43.5 Coos, Bay z° 43.0 42.5 - 42.5 Oregon 42.0-i 42.0 California 41.5 126.5 I 126.0 I I , 125.5 , I , ', 125.0 longitude (°W) 122 I I --- 124.5 f `- I I 124.0 I I I 41.5 123.5 I 29-August to 2-Sep 1994 Dynamic Height at 5 dbar I 44.5 1.5 1.0 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 reference layer at 100 dbar ci = 0.1 I I I I 44.5 44.0 I 44.0 43.5 ...V..... I 43.5 z° 43.0 43.0 42.5 42.5 42.0 42.0 41.5 41.5 — — -, — —. .11 - — ..0- 126.5 126.0 125.5 125.0 longitude (°W) - 123 124.5 124.0 123.5 Dynamic Height at 15 dbar 29-August to 2-Sep 1994 44.5 1.0 0.5 1.5 2.0 2.5 I reference layer at 100 dbar ci = 0.1 3.0 200 1 000 50 44.0 43.5 z° a) cz 43.0 43.0 42.5 42.0 126.5 126.0 125.5 125.0 longitude (°W) 124 124.5 124.0 41.5 123.5 29-August to 2-Sep 1994 Dynamic Height at 25 dbar 44.5 reference layer at 100 dbar ci = 0.1 44.0 43.5 43.5 z° N I,a) A 43.0 43.0 42.5 42.5 42.0 42.0 41.5 126.5 126.0 125.5 125.0 longitude (°W) 125 124.5 124.0 41.5 123.5 29-August to 2-Sep 1994 Dynamic Height at 50 dbar 44.5 reference layer at 100 dbar ci = 0.1 44.0 43.5 z° a> m43.0 43.0 42.5 42.0 126.5 126.0 125.5 125.0 longitude (°W) 126 124.5 124.0 41.5 123.5 Dynamic Height at 75 dbar 29-August to 2-Sep 1994 HI 44.5 NewpoA 44.5 Is 0.4 0.5 .0.7 0.6 T I CICI GI IUG IceyCi at I VV. Uucll c'=0.1 44.0 43.5 Coos Bay z ° a) co 43.0 43.0 42.5 42.0 126.5 126.0 125.5 125.0 longitude (°W) 127 124.5 124.0 41.5 123.5 128 Vertical Sections of Temperature, Salinity and at 129 Line a Temperature (°C) 44.42 N -125.00 E 44.65 N -124.69 E 01 Location 0 .{I 4 43 42 -126 -125 -124 150 30 20 10 Distance (km) 0 Temperature (°C) Line bO 44.41 N -125.00 E 44.32 N -125.00 E Location 0 4 C to V.. C to 42 -126 -125 -124 C 0 0 0 C IL) 0 to 10 0 Distance (km) Line b Temperature (°C) Latitude (N) 43.9 Location 4 43 Q5 42 -126 -125 -124 CD (D OO L - 051 I' I ,oo 40 Distance (km) 50 I 09 r. It. OL 08' Temperature (°C) Line c -124.9 Longitude (E) -124.8 -124.7 Location 0 0 4 0 U) 42 -126 -125 -124 I C) I I 0 0 I jil I I I I 0 U) — 20 10 Distance (km) Temperature (°C) Line 00-01 43.36 N -125.16 E 43.21 N -125.16 E Location 4 43 42 05 09 ; Ao -126 -125 -124 OOL I l I I 001 If'I IrI 091 091 10 Distance (km) 0 Line 01 -125.1 -125.0 -124.9 Temperature (°C) Longitude (E) -124.8 -124.7 -124.6 -124.5 -1244 Location 0 4 4C 09 09 -126 -125 -124 ON 00I. 05l 150 40 30 Distance (km) Line 01-02 Temperature (°C) 43.33 N 43.22 N -124.60 E 1_24.60 E 0t_-1, to Location -0 j'-n 4 42 50 -126 -125 -124 100 150 10 0 Distance (km) Line 02 -124.9 Longitude (E) -124.8 -124.7 -124.6 -124.5 -124.4 Location 4 II -126 -125 -124 09 L. -125.0 1 -125.1 Temperature (°C) 40 30 Distance (km) Line 02-03 Temperature (°C) 43.21 N -125.19 E Location C L 0 LU 40 0 10 -126 -125 -124 C 00 LU 0 LU 10 Distance (km) 0 Line 03 Longitude (E) -124.9 -124.8 -125.0 -125.1 Temperature (°C) -124.7 -124.6 -124.5 Location 0 ) 0LU :'.••• 0 LU -126 -125 -124 0 0 0 0 0 LU 0 LU 30 Distance (km) 0 0 LU 0 (0 40 Line 03-04 Temperature (°C) 42.88 N -124.67 E Location 4 42 --126 -125 -124 10 Distance (km) 0 Line 04 Temperature (°C) 43.11 N -125.34:E Location 44 43 50 42 50 -126 -125 -124 150 70 60 50 40 30 Distance (km) 20 10 0 Line 04-05 Temperature (°C) 43.12 -125.34 E 43.21 N -125.14 E Location 0 0 LU .0 0 LU -126 -125 -124 00 0 0 0 LU 0 LU 10 Distance (km) 0 Line 05 Temperature (°C) 43.21 N -125.14 E Location 44 43 42 50 -126 -125 -124 100 1:50 40 30 Distance (km) 20 Line 05-06 -125.0 Temperature (°C) Longitude (E) -124.9 -124.8 Location 4 42 0 42 -126 -125 -124 C 0 C U, 10 Distance (km) 0 Line 06 Temperature (°C) 43.10 N -125.34 E 42.68 N. -125.0.1 E T-0 Location 4 IQ -126 -125 -124 100 150 40 30 20 Distance (km) 10 0 Line 06-07 Temperature (°C) 43.10 N -125.34 E Location I -126 -125 -124 20 10 Distance (km) 0 Line 07 Temperature (°C) Location 4 42 42 -126 -125 -124 100 100 150 50 40 30 20 Distance (km) 10 0 Line 07-08 Temperature (°C) 42.49 N -125.39 E Location a 4 a to a to 42 -126 -125 -124 a 0 --.-.__ a a a to a to 10 Distance (km) 0 Line 08 Temperature (°C) 42.49 N -125.39 E 42.90 N -125.71 E Location 44 43 -126 -125 -124 150 --rr --:T,1 `50 40 20 30 Distance (km) la Line 09 Temperature (°C) mZ Location 0 4 0 01 0 01 42 oct (dbars) Pressure -126 -125 -124 0 0 0 0 0 (77 0 01 -s 0 0 0 0 01 30 20 Distance (km) Line 10 Temperature (°C) Location I I -126 -125 -124 50 40 30 20 Distance (km) 10 0 Line 11 Temperature (°C) 41.90 ; -126.33 E 42.39 N -125.72 E Location I 0 0 0 LU 0 LU -126 -125 -124 0 0 0 0 0 LU 0 LU 0 0 0 0 LU 0 CO 0 40 30 Distance (km) Line 12 -126.3 Temperature (°C) Longitude (E) -126.1 -126.0 -125.9 -126.2 -125.8 -125.7 Location 0 0 4 0 U, 42 -126 -125 -124 'o o 2 0 0 0 0 LID 0 0 0 0 LU 30 20 Distance (km) Line 13 43.2 43.1 43.0 42.9 42.8 42.7 Temperature (°C) Latitude (N) 42.6 42.5 42.4 42.3 42.2 42.1 42.0 41.9 Location 50 -r 43 100 42 100 -126.0125.0124.0 200 o. xn OZ oc, -Of 09 150 140 130 120 110 100 90 80 70 60 Distance (km) 0 (km) Distance 20 30 40 10 05Z O9Z 00£ oos I ON {, + ON -126.0125.0124.0 42 100 001. 43 05 05 44 Location -125.4 -125.2 -125.6 (E) tude Long { 14 Line (°C) Temperature Line 15 43.2 43.1 43.0 42.9 42.8 42.7 42.6 Temperature (°C) Lat tude (N) 42.5 42.4 42.3 42.2 42.1 42.0 41.9 41.8 41.7 Location 44 50 43 100 42 -126.0125.0124.0 200 .0l OZ 0' Ofi n5 09 90 80 70 Distance (km) 0 170 160 150 140 130 120 110 100 Line 16 -125.0 -125.1 -124.9 -124.8 Temperature (°C) Longitude (E) -124.7 -124.6 -124.5 -124.4 -124.3 Location V Ct7 -126 -125 -124 1 0 OL oz I 40 30 Distance (km) .. I I I OL 09 09 Line 16-17 Temperature (°C) 42.07 N -125.16 E Location 4 I 4'2 C\J 1— 42 - 50 50 > -126 -125 -124 : i— :. . 100 100 150 150 10 Distance (km) 0 ___I__ 41.91 N -125.16 E F- 0 Line 17 -125.0 -125.1 -124.9 Temperature (°C) Longitude (E) -124.8 -124.7 -124.6 -124.5 -124.4 Location -126 -125 -124 09 0 oI. oz 40 30 Distance (km) 09 09 Line 17-18 Temperature (°C) 42.07 N -124.49 E Location II 4 3 43 v E 4] t"fad! 42 t ! -126 -125 -124 1,50 T-- 150 10 Distance (km) 0 Line 18 -125.1 -125.0 -124.9 Temperature (°C) Longitude (E) -124.8 -124.7 -124.6 -124.5 Location 44 43 42 50^ -126 -125 -124 is 00 150 60 50 40 30 Distance (km) 20 10 0 Temperature (°C) Line 18-19 42.40 N! 42.25 N -125.17 E -125.16 E Location 0 0 4 42 0 0 U) 42 -126 -125 -124 1 0 0 0 U) 10 Distance (km) 0 Line 19 -125.1 -125.0 -124.9 Temperature (°C) Longitude (E) -124.8 -124.7 -124.6 -124.5 Location C C ---''— 4 0 [C) -126 -125 -124 5 0 , 0 C ¶- C 20 0 0 30 Distance (km) Line 19-20 Temperature (°C) 42.42 N -124.63 E 42.57 N -124.63 E Location 0 4 42 50 -126 -125 -124 100 150 10 Distance (km) 0 -125.0 -124.9 Longitude (E) -124.8 -124.7 -124.6 -124.5 -124.4 Location I -125.1 Temperature (°C) I Line 20 I 4 42 42 50 I -126 -125 -124 CU .a t.A a) CO C) CL 100 150 40 30 Distance (km) Line 20-21 Temperature (°C) 42.58 N -125.17 E 42.74 N -125.17 E Location 4 0 42 -126 -125 -124 0 0 0 IC) 10 Distance (km) 0 Temperature (°C) Line 21 -125.1 -125.0 Long tude (E) -124.9 -124.8 -124.7 -124.6 -124.5 Location C 0 - 4 . 'A i. 0) 0 U) 0 U) 42 .. -126 -125 -124 .' . .- C 0 0 0 — C U) C) U) Distance (km) 20 C 0 C U) 30