JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH,VOL. 95, NO. Bll, PAGES 17,459-17,474, OCTOBER10, 1990 The 1967CaracasEarthquake:FaultGeometry,Directionof RupturePropagation andSeismotectonic Implications GERARDOSU,•EZ Institutode Geofisica, Universidad NacionalAut6norna deMgxico,MexicoCity JOHNN,Xf3h.•-:K Collegeof Oceanography, OregonStateUniversity,Corvallis The faultplaneorientation of the July30, 1967,Caracas earthquake (Mw=6.6)hasbeena sourceof controversy for severalyears.This strike-slipeventwasoriginallythoughtto haveoccurredon an east- westoriented faultplane,reflecting therelativemotionbetween theCaribbean andSouthAmerican plates. Morerecently,however,thecomplexseismicradiationfromthiseventwasinterpreted asbeingindicative of a north-south strikingfaultthatrupturedalongthreeen echelonsegments. In thisstudywe synthesize evidencebasedon the intensityand damagereports,the distributionof aftershocks, and the resultsof a jointformalinversion of theP andSH wavesandshowthatthesedataclearlyindicate thattherupture of the 1967 earthquake occurredon an east-west trendingfault system.Usinga mastereventtechnique, the largestaftershock, whichoccurred 40 minafterthemainevent,is shownto lie 50 km eastof theepicenter of the mainshock.The epicentraldistances of smallaftershocks registeredin Caracas,basedon the S-P arrival time differencesand the polarizationsof the P waves, are also consistentwith these events occurringon an east-westorientedfault systemnorthof Caracas.A joint inversionof the teleseismic P and SH waves,recorded on long-period seismographs of theWorld-WideStandardized Seismographic Network, showsthat in a time frame of 65 s, four distinctburstsof seismicmomentrelease(subevents)occurred, witha totalseismic moment of 8.6x 10•8N m.Thefirstthreesubevents triggered sequentially fromwest to east, in a directionthat is almost identicalto the east-westtrendingnodal planesof the source mechanisms.The average depth of these three subeventsis 14 km. The fourth, and last identifiable, subeventof the sequence showsa reversefaultingmechanism with the nodalplanesorientedroughlyeast- west.It occurredat a 21-kmdepth,about50 km to the northof the fault zonedefinedby the strike-slip subevents.This fourth subeventappearsto reflect compressional deformationof the southernCaribbean, possiblyrelatedto underthrusting alongthe proposedCuraqaotrench.The complexityof the fault system causingthe 1967 earthquakesuggeststhat the relativemotionalongthe Caribbean-South Americaplate boundaryin central Venezuela is taken up over a broad, highly faulted, and highly stressedzone of deformationand not by a simple,major throughgoingfault. INTRODUCTION Although the tectonic fabric in north central Venezuela is On July 30, 1967, parts of the city of Caracasand several neighboring coastaltownswere severelydamagedby a moderate-sizedearthquake (Mw=6.6). Although the so-called Caracas earthquake was not a greatplate boundaryearthquake, it is one of the largest event to have occurred along the Caribbean-South Americanplateboundaryin centralVenezuela sincethe magnitude8.4 (Ms) earthquakeof 1900 [Richter, 1958].Thus the Caracasearthquakerepresentsan important pieceof evidencefor understanding the tectonicregimeand seismic hazardof thiscomplexplateboundary. Thefaultplanesolutionof theCaracasearthquake basedon P wavefirst motions[Molnar and Sykes,1969] showsa nearly purestrike-slipmechanismwith nodalplanesorientedN10øW andN80øE,respectively.Molnar and Sykes[1969] originally interpreted this earthquakeas occurringon an east-west trending,right-lateralstrike-slipfault, reflectingthe relative motionbetweenthe Caribbeanand South Americanplates. Rial [1978],however,suggested, on thebasisof bodywave modeling, thatthe Caracasearthquake occurredon a seriesof en echelonfaults strikingnorth-southand with a left-lateral motion. Rial [1978] reached his conclusionbased on the interpretation of theasymmetry in theobserved waveforms. Copyright 1990by theAmerican Geophysical Union. Papernumber89JB03008. 0148-0227/90/89JB-03008 $05.00 dominatedby a seriesof right-lateralstrike-slipfaults oriented roughly east to west [Rod, 1956; Schubert, 1981; Soulas, 1986] (Figure 1), the region near Caracasexhibits a complex faulting pattern including faults oriented in a NNW-SSE direction (Figure 2). This complexity may be related to the bend in the plate boundary that takes place in the vicinity (Figure 1). The motivation for reanalizing the Caracas earthquakecomes from the observationthat althoughrupture on faults oriented north-southis quite feasible in this tectonically complex area, the solutionproposedby Rial [1978] does not explain adequately the intensity distribution and damage,nor the location of aftershocks. Furthermore,asidefrom beingan importantdatumin an area of low backgroundseismicityand of relatively short seismic history, the Caracas earthquake is also a peculiar and particularly interestingearthquakefrom the point of view of seismicrupture propagation.As Rial [1978] pointedout, the ruptureprocessof this earthquakeis very complex. The body wave trains last up to 100 s, almost5 times as long as would be expectedfor a shallow earthquakeof that magnitude,and show severaldistinctsubevents.The studyby Rial [1978] is of particularinterestbecauseit represents the first attemptto use body wave modelingin orderto investigatethe ruptureprocess of a complex event. The purposeof thiswork is to furtherthe studyof the 1967 earthquake initiatedby Rial [1978].In orderto characterize the time history and geometry of the rupture process, we 17,459 17,460 SU,•,REZ ANDN,•,B•LEK:CARACAS EARTHQUAKE 13øN / • / -''- '•'- - - •' "''-'--'•,-.... / ,e • ..,,m._ '"•,,. •>BAR BA DOS 0 •" BONAIRE & SEA GRANADA EBASTiANo... • • LAR,& /k I0 • 2'x,///' COLOMBIA ... i 75 ø ,,'/ \ / /I ... ,oo _ VZUELA • • /'"'. ! / •uS •'•_• ',_ • • GUYANA SHI ELD 70 ø I o J HISTORICAL Io , •,o I Km ' 65 ø 6.4• M• 7.0 I 60 ø Fig. 1. Regionalseismotectonic settingof the southernCaribbean. The main fault zonesaccommodating the motionof the SouthAmericanplaterelativeto the Caribbean are shown.The dateson the faultsareof largehistoricalearthquakes. The subructionzoneto the northof BonaireandLos Roquesis thatinferredby Talwaniet al. [1977] (modifiedafter Y. P. Aggarwa! (personalcommunication, 1987)). synthesizeevidence from the damageand intensityreports,the epicentral location of the mainshock, the distribution of aftershocks, and the geologic information. Furthermore, we presenta detailed study of the body waves using a formal least squares inversion algorithm [Ndb•lek, 1984]; this deterministic approach eliminates many of the resolution problemsencounteredin a trial-and-error,visual matchingof the observedand syntheticwaveforms.The main conclusionof our study is that, contraryto Rial's [1978] initial suggestion, the 1967 earthquakeoccurredon a set of east-westtrending fault planes. On average, the background seismicity along this plate boundaryis low, probably due to the low relative velocity between the two plates. Nonetheless, large historical earthquakes have occurredalong varioussegmentsof this fault system [Centeno-Grau, 1940]. Great earthquakesprobably occurredon the E1Pilar fault in 1530 and 1766 [Centeno-Grau, 1940; Grases, 1980], and the great earthquakeof 1812 caused destructionalong the Bocono and Moron faults, from Merida to Caracas(Fiedler [1961] mappedintensityIX in both cities). Active Faults in North Central Venezuela The Moron fault zone that presumably defines the plate boundarybetweenthe Caribbeanand SouthAmericanplatesin centralnorthernVenezuela, near Caracas,is not a single,wellVENEZUELA definedstrike-slipfault but is a systemof en echelon,rightRegional Plate Tectonic Setting lateralfaults, orientedroughly east-west[Rod, 1956;Schubert The tectonic structure of northern Venezuela reflects a and Krause, 1984; Soulas, 1986] (Figure 2). Moreover,there complexgeodynamicregime in which the major geologic are somefaultswith a NW-SE trend showingboth strike-slip featuresare a consequence of the relativeplatemotionbetween andnormalfaulting[Schubertand Laredo,1979;Singer,1977] the South American and Caribbean plates [Barazangi and (Figure 2). The complexity and segmentationof the plate in thisregion,comparedto the morelinearandwellDorman, 1969; Burke et al., 1984;Dewey, 1972;Molnar and boundary Sykes,1969;Schubert,1981, 1984; Schubertand Krause, definedfaults to the east (El Pilaf fault) and to the SW (Bocono TECTONICSAND SEISMICITY OF NORTHERN the sharpchangein strike 1984;Sykesand Ewing,1965](Figure1). The Caribbean plate fault), probablyis a consequence (about45ø) betweenthesetwo major fault zones(Figure1). to be about100km 1975; Minster and Jordan, 1978; Steinet al., 1988]. East of Althoughthe apexof thebendis presumed it is expectedthatthe deformation produced the island of Trinidad, the plate boundarychangesfrom a westof Caracas, subduction regimein theLesserAntilles,to a systemof right- by thebendwouldcovera large area. to haveoccurred in north lateralstrike-slipfaults.Pdrezand Aggarwal[1981]suggest Thetwo largest,recentearthquakes thatthe Los Bajos-E1 Soldadofaultsystem(Figure1) defines centralVenezuelaare the 1967 Caracasearthquakeand an event moves to the east relative to the SouthAmerican plate [Jordan, the plateboundary betweenthe LesserAntillessubductionon October29, 1900, for which Richter [1958] estimateda zone and the Paria Peninsulain Venezuela. West of the Paria magnitude of 8.4. As Kelleheret al. [1973]pointedout,it is Peninsula,the right-lateralstrike-slipsystemextendsover difficultto establishwhich segmentof the fault systemis 1200 km and is subdividedinto three major fault zones: E1 responsiblefor the 1900 earthquake.The instrumental Pilar, Moron,and Bocono(Figure1). The widthof major epicenterdeterminedby Richter [1958] lies 100 km to the east reported by tectonicdeformation alongthisfault systemis of theorderof of theareaof maximumintensity(aroundCaracas) Fiedler [1961]. Furthermore, the magnitude appears to be 100km [Garc[aandAggarwal, 1982;Soulas, 1986]. SU,•.REZ ANDN,•BI•LEK: CARACAS EARTHQUAKE II ø N 17,461 SOUTH AMERICA 7/30/1967 IO ø -._/ ACTIVE FAULTS IN NORTH-CENTRAL VENEZUELA ( AFTER T. SUBIETA) (•) MORON 0 25 5o I •1 I km (•) (•) (• ":':':'/•PLIOCENEQUATERNARY(•) 68ow 67 ø MACUTO LA VICTORIA CHARALLAVE SAN DIEGO (•) SANANTONIO (•) (•) (•) (1• ARAGUA'T'A TACAGUA CARAYACA CHARACAITO 66 ø Fig. 2. Geologicfaults presumedto be active in north-centralVenezuela(modifiedafter Subieta [1983]). Solid lines indicatemappedfaultsanddashedlinesinferredfaults.Stippledregionsindicatepresence of Plioceneand Quaternary sediments. The starmarkstheepicenter of the 1967Caracasearthquake. largelyoverestimatedconsideringthat the zone of intensityIX to X is only about 50 km long [Cisternas and Gaulon, 1984; Fiedler, 1961]. Based on the intensity reports, it is possible that the rupture of the 1900 earthquakeincluded some of the samefault segmentsas the 1967 event. The only other major historicalearthquakethat occurredin this region besidesthe 1812and 1900 earthquakes is an earthquakein 1641 [CentenoGrau,1940].The fact thatno greatearthquakes haveoccurred alongthis plate boundaryduring the last 87 years highlights theimportance of the 1967Caracasearthquake. placesthis fault systemso that it passesthroughCaracasand would, at the first glance,adequatelyexplain the damageand intensitiesreportedby Espinosa and Algerrnissen[1972] and thosewe obtainedby reviewing accountsof the earthquakein various Venezuelan journals and magazines (Figure 4). To place this fault systemgeographically,Rial usesa preliminary epicentral location determinedby Fiedler [1968]. The location proposed by Fiedler [1968] lies 70 km offshore NNW of Caracas. It was obtained by measuring the arrival time differencesof P n wavesat variouspairs of seismicstationsin the Caribbeanbasin.The epicenterwas determinedgraphically as the intersectionof the epicentral distance hyperbolaefor DISTRIBUTION: IMPLICATIONS FOR the individual station pairs. In spite of drastically different THE FAULT ORIENTATION propagationpaths,Fietiler [1968] assumedthat the velocity of the P n phase is the same for all stations. Given the EpicentralLocationof the Mainshock assumptionsused, this graphical method gives only a rough The epicenterof an earthquake,being determinedfrom estimateof the epicenter. arrivaltimesof short-periodbody waves,reflectsthe location The epicenterobtainedby Fiedler [1968] is locatedabout40 of thepointon the faultplanewhereruptureinitiates.Usually, km to the NE from that determined by the International whenan eventwith a complexfault ruptureprocess is studied SeismologicalCenter (ISC) (Figure 3). The epicentral locausingthe shapeand durationof the body waves,the locations tions reportedby the ISC, the U.S. Coast and GeodeticSurvey, of the subevents that composethe earthquake are estimated and Moscow show differencesof lessthan 10 km amongthem. relative to the point of nucleation of the rupture (the The teleseismicstation coverageof the southernCaribbeanis epicenter). A goodestimateof the epicenteris necessary for good, and the errors in epicentrallocationsare generallyless geographicalplacement of the subevents.As we discuss than about 15 km for earthquakesgreaterthan magnitude5.0 EPICENTER, INTENSITYREPORTS, ANDAFTERSHOCK below,in the caseof theCaracasearthquake, thechoiceof the that are well recorded worldwide. This observation is confirmed epicenter is alsocrucialfor the interpretation of the intensity by comparingthe epicentrallocationsobtainedby the ISC and data and the distribution of aftershocks. by a local network in Venezuela (installed after the 1967 Themodelderivedby Rial [1978]fromwaveformmodeling earthquake),for 15 earthquakesselectedat random (Figure 5). is composed of threeen echelonfaultsorientedNNW-SSEthat For these earthquakes,all smaller than the 1967 event, the rupturedsequentiallyfrom north to south (Figure 3). Rial differences in epicentral locations between those obtained 17,462 SU•REZ ANDN,•B•LEK:CARACAS EARTHQUAKE Teresa,amongothers(Figure 4). Particularlylarge accelerations wouldbe expectedin this region,becauseit lies within 10-15 km awayfrom the third segmentin a north-south oriented fault system,whichin Rial's modelhadthehighest II ø N momentrelease.On the otherhand, faulting along the nodal plane strikingalmosteast-westto the north of Caracas(dashed thin line in Figure 4) would explain the high intensities observedin and to the north of Caracas(>VI) and the smaller values (< V) observed in townsto thewestandsouthof thecity (Figure 4). Althoughintensityinformationis missingfrom theregions to the west and southwest of Caracas because these areasare largely uninhabited,there is sufficient information available indicatingthat the largest intensitiesoccurrednorth of Caracas along the Caribbean coast, with intensity decreasing southwardfrom the coast. Local ground amplification due to unconsolidatedsediments was possibly responsible for the IO ø - 0 2_5 q 50 - COASTAL but the distribution of Quaternary deposits(Figure 2) shows that this factor alone cannotreconcilethe observeddamage and intensitydistributionwith the fault systemproposedby Rial [1978]. The constructionof low-rise housingis fairly km ..... localizeddamageto high-risebuildingsin Caracas[Espinosa and Algermissen,1972; Seed et al., 1970; Whitman, 1969], RANGE I 67øW Fig. 3. Location of the subevents(solid circles) and the north-south trending fault system (solid lines) proposed by Rial [1978]. The location of the first subeventis made to coincide with the preliminary epicenterdeterminedby Fiedler [1968] (markedF). The opencirclesand dashedlines indicate the location relative to the epicenterdetermined by the International Seismological Center (ISC). Note that when the fault systemis locatedrelative to the more preciseISC location (error bars shown), it lies well to the south and west of Caracas. uniform throughoutthe area and provides a good measureof variations in intensity (and acceleration) in the macroseismic zone. The damage sustainedby this type of constructionsis higher along the coastnorth of Caracasthan it is elsewhere. Spatial Distribution of Aftershocks The most direct way for determining the orientationof an earthquakerupture,other than actually mappingits surfaceexpression,is from the distribution of aftershocks.The Caracas earthquake,however, had no large enough aftershocksthat using local instrumentsand the worldwide networkare usually were well recordedby the worldwide seismic networks, and the local seismographsin Caracas capable of recording smaller less than 15 km; only three small events (mr,<4.0)show differences of 30-35 km. We believe that 40-km distance eventswere damagedfor a few days after the earthquake.It is between the location proposedby Fiedler [1968] and that of remarkablethat an earthquakeof the magnitude of the Caracas the ISC reflectsprimarily the inaccuracyof the methodusedby event, and with suchcomplexhistory and geometry of rupture, the former. did not producelarger aftershocks. The only suggestionfor a moderately large aftershocks Intensity Distribution and the Orientation comes from newspaper accounts describing other strong of the Fault System quakes shaking the city of Caracas after the mainshock.The The choiceof the epicenteris crucial for the model proposed largest of these aftershockscaused panic among the populaby Rial [1978], becausewhen the fault systemis movedto the tion and occurred about 40 min after the main event. The ISC more precise ISC epicentrallocation, his proposedfaults lie reportsthis event as occurringoffshoreat a depth of 114 km. about 60 km to the west and south of Caracas. With the faults The location is poor becausethe magnitudeof this earthquake in at this location (Figure 3), it is difficult to explain the (mr,=4.4) is near the thresholdof detectionfor earthquakes observed intensity data (Figure 4). The regions that this region by the worldwide networks and the local stations experienceddamage and high intensitiesare located near were not operating.It was possible,however,to identify clear Caracas and along the coast immediately to the north of the first arrivals of the aftershock on several stations in the capital. If isoseismalcurveswere drawn on Figure 4, they Caribbean (Table 1). We relocated the aftershock relative to would show a semicirculardistributioncenteredroughly north of Caracas,with intensitiesgraduallydecreasingaway from the city. It is difficult to explain how cities like Maracay, the mainshockusing the master event technique of Dewey [19711. The relocatedepicenterof the aftershocklies 50 km to the Turmero, and Valencia, for example, that lie at a similar eastof the mainshock'sepicenter,at a focal depthof 10 km, distance from the fault system defined by Rial [1978] as andabout10 km offshore(Table2 andFigure6). The location Caracasand are located also on loosely consolidatedsediments near Caracaaexplainswhy this relatively small aftershock (Figure2), consistently showintensities threeto four degrees (mr,=4.4)was so stronglyfelt and "heard"in Caracasandthe coastaltowns.The locationof the largestaftershockto the lower thanthosereportedat the northcoastof Caracas. In fact, no matterwhich epicenteris usedto geographically east of the mainshockepicenterstronglysuggestsa fault placeRial's [1978] north-south trendingfault system,it is difficult to explainthe absenceof high intensitiessouthof extending east-west,north of Caracas. The short-periodinstrumentsat station CAR (Caracas), Caracas, in the towns of Cua, Ocumare del Tuy, and Santa member of the World-Wide Standardized Seismographic SU•REZ ANDN•B•LEK:CARACAS EARTHQUAKE MMI INTENSITIES 17,463 REPORTED oF II ø N 0 25 t 5o i i km ..;....::.:.: ß TACACAS ß ß :. ' 30/1967 --... "-'•i'•'. -"•* -, :........ • 7/ • ................. ;...[.•':"" •:• • • ..... -':'•" '9 ; * RAY ß '•q• ..___. ß c•T,^ •• •^•../:••c.•- •i'•0x•........... '...... '-•• '••••• t 'X --• •- i - ' ß ;'- HIGUER• SANTATERESA • • GUACARA • •• -TURMERO -- • '-• -t VALENCIA •-_•'-•- ANTIMANO e:•' r'' PETARE G•ARENAS ' -- • _MARACAY * .... ........:½): __ ,'.•. ß eCUA . ,,.•,O_4.._..•, • OCUMARE DEL TUY GUIGUE IO o ', e S•N JUAN 68øW • ', 67 ø 66 ø Fig.4. ModifiedMercalli intensities(MMI) observedin centralVenezueladuringthe 1967earthquake. The datacome fromthestudyof Espinosa and Algermissen [ 1972]andfromour ownreadings of Venezuelan journals,magazines, and governmentreports.F marksthe locationof the preliminaryepicenterdeterminedby Fiedler [1968]. The short-dashed lines indicatethe fault systemproposed by Rial [1978], locatedrelativeto the epicenterdetermined by the ISC (star).The longdashedline showsthe strikeof the east-westnodalplaneof the focal mechanism. Network(WWSSN), becameagainoperationala fews daysafter distance from the recording station may be estimated and plotted on a map (Figure 7). recordedat CAR in the following month. Although epicentral Assumingthe rupturenucleatednear the ISC epicenter,most locations of these small aftershocks cannot be obtained with of the 22 aftershocksanalyzedwould fall well to the east of the only one station, it was possibleto identify in the original proposed north-south fault system (Figure 7). Clearly, the recordsclear compressional(P) and shear wave (S) phases. epicentral distancesof the aftershocksto station CAR would Measuring the $-P travel time differences, the epicentral agree better with an east-westoriented fault north of Caracas, as most of the epicentral distance radii intersect the line representingthe east-westnodal plane of the focal mechanism (Figure 7). Furthermore, based on the polarization of the P the earthquake occurred. Dozens of small aftershocks were waves from the aftershocks that were well recorded both on the vertical and horizontal instruments at station CAR, it is clear that all of them have a location .c: 2 E Z 1 2.5 7.5 12.5 17.5 22.5 27.5 32.5 37.5 42.5 Distance Difference (km) Fig.5. Histogramshowingdifferencesin epicentrallocationfor 15 earthquakes locatedby a local seismicnetworkin Venezuelaand by the ISC. of The results presented above strongly favor the initial assumption of Molnar and Sykes [1969] that the Caracas earthquake occurred on one of the various east-west running faults that define this complex plate boundary.This prompted us to reexaminequantitatively the radiation of P and SH waves using a formal inversion scheme. The following section describesthe results of this analysis. w o to the north and northwest CAR. 3 INVERSION OF BODY WAVES Data Preparation and InversionMethod The source parametersand rupture processof the Caracas earthquake are investigated through an inversion of longperiod P wavesand SH wavesrecordedby the WWSSN. Only 17,464 SU•P•Z ANDN•B•LEK: CARACAS EARTHQUAKE seismograms of stations withinan epicentral distance range of TABLE 1. StationsUsed in the Relocationof the Aftershock 30o-90ø were includedin the analysis;within this distance range,theGreenfunctions for a sourceembedded in a layered StationName Arrival Time of P Wave, earth are simple to computeand can be accuratelyestimated [e.g.,Langstonand Helmberger,1975].The crustalstructure in the source region and beneath recording stations was approximatedby a half-spacewith a compressional wave GMT TRN SVT SJG BOG HUA PNS LPB WMO TFO LF2 BMO ILG 0041:02.5 0041:08.4 0041:27.7 0041:56.5 0044:58.0 0045:29.2 0045:27.3 0046:57.8 0048:09.4 0048:27.8 0049:18.4 0050:50.8 velocityof 6 km/s, a Poissonratio of 0.25, and densityof 2.75 g/cm3. Anelasticattenuation alongthepropagation path wasparameterized usinga t* of 1 s for? wavesanda t* of4 sfor SH waves. The inversionprocedureis discussedin detail by Ndb•lek [1984] and has been applied succesfullyto other large earthquakes [Ndb•lek,1985;Ndb•leket al., 1987].Depending on the size and complexityof the earthquake,the sourcecanbe parameterized either as a singlepoint sourceor as an event consistingof severalpoint sources(subevents)separated in TABLE 2. Focal Parameters of the Mainshock and the Relocated Aftershock OriginTime, Date Latitude, GMT July 30, 1967 July 30, 1967 0000:02.7 0039:49.9 II o N Longitude, Depth, øN øW km 10.68 10.70 67.40 66.95 26 10 Source ISC this study FI MAIN EVENT AFTERSHOCK 07/30/67 .....,........._. _....,----'"-"'"•--' 07/30/67 0 hrO'2.7" 0 hr39' 49.9" •.[ I CATIA CARBALLEDA LA LA MAR A.•I•AcuTo NAIGUATA MAIQUETIA 10.5" LOS TEQUES • RACAYLAVICTORIA 0I I 25 I kin AFTERSHOCK 67'.5ow I 50 RELOCATION 67 • Fig.6. Master eventrelocation of thelargest aftershock (solid triangle) feltin theCaracas region about 40 rainafterthe mainshock (solidcircle).Themainshock wasusedasthemaster eventin therelocation. Thelinesthrough thesesymbols are errorestimates of the location.The dashedline showstheorientation of thenodalplaneorientedeast-west. SU•REZANDN,•B•LEK:CARACAS EARTHQUAKE 17,465 stationsto ascertaindirectly if substantialdifferencesexist in the shapeof the body wavesthat would suggestdirectivityof the sourceruptureprocess.For this purpose,we comparethe body wavesrecordedat threeeast-westandnorth-south pairsof seismic stationslocated symmetricallyrelative to the nodal planes of the fault plane solutionof the Caracasearthquake (Figure 8). For a pure strike-slip event, this symmetric AFTERSHOCK LOCATION S-P TIMES ( mb= 4.4) LA GUAIRA location •_ARACAS relative waveforms to the source mechanism have a similar location relative insures that the to the radiation patternof direct and reflectedphases.The polaritieshave been made the samefor eachpair of stationsin orderto facilitatethe direct visual comparison.Thus for each pair of stationsthe waveforms may be directly compared, and any drastic differencesin waveformsshouldreflect the effects of rupture directivity and sourcefiniteness. The P wavesrecordedat stationMAL (Spain) are more compressedin time than thoseobservedat station UNM (Mexico). 67, 5 øW 67 ø The first two peaks are almost in phase, but the third and Fig.7. Circles of possibleepicentrallocationsof small aftershocks relativeto stationCAR. The epicentraldistancesare basedon readings largest peak is clearly delayed at UNM relative to its counterpart at MAL. Subsequentpeaks and troughs in the of S-P travel time differences.Other symbolsare as in Figure 6. signals show a much longer, low-frequency signal at UNM than at MAL (Figure 8). This observation is even more time and space.For each subevent,the model parametersthat apparent comparingSH waveformsrecordedat TOL (Spain)and we invert for from the observed seismograms include the source mechanism (strike, dip, and rake), depth, seismic KIP (Hawaii). At TOL the observedSH waves are compressed, moment, source time function, and the relative location and exhibiting a much shorter duration than at KIP (Figure 8). time delay of each subeventwith respectto the first one. The These two setsof stations,locatedroughly to the east and west sourcetime function is allowed to take an arbitrary shape, of the epicenter,suggesta rupture propagatingfrom west to making the parameterization suitable for studies of large, east; the recedingrupturefront produceslong-durationsignals complicatedearthquakes.The data used in the inversion are at stationsto the west of the epicenter,while thoseto the east, hand-digitizedtime series (two samples per second) of the lying along a similar azimuthas the directionof rupture,are observedP (vertical component) and SH seismograms,in a strongly compressed. The S H waves recorded at CMC (Canada) and LPA time window that includes the direct body wave phases and extendsin time to include all surfacereflected waves (i.e., pP, (Argentina),seismicstationslocatedto the northand southof sP, and sS). The seismic phases and stations used in the the epicenter,respectively,are very similar to one another. inversionare shown in Table 3. Theoretical seismogramsare The prominentpeaksand troughsof both time seriesare in iteratively matched to the observedwaveforms using a least phase, and the durationof the signal is almost identical in both cases. We interpret this as evidence that no major squarescriterion. CAR directivity occurredin the north-southdirection.No northsouth,P wave pair is presentedbecauseof the lack of long- Visual Comparisonof Waveforms Beforeproceedingto the formal inversionof the data, it is instructive to visually compare the waveforms at several periodP wavedatato thesouthof theepicenter in the300-90ø epicentraldistancerange. TABLE 3. SeismicStationsUsedin the Inversionof Body Waves Station Azimuth, deg EpicentralDistance, deg WaveType GDH KEV 5.7 20.5 35.1 54.1 289.5 311.3 323.2 334.4 352.3 0.5 59.2 81.6 75.5 62.1 31.8 38.9 31.1 76.3 65.9 44.1 P P P P P, $H P P P P SH 34.1 50.6 169.2 184.0 291.1 317.3 342.0 66.7 62.8 46.3 43.8 86.7 44.4 65.1 SH SH SH SH $H COP MAL UNM LUB OXF COL RES SCH ESK TOL LPA PEL KIP GOL CMC SH SH Network WWSSN WWSSN WWSSN WWSSN WWSSN WWSSN WWSSN WWSSN CSN CSN WWSSN WWSSN WWSSN WWSSN WWSSN WWSSN CSN 17,466 SU•,REZANDN•d•LEK: CARACAS EARTHQUAKE EAST P MAL EAST SH TOL NORTH SH CMC i • I i' I I I I I I I I SOUTH SH ' 1 min i WEST P UNM WEST SH KIP P LPA SH Fig. 8. Comparisonof P andSH waveslocatedsymmetrically with respectto the focal mechanism of the Caracas earthquake. Noticehowstations to theeast(TOLandMAL) showa morecompressed wavetrain thanthoseto thewest(UNM andKIP). SH wavesto the northand southof the epicenter(CMC andLPA) do not showmajordifferencessuggesting the ruptureprocess hadan east-west propagation. The ray pathsto the stations andthenodalplanesareprojected of thelower part of the focal sphere. 1.1 Inversion Strategy The waveforms indicate that the Caracas earthquake is a 1.0 complex,multiple event. Rial [1978] showedthat at least three subeventswere necessaryto match the observedwave trains. The number of free source parameters necessary to 0.9 describe these waveforms is quite large. To deal with the complexityof the sourcemechanism, whiletryingto keepthe numberof free parameters to a minimum,a stepwise inversion strategywasadopted.As a first step,the Caracasearthquake was assumedto be a single-pointsourcewith a long source time function. The starting source mechanism for the inversion was that of MoInar N -,._•. 0.8 E o z 0.7 and Sykes [1969]. This inversiongave the average(centroidal)mechanism with a strikeof 262ø, dip of 74ø, anda rakeof 183ø andshowed that 0.6 0 four subeventsare neededto model the rupture.Next, in order 4 8 120 160 200 240 280 320 360 Azimuth (deg) to determine thepredominant directionof rupturepropagation, we introducedthe effect of rupturedire•tivity into the model [Ndb•lek, 1984, 1985] and variedthe rupturedirectionas a Fig.9. Varianceof the residualsas a functionof azimuthof the functionof azimuth;here we assumedthe rupturevelocityof rupturepropagationdirectionfor an unilaterallypropagatingsource with a velocityof 2.4 km/s.The clearvarianceminimumindicates that 2.4 km/s andusedthe abovesourcemechanism. The resulting theruptureof the Caracasearthquake propagated predominantly along of 80ø.Theaverage mechanism anddepthgivenin Table4 plotof residual variance versus azimuth is displayed in Figure anazimuth 9, showinga variancereduction of about30% alongthe are used. SUXREZ ANDN•B•LEK:CARACAS EARTHQUAKE 17,467 17,468 SU•REZANDN•B •LEK: CARACAS EARTHQUAKE TABLE 4. SourceParameters of the 1967Caracas Earthquake Determinedby Inversionof Body Wave Seismograms Strike, Dip, Rake, Depth, Moment, Delay, Distance, Azimuth, Duration, deg deg deg km 1018 Nm s km deg s Subevent 1 2 3 4 Average* 261 265 230 276 85 69 99 59 180 194 191 128 14.4 14.1 7.7 21.0 3.1 4.5 1.3 1.6 14.8 36.5 50.6 42 89 91 76 69 34 6 9 4 6 262 74 183 14.3 8.6 - - - 57 * Bestdouble-couple of themomenttensorsumof thefoursubevents. azimuth of 80 ø. This result substantiates formally The final model was obtained in the following manner. the conclusionbased on the visual inspectionof waveformsthat to the first order the predominantdirection of rupture was eastward, approximatelyalong the strike indicated by the average mechanism. The simple unilaterally propagating source model, however, did not produce completely satisfactory fit between the observed and synthetic seismogramsat all stations(Figure 10e), indicatingthat a more complicatedmodelinvolvingprecisepositionsandchangesin mechanisms of subevents is necessary. Using the roughsubdivisionof the earthquakeinto subevents based on the first set of inversions, each subevent was analyzedindependentlyby freeing the parameterspertaining to that subevent.For example,Figure 10a showsthe resultsof invertingthe time serieswithin a time frame includingonly the first subevent. After the analysis of the first event was completed,the inversionschemewas appliedto the nexttime window corresponding to the secondsubevent(Figure 10b).A similar strippingapproachwas followed sequentiallyfor the Event 4 h = 21.0 km Mo = 1.6 x 1018 N rn Event 3 Fo h = 7.7 km Mo = 1.3 x 1018 N m Event 2 h-- 14.1 km Mo = 4.5 x 1018 N m Event 1 h = 14.4 km & Aftershock CA RA CA S ' "•";; • 0 25 • I 50 km Fig.l l. Themechanism andlocation (solid circles) of thefoursubevents thatformtheCaracas earthquake. The mechanisms areplotted using a lowerhemisphere stereographic projection, thedarkquadrants representing compressional firstmotion.Solidtriangleis thelocationof therelocated aftershock. SU•REZ ANDN•BI•LEK: CARACAS EARTHQUAKE 17,469 thirdandfourthsubevents (Figures10cand10d).Theresulting distinctsubevents we!! separated in time andbecause our main theoreticalseismogramsshow now a better fit to the observed concern was to fit the major long-period arrivals in the wavetrains,most significantlyfor the later parts of the SH observed waveforms. waves(Figure 10d). The inversion was not continuedbecause at several stations the arrival of PP and ScS contaminates the records.In total, a timeframe of 65 s at each station was used in the inversion. A West-to-East RupturePropagation The final inversionyields for each subeventthe seismic moment,focal mechanism,depth,sourcetime function,and Once this piecewise inversion of the waveforms was finished, all parameters were freed, and the inversion was allowedto iterate to the best fitting solution. What was done the location relative to the first subevent. We find that the bythestepwiseinversionschemedescribedabovewas to find west to east, with distances of about 50 km from one another. mainseismicradiationis dominated by four subevents (Table4 andFigure11).The firstthreeeventstriggersequentially from a stableand realistic starting model for the final inversion in which all parameters were allowed to vary at once. This These three eventsshow almost pure strike-slipmotion, althoughthe mechanism of the thirdonebeginsto showsome minimized wild iterations and insured that the inversion dip-slipcomponent (Figure11). The averagedepthof these algorithmwould iterateto the true minimum in the residual threeshocksis 14 km. The fourtheventin the sequence is space.The reason we were able to take this simplified deeper,havinga depthof 21 km, andit hasa reverse-faulting approachis that the Caracasearthquakewas composedof mechanismwith a small strike-slip component.The total Caracas, 1967 P waves 60 s GDH COL RES OXF KEV LUB UNM MAL mm 60 I sec Fig. 12a. Comparisonbetweenthe observedP waves(solid lines) and the theoreticalseismograms (dashedlines)for the best fit model obtainedby the simultaneousinversionof P andSH waves.The focal mechanismof the first subeventis shownin a lower hemisphereprojectionwhere the solid circlesindicatecompressions and the open circlesdilatations. Amplitudes of the waveforms are normalized to an instrumentalmagnificationof 1500 and a geometrical spreading corresponding to an epicentraldistanceof 40ø. 17,470 SU•REZ AND N•B•,LEK: CARACAS EARTHQUAKE Caracas, 1967 SH waves CMC GOL T KIP I2060 PEL ,• UNM mm I ß sec ,0 Fig. ]2b. Comparison betweenthe observed SH wavesandtheth½orefica! seismograms for thesameinversion as in Figure] 2a. 'Thesymbolsa•d amplitudenormaJization arethesameasfor P waves. seismicmoment(tensorsum)of the Caracasearthquake is 8.6 (Figures 12a and 12b). Subevents1 and 2 are the best resolved x 10Is N m (Mw=6.6). of thesequence. Theyarewell separated in timeandproduce The orientationof the fault systemdefinedby the locations strong contributionson all seismograms(Figure 10). of the subevents formingthe Caracasearthquake is subparallel Subevent4 is also well resolved.Due to its dip-slip to the east-west oriented nodal plane of the fault plane mechanism, it hasa strongereffecton the ? wavesthanonthe solutions,indicatingthat the rupture occurredon an east-west SH waves(Figure10).Thethirdsubevent is partlybuffedinthe orientedfault system.The syntheticseismograms computed coda of the first and second subevents and has the smallest using the sourcemodel derived from the joint inversionof P effecton reducingthe residuals; consequently, it is the least andSH wavesagreewell with theobserved waveforms (Figures resolvedsubeventof the sequence. 12a and 12b). For all the stations analyzed, there are no In orderto visualizethe effectof the fault geometryon the significantmismatches in the arrivaltimesof the majorpulses body waves and to evaluate the resolution of the data, it is between the observed and the synthetic waveforms. As instructiveto comparethe solution obtainedhere with that expected, the matches are not as good for stations near the nodes of the radiation patterns, where small errors in the assumedray takeoff anglesproducelarge errorsin shapeand determinedby Rial [1978]. In the case of the P waves, the largest differencesbetween the two sourcemodels occur in the westernstations.For example,at stationLUB (United States), amplitudes of the arrivals. Also, due to the underpa- thenorth-south trendingfaultmodelshowslargephaseoffsets rameterization of the source, the matches are better for the lower frequencies than for the higher frequencies. This is reflected in somewhatunderestimatedamplitudesof P wavesin the direction of rupture. Overall, within a time frame of about 65 s from the onset of the body waves, the rupture processof the 1967 earthquakeis well representedby the four shocks relativeto the observations (Figure13). SH wavesare more sensitiveto rupturepropagationthan P waves,and herethe orientationof the fault systemis even more crucial in fitting the observedseismograms. At stationsUNM and TOL, neither the amplitudenor the phaseof the syntheticseismograms produced with a north-south oriented fault match the SU,•REZ AND N,J•B•.LEK: CARACAS EARTHQUAKE observations (Figure 13). This is particularly true for TOL, wherethe compressednature of the observedSH waves cannot bematchedby a fault systempropagatingnorth to south.The 17,471 west trendingfaults that characterizethe plate boundaryin northernSouthAmerica.The subevents composing therupture are separatedin spaceby distancesmuch greaterthan the opposite is trueat stationUNM, wherethe synthetic seismo- length of the individual faults, as inferred from the duration of gramfor Rial's [1978]modelis too shortcompared to the theirrespectivesourcetime functions.The averagedurationof recorded SH wave. It shouldbe pointedout that we were unable toreproduce the syntheticwaveforms presented in Rial's paper usingthe parametersshown in his Table 1. Many of the synthetic waveformspresentedby Rial [1978] appearto be missingthe third subeventwhich he interpretedto be the largest oneof all. the source time function of each subevent indicates fault lengths shorterthan about 12 km, whereasthe average distance between the subeventsis about 50 km. Thus the four shocksaccountingfor the main part of the radiatedseismic energy rupture sequentiallyfour different fault segments, insteadof a single, long, or en echelonfault. No seismic As we discussed before, stations located to the north and energyappearsto havebeenradiatedin the segments between southof the fault zone do not exhibit large differencesin the faults. This is indicativeof a complexand severelyfaulted waveshapes,indicatingthey do not "see" a directivity effect platemarginwherethe faultsarehighlystressed. The distances in this direction. Our model matches both sets of stations well separatingeach subeventand the time delay amongthem (Figure13). RiM [1978], however,wasnot ableto fit the later suggestit was not stressconcentrationat the end of one fault partof theSH waveat LPA, becausethe assumed directivity rupturethat triggeredthe next earthquake.Perhapsit was the towardthe southdrasticallycompresses the seismogram.Rial passageof the surfacewavesthat triggereddaischainreaction suggested that the last part of the seismogram,which couldnot of faulting. bematchedby a north-south fault, wasperhapsdueto a coupled It is interestingto point out that the great earthquakeof PL wave arriving "off-azimuth" after the SH. The sourcemodel 1812 that affectedan elongatedarea along the Boconofault derivedhere matches that part of the waveform at LPA (and from Caracasto Merida hasbeeninterpreted as consisting of PEL) without the need of invoking additional nonstandard two or more distincteventsalongthe plate margin[Kelleheret waves (Figure 13). Many of the changes in waveform al., 1973]. This is suggested by the fact that severalareasof interpreted by Rial [1978] as being due to the directivityof the sourceare caused by the changesin focal mechanism of the very high intensitynear the cities of Merida and Caracas,are third and fourth shocks. Notice that stations UNM, fault [Centeno-Grau, KIP and GOL, for example,lie very closeto the nodal plane of the SH wavein the focal sphere(Figure 12b). Thus small changesin thefocal mechanismshow up as large variationsin the amplitudeandpolarity of the radiatedSH waves. separatedby others showingonly slight damagealong the 1940; Fiedler, 1961; Kelleher et al., 1973]. Complex earthquakescomposedof several shocks breakingdifferent fault segmentsmay thereforebe character- isticof'thishighlyfaultedplateboundary. It is not possibleto determineon which fault the individual shocksof the 1967eventoccurred; offshoregeologyhasnot been mappedin this region of Venezuela.It appearsthat the sequenceof eventsformingthe Caracasearthquaketook place Strike-SlipFaulting Along the Plate Margin on faults that are part of the Moron-La Victoria fault system The results of the inversion presentedhere show that the (Figure 2), indicatingthat the relative plate motion between Caracasearthquakeoccurredon the complex systemof east- the Caribbeanandthe SouthAmericanplatesis accommodated DISCUSSION OF RESULTS SH waves CMC P waves LPA MAL R . .[ SN UNM TeL LUB •o R'•,ff• '."/" R '•• R •• SN .'"':.• -- SN SN .. . .: Fig. 13. Comparison betweenthe observed P andSH waveseismograms (solidlines)andtheoretical seismograms (dashed lines) producedby the fault model suggested by Rial [1978] (R) and by the modelproposed here (SN). Only several representative stations areshown.Because ourmomentestimate is differentfromRial's,we compare onlythe waveshapes andnottheabsolute amplitudes; theamplitudes of thetheoretical seismograms arescaledto matchthepowerin thewindow of the observed waveform. 17,472 SU•,REZANDN•d3•LEK:CARACAS EARTHQUAKE over a broadareaof deformation,insteadof beingconcentrated on a main throughgoing fault. The observationthat in this segmentof the plate boundary relative motionis accommodated over a large zoneof deformation is not surprising,consideringthat the right-lateral strike slip faults defining the plate margin to the east and to the southwestundergo a sharp change in strike (Figure 1). The location of the 1967 earthquakeis near the apex of the bend. The complex stressfield due to the bend probably causesthe complicated pattern of faulting observedin the north central coast of Venezuela, where faults of different type and orientation coexist with the dominant right-lateral strike-slip faults (Figure 2). The importantrole played by fault bendsin the initiation and and terminationof faulting has been stressedbefore [e.g., Aki, 1979; King and Ndb•lek, 1985; Barka and KadinskyCade, 1988]. The rupturesin individual earthquakesappearto be frequently limited to regions between bends in the fault trace, with bends acting as barriers to rupture propagation. This suggeststhat faulting initiated on the Boconoor on the Moron fault systems would not propagate around this curvature. Furthermore, the intense fault segmentationmay also limit the largest possiblesize of an earthquakein the region near the bend. Althoughthe evidencepresentedhere stronglysuggests that the 1967 Caracasearthquaketook place on a systemof faults oriented east-west, the other conjugate faults mapped in the area are also probablyseismogenic. In fact, the two relatively relativeto the Caribbean alongan azimuthof aboutN75ow. The compression producedby this relativeplatemotioncould accountfor this underthrusting. The reverse-faulting mechanism shownby the fault plane solutionof the fourth subevent suggests compressional deformation induced by the thrustzone to the north. The depthobtained(21 kin) would place the earthquakewithin the underthrustbasementof the VenezuelanBasin, southof the CuracaoTrough. Geometryof Faulting and Damageand IntensityReports Theepicenter of the second subevent liesnorthof Caracas, about 12 km offshore.This subeventwas the largestof thesequence(Table 4) with a magnitudeof 6.4 (Mw). The relocated epicenter of the largestaftershock is lessthan10 km away fromthissecond subevent, suggesting thattheaftershock may haveoccurredon the fault planeof the latter. The epicenter of thesecond subevent is verycloseto theareashowing the highest intensities. It appears that the damage observedin Caracas andin neighboring coastal townswasproduced mainly by thiseventandnot by the threeothereventsin the sequence whichareover50 km awayfromthe areaof largestdamage. More recently,RiaI [ 1984] has arguedthat the CaracasBasin acts as a lens focusing seismic energy in the Palos Grandes area of Caracas,where several buildings collapsed[e.g., Whitman, 1969]. His resultsimply that this caustic is formed when the seismic waves approachthe basin from the north. The secondsubeventin the seriesis located almost exactlyto the north of Caracas and would be capable of causing the focusingeffect suggested by Rial [1984] to partly explainthe localized damage in Caracas.Whatever the case, it is clear have occurred on NNW-SSE striking faults (anonymous Caracassits on a highly faulted plate boundary,and the 1967 reviewer,personalcommunication, 1989). This is a common earthquakeshows that even earthquakeswith moderate mayproduceintenselocalizeddamage. mode of deformationin a complextectonicenvironment. The magnitudes recent swarms in northcentral Venezuela, near towns of Los Teques(August1986)andAyagua(November1980),appearto recentSuperstition Hills earthquake in southern California, for example,occurred on two conjugate faults[e.g.,Buddingand Sharp, 1988;Johnson,1988;Hudnutet al., 1989].Moreover, the 1968 Borrego Mountain earthquake,also in southern California,producedsurfacerupturealongthe main strand CoyoteCreekfault, but the high seismicactivityprior and after the earthquake occurredalmostentirelyon crossfaults (M. Petersenet al., The interaction betweensecondary and SUMMARY The Caracasearthquakeof July 30, 1967, is one of the largesteventsto haveoccurredalongthe SouthAmericanand Caribbeanplate margin since the earthquakeof 1900. The ruptureprocess of the 1967earthquake is complex.The formal inversion of the P and SH waveforms shows the source is composedof at least four subeventsseparatedin time and space.The focal mechanismof the first three subevents manuscript in preparation, 1990).The NW to SE trending indicatestrike-slipfaulting at an averagedepth of 14 kin, master faults within the southern San Jacinto fault zone, faultsmapped in northcentralVenezuela (Figure2) should be, consistent with the relative motion between the South therefore,considered whenassessing the seismichazardof this American and Caribbean plates. These first three eventsare triggeredsequentially fromwestto east,in a directionsimilar highly populatedregion. to the strike of the E-W trending nodal plane of the source mechanism. This fact stronglysuggests thatrupturetookplace Compressional Deformation in theSouthern Caribbean The epicenter of the fourthsubevent lies about100 km on a systemof faults orientedeast-west. offshore of Caracas. The mechanismshows mainly reverse The fourtheventin the sequence showsreversefaultingat a faultingat a depthof 21 km (Figure11).Thisfourthshock is depth of 21 km and appearsto reflect compressional alongthe southern marginof the Caribbean plate. perhaps related to thecompressional deformation observed in deformation tectonicregimeto the northis the VenezuelaBasinbasementbeneaththe CuracaoRidge in Evidencefor a compressive of the the southern Caribbean [Talwani et al., 1977]. Seismic foundin seismicreflectiondatashowingunderthrusting Caribbean plate beneath South America near the Curacao Ridge reflection recordsshow evidenceof folding in Quaternary and the associated deformation of Quaternary sediments in the sediments alongthe CuracaoRidgeandin the LosRoques Basin offshoreVenezuela[Kellogand Bonini,1982;Ladd et Los RoquesBasin. The epicentraldistances of aftershocks recordedin Caracas al., 1984;Silveret al., 1975;Talwaniet al., 1977].Caseet al. dataobserved aftertheearthquake support the [1984]havenamed thisregion, containing asmuchas 10km andtheintensity east-west orientation of the fault system derived from the of deformed pelagicandturbidite sediments of Neogene age, inversion of bodywaves.Moreover, therelocated epicenter of the SouthernCaribbeanDeformed Belt. (m•,=4.4)thatoccurred 40 minafterthe Thepolesof rotation proposed byJordan[1975]andStein thelargestaftershock of the second et al. [1988]predictmotionof the SouthAmerican plate maineventlieswithin10 km of the epicenter SUXREZ ANDN,•B•_,LEK: CARACAS EARTHQUAKE 17,473 de la regi6nde Caracascon relaci6nal subeventof the mainshock.It appears that this large Fiedler, G., Estudiosismo16gico terremoto del 29 de julio de 1967, Bol. Inst. 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