The Undergraduate Council The Undergraduate Council represents the faculty on matters related to undergraduate education and serves in an advisory capacity to the Provost. Purpose: Propose, review and make recommendations on matters related to undergraduate education. Such matters may include, but are not limited to the following: Retention Graduation Curricula Campus learning objectives Policies and procedures New courses and degrees Membership: One elected member from each school/college with an undergraduate enrollment Two appointed members from the College of Arts and Sciences Two appointed members from the school with the second highest undergrad enrollment (2007 = Bloch). One representative appointed by the Dean of Libraries Ex-Officio members from Admissions and the School of Medicine All appointed members are subject to approval of the Faculty Senate The committee will be chaired by the Director, Honors Program. Elections: Members will be elected/appointed to three-year terms. In establishing the Council, the initial terms will be staggered so that future elections/appointments will involve approximately onethird of the members. Replacement of unexpired terms of office shall be appointed by the Provost. The newly appointed member will serve until the end of the unexpired term. The Council will meet on a regular basis throughout the academic year. [sent to Laura Gayle Green, Senate Secretary from Bruce Bubacz, Provost on 3/5/07]