Ledger Planning Ahead… Rosemount Elementary

Rosemount Elementary
Independent School District 196
September 2010
Leprechaun Ledger
——————–“Educating our students to reach their full potential”———————
Planning Ahead…
The Character Trait of the month throughout the City of
Rosemount and at Rosemount Elementary is RESPONSIBILTIY. This is a great focus for us as we begin the
2010-2011 school year. Each Wednesday during morning
announcements, I will share with our students, quotes
and lessons on responsibility.
♣ September 20th, “ Reading Rocks ” ,
Read a Thon starts!
♣ September 22nd, Wendy ’ s Night, 5:00-8:00 pm.
♣ September 24th, “ Sports Jersey Day ”
♣ September 30th, PICTURE DAY!
As students get older they have more responsibility at
school. Students are accountable for their words and
actions. They are responsible for completing work and
turning it in. Students are also responsible for doing
their very best and striving for excellence.
When students take responsibility for their own actions,
they learn that others can trust them. When people
break their promises and fail to do what they say they
would do, they let others down. Children who make excuses instead of amends keep making the same mistakes.
Admitting our mistakes and taking ownership of our actions is difficult. Honesty is an important component of
responsibility. When our children are responsible things
get done with quality, care and excellence. Let’s continue
to work together to instill the virtue of responsibility in
our children.
♣ October 5th, PTO Meeting, 6:00-7:30 pm.
♣ October 8th, Read a Thon ends.
♣ October 11th, School Board Mtg., Dakota Ridge, 6:00
♣ October 13th, Student Council Meeting, 8:50-9:10 am.
♣ October 18th, Read a Thon pledges are due.
♣ October 21-22, NO SCHOOL, Teacher ’ s Convention.
♣ October 25th, School Board Mtg., Dakota Ridge, 6:00
You cannot escape the responsibility of tomorrow
♣ October 27th, Wendy ’ s Night, 5-8 pm.
♣ October 28th, Costume Dance, 5:30-7:30
by evading it today.
Abraham Lincoln
This year we will be celebrating Rosemount Elementary’s 50th anniversary! If you are interested in volunteering on our celebration committee, please contact Tom
Idstrom at 651-423-7690 or tom.idstrom@district196.org
by September 30th. Thank you.
♣ October 29th, NO SCHOOL, Staff Development.
District 196 does not engage in unlawful discrimination on the basis of race, color, creed, religion, national origin, sex, marital status, disability, status with regard
to public assistance, sexual orientation or age. The School District Attorney, 14445 Diamond Path West, Rosemount, MN 55068, (651) 423-7883, has been designated to respond to inquiries regarding the non-discrimination policies, including inquiries under Title IX.
Rosemount Elementary School
Visit our Website - http://district196.org/re
Dear Parents and Guardians,
We are Tammy Buckley and Becky Pasch, the new volunteer Box Tops coordinator(s) at Rosemount Elementary.
Box Tops is all about the difference 1 can make. This year, our goal is to raise $8,000 to help meet the needs of our
school and ensure that your child gets the best education possible. Here are five easy, everyday ways you can help:
Clip — Clip the Box Top from hundreds of participating products and send them to school. Each one is worth 10¢ when
our school redeems them from Box Tops for Education.
Shop online — Shop at your favorite online stores through the Box Tops Marketplace® (boxtops4education.com/
marketplace). Up to 15% of your purchase total is automatically donated to our school, at no additional cost to you.
Plus, you’ll get exclusive Box Tops deals and discounts!
Read — Buy books online through the Reading RoomSM, a partnership between Box Tops and Barnes and Noble. Our
school receives up to 6% of qualifying purchases.
My Class Essentials™ –– This is a free online registry to help classrooms get the learning tools they need. Our school
earns a 2% cash donation with every purchase.
Sign up –– It’s easy and free. Sign up to support our school at boxtops4education.com, where you can:
See how much our school is earning with Box Tops
Enter online promotions for chances to win Bonus Box Tops and other prizes
Print money-saving coupons for your favorite Box Tops brands
Make mealtime easier with family-pleasing recipes
You can also sign up for Box Tops email newsletters that will keep you updated on the program, and for Marketplace
newsletters with Box Tops members-only deals and discounts.
To learn more, visit boxtops4education.com—and thanks for choosing to make a difference for our school with Box
Tammy & Becky, Box Tops Coordinator(s)
Use of e-mail at Rosemount Elementary School:
We value effective communication at our school. The use of e-mail has increased over the last few years. Most of our staff members do not
have their e-mail accounts open during the school day while they are working with students. As stated in our handbook: The staff at RES
have an agreement to reply to e-mails within two school days. If your need to communicate with a staff member is urgent, please call the
school office (651-423-7690) and we will relay your message to the appropriate person.
Rosemount Elementary School
Visit our Website - http://district196.org/re
Our school provides school social work
services to students and families. The
purpose of these services is to help students overcome barriers to learning, and
to reach their highest academic potential. These services
can include individual counseling to students, support
groups, and parent meetings/consultation.
Social Work Services may include a variety of concerns,
Family Change/Divorce
Grief and Loss
Friendship/Social Skills
Depression and Anger Management
Hello from your 2010-2011 PTO
My name is Sabrina Powers and
I am the parent of Jenna (4th)
and Alyssa (K). I am looking
forward to be a part of the Rosemount Elementary PTO as the school celebrates
their 50th anniversary.
After much success with the Reading Rocks
Read-a-Thon last year we are going to continue
with the no selling of “stuff” and rely fully on the
Reading Rocks fundraiser. The money raised
will support media, technology, and student programs which the PTO supports on an ongoing
basis at Rosemount Elementary. Reading Rocks
Participation Forms will be in your 9/17 Friday
Folders. The Reading Rocks packets will be
sent home 9/20.
Our Fall Support Groups will be starting in a few weeks.
If you would like your child referred to one of these
groups, or would like individual services or more information, please contact our School Social Worker, Susan
Piepgras, at (651) 423-7634, or Susan.Piepgras@district196.org.
Our next PTO meeting is Tuesday October 5th
from 6-7:30pm in the media center. PTO meetings are open to all parents. Child care is provided during the meetings. Join us in helping make
2010-2011 an exciting and successful year at
Rosemount Elementary.
I can be reached at tsjpowers@charter.net or
612 919-1628 with any questions.
My name is Patty Grunklee and I am the Volunteer Coordinator. I hope everyone has a great school year! Rosemount Elementary School volunteers are concerned, caring people who work together with the teachers and staff
to enhance the education of our students. Monthly, I
recognize and thank those volunteers for their time and
efforts. I am also the person behind most of the Friday
Folder notices and emails requesting help. Please review
these requests carefully since without volunteers, many
of our programs would not be possible.
One such request is for the RES fall fundraiser, the
Reading Rocks Read-a-thon. September 20th is the kickoff. There is a need for volunteers to collect forms, verify minutes read, count money, and distribute prizes, as
well as other tasks. If you are interested in helping,
please contact me.
Patty Grunklee
RES Volunteer Coordinator
RESVolunteer@gmail.com, 651423-7215
Rosemount Elementary School
Rosemount Elementary 2010-2011
PTO President
Sabrina Powers
Reminder: RES collects the caps from
milk jugs that are labeled by Land-OLakes, Kemps & Milk-Moola (Kwik Trip).
That’s 5 cents per cap! Please drop
them off in the big white box outside
of the office, right under Mr. Idstrom’s
window. Thanks!
Visit our Website - http://district196.org/re
Notes from our school nurse,
Mrs. Jeanne Fifield:
Asthma and School
Asthma symptoms and complications peak in
Minnesota in the fall. This pattern has been
consistent since 1998, the earliest year for
which MDH (Minnesota Dept. of Health) has
data on asthma hospitalization trends.
Though there is no single, proven reason for
this peak, it is believed to be influenced by
respiratory infections and increased pollen
and mold counts.
Parents of children with asthma can do many
things to prevent hospitalizations:
Schedule a "well-asthma" visit with their
child's health care provider to review
their asthma management plan.
Obtain an up-to-date Asthma Action Plan
from the health care provider and give
copies to the school. The Asthma
Action Plan should be signed by
both parent and physician.
Make sure the child has asthma rescue
medications and holding chambers at
home and school. Prescription
medication including inhalers must be
labeled by the pharmacy.
Keeping Students with Food Allergies
Safe at RES
There are several students at RES with severe
peanut and/or tree nut (almonds, cashews, pecans,
macadamia, walnuts, pistachios, hazel nuts) allergy.
These allergies are potentially life threatening.
We are asking for your assistance in providing students with nut allergies a safe learning environment here at Rosemount Elementary School.
Foods with peanut/tree nuts are allowed in our
school but we request they only be eaten in the
lunchroom where the tables are cleaned after each
use and students are encouraged to wash hands
prior to returning to class.
This is what you can do at home:
Make sure your child’s hands and face are
cleaned and hands are washed prior to coming to
school. Especially if nuts are eaten. This will prevent nut residue from being transferred to playground equipment, door handles, library books etc.
Minimize the child's exposure to things
that trigger asthma, such as dust
mites, secondhand smoke, mold, and
pet dander.
Discuss with your student that they should
never share food with other students. Nuts are
hidden in many food items. For instance, many students with nut allergies can not eat bakery items
as they are contaminated with nut residue.
Schedule a flu-shot appointment with the
child's health care provider. Many
clinics already have flu vaccine.
Discuss with your student the importance of washing hands after eating snacks or lunch that contain
Grades 1-5 will be practicing for the fitness
run at school. Students with asthma should
be able to participate in all fitness activities
at school. Please call the School Nurse,
Jeanne Fifield, at 651-423-7692 to discuss
your child’s asthma needs.
For more information about food allergies, contact
The Food Allergy Network www.foodallergy.org.or
the Jeanne Fifield, RN, School Nurse, at 651-4237692.
Rosemount Elementary School
Visit our Website - http://district196.org/re