Rosemount Elementary
Independent School District 196
December 2010
Leprechaun Ledger
——————–“Educating our students to reach their full potential”———————
30 for 30 Project at RES:
An idea for a 2011 New Year’s Resolution
December 2- 6:30-7:00 pm.
Grade 2 Music Program
7:30-8:00 pm. Grade 4 Music Prog.
December 3- End of 1st Trimester
December 6-10: Food for Families/Armful
of Love all Week
December 7-Band Practice, 8:00 am.
December 9-Band Concert, 7:00pm.
December 10-Report Cards go home
December 14-Band Practice, 8:00 am.
December 21-Band Practice, 8:00 am.
December 22-Last Day for After School
December 24-January 2-Winter Break,
January 3, 2011-School Resumes
Have you been thinking about volunteering or supporting a community organization? Please consider
starting out 2011 by volunteering for an hour a
week at Rosemount Elementary School. The 30 for
30 Project is an initiative to recruit 30 community
volunteers for a total of 30 hours a week.
Volunteers are needed for student academic support in reading and math. We will train you on specific strategies to work with one or two students
at a time.
We are committed to make sure that we are meeting the individual needs of all of our students. Due
to recent budget cuts, we are experiencing larger
class sizes and less remedial support. We will use
your time and talents to help support the academic
needs of our students at Rosemount Elementary.
Volunteers are needed to support students between 9:45-11:45 and 1:30-3:30. Please contact
Tom Idstrom, principal, at 651-423-7690 or
tom.idstrom@district196.org if you would like to
be involved with the 30 for 30 Project.
Have a Great
Winter Break
And a
Happy New Year !
Tom Idstrom
District 196 does not engage in unlawful discrimination on the basis of race, color, creed, religion, national origin, sex, marital status, disability, status with regard
to public assistance, sexual orientation or age. The School District Attorney, 14445 Diamond Path West, Rosemount, MN 55068, (651) 423-7883, has been designated to respond to inquiries regarding the non-discrimination policies, including inquiries under Title IX.
Rosemount Elementary School
Visit our Website - http://district196.org/re
I would like to thank everyone that
has supported PTO so far this
year! Reading Rocks was a great
success, the students raised $22,000
and read over 257,000 minutes! The
clothing drive and Girl Scout Troop
52299 drive were also a great success.
All of the clothing items were donated to CAP agency
here in Rosemount. They really appreciated the donation. I would like to thank Ramona Murphy for taking the
items to CAP. Barnes & Noble night was great, thank
you Laura Hecht for organizing the event! The kids loved
listening to Rosemount Elementary staff read some of
their favorite books. Barnes & Noble and Cub Foods
SCRIP cards are still available in the office. Checks can
be made out to RES PTO. For more information about
SCRIP please contact Laurie Johnson at 952 913-7029
or johnss2@aol.com.
There is no PTO meeting scheduled for December. Our
next meeting is Tuesday January 4th. Daycare will be
Thank you,
Sabrina Powers
Rosemount Elementary 2010-2011 PTO President
612 919-1628 or tsjpowers@charter.net.
District Inventors Fair needs Volunteers !
It’s time for the annual Inventors Fair! Each year the
District has an Inventors Fair where students can display
their new ideas or improvements for a wide assortment of
problems. This year we have a large amount of students
participating (55) which is terrific! Each participating
school needs to provide a judge for every three students
who are entered, so if you are interested in helping in this
way please contact Mr. Boyd. Parents of third graders,
judging is a great way to get a good understanding of inventor’s fair participation for your future 4th and 5th
graders. This year’s District Inventors Fair is January
15th at Eagan High School. Judges would need to be there
at a maximum of 7-11 am depending on if you have been a
judge in the past and when you finish. Please contact Mr.
Boyd if you are interested. 651-423-7690 or voice mail
651-683-6969 extension 92128 or e-mail him at
My Child is Ill, What Do I Do?
Parents and schools share a common
goal in wanting children to remain
healthy and in school. Healthy students are better
learners. Again this year, MDH (Minnesota Department of Health) is asking schools to report outbreaks
of influenza-like illness (ILI). Please remember to call
the school attendance line at 651-683-6969 ext.
92101 if your child will be absent. Please specify the
reason for the absence, especially if they have a
fever over 100 plus a cough and/or sore throat. It
is preferred that parents call the attendance line to report absences rather than the main office so that the
main phone line remains open. Remember to keep
your child home for at least 24 hours after his or her
fever is gone without fever reducing medication like
ibuprofen or Tylenol.
Remember students with ILI should NEVER be given
Please call Jeanne Fifield, RN, LSN, School Nurse,
at 651-423-7692 if your child is diagnosed with a
contagious illness such as, chicken pox, influenza,
strep throat etc. More information and guidelines can
be found in the school calendar and the School Nurse
webpage regarding common childhood illnesses.
Thursday, December 9th
7:00-7:30 pm.
Band students should report to the gym at
6:30 pm to warm-up for the concert.
Use of e-mail at Rosemount Elementary School:
We value effective communication at our school. The use of e-mail has increased over the last few years. Most of our staff members do not
have their e-mail accounts open during the school day while they are working with students. As stated in our handbook: The staff at RES
have an agreement to reply to e-mails within two school days. If your need to communicate with a staff member is urgent, please call the
school office (651-423-7690) and we will relay your message to the appropriate person.
Rosemount Elementary School
Visit our Website - http://district196.org/re
$$$$$ FOR RES!
Dear Rosemount Families:
Thank you to those of you who ordered SCRIP gift
cards this time. It helped to raise a little over $230
for the school. Just think of the amount we could
have raised if more families would participate.
When you purchase SCRIP gift cards, you are purchasing gift cards that are used just like cash to pay
for everyday expenses like groceries, clothing, gas,
and eating out. With every purchase a small percentage is earned in revenue for the school. It is so easy!
I encourage every one to visit the website to see the
vast number of retailers. There are many gift ideas
and stocking stuffers included in SCRIP. The next
chance to order will be sent out in Friday folders December 3rd. The orders will be due on December 10th
and come on the 17th. This is just in time for the holidays. If you can just buy one card, every little bit
helps, and you did not have to sell a thing.
Check out shopwithscrip.com and sign up to become
a member! Thanks again and everyone have a safe
holiday season.
Laurie Johnson
SCRIP coordinator
952-913-7029 or johnss2@aol.com
Under the Federal No Child Left Behind law parents have the right
to ask for certain information about their child’s classroom teachers,
and requires the District to give parents this information in a timely
manner if they ask for it. Specifically, parents have the right to ask
for the following information about each of their child’s classroom
Whether the Department of Education has licensed or qualified the
teacher for the grades and subjects he or she teaches. Whether the
Department of Education has decided that the teacher can teach in a
classroom without being licensed or qualified under state regulations
because of special circumstances. The teacher’s college major;
whether the teacher has any advanced degrees and, if so, the subject of the degrees.
If you would like to receive any of this information, please call Tom
Pederstuen, Director of Human Resources at 651.423.7859.
Rosemount Elementary School
I hope everyone had a pleasant Thanksgiving break. And now that we’re approaching the end of 2010, may this
holiday season bring you and your family
joy and peace!
I have another list of volunteers to recognize this month,
but I’d also like to thank all the parents who help out at
Rosemount Elementary. Because of you, our school is a
much better place for all the students and staff.
A big thanks goes to Michele Pamplin and the parents who
organized and worked to make this year’s Turkey Bingo
such a fun event. It was great to see all the gobbling in
the hallways!
Thank you to Sarah Rothstein and her helpers for coordinating Picture Re-take day.
Thanks also to Laura Hecht for organizing Barnes and Noble Night to raise money for Rosemount Elementary.
Thank you to the RES staff who took time to come to Apple Valley and read to the children.
I want to thank Sabrina Powers and Mary Jane Schneider
for helping me with the bulletin boards. There’s more to
it than you think!
Patty Grunklee
RES Volunteer Coordinator
RESVolunteer@gmail.com, 651-423-7215
Winter Time Reminders
Warm coats, snow pants, gloves/mittens,
boots and a warm hat are necessary for
recess once the snow falls. Students who
do not have snow pants and boots will need
to stay on the blacktop area of the playground during recess.
The district has stated that when temperatures dip below
0 degrees and/or windchill is below 0 degrees, students
will stay inside for recess. Activity and exercise is an
important part of our school day, we will go outside for
recess when the weather permits. Students will need a
doctor’s note in order to stay inside for recess when
their class is going outside.
One last reminder: Help your child to
remember to pack their shoes if they
wear boots to school. There have been
a lot of students with extra warm feet
during the school day as they wear their
boots inside due to shoes left at home.
Let it snow!
Visit our Website - http://district196.org/re
Book Fair Update
A HUGE Thank You to everyone who helped volunteer to work at the fall Book Fairs. The night of monster mash was a great success and over conferences we
went through a tremendous amount of books. We gave
away over $2,000 in free books to “Reading Rocks”
A special Thank You to the following for helping work
Thanksgiving!Itisnicetotaketimeandrea shift: Julie Salak, Amy Proshek, Maggie Riley,
Veronica Browning, Lori Kalata, Nancy Asmus, Carol
Smith, Jill Ott, Amy Dwyer, Jennifer Heim and Lisa
Thank You!
Rosemount Elementary School
We only have one week left in the fall competition, and only need 6,000 more to meet our
goal of 35,000! The money this program
raises will be used to purchase equipment
for the classrooms. During the last week of
the competition why not ask neighbors or coworkers to check and see what they might
have. And then encourage them to continue
saving them for our next competition. Check
out the website
www.boxtops4education.com, for special offers on boxtop productions, contests to earn
extra boxtops and online deals.
Armful of Love
December 6-10
Everyone is invited to donate nonperishable food items for local families
in need. Items can be dropped off in the
school link area. Gift cards are also welcome.
Thank you in advance for your generosity.
Happy Holidays!
Visit our Website - http://district196.org/re