Ledger Rosemount Elementary

Rosemount Elementary
Independent School District 196
November 2009
Leprechaun Ledger
——————–“Educating our students to reach their full potential”———————
The November word of the month throughout Rosemount is GRATITUDE.
In the United States, November presents us with some events when we can reflect on the opportunities that we have living in this country. On Tuesday, November 3rd we can exercise our democratic
rights by voting for elected officials. Later in the month we celebrate with feasts, family and friends
for all that we are thankful for. Each of these days can be attributed to our founding leaders and to
those who have protected our country through their service in the military.
Veterans Day is November 11th. On this day we honor all of those who have served our country in the
Armed Forces and National Guard. At Rosemount Elementary one of the activities we will do to honor
our veterans is to create a Wall of Honor in our media center hallway. Last week in your child’s Friday
Folder there was a letter from me giving directions on how to complete a form to salute a veteran in
our school display. Please take time to work on this as a family to discuss its importance and value.
With Gratitude,
November 19th
Second Grade:
6:30-7:00 pm
Fourth Grade:
7:30-8:00 pm
District 196 does not engage in unlawful discrimination on the basis of race, color, creed, religion, national origin, sex, marital status, disability, status with regard
to public assistance, sexual orientation or age. The School District Attorney, 14445 Diamond Path West, Rosemount, MN 55068, (651) 423-7883, has been designated to respond to inquiries regarding the non-discrimination policies, including inquiries under Title IX.
Rosemount Elementary School
Visit our Website - http://district196.org/re
Memo from the Media Center
I would like to thank all those families who
donated books for the used book sale. The students had a
wonderful time buying their books. We will be having another “Used Book” sale in February during “I love to read”
month. You can send in your donations of used books anytime during the school year.
Mrs. Schletty was one of the winners of the latest Jan
Brett contest. She won a copy of the book Jan Brett’s
Snowy Treasure. The book contains four stories of Jan
Brett’s snowy book adventures. Congratulations!
Notes from the School Nurse...
I am very proud of the job our students are doing with
washing hands and covering coughs with tissue or sleeve.
Please continue to model and encourage these behaviors
both at school and home. If you have been watching the
news you are already aware that Influenza like illness (ILI)
(fever of 100 or greater with cough and/or sore throat) is
widespread in the state of Minnesota. Each day I receive
many questions regarding whether a child should come to
school or stay home. Please use the following guidelines
each day to determine if your child should stay home:
If your child has had a temperature of 100 or higher with a
cough and/or sore throat they should stay home.
Do not return to school until fever-free for 24 hours without
the use of fever reducing medication such as ibuprofen,
Motrin or Tylenol.
For many children who develop influenza it will take 5-7
days before they feel well enough to participate in school.
Please remember to call the school attendance line at
651-683-6969 ext. 92102 if your child will be absent.
Please specify the reason for the absence. It is preferred
that parents call the attendance line to report absences rather
than the main office so that the main phone line remains open.
Minnesota Department of Health (MDH) recently set up a
Fluline to answer questions about the influenza @866-2594655. In addition, there is accurate up to date information
on the MDH website at: www.health.state.mn.us.
Volunteers are needed to read with students who
may need additional support with reading. Hours and
days are flexible. A commitment of once a week for
30 minutes is needed. This is during regular school
hours 9:30-3:30. Math support is also needed.
Orientation and information will be provided. If you
are interested, contact mia.olsen@district196.org or
call her voice mail 651-683-6969 ext. 92158
We would like to welcome the following new students to
Rosemount Elementary:
Nathaniel Weesner- 4th Mrs. Grace
Jada Jones- 4th Mrs. Young
Georgia Jones- 5th Mrs. Gruhn
Destiny Madison-5th Mrs. Gruhn
And say good-bye to students who are leaving RES:
Vanessa Korotchuk- Mrs. Hunt
Carter Soberg- 1st Mrs. Stangl
Zachary Phillips-1st Mrs. Slingerland
Benjamin Phillips- Ms. Konop
Volunteer Corner
My name is Patty Grunklee and I am the new Volunteer
Coordinator at RES. I will be writing a monthly section
to recognize parent volunteers who help out during this
school year.
I’d like to start by thanking all those who have helped
with the Reading Rocks Read-a-thon. The students not
only raised money for the different activities and technology for the school, but they read lots of books. Who
doesn’t like that combination? This is our main fundraiser so there will no longer be kids selling “stuff.”
Thanks to the parents who collected forms, taped pledge
coupons on the walls and counted the money.
Picture Day went very smoothly thanks to the help of
our volunteers. Thanks to Kendra Saal for coordinating
this event. Picture re-take day is November 4th.
The Book Fair was enjoyed by all and especially by the
students who got book vouchers as a Read-a-thon prize.
Thanks to Jennifer Heim for all her efforts.
The staff enjoyed yummy food for their Conference
dinners thanks to Patty Zellman who organized this
event. Thanks to all the parents who either provided
food or donated money.
Thanks for volunteering!
Patty Grunklee, RES Volunteer Coordinator Rosemount Elementary School
Visit our Website - http://district196.org/re
Dear Rosemount Elementary Families:
I am pleased to share some exciting news about a fundraising program we have successfully tried. It is called
“SCRIP”, and it’s the fundraising program that works while you shop for everyday things.
SCRIP is a word that means “substitute money” – in other words, scrip is gift certificates from national and
local retailers. They are the same gift certificates that you buy at the store. Many popular retailers participate
in our scrip program including, Starbucks, Cub, Pizza Hut, Wendy’s, Kohl’s, Barnes and Noble, and many
Scrip participating retailers agree to sell gift certificates to our organization at a discount. Member families
like yours buy the certificates at full face value, they redeem them for full face value, and our school keeps the
difference as revenue.
You get a powerful fundraising alternative that involves NO SELLING…
The beauty of SCRIP is that you put your regular household shopping dollars to work. Just spend your regular
shopping dollars with scrip at the stores that participate in the scrip program! SCRIP can be used for just
about any household purchase including food, clothing, entertainment, gas, and dining out.
October 28 – Information in the Friday Folders
November 6th – Order forms and the Enrollment Code in Friday Folders
November 13th –Orders Due
November 20th – Orders can be picked up in the school office
Thanks for your support !
*****preview the website at www.shopwithscrip.com
Laurie Johnson, SCRIP Coordinator, (952) 913 – 7029 or johnss2@aol.com
You can still order Innisbrook
Rosemount Elementary School
Visit our Website - http://district196.org/re
Nutrition News Flash
Friendly Reminders
The school year is underway and with it comes nutritious, kid
appealing school breakfast and lunch menus. We want to remind parents and care givers to look at the monthly menus for
signs like the # sign or the * sign that gives special information about food items offered.
Daylight Savings Time Ends This Sunday, November 1st.
After School Classes Session one,
Starts Monday, November 2nd.
Picture Re-Take Day, Wednesday, November 4th.
Signs to watch for on the school menu are:
# means the food may contain peanuts
* means the food contains pork
~ means grams of carbohydrates
Typed in bold is the entrée for the day
Parents can help food and nutrition services employees to
better serve their children when you let us know if your child
has a religious preference to some foods or has an allergy or a
food intolerance. Our goal is to keep children safe while at
school and provide them with a safe meal.
“Local lunch” brings locally sourced food to the children in the
lunchroom. In September the children had fresh, local corn
on the cob and mashed sweet potatoes. In October, the chil♣
dren had a local Minnesota grown hot dog and Pepin Heights
honey crisp apples. In November, the children will have butternut squash on the menu.
Good nutrition begins with a good breakfast. Dietitians know
that a good breakfast helps children learn and learning is
what we want the most for our students here in district 196.
Whether or not you eat breakfast at school or at home, make
sure you eat cereal or an enriched carbohydrate source with
low fat dairy and combine that with some lean protein and
fruit juice or fresh fruit. Students receiving free or reduced ♣
meal benefits are welcome to have a free breakfast. Please
don’t miss out!
FREE Parent Education Conference at
Eastview High School,
Saturday, November 7th.
PTO Meeting, Tuesday, November 10th,
6:00 pm.
Student Council Mtg., Wednesday November 11th, 8:50 am.
Human Growth & Development Curriculum Parent Mtg. Thursday, November
12th, 7:00 pm.
1st Grade Field Trip to the Children’s
Theatre, Tuesday, November 17th.
Music Programs- Thursday,
November 19th: 2nd Grade @ 6:30,
4th Grade @ 7:30 pm.
Wendy’s Night: Wed. Nov. 25th, 5-8 pm.
NO SCHOOL-Thanksgiving Break:
Thursday & Friday, November
26th & 27th.
Enjoy Your Break ! ! !
Rosemount Elementary School
Visit our Website - http://district196.org/re