Rosemount Elementary September 2011 Independent School District 196 Leprechaun Ledger ——————–“Educating our students to reach their full potential”——————— Reading Rocks Fundraiser “Kick-Off “ September 16th ! Look for the packet in the Friday Folders that day. Our goal this year is to raise $25,000. (If we do, Mr. Idstrom will sleep on the roof of the school again!) There are fantastic prizes for collecting pledges and donations. Names will also be drawn randomly throughout the read-a-thon for prizes. Welcome to Rosemount Elementary School! We are off to a great start to the new school year. It is great to see students throughout the school learning, working and playing. It is an exciting time for our children and staff. Over the last few days I have had the opportunity to meet in classrooms and in a large assembly to discuss student responsibilities at Rosemount Elementary School with each of our students. The three responsibilities that we discussed are to: Learn Classroom competitions will take place for the most minutes read. Make sure to keep track of your minutes and help your classroom win new books and EXTRA RECESS! All of the money raised goes to our school to fund programs and lyceums, like the all-school field trip to the Ordway, and to fund media and technology for our classrooms, like the SmartBoards. With the past success of this fundraiser, we have been able to eliminate the need for our kids to sell products from a third party. We need EVERYONE'S help to make this continue! If you have questions or would like to volunteer to help out, please contact: Sarah Rothstein at or Patty Grunklee at Be Safe Be Respectful Rosemount Elementary School has a great tradition for being a friendly, safe and nurturing school community where students learn at a high level. We will continue to build on these responsibilities in order to continue that 50 year tradition. Please consider subscribing to our electronic RES Listserv which can be found on our website. We use the Listserv to communicate timely information about our school and our Parent Teacher Organization. Look for the RES Listserv icon at On September 16th, we have the kick off for our ReadA-Thon. Students will bring home a packet that will outline how the Read-A-Thon works. I encourage you to participate and support our PTO this year. I look forward to a terrific year! Tom District 196 does not engage in unlawful discrimination on the basis of race, color, creed, religion, national origin, sex, marital status, disability, status with regard to public assistance, sexual orientation or age. The School District Attorney, 14445 Diamond Path West, Rosemount, MN 55068, (651) 423-7883, has been designated to respond to inquiries regarding the non-discrimination policies, including inquiries under Title IX. Rosemount Elementary School Visit our Website - Hi,I'mNeilBuesing,your 2011-2012PTOPresident.I have3kids,Aidan(6thgrader),Chase(4thgrader),and Kate(3yearsold). ThePTOprovidesanexcellent wayforparentstogetinvolvedandimprove thequalityofeducationforourkidsgoingto RosemountElementary.The1irstwaytoget involvedisbyhavingyourkidsbepartofthe ReadingRocksRead-a-thonfundraiser,which startsonSeptember19th.Moreinformation willbeprovidedintheSeptember16thFriday Folders. RosemountElementaryPTOnowhasitsown website.Whilethiswillstillbereachable fromwithintheschool'swebsite,itcanalso beaccesseddirectlyat: ThereasonforseparatingoutthePTOwebsite fromtheschool'swebsiteistoallowPTO memberstokeepthesiteupdatedw/outimpactingtheschoolstaff.Doingthiswillprovidemore1lexibilityforthePTOtoshareand communicatewithparents.Whilecontactinformationandcalendararecurrentlyupto date,activityinformationwillcontinueto growintotheschoolyear.Ifyouarefeeling somethingshouldbeaddedtoourweb-site, pleasecontactme. ThenextPTOmeetingisTuesdayOctober4th from6-7:30pmattheschool;allparentsare invitedandchildcareisprovided.Pleasecontactmeatpresident@REpto.orgorat 651.343.4386withanyquestions. RosemountElementary2011-2012 PTOPresident,NeilBuesing HELP US EARN CASH FOR OUR SCHOOL!! Dear parents and families: Our school participates in three programs collecting milk caps. The top grossing program is the Milk Moola program from Kwik Trip right here in Rosemount. The school earns a nickel for every cap and bag top you turn in. The other two programs are Kemps Nickels For School and Land O Lakes. On many of Kemps dairy products, there are proof of purchase symbols located on the side panels of the products, which you can cut out and turn in, as well. It is such an easy way to earn a little extra cash for things like books, supplies, school trips, and new equipment. Children can bring the caps, bag tops, and proof of purchase symbols anytime. We can receive cash payments monthly, so there is no need to save them up at home. Bring them into the collections box outside of the office, so we can start benefiting from the cash right away. Please call me if you have any questions or concerns. Milk Cap Coordinator Laurie Johnson (952) 913-7029 DATES: 6th-First Day of School. 8th- PTO Meeting, 6:00 pm. 19th- “Reading Rocks” Read-a-Thon Starts! 19th- First Day of After School Classes. 23rd- Sports Jersey Day. 28th-Wendy’s Night, 5:00-8:00 pm. 29th- PICTURE DAY ! Use of e-mail at Rosemount Elementary School: We value effective communication at our school. The use of e-mail has increased over the last few years. Most of our staff members do not have their e-mail accounts open during the school day while they are working with students. As stated in our handbook: The staff at RES have an agreement to reply to e-mails within two school days. If your need to communicate with a staff member is urgent, please call the school office (651-423-7690) and we will relay your message to the appropriate person. Rosemount Elementary School Visit our Website - Keeping Students Safe and Healthy at RES During September the number of clinic and hospital visits due to asthma peaks in Minnesota. Though there is no single, proven reason for this peak, it is believed to be influenced by respiratory infections and increased pollen and mold counts. If your child has asthma and has an inhaler and/or neb at home please be sure one is also available at school. Written authorization from the parent and doctor are needed for inhalers or any other medication taken at school. The fitness fun run is coming up and students will be practicing and it’s important everyone is prepared. Please call Jeanne Fifield, School Nurse, to discuss your child’s asthma needs at 651423-7692. There are several students at RES with severe peanut and/or tree nut (almonds, cashews, pecans, macadamia, walnuts, pistachios, hazel nuts) allergy. These allergies are potentially life threatening. We are asking for your assistance in providing a safe learning environment for all students at Rosemount Elementary School. Foods with peanut/tree nuts are allowed in our school but we request they only be eaten in the lunchroom where the tables are cleaned after each use and students are encouraged to wash hands prior to returning to class. This is what you can do at home: Encourage your child to wash their hands prior to coming to school. Especially if nuts are eaten. This will prevent nut residue from being transferred to playground equipment, door handles, library books etc. Discuss with your student that they should never share food with other students. Nuts are hidden in many food items. For instance, many students with nut allergies should not eat bakery items as they are contaminated with nut residue. Box Top Update!!! Last year was very successful for the program here at RES. Throughout the school year we collected a little over 73,000 tops!!!! The money we earned went to purchase 6 document cameras for classrooms. These camera’s will make it easier for all students in the classroom to view something as the teacher can project it on the smart board instead of having the students huddle around what they are trying to look at. This year we are setting a goal to collect 85,000 tops which will earn the school $8,500.00. The money will be used to purchase add on tools for the SMART boards we have. These hand held devices will allow the teachers to ‘check-in’ with their students after covering a topic. They can design a series of questions that the kids can use the device to answer the question. This will give the teacher immediate feedback as to level of understanding of the students. Our first competition starting in October will be Blasting Off with Box Tops!! We will have a bulletin board between the office and the cafeteria to track our progress. Watch for more updates as we get closer, until then keep saving and asking others to help us out as well. Parent’s did you know that at you can print coupons, see what products are offering ‘bonus’ box tops and enter contests to win extra tops as well. This is also the site you access to earn eboxtops when making purchases on line. The next time you are out surfing the web stop by this site and check it out. If you have any ideas on how to make our program better please contact and we will get back to you. For more information about food allergies, contact The Food Allergy Network at Jeanne Fifield, RN, LSN Rosemount Elementary School Nurse 651-423-7692 or, Rosemount Elementary School Here’s to a great 2011- 2012 year!!! Maggie Riley & Becky Pasch The Box Top Ladies! Visit our Website - SCHOOL SOCIAL WORK SERVICES Our school provides school social work services to students and families. The purpose of these services is to help students overcome barriers to learning, and to reach their highest academic potential. In addition to facilitating classroom presentations, these services include individual counseling to students, support groups, parent meetings and community resources/referrals. Support Groups and Individual Social Work Services may include a variety of concerns, including: Family Change/Divorce Grief and Loss Friendship/Social Skills/Anti-bullying Skills Anxiety Depression and Anger Management Our Fall Support Groups will be starting in a few weeks. If you would like your child referred to one of these groups, or would like individual services and/or additional information, please contact: School Social Worker, Susan Piepgras, at (651) 423-7634 or AFTER SCHOOL CLASSES: Sept. 19th - Oct. 13th Registration forms sent home Friday, Sept. 9th, and are DUE: MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 12th Class confirmations will go home Friday, September 16th. *Bus transportation for this “mini” session will not be available.* Rosemount Elementary School My name is Patty Grunklee, and I am the Volunteer Coordinator and mother of 2 RES and 2 RMS students. This is my 3rd year assisting the Parent Teacher Organization (PTO), and I am excited for this new school year which should be full of learning and fun. Rosemount Elementary volunteers are concerned, caring people who give of their time and talents to enhance students’ education and to provide help during PTO activities. Each month, I plan to recognize and thank as many of those volunteers as I can for their efforts. I also will be sending Friday Folder notices and emails to request volunteers to help with activities that happen during the day or after school. Please review these requests carefully and consider giving your time since many of our programs would not be possible without your help. My first request is for volunteers for the RES fall fundraiser, The Reading Rocks Reada-thon, which kicks-off on September 16th. Consider helping with collecting forms, checking minutes read, counting money, and/ or giving out prizes. If you are interested in helping or have questions, contact me. Patty Grunklee Rosemount Elementary Volunteer Coordinator Volunteer Corner WELCOME BACK TO ROSEMOUNT ELEMENTARY FOR ANOTHER GREAT SCHOOL YEAR ! Visit our Website - Easy ways to help raise money for RES Below are some easy ways you can help RES raise extra funds this school year. This year’s collection theme is all about “one more.” We are encouraging every RES family to reach out to a family member, friend, co-worker or neighbor and ask them to help us collect the following items. Save your milk caps!!!! Send these along to school with your children. The collection box is right outside the office. Target Shopping – Consider signing up for a red card through Target, then select RES as the school to support, through their website. Whether you get a credit or debit card, 1% of what you spend will be given to RES as a donation. Our goal for this year is to receive $4,000 from this program. This is double of what we received last year!! Campbell’s Labels for Education – Collect these from Campbell items and send along to school with your child. We have a collection box for these outside of the office also. REMEMBER: PICTURE DAY IS THURSDAY, SEPT. 29 Bring your smile ! FITNESS FUN RUN… Grades 1-5 Wednesday, October 5th At the Rosemount High School Track Volunteers wanted! If interested contact Kathi Engebretson 651-683-6969, ext. 92122 or at Alternate dates in case of bad weather will be October 6 and 7. New Volunteer Information Form Required by School District... Attached to this newsletter is the new ISD196 Volunteer Information Form. If you think you may be interested in volunteering at all this year, please fill it out and return to school. You will receive a copy of the new District Procedure Guidelines for Volunteers. We appreciate our RES Volunteers very much! Thank You! Rosemount Elementary School Visit our Website -