FOURTH GRADE HANDBOOK Rosemount Elementary School

Rosemount Elementary School
(Please keep for your reference)
Welcome to fourth grade! We look forward to an excellent year of learning.
Here is the information you will need to help make this an outstanding year.
If you need to talk with your child’s teacher, it is best to call the school between
8:00 and 9:00 a.m. or after the children leave at 3:45 P.M. You may also leave a
message for them on their voice mail or e-mail system. Please remember that
messages that require a same day response should be handled by calling the
school office at 651-423-7690 and leave your message with a school secretary.
Voice Mail number: (651) 683-6969
Zachary Gonsioroski
Marci Nelson
Cele Perkett
Maureen Soderholm
Gina Stangl
E-mail address:
Fourth Grade Curriculum
District 196 continues to partner with Lesley University in Boston to implement
professional learning opportunities in all elementary classrooms. The Literacy
Collaborative model is built on a constructivist learning theory (learners
construct meaning together). It is a data driven approach to learning and
teaching, for all age levels. In this model, students learn to be managed
independent learners while researching in genre led inquiry web units. These
units provide an opportunity for learners to discover how the structure of text
impacts the decisions writers make. The inquiry web units also integrate science,
social studies and health content while leading by genre.
Students analyze and critique the craft of multiple authors, illustrators &
researchers over the course of the year. As students write within each genre of
study, they too make decisions as writers, taking on the craft of some of the
authors, illustrators, & researchers they have studied. Students share their
learning daily with their classroom community. Sharing comes in many forms
including: sharing their research/discoveries, reading a piece of writing, reader’s
theater, reading a passage/book to the class, teaching a concept to the class that
was learned during guided practice – individually or as a small group, etc.
Spelling is part of a systematic word study program that integrates both high
frequency words and phonetic “spelling”. Students take on the word study
continuum, which begins with initial and final sounds and goes all the way
through syllabication and Greek and Latin roots. Students are learning how
words work. The Literacy Collaborative model provides individualized
instruction based on data driven decision-making. The focus is building on what
the child knows and extending with what the child needs. It’s an exciting
opportunity for students and teachers to go deeper with their learning while
sharing their thinking with their classroom community.
Fourth graders are expected to read at home daily for at least 20 minutes in
a book that is at their reading level. They will be given a monthly calendar to
document the title of the book and the minutes read. Parents need to sign the
calendar and students turn them in on the first of the next month.
Cursive writing instruction continues in fourth grade. This is a gradual process
since cursive writing is difficult for many students. We encourage students to
read and use cursive in their daily work.
Science/Social Studies/Health
All of our units are integrated into Literacy so we can study the content in depth.
In science we study Earth Materials including Rocks, Minerals and Water;
Energy & Electromagnetism; and the Life Science areas of Human Anatomy,
Physiology, and Epidemiology. We use the inquiry process to set up
experiments and explore. Students are actively involved in the scientific process.
They will use a science notebook to make detailed observations and deepen their
In social studies, students will study the geography of the United States.
Students will learn mapping skills and study landforms. In addition to their work
in geography students will learn about the forms of government.
The major topics presented in our fourth grade health curriculum are: mental,
physical and social health, nutrition, safety, and drugs and alcohol awareness.
Human growth and development is taught in the spring. Look for information on
a parent night to learn more about this district curriculum.
We use the Bridges in Mathematics curriculum. In addition to skill development
this resource emphasizes visual thinking to solve problems and investigate new
concepts. Bridges encourages students to discover efficient strategies for
accurate problem solving. Students will work in small and large groups and will
encounter many hands-on projects. Fourth graders are expected to start the
school year having mastered their addition and subtraction facts. Mastery of
multiplication facts by mid-year and division facts by the end of the year will be
very important.
In addition to the students learning basic computer skills in their specialist class,
students will also conduct research on the internet and take tests on the
Other Information
Bus/Walk: If you plan to have your child ride a different bus or walk to a
friend's home after school, they MUST bring a note and have it signed in the
office. If a child does not have a signed note, they will be expected to go home
as usual.
As students move into the intermediate grades, homework becomes a more
frequent occurrence. Fourth graders are expected to complete about 30 to 40
minutes of homework each night. Please check your child’s planner and
reading calendar nightly and initial the daily entry so we know you have seen
the homework assignment. If there is a special circumstance which prevents the
student from completing the homework, please make a note to the teacher in the
planner. The teacher will contact you if your child has excessive late
We feel birthdays are very special, and we like to celebrate these happy
occasions in the classroom, but due to the number of students with food allergies
and our school policy, student brought birthday treats and gifts are not allowed.
We follow the districts Discipline Policy as stated in the Students’ Rights and
Responsibilities booklet that was mailed to your home.
Planner/Homework Folder
In fourth grade all students use a planner and green homework folder. These
tools help them develop good organizational skills. Students write down their
assignments at the end of each day. Please sign the planner each night. Teachers
check the planner each day, so please use it to write us a note.
Friday Folders
Friday folders will be sent home each Friday (or the last day of the school
week.) They are meant to serve as a parent communication tool, and we ask that
you look for the folder on Friday and read the enclosed information. It is
important that the folder be returned to school on Monday.
We have an exciting and busy year planned. We look forward to nurturing the
emotional, physical, and intellectual growth of your child. We appreciate your
involvement and support throughout this school year.
The Fourth Grade Team