Sponsorship and Exhibitor Information

Sponsorship and Exhibitor Information We invite you to participate in this exciting 2nd annual event by becoming a program sponsor or exhibitor! This
event is an opportunity to bring best practices and innovative ideas to the forefront, gathering craft brewing
industry professionals and networking to advance the success of this rapidly growing market. The conference
will provide a forum for craft breweries, homebrewers, businesses, organizations, and educators from the
Midwestern craft brewing industry to share ideas and create partnerships for continued learning and success.
Included below and on the conference website is further information about the available sponsorship and
exhibit opportunities to meet every budget.
Presenting Sponsor - $5,000
Company name incorporated as part of the 2016 conference title
Category exclusivity
Speaking opportunity for company representative at event opening and/or closing ceremonies
Logo/banner prominently featured on main stage during event
Logo recognition in all conference promotional pieces including: t-shirts, newsletters, flyers, posters, etc.
Logo recognition in two e-mail promotional messages
Logo recognition in social media publicity campaign
Recognition in conference publicity, including news releases to state media
Logo featured on the conference website including link to your company’s website
Opportunity to provide company promotional piece in participant packets
Recognition during general sessions at the conference
Logo recognition on conference signage
Logo recognition during networking break and lunch slideshow
Logo recognition on conference program cover
Double booth space at conference
Five complimentary registrations (including booth attendants)
Platinum Sponsor - $4,000
Logo recognition in all conference promotional pieces including: t-shirts, newsletters, flyers, posters, etc.
Company banner displayed at event site
Logo recognition in two e-mail promotional messages
Recognition in conference publicity, including news releases to state media
Logo featured on the conference website including link to your company’s website
Opportunity to provide company promotional piece in participant packets
Logo recognition on conference signage
Logo recognition during networking break and lunch slideshow
Logo recognition on conference program cover
Single booth space at conference
Four complimentary registrations (including booth attendants)
Conference Site: 302 Tenth Avenue, University of Wisconsin-Stout, Menomonie, WI Sponsorship and Exhibitor Information Gold Sponsor - $3,000
Bronze Sponsor - $1000
Logo recognition on conference promotional pieces
including: t-shirts, newsletters, flyers, posters, etc.
Logo recognition in two e-mail promotional messages
Recognition in conference publicity, including news
releases to state media
Logo featured on the conference website including link
to your company’s website
Opportunity to provide company promotional piece in
participant packets
Logo recognition on conference signage
Logo recognition during networking break and lunch
Logo recognition on conference program cover
Single booth space at conference
Three complimentary registrations (including booth
Text listing in conference promotional pieces including: tshirts, newsletters, flyers, posters, etc.
Text listing on the conference website including link to your
company’s website
Text listing recognition on conference signage
Text listing recognition in conference program
Single booth space at conference
One complimentary registration (including booth
Supporter - $500
Text listing on the conference website
Text listing recognition in conference program
One complimentary registration
Please Note: Does NOT include exhibit booth
Silver Sponsor - $2,000
Text listing in conference promotional pieces including: tshirts, newsletters, flyers, posters, etc.
Logo featured on the conference website including link
to your company’s website
Text listing recognition on conference signage
Text listing recognition during networking break and
lunch slideshow
Text listing recognition in conference program
Single booth space at conference
Two complimentary registrations (including booth
Exhibitor Only Opportunities:
For Profit Companies/Organizations - $250
Not For Profit Companies/Organizations - $50
Single Booth At conference
Text listing recognition in conference program
Please Note: Exhibit Only Opportunities does not include
lunch. Meal tickets will be available for separate purchase,
if desired.
Visit the website for more information: Applications Due June 15, 2016
Email: ProfEd@uwstout.edu, Phone: 715.232.2793, FAX: 715.232.3385
Conference Site: 302 Tenth Avenue,University of Wisconsin-Stout, Menomonie, WI 