Revision B.33 2/25/2011 Liebert Monitoring Group – Development Liebert® SiteScan® Protocol Reference Document for SiteScan Web versions up to 3.0 Including Modbus and BACnet object Listings Reference document is based on the assumption that the connecting module is of exec. 6 or exec. B firmware type unless otherwise noted. Page 1 of 149 Revision B.33 2/25/2011 Liebert Monitoring Group – Development Revision Level Updates: Revision Date B.5 B.6 B.7 B.8 B.9 B.10 B.11 B.12 11/8/00 2/19/01 4/4/02 5/3/02 10/1/02 1/22/03 7/23/03 4/19/04 B.13 B.14 B.16 5/24/04 8/19/200 4 11/22/20 04 5/18/05 B.17 7/1/05 B.18 7/21/05 B.19 B.20 11/30/05 12/14/05 B.21 8/9/06 B.22 8/10/06 B.23 3/16/07 B.24 B.25 B.26 B.27 4/16/07 4/30/07 5/2/07 11/15/07 B.28 B.29 B.30 6/24/08 7/11/08 5/13/09 B.31 B.32 10/13/09 4/23/10 B.33 2/2/11 B.15 Description Added: revision level update chart, HiPulse support, and NPower support Revised NPower definition Added support for HiMod LNA Revised Modbus explanation (Hi Byte / Lo Byte) Corrected NPower table (typing error) Added support for DataMate Added support for STS-2 Corrected ModBus register addressing for STS-2 alarms. PM2 – removed duplicate Output Voltage THD Alarm. Added XDP Unit. Added LDS5000 Unit. Added Universal Monitor. Added BACNet/IP for: WDU, MM4, SC4, PM2 & LAM. Added Run Hours for MM2 Removed non-existent alarms for MM2. Added BacNet/IP Point addresses for MM2. Track issue 3576 – Make BacNet points consistent with Modbus Points. Added ESP-2 based UPS Units that use OC485 card. Includes Nx, HiNet, PSI, and GXT Added “High Water Humidifier Pan” alarm to L00. Corrected alarm points for BACNet and Modbus addressing on STS-2. Added Remote shutdown alarm to LAM. Added Note about Alarms “BACNet auto discovery” to CCM, L00, LAM, MMS, PM2, PMP, SCC. Added note to STS2 that it is for units with or without PDU. Changed breaker status register for STS2 from bits1-8 to 0-7. Added XDC Unit. Added control point note for units with on/off control as follows: Bit 0 on=unit off Bit 1 on=unit on. Removed cables 3 & 4 on LDS5000 and marked these registers as spares. Corrected revision level and date in header on this document. SMS – Added Scale factor for kVA & kW. Revised note on page 1 to state module type rather than “SS2000 Hardware”. Series 610 UPS – added note that Series 610 is the same as series 600. SC4-SM4 changed “Bypass Breaker Closed” alarm from “Bypass Breaker Open”. Added note to LAM that iCOM w/native IGM also applies. Nfinity UPS (pnf), Nx (pnx), STS-2 (st2) – deleted status and setpoint points that are not displayed in SiteScan. XDC, XDP added scale factor notes for Ref, Fluid and CW temps. PMP – Local Alarm #1 was Load Alarm, Added Local Alarm #2, Corrected Modbus addressing from 40290:04 to 40290:07 AC8 – Added Unit tables to reference library MM2 – Corrected entire table due to MS Word problems. Corrected major MS Word formatting problems throughout document. Added iCOM DS unit for 2mb modules (small version), SM3 corrected reversed Modbus addressing for kW & kVA. Noted that pages for Series 600 UPS also apply to series 610. Added iCOM-XDP unit Corrected alarm info for Npower (IMP) unit. Corrected revision number in page header B.30 from B.9. Changed XDP unit description on page 53 from XD. Corrected miscellaneous document formatting errors. Added WDU definition back in document from accifental deletion. Added local Alarms 2,3 &4 for MM2, L00 & LSM. Local alrm 3=High Water for MM2 Clarified LAM/iCOM program usage and added iCOM 16mb version. Added examples and notes sections. Removed discontinued modules. Removed General Alarm from iCOM_DS. Added Hi Water Humidifier Pan to L8T. Moved Generator Disconnected from Alarm to Status in NX unit. Page 2 of 149 Revision B.33 2/25/2011 Liebert Monitoring Group – Development Table of Contents Click on the desired page number for instant navigation. Use the ―back‖ arrow on your toolbar to return to the table of contents. TABLE OF CONTENTS..................................................................................................................................................3 OPEN COMMUNICATIONS ..............................................7 DEFAULT MAPPING FOR MODBUS & BACNET OBJECTS ............................................................................................7 MODBUS COMMUNICATIONS ......................................................................................................................................9 Connectivity to SiteLink modules using Modbus ...................................................................................................9 Implementation Basics ...........................................................................................................................................9 Transmission Format .............................................................................................................................................9 Modbus Packet Format........................................................................................................................................ 10 RTU Framing ....................................................................................................................................................... 11 BACNET COMMUNICATIONS .................................................................................................................................... 12 BACnet Protocol Implementation Conformance Statement Rev. 2.1 .............................................................. 12 LIEBERT ENVIRONMENTAL UNITS .............................15 AIR UNIT - LEVEL 0 – L00 ........................................................................................................................................ 16 AIR UNIT – LEVEL 10 – L10 ..................................................................................................................................... 18 AIR UNIT – STANDARD MICROPROCESSOR – LSM ................................................................................................... 20 AIR UNIT – ADVANCED MICROPROCESSOR – LAM.................................................................................................. 22 AIR UNIT – SMALL SYSTEMS – L0B ......................................................................................................................... 25 AIR UNIT – MINI-MATE 2 – MM2, DATAMATE ....................................................................................................... 27 AIR UNIT – 8 TON MINIMATE – L8T ........................................................................................................................ 29 ATLAS AIR UNIT – C10 ............................................................................................................................................ 32 CHILLER UNIT – CSU3000 – CSU............................................................................................................................ 35 CHILLER UNIT – CSU 3000 W/ECONO – CSE ........................................................................................................... 37 AIR UNIT - HIROSS MICROFACE ............................................................................................................................... 39 AIR UNIT – X-TREME DENSITY COOLANT DISTRIBUTION UNIT– CDU .................................................................... 43 AIR UNIT – X-TREME DENSITY COOLANT PUMPING UNIT– XDP ............................................................................ 45 AIR UNIT – X-TREME DENSITY CHILLER UNIT– XDC ............................................................................................. 47 AIR UNIT – ICOM DS & RETROFIT (2MB VERSION SITELINK) ................................................................................. 50 AIR UNIT – ICOM DS & RETROFIT (16MB VERSION SITELINK) ............................................................................... 53 AIR UNIT – XDP REFRIGERANT PUMPING UNIT – XDP W/ ICOM CONTROL .......................................................... 58 LIEBERT POWER UNITS ...............................................60 POWER UNIT – VOLTAGE- CURRENT MONITORING PANEL – VCM .......................................................................... 61 POWER UNIT – POWER MONITORING PANEL – PMP ................................................................................................ 63 POWER UNIT – VOLTAGE-CURRENT-FREQ. MONITOR PANEL – VCF ....................................................................... 66 POWER UNIT – POWER MONITORING PANEL (EXT. PROTOCOL– PM2) .................................................................... 68 POWER UNIT – STATIC TRANSFER SWITCH PDU – EDS........................................................................................... 71 POWER UNIT – STATIC TRANSFER SWITCH PDU DUAL OUTPUT – STS ................................................................... 74 POWER UNIT – STATIC TRANSFER SWITCH PDU DUAL OUTPUT – STS-2 ................................................................ 77 LIEBERT UPS UNITS .....................................................81 UPS UNIT – MULTI MODULE UPS – S600/610 EXTENDED PROT. – MM4 ............................................................... 82 UPS UNIT – MULTI MODULE SERIES – MMS ........................................................................................................... 85 UPS UNIT – SYSTEM CONTROL CABINET – S/610 EXT. PROT. – SC4 ....................................................................... 87 UPS UNIT – SYSTEM CONTROL CABINET – SCC ...................................................................................................... 90 UPS UNIT – SINGLE MODULE SERIES – SMS ........................................................................................................... 92 UPS UNIT – SINGLE MODULE UPS – S/610 EXT. PROT. – SM4 ............................................................................... 94 Page 3 of 149 Revision B.33 2/25/2011 Liebert Monitoring Group – Development UPS UNIT – MULTI-MODULE SICE 7200 & HIPULSE UPS – SMM ......................................................................... 98 UPS UNIT – SYSTEMS CABINET SICE 7200 UPS – SSC......................................................................................... 103 UPS UNIT – SINGLE MODULE SICE 7200 & HIPULSE UPS – SSM ........................................................................ 106 UPS UNIT – UPSTATION S3 – US3......................................................................................................................... 111 UPS UNIT – SINGLE MODULE SERIES AP301/302 – SM3 ...................................................................................... 114 UPS UNIT – SINGLE MODULE UPS – NPOWER—IMP ........................................................................................... 117 UPS UNIT – SINGLE MODULE UPS – NX—PNX ................................................................................................... 120 UPS UNIT – HINET – PHN ..................................................................................................................................... 123 UPS UNIT – NFINITY – PNF................................................................................................................................... 125 UPS UNIT – GXT – PGX........................................................................................................................................ 128 UPS UNIT – PSI – PPS ........................................................................................................................................... 132 LIEBERT MONITORING MODULES ............................ 135 CONTACT CLOSURE MODULE – CCM .................................................................................................................... 136 WATER/LIQUID DETECTION UNIT – WDU ............................................................................................................. 139 REMOTE AUTOCHANGEOVER – RAC ...................................................................................................................... 140 TEMPERATURE/HUMIDITY MODULE – THM .......................................................................................................... 141 WATER/LIQUID DETECTION UNIT LDS5000 – WD5 .............................................................................................. 144 UNIVERSAL MONITOR – UVM ............................................................................................................................... 145 AUTOCHANGEOVER CONTROLLER – AC8 .............................................................................................................. 148 Page 4 of 149 Revision B.33 2/25/2011 Liebert Monitoring Group – Development How to use the Reference Library Charts This document contains a dedicated sheet for each Liebert Unit and associated controller. The title of each chart contains the name of the Liebert Controller used such as L00 for a Level-0 Air unit or PMP for a Power Monitoring Panel for Power Center. Every documented unit assumes the maximum possible optional points and configuratios of the specific unit family. The specific points that will be used depend on the unit being read as that unit will only report values and alarms that the specific unit supports. The first section, Compatible Hardware, indicates the equipment associated with this particular controller as follows: Liebert Units Indicates the Environmental, Power, UPS or Monitoring Module by model name that uses this controller. SiteScan Interface Indicates which SiteScan Hardware Modules can be used with the controller. Take Modules Special note of this box when adding new units to an existing SiteScan system, as some new controllers are only compatible with the new hardware (SiteLink). BMS interface Modules Indicates which SiteScan Hardware Modules can be used with the controller for interfacing with a third part using BACnet or Modbus protocol. The next section, Available Points, contains six categories providing the following information: Status Points (View) Status Information for the listed points that will be presented in SiteScan Alarm Points Alarms that are available to SiteScan Setpoints (View) Current settings of controllable Setpoints available to SiteScan Control Points (Set) Setpoints that can be changed with SiteScan Trendable Points (Set) Points that can be graphically trended within the SiteScan software Reports Reports that can be triggered within the SiteScan software Page 5 of 149 Revision B.33 2/25/2011 Liebert Monitoring Group – Development Liebert Unit ID Chart 3-Letter ID L00 L10 LAM LSM L0B Environmental Products Level 00, Level 1 Level 2, Level 3, and Level 10 Level 15 and Level AM/AG, HiMod (LNA), iCOM control w/ native IGM terminal 77/78 Level SM and Level 0 w/ On/Off Control Small Systems Controller 3-Letter ID UPS Products SMS Single Module Series UPS - S300, S500, S600 (Prior to 1/98) SM3 Single Module Series 30x (latest version) SM4 Single Module Series 600/610 - Extended Protocol (1/98 or later) MM4 C10 Small Systems Controller - Mini Mate II, DataMate Atlas Air Environmental Control (LECS15) CSE Chiller w/ Econocoil SC4 CSU Chiller SSM XDP Xtreme Density Unit Environmental Control SMM CDU iCOM SSC IMP PNX NX UPS – ESP2 Protocol PHN PNF PGX HiNet UPS – ESP2 Protocol Nfinity UPS – ESP2 Protocol GXT UPS – ESP2 Protocol PPS PSI UPS – ESP2 Protocol RAC THM WDU Xtreme Density Coolant Distribution Unit DS Unit with iCOM control or Deluxe System 3 with iCOM control retrofit using optional IS485 interface with 16mb SiteLink. DS Unit with iCOM control or Deluxe System 3 with iCOM control retrofit using optional IS485 interface with 2mb SiteLink. Hiross Hiromatic Air unit Static Switch PDU Static Switch PDU (Single Output Breaker, Prior to 1/99) Static Switch PDU (Dual Output Breaker Option, 1/99 or later) Miscellaneous All IGM Contact Modules CM200 / RCM8 / VSM Remote Autochangeover Module - RAC2-8 Temperature / Humidity Module Liquid Detection LDS750 or LDS1000 UPStation S3 UPS Multi Module Series 500-600 UPS (Prior to 1/98) Multi Module Series 600/610 UPS Extended Protocol (1/98 or later) System Control Cabinet Series 500-600 (Prior to 1/98) System Control Cabinet Series 600/610Extended Protocol (1/98 or later) Single Module Series UPS - SICE 7200 & HiPulse Multi Module Series UPS - SICE 7200 & HiPulse System Control Cabinet - SICE 7200 NPower (S300 Replacement) PMP WD5 Liquid Detection LDS5000 VCF UVM Universal Monitor VCM AC8 Autochangeover Controller PM2 MM2 iCOM-2mb HIA EDS STS CCM Page 6 of 149 US3 MMS SCC Power Products PDU Precision Power & Datawave w/ PMP (latest LCD display) All Voltage-Current-Frequency Panels (Old Red LED Display) All Voltage-Current Monitoring Panels (Old Red LED Display) Precision Power & Datawave w/ PMP (latest LCD display and extended protocol EPROM version 3.290.0, manufactured and shipped after 4/99) Revision B.33 2/25/2011 Liebert Monitoring Group – Development Open Communications Default Mapping for Modbus & BACnet Objects This model represents the standard configuration for a Liebert Sitelink-12 module. Consecutive register / object mapping is utilized, regardless of the SiteLink-12 population. All ports that do not have a Liebert IGM attached will be assigned “null values” (or zero’s) for their corresponding registers. The default “slave ID” or “Device ID” follows the CMNet address of the unit. The address can be visually checked by looking at the address dip-switch or rotary switch settings. However, the address can be changed in software to suit specific needs. Please note that the SiteLink hardware places a limit on the quantity of Modbus registers available. Therefore, it is possible there will be more data points available using BACnet than using Modbus. How to use this table: The unit or model specific reference sheets assume that the desired unit is attached to port 1 of the SiteLink module. If the desired unit is attached to a different port, the table below indicates the starting register or object number for the unit. For example: The register for “temperature” for a L00 type unit attached to port 1 is identified as 40001. If an additional L00 type unit were attached to port 2, the “temperature” value would be located in register 40025. The same type unit attached to port 3 = 40049…etc. Modbus Notes: Modbus Registers start at 40001. All registers are unsigned integers. BACnet Notes: BACnet Objects start at 1. All “Status” and “Alarm” objects are “AI’s” (analog inputs). The “Control” objects are “AO’s” (analog outputs) Page 7 of 149 Revision B.33 2/25/2011 Liebert Monitoring Group – Development Register Offset 1-24 25-48 49-72 73-96 97-120 121-144 145-168 169-192 193-216 217-240 241-264 265-288 Object Type Status Status Status Status Status Status Status Status Status Status Status Status Port Assignment 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 289-293 294-298 299-303 304-308 309-313 314-318 319-323 324-328 329-333 334-338 339-343 344-348 Alarms Alarms Alarms Alarms Alarms Alarms Alarms Alarms Alarms Alarms Alarms Alarms 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Control Control Control Control Control Control Control Control Control Control Control Control 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 349-351 352-354 355-357 358-360 361-363 364-366 367-369 370-372 373-375 376-378 379-381 382-384 ** See reference libraries for unit specific objects. Page 8 of 149 Revision B.33 2/25/2011 Liebert Monitoring Group – Development Modbus Communications Connectivity to SiteLink modules using Modbus This design specification describes the Modbus communications protocol as supported by the SiteLink module. It includes information on how to pass information to and from the SiteLink module via Modbus. It is also intended to help facilitate answering questions regarding supported types, frame format, function code support etc. Implementation Basics Protocol controls the language structure or message format between devices in other words, the rules for communication. The rules for communication include how master and slave devices initiate communications, as well as unit identification, message handling and error checking. Modbus protocol simply refers to the control of the query and response cycles between master and slave devices. The SiteLink module is configured to act as a slave device on a common network. The common network can be point-to-point over EIA-232, where one master communicates to one slave device or in a multi-drop configuration over EIA-485, where multiple slaves reside on a common wire or loop. Documented write points can cause read errors if you attempt to read a write-only point. For example: an LAM air unit has separate Setpoint View and Setpoint Set registers and if you read a write-to register it can and most likely will result in a Modbus exception response. Do not include setpoint set registers in batch read commands as one point read error will result in an exception response for the entire batch read. Transmission Format The SiteLink module supports both Modbus RTU (Remote Terminal Unit) and ASCII (American Standard Code for Information Interchange) transmission modes. The SiteLink module has a choice of transmission medium, baud rate, character parity and number of stop bits. See chart below. Physical Port EIA-232 – DB9 DCE EIA-232 – DB9 DCE Transmission Mode RTU Baud Rate Data Bits Parity Bits Stop Bits Default 9600 8 None 1 Yes ASCII Configurable Configurable Configurable No EIA-485 – 2 or 4 wire RTU or ASCII 1200 – 38.4kbd (19.2kbd omit) 1200 – 38.4kbd (19.2kbd omit) Configurable Configurable Configurable No Page 9 of 149 Revision B.33 2/25/2011 Liebert Monitoring Group – Development Modbus Packet Format Each Modbus packet consists of the following fields: Device Address Function Code Data Field(s) Error Check Field Device Address: The address field immediately follows the beginning of the frame and consists of 8-bits (RTU) or 2 characters (ASCII). These bits indicate the user assigned address of the slave device that is to receive the message sent by the attached master device. Each slave must be assigned a unique address and only the addressed slave will respond to a query that contains its address. Function Code: The function code field tells the addressed slaves what function to perform. Function codes are specifically designed invoke a specific action by the slave device. The function code range is from 1 to 127. However, the SiteLink module primarily uses Function Code 3 (Read Holding Registers), Function Code 6 (Preset Single Register) and Function Code 16 (Preset Multiple Registers). Data Field(s): The data field varies in length depending on whether the message is a request or a response to a packet. This field typically contains information required by the slave device to perform the command specified or to pass back data to the master device. Error Check Field: The Error Check Field consists of a 16-bit (2 byte) Cyclical Redundancy Check (CRC16). It allows the receiving device to detect a packet that has been corrupted with transmission errors. Page 10 of 149 Revision B.33 2/25/2011 Liebert Monitoring Group – Development RTU Framing The example below shows a typical Q/R from a SiteLink module. In common terms, the master device initiates a query asking slave device 2 for holding registers starting at holding register 40051 (decimal 50) and including next 2 Registers (3 total). Query Sample Slave Address Function Code 02 03 Starting Register ―Hi Byte‖ Starting Register ―Lo Byte‖ Number of Registers ―Hi Byte‖ Number of Registers ―Lo Byte‖ CRC16 CRC16 ―Hi Byte‖ ―Lo Byte‖ 00 32 00 03 E5 FA Count: Bytes of Data Register 40051 Data Hi Lo Register 40052 Data Hi Lo Register 40053 Data Hi Lo CRC16 CRC16 ―Hi Byte ―Lo Byte‖ 1B 0D Response Sample Slave Address Function Code 02 03 6 01 58 00 FA 00 54 Slave address 2 responds to Function Code 3 with 6 bytes of hexadecimal data and ends with CRC16 checksum. Register values: 40051 = 158(hex) = 344(decimal) 40052 = FA (hex) = 250 (decimal) 40053 = 54 (hex) = 84 (decimal) ASCII Framing: Framing in ASCII transmission mode is accomplished by the use of the unique colon (:) to indicate the beginning of the frame and a carriage return (CR) line feed (LF) to delineate the end of the frame. The line feed also serves as a synchronizing character which indicates that the transmitting station is ready to receive an immediate reply. ASCII Example Frame Start Slave Address Function Code Data Error Check End of Frame CR Ready for Data LF : 2 Char 2 Char N x 4 Char B3 0D 0A 16-bits 16-bits N x 16-bits Char = Character: 1 Character = 7 data bits, 1 start bit, 1 or 2 stop bits and 1 parity bit (optional) Page 11 of 149 Revision B.33 2/25/2011 Liebert Monitoring Group – Development BACnet Communications BACnet Protocol Implementation Conformance Statement Vendor Name: Liebert Corporation Product Name: SiteLink Module Rev. 2.1 Product Model Number: SiteLink (All) Point Documentation: The points in this document are listed by object reference name and each exposed BACnet point has information in the description field detailing what the point is. Both of these BACnet properties can be read and discovered remotely in addition to the points present value property. This document is not able to define specific object instance numbers because they are dynamically assigned when the programming for the module is created and will vary from situation to situation. A report detailing reference name, description and object instance number can be requested from the startup engineer at the time of the modules commissioning. If after startup if changes are made or new programs are added the dynamically built AV/BV points list will shift for all points. Product Description: The SiteLink module provides a BACnet Point-to-Point communication exchange between proprietary Liebert Environmental, Power, UPS units to other BACnet compliant devices. The connection to the SiteLink module is via EIA-232, 9600 baud, no parity, 8 data bits, 1 stop bit (9600,N,8,1 default.) The SiteLink modules are available in 12 port and 4 port configurations (i.e. 1 port per/ Liebert Unit, 12 Liebert units per/ SiteLink module maximum.) Class 1 Class 2 Class 3 BACnet Conformance Class Supported: Class 4 Class 5 x Class 6 BACnet Functional Groups Supported: Clock HHWS PCWS Event Initialization Event Response COV Event Initiation COV Event Response Files Reinitialize Virtual Operator Interface Virtual Terminal Device Communications Time Master Page 12 of 149 Revision B.33 2/25/2011 Liebert Monitoring Group – Development BACnet Standard Application Services Supported: Application Service Initiate Execute Requests Requests AcknowledgeAlarm ConfirmedCOVNotification ConfirmedEventNotification GetAlarmSummary GetEnrollmentSummary SubscribeCOV UnconfirmedCOVNotification UnconfirmedEventNotification AtomicReadFile AtomicWriteFile AddListElement RemoveListElement CreateObject DeleteObject ReadProperty ReadPropertyConditional ReadPropertyMultiple WriteProperty WritePropertyMultiple DeviceCommunicationControl ConfirmedPrivateTransfer UnconfirmedPrivateTransfer ReinitializeDevice ConfirmedTextMessage TimeSynchronization Who-Has I-Have Who-Is I-Am VT-Open VT-Closed VT-Data Authenticate Request Key Page 13 of 149 X X X X X X X X X X Revision B.33 2/25/2011 Liebert Monitoring Group – Development BACnet Standard Application Services Supported (continued): Supported Dynamically Dynamically Optional Creatable Deleteable Properties X Analog Input X Analog Output Analog Value Binary Input Binary Output Binary Value Calendar Command Device Event Enrollment File Group Loop Multi-State Input Multi-State Output Notification Class Program Schedule Object Type Data Link Layer: Point-to-Point, EIA-232, baud rates: 9600 & 38,400 Character Set Supported: ANSI X3.4 Special Functionality: Segmented Requests Supported Segmented Responses Supported Router Page 14 of 149 No No No Writable Properties None Present Value Revision B.33 2/25/2011 Liebert Monitoring Group – Development Liebert Environmental Units Using Unit Control Points This section is an example of how to utilize Liebert environmental unit Setpoints Set registers. In all cases the Setpoints View section contains the value that the unit itself is reporting and can be used to confirm that the unit received the transmitted command. Example table from this document: SiteScan Availability Control Points (Set) Unit On/Off Temperature Setpoint Temperature Tolerance Humidity Setpoint Humidity Tolerance Reheat Lockout Humidifier Lockout Modbus Register BACnet Instance (Exec. 6 Modules) BACnet Instance (Exec. B Modules) 40349 40350 40350 40351 40351 40349 40349 349 350 350 351 351 349 349 BC01_x BC02_x BC02_x BC03_x BC03_x BC01_x BC01_x Notes: Bit 0 on=unit off Bit 1 on=unit on Multiply desired value by 1000 Multiply desired value by 1000 Bit 2 on=RH off Bit 3 on=RH on Bit 2 on=HL off Bit 3 on=HL on The above notes in the document refer to binary bits. Notice that register 40349 is used more than once in the table. The table below shows the integer number in the value set from BMS column. Function Unit On/Off Command if BIT=1 ―Off‖ BIT Number BIT 0 Value sent from BMS 1 Resulting Action Units turns ―Off‖ Unit On/Off Reheat Lockout Reheat Lockout Humidifier Lockout Humidifier Lockout ―On‖ ―Off‖ ―On‖ ―Off‖ ―On‖ BIT 1 BIT 2 BIT 3 BIT 4 BIT 5 2 4 8 16 32 Unit turns ―On‖ Reheat Lockout turns ―Off‖ Reheat Lockout turns ―On‖ Humidifier Lockout turns ―Off‖ Humidifier Lockout turns ―On‖ For the setpoint registers, the setpoint and tolerance are in the same register. Writing a zero to the field will result in no change. Control Points (Set) Temperature Setpoint Temperature Tolerance Humidity Setpoint Humidity Tolerance 40350 40350 40351 40351 350 350 351 351 BC02_x BC02_x BC03_x BC03_x Multiply desired value by 100 Multiply desired value by 100 Some examples of valid values to send: To make the Temperature Setpoint “70”, send a “70” to the register. To make the Temperature Tolerance “+/- 2.5 degrees”, send “2500” to the register. To make the Temperature Tolerance “+/- 2.5 degrees” and Setpoint “70”, send “2570” to the register. To make the Humidity Setpoint “50%”, send a “50” to the register. To make the Humidity Tolerance “+/- 5%”, send “5000” to the register. To make the Humidity Tolerance “+/- 5%” and Setpoint “50%”, send “5050” to the register. Page 15 of 149 Revision B.33 2/25/2011 Liebert Monitoring Group – Development Air Unit - Level 0 – L00 Hardware Compatibility Liebert Units: Challenger 3, Logicool, Modular Plus, LS400, Mini-Tower, System 4 SiteScan Interface Modules: SiteLink (All) BMS interface Modules: SiteLink (All) Available Points SiteScan Availability Status Points (View) Temperature Humidity Cooling Heating Humidification Dehumidification Econ-o-Cycle Stages % Capacity Modbus Register BACnet Instance (Exec. 6 Modules) BACnet Instance (Exec. B Modules) 40001 40002 40003 40004 40005 40006 40007 40008 40009 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 BS01_x BS02_x BS03_x BS04_x BS05_x BS06_x BS07_x BS08_x BS09_x 1=on / 0=0ff 1=on / 0=0ff 1=on / 0=0ff 1=on / 0=0ff 1=on / 0=0ff Discrete BACnet alarm objects available – use auto-discover for this unit Alarm Points Communications High Head Pressure 1 High Head Pressure 2 Loss of Airflow Liquid Detected Change Filters High Temperature Low Temperature High Humidity Low Humidity Local Alarm 1 High Water Humidifier Pan Local Alarm 2 Local Alarm 3 Local Alarm 4 Notes: 40289:0 40289:1 40289:2 40289:3 40289:4 40289:5 40289:6 40289:7 40289:8 40289:9 40289:10 40289:11 40289:12 40289:13 40289:14 289:0 289:1 289:2 289:3 289:4 289:5 289:6 289:7 289:8 289:9 289:10 289:11 289:12 289:13 289:14 Page 16 of 149 BA01_x:00 BA01_x:01 BA01_x:02 BA01_x:03 BA01_x:04 BA01_x:05 BA01_x:06 BA01_x:07 BA01_x:08 BA01_x:09 BA01_x:10 BA01_x:11 BA01_x:12 BA01_x:13 BA01_x:14 Revision B.33 2/25/2011 Liebert Monitoring Group – Development SiteScan Availability Modbus Register BACnet Instance (Exec. 6 Modules) BACnet Instance (Exec. B Modules) Setpoints (View) Temperature Setpoint Temperature Tolerance Humidity Setpoint Humidity Tolerance 40010 40011 40012 40013 10 11 12 13 BS10_x BS11_x BS12_x BS13_x Control Points (Set) Temperature Setpoint Temperature Tolerance Humidity Setpoint Humidity Tolerance 40350 40350 40351 40351 350 350 351 351 BC02_x BC02_x BC03_x BC03_x Trendable points (Set) Temperature Humidity Reports Trend Status Page 17 of 149 Notes: Multiply desired value by 1000 Multiply desired value by 1000 Revision B.33 2/25/2011 Liebert Monitoring Group – Development Air Unit – Level 10 – L10 Hardware Compatibility Liebert Units: Modular Plus, Deluxe System/3, Industrial Cooling Series SiteScan Interface Modules: SiteLink (All) BMS interface Modules: SiteLink (All) Available Points SiteScan Availability Status Points (View) Temperature Humidity Cooling Heating Humidification Dehumidification Econ-o-Cycle Stages % Capacity Alarm Points Communications High Head Pressure 1 High Head Pressure 2 Loss of Airflow Standby Glycol Unit On Liquid Detected Change Filters High Temperature Low Temperature High Humidity Low Humidity Humidifier Problem No Water in Humidifier Pan Compressor 1 Overload Compressor 2 Overload Main Fan Overload Modbus Register BACnet Instance (Exec. 6 Modules) BACnet Instance (Exec. B Modules) 40001 40002 40003 40004 40005 40006 40007 40008 40009 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 BS01_x BS02_x BS03_x BS04_x BS05_x BS06_x BS07_x BS08_x BS09_x 40289:0 40289:1 40289:2 40289:3 40289:4 40289:5 40289:6 40289:7 40289:8 40289:9 40289:10 40290:0 40290:1 40290:2 40290:3 40290:4 289:0 289:1 289:2 289:3 289:4 289:5 289:6 289:7 289:8 289:9 289:10 290:0 290:1 290:2 290:3 290:4 BA01_x:00 BA01_x:01 BA01_x:02 BA01_x:03 BA01_x:04 BA01_x:05 BA01_x:06 BA01_x:07 BA01_x:08 BA01_x:09 BA01_x:10 BA02_x:00 BA02_x:01 BA02_x:02 BA02_x:03 BA02_x:04 Page 18 of 149 Notes: 1=on / 0=off 1=on / 0=off 1=on / 0=off 1=on / 0=off 1=on / 0=off Revision B.33 2/25/2011 Liebert Monitoring Group – Development SiteScan Availability Alarm Points Manual Override Smoke Detected Loss of Water Standby Unit On Low Suction Short Cycle Loss of Power Inverter Bypass Standby Fan On Loss of Emergency Power Local Alarm 1 Local Alarm 2 Setpoints (View) Temperature Setpoint Temperature Tolerance Humidity Setpoint Humidity Tolerance High Temperature Setpoint Low Temperature Setpoint High Humidity Setpoint Low Humidity Setpoint Auto-Restart Delay Control Points (Set) Temperature Setpoint Temperature Tolerance Humidity Setpoint Humidity Tolerance Modbus Register BACnet Instance (Exec. 6 Modules) BACnet Instance (Exec. B Modules) 40290:5 40290:6 40290:7 40290:8 40290:9 40290:10 40291:0 40291:1 40291:2 40291:3 40291:4 40291:5 290:5 290:6 290:7 290:8 290:9 290:10 291:0 291:1 291:2 291:3 291:4 291:5 BA02_x:05 BA02_x:06 BA02_x:07 BA02_x:08 BA02_x:09 BA02_x:10 BA03_x:00 BA03_x:01 BA03_x:02 BA03_x:03 BA03_x:04 BA04_x:05 40010 40011 40012 40013 40014 40015 40016 40017 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 BS10_x BS11_x BS12_x BS13_x BS14_x BS15_x BS16_x BS17_x 40350 40350 40351 40351 350 350 351 351 BC02_x BC02_x BC03_x BC03_x Trendable Points (Set) Temperature Humidity Reports Trend Status Page 19 of 149 Notes: Multiply desired value by 1000 Multiply desired value by 1000 Revision B.33 2/25/2011 Liebert Monitoring Group – Development Air Unit – Standard Microprocessor – LSM Hardware Compatibility Liebert Units: Challenger 3000. Deluxe System / 3, ICS , System 4 (Replaces L0A control) SiteScan Interface Modules: SiteLink (All) BMS interface Modules: SiteLink (All) Available Points SiteScan Availability Modbus Register BACnet Instance (Exec. 6 Modules) BACnet Instance (Exec. B Modules) Status Points (View) Temperature Humidity Cooling Heating Humidification De-humidification Econ-O-Cycle Stages % Capacity Unit Status (On / Off) 40001 40002 40003 40004 40005 40006 40007 40008 40009 40014 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 14 BS01_x BS02_x BS03_x BS04_x BS05_x BS06_x BS07_x BS08_x BS09_x BS14_x Alarm Points Communications Local Off Remote Off High Head Pressure 1 High Head Pressure 2 Loss of Airflow Liquid Detected Change Filters High Temperature Low Temperature High Humidity Low Humidity Local Alarm 1 Local Alarm 2 Local Alarm 3 Local Alarm 4 40289:0 40289:1 40289:2 40289:3 40289:4 40289:5 40289:6 40289:7 40289:8 40289:9 40289:10 40290:0 40290:1 40290:2 40290:3 40290:4 289:0 289:1 289:2 289:3 289:4 289:5 289:6 289:7 289:8 289:9 289:10 290:0 290:1 290:2 290:3 290:4 BA01_x:00 BA01_x:01 BA01_x:02 BA01_x:03 BA01_x:04 BA01_x:05 BA01_x:06 BA01_x:07 BA01_x:08 BA01_x:09 BA01_x:10 BA02_x:00 BA02_x:01 BA02_x:02 BA02_x:03 BA02_x:04 Page 20 of 149 Notes: 1=on / 0=off 1=on / 0=off 1=on / 0=off 1=on / 0=off 1=on / 0=off 1=on / 0=off Revision B.33 2/25/2011 Liebert Monitoring Group – Development SiteScan Availability Modbus Register BACnet Instance (Exec. 6 Modules) BACnet Instance (Exec. B Modules) Setpoints (View) Temperature Setpoint Temperature Tolerance Humidity Setpoint Humidity Tolerance 40010 40011 40012 40013 10 11 12 13 BS10_x BS11_x BS12_x BS13_x Control Points (Set) Unit On / Off Temperature Setpoint Temperature Tolerance Humidity Setpoint Humidity Tolerance 40349 40350 40350 40351 40351 349 350 350 351 351 BC01_x BC02_x BC02_x BC03_x BC03_x Trendable Points (Set) Temperature Humidity Reports Trend Status Page 21 of 149 Notes: Bit 0 on=unit off Bit 1 on=unit on Multiply desired value by 1000 Multiply desired value by 1000 Revision B.33 2/25/2011 Liebert Monitoring Group – Development Air Unit – Advanced Microprocessor – LAM Hardware Compatibility Liebert Units: Challenger 3000. Deluxe System / 3, ICS, System 4 (Replaces L15 & L1A) HiMod (LNA version) – iCOM control using native IGM terminal 77/78 SiteScan Interface Modules: SiteLink (All) BMS interface Modules: SiteLink (All) Available Points SiteScan Availability Status Points (View) Temperature Humidity Cooling Heating Humidification De-humidification Econ-O-Cycle Stages % Capacity Unit Status (On / Off) Modbus Register BACnet Instance (Exec. 6 Modules) BACnet Instance (Exec. B Modules) 40001 40002 40003 40004 40005 40006 40007 40008 40009 40018 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 18 BS01_x BS02_x BS03_x BS04_x BS05_x BS06_x BS07_x BS08_x BS09_x BS18_x 1=on / 0=off 1=on / 0=off 1=on / 0=off 1=on / 0=off 1=on / 0=off 1=on / 0=off Discrete BACnet alarm objects available – use auto-discover for this unit Alarm Points Communications Local Off Remote Off High Head Pressure 1 High Head Pressure 2 Loss of Airflow Standby Glycol Unit On Liquid Detected Change Filters High Temperature Low Temperature High Humidity Low Humidity Humidifier Problem No Water in Humidifier Pan Notes: 40289:0 40289:1 40289:2 40289:3 40289:4 40289:5 40289:6 40289:7 40289:8 40289:9 40289:10 40290:0 40290:1 40290:2 40290:3 289:0 289:1 289:2 289:3 289:4 289:5 289:6 289:7 289:8 289:9 289:10 290:0 290:1 290:2 290:3 Page 22 of 149 BA01_x:00 BA01_x:01 BA01_x:02 BA01_x:03 BA01_x:04 BA01_x:05 BA01_x:06 BA01_x:07 BA01_x:08 BA01_x:09 BA01_x:10 BA02_x:00 BA02_x:01 BA02_x:02 BA02_x:03 Revision B.33 2/25/2011 Liebert Monitoring Group – Development SiteScan Availability Compressor 1 Overload Compressor 2 Overload Main Fan Overload Manual Override Smoke Detected Loss of Water Standby Unit On Low Suction Short Cycle Loss of Power Inverter on Bypass Standby Fan On Loss of Emergency Power Local Alarm 1 Local Alarm 2 Off by Remote Shutdown Runtimes (View) Compressor 1 Run Hours Compressor 2 Run Hours Glycol Run Hours Fan Motor Run Hours Humidifier Run Hours Reheat 1 Run Hours Reheat 2 Run Hours Reheat 3 Run Hours Chilled Water Valve Run Hours Setpoints (View) Temperature Setpoint Temperature Tolerance Humidity Setpoint Humidity Tolerance High Temp Alarm Setpoint Low Temp Alarm Setpoint High Humd Alarm Setpoint Low Humidity Alarm Setpoint Modbus Register 40290:4 40290:5 40290:6 40290:7 40290:8 40290:9 40290:10 40291:0 40291:1 40291:2 40291:3 40291:4 40291:5 40291:6 40291:7 40291:8 BACnet Instance (Exec. 6 Modules) 290:4 290:5 290:6 290:7 290:8 290:9 290:10 291:0 291:1 291:2 291:3 291:4 291:5 291:6 291:7 291:9 BACnet Instance (Exec. B Modules) BA02:04_x BA02:05_x BA02:06_x BA02:07_x BA02:08_x BA02:09_x BA02:10_x BA03:00_x BA03:01_x BA03:02_x BA03:03_x BA03:04_x BA03:05_x BA03:06_x BA03:07_x BA03:08_x Notes: Runtimes not available on iCOM control 40019 40020 19 20 BS19_x BS20_x 40021 40022 21 22 BS21_x BS22_x 40010 40011 40012 40013 40014 40015 40016 40017 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 BS10_x BS11_x BS12_x BS13_x BS14_x BS15_x BS16_x BS17_x Page 23 of 149 Revision B.33 2/25/2011 Liebert Monitoring Group – Development SiteScan Availability Control Points (Set) Unit On / Off Temperature Setpoint Temperature Tolerance Humidity Setpoint Humidity Tolerance Reheat Lockout Humidifier Lockout Modbus Register BACnet Instance (Exec. 6 Modules) BACnet Instance (Exec. B Modules) 40349 40350 40350 40351 40351 40349 40349 349 350 350 351 351 349 349 BC01_x BC02_x BC02_x BC03_x BC03_x BC01_x BC01_x Trendable Points (Set) Temperature Humidity Reports Trend Status Page 24 of 149 Notes: Bit 0 on=unit off Bit 1 on=unit on Multiply desired value by 1000 Multiply desired value by 1000 Bit 2 on=RH off Bit 3 on=RH on Bit 4 on=HL off Bit 5 on=HL on Revision B.33 2/25/2011 Liebert Monitoring Group – Development Air Unit – Small Systems – L0B Hardware Compatibility Liebert Units: DataMate, Mini-Mate, Mini-Mate Plus SiteScan Interface Modules: SiteLink (All) BMS interface Modules: SiteLink (All) Available Points SiteScan Availability Status Points (View) Temperature Humidity Cooling Heating Humidification Dehumidification Econ-o-Cycle Stages % Capacity Unit On/Off Alarm Points Communications Local Off Remote Off High Temperature Low Temperature High Humidity Low Humidity Modbus Register BACnet Instance (Exec. 6 Modules) BACnet Instance (Exec. B Modules) 40001 40002 40003 40004 40005 40006 40007 40008 40009 40011 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 11 BS01_x BS02_x BS03_x BS04_x BS05_x BS06_x BS07_x BS08_x BS09_x BS11_x 40289:0 40289:1 40289:2 40289:3 40289:4 40289:5 40289:6 289:0 289:1 289:2 289:3 289:4 289:5 289:6 BA01_x:00 BA01_x:01 BA01_x:02 BA01_x:03 BA01_x:04 BA01_x:05 BA01_x:06 40349 349 BC01_x Notes: 1=on / 0=0ff 1=on / 0=0ff 1=on / 0=0ff 1=on / 0=0ff 1=on / 0=0ff 1=on / 0=0ff Setpoints (View) None Control Points (Set) Remote On/Off Page 25 of 149 Bit 0 on=unit off Bit 1 on=unit on Revision B.33 2/25/2011 Liebert Monitoring Group – Development SiteScan Availability Modbus Register BACnet Instance (Exec. 6 Modules) BACnet Instance (Exec. B Modules) Trendable Points (Set) Temperature Humidity Reports Trend Status Page 26 of 149 Notes: Revision B.33 2/25/2011 Liebert Monitoring Group – Development Air Unit – Mini-Mate 2 – MM2, DataMate Hardware Compatibility Liebert Units: Mini-Mate 2, DataMate SiteScan Interface Modules: SiteLink (All) BMS interface Modules: SiteLink (All) Available Points SiteScan Availability Status Points (View) Temperature Humidity Cooling Heating Humidification Dehumidification Econ-o-Cycle Stages % Capacity Unit On/Off Alarm Points Communications Local Off Remote Off High Head Pressure 1 Loss of Airflow Standby Glycol Unit On Change Filters High Temperature Low Temperature High Humidity Low Humidity Humidifier Problem Smoke Detected Loss of Water Flow Standby Unit On Modbus Register BACnet Instance (Exec. 6 Modules) BACnet Instance (Exec. B Modules) 40001 40002 40003 40004 40005 40006 40007 40008 40009 40018 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 18 BS01_x BS02_x BS03_x BS04_x BS05_x BS06_x BS07_x BS08_x BS09_x BS18_x 40289:0 40289:1 40289:2 40289:3 40289:5 40289:6 40289:7 40289:8 40289:9 40290:0 40290:1 40290:2 40290:8 40290:9 40290:10 289:0 289:1 289:2 289:3 289:5 2896 289:7 289:8 289:9 BA01_x:00 BA01_x:01 BA01_x:02 BA01_x:03 BA01_x:05 BA01_x:06 BA01_x:07 BA01_x:08 BA01_x:09 BA02_x:00 BA02_x:01 BA02_x:02 BA02_x:08 BA02_x:09 BA02_x:10 290:0 290:1 290:2 290:8 290:9 290:10 Page 27 of 149 Notes: 1=on / 0=off 1=on / 0=off 1=on / 0=off 1=on / 0=off 1=on / 0=off 1=on / 0=off Revision B.33 2/25/2011 Liebert Monitoring Group – Development SiteScan Availability Alarm Points Short Cycle Loss of Power Local Alarm 1 Local Alarm 2 High Water Local Alarm 4 Run Hours (View) Compressor 1 Fan Motor Humidifier Reheat 1 Reheat 2 Reheat 3 Chilled Water Valve Setpoints (View) Temperature Temp Tolerance Humidity Humidity Tolerance High Temperature Alarm Low Temperature Alarm High Humidity Alarm Low Humidity Alarm Control Points (Set) Remote On/Off Temperature Setpoint Temperature Tolerance Humidity Setpoint Humidity Tolerance Trendable Points (Set) Temperature Humidity Reports Trend Status Modbus Register BACnet Instance (Exec. 6 Modules) BACnet Instance (Exec. B Modules) 40291:1 40291:2 40291:6 40291:7 40291:8 40291:9 291:1 291:2 291:6 291:7 291:8 291:9 BA03:01 BA03:02 BA03:06 BA03:07 BA03:08 BA03:09 40019 40020 40021 19 20 21 BS19_x BS20_x BS21_x 40010 40011 40012 40013 40014 40015 40016 40017 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 BS10_x BS11_x BS12_x BS13_x BS14_x BS15_x BS16_x BS17_x 40349 40350 40350 40351 40351 349 350 350 351 351 BC01_x BC02_x BC02_x BC03_x BC03_x Page 28 of 149 Notes: Bit 0 on=unit off Bit 1 on=unit on Multiply desired value by 1000 Multiply desired value by 1000 Revision B.33 2/25/2011 Liebert Monitoring Group – Development Air Unit – 8 Ton MiniMate – L8T Hardware Compatibility Liebert Units: MiniMate - 8 Ton only SiteScan Interface Modules: SiteLink (All) BMS interface Modules: SiteLink (All) Available Points SiteScan Availability Status Points (View) Temperature Humidity Cooling Heating Humidification De-humidification Econ-O-Cycle Stages % Capacity Unit Status (On / Off) Alarm Points Communications Local Off Remote Off High Head Pressure 1 High Head Pressure 2 Loss of Airflow Standby Glycol Unit On Not Used Change Filters High Temperature Low Temperature High Humidity Low Humidity Humidifier Problem Not Used Modbus Register BACnet Instance (Exec. 6 Modules) BACnet Instance (Exec. B Modules) 40001 40002 40003 40004 40005 40006 40007 40008 40009 40018 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 18 BS01_x BS02_x BS03_x BS04_x BS05_x BS06_x BS07_x BS08_x BS09_x BS18_x 40289:0 40289:1 40289:2 40289:3 40289:4 40289:5 40289:6 40289:7 40289:8 40289:9 40289:10 40290:0 40290:1 40290:2 40290:3 289:0 289:1 289:2 289:3 289:4 289:5 289:6 289:7 289:8 289:9 289:10 290:0 290:1 290:2 290:3 BA01_x:00 BA01_x:01 BA01_x:02 BA01_x:03 BA01_x:04 BA01_x:05 BA01_x:06 BA01_x:07 BA01_x:08 BA01_x:09 BA01_x:10 BA02_x00 BA02_x01 BA02_x02 BA02_x03 Page 29 of 149 Notes: 1=on / 0=off 1=on / 0=off 1=on / 0=off 1=on / 0=off 1=on / 0=off 1=on / 0=off Revision B.33 2/25/2011 Liebert Monitoring Group – Development SiteScan Availability Alarm Points Not Used Not Used Not Used Not Used Smoke Detected Loss of Water Standby Unit On Not Used Short Cycle Loss of Power Not Used Not Used Not Used Local Alarm 1 Local Alarm 2 High Water Humidifier Pan Run Times (View) Compressor 1 Run Hours Compressor 2 Run Hours Glycol Run Hours Fan Motor Run Hours Humidifier Run Hours Reheat 1 Run Hours Reheat 2 Run Hours Reheat 3 Run Hours Chilled H2O Valve Run Hours Setpoints (View) Temperature Setpoint Temperature Tolerance Humidity Setpoint Humidity Tolerance High Temp Alarm Setpoint Low Temp Alarm Setpoint High Humidity Alarm Setpoint Low Humidity Alarm Setpoint Modbus Register BACnet Instance (Exec. 6 Modules) BACnet Instance (Exec. B Modules) 40290:4 40290:5 40290:6 40290:7 40290:8 40290:9 40290:10 40291:0 40291:1 40291:2 40291:3 40291:4 40291:5 40291:6 40291:7 40291:8 290:4 290:5 290:6 290:7 290:8 290:9 290:10 291:0 291:1 291:2 291:3 291:4 291:5 291:6 291:7 291:8 BA02_x:08 BA02_x:09 BA02_x:10 BA03_x:00 BA03_x:01 BA03_x:02 BA03_x:03 BA03_x:04 BA03_x:05 BA03_x:06 BA03_x:07 BA03_x:08 40019 40020 19 20 BS19_x BS20_x 40021 40022 21 22 BS21_x BS22_x 40010 40011 40012 40013 40014 40015 40016 40017 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 BS10_x BS11_x BS12_x BS13_x BS14_x BS15_x BS16_x BS17_x Page 30 of 149 Notes: Revision B.33 2/25/2011 Liebert Monitoring Group – Development SiteScan Availability Control Points (Set) Unit On / Off Temperature Setpoint Temperature Tolerance Humidity Setpoint Humidity Tolerance Reheat Lockout Humidifier Lockout Modbus Register BACnet Instance (Exec. 6 Modules) BACnet Instance (Exec. B Modules) 40349 40350 40350 40351 40351 40349 40349 349 350 350 351 351 349 349 BC01_x BC02_x BC02_x BC03_x BC03_x BC01_x BC01_x Trendable Points (Set) Temperature Humidity Reports Trend Status Page 31 of 149 Notes: Bit 0 on=unit off Bit 1 on=unit on Multiply desired value by 1000 Multiply desired value by 1000 Bit 2 on=RH off Bit 3 on=RH on Bit 4 on=HL off Bit 5 on=HL on Revision B.33 2/25/2011 Liebert Monitoring Group – Development Atlas Air Unit – C10 Hardware Compatibility Liebert Units: Atlas Air; LECS 15 SiteScan Interface Modules: SiteLink (All) BMS interface Modules: SiteLink (All) Available Points SiteScan Availability Status Points (View) Unit Number Average Return Air Temp. Average Return Air Humidity Average Supply Air Temp. Average Supply Air Humidity Activation Mode Fan Status Cool 1 Status Cool 2 Status Heat 1 Status Heat 2 Status Humidifier Status De-humidifier Status Cooling Capacity Heating Capacity Active Operation (Days) Active Operation (Hours) Cool Mode (Days) Cool Mode (Hours) Heat Mode (Days) Heat Mode (Hours) Humidifier Mode (Days) Humidifier Mode (Hours) De-humidifier Mode (Days) De-humidifier Mode (Hours) Cool 1 Operating Mode (Days) Cool 1 Operating Mode (Hours) Modbus Register BACnet Instance (Exec. 6 Modules) BACnet Instance (Exec. B Modules) 40001 40002 40003 40004 40005 40006 40007 40008 40009 40010 40011 40012 40013 40014 40015 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 BS01_x BS02_x BS03_x BS04_x BS05_x BS06_x BS07_x BS08_x BS09_x BS10_x BS11_x BS12_x BS13_x BS14_x BS15_x Page 32 of 149 Notes: Revision B.33 2/25/2011 Liebert Monitoring Group – Development SiteScan Availability Cool 2 Operating Mode (Days) Cool 2 Operating Mode (Hours) Fan Operation (Days) Fan Operation (Hours) Heat 1Operating Mode (Days) Heat 1Operating Mode (Hours) Heat 2 Operating Mode (Days) Heat 2 Operating Mode (Hours) Humidify Operating Mode (Days) Humidity Operating Mode (Hours) Cool Service (Days) Cool Service (Hours) Filter Service (Days) Filter Service (Hours) Humidifier Service (Days) Humidifier Service (Hours) Temperature Control Status Battery Voltage Level Remote Shutdown Status General Alarm Status Audible Alarm Status Temperature Control Select Alarm Points Communications Faulty Sensor High Temperature Low Temperature High Humidity Low Humidity Loss of Airflow Water Under Floor Cool 1 Low Pressure Alarm Cool 2 Low Pressure Alarm Cool 1 High Pressure Alarm Cool 2 High Pressure Alarm Cool Service Humidifier Service Modbus Register BACnet Instance (Exec. 6 Modules) BACnet Instance (Exec. B Modules) 40019 40020 40021 40022 40023 40024 19 20 21 22 23 24 BS19_x BS20_x BS21_x BS22_x BS23_x BS24_x 40289:00 40289:01 40289:02 40289:03 40289:04 40289:05 40289:06 40289:07 40289:08 40289:09 40289:10 40290:00 40290:01 40290:02 289:00 289:01 289:02 289:03 289:04 289:05 289:06 289:07 289:08 289:09 289:10 290:00 290:01 290:02 BA01_x:00 BA01_x:01 BA01_x:02 BA01_x:03 BA01_x:04 BA01_x:05 BA01_x:06 BA01_x:07 BA01_x:08 BA01_x:09 BA01_x:10 BA02_x:00 BA02_x:01 BA02_x:02 Page 33 of 149 Notes: Revision B.33 2/25/2011 Liebert Monitoring Group – Development SiteScan Availability Alarm Points Filter Service Humidity Low Level Battery Level Low Loss of Power Spare 1 Spare 2 Setpoints (View) Unit Status (On / Off) Return Air Temperature Return Air Humidity Supply Air Temperature High Temperature Alarm Low Temperature Alarm High Humidity Alarm Low Humidity Alarm Start up Delay Control Points (Set) Unit Status (On / Off) Return Air Temperature Return Air Humidity Supply Air Temperature High Temperature Alarm Low Temperature Alarm High Humidity Alarm Low Humidity Alarm Start up Delay Trendable Points (Set) Average Return Air Temp. Average Return Air Humidity Average Supply Air Temp. Average Supply Air Humidity Reports Trend Status Modbus Register BACnet Instance (Exec. 6 Modules) BACnet Instance (Exec. B Modules) 40290:3 40290:4 40290:5 40290:6 40290:7 40290:8 290:3 290:4 290:5 290:6 290:7 290:8 BA02_x:03 BA02_x:04 BA02_x:05 BA02_x:06 BA02_x:07 BA02_x:08 40016 40017 40018 16 17 18 BS16_x BS17_x BS18_x 40349 40350 40351 349 350 351 BC01_x BC02_x BC03_x Page 34 of 149 Notes: Revision B.33 2/25/2011 Liebert Monitoring Group – Development Chiller Unit – CSU3000 – CSU Hardware Compatibility Liebert Units: Chiller CSU-3000 SiteScan Interface Modules: SiteLink (All) BMS interface Modules: SiteLink (All) Available Points SiteScan Availability Status Points (View) Number of Modules Module 1 Start Module 1 Pump Module 1 Cool Module 2 Start Module 2 Pump Module 2 Cool Module 3 Start Module 3 Pump Module 3 Cool Alarm Points Communications Mod 1 High Head Pressure Mod 2 High Head Pressure Mod 3 High Head Pressure Module 1 No Water Flow Module 2 No Water Flow Module 3 No Water Flow Module 1 High Water Temp. Module 2 High Water Temp. Module 3 High Water Temp. Module 1 Low Water Temp. Module 2 Low Water Temp. Module 3 Low Water Temp. Module 1 No Power Module 2 No Power Modbus Register BACnet Instance (Exec. 6 Modules) BACnet Instance (Exec. B Modules) 40001 40002 40003 40004 40005 40006 40007 40008 40009 40010 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 BS01_x BS02_x BS03_x BS04_x BS05_x BS06_x BS07_x BS08_x BS09_x BS10_x 40289:0 40289:1 40289:2 40289:3 40289:4 40289:5 40289:6 40289:7 40289:8 40289:9 40289:10 40290:0 40290:1 40290:2 40290:3 289:0 289:1 289:2 289:3 289:4 289:5 289:6 289:7 289:8 289:9 289:10 290:0 290:1 290:2 290:3 BA01_x:00 BA01_x:01 BA01_x:02 BA01_x:03 BA01_x:04 BA01_x:05 BA01_x:06 BA01_x:07 BA01_x:08 BA01_x:09 BA01_x:10 BA02_x:00 BA02_x:01 BA02_x:02 BA02_x:03 Page 35 of 149 Notes: 1=START / 0=STOP 1=ON / 0=OFF 1=ON / 0=OFF 1=ON / 0=OFF 1=ON / 0=OFF 1=START / 0=STOP 1=ON / 0=OFF 1=ON / 0=OFF Revision B.33 2/25/2011 Liebert Monitoring Group – Development SiteScan Availability Alarm Points Module 3 No Power Module 1 Liquid Detected Module 2 Liquid Detected Module 3 Liquid Detected Local Alarm 1 Local Alarm 2 Modbus Register BACnet Instance (Exec. 6 Modules) BACnet Instance (Exec. B Modules) 40290:4 40290:5 40290:6 40290:7 40290:8 40290:9 290:4 290:5 290:6 290:7 290:8 290:9 BA02_x:04 BA02_x:05 BA02_x:06 BA02_x:07 BA02_x:08 BA02_x:09 Setpoints (View) None Control Points (Set) None Trendable Points (Set) None Reports Status Page 36 of 149 Notes: Revision B.33 2/25/2011 Liebert Monitoring Group – Development Chiller Unit – CSU 3000 w/Econo – CSE Hardware Compatibility Liebert Units: Chiller CSU-3000 SiteScan Interface Modules: SiteLink (All) BMS interface Modules: SiteLink (All) Available Points SiteScan Availability Status Points (View) System Econ-o-Cycle Number of Modules Module 1 Start Module 1 Pump Module 1 Cool Module 2 Start Module 2 Pump Module 2 Cool Module 3 Start Module 3 Pump Module 3 Cool Module 1 Econ-o-Cycle Module 2 Econ-o-Cycle Module 3 Econ-o-Cycle Alarm Points Communications Mod 1 High Head Pressure Mod 2 High Head Pressure Mod 3 High Head Pressure Module 1 No Water Flow Module 2 No Water Flow Module 3 No Water Flow Module 1 High Water Temp. Module 2 High Water Temp. Module 3 High Water Temp. Module 1 Low Water Temp. Modbus Register BACnet Instance (Exec. 6 Modules) BACnet Instance (Exec. B Modules) 40001 40002 40003 40004 40005 40006 40007 40008 40009 40010 40011 40012 40013 40014 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 BS01_x BS02_x BS03_x BS04_x BS05_x BS06_x BS07_x BS08_x BS09_x BS10_x BS11_x BS12_x BS13_x BS14_x 40289:00 40289:01 40289:02 40289:03 40289:04 40289:05 40289:06 40289:07 40289:08 40289:09 40289:10 289:00 289:01 289:02 289:03 289:04 289:05 289:06 289:07 289:08 289:09 289:10 BA01_x:00 BA01_x:01 BA01_x:02 BA01_x:03 BA01_x:04 BA01_x:05 BA01_x:06 BA01_x:07 BA01_x:08 BA01_x:09 BA01_x:10 Page 37 of 149 Notes: 1=ON / 0=OFF 1=START / 0=STOP 1=ON / 0=OFF 1=ON / 0=OFF 1=START / 0=STOP 1=ON / 0=OFF 1=ON / 0=OFF 1=START / 0=STOP 1=ON / 0=OFF 1=ON / 0=OFF 1=ON / 0=OFF 1=ON / 0=OFF 1=ON / 0=OFF Revision B.33 2/25/2011 Liebert Monitoring Group – Development SiteScan Availability Alarm Points Module 2 Low Water Temp. Module 3 Low Water Temp. Module 1 No Power Module 2 No Power Module 3 No Power Modbus Register BACnet Instance (Exec. 6 Modules) BACnet Instance (Exec. B Modules) 40290:0 40290:1 40290:2 40290:3 40290:4 290:0 290:1 290:2 290:3 290:4 BA02_x:00 BA02_x:01 BA02_x:02 BA02_x:03 BA02_x:04 Setpoints (Set) None Control Points (Set) None Trendable Points (Set) None Reports Status Page 38 of 149 Notes: Revision B.33 2/25/2011 Liebert Monitoring Group – Development Air Unit - Hiross Microface Hardware Compatibility Liebert Units: Liebert Hiross Microface SiteScan Interface Modules: SiteLink (All) BMS interface Modules: Liebert Hiross Hirolink Available Points SiteScan Availability Status Points (View) Unit On Off Heater Working Days Heater Working Hours Humidifier Working Days Humidifier Working Hours Compressor 1 Working Days Compressor 1 Working Hours Conditioner Working Days Conditioner Working Hours Low Humidity Warning High Humidity Warning Low Temperature Warning High Temperature Warning Humidity Proportional Band Temperature Proportional Band Room Humidity Setpoint Room Temperature Setpoint 1 Compressor 2 Working Days Compressor 2 Working Hours Free-cooling Working Days Free-cooling Working Hours Cooling Ramp Status Dehumidification Status Electrical Heater 2 Status Electrical Heater 1 Status Compressor 1 Humidifier Current Room Humidity Room Temperature Status Compressor 2 Free-cooling Status Modbus Register - Page 39 of 149 BACnet Instance Notes: G101 G102 G103 G104 G105 G106 G107 G108 G109 G110 G110 G112 G113 G114 G115 G116 G117 G118 G119 G120 G121 G122 G123 G124 G125 G126 G127 G128 G129 G130 G131 1=On / 0=Off 1=On / 0=Off 1=On / 0=Off 1=On / 0=Off 1=On / 0=Off 1=On / 0=Off Revision B.33 2/25/2011 Liebert Monitoring Group – Development SiteScan Availability Modbus Register BACnet Instance - G200 G201 G202 G203 G204 G205 G206 G207 G208 G209 G210 G211 G212 G213 G214 G215 G216 G217 G218 G219 G220 G221 G222 G223 G224 G225 G226 G227 G228 G229 G230 G231 G232 G233 G234 Alarm Points General Alarm Compressor 1 High Pressure Compressor 1 Low Pressure High Chiller Water Temp Low Chilled Water Flow Electric Heater Overheat Fan Failure Warning Fan Failure Alarm Clogged Filters Water Leak Detected Warning Water Leak Detected Alarm User Input Triggered Warning User Input Triggered Alarm EXT Humidifier Fail Warning Humidifier High Current Humidifier Failure Warning Humidifier Failure Alarm Humidifier Cylinder Warning High Room Temperature Low Room Temperature Warning High Room Humidity Warning Low Room Humidity Warning High Room Temp. (EEAP) Warning Low Room Temp. (EEAP) Warning High Room Humid (EEAP) Warning Low Room Humidity (EEAP) Conditioner Working Hours Exceeded Compressor 1 Working Hours Exceeded Humidifier Working Hours Exceeded PTC Sensor Failure Room Sensor Failure Warning Room Sensor Failure Alarm EEAP Sensor Failure Warning Water Presence Sensor Failure Network Failure Page 40 of 149 Notes: Revision B.33 2/25/2011 Liebert Monitoring Group – Development SiteScan Availability Alarm Points (Continued) Out Of Memory Unit On Unit Off Sleep Mode Standby Mode Power On Power Off Unit 1 Disconnected Unit 2 Disconnected Unit 3 Disconnected Unit 4 Disconnected Unit 5 Disconnected Unit 6 Disconnected Unit 7 Disconnected Unit 8 Disconnected Compressor 2 High Pressure Compressor 2 Low Pressure Compressor 2 Working Hours Outdoor Temperature Sensor Failure Glycol Temperature Sensor Failure Freecooling Stopped For 1 Hour On/Off By Hiromatic Not Enabled Smoke Alarm No Power (User Input) Power On (User Input) User Input 2 Triggered User Input 2 Alarm No Connection To Unit 1 Compressor 1 Motor Protection Compressor 2 Motor Protection Fire Alarm Out Of Memory (Hiromatic) Condenser 1 Fan Failure Condenser 2 Fan Failure Network Ping Subgroup-ID Not Unique Subgroup-ID 1 Not Connected Modbus Register BACnet Instance - G235 G236 G237 G238 G239 G240 G241 G242 G243 G244 G245 G246 G247 G248 G249 G258 G259 G260 G261 G262 G263 G264 G265 G266 G267 G268 G269 G270 G271 G272 G273 G274 G275 G276 G277 G278 G279 Page 41 of 149 Notes: Revision B.33 2/25/2011 Liebert Monitoring Group – Development SiteScan Availability Alarm Points (Continued) Subgroup-ID 2 Not Connected Share Room Sensor Failure Share Room Sensor Alarm Share Outdoor Temperature Sensor Share Glycol Temperature Sensor Unit Synchronization (Short Reset) Humidifier High Temperature Humidifier Overflow Unit Summary Alarm Modbus Register BACnet Instance - G280 G281 G282 G283 G284 G285 G286 G287 STAT Page 42 of 149 Notes: Revision B.33 2/25/2011 Liebert Monitoring Group – Development Air Unit – X-Treme Density Coolant Distribution Unit– CDU Hardware Compatibility Liebert Units: X-Treme Density Coolant Distribution Unit SiteScan Interface Modules: SiteLink (All) BMS interface Modules: SiteLink (All) Available Points SiteScan Availability Status Points (View) Valve % Open Pump 1 Status Pump 2 Status Fluid Level Fluid Temperature Stop Valve Purge Valve FMS Disable Rate Of Change Local Temp Local Humidity Local Dewpoint Remote Temp Remote Humidity Remote Dewpoint Unit Status Alarm Points Communications Local Off Remote Off Loss Of Flow P1 Loss Of Flow P2 Pump Short Cycle Spare 5 Leak Detected Valve Failure Customer Alarm 1 Fan Fail High Fluid Temp Low Fluid Temp Modbus Register BACnet Instance (Exec. 6 Modules) BACnet Instance (Exec. B Modules) 40001 40002 40003 40004 40005 40006 40007 40008 40009 40010 40011 40012 40013 40014 40015 40016 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 BS01_x BS02_x BS03_x BS04_x BS05_x BS06_x BS07_x BS08_x BS09_x BS10_x BS11_x BS12_x BS13_x BS14_x BS15_x BS16_x 40289:00 40289:01 40289:02 40289:03 40289:04 40289:05 40289:06 40289:07 40289:08 40289:09 40289:10 40290:00 40290:01 289:0 289:1 289:2 289:3 289:4 289:5 289:6 289:7 289:8 289:9 289:10 290:0 290:1 BA01_x:00 BA01_x:01 BA01_x:02 BA01_x:03 BA01_x:04 BA01_x:05 BA01_x:06 BA01_x:07 BA01_x:08 BA01_x:09 BA01_x:10 BA02_x:00 BA02_x:01 Page 43 of 149 Notes: 1=On / 0=Off 1=On / 0=Off 1=On / 0=Off 43=C / 46=F Revision B.33 2/25/2011 Liebert Monitoring Group – Development SiteScan Availability Alarm Points Fluid Sensor Problem High Remote Temp Low Remote Temp Remote Sensor Problem High Local Temp Low Local Temp Local Sensor Problem Low Pressure High Fluid Level Low Fluid Level Low Low Level Fluid Level ROC System Purge P1 Emergency Purge FMS Power Loss Loss Of Power Setpoints (View) Temperature Setpoint High Fluid Temp Setpoint Temp Scale High Air Temp Low Air Temp Dewpoint Margin Restart Delay Control Points (Set) Unit On / Off Temperature Setpoint Dewpoint Margin Modbus Register BACnet Instance (Exec. 6 Modules) BACnet Instance (Exec. B Modules) 40290:02 40290:03 40290:04 40290:05 40290:06 40290:07 40290:08 40290:09 40290:10 40291:00 40291:01 40291:02 40291:03 40291:04 40291:05 40291:06 290:2 290:3 290:4 290:5 290:6 290:7 290:8 290:9 290:10 291:0 291:1 291:2 291:3 291:4 291:5 291:6 BA02_x:02 BA02_x:03 BA02_x:04 BA02_x:05 BA02_x:06 BA02_x:07 BA02_x:08 BA02_x:09 BA02_x:10 BA03_x:00 BA03_x:01 BA03_x:02 BA03_x:03 BA03_x:04 BA03_x:05 BA03_x:06 40017 40018 17 18 BS17_x BS18_x 40019 40020 40021 40022 19 20 21 22 BS19_x BS20_x BS21_x BS22_x 40349 40350 40351 49 50 51 BC01_x BC02_x BC03_x Trendable Points (Set) Temperature Humidity Dewpoint Reports Trend Status Page 44 of 149 Notes: Revision B.33 2/25/2011 Liebert Monitoring Group – Development Air Unit – X-Treme Density Coolant Pumping Unit– XDP Hardware Compatibility Liebert Units: X-Treme Density Coolant Pumping Unit SiteScan Interface Modules: SiteLink (All) BMS interface Modules: SiteLink (All) Available Points SiteScan Availability Modbus Register BACnet Instance (Exec. 6 Modules) BACnet Instance (Exec. B Modules) Status Points (View) Valve % Open Pump 1 Status Pump 2 Status Fluid Temperature Chilled Water Temperature Unit Status Scale F or C Local Temperature Local Humidity Local Dewpoint Remote Temperature Remote Humidity Remote Dewpoint 40001 40002 40003 40004 40005 40006 40007 40008 40009 40010 40011 40012 40013 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 BS01_x BS02_x BS03_x BS04_x BS05_x BS06_x BS07_x BS08_x BS09_x BS10_x BS11_x BS12_x BS13_x Alarm Points Communications Local Off Remote Off Loss Of Flow P1 Loss Of Flow P2 Pump Short Cycle Condensation Refrigerant Leak Valve Failure Customer Alarm 1 Fan Failure Alarm High Chilled Water Temp Low Chilled Water Temp Failed Chilled Water Sensor High Remote Temp Low Remote Temp 40289:00 40289:01 40289:02 40289:03 40289:04 40289:05 40289:06 40289:07 40289:08 40289:09 40289:10 40290:00 40290:01 40290:02 40290:03 40290:04 289:0 289:1 289:2 289:3 289:4 289:5 289:6 289:7 289:8 289:9 289:10 290:0 290:1 290:2 290:3 290:4 BA01_x:00 BA01_x:01 BA01_x:02 BA01_x:03 BA01_x:04 BA01_x:05 BA01_x:06 BA01_x:07 BA01_x:08 BA01_x:09 BA01_x:10 BA02_x:00 BA02_x:01 BA02_x:02 BA02_x:03 BA02_x:04 Page 45 of 149 Notes: 1=On / 0=Off 1=On / 0=Off Divide by 10 for correct value Divide by 10 for correct value 1=On / 0=Off 43=C / 46=F Revision B.33 2/25/2011 Liebert Monitoring Group – Development SiteScan Availability Alarm Points Remote Sensor Problem High Local Temp Low Local Temp Local Sensor Problem Low Pressure High Refrigerant Temp Low Refrigerant Temp Failed Refrigerant Sensor Loss Of Power Setpoints (View) Temperature Setpoint Temperature Scale High Chilled Water Temp High Air Temp Low Air Temp Dewpoint Margin Restart Delay Control Points (Set) Unit On / Off Temperature Setpoint Dewpoint Margin Modbus Register BACnet Instance (Exec. 6 Modules) BACnet Instance (Exec. B Modules) 40290:05 40290:06 40290:07 40290:08 40290:09 40290:10 40291:00 40291:01 40291:02 290:5 290:6 290:7 290:8 290:9 290:10 291:0 291:1 291:2 BA02_x:05 BA02_x:06 BA02_x:07 BA02_x:08 BA02_x:09 BA02_x:10 BA03_x:00 BA03_x:01 BA03_x:02 40014 14 BS14_x 40015 40016 40017 40018 40019 15 16 17 18 19 BS15_x BS16_x BS17_x BS18_x BS19_x 40349 40350 40351 49 50 51 BC01_x BC02_x BC03_x Trendable Points (Set) Temperature Humidity Dewpoint Reports Trend Status Page 46 of 149 Notes: Revision B.33 2/25/2011 Liebert Monitoring Group – Development Air Unit – X-Treme Density Chiller Unit– XDC Hardware Compatibility Liebert Units: X-Treme Density Chiller Unit SiteScan Interface Modules: SiteLink (All) BMS interface Modules: SiteLink (All) Available Points SiteScan Availability Status Points (View) Pump 1 Status Pump 2 Status Cooling % Compressor 1A status Compressor 1B status HG Valve1 % Compressor 2A status Compressor 2B status HG Valve2 % Refer Temp 1 Refer Temp 2 CW Temp Unit Status Scale F or C Local Temp Local Humidity Local Dew Point Remote Temp Remote Humidity Remote Dew Point Modbus Register BACnet Instance (Exec. 6 Modules) BACnet Instance (Exec. B Modules) Notes: 40001 40002 40003 40004 40005 40006 40007 40008 40009 40010 40011 40012 40013 40014 40015 40016 40017 40018 40019 40020 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A BS01_x BS02_x BS03_x BS04_x BS05_x BS06_x BS07_x BS08_x BS09_x BS10_x BS11_x BS12_x BS13_x BS14_x BS15_x BS16_x BS17_x BS18_x BS19_x BS20_x 1=On / 0=Off 1=On / 0=Off 40289:00 40289:01 40289:02 40289:03 40289:04 40289:05 40289:06 40289:07 40289:08 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A BA01_x:00 BA01_x:01 BA01_x:02 BA01_x:03 BA01_x:04 BA01_x:05 BA01_x:06 BA01_x:07 BA01_x:08 Alarm Points Communications Local Off Remote Off Loss Of Flow Pump 1 Loss Of Flow Pump 2 Pump Short Cycle Customer Alarm 1 Condensation Fan Failure Alarm Page 47 of 149 1=On / 0=Off 1=On / 0=Off 1=On / 0=Off 1=On / 0=Off Divide by 10 for correct value Divide by 10 for correct value Divide by 10 for correct value 1=On / 0=Off 43=C / 46=F Revision B.33 2/25/2011 Liebert Monitoring Group – Development SiteScan Availability Modbus Register BACnet Instance (Exec. 6 Modules) BACnet Instance (Exec. B Modules) 40289:09 40289:10 40290:00 40290:01 40290:02 40290:03 40290:04 40290:05 40290:06 40290:07 40290:08 40290:09 40290:10 40291:00 40291:01 40291:02 40291:03 40291:04 40291:05 40291:06 40291:07 40291:08 40291:09 40291:10 40292:00 40292:01 40292:02 40292:03 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A BA01_x:09 BA01_x:10 BA02_x:00 BA02_x:01 BA02_x:02 BA02_x:03 BA02_x:04 BA02_x:05 BA02_x:06 BA02_x:07 BA02_x:08 BA02_x:09 BA02_x:10 BA03_x:00 BA03_x:01 BA03_x:02 BA03_x:03 BA03_x:04 BA03_x:05 BA03_x:06 BA03_x:07 BA03_x:08 BA03_x:09 BA03_x:10 BA03_x:00 BA03_x:01 BA03_x:02 BA03_x:03 40021 40022 40023 N/A N/A N/A BS21_x BS22_x BS23_x Alarm Points (cont.) High Local Temperature Low Local Temperature Local Sensor Problem High Remote Temperature Low Remote Temperature Remote Sensor Problem High Dewpoint High Head Compressor 1a High Head Compressor 1b High Head Compressor 2a High Head Compressor 2b Low Suction P Tandem 1 Low Suction P Tandem 2 Short Cycle Compressor 1a Short Cycle Compressor 1b Short Cycle Compressor 2a Short Cycle Compressor 2b High Refrigerant Temp 1 Low Refrigerant Temp 1 Failed Refrigerant Sensor 1 High Refrigerant Temp 2 Low Refrigerant Temp 2 Failed Refrigerant Sensor 2 High Chilled Water Temp Low Chilled Water Temp Failed Chilled Water Sensor Valve Failure Loss Of Power Setpoints (View) Temp Setpoint High Temp Setpoint Low Temp Setpoint Page 48 of 149 Notes: Revision B.33 2/25/2011 Liebert Monitoring Group – Development SiteScan Availability Control Points (Set) Unit On / Off Temperature Setpoint Dewpoint Margin Modbus Register BACnet Instance (Exec. 6 Modules) BACnet Instance (Exec. B Modules) 40349 40350 - N/A N/A N/A BC01_x BC02_x - Trendable Points Temperature Humidity Dewpoint Reports Trend Page 49 of 149 Notes: Revision B.33 2/25/2011 Liebert Monitoring Group – Development Air Unit – iCOM DS & Retrofit (2mb version SiteLink) Hardware Compatibility Liebert Units: iCOM DS controls and iCOM retrofit using Optional IS485 interface card SiteScan Interface Modules: SiteLink (All) BMS interface Modules: SiteLink (All) Available Points SiteScan Availability Status Points (View) Unit On/Off Status Unit Standy Status Control Mode (Auto, Manual) Control Reason Fan Status Cooling Status Freecooling Status Hot Water State Electric Heater State Humidifier State De-humidifier State Audible Alarm State Cooling Ramp Heating Ramp Return Temp Return Humidity Run Hours (View) Conditioner Run Hrs. Comp 1 Run Hrs. Comp 2 Run Hrs. Humidifier Run Hrs. Reheat 1 Run Hrs. Reheat 2 Run Hrs. Reheat 3 Run Hrs. Setpoints (View) Front Display Temp Scale Humidifier Lockout Status Reheat Lockout Status Temperature Setpoint Temp Proportional Band Temp Deadband Modbus Register BACnet Instance (Exec. 6 Modules) BACnet Instance (Exec. B Modules) 40001 40002 BS01 BS02 40003 BS03 40004 40005 40006 BS04 BS05 BS06 40007 40008 40009 40010 BS07 BS08 BS09 BS10 40011 40012 40013 40014 BS11 BS12 BS13 BS14 40015 40016 40017 40018 BS15 BS16 BS17 BS18 Page 50 of 149 Notes: Revision B.33 2/25/2011 Liebert Monitoring Group – Development SiteScan Availability Setpoints (View) Humidity Setpoint Humd Proportional Band Humd Deadband Autorestart Delay IR Humidifier Flush Rate High Temperature Alarm Low Temperature Alarm High Humidity Alarm Low Humidity Alarm Setpoints (Set) Temperature Setpoint Temp Proportional Band Temp Deadband Humidity Setpoint Humd Proportional Band Humd Deadband Autorestart Delay IR Humidifier Flush Rate High Temperature Alarm Low Temperature Alarm High Humidity Alarm Low Humidity Alarm Commands (Set) Unit On/Off Humidifier Lockout Reheat Lockout Alarms Loss Of Comm Main Fan Overload Loss of Airflow Loss of Water Flow Compressor 1 High Pressure Compressor 1 Overload Compressor 2 High Pressure Compressor 2 Overload Smoke Detected Water Detected Modbus Register BACnet Instance (Exec. 6 Modules) BACnet Instance (Exec. B Modules) Notes: 40019 40020 BS19 BS20 40021 40022 40023 40024 BS21 BS22 BS23 BS24 40350 40350 BC02_1 BC02_2 Scale by 1000 (e.g. 2=2000 Modbus Only) 40351 40351 BC03_1 BC03_2 Scale by 1000 (e.g. 5=5000 Modbus Only) 40349:0,1 40349:2,3 40349:4,5 BC01_1 BC01_2 BC01_3 Bit pair 0,1;1=off, 2=on (Modbus Only) Bit pair 2,3; 1=normal, 2=lckout (Modbus Only) Bit pair 4,5; 1=normal, 2=lckout (Modbus Only) Discrete BACnet alarm objects available –use autodiscover for this unit 40289:0 40289:1 40289:2 BA01_x:0 BA01_x:1 BA01_x:2 BA01_x:3 BA01_x:4 BA01_x:5 BA01_x:6 BA01_x:7 BA01_x:8 BA01_x:9 40289:3 40289:4 40289:5 40289:6 40289:7 40289:8 40289:9 Page 51 of 149 Revision B.33 2/25/2011 Liebert Monitoring Group – Development SiteScan Availability Alarms (cont.) Humidifier Problem Standby Unit On High Room Temp Low Room Temp High Room Humidity Low Room Humidity User Alarm #1 User Alarm #2 Unit On Unit Off Trends Return Temperature Return Humidity Modbus Register BACnet Instance (Exec. 6 Modules) BACnet Instance (Exec. B Modules) BA01_x:10 BA02_X:0 BA02_X:1 BA02_X:2 BA02_X:3 BA02_X:4 BA02_X:5 BA02_X:6 BA02_X:7 BA02_X:8 40289:10 40290:0 40290:1 40290:2 40290:3 40290:4 40290:5 40290:6 40290:7 40290:8 Page 52 of 149 Notes: Revision B.33 2/25/2011 Liebert Monitoring Group – Development Air Unit – iCOM DS & Retrofit (16mb version SiteLink) Hardware Compatibility Liebert Units: iCOM DS controls and retrofit using IS485 communication interface card SiteScan Interface Modules: SiteLink-E BMS interface Modules: SiteLink-E SiteScan Status Points Unit On/Off Unit Standby Cooling State Fan State Free Cooling State Hot Water State Electrical Heater State Fan Ramp % Cooling Ramp % Humidifier State Free Cooling Ramp % Dehumidifier State Heating Ramp % Humidification Ramp % De-humidification Ramp % Free Cooling Status Return Temp Return Temp Set-point Supply Temp FC Fluid Temp Supply Temp SP # Of Present Events Humidity Lockout Active Reheat Lockout Active Sensor A Temp Sensor B Temp Sensor C Temp Comp 1 Temp Comp 2 Temp Return Humidity Return Humidity Setpoint Sensor A Humidity Sensor B Humidity Sensor C Humidity Conditioner Run Hours Compressor 1 Run Hrs Compressor 2 Run Hrs Point Availability Modbus BACnet Register Object 40001 40002 40003 40004 40007 40005 40006 40008 40009 40015 40016 40010 40011 40012 40013 BS1 BS2 BS03b1 BS03b0 BS03b2 BS03b3 BS03b4 BS04 BS05 BS03b5 BS06 BS03b6 BS07 BS08 BS09 BS0A BS0B BS0D BS0F BS15 BS11 BS13 bs15 bs16 BS17 BS19 BS1B BS1D BS1F BS21 BS22 BS23 BS24 BS25 BS26 BS28 BS2A Page 53 of 149 Notes: Optional External Sensor Optional External Sensor Optional External Sensor Optional External Sensor Optional External Sensor Optional External Sensor Revision B.33 2/25/2011 Liebert Monitoring Group – Development SiteScan Point Availability Modbus BACnet Register Object Status Points (cont.) Humidifier Run Hrs Dehumidifier Run Hrs FreeCool Run Hrs Electric Heater #1 Run Hrs Electric Heater #2 Run Hrs Electric Heater #3 Run Hrs Hot Water/Hot Gas Run Hrs Daily High Temperature Daily Low Temperature Daily High Humidity Daily Low Humidity VFD Fan Speed Setpoint % VFD Control Mode Temperature Scale Temperature Setpoint Temp Prop. Band Setpoint Temp Deadband Setpoint Humidity Setpoint Humidity Prop. Band Setpoint Humidity Dead Band Setpoint Auto-restart Delay Setpoint IR Flush Rate % Setpoint High Temp Alarm Setpoint Low Temp Alarm Setpoint Sensor A High Temp Alarm Sp Sensor A Low Temp Alarm Sp High Humidity Alarm Setpoint Low Humidity Alarm Setpoint Sensor A High Humd Alarm Sp Sensor A Low Humd Alarm Sp 40014 40017 40018 40019 40020 40021 40022 40023 40024 - BS2C BS2E BS30 BS32 BS32 BS36 BS38 BS3A BS3E BS42 BS45 bs86 bs87 BV09 BV1C BV1E BV20 BV23 BV24 BV26 BV27 BV34 BV36 BV38 BV3A BV3C BV3E BV3F BV40 BV41 Alarm Points Alarm I (Word) Loss Of Comm Not Used Main Fan Overload Loss Of Airflow Loss Of Waterflow Compressor 1 High Pressure Compressor 1 Low Pressure 40289 bit0 bit2 bit3 bit4 bit5 bit6 BA1 G701 BA02 BA03 BA04 BA05 BA06 Page 54 of 149 Notes: 0=Celcius, 1=Farenheit BacNet alarm points available as either bit packed values in registers BA1-BA5 or discrete points as documented. Revision B.33 2/25/2011 Liebert Monitoring Group – Development SiteScan Alarm Points (cont.) Alarm I (Word cont.) Compressor 1 Overload Compressor 1 Pumpdown Fail Compressor 2 High Pressure Compressor 2 Low Pressure Compressor 2 Overload Compressor 2 Pumpdown Fail DigiScroll 1 High Temp DigiScroll 2 High Temp Smoke Detected Water Detected Humidifier Problem Standby Glycol Pump On Standby Glycol Unit On Condenser Pump High Water Alarm II (Word) Room Sensor Fail Compressor Loss Of Power Blower Fail Emergency Damper Fail Internal High Temperature Humidifier Water Low Humidifier High Current User High Temperature Loss Of Power High Chilled Water Temp High Electric Heater Temp High Room Temp Low Room Temp High Room Humidity Low Room Humidity Sensor A High Temp Alarm III (Word) Sensor A Low Temp Sensor A High Humidity Sensor A Low Humidity Loss Of Chilled Water Flow Clogged Air Filters Internal Low Temp High External Dewpoint Supply Sensor Fail Point Availability Modbus BACnet Register Object 40289 bit7 bit8 bit5 bit6 bit7 bit8 bit9 bit9 bit10 bit11 bit12 bit13 bit14 bit15 40290 bit0 bit1 bit2 bit3 bit4 bit5 bit6 bit7 bit8 bit9 bit10 bit11 bit12 bit13 bit14 bit15 40291 bit0 bit1 bit2 bit3 bit4 bit5 bit6 bit7 Page 55 of 149 BA1 BA07 BA08 BA09 BA0A BA0B BA0C BA0D BA0E BA0F ba10 ba11 ba12 ba13 ba14 BA2 ba15 ba16 ba17 ba18 ba19 ba1a ba1b ba1c ba1d ba20 ba21 ba22 ba23 ba24 ba25 ba26 BA3 ba27 ba28 ba29 ba2a ba2b ba2c ba2d ba30 Notes: Ored with bit5 (Comp 1 HP) Ored with bit6 (Comp 1 LP) Ored with bit7 (Comp 1 OL) Ored with bit8 (Comp 1 PF) Ored with bit9 (DigiScroll 1 HT) Revision B.33 2/25/2011 Liebert Monitoring Group – Development SiteScan Alarm Points (cont.) Alarm III (Word cont.) Glycol Sensor Fail Sensor A Fail Digital Scroll 1 Sensor Fail Digital Scroll 2 Sensor Fail User Input Alarm #1 User Input Alarm #2 User Input Alarm #3 User Input Alarm #4 Unit Working Hours Exceeded Comp1 Working Hours Exceeded Comp2 Working Hours Exceeded Alarm IV (Word) Free Cool Hours Exceeded Electrical Heater 1 Hours Exceeded Electrical Heater 2 Hours Exceeded Electrical Heater 3 Hours Exceeded Hot Water or Hot Gas Hours Exceeded Humidifier Hours Exceeded De-humidifier Hours Exceeded Unit On/Off Key Disabled P2P Network Fail Master Station - P2P Network Unit(s) Disconnected - P2P Network P2P Network Unit Code Missing P2P Network Unit Code Mismatch Service Required Control Board Memory Low Alarm V (Word) Humidity Ctrl Board Not Connected Parallel Flash Memory Test Fail Serial Flash Memory Test Fail Unit Front Access Open Unit Rear Access Open Unit Disabled By Alarm Unit Shutdown By Alarm Unit Synchronization Compressor 1 Short Cycle Unit On Unit Off Timer Off Point Availability Modbus BACnet Register Object 40291 bit8 bit9 bit10 bit11 bit12 bit12 bit12 bit12 bit13 bit14 bit15 40292 bit0 bit1 bit2 bit3 bit4 bit5 bit6 bit7 bit8 bit9 bit10 bit11 bit12 bit13 bit14 40293 bit0 bit1 bit2 bit3 bit4 bit5 bit6 bit7 bit8 bit9 Page 56 of 149 BA3 ba31 ba32 ba36 ba37 ba38 ba39 ba3a ba3b ba40 ba41 ba42 BA4 ba43 ba44 ba45 ba46 ba47 ba48 ba49 ba4a ba4f ba50 ba51 ba52 ba53 ba60 ba61 BA5 ba63 ba64 ba65 ba66 ba67 ba70 ba71 ba72 ba73 ba74 ba75 ba76 Notes: Ored with bit12 (User Input Alarm #1) Ored with bit12 (User Input Alarm #1 Ored with bit12 (User Input Alarm #1 Revision B.33 2/25/2011 Liebert Monitoring Group – Development SiteScan Point Availability Modbus BACnet Register Object Alarm Points (cont.) Alarm V (Word cont.) Power On Standby Mode Power Off Reheat Lockout Humidifier Lockout Compressor Lockout Compressor 2 Short Cycle 40293 bit10 bit11 bit12 bit13 bit14 bit15 BA5 ba77 ba78 ba79 ba7a ba7b ba7c ba7d Control Points (Write) Unit On/Off Humidifier Lockout Reheat Lockout Temp Setpoint Temp Proportional Band Temperature DeadBand Humidity Humidity Proportional Band Humidity Dead Band Auto-restart Delay Seconds IR Flush Rate % High Temp Setpoint Low Temp Setpoint High Temp Setpoint Sensor A Low Temp Setpoint Sensor A High Humidity Setpoint Low Humidity Setpoint High Humidity Setpoint Sens A Low Humidity Setpoint Sens A VFD Control Speed VFD Control Mode 40349 40349 40349 40350 40350 40351 40351 40349 40349 bc01 bc01_2 bc01_3 bp1c bp1e bp20 bp23 bp24 bp26 bp27 bp34 bp36 bp38 bp3a bp3c bp3e bp3f bp40 bp41 bp86 bp87 Page 57 of 149 Notes: Modbus - Set Bit0=off, Bit1=on Modbus - Set Bit4=off, Bit5=on Modbus - Set Bit2=off, Bit3=on Scale *1000 (Modbus Only) Scale *1000 (Modbus Only) Modbus - Set Bits8-15=speed 50-100% Modbus - Set Bit6=auto, Bit7=manual Revision B.33 2/25/2011 Liebert Monitoring Group – Development Air Unit – XDP Refrigerant Pumping Unit – XDP W/ iCOM Control Hardware Compatibility Liebert Units: XDP Unit w/ iCOM Control SiteScan Interface Modules: SiteLink-E (Exec. B Modules) SiteScan Availability Status Points (View) Valve % Open Pump 1 Status Pump 2 Status Supply Temperature Chilled Water Temperature Unit Status Scale F or C Sensor A Temperature Sensor A Humidity Sensor A Dewpoint Sensor B Temperature Sensor B Humidity Sensor B Dewpoint Run Hours (View) Pump 1 Run Hours Pump 2 Run Hours Setpoints (View) Temperature Setpoint High Temp Alarm Setpoint Low Temp Alarm Setpoint Dewpoint Alarm Setpoint Refrigerant Temp Alarm Setpoint Chilled Water Temp Alarm Setpoint Dewpoint Margin Setpoint Temperature Scale F or C Auto-restart Delay Setpoint Unit Status Maintenance Mode Status Setpoints (Set) Temperature Setpoint High Temp Alarm Setpoint Low Temp Alarm Setpoint Dewpoint Alarm Setpoint Modbus Register BACnet Instance 40001 40002 40003 40004 40005 40006 40007 40008 40009 40010 40011 40012 40013 BS01_x BS02_x BS03_x BS04_x BS05_x BS06_x BS07_x BS08_x BS09_x BS10_x BS11_x BS12_x BS13_x 40014 40015 BS14_x BS15_x 40016 40017 40018 40019 40020 40021 40022 BS16_x BS17_x BS18_x BS19_x BS20_x BS21_x BS22_x Notes: 1=On / 0=Off 1=On / 0=Off Divide by 10 for correct value Divide by 10 for correct value Off:1=Rmt, 3=Lcl, 4=Restart, 5=Epo; On=2 43=C / 46=F 0=F 1=C 40023 BS23_x 40024 BS24_x 40350 BC02_x 40351 BC02_x Page 58 of 149 1=On / 0=Off On=All alarms disabled Revision B.33 2/25/2011 Liebert Monitoring Group – Development SiteScan Availability Setpoints (Set) Refrigerant Temp Alarm Setpoint Chilled Water Temp Alarm Setpoint Temperature Scale F or C Auto-restart Delay Unit Run Alarms (View) Loss Of Comm Loss Of Flow Pump 1 Loss Of Flow Pump 2 Fan Failure Condensation Alarm Customer Alarm High Chilled Water Temp Chilled Water Sensor Fail High Refrigerant Temp Low Refrigerant Temp Refrigerant Sensor Fail High Temp Sensor A Low Temp Sensor A Sensor A Fail High Temp Sensor B Low Temp Sensor B Sensor B Fail High Dewpoint Pump Short Cycle Control Valve Fail Loss Of Power Trends (View) Valve % Open Refrigerant Supply Temp Chilled Water Temp Sensor A Temp Sensor A Humidity Sensor A Dewpoint Sensor B Temp Sensor B Humidity Sensor B Dewpoint Modbus Register BACnet Instance 40349 BC01_x 40289:0 40289:1 40289:2 40289:3 40289:4 40289:5 40289:6 40289:7 40289:8 40289:9 40289:10 40289:11 40289:12 40289:13 40289:14 40289:15 40290:0 40290:1 40290:2 40290:3 40290:4 BA01_x:0 BA01_x:1 BA01_x:2 BA01_x:3 BA01_x:4 BA01_x:5 BA01_x:6 BA01_x:7 BA01_x:8 BA01_x:9 BA01_x:10 BA01_x:11 BA01_x:12 BA01_x:13 BA01_x:14 BA01_x:15 BA02_x:0 BA02_x:1 BA02_x:2 BA02_x:3 BA02_x4 Page 59 of 149 Notes: Revision B.33 2/25/2011 Liebert Monitoring Group – Development Liebert Power Units Page 60 of 149 Revision B.33 2/25/2011 Liebert Monitoring Group – Development Power Unit – Voltage- Current Monitoring Panel – VCM Hardware Compatibility Liebert Units: Datawave, Precision Power Center SiteScan Interface Modules: SiteLink (All) BMS interface Modules: SiteLink (All) Available Points SiteScan Availability Status Points (View) Voltage Out X-Y Voltage Out Y-Z Voltage Out Z-X Voltage Out X-N Voltage Out Y-N Voltage Out Z-N Current Out A Current Out B Current Out C Ground Current Neutral Current KVA Alarm Points Communications Output Undervoltage Output Overvoltage Transformer Overtemp Local Alarm #1 Local Alarm #2 Modbus Register BACnet Instance (Exec. 6 Modules) BACnet Instance (Exec. B Modules) 40001 40002 40003 40004 40005 40006 40007 40008 40009 40010 40011 40012 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 BS01_x BS02_x BS03_x BS04_x BS05_x BS06_x BS07_x BS08_x BS09_x BS10_x BS11_x BS12_x 40289:0 40289:1 40289:2 40289:3 40289:4 40289:5 289:0 289:1 289:2 289:3 289:4 289:5 BA01_x:00 BA01_x:05 BA01_x:06 BA01_x:07 BA01_x:08 BA01_x:09 Page 61 of 149 Notes: Revision B.33 2/25/2011 Liebert Monitoring Group – Development SiteScan Availability Modbus Register BACnet Instance (Exec. 6 Modules) Trendable Points (Set) Voltage Out X-Y Voltage Out Y-Z Voltage Out Z-X Voltage Out X-N Voltage Out Y-N Voltage Out Z-N Current Out A Current Out B Current Out C Ground Current Neutral Current kVA Reports Trend Status Page 62 of 149 BACnet Instance (Exec. B Modules) Notes: Revision B.33 2/25/2011 Liebert Monitoring Group – Development Power Unit – Power Monitoring Panel – PMP Hardware Compatibility Liebert Units: Datawave, Precision Power Center SiteScan Interface Modules: SiteLink (All) BMS interface Modules: SiteLink (All) Available Points SiteScan Availability Status Points (View) Voltage In A-B Voltage In B-C Voltage In C-A Voltage Out A-B Voltage Out B-C Voltage Out C-A Voltage Out A-N Voltage Out B-N Voltage Out C-N Current Out A Current Out B Current Out C Ground Current Neutral Current KVA KW Frequency % Capacity A % Capacity B % Capacity C Modbus Register BACnet Instance (Exec. 6 Modules) BACnet Instance (Exec. B Modules) 40001 40002 40003 40004 40005 40006 40007 40008 40009 40010 40011 40012 40013 40014 40015 40016 40017 40018 40019 40020 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 BS01_x BS02_x BS03_x BS04_x BS05_x BS06_x BS07_x BS08_x BS09_x BS10_x BS11_x BS12_x BS13_x BS14_x BS15_x BS16_x BS17_x BS18_x BS19_x BS20_x Alarm Points Communications Output Undervoltage Output Overvoltage Output Overcurrent Frequency Deviation Notes: Divide by 10 for correct value Divide by 10 for correct value Discrete BACnet alarm objects available –use auto-discover for this unit 40289:00 40289:01 40289:02 40289:03 40289:04 289:00 289:01 289:02 289:03 289:04 Page 63 of 149 BA01_x:00 BA01_x:01 BA01_x:02 BA01_x:03 BA01_x:04 Revision B.33 2/25/2011 Liebert Monitoring Group – Development SiteScan Availability Alarm Points Ground Overcurrent Transformer Overtemp Ground Fault Ground Failure Liquid Detected Security Alarm Phase Rotation/Loss Datawave Overtemperature Emergency Shutdown Load On Bypass Local Alarm #1 Local Alarm #2 Custom Alarm #1 Custom Alarm #2 Modbus Register BACnet Instance (Exec. 6 Modules) BACnet Instance (Exec. B Modules) 40289:05 40289:06 40289:07 40289:08 40289:09 40289:10 40290:00 40290:01 40290:02 40290:03 40290:04 40290:05 40290:06 40290:07 289:05 289:06 289:07 289:08 289:09 289:10 290:00 290:01 290:02 290:03 290:04 290:05 290:06 290:07 BA01_x:05 BA01_x:06 BA01_x:07 BA01_x:08 BA01_x:09 BA01_x:10 BA02_x:00 BA02_x:01 BA02_x:02 BA02_x:03 BA02_x:04 BA02_x:05 BA02_x:06 BA02_x:07 Setpoints (View) None Control Points (Set) None Trendable Points (Set) Voltage In A-B Voltage In B-C Voltage In C-A Voltage Out A-B Voltage Out B-C Voltage Out C-A Voltage In A-N Voltage In B-N Voltage In C-N Page 64 of 149 Notes: Revision B.33 2/25/2011 Liebert Monitoring Group – Development SiteScan Availability Modbus Register BACnet Instance (Exec. 6 Modules) Trendable Points (Set) Current Out A Current Out B Current Out C % Capacity A % Capacity B % Capacity C Ground Current Neutral Current KW KVA Reports Trend Status Page 65 of 149 BACnet Instance (Exec. B Modules) Notes: Revision B.33 2/25/2011 Liebert Monitoring Group – Development Power Unit – Voltage-Current-Freq. Monitor Panel – VCF Hardware Compatibility Liebert Units: MPU4000, Datawave, Precision Power Center SiteScan Interface Modules: SiteLink (All) BMS interface Modules: SiteLink (All) Available Points SiteScan Availability Status Points (View) Voltage Out X-Y Voltage Out Y-Z Voltage Out Z-X Voltage Out X-N Voltage Out Y-N Voltage Out Z-N Current Out A Current Out B Current Out C Ground Current Neutral Current KVA Frequency Alarm Points Communications Output Undervoltage Output Overvoltage Transformer Overtemp Local Alarm #1 Local Alarm #2 Modbus Register BACnet Instance (Exec. 6 Modules) BACnet Instance (Exec. B Modules) 40001 40002 40003 40004 40005 40006 40007 40008 40009 40010 40011 40012 40013 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 BS01_x BS02_x BS03_x BS04_x BS05_x BS06_x BS07_x BS08_x BS09_x BS10_x BS11_x BS12_x BS13_x 40289:0 40289:1 40289:2 40289:3 40289:4 40289:5 289:0 289:1 289:2 289:3 289:4 289:5 BA01_x:00 BA01_x:01 BA01_x:02 BA01_x:03 BA01_x:04 BA01_x:05 Setpoints (View) None Control Points (Set) None Page 66 of 149 Notes: Divide by 10 for correct value Revision B.33 2/25/2011 Liebert Monitoring Group – Development SiteScan Availability Modbus Register BACnet Instance (Exec. 6 Modules) Trendable Points (Set) Voltage Out X-Y Voltage Out Y-Z Voltage Out Z-X Voltage Out X-N Voltage Out Y-N Voltage Out Z-N Current Out A Current Out B Current Out C Ground Current Neutral Current kVA Reports Trend Status Page 67 of 149 BACnet Instance (Exec. B Modules) Notes: Revision B.33 2/25/2011 Liebert Monitoring Group – Development Power Unit – Power Monitoring Panel (Ext. Protocol– PM2) Hardware Compatibility Liebert Units: Datawave, Precision Power Center SiteScan Interface Modules: SiteLink (All) BMS interface Modules: SiteLink (All) Available Points SiteScan Availability Status Points (View) Voltage In X-Y Voltage In Y-Z Voltage In Z-X Voltage Out A-B Voltage Out B-C Voltage Out C-A Voltage Out A-N Voltage Out B-N Voltage Out C-N Current Out A Current Out B Current Out C Ground Current Neutral Current KVA KW Frequency % Capacity A % Capacity B % Capacity C Power Factor Kilowatt Hours THD Voltage X THD Voltage Y THD Voltage Z THD Current X THD Current Y Modbus Register BACnet Instance (Exec. 6 Modules) BACnet Instance (Exec. B Modules) 40001 40002 40003 40004 40005 40006 40007 40008 40009 40010 40011 40012 40013 40014 40015 40016 40017 40018 40019 40020 40021 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 BS01_x BS02_x BS03_x BS04_x BS05_x BS06_x BS07_x BS08_x BS09_x BS10_x BS11_x BS12_x BS13_x BS14_x BS15_x BS16_x BS17_X BS18_x BS19_x BS20_x BS21_x Page 68 of 149 Notes: Divide by 10 for correct value Divide by 10 for correct value Divide by 100 for correct value Revision B.33 2/25/2011 Liebert Monitoring Group – Development SiteScan Availability Modbus Register BACnet Instance (Exec. 6 Modules) BACnet Instance (Exec. B Modules) Notes: Status Points (View) THD Current Z K Factor Current X K Factor Current Y K Factor Current Z CREST Factor Current X CREST Factor Current Y CREST Factor Current Z Alarm Points Communications Output Undervoltage Output Overvoltage Output Overcurrent Frequency Deviation Ground Overcurrent Transformer Overtemp Ground Fault Ground Failure Liquid Detected Security Alarm Phase Rotation/Loss Datawave Overtemperature Emergency Shutdown Load On Bypass Local Alarm #1 Local Alarm #2 Output Voltage THD Custom Alarm #1 Custom Alarm #2 Discrete BACnet alarm objects available –use auto-discover for this unit 40289:00 40289:01 40289:02 40289:03 40289:04 40289:05 40289:06 40289:07 40289:08 40289:09 40289:10 40290:00 40290:01 40290:02 40290:03 40290:04 40290:05 40290:06 40290:07 40290:08 289:00 289:01 289:02 289:03 289:04 289:05 289:06 289:07 289:08 289:09 289:10 290:00 290:01 290:02 290:03 290:04 290:05 290:06 290:07 290:08 BA01_x:00 BA01_x:01 BA01_x:02 BA01_x:03 BA01_x:04 BA01_x:05 BA01_x:06 BA01_x:07 BA01_x:08 BA01_x:09 BA01_x:10 BA02_x:00 BA02_x:01 BA02_x:02 BA02_x:03 BA02_x:04 BA02_x:05 BA02_x:06 BA02_x:07 BA02_x:08 Setpoints (View) None Control Points (Set) None Page 69 of 149 Revision B.33 2/25/2011 Liebert Monitoring Group – Development SiteScan Availability Modbus Register BACnet Instance (Exec. 6 Modules) Trendable Points (Set) Voltage In A-B Voltage In B-C Voltage In C-A Voltage Out A-B Voltage Out B-C Voltage Out C-A Voltage In A-N Voltage In B-N Voltage In C-N Current Out A Current Out B Current Out C % Capacity A % Capacity B % Capacity C Ground Current Neutral Current KW KVA Power Factor THD Voltage X THD Voltage Y THD Voltage Z THD Current X THD Current Y THD Current Z K Factor Current X K Factor Current Y K Factor Current Z CREST Factor Current X CREST Factor Current Y CREST Factor Current Z Reports Trend Status Page 70 of 149 BACnet Instance (Exec. B Modules) Notes: Revision B.33 2/25/2011 Liebert Monitoring Group – Development Power Unit – Static Transfer Switch PDU – EDS Hardware Compatibility Liebert Units: Static Transfer Switch SiteScan Interface Modules: SiteLink (All) BMS interface Modules: SiteLink (All) Available Points SiteScan Availability Status Points (View) Transfer Count Preferred Source Load On Source 1or 2 Source 1 Voltage A-B Source 1 Voltage B-C Source 1 Voltage C-A Source 1 Current A Source 1 Current B Source 1 Current C Source 1 Frequency Source 2 Voltage A-B Source 2 Voltage B-C Source 2 Voltage C-A Source 2 Current A Source 2 Current B Source 2 Current C Source 2 Frequency KW KVA Auto Transfer Timer Nominal Voltage Deviation Phase Differential Limit Frequency Deviation Auto Transfer Enabled Modbus Register BACnet Instance (Exec. 6 Modules) BACnet Instance (Exec. B Modules) 40001 40002 40003 40004 40005 40006 40007 40008 40009 40010 40011 40012 40013 40014 40015 40016 40017 40018 40019 40020 40021 40022 40023 40024 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 BS01_x BS02_x BS03_x BS04_x BS05_x BS06_x BS07_x BS08_x BS09_x BS10_x BS11_x BS12_x BS13_x BS14_x BS15_x BS16_x BS17_x BS18_x BS19_x BS20_x BS21_x BS22_x BS23_x BS24_x Page 71 of 149 Notes: 1=Source 1 / 0=Source 2 1=Source 1 / 2=Source 2 Divide by 10 for correct value Divide by 10 for correct value Divide by 10 for correct value 1=Enabled / 0=Disabled Revision B.33 2/25/2011 Liebert Monitoring Group – Development SiteScan Availability Alarm Points Communications Logic Failure Equipment Overtemp Power Supply 1 Fault Source 1 Overvoltage Source 1 Undervoltage Source 2 Overvoltage Source 2 Undervoltage Source 1 Overload Shorted SCR1 Shorted SCR2 Open SCR1 Open SCR2 Fan Failure Source 2 Overload Power Supply 2 Fault Frequency Deviation Transfer Inhibit Auto Retransfer Primed Out of Synchronization Source 1 Failure Source 2 Failure Auto Retransfer Failed Overload Control Fuse 1 Blown Control Fuse 2 Blown Source 1 CB1 Open Source 2 CB2 Open Output CB3 Open Custom Alarm 1 Custom Alarm 2 Bypass CB4 Closed Bypass CB5 Closed Custom Alarm 3 Custom Alarm 4 Modbus Register BACnet Instance (Exec. 6 Modules) BACnet Instance (Exec. B Modules) 40289:00 40289:01 40289:02 40289:03 40289:04 40289:05 40289:06 40289:07 40289:08 40289:09 40289:10 40290:00 40290:01 40290:02 40290:03 40290:04 40290:05 40290:06 40290:07 40290:08 40290:09 40290:10 40291:00 40291:01 40291:02 40291:03 40291:04 40291:05 40291:06 40291:07 40291:08 40291:09 40291:10 40292:00 40292:01 289:00 289:01 289:02 289:03 289:04 289:05 289:06 289:07 289:08 289:09 289:10 290:00 290:01 290:02 290:03 290:04 290:05 290:06 290:07 290:08 290:09 290:10 291:00 291:01 291:02 291:03 291:04 291:05 291:06 291:07 291:08 291:09 291:10 292:00 292:01 BA01_x:00 BA01_x:01 BA01_x:02 BA01_x:03 BA01_x:04 BA01_x:05 BA01_x:06 BA01_x:07 BA01_x:08 BA01_x:09 BA01_x:10 BA02_x:00 BA02_x:01 BA02_x:02 BA02_x:03 BA02_x:04 BA02_x:05 BA02_x:06 BA02_x:07 BA02_x:08 BA02_x:09 BA02_x:10 BA03_x:00 BA03_x:01 BA03_x:02 BA03_x:03 BA03_x:04 BA03_x:05 BA03_x:06 BA03_x:07 BA03_x:08 BA03_x:09 BA03_x:10 BA04_x:00 BA04_x:01 Page 72 of 149 Notes: Revision B.33 2/25/2011 Liebert Monitoring Group – Development SiteScan Availability Alarm Points Custom Alarm 5 Custom Alarm 6 Custom Alarm 7 Custom Alarm 8 Modbus Register BACnet Instance (Exec. 6 Modules) BACnet Instance (Exec. B Modules) 40292:2 40292:3 40292:4 40292:5 292:2 292:3 292:4 292:5 BA04_x:02 BA04_x:03 BA04_x:04 BA04_x:05 Setpoints (View) None Control Points (Set) None Trendable Points (Set) Source 1 Voltage A-B Source 1 Voltage B-C Source 1 Voltage C-A Source 1 Current A Source 1 Current B Source 1 Current C Source 2 Voltage A-B Source 2 Voltage B-C Source 2 Voltage C-A Source 2 Current A Source 2 Current B Source 2 Current C KW KVA Reports Trend Status Page 73 of 149 Notes: Revision B.33 2/25/2011 Liebert Monitoring Group – Development Power Unit – Static Transfer Switch PDU Dual Output – STS Hardware Compatibility Liebert Units: Static Transfer Switch with w/ & w/o PDU SiteScan Interface Modules: SiteLink (All) BMS interface Modules: SiteLink (All) Available Points SiteScan Availability Status Points (View) Transfer Count Preferred Source Load On Source 1 or 2 Source 1 Voltage A-B Source 1 Voltage B-C Source 1 Voltage C-A Source 1 Current A Source 1 Current B Source 1 Current C Source 1 Frequency Source 2 Voltage A-B Source 2 Voltage B-C Source 2 Voltage C-A Source 2 Current A Source 2 Current B Source 2 Current C Source 2 Frequency KW KVA Auto Transfer Timer Nominal Voltage Deviation Phase Differential Limit Frequency Deviation Auto Transfer Enabled Dual Output Breaker Status Modbus Register BACnet Instance (Exec. 6 Modules) BACnet Instance (Exec. B Modules) 40001 40002 40003 40004 40005 40006 40007 40008 40009 40010 40011 40012 40013 40014 40015 40016 40017 40018 40019 40020 40021 40022 40023 40024 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 BS01_x BS02_x BS03_x BS04_x BS05_x BS06_x BS07_x BS08_x BS09_x BS10_x BS11_x BS12_x BS13_x BS14_x BS15_x BS16_x BS17_x BS18_x BS19_x BS20_x BS21_x BS22_x BS23_x BS24_x Page 74 of 149 Notes: 1=Source 1 / 0=Source 2 1=Source 1 / 2=Source 2 Divide by 10 for correct value Divide by 10 for correct value Divide by 10 for correct value 1=Enabled / 0=Disabled 1=Enabled / 0=Disabled Revision B.33 2/25/2011 Liebert Monitoring Group – Development SiteScan Availability Alarm Points Communications Logic Failure Equipment Overtemp Power Supply 1 Fault Source 1 Overvoltage Source 1 Undervoltage Source 2 Overvoltage Source 2 Undervoltage Source 1 Overload Shorted SCR1 Shorted SCR2 Open SCR1 Open SCR2 Fan Failure Source 2 Overload Power Supply 2 Fault Frequency Deviation Transfer Inhibit Auto Retransfer Primed Out of Synchronization Source 1 Failure Source 2 Failure Auto Retransfer Failed Overload Control Fuse 1 Blown Control Fuse 2 Blown Source 1 CB1 Open Source 2 CB2 Open Output CB3 Open Custom Alarm 1 Custom Alarm 2 Bypass CB4 Closed Bypass CB5 Closed Output CB 3B Open Custom Alarm 4 Custom Alarm 5 Custom Alarm 6 Modbus Register BACnet Instance (Exec. 6 Modules) BACnet Instance (Exec. B Modules) 40289:00 40289:01 40289:02 40289:03 40289:04 40289:05 40289:06 40289:07 40289:08 40289:09 40289:10 40290:00 40290:01 40290:02 40290:03 40290:04 40290:05 40290:06 40290:07 40290:08 40290:09 40290:10 40291:00 40291:01 40291:02 40291:03 40291:04 40291:05 40291:06 40291:07 40291:08 40291:09 40291:10 40292:00 40292:01 40292:02 40292:03 289:00 289:01 289:02 289:03 289:04 289:05 289:06 289:07 289:08 289:09 289:10 290:00 290:01 290:02 290:03 290:04 290:05 290:06 290:07 290:08 290:09 290:10 291:00 291:01 291:02 291:03 291:04 291:05 291:06 291:07 291:08 291:09 291:10 292:00 292:01 292:02 292:03 BA01_x:00 BA01_x:01 BA01_x:02 BA01_x:03 BA01_x:04 BA01_x:05 BA01_x:06 BA01_x:07 BA01_x:08 BA01_x:09 BA01_x:10 BA02_x:00 BA02_x:01 BA02_x:02 BA02_x:03 BA02_x:04 BA02_x:05 BA02_x:06 BA02_x:07 BA02_x:08 BA02_x:09 BA02_x:10 BA03_x:00 BA03_x:01 BA03_x:02 BA03_x:03 BA03_x:04 BA03_x:05 BA03_x:06 BA03_x:07 BA03_x:08 BA03_x:09 BA03_x:10 BA04_x:00 BA04_x:01 BA01_x:02 BA01_x:03 Page 75 of 149 Notes: Revision B.33 2/25/2011 Liebert Monitoring Group – Development SiteScan Availability Alarm Points Custom Alarm 7 Custom Alarm 8 Modbus Register BACnet Instance (Exec. 6 Modules) BACnet Instance (Exec. B Modules) 40292:4 40292:5 292:4 292:5 BA01_x:04 BA01_x:05 Setpoints (View) Auto Transfer Timer Nominal Voltage Deviation Phase Differential Limit Frequency Deviation Auto Transfer Enabled Control Points (Set) None Trendable Points (Set) Source 1 Voltage A-B Source 1 Voltage B-C Source 1 Voltage C-A Source 1 Current A Source 1 Current B Source 1 Current C Source 2 Voltage A-B Source 2 Voltage B-C Source 2 Voltage C-A Source 2 Current A Source 2 Current B Source 2 Current C KW KVA Reports Trend Status Page 76 of 149 Notes: Revision B.33 2/25/2011 Liebert Monitoring Group – Development Power Unit – Static Transfer Switch PDU Dual Output – STS-2 Hardware Compatibility Liebert Units: Static Transfer Switch Extended Protocol w/ & w/o PDU SiteScan Interface Modules: SiteLink (All) BMS interface Modules: SiteLink (All) Available Points SiteScan Availability Status Points (View) Total Transfer Count Preferred Source Active Source Source 1 Volts A-B Source 1 Volts B-C Source 1 Volts C-A Source 1 Current A Source 1 Current B Source 1 Current C Source 1 Frequency Source 2 Volts A-B Source 2 Volts B-C Source 2 Volts C-A Source 2 Current A Source 2 Current B Source 2 Current C Source 2 Frequency Output KW Output KVA Sync Phase Angle Total Operating Hours CB1 Status CB2 Status CB3 Status CB3A Status CB4 Status CB5 Status CB7 Status CB8 Status Setpoints (View) Retransefer Delay Modbus Register BACnet Instance (Exec. 6 Modules) BACnet Instance (Exec. B Modules) 40001 40002 40003 40004 40005 40006 40007 40008 40009 40010 40011 40012 40013 40014 40015 40016 40017 40018 40019 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 BS01_x BS02_x BS03_x BS04_x BS05_x BS06_x BS07_x BS08_x BS09_x BS10_x BS11_x BS12_x BS13_x BS14_x BS15_x BS16_x BS17_x BS18_x BS19_x 40024:0 40024:1 40024:2 40024:3 40024:4 40024:5 40024:6 40024:7 24:0 24:1 24:2 24:3 24:4 24:5 24:6 24:7 BS24_x:00 BS24_x:01 BS24_x:02 BS24_x:03 BS24_x:04 BS24_x:05 BS24_x:06 BS24_x:07 40020 20 BS20_x Page 77 of 149 Notes: 0=Source 1, 255=Source 2 1=Source 1, 2=Source 2 Divide by 10 for correct value Divide by 10 for correct value Revision B.33 2/25/2011 Liebert Monitoring Group – Development SiteScan Availability Setpoints (Cont) STS2 Voltage Rating Max Xfer Phase Angle Freq. Deviation Trip Point Modbus Register BACnet Instance (Exec. 6 Modules) BACnet Instance (Exec. B Modules) 40021 40022 40023 21 22 23 BS21_x BS22_x BS23_x Discrete BACnet alarm objects available – use autodiscover for this unit Alarm Points Communications Lost S1 SCR Short S2 SCR Short S1 SCR Open S2 SCR Open Primary Fan Fail Control Module Fail PWR Supply DC A Fail PWR Supply DC B Fail PWR Supply SRC 1 AC Fail PWR Supply SRC 2 AC Fail PWR Supply Logic Fail Output Voltage Sense Fail S1 Voltage Sense Fail S2 Voltage Sense Fail S1 SCR Sense Fail S2 SCR Sense Fail S1 Current Sense Fail S2 Current Sense Fail S1 Gate Drive Fail S2 Gate Drive Fail Internal Comm Fail External Comm Fail CB1 Shunt Trip Fail CB2 Shunt Trip Fail CB6 Neutral Open Contactor Neutral Fail Heatsink Overtemp Equipment Overtemp Ambient Overtemp S1 Undervolts S1 Undervolts (RMS) S1 Overvolts S1 Over/Under Freq Notes: 40289:00 40289:01 40289:02 40289:03 40289:04 40289:05 40289:06 40289:07 40289:08 40289:09 40289:10 40289:11 40289:12 40289:13 40289:14 40289:15 40290:00 40290:01 40290:02 40290:03 40290:04 40290:05 40290:06 40290:07 40290:08 40290:09 40290:10 40290:11 40290:12 40290:13 40290:14 40290:15 40291:00 40291:01 289:00 289:01 289:02 289:03 289:04 289:05 289:06 289:07 289:08 289:09 289:10 289:11 289:12 289:13 289:14 289:15 290:00 290:01 290:02 290:03 290:04 290:05 290:06 290:07 290:08 290:09 290:10 290:11 290:12 290:13 290:14 290:15 291:00 291:01 BA01_x:00 BA01_x:01 BA01_x:02 BA01_x:03 BA01_x:04 BA01_x:05 BA01_x:06 BA01_x:07 BA01_x:08 BA01_x:09 BA01_x:10 BA01_x:11 BA01_x:12 BA01_x:13 BA01_x:14 BA01_x:15 BA02_x:00 BA02_x:01 BA02_x:02 BA02_x:03 BA02_x:04 BA02_x:05 BA02_x:06 BA02_x:07 BA02_x:08 BA02_x:09 BA02_x:10 BA02_x:11 BA02_x:12 BA02_x:13 BA02_x:14 BA02_x:15 BA03_x:00 BA03_x:01 Page 78 of 149 Revision B.33 2/25/2011 Liebert Monitoring Group – Development SiteScan Availability Modbus Register BACnet Instance (Exec. 6 Modules) BACnet Instance (Exec. B Modules) Discrete BACnet alarm objects available – use auto-discover for this unit Alarm Points (cont.) S1 Fail S2 Undervolts S2 Undervolts (RMS) S2 Overvolts S2 Over/Under Frequency S2 Fail S1 Overcurrent S2 Overcurrent S1 I-Peak S2 I-Peak Sources Out of Sync Load On Alternate Source Auto Retransfer Inhibit CB1 (S1) Open CB2 (S2) Open CB4 (S1 BYP) Closed CB5 (S2 BYP) Closed CB3 Output Bkr Open CB3A Output Bkr Open S1 Phase Rotation Error S2 Phase Rotation Error Transfer Inhibited Output Undervoltage History Logs Full Input Contact #1 Input Contact #2 Input Contact #3 Input Contact #4 Input Contact #5 Input Contact #6 Input Contact #7 Input Contact #8 Notes: 40291:02 40291:03 40291:04 40291:05 40291:06 40291:07 40291:08 40291:09 40291:10 40291:11 40291:12 40291:13 40291:14 40292:00 40292:01 40292:02 40292:03 40292:04 40292:05 40292:06 40292:07 40292:08 40292:09 40292:10 40292:11 40292:12 40292:13 40292:14 40293:00 40293:01 40293:02 40293:03 291:02 291:03 291:04 291:05 291:06 291:07 291:08 291:09 291:10 291:11 291:12 291:13 291:14 292:00 292:01 292:02 292:03 292:04 292:05 292:06 292:07 292:08 292:09 292:10 292:11 292:12 292:13 292:14 293:00 293:01 293:02 293:03 BA03_x:02 BA03_x:03 BA03_x:04 BA03_x:05 BA03_x:06 BA03_x:07 BA03_x:08 BA03_x:09 BA03_x:10 BA03_x:11 BA03_x:12 BA03_x:13 BA03_x:14 BA04_x:00 BA04_x:01 BA04_x:02 BA04_x:03 BA04_x:04 BA04_x:05 BA04_x:06 BA04_x:07 BA04_x:08 BA04_x:09 BA04_x:10 BA04_x:11 BA04_x:12 BA04_x:13 BA04_x:14 BA05_x:00 BA05_x:01 BA05_x:02 BA05_x:03 Page 79 of 149 Revision B.33 2/25/2011 Liebert Monitoring Group – Development SiteScan Availability Modbus Register BACnet Instance (Exec. 6 Modules) Trendable Points (Set) S1 Amps A S1 Amps B S1 Amps C S2 Amps A S2 Amps B S2 Amps C kVA kW Page 80 of 149 BACnet Instance (Exec. B Modules) Notes: Revision B.33 2/25/2011 Liebert Monitoring Group – Development Liebert UPS Units Page 81 of 149 Revision B.33 2/25/2011 Liebert Monitoring Group – Development UPS Unit – Multi Module UPS – S600/610 Extended Prot. – MM4 Hardware Compatibility Liebert Units: Series 600/610 MMS SiteScan Interface Modules: SiteLink (All) BMS interface Modules: SiteLink (All) Available Points SiteScan Availability Status Points (View) Input Voltage A-B Input Voltage B-C Input Voltage C-A Output Voltage A-B Output Voltage B-C Output Voltage C-A Output Voltage A-N Output Voltage B-N Output Voltage C-N Output Amps Phase A Output Amps Phase B Output Amps Phase C DC Bus Voltage Battery Current KVA KW Critical Bus Frequency % Capacity Phase A % Capacity Phase B % Capacity Phase C Input Amps Phase A Input Amps Phase B Input Amps Phase C Total Operating Hours Module Number Total # Battery Discharge Accumulated Battery Time Modbus Register BACnet Instance (Exec. 6 Modules) BACnet Instance (Exec. B Modules) 40001 40002 40003 40004 40005 40006 1 2 3 4 5 6 BS01_x BS02_x BS03_x BS04_x BS05_x BS06_x 40007 40008 40009 40010 40011 40012 40013 40014 40015 40016 40017 40018 40019 40020 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 BS07_x BS08_x BS09_x BS10_x BS11_x BS12_x BS13_x BS14_x BS15_x BS16_x BS17_x BS18_x BS19_x BS20_x Page 82 of 149 Notes: Divide by 10 for correct value Revision B.33 2/25/2011 Liebert Monitoring Group – Development SiteScan Availability Modbus Register BACnet Instance (Exec. 6 Modules) BACnet Instance (Exec. B Modules) 40289:00 40289:01 40289:02 40289:03 40289:04 40289:05 40289:06 40289:07 40289:08 40289:09 40289:10 40290:00 40290:01 40290:02 40290:03 40290:04 40290:05 40290:06 40290:07 40290:08 40290:09 40290:10 40291:00 40291:01 40291:02 40291:03 40291:04 40291:05 289:00 289:01 289:02 289:03 289:04 289:05 289:06 289:07 289:08 289:09 289:10 290:00 290:01 290:02 290:03 290:04 290:05 290:06 290:07 290:08 290:09 290:10 291:00 291:01 291:02 291:03 291:04 291:05 BA01_x:00 BA01_x:01 BA01_x:02 BA01_x:03 BA01_x:04 BA01_x:05 BA01_x:06 BA01_x:07 BA01_x:08 BA01_x:09 BA01_x:10 BA02_x:00 BA02_x:01 BA02_x:02 BA02_x:03 BA02_x:04 BA02_x:05 BA02_x:06 BA02_x:07 BA02_x:08 BA02_x:09 BA02_x:10 BA03_x:00 BA03_x:01 BA03_x:02 BA03_x:03 BA03_x:04 BA03_x:05 Status Points (View) Accumulated Battery Amp/Hr Accumulated Battery kw/Hr Battery Charge Percent Battery Time Remaining Battery Temperature Alarm Points Communications Battery Discharge Input Failure Hardware Shutdown DC Ground Fault Input CB Open Output CB Open DC Cap Fuse Blown Low Battery Reserve Output Overload Rectifier Fuse Blown Emergency Power Off Ambient Overtemperature Battery Disconnected Control Power Failure Overload Shutdown Inverter Fault Input Current Unbalanced Inverter Out of Sync Reverse Power Low Battery Shutdown DC Overvoltage Shutdown Battery Cycle Buffer Full Equipment Overtemp Blower/Fan Failure Overtemperature Shutdown Battery Room Overtemp Battery Test Running Page 83 of 149 Notes: Revision B.33 2/25/2011 Liebert Monitoring Group – Development SiteScan Availability Modbus Register BACnet Instance (Exec. 6 Modules) BACnet Instance (Exec. B Modules) Setpoints (View) Overload Alarm DC Overvoltage Alarm Battery Discharging Alarm Low Battery Alarm Battery Shutdown 1 Alarm Battery Shutdown 2 Alarm Control Points (Set) None Trendable Points (Set) Input Voltage A-B Input Voltage B-C Input Voltage C-A Output Voltage A-B Output Voltage B-C Output Voltage C-A Output Voltage A-N Output Voltage B-N Output Voltage C-N Output Amps Phase A Output Amps Phase B Output Amps Phase C DC Bus Voltage KVA KW % Capacity Phase A % Capacity Phase B % Capacity Phase C Input Amps Phase A Input Amps Phase B Input Amps Phase C Reports Trend Status Page 84 of 149 Notes: Revision B.33 2/25/2011 Liebert Monitoring Group – Development UPS Unit – Multi Module Series – MMS Hardware Compatibility Liebert Units: Series /610MMS, Series 600T MS SiteScan Interface Modules: SiteLink (All) BMS interface Modules: SiteLink Available Points SiteScan Availability Modbus Register BACnet Instance (Exec. 6 Modules) BACnet Instance (Exec. B Modules) Status Points (View) Voltage In A-B Voltage In B-C Voltage In C-A Voltage Out A-B Voltage Out B-C Voltage Out C-A Voltage Out A-N Voltage Out B-N Voltage Out C-N Current Out A Current Out B Current Out C DC Bus Voltage Battery Current KVA KW Frequency % Capacity A % Capacity B % Capacity C Alarm Points 40001 40002 40003 40004 40005 40006 40007 40008 40009 40010 40011 40012 40013 40014 40015 40016 40017 40018 40019 40020 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 BS01_x BS02_x BS03_x BS04_x BS05_x BS06_x BS07_x BS08_x BS09_x BS10_x BS11_x BS12_x BS13_x BS14_x BS15_x BS16_x BS17_x BS18_x BS19_x BS20_x Communications Battery Discharge Low Battery Reserve Output Overload Fuse Cleared Ambient Overtemperature 40289:00 40289:01 40289:02 40289:03 40289:04 40289:05 Notes: Divide by 10 for correct value Discrete BACnet alarm objects available – use auto-discover for this unit 289:00 289:01 289:02 289:03 289:04 289:05 BA01_x:00 BA01_x:01 BA01_x:02 BA01_x:03 BA01_x:04 BA01_x:05 Page 85 of 149 Revision B.33 2/25/2011 Liebert Monitoring Group – Development SiteScan Availability Alarm Points Battery Grounded Battery Disconnected Module Cooling Failure Control Power Failure Overload Shutdown Modbus Register BACnet Instance (Exec. 6 Modules) BACnet Instance (Exec. B Modules) 40289:06 40289:07 40289:08 40289:09 40289:10 289:06 289:07 289:08 289:09 289:10 BA01_x:06 BA01_x:07 BA01_x:08 BA01_x:09 BA01_x:10 Setpoints (View) None Control Points (Set) None Trendable Points (Set) Voltage In A-B Voltage In B-C Voltage In C-A Voltage Out A-B Voltage Out B-C Voltage Out C-A Voltage Out A-N Voltage Out B-N Voltage Out C-N Current Out A Current Out B Current Out C % Capacity A % Capacity B % Capacity C DC Bus Voltage DC Bus Current kW kVA Reports Trend Page 86 of 149 Notes: Revision B.33 2/25/2011 Liebert Monitoring Group – Development UPS Unit – System Control Cabinet – S/610 Ext. Prot. – SC4 Hardware Compatibility Liebert Units: Series /610 SCC SiteScan Interface Modules: SiteLink (All) BMS interface Modules: SiteLink (All) Available Points SiteScan Availability Status Points (View) Input Voltage A-B Input Voltage B-C Input Voltage C-A Output Voltage A-B Output Voltage B-C Output Voltage C-A Output Voltage A-N Output Voltage B-N Output Voltage C-N Output Amps Phase A Output Amps Phase B Output Amps Phase C KVA KW Critical Bus Frequency % Capacity Phase A % Capacity Phase B % Capacity Phase C Bypass Voltage A-B Bypass Voltage B-C Bypass Voltage C-A Output Frequency Bypass Frequency Total Operating Hours Number of Modules in System System Number Modbus Register BACnet Instance (Exec. 6 Modules) BACnet Instance (Exec. B Modules) 40001 40002 40003 40004 40005 40006 1 2 3 4 5 6 BS01_x BS02_x BS03_x BS04_x BS05_x BS06_x 40007 40008 40009 40010 40011 40012 40013 40014 40015 40016 40017 40018 40019 40020 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 BS07_x BS08_x BS09_x BS10_x BS11_x BS12_x BS13_x BS14_x BS15_x BS16_x BS17_x BS18_x BS19_x BS20_x Page 87 of 149 Notes: Divide by 10 for correct value Divide by 10 for correct value Divide by 10 for correct value Revision B.33 2/25/2011 Liebert Monitoring Group – Development SiteScan Availability Alarm Points Communications Output Undervoltage Output Overvoltage Frequency Deviation Bypass CB Closed Output CB Open Static Switch Disconnected Output Overload Emergency Power Off Load On Bypass Static Switch Disabled Control Power Failure Module #1 Summary Alarm Module #2 Summary Alarm Module #3 Summary Alarm Module #4 Summary Alarm Module #5 Summary Alarm Module #6 Summary Alarm Bypass Not Available Not OK to Transfer Bypass Ph Rotation Error Manual Reset/Transfer Auto Re-Transfer Primed Overload Transfer Module #1 Offline Module #2 Offline Module #3 Offline Module #4 Offline Module #5 Offline Module #6 Offline Custom Alarm #1 Custom Alarm #2 Custom Alarm #3 Custom Alarm #4 Custom Alarm #5 Modbus Register BACnet Instance (Exec. 6 Modules) BACnet Instance (Exec. B Modules) 40289:00 40289:01 40289:02 40289:03 40289:04 40289:05 40289:06 40289:07 40289:08 40289:09 40289:10 40290:00 40290:01 40290:02 40290:03 40290:04 40290:05 40290:06 40290:07 40290:08 40290:09 40290:10 40291:00 40291:01 40291:02 40291:03 40291:04 40291:05 40291:06 40291:07 40291:08 40291:09 40291:10 40292:00 40292:01 289:00 289:01 289:02 289:03 289:04 289:05 289:06 289:07 289:08 289:09 289:10 290:00 290:01 290:02 290:03 290:04 290:05 290:06 290:07 290:08 290:09 290:10 291:00 291:01 291:02 291:03 291:04 291:05 291:06 291:07 291:08 291:09 291:10 292:00 292:01 BA01_x:00 BA01_x:01 BA01_x:02 BA01_x:03 BA01_x:04 BA01_x:05 BA01_x:06 BA01_x:07 BA01_x:08 BA01_x:09 BA01_x:10 BA02_x:00 BA02_x:01 BA02_x:02 BA02_x:03 BA02_x:04 BA02_x:05 BA02_x:06 BA02_x:07 BA02_x:08 BA02_x:09 BA02_x:10 BA03_x:00 BA03_x:01 BA03_x:02 BA03_x:03 BA03_x:04 BA03_x:05 BA03_x:06 BA03_x:07 BA03_x:08 BA03_x:09 BA03_x:10 BA04_x:00 BA04_x:01 Page 88 of 149 Notes: Revision B.33 2/25/2011 Liebert Monitoring Group – Development SiteScan Availability Alarm Points Custom Alarm #6 Custom Alarm #7 Custom Alarm #8 Modbus Register BACnet Instance (Exec. 6 Modules) BACnet Instance (Exec. B Modules) 40292:02 40292:03 40292:04 292:02 292:03 292:04 BA04_x:02 BA04_x:03 BA04_x:04 Setpoints (View) Overload Alarm Control Points (Set) None Trendable Points (Set) Input Voltage A-B Input Voltage B-C Input Voltage C-A Output Voltage A-B Output Voltage B-C Output Voltage C-A Output Voltage A-N Output Voltage B-N Output Voltage C-N Output Amps Phase A Output Amps Phase B Output Amps Phase C kVA KW % Capacity Phase A % Capacity Phase B % Capacity Phase C Bypass Voltage A-B Bypass Voltage B-C Bypass Voltage C-A Reports Trend Status Page 89 of 149 Notes: Revision B.33 2/25/2011 Liebert Monitoring Group – Development UPS Unit – System Control Cabinet – SCC Hardware Compatibility Liebert Units: Series 600/610 SCC SiteScan Interface Modules: SiteLink (All) BMS interface Modules: SiteLink (All) Available Points SiteScan Availability Status Points (View) Voltage In A-B Voltage In B-C Voltage In C-A Voltage Out A-B Voltage Out B-C Voltage Out C-A Voltage In A-N Voltage In B-N Voltage In C-N Current Out A Current Out B Current Out C KVA KW Frequency % Capacity Phase A % Capacity Phase B % Capacity Phase C Modbus Register BACnet Instance (Exec. 6 Modules) BACnet Instance (Exec. B Modules) 40001 40002 40003 40004 40005 40006 40007 40008 40009 40010 40011 40012 40013 40014 40015 40016 40017 40018 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 BS01_x BS02_x BS03_x BS04_x BS05_x BS06_x BS07_x BS08_x BS09_x BS10_x BS11_x BS12_x BS13_x BS14_x BS15_x BS16_x BS17_x BS18_x Divide by 10 for correct value Discrete BACnet alarm objects available – use auto-discover for this unit Alarm Points Communications Output Overload Emergency Power Off Load On Bypass Static Switch Disabled Output Out of Limits Module #1 Summary Notes: 40289:00 40289:01 40289:02 40289:03 40289:04 40289:05 40289:06 289:00 289:01 289:02 289:03 289:04 289:05 289:06 BA01_x:00 BA01_x:01 BA01_x:02 BA01_x:03 BA01_x:04 BA01_x:05 BA01_x:06 Page 90 of 149 Revision B.33 2/25/2011 Liebert Monitoring Group – Development SiteScan Availability Alarm Points Module #2 Summary Module #3 Summary Module #4 Summary Module #5 Summary Module #6 Summary Modbus Register BACnet Instance (Exec. 6 Modules) BACnet Instance (Exec. B Modules) 40289:07 40289:08 40289:09 40289:10 40290:00 289:07 289:08 289:09 289:10 290:00 BA01_x:07 BA01_x:08 BA01_x:09 BA01_x:10 BA02_x:00 Setpoints (View) None Control Points (Set) None Trendable Points (Set) Voltage In A-B Voltage In B-C Voltage In C-A Voltage Out A-B Voltage Out B-C Voltage Out C-A Voltage In A-N Voltage In B-N Voltage In C-N Current Out A Current Out B Current Out C % Capacity Phase A % Capacity Phase B % Capacity Phase C KW KVA Reports Trend Status Page 91 of 149 Notes: Revision B.33 2/25/2011 Liebert Monitoring Group – Development UPS Unit – Single Module Series – SMS Hardware Compatibility Liebert Units: Series 300/500/600 Single Module UPS SiteScan Interface Modules: SiteLink (All) BMS interface Modules: SiteLink (All) Available Points SiteScan Availability Voltage In A-B Voltage In B-C Voltage In C-A Voltage Out A-B Voltage Out B-C Voltage Out C-A Voltage Out A-N Voltage Out B-N Voltage Out C-N Current Out A Current Out B Current Out C DC Bus Voltage DC Bus Current KVA KW Frequency % Capacity Phase A % Capacity Phase B % Capacity Phase C Alarm Points Communications Battery Discharge Low Battery Reserve Output Overload Fuse Cleared Emergency Power Off Ambient Overtemperature Load On Bypass Static Switch Disabled Battery Disconnected Module Cooling Failure Modbus Register 40001 40002 40003 40004 40005 40006 40007 40008 40009 40010 40011 40012 40013 40014 40015 40016 40017 40018 40019 40020 BACnet Instance (Exec. 6 Modules) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 40289:00 40289:01 40289:02 40289:03 40289:04 40289:05 40289:06 40289:07 40289:08 40289:09 40289:10 289:00 289:01 289:02 289:03 289:04 289:05 289:06 289:07 289:08 289:09 289:10 BACnet Notes: Instance (Exec. B Modules) BS01_x BS02_x BS03_x BS04_x BS05_x BS06_x BS07_x BS08_x BS09_x BS10_x BS11_x BS12_x BS13_x BS14_x BS15_x Divide by 10 for correct value Modbus Only BS16_x Divide by 10 for correct value Modbus Only BS17_x Divide by 10 for correct value Modbus Only BS18_x BS19_x BS20_x BA01_x:00 BA01_x:01 BA01_x:02 BA01_x:03 BA01_x:04 BA01_x:05 BA01_x:06 BA01_x:07 BA01_x:08 BA01_x:09 BA01_x:10 Page 92 of 149 Revision B.33 2/25/2011 Liebert Monitoring Group – Development SiteScan Availability Alarm Points Control Power Failure Overload Shutdown Setpoints (View) None Control Points (Set) None Trendable Points (Set) Voltage In A-B Voltage In B-C Voltage In C-A Voltage Out A-B Voltage Out B-C Voltage Out C-A Voltage Out A-N Voltage Out B-N Voltage Out C-N Current Out A Current Out B Current Out C % Capacity Phase A % Capacity Phase B % Capacity Phase C DC Bus Voltage DC Bus Current KW KVA Reports Trend Status Modbus Register BACnet Instance (Exec. 6 Modules) BACnet Instance (Exec. B Modules) 40290:00 40290:01 290:00 290:01 BA02_x:00 BA02_x:01 Page 93 of 149 Notes: Revision B.33 2/25/2011 Liebert Monitoring Group – Development UPS Unit – Single Module UPS – S/610 Ext. Prot. – SM4 Hardware Compatibility Liebert Units: Series /610 SMS SiteScan Interface Modules: SiteLink (All) BMS interface Modules: SiteLink (All) Available Points SiteScan Availability Status Points (View) Input Voltage A-B Input Voltage B-C Input Voltage C-A Output Voltage A-B Output Voltage B-C Output Voltage C-A Output Voltage A-N Output Voltage B-N Output Voltage C-N Output Amps Phase A Output Amps Phase B Output Amps Phase C DC Bus Voltage Battery Current KVA KW Critical Bus Frequency % Capacity Phase A % Capacity Phase B % Capacity Phase C Bypass Voltage A-B Bypass Voltage B-C Bypass Voltage C-A Input Amps Phase A Input Amps Phase B Input Amps Phase C Bypass Frequency Modbus Register BACnet Instance (Exec. 6 Modules) BACnet Instance (Exec. B Modules) 40001 40002 40003 40004 40005 40006 1 2 3 4 5 6 BS01_x BS02_x BS03_x BS04_x BS05_x BS06_x 40007 40008 40009 40010 40011 40012 40013 40014 40015 40016 40017 40018 40019 40020 40021 40022 40023 40024 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 BS07_x BS08_x BS09_x BS10_x BS11_x BS12_x BS13_x BS14_x BS15_x BS16_x BS17_x BS18_x BS19_x BS20_x BS21_x BS22_x BS23_x BS24_x Page 94 of 149 Notes: Divide by 10 for correct value Divide by 10 for correct value Revision B.33 2/25/2011 Liebert Monitoring Group – Development SiteScan Availability Status Points (View) Bypass Frequency Total Operating Hours Module Number Total # Battery Discharge Accumulated Battery Time Accumulated Battery Amp/Hr Accumulated Battery kW/Hr Battery Charge Percent Battery Time Remaining Battery Temperature Alarm Points Communications Output Undervoltage Output Overvoltage Battery Discharge Frequency Deviation Input Failure Hardware Shutdown DC Ground Fault Input CB Open Bypass CB Closed Output CB Open Static Switch Disconnected DC Cap Fuse Blown Low Battery Reserve Output Overload Rectifier Fuse Blown Emergency Power Off Ambient Overtemperature Load On Bypass Static Switch Disabled Battery Disconnected Control Power Failure Inverter Fault Input Current Unbalanced Modbus Register BACnet Instance (Exec. 6 Modules) BACnet Instance (Exec. B Modules) 40289:00 40289:01 40289:02 40289:03 40289:04 40289:05 40289:06 40289:07 40289:08 40289:09 40289:10 40290:00 40290:01 40290:02 40290:03 40290:04 40290:05 40290:06 40290:07 40290:08 40290:09 40290:10 40291:00 40291:01 289:00 289:01 289:02 289:03 289:04 289:05 289:06 289:07 289:08 289:09 289:10 290:00 290:01 290:02 290:03 290:04 290:05 290:06 290:07 290:08 290:09 290:10 291:00 291:01 BA01_x:00 BA01_x:01 BA01_x:02 BA01_x:03 BA01_x:04 BA01_x:05 BA01_x:06 BA01_x:07 BA01_x:08 BA01_x:09 BA01_x:10 BA02_x:00 BA02_x:01 BA02_x:02 BA02_x:03 BA02_x:04 BA02_x:05 BA02_x:06 BA02_x:07 BA02_x:08 BA02_x:09 BA02_x:10 BA03_x:01 BA03_x:02 Page 95 of 149 Notes: Revision B.33 2/25/2011 Liebert Monitoring Group – Development SiteScan Availability Alarm Points Bypass Not Available Not OK to Transfer Bypass Ph Rotation Error Manual Reset/Transfer Auto Re-Transfer Primed Overload Transfer Reserve Power Low Battery Shutdown DC Overvoltage Shutdown Battery Cycle Buffer Full Equipment Overtemp Blower/Fan Failure Overtemperature Shutdown Custom Alarm #1 Custom Alarm #2 Custom Alarm #3 Custom Alarm #4 Custom Alarm #5 Custom Alarm #6 Custom Alarm #7 Custom Alarm #8 Battery Room Overtemp Battery Test Running Auto-restart Initiated Auto-restart Failed Setpoints (View) Overload Alarm DC Overvoltage Alarm Battery Discharging Alarm Low Battery Alarm Battery Shutdown 1 Alarm Battery Shutdown 2 Alarm Control Points (Set) None Modbus Register BACnet Instance (Exec. 6 Modules) BACnet Instance (Exec. B Modules) 40291:02 40291:03 40291:04 40291:05 40291:06 40291:07 40291:08 40291:09 40291:10 40292:00 40292:01 40292:02 40292:03 40292:04 40292:05 40292:06 40292:07 40292:08 40292:09 40292:10 40292:00 40293:01 40293:02 40293:03 40293:04 291:02 291:03 291:04 291:05 291:06 291:07 291:08 291:09 291:10 292:00 292:01 292:02 292:03 292:04 292:05 292:06 292:07 292:08 292:09 292:10 292:00 293:01 293:02 293:03 293:04 BA03_x:02 BA03_x:03 BA03_x:04 BA03_x:05 BA03_x:06 BA03_x:07 BA03_x:08 BA03_x:09 BA03_x:10 BA04_x:00 BA04_x:01 BA04_x:02 BA04_x:03 BA04_x:04 BA04_x:05 BA04_x:06 BA04_x:07 BA04_x:08 BA04_x:09 BA04_x:10 BA05_x:00 BA05_x:01 BA05_x:02 BA05_x:03 BA05_x:04 Page 96 of 149 Notes: Revision B.33 2/25/2011 Liebert Monitoring Group – Development SiteScan Availability Modbus Register BACnet Instance (Exec. 6 Modules) BACnet Instance (Exec. B Modules) Trendable Points (Set) Input Voltage A-B Input Voltage B-C Input Voltage C-A Output Voltage A-B Output Voltage B-C Output Voltage C-A Output Voltage A-N Output Voltage B-N Output Voltage C-N Output Amps Phase A Output Amps Phase B Output Amps Phase C DC Bus Voltage Battery Current KVA KW % Capacity Phase A % Capacity Phase B % Capacity Phase C Bypass Voltage A-B Bypass Voltage B-C Bypass Voltage C-A Input Amps Phase A Input Amps Phase B Input Amps Phase C Reports Trend Status Page 97 of 149 Notes: Revision B.33 2/25/2011 Liebert Monitoring Group – Development UPS Unit – Multi-Module SICE 7200 & HiPulse UPS – SMM Hardware Compatibility Liebert Units: SICE 7200 SiteScan Interface Modules: SiteLink (All) BMS interface Modules: SiteLink (All) Available Points SiteScan Availability Status Points (View) Output Voltage L1-L2 Output Voltage L2-L3 Output Voltage L3-L1 Output Voltage L1-N Output Voltage L2-N Output Voltage L3-N Output Amps L1 Output Amps L2 Output Amps L3 Output Amps Neutral Power L1 Power L2 Power L3 Bypass Frequency Inverter Frequency Input Voltage L1-L2 Input Voltage L2-L3 Input Voltage L3-L1 Battery Voltage Battery Amperage Apparent Power L1 Apparent Power L2 Apparent Power L3 % Load L1 % Load L2 % Load L3 Module Number Modbus Register BACnet Instance (Exec. 6 Modules) BACnet Instance (Exec. B Modules) 40001 40002 40003 1 2 3 BS01_x BS02_x BS03_x 40004 40005 40006 4 5 6 BS04_x BS05_x BS06_x 40007 40008 40009 40010 40011 7 8 9 10 11 BS07_x BS08_x BS09_x BS10_x BS11_x 40012 40013 40014 40015 40016 40017 40018 40019 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 BS12_x BS13_x BS14_x BS15_x BS16_x BS17_x BS18_x BS19_x Page 98 of 149 Notes: Divide by 10 for correct value Divide by 10 for correct value Revision B.33 2/25/2011 Liebert Monitoring Group – Development SiteScan Availability Status Points (View) % Battery Charge Battery Temperature Battery Time Remaining Alarm Points Communications Bypass Switch Open Output Switch Open Rectifier Switch Open Battery CB Open Manual Bypass Closed Bypass Absent Bypass Overvoltage Bypass Undervoltage Bypass Frequency Error Byp Phase Rotation Error Bypass SCR Failure Bypass Off Bypass Off Via Display Load On Bypass Bypass Overtemperature Rectifier Off Rectifier Off Via Display Rectifier Block Rectifier Current Limit Rectifier Overtemperature Rectifier Fuse Failure Inverter Off Inverter Off Via Display Inverter Block Inverter Current Limit Inverter Overtemperature Inverter Non Sync Inverter Overvoltage Inverter Undervoltage Modbus Register BACnet Instance (Exec. 6 Modules) BACnet Instance (Exec. B Modules) 40020 40021 40022 20 21 22 BS20_x BS21_x BS22_x 40289:00 40289:01 40289:02 40289:03 40289:04 40289:05 40289:06 40289:07 40289:08 40289:09 40289:10 40290:00 40290:01 40290:02 40290:03 40290:04 40290:05 40290:06 40290:07 40290:08 40290:09 40290:10 40291:00 40291:01 40291:02 40291:03 40291:04 40291:05 40291:06 40291:07 289:00 289:01 289:02 289:03 289:04 289:05 289:06 289:07 289:08 289:09 289:10 290:00 290:01 290:02 290:03 290:04 290:05 290:06 290:07 290:08 290:09 290:10 291:00 291:01 291:02 291:03 291:04 291:05 291:06 291:07 BA01_x:00 BA01_x:01 BA01_x:02 BA01_x:03 BA01_x:04 BA01_x:05 BA01_x:06 BA01_x:07 BA01_x:08 BA01_x:09 BA01_x:10 BA02_x:00 BA02_x:01 BA02_x:02 BA02_x:03 BA02_x:04 BA02_x:05 BA02_x:06 BA02_x:07 BA02_x:08 BA02_x:09 BA02_x:10 BA03_x:00 BA03_x:01 BA03_x:02 BA03_x:03 BA03_x:04 BA03_x:05 BA03_x:06 BA03_x:07 Page 99 of 149 Notes: Revision B.33 2/25/2011 Liebert Monitoring Group – Development SiteScan Availability Alarm Points Inverter Fuse Failure Output Overvoltage Output Undervoltage Output No Voltage Output Waveform Error Inverter Frequency Error Inverter Parallel Error Contactor Failure Battery Test Battery Test Failed Battery On Load Battery End of Discharge Boost Time Expired DC Slow Overvoltage DC Undervoltage Battery Fuse Failure DC Fast Overvoltage Transfer Count Block Overload Shutdown Overtemperature SD Emergency Stop Overload Present Overload Shutdown TO Bad EEPROM Error LRC Par P1 Error LRC Par P2 Error LRC Par P3 Error LRC Alarm History Error LRC Event History Internal Battery Low Error LRC Table Error LRC Panel Can Bus No Response Battery Ground Fault Back Feed Fault Modbus Register BACnet Instance (Exec. 6 Modules) BACnet Instance (Exec. B Modules) 40291:08 40291:09 40291:10 40292:00 40292:01 40292:02 40292:03 40292:04 40292:05 40292:06 40292:07 40292:08 40292:09 40292:10 40293:00 40293:01 40293:02 40293:03 40293:04 40293:05 40293:06 40293:07 40293:08 40293:09 40293:10 291:08 291:09 291:10 292:00 292:01 292:02 292:03 292:04 292:05 292:06 292:07 292:08 292:09 292:10 293:00 293:01 293:02 293:03 293:04 293:05 293:06 293:07 293:08 293:09 293:10 BA03_x:08 BA03_x:09 BA03_x:10 BA04_x:00 BA04_x:01 BA04_x:02 BA04_x:03 BA04_x:04 BA04_x:05 BA04_x:06 BA04_x:07 BA04_x:08 BA04_x:09 BA04_x:10 BA05_x:00 BA05_x:01 BA05_x:02 BA05_x:03 BA05_x:04 BA05_x:05 BA05_x:06 BA05_x:07 BA05_x:08 BA05_x:09 BA05_x:10 Page 100 of 149 Notes: Revision B.33 2/25/2011 Liebert Monitoring Group – Development SiteScan Availability Modbus Register BACnet Instance (Exec. 6 Modules) BACnet Instance (Exec. B Modules) Alarm Points Synchronization Inhibited ECO – Mode On Setpoints (View) Power Rating Configuration Nominal Voltage Low Level Input Voltage Upper Level Input Voltage Low Level Output Voltage Upper Level Output Voltage Nominal Frequency Frequency Tolerance Slew Rate # of Battery Cells Rated Capacity Pre-End Discharge End of Discharge per Cell Maximum Voltage per Cell Year Month Day Hour Minute Second Control Points (Set) Date & Time Sync Trendable Points (Set) Output Voltage L1-L2 Output Voltage L2-L3 Output voltage L3-L1 Page 101 of 149 Notes: Revision B.33 2/25/2011 Liebert Monitoring Group – Development SiteScan Availability Modbus Register BACnet Instance (Exec. 6 Modules) BACnet Instance (Exec. B Modules) Trendable Points (Set) Output Amps L1 Output Amps L2 Output Amps L3 Power L1 Power L2 Power L3 Battery Voltage Battery Amperage Apparent Power L1 Apparent Power L2 Apparent Power L3 % Load L1 % Load L2 % Load L3 Reports Status Trend Page 102 of 149 Notes: Revision B.33 2/25/2011 Liebert Monitoring Group – Development UPS Unit – Systems Cabinet SICE 7200 UPS – SSC Hardware Compatibility Liebert Units: SICE 7200 SiteScan Interface Modules: SiteLink (All) BMS interface Modules: SiteLink (All) Available Points SiteScan Availability Output Voltage L1-L2 Output Voltage L2-L3 Output Voltage L3-L1 Output Voltage L1-N Output Voltage L2-N Output Voltage L3-N Output Amps L1 Output Amps L2 Output Amps L3 Output Amps Neutral Power L1 Power L2 Power L3 Bypass Frequency Input Voltage L1-L2 Input Voltage L2-L3 Input Voltage L3-L1 Battery Voltage Battery Amperage Apparent Power L1 Apparent Power L2 Apparent Power L3 % Load L1 % Load L2 % Load L3 Number of Modules in Sys %Battery Charge Battery Temperature Battery Time Remaining Modbus Register 40001 40002 40003 BACnet Instance (Exec. 6 Modules) 1 2 3 BACnet Instance (Exec. B Modules) BS01_x BS02_x BS03_x 40004 40005 40006 4 5 6 BS04_x BS05_x BS06_x 40007 40008 40009 40010 7 8 9 10 BS07_x BS08_x BS09_x BS10_x 40012 40013 40014 40015 40016 40017 40018 40019 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 BS12_x BS13_x BS14_x BS15_x BS16_x BS17_x BS18_x BS19_x 40020 40021 40022 20 21 22 BS20_x BS21_x BS22_x Page 103 of 149 Notes: Revision B.33 2/25/2011 Liebert Monitoring Group – Development SiteScan Availability Modbus Register Communications Bypass Switch Open Output Switch Open Battery CB Open Manual Bypass Closed Bypass Absent Bypass Overvoltage Bypass Undervoltage Bypass Frequency Error Bypass Ph Rotation Error Bypass SCR Failure Bypass Off Bypass Off Via Display Load On Bypass Bypass Overtemperature Inverter Non Sync Output Overvoltage Output Undervoltage Output No Voltage Output Waveform Error Transfer Count Block Overload Shutdown Overtemperature Shutdown Emergency Stop Overload Present Overload Shutdown TO Bad EEPROM Error LRC Par P1 Error LRC Par P2 Error LRC Par P3 Error LRC Alarm History Error LRC Event History Internal Battery Low Error LRC Table Error LRC Panel Can Bus No Response 40289:00 40289:01 40289:02 40289:03 40289:04 40289:05 40289:06 40289:07 40289:08 40289:09 40289:10 40290:00 40290:01 40290:02 40290:03 40290:04 40290:05 40290:06 40290:07 40290:08 40290:09 40290:10 40291:00 40291:01 40291:02 40291:03 40291:04 40291:05 40291:05 40291:05 40291:05 40291:05 40291:05 40291:05 40291:05 40291:05 BACnet Instance (Exec. 6 Modules) 289:00 289:01 289:02 289:03 289:04 289:05 289:06 289:07 289:08 289:09 289:10 290:00 290:01 290:02 290:03 290:04 290:05 290:06 290:07 290:08 290:09 290:10 291:00 291:01 291:02 291:03 291:04 291:05 291:05 291:05 291:05 291:05 291:05 291:05 291:05 291:05 BACnet Instance (Exec. B Modules) BA01_x:00 BA01_x:01 BA01_x:02 BA01_x:03 BA01_x:04 BA01_x:05 BA01_x:06 BA01_x:07 BA01_x:08 BA01_x:09 BA01_x:10 BA02_x:00 BA02_x:01 BA02_x:02 BA02_x:03 BA02_x:04 BA02_x:05 BA02_x:06 BA02_x:07 BA02_x:08 BA02_x:09 BA02_x:10 BA03_x:00 BA03_x:01 BA03_x:02 BA03_x:03 BA03_x:04 BA03_x:05 BA03_x:05 BA03_x:05 BA03_x:05 BA03_x:05 BA03_x:05 BA03_x:05 BA03_x:05 BA03_x:05 Page 104 of 149 Notes: Revision B.33 2/25/2011 Liebert Monitoring Group – Development SiteScan Availability Modbus Register BACnet Instance (Exec. 6 Modules) BACnet Instance (Exec. B Modules) Setpoints ( View) Power Rating Configuration Nominal Voltage Low Level Input Voltage Upper Level Input Voltage Low Level Output Voltage Upper Level Output Voltage Nominal Frequency Frequency Tolerance Year Month Day Hour Minute Second Trendable Points (Set) Output Voltage L1-L2 Output Voltage L2-L3 Output Voltage L3-L1 Output Amps L1 Output Amps L2 Output Amps L3 Power L1 Power L2 Power L3 Battery Voltage Battery Amperage Apparent Power L1 Apparent Power L2 Apparent Power L3 % Load L1 % Load L2 % Load L3 Reports Status Trend Page 105 of 149 Notes: Revision B.33 2/25/2011 Liebert Monitoring Group – Development UPS Unit – Single Module SICE 7200 & HiPulse UPS – SSM Hardware Compatibility Liebert Units: SICE 7200 SiteScan Interface Modules: SiteLink (All) BMS interface Modules: SiteLink (All) Available Points SiteScan Availability Status Points (View) Output Voltage L1-L2 Output Voltage L2-L3 Output Voltage L3-L1 Output Voltage L1-N Output Voltage L2-N Output Voltage L3-N Output Amps L1 Output Amps L2 Output Amps L3 Output Amps Neutral Power L1 Power L2 Power L3 Bypass Frequency Inverter Frequency Input Voltage L1-L2 Input Voltage L2-L3 Input Voltage L3-L1 Battery Voltage Battery Amperage Apparent Power L1 Apparent Power L2 Apparent Power L3 % Load L1 % Load L2 % Load L3 %Battery Charge Modbus Register BACnet Instance (Exec. 6 Modules) BACnet Instance (Exec. B Modules) 40001 40002 40003 1 2 3 BS01_x BS02_x BS03_x 40004 40005 40006 4 5 6 BS04_x BS05_x BS06_x 40007 40008 40009 40010 40011 7 8 9 10 11 BS07_x BS08_x BS09_x BS10_x BS11_x 40012 40013 40014 40015 40016 40017 40018 40019 40020 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 BS12_x BS13_x BS14_x BS15_x BS16_x BS17_x BS18_x BS19_x BS20_x Page 106 of 149 Notes: Divide by 10 for correct value Divide by 10 for correct value Revision B.33 2/25/2011 Liebert Monitoring Group – Development SiteScan Availability Modbus Register BACnet Instance (Exec. 6 Modules) BACnet Instance (Exec. B Modules) Status Points (View) Battery Temperature Battery Time Remaining 40021 40022 21 22 BS21_x BS22_x Alarm Points Communications Bypass Switch Open Output Switch Open Rectifier Switch Open Battery CB Open Manual Bypass Closed Bypass Absent Bypass Overvoltage Bypass Undervoltage Bypass Frequency Error Bypass Ph Rotation Error Bypass SCR Failure Bypass Off Bypass Off Via Display Load On Bypass Bypass Overtemperature Rectifier Off Rectifier Off Via Display Rectifier Block Rectifier Current Limit Rectifier Overtemperature Rectifier Fuse Failure Inverter Off Inverter Off Via Display Inverter Block Inverter Current Limit Inverter Overtemperature Inverter Non Sync Inverter Overvoltage Inverter Undervoltage Inverter Fuse Failure 40289:00 40289:01 40289:02 40289:03 40289:04 40289:05 40289:06 40289:07 40289:08 40289:09 40289:10 40290:00 40290:01 40290:02 40290:03 40290:04 40290:05 40290:06 40290:07 40290:08 40290:09 40290:10 40291:00 40291:01 40291:02 40291:03 40291:04 40291:05 40291:06 40291:07 40291:08 289:00 289:01 289:02 289:03 289:04 289:05 289:06 289:07 289:08 289:09 289:10 290:00 290:01 290:02 290:03 290:04 290:05 290:06 290:07 290:08 290:09 290:10 291:00 291:01 291:02 291:03 291:04 291:05 291:06 291:07 291:08 BA01_x:00 BA01_x:01 BA01_x:02 BA01_x:03 BA01_x:04 BA01_x:05 BA01_x:06 BA01_x:07 BA01_x:08 BA01_x:09 BA01_x:10 BA02_x:00 BA02_x:01 BA02_x:02 BA02_x:03 BA02_x:04 BA02_x:05 BA02_x:06 BA02_x:07 BA02_x:08 BA02_x:09 BA02_x:10 BA03_x:00 BA03_x:01 BA03_x:02 BA03_x:03 BA03_x:04 BA03_x:05 BA03_x:06 BA03_x:07 BA03_x:08 Page 107 of 149 Notes: Revision B.33 2/25/2011 Liebert Monitoring Group – Development SiteScan Availability Alarm Points Output Overvoltage Output Undervoltage Output No Voltage Output Waveform Error Inverter Frequency Error Inverter Parallel Error Contactor Failure Battery Test Battery Test Failed Battery On Load Battery End of Discharge Boost Time Expired DC Slow Overvoltage DC Undervoltage Battery Fuse Failure DC Fast Overvoltage Transfer Count Block Overload Shutdown Overtemperature Shutdown Emergency Stop Overload Present Overload Shutdown TO Bad EEPROM Error LRC Par P1 Error LRC Par P2 Error LRC Par P3 Error LRC Alarm History Error LRC Event History Internal Battery Low Error LRC Table Error LRC Panel Can Bus No Response Modbus Register BACnet Instance (Exec. 6 Modules) BACnet Instance (Exec. B Modules) 40291:09 40291:10 40292:00 40292:01 40292:02 40292:03 40292:04 40292:05 40292:06 40292:07 40292:08 40292:09 40292:10 40293:00 40293:01 40293:02 40293:03 40293:04 40293:05 40293:06 40293:07 40293:08 40293:09 40293:10 40293:10 40293:10 40293:10 40293:10 40293:10 40293:10 40293:10 40293:10 291:09 291:10 292:00 292:01 292:02 292:03 292:04 292:05 292:06 292:07 292:08 292:09 292:10 293:00 293:01 293:02 293:03 293:04 293:05 293:06 293:07 293:08 293:09 293:10 293:10 293:10 293:10 293:10 293:10 293:10 293:10 293:10 BA03_x:09 BA03_x:10 BA04_x:00 BA04_x:01 BA04_x:02 BA04_x:03 BA04_x:04 BA04_x:05 BA04_x:06 BA04_x:07 BA04_x:08 BA04_x:09 BA04_x:10 BA05_x:00 BA05_x:01 BA05_x:02 BA05_x:03 BA05_x:04 BA05_x:05 BA05_x:06 BA05_x:07 BA05_x:08 BA05_x:09 BA05_x:10 BA05_x:10 BA05_x:10 BA05_x:10 BA05_x:10 BA05_x:10 BA05_x:10 BA05_x:10 BA05_x:10 Page 108 of 149 Notes: Revision B.33 2/25/2011 Liebert Monitoring Group – Development SiteScan Availability Modbus Register BACnet Instance (Exec. 6 Modules) BACnet Instance (Exec. B Modules) Alarm Points Setpoints (View) Power Rating Configuration Nominal Voltage Low Level Input Voltage Upper Level Input Voltage Low Level Output Voltage Upper Level Output Voltage Nominal Frequency Frequency Tolerance Slew Rate # of Battery Cells Rated Capacity Pre-End Discharge End of Discharge per Cell Maximum Voltage per Cell Year Month Day Hour Minute Second Control Points (Set) Date & Time Sync Trendable Points (Set) Output Voltage L1-L2 Output Voltage L2-L3 Output Voltage L3-L1 Output Amps L1 Output Amps L2 Output Amps L3 Power L1 Power L2 Power L3 Battery Voltage Page 109 of 149 Notes: Revision B.33 2/25/2011 Liebert Monitoring Group – Development SiteScan Availability Modbus Register BACnet Instance (Exec. 6 Modules) BACnet Instance (Exec. B Modules) Trendable Points (Set) Battery Amperage Apparent Power L1 Apparent Power L2 Apparent Power L3 % Load L1 % Load L2 % Load L3 Reports Status Trend Page 110 of 149 Notes: Revision B.33 2/25/2011 Liebert Monitoring Group – Development UPS Unit – UPStation S3 – US3 Hardware Compatibility Liebert Units: UPStation S3 SiteScan Interface Modules: SiteLink (All) BMS interface Modules: SiteLink (All) Available Points SiteScan Availability Status Points (View) Bypass Voltage A-N Bypass Voltage B-N Bypass Voltage C-N Voltage In A-N Voltage In B-N Voltage In C-N Voltage Out A-N Voltage Out B-N Voltage Out C-N Current Out A Current Out B Current Out C DC Bus Voltage DC Bus Current KVA KW Inverter Temperature PFC Temperature Battery Temperature Battery Test Status Input Frequency Bypass Frequency Output Frequency Current In A Current In B Current In C % Capacity Modbus Register BACnet Instance (Exec. 6 Modules) BACnet Instance (Exec. B Modules) 40016 40017 40018 40001 40002 40003 40004 40005 40006 40007 40008 40009 40010 40011 40012 40013 40021 40022 40023 16 17 18 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 21 22 23 BS16_x BS17_x BS18_x BS01_x BS02_x BS03_x BS04_x BS05_x BS06_x BS07_x BS08_x BS09_x BS10_x BS11_x BS12_x BS13_x BS21_x BS22_x BS23_x 40024 40014 24 14 BS24_x BS14_x 40015 15 BS15_x Page 111 of 149 Notes: Divide by 10 for correct value Modbus Only Revision B.33 2/25/2011 Liebert Monitoring Group – Development SiteScan Availability Status Points (View) Inverter Status Utility Status Bypass Status Battery Test in Progress Battery Time Remaining KVA Size Alarm Points Communications Bypass Failure Input Failure Battery Discharging Low Battery Reserve Output Overload Ambient Overtemperature Output Undervoltage Output Overvoltage Input Overvoltage Charge Failure UPS Off Load On Bypass Utility Failed Modbus Register BACnet Instance (Exec. 6 Modules) BACnet Instance (Exec. B Modules) 40020 40019 20 19 BS20_x BS19_x 40289:00 40289:01 40289:02 40289:03 40289:04 40289:05 40289:06 40289:07 40289:08 40289:09 40289:10 40290:00 40290:01 40290:02 289:00 289:01 289:02 289:03 289:04 289:05 289:06 289:07 289:08 289:09 289:10 290:00 290:01 290:02 BA01_x:00 BA01_x:01 BA01_x:02 BA01_x:03 BA01_x:04 BA01_x:05 BA01_x:06 BA01_x:07 BA01_x:08 BA01_x:09 BA01_x:10 BA02_x:00 BA02_x:01 BA02_x:02 Setpoints (View) None Control Points (Set) None Trendable Points (Set) Bypass Voltage A-N Bypass Voltage B-N Bypass Voltage C-N Voltage In A-N Voltage In B-N Page 112 of 149 Notes: Countdown starts at 254 Revision B.33 2/25/2011 Liebert Monitoring Group – Development SiteScan Availability Modbus Register BACnet Instance (Exec. 6 Modules) BACnet Instance (Exec. B Modules) Trendable Points (Set) Voltage In C-N Voltage Out A-N Voltage Out B-N Voltage Out C-N Current In A Current In B Current In C Current Out A Current Out B Current Out C % Capacity DC Bus Voltage DC Bus Current KW KVA Battery Time Reports Trend Status Page 113 of 149 Notes: Revision B.33 2/25/2011 Liebert Monitoring Group – Development UPS Unit – Single Module Series AP301/302 – SM3 Hardware Compatibility Liebert Units: Single Module UPS AP301/302 SiteScan Interface Modules: SiteLink (All) BMS interface Modules: SiteLink (All) Available Points SiteScan Availability Status Points (View) Bypass Voltage A-N Bypass Voltage B-N Bypass Voltage C-N Voltage in A-N Voltage in B-N Voltage in C-N Voltage Out A-N Voltage Out B-N Voltage Out C-N Current In A Current In B Current In C Current Out A Current Out B Current Out C % Capacity DC Bus Voltage DC Bus Current kVA kW Input Frequency Bypass Frequency Output Frequency Last Battery Test Status Inverter Status Model Number KVA Size Modbus Register BACnet Instance (Exec. 6 Modules) BACnet Instance (Exec. B Modules) 40016 40017 40018 40001 40002 40003 40004 40005 40006 16 17 18 1 2 3 4 5 6 BS16_x BS17_x BS18_x BS01_x BS02_x BS03_x BS04_x BS05_x BS06_x 40007 40008 40009 40015 40010 40011 40012 40013 7 8 9 15 10 11 12 13 BS07_x BS08_x BS09_x BS15_x BS10_x BS11_x BS12_x BS13_x 40014 40022 40023 40020 40019 14 22 23 20 19 Page 114 of 149 BS14_x BS22_x BS23_x BS20_x BS19_x Notes: Divide by 10 for correct value Divide by 10 for correct value Divide by 10 for correct value Modbus Only 0=failed / 1= passed 0=off / 1=on Revision B.33 2/25/2011 Liebert Monitoring Group – Development SiteScan Availability Status Points (View) Utility Status Bypass Status Battery Test In Progress Battery Time Remaining Alarm Points Communications Bypass Failure Input Failure Battery Discharging Low Battery Reserve Output Overload Ambient Overtemperature Output Undervoltage Output Overvoltage Charger Failure Load On Bypass Utility Failed Modbus Register BACnet Instance (Exec. 6 Modules) BACnet Instance (Exec. B Modules) 40024 24 BS24_x 0=not present / 1=present 40021 21 BS21_x Countdown timer starts at 254 40289:00 40289:01 40289:02 40289:03 40289:04 40289:05 40289:06 40289:07 40289:08 40289:09 40289:10 40290:00 289:00 289:01 289:02 289:03 289:04 289:05 289:06 289:07 289:08 289:09 289:10 290:00 BA01_x:00 BA01_x:01 BA01_x:02 BA01_x:03 BA01_x:04 BA01_x:05 BA01_x:06 BA01_x:07 BA01_x:08 BA01_x:09 BA01_x:10 BA02_x:00 Setpoints (View) None Control Points (Set) None Trendable Points (Set) Bypass Voltage A-N Bypass Voltage B-N Bypass Voltage C-N Voltage In A-N Voltage In B-N Voltage In C-N Voltage Out A-N Voltage Out B-N Voltage Out C-N Current In A Current In B Current In C Current Out A Current Out B Page 115 of 149 Notes: Revision B.33 2/25/2011 Liebert Monitoring Group – Development SiteScan Availability Modbus Register BACnet Instance (Exec. 6 Modules) BACnet Instance (Exec. B Modules) Current Out C % Capacity DC Bus Voltage DC Bus Current KW KVA Input Frequency Bypass Frequency Output Frequency Battery Time Reports Trend Status Page 116 of 149 Notes: Revision B.33 2/25/2011 Liebert Monitoring Group – Development UPS Unit – Single Module UPS – NPower—IMP Hardware Compatibility Liebert Units: NPower SMS SiteScan Interface Modules: SiteLink (All) BMS interface Modules: SiteLink (All) Available Points SiteScan Availability Status Points (View) Input Voltage A-B Input Voltage B-C Input Voltage C-A Input Frequency Bypass Voltage A-B Bypass Voltage B-C Bypass Voltage C-A Bypass Frequency Battery Voltage Battery Current Battery Temperature Battery Time Remaining Battery Charge Percentage Output Voltage A-B Output Voltage B-C Output Voltage C-A Output Voltage A-N Output Voltage B-N Output Voltage C-N Output Current A Output Current B Output Current C Output kVA A Output kVA B Output kVA C Output kW A Output kW B Modbus Register BACnet Instance (2.6) BACnet SSWEB 40001 40002 40003 1 2 3 BS01_x BS02_x BS03_x 40004 40005 40006 4 5 6 BS04_x BS05_x BS06_x 40007 40008 40009 7 8 9 BS07_x BS08_x BS09_x 40010 40011 40012 10 11 12 BS10_x BS11_x BS12_x 40013 40014 40015 40016 40017 40018 40019 40020 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 BS13_x BS14_x BS15_x BS16_x BS17_x BS18_x BS19_x BS20_x Page 117 of 149 Notes: Scale by 10 Scale by 10 Scale by 10 Scale by 10 Revision B.33 2/25/2011 Liebert Monitoring Group – Development SiteScan Availability Status Points (View) Output kW C Output Frequency Rated kVA Percentage Rated kW Percentage SBS Line Contact On/Off SBS Load Contact On/Off Input Delta Contact On/Off Input Wye Contact On/Off Output Contact On/Off Battery Breaker On/Off Trap Filter Contact On/Off Int. Mbypass Sw. On/Off Ext. Mbypass Sw. On/Off Alarm Points Communications Battery Fuse Fail Rectifier Fuse Fail Trap Fuse Fail Battery Overcharged Bypass Overload Shutdown Inverter Overload Inverter Fuse Failure Overvoltage Transfer Undervoltage Transfer Inverter Curr.Lim. Transfer EPO Shutdown Rectifier Fail Inverter Fail Hardware Shutdown On Battery Input Current Limit Battery CB Open Battery Discharging SBS Overload Phase A SBS Overload Phase B Modbus Register BACnet Instance (2.6) BACnet SSWEB 40021 40022 40023 40024 21 22 23 24 BS21_x BS22_x BS23_x BS24_x 40289:00 40289:01 40289:02 40289:03 40289:04 40289:05 40289:06 40289:07 40289:08 40289:09 40289:10 40289:11 40289:12 40289:13 40289:14 40289:15 40290:00 40290:01 40290:02 40290:03 40290:04 289:00 289:01 289:02 289:03 289:04 289:05 289:06 289:07 289:08 289:09 289:10 289:11 289:12 289:13 289:14 289:15 290:00 290:01 290:02 290:03 290:04 BA01_x:00 BA01_x:01 BA01_x:02 BA01_x:03 BA01_x:04 BA01_x:05 BA01_x:06 BA01_x:07 BA01_x:08 BA01_x:09 BA01_x:10 BA01_x:11 BA01_x:12 BA01_x:13 BA01_x:14 BA01_x:15 BA02_x:00 BA02_x:01 BA02_x:02 BA02_x:03 BA02_x:04 Page 118 of 149 Notes: Scale by 10 Revision B.33 2/25/2011 Liebert Monitoring Group – Development SiteScan Availability Alarms Points SBS Overload Phase C Inverter Current Limit Inverter Overload Phase A Inverter Overload Phase B Inverter Overload Phase C Low PF Warning Battery Ground Fault EPO Latched SBS Unable Inverter Off By User Battery Low Warning Battery Test Fail User Shutdown Battery Not Charged Load On Bypass Input Contact #1 Input Contact #2 Input Contact #3 Input Contact #4 Input Contact #5 Input Contact #6 Input Contact #7 Input Contact #8 Common Alarm Trendable Points Battery Current Output Current A Output Current B Output Current C Ouptut kVA A Ouptut kVA B Ouptut kVA C Ouptut kW A Ouptut kW B Ouptut kW C % Rated kVA % Rated kW Reports Trend & Status Modbus Register BACnet Instance (2.6) 40290:05 40290:06 40290:07 40290:08 40290:09 40290:10 40290:11 40290:12 40290:13 40290:14 40290:15 40291:00 40291:01 40291:02 40291:03 40291:04 40291:05 40291:06 40291:07 40291:08 40291:09 40291:10 40291:11 40291:12 290:05 290:06 290:07 290:08 290:09 290:10 290:11 290:12 290:13 290:14 290:15 291:00 291:01 291:02 291:03 291:04 291:05 291:06 291:07 291:08 291:09 291:10 291:11 291:12 Page 119 of 149 BACnet SSWEB Notes: BA02_x:05 BA02_x:06 BA02_x:07 BA02_x:08 BA02_x:09 BA02_x:10 BA02_x:11 BA02_x:12 BA02_x:13 BA02_x:14 BA02_x:15 BA02_x:00 BA02_x:01 BA02_x:02 BA02_x:03 BA02_x:04 BA02_x:05 BA02_x:06 BA02_x:07 BA02_x:08 BA02_x:09 BA02_x:10 BA02_x:11 BA02_x:12 Common Alarm - alarms not listed here Revision B.33 2/25/2011 Liebert Monitoring Group – Development UPS Unit – Single Module UPS – NX—PNX Hardware Compatibility Liebert Units: NX SiteScan Interface Modules: SiteLink (All) BMS interface Modules: SiteLink (All) Available Points SiteScan Availability Status Points (View) Input Frequency Output Frequency Bypass Frequency Battery Voltage Battery Current Battery Charge Percentage Battery Time Remaining Battery Temperature Input Voltage Vab Input Voltage Vbc Input Voltage Vca Bypass Volts A Bypass Volts B Bypass Volts C Output Volts A Output Volts B Output Volts C Output Current A Output Current B Output Current C Output % A Output % B Output % C Output Va A Output Va B Output Va C Output Watts A Modbus Register BACnet Instance (Exec. 6 Modules) BACnet Instance (Exec. B Modules) Notes: 40001 BS01_x Scale By 10 40002 40003 BS02_x BS03_x Scale by 10 40004 40005 40006 40007 40008 40009 40010 40011 40012 40013 40014 40015 40016 BS04_x BS05_x BS06_x BS07_x BS08_x BS09_x BS10_x BS11_x BS12_x BS13_x BS14_x BS15_x BS16_x Scale by 10 Scale by 10 Scale by 10 40017 BS17_x Average of A,B,C 40018 40019 40020 40021 BS18_x BS19_x BS20_x BS21_x Page 120 of 149 Revision B.33 2/25/2011 Liebert Monitoring Group – Development Available Points SiteScan Availability Status Points (View) Output Watts B Output Watts C System Output Va A System Output Va B System Output Va C Generator Disconnected Alarm Points Loss Of Communications Input Switch Open Not Used Main AC Neutral Lost Load On Battery Reserved Load On Joint Mode Load On Bypass No Power Supplied Overload Bypass Max Xfer Bypass False Operation UPS Overload Battery Shutdown Imminent Inverter Not Sync DC Under Voltage Shutdown Inverter Fault Inverter DC Offset Overrun Inverter Contactor Fail Inverter Over Current Inverter Communication Fail Rectifier Input Fuse Blown Rectifier Startup Fail Rectifier Fault Rectifier Over Current Rectifier Communication Fail Control Power Fail Fan Fail Battery Overtemperature Ambient Overtemperature Rectifier Overtemperature Rectifier Inductor Overtemp Modbus Register BACnet BACnet Instance Instance (Exec. B (Exec. 6 Modules) Modules) 40022 40023 Notes: BS22_x BS23_x G208_x 40289:00 40289:01 40289:02 40289:03 40289:04 40289:05 40289:06 40289:07 40289:08 40289:09 40289:10 40289:11 40289:12 40289:13 40289:14 40289:15 40290:00 40290:01 40290:02 40290:03 40290:04 40290:05 40290:06 40290:07 40290:08 40290:09 40290:10 40290:11 40290:12 40290:13 40290:14 40290:15 Page 121 of 149 BA01_x:00 BA01_x:01 BA01_x:02 BA01_x:03 BA01_x:04 BA01_x:05 BA01_x:06 BA01_x:07 BA01_x:08 BA01_x:09 BA01_x:10 BA01_x:11 BA01_x:12 BA01_x:13 BA01_x:14 BA01_x:15 BA02_x:00 BA02_x:01 BA02_x:02 BA02_x:03 BA02_x:04 BA02_x:05 BA02_x:06 BA02_x:07 BA02_x:08 BA02_x:09 BA02_x:10 BA02_x:11 BA02_x:12 BA02_x:13 BA02_x:14 BA02_x:15 Was Generator Input disconnected Revision B.33 2/25/2011 Liebert Monitoring Group – Development Available Points SiteScan Availability Modbus Register BACnet BACnet Instance (Exec. Instance (Exec. 6 Modules) B Modules) Alarm Points Inverter Overtemperature Inverter Inductor Overtemp Battery Converter Overtemp Battery Balancer Overtemp Input Power Failure Input Brown Out Input Frequency Deviation Input Phase Rotation Bypass SBS Unable Bypass Input Fault Output Over Voltage Charger Failure Battery Fault Battery Contactor Fail Battery Converter Fail Battery Converter Overcurrent Battery Balancer Fault Battery Balancer Over Current Parallel System Low Batt Warn Parallel Load Share Fault Parallel System Fault Parallel Connection Error Parallel System Over Load Parallel Transfer To Bypass Parallel Communication Fail 40291:00 40291:01 40291:02 40291:03 40291:04 40291:05 40291:06 40291:07 40291:08 40291:09 40291:10 40291:11 40291:12 40291:13 40291:14 40291:15 40292:00 40292:01 40292:02 40292:03 40292:04 40292:05 40292:06 40292:07 40292:08 Control Points (Set) None Trend Points Output Current Phase A Output Current Phase B Output Current Phase C Output % (Avg 3 Phases) Page 122 of 149 BA03_x:00 BA03_x:01 BA03_x:02 BA03_x:03 BA03_x:04 BA03_x:05 BA03_x:06 BA03_x:07 BA03_x:08 BA03_x:09 BA03_x:10 BA03_x:11 BA03_x:12 BA03_x:13 BA03_x:14 BA03_x:15 BA04_x:00 BA04_x:01 BA04_x:02 BA04_x:03 BA04_x:04 BA04_x:05 BA04_x:06 BA04_x:07 BA04_x:08 Notes: Revision B.33 2/25/2011 Liebert Monitoring Group – Development UPS Unit – HiNet – PHN Hardware Compatibility Liebert Units: HiNet SiteScan Interface Modules: SiteLink (All) BMS interface Modules: SiteLink (All) Available Points SiteScan Availability Status Points (View) UPS Load VA UPS Load Watt Input Frequency Output Frequency Load On Inverter UPS Load On Bypass UPS DC-DC Status Battery Voltage Battery Current Battery Charge Percentage Ambient Temperature Input Va Input Vb Input Vc Input Current Ia Input Current Ib Input Current Ic Output Va Output Vb Output Vc Output Current Ia Output Current Ib Output Current Ic Modbus Register BACnet Instance (Exec. 6 Modules) 40001 40002 40003 40004 40005 40006 40007 40008 40009 40010 40011 40012 40013 40014 40015 40016 40017 40018 40019 40020 40021 40022 40023 BACnet Instance (Exec. B Modules) BS01_x BS02_x BS03_x BS04_x BS05_x BS06_x BS07_x BS08_x BS09_x BS10_x BS11_x BS12_x BS13_x BS14_x BS15_x BS16_x BS17_x BS18_x BS19_x BS20_x BS21_x BS22_x BS23_x Page 123 of 149 Notes: Scale By 10 Scale By 10 Revision B.33 2/25/2011 Liebert Monitoring Group – Development Available Points SiteScan Availability Alarm Points Loss Of Communications Load On Battery Reserved Load On Bypass – Permanent UPS Overload Battery Shutdown imminent Inverter Not Sync Input Power Failure Bypass SBS SCR Open fault Bypass Input Fault Modbus Register BACnet Instance (Exec. 6 Modules) BACnet Instance (Exec. B Modules) 40289:00 40289:01 40289:02 40289:03 40289:04 40289:05 40289:06 40289:07 40289:08 40289:09 BA01_x:00 BA01_x:01 BA01_x:02 BA01_x:03 BA01_x:04 BA01_x:05 BA01_x:06 BA01_x:07 BA01_x:08 BA01_x:09 40024 BS24_x Setpoints (View) Device Type UPS Sub Module Number UPS Battery Count UPS Outlet Circuitry Supported UPS Type Is Offline UPS Type Is Interactive UPS Has Dual Inputs Setpoints (Set) None Trend Points Load VA Load Watts Input Current A Input Current B Input Current C Output Current A Output Current B Output Current C Page 124 of 149 Notes: Revision B.33 2/25/2011 Liebert Monitoring Group – Development UPS Unit – NFinity – PNF Hardware Compatibility Liebert Units: Nfinity SiteScan Interface Modules: SiteLink (All) BMS interface Modules: SiteLink (All) Available Points SiteScan Availability Status Points (View) UPS Load VA UPS Load Watt UPS Load Percent Input Frequency Output Frequency Bypass Frequency UPS Load On Bypass Power Factor Correction Stat Battery Voltage Battery Charge Percentage Battery Time Remaining Battery Temperature Transformer Temperature Input Voltage Input Current Bypass Voltage Bypass Current Output Voltage Output Current Battery Discharge Count Battery Discharge Time Setpoints (View) Maximum System Capacity Auto Restart Delay Auto Battery Test Enable Modbus Register BACnet Instance (Exec. 6 Modules) BACnet Instance (Exec. B Modules) 40001 40002 40003 40004 40005 40006 40007 40008 40009 40010 40011 40012 40013 40014 40015 40016 40017 40018 40019 40020 40021 BS01_x BS02_x BS03_x BS04_x BS05_x BS06_x BS07_x BS08_x BS09_x BS10_x BS11_x BS12_x BS13_x BS14_x BS15_x BS16_x BS17_x BS18_x BS19_x BS20_x BS21_x 40022 40023 40024 BS22_x BS23_x BS24_x Page 125 of 149 Notes: Scale By 10 Scale By 10 Scale By 10 Revision B.33 2/25/2011 Liebert Monitoring Group – Development Available Points SiteScan Availability Modbus Register BACnet Instance (Exec. 6 Modules) BACnet Instance (Exec. B Modules) Setpoints (Set) None Alarm Points Loss Of Communications Load On Battery Load On Bypass Overload Bypass Fault Bypass Manual Bypass Manual Xfer Prohibited UPS Overload Shutdown Pending Battery Shutdown imminent Fan Fail Air Filter Bad Transformer Overtemperature Internal Comm Failure New Event Logged Input Power Failure Red Power Module Low Device Active Alarm Main Control Module Alarm Redundant Module Alarm Power Module Alarm Battery Module Alarm Main Control Module Fail Red. Control Module Fail User Interface Module Fail Power Module Failure Battery Module Failure Overtemp Shutdown Overload Shutdown Output Short Shutdown Low Battery Shutdown Remote Shutdown EPO Shutdown 40289:00 40289:01 40289:02 40289:03 40289:04 40289:05 40289:06 40289:07 40289:08 40289:09 40289:10 40289:11 40289:12 40289:13 40289:14 40289:15 40290:00 40290:01 40290:02 40290:03 40290:04 40290:05 40290:06 40290:07 40290:08 40290:09 40290:10 40290:11 40290:12 40290:13 40290:14 40290:15 40291:00 BA01_x:00 BA01_x:01 BA01_x:02 BA01_x:03 BA01_x:04 BA01_x:05 BA01_x:06 BA01_x:07 BA01_x:08 BA01_x:09 BA01_x:10 BA01_x:11 BA01_x:12 BA01_x:13 BA01_x:14 BA01_x:15 BA02_x:00 BA02_x:01 BA02_x:02 BA02_x:03 BA02_x:04 BA02_x:05 BA02_x:06 BA02_x:07 BA02_x:08 BA02_x:09 BA02_x:10 BA02_x:11 BA02_x:12 BA02_x:13 BA02_x:14 BA02_x:15 BA03_x:00 Page 126 of 149 Notes: Revision B.33 2/25/2011 Liebert Monitoring Group – Development Available Points SiteScan Availability Modbus Register BACnet Instance (Exec. 6 Modules) Trend Points vA Watts Input Current Bypass Current Output Current Page 127 of 149 BACnet Instance (Exec. B Modules) Notes: Revision B.33 2/25/2011 Liebert Monitoring Group – Development UPS Unit – GXT – PGX Hardware Compatibility Liebert Units: GXT SiteScan Interface Modules: SiteLink (All) BMS interface Modules: SiteLink (All) Available Points SiteScan Availability Status Points (View) UPS Load VA UPS Load Watt UPS Load Percent Input Frequency Output Frequency Bypass Frequency Load On Inverter UPS Load On Bypass Battery Test Result DC-DC Status Inverter Ready Status Power Factor Correction Stat Battery Charge Comp Status Replace Battery Status Battery Test In Progress Battery Charge Status Battery Voltage Battery Charge Percentage Battery Deplete Time Ambient Temperature Input Voltage Vab Input Voltage Van Bypass Voltage Vab Bypass Voltage Van Output Voltage Vab Output Voltage Van Output Current Ia Output Load % Phase A Modbus Register BACnet Instance (Exec. 6 Modules) BACnet Instance (Exec. B Modules) 40001 40002 40003 40004 40005 40006 BS01_x BS02_x BS03_x BS04_x BS05_x BS06_x 40007 40008 40009 BS07_x BS08_x BS09_x 40010 40011 40012 40013 40014 40015 40016 40017 BS10_x BS11_x BS12_x BS13_x BS14_x BS15_x BS16_x BS17_x Page 128 of 149 Notes: Scale By 10 Scale By 10 Scale By 10 Revision B.33 2/25/2011 Liebert Monitoring Group – Development Available Points SiteScan Availability Status Points (View) Output VA Phase A Output Var Phase A Output Watt Phase A Input Voltage Vbn Bypass Voltage Vbn Output Voltage Vbn Output Current Ib Output Load % Phase B Output VA Phase B Output Watt Phase B UPS Black Out Count UPS Brown Out Count PhaseA Maximum Input Va PhaseA Minimum Input Va PhaseA Maximum Output Va PhaseA Minimum Output Va Load Circuit Output State Setpoints (View) Device Type UPS Sub Module Number Modbus Register BACnet Instance (Exec. 6 Modules) BACnet Instance (Exec. B Modules) 40018 40019 40020 BS18_x BS19_x BS20_x 40021 40022 40023 BS21_x BS22_x BS23_x 40024 BS24_x Outlet Circuitry Supported Nominal VA Nominal Input Voltage Nominal Output Voltage Nominal Bypass Voltage Nominal Input Current Nominal Input Frequency Nominal Output Frequency Nominal Power Factor Nominal Battery Voltage Auto Restart Delay Battery Low Alarm time Auto Restart Enable Audible Alarm Enable Auto Battery Test Enable Page 129 of 149 Notes: Revision B.33 2/25/2011 Liebert Monitoring Group – Development Available Points SiteScan Availability Modbus Register BACnet Instance (Exec. 6 Modules) BACnet Instance (Exec. B Modules) Setpoints (View) UPS Type Is Offline UPS Type Is Interactive UPS Has Dual Inputs Setpoints (View) None Control Points (Set) Delayed Output Off Delayed Output Off/Reboot Delayed Output On Battery Test Command Alarm Silence Abort Command Alarm Points Loss Of Comm Load On Battery Reserved UPS Overload UPS Shutdown Pending Battery Shutdown Imminent Overtemperature Input Current Unbalance Input Power Failure Input Over Voltage Input Under Voltage Input Frequency Deviation Bypass Input Fault Output Undervoltage Output Overvoltage Shutdown – Overtemp Shutdown – Overload Shutdown – DC Bus OV Shutdown - Output Short Shutdown - L-N Swapped 40289:00 40289:01 40289:02 40289:03 40289:04 40289:05 40289:06 40289:07 40289:08 40289:09 40289:10 40289:11 40289:12 40289:13 40289:14 40289:15 40290:00 40290:01 40290:02 40290:03 BA01_x:00 BA01_x:01 BA01_x:02 BA01_x:03 BA01_x:04 BA01_x:05 BA01_x:06 BA01_x:07 BA01_x:08 BA01_x:09 BA01_x:10 BA01_x:11 BA01_x:12 BA01_x:13 BA01_x:14 BA01_x:15 BA02_x:00 BA02_x:01 BA02_x:02 BA02_x:03 Page 130 of 149 Notes: Revision B.33 2/25/2011 Liebert Monitoring Group – Development Available Points SiteScan Availability Modbus Register BACnet Instance (Exec. 6 Modules) BACnet Instance (Exec. B Modules) Alarm Points Shutdown Shutdown Shutdown Shutdown Shutdown - Low Battery - By Remote - UV Startup - PFC Startup - External Signal 40290:04 40290:05 40290:06 40290:07 40290:08 BA02_x:04 BA02_x:05 BA02_x:06 BA02_x:07 BA02_x:08 Trend Points Load VA Load Watts Output Current A Output VA A Output VAR A Output Watts A Output Current B Output VA B Output Watts B Page 131 of 149 Notes: Revision B.33 2/25/2011 Liebert Monitoring Group – Development UPS Unit – PSI – PPS Hardware Compatibility Liebert Units: PSI SiteScan Interface Modules: SiteLink (All) BMS interface Modules: SiteLink (All) Available Points SiteScan Availability Status Points (View) UPS Load VA UPS Load Watt UPS Load Percent Input Frequency Output Frequency Load On Inverter Battery Test Result UPS Booster On Status UPS Buck On Status UPS DC-DC Status UPS Battery Charger State Replace Battery Battery Test In Progress UPS Battery Charge Status Battery Voltage Battery Charge Percentage Battery Time Remaining Ambient Temperature Input Va Input Current Ia Output Va Output Current Ia UPS Black Out Count UPS Brown Out Count PhaseA Maximum Input Va PhaseA Minimum Input Va PhaseA Maximum Output Va PhaseA Minimum Output Va Load Circuit Output State Modbus Register BACnet Instance (Exec. 6 Modules) BACnet Instance (Exec. B Modules) 40001 40002 40003 40004 40005 40006 BS01_x BS02_x BS03_x BS04_x BS05_x BS06_x 40007 BS07_x 40008 40009 40010 40011 40012 40013 40014 40015 40016 40017 40018 40019 40020 40021 40022 40023 BS08_x BS09_x BS10_x BS11_x BS12_x BS13_x BS14_x BS15_x BS16_x BS17_x BS18_x BS19_x BS20_x BS21_x BS22_x BS23_x Page 132 of 149 Notes: Scale By 10 Scale By 10 Revision B.33 2/25/2011 Liebert Monitoring Group – Development Available Points SiteScan Availability Set Points (View) Device Type Sub Module Number Outlet Circuitry Supported Nominal VA Nominal Input Voltage Nominal Output Voltage Nominal Input Current Nominal Input Frequency Nominal Output Frequency Nominal Power Factor Nominal Battery Voltage Battery Last Min Rated Load Battery Float Voltage Auto Restart Delay Ambient Overtemp Alarm Overtemp Failure Threshold Auto Restart Enable Audible Alarm Enable Auto Battery Test Enable UPS Type Is Offline UPS Type Is Interactive UPS Has Dual Inputs Modbus Register BACnet Instance (Exec. 6 Modules) 40024 BACnet Instance (Exec. B Modules) BS24_x Setpoints (Set) None Control Points (Set) Turn Output Off with Delay Delayed Output Off/Reboot Delayed Output On Battery Test Command Alarm Silent command Abort previous Command Reset Battery Stats Cmd Reset Stat Counters Cmd Page 133 of 149 Notes: Revision B.33 2/25/2011 Liebert Monitoring Group – Development Available Points SiteScan Availability Alarm Points Loss Of Comm Load On Battery Reserved UPS Overload UPS Shutdown Pending Battery Shutdown Overtemperature Input Current Unbalance Input Power Failure Input Over Voltage Input Under Voltage Input Frequency Deviation Bypass Input Fault Output Undervoltage Output Overvoltage Shutdown – Overtemp Shutdown – Overload Shutdown – DC Bus OV Shutdown - Output Short Shutdown - L-N Swapped Shutdown - Low Battery Shutdown - By Remote Shutdown - UV Startup Shutdown - PFC Startup Shutdown - External Signal Modbus Register 40289:00 40289:01 40289:02 40289:03 40289:04 40289:05 40289:06 40289:07 40289:08 40289:09 40289:10 40289:11 40289:12 40289:13 40289:14 40289:15 40290:00 40290:01 40290:02 40290:03 40290:04 40290:05 40290:06 40290:07 40290:08 BACnet Instance (Exec. 6 Modules) BACnet Instance (Exec. B Modules) BA01_x:00 BA01_x:01 BA01_x:02 BA01_x:03 BA01_x:04 BA01_x:05 BA01_x:06 BA01_x:07 BA01_x:08 BA01_x:09 BA01_x:10 BA01_x:11 BA01_x:12 BA01_x:13 BA01_x:14 BA01_x:15 BA02_x:00 BA02_x:01 BA02_x:02 BA02_x:03 BA02_x:04 BA02_x:05 BA02_x:06 BA02_x:07 BA02_x:08 Trend Points Load VA Load Watts Output Current A Output VA A Output VAR A Output Watts A Output Current B Output VA B Output Watts B Page 134 of 149 Notes: Revision B.33 2/25/2011 Liebert Monitoring Group – Development Liebert Monitoring Modules Page 135 of 149 Revision B.33 2/25/2011 Liebert Monitoring Group – Development Contact Closure Module – CCM Hardware Compatibility Liebert Units: CCM200, RCM8, VSM100 SiteScan Interface Modules: SiteLink (All) BMS interface Modules: SiteLink (All) Available Points SiteScan Availability Modbus Register BACnet Instance (Exec. 6 Modules) Contact 1 Contact 2 Contact 3 Contact 4 Contact 5 Contact 6 Contact 7 Contact 8 Contact 9 Contact 10 Contact 11 Contact 12 Contact 13 Contact 14 Contact 15 Contact 16 Contact 17 Contact 18 Contact 19 Contact 20 Contact 21 Contact 22 Contact 23 Contact 24 Contact 25 Contact 26 Contact 27 Page 136 of 149 BACnet Instance (Exec. B Modules) Notes: Revision B.33 2/25/2011 Liebert Monitoring Group – Development SiteScan Availability Modbus Register BACnet Instance (Exec. 6 Modules) BACnet Instance (Exec. B Modules) Notes: Status Points (View) Contact 28 Contact 29 Contact 30 Contact 31 Contact 32 Discrete BACnet alarm objects available – use auto-discover for this unit Alarm Points (See Note) Communications 40001:0 1:0 BS01_x:00 Contact 1 Contact 2 Contact 3 Contact 4 Contact 5 Contact 6 Contact 7 Contact 8 Contact 9 Contact 10 Contact 11 Contact 12 Contact 13 Contact 14 Contact 15 Contact 16 Contact 17 Contact 18 Contact 19 Contact 20 Contact 21 Contact 22 Contact 23 Contact 24 Contact 25 Contact 26 Contact 27 40001:1 40001:2 40001:3 40001:4 40001:5 40001:6 40001:7 40001:8 40001:9 40001:10 40002:0 40002:1 40002:2 40002:3 40002:4 40002:5 40002:6 40002:7 40002:8 40002:9 40002:10 40003:0 40003:1 40003:2 40003:3 40003:4 40003:5 1:1 1:2 1:3 1:4 1:5 1:6 1:7 1:8 1:9 1:10 2:0 2:1 2:2 2:3 2:4 2:5 2:6 2:7 2:8 2:9 2:10 3:0 3:1 3:2 3:3 3:4 3:5 BS01_x:01 BS01_x:02 BS01_x:03 BS01_x:04 BS01_x:05 BS01_x:06 BS01_x:07 BS01_x:08 BS01_x:09 BS01_x:10 BS02_x:00 BS02_x:01 BS02_x:02 BS02_x:03 BS02_x:04 BS02_x:05 BS02_x:06 BS02_x:07 BS02_x:08 BS02_x:09 BS02_x:10 BS03_x:00 BS03_x:01 BS03_x:02 BS03_x:03 BS03_x:04 BS03_x:05 Page 137 of 149 Note: The first three status registers are used to report Alarm Points. Revision B.33 2/25/2011 Liebert Monitoring Group – Development SiteScan Availability Contact 28 Contact 29 Contact 30 Contact 31 Contact 32 Modbus Register 40003:6 40003:7 40003:8 40003:9 40003:10 BACnet Instance (Exec. 6 Modules) 3:6 3:7 3:8 3:9 3:10 BACnet Instance (Exec. B Modules) BS03_x:06 BS03_x:07 BS03_x:08 BS03_x:09 BS03_x:10 Setpoints (View) None Control Points (Set) None Trendable Points (Set) None Reports Status Page 138 of 149 Notes: Revision B.33 2/25/2011 Liebert Monitoring Group – Development Water/Liquid Detection Unit – WDU Hardware Compatibility Liebert Units: LDS1000, LDS750 SiteScan Interface Modules: SiteLink (All) BMS interface Modules: SiteLink (All) Available Points SiteScan Availability Status Points (View) Distance Feet or Meters Alarm Points Communications Cable Fault Liquid Detected Modbus Register BACnet Instance 40001 40002 1 2 40289:0 40289:1 40289:2 289:0 289:1 289:2 Reports Status Page 139 of 149 Notes: 1=feet / 0=meters Revision B.33 2/25/2011 Liebert Monitoring Group – Development Remote Autochangeover – RAC Hardware Compatibility Liebert Units: RAC2-8 SiteScan Interface Modules: SiteLink (All) BMS interface Modules: SiteLink (All) Available Points SiteScan Availability Status Points (View) Unit 1 Unit 2 Unit 3 Unit 4 Unit 5 Unit 6 Unit 7 Unit 8 Alarm Points Communications Common Alarm 1 Common Alarm 2 Common Alarm 3 Common Alarm 4 Common Alarm 5 Common Alarm 6 Common Alarm 7 Common Alarm 8 Emergency Power Operation EPO All Units High Temperature Low Temperature High Humidity Low Humidity Manual Override Modbus Register BACnet Instance (Exec. 6 Modules) BACnet Instance (Exec. B Modules) Notes: 40001 40002 40003 40004 40005 40006 40007 40008 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 BS01_x BS02_x BS03_x BS04_x BS05_x BS06_x BS07_x BS08_x 1=on / 0=0ff 1=on / 0=0ff 1=on / 0=0ff 1=on / 0=0ff 1=on / 0=0ff 1=on / 0=0ff 1=on / 0=0ff 1=on / 0=0ff 40289:0 40289:1 40289:2 40289:3 40289:4 40289:5 40289:6 40289:7 40289:8 40289:9 40289:10 40290:0 40290:1 40290:2 40290:3 40290:4 289:0 289:1 289:2 289:3 289:4 289:5 289:6 289:7 289:8 289:9 289:10 290:0 290:1 290:2 290:3 290:4 BA01_x:00 BA01_x:01 BA01_x:02 BA01_x:03 BA01_x:04 BA01_x:05 BA01_x:06 BA01_x:07 BA01_x:08 BA01_x:09 BA01_x:10 BA02_x:00 BA02_x:01 BA02_x:02 BA02_x:03 BA02_x:04 Reports Status Page 140 of 149 Revision B.33 2/25/2011 Liebert Monitoring Group – Development Temperature/Humidity Module – THM Hardware Compatibility Liebert Units: THM100 SiteScan Interface Modules: SiteLink (All) BMS interface Modules: SiteLink (All) Available Points SiteScan Availability Status Points (View) Temperature Sensor 1 Humidity Sensor 1 Temperature Sensor 2 Humidity Sensor 2 Temperature Sensor 3 Humidity Sensor 3 Temperature Sensor 4 Humidity Sensor 4 Temperature Sensor 5 Humidity Sensor 5 Temperature Sensor 6 Humidity Sensor 6 Temperature Sensor 7 Humidity Sensor 7 Temperature Sensor 8 Humidity Sensor 8 Alarm Points Communications High/Low Temp Sensor 1 High/Low Humidity Sensor 1 High/Low Temp Sensor 2 High/Low Humidity Sensor 2 High/Low Temp Sensor 3 High/Low Humidity Sensor 3 High/Low Temp Sensor 4 High/Low Humidity Sensor 4 Modbus Register BACnet Instance (Exec. 6 Modules) BACnet Instance (Exec. B Modules) 40001 40002 40003 40004 40005 40006 40007 40008 40009 40010 40011 40012 40013 40014 40015 40016 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 BS01_x BS02_x BS03_x BS04_x BS05_x BS06_x BS07_x BS08_x BS09_x BS10_x BS11_x BS12_x BS13_x BS14_x BS15_x BS16_x 40289:0 289:0 BA01_x:00 Notes: Alarm threshold determined by others Alarm threshold determined by others Alarm threshold determined by others Alarm threshold determined by others Alarm threshold determined by others Alarm threshold determined by others Alarm threshold determined by others Alarm threshold determined by others Page 141 of 149 Revision B.33 2/25/2011 Liebert Monitoring Group – Development SiteScan Availability Modbus Register BACnet Instance (Exec. 6 Modules) High/Low Temp Sensor 5 High/Low Humidity Sensor 5 High/Low Temp Sensor 6 High/Low Humidity Sensor 6 High/Low Temp Sensor 7 High/Low Humidity Sensor 7 High/Low Temp Sensor 8 High/Low Humidity Sensor 8 Setpoints (View) High/Low Temp Sensor 1 High/Low Humidity Sensor 1 High/Low Temp Sensor 2 High/Low Humidity Sensor 2 High/Low Temp Sensor 3 High/Low Humidity Sensor 3 High/Low Temp Sensor 4 High/Low Humidity Sensor 4 High/Low Temp Sensor 5 High/Low Humidity Sensor 5 High/Low Temp Sensor 6 High/Low Humidity Sensor 6 High/Low Temp Sensor 7 High/Low Humidity Sensor 7 High/Low Temp Sensor 8 High/Low Humidity Sensor 8 Control Points (Set) High/Low Temp Sensor 1 High/Low Humidity Sensor 1 High/Low Temp Sensor 2 High/Low Humidity Sensor 2 High/Low Temp Sensor 3 High/Low Humidity Sensor 3 High/Low Temp Sensor 4 High/Low Humidity Sensor 4 High/Low Temp Sensor 5 Page 142 of 149 BACnet Instance (Exec. B Modules) Notes: Revision B.33 2/25/2011 Liebert Monitoring Group – Development SiteScan Availability Modbus Register BACnet Instance (Exec. 6 Modules) Trend Points Temp Sensor 1 Humidity Sensor 1 Temp Sensor 2 Humidity Sensor 2 Temp Sensor 3 Humidity Sensor 4 Temp Sensor 4 Humidity Sensor 4 Temp Sensor 5 Humidity Sensor 5 Temp Sensor 6 Humidity Sensor 6 Temp Sensor 7 Humidity Sensor 7 Temp Sensor 8 Humidity Sensor 8 Page 143 of 149 BACnet Instance (Exec. B Modules) Notes: Revision B.33 2/25/2011 Liebert Monitoring Group – Development Water/Liquid Detection Unit LDS5000 – WD5 Hardware Compatibility Liebert Units: LDS5000 SiteScan Interface Modules: SiteLink (All) BMS interface Modules: SiteLink (All) Available Points SiteScan Availability Status Points (View) Installed Cable Footage 1 Installed Cable Footage 2 Not Used – Spare Not Used – Spare Leak Det Footage Cable 1 Leak Det Footage Cable 2 Not Used – Spare Not Used – Spare Leakage Current Cable 1 Leakage Current Cable 2 Not Used – Spare Not Used – Spare Feet / Meters Alarm Points Communications Leak Detected Cable 1 Cable Fault Cable 1 Leak Detected Cable 2 Cable Fault Cable 2 Not Used – Spare Not Used – Spare Not Used – Spare Not Used – Spare Setpoints (View) None Modbus Register BACnet Instance (Exec. 6 Modules) BACnet Instance (Exec. B Modules) 40001 40002 40003 40004 40005 40006 40007 40008 40009 40010 40011 40012 40013 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 BS01_x BS02_x BS03_x BS04_x BS05_x BS06_x BS07_x BS08_x BS09_x BS10_x BS11_x BS12_x BS13_x 40289:00 40289:01 40289:02 40289:03 40289:04 40289:05 40289:06 40289:07 40289:08 289:0 289:1 289:2 289:3 289:4 289:5 289:6 289:7 289:8 BA01_x:00 BA01_x:01 BA01_x:02 BA01_x:03 BA01_x:04 BA01_x:05 BA01_x:06 BA01_x:07 BA01_x:08 Control Points (Set) Alarm Silence Alarm Reset Page 144 of 149 Notes: Revision B.33 2/25/2011 Liebert Monitoring Group – Development Universal Monitor – UVM Hardware Compatibility Liebert Units: Universal Monitor – UVM SiteScan Interface Modules: SiteLink (All) BMS interface Modules: SiteLink (All) Available Points SiteScan Availability Status Points (View) I/O Extender Card Status Input Contact #1 Status Input Contact #2 Status Input Contact #3 Status Input Contact #4 Status Input Contact #5 Status Input Contact #6 Status Input Contact #7 Status Input Contact #8 Status Input Contact #9 Status Input Contact #10 Status Input Contact #11 Status Input Contact #12 Status Input Contact #13 Status Input Contact #14 Status Input Contact #15 Status Input Contact #16 Status Input Contact #17 Status Input Contact #18 Status Input Contact #19 Status Input Contact #20 Status Input Contact #21 Status Input Contact #22 Status Input Contact #23 Status Input Contact #24 Status Output Contact #1 Status Output Contact #2 Status Output Contact #3 Status Output Contact #4 Status Output Contact #5 Status Output Contact #6 Status Output Contact #7 Status Modbus Register BACnet Instance (Exec. 6 Modules) BACnet Instance (Exec. B Modules) BS01_x 40001 Page 145 of 149 Notes: Revision B.33 2/25/2011 Liebert Monitoring Group – Development SiteScan Availability Status Points (View) Output Contact #8 Status Output Contact #9 Status Output Contact #10 Status Output Contact #11 Status Output Contact #12 Status Output Contact #13 Status Output Contact #14 Status Output Contact #15 Status Output Contact #16 Status Sensor #1 High Status Sensor #1 Low Status Sensor #2 High Status Sensor #2 Low Status Sensor #3 High Status Sensor #3 Low Status Sensor #4 High Status Sensor #4 Low Status Sensor #1 Reading Sensor #2 Reading Sensor #3 Reading Sensor #4 Reading Alarm Points Input #1 Alarm Input #2 Alarm Input #3 Alarm Input #4 Alarm Input #5 Alarm Input #6 Alarm Input #7 Alarm Input #8 Alarm Input #9 Alarm Input #10 Alarm Input #11 Alarm Input #12 Alarm Input #13 Alarm Input #14 Alarm Input #15 Alarm Input #16 Alarm Input #17 Alarm Input #18 Alarm Modbus Register BACnet Instance (Exec. 6 Modules) BACnet Instance (Exec. B Modules) 40002 40003 40004 40005 BS02_x BS03_x BS04_x BS05_x 40289:00 40289:01 40289:02 40289:03 40289:04 40289:05 40289:06 40289:07 40289:08 40289:09 40289:10 40290:00 40290:01 40290:02 40290:03 40290:04 40290:05 40290:06 BA01_x:00 BA01_x:01 BA01_x:02 BA01_x:03 BA01_x:04 BA01_x:05 BA01_x:06 BA01_x:07 BA01_x:08 BA01_x:09 BA01_x:10 BA02_x:00 BA02_x:01 BA02_x:02 BA02_x:03 BA02_x:04 BA02_x:05 BA02_x:06 Page 146 of 149 Notes: Revision B.33 2/25/2011 Liebert Monitoring Group – Development SiteScan Availability Alarm Points Input #19 Alarm Input #20 Alarm Input #21 Alarm Input #22 Alarm Input #23 Alarm Input #24 Alarm Sensor #1 High Alarm Sensor #1 Low Alarm Sensor #2 High Alarm Sensor #2 Low Alarm Sensor #3 High Alarm Sensor #3 Low Alarm Sensor #4 High Alarm Sensor #4 Low Alarm Loss of Power Low Battery Alarm Battery Unplugged Check Battery Exp board loss of comm Configuration Changed Loss of Comm Setpoints (View) Sensor #1 High Threshold SP Sensor #1 Low Threshold SP Sensor #2 High Threshold SP Sensor #2 Low Threshold SP Sensor #3 High Threshold SP Sensor #3 Low Threshold SP Sensor #4 High Threshold SP Sensor #4 Low Threshold SP Control Points (Set) Sensor High Threshold Sensor Low Threshold Alarm Silence Alarm Reset Trendable Points (Set) Sensor Readings Modbus Register BACnet Instance (Exec. 6 Modules) BACnet Instance (Exec. B Modules) 40290:07 40290:08 40290:09 40290:10 40291:00 40291:01 40291:02 40291:03 40291:04 40291:05 40291:06 40291:07 40291:08 40291:09 40291:10 40292:00 40292:01 40292:02 40292:03 40292:04 40292:05 BA02_x:07 BA02_x:08 BA02_x:09 BA02_x:10 BA03_x:00 BA03_x:01 BA03_x:02 BA03_x:03 BA03_x:04 BA03_x:05 BA03_x:06 BA03_x:07 BA03_x:08 BA03_x:09 BA03_x:10 BA04_x:00 BA04_x:01 BA04_x:02 BA04_x:03 BA04_x:04 BA04_x:05 40006 40007 40008 40009 40010 40011 40012 40013 BS06_x BS07_x BS08_x BS09_x BS10_x BS11_x BS12_x BS13_x Notes: Sensors 1-4 Sensors 1-4 Sensors 1-4 Page 147 of 149 Revision B.33 2/25/2011 Liebert Monitoring Group – Development Autochangeover Controller – AC8 Hardware Compatibility Liebert Units: Autochangeover Controller – AC8 SiteScan Interface Modules: SiteLink (All) BMS interface Modules: SiteLink (All) Available Points SiteScan Availability Modbus Register BACnet Instance (Exec. 6 Modules) BACnet Instance (Exec. B Modules) Notes: Status Points (View) Output #1 Status Output #2 Status Output #3 Status Output #4 Status Output #5 Status Output #6 Status Output #7 Status Output #8 Status Device #1 Status Device #2 Status Device #3 Status Device #4 Status Device #5 Status Device #6 Status Device #7 Status Device #8 Status Temp. Sensor #1 Reading Temp. Sensor #2 Reading Temp. Sensor #3 Reading Temp. Sensor #4 Reading BS01_x BS02_x BS03_x BS04_x BS05_x BS06_x BS07_x BS08_x BS09_x BS10_x BS11_x BS12_x BS13_x BS14_x BS15_x BS16_x BS17_x BS18_x BS19_x BS20_x 40001 40002 40003 40004 40005 40006 40007 40008 40009 40010 40011 40012 40013 40014 40015 40016 40017 40018 40019 40020 Control Points (Set) Enable Date & Time Sync Output #1 Output #2 Output #3 Output #4 Output #5 Output #6 Output #7 Output #8 0=Off, 1=On, 2=Forced Off, 3=Forced On, 4=Hardware On 30=Not Used, 31=Operating, 32=Standby, 33=Pending, 34=Forced On, 35=Forced Off, 36=Hardware On, 37=Alarm, 38=Event Modbus Format – Signed Integer Force On, Force Off, Return to Normal Page 148 of 149 Revision B.33 2/25/2011 Liebert Monitoring Group – Development SiteScan Availability Modbus Register BACnet Instance (Exec. 6 Modules) BACnet Instance (Exec. B Modules) Notes: Alarm Points Loss Of Comm. Input #1 Alarm Input #2 Alarm Input #3 Alarm Input #4 Alarm Input #5 Alarm Input #6 Alarm Input #7 Alarm Input #8 Alarm Sensor #1 High Alarm Sensor #1 Low Alarm Sensor #2 High Alarm Sensor #2 Low Alarm Sensor #3 High Alarm Sensor #3 Low Alarm Sensor #4 High Alarm Sensor #4 Low Alarm Loss of Power Low Battery Alarm Battery Unplugged Check Battery Emergency Power Op Configuration Changed Common Alarm 40289:00 40289:01 40289:02 40289:03 40289:04 40289:05 40289:06 40289:07 40289:08 40289:09 40290:10 40289:11 40289:12 40289:13 40289:14 40289:15 40290:00 40290:01 40290:02 40290:03 40290:04 40290:05 40290:06 BA01_x:00 BA01_x:01 BA01_x:02 BA01_x:03 BA01_x:04 BA01_x:05 BA01_x:06 BA01_x:07 BA01_x:08 BA01_x:09 BA01_x:10 BA01_x:11 BA01_x:12 BA01_x:13 BA01_x:14 BA01_x:15 BA02_x:00 BA02_x:01 BA02_x:02 BA02_x:03 BA02_x:04 BA02_x:05 BA02_x:06 Trendable points (Set) Sensor #1 Sensor #2 Sensor #3 Sensor #4 Page 149 of 149 Note: Discrete BACnet objects available using auto-discover