Document 10850711

April 20, 2016
AVHS Library -7:00pm
Attendees: Laurie Meyer, Michael Bolsoni, Andrea Sackett, Brent Turner,
Steve Degenaar, Shelly Dodge, Toni Hoffa
1 Welcome and Introductions (Toni)
2 Approval of March minutes (Toni) Motion by Michael, second by Shelly.
Minutes approved as written.
3 Additional agenda items (Toni) Operation Grace, Free dental program
that comes to the school a few days each trimester, for our Free/Reduced
Lunch students only.
4 Group Reports (Toni) Athletics (Steve) Spring sports are underway. Both
Boys and Girls Lacrosse teams are undefeated!
5 Parent Leader update (Laurie) Tuesday, April 19th. Bond Update
Sally Soliday (Director of Elementary Education) shared the drone video
that is available on the district website of land purchased for elementary
school #19. We also saw preliminary designs for the new school. There are
discussion groups for the four classrooms that will be added to Oak Ridge
and Echo Park. Mark Parr (Director of Secondary Education) updated us on
the Facilities Steering Committee that includes a security consultant, police
office and elementary principal. Security cameras will be updated from
analog to digital. They will be web based, concern brought forth for concern
of the system being hacked. They are working on locations, may be
changing as schools are remodeled. VMS will be undergoing renovations.
The cameras will not be ordered until after locations are determined as we
are using one vendor. The committee is looking at price range and quality of
resolution. The new cameras will be light sensitive. Sign in procedures will
be implemented in other high schools that were piloted at AVHS after
getting feedback from our experience. Lobby Guard is set up to flag sex
offenders, but could also be used to flag other violations e.g. restraining
orders or non-custodial parents. Questions asked if these will be used only at
high schools? Discussion had regarding if they would be beneficial at the
elementary level to identify non-custodial parents. New Student Information
System – TIES TSIS program is no longer supported by TIES. There are
currently two systems used in the high schools including Infinite Campus
that we use at AVHS and three other HS’s, RHS uses TSIS. The committee
requested legislators that we don’t have to go to the lowest bidder. This
request has been put in a bill that they are hoping passes. Features looked for
in the new system include attendance, census, behavior, grade books, health,
portal systems (ability to view grades, assignments, IEP plans, mobile device
look up, student schedule view, graduation assessment). School View will be
going away. We will be going to the new system over the next two years.
6. 2016-18 new site council chairperson (Steve) Shelly Dodge agreed to
take on this role. Thank you Shelly!
2016-18 new site council parents (Steve) See Handout. Nine total.
2016-18 new site council secretary, this position remains open (Steve)
9. MCA Math, MCA Reading, and ACT test review (Michael) MCA Math
tests were taken on April 5 and 6 by 11th graders. Preliminary results showed
our passing rate is up about 4%. Our 10th graders took the reading test.
Preliminary results show that our passing rate is increased about 9%. Our
goal was to increase our scores by 10%. The ACT was taken by 11th graders
yesterday. The kids take this test very seriously and the exam went very
10. 2016-17 Preliminary Budget (Steve) See Handout.
11. Teacher Appreciation Week (April 18-21) (Michael) Thank you for all
the events that are happening this week. Candy Bars on Monday. Bagels on
Tuesday. Ice Cream social was today. Staff appreciation meal will be
12. Teacher Recognition Award Process and meeting date in May (Steve)
See Handout. Date is May 23rd from 5-7pm. All adults from site council are
invited to be included in the process along with Rotarians, site council and
student council kids. The AV Rotary Club awards the winner. If one person
wins they get $1000. Last year there were two winners, so each winner got
13. Eagle Pride Committee updates (video, purge plan, STEM, etc)
(Michael) The Eagle Pride Committee is working on re-branding AVHS.
There are 3 subcommittees. One of the subcommittees is having a video
made by Capture Video. The video’s focus will be on the Triple AAA aspect
of AVHS, with the emphasis being on the Academic “A”. They will
interview parents, students and teachers. AVHS will be able to use the video
many ways to market AVHS. There is also a subcommittee working on a
purge plan. The purge plan is working on making the building looking it’s
best. There is a Purge plan event happening on Friday.
14. May & June Student Services Calendar (Michael) See Handout. June
4th graduation.
15. Operation Grace (Steve) AVHS’s demographics qualify us for this
service. Operation Grace is mobile dental clinic. There is a private donation
group that pays for this, but many dentists and hygienists donate their time.
The only qualifier is that the student is on free/reduced lunch. The will
come for three days, three different times of year. The first event at AVHS
will be on May 25th and 26st.
Meeting adjourned at 8:02pm.
To obtain any of the handouts noted in minutes, contact:
Susi Yermishkin, Principal’s Secretary @ or 952-431-8201
Respectfully submitted by
Laurie Meyer, Site Council Meeting Secretary