What is Eagle Academy?


What is Eagle Academy?

AVHS Eagle Academy is a credit recovery opportunity for students currently enrolled in grades 9-12; students are able to recover credit from previously failed core content area courses: math, science, English, social studies, and physical education/health (offered summer session only).

Students are expected to complete work both in and outside of the classroom in an online format. Teachers facilitate independent, self-paced student learning. Three sessions are offered: Winter, Spring, and Summer.

General Information

Students who have failed a content area class, complete the corresponding credit recovery course(s), and pass the course(s) with 60% or better will earn a credit and a “P” on their transcript.

Students will not earn a traditional grade in any of these courses. After completion of the courses, students will either earn a “P” (pass) grade or a “NC” (no credit) mark on their transcript. Eagle Academy does not have an appeals process.


Classes are held Monday through Friday.

Classes are in session 8 AM - 12:15 PM.

Block 1


Block 2

8 AM - 10 AM

15 min

10:15 AM - 12:15 PM

Sessions 1 & 2 BOTH meet Monday - Friday

Session 1 - June 20 to July 1 – Math and Science

Session 2 - July 11 to July 22 – English and Social Studies

PE/HEALTH meets 8 AM-10 AM on the following dates:











June 20

June 22

June 27

June 29

June 30

July 11

July 13

July 18

July 20

July 21

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Courses will be held after school from 2:30-4:00 pm Monday-Thursday. Students will be required to attend “in person” instruction one of these days per week-per course (for example: Monday for English, Tuesday for math, Wednesday for social studies, and

Thursday for science) as prescribed by the school. The other days students will be required to do “on-line” work, which may take place at AVHS or on-line at home. All courses have a blended format of on-line and in-person instruction.


Attendance & Workload

Students must attend every “in-person” class session. The instructor or Anne Liebeck,

Administrator must pre-approve absences. Attendance is critical, as the course requires six face-to-face sessions during the school year and ten face-to-face sessions summer.

Students will attend all face-to-face sessions and must complete work outside of these sessions in order to successfully complete the course. Students are able to access the courses on-line and are able to communicate with their teacher via email. Students may work both in and outside of class and as a result might not need to attend ALL sessions if they work through the material quickly. However, students need to attend class in person until all units are complete and the final exam is taken in person.

Each course consists of multiple units; each unit has a short quiz at the end; each unit must be passed with 60% or better. Students are then required to take a final exam at the end of the course in which they must pass with 60% or better. Students are encouraged to take notes, use the textbook, and any materials they may have saved from their first attempt at taking the course. Each student will have the opportunity to retake a failed exam ONCE. If a student fails again they will be removed from the course.

Computer Lab:

During the school year the computers in the media center are available before school

(starting at 7 AM) and after school (ending at 4 PM)

During summer school the computers in the media center are available from 7:30 AM –

12:30 PM June 20 - July 22.

Behavior Expectations:

No eating, drinking, game playing or “surfing” will be allowed in the computer lab. Any referral for inappropriate behavior can result in removal from the course. All AVHS policies will be enforced.


The link to on-line registration is on the AVHS student and parent pages.

All courses must have final approval of counselor.

Students can only register for classes they have failed.

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 If the student has double failed Intermediate Algebra or Algebra 2 they

CANNOT REGISTER and must re-take the course in its entirety during the school year.

Course offerings are subject to change due to the number of student registrations and faculty availability. Limited seats are available in these on-line courses and preference for a session will be given by the date the application is returned. Those not enrolled at the beginning of Eagle Academy will be put on a wait list and may be offered the course at a later date.

All regular school rules are in affect during Eagle Academy hours.


General Questions?

Contact: Anne Liebeck, Administrator

What should my son or daughter register for?


Michelle Gustafson

Val Fogolin

Ellen Perkins

Scottie Osthus





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