1 THE COST OF PASSIVE SOLAR ENERGY by John I. Meyer, Jr. B.Arch. University of Minnesota June,1975 Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of MASTER OF ARCHITECTURE IN ADVANCED STUDIES at the MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY June,1977 Signature of Author_ _ _ _ _ _ Department of Architecture Certified by Timothy Roteh ohns* arch Associate Accepted by JUN 7 1977) Eduardo Catalano,Chairman Departmental Committee on Graduate Students 2 ABSTRACT THE COST OF PASSIVE SOLAR ENERGY BY JOHN I. MEYER SUBMITTED TO THE DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE MAY 1977 IN PARTIAL FULFILLMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF ARCHITECTURE IN ADVANCED STUDIES. This report evaluates the total cost of passive solar design. Faced with a barrage of issues dealing with passive solar energy, I found it difficult to design responsible buildings without a comprehensive understanding of the amount of money involved, and the value of my architectural preferences. This report is my attempt to discover the important passive issues, quantify their impact on building costs, and weigh their compatibility with my aesthetic objectives. The goal of this report is a complete set of design guidelines which include both mechanical and aesthetic objectives. The Introduction explains the measurement techniques for computing mechanical costs. Chapter I is a reprint of my original framework written six months ago at the beginning of this report. Chapters II-V are the core of this thesis. They analyse separately each of my four categories of passive issues: landscape, shapeand orientation, windows, and materials. Chapter VI collects and orders the objectives of the four preceding chapters. Chapter VII demonstrates the use of the combined objectives in the design of a test case. Thesis Supervisor: Title: Timothy E. Johnson Research Associate 3 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I GRATEFULLY ACKNOWLEDGE THE FOLLOWING PERSONS FOR THEIR PERSONAL CONTRIBUTIONS: TIM JOHNSON for patience and support R. BRUNKAN, K. RUBERG, B. FREY, G. TREMBLAY,' C. SLOAN, R. RADVILLE, H. ENGELSBURG, L. RODRIGUES for reading my work and/or aiding in the production of this report. IMRE HALASZ for employment and design criticism BONNIE BLANCHARD for typing CATHY CHUTICH for not moving out 4 TABLE OF CONTENTS Title Page......................... Abstract........................... 2 Acknowledgements................... 3 Table of Contents................... 4 Introduction....................... 5 .................................. 39 Chapter #1: Initial Framework....... .................................. ...... 163 Chapter #2: Landscape.............. 87 .................................. ...... 16 Chapter #3: Shape and Orientation... 12 ...................................... .. 39 Chapter #4: Windows................. 15 ................................... .. 63 Chapter #5: Materials............... .. Chapter #6: Chapter #7: .. 87 Combined Guidelines..... .... 123 Test Case.............. ... . 25 Bibliography....................... .....o s.134 i ____________________ to the desire to optimize the use of the sun's heat and light. Active systems, like the The purpose of this thesis flat plate collector, are not Throughout the course of my is to develop guidelines to be discussed in this thesis because used by a design-oriented archi- it is necessary to develop an architectural education, I have understandable framework for the carried with me the notion that the creation of beautiful and ordinary systems of a building someone out there knew these economical buildings which before collectors are nailed to things; that a quantified under- operate in close harmony with the roof. passive solar energy systems. of the building below that dic- passive energy issues was just tates the number of collectors another part of ordinary practice. above. Mechanical engineers, I supposed, tect. They are to be used in Passive solar design is here defined as the manipulation of ordinary building parts to It is the efficiency The reader of this report standing of the full range of helped architects program sensible buildings. maximize the advantages, or need not worry about missing the minimize the disadvantages, of "technological boat." a given sun climate. and active systems are differ- architectural/engineering offices, entiated more by equipment than I have changed my mind. The word "solar"'in this Passive The equation for Now after working with large If I might briefly mention some work thesis title will often seem by approach. unjustified, as when night- the absorption of sunlight by a experiences of the past two time thermal barriers are ana- brick is the same used to deter- years, the reasons for my dis- lyzed, but all of the follow- mine the absorption of special illusionment may become apparent. ing discussions may be retraced collector paints. *Last year I helped design i 6 6 a transit system for downtown St. ican architects and has recently en by well-meaning readers. Paul which had to thread its way been published by New York's They have correctly pointed out among glass towers S.O.M. had Museum of Modern Art. that the scope of this work is proposed for the coldest large iting the site with that project's too large for one person with city on earth. chief designer this winter, I was merely an architectural back- *I was given charge of the shocked to find frost on the in- ground. design of a prefabricated hous- side of an exterior wall, and to that any of the sub-chapters ing system for Nigeria. hear him explain that insulation would be suitable for a more case I was answerable to a pro- would have destroyed the integrity precise and managable report. moter whose only concern was of his concrete wall. that soil pipes align. In this No co- When vis- These three recent experi- They have pointed out I have only one defense against these most reasonable ordination of building mechan- ences have helped convince me that arguments: whether he choses to ical systems and local climate if guidelines for reasonable pas- ignore the fact or not, when- desired. sive design exist they are not ever an architect picks up a *I have worked on designs commonly used and that there is pencil to design a building he for three "solar" buildings, a pressing need for a comprehen- assumes responsibility for all all of which were purported to sive overview of the costs of passive energy concerns. be developed with the active passive solar enengy. shape he gives his building, the The participation of mechanical landscaping of that building, engineers. its openings and materials, all The most success- ful of the three has received There have been many times have an important impact on the professional awards from the during the production of this energy consumption and mechani- most fashionable group of Amer- thesis when I have been browbeat- cal equipment required. i .7 An architect cannot beg off this work, errors will undoubted- reader who wants to use the by simply stating that he is not ly occur. conclusions of this report to a mechanical engineer because terested only in precision docu- understand the author's assum- only architects design buildings. ments written by eminently qual- tions, and to trace all numer- The mechanical engineer's cur- ified professionals may stop now. ical information from official rent role is to make architect- For those who are less demanding, to unofficial graphs. designed buildings habitable. I would make a suggestion con- An architectural education does not presently equip students with an understanding of the The reader who is in- cerning the most useful way to read this report. Two types of numerical in- costs and savings of passive formation are presented. energy decisions. type is the very reliable charts Therefore, One it is necessary for each student and data extracted from engin- to equip himself. eering catalogues. The first This reli- The investigating procedure of this thesis will follow the order of the 7 chapters. *Chapter I will state the starting point of this investi- step, which this thesis attempts able information will always be gation: my original vague notions to take, is to collect the full reproduced in hardline graphs. that prompted this thesis. range of passive solar issues The second type of numerical in- will also include the building and test them for an understan- formation is that which has been model to be used in the detailed ding of their impact on overall processed by the author for his investigations of the following building costs. various purposes. chapters. The unoffici- al information will always be presented in free-hand graphs. Because of the scope of It is important for the It *Chapters II-V are the core of this report. Each of these chapters will be devoted to a i8 category of passive energy is- *Chapter VI combines the ob- significant savings have been sues: II Landscape, III Windows, jectives of all the chapters in- achieved and if so, at what IV Shape and Orientation, V to one quantified set of guide- cost to the quality of the envi- Materials. lines. Each chapter will present At this point, I can state with some degree of confi- the complete list of issues in- dence whether window area is a cluded in that category, known more important concern than a to the author. Chapter V, for onment created. building's orientation, or whe- All results of the tests ther sunscreens are a better in- performed throughout this thesis terial" issues: insulation, vestment than an extra inch of should be easily understood by mass, color, and texture. insulation. an American businessman. example, is composed of 4 "ma- A numerical means of mea- *Chapter VII is a test case The savings produced by the proper to see if these nine months of use of passive energy principals, work have produced reliable tools therefore, will be translated in- of various manipulations are for the proper use of passive to per cent reductions from a calculated and the issues of solar energy. each chapter are ranked accor- ter, the redesign of a building ding to their impact on an over- presently under construction in all building budget. the Boston area will be taken to mercial building projects are a sufficient stage of completion "set up" to pay for themselves touch each issue will also be where the architect, developer, in a period of five years. discussed and combined with and mechanical engineer of the other words, in order to comfort- the mechanical objectives. real project can judge if any ably cover financing costs, suring the importance of each issue will be proposed. Costs My aesthetic values that In this final chap- building's total construction cost. Today most blue chip com- In - 9 4. the income from a building must nique, the per cent load reduc- match its first cost and oper- tion is multiplied by the pro- ating cost within five years of per percentage on Chart 1.1. its completion. For example, if a special type Therefore, five of sunscreen reduces apartment years of energy reductions must be added to the first cost re- J" covr- cooling loads by 10%, the "price would be filled in as ductions in mechanical equip- tag" ment in order to determine the follows: advantage of any energy conserving technique. The price of energy is These "price tags" are intended to give a quick represen- rising faster than inflation, building's total cost produced but for the purpose of the mea- by a particular construction surements in this thesis, it is method or material. only assumed to keep pace with inflation. The savings produced by c~9~7 1Ze~vcr1o&) tation of the reduction of a In order to quantify the percent of savings to be listed on the "price tag," a listing of each correct building technique average mechanical and annual will be graphically displayed energy costs for the Boston area tiplied by $.80/$35 because that throughout this report by the is necessary (Chart 1.1). is the ratio of annual square use of "price tags": To enter the percent savings of some energy conserving tech- The energy savings is mul- foot energy costs related to square foot construction costs. 10 i r(arpr1 Thus all savings are reduced to the first cost figures easily '/', 6L~r &: C4207r comprehended by a businessman. 6oM eoe In order to avoid the problem of producing a cookbook of ideas with no clear understanding of their relative importance all of the experiments in this thesis are related to one spe- cific location (Boston). 01{ The model building type is a five I~2W story, 70 foot deep building. It costs $35 per square foot and is constructed as illustra- While the use of such a specific model limits 50w LW%~& ted in Figure 1.2. ccpmotw Ale ~62% its ap- 25D 1 Z plication to the Boston area, /0% one case is clearly presented. Once the technique for calculating costs is understood, 4 'I *' ~ OF WtJ~7()j~fl~ ~J~I .4*'gei~, II a 11 o.f7 charts may be reconstructed to 0- suit other climates and construc- e.. - -. tion methods. Op1qaWV A JP 0 x''wM I! 00 Z " rLAu/? F044S4 --'I 10 o SiM-Lr~te -.- Offices and apartments are both designated for testing because they are logical choices for the test case location, and because these two uses point out the differences between heavily populated interior cli- - mates and less populated housing situations. oy cisigned for the final chapter of this thesis. A visually sensi- tive site on the edge of Boston's r p - A test case is to be de- - og ~-ir 3 i North End has been purposely chosen to demonstrate that energy conscious design need not overwhelm its surroundings. 12 14 Starting Point Development of Objectives Soft and Hard Chapter Summary 15 Human Objectives Energy Objectives 15 First Framework I 14 14 I spaces created. opaque cubes. Such ungoverned solutions are a waste of everyone's time. Pooling the information The hard dollar and cents I've gathered during five years Architecture is an ambiva- issues discussed in this report of doing architecture, I begin lent pursuit of economy and com- all have soft implications. The this report by patching together modity. artistic use of natural lighting, the pieces of my own knowledge That a blind pursuit of en- concerning the role of passive ergy efficiency results in human bound to the heat loss and gain energy in the world of archi- "disasters" is a well documented of a building. tecture. fact. I found that I could group For this reason, it is for instance, is inextricably The framework I am now at- impossible to write a set of en- tempting to develop and illus- those pieces of information into ergy objectives without taking trate will include both the hard four distinct categories: human concerns into account. and soft issues of passive solar 1) Landscaping 2) Shape and Orientation I have postulated the following 3) Windows two-part list of ordered objec- 4) Materials tives. After some soul searching, design. Chapter I will be the state- I have evaluated these four cat- ment of my initial framework. egories with a group of objec-- This beginning framework is the tives that deal with either the The straight optimization of ordering of information acquired economy of building operation or energy efficiency will lead only through personal experience. the human desirability of the to the design of well-insulated The middle chapters (Chapters II 15 I -V) will be critical analysis style options dering passive energy issues. of the individual pieces of my initial framework. Chapter VI This should readjust and expand will be the restructuring of several times during the course 2) the framework in light of new and quantified information. represents my first stab at or- Minimize construction costs of my study. Especially note- worthy will be the adjusted, Finally, Chapter VII will be a 3) Minimize operation costs quantified frameworks appearing test case pitting this new 6) Maximize building util- after the completion of my theo- approach against the approach ity and flexibility retical investigation (Chapter taken for the recent develop- VI) and again after completion of ment of a Boston property. the test problem (Chapter VII). Using my own experience and my nine ordered objectives, I may 1) Adequate and delight- ful natural lighting now propose to order the importance of the four categories that 4) Pleasing appearance include all the problems of pas- 5) Adequate indoor- sive solar energy. outdoor connections 7) Positive community impact This ordering, 1) shape and orientation 2) windows 8) Pleasing views 3) landscaping 9) Adequate range of life- 4) materials, 2 L A N D S C A P E 17 17 II LANDSCAPING 19 19 COST ISSUES MODELS AND MEASUREMENT 21 Growing Things 24 Ground Covers 26 Surrounding Objects 31 Buried Buildings 35 PERSONAL OBJECTIVES 36 HARD AND SOFT GUIDELINES II II IA 18 LANDSCAPING pact on building costs. I was disappointed to find It is important that landscape issues so little mechanical savings at be understood, however, be- stake by the manipulation of cause designers must realize different parts of a building's where constraints do not exist landscape. as well as where they do. I wanted to lead off with a category offering the opportunity for major mechanical savings. In my mind, the way buildings fit into their site preceeds any discussion of the buildings themselves. It is, therefore, most natural to begin this analysis by discussing landscaping, despite its small effect on mechanical requirements. Of the four categories of passive solar issues, 'landscaping' has the smallest im- 19 II 19 II COST ISSUES 3. Partially or Completely energy consumption. considered important in this Buried Buildings sent peak loads under worst con- discussion: Buried buildings would seem ditions and are used to determine Growing Things to offer economies because installation capacity. Trees, ivies, and var- they are nestled in the ious ground covers are constant moderate tempera- wall those pieces of the tures of sub-grade earth. known 'book values' or the pro- Three landscape issues are 1. plant world that affect a building's mechanical operation and installa- 2. MODEL AND MEASUREMENTS The- 1000 square feet of tion costs. Surrounding Objects will serve as a model. charts are either well- The method of evaluation is *Average Sun Gains are charted in dozens of publications. 1 *Heat Loss is the product of a wall's conductance (book value) are those objects near the comparative analysis of the and the difference between the a building which re- 'wall charts' which have been con- temperatures it divides. flect or intercept structed for display in the fol- suffients amounts of lowine Dazes. heat and light to effect energy consumption. 1. All of the numbers in the ducts of simple calculations. space used throughout this report 'Surrounding Objects' Others pre- Some of these -charts deal with average temperatures and may be used to compare ASHRAE Handbook of Fundamentals is used in this report. *Infiltration is the amount of heat required to warm or cool replacement air which leaks through skin cracks or is me- 20 II 2. chanically exhausted. In the Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec N 118 162 224 306 406 484* 422 322 232 166 122 98 NNE 123 200 300 400 550 700* 550 400 300 200 123 100 NE 127 225 422 654 813 894* 821 656 416 226 132 103 ENE 265 439 691 911 1043 1108* 1041 903 666 431 260 205 E 508 715 961 1115 1173 1200*1 1163 1090 920 694 504 430 ~air must be replaced per hour Office space will require a full air change. *Sun Waste is the amount of extra sun heat which would over- 828 1011 1182 1218.t 1191 1179 1 1 7 5t 118 8 1131 971 815 748 SE 1174 1285 1318* 1199 1068 1007 1047 1163 1266 1234 1151 1104 SSE 1490 1509* 1376 1081 848 761 831 1049 1326 1454 1462 1430 S 1630** 1626 t 1384 t 978 712 622 694 942 134 4k 1566t 1596 SSW 1490 1509* 1370 1081 848 761 831 1049 1326 1454 1462 1430 SW ESE heat a winter room and would have to be exhausted. In this model the building's mass has more heat storage capacity than average daily sunheat. There- fore no sunheat is presumed to be wasted. &-r SOLAR HEAT GAIN FACTORS FOR 40*N LATITUDE, WHOLE DAY TOTALS Bu/ft 2 /day (Values for 21st of each month) assumed model, 1/2 of the room's in apartments. ')U J -U21 t + 1482+ 1174 1285 1318* 1199 1068 1007 1047 1163 1266 1234 1151 1104 WSW 828 1011 1182 1218*' 1 19 .1k 1179 1175t 1 1 8 8t 1131 971 815 748 W 508 715 961 1115 1173 1200* 1163 1090 920 694 504 430 WNW 265 439 691 911 1043 1108* 1041 903 666 431 260 205 821 656 416 226 132 103 NW 127 225 422 658 813 894* NNW 123 200 300 400 550 700* 550 400 300 200 123 100 HOR 706 1092 1528 1924 12166 2242* 2148 1890 1476 1070 706 564 *month of highest gain for given orientation(s) orientation(s) of highest gain in given month SOURCE: ASH RAE, Handbook of Fundamentals, 1970; Koolshade Corporation. 21 21 II Growing Things possible by the use of decid- Trees uous sunscreens. When windows are shielded Chart 2.2 shows the load reductions for offices. Energy and installation cost from sun rays by trees, air monly installed and may be easily replaced. 10 year old trees have been legitimately used for calculating first costs as well as conditioning costs are reduced. reductions are obtained by mul- operating costs b'eaanseethey may Most deciduous trees posi- tiplying the load reductions by be considered a permanent building tioned between windows and the the percentage of a building's part. sun will reduce direct interior first cost listed in Chapter I. sunshine by 50%.1 Chart 2.1 shows Cost reductions are listed in only the lower 2 floors of the 5 the load reductions for each price tag 2.1 story model building. Most 10 year old trees apartment orientation made 1. Olgyay, Victor,Design with Climate. 10 year old trees will shade Hence cost reductions for the model will operate at 85% of the efficiency 2 They are comof mature trees. be 2/5 of the reductions in the 2. the real savings possible by the Ibid. chart above. Price tag 2.lb shows use of deciduous trees. II 22 AV.. 4/ To-rall 23 23 II II A Stand of Trees (Forest)- machines. sunlight is twice as intense as in winter when trees are leafless.] Deciduous trees immediately outside windows keep lighting levels constant year round. Lighting bills will be slightly increased by halving available A stand of trees, a group summer sunlight. Price tag 2.3 of closely spaced mature trees, presents the lighting disadvan- decreases ground temperatures tages of the use of deciduous sun- 10*F on 90* days. Actual reductions for the 5 screens for a 70 foot deep build- time climate of an entire neigh- story model would be 2/5 of the ing. borhood.or district may be com- percentages listed because only pletely altered by the presence. 2/3 of a 5 story building will of trees. be beneath a tree stand. The summer- Price tag 2.2 lists the mechanical cost reductions produced by building beneath the canopy of a forest. Residen- Trees and Natural Lighting Deciduous trees positioned between the sun and windows re- tial cooling costs are eliminated duce natural lighting up to 50%. while office cooling must only [No additional lighting fixtures accommodate the internal loads are made necessary by this sun- produced by people, lights, and screening effect because summer MMMMMM II 24 2L1 II included because they result ground cover increases the amount from a special condition. of winter sunheat through a building's windows by 60%. 1ea, Chart 2.4 compares a building with grass beneath its windows to a building with white paving positioned to reflect sunheat into its interior. Again, these numbers apply only * to the lower 2 floors of the model model structure. The lighting penalty for the If ivy is allowed to grow over windows dur- use of trees is small and only ing the cooling season slightly affects building opera- its use will reduce tion. costs in the same proportion Tree Conclusion as the use of deciduous trees. The following price tag kxLLrF4c 14F1TctrZ~T 7- IVY Lxutv- r OPaiou0 /, r To~st- 2-' If ivy is to be cleared " Y A 1uA /-/ O - O 0 Since all energy advantages lists the cost advantages of from summer windows no mech- of reflecting winter sunheat are planting 10 year old deciduous anical reductions will result offset by the disadvantages trees between summer sunshine from its use. of and windows. Ground Covers and Reflected Heat a deciduous tree shade over (Lighting penal- summer reflected sunheat, ties are included.) The advan- White paving reflects 80% the reflective ground cover is tages of building beneath the of the sun's light and heat while assumed in the above price tag. canopy of a forest are not grass reflects only 20%. White 25 II Reflective ground covers do not effect office operation because additional reflected sunheat is insignificant beside internal office loads. Ground Cover and Lighting Reflecting light into windows has no appreciable effect on the energy bill of apartments for the following reason: Daytime lighting accounts for only 10% of a domestic lighting bill, and lighting accounts for only 10% of the total domestic energy bill. flected lighting, therefore, Re- CuMer 2.4 - "000r e'00ww. 26 II could at most reduce a domestic Surrounding Objects Surrounding objects can energy bill by .3%. office energy bills may be steal light and sunshine from significantly reduced by the a building and considerably in- use of reflective ground cover. crease heating requirements. Daytime lighting accounts for 80% however, of an office lighting bill, and are positioned to reflect sun- lighting represents 50% of an light onto a building, reductions office's total energy bill. in Since externally reflected light on a 30% glass wall supplies up to 20% If, surrounding buildings lighting and heating costs will result. Mechanical loads before and The energy reductions in of interior lighting, the use of after the construction of the first price tag above are reflective surfaces beneath reflecting and obstructing build- correct when unobstructed build- windows produces a 10% reduction ings are compared in charts 2.5 ings are equipped with sun shades. in office energy needs. and 2.6 If windows are unshaded, no energy The cost of these load changes are presented in will be saved on the annual the following price tags. basis because summer cooling load increases will balance winter heat reductions. 10r osrr 0 0 0 0 27 II These reductions are quite high, but they represent theoretical maximums and not ordinary conditions. All win- dows are assumed to receive 80% additional sunshine from reflection or to lose all direct sunshine by obstruction. Normally a small proportion of a building's windows receive reflective sunshine. Only that small proportion of the listed reduction may be realized. While it is more common for large portions of a building to be obstructed, it is usually difficult to move an urban structure completely out of the shadow of surrounding buildings. mow 2 TT CUAer Z.1 F 29 mmmmmmwmmmmm 30 31 II Cuoer , Buried Buildings Four feet below the surface, earth holds a constant temperature of 55*F. The walls of a buried building separate a smaller temperature differential and therefore have smaller heat losses. All the heating and cooling loads through a square foot of above grade wall have been compared to the mechanical loads of a square foot of subgrade wall. space is The below grade credited with a sky- light area of 30% of its area. wall The cost of the load .* - Ate tmW ka~ II 32 differences have been computed in price tag 2.10. Average load differences have been used to calculate energy reductions. The load difference during worst conditions are multiplied by installation costs for the first cost reductions. v -r 2.1o t.ftov (,aoog- A Fou A subgrade wall in - el~ Boston is normally $1.00 per square foot less expensive to build because it lacks exterior finishes. The $1.00 per square foot reduction reduces project first costs 1% II 33 but excavation increases first cost 2 1/2%. Since forming below 8 .feet of depth is economically prohibitive, the advantages of building below grade applies to only one fifth of the model 5 story building. 1/5 of all subgrade mechanical reductions are insignificant. If a building is flattened into a one story subgrade building the larger roof surface would lose enough heat to off-set the advantages of building into the earth. Covering the roof with earth will increase structural costs tremendously. Finally, only functions which do not require a view may be buried. If one side of a building is buried and the other left exposed only 1/2 of the q.Jt -Of c.p vc&~~o- II 34 mechanical advantages of tag 2.8 may be realized. Burying a building into the constant temperature of the earth does not offer great mechanical advantages. Designers may bury buildings for many reasons, but the major reduction of mechanical costs should not be one of them. Price tag 2.11 lists the total 5 year cost of burying the first floor of the 5 story building. 11 rav. op ~ V & '9 ~ AI7vmiIwZ ,ono O 35 II Landscape and the Author's Personal Aesthetic Guidelines The guidelines developed in this section are subjective and personal. Lest important aesthetic concerns become subjected to energy objectives, aesthetic values related to the subject matter of this chapter will be listed and discussed. If readers find this type of discussion useless, they are encouraged to proceed to the next mechanical section. I suggest the reading of these sections. They are brief and offer insights into the test design of the final chapter. 36 II Landscaping and Natural Light My intention is to use the glare. I am not interested in eliminating glare (at times. it is Views In each dwelling unit richest natural lighting pallet very beautiful), but merely to or work group, occupants must within the limits of painful control its most relentless forms. have access to short views, Trees are useful in the control long views, and multi-directional spaces should be cave-like and of relentless glare, because they views. some should sparkle in dazzling intercept 50% of direct sun rays. used to compose short views, Trees replace views of blank sky and frame the longer ones. glare and pitch blackness. Some A full range of lighting light. experiences should be available with their beautifully changing to each member of a family unit forms. and to each member of a working Indoor-Outdoor Connection unit. This lighting intention, Landscaping should be HARD AND SOFT GUIDELINES Each occupant of a housing The mechanical reductions of this chapter are substantial When unit or working group should have only for special cases. access to visual and physical a large reflective building is function (living room, kitchen, contact to the surrounding land- built next door, for instance, coffee lounge, etc.) should be scape. entirely grayed out or glared me occurs when 1/3 of my cone of The more reliable landscaping out. vision can be directed through techniques like using trees a window to the landscape outside. for sun screening are found source that contrasts strongly Physical contact occurs when the to have minor impact on me- with its surroundings or exterior landscape moves into chanical economy. with the field form which it a building and a door is provided however, should be limited by the following constraint. Glare is is viewed. No defined as a light Large patches of unobstructed sky always produce This visual contact for at that -point. heating costs drop considerably. It is for this reason that soft concerns have priority 37 II C1g er . 1/ APARTMENT loeo 691PUA0P2 OFFICE 4-, 0 0) tdo n (4J ~JU) 4) Ln 2 fivC, V# IvoiV gte-. vt aWA- L1w 07 (00Rr ~r19 eo IVrecmoseF w 6erWer 4 > (U 44I Fitef-) 0t i-l -- i tP -ri 0~ 1 rd U) U) 0) 9- 4J) V) 0 U) b) 4 a) L) U J >W> -H Lf~)0)U) 4-4w *Technique for including operation in first cost. See Chapter I for explanation. 0# Va ~52*~ 'ftXi AeMVe:sVACiTevwfI V*- '-> -1 U U) OFFICE 41, *rm $4 '-> 'i-I ( Cfl > Vo -H (a Cd4-4 U) ~ 72 47'? 3)- of ore2~ .7 38 in the following list of combined guidelines. Combined Guidelines 1. SOFT GUIDELINES The following is list Allow landscape to flow through walls where out- an ordered door connection is of soft guidelines for the use of landscaping: desirable. 2. 1. Allow landscape to flow compose short views and frame long views. through walls where outdoor connection is 3. Use deciduous trees for sun screens. desirable. 2. Use landscaping to compose Use landscaping to 4. Screen natural light short views and frame through deciduous trees long views. and ivy. 3. Screen natural light through deciduous trees and ivy. / 39 3 S H A P E & 0 R E N T A T 40 III III. SHAPE AND ORIENTATION 42 COST ISSUES 1) Shape a) heating loads b) lighting 2) Orientation a) plan b) section 3) Crenelation 43 MODELS AND MEASUREMENT 57 PERSONAL ISSUES 1) Natural Light 2) Appearance 3) Indoor-Outdoor Connection 4) Views 60 PERSONAL GUIDELINES 61 HARD GUIDELINES 62 COMBINED GUIDELINES 41 41 III Ill III. Shape and Orientation Second: I will propose the proper This chapter discusses the eco- methods of measuring the nomics inherent in the overall relative importance of shape and orientation of a struc- these -issues. ture. It will also deal with Third: I will analyze the human the human implications of these impact of decisions economic form generators. involving manipulations This analysis will be presented of a building's shape and in the following manner. direction. First: I will identify what I Fourth: Finally, I will combine consider to be the full my economic and human set of issues that relate objectives in one list the shape and orientation of guidelines. of a building to its first cost and operation cost. 142 III A. Shape and Lighting COST ISSUES The following is the list Electric lighting costs of issues which relate shape increase with the depth of a and orientation to mechanical building. The relationship of orientation to lighting installations is not an issue. 3) costs. 1) Crenelationw 2) Orientation The heat flowing from the Shape sun can be more effectively received by a building facing the sun in both plan and section. The carving of a building's exterior into patterns of solid and void has three economic implications. A4 The increases initial..construction costs. All the heat which a building loses goes through its skin. .Additional surface material Orientation and Lighting .The first and operating smaller its skin, the smaller the Lighting levels vary in costs of heating and cool- mechanical systems and energy bills intensity for different orienta- ing are increased propor- Besides the reductions in mechan- tions on clear days, but during ical systems, a smaller surface worst conditions (heavy clouds) offers considerable savings in all orientations receive identi- materials and labor. cal amounts of natural light. tionally with the amount of additional skin area. .Natural lighting may be increased when cavities are cut into building volume. *Tessellation;bumps;surface deformation. III 43 MODELS AND MEASUREMENT CLur 3. -- MOPE4. W1a) Ak o £t 009 i 10W 4a' F r,- OP rP: In this section, equations and models are proposed for the proper measurement of the value 0. /7 0. M1 ec~b.. -al- 00Z of each of the preceding issues. - 1. - Shape, Labor and Material Costs 50 6C-V Coyn e lre, FOAM 04..09-0ux~. 4 0 0.01 The model used in this report is a $35 per square foot building with enclosing walls costing $6 per square foot. Walls in this case account for about 20% of a building's first cost. When an architect uses twice the material to enclose the same square footage he increases the first cost of his building by 17%. (1.7 million on a 10 million dollar building.) hV I oOf4 -. 444#? - III M-1c, 44f -M& 5.1 tR SO1A IORS 1lEA T GAIN I-AC FOR 40'N L 111-1 -DE, %IIOLF DAY rtu f /dy (%'aluc% 1-c J 772 118 N Mar 224 NNE 12 200 1) NE 127 22 5 4 ENE ' i T May Jui Jul Aug Sep Oct Nm DCC 306 416' 484* 422 322 232 166 122 08 4o 551 700* 550 4t0 3 200 894* X21 6 I8 1 Ti. -- SE SF Shape, Heating and Cooling 30*4 SS 12 1 :i (14 1 18* ---- 124 1 184 -x I 1'( 13 lo 103 213 2( 431 ---- 120 19 4 1344t 1188 4 1 Rx83 4 5 1x' 1.590t 1561 1311 The equipment needed to 123 416 6W 9)13 -- 851318* '!7 Su 1ol 1011 131,*S24 40-50*'304 OT AI S ht m1iionzth) Apr 65 4 413 9 for 2 Iht of c 114!5 1482 162'I measure the effects of a 'buildSW ing shape' on heating and cooling 1!74 2( 123N9 48 13 ,9 3 NW basic heat loss equation. 11ti3' 11' I 11,1 127 225 N2 422 2 TooR 11092 658 300 100 15" 15--R 1924 813 894* 700' lil6 2242* 2 55 414 All residential heating and cooling loads go through a building's walls. If the wall area is doubled, heating and cooling loads double. 'O1 12o0* 6 1'lrw21 V ovo ()'o 6 4 5 o4 WN"A~~~"" "6 -10 , ,41 is: The ASHRAE Average Sun Table, one right forefinger, and the l nemRCL( ASneRAn hhrpo.1 g nobo'.O nIn I' it'n [Uh. V)70 Km)!'*had, ( hP( i ' 430 205 656 416 226 132 400 300 20 123 1 7e 103 Io i6,4 443u I I4I 5 -rar eir ':%0> .- C.i ZW 2 V.4pz A CoolLon 1 - #0. f4V 56/ AIJ. Shape and Office Heating and Cooling -oum (CiAV/) ------- __ ''Ilei --j$ /160&Z4 I "" 2e ~' ~o c~-~/~ - -k# X. ,~/'i ' 2~ Office mechanical costs are " / j~ * ~IIf Z more complicated to calculate because not all heating and cool- -%sEr 0 ing loads flow through the weatherskin. Additional loads are pro- duced by machines, I'xe-fr. lights, people, and mechanical ventila- *o. ** 0- /66 /Zo</ /2.9/ /Z4 /-41 /2', Z ZZ/ /f. 20, / -* .. * tion. Chart 3.3 has been constructed to compare average loads on offices of the same volume but with surface areas that differ in the ratio of 2 to 1. These aver- age loads may be compared to determine energy savings. *-WA1Urt/ I" /2 pes T /1,4 - S /g, 46 <A&r ~4- cxeer calgwo tOw& Chart 3.4 shows the load differences under worst conditions. - f Since worst conditions dictate mechanical capacities, these loads are used to calculate reductions in first costs. Price tag 3.3 lists the total reductions produced by .2. . *-------/ halving an office building's surface area. m~ce-E A4 w ' "~ 2elf, /-0 71 07 47 47 III III Lighting Correction lighting cost difference represents a 5% reduction in office energy requirements. area. Unless circumstances forbid evening office work, no reduction in lighting installations could be aIf the building with twice the surface area has a 70 foot chieved by reducing a building's width. section, as opposed to a 150 foot deep section in the more compact building, more of its interior may be lit with sunlight. Or AV V eo' ~ -Orientations and Shape er ~ t-%6.)r ( Natural light is a valuable commodity for office buildings, ixr2 because lighting accounts for 50% of energy costs. Since a greater proportion of a narrow building can be naturally lit, Shape Conclusions Price tag 3.5 totals the a narrow office will have appre- preceding 'shape cost reductions. I ciably lower electric bills. These total percentages were ob- 20% of a 70 foot deep building tained by multiplying the pro- cover which is can be naturally lit through portions of a building's cost from the heating standpoint: a most of the working day, while required for mechanical equip- compact building or a building only 10% of the deeper building ment and 5 years of energy by strung out before the southern may be similarly lit. the load reductions possible sun. The 10% My purpose here is to dismore desirable My method of evaluation 48 III 48 III geometric plan shapes and mechan- will again involve only: the decrease the heating loads of ical simple heat loss equation and the Building 2. rotating a square plan 450. ASHRAE sun chart. have a 25% greater maximum load Assume now that Buildings 1 and 2 in the above illustrations have floor areas of 1 square foot. On an average winter day, Building 2 will because of its 25% greater surface. costs; and the effect of Sun and Plan Shape Winter sun reaches the proportion of a building's surThe price tag below indi- face shown in the illustrations cates that the most efficient on the top of the Building 1 gains 6 BTUH from the shape for a Boston building sun proportions are shown below. sun while losing 20 through its is the most compact. walls. From inspection it is Building 2 with its larger obvious that greater amounts southern exposure gains 8.4 BTUH of sun are received by various but loses 28 because of its great- basic shapes. er surface. Checking this observation The more compact building has a lower operating cost by 2%. through sun charts, In- winter sun is received by plan in the south wall of Building 2 e than plan b. will only dictate the size of heating equipWorst conditions take place Though not staggering, considerable ciency. Worst winter conditions it is found for example, that 30% more creasing the proportion of glass ment. next page.Summer energy and first cost savings Plan Orientation of Compact Shapes are made possible by choosing an efficient Two aspects of compact plan at 3 AM on the coldest of winter shapes are investigated: nights when no added sunshine can relationship between different the plan shape. III 49 (Winter) 24 15 45 I22I Rotation (Summer) Building 1 aligns with compass coordinates while 2 is as nearly g opposite as is possible, and aligns diagonally across longitudinal lines. 92 III 50 In New England the average surface of Building 1 received 14.2 BTU's per square foot of glass per hour during the heating season and 37.5 BTUH during cooling season. Building 2 re- ceives approximately 13.8 BTU's per square foot per hour in heating season and 35 BTU's per square 51 III foot per hour during cooling season. The .4 BTUH per square foot heating season advantage of 1 over 2 represents a .5% energy reduction for housing, and .25% for 2 On the other hand, the offices. 10 BTUH per square foot cooling season advantage of 2 over 1 represents a 3% energy reduction for housing, and a .3% energy reduction for offices. Chart 3.6 shows the first and operating costs of spinning a square building 450. The price tag below shows that rotating a square building 450 does not affect mechanical costs. 270 foot deep section 52 III Orientation in Section The object of this discussion will be to determine the amount that a building's first and operating costs may be altered by warping- its section into the direct rays of winter sunshine. The means of calculation will again be the ASHRAE tables of average sun gains and the basic heat loss equation. 53 III operation costs are reduced 4%. III provides a -3% operating -4 and -1% first cost savings in apartments and a -8% operating and -2% first cost savings in offices. Office Lighting Section Orientation and Heating The 3 building sections I. 20% and 25% more sunshine on the model wall will decrease shown above contain equal volumes. heating loads by 10%, and 12% Buildings I and II have the same for apartments and 25% and 30% above grade surface area and. for offices. the same heat loss. The final 'heating' re- Because Building III has 10% more surface sults of warping a building area above grade, it has a 2% section to face the winter greater construction cost as well sunshine, as shown in my two as a 10% greater heat loss. examples, would be the follow- 60% more natural lighting ing: in apartment buildings, enters building III than enters winter sunshine than the conven- section II affords a 6% building I. tional Building I, and Building operation office, 7% of an energy bill may III receives 25% more than In Building II receives 20% more office savings over I. buildings In a 70 foot deep 54 III be eliminated by the lighting and price tags 3.8 and 3.9 show wall would be 2 times the possible savings created by the reflecting total reductions translated gain. 'steps'. into lst. costs. is a larger number. Summer Overload Now, hcwever, the difference Even if the windows were covered with fully insulated panels at the 60% glass.wall night, facing south and located in New England would be a greaterloser than the If unshaded from summer sunshine, II represents a 10% increase in cooling loads for . *0 .e saro lwe T*oi.. 30% glass wall left uncovered. ea 5eo- Crenelation is considered v17. by many to be the stuff of archi- apartments and 6% for offices. tecture. Energy consumption would rise 3% It's the ins, the outs, the zigs and zags, the bumps and for apartments and 2% for offices. decoration. If the southern glazing is not shaded from the summer Section Orientation and Glass sun, no energy or equipment re- Area ductions are attainable by the. Crenelation The purpose of this next section is If glass were to fill twice to project the cost of these wall deformations. warping of a building section. as much of the south wall (60%), 'Section Orientation' Conclusions twice as much sun heat could calculations are: chart be collected, but the loss 1.1 which lists building through that same 60% glass cost proportions, Chart 3.8 breaks down the costs of the 2 warped sections, The tools needed for these ASHRAE'S 55 III E'AMP CIAACT sunshine chart, ~4 -6~' and the heat loss equation. 3r Crenelation and Heating Double a building's surface area and you double its heat load. This alone would increase yearly energy demands by 30% for housing and 10% for offices. The first cost increases due to the increased heating loads would be 3% for housing and 2.5% for offices. ~2,4 O~~ OZ III 56 56 Crenelation and Cooling Discounting Windows For apartment buildings, the doubling of a building's surface area would provide a 20% increase in yearly energy consumption due to added air conditioning costs. A.C. first cost increase due to added surface area would be 2% for apartments. In offices, only about 15% of the cooling load comes through the wall; the rest is internally produced by lights, people, and machines. One third of the heat This would increase apartment loss of a 30% glass building energy bills 10% and office escapes through the opaque bills 5%. face only increases office energy portion of the wall. increase 1% in apartments and bills 4% due to additional cooling area is doubled without in- cost. creasing window area Therefore, doubling the sur- Total project cost would be increased 1%. If wall (Example III) only a 20% heat load increase results. First costs would 1.3% in offices. 57 III Crenelation Conclusions Wall Costs PERSONAL GUIDELINES The guidelines developed in this selection are subjective and personal. Lest important aesthetic concerns become In an average 5 story 100,000 square foot building, wall costs are about 20% of a total project's cost. Double completely subjected to energy objectives, aesthetic values related to the subject matter a building's surface area and of this chapter will be listed a project's cost jumps 17%. and discussed. If a reader finds this type of discussion useless s(he) is encouraged to proceed to the next mechanical section. The WIN ft -i III ;g C;A author suggests the reading of reading by natural light be these sections. possible in all living and They are brief and offer insights into the working space. test design of the final chapter. Shape and Appearance Shape and Outdoor Connections Shape and Natural Light Contact distance, the distance from a window wall after which this occupant no longer feels any sensation of natural light, is approximately 30 feet in normal spaces with 8 foot ceilings and 4 foot windows. Floor to ceiling glass push that distance back to perhaps 40 feet. A person's work- This occupant becomes well An architect must deter- aware of the outside world when mine whether a building will about 30% of his cone of vision ing or living space must never stand apart from its surround- can be filled with a view out- be beyond contact distance. ings or blend into its 'land- side. scape'. enjoy some outside contact, it's Comfortable reading can Inside the building, Because most people take place up to 10 feet from a again the architect must design important that an architect keep 4 foot window in a room of normal to allow an occupant to feel people in reflectance. part of a neighborhood, or of a building. Overhead windows are effective at twice that distance. It is important that part of a 'special place'. the outermost 30 feet Maximization of an occupant's feeling of possession 59 III A single view through a In order to develop long flat plane of glass, with no and short views it is often balcony, nor any part of the helpful to orient a building building's exterior visible, into an adjoining building. is to be considered insuffi- Crenelation and Appearance cient. Orientation and Appearance and control over an outside area The architect must deter- should be an architect's objec- mine the formal order of an tive. immediate landscape and then The wall line between out- either play off or work with side and inside should become that order. blurred where contact is desired. Orientation and Views textures which decorate a Shape and Views For every living or working building. should be provided. These crenelations may be as large as a building group some long, some short and some multi-directional views Crenelations are bumps and W/ wing or as small as a doorknob. 60 III I Personal Objectives The important issue for the The following is the author's architect is: Is the existing. appearance of a proposed ordered list of personal aesthet- building's neighborhood ic objectives which pertain to worth building shape and orientation: reinforcement? SOFT GUIDELINES Crenelation and Outdoor Connec- 1. tions Provide natural light 'contact' for every living or working space. 2. Choose shape, orientation and crenelation Views and Lifestyle The convolutions of a build- ing skin are ideal for developing interesting short views. The architect may perforate These surface pockets are places for desired relation- ship between building and neighborhood. 3. Use shape to include or exclude outside space. 4. Vary and corrugate building edges to where outdoor guardianship and allow the outside world in. living can comfortably take He may also build solid planes place. views: long short multi-directional that mark a distinct boundary. 61 III HARD GUIDELINES APARTMENT OFFICE U) w)U 0 *ehiu fs See > U) o (a2o zO WO)f .( 4-4for c includiU) hapter I for explanation. *Technique for including operation in first cost. See Chapter I for explanation. 0z. U .( Lpe)rto 4i w ao z Un OwW zHo 4-4 62 III COMBINED GUIDELINES This is the author's list showing where he feels the soft guidelines must stand among the hard. For every architect there should be a different set, but there must be a combined understanding. 1. Contact people with natural light; 2. Minimize crenelation; 3. Build deliberately for or against existing context (shape, orientation, crenelation); 4. Simplify and maximize building shape; 5. Entrain or expell surrounding landscape; 6. Crenelate walls, not windows; 7. Provide long, short, and multi-directional views; 8. Warp section to winter sun. 4 w N D S 64 IV 65 Cost Issues 65 Model and Measurements 68 Model Check 68 Common Alternatives Single Glass Triple Glass Reflecting and Heat Absorbing Glass 74 More Difficult Alterations Shades Covers Model Survival +10% -10% 79 Lighting Costs 79 Economic Guidelines 80 Personal Guidelines 84 Hard and Soft Guidlines IV 65 Ae sulating window covers must be quantified. ducts of simple calculations. *Average Sun Gains are charted in dozens of publica- A complete set of 'economic issues' is listed below. tions. 1 All *Heat Loss is the product of are interrelated, and addressed The same 1000 square feet of a wall's conductance (book value) in the order listed. space used throughout this report and the difference between the Issue #1: will again serve as a model. temperatures it divides. Window Area The most economical amount The method of evaluation is *Infiltration is the amount of window must be determined. the comparative analysis of the of heat required to warm or cool Issue #2: 'wall charts' which have been con- replacement air which leaks structed for display in the fol- through skin cracks or is me- layers must be determined. lowing Dages. chanically exhausted. Special reflective and.heat ab- charts deal with average temper- assumed model, 1/2 of the room's sorbing glass must be evaluated atures and may be used to compare air must be replaced per hour for their appropriate use. energy consumption. in apartments. Issue #3: sent peak loads under worst con- Window Glass The proper number of glass Window Shading The value of screening windows from summer sun must be Others pre- ditions and are used to determine installation capacity. calculated. Issue #4: Some of these All of the numbers in the Window'Covers The economic impact of in- wall charts are either well-' known 'book values' or the pro- ASHRAE Handbook of Fundamentals is used for this report. In the Office space will require a full air change. *Sun Waste is the amount of extra sun heat which would overheat a winter room and would have to be exhausted. In this model the building's mass has Ooo 66 IV CL4x 4-1 OP 6OO 14O)O.k more heat storage capacity than average daily sunheat. There- fore no sunheat is presumed to be wasted. 3 WAE A comparison of J" 'wall charts' 4.1 and 4.2 points out ___ -- .. TOTO& foot of glass operates more 6"0 * ~ - ~_ only one case in which a square /.o&O /./ . __-_/u 27.& (,, 0 0O -19,f economically than a square foot of wall. South-facing glass "Krr appears to be 'making energy' during average daily operation. Real situations, however, of- 'XV4 ten bring enough consecutive cloudy days to deplete all 'structure stored' heat. ou r0 0 It '--r is because of these worst con- 0 1 rA4 - - 0 - , . - f2r Z, ' ditions that mechanical equip- ment is designed to handle all heating without help from the + sun. - The entirely glass, south- . 0 auf. rAa c . o- , : 4. Wo-We , 67 IV Cbe2r - (.oi, facing wall would require three times the mechanical equipment and therefore would be approximately one-third as economical. Charts 4.3 and 4.4 show this first cost relationship on the following page. A square foot of double glass facing any direction in Boston could be more economically replaced by a square foot of insulated masonry wall. The best window area for a Boston wall is the smallest area which can accommodate human needs. A wall comprised of 30% window and 70% insulated masonry is the author's best guess at proper proportions. Wall charts 4.5 and 4.6 present the climate related loads on a 30% window wall. Xiec~ ~ ~4'r*-4 &an.#, ji k IV 68 cuner P()LY~ ~5:ch2 L) Double glass was assumed while searching for an optimal window area. That assumption T U A. /o .&' e / . may be tested by exploring other glass types for some ther- mal advantage. er-44a (CZMA*4W 5 . -f5 z 7 .7 21-7 2-7 6-mt -~1 -7-t/i 79~/2 4-4744~ -'jaw -o- 2.7 2.7, lrtow,!; Single, triple, and specially treated glass are analyzed in charts 4.7 and 4.13. rmorr^),> &rur4Te. These different glass types are found // to have no special features -1 SOM *>9 which would enlarge the opti- wa , .| 274f '.| $ mal window area, but to have advantages and disadvantages of 'W their own. fkJ-Z $A "F Because single glass loses . t T'=fF c Con uM. -r F O O'F E "va, I I0OF 'vvis i | . 69 IV more heat in winter and gains more in summer, it could not CUW;k :*~At). ~ ,p possibly increase the 30% glassto-wall area unless its lower first cost offers greater savings than its operating dis- advantages. Single glass is presently about $3 cheaper than double glass per square foot of window. The cost advantage of using single over double glass is about $.30 per square foot of floor space or.9% of overall construction costs. This apparent econ- omy is completely outweighed by er oiau 5 years of energy costs plus the -i necessary installation of a larger mechanical system. e yrs The tag below shows these savings are fairly constant in all directions, but that they are about 1/2 as significant in offices whichaare less affected because they F4L--M4O*. -/f.02 Ie-If Vf" . IO, f -0, 70 IV caer 4 T-IfL 1 - vto II require twice as many air chanepo r* W~r5me ges. 'uA4M0re. Single glass is not recom- / mended for any permanent build- W-CA ro< 41 II r720,Iipt [M4J0r fJT1 i 1bThI~ .- a- 75,~4. k 1-?/ i-~; Lbh IL(1131 The use of triple glass in the model wall is more economical than double glass. Triple glass even allows a slight expansion of south-facing glass area without increasing cost. 1-~ ~ol ~1 '4"'-r~ro, jP -2 *cft-r .7 r4i L £ / 4' U fl.~4!a ing in the Boston area. ou-1Mne. N a ~ - J CL 2S4I 10Lv. rzt ~~ c~71y ______ .2 I~ 2Ib 2.7 ) 2.7 1 2.7 ~e~ 6) L4) 1W~7 /40) IZ S.5j /o.q ~z )2-7 I.', Ie -Z_ I . 1* 71 IV r=qo- Because triple glass is general- SUMMER WINTER Tour-25'F T,,-10*F -rTW 75*F 247 247 ly unavailable in operable windows, 30% double glass will re- 20 &" I2/5 z main the model standard. 2 / 6 5T 8 .'7 Triple glass is $2.50 more 17 expensive than double glass, or - 572 239 .7% more costly per square foot of floor area. 97% 4A/N /67 - CLEAR ;LASS- The 3% savings for apartment buildings and the 247 247 2% savings for office buildings both justify the use of triple 20 /07 WTVI4 glass. q7 The only drawbacks to its '7 use are unavailability in operable windows and lower trans- -- 2/3 86% AIN -EAT -52 102 4f/% qA AQS06I1Nq qi-ASS mission of light. The chart below indicates no preferred orientation for 'N either apartments or offices. 75 66"''6 52 io q 17 17 I '(4I 5S 'A/N - REF4ECTIN4- CA55 Li 19% A -52 4/7 72 IV PERCENTAGE HEAT GAINS THROUGlI VARIOUS TYPES AND COMBINATIONS OF G LASS Glass Type Summer Winter 97 68 86 41 58 19 83 68 Single Glazing Clear Heat-absorbing' ~~b~~W4& Reflective 4dp 2 Double Glazing Various types of specially treated glass are available to reduce sungains. The combina- tion of the most effective of these special glasses cannot change the 30% window-to-wall area of the assumed model. A sheet of reflective glass outside of a heat absorbing sheet cannot economically increase the area of west-facing office windows (the most heavily loaded CIcar outside Clear inside Clear outside Ileat-absorbing inside 52 Clear outside Reflective inside 50 42 1Ifeat-absorbing outside Clear insi 42 28 Reflective outside H eat absorbing insid 1Shading coefficient = 0.50 2 Shading coefficient = 0.35 17 73 IV%, case). Specially treated double glass costs at least $2.00 more uokeW per square foot of wall area or about .6% more per square foot of floor area. AVE tv1- first cost increase, significant ow r After subtracting the .6% lz - -? c.9 4 Z economies can be achieved on the east and west walls of an office building. c IV 74 cost must be subtracted from any ,(4c*? Pvs/#Cc.O'r in the Boston area. operating savings calculated. The physical dimensions of Insulated window covers are various sun-shades can be calculated from sun angle charts, thermal barriers which are placed changing glass tves or adding where latitude and time of day over windows during the heating layers are those alterations and year determine sunshade di- season. which necessitate the construc- mensions. may be closed at night or fixed tion of sun-screening devices should have 1 foot overhangs over windows for the entire heat- or thermal window covers. above south-facing 4 foot win- ing season. More difficult than merely Boston, for instance Assuming insulated covers dows and 3 feet overhangs above Although offering signifi- windows facing southeast and cost southwest. ding's first cost increases .7% Window shading devices are cant savings, the sun-shading of windows does not increase optimal window area. Shading devices can be free when adjacent buildings, trees, or balconies are available,, but they can also cost as much as $4 per square foot. If shades are not free, the per cent increase of a building's first These interior 'shutters' recommended for all buildings W r 5OF cp, a nrewro AP"nM t $2 per square foot, a buil- with their use. If covers close either all windows for 1/2 days or 1/2 the windows for the entire season, the reductions in the chart below apply. Window covers are recommended for apartment buildings in the Boston area because their savings average 3% of original building costs. 75 IV Covers do not allow an increase of model window area for any orientation except south. South facing apartments with insulated window covers may have 40% glass walls. FlYr TOV4. t0~.A Mf5a #v&PVIVuA The model has survived the various tests of alternative glass types and the construction of covers and shades. The 30% double glass exterior wall is the most economical possibility LaI~vt2) c-oue-, 76 IV CUer 4-14 within a five year framework. It is now necessary to understand the penalty for stepping outside this model. Adding 10% of window area to a Boston building wall results in the following cost increases. r (0%I avMduk, .0 ... ........ A tr4~r gra ou 1 -l El( -A ACor Tsussey -4 I- -45 7 .g -Z-"-5 . -AvoaVW, . /0%, iauw avqa Av. wov'. 77 IV Cuae r4,b -2uAuL< OSu 1tee 17 0 :aCVWV Ih. LOUt M Pat ~ A 20% glass wall is below a human standard set earlier in this report. C. .Ar..c J L / It is only men- tioned here to point out that 0 ~7LJiJ k)~vT~. 10% glass wall transferred from (k0~-r -4e/ LO~A~ Le' 0 '2 a north wall to a south wall 2 I.5j - -~ II I&I */D7to I.61 I -- i+ saves 2% of buildine costs. -2.( 'aner4,'7- eeuw' OM4to',- 91/ d~40fC( 6,0, --P54 , -5,70 IV 78 79 IV hibited, no reduction in office from discussions of this lighting installation is possible. chapter. Five years of energy reduction is determine: the only savings which is pro- *the most economical size and in the discussion of window sizes duced by the use of more day- type of window. because the savings produced by lighting in offices. *the penalties for departing the introduction of additional model shows that if window walls from that size and type natural light are insignificant are increased in area from 30% to *the special devices which may beside heating and air condition- to 40% of a wall, a 10% reduction be exploited in particular sit- ing losses. in daytime lighting costs is pos- uations. ArM4.W47r L16WI1r4( sible. be quickly read and compared in Lighting has had no place A scale That 10% represents a .4% These conclusions (Special devices may reduction in total 5 year costs. chart 4.18 on the following Daytime lighting bills ac- Heating and air conditioning pen- page.) count for only .2% of an apart- alties for increasing glass areas ment's five year total costs. greatly exceed this lighting ad- The percentage of this amount vantage. which may be eliminated by the the most economical window size, use of natural lighting has no therefore, do not include natural 2) Use summer sun shades. effect on overall building econ- lighting considerations. 3) Use triple glass on The calculations for 1) Use double glass in 30% window walls. omy. fixed windows. The following is made up of Unless evening work is pro- the 'window conclusions' drawn 4) Use winter window covers. 5) Use reflective and heat absorbing glass on the 80 IV north and E/W windows of offices. 6) Trade N and E/W glass for south glass in apartments. 81 IV j The guidelines developed in this section are subjective and personal. Lest important aes- thetic concerns become completely subjected to energy objectives, aesthetic values related to the subiect matter of this chapter will be listed and discussed. suggest a few guidelines: If the reader finds this *Every living unit and pletely glared or glared out. Glare occurs when one-third of tve of discussion useless s(he) working unit should be pro- a person's 30* cone of vision is encouraged to proceed to the vided with a full range of is 10 times brighter than the next mechanical section. natural lighting experiences. other two-thirds. Some spaees.-should be dim and- pite its cavelike and some should be be a beautiful sensation. $%/4flUM Ibs-r brilliantly lit. Window Area & Orientation Although I'm not prepared This variety should be limited by the following situations. to assign exact lighting levels to different room types, I can Glare, des- nasty connotations can Of- ten, however, it brings only distraction and discomfort. *A grayed-out space is very dim, having a uniform lighting *No function should be com- level below 30 foot-candles, IV 82 82 or below reading level. *One of an architect's entire winter or summer. *If seasonal covers are 2) The transparency of formal concerns should be to to be used, they should not glass can be contrasted with the develop a range of beautif-ul cover all windows, and probably opaqueness of solid walls. lighting compositions for dif- none completely. ferent units and groups of very bright situations should be of opaque building materials can units. provided in winter, but some be used as the setting for glass should remain. jewels. Perhaps fewer Window Covers the thermal resistance of a window. The use of covers, however, eliminates both natural light-' ing and outside contact. Evening window covers are effective without eliminating natural light. Some views are eliminated but the resulting interior privacy is often desirable. Seasonal covers, on the other hand, take large areas of window out of a room for an 1 MAP 3) The husk-like roughness *The architect should con- .Covers are used to improve , as voids cut into solid walls. sciously manipulate these deThe use of glass in build- vices when composing a building. ings offers architects 3 special aesthetic devices: 1) Windows may be designed Window Covers and Screens Window covers and screens IV A .1 83 give an architect more things to design.. That's wonderful, especially if these things can pay for themselves. *The architect's task is Glass should be used to to deal with window covers and bring the outside areas of a screens as Part of his overall home or office inside. design, rather than applying Opaque walls, on the other them afterwards as a 'technical hand, are best used to mark expedience.' boundaries and secure privacy. Special Effects *One special lighting effect should be built into every living and working unit. One Window Covers As long as some outside views are maintained, specially formed opening and daily shading devices and spark of colored light should nighttime window covers need find its way into each unit. not seriously detract from the quality of interior space. *Seasonal covers, however, must not completely cut important indoor/outdoor connections for long periods of time. _d mpp - - __ - --- - - ---- ---- -__ dwm IV I -- JQ)1 W-Jf Views lighting experiences within each *A full range of views is most desirable. That is: living or working unit. 2) Create a variety of The following chart orders the cost savings of energy consumption and mechanical installa- 1) Some long views lighting experiences through- tion. 2) Some short views out a building. chart combines operating costs to 3) Some multi-direc-C tional views. 3) Explore the special artistic opportunities provided The final column of the illustrate the total advantage objectives listed. by windows: solid-void, transThis range gives an occupant a sense of place within his immediate and general neighborhood. parent-opaque, husk-jewel. 4) desirable. 5) A full range of views must Bring outside in.where Create a full range of views for each living or working be provided for each living and unit: short, long, multidirec- working unit. tional. 6) Design covers and screens. 7) The following are my per- Provide one special ef- fect per unit. sonal priorities concerning the use of windows. 1) W''MIN. I'll Create a full range of Had ObjectJP r Hard Objective WIN - IMMMINOWN. ______ - - IMF- IV 85 (J3Ib3~2 ~ iS U157? - wy~'6lf<- q~ (~iI2eLi&Jg~2 APARTMENT fipftXw7'w *Technique for including operation in first cost. See Chapter I for explanation. OFFICE IV 86 C00AfW 7) desired. 8) The following is my personal stand on where the soft objectives fit into the hard objectives of window efficiency. 1) Create a full range of lighting experiences within each living or working unit. 2) Use proper amounts and types of glass. 3) Create a variety of lighting experiences at the building scale. 4) Designate proper win- dow covers and screens. 5) Exploit the special aesthetic devices provided by window glass: solid-void, transparent-opaque, husk-jewel. 6) Trade N and E/W glass for South Glass in apartments. Bring outside in where Provide range of views: long, short, multi-directional. 9) Provide one special effect per unit. 5 M A T E 88 'I 89 Cost issues 89 Insulation 93 Mass 93 Mass and Exterior Climate 103 Mass and Interior Climate 107 Structure and Soil 108 Color and Texture 110 Personal Guidelines 114 Hard and Soft Guidelines 89 '7 building: investigated for mechanical cost advantages. 1) This chapter develops guidelines for the use of building materials in the construction of beautiful buildings which main- Insulation -- As much heat and cold resistance must be light should be used to decrease built into exterior walls as a electrical lighting loads. building's budget will reasonably allow. 4) tain economical thermal comfort. Some desired thermal effects will work hand-in-hand with desired architectural effects. Some will work at cross-purposes and will require a compromise solution. This chapter will con- clude with guidelines for greatest economies of mechanical costs 2) Mass -- The weight of a building should be used to regu- either transferring heat loads cal costs of the proposed model should be promoted by the choice of proper surface textures. These four issues will now be to more desirable times of day, separately analyzed for mechanical or by blunting the effects of cost savings. severe instantaneous changes in outside temperature. A wall's insulation is a 3) Color -- The reflection and properties of color. important impact on the mechani- The reflection and late interior temperatures by absorption of light and heat are The following issues have an Texture -- absorption of light and sun heat combined with the author's aesthetic guidelines. The reflection of interior The effi- thermal barrier between outside temperature and internal comfort. Insulation takes on its greatest cient absorbtion of sun heat into importance in the winter when aver- a building's structure should be age outside temperatures differ Ow W 0 90 V 90 V from interior comfort by 35*. In- Rigid insulation must be It is a good choice because of its sulation in summer is less impor- used in the model situation be- high thermal resistance and low tant because average outside Bos- cause it is waterproof and may cost. ton temperatures are only a few be used in the cavity of a ma- degrees above interior comfort, sonry wall where moisture will costs less than two inches, and collect. two inches less than three. 1977 BUILDING COST FILE 07200 'JCI - EASTERN EDITION sulation used is 'foamed glass.' UNIT DESCRIPTION .0610 1 INCH WOOD FIBRE BOARDS .0620 2 INCH WOOD FIBRE BOARDS .0706 3/4 INCH PARTICLE BOARD, COMPRESSED .0710 1 INCH PARTICLE BOARD, COMDRESSED .0720 P INCA PARTICLE BOARn, COMPRESSED .8101- FOR INTEGRATED VAPOR BARRIER ADD/SF TO FATL COSTS .8102 FOR INTEGRAL FOIL BACKING ADD/SF TO MATL COSTS .8200 FCR FACTORY PAINTED FINISH ONE SIDE ADD/SF TO PATL COSTS .8303 FOR TAPERED TYPE INSULATION, TOTAL AVERAGE OF THREE INCHES THICK ADD 65 PCT TO TOTAL COSTS .8304 FOR TAPERED TYPE INSULATION, TOTAL AVERAGE OF FOUR INCHES THTCK AnD 90 PCT TO TOTAL COSTS .0100 .0?00 LABOR MATERIAL -------------------------------------------- INSULATION 00406 3/4 INCH URETHA-vE .0410 1 INCH URETHANE .0414 1-1/2 INCH URETHANE .0420 2 INCH URETHANE .0510 1 INCH FOAMED GLASS *.0514 1-1/2 IVCH FOAMED GLASS .0520 2 INCH FOAMEQ GLASS 07219 TOTAL SPRAYED ON INSULATION POLYSTYRENE FOAM URETHANE FOAM . SF SF SF SF SF SF SF SF SF SF SF SF SF SF 0.39 SF 0.47 0.63 0 ,.04 0.21 0.21 0.24 0.24 0.21 0.21 0.18 0.26, 0.390.92 0.24 0.36 0.48 0.11 P.2 0.24 0.21 0.40 0.24 0.33 0.21 0.16 0.12 0.37 0.56 0.05 0.21 0.25 ---- 0.16 0.31 0.05. 0.08 ---- 0.08 0.11 ---- 0.11 0.64 0.46 0.71 0.45 0.18 0.26 0.7 PCT PCT SF SF The following calculations will be INSULATION -------------------------------------------07200 The type of rigid in- One inch of foamed glass 91 made to compare the total 5 year costs of each of these 3 thicknesses. Figure 5-1 is the wall chart for the model which uses 2 inches of foamed glass insulation. Figure 5-2 is the wall chart of an identical wall except for the use of only 1 inch of insulation. The winter heating loads through these 2 walls are translated into mechanical and energy costs and compared in the price tag below. The initial savings to a building's budget produced by using 1 inch of insulation rather than 2 inches is very slight (o.15%) and cannot off-set the mechanical cost advantages of 2 inch insulation. 92 v 92 V Noor 1% Chart 5-2 also shows the thermal load on the model masonry wall when 3 inches of foamed glass is placed in the slot between brick and block. The 'price tag' below shows the cost reductions produced by reduced mechanical equipment and energy consumption. The addition- al cost of the extra inch of insulation is $.10 per square foot of wall or about .3% of total con- 93 V struction. But mechanical sulation with a greater thermal In winter, buildings 1 and 2 savings are so low that the small resistance becomes available, both have interior temperatures of cost of a third inch of insula- than its use would be recommended. 70*F. tion cannot be justified within At present, two inches of foamed each building are 70*F, but build- five years. glass would make the best invest- ing 2 has a much heavier internal ment. structure and thus many more 70* T hoz All the molecules inside molecules. If both of these build- ings are identically insulated they Mass creates thermal inertia or the reluctance of a building's of heat per hour through their interior temperature to change weatherskins. quickly. The original model assumption using 2 inches of foamed glass in- will lose exactly the same amount The mass of a building If the furnaces in both buil- should be as closely coordinated- dings are shut down, the temperature with heating and cooling loads as ture of building 1 will drop more initial construction costs and quickly because each BTU of heat soil conditions will permit. lost to the outside represents a Thermal larger proportion of its total inertia may be understood by the following example: stored heat. The greater number of sulation is economically justified of 70* molucules in building 2 add for a project that must pay for up to a larger amount of stored itself within a five year period. heat and give building number 2 a If any less expensive, rigid in- larger thermal inertia,. i.. It is true V 94 that both buildings will eventu- Adobe houses in Arizona in Boston is meaningless. ally lose all of their heat, but have nothing to do with Boston. the time I point this out because every- to a New England climate are: massive building creates oppor- one has seen amazing diagrams 1) The summer/fall effect tunities for savings of both en- that show walls produced by hum- 2) Instantaneous loads. ergy and mechanical equipment. ble Indians exactly proportioned Boston's climate offers 3 to permit daytime sunheat to ar- lag provided by the opportunities for reducing me- rive at their interior surface chanical and energy costs using in the cool of the night. massive construction. Two of these opportunities The difference between Bos- The mass issues which relate In order to investigate the effects of mass on building mechanical costs, the thermal per- ton and Arizona is that Boston formance of three different con- include a massive building's has cold winters and unreliable struction methods will be analyzed. ability to shift outside climate sunshine. The weights of these 3 structures induced loads to different times Boston's buildings need a large of the day when they are more amount of insulation, a properly easily handled. designed wall could never con- costs of these structural systems tunity involves another time dis- duct an exterior sunload through are comparable, their 5 year costs placement of loads, but these itself in a period of 12 hours. may be compared on the basis of loads are internally produced by (Besides, who wants midnight the cost of their required mechan- people, lights, and machines. temperatures at noon in February2) ical equipment and energy consump- Timing the heat flow through a tion. properly designed exterior wall these various structural systems Hvae The third oppor- Wi4 Because the walls of vary in a ratio of 1:2:4. Assuming the constuction The present market costs of MWOMIN ON111 h - - -- - I 95 V and the penalty for building heavily on poor soil will be dis- sible because the room air temper- cussed later. ature stays close to the temperThe simplest way to understand the relationship of inter- ature of the mass. (See Appendix A for calculation.) ior mass-stored heat and outside temperature is to imagine that the heat lost through the skin of a building is directly subtracted from the building's store of potential heat. In fact, some of this heat moves out of the structure into the room's air before passing through the weather skin; this complex relationship may be approximated with a high degree of accuracy by considering the heat losses of a building to be 'sucked' directly from the structural mass of that building. The approximation is made pos- Reductions in air conditioning costs are the only significant savings at stake from June through September. Nearly all residential cooling loads occur during this period. Residential heating is occasionally necessary but only a minute proportion of annual heating loads occur at this time and may be disregarded. Three pieces .of charted information are required in make this evaluation. order to The first is the model wall chart (5-3) showing hourly heat gains through the identical walls. of the three 96 V structural types. Chart 5-4 il- lustrates the response of the interior temperatures of the three differently weighted structures. Chart 5-6 is a'federal document listing outside temperatures for every 3 hour period for the month of July. (3 hour charts for the other 3 summer/fall months are available in Appendix B.) The summer/fall advantage of a heavy building is that its slower moving internal temperature is less likely to exceed human comfort before it is unloaded by cooler temperatures that normally occur during the evening hours. On an average summer evening, the introduction of outside air will unload the interior mass-stored heat of all three model structures in less than 6 hours. (See Appen- k dix C for calculation.) In order to evaluate the ef- C4 T CAP1r 1-0 " L4W ~1 F04 I fectiveness of mass, the temperature rise through each day of the month must be plotted. Icp F Some nights outside temperatures remain high and prevent the structure from unloading its stored heat, and interior temperature must rise through another day. The probability of successive days of unloaded heat gains will determine the probability of each structure s interior temperature exceeding comfort levels. If a severe heat wave forces all 3 structures above comfort levels, the same amount of energy will be necessary to bring each back to 75'F. * ~v' All energy savings ar- guments, therefore, must be based strictly on the probability of a Ai(, om 4PW> rzM.seu 4 3 INWA NOONW1 M 0 _10FAMIN 98 V structure's interior temperature Cua 5.5-,Aj cOOUK)( w7 exceeding comfort. Chart 5-4 is the yardstick for measuring structure temperature rises. If daily outdoor temperature curves for a particu- lar day are half as high as the 100* F day curve show, than half of the indoor temperature gains in Chart 5.4 must be added to the structure's temperature. The 3 hour temperature recor- 7d dings for the entire summer/fall season have been analyzed and the gains of each structure's interior temperature have been plotted to obtain the number of times each structure will exceed 75*F, the upper limit of comfort. Chart 5-6 is a sample of the 3 hour temperature chart for the month of July. Those consecutive 3AM 4ae qgA It4e 3,iM W 'P" /ZnA n - -- MWINIA 99 V -1 days of high evening temperatures 10 to e 6 R 7e so 71 93 66 7 6. 14 3 0o0 121 13 25 to These are the critical days 20 3 UML 3 UML 6 10 4 74 ;; ;; -rIa 7 70 77 12 69 -74 Chart 5-7 on II 90 2 69 6 s 1382 '691: 70| 6e 71, 6 27,-ro10 14 77 0 21 £ 4 3 73 70 10 10 84 T 66 60 6 4 a5 74 24 61 25 69 0 H 2 ior temperature gains for each 9 L 4 9 6 5 74 1" i," L 75160 SO 1UML 323UHL le 53 10 10 7S 70 ?S70 61 24 76 71 69709 9OS 24 Is0 The probability of tempera- 65 I Unt 14 61 6 3 0 45 9 62 53 3 56 6 79 73 74 5 0 65 W 12 10 100 41 4 30 0 "0 10 13 100 3 During the 10 I0 10 65 entire summer/fall period of 1976 40 I 10 3 UL 0 building during 1976, exceeded the comfort limit once and closely approached it once. Considerable 79 09 4 UGL 6o GO 72 04 3 17 3114 72 69 74 4 2 0 67 70 so 72 Is UML 11 61 63 1 4 1 is 1 0 10 13 6 a2 TO U5 78 10 I0UML I0 13 .22 10160113 7 UM' 15 1- 7G 71 so 1004 66 -A 3 ~ a 4 UH .L 0 7S IS IS 6 S 62 6 U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE NATIONAL CLIMATIC CENTER FEDERAL BUILDING ASHEVILLE. N.C. 28801 8 7'16.122 64 24 1 4 10 1 472S 72 6 11 I~ ~~ 9 10 2s 59 :3 6 2. SO 52 60 61 63 40 61 2 50 133 42,30 3431 39 70 If 64 50 S4 03 73 79 03 56 S7 90 13 72 IS UMLUML M SS 4729 33 -12 5s 10 71 69 66 a0 53 61 62 UML is .3 66 * UH S 11 ,6 S6 78 6 0 UML I5 S9 _0 ,"0 88 0 4 5 6 66 a UML is 54 64 UML5 L Is IS i5 *1.00 a 7 70 30 2 6 SO 66 09 11 SO 71 IS S, ,3 12 0 711 87 3 GS SO S2 63 12 71 61 S4 IS 07 OAY 30 9 a 7 67 .S1 4 UML IS 7 L . is 5UM1L IS 6 3 UML- 15 17 :7 06 4 7 0241 ;; so 1I 7 $I 4 2 S i 2 : 3 71 87 H UML 8 as 79 17 6i 7; 2 ; 9, 75 69 IS is a :2 731 63 38 23 is . 721 67 611 7S 70 6e 7 74 A UML 15 1UML IS 10 12 IS 61 2 GS5 82 66 S6 413 62 SO, IS 40 UH 10 4 7 1 6, a 6961 e 7 72 7 L ,2S 0 TO 00 0 a6592 S6 40 21 6 34 19 9 69 7 34 7 6 os .1 15 """11O6 ' BSON MASS YEA a "041"- 75 07 EMPLOYER AN EOUAL OPPORTUNITY 0 0 06 0- M'.L 024 71 63 46 27 14 82 70 64 IS 24 8 '' "9 "6 ""as' 12 L 10 12I 61 66 72 76 79 7S .0 I2 4UNL 6 'L S. 6 44 67 ~ 1 L2 4 -12 71 66i 65124 52 51 4. so OTHER OSERVATIONAL DATA CONTAINED IN RECOROSON FILE CAN BE FURNISHED AT COST VIA MICROFitW. MICROFICHE. OR PAPER COPIES OF THE ORIGINAL RECORDS. INQUIRIES AS 10 AVAILABILITY AND COSTS SHOULDBE ADDRESSEOTO: DIRECTOR. NATIONAL CLIMHaIC CENTER. FEDERAL BUILDING. ASHEVILLE. NORTH CAROLINA 28801. 334 S ;;4 79 73R "" U" 42 2S, 42 26 6 1 0 .5 24 19 8 24 6 1 &2 7 ~ 1 S 79! 10 ISO 11 ~ ~~6 N 15 70 73 1 8 ~4 74 22 24 76 20' 66 -63 as3 67 So 43 3 2 13 3 UML IS 70 724 7 4 1 1 UHL IS is 2 2 4 773 7 7UML 3U 73 UHL 0 a UML Is , 2 , , 1, *1 , 2 74 7 . ' 24 1 7 6 7 3 74 24 1 , 0" 4 501 4 1 3 UMLIS. IS 61 : 70 6 4 1 UML 2 1 UHL S UML IS 562 12 4 I UML 60 UHL 10 72 70 aol 07 The heavy building, or plank 3 U 1 I: 3 UML of thermal comfort. M I3 133 half the journey to the upper limit RW - 0 6 07 the very heavy building only made S 10 9 -71 C.,a ture exceeding comfortable temperatures is low. 33 0 UNL 12 2 U 2 UML AD tures inside the very heavy struc- 5 27 7 1 1 15 11 a iOs 0 17"iti a5 3 10 23 1 68 6 77 72 S5,174 H 6 200 IS2 77 72 ::1 76324 7309 0 20 Go 79 7 77 23 110 12g1 63 12 - ; 74 6: Gsia 12 G33 structure during each circled period of consecutive hot days. 'P 74 74 SO 70 I UMIL I UHL 6 2 *07 1025 M 10 100 13 0 7574 69 5 24 8 S2 24 1 74 74 67 SO 22 021 73 66 20 8 6i1 to L 10 10 "' 5 2 72 76 1 70 62 6 . 7 i1 S0124 07 5JUMI 12 OUHL 1323710 2 0 70 70 72 74 10 the following page lists the inter- 0-150 ito72 *0 12 8 5L IS 1201 70 6 1s i 720 12s 1 6 4 210j 13 101MO i '61 691 671 731 1 S UN 10 ; 0 UHL 0 UL S UML 12 4 UHL 12 e I7 19 I10797 30 12- 0 leGo 0 66 73 1 al 7 10 I01 LN L115 10 .13 12 76 1e e6 24 DAY 17 so 62.7 He L 67 23 6720 71 70 7S 6, UML that force interior temperatures to their maximums. 3 02 UML cannot be unloaded have been cir- 1 O4Ar 14 7 7 etol during which structure-stored heat cled. -3,1 3ULY i t - i c 14 P05ta0E Alo FEESPalo U.S. DEPARIREN OF CORRIRCE 210 5 2 100, V. mechanical cooling would be required to bring this heavy build- rearuar ing back below the line. - r 3 -- Building III, the lightest of the 3 investigated, is assumed to be an average building with ut 2p* average air-conditioning equipment and cooling bills. Because of its lower thermal enertia, it 7*4 is most often above the comfort line. Chart 5-7 assumes ideal use of building mass, where occupants understand that windows should be 7z.1' ?W kept shut when outside temperatures are high in order to keep the mass stored cooling from discharging. When using these figures, some ) LY -is- At* allowance must be made for human efficiency. ------- My position is that people will generally use thermal storage correctly because their personal comfort is at stake. 7 C,- A 101 V V During the year analyzed structure II was 60% less likely to exceed internal thermal comfort than structure III. Heating and cooling equip- When it did, it required the same energy ment is adequately sized to pro- and equipment to bring it back to tect interior temperature against desirable temperature. severe cold snaps in winter and No reduc- A mas- tion in cooling equipment is made sudden summer heat waves. possible by the weight of struc- sive building won't feel the shock Building I was which a light weight building will ture II, but a 60% energy reduc- structure (III). tion for air conditioning results credited with totally eliminating experience. from its 60% lower likelihood of air conditioning and building II or gains are small enough, no ex- reaching temperatures that re- with a 60% reduction in air con- tra capacity need be added to the quire cooling. ditioning energy costs. equipment required to handle aver- The price tags below compare Offices are not included in If the sudden losses age loads. The severe cold snap to be the heavy and very heavy struc-- the preceding discussion because tures to the more normal 'light' their higher internal heat com- considered is a 10*F drop from ponent will always demand summer/ 10*F to 0*F in 1 hour. fall air conditioning. 2.9qR 6. 7 6V41~-/D Offices will be discussed later in this chapter when internal office gains are analyzed. The heat wave will be a 5* rise from 95*F to 100*F in one hour. Chart 5-8 shows the loads on the model wall section before v 102 CUbezr 5.7-- 1"*hiAWOLU7 to~pV Cun,x 3- ws4M and after sudden changes, and the temperature movements produced by these 'instantaneous' loads. rr The chart shows how little the thermostat, in a very massive building will move. A light build- .-. ZOMO__ WM ing's thermostat drops an appre- AV. 44. w4Z 7,1 007re. ciable 1.5*F during cold snaps fiear _________ -~ /.z -I~ -/.Z .- -/4 ~ - 0 4~ 14 ,o7 ;!7 ,' ________/,Oaf~ vl~7,A I ~ 5,4i~ IoF W1tw000 Z 103 V and will require immediate correction. The price tag above changes the lighter building for larger equipment needed to cover instantaneous loads, and assumes the heaviest building is totally unaffected by sudden change. No energy is considered to be saved in this situation because the eventual correction of a .3*F displacement of the heaviest building's interior temperature takes as much energy as the correction of the 1.5*F displacement in the lighter building. j'Q40,. 40C(2 In offices, machines, lights and people produce a great deal of heat. A massive building can ab- sorb a large amount of that heat before its air temperature becomes uncomfortable. The amount of heat 104 V stored in the mass of a heavy building may be either used for evening heating in winter or may be unloaded during summer offhours by venting interiors with outside air. A&.1 oo 7 The amount of heat that a structure can defray to Mucreatou (OthkYn off hours may be counted as an T- energy savings. Winter mechanical reductions take two forms: 1) The structure in all 3 cases can hold all of the loads available during daytime operation W AV. T u C with the exception of those portions of building III which face south. In this case, the light- Lverg1AT oryc weight building must throw away enough heat to cover 12% of its 24 hour requirement. 2) Heavy buildings can store so A, P LCA / 105 V cA UPov0ft4 much daytime heat that their heat- work hours to determine how much ing systems can be run at a con- of the evening loads may be de- stant rate throughout the 24-hour frayed by this free heat. day, borrowing structure-stored difference between the free heat heat at night and building struc- and the heat load per hour is cooling loads in 2 ways: ture-stored heat throughout the the capacity of the heating sys- 1) work day, but never passing above tem each structure would require ture may be loaded to its thermal or below the comfort range. 4gev The Mass works with summer office For average conditions, a struc- capacity during the day and com- The following price tags compare the cost of the heating pletely unloaded by venting it with their structure-stored heat early systems required by the three outside' air during the evening. in the evening if they attempt to different structures. This unloading is easily accomplished Light buildings will deplete borrow from their structure- because the average outside air t.em- stored heat at the same rate. 0 perature on summer evenings is 65 F Lighter structures need larger or lower, and the air film surround- mechanical systems to deal with ing interior mass has a very low the worst conditions which occur on cold winter nights. Chart 5-11 shows the loads on worst winter days during work hours and after. The load dif- r2 Z - thermal resistance. (See Appendix C for calculation.) 2) Some days evening temperatures are too high for a structure to un- load its heat. An air conditioning ferences (bottom column) are system designed to run at a con- calculated by dividing 10*F of stant rate throughout the day may structure-stored heat by the 106 V have a smaller capacity in a 0 heavy building because more of 5,~~~~O~*~y-' -coi~ the cooling load will be trans- 4O1 ferred to less critical times of the day. Chart 5.12 lists the different loads on each of the ~.2 Kz.# structures after the transfered 5,11 load has been subtracted. oPI~tL6- LO*~IO £4~%~t D1 - 4(( &.e~ 1/-s ~4' ~1I - It 107 'V The price tags show the related listed in chart 5-14. equipment savings assuming 7 con- building is more expensive than secutive days during which no un- the plank building, but the slab loading can take place. building increases first costs 6% The joist over the plank building. On site form work make it difficult to justify despite its thermal advan- F3 4, tages. A combination of the advan- 64 tages of I and II is possible by pouring 2 inches of topping over precast planks. If this combination structure is supported by block walls, it will approach the weight of I. The following are the com- increase first costs by 2%. bined mechanical savings made Caw 15.1 possible by building massive office buildings. The 2 inches of topping will Nearly 3/4 of the total savings are due to airconditioning reductions. The current, in-place costs of the 3 model structures are 11_4 n~.~Az'C A I 108 in passive energy flow will be discussed. Foundation costs are proportional to loads on poor soil. If The color of material will affect mechanical expenses for Cc4we 4#JO (AJ& a~ureAo'n4 Long wave radiation a building's dead load (struc- the model building only in the is heat, not sun- ture weight) is doubled from II case of office lighting. shine. to I, foundation costs increase order to prove this the only infrared wave and 70%. viable case, the other proper- is color blind; this In ties of color which participate roperties Flexicore It is an form of heat can be absorbed by a white surface as easily as by a black surface. Since all colors ab- sorb the same amount of long wave radiation (90%), color choices are nottrestricted by ultra red absorbtion or reflection. -Short vave radiation is sunshine, and is greatedly affected by color choices. White reflects 90% of in- MEOW V 109 cident solar radiation while black its interior surface in a period the building model because the absorbs 90%. of 12 hours. model's windows are too small to The model case in this chap- This is the prin- cipal behind the adobe house allow significant amounts of sun- ter will not be effected by this where day heat is used to warm shine to be reflected back outside. phenomenon because the windows the cool evenings. are small allowing for small a- cold winters, Bostonian walls mounts of sunshine entry. require large amounts of insula- The absorbency reflection of sunshine back tion that create transmission of a surface to through the windows will take periods many times greater than infrared radia- place. 12 hours. tion is difficult Little Due to the Exterior wall color in Bos- - - ton is the architects prerogative. to improve by texturing a sur- face. Deformation of a surface at the atomic scale can produce some Shiny surfaces improvement in absorbency, but no reflect 30% of texturing at an architectural scale incident sun- can improve the heat absorption of 107.. In Boston, the color of a building's exterior walls should - - shine. Flat a surface. The use of textured have nothing to do with the amount' matte finishes blocks or textured plaster, for in- of sunheat it can collect. reflect approx- -stance, will have no heat absorbing Sun- heat on a wall is only useful if imately 10%. it travels through that wall to enon has only a minute affect on Again, this phenom- advantages over polished marble. V 110 purely black or white, the reflectances of all colors lie between these extremes. Reductions both in the num- ber of office lighting fixtures and the amount of office lighting 4v~~MO A,^E 5.14 shows the reflectances of common interior finishes. The price tag below pre- The guidelines developed in this energy requirements are the only sents the savings created by an section are subjective and person- important issues that relate office interior with high surface al. color and texture to mechanical reflectances (.8) as compared concerns become subjected to energy costs for our model building. to average reflectances (.5). objectives, aesthetic values re- The lighting requirements Lest important aesthetic lated to the subject matter of this of apartments are too low to al- chapter will be listed and discussed. low significant cost reductions If a reader finds type of dis- for the use of lighter interior cussion useless s(he) is encouraged colors. to proceed to the next mechanical Conversely, office lighting costs are greatly af- section. fected by interior reflectiv- 5-. . -rfG ity. Black surfaces reflect 10% of the light which falls on them. ) I t34 SY,' The author suggests the reading of these sections. They are brief and offer insights into the test design of the final chapter. White reflects 90% of incident. light. While no interior is The aesthetic implications of V ill a building's mass, color, and From the outside, heavy texture are discussed in terms within its community. Is a build- buildings are perceived as sta- ing to appear permanent, imper- ble, per-manent, and part of the manent, in motion, or stable? light, their appearance, and in- continuing order of the world. of these themes may be reinforced door/outdoor connecting properties Lightweight, skeletal buildings, by the amount of mass presented on the other hand, are seen as to a viewer or occupant. of their relationship to natural - impermanent. Any The lines of skel- etal buildings suggest movement and rarely permit the eye to focus. If massive buildInside, the same feelings ing becomes jus- are induced from different per- tified it will ceptions. return heavy The sound of a voice, the solidity of walls and floor, positive elements and the amount of a building's The mass or weight of a build- -to an architect's mass seen around or through the hands. windows, tell an occupant that tional rules will join those stream the environment is stable or lines elements developed by our impermanent. preceding generation. It is the designer's obli- Opaque parts with gravita- A return to the forms and ing has a large impact on those gation to specify his intentions decorations of Sullivan and Rich- who see and use that building. concerning a building's place ardson does not seem economically V 112 or culturally possible. A new daries between interior space to reinforce that theme. order of heavy building must now and the surrounding landscape. natural light source will either be developed with its own full The exploitation of these two fill a dazzeling white hall or range of parts, from the largest themes is desirable. completely dominate a dark space A bright structural elements to the with its beam and vista. smallest decoration. diverse spaces are created solely The notion that space can be more effectively studied or These by an architect's color and texture choices. appreciated in the absence of Structures may be massive.and have the appearance of being rooted color and textures is here rejected. Space is the combination Colors and textures must be of dimensions with color and tex- used to create both demarcations ture. and connections of the parts of a Ibuilding with its surrounding landscape. to the earth or lightweight and The broadest range of light- floating above their landscape. ing effects possible should be The heavier masornry parts of a presented to an occupant. building are most effectively a theme for interior light and used to continue the out-of- appearance is developed in ac- doors inside a building's skin. cordance with a building's pro- The lightweight parts of a build- gram, the architect must explore ing are best used to mark boun- all colors, patterns and textures After Color and texture must help V 113 APARTMENT f /,ofi /5 - OFFICE 4-i P601t~W 14 U -P 0 MU 0 4J w) 4J ~U) 4 m1 co IM HLn r *4J U) U) a)U 0 U) md U) S >4 >U in U) 4 -r4 4-4 I t&~jl QAric-V9 *Technique for including operation in first cost. See Chapter I for explanation. OUc tyl :3 co .-ri 5r 4 > 0 44 U) % 4) 4J) 01-57 to --6 114 V state the relative importance of 3) a building to its community and choices to inhance the theme of ture to exploit themes of 'root- the relationship between the rooting a building into its land- ing a building into the land- building and its neighborhood. scape or the theme of marking a scape' or 'marking territories.' boundary. 7) Use color, mass, and texture 6) Design color, mass and tex- Use white surfaces in of- fices. 8) Use matte finishes on stor- age materials. The following is the ordered list of hard and soft objectives discussed in this chapter. The following is an ordered list of the author's 'soft' guidelines for the use of materials: 1) Build as heavily as possible. 2) Reinforce lighting dynamics with the extensive use of color. 3) Design a complete order of heavy construction. 1) Reinforce lighting dynamics with rich color choices. 2) Design a complete order of heavy building. 4) Select color, mass and tex- ture for the placement of the proper building within the proper community context. 5) Place dark interior mass in winter sunshine. V 115 V 116 4Fpe*vlv,117 .5 0 4, 2o' f~oaF WIg~4,5 +~K~9 )2 O,x -0 tAlf -0 - V-aqI4 Alie*_ Tp-oM"-ro#oll:- (;r,) 4 /W#2o4 TMoleA)T A /oc9K4.<&) ( (5e'e~~k (I a 4 'L IMs~ 0 02 O+ 4 o~#2O±I~k~QU &MV* &Vle 4 (I.~5-2 4 4- 41 eZ#+ +~o+ A M.., <0 &,,*, 16 TM41'.11 Ove~ '4i Gc*re (;; i , 0))</,.5, c (2~Q -I- 2 0 15--KWAej * c6v rmipe4eo-r,-)oc, OCv, ,o t4je%)&P -rO A440 V fV"PW47V9r- liP -tU,);,7- / --r A.)RW Oor 6, LWdt~ ! ,LAACaMy- NEW 00000000 O 00000 00 op ~ 0040 UO.J 00 ~C we m 2 f, .O * , 0 . ". s 000 : 04A- 0 ~ . 1 0 5)-O c - -aat to 0 0 555.S .4 ~ w44..see -J00-e ~ 6 U-CJow Sew AC4),.. 0 ,,aOC .-.. _ A co4.4 w. 4 %;Z z ;; ) k wewee -0005w !3~:: 00 'A2 06 - O) %:.U P.J UiodU ( 4 0 0 = . j ' " 0.4 C~6..-U see 0.d07C0. 0 ewo,.w ~ a . 4 W, a *J 0 A 4p 0 00 - epee 4o 00 6 W 00 -. 0 0 Rws ww-.g.4 C4 C ewep .8 &.0 Z. 559. - t0 AC55-OT w 00 S p hZa 0 A is_____ .10 la.Je .1.0dDO*W" -4 . 04U---- e o 0 %:;-006CJ - C: a .Jw5-. w &.v. 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CP Na. 00*4000*.03 4 0c *4 6'.~~~*400qq*4*4- t 0 ~ -003 0a4030a00av;W 0 o---... 00 0. 1595%:.cc 33330.. .. 35% 000003 ..- :s1 522 2 0030*4*40 e s00s ooge * e 4 c g 0 .. *.4 0 0 0 c30 122 t- AM44:, ~L~~tE-~~-i~ IF Coo ~ u'i~o ca~ )A~9&A I4~ T-44e t C - kkaliEr ~ o 6 x u9 "2~~TTH 19 lkvv (65ac (1,01 Y -AT 0 -F) = 2 gp (~?-2 / ( AOOOO& )x aij FA77r ( W 4b/ ftA4A$1W J-4; t6o (gnru -/~ /5-'p ~U> 123 VI This chapter combines and orders the guidelines of the preceding chapters. The hard guidelines are quantified and therefore easily ranked. The soft guidelines are ous techniques of passive solar evaluated to determine its cumu- design. lative effect. Independence of Hard Objectives Perhaps the most important conclusion of this thesis is bination of the soft guidelines of that the objectives in Chart 6.1 the preceeding 4 chapters: can be dealt with independently. Building shape does not personal and represent only my affect optimal window area or viewpoint. material choices. Because people have differ- Material choices do not affect building ent values and personalities, shape or optimal window area. readers will disagree with my fi- Landscaping nal set. -Never-the-less, I hope of the other objectives. they will agree to the necessity independence allows a designer of an explicit combined under- to approach each hard objective standing of the hard and soft separately. issues. doesn't affect any This When totaling combined sues must be considered. reductions possible by the vari- 1) Cost Keep. living and working space within 30' of windows. 2) Provide a full range of lighting effects in each living and working unit. 3) Choose shape, orientation, and crenelation to fit surrounding neighborhood. 4) Reinforce lighting effects with color and texture choices. 5) savings, however, the other is- Chart 6.1 displays the cost This ordered list is a com- Vary views: short, long, multi-directional. 6) Design complete order of heavy building. reductions dealing with the same 7) Design covers and screens. mechanical system may not be 8) Provide one special light- 123b VIl Opj/kIEN2 I-p O&77O)2 APARTMENT OFFICE -P a *4J OJOP -I- 0 OeD rcfiU5 In -H >-4 01T0 In In wd -H r, >d-iI Ln 44I W pc /o91 A,, -r4 44 (Z W 5s Wn4-) 0 :3 Un -,-i (do~ Cfl ( Z4 Zo / /e0 Z0o0 7-4 24 U N> /.6^ 5./ y Aniver1 4 -Hi n /0 Ap '?7(. '7 /41 (Am: -m0(6 (LP'" v2 Q 4 UK) 2if Q tU NtA&~ tt2 -z/ | Z.7 -0 ,z -? / *Technique for including operation in first cost. See Chapter I for explanation. , ,f liz 2 .2 7/ 2o, V, 124 1 24. VI VI ing effect per unit. 6) Reinforce lighting ef- fects with color and texture choices. The following represents my personal stand on where the soft objectives of passive solar design fit into the hard objectives of mechianical efficiency. 1) Minimize exterior sur- face area. . 2) Keep living and working 7) Provide sunshades. 8) Provide variety of views: long, short, multi-directional. 9) Design complete order of heavy building. 10) Design covers and screens. 11) Reduce glass area. 12) Use high reflectances in offices. area within contact distance from 13) Optimize plan geometry. windows. 14) Provide one special 3) Provide a full range of lighting effect per unit. lighting effects in each living 15) Use interior shutters. and working unit. 16) Use reflective glass. 17) Use light ground covers. 4) Choose shape, orienta- tion and crenelation to fit neighforhood setting. 5) Build as heavily as pos- sible. -6) Reinforce light. VII VII 125 125 MrC wlrCOo Chapter VII is the proof of my work to this point. I've se- lected for a test problem a pro- omics of the project are typical used for the report.1 of what American architects will most likely due to the difference be faced with in the near future. in local prices compared to the The project is national averages used for the nanced, 236 housing for the el- preceeding report. derly. cost reductions developed in the ject presently under construction in Boston. My task has been to government fi- Architecturally, the problem is especially interesting. develop my own plans to compare It is located at the edge of with those of the project being Boston's North End among some of constructed for the purpose of the finest old brick and stone estimating the human and economic buildings in this country and costs of my sunlight theories. will be highly visible because it fronts Boston's new waterfront park. report may be increased by 60% for determining test case savings. Operating Costs In this particular case the community has forced the developer to assume ownership of this building through the 20 year mortgage. The 'five-year energy' fore be multiplied by 4 for com- trade-offs I've been investiga- puting test case savings. ting in a real situation. ing units are being built on a First Costs The first costs of mechan- 50,000 sq. ft. plot in Boston's ical equipment for the real pro- revitalized wharf area. ject are 60% higher than those The econ- All first savings of this thesis may there- The project combines all the One hundred and fifty hous- This is 1 Chart 1.1 Figure VII . UT 1264 T Program: 120 lbr unit @ 650 78,000 30 2br unit @ 800 24,000 commercial first floor 20,000 community spaces parking 10% 7,000 15 cars 122,000 Consultants: Both architect and developer of the real project have served as my consultants for this test case. Evaluation: Mechanical costs of my test project have been compared to those for the real project. The results are listed in the price tags in the upper right hand corner of each board. My soft quidelines are built VII into the test project itself. Each reader must judge whether the quality of the spaces created is improved or reduced in comparison to the real project. 127 126 SITE PARCEL PASSIVE ENERGY C2B16 TEST SITE NORTH ST BOSTON MA. fiLtrf JOHN wMER THES SPRN -n I129 11 Ii >1 ~ 7;' ~1 PARCEL C2B PASSIVE ENERGY TEST SITE SITE GROUND LEVELPLAN ST 16oNORTH BOSTON MA. JOHNMEYER THESIS SPRING77 2 1-50 Ii / / / I; /h PARCEL PASS IVE ENERGY C2 TEST SITE 3rd LEVEL PLAN 16 NORTH ST. BOSTON MA. JOHNMEYER THESIS SPRING- 3 II PARCEL C 2B NERGY PASSIVE E TEST SITE ELEVATION FACING NW 16 NORTH ST. BOSTON MA. JOHN WfME THE-% SMICN77 4 175z PARCEL PASSIVE ENERGY CTEST SITE SECTION FACING NW 16 NORTH ST. BOSTON MA. JOHNMEYER THESIS SPRING77 PARCEL C2B PASSIVE ENERGY TEST SITE rLI INSIDE OUTSIDE TS NORTH ST. BOSTON MA. JOHNMEYER THESIS SPRI 7 134 BIBLIOGRAPHY COST REFERENCES DODGE MANUAL: FOR BUILDING CONSTRUCTION PRICING AND SCHEDULING, McGraw-Hill, New York, 1976. MEANS COST DATA: 34th Edition, 1976. BUILDING COST FILE: UNIT PRICES, EASTERN EDITION, 1977, Construction Publishing Co., Inc., New York SOLAR ENERGY TECHNOLOGY SUNSPOTS. Steve Baer, Zomeworks Corporation, Albuquerue , NM, 1975. SOLAR ENERGY THERMAL PROCESSES. John A. Duffie and William Beckman, John Wiley and Sons, New York, 1974. THE VARIABLE TRANSMISSION OF SOLAR MEMBRANE AND THE SELF HEATED BUILDINGS. John I. Yellott, ASHRAE Journal, December, 1973. ARCHITECTURE AND ENERGY: OVERVIEW DIRECT USE OF THE SUN'S ENERGY, Farrington Daniels, Yale University Press, New Haven Connecticut, 1964. ASHRAE HANDBOOK OF FUNDAMENTALS, American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and. Air Conditioning Engineers, Inc., New York, 1972. CLIMATE NEAR THE GROUND, Rudolph Geiger, Harvard University Press, Cambridge, MA, 1965. DESIGN WITH CLIMATE, Victor Olgyay, Princeton University Press, Princeton, NJ, 1963. 135 OUROBORUS EAST: ENERGY CONSERVING URBAN DWELLING, University of Minnesota Press, 1974. ENERGY CONSERVATION IN BUILDING DESIGN, American Institute of Architects, Research Corporation, Washington, D.C., 1974. ENERGY CONSERVATION IN NEW BUILDING DESIGN, American Society of Heating, Refrigerating, and Air Conditioning Engineers, Inc., ASHRAE Standard, 90-75, August, 1975. ENERGY, ENVIRONMENT AND BUILDING, Philip Steadman, Cambridge University Press, 1975. ENERGY PRIMER, Portola Institute, Menlo Park, CA, 1974. MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT FOR BUILDINGS, William J. McGuiness and Benjamin Stein, John Wiley and Sons, Inc., New York, 5th Edition, 1971. PLANTS, PEOPLE AND ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY, National Park Service, 1972. Gary 0. Robinette, U. S. Department of Interior, ARCHITECTURE AND ENERGY: SOLAR SOLAR ENERGY IN BUILDING DESIGN, Bruce Anderson, Total Environmental Action, Harrisville, New Hampshire, 1975. SOLAR HOME BOOK, Bruce Anderson, Total Environmental Action, Harrisville, New Hampshire, 1977. SUNLIGHT IN BUILDINGS, r. G. Hopkinson, Editor, Rotterdam, Bouwcentrum International, 1967. 136 ARCHITECTURE AND ENERGY: NATURAL LIGHTING DAYLIGHTING, R. G. Hopkinson, P. Petherbridge and J. Longmore, Heinemenn, London, 1966. PRINCIPLES OF NATURAL LIGHTING, J. A. Lynes, Elsevier, London, .968. THE SAUNDERS HOUSE AND GLARE, John Meyer, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA, May 1976.