Drawings and Documents Archive
Ball State University
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Wright, Porteous & Lowe, Inc. Architectural Records
DADA 042
Title: Wright, Porteous & Lowe, Inc. Architectural Records
Creator: Wright, Porteous & Lowe, Inc.
Inclusive Dates: 1908-1993
Extent: 58 cu. ft.
Containers: 2 OVB boxes, 157 drawing rolls, oversized framed collage
Language of Materials: Materials entirely in English.
Preferred Citation:
Wright, Porteous & Lowe, Inc. Architectural Records, Drawings and Documents Archive,
Archives and Special Collections, Ball State University Libraries
Biographical Note:
This firm originated as Vonnegut & Bohn in Indianapolis ca. 1887 with principals Bernard
Vonnegut (1858-1908) and Arthur Bohn (1862-1948). After Bernard Vonnegut’s, his son Kurt
Vonnegut, Sr. (1885-1956) joined the firm. Early locations are cited as 62 Vance Block, but in
1919 it was listed as 610 Indiana Trust Building.
The firm became Vonnegut, Bohn & Mueller from ca. 1920-1944 with addition of principal O.
N. Mueller, a mechanical-structural engineer. Bohn retired from the firm around the same time that architects George Caleb Wright and Edward D. Pierre dissolved their partnership, known as
Pierre & Wright. Wright joined the firm which became Vonnegut & Wright for a short time in
1944. And later, ca. 1945, it became Vonnegut, Wright & Yeager. Yeager’s involvement with the firm was brief and Alfred John Porteous joined the firm by 1955. The name changed to
Vonnegut, Wright, and Porteous, Inc. and then Wright, Porteous & Associates, Inc.
George Caleb Wright retired in 1961 and the firm became Wright, Porteous & Lowe, Inc.
Principals were William Caleb Wright (G. C. Wright’s son), Alfred John Porteous, and C.
Charles Lowe, Jr. The firm was located at 19 W. 38 th
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Wright, Porteous & Lowe, Inc. Architectural Records
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By 1991, the firm had become a subsidiary of Bonar & Associates, Inc. in Fort Wayne, Indiana.
The offices moved to 3021 E. 98 th
Street, Suite 110. In 2010 the firm merged with GAI
Consultants, a large firm with locations in ten states.
Scope and Contents:
The collections consists of 157 rolls of architectural working drawings and presentation drawings by Wright, Porteous & Lowe and predecessor firms, two portfolios of WPL work, 33 photographs, 2 framed collages, and 3 framed perspective renderings. Works of other firms include:
Austin Engineering
Bonar & Associates
Daily Engineering
The Kellams Group
Robert L. Larue & Associates
McNamee Porter & Selee
Pearce Corporation
Henry B. Steig & Associates
The collection is not processed.
Conditions Governing Access:
The Vonnegut & Bohn section of this collection is open for research.
Copyright Notice: Legal title, copyright, and literary rights reside with Drawings and Documents
Archive, Archives and Special Collections, Ball State University Libraries, Muncie, IN. All requests to publish or quote from manuscripts must be submitted to Drawings and Documents
Custodial History:
The Wright, Porteous & Lowe, Inc. Architectural Records were received by Drawings and
Documents Archive as a donation from James R. Wine, Bonar Group on 2003/5/22.
Accruals: No additions are expected.
Processing Information:
Collection processing completed
Finding aid created 2005/4/28; revised 2012/3/6 by Julie Edwards.
The Vonnegut & Bohn drawings are processed chronologically.
Collection Inventory:
Catalog no.
42- 001 Storage code(s)
Project title Addition to School House #33 d
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Location 12 and Sterling Streets, Indianapolis, Marion Co., IN
Authorship, year Vonnegut & Bohn, Architects; Samuel G. Bartel, building inspector; 1902
Records >> architectural drawings: 14 sheets; pencil, ink, watercolors on tracing paper; 21 x 33 in. and smaller
Catalog no.
42- 002 Storage code(s) d
Project title Factory building for Kahn Tailoring Company, commission 762
Location btwn Market and Court Streets, Indianapolis, Marion Co., IN
Authorship, year Vonnegut & Bohn, Architects; 1906
Records >> architectural drawings: 27 sheets, pencil, ink, watercolors on tracing paper, 21 x 33 in. and smaller
Catalog no.
42- 003 Storage code(s) d
Project title Office building for United Brotherhood of Carpenters and
Joiners of America
Location Hudson and Michigan Streets, Indianapolis, Marion Co., IN
Authorship, year Vonnegut & Bohn, Architects; 1908
Records >> architectural drawings: 27 sheets; pencil, ink on paper, linen; 21 x 33 in.
Catalog no.
42- 004 Storage code(s) d
Project title Merchants Building, commission 688
Location Capitol Avenue and Georgia Street, Indianapolis, Marion Co., IN
Authorship, year Vonnegut & Bohn, Architects; 1914
Records >> architectural drawings: 45 sheets; pencil, ink on paper, linen; 26 x 38 in.
Catalog no.
42- 005 Storage code(s) d
Project title Proposed addition to office building for the United
Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners of America, commission 377A
Location Hudson and Michigan Streets, Indianapolis, Marion Co., IN
Authorship, year Vonnegut, Bohn, & Mueller, Architects; 1919
Records >> architectural drawings: 14 sheets; pencil, ink on paper, linen; 21 x 33 in.
Catalog no.
42- 006 Storage code(s) d
Project title Evansville Exchange C. U. Telephone Company, commission 920
Location Evansville, Vanderburgh Co., IN
Authorship, year Vonnegut, Bohn, & Mueller, Architects; 1921
Records >> architectural drawings: 1 sheet, ink on linen, 21 x 33 in.
Catalog no.
42- 007 Storage code(s) d
Project title Merchants Building alterations, commission 688A
Location Capitol Avenue & Georgia Street, Indianapolis, Marion Co., IN
Authorship, year Vonnegut, Bohn, & Mueller, Architects; 1921
Records >> architectural drawings: 3 sheets, ink on linen, 21 x 33 in.
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Storage code(s) d Catalog no.
42- 008
Project title Evansville Telephone building alterations, commission 959
Location Sycamore Street, Evansville, Vanderburgh Co., IN
Authorship, year Vonnegut, Bohn, & Mueller, Architects; 1922
Records >> architectural drawings: 17 sheets; pencil, ink on tracing paper, linen; 25 x 35 in.
Catalog no.
42- 009 Storage code(s) d
Project title Automobile service plan for the Meridian Service Company, commission 1099
Location 2421 N. Meridian Street, Indianapolis, Marion Co., IN
Authorship, year Vonnegut, Bohn, & Mueller, Architects; 1926
Records >> architectural drawings: 22 sheets; pencil, ink, watercolor on tracing paper, linen; 21 x 33 in.
Catalog no.
42- 010 Storage code(s) d
Project title Indianapolis Police Station cell room addition, commission 1161
Location Indianapolis, Marion Co., IN
Authorship, year Vonnegut, Bohn, & Mueller, Architects; 1930
Records >> architectural drawings: 3 sheets, pencil, ink on tracing
paper, linen; 21 x 33 in.
Catalog no.
42- 011 Storage code(s) d
Project title Alteration to Turner Building and Saving Association building, commission 1311
Location 116 N. Delaware, Indianapolis, Marion Co., IN
Authorship, year Vonnegut & Bohn, Architects; 1940
Records >> architectural drawings: 12 sheets; pencil, ink on paper,
tracing paper; 34 x 32.5 in.
Catalog no.
42- 012 Storage code(s) d
Project title Chemico Laboratories, commission 101
Location 302 W. Washington Street, Indianapolis, Marion Co., IN
Authorship, year Vonnegut & Wright, Architects; 1944
Records >> architectural drawings: 4 sheets; pencil, ink on tracing paper; 24 x 36 in.
Catalog no.
42- 013 Storage code(s) d
Project title Children's Guardians Home alterations
Location 5751 University Avenue, Indianapolis, Marion Co., IN
Authorship, year Pierre and Wright, Architects, later revisions by Vonnegut,
Wright, and Yeager, Architects; 1944
Records >> architectural drawings: 4 sheets, pencil on tracing paper; 21.5 x 37.5 in.
Catalog no.
42- 014 Storage code(s) d
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Project title Children's Museum addition, no. 1., commission 121
Location 30th and Meridian Streets, Indianapolis, Marion Co., IN
Authorship, year Vonnegut, Wright, & Yeager, Architects; 1947-1949
Records >> architectural drawings: 24 sheets; pencil, ink, watercolors on tracing paper; 21.5 x 34.5 in. and smaller
Catalog no.
42- 015 Storage code(s) d
Project title Vonnegut Hardware Company, commission 140
Location 120 E. Washington Street, Indianapolis, Marion Co., IN
Authorship, year Vonnegut, Wright, & Yeager, Architects; 1948
Records >> architectural drawings: 6 sheets; pencil, ink on tracing paper; 25 x 30 in.
Catalog no.
42- 016 Storage code(s) d
Project title Steel roof framing plan for unidentified building
Location Indianapolis, Marion Co., IN
Authorship, year Haugh-Noelke Iron Works; 1902-1920
Records >> Architectural drawings: 2 sheets, ink/pencil on linen/paper, 10 x 42 in. and smaller.
Catalog no.
42- 017 Storage code(s)
Project title Broad Ripple High School bx
Location Indianapolis, Marion Co., IN
Authorship, year Wright, Porteous & Lowe; 1959-62
Records >> Views. -- 11 slides: col.; in box, 11 x 13 x 5 in.
Catalog no.
42- 018
Project title Buildings
Storage code(s) bx
Authorship, year
Records >> Views. -- 60 slides: col.; in box, 11 x 13 x 5 in.
Catalog no.
42- 019
Project title Carmel High School
Location Carmel, Hamilton Co., IN
Storage code(s) bx
Authorship, year Wright, Porteous & Lowe; 1962
Records >> Views. -- 4 slides: col.; in box, 11 x 13 x 5 in.
Catalog no.
42- 020
Project title Churches
Storage code(s) bx
Authorship, year 1961-63
Records >> Views. -- 59 slides: col.; in box, 11 x 13 x 5 in.
Catalog no.
42- 021 Storage code(s) bx
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Project title Drawings and models for various building projects
Authorship, year Wright, Porteous & Lowe; 1962-86
Records >> 44 slides: col.; in box, 11 x 13 x 5 in.
Catalog no.
42- 022 Storage code(s) bx
Project title Brook Park elementary school, Crestview elementary school
Location Indianapolis, Marion Co., IN
Authorship, year Wright, Porteous & Lowe; 1961
Records A. Views of Brook Park elementary school; 1961. -- 3 slides: col.
B. Views of Crestview elementary school; 1961. -- 2 slides: col.
Notes Crestview school located at 7600 E. 71st St., Brook Park school at 5259 N. David St., both in Indianapolis.
Catalog no.
42- 023
Project title HSE Middle School
Storage code(s) bx
Location Fishers, Hamilton Co., IN
Authorship, year Wright, Porteous & Lowe; 1976
Records A. 21 photo negs.: b&w; 35 mm.
B. 13 photos: b&w; 3.5 x 5 in.
Catalog no.
42- 024 Storage code(s) bx
Project title Indianapolis city buildings
Location Indianapolis, Marion Co., IN
Authorship, year Wright, Porteous & Lowe
Records A. 3 photos: b&w; 8 x 10 in.
B. 5 photos: col.; 8 x 10 in.
Catalog no.
42- 025 Storage code(s) bx
Project title Kennard elementary school
Authorship, year Wright, Porteous & Lowe
Records A. 13 photos: b&w; 3 1/2 x 5 in.
B. 40 photo negs.: b&w; 35 mm.
Catalog no.
42- 026 Storage code(s) bx
Project title National Afro-American Museum and Cultural Center
Location Wilberforce, Greene Co., OH
Authorship, year
Records >> 1 photo neg.: col.; 4 x 5 in. in box, 11 x 13 x 5 in.
Catalog no.
42- 027 Storage code(s) bx
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Project title Wright, Porteous and Lowe office and personnel
Location Indianapolis, Marion Co., IN
Authorship, year
Records >> 16 slides: col.; in box, 11 x 13 x 5 in.
Catalog no.
42- 028 Storage code(s) bx
Project title Upjohn Pharmaceutical building
Location Kalamazoo, Kalamazoo Co., MI
Authorship, year
Records >> 6 slides: col.; in box, 11 x 13 x 5 in.
Catalog no.
42- 029 Storage code(s) bx
Project title Wright, Porteous & Lowe trademarks and corporate logos
Authorship, year
Records >> 8 slides: col.; in box, 11 x 13 x 5 in.
Catalog no.
42- 030 Storage code(s) OVB 11
Project title Photographs of various buildings, drawings, renderings, and models
Authorship, year
Records >> 13 photos: col.; 16 x 20 in., 15 x 22 in. + 1 newspaper clipping.
Notes Includes Indianapolis Museum of Art; Indiana State Museum addition, Indianapolis; National Afro-American Museum and
Cultural Center, Wilberforce, OH; Children's Museum, Pier
Park, St. Petersburg, FL; and 3 unidentified buildings.
Catalog no.
42- 031 Storage code(s) OVB bx
Project title Domestic Architecture of England during the Tudor Period, vols. 1-3
Authorship, year Thomas Garner and Arthur Stratton; purchased by Vonnegut in
London, September 1910; 1908
Records >> 3 vols., first editions, ill.
Notes Vols. 1-2 are in OVB box 21; Vol.3 is in OVB 22. Inscribed by Kurt Vonnegut, Sr. (1884-1957)
Controlled Access Headings:
Aerial photographs
Architecture--Designs and plans--Presentation drawings
Architecture--Designs and plans--Working drawings
Drawings, architectural (visual works)
Drawings, engineering (visual works)
Elevation drawings
Store, retail
Architecture, American
Architecture, commercial
Buildings, bank
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Buildings, commercial
Buildings, religious
Buildings, residential
Buildings, school
Buildings, theater
Buildings, university
Government buildings
City halls
Residential architecture
School buildings